#i speak 3-4 languages daily
youngchesstheorist · 3 months
Some people go to work/school and speak a language and then go back to their place and speak THE SAME LANGUAGE with their SO/parents/roommates and then they go online AND ITS THE SAME FUCKING LANGUAGE AGAIN like??? Don't you guys get bored???
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unknownfortuna · 3 months
Profection years
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Profection Years represent the themes in the house you will be facing as well as the planets associated with the signs in the houses. REMEMBER planets within these houses also represent whether the manifestations will be positive or negative (also aspects). I will be speaking mostly positive manifestations to avoid freaking anyone out:)
Ascendent: ages 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72...
The transformation in these years are closely tied to your identity. These years may also feel like you are starting over in some way, perhaps you are being too clingy with things that are not meant to be and will be forced to let go (you were supposed to do this in the 12th house but whatever you'll learn). A new you is reborn and you will be reintroducing yourself to those around you!
The rising sign is an indicator of what your year may hold for you (planet associated too!)
ex. Virgo rising may really lean into a more polished looking appearance. attention to detail and being a bit of a perfectionist in the work you do. You may be highly critical of yourself and others. Planet- Mercury will be activated this year. Perhaps you will incorporate more professional language depending on the profession you are in.
2nd House: ages 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73...
These years are focused on your assets and values related to the self. (ascendent profection years is more superficial and based on others opinion/the mask you show others ex. work persona). Your material possessions and your ability to provide for yourself.
ex. Scorpio in the 2nd house. Can be going through a more secretive transition related to how you make your money. May be doing a more taboo profession or conflict may arise due to scorpio being associated with pluto and mars (also darker/obsessive tendencies with your things/self....like astrology/the occult)
3rd House: ages 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74...
More active years; heavier emphasis on your siblings and neighborhood. Changes to your thought patterns and communication. More activity in your day to day life such as traveling or commuting somewhere.
ex. Libra in the 3rd house would be feeling more codependent on their siblings/neighbors and vice versa. Can have run ins with the law (parking/speeding tickets... also being able to get out of them bc of your charm:). More activity in your romantic and business partnerships! (Flirting with everyone bc why not??). Venus will be on your side during this year.
4th House: ages 3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75...
Family and the foundation you stand on will be heavy on your mind. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? How can I be more involved in my family? How is my relationship with my mom affecting me? Childhood themes may also come up. Revisiting certain memories or places associated with childhood.
ex. Leo in the 4th house would hold more emphasis on adding flair to their home; More self expression towards their family and with their mom. The sun would be activated and a perpetual spotlight would follow you making you stand out ESPECIALLY with your family (being the talk of their family bc their mom can't help but brag about an accomplishment you made this year).
5th House: ages 4, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76...
This profection year can really help tap into a more creative side of yourself. Perhaps you become more into a hobby you've been wanting to do. More excitement in your dating life relationships/ going out more with friends. pets are also a theme.
ex. Gemini in the 5th house would have soooo much to talk about with people (beware of gossiping). More fun with your siblings or you could be involved in communicating with kids in some capacity (You are a part of an after school program for elementary aged kids). Mercury would be activated.
6th House: ages 5, 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77...
These years pertain to your health/daily routine/every day work habits. Perhaps you want to incorporate a new diet or get more into a fitness routine.
Ex. Pisces in the 6th house may incorporate a ritual of some sort. Manifestation practices/protection spell work/reading scriptures from a religious text. Neptune will be activated this year so movies can be an inspiration for change to your life (beware of being mislead, neptune=planet of illusions ; you join a pyramid scheme lol). Jupiter is the traditional ruler. May bring random good luck within your daily life.
7th House: ages 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78..
Relationships of all kinds will be emphasized. You may feel a bit codependent during these years; influenced by your relationships. What type of relationships do I want? type of thoughts. You could also be more of a social butterfly or heavily locked into your one on one relationships.
ex. Aquarius in the 7th house will be more involved in online relationships (like gamer friends). May be more active in building an online business and harvesting a following. Become more concerned with humanitarian causes and collaborating with others to make a difference. Uranus will be activated this year and may bring random acquaintances/ friendships. Saturn is also the traditional ruler....long term relationship through a dating site
8th House: ages 7, 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79...
More focused on transformation in a soul searching kind of way. What are your thoughts/feelings towards Money/intimacy/shared resources? Speaking of shared resources, if you are in a serious business or romantic partnership, this year will cause you to review what exactly is being harvested between you two. Taxes may be a focus on these years.
ex. Aries in the 8th house may feel the need to take action and charge these topics head on. Due to its independent nature they will have to learn to walk the fine line with what is theirs and what is a shared resource with their partners. Can also have to fight for inheritances. Mars will be activated this year giving more fuel/power to the individual.
9th House: ages 8, 20, 32, 44, 56, 68, 80...
Changes to your spirituality/religious thoughts. College or higher education of some kind will be a focus. perhaps you adopt a new dogma from reading a higher-level text. Travel and foreign places will be themes.
ex. Capricorn in the 9th house likes structure. They may be into focusing on what the meaning of life is or planning trips in search of answers to such existential questions. May also take work trips during this year or building rapport with foreign associates. Saturn would also be activated which can manifest in implementing more disciplinary rituals based on your spiritual belief (buddhism=incorporating asceticism practices).
10th House: ages 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81..
The public and how you are perceived. focus on career and what you want to achieve. The 10th house can also be associated with authority figures/ father. Perhaps you end up being mentored by your boss or a fatherly figure of some kind when it comes to your career. There can be changes in the type of relationship you have with your father.
ex. Cancer in the 10th house could have a career related to caregiving or nurturing role of some kind. A protective career like the military could also manifest. Others may come to you and seek out advice of some kind due to the public seeing you as a caretaker/ motherly figure. Cancer being ruled by the moon may also cause ppl to see you as a moody/emotional person. Your mom and the relationship you have with her could be a theme (moon=mother)
11th House: ages 10, 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82...
The community is of importance and the ties you have. Your friends could be a big part of this year. The natural ruler of the 11th house is Aquarius which rules the media/ your presence within social media could be a theme such as being recognized or discovered in some way.
ex. Saggitarius in the 11th house would have an expansive list of friends from all types of communities, ages, and cultures (diversity, diversity, and more diversity). Could take trips to meet said friends in foreign countries. Lots of fun in the community (reputation of the life of the party??). Jupiter would be activated bringing good luck and expansion in this area:)
12th House: ages 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83..
The 12th house is kind of the final chapter to karmic cycles. You go through a sort of ego death in this house. Depending on your attachment to things in your life will really let you know whether this year will be easy for you or not. Also have you been ignoring something or pushing a serious topic off in hopes it will dissipate into fine dust? Well, this year will bring your subconscious thoughts to life as well as influence your sleep and dreams. Isolation can manifest in different ways (working nights, hospital, prison, sleep disorders). Think of this year as the final test/ palette cleanser to all of the years prior.
ex. Taurus in the 12th (hehe how interesting:) the fixed sign will have no choice but to face the changes that have been inevitable. Perhaps you have considered yourself to be someone who is flexible (Gemini Rising) but ask anyone around you and they would say otherwise. Lessons of beauty/ugly will come about as well as lessons dealing with your foundation. Material possession will have to be approached in a detached manner due to the possibility of having to let go of systems that can not be taken with you in the upcoming profection year. Venus will be activated during this year and may include lessons related to love.
"Your fear of abandonment is entirely justified. Nothing in this world stays forever. The leaves fall, the fields of sunflowers wilt, even the best people leave sometimes. You're not crazy. You're observant."
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memoriesndew · 26 days
𝒃𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 @𝟒𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑𝖘
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clean space, clear mind
one of my main goals right now is to keep my space clean, being in a disarranged space always makes my mind feel cluttered. here are a few things I want to focus on:
making my bed in the morning
practicing saturday resets
sweeping my room - most days
practicing self-care
practicing self-care is essential for maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. here are some ideas for self-care activities I want to incorporate into my routine
the 3 S's: sunlight; sip; self-reflect
do 1 self-care task every day
reading at least 10 pages of my current book each day
watching an episode of my current show once a day
pilates mornings {courtesy of love you twice}
some form of body movement
dabble in 1 hobby every day
get my study on
I'm not really active in studying these days and I really want to give my all to language learning and finally be consistent in using my language learning notion page and I really want to get into maths
schedule language learning sessions
use flashcards or vocabulary apps to memorize words
allocate time for writing exercises such as essays, journal entries, or creative pieces - in different languages
record yourself speaking and review to identify areas for improvement
devote time to studying grammar rules and sentence structures
schedule regular problem-solving sessions to work on math exercises or problems
work on my physical appearance
working on your physical appearance is important because it can significantly impact your confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being. When you take care of your body through exercise, proper nutrition, skin care, and grooming habits, you not only look better but also feel better mentally and emotionally. As they sometimes say look better feel better
set a schedule for exercise sessions 4-6 times a week
monitor portion sizes to avoid overeating
have a daily skincare regimen
stretch regularly to alleviate tension and promote flexibility
get 7-9 hours of sleep each night
have a hair care regimen
try different aesthetics - like in outfits
focus on my goals
track food intake
study for at least 1 hour every day
update notion daily and weekly to keep track of progress
update notion with workouts for the week on fridays
dedicate 20 minutes to catch up with a friend
do daily tasks under each goal
I plan to take on the growth mindset. growth mindset is my belief that nothing is fixed and I can always grow. I'll embrace learning, adaptability, and self-improvement, knowing that it leads to greater success and fulfillment.
all the habits I plan to keep to
intermittent fasting (16:8 or 18:6)
eating indomie and bread once or less a week (I'm trying to eat a variety of foods, these days it's always indomie or bread, indomie or bread)
sleeping before 11pm
waking up at 7am
reducing my portion sizes
no night time snacks
workout 4-6 times a week
actually keep to my workout programs - stop adding more workouts to the program so it doesn't overwhelm me and makes it harder for me to workout
hit 10k steps 6-7 times a week
starting my day with God
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flowerandblood · 6 months
The Man in the Black Mask
[ Amor • Aemond x Psyche • female ]
[ warnings: angst, violence, assassination attempt, mention of the murder of multiple people, descriptions of murders ]
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[ description: After she is attacked in a fair by a strange man and narrowly avoids death, her father the king decides that from now on she will be watched over by one of his 'ghosts', a assassin acting on his orders, wearing a black mask. The man follows her like a shadow, accompanied by their past, which keeps her awake at night. Gothic horror love story, angst, sexual tension, very dark Aemond. ]
This story is several requests combined into one: sworn protector x female; Amor x Psyche; Phantom of the Opera! Aemond x female. I took the liberty of creating a completely new story from this, having only elements of each of these requests.
Series & Characters Moodboard
Lady Walford Moodboard
Gothic & Horror Sensual Moodboard
Part 2 - The Man with the Empty Heart | Part 3 - The Man with the Lost Soul | Part 4 - The Man with the Cold Lips | Part 5 - The Man with the Deep Scar | Part 6 - The Man with the One Eye | Part 7 - The Man with the Golden Gift | Part 8 - The Man in the Black Crown | Part 9 - The Man with the Bloody Sword | Part 10 - The Man in the Black Gloves | Part 11 - The Man in the Death Cloak | Part 12 - The Man with the Pearly Hair | Part 13 - The Man with the Fiery Gaze
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Her father, the King, only realised how many enemies he had after a man dared to attack her while she was strolling around the fair during one of her walks. He wanted to get closer to her and slipped a dagger out from behind his cloak − if it hadn't been for the woman selling fish and her shouting, she wouldn't have noticed him or the steel gleaming in his hand.
She did what any other person in her position would have done, which is to say, she screamed in terror, stepping back, bumping into a wooden makeshift table full of vegetables, which toppled over with her − the assassin gave up at the last moment, terrified by the sudden outbreak of panic, and disappeared among the crowd.
Some elderly man helped her up, the knights of her father's guard rode up on horseback, alarmed by these frightened noises. One of them, Ser Lucas, her father's friend from his youth and the great rebellion furrowed his brow as he saw her face.
She wasn't sure if her father was more furious with her or with the man who had tried to attack her. He commented on her irresponsibility and disobedience, her recklessness, and expressed outrage that her guards had not even noticed how she had escaped them.
"I just wanted to see the fair, my King." She said in a trembling voice without looking at him; she stood before him with her hair loose, wearing a beautiful navy blue gown with sleeves that reached to the ground − her shoulders were bare, on her hips a delicate golden belt made up of tiny eyes in which sapphires were framed.
"That's enough." He said agitated and impatient, raising his hand in a gesture of frustration, his dark hair and beard adding to his seriousness, his brow furrowed in anger. "Until you learn prudence, one of my ghosts will not leave your side."
She looked at him, horrified, and then turned her gaze to the man standing beside him, a few steps behind his throne, his figure hidden completely in shadow. He was dressed all in black, a hood over his head and a black mask on which a single tear was outlined under his right eye.
It was said that it was molded so that the people they were killing would have the feeling that they had compassion for them, that they were just a tool used by someone else.
People called them ghosts because they weren't seen on a daily basis – or at least that's what it was believed. They were forbidden to take off their mask or speak to anyone but her father, and were his principal emissaries that found his enemies, invigilated them and killed them.
Since the days of the rebellion and the overthrow of the earlier king, her father was perpetually in fear of an attempt on his or his children's lives, so he found, she supposed, people desperate or fond of killing, those who owed him everything and had no reason to betray them.
She passed and saw them extremely rarely, only during sumptuous feasts in the company of guests or gatherings of magnates from all over the country.
They stood then by her father's side, as always in the shadows, though invisible, constantly reminding her of their presence with their very posture, menacing and stony, the people around them afraid to look at them.
She didn't know how many of them there were in total; they were almost identical and differed only in height, besides that they wore the same clothes, masks, hoods and black leather gloves, probably to avoid staining their skin with blood.
The thought that someone like that was to accompany and guard her sent shivers down her spine − she had feared that her father would now know of her every move, that she would never leave the fortress again.
She lowered her gaze, saying no more, listening to his orders to find the man who had attacked her, whom she had described in detail to the other ghosts.
She left, feeling that if she stayed there another moment she would vomit.
It seemed to her that these black hooded figures were sucking the life out of everyone around them, that they were a walking harbinger of death and misery.
That night she heard his voice for the first time.
Her guards were outraged when he dismissed them.
"You are not a King, by what right do you command us?" Asked one of them, a cold, deep, mocking voice answered them.
"Shall I inform the King that not only are you incapable of guarding his daughter, but you refuse to obey his orders?"
She heard someone's growl and an unclear voice full of impatience, the clack of steel and armour proving that they had walked away − she was left alone with the cold murderer outside her door.
She pressed her lips together, felt her eyes burning due to the gathering tears at the realization that she had never felt more alone and abandoned than she did now.
She wriggled in bed, as she did every day, unable to fall asleep. It was raining loudly outside and she looked towards the window, seeing nothing but darkness. She felt small and even though she was lying under several thick furs, she was cold.
She rose slowly, putting a soft cashmere shawl over her shoulders, lighting a candle that illuminated her chamber with a pleasant, warm glow.
There is a man behind that mask, she thought.
He was not a ghost.
If she made any kind of bond with him, she would stop being afraid of him.
She walked to her door and stood in front of it for a long moment, feeling her heart pounding hard and fast. She swallowed hard and opened it with a loud creak of old wood.
Her candle instantly illuminated his figure − he was standing exactly opposite her door, leaning against the wall with his hands clasped in front of him. She wondered if he was asleep in that position, but after a moment she noticed something behind the translucent black material in the area cut out for his eyes, a blue iris staring at her.
She looked at him for a moment, wondering if he would move, but he stood like a statue − it seemed to her as if he were made of stone.
Was he supposed to stand like that all the time?
Her father had told her that he would gift her his one ghost.
Would they be exchanging? After all, he had to sleep at some point.
"What's your name?" She asked uncertainly, softly, wanting to sound as open and honest as possible.
A long one.
"How am I supposed to address you if I don't know what your name is?" She asked again, looking at him pleadingly, asking him to let her at least get a little closer to him, to be able to give him humanity.
She pressed her lips together and thought something else would make him speak.
"Should I complain to the king about you not answering my questions?" She asked lowly, wrinkling her eyebrows, wondering where she had got the courage to speak to this man in this way. A shudder went through her when she heard him let out a breath, as if he had given up, resigned.
"Call me any name you see fit." He said in a low, deep, indifferent tone, as if the fact that he had to speak to her frustrated him incredibly and he didn't understand what she wanted from him.
She felt a tightening in her throat at the thought that there was no more human thing than being given a name − it was the first thing given to a child at birth, and he renounced it.
"Shall I name you?" She asked shaking her head, not understanding what he was implying − he turned his face to the side, despite the mask she could feel the growing impatience beating from him.
"Yes. My Princess." He added after a moment, his words razor-sharp, cool, angry, mocking. She had the impression that he treated her interest as something completely unnecessary − apparently it suited him to remain in the shadows and he had no intention of coming out of it.
She looked at him with pain mixed with disappointment and thought he reminded her of one of the horrific mythological beasts her mother had once read to her about before bed, a great mighty dragon that sowed death and destruction.
She heard the word she had spoken echoed, followed only by the sound of rain, and felt that there was something final in what she had done.
"I will always treat you with respect and I will never make you do anything to humiliate you or offend your good name." She choked out with difficulty, wanting him to understand that they were condemned to each other and that this in itself was a misfortune, however, it would be even more so if they both pretended that he didn't exist, that he was just her shadow that followed her everywhere.
He did not respond.
She closed herself back into her chamber only walking towards her bed feeling that her legs were trembling. She lay down on her bed covering herself with thick furs, frozen and terrified, closing her eyes, praying to the gods to show her mercy.
That they would not lock her away in this cold, stone fortress forever until her father claimed to have found a suitable candidate for her to marry.
As she did every day, she also prayed for someone else.
Someone who had lived in this chamber before her.
The next day she got up awake, a terrible headache accompanying her from the moment she opened her eyes. She sat down at the table, covering herself with her shawl − overnight the wood in her fireplace had burned out.
She lifted her gaze as she heard the door to her chamber open, her servants entering with golden trays on which they served her breakfast.
She saw Vhagar follow them inside, his hands entwined behind his back − it seemed to her that his footsteps made no sound, that he could sneak up on someone silently.
"You're supposed to taste everything first." He said to one of them dryly and emotionlessly − the girl looked at him apprehensively, clearly already knowing stories of men of his ilk and what they did.
"My Lord?" She choked out, clearly not understanding what he was asking her.
"Anything the Princess wants to eat or drink − you are to taste it first. This is how it will be from now on with everything you bring her. Do you understand?" He asked coolly and insistently, and she nodded, lowering her gaze, pale.
"Is this necessary, Vhagar?" She asked looking at him with a furrowed brow − he turned his face towards her but answered nothing. He looked back at her servant after a moment.
"I've lost my appetite. Take this away. You can eat it all, let it not go to waste." She said raising her hand, allowing them to leave turning her head to the side, looking blankly at her wardrobe standing on the other side of the chamber.
She saw out of the corner of her eye that he hadn't moved from his spot, that he was looking at her, his aura giving her shivers.
She knew he was about to say something.
"My Princess…" He started and she turned her face towards him. "…are you going to eat your meal, or do I have to shove it down your throat?"
She looked at him with huge eyes, feeling her heart pounding fast.
She thought with horror that he was mad.
"That is all, Vhagar. You may leave." She said in an unobjectionable voice, clasping her hands in her lap, trying to hide how much they were trembling.
He stared at her, his black tear-streaked mask seeming even more frightening and mocking to her, cold and lifeless.
"Mmm." He hummed, though it sounded more like a purr, bowed barely visibly and left her chamber.
She let out a loud breath, burying her face in her hands, feeling a desperate burbling in her stomach from hunger, thinking that she would not give him the satisfaction of letting him dominate her life, ordering her servants around, locking her in a cage.
She asked her servants to help her dress − she put on this time a light-coloured gown with a fine gold belt around her hips made up of tiny chains, some of her hair pinned back in a bun, some falling down her bare back, her sleeves reaching all the way to the ground.
She walked out of her chamber without looking at him, without telling him where she was going, hearing that he immediately moved to follow her.
Her shadow.
She saw the ladies of the court looking at her, terrified of who was accompanying her, as if she were being followed by death itself − people turned their faces away and froze in silence, not knowing what to do, how to react to this unwanted sight.
She headed for the main castle library hearing him enter behind her − he stopped at the door when it slammed behind them, standing in front of it with his hands folded behind his back.
She was starving and decided to distract her mind with some reading. She picked up a few books on the history of her kingdom, sitting down at one of the large oak tables right by the window to get more light. She opened one of the books in front of her, looking for the chapter that interested her.
"You may sit down, Vhagar." She said dispassionately, not wanting him to think she expected him to stand there like some stone pillar, but he didn't move from his place.
An hour passed before he spoke to her, snapping her out of her reverie.
"You need to eat." He communicated a little more softly than before − she felt him looking at her, but she did not lift her gaze to him, uninterested.
"My servants will not taste my food. You yourself watch the cooks and what they put on my platters." She replied with reserve, answered by a long silence.
"Very well."
She looked up at him, sighing quietly, his face turned towards her − she knew what was the reason for his impatience, what he was afraid of.
What would the King think if it turned out that under his watch she had begun to refuse food and starve herself? How would that reflect on him as her protector?
She rose from her seat, putting her books slowly back on the shelf, returning to her chamber without changing another word with him.
As she sat down to supper with her father, her younger brother, and his closest associates, the King immediately asked her what she thought of her new sworn protector, who stood behind her chair right next to the wall, as usual, hidden completely in the shadows.
She swallowed loudly a piece of the roast she had just had in her mouth, noticing with a kind of discomfort that her father spoke of him as if he had given her a thing, not a man.
"Thank you, Father, I do indeed feel safer in his presence." She lied, clutching the wine cup in her hand and taking a loud sip from it, wanting to end the subject quickly.
The King nodded, looking impatiently to his confidant secretary, a companion to all the major battles won during the rebellion.
"Has Prince Aemond's body been found at last? It's been eight years, for goodness sake." He said sternly, impatient; as far as she understood, only his body of the entire Targaryen family had not been found after the great massacre that had taken place in the fortress where they were now feasting.
Lord Ronan grunted loudly, shifting in his seat, blinking rapidly as if thinking of what to answer.
"We are getting closer, my King. We're searching the city's underground, likely to find his corpse soon. The cut of the sword fell right on his face, he couldn't have survived that." He said with a certainty that was filled with the need to sound as convincing as possible, which did not escape her or her father attention.
She lowered her gaze, setting down her cup with a loud clang of metal on the wooden tabletop, looking down at her plate, losing her appetite completely.
The entire royal family slaughtered in their beds after her father at the head of the army stormed into the fortress, elected by the people to rule after the inept reign of King Viserys.
"With apologies, I will retire to my chamber. My King. My Prince. My Lords." She said bowing in turn and moved ahead, not waiting for her father's permission − she heard rustling behind her, she knew her ghost had not left her side.
They walked in silence through the dark corridors of the fortress illuminated only by the warm light of torches − she knew the way to her chamber by heart. Her mind, however, was elsewhere, wondering what would happen if Prince Aemond lived.
If he came in with his army and slit their throats as her father had done to his family.
She stood in front of the door to her chamber, glancing up at his tall black figure towering over her like a cold shadow.
"Thank you for your devotion, Vhagar. Rest now." She said turning her head and opened the door, but stood in half step, surprised to hear his voice behind her.
"How does it feel to sleep where she slept?" He asked with a kind of excitement, as if the thought of it gave him satisfaction.
She felt her heart start pounding like mad, a cold sweat on her back at the thought of Princess Helaena bleeding to death in the bed she was now sleeping in.
She looked up at him − in the light of the torch she could see through the black fabric his blue irises, his pupil looking at her in such a way that she had the impression that he was a predator who was looking at his prey, whose entrails he was about to tear apart.
She was silent for a long moment.
"Horrible." She said dispassionately lowering her gaze.
"I imagine her lying in my place and all I can think about is that the same thing will happen to me one day." She muttered, feeling his heavy gaze on her − there was some kind of tension between them, though she didn't know why. "I pray every day for her forgiveness."
"Ghosts do not forgive." He said coldly, as if stating some foreboding, indisputable fact − she looked at him with a pained expression, furrowing her brow.
"What else can I do?" She asked in a trembling voice, but got no answer, his black mask with a tear running down his cheek looked at her indifferently.
"Sleep well, Princess."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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lucid-loves · 3 months
First Light ~ Simon "Ghost" Riley Part 2
Pairing: bodyguard!Ghost x princess!reader (fem!reader)
Word Count: 4.4k
CW: angst, violence, blood, strong language, scars, verbal abuse by parents, physical abuse by parents, psychological abuse by parents, opposites attract, forbidden love, slow burn, fluff, attraction and sexual tension, reader POV and ghost POV, minors DNI, eventual smut, virgin reader
Let me know if I missed any CWs.
Story Synopsis: After receiving death threats from a mysterious terrorist organization, your royal parents make a decision to reach out to the United States for help. Specifically, they want the US to send a bodyguard to protect their precious princess. When the 141 is called upon to investigate, Ghost is the one assigned to protect you. With your lack of experiences outside of your royal life and his experience with nothing but deadly, worldly affairs, opposites attract.
Chapter Synopsis: You and Ghost have grown more comfortable with each other as both of you got used to a new routine. However, a sudden party announcement along with a marriage proposal from a new bachelor drives the both of you to become even closer.
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5
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It’s been a couple weeks since Ghost was introduced to you as your new bodyguard. The first few days were rough as Ghost spent most of his time understanding the palace layout and your daily schedules. Once he got more familiar with the entire place, though, he was much more relaxed. He got used to following close behind you all while understanding where to go if things went south. He took his job of protecting you very seriously, especially after getting to know you little by little.
You settled into the new addition to your routine nicely. While it was awkward trying to figure out what to talk about around bedtime, you always ended up finding something to open up about. Ghost always listened carefully.
At the end of the day, you both still managed to keep your distance. Besides the occasional stolen glances, the both of you were good about maintaining some professionalism. Even during tea time when he would accept your offer to sit with you. You normally didn’t speak about anything too specific since you didn’t want to get in trouble, so most of that time was enjoyed in complete silence. Ghost never minded. He understood that you had to be selective with your words. Sometimes, he admired how seriously you took your responsibilities as well.
It was a rainy day when you were given a revised schedule to follow for the next few days, one that had you raise your brows as soon as you saw how even more unusually packed it was. Your independent study time was scrapped. You didn’t have to attend piano lessons anymore either. Instead, they were replaced with etiquette-type classes. Table setting, conversation practice, ballroom dancing. Everything pointed to the preparation of a party.
As you looked over your schedule, the room was silent save for the patter of rain against the glass. Thunder lightly rumbled in the distance. Your mother sat across from you, giving you time to drink it all in. Ghost stood behind you near the shadows, watching everything unfold.
When you were done comprehending your schedule, you looked up at your mother inquisitively. “What is the occasion?”
“There is a gentleman that we have been communicating with who has recently entered the country for a trip abroad. He is an exceptional bachelor with the money and status to support a proper lifestyle. He sent an invitation for tea with us, but we figured that an important man like him needed a more memorable experience in Stuoca.” Your mother cheerfully explained, clearly excited for this party. She sipped her tea, proud of herself for orchestrating such an event to happen.
You picked up your favorite teacup and gripped it firmly. The warmth of the tea passing the porcelain and into your palms provided you comfort as your head swirled. Your mother wasn’t explicit in her intentions of this party and it bothered you. Reading into her words, you knew what she intended for you, though.
“You are marrying me off.” You revealed, your eyes widening at your little slip. You meant to choose better words, but perhaps you were growing too bitter to think straight. Ghost, who was listening intently, was now fully at attention like he was called by his captain. 
At first, he listened for information. An outside party needed to be investigated in order to keep you safe. He didn’t pick up on what your mother was implying in the midst of it. When you exposed this truth, that’s when he grew rigid. 
“Come now, you shouldn’t say it like that. We are securing your future. If you want to maintain the life that you have, then it would be good to marry. Besides, you are not getting any younger.” The queen jabbed with a bright smile. Her implicit insult stung. 
Your mother was always like this. She was even more subtle in front of your father, so this was actually rather explicit of her. You had to bite your tongue to avoid letting your bitterness seep out once more. “My apologies. I am just surprised that this is happening so quickly.”
Her gaze sharpened as she graded your sincerity. It wasn’t like you had lied, but you avoided telling the full truth on how you felt. Your mother scoffed as you failed to exchange more grateful words with her. “This is for the best. You should be appreciative of this effort. Most women your age have to search for their security all by themselves. They rarely find the perfect one on the first try too. You're lucky that you won’t have to go through the pain of that.”
You bit your cheek hard to avoid an outburst, a metallic taste on your tastebuds. You didn’t say anything as your mother got up and left the room, allowing you to finish your teatime all by yourself. This was her idea of a punishment. If you couldn’t be grateful for her time, then she would give you only a little of her time. Little did she know that you preferred it when she gave you none of her time at all.
As soon as the door was completely closed and her heels clicked further down the hall, you buried your face in your hands. You didn’t know if you wanted to cry or break the throw the expensive teapot out of the window. The stinging in your chest grew to a malicious weight, making you feel like you were drowning. You already had so little control of your life. Now you were expected to give up your life to a man you didn’t know. 
“Princess?” A deep yet soft voice called out. You looked up only to find Ghost sitting on the couch across from you. Lightning flashed from the window followed by a bellowing rumble. Your breath caught in your throat as he looked at you with a patient gaze. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what to say. 
Actually, he knew exactly what he wanted to say. He wanted to go up to your mother and rip her a new one. It wasn’t like you were withering away from old age like your mother seemed to think. You were young, intelligent, skilled. For someone that dedicated your schedule on a regular basis, she sure didn’t know a thing about you. From what Ghost had seen from you in the past two weeks, you were very much capable of handling yourself or learning quickly how to.
Ghost could say a million things. The problem was that none of those words may be the right words you needed. Your world was different from his and he was still trying to figure it out. Saying what he wanted to say from his perspective may not have been appropriate or helpful to you.
Finally, you spoke up. Your tone was quiet and grave. “My apologies that you had to overhear that conversation. I shouldn’t be surprised that my parents are ready for me to marry. I just never expected that I would be the one having to do the impressing.”
You were right. Why should you be the one having to dance for this stranger? It should be him that should be trying to impress you. Ghost poured himself some tea, thinking about how backwards this all seemed. “You don’t know anything about this man, right? Your parents have never mentioned him before today?”
“No. They don’t usually say anything to me until events are just around the corner. I don’t have much of a social life outside of the palace walls either, so there wouldn’t be any way for me to really know this bachelor’s true character.” You began thinking more clearly, Ghost’s questions actually helping you approach this much more tactfully. It was like he was helping you come up with a plan. 
“You don’t want to marry this guy or just in general?” He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. It was a rather personal question, one that would have to be kept secret between the both of you. 
You paused, thinking about his question very carefully. Once again, he was trying to get to know how you really felt about things. Ghost seemed to be the only one in the palace that genuinely wanted to know what you thought. After a sip of warm, slightly sweet tea, you gave him your truth. 
A truth that a princess would give too. “I want to marry who I choose and I would choose out of love. I refuse to marry someone that I do not love. This potential bachelor. . . who is to say that I would not fall in love with him the moment I lay my eyes on him? Though, I do doubt this. I am unsure if I could trust his potential personality if the only people who could vouch for him are my parents. Their values in a partner may not reflect my own.”
Ghost has been getting better at deciphering your cryptic princess language. From what he understood, you didn’t reject the idea of marriage. You just wanted it to be out of your own choice of love. A reasonable answer. A bit romantic too. Like a true princess, you believed that love at first sight was possible. Ghost didn’t think he could agree with that. Though, your hint at valuing certain characteristics in a potential spouse piqued his interest in a way he couldn’t explain. “What do you value?”
For a moment, you looked out the window, another flash of lightning illuminating the rainy gray outside. As the light hit your features for a brief moment, Ghost felt his heart skip a beat. Now, you were giving a daydreaming, sweet smile. “I value courage, ambition, and openly high morals. Someone that isn’t afraid of pursuing their passions, satiating their curiosities appropriately, and standing up for what is right. Someone that I could grow alongside with their complete support. Someone that would not only see me as a lover, but as my own person too.”
He couldn’t help but feel his face grow a little warm as you described your ideal man. Though he couldn’t say he checked off all of those boxes, a part of him did feel like you were describing someone like him, even if you didn’t know it. At the very least, you obviously wanted someone that could put their money where their mouth was. Someone with bark and bite.
Not that he would actively pursue you. He lightly shook his head while you weren’t looking, ridding his thoughts of the idea of him being the perfect man for you. “It sounds like you know what you want.”
Those words gave you courage for some reason. Confidence. It surprised you to be filled with such confidence from that simple sentence alone. You looked towards Ghost, your breath hitching slightly as he stared at you with those blue eyes of his. “Yes, I do know what I want.”
“I’ll help you however I can, then. I’m going to run background checks on this guy. Checks on everyone that received an invite as well. I’ll make sure that you are only present at the party for strictly one hour. I still have my job to protect you, after all.” He promised you. If you couldn’t speak up against your parents due to decorum, then hopefully this would give you what you need to fight back instead.
“Thank you, Lieutenant Ghost. I truly do appreciate it.” You gratefully beamed. Who knew that when you were given a bodyguard that you would be given a friend as well.
The next few days were busy. While Ghost followed you around to your now tighter classes, he was also doing background checks on every single person that your parents sent an invite out to. Which was a lot. Jesus, when he saw the list of people he wanted to smack them both. It was incredibly dangerous for them to have so many people at the palace at once considering the threats against them and their daughter. It became clear that your parents were more concerned about protecting their public image or parading you around like a doll than about your true safety. 
You felt that classes were a little easier to handle with Ghost being so focused on his laptop. Normally, he would be watching you carry on with your classes. Now that he was preoccupied with his own work, you felt less like you were giving a performance and like you were genuinely learning. Though, you did wish that he would look at you once you were finished with a successful new dance. For some reason, you craved some of his attention now that you had less of it.
Nights were different as well. While you had grown accustomed to talking yourself to sleep with Ghost listening to your every word, he had to focus on getting all the background checks complete. He also took it upon himself to tighten up some security detail. He was extremely busy making sure that you were safe, so it was hard to be upset with him. Yet, you still felt a bit lonely.
One night, you just couldn’t sleep. You laid awake for hours, trying to drift off to dreamland to no avail. Part of it was nerves over the upcoming party. Part of it was fear of being assassinated or kidnapped. Part of it was bundles of creative energy that needed to be released. You usually got it out of your system during independent study or piano, but now that it was gone for now, your fingers were itching to do something you wanted to do.
Quietly, you sat up in bed, listening carefully outside the door. You knew that Ghost usually spent his time guarding you out there. You wondered if he was still there or borrowing an office somewhere to complete his work. Either way, you wanted to be a little sneaky with or without him.
You opened the bedroom door a smidge, looking along the hallways to see if Ghost or anyone was up and around. Moonlight shined through the large windows, illuminating the halls brightly in a white light. You stepped out, now seeing Ghost situated at a small oak desk that was placed out in the hall for him right outside the door. His attention was already on you, having noticed the small opening of the door. “Couldn’t sleep?”
“I have too much energy.” You explained briefly, fearful that he may tell you to go back into your room. Thankfully, he seemed to understand.
“You usually sneak out in the middle of the night?” He teased, catching you off guard. You didn’t realize that Ghost could have such a playful tone.
“Sometimes, yes.” You answered honestly. Ghost was a little surprised by your answer. You were more defiant than you usually looked. Sneaking banned books, sneaking out of your bedroom at night. Not that you were doing anything bad. You just did what you could to explore your true interests. 
Ghost closed his laptop and picked it up, ready to follow you to wherever you wished to go. “Where to then?”
Swiftly, you led him to a far part of the palace, a room that was far from your parent’s wing. Without alerting any palace staff, the both of you snuck into the room. In the middle of the room was a pure white grand piano. There were some shelves lined with books about music along with piano sheet music. There was a couch with a table as well, which would allow Ghost to continue working while you tired yourself out. 
As you situated yourself in front of the piano, the lieutenant got himself all set up on the couch. For some reason, you were calm. Comfortable. You thought that you would be nervous with Ghost being your audience once more, but that wasn’t the case. In fact, you have never felt more secure than you did then. Even as you had the chance to play the music that you weren’t normally allowed to play.
You started up with warm-ups. Simple scales, listening to the tune of the piano. Feeling the weight of the pedals under your feet along with the weight of the keys under your fingertips. Ghost has grown familiar with that scale. He didn’t have any particular musical talent, yet he still appreciated it. The classics and simple songs you played were good.
As Ghost worked to the sound of your playing, the both of you fell into a comfortable groove. With your playing, Ghost felt more efficient in his work. You felt more confident in your abilities. Along with this, you began to branch out a little more, practicing classical songs that you were familiar with.
However, you played them. Truly. Not how your instructors guided you to play or how the sheet music dictated. No. You felt the emotions in each note. Each sound was played naturally as if it was second nature to you. Full of passion like the songs were intended to be played. Classical music that Ghost had admittedly grew bored of listening to just about every day, no matter how well you played, was now completely enthralled. Even songs he’s heard before meeting you seemed to breathe new life as you played with your heart rather than your head. 
Before Ghost knew it, all of his attention was on watching and listening to you play. He saw how you closed your eyes, your fingers naturally finding each key without the use of sheet music. How you swayed as your hands moved. How you beautifully smiled to yourself as you heard the wonderful sounds your hands made. 
It only got better when you began to play songs that weren’t of the classical variety. Songs that would have you banned from playing the piano in the palace. Hell, banned from music in general. There were some modern songs that Ghost recognized, now given your own flair. He didn’t even know how you knew some of those songs, but that didn’t matter. 
You had talent. Real talent. A clear love for music and the piano.
An hour passed by of him neglecting his work just to watch you play. When you finished a final song, you were breathing heavily as if you had just worked out. Your heart was beating hard in your chest. Once you managed to catch your breath, Ghost spoke up, unable to remain just the silent audience. “Why don’t you play like that during classes? You only play the basics with your tutor.”
You nearly had forgotten that Ghost had been there. You weren’t even aware that he had been listening to you play the entire time. A blush spread across your cheeks as you grew bashful all of a sudden. “It is believed that I am slow at learning the piano. I don’t correct this assumption since I don’t want to be pressured to play even more songs that I don’t find much joy in. At least, not the way they want me to play. I. . . I also don’t want to give my parents another party trick that they can exploit.”
His fists clenched at the mention of your parents. With each passing day, he’s come to resent your parents more and more. How they treat you, control your life, and regard you like a pet rather than a daughter was making his blood simmer more each day. It was getting harder for him to hold his true opinions back. “You deserve more. You deserve to play whatever you want whenever you want.”
Your eyes grew wide at his open criticism. This was the first time he spoke his mind like this. Ghost was careful in his words just as you were up until this point. It was actually rather refreshing to hear him not hold back for once. “Thank you. I hope that I can someday get to that point.”
It felt like a wall between the both of you had crumbled down. As the moonlight fell upon your soft features, your optimism for the future bright in your eyes, Ghost felt himself choke up. This was you at your rebelliousness. You were a princess that snuck around in the night to enjoy forbidden knowledge. And he wanted to be part of that.
For a moment, he understood how people could fall in love at first sight.
You began to toy around with the piano again, this time playing a little more quietly and simpler so that Ghost could get back to work. While it was hard to focus on what he needed to do because he wanted to take in more of the beauty he was in the presence of, he managed to finish what he wanted to do for the night. 
He finished his background check on this bachelor that your mother wanted you to marry. Ghost read everything that he could find on the guy. Net worth, news coverage, social media, and even criminal history. Kate was a massive help in finding more confidential information too. Everything was compiled into a report that he wrote himself. When it was done, he got up from the couch and sat down beside you on the piano bench. 
“Would you like to hear the report?” He simply offered, not wanting to break your light playing.
With a nod, you prepared yourself for what Ghost found. He took a deep breath before reading. “Royal background. A duke. Only a couple of years older than you are. Owns a lot of land and has a lot of wealth-”
“I don’t care about any of that.” You interrupted, your tone suddenly a bit colder. As Ghost looked at you with slight shock, you turned your head away. He didn’t expect you to speak up like that. The fact that you did meant that you were getting more comfortable with him though. You were taking this seriously as well.
“What would you like to hear then, Princess?” He offered, giving you more control that you deserved. 
When he spoke back to you so softly, you met his eyes once more. The piano bench was decently big, but Ghost was a big man. You could feel his body heat radiating off of him. As you looked up, you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. The way he looked at you like you deserved the world made you feel lighter than air. When you gazed into his eyes, you felt like you could see his genuinity. 
You trusted him. You trusted that he was an excellent judge of character as well. Much more than your own parents. “Based on the values that you know I am looking for, is he a good fit for me?”
Ghost bit his tongue hard, stopping his immediate response from escaping. He wanted to say no. Based on everything he read, this guy seemed stuck-up. Seedy. He had quite a few exes under his belt, not even counting just one-off flings. He didn’t have a criminal record or seemed to be dealing with anything particularly shady, but he did take advantage of his wealthy and royal status to experience certain things in life, regardless of how others may feel.
Then again, Ghost felt like his brain was foggy. Like he couldn’t really make a fair judgment because he wanted to reject him immediately. He had a bias against him. Where it came from exactly, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he didn’t trust him to be the one for you. He didn’t want you anywhere near him either.
For now, he decided to be earnest yet nice. “I don’t think he would be a good match based on his track records, but who’s to say that he isn’t better in person. You’ll have an hour to judge him at the very least.”
Your heart fell as you heard his answer. It wasn’t that you were disappointed over this stranger probably not being the best for you. No. You were disappointed that Ghost wasn’t more blunt with what he thought. You appreciated how he was trying to preserve your feelings, but you didn’t want that right now. You wished that he could protest some more, any excuse not to meet this stranger and play into the hands of your parents. 
As he saw the flash of anguish on your face, Ghost felt his heart break. He could tell that you were really hesitant about this man. You didn’t even want to meet him if you had the choice. Without thinking, he took up your hands and squeezed. His hand was so much bigger than yours. Rougher, sturdier. Hands that have done things that you would never be able to fully comprehend. And now, they were holding yours. 
“One hour. That’s all. However, if you tell me that you hate him, even within the first second of seeing him, I’ll make sure that he won’t even get to touch you.” His tone was resolute, unwavering. 
As he put the control back in your hands, you squeezed his hands right back. Your heart swelled again as if on a rollercoaster. The moonlight cutting across the skull mask you have gotten used to only to brighten his deep, blue eyes made you melt. “Thank you, Lieutenant.” 
Taglist: @angel-anna @ghostlythots @maiyatheprettiestprincess
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mamieishere · 2 months
How to row a hook-up
disclaimer : unprotected sex, quickie, doggy style, creampie, semi public, teasing, breeding kink, no name mentioned
You met him on a dating app. You liked his profile because of his blue hair. It's not common and you love someone with their own personality. He was a traveler, coming we-don't-know-where and indicated that he was around for several days.
There was no expectation, you liked some other profiles. You got some matches and started to talk with them but they weren't interesting or too weird. You gave up for the night and went to bed. Tomorrow evening your friend will arrive and the both of you will head to the most anticipated festival of the year. How exciting is it to finally being able to enjoy music lives.
When you woke up the next morning, you were anything but a portable battery, too much energy, too much happiness... too much eve everything.
You headed to the shower and had a full body wash, hair included. Summer nights were hot and humid, so much so that you needed to wash your hair daily. After getting dressed, you picked up your phone and oh! missing notifications. It was the blue haired cutie. He liked you back! FUCK!
"Hi! I'm here for a few days. I'm going to be honest, I need someone who speaks the local language... Are you in?" 4 hours ago
"Ha ~ Finally, I wasn't that honest. I have a big event this weekend and I am very stressed. It's impromptu but could you help you to reduce this tension?" 4 hours ago
"I mean in a sexual way?" 3 hours ago
"Wait... It's impossible to erase a message on this app??? Fuck it." 5 minutes ago
"You know what? Forget it, nvw. It was unsolicited." now
You laughed. He was cute and kinda strange in a way.
"Hey :) sure I'm in, even for a tension revealed thing if you want." now
You texted back without proofreading, probably because you'd cringe at your message. You tossed your phone on your bed. after all, What are the chances that he will respond now? Obviously none.
You planned to go on a self date, one of your fave thing. You put a little make, mascara and lip gloss, grab your bag stuffed with keys, wallet, a book and your flying phone. Headphones on your ears, you headed out to a cozy restaurant nearby to the hotel.
The atmosphere was hushed, the lights were subdued and the ceiling had mouldings. A perfect place to order a fancy dish and a glass of white wine in the back corner out of sight. After the waiter has taken your order and came back with your drink, you took your book and started peacefully your me-time.
A group of about ten people took the table on the right. They were loud, chaotic dressed in expensive clothing. You sighted and turn on the headphones again. You looked for your phone to play some music. While the tracks scrolled across the screen, he popped up. You jumped on your seat, hurting the table.
- "HOLLY... ", you restrained yourself from screaming and rubbing your knees. The neighbours at the table turned around with surprised looks. "My apologies", you nodded, pressed play to the first track coming and hid behind your book.
"Hello again! Thank God, I'm glad you did answer. I'm not used to dating apps, probably because I'm not allowed to. Had I say I was relieved? Haha I'm rumbling... Anyways, I'm going to dinner in a restaurant, would you like to recommend me a dish? I'm so lost... " 3 minutes ago
You laughed softly.
"Okay, it's funny because I'm in a restaurant too currently. I order a croque madame, it's a hot sandwich studded with béchamel sauce, cheese and ham plus there's a sunny side up on the top of it. It comes with a salad. So, I guess you may order this too!" now
"THANK YOU!" now
Oh the answer came very quickly this time. You left your phone on the table with the book, as the waiter came back with your dish.
Oh it was delicious... The bread was crispy outside but still soft and buttery. The egg was perfect, the ham and cheese tasty and smoked. It was heaven,all of this combined with the jazz music playing... It was orgasmic.
"I guess you gave me a good choice. It looks yummy. *one picture attached *" now
Your eyes widen once again. The picture of his dish was exactly the same than yours, the dishes, the tablecloth, everything. You raised your head and started to search around you. He was here.
*Wait... We are in the same restaurant. Oh lol, where are you?" now
You kept looking for some blue hair but failed. Was it a joke? Where was he? After 5 minutes, your message was still unread. You decided to go to the bathroom, leaving your things under the waiter supervision.
Until someone grabbed your hand and guided you to the first nearby room. You were about to scream when your kidnapper switch on the light. Blue hair. Oh.
- "Hey... hey hey hey", he whispered "I'm so sorry, I caught you by surprise. I recognized you when I entered the restaurant earlier. I wanted to give you a hand sign but as I was with my band and the staff, it was impossible. Please accept my apologies. But jeez you're beautiful. Ah sorry I'm rambling again... Hey? Hello, Earth?"
Of course you heard him but you were shut. He was stunning, his delicate face, his bobba eyes contrasted so well with his blue hair. You were subjugated.
- "Yeah? Hi...", the words fell from your mouth.
- "Are you okay? Are you shocked?" he panicked "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.".
You put your hand on his chest. "Are you real...?" you asked randomly. He burnt out of laughter,took your hand and swapped your fingers with his own.
- "Hello sweetheart, yes I'm real", he cooed with a chuckle. He took your chin and replaced a strand of hair out of your face. "May i kiss you?"
Wow, that was bold but not as bold as you, putting your hands on his shoulders for leverage, you reached to his mouth and put a lingering kiss on his lips. He caught you and deeper the kiss, glued his body to yours.
- "Ah princess... I want you now, can I have you now?", You looked at him and nodded. "Use your words baby. ".
- "Ha.... yes, please. Are you not afraid that someone caught us?".
He cadged you between his body and the door.
- "No, I'm not. You'll have to stay quiet if you don't want to be discovered.", He leaned to kiss you again. Both of you had a little time. His hands made their path under your shirt going for the claps of your bra. You weren't wearing a bra, oops. He broke the kiss and gave you a stern look.
- "Oh my. What do we have here?", he raised your hands with one hand while his others reached up your top, exposing your chest to the cold air, making your nipples harder than they already were. He started to leave little pecks on your neck, down to your collarbone, decorating it with purple and finally reaching to your left boob.
- "Let's start with your heart side would you?", he rolled the sensitive tip between his digits, cutting off a moan of you. He urgently put his hand on your mouth. "Stay quiet baby if you don't want to get caught".
He freed your hands which ended up on his shoulders again and licked your nipple. Your chest arched, giving him more flesh. You moaned again, silently. His other hand found a place on your hips, rubbing slow circles.
- "Touch me, please...", Your voice was almost a whisper. "May I have your fingers in me?"
It was all it took for him to snap. He got back on his feet, turned you around and lifted your skirt.
- " Oh baby wants my fingers?", he teased. "Baby wants me to finger your needy hole?"
He didn't give enough time to answer before he ripped soaking panties, stuffed you with two fingers at an incredible rough pace. You felt the first sprinkles of pleasure and he added a third one. Soft moans weren't enough, louder ones erupted from your throat as he stopped them by placing a hand on your filfy mouth.
- "I told you to stop being noisy", his action hadn't the expected effect, your creamed his hand. "Fuck that's hot. May I give you my cock sweetie, uh? Want me to fill you up? Breeding you with my seeds?".
Unable to form a coherent sentence, you gave him a "Ha... y... es fuck, gimme y-your see-seeds".
While licking his digits, he undid his pants, freeing his erected dick from the confines of his underwear. One hand came to press on your back to put your pussy on display. You felt him, rubbing his cock along your folds, teasing your entrance. You tried to push your hips back on him to finally get your dream fulifilled.
- "tsk... baby no... that's not how we ask to be fucked"
- "please, I can't... oh shit!", he penetrated you in one full stroke. He snapped his hips on yours, making the head of his penis kissed your cervix, forcefully. The pace he chose left no space for mercy. You thought you were going to cum only by being penetrated until he reached your clit only to play with it. As his pace maintained a high drive, he doodled circles on your bundle of nerves.
- "Fuck baby girl, cum... cum for me. Cum on my cock, I want to feel it", he bite your ear. Then everything became colorful. You came hard around him, squeezing your insides like never you did before. He helped by guiding you through it. The only sound remained was the lewd, squishing sound of his cock entering you again and again. He took him a few pumps before he filled you full of him.
- "hhhhaaa fuck baby, I'm bringing you to my hotel room. I can't leave you like that."
hiii, it's been a while! I hope you enjoyed this story. it was supposed to be a drabble, as usual, it's a failure 🤷🏻‍♀️
Feel free to give feedback and comments (constructive ones only!) 💕
I have to be honest, im not a big mood to write rn but I felt I needed to post this one. please be nice if you find typos or grammatical mistakes, english isn't my first language.
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medical-anon-whau · 15 days
@bleedingichorhearts @kit-williams @egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
I've got another life update for everyone. Per suggestions, I was able to ask the Ultramarine how I should dress when meeting with the person in charge, and dressed accordingly, which was semi-formal. I had to run out real quick to get an appropriate pair of dress shoes before the meeting, but I managed alright.
I was rather surprised that Stalker did, in fact, show up to the meeting, but it'd definitely possible that they contacted him via Mysterious Astartes Methods. He accused me of a number of things, and here are the list of "charges"
1) aiding and abetting a "Fallen" Dark Angel
2) refusing to allow an Interrogator Chaplain to complete his sanctioned duties
3) defacing astartes armor (Jerk is still covered in glitter. I have the paint and glitter bombs on my person right now in case be pulls some more nonsense)
4) Colluding willingly with an Alpha Legionnaire to torment a Loyal Astartes
5) Distracting A Dark Angel during the course of his duties.
Now, I'm no law expert, but I figured he might pull some letitigous bullshit and have been doing some research on my own. I wasn't entirely sure what the Ultramarine Base Commander was going to say in response, but I pointed out that;
1) In the country that I am living in and so are they, the lawful government does not, to my knowledge, recognize the authority of Astartes Chaplains when it comes to crimes accused or actual committed by an astartes BEFORE THEY CAME TO EARTH
2) they did not involve local law enforcement before attempting to take the Fallen in question who has been the primary caretaker for a chronically ill and weakened human in good faith for the better part of a decade. I also got statements from both the human and their neighbors about the character of the Fallen and his daily activities, as well as from my patient's family
3) he has been harassing and willfully intimidating me with the intent to scare - which are both actual crimes - for over two months now. I have been keeping as accurate an account of each instance and brought a copy of that journal with me to the meeting (I have several copies of all the information I brought with me, in case Jerk tries anything. I also left this Intel with both Fallen and the Alpharii) for the base commander or whoever to read through at their convenience.
4) talking with other people who he's also deliberately antagonizing to try and get him to stop is not a crime, and the Alpha Legionnaire (I did not reveal that I know for a fact there are at least three of them in that house - more about the third Alpharius later) is concerned for the long term effects the stress of Jerk tormenting me will have on the care I'm able to provide to his sickly patient, and had suggestions on how to get Jerk to back off when I asked for them.
Noooot that I deliberately cursed Jerk in front of the base commander. I almost cussed him out several times though. The giant fucker is tapdancing on my last nerve.
The base commander was quiet and seemed thoughtful at the gathered evidence I had provided for him. He began talking in a language I don't understand, and Jerk periodically answered back. He started getting agitated the longer the Mystery Talk went on.
A half hour of conversation I did not understand later and the base commander said that he was going to be restricting Ghaliel (Jerk's Actual Name, apparently) to base for the next month, and to report him if he breaks his restriction.
That was two days ago. So far, Jerk hasn't been trying to scare me... I was also able to speak with one of the Librarians after the meeting with the base commander.
Apparently, I have a weak bond with an astartes. I really hope it's with one of the Alpharii. They're fun, playful and caring.
Oh right! The third Alpharius!
I happened to stumble across all three of them whispering to each other, the day before I was gonna meet with the base commander, during my shift with their human family member. I'm pretty sure they did that on purpose, as alpharius number 3 handed me the last of the character testimonies I was hoping to get for Fallen in exchange for two glitter-paint bombs.
I don't want to k ow what he plans on doing with them, his cackling was terrifying.
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al-astakbar · 9 months
☆ The Gift -- Thrawn x reader ☆
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> title ☆ The Gift ☆part 5/?
> summary ☆ As congratulations for his recent promotion to Grand Admiral, Emperor Palpatine gives Thrawn a gift -- a young woman who has been trained as a pleasure companion.
> pairing ☆  Thrawn x reader ☆ word count [1.9k] ☆ warnings for this part ☆ brief sexual language > series warnings ☆ dubious consent; sexual slavery; concubine/ sex slave AU; will add more warnings as more parts are posted
>series navigation ☆ part 1 ☆ part 2 ☆ part 3 ☆ part 4 ☆ part 5 ☆ part 6 ☆ part 7
>posted on ao3
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author note!! To be very clear, in this story reader is a concubine against her will and is gifted to Thrawn, but there is at no point any noncon between Thrawn and reader. Reader is never noncon with anyone, either referenced or explicitly, and there is never any explicit noncon. However, this is a darker take on Thrawn and he doesn't really have many hangups about putting his gift to use...
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You are awoken in the dark by a shrill, persistent whistle. Disoriented, you twist in the sheets and fumble for your data pad to check the time— before it registers in your brain where you are. The Chimaera. Grand Admiral Thrawn’s personal quarters. Your data pad isn’t here but where you left it on your night table back on Coruscant. Or, more likely, your room has been cleared out for the next trainee. Your personal effects will have been collected and reissued. 
The whistle plays again over the loudspeaker— which you know must not be the correct term for it in the Imperial Navy. You’ll have to refer to it as such in front of Thrawn and see if he gets annoyed enough to correct you. Then, an announcement. 
“Now reveille, reveille. All hands heave out and trice up. Reveille.” 
Just as you are about to flop back down, the door zips open. Thrawn is there, in silhouette. 
You groan in annoyance. 
“Good morning.”
“Is that loud speaker gonna be an every morning type of thing?”
You are slightly disappointed by his lack of reaction. “The time now is—“ he checks his chrono “— one minute past zero six. In twenty minutes, you will accompany me to the bridge. You’ll find your additional daily wear robes in the wall locker, and personal hygiene items in the fresher.”
You just sit there, and contemplate flopping back down and pulling the covers over to block out the light. 
“I recommend you make a start now,” he says. “Whatever state of dress you are in at 06:21 will be what you wear for the rest of the day. Including on the bridge.” He turns and goes back down the short corridor to his office, leaving the hatch open.
Surely he’s bluffing, you reason. Bringing his pleasure companion to such a place would likely embarrass the crew, and damage his reputation. As much as you’ve heard of Grand Admirals and other Imperial elites flaunting their hedonism, few would take such a risk.
On the other hand, testing him seems foolish. 
Mustering great willpower, you swing out of bed, wash and dress, and go to his office. The lights are dim again, and he makes no move to turn them up when he sees you enter.  
“Why do I have to come to the bridge?”
 “I believe you will find it interesting. Alternatively, you may stay here in my quarters, under guard.”
“Would they also watch me pee?”
His eyes narrow. He very deliberately sets down his datapad and walks over to you. Measured, stalking steps, hands behind his back. He does not look to be in a permissive mood. He comes to stand in front of you, close so that you have to look up to his face, and when he speaks, his voice again has that soft, dangerous quality that had made you want to get on your knees for him. 
“I was remiss, last night, in not laying out my expectations for you.”
Last night… you shift on your feet, trying to press your thighs together in a way he won’t notice. There is a dull, sweet ache between your legs, from his size, and the way he had fucked you, hard and thorough. And the low, breathy moan he had given just before he came a second time…
He is much too perceptive, however, and asks if you are sore, or in discomfort. 
You scowl at him, not caring that you’re being a brat about everything. “Like you care.”
“But I do,” he says. “You are mine to use as I wish.”
You feel another swell of arousal, against everything you tell yourself, that it’s wrong and obscene and a betrayal. It’s not how you should feel about him, not when he speaks about you like you’re an object for his pleasure. You blush, looking out the viewport and refusing to meet his eyes. 
He finally speaks out of the heavy silence. 
“My expectations are simple. First, that you will be obedient and respectful. I will not tolerate disruptive behavior.” 
You barely— just barely— restrain yourself from interrupting him to ask for a precise definition of disruptive. 
“Second, when we are alone, you are not to cover your face.”
You realize the pause he leaves is a prompt for you to obey this rule. You sweep your veil back and pout at him, annoyed more so about being told what to do than the rule itself. 
“Of course, you could also do away with it altogether, if you wish.” 
“But I— I can’t!” The mere suggestion of it is scandalous, and coming from a Grand Admiral, no less. 
He only gives you a dispassionate look, then directs your attention to the dining  area where breakfast is laid out. The same two droids that had served dinner are standing by.
Thrawn pulls out your chair for you, and you accept his courtesy with ill grace. 
“You could even wear different clothing,” he says, taking his own seat across from you. “The robes are beautiful, but impractical. Especially on a starship.”
You consider this for a moment, then tell him, “I’ve been wearing them for a year and I still trip on them pretty often.” 
The droids move in, pouring drinks-- juice, water, caf-- though you wish you could ask for tea. When you reach for some jam, somehow your veil falls down over your shoulder, making you accidentally dip your sleeve in the caf creamer. You swear quietly, trying to sponge the light blue liquid out of the fabric.
“Why do you think I’ve set this rule?” He asks. 
It takes you a moment— another one of his non- rhetorical questions, and a confusing non-sequitur until you recall the earlier thread of conversation. A quirk of his mind, perhaps, that you’ll have to get used to. “Assassins!” You blurt out, almost knocking your toast to the floor. 
Looking pleased, or perhaps amused, he sits back in his chair with a nod and goes back to whatever he was doing on his datapad.  One of the serving droids pours him a cup of caf without him gesturing for it, though he doesn’t touch it.
Between bites, and not caring that you’re interrupting his work, you ask why, if he’s so concerned about attempts on his life, he has you staying in his quarters, sleeping in his bed, taking meals with him.
“What if I’m the assassin?” You challenge. 
“Are you?”
“No,” you say petulantly.
“I have explained and believe you understand the consequences of such an action. Have I overestimated your mental faculties?”
“Do you intend to kill me?” 
You frown at him. “I could be past reasoning.” Might try, you leave unsaid. 
“And how would that benefit you, in the long run? What do you envision as the outcome?” He makes it sound more like an invitation for a thought exercise than a threat. 
So you pause to consider. “Well, if I made it past intent, and actually tried, I’d probably have to surprise you. If I failed, and you could tie it to me, I’d probably get the rest of my life breaking scrap in the Aamiqh Deeps  if I’m lucky. Or you’d just vent me out the closest airlock.” 
“An efficient solution,” he says, and you look at him sharply, wondering if you mistook that dry tone for sarcasm. “How would you attempt it?”
“Attempt it after this conversation, or before?”
The corners of his mouth twitch, a small smile, and you feel absurdly pleased at that reaction. “Let us keep things simple for now. Before.”
You wrack your brain for what little you’ve been able to observe about him so far. It hasn’t even been a full day. Any habits that could be exploited, parts of his daily routine you could slip into unnoticed. You have yet to see him eat, drink, or sleep, and at this point, no matter how near-human he looks, have no reason to assume he actually needs rest or sustenance the way you do. Sex, then? 
You begin speaking all this aloud, and he nods or comments at particular lines of reasoning. “It would be best if I could wait longer, make more observations.” Part of you can’t quite believe you’re saying all this to him-- and in the back of your mind, you realize it’s probably foolish, and could be taken as evidence of intent to harm him, but he already holds all the power anyway. “But if I couldn’t, or found out that none of the obvious things would work--”
“Those being?”
“Poison in your food or drink. Or get you while you’re sleeping. I couldn’t even be sure that what works on humans would work on you. I guess maybe I could--” you stop yourself, feeling silly for playing along with all this, but he urges you to continue.
“Go on.” He sounds entertained and intrigued.
You take a bite of your food, which has gone cold. “Med bay. Could be a way to access your records. I don’t even know what species you are. And there would be medications in there, if I did figure out something that would work.”
“And if not?”   
You tilt your head, gazing out at the serene, beautiful starscape. If you had thought there was even a chance that he would allow you to have embroidery supplies-- well, there would be no way he’d let you possess needles after this conversation. “There must be someone on the ship who doesn’t like you. Maybe even someone relatively high up?” You look back at him, taking in the striking sight of him: his gleaming red eyes, keen and alert and fixed on you, and his sharply handsome features and dark hair, his perfect uniform and heavy rank plaque that seem made to fit him and only him. You hesitate on your next thought. It would be hurtful. “Someone who doesn’t like that you’re…”
“Non-human,” Thrawn says. 
You nod, not willing to cross the line and ask him why he serves an Empire that, by law and creed, considers him inferior. “I think it would be easy to take advantage of. People who think like that can be… single-minded. They wouldn’t like that you’re more successful than them.”
“Perhaps,” he allows. 
“That could also solve the issue of getting off the ship, after I… you know.” You shift uncomfortably. It’s a strange thing. You had always thought, the whole year on Coruscant, that upon meeting whoever you ended up with, you’d want them dead. 
Thrawn is not what you expected.
You squeeze your thighs together, trying very much not to think about how he had looked at you last night, how it had felt with his singular, searing focus on you, how he had sounded when he’d felt you almost lose control.
He regards you intently, letting you squirm, before he finally answers. “A clever thought. Yes, there are certainly those who resent being under my command.”
“Were you trying to get me to convince myself that trying anything is a bad idea?”
“No.” His expression softens just a little, so briefly you might have imagined it. “I simply wished to hear you reason through a problem.” 
He lets you be, then, no further incisive, testing questions. He returns to his datapad, and you sip idly at your caf, watching distant ships and stars through the viewport.
Exactly at 06:21, he stands and indicates for you to come with him— finished with breakfast or not. 
“Keep up,” he says mildly, when he sees you dawdling. “Or you will find yourself on a leash.”
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☆ link to part 6 ☆
☆join tag list☆ <- this is the easiest way to make sure your request is recorded, however anyone is also welcome to dm me if they want to be added.
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dogtoling · 2 years
180 Splatoon OC Questions!
hi. So i made a bunch of questions to help develop mine and other people’s OCs i guess. these come in several tiers based (roughly) on how much you’ve already developed an OC, but in reality it’s a pick-and-choose thing,
NOTE: these are mostly applicable to cephalopod OCs. But if you pick and choose they’re fine for literally any OC, I guess. Most of them are gonna be under the cut!
Surface (Basics, Tier 0)
1. What is their full name? Do they like it?
2. Do they have any nicknames, and where do they come from?
3. OC species and special notes
4. What time of day is your OC usually active? Are they diurnal or nocturnal or maybe in-between?
5. Any particular reason for their schedule? Biological clock? Work?
6. Living situation; where do they live? How did they end up there?
7. Do they take part in ink battles? What kind and how often?
8. Favorite weapon class and why? 
9. Main tentacle color? How did they pick it?
10. Any hobbies? Where did they begin?
11. What do their hobbies mean to them?
12. Favorite type of music? 
13. Any favorite bands or idols they look up to?
14. Are they acrobatic? In-game turf war movement qualifies. 
15. What is their main weapon? How did they pick it, and is it customized?
16. Languages they speak? Any that they’ve learned or want to learn?
17. What is THE THING that they’re recognized as being good at by others?
18. Are they more positive or negative? How does it show?
19. Their BEST FRIEND, if they ABSOLUTELY had to choose one? 
20. What size are they? Are they average size for their species or not?
21. What is their relationship to ink battling? Is it a hobby, profession or just a sport?
22. Do they have an ego? Or perhaps a lack of?
23. Do they have a daily routine? Do they enjoy it?
24. What would their Splashtag title be?
25. What is something they REALLY invest in?
26. Are they temperamental? 
27. How are/were their teen years?
28. How did they do in school? Did they like it or were they a professional class skipper?
29. What’s a situation that would make them cry? Do they cry easily?
30. Are they easily amused?
Sunlight Zone (Tier 1)
1. Any pets? Do they want any?
2. How social are they?
3. What is the inside of their house like?
4. Any peculiar decoration preferences?
5. Main source of income? How is their money situation?
6. Any job? Do they want one? If they have one, what do they think of it? 
7. Everyday skill they’re unexpectedly good at
8. Everyday skill they DO NOT have
9. Any weapons they struggle to use and why?
10. How much does it take to trigger their Special Rush state? Do they get pumped fast?
11. Are they a good Super Jumper? Do they land their jumps?
12. Weapons they wish they could use but can’t? Why? 
13. Favorite clothing style? Do they care about comfort or looks?
14. Do they have a favorite clothing brand?
15. Their favorite way to listen to music? Headphones, radio, et cetera
16. Favorite kind of food? Do they like fresh foods or prefer fried?
17. Can they cook, and how do they prefer to?
18. Do they care for fruit or vegetables?
19. Any food they REALLY don’t care for?
20. How many friends do they have? Do they make surface-level friends or deeper bonds?
21. Do they ever make art? What kind and why?
22. Are they expressive? How?
23. Can they drive? When did they learn or are they going to?
24. What’s their usual role in conversations? Are they a listener or a talker?
25. How do they handle crowds or groups of people?
26. Are they good at reading between the lines? Or totally clueless?
27. Do they drink coffee? Or alcohol?
28. Anything they have too much of?
29. What are their priorities?
30. What kind of body type do they have? Are they strong, or are they frail?
Twilight Zone (Tier 2)
1. Dream house? Is it likely to happen?
2. Dream job? Are they working towards it? Do they even know?
3. Favorite subject at school? Any effect on modern day?
4. Are they prone to holding grudges? Any petty opinions that they still stick to?
5. Any phobias? 
6. How are their tentacles styled? Why?
7. Preferred way of transportation; train, car, bike etc.
8. Any details about their appearance that they’ve put a lot of thought into?
9. Do they Super Jump outside of Turf Wars?
10. How often are they in swim form? How does it feel to them?
11. Have they heard of Grizzco? Have they worked there and how much? 
12. How do they sleep? How much do they usually need to sleep?
13. What weapon did they start with? Have they changed their main over time?
14. Any particular Turf War skill they are good or bad at? Do they have good aim, for example, or are they really fast at swinging a brush?
15. Favorite time of year? Why?
16. What is their sexual/romantic orientation? How did they come to a conclusion?
17. Are they in a relationship? Do they want to be?
18. Any past relationships? Why did they end?
19. What do they order at a café if they go?
20. Are they prone to arguing? Or do they settle?
21. Do they travel? Do they want to, and where?
22. Have they had injuries in the past? What happened?
23. Are they open about their thoughts or do they keep to themself? 
24. Do they keep up with news or the media? 
25. Do they play any games? What kind and when?
26. Do they care about “being fresh”? Have they ever cared and how did it show?
27. Any body modifications they have or want to get? What’s the story behind them?
28. Can they play any instruments? How did they get started?
29. Any iconic ways of speech that they have? 
30. Do they swear?
Midnight Zone (Tier 3)
1. Opinion on Splatfests; any that they’ve been part of or remember fondly? Or bad memories, even?
2. How and where did they grow up? What was their family like?
3. Any siblings? How is their relationship?
4. Childhood habits or hobbies that stuck?
5. Do they have good ties to their family? 
6. Any found family or “school”?
7. Have they ever Krakened before? 
8. How do they feel about being splatted? Are they used to it or is it agonizing?
9. Are they sensitive to violence? Or totally desensitized? Does it depend on the context?
10. Something they feel is extraordinary about themself?
11. Something other people see in them that they don’t really see?
12. What kind of neighbors do they have? Do they get along?
13. Fight-or-flight response? Which one do they usually default to?
14. Any specific goals they have in life?
15. Any prominent interests? How do they show?
16. How do they celebrate Squidmas? Or do they celebrate Octivus?
17. Where do they shop? How often do they go to the store and what do they usually buy?
18. If they could be any other species, would they? And what would they be?
19. How is their vision? 
20. How do they handle stressful situations? Are they prone to worrying?
21. How do they relax?
22. Do they use social media actively? What do they do there? 
23. Favorite snack or candy? Do they do snacks or candy?
24. Do they enjoy “alone time”?
25. Any habits they want to kick but can’t seem to?
26. What do they have for breakfast? Do they have breakfast?
27. How do they deal with fights or arguments? Do they lose their cool or handle it by talking?
28. Are they a leader type? Or do they see themself as one?
29. Which Splatoon 3 victory pose is in-character for them?
30. Based only on their personality and skills, what in-game abilities would that give them?
Abyss (Tier 4)
1. Have they done anything criminal? Why?
2. Have they ever intentionally hurt anyone? How?
3. Any scars? How did they get them?
4. Pain tolerance? Is it good or do they cry on the floor over paper cuts?
5. How is their overall health? Are they prone to any issues? 
6. Who do they live for?
7. Do they have conversations in their head? What is their relationship with themself?
8. How confident are they in combat? Are they strong at all?
9. Any short-term color change? What emotions trigger what colors in them?
10. What would they change about themself if they instantly could? Anything?
11. Would they survive out in the wilderness? For how long?
12. Are they selfish at all? Would they put others in harm’s way for their own benefit? 
13. What kind of morals do they follow and where did they learn them?
14. Is there anyone they would risk their well-being for? Why?
15. How was school for them? Do they miss it or are they glad it’s over, if it is?
16. How do they type? Are they an active chatter?
17. Do they want kids? Do they have any now, and do they have any plans?
18. What are their earliest memories? Do they have any memories from the egg?
19. Do they make decisions based on heart or logic?
20. Any regrets? What would they do differently if they could? 
21. What do they find attractive in somebody? 
22. Are they easy to understand? Are they good at expressing themself?
23. How do they deal with bad emotions? Do they have any tried-and-true coping mechanisms?
24. Are they sick often? How do they handle it?
25. Are they more or less empathetic than average?
26. Are they one to ask for or accept help? Or do they deny it altogether?
27. Do they believe in supernatural or spiritual things? 
28. Are they a person that gives or takes more? Is it intentional?
29. Are they judgmental when it comes to other people? Or do they not really care?
30. Who do they text or call most often?
Trench (Tier 5)
1. Any specific events from their life that changed them as a person?
2. Anything they are dreading or horribly afraid of in their current life?
3. Have they had any traumatic experiences? How are they affecting them in the current day?
4. Do they have recurring dreams?
5. Anything from their childhood that they still have?
6. Have they cut ties with people before? Why?
7. Any common thing they really struggle with?
8. Are they a good liar? Do they lie often or are they strictly against it?
9. What determines how they feel about somebody? 
10. Do they respect other people as a given? Does their respect have to be earned?
11. Any medications? How long have they had them?
12. Do they adjust their personality based on the people they’re around? How does it show?
13. How hard is it to get to KNOW them? Are they an open book or does NOBODY really know them?
14. Does true love exist to them? Or is it just a stupid myth people are obsessed with?
15. Do they have a “signature” article of clothing or item that they treasure? How did they get it and why is it so important to them?
16. How would they describe themself?
17. How is their comfort zone? Do they like trying new things or are they strictly a homebody?
18. One thing that will always make them happy without fail?
19. What do they usually spend spare cash on?
20. What’s their favorite place they’ve been to? What makes it special?
21. Is their life generally going how they’d expect it to be going?
22. Who were their role models growing up? Are they still their role models or have their views changed?
23. Are there any people in their life who they have complicated feelings toward? Are they still part of their life?
24. Have they ever killed? Would they?
25. How much are they willing to give up to help another?
26. Is their trust easy to gain? Is it easy to lose?
27. Are there any sounds that they particularly like or hate? 
28. Has their appearance or character changed over the years? How and why?
29. How do they feel about life as a whole? Has their perspective changed over time?
30. Free space for a random fact about the character!
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Notes on Roman Homosexuality by Craig Williams, chapter 4! In today's installment, what is "manliness"? What did it mean for a man to be "effeminate"? Plus: not only are gender roles bullshit, but they're also connected to classism, imperialism and xenophobia!
Masculinity and femininity are social constructs. That means they are not inherent properties of our bodies, but judgments and categories people put on us. These social constructs aren't limited to physical sex, either - they tend to expand into elaborate, restrictive codes of dress, career, hobbies, speaking style, and every other aspect of daily life.
These social constructs are fragile and ever-changing. A Roman man wasn't a man solely because he had a dick. He had to reinforce his masculine persona by behaving in masculine ways, lest he be attacked as "effeminate" and lose other people's respect and trust.
Roman masculinity centered around dominance and control. Masculinity was realized by exerting power over your wife and children, by aggression in battle and the courtroom, and by the subjugation of slaves and non-Romans.
However, a Roman man was also supposed to be the master of his own desires, and a man who was too self-indulgent with food, sex, nice clothes, or other pleasures could get called effeminate. In fact, effeminate men were often stereotyped as womanizers. Other times they were accused of sleeping with men and women alike, or of being both penetrator and penetrated. The emasculation came not from sleeping with men per se, but from being a "slave to one's desires," and losing one's inhibitions.
(Aside #1 - I wonder if this partly accounts for why Stoicism became more popular among Roman men than Epicureanism?)
In fact, the masculine rejection of being "too emotional" was so intense that a Roman man could get called effeminate for falling in love with a woman. This inspired much of Octavian's propaganda against Mark Antony: that she "enslaved" him with her feminine wiles, and he in turn gave up his masculine virtue and his Romanness. Similarly, Pompey's contemporaries made fun of him for being excessively affectionate to his wife Julia (Caesar's daughter).
And oh yes, Romanness was equated to masculinity, and masculinity with virtue. The Latin word for virtue literally means "manliness," and the Romans saw themselves as being uniquely manly compared to the "soft, self-indulgent" men of other cultures. This later became a justification for subjugating those cultures: it was only natural that the "manly" nation ruled the "womanly" ones, right?
(Aside #2 - Reminds me a bit of how racial stereotypes today may emasculate marginalized men, or conversely, portray them as brutish/violent/hypersexual. I wonder if some of this may be a legacy from Roman ethnocentrism? Then again, it may not be a Roman-specific thing. This might just be something that imperialist/colonialist powers in general do to justify themselves.)
(Aside #3 - This must have interacted in interesting ways with the heavy immigration and multiculturalism in Rome! How do you prop up masculinity as a "Roman" virtue when every neighborhood speaks a different language? How much would the masculine ideal shift in response to new cultures coming in? And how much of our picture of "Roman gender roles" only reflects the upper-class Latin writers, leaving out other Roman narratives?)
Although willingly being penetrated could make a man effeminate in Roman eyes, the stereotype of the "effeminate" was much broader, and not all effeminate men were assumed to sleep with other men. Excessive attention to grooming, enjoying women's company (romantically or platonically), showing fear of death, even crying for a lost wife could all be seen as effeminate. The "problem" of effeminacy was not fundamentally a stigma toward gay men, but toward any man who was not seen as performing masculinity correctly.
In practice, any man could get accused of effeminacy, and Roman politicians would happily make up stories about their rivals if no evidence existed. If you weren't aggressive or dominant enough, you were accused of being too soft; if you were aggressive and dominant, you'd be accused of having no manly self-control.
Honestly, this chapter made me feel sorry for Roman men. It sounds like such a dreadfully unhealthy environment, not even being allowed to love your spouse too openly or grieve for your child without being seen as weak. I have to wonder if such rigid gender norms could themselves be traumatic - they certainly can be for trans people, and for women today.
Sometimes I'm amazed the Roman republic survived as long as it did. In between the slavery, the corruption, the generational trauma, and all the garbage gender roles, it feels like a culture that would bring out the worst in people. And yet, on the eve of Caesar and Pompey's civil war, 94% of the Senate voted for disarmament and peace.
Maybe I shouldn't be so surprised. Many of the sexist prejudices Williams outlined have parallels even in my own culture. And yet I've also known men who rose above that. Who understood that kindness isn't a weakness, and aggression isn't strength. It's hard to scrub all the sexist nonsense out of our brains, but gods, it's such a relief. Life is so much richer when you can just be yourself, and let other people be themselves.
I'm sure there were Romans who tried very hard to be themselves, too. And others who, even if their view was colored by the prejudices of their time, they at least tried to be kind and do right by others. That's all any of us can do, really.
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dostoyevsky-official · 5 months
You know Mandarin??
sometime in the spring of this year i kept encountering the idea on other social media that chinese is impossible to learn for europeans, that it's too difficult, that no westerner can learn or truly understand it, and in combination with a mainland friend visiting and telling me the ancient chinese etymology of some basic characters (and the 白人饭 Lunch of Suffering meme) i got fed up/enchanted and did the extremely mentally healthy thing of teaching myself basic mandarin, through about ~april to july. at some points in may i remember coming home from work, scribbling characters in my mandarin notebook over and over, doing chores, going to sleep, and repeating the cycle. a taiwanese friend on here helped out with a lot (it's much, much easier if you have chinese friends to help you, however, i am really not about traditional, although i admit it's more beautiful) and baptized me with a chinese name.
i don't know mandarin, and at this point a lot of the characters i'd learned have faded from memory, but i insist that it's not actually difficult to learn chinese (up to a point— maybe HSK 3 or 4 is where it gets really difficult). in fact, learning chinese is really, really fun.
the difficulty lies in the fact that you have to do it every single day for at least an hour, probably for more (i spent pretty much all my free time on it, but there was something not normal going on with me then). you'd think, isn't that the case for every language? yet i don't remember doing daily french like that, and i consider some aspects of french conjugation/russian grammar much more difficult than what chinese throws at you at similar difficulty levels (good luck with motion verbs, non-slavic speakers). i found learning characters to be very, very easy. they're all distinct. if you learn them together with their etymology, looking at ancient chinese and how they developed along with associated idioms, it's endlessly rewarding. at least in the early levels, there's a bit of a system to how characters and words come together and increase in complexity—sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's cute. it's a breath of fresh air to start reading even basic sentences and idioms in a language so entirely different from anything you've experienced before. many people say speaking chinese is easier than reading/writing: in my experience, that's false. i barely started getting a grasp on the tonal system (my goal was to get to HSK 1 solely through written chinese); i remember listening to the same 2 minute audio clip of two people exchanging phone numbers for half an hour or something once before getting everything right. people say "chinese doesn't have grammar" but that's not true, because otherwise it won't be a language at all, though you don't have to learn any conjugations, declensions, etc. at HSK 1-2 you just throw a modifier/particle into a sentence and you're good to go.
the other main difficulty besides tones is that imo chinese culture is borderline impenetrable if you want to have a genuine stab at it (but for this you don't, necessarily, need to learn mandarin). you can learn HSK 1-2 in a few months or a semester, but it will take you years to genuinely understand the cultural context—there truly is no context clue or familiar idea you can latch on to, as opposed to when learning a european language/history, or even turkish, arabic, persian; there is nothing in common here, and if you guess, you'll probably wind up wrong. it all makes me think of how many journalists/experts get russia wrong: i now firmly do not believe a word of what people write about asia unless i find the author knows the language
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prettygirls-grave · 3 months
restarting ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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this is mostly for myself, but i'm in dire need of a life restart. if anyone out there is feeling stuck, unmotivated, tired, or depressed, like me, this is my little guide to slowly get out of that era. if you find it useful, yay!!
slow goals- these are my "starting point" goals, because setting unrealistic expectations for myself as fallen through sooo many times.
read 20 minutes per day
practice math 2x per week
exercise every other day
meditate (manifest, or positive affirmations) every morning
do something for myself daily (journal, go for a walk, hobbies)
document life daily (upcoming series on this blog!!)
final goals- these are my big, long term goals
have my desired appearance
have a consistent and fulfilling routine
get into my desired school
enjoy life
love myself
be at peace
progress in speaking croatian/italian
month 1- healingˋ°•*⁀➷
from february-march 20th, my goal is to focus on maintaining happiness and loving myself. i will achieve this through daily affirmations, slow routines, gently implementing habits, focusing on the positive, and limiting negative media consumption. this month will be about laying the groundwork. right now, you & i aren't doing the best, but with gradual changes in our miserable routines, we'll be feeling better!!
month 2- progressingˋ°•*⁀➷
from march-april 20th, we'll be amplifying our current routines (probably will go more in depth when we get here) we'll be spending more time on our most important goals. for me, i will revise and practice math for 1 hour every day, have daily language lessons, and venture out of my comfort zone. the most important aspect of this month is consistency!
month 3- set in stoneˋ°•*⁀➷
now it's roughly april 20th! (the dates are just my personal timeline, but are flexible ofc) it's been 2 months of consistent routine, and results are showing up! this month for me will getting on the education grind- making sure i've learned everything in all subjects this year, revising, practicing, and learning more. for this month i want to grow myself in terms of knowledge.
month 4- finale!ˋ°•*⁀➷
june 20th! it's almost summer, school is nearly done, and my school's enrollment is coming up. right now, we're probably used to our routines, and we're feeling goooood! reward ourselves, but final school revision should be happening. i'll be using this month to feel fully confident in my knowledge of math, and other subject's that will be on my school's enrollment. by now we've got our summer bodies, so maybe change up your appearance!! finish this challenge strong <3
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for each quarter, i'll post a more in-depth guide as to what i'll be doing. this guide is obviously tailored to myself, so change it up if needed! i'll also document my "productivity" every day to hold myself accountable.
i'll also post some more detailed posts about the manifesting i'd like to do along the way, and other self development thingies.
guys i'm not a self-help girlie, but this is just my little journey attempting to exit depression. of course i'll post about my other silly little interests.
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eternalpisces · 2 years
Astrology Observations 🪐
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1. Cancer Midheavens are often perceived as caring, nurturing, and sweet. People are always drawn to them for this reason, especially their coworkers. I recently started working at a preschool and had one teacher tell me how she immediately wanted to be friends with me because of how kind and genuine I was, especially with the children in my classroom. It honestly made my day ❤️🥹
2. Virgo Midheavens may be known for their extremely analytical and critical skills as well as their perfectionism. They always like things to be done a certain way especially in the workplace and when this doesn’t happen, they don’t like it all and they will speak their mind on the matter. My mom has a Virgo Midheaven and in every job she has had, she’s never been the one to bite her tongue when she didn’t like something that was going on at work.
3. Cancer stelliums or those with a significant amount of Cancer placements may often be known for their sensitivity and affection. Their love language tend to be words of affirmation and physical touch, especially physical touch. They’re the people who would most likely say, “I’m a hugger.” Of course this also depends on the other aspects in their chart, sometimes there may be a more dominant planet or element going on that can affect this. I have a younger brother and sister who both have a Cancer stellium, however my brother is the one who loves to say, “I love you” and ask for hugs when it comes to us and other family members.
4. Moon in the 9th house individuals may often need to travel and experience different cultures and foods throughout their lives in order to feel happy and fulfilled. Since their moon, the planet that rules over our emotions and what we need to feel emotionally secure, is in the house of travel and higher education, they can often feel restless and discontent when they’re not able to book a trip and travel to a place they want to go. And as to the food part, because the moon is ruled by Cancer, having this placement in the 9th can also indicate a love of food from different countries. I have this placement myself and have always wanted to travel especially to the places I read about in school, like Egypt, Greece, and Italy, two of whom are known for having delicious food.
5. Libra placements especially Libra risings need to learn how to be more assertive and confident in this lifetime. Because of their people pleasing tendency and difficulty in saying, “No,” and asserting their boundaries, they end up neglecting themselves and their needs. This in return, causes a lot of internal conflict, regret, and resentment over time. As a Libra rising, I really can’t stress the importance of being assertive and getting rid of the need to people please especially as you get older and start having more responsibilities.
6. Those who have a 7th house stellium may always need someone to do things with (shopping, going to dinner, seeing a movie, etc). They love having a companion and tend to be bored and discontent when they don’t have someone to do things with on a daily basis.
7. Chiron in the 2nd house individuals often have a challenging relationship with money and may experience financial insecurity in their lives, as they may have even grown up in a family that was not well off and struggled to make ends meet. They may feel that the money they receive is gone as fast as they got it and that they never have enough money to buy the things they need/want or pay their bills. It’s like a never ending cycle that can become a pattern in their lives unless they learn how to break the cycle and stop defining their worth based on the amount of money and lifestyle they have. I actually have this placement myself and I’m still learning how to break this cycle and how to have a better relationship with money.
8. Venus-Neptune and Pisces Venus individuals are the type of people who will still deeply care about a crush or former romantic partner and cherish the memories of them (often exaggerated and sometimes imagined) even when it’s been years. You know that clip from the Regular Show that shows Mordecai reminiscing about his crush, Margaret and wishing she would be in his life again? That’s peak Venus-Neptune and Pisces Venus behavior right there.
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prodigal-explorer · 7 months
specific things i’ve seen tss fans do that make me hate this fandom:
(disclaimer: a lot of this fandom is great but oh my lord i just have to show some of y’all how your behavior affects others because it’s atrocious)
please read this guys because chances are you or someone you know has done at least one of these things because they’re so rampant in this fandom it’s crazy-
1. sending death threats and calling somebody a “boot licker” and a “d-rider” for defending thomas’ silence about the war. like he shouldn’t be saying anything about the war unless he knows enough to have authority on it??? he’s a privileged white man who lives in a place where the war is not taking place. what productive thing would he be able to say about the war?? leave the man alone, he’s not a politician or a military general. if he did say something, it would probably be misinformation. stop acting like you’re some saint because you’re using bullying tactics to make yourself feel more woke.
2. writing aggressive posts about stuff thomas does that is not an issue. what i mean is that he does deserve to be called out if he fucks up (like the whole thing with underpaying his employees), but i saw a post where someone was using super aggressive language because thomas said he was “being delusional” in a short and someone was on their high horse about how thomas was “being insensitive to people who have mental disorders that involve delusions.” like…please go outside. anyone can have a delusion. and if thomas does make a REAL mistake that actually matters, there are better ways to go about it than spewing hate and name calling. he tries very hard and actively patches up mistakes as well as he can, which is more than what can be said about most cis white male celebrities.
3. blatant racism. i’ve been told by white people that my views on poc headcanons are wrong. like i’m a poc??? i would know more than you??? and i try to be nice about it?? so don’t attack me for saying that there’s nothing wrong with race headcanons as long as they’re done in a respectful way? or that just because roman speaks spanish one time doesn’t automatically make him latino and that’s actually a pretty racist assumption? just trust poc fanders. WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT BECAUSE WE EXPERIENCE RACISM ON A DAILY BASIS. white people will never know what it’s like. so stop acting like it. that’s a huge issue in this fandom.
4. a LOT of aphobia. there’s this concept going around that’s like “oh the sides could be ace because they’re not human so they don’t get romance!” like…babes let’s step back and look that over…cuz ace people aren’t ace because they don’t “understand” sex. that’s infantilizing and dehumanizing. it’s possible to be ace just because you don’t want sex in a conventional way. the sides are not a vessel for your aphobia.
5. SO MUCH RUDENESS WHEN IT COMES TO CHARACTER CRITICISM. the amount of death threats i’ve gotten just because i hate patton??? like PLEASE. i’m allowed to hate a character!! i have trauma and patton reminds me of horrible people in my life who did horrible things to me! he’s like a carbon copy of them in my mind! and even if i didn’t have trauma, it would still be valid because patton is a flawed character! there is nothing bad or wrong about dissecting a character’s unkind actions??? that’s just basic analysis. like i ADORE roman and you don’t see me wishing death upon people who don’t like him??? i just block and move on or i hear them out!! because discussion about the flaws of a character you like isn’t a personal attack!!! people NEED to get that in their heads cuz it’s so frustrating when people take it so personally and actively seek it out just to get mad at it.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 [END]
The love story of a mortal and an immortal is always doomed to end in tragedy, but even just a little more time would have meant everything...
And that's Narinder's prologue for this au sketched out. Also yes that's a cat he's just got small rounded ears instead of long sharp ears <3
Explanation of the story under the cut (this time with some dialogue!)
During a festival, someone runs up to Narinder saying a stranger has come to the village, and he's wounded. Narinder recognizes the cloak he wears as being that of a Darkwood cultist, so Narinder takes the injured cat to his home to take care of him, and also to confront him without anyone else there. Narinder finds that he's brought a book of the Old Faith with him.
The stranger wakes up and notices Narinder immediately. Narinder confronts him about the book he's brought with him, and the fact that he's a follower of the Old Faith. The cat explains that he actually ran away, seeing no point in killing and fighting and living and dying for a god who is already dead (awkward considering Leshy is very much alive again and loyal to the Lamb by this time, but neither of them know this), but that his old family outed him as a dissenter and he was chased/attacked on his way out. Narinder accepts this explanation but gives a stern warning to the newcomer;
"These are godless lands and we bow to no one. There will be no talk of the Old or New Faiths, no talks of gods, no preaching. And this book stays in this room so long as you're in this village, got it?"
Narinder drops the book into the side table, then tells the newcomer that he's welcome to stay as long as he wants/needs so long as he doesn't bring talk of gods into the village itself. The newcomer accepts this easily enough- he ran away from the Old Faith, after all, he only brought the book by happenstance.
Narinder gives the stranger clothes and shows him around the village, introducing him to people (and translating for both sides, as the newcomer does not speak the godless language and the godless don't speak the language of the Faithful). Time passes, and the newcomer stays even when he's healed, slotting himself into the daily routine of the village. Narinder begins slowly teaching him about their culture, once it becomes clear that he doesn't intend to leave; he shows him how to take care of the feral beasts, teaches him how to make paper lanterns for their lantern festival, teaches him their dances, and eventually even gives him an ear piercing, the same as anyone who comes of age inside or is accepted into the village from outside gets. It's essentially the moment that he becomes an accepted part of the village, an acknowledgement that he is one of them now; no longer an outsider, no longer a cultist but one of the godless.
One day, Narinder's friend (as by this time he cannot really be called a newcomer and ofc I don't have a name for him...) confesses to Narinder, and Narinder realizes all at once that if he wants to pursue this... thing he and his friend have going on, he needs to tell him the truth.
So Narinder does it in the most dramatic sad wet cat way he can; he brings out the book that's sat gathering dust inside the drawer for well over a year now and finds the entry on the Red Crown and the One Who Waits. The "Friend" is confused at first before looking at Narinder and realizing that Narinder is the One Who Waits- a fallen god of the Old Faith, and arguably the most powerful of all of the Old gods.
And... he doesn't care. Narinder is Narinder, not the Bishop of Death after all. He just tosses the book- something once sacred in the cult he was born into- aside and expresses that he doesn't care; it doesn't matter who Narinder used to be, or the crimes he committed in the past, because he loves the person Narinder is now. Narinder accepts his confession with this acceptance.
Time passes. They marry, with Narinder presenting a marriage charm to him, much to his delight. They start a family- first child they name Ari, the second Elloi, and the third Minuit, all a few years apart in age.
And for just a little bit- everything is perfect. Even though Narinder's immortality hangs over him like a shroud, he takes every day a moment at a time, and he's happier than he's been in a long, long time.
Then one night they're woken by the sound of crashing and screams. They're a little freaked out, because it's been so long for both of them but they recognize that sound- they've just both been on the other side of it. Opening the curtains confirms Narinder's fears; there's a raid happening on their village, the same way gods and their cults once crusaded against each other and razed entire settlements in a bid for power. Buildings are burning, people are running and screaming and crying, some people are dead, and robe-clad people very reminiscent of cultists and heretics bear weapons and chase people down, uncaring of whether they're old, young or children.
Narinder scoops up the baby- only a few months old and crying in fear- while his husband rushes to grab their older kits, only to find their beds empty. Panic sets in, and rather than running into the forest (to hide and hopefully avoid the attackers) like they initially planned, they rush into the village to look for their daughters. Narinder comes face to face with a cultist, and has a moment where he remembers Shamura teaching him offensive magic- before they even had the crowns, back when it was just them and the magic they were born with. Chains, which he hasn't seen or felt in nearly a hundred years at this point, shoot up at his command, spearing through and instantly killing his would-be attacker.
His husband, somewhere along the way, loses the dagger he'd always carried while fighting cultists. He spots their daughters on the ground, holding onto each other and crying in fear while a cultist raises a sword. Instinct kicks in and he rushes to them, throwing himself between his kits and their attacker- too afraid that attacking them would still end up with his kits hit by the sword.
Narinder hears his kits scream and turns in time to see his husband collapse, mortally wounded (he did take a sword for someone who was in front of him, that shit went DEEP), and in a moment of horror reaches out with his magic, spearing their attacker with the chain before they can turn their attention to the kits again. He runs over, dropping down by his husband's side, and pulls him into his lap. His husband manages to smile at him, saying some final words before dying in his family's arms.
Grief hits Narinder hard, and his magic lashes out; withering lines of decay snake through the village, the grass crumbling and the earth itself cracking in the wake of his magic. It targets the cultists while avoiding the villagers, and the cultists begin rotting and turning to dust right on the spot, whether they are bodies on the ground or living beings in the middle of swinging an axe. All at once the tables are turned, their attackers reduced to ash and blood on the ground and in the wind, and careful to avoid the lines, slowly the bravest of the villagers follow the decaying earth to its epicenter; Narinder and his once-again-broken family.
None of the villagers fear Narinder, even like this. All they feel is grief; grief for what has happened to their village, grief for their neighbors and loved ones, grief for the families that have been lost, grief for what the future holds for them. They share in his grief, but they realize something in that moment; Narinder can actually do something with his grief.
A few days pass and the dead have been buried. Narinder and his older kits pay respects to his husband's grave, and some villagers approach to give their condolences and also ask; "What now?"
He looks back, listening to their worries. With his third eye open and with him reaching out to them with his own magic, he notices for the first time that some of them have a certain... energy about them. Some have more than others; some's energy is lashing out, while others' are gentle, and some are... reaching back to him. He realizes that this energy is magic- the same thing Shamura saw in him and the others, thousands of years ago, when they decided to train them.
He remembers Shamura telling him something now, when he asked why they taught him and the others to fight and use magic when they clearly wanted to keep them all safe; "Sometimes the best way to protect those you love is teach them to protect themselves."
He takes this lesson to heart now; the village must learn to fight, so that they will never be made victims again.
"We rebuild. We learn to wield swords." He summons a flame into his hand, holding it out for the villagers who have turned to him in this time of hardship to see. "And those of you who are capable of magic- I will teach it to you.
"What has happened here will not happen again."
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Let's Answer Some Questions~~
Hiya! So, I have gotten some good questions in my asks recently, and I will just hit them all at once instead of answering each person individually.
Is English your first language? Do you have an editor?
Yes, English is my first language! No, I do not have an editor. I have a speech impediment and dyslexia, so my writing can look a bit rough at times. I can speak pretty quickly and sound quite 'normal' (remember everyone, the term normal is a societal construct) in person; however, in terms of text, due to my dyslexia and speech issues, I struggle a lot and kinda sound like a terrible high school rough draft in my writing. I have used Grammarly Premium since college to help with my writing. Personally, I feel that if I let my disorders and issues prevent me from doing something I love, I would be a lot sadder of a person. My partner has offered to be my editor, but he doesn't know how consistently he could keep up with me. So please bear with me if you see any spelling or grammatical errors. I am trying my best!
2. When will you get to my request?
I promise I am working on them! To be candid with everyone, I am working on at least one request daily. However, as I stated above, I do have dyslexia; for me personally, focusing on words/letters for extended periods really hurts my head and can cause some migraines. Some days are significantly better than others. I know all disorders/ illnesses/issues look differently for every person, but for me, I tend to get terrible migraines, blurry vision, and dizziness when I make myself look at words too long. I do have glasses, though, and sometimes they help extend my time without the migraines, which is nice.
3. Do you do smut?
Yes, I do; if you notice, I am an 18+ account. HOWEVER, smut will not be written for Anons or for anyone who doesn't have an age in their blogs. I will also only follow people who include their age in their blogs. I hope that you who enjoy my content will respect my boundaries.
4. Why do you post only in the middle of the night?
Well, folks, for my North American followers, I am posting in the middle of the night because, well, I am, in fact, doing that. Like I said in my pinned post on my blog, I work nights at an office during the week. Due to this, my sleep schedule is the opposite of most people's. I post consistently for my followers outside North America during your daytime. So, to you guys, I look like a diligent, creative writer. All jokes aside, if my posting late at night is inconvenient, I recently learned the Queue feature and can begin to use that.
5. Will you add more to your writing list?
Yes, I would like to do so in the future. I am keeping it to just the fandoms I am hyper-fixated on. Once I have a new fixation, I will update the pinned post and ensure everyone knows I am writing for something else. Currently, I am big into League and Magic the Gathering. I am also waiting for the new season of Helluva Boss before I add those characters to my list. Thank you for being patient and waiting! If you have a suggestion for something I would hyper-fixate on and enjoy, please message me and let me know! I would love to get into some more things you guys enjoy!
This is a clarifier about my blog and person. I appreciate all the reblogs, hearts, and requests I have gotten. All of you are unique and sweet individuals. I plan to continue to produce stories good enough for the masses. Thank you! <3
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