#i think that scene is begging for a musical number
vampiricgf · 2 days
ᝰ you think he's just another frat boy with meaningless flirty words for the person he sits next to in a boring class (he's down horrendous)
frat boy satoru x f!reader, college au, somewhat established relationship you guys are classmates, sfw no smut, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, just lots of him being an idiot with a massive huge earth shattering crush <3
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"And how's my favorite girl?"
"Worse, thought you'd skip this class again and we'd have some peace." You roll your eyes as you slide the straps of your backpack over the back of your chair.
Satoru Gojo, nuance Sig Ep and unfortunately glued to your side since the first day of statistics for reasons unknown to you. You'd made an effort to avoid members of greek life on campus, not wanting to get involved in party culture or whatever new dramatics were unfolding with its subgroups. That only seemed to encourage him though, casually throwing his arm around you through the duration of lectures and begging in that whining tone of his for you to come by the house.
You never did, you also pointedly ignored most of his text messages and actively regretted ever having to give him your phone number after the one assignment you'd been paired up for. Outside the occasional drunk text where he'd plead for you to show up, which did make you feel both bad for ignoring him and a little high off the attention. Not that you'd ever admit to clicking your phone lock and grinning to yourself in bed on those nights.
"C'mon, I'm the highlight of your day!" He shoots you that signature megawatt smile and you stick out your tongue at him, scooting your chair in the opposite direction and creating a wide gap as you sit down.
You see him frown and for a half second it looks genuine, making a pang of guilt reverberate through you so you scoot back to where you were and he resumes pestering you with some latest escapade in the Eps house as you both wait for the stream of students to peter off and the lecture to begin.
"Hey so, why you been ignoring my texts?" He pulls a pout and god you wish it wasn't actually cute.
"You send me weird combinations of emojis Gojo, what can I say to that?"
"It's Satoru," he quips almost immediately, barely allowing you to finish.
"Alright, Satoru, it's because you send me weirdo shit. Say hi every once in a while and maybe I'll say it back." You shrug, opening your laptop and preparing yourself to block out his incessant whispering for the next hour while you take down notes.
"You actually came!"
The sheer volume in the cramped, would-be living room of the house made you wince in tandem with his shout as Satoru threw an arm around you.
"I'm just humoring you so you stop bugging me!" You shout back, accepting a cup of god knows what from his hands and already formulating a plan of when it would be polite to bow out for the night without a barrage of where'd you go texts.
He doesn't answer you, too busy immediately yelling at some other guy over the volume of the music but you don't miss the way his hand slides down your back to settle at the lower curve, just above your ass. It makes you smile a little, despite your own misgivings about the scene you're in.
But quickly it becomes too much, being jostled by a permanently sweaty and horny crowd in such a cramped space, and you find yourself drifting outside to a patio sparsely populated with only a handful of smokers. The alcohol buzzing inside your brain makes you crave one, a thick, acrid stream of smoke spreading like thick flower petals blossoming inside your lungs.
One girl catches your eye and slowly you meander over to where she's perched, away from the rest on a railing that's seen one too many coats of poor paint jobs.
"Could I bum one off you?"
"You got a dollar?"
Lamely you pat your hips, absentmindedly searching for one until she lets out a soft laugh and extends the pack in her hand out to you. Marlboro lights, the gold top of it shimmers faintly in the dim light as you slide one out and accept the lighter she passes you.
"I tell myself lights mean I'm working on quitting. What a load of shit." She huffs out a laugh to herself as you flick the lighter and it gives a few sparky coughs before the flame catches, burning the tip of the cigarette into a solid ember cherry.
"I'm Ieiri," she says cordially as you hand back the deep purple lighter.
You give her your name before taking a deep drag of the cigarette, enjoying the feeling of it settling in your chest.
"They should invent a kind of cigarette that doesn't kill you." You say absentmindedly and she cracks a smile.
"Too bad the "healthy " cigarettes of ye old days had asbestos in them."
That makes you laugh, enjoying the way it flows into the air with the breeze that plays against your skin, like a lover running fingers over it and giving you gooseflesh.
"Wait, you're the girl Satorus got statistics with right? Tuesdays and Thursdays?" She asks between puffs, flicking ash off into the dark.
"Yeah, the very same. I figured I should finally take him up on the offer to come over, I've blown him off so many times." Saying out loud makes you feel a little like an ass, he may get on your nerves but he's never been anything but sweet to you.
"You know he's like, obsessed with you, right?" She says with another laugh and it makes you raise a brow.
"Oh yeah?"
She shakes her head, another drag before continuing. "Oh yeah. Gets too drunk every weekend and cries in the bathroom because you didn't show, has a crisis every day because he doesn't know what to say to you in texts. I've never seen him excited about a math course before this semester either, usually it's any excuse to cut class until a prof bitches at him."
With every word a strange sense of giddiness grows in tandem with the alcohol drenching your brain, and you can't help but think about those devastating blue eyes. The opposite of rose colored glasses but it fits, a shade of comfortable blue that tints the world because of him and suddenly you're gripped by the urgent need to go back inside and find him.
"Hey, thanks for the cigarette but I'm gonna go find him. See you inside?" You crush the butt out with the toe of your shoe, grinding it down and giving Ieiri a wave goodbye as the wall of thumping bass and neon light swallows you back up.
It strikes you as incredible how a house can turn into a labyrinth when filled to the brim with bodies and only offering the occasional flash of strobe or neon lights to guide you in the dark. After when feels like hours and checking nearly every room you come across for Satoru, without luck, you find Ierie once again leaning against a closed door with a particularly bored expression.
"Satoru she wasn't saying she was leaving she said she was coming to find you, dummy. Open the door."
As you sidled up beside her she shot you a conspiratorial glance before pulling you closer so you could hear her over the din.
"Can you tell him you're right here? He's such a whiny drunk." She rolls her eyes but you can tell it's playful, although you get the feeling this has happened more than once.
Hesitantly you put your palm against the door, feeling the distant bass thrumming through the wood. "Hey Satoru? I didn't leave, I'm right out here with Ierie!"
There's silence on the other side, making you frown in concern until the door is suddenly wrenched open and you nearly fall right against him. Despite clearly being drunk his hands come to grasp your upper arms gently to steady you before yanking you inside the hazy dark of what you assume was his bedroom.
"You're welcome!" You hear Shoko yell through the door as he sits down in a huff, still holding onto you, against a well worn futon.
You can't help but giggle at the way he almost curls around you, as if determined to attach to your side like some sort of sucker fish. With a bit of wiggling you manage to pull back, sweeping a few stray strands of hair from those baby blues as you do.
It's in that moment, when your fingertips brush his skin, that everything seems to pause. The noise outside seemingly vanishes, and it's like only the two of you exist in a comfortable bubble of silence. You never really noticed how his eyes looked almost crystalline before, too pretty to exist.
"Who gave you eyes like that?" You murmur, more to yourself but nevertheless he beams down at you.
"So you do like me, huh?"
The way he says it, so boyish, so... happy. You can't help but smile back, a shy thing that barely tugs at the corners of your lips.
"Duh, of course I do."
That makes him frown a bit, brows knitting in thought and somehow it made him look even cuter. No fair.
"Then how come you never showed up before? And you don't text me back?" A little pout forms on his lips as he finishes and you're struck with the overwhelming urge to kiss him.
With a superhuman effort you keep yourself focused on answering him. "You're, well... All this," you gesture broadly with your hands as you pull away slightly. "And I'm just a girl you have stats with. I thought maybe you were just yanking me around, being flirty in class but that's it, you know? I didn't wanna look stupid getting my hopes up."
"A girl I have stats with? You're joking, right? You're everything." He says incredulously, eyes wide as if more shocked than insulted that you could've looked at the situation that way.
Heat rushes beneath your skin at that, you're everything, and you know it's not the alcohol making you lightheaded. In your silence he continues.
"Y'know I'm not just messing around with you, I think about you all the time. Sometimes you're all I think about all day-"
With a surge of confidence you grab him by the front of his shirt, pulling him down and cutting him off with your lips pressed against his. It grips you like a fever, a crushing need to taste him. It's all sloppy teeth and tongues and spit but it feels perfectly serendipitous at the same time, an otherworldly calm that takes hold of your mind as your lips move against one another.
As you open your eyes into his you can't help the grin that now stretches wide across your mouth, giggling as you press kiss after kiss against his lips, his cheeks, his forehead and soon enough he's dissolved into a puddle of giggles and faux pouts in your arms.
"Will you tell me I'm your favorite girl again?"
"I'll tell you that forever."
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et6rnalsun · 17 days
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LET ‘EM KNOW, chris sturn
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𝜗𝜚 pairing: chris sturn x fem! reader
warnings: 18+ smut, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up) literally js sex, chris being rough as always, slightly toxic! reader & toxic! chris
posted this cuz i needed to post something so here u go sum freaky smut. there’s a small time skip directly to the sex, hope it’s clear
your relationship with chris was complicated — and it couldn't even be called that.
something unfinished, that neither of you wanted to end. something that you had to let go but were too attached and dependent to the toxicity of the entire thing. you fucked, argued, argued while you fucked. it was a cycle that repeated itself, threats of never seeing each other again and then ending up in each other's bed with sinful moans escaping from swollen lips.
you weren't a jealous person, never been, especially towards him. you knew perfectly well he fucked other girls and pride ate you up completely before you could make a scene or something. but there was one of his hoes in particular, who made your hands tingle with the desire to beat her ass, that kept hanging around on him as if he was hers.
you fought the urge to nibble on your freshly manicured nails as you stared at that photo posted on his instagram story, their faces too close for your liking, clearly laying in his bed. so, you didn't think twice before clicking on his number, calling him. you waited one ring, two rings, and at the third he finally answered, his raspy voice saying your name slurredly.
"can you come over?" you asked shortly, getting straight to the point as you sat on the edge of your bed. chris sighed, knowing where you were going with this. "i'm busy right now, i think you know that"
"do you think i care? drop this bitch, chris, we both know you're dying to come here anyway" you huffed, not caring in the slightest that maybe you sounded too cocky. then your voice took on a more pleading tone, trying to get to him. "please, i need you. i’m not even kidding"
you could practically hear him wavering, his silence the answer you needed while you were already smiling in victory. "i'm coming. i fucking hate you" and hang up.
you then stood up, walking to the bathroom as you changed out of your underwear into his favorite thong, a smirk on your glossy lips the whole time. you had won, as always. you had confirmed that chris couldn't even resist you and your sweet voice of yours that begged him so subtly.
you didn't care if you sounded pathetic, or if you wouldn't do it for any other man anyway. you wanted him and had him again.
and then you didn't care even more as your fingers continued to pull the long curls of his hair to draw him closer to your neck, already tortured by marks and hickeys. your other hand gripping the crumpled sheets of your bed due to the inhuman rhythm of his thrusts. your moans were like music to his ears, especially after not hearing them for so long.
the tight, pink thong you had worn a few minutes before his arrival had been thrown to the floor without the slightest importance or care, like the rest of your clothes, only that one had been completely torn by chris's fucking impatient hands.
“you're such a needy slut,” he murmured through gritted teeth, one of his hands resting on your neck to keep you still. "you couldn't stand the fact that i was with someone else, huh? admit it" to those last words he added a thrust that hit right in that sweet spot, making you whimper.
“shut the fuck up” you managed to breathe out, your thighs tightening around him as you were desperate to reach your orgasm. "you didn't even - ah- didn't even hesitate to come here, didn’t you?”
he tightened his grip on your neck, lifting one of your thighs onto his shoulder with his other hand as he groaned. "fuck you" small beads of sweat had formed on his forehead at that point. “no one, no one has a pussy as fucking tight as yours” he felt like your walls were about to snap him in half, his eyes nearly rolling into the back of his head. "you drive me so crazy"
your moans had increased, feeling that pressure starting to persist more and more. “admit it” you whimpered, your long nails scratching his back as your arched yours slightly in pleasure. "admit that no one is like me"
his lips had found your bare shoulder, his teeth digging and biting into the sensitive skin as he whispered and moaned shamelessly into it. "no one makes me feel like you do, ma, i would gladly die inside this pussy if i could."
and you're cumming around him the minute the words leave his lips.
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wolfjackle-creates · 5 months
Answer My Call Chapter 2 Part 1
What's this? Two posts for WIP Wednesday??? I said I was gonna spoil you guys. Now, I originally planned to do Carry Your Heart. Figured the top and bottom choices from the WIP Wednesday poll would be fun. But both stories are at a point where Danny is taking Jason to Frostbite and I just didn't feel like writing the same scenario twice, even if the details and POV are totally different.
So I went to the third place option.
If you want a say in what I work on this week, check out the poll!
Story Summary: Jazz, Sam, and Tucker manage to help Danny escape the GIW, but they can't follow him and are under too much surveillance to communicate with each other. Sam snuck Danny a phone as he ran and Jazz sends him a text every day, hoping to hear he is all right. But he's not the one getting the texts.
Jason was away for several months on a mission with the Outlaws. When he finally returns home, he is surprised to find dozens of messages from an unknown number begging a Danny to tell her he's okay. Looks like there's not going to be a break between missions this time around.
Chapter 1: AO3 (user locked), Tumblr
Word Count: 1.5k
Jazz tapped her finger on her phone as she waited for the Dunkin employee to call out her order. Red Hood was supposed to arrive any minute. She’d left her dorm a full two hours ago and led Agents K and O on a merry chase through Boston before finally losing them at Quincy Market. Then she’d doubled back and was now near Northeastern. She had no reason to be here, so hopefully it’d take a little longer to track her down.
And that’s when she felt it—a ghost or liminal was nearby.
Pushing his way in the building was a tall man with a red beanie covering dark hair. He had on an unbuttoned flannel jacket over a Dumpty Humpty T-shirt and jeans with a backpack slung over one shoulder. He glanced around before his eyes settled on her and he grinned.
“Hey, Jazz, right?” He held out his hand. “I’m Todd.”
Jazz couldn’t say anything and just stared in horror. Red Hood couldn’t be liminal. Had she just led another liminal to the guys in white? Did he even realize he was considered an ecto-entity under the anti-ecto acts she’d introduced him and Red Robin to?
“Jazz? Are you okay?” he asked, dropping his hand.
“Order for Jazz!” called out the barista.
Jazz shook herself and grabbed her drink with a smile for the employee. Then she grabbed Todd’s elbow and dragged him over to the tables.
“Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting—” she cut herself off. She had no idea what he knew and what he didn’t. And the agents could come get them at any moment. Instead she pulled out her phone started turning off every security setting. “Never mind. Do you want anything?” she asked with a gesture at her own drink.
“I’m all right. But, are you? What happened?”
Jazz let out a laugh; if the way Todd’s eyes widened was any indication, it was a tad more hysterical that she would’ve liked. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing happened.” She looked down at his shirt. “My brother loves Dumpty Humpty, you a music fan?”
He seemed nonplussed at the topic change but shrugged. “Sure. Music is good, but I stole this shirt from one of my brothers. I don’t know if I could name a single song by them. How about you?”
Jazz grinned and forced herself to relax as she logged out of her school email on her phone. “I’m a huge fan of any sort of self-expression, including music. Actually, my plans for tonight involve music, so I hope you like the indie scene. Might be a bit intense for a first date, but I’ve always figured, why not jump right in? Show ‘em the crazy from the start and see if they can keep up.” She leaned forward over the table and winked at him. “Think you’ll be able to keep up?”
Todd played the game perfectly and looked her up and down like they really were about to start a first date. “With you, sweetheart, I’ll follow anywhere you lead.”
Jazz laughed and stood. “Come on, then. We’re going on an adventure.”
Todd grinned and joined her. “Lead the way.”
Once out of the building, Jazz led them away from the university. This being Boston, it wasn’t long before they came across a homeless man begging on the side of the street.
Wincing internally, she gripped Todd’s arm and said loudly, “Honestly, I don’t know why the cops don’t do a better job of keeping away the beggars.”
Todd looked at her in surprise. “What are you talking about? They have a right to exist and we should help them.”
“They’re probably fine. Everyone knows they only use the money they’re given on drugs and alcohol.” She pretended to glance at her phone before reaching back to shove it in her back pocket. Only to miss so it fell to the ground. “Ew, he’s looking at us. Come on, let’s cross the street.”
She could feel the way Todd tensed at her words, but he let himself be led across the street.
As soon as they were out of hearing shot, he turned to her and hissed, “What the hell was that?”
Jazz glanced back and saw the man picking up her phone. She looked away before he could catch her looking. “Come on, I’ll explain.” She grabbed Todd’s hand and led him down an alley to a much busier street. “I had to ditch my phone. I logged out of everything and left it unlocked so he can use it or resell it. I needed to make sure he wouldn’t try to return it to me and, well, what better way than being the worst person you can imagine?”
And now he was staring, open mouthed.
“They’ve had remote access to my phone for months and I couldn’t let them track us!” she insisted. Habit had her looking around for any sign of a white suit.
“Who can’t find us?”
Jazz shook her head. “The guys in white. Look, this is too public. I can’t say much else here. But meeting you, everything had to change. You’re in danger just by being near me and I refuse to be the reason you get hurt.”
“Why am I in danger?”
“Later!” Jazz hissed before wincing and looking around. She forced a smile back on her face and asked, in as normal a tone as she could manage, “What time is it? Do you know?”
He looked down at his phone. “Uh, looks like it’s almost five.”
“Oh great! Plenty of time for us to get something to eat before I bring you to our surprise destination.”
And from there, Jazz led Todd on a convoluted tour of Boston. They grabbed food at the Pru, then she took him to the green line. Where they traveled four stops before she jumped up in feigned surprise that they were on the wrong branch. So then they got off and hopped on the train going in the opposite direction.
Which was where she wanted to be going all along.
For once, she was happy the orange line was still under construction, because the shuffle of passengers from trains to buses and back just made their journey that much more complicated and harder to follow.
By the time they finally got to their stop, the sun had mostly set. The station was mostly empty and Jazz looked around for any sign of white suits or vans, but even when she didn't see any, she couldn't relax.
“Where are we going?” Todd asked for probably the dozenth time.
Jazz rolled her eyes. “We’ll be there in five minutes and then you’ll find out.”
She led him to the street, the crosswalk had lights over it, but the rest of the road was shrouded in darkness. They ran across without waiting for the walk symbol.
Once they crossed what was basically a divided highway, Jazz led them along the poorly lit and cracked sidewalk. Ahead of them they were approaching a river.
“It’s before the river,” muttered Jazz to herself. “Is this it?” She hesitated at the top of a sloping, unpaved drive that led to an industrial building that sat on the waterfront. “I think so. Apparently this building used to be a coffin factory. Cool, huh?”
“I don’t care for coffins,” was Todd’s terse reply.
Jazz flinched slightly. She knew he was death-adjacent. Should’ve known better than to mention coffins. “Right, sorry. Well, they aren’t made here anymore.” She made her way down the steep drive, Todd a step behind her.
“What is it now?”
“Apartments, I believe.”
Once at the bottom, she looked around and saw the old loading dock. Entering, she looked for the door on the left.
Only to hesitate once more. Two doors were on the left. She hadn’t heard anything about there being two doors. Taking a chance, she opened the first one.
Inside was a table where two women sat in front of a metal box. On the wall were a set of pegs already mostly filled with coats. And inside milled probably thirty or forty people.
The women smiled at Jazz. “Hi, have you two been here before?”
Jazz shook her head and pulled two twenties out of her wallet. “No. But I had a classmate come here and tell me about it. When I realized you had something going on tonight when I had a date? Figured it was a great place to come with my partner!”
She laughed. “We’re definitely unique here at the Night Cap.” She stamped their hands. “Show starts in half an hour, but feel free to mingle until then. Bathroom’s through the kitchen.”
“Thanks! We’re looking forward to tonight.”
Todd nodded his own thanks and followed Jazz into the room.
“What are we doing here?” he whispered in her ear.
“Hiding,” she whispered back. “I’ve never been here before. Never even taken this stop on the T before. When we leave here, we’ll get a motel room or something and I’ll tell you everything.”
“Is this necessary?”
“Without a doubt.”
Jazz could tell Todd didn’t fully believe her, but he dropped it. Jazz found a few people who were discussing that evening’s performers and the two of them joined the conversation.
Part 2
I no longer do tag lists, but please check out the Subscription Post if you want notifications when I update.
So, I had a lot of fun with this section. The place Jazz takes Jason to? Real place. Though Night Cap isn't what the residents call it. Honestly, the real name is also impossible to google. If you don't know it exists, you would never find it (why Jazz runs from the GIW there). Out of respect for the residents of the apartment, though, I changed the name. I went to a show there and it was super weird trying to find it. Like, the directions in my email seriously said "enter the loading dock of the former coffin factory, find the door on the left, and slip the person standing there $10-20 cash. Don't touch anyone's personal belongings, please."
As we waited for the bathroom during set break, two of the residents were cooking dinner at the stove and we were chatting about how Regan was the worst.
10/10 would go again.
Anyone who has spent any time in Boston knows what I mean about the T being under construction. Annoying as hell, but it worked out for Jazz this time.
(The T is the name of the Boston train/subway system.)
The Pru refers to the Prudential building. The bottom level(s) are full of restaurants and shops (basically a high end shopping mall) and upper levels are offices. The top level is an observation deck that's open to the public, though I've never been.
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neonghostlights · 1 year
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Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Actress!Reader
★ Summary: It’s the ‘90s in LA and you and your best friend Eddie have both made it big. The following is a series of Interviews, News Reports and One Shots showing you and Eddie’s story throughout the years.
★ Chapter Summary: Eddie drags you onto a late night talk show.
★ Word count: 3.1k
★ Warnings: brief mention of throwing up (doesn't happen just mentioned), Anxiety, Stage Fright, Panic Attacks, Reader is wearing a dress and heels, If I missed anything please let me know 18+only, Minors DNI
Series Masterlist
Chapter one: Flashbacks
June 1990
You adjusted the microphone clipped to your chest one more time before you heard your name announced through the loud speaker. 
“Have fun!” The nice lady with the clipboard and earpiece chirped at you before she gave your back a gentle shove to get moving. You hobbled forward, legs shaking from the rush of anxiety. Is this how Eddie feels before he performs for thousands of people? It can’t be the same. 
Loud upbeat jazz music played from the live band on the corner of the stage to make your entrance more dramatic. Like you were supposed to be someone important. 
Times like these made you thankful that you chose to be a screen actor and not a stage actor. You couldn’t handle the pressure of the live crowd. All of those expectant eyes staring at you and taking in your every move, just waiting for you to mess up somehow. 
It was different when it was just you and crew on a movie set. You could mess up and have the chance to redo things. No one judged you for forgetting a line or giggling during a difficult scene. A good director would just call cut and start over. 
Real life wasn’t so forgiving. 
One foot in front of the other, your heels clicked across the polished floor as you made your way onto the stage where Eddie and the host stood  and waited for you with smiles on their faces. 
Eddie had a hand out to you to help you to your seat. He wore his tight leather pants and a billowy black shirt that was unbuttoned down his chest, showing off pale skin and tattoos. His thick black boots pulled the look all together. You thought he looked like some sort of rugged rocker pirate. 
He looked much more relaxed like this compared to you, who got shoved into a tight dress and heels despite your protesting. 
This is what stars do. These are the sacrifices you have to make. 
When Eddie called you and begged you to come onto this late night show with him, you initially laughed and told him to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. This wasn’t your first talk show, having done a few when you first started taking off a couple of years ago after landing your breakout role. But you have avoided doing anything like this ever since then. Every time you stepped out under the lights and saw the live audience your stomach shriveled up. 
How ironic was it to be an actress with crippling stage fright. 
It wasn’t only the crowd that got to you. The hosts always had a way to make these things feel like normal conversations when really they wanted to sensationalize everything. A seemingly innocent question could start a forest fire that would have tabloids and paparazzi chasing you down for weeks or even in unlucky cases, years. 
Eddie caught your eye as you approached the chair beside him. He gave you a small wink and  greeted you like he hadn’t just been offering to hold a trash can for you to puke into in your dressing room. 
“I already talked to Margie about it. She thinks it’s a great idea,” he had said smugly on the phone when he called to talk you into doing this. 
“Who gave you my manager's number and why do you think you can call her whenever you want?” You had asked him, pissed off that he had thought to go around you. He knew once he involved Margie you would have a hard time getting out of it. 
“Margie gave me her number a while ago.” You could imagine him waving his hand in the air like it didn’t matter. “I knew it would come in handy one day.”
And he was right, of course. Margie insisted that it would be great to go on the talk show and rub elbows. Let Eddie charm the fans while talking up your upcoming movie and his upcoming album and tour. 
“The press loves to see you two together!” Margie had reminded you when she left you with no choice but to come to this tonight. 
The host, Johnny Flick, waited behind his large desk with a bright smile, leaning over it to shake your hand. His teeth were unnaturally white. His hair bleached and combed back into a high pompadour. 
You thought it was kind of funny that he used a desk for live TV interviews like these. Almost like he was a judge presiding over his court. 
“Welcome! Welcome!” He greeted you as you sat in the cushioned chair beside Eddie. Johnny  adjusted the large microphone that sat in front of him so it was closer to his mouth. 
The crowd applauded and cheered even louder as you gave them a little wave. The sound was a deafening roar, making your ears rumble. At least the girls weren’t letting out high pitched squeals for you like they did when Eddie sauntered up to his seat before you. 
“Hi, Johnny,” you said sweetly, flashing him your best smile. 
Fake it till you make it. 
The crowd hushed to allow the interview to get started. 
“Let me tell you, I am so happy you decided to join us tonight!” Johnny said enthusiastically, eliciting another cheer from the crowd. 
“Happy to be here,” you smiled back while mentally calling Eddie every bad name in the book. 
“Glad to hear it! Now, I’m going to jump right into it. I heard through the grapevine that you and Eddie have quite the history together! Is that right?” Johnny asked with a salacious smile and a wink. 
There it was. Fishing for information. Anything to get their show more ratings. Twist and turn things to make them more scandalous than they actually are. 
He didn’t even bother asking how you were. He just jumped right into the juicy stuff. 
Eddie sat forward, his charming smirk on display. The one that had anyone and everyone dropping their panties in a heartbeat.You thought you heard a girl gasp loudly from the front row. You fought the urge to roll your eyes at the theatrics of it all. 
You were immune to Eddie’s shenanigans. 
“You’re looking at the longest relationship I’ve ever been in,” Eddie crooned from beside you. 
He was really dialing it up tonight. His rockstar persona was in full force that had every eye focused on him. You were thankful though because you knew what he was doing. Getting the attention off of you. You wondered at what point he felt bad about forcing your hand to be on the show with him. Was it during your first panic attack of the night or the second?
“Is that so?” Johnny questioned, taken off guard while he glanced down at the cheat sheet of notes in front of him. 
You thought  you heard someone break out in tears at the thought of Eddie not being single. 
You sighed. “We’ve been best friends for about twelve years,” you spoke up before a riot could start, a smile still plastered to your face. How long would you have to smile like this before it became permanently stuck onto your face? 
It wasn’t the first time you had to clarify that you and Eddie were just friends. And it wouldn’t be the last. 
“Twelve years! That’s amazing. I know of marriages that don’t last that long,” Johnny exclaimed. The audience gave a well timed laugh. You wondered if there was an illuminated sign that told them when to laugh like in the movies. 
You remembered that day from twelve years ago well. The day you approached the skinny kid with a buzz cut and big brown eyes that sat out on the trailer steps across from where you lived with your grandmother. You noticed everyday the first couple of weeks he moved in he would only play by himself. You would strain your ears trying to hear the fantasy stories he would mutter to himself while drawing in his notebook or playing with dragon figurines. 
One day you approached him and asked him to tell you some of the stories about the dragons. The both of you had been inseparable ever since. 
So when Eddie thought he could travel to LA to make a name for himself, it was a no brainer for you to follow. 
Once the laughter died down Johnny spoke again, “And how did you two both manage to make it big?”
“Well,” Eddie said, taking the reins for you once again. “I had a hard time graduating highschool so when I wanted to come out to California to start over, I begged my best friend here to come with me to keep me out of trouble,” he said with a chuckle, his eyes softening at the memory. You could tell he was picturing the time he got on both knees and held onto your ankles, crying and pleading for you to come with him so he wouldn’t have to come out here alone. Even though all of Corroded Coffin was coming with him. Of course he always left that part out of the retelling of the story. “We both got lucky I guess. Corroded Coffin landed a record deal within the first year and a month after that she landed her first big role. It was just dumb luck.”
You smiled and nodded along. You wondered how long you could get away with just doing that. 
Margie liked to call you ‘the most introverted celebrity’ she had ever met. You couldn’t find it in yourself to be offended. It was the truth. You attended the red carpets and movie premiers just to go home as soon as possible and curl up on your couch alone. 
“No way that was just luck! You are both way too talented for that!” Johnny said loudly. The crowd murmured enthusiastically in agreement. 
“I think she’s the more talented one out of the two of us. Did you see that she has a new movie coming out in a few weeks? It’s going to be great,” Eddie said as he knocked a knuckle against your shoulder. 
“Yes! And we will show the trailer for that in just a bit! Now do you have any embarrassing stories from when  you were younger?” Johnny asked, leaning in close to you and Eddie like he was a friend to you both. 
“I left my notebook full of embarrassing stories about Eddie somewhere at home,” you tried to deflect with a laugh. 
“Oh, come on! Let’s hear one! Eddie, do you have any embarrassing stories to share?” Jonny pushed with a big smile. 
The crowd cheered in agreement. 
“I’ll tell you one,” Eddie announced from beside you. “One time she had to come rescue me from prom because my date was actually a prank. I got so embarrassed that I  hid in the bathroom for at least an hour.”
The crowd awed at his story. You apologized in your mind for all the mean words you had mentally thrown at him earlier. He could have easily told him the thousands of the stories he had of you. But instead, he chose to pick on himself. 
“It’s true,” you nodded with a sad smile. “I had to go into the mens bathroom and everything to drag him out.”
To this day, you still had a vow to beat up Jenny Johnson if you ever saw her again. 
What he wasn’t telling them was that after you showed up to rescue him, he pulled you out onto the dance floor for just one dance. 
Neither of you were telling that it happened to be a slow song by the time you made it to the dance floor. And you definitely weren’t going to share how neither of you had brought up the kiss since it happened five years ago. 
“That’s a good friend!” Johnny proclaimed, pulling you out of the memory. 
“The best,” Eddie agreed softly, drawing your attention over to him. 
He smiled at you, not the panty dropping smirk he reserved for everyone else, but instead his actual smile. The kind of smile that had the corner of his eyes crinkling.  You smiled back, your real smile too. 
For a moment you almost forgot that you had cameras practically in your face, broadcasting every facial expression and answer live to the people at home. The audience disappeared into the void. It was just you and your best friend. Just you and Eddie. 
“So, any other special relationships we should know about?” Johnny asked, you could see the lines where his spray tan streaked on his neck as he turned to you. 
You were used to this question. Margie, along with your publicist, drilled it into you at this point in your career where you were still up and rising to keep the answer to this question vague. You had to seem available in order to draw people in. 
“Oh, nothing serious,” you smiled widely back at Johnny like you were letting him in on a secret. 
“And what about you Eddie? Anything serious for you right now?”
Eddie turned to the crowd and flashed them a toothy grin. More girls screamed. The Bermuda Triangle stopped being weird. World Peace was declared. 
“You know I’m not ready to settle down,” he said seductively. “If someone special decides to speak up then maybe I’ll change my mind.”
There was the chatter of a bunch of audience members talking over each other, trying to see who could be the loudest to get Eddie’s attention. 
The back of your neck had an uncomfortable chill. It wasn’t a secret that Eddie had really enjoyed his time being single and famous. He had taken the chance to enjoy all of the perks of being a sex symbol. 
Or at least that’s what you had seen in the gossip columns that you shamelessly still read. Eddie never once flaunted that part of his life in front of you. He shielded you from all of the dirty parts of rock’n’roll. 
“And with that we’re going to head to commercial break where we get to see that trailer we promised you  and when we come back Corroded Coffin is going to play us something from their new album Red Distortion!”
The crowd cheered as you and Eddie gave the cameras a wave before they zoomed away from you. Once you were in the clear, you stood to exit the stage while the band rushed together to prepare for the performance part.
Margie waited for you at the stage exit. “You did great,” she said, her red lipstick cracking on her lips. An assistant from the sound crew unhooked you from your mic expertly. 
“I’m so ready to go home,” you murmured to her as you stood and waited for the break to be over and for Eddie to start playing. If it wasn’t for that, you would already be in a car by now heading back to your condo. 
Margie chattered in your ear with a hushed tone. Something about numbers and ratings that you didn’t have the mental capacity to retain at the moment. 
The break passed by quickly, and before you knew it Eddie was strumming on his guitar for the opening of his new song Numb. 
Moments like these reminded you of when you used to sit front row at The Hideout. You would sing along loudly to every song Eddie would play, even if you were the only one watching them. Eddie’s eyes would always focus on you while he sang, like it was just the two of you there. He called you his best fan ever even though at one point you were probably his only one. 
Eddie’s eyes flicked over to where you stood backstage, like he could feel your stare. He gave you a playful wink that you rolled your eyes at before he faced the audience again.
Even though you hated the crowds, you still loved your job. When you came out here with Eddie you never planned on getting into acting. It was never something you had imagined doing even when you were younger. You never did theater or drama in school, for obvious reasons. But one day while with Eddie at the recording studio one of the guys there knew someone who was looking for a new and unheard actress for his up and coming movie. And you happened to fit the description. Since then, your career took off beside Eddie’s. 
It sure did beat working at the gas station like you did when you were in Hawkins. 
Before you knew it, Eddie was barreling towards you with his guitar slung on his back. 
“You did great!” Margie cooed at Eddie, taking the time to smooth the top of her short hair. 
Eddie ignored her. “Yeah, this sucks,” he said as he threw an arm around you, the smell of his spicy cologne hitting your nose. You leaned into him, hoping to take some pressure off your feet as he led you back towards the back door. Margie followed along, her shoes loudly clicking across the floor as she tried to keep up. You felt bad that she was carrying your purse on top of her own things, but it was safer to fight off the crowds when you had both hands free. 
“I’ll understand if you never forgive me, sweetheart. But hopefully taking you out on a late night food run will make it up to you?” Eddie asked, eyes pleading. He knew how miserable you were. He had never been to something like this with you before so you didn’t think he had believed you when you told him how much you hated them. 
You bet he believed you now. 
You sighed like you were thinking about it. “I mean, gracing you with my presence is the least I can do since you’ll be on tour soon,” you said lightheartedly. 
Eddie plucked the side of your face. He knew how much you both missed each other when he was away. This wasn’t the first tour he had been on and it wouldn’t be the last. He was just as grumbly when you were the one having to travel away from LA to film. You were never gone for six months straight like he was about to be though. 
Security flanked you, preparing for the crowd and chaos that was about to transpire. 
“Alright. Let’s go,” Eddie said as he pulled you close protectively and led you out of the back of the studio where the fans and flashing lights awaited. 
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st4rluvrr · 1 year
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 ☆ “we can do whatever you want. you can fuck me in the back of your car"
synopsis: you meet ellie in a bar and have sex with her in her car. based on 'her' by chase atlantic.
wordcount: 3.6k
warnings: 18+, daddy issues, mentions of alcohol, sub!top ellie, dom!bottom reader, fingering (r!receiving), thigh riding (ellie!receiving) strap-on-sex (r!receiving), nipple play, tit sucking, hickeys, very little after care, little angst, ellie begging, let me know if i've missed anything
author note: okay so this if my first time writing smut so I hope it's good. i rushed the ending and there was meant ot be a scene where reader eats out ellie but i got too tired. so maybe next time. i'm not sure if there is a part 2 to this, if i think of something i'll write it. hope you like it :)
“I’m gonna get another drink. Want anything?” You asked your friend, and she waves you off, too engrossed with the man next to her. It was part of the reason you had finished your drink so quickly. The other was that you wanted to get drunk. You needed to after the week you had.
Your dad had tried to contact you, spilling some rubbish apology on why he left when you were young. And you didn’t plan to forgive him after everything he did while in your life. But that didn’t stop him from leaving you like hundred voicemails. You had no idea how he even got your number in the first place, but you couldn’t block him either. He always kept his number private, making it impossible to make the calls stop.
You weaved around the bar, swimming between the bodies. The bar was packed with people standing in each corner of the bar. The heat was suffocating, surrounding you from each angle. It was making your hair stick slightly to your neck. You ran a hand along your neck, pulling the hair from it.
You push through the crowds until you are at the front of the bar, and people knock into the back of you, pushing you against the wood. You stand on the top of your toes to try and get the bartender's attention, rocking back and forth on your heels while waiting for someone to notice you.
“What do you want?” A voice comes from your left. It’s smooth and runs along your ears like caramel.
“What?” You ask, hardly hearing your voice of the music.
“What drink do you want?” They ask again, patiently waiting for your answer.
You finally look over at them. Her hair was short, barely reaching her shoulders. She had half of it tied in a knot, small pieces falling and framing her face. Her face was littered with freckles, and you wanted to join them to see what constellations they would make. She was wearing a plaid shirt over a white wifebeater. She has the sleeves rolled up, showing off her tattoo that wrapped around her forearm. You wanted to trace the leaves with your finger.
You look back up at her face quickly, not wanting to be caught checking her out. The smirk on her lips tells you you have been caught, her green eyes scanning up and down your body.
“Tequila,” You say, staring into her eyes. You seemed to be caught in a trance, the words stuck on your tongue.
“Two tequila shots, please?” She gets the bartender's attention quickly, giving your order, and the bartender places two shot glasses in front of you as well as salt and lime.
She pushes one shot over to you, looking you in the eye while she licks the back of her hand. You can only imagine what that would feel like somewhere else. You could feel the heat pooling in your stomach.
You grab a pinch of salt, sprinkling it over the wet stop on her hand. She licks her lips as she watches you lick the back of your hand. You lick the salt off the back of your hand and down the shot, feeling the liquid burn the back of your throat. You watch her throat bob as she swallows the liquid.
You can feel the alcohol warm your stomach, making the blood rush to your cheek. You can see the red colour spreading on her own cheeks as she pushes the sleeves of her shirt further up her arms.
“I’m Ellie,” She says, and you return with your name.
Whether it is the alcohol finally hitting your system or the need for something good, you nod your head toward the exit, “Wanna go somewhere cooler?”
“Yeah,” She says, slightly breathless like she is shocked by your question. As if she didn’t expect you to be that forward. You grab her hand, pulling her through the array of bodies. Her skin feels warm under your hand as her finger interlock with hers.
The cool breeze hits you immediately, blowing back your hair slightly. The sound of the overbearing music dampens the second the door shuts behind her. You feel clearer out in the air and you can finally think, your thought no longer lost in the music.
And you hate it. You came here to lose yourself for a moment, to forget everything and just breathe. You don’t let yourself dwell on it for too long cause you can feel her behind you, waiting for your next move.
You fall against the brick wall, your head tilted back, looking at the night sky. She stands next to you, your arms plastered against hers. Your hands are no longer intertwined, but she plays with the rings on your fingers, spinning them around, lightly brushing over your fingertips.
“You see thoses stars,” She points to a spot on the left and looks over to you, “The ones that kinda make a right angle.” You nod your head. You can barely see through your blurred eyes, but you can kinda see the shape she is drawing in the sky.
“That collection of stars right over there is called the coma Berenices. It’s named after a queen in Egypt. When her husband went to war, she was so desperate for him to return home. So she cut off all her hair as a sacrifice for Aphrodite.” She looks over to you to make sure you are following her story. You had been watching her the whole time. The words she was speaking blurred in the back of your mind as you stared at her side profile. Her nose just looked so perfect, and the way her lips curled as they retold this story was making it hard to focus.
Her eyes softened at the sight of you listening to her every word, waiting on her every breath. She has never had anyone listen so intently to her stories before and it makes her want to tell you a thousand more.
“Aphrodite was moved by her sacrifice and made sure that her husband returned home safely. She uses the hair to decorate the sky in a tribute to their love” She has leaned in closer to you now. Ellie's hand was now playing with both of your hands, the top of her shoes bumping against yours. And as she finishes the story, her breath fans lightly over your lips, making your own catch.
You want to reply to the story she just told, but she is so close it makes your brain stop. You can smell the strong scent of a woody cologne mixed with her natural musk, and it’s making the pool in your stomach deepen. You can see the sweat glistening off her collarbones, and you want to nibble at the skin, tasting it on your tongue.
You look back up into her eyes and you can see that she waiting. Waiting for you to answer or to kiss her, you don’t know but you decide to go for the latter. Pushing off of the wall, you connect your lips to hers.
Ellie presses them gently into yours. Her lips are soft and slightly chapped against yours. She kisses you harder, lightly biting on your bottom lip. Your mouth opens as a quiet moan slips out, and she uses this as an invitation to deepen the kiss. Her tongue runs against your lip, and the kiss becomes messier as you become more desperate.
Your head falls against the brick wall, where her hand rest to protect you, as she starts trailing small pecks along your jaw. You can’t help the moan as she bites the skin along your jaw, licking it to soothe the pain. Your hips buck into her when she finds the spot along your collarbone. She pushes your hips down, pinning them again the wall. Her other hand comes up to cup your jaw, scraping your hair back.
“What do you want?” Her thumb rubs gently along the skin showing above your jeans. It sends a shiver through you as your mind goes blank for a second.
“We can do whatever you want,” You don’t want her to stop touching you but don’t want to be caught with her hands down your pants. You put your hand on her chest as you push her back. You say as you feel your head coming back up for air. You weren’t looking for a commitment right now. You just needed someone to submerge yourself in. “Just don’t go falling in love,”
“You think you that good, do you?”
“Oh, I know I am,” You start to walk away from her, only looking over your shoulder to let her lead you to her car. She smiles at your cockiness, excited at the anticipation of finding out.
You follow her over to her car. It is parked in the back of the parking lot, out of sight. Half of it is shielded by trees, and the parking space next is empty. The parking lot isn’t big, so the walk to her car is short.
Once you are there, she opens the back seat. You are starting to feel desperate for her. You want her hands back on you now. You drag her into the car with you so your back is against the seats, and she is laying on top of you. She just has enough time to shut the door before your lips are back on hers and you lose touch with the world.
This time you start to kiss down her neck, and the noises she makes are so pretty. You want to do everything to keep the noises coming. She moans when you suck roughly on the side of her neck, and the noise goes straight to your cunt, dampening the material.
You feel her hands start to rub up your thigh until she is cupping your sex over your jeans. You whine at the feeling and buck your hips when she doesn’t move. The seam of your jeans is being pushed directly into your clit, and you only want more. You continue to lift your hips, and she pushes the palm of her hand harder.
“You like that?” She asks as she sucks on the top of your breast, revealed by the low cut of your top.
You can only moan in response, the feeling of her starting to be too much and not enough, you need to feel her touch every part of your body.
She moves her hand off of your jeans and you whine, wanting to have her hand back. She tries to undo your jean button, struggling with the angle she is in.
“Need help?” You ask, slightly laughing as you watch her struggle. She only glares in response, determined to do it by herself. She finally manages to pull the button and pulls the jeans past your hips and leaves them to rest at the top of your thighs.
You push her short hair behind her ear and grab the back of her neck to pull her into another kiss. This one is bruising and rough, all tongues and teeth. It’s rushed and messy. You can’t kiss her enough, and you never want to stop feeling her lips of yours. But your head tilts back in a moan when you feel the top of her finger slip beneath the lace of your panties. She brushes her hand through the course hair and moves further down.
“Jesus,” Ellie moans, her head falling against your shoulder, pressing sloppy kisses onto the skin. Her fingers dip down and circle your hole, feeling the wetness gathering. “You’re so wet.”
She pulls her finger out and sucks them into her mouth. You feel her moan from where she is sitting against your legs. The sounds she makes after only tasting you are almost pornographic, and you want to commit the image to memory.
“God, you’re so hot,” You say, unable to stop yourself. She flushes under your words and diverts her gaze from your eyes. Your hands are pulling up her shirt and slipping beneath the band of her sports bra. You lightly squeeze the flesh, thumb running over her erect nipple. Her hips jerk against your legs at the feeling. You gently pinch her nipple, wanting to see her reaction. When she keens at your touch, you pinch harder, rolling the hard nub between your fingers.
Her own hands start to wander back down, and her fingers hook into the side of your underwear and pull them down to your jeans. She presses a finger against your clit and makes slow, small circles.
The pressure is torturous, and you moan as she lightly brushes over the bud. She runs her finger further down and teases your entrance, pushing just the tip of her middle finger into you. Your back arches as she pushes her fingers deeper into you.
The palm of her hand bumps against your clit as she curls her fingers up and strokes the rough spot along your walls. She pulls her fingers out before slowly pushing them back in, listening to the wet sound as your clench around her fingers.
“Fucking hell,” She whispers under her breath. She leans forward, pulling your top down to access your boobs. She kneads the skin under her hand and twists your nipple. You hiss at the sensation and feel the pressure in your stomach tightening as she moves her fingers faster. She adds another finger, and you moan loudly at the stretch. Each time Ellie's fingers pump in and out of you, she brushes over that spongy spot that makes your mind go blank.
You hear her moan and open your eyes to watch as she bucks her own hips along your leg. Her own jeans are rubbing against her clothed cunt. She grinds her hips as she uses her other hand to circle your clit again.
The coil in your stomach tightens as she moans in her own pleasure. You lift your own hips to feel her fingers deeper inside of you. Your vision goes white as you feel yourself start to tip over the edge. Her fingers never slow down as she helps you ride out the high. Her hips speed up their movements as she watches you moan and whimper around her fingers, clenching tightly as your juices flow down and stain the backseat of her car.
She pulls her finger out and sucks them clean before grabbing onto the back of the car seat for support. You place your hands on her hips, guiding her movement. She leans forward to catch your lips into a kiss, moaning into your mouth when she feels her own pleasure starts to overtake her. Your grip on her strengthens, and her hips begin to stutter, moving rapidly as she reaches her own orgasm.
Ellie collapses against you and places a searing kiss against your lips. She places her head against your shoulder to try and catch her breath, the thin layer of sweat making your skin feel sticky.
She mumbles something into your collarbone as you watch the condensation drip down the window while you try to reduce your beating heart.
“What?” You ask, craning your neck to try and look down at her. She pulls her head off your shoulder before she talks again.
“Let me fuck you,” She asks, cheeks flushed. Her hair is messy and you run your fingers through it to tame it before cupping her jaw and running your thumb against her cheek.
“You wanna fuck me, baby?” The name slips off your tongue before you can stop it. She seems to like it, her eyes fluttering shut under your touch.
“Yes.” She nods franticly, her blush spreading down her neck the longer you stare at her. “Yes please,”
“Beg for it,”
“You really want it? Prove it.”
“Please,” Ellie whines, quickly dissolving to your command. Her pupils are blown wide in desire as her doe eyes look up at you. “I’ll make you feel so good. I need to make you feel good,”
She kisses your neck again, sucking marks into the skin. You don’t think it’s going to take much before you agree, but she’s just so pretty when she begs.
“Please,” She whispers one more time, “I’ll be so good,”
“Okay, baby,”
Her apartment is small but you do really have time to look around. Her hands were groping every part of your body, squeezing hard, as she drags you into her room. Her hands work to pull your top off, breaking the heated kiss for a second before her lips are back on yours. Your hands and working on her jeans, pulling them off her legs before tossing them randomly behind you. You push her down onto the bed, taking off your own jeans before straddling her. You pull off her top, and both of you are left in your underwear.
“Can I?” She asks as her hands wrap around your back to undo the clip of your bra. She tugs at the material as she waits for your answer.
“Yes,” You whine, and she unclips your bra before throwing aside. Your nipples harden in the cold air. She takes your nipple into her mouth, sucking at the bud. You moan as she flicks her tongue.
“God, I love your tits,” She bit lightly on the skin, leaving bruises that are bound to show tomorrow.
Your hips buck onto her as you try to find some friction. Your leg slots hers and feels her dampness seeping through her boxers as she moans when you push her knee against her cunt.
You lean your head down to kiss her, moving your lips slowly against hers. Her tongue brushes lightly against your bottom lip. You ground down onto her thigh the longer you two kiss. You start to become impatient, and your arousal becomes too much to ignore.
“Thought you wanted to fuck me?” She pulls back from the kiss, panting. She can only nod, her mind foggy as she stands up to walk over to her closet. She walks back over to you, strap hanging low on her hips.
She pulls you down to the edge of the bed, pulling your underwear off in one smooth movement and spreading your legs. Your pussy glistens in the light, and she runs her thumb through your lips, spreading them apart. She bends down to lick a strip along your folds, barely brushing your clit before aligning her hips with yours.
She runs her cock up and down your folds, bumping into your clit, before she carefully pushes the tip into you. You can feel the stretch, but you are wet enough that she could just slip in. She keeps pressing forward until her hips her pushed flushed against yours. She slowly pulls outs, thrusting her hips faster the second time.
You flipped the two of you over, and her short hair spread out around her head like a halo. You placed your hand on her chest, using her to help push yourself up. You dropped down slowly, feeling every inch of her cock slid inside of your pussy. The tip of her cock brushed your spongy spot on each thrust. Her hands came to the rest of your hips, helping to guide you as your movement became rushed and shaky.
You ground your hips onto hers, pushing the harness into both of your clits deliciously. You could feel that band inside tightening again. She watches as your moans get louder, and you throw your head back in pleasure, your hair hanging down your back.
You curve forward, kissing her shoulder and biting hard as your orgasm overtakes you, the pleasure blinding your senses as your mind quietens. Ellie helps you through, lifting her own hips to meet yours, and you collapse, muscles useless in keeping you up.
As you come back to your senses, you feel Ellie’s hand rub up and down your back, coaxing you back to down. You roll onto your back, carefully sliding off her cock as you feel your cum start to dry against your thighs. You feel the bed dip next to you and look down to see her cleaning your legs with a towel.
“Are you ok?” She asks when she sees you looking.
“Yeah. God, yeah.” You say, out of breath. “You really were good,”
She smirks at your comment and comes to lie next to you. You roll your eyes when she says, told you so.
You yawn and sit up to put your clothes back on before you fall asleep on your bed. You really do want to stay, but you also want to be back in your own bed and don’t want to deal with sneaking out later.
“You don’t want to stay?” She asks as you finish buttoning up your jeans. She sat up in bed, the covers low on her hips. She looks so hot with her hair a mess, and her lips swollen red. You want to crawl under the covers with her, but you shouldn’t. You don’t plan on seeing her again and the sooner you leave, the better it will be for both of you.
“No, I really should go home,” You say in a rush, mind blank of excuses.
And you leave before you can see her face, but she is disappointed. She would have loved it if you stayed, would have made breakfast the next morning and seen if you wanted to get coffee sometime. And she guesses she can’t be that disappointed. She doesn't even know you, but deep down she knows she would cut her hair off for you in a heartbeat.
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byeoltoyuki · 2 months
✧memories of us ✧ We meet again
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↳ Pairing: Jisung x Reader
❧ Genre : romance / smut /fluff / 1st love to strangers to lovers
❧ Summary: Sometimes memories are just that. Memories.
A series of drabbles about you and Jisung, about your love and your heartbreak and a second chance.
❧ A/N: Likes and reblogs are appreciated ♥
Because you asked me @rylea08 :)
Masterlist / previous /
It was another of those sunny days. You sat at your favourite spot at Soyeon’s cafe. The sun was gently caressing your skin while you were drawing in your sketchbook with music in your ears and a cup of cappuccino. Just what you needed. You hummed happily; your muse the inspiration had finally visited you last night and ever since you couldn’t stop yourself from drawing. 
For the past few days you tried not to think about the BBQ party, about Jisung. You managed, not easily, to keep it to yourself. You weren’t ready to tell Yunji that you had seen both Minho and Jisung - she wouldn’t be pleased. Changbin, on the other hand, you bet he already knew but didn’t confront you about it and for that you were grateful. 
You didn’t know what to think of the encounter with Jisung. You couldn’t deny that a part of you, and sadly a rather big one, was delighted to see him again and see what kind of man he became. But another part of you was worried. Those feelings you had buried deep inside you since the night you left him at the restaurant, were begging to show up. Not ideal. 
“What are you doing?” 
Your whole body tensed at the sound of his voice. Did you somehow summoned Jisung just by thinking about him? 
You blinked, confused as he took seat across from you, smiling sheepishly. 
“What are you doing here?” You blurted, forgetting all about your manners. You were just so stunned to see him here. You had spent hours in this café without ever seeing him. So why now? 
“Grabbing a coffee of course!” And yet he had none with him. To that you cocked a brow and waited for him to confess the real reason. Jisung sighed in defeat. “Fine. I bribed Soyeon. She refused to give me your phone number but she told me I could catch you here.” 
His confession left you even more confused and yet at the same time your heart clenched painfully, longing for something that would never happen again. Maybe. 
“You bribed Soyeon?” You repeated, unsure you heard it right. 
Jisung propped his chin on his hand, his smile turned into a mischievous grin. “Yep. She likes you a lot. Not that I’m surprised. She threatened to kick my ass if I ever do something to you.” 
Your heart swelled with love for your friend. You hadn’t told her your story with Jisung but she still understood and worried for you. “I’ll let her hold you while I’ll do the beating.” 
Jisung burst into laughter, imagining the scene. “Please, have mercy on me. I’m just a man.”
A handsome one, you wanted to add but refrained. 
“So, now that we established that, what are you doing?” He tried to have a peek but you hid it from him. “Oh come on!” 
Jisung, whenever he wanted something, always knew what to do to make you give in, today was no exception. The moment he did his best puppy eyes, you came to realization that no matter how many years passed, you still couldn’t deny him anything. And it sucked. 
You shook your head, disappointed with yourself for being so weak as you pushed the sketchbook towards him. “I usually come here when I need a good coffee and to draw. Something about this place helps me.” 
Jisung looked through your sketchbook with a little frown that showed how serious he got. He took his time, observing the different kind of sketches until he reached the last page. You hadn’t finished it but he could recognize Soyeon’s garden and the different shapes of people. 
He glanced from the sketchbook to have a good look at you. “When did you get so good?” 
“A lot of practicing I’d say.” You smiled. You tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, feeling a little embarrassed. You liked your drawings and you knew others did too, you didn’t become an artist just because it was a hobby. But something about showing it to Jisung made you feel shy. “Remember my roommate Hyunjin?” 
“Yeah. I” Jisung cleared his throat, “saw his work recently. He’s really good.” 
You didn’t think Jisung would be interested in art but apparently there were still things you didn’t know about him. This thought made your lips quirk. “Yeah. He is. He helped me a lot and pushed me to switch majors.” 
Jisung gasped loudly. “You did? When?” 
“Shortly after we broke up.” You admitted, wincing at the memory. 
Ending things with Jisung had left you broken and miserable. And yet, it was also this pain and sadness that fuelled your inspiration. You poured all your feelings into your work and it paid. Hyunjin, knowing your reluctance to show your work, stole it to show it around. the day he told you his teacher wanted to meet you, was the day you finally broke down and cried. The poor man didn’t know what to do to calm you down; he lent you his shoulder until there was no more tears left. 
“Hyunjin showed my work to his teacher and then made me meet him.” There was so much fondness in your voice at the memory. “I was angry at first but he still convinced me to go. Best decision I had ever made.” 
“I’m glad you had someone like Hyunjin by your side.” Jisung admitted. He didn’t have the chance to meet the man that often but from the little he had seen, he knew that Hyunjin was a good friend to you, who pushed you to achieve your dreams. “Any chance I get to see more of your work?” 
You hesitated. There was something you, indeed, wanted him to see but you weren’t sure he would like it. You stared at Jisung for a moment, not averting your eyes when he looked back. 
“Come to my exhibition.” 
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missezramay · 1 year
ted lasso, post-finale thoughts.
I went into the finale thinking yeah, if the writing serves, I can accept any outcome even if it's not exactly what I want. Instead, I was hit with a plethora of mixed emotions I didn't expect to have. Confusion, anger, hurt, annoyance, small bursts of joy in between, and just deep sadness. Almost 20 hours later and I'm still incredibly dissatisfied and processing. For the most part, finales should provide a feeling of celebration and relief. I... don't feel any of that.
I'm just really trying to pinpoint why I'm so sad.
Of course everything inevitably has to come to an end. Of course Ted was always going to reunite with his kid. Of course it's not about winning or losing. Of course Tedbecca can remain platonic if that was always the plan. Of course that's the way life goes, but...
For a show (and this season particularly) that constantly encouraged us to 'believe' and 'hope' in the idea that 'everything will work out', all those 75 minutes did was take me on an unsettling, emotional journey for no concrete reason other than to mess with the audience (the opening scene was just adding salt in the Tedbecca wound I've had since S2). Because everything in a macro sense, "worked out". But the WAY it "worked out" does not sit well with me?? And it's supposed to? For a lot of people (on Reddit/Facebook, lol), it was enough?? Richmond not technically winning and Ted leaving like that without so much as a tear? What am I missing??
When I tell you I'm trying to embrace the good parts, I'm really trying. Yes to KBPR & the women's team, Yes to Colin kissing his fella, Yes to Rebecca & Mae & the guys owning the club, Yes to Roy becoming Manager.
So... why am I still so upset? Hmm, let's see.
The boys' musical number? The cutest. Ted didn't think so.
Nate's apology? Heartbreaking. Ted didn't bat an eyelash.
Rebecca begging twice for Ted to stay? Ted, absolute silence.
Beard staying/getting married in London to his toxic gf? Comic relief, haha, fine. Except Ted wasn't there as Best Man.
Don't even get me started on the huge disservice to the Roy/Keeley/Jamie triangle.
Now listen, I get that he misses Henry & Henry misses his dad. I'm not that cold. A father/son's love is important. It was always the catalyst for this show; for him to work on himself so he can be a better father unlike the one he grew up with. That's fine.
But on this particular week. His last week with his Richmond family. There was NO sense of him being sad to leave them. He can be sad about missing Henry but he can ALSO be sad about leaving. No, he just completely checked out. He let everyone pour out their hearts (Hannah's getting her third Emmy, mark my words) to him, and he just stone-faced the entire time.
The argument is that he was internally processing, he was overwhelmed, he was trying to distance himself so it would hurt less. Fair points, okay. But this is a television show, moreover, A FINALE. TV characters, while relatable, are heightened versions of ourselves, there so we can better process our emotions and learn to handle things better in our real lives. Ted deserved MORE dialogue and displaying MORE emotion than whatever this was.
We're never going to see him again. We're over here crying along with Rebecca, Nate & Beard, but he didn't sob once. Even though he spent three years building a family with them. I even thought, hey at least he left his legacy with Trent's book but newsflash, he wanted his name taken off that too! Complete erasure.
I just feel so robbed of better moments. Like there were nice moments here and there. But they could've been BETTER. Honestly, Nate & Rebecca's breakdowns were close to perfection, so much love there. But the lack of dialogue and Ted not reciprocating? Broke ME.
I just cannot. understand. this. choice.
Massive sigh. I'm just truly baffled by the way everything wrapped up and not getting the satisfied feeling that one half of the viewership got. Maybe I'm in the minority, but that means something. It carries weight. Also, for a "three-season arc" that was planned well in advance, why all the rewrites and parallels and fakeouts... it's just cruel. But as the theme says (and maybe this was a warning all along), yeah, I guess this might well be it.
This show has given us so much and the last season flailed for the most part. I don't want to disrespect the show by being negative and cynical (looks like I failed!!) or cast blame on anyone in particular. The cast/crew are amazing people and I'll be grateful for being a part of the journey but I'm just so sad and this feeling sucks and I will never get over it.
Going to miss them. x
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rapha-reads · 5 days
Things from Interview With The Vampire s02e04 (ep11) I noticed:
[Edit 1: Actually this turned into a live-commenting, sorry]
[Edit 2: Keep in mind, I haven't read the books, so all of these observations are born from the show itself and the few (lots of) spoilers and narrative plot points I've gleaned here and there.]
Both Claudia and Louis are so bored with the coven. Or maybe bored isn't the word, but... Done? Frustrated and annoyed? Restless? Louis because he never intended to join and so cares not all for all their internal affairs. Claudia because she thought she'd finally have the life she wanted and instead is being forced to relive the tragedy of her life day after day.
And Armand rejoices in drawing them further apart, scolding and punishing Claudia while begging scraps from Louis.
And he's soooo jealous. The face he makes when Louis starts explaining what Dreamstat feels like is priceless.
Also, personal theory: either Louis is indeed suffering psychotic breaks after psychotic breaks, or just manifesting his own version of Lestat because he doesn't want to let go. Or Lestat can astral project and has been stalking Louis from the moment they left New Orleans.
The coven is tearing itself apart. And normally I'd add "and Armand isn't even seeing it/taking it seriously yet" but given that the whole of them are unreliable narrators and that Armand is a shady ass bitch whose only agenda is himself, I'd say he's well aware and purposefully making it worse.
I can't make sense of Santiago yet, though. Is he jealous? Ambitious? Is he fond of Claudia? Does he hate her? He definitely hates Louis, but is it just jealousy or real antipathy? Oh, but Louis is still my precious special kitten and that speech about Paris, art and modernity, as a contemporary culture student, made me vibrate a little out of my chair, and Santiago clowning him makes me want to claw his face. We get it, you hate him and you think he's pretentious, now can you shut up and let us talk a bit more about the art scene in Paris post-WW2 and why Louis is absolutely right, Picasso isn't all that impressive in the end? Thanks. Bacon tho, Bacon is interesting. My contemporary art teacher last year was excruciatingly boring, but he had a boner for both Louise Bourgeois and Bacon and we spent several hours on them (and not nearly enough about Mapplethorne, alas). Anyway. I feel ya, Lou. I have been called pretentious too for simply getting excited about art, culture and folkore.
I'm rooting for Louis and Claudia to kill them all off and run away to Italy. I know it won't happen, but one can dream, eh.
Is Armand messing up with both Daniel by getting into his mind and Louis by switching the photos? Interesting. Two people who have a shitton of issues stuck with a sadistic, insecure and bitter control freak who's been pulling the threads since way before anyone realises. And Louis is so lost in his trauma and grief and anger, he trusts Armand and doesn't see what's happening and been happening to him for 70 years, while Daniel is just a sad, sick old man who thinks he knows his life and what his future entails. Armand is definitely having fun.
"Je n'aime pas fenêtre quand fermée" is NOT FRENCH, MY EARS. I will be picky, I don't care for artistic licence. Correct sentence would be "je n'aime pas les fenêtres quand elles sont fermées". Admittedly, if it goes into a song, you'd have to respect the length of the line and all those musical measures. But still. You could shorten the numbers of syllables by dropping the language register: "j'aime pas les f'nêtres quand elles sont fermées" ; from 12 or 13 to 9, the original line being 8 or 9. Depending on whether you say "je-n'ai-me-pas" or "je-n'aim-pas" and "fe-nê-tres" or "fe-nêtres". Anyway. I'm sure the writers had those discussions (I hope; hey, AMC, hire me, I'm a good proofreader and I speak 5 languages).
Me: oh, Louis isn't even bothering now, he's directly talking to... Wait, is Lestat eating that photo? If it's Dreamstat: the hell is going on in your head, Louis? If it's Astral Lestat: that is certainly a choice, my friend.
"Barely Balthasar", LMAO, Lestat I fucking love you. Poor Balthasar always gets forgotten in adaptations. Nope, we're not here to talk R&J, moving on.
Armand: "this is my tragic backstory. Feel pity for me. I'm the good guy." Me: yeaaah, how much of this is actually real? And, uh, no, like Lestat said: ha! You're a storyteller and a conman, Armand. You weave your story to pluck at the heart's threads of your audience, modulating it to their sensibilities to better serve your own interests and your plans. What are those interests, these plans? Hell if I know. But I absolutely do not trust you at all.
"The wilderness that is our daughter" have I said lately how much I love Lestat.
Oh, hello, the Loustat scene on the bench just broke my heart, which is funny if you consider that that's just Louis breaking up with himself. Also, do we consider Louis knew about the initials in the pocket, and Dreamstat is saying what Louis wants him to say, or is it another unreliable narrator Louis, or is it Lestat himself...?
Aw, going from the Loumand scene on the bench to "toxic gay divorce with body count" sure is a tonal shift. Lmao. You're losing your touch, Armand. Louis' awakening. Daniel's awakening... San Francisco next, that will be fun. Excited to see how they've changed that part, knowing it's the red thread of the first book.
Oooh, that got long. Apologies. I really need to sit and read those books.
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deancasforcutie · 5 months
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While we’re I’llJustWaitHereThen.mp3 for Act Two of The Winchesters -or rather thee reboot, which should be known for the extra high bar it’s gained this year- I’d like us to round off 2023 considering a song choice from the finale I haven’t seen discussed, but illuminates Dean’s path going forward.
The moment Dean, Jack, Bobby, and Baby disappear, “One of These Things First” by Nick Drake plays. For the curious, Nick Drake is ingrained in the cultural consciousness as a precursor to the likes of Kurt Cobain and Elliott Smith for his musical talent, melancholic lyrics drawn from a troubled life, and (at 26, one year too young for the original 27 Club of Jimi Janis Jim Morrison) untimely tragic death.
Such allusions seem all too pertinent to our not-so-Mystery Man who’d also sooner burn out than fade away, huh? But first and foremost, “One of These Things First” here evokes the multiverse reveal - playing over scenes of Lata helping restore Ada’s soul and Mary and Samuel parting. The characters could be any number of things, but as Mary says of her possible alternate selves, “I’m gonna make my own”; with the meta knowledge that Dean is “picking the music” non-diegetically, this track’s relevance to his own life (and death) becomes apparent.
I could have been a sailor, could have been a cook A real live lover, could have been a book
From the start we see well-chosen lyrics for thee episode of Dean “Hello Sailor” Winchester; it goes without saying, here and in the series’ deafeningly loud negative space, how Dean’s desire to be “a real live lover” drives his search for happy endings in this Supernatural Romance. Genius.com notes that “a book” in Nick Drake’s metaphor means “someone who spent their time gaining knowledge about the world”; leaving them his own book, evidently a record of Supernatural’s main events and likely intended as a setup for revelations about his postseries shenanigans, Dean becomes their absent guide opposite John’s original series role through his journal.
I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock As simple as a kettle, steady as a rock
Following lyrics about metaphorical objects also evoke Dean’s role as a guide - but given his view that “I think I did” find a model for his found family’s happiness in them, it goes both ways (and so does he).
I could be here and now I would be, I should be, but how?
These last few lyrics played in the episode call to mind the final undying core of Dean’s self-doubt: his inability to move on, like so many restless spirits parallel him. Dean’s sensation that he is not “here and now,” being unstuck in time and lamenting that he’s “already dead,” highlights his distance from the lead characters and their sense of closure - as does his use of the James Hetfield alias as a false name, dodging the central question of Who You Are. For all his heroism, Dean’s role as the central mystery never fully solved implicates him as the haunting force derailing another story into his own as much as any reality-warping trauma parasites.
Minding all these exhortations to mind the gap, it’s absolutely relevant that the episode omits a second verse centering on romantic longings. (It wouldn’t be the first time - “So on your woman and your child/You release your bitterness,” anyone?)
I could have been your pillar, could have been your door I could have stayed beside you, could have stayed for more I could have been your statue, could have been your friend A whole long lifetime could have been the end
Mary and Samuel’s exchange (“Be safe out there” “I love you too, kiddo”) continues the theme of Just Saying It before any goodbye - acknowledging you can say “I love you” without saying it and be understood. But apropos of everything, the romantic pair never exchanges what they promise they will on reuniting - at once begging the same question as Dean’s aborted love confession(s) to Cas (indicting the heteronormative double standard that makes the answer “obvious” here) and keeping their promise of no goodbyes, meaning “Ramble On” with its tale of a romantic reunion can only refer to one yet to come.
So with Dean left to learn that death is no goodbye for him either, The Winchesters reaffirms Supernatural’s humanistic heart: the conviction that -whether for great artists we romanticize or fictional characters representing our values- we need not mythologize and bemoan death as “robbing” the world of someone’s promise at the expense of affirming the intrinsically worthy human life as they are now and forever (we will all live forever no matter how dead we may sometimes seem to be). A life cut tragically short was still a life worth living, and its legacy one worth carrying on. And I can think of no truth more apt from the series cut short at 13 traxx we will nevertheless replay and remix and resonate with for years to come.
As we ramble on to future installments, I reiterate: “If you had the chance to do it all over again, would you?” “I followed my heart. I don’t think that’s ever a mistake.”
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foreos · 7 months
The Muppets Present: The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
based on @the-muppets-present. saw their rule list and felt inspired. might do the other hatchetfield shows later if i feel so inclined :)
i just felt like the story of “average office worker who hates musicals gets trapped in a musical” was just begging to be muppetified.
so, without further ado,
ted- guys i went through so many options for ted. it was immediately hard. eventually i decided on rizzo, because i feel like similarly to ted, he’s kind of an asshole that causes problems for himself and everyone around him. plus, the “kick my head!” scene is even funnier if ted is like. one foot tall.
bill- kermit. i think kermit can and should be a sad dad. bill is like the most earnest man in hatchetfield and the idea of kermit being deeply disappointed that his friend won’t help him reconnect with his estranged daughter because he hates musicals so much is so funny to me.
professor hidgens- gonzo. duh. camilla is alexa. gonzo is the most eccentric bitch in the cast and would 100% kill people to get his musical produced. imagine gonzo shouting “come on you bastard!” at the apocalypse. gonzo would get struck by lightning and climb out of a pile of his friends’ bodies. he just would.
charlotte- miss piggy. stay with me here. from a meta standpoint, i always find it funny when piggy plays the secondary female role in a muppet movie and gets annoyed about it in interviews. from a character standpoint, post-infection charlotte’s high energy would be great to see if it was performed by the one and only piggy. imagine miss piggy singing join us and die. imagine the beginning part. she just beats the shit out of rizzo. gonzo shoots her.
mr. davidson- fozzie. idk i just got a mental image of him putting the newspaper down like jeff blim does at the beginning of the song and then fucking. waggling his ears.
sam- this one was hard because i had to think of you tied up my heart and show me your hands. i eventually picked link hogthrob. sam’s a pig, link’s a pig, etc.
alice- janice. hear me out. it’s not just because she’s “the other girl muppet.” imagine if alice just looked at bill and went “whatever, man” and walked away. truthfully thinking more about watcher world than tgwdlm for this one.
paul- jon matteson. paul stays the same, babeyyy. i think it just adds another fucking layer to his panic because not only is everyone randomly singing around him, they’re fucking muppets. just imagine la dee dah dah day if he was surrounded by muppets. he’s just some guy in a weird situation, and just some guy he shall stay.*
emma- lauren lopez. so i am breaking the number one rule of muppetfication to keep emma the same, but there’s a method to my goddamn madness. the only person paul can relate to in hatchetfield is the one other human being. plus, again, imagine the end of inevitable with emma screaming and crying while surrounded by fucking muppets.
*so i lied. just some guy he shall not stay. when inevitable starts, you first hear paul’s voice. he’s singing, just like he does in the show. emma very quietly goes “paul?” the same way, too. but what’s different is you can’t see paul. the camera pans over.
paul is a muppet.
he’s one of the lookalike ones, like from the first two episodes of the show and the jason segel one from the 2011 muppet movie.
“paul, you’re scaring me” indeed.
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an-inspired-eternity · 10 months
Shuffle AU Summary
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These are the groups of my PRSK Unit Shuffle AU! They each loosely correspond to the genre of the groups in official PRSK, but naturally with more of their own styles and spins.
Different group set-ups means different dynamics, and while some canon dynamics remain (or are even strengthened), not every one will take the same form, if they remain at all.
Under the cut, I will send their logos and give some additional info as needed! Note that I have.. more developed for some of these guys than others.
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First, Juvenile/Glory! J/G is a kind of a rock band (I am not in this kind of music scene, bear with me a little bit sghfdfh), initially formed by Airi and Ichika, Airi ends up dragging Ena and later Akito into playing/performing with them.
Airi meets Ichika at Miyajou, and ends up befriending the somewhat shy girl. She learns of how Ichika once had a dream of being in a band with her childhood friends, but explains they all drifted apart so she never got the chance. 
Upon hearing this, Airi proposes the two form a band together, it might not be with her childhood friends, but this is better than nothing right? To get more numbers, Airi ends up inviting her long-time friend Ena, who bitches and moans but ultimately agrees to at least try (even if she laments having to change her classes and sleep schedule.) 
It’s during their first practice sessions that something changes- the group suddenly find themselves the ability to access a new world- their SEKAI, a underground metro type areas with shop stalls- and gorgeous wall art that stuns Ena, it inspires her to keep up with the occasional art piece. 
The three are doing well, but they find something’s.. missing, in their band, particularly vocally- not that any of them were bad singers, it just felt like there was a kind of sound missing from them that none of them could fulfill. That’s when Airi had the suggestion for Ena to invite her brother to sing with them.
Ena, once again, bitches and moans at the idea of having to work with her brother, but Airi is stubborn and insistent, so she eventually gives in and asks Akito. Akito also bitches and moans, but once again, Airi is relentless, so he offers to try. That’s when things begin to click together for the group. Akito had experience with music but had ultimately not gotten as far as he did here than he did with canon due to being less invested in Rad Weekend and also having never met Toya. The two siblings bicker a lot at first, but end up finding they enjoy having something to do together that their dad can’t ruin.
(Akito was technically to their SEKAI first but ala those dream visits in the main story prologues, and only properly got introduced to it later from Ena and/or Airi bringing him.)
J/G’s main vocaloids, Miku not withstanding, are Rin and Meiko! Intentionally pulling from VBS here, I don’t have much in mind for the J/G vocaloids at this time, although I do think Akito’s relationship with the Kagamines here is similar to that of canon Akito with the VBS Kagamines, something Ena is very entertained by.
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Second up we have SWEET SYNDROME! SS is a idol group, half composed of newcomers and half composed of veterans- starting as a pair with Emu and Honami, they ended up taking Mafuyu and Shizuku in, forming a proper group.
Emu and Mafuyu met as young children, when Mafuyu got lost on a trip with her mom to PXL. Emu found the lost Mafuyu on her own, and with the help of her older family members, she helped Mafuyu to reunite with her mother.
Mafuyu’s mom was angry at first, for Mafuyu wandering off- but realized the one who had found her was the daughter of the rich and highly influential family that ran the park. Thinking that this would be good both for her own image, as well as the family being a possible good influence for her daughter, she allowed the two to remain friends.
Mafuyu ended up being entered into many child pageants at a young age, a early exposure to stardom. Once she got older, her mother began working to get Mafuyu into a idol agency, where Mafuyu could gain fame as a beautiful and elegant young lady, just how her mother raised her. Mafuyu lost sight of what who her true self and tastes were, molded by her mom to be the perfect girl her agency would want.
Emu and Mafuyu had grown a little apart during all of this, but Emu still treasured her friendship with Mafuyu, and as Mafuyu became an idol- she admired her. Less familiar with the darkness happening backstage, Emu had begun training and auditioning to become an idol in hopes of maybe getting to make people smile just like her dear friend- maybe even getting to do so together, too!
It wasn’t easy, she found she wasn’t what a lot of people were searching for. But she kept trying! And trying! And eventually while she was practicing during a break period at school, she was approached by her classmate Honami, who asked about what she was doing, and upon being told, if she could join too. Thus the two girls had become a pair.
Honami’s help had been deeply needed, as with the two now working together, they decided to start their own group- albeit a small one not capable of much. But word got to Mafuyu, and Emu explained what she had wanted- to sing and dance for people to make them smile just like her! And something stirred in Mafuyu, feelings the girl thought herself incapable of still having.
That was the key to their SEKAI- a museum that framed idols in a bit of a dark view, like they were only something to stare at and admire with no free choice of their own. Emu didn’t like it, she didn’t agree with that idea of what being an idol meant. Idols are supposed to make people happy, and that includes other idols! 
It’s this thought process that helps them additionally reach Mafuyu’s school friend and felllow idol Shizuku. Shizuku had been close to giving up on being a idol herself due to the pressure and how unliked she felt for being “too perfect”, but the positivity of Emu and Honami had encouraged her to not give up, and thus Shizuku becomes the third member of SWEET SYNDROME.
Mafuyu’s mother was their biggest opponent, holding a growing distaste for the way the youngest Otori child had never seemed to grow out of her childish demeanor, but where she “failed”, her older siblings grew into mature responsible adults, people who could be good influence to her daughter and maybe send their youngest sister onto their respectable path instead.
But the group made their attempt, an effort to please Mafuyu’s mom in order to allow Mafuyu to work with them. She was very hesitant to allow Mafuyu to join, given her less than great feelings towards Emu- but her view of Shizuku and Honami, two more “mature and responsible” figures in the group, softened her resolve, and ultimately lead to her agreeing to the group’s formation.
SS’ main and only starting virtual singer is Miku. A quiet and somewhat odd version of the Virtual Singer, who clung to Mafuyu’s side a lot, but otherwise mostly kept to herself at first- occasionally leaving the main area of the museum to sit alone on the stage and sing to herself.
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Third on the roster we have Spring CIRCUIT! A live show/street music group.. and also admittedly the one I’ve developed the least. The group was formed, a bit shakily, by Nene and Kohane, having witnessed one of Shiho and Haruka’s performances. It’s also something of a second chance, for Nene and Haruka. 
Haruka, after quitting ASRUN, found she had missed singing, and ended up looking into alternative activities she could enjoy- and found the similar-but-different-enough world of live shows. Through this as well, she met a classmate from Miyajou, Shiho, who had been doing solo shows on her own. They realized they had similar interests (plushies lmao) and something of a friendship and partnership formed.
Kohane, like in canon, was a bit of a drifter, not quite having any activity she could commit herself to, and Nene had been fearful to return to being on stage in any capacity since the incident from when she was in younger- going as far to deny her childhood best friend’s offer to join the more private group he’d formed.
But fate ended up bringing these two together, having been out on errands when they came across a venue mid live-show, with Shiho and Haruka performing on stage. It sparked something in them both- Kohane a urge to try singing and live shows, and Nene a urge to sing again- even if not in a play. 
Shiho was quick to bounce and go on her way- not one for small talk, but Nene and Kohane had the chance to talk with Haruka, in which the pair both came to her about their newfound inspiration- and also subsequently realized they both had been inspired. 
Haruka had given them a light warning about Shiho’s distant cold and demeanor, explaining she’s nicer than she appears, but that she has to warm up to you first. Past that however, Haruka was willing to work with and train them- and it was at this moment their SEKAI appeared- a large expansive arcade within it was a chill Miku and a strong aura’d but otherwise very polite Luka- who had a taste for photography that she and Kohane were quick to bond over.
It takes a bit, for Shiho to warm up to these new members Haruka picked up. Nene finds herself struggling to gain the courage to sing with all her heart again- but seeing how hard Kohane, a complete newcomer to all this, is trying, it inspires her. She’s done this before, she can do it again. That’s how the two manage to impress Shiho, and the group finaly becomes a full quartet.
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Fourth on the list and second to last is Echo-Show! A theater troupe situated at the Wonder Stage of PXL! Run by Tsukasa, this group was formed along the way by Tsukasa’s basically sibling figures he collected along the way.
It starts with a hospital- specifically, a hospital housing Saki Tenma and a Mr. Yoisaki. Tsukasa, ever the dutiful older brother, visited his sister whenever he could afford to- but during one such trip, he met a odd girl. Her silver hair seemed to reach to her knees, the girl clearly hadn’t been doing well- physically or mentally.
Tsukasa quickly got to what he did best- making people happy. He doesn’t quite get a laugh, but the girl smiles, and he considers that a win. Tsukasa introduced himself, and the girl introduced herself back in turn- saying that her name was Kanade and that her only living parent was in a coma- something Tsukasa offered his condolences for. 
The two became friends, and Tsukasa found himself visiting and checking on Kanade every so often. (In addition to Honami being Kanade’s housekeeper). Later on, Tsukasa had finally gotten his chance to form a troupe, having auditioned and been hired to perform at a small stage in PXL called the Wonder Stage, courtesy of the youngest Otori daughter. 
Tsukasa found himself a bit.. shit out of luck in regards to actors. His sister had been scooped up already- but he turned to his brother figure, Toya- Toya had recently defied his father, quitting classical music and looking for his own thing he wanted to do. Tsukasa reached out to Toya, asking if he wanted to join his troupe. 
Toya was a bit nervous, not having ever really been part of the shows Tsukasa put on for him and Saki as kids, but he wanted to give it a try. Plus he thought it would be something his dad would hate, which was a spiteful little bonus for him. This was one more addition to Tsukasa’s crew, but he didn’t think just the two of them was enough to work with, so he reached out to Kanade- who had become something of a sister to him.
Kanade vehemently did not want to perform on stage at first, but Tsukasa was understanding enough to say they’d start small in anything physical so that Kanade could work her body strength up. She could also help with any technological stuff behind the scenes as well- which is something she’d enjoy doing a lot more.
Their first test show wasn’t a huge hit (but not QUITE to the disastrous level of WXS’ first show LMAO), however it did attract the attention of one Minori Hanasato, who ends up being really into the show and their ideas behind it. Tsukasa, ever the resourceful one, basically scoops Minori up into the troupe.
There were.. incidents, involving the start of their fully formed troupe- Toya taking extra blame on himself and thinking he was bringing the group down, backing away for a while. (IE: the whole thing in the VBS main story where Toya questions his own resolve and Akito has to chase him down and prove otherwise.)
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Last, but certainly not least (I would know, they’re the favorite child of this AU.) is House of Outcasts! A group youtube channel dedicated to doing skits and plays online. (Inspirationally I was thinking of both Starkid, as well as the Man On The Internet channel- or rather a less specifically gaming centered version of them). 
The group starts with Rui and Mizuki, two lonely souls who connected in middle school over their shared isolation and disconnect from their peers. Deemed too "weird" to fit in amongst them. This friendship carries into Mizuki’s first year and Rui’s second year of high school- Rui having recently transferred to Kamikou to get away from a suffocating prestigious school he’d been at for his first year.
Rui had his solo live shows he’d try every so often, but the story begins when Rui comes to visit Mizuki and show them the most recent idea he had- Mizuki finds themselves very impressed, and explains that with their abilities in editing software, they could probably post Rui’s show online and get decent publicity with it.
So Rui and Mizuki end up forming their group- and after a bit of time Rui offers to Mizuki that they could perform with him, if they were comfortable doing so. Mizuki is hesitant at first, afraid that people online would be judgemental, but gives it a try and finds that not only is it more fun than they thought- but most people watching didn’t seem to care.
That’s when their SEKAI appeared. A rooftop building underneath a fantastical sky of stars and the moon- a light energy not unlike a child’s imagination to offset the aching familiarity a rooftop brought the pair. It was there they found a sisterly Miku, and a excitable Len- who reminded Rui, painfully so, of his younger child self. It was a safe place- somewhere the two would be accepted and not judged. 
Things went on mostly as normal, in spite of the strange world they’d uncovered, and Mizuki ultimately invited their friend and classmate An into the group- An was more of a street musician than a street actor, but with a low activity in her search for the perfect partner, she ends up slotting into the group. Rui and An aren’t on the best of terms at first- not to say they didn’t like each other, it was just hard for the two to work on each other’s wavelengths. But they had managed.
It was later on then that they found Saki. The group had been out on a shopping trip when Saki spotted and recognized them, excitedly explaining that she was a huge fan and that their shows reminded her a lot of the ones her brother used to do for her- but a lot more in a style she really enjoyed. Hearing this, Rui ended up offering her to come aboard and perform with them, and Saki happily took it.
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pippin-katz · 10 months
Okay but Matthew, can we please get a musical version of RWRB too? I know you were thinking about it before you decided on a movie, and it’s a brilliant idea. Think about this for a second. It’s extremely doable! There’s nothing that happens in RWRB that would be difficult to translate to stage from a technical standpoint. Most of the screenplay could be directly translated into script format without much effort. And holy shit is there so much potential!!
Can you imagine Henry having a heartbreaking solo about how trapped he is? He would make everyone sob.
They could turn the cake scene into the opening musical number, and it could be so chaotic and funny!
What about a duet for Alex and Henry? They would at least have one, if not more than one love song.
Can you fucking imagine Henry and Alex in the V&A singing and slow dancing to an original love song written just for them? It could be even be called History, huh? I think I would fucking die from emotions.
Or a fast paced, flirty, playful duet during the Red Room/Alex’s room?
Alex could have a solo about his desire to help people through politics and Henry could have a little reprise of it when talking to Bea about his doubts in the purpose of royalty.
You can have Ellen and Oscar’s lines about “feeling forever” and “jumping and hoping it’s not a cliff” be turned into a little melody that each of them has a version of that they sing to Alex when he comes out to them!
I could keep going!! There is so much fucking potential here, please Matthew, I am begging you! It would be so freaking good! What must I do to make this happen?!
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shyphonics · 3 months
Salad Days - Chapter 1: I Against I Against I Against I
Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Baby-Punk AU ✨ (part 2 here!)
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No use of y/n, no physical description of reader, fem pronouns
Put yourself in the shoes of a snarky, hyper-competent punk bartender with a tragic backstory (but it's totally not a big deal! Who needs therapy?? lol lmao 🤪)
Some loser from the ‘burbs comes into your bar, and against your better judgement, you decide to show him the ropes of the scene. Even though his band name totally sucks.
Rodrick is kind of a sad, insecure boy in this. He's on bad terms with everyone back home, and absolutely refuses to fully acknowledge it. He refuses to acknowledge any of his emotions. And his quickly growing crush on his new bartender friend…
Also it's 2005 because I say so. Flip phones and email babey B)
Lightly angsty. Lightly based on my own experiences bullshitting my way into the bar scene. Lightly based on my hyperfixation on punk history lol.
Songs for this chapter:
(I haven't written anything in YEARS so I'm sorry if this is bad lol. part 2 and 3 are almost finished oops so let me know if you like it)
In a quest for the test to fulfill an achievement
Everybody's only going to pursue themselves
When the fact of the matter is they just don't care
To extend a helping hand to anyone else
“What the fuck are you doing?”
The kid turns around. He looks like a wet rat. His facial expression says he knows he’s in trouble. He's tall and kinda goofy-looking. His dark hair is messy, and his eyes are overlined in black.
“Uh, hi. I'm Rodrick. I'm in a band, I uh, I wanna play a show?” He squeaks out, waving a barely legible flier in the air.
“Have you been in touch with Mike?”
“You gotta get in touch with Mike.” you cross your arms and lean against the doorframe, one foot kicked over the other.
He stares at you, guilty and confused. Your expression is throwing him off. Raised eyebrow, pursed lips. It’s the face of a disappointed mom, but you’re… young. And pretty?
“Do you want the email, or what?”
You break his thoughts.
“Yes! Email. Mike.”
You retreat to the office, rifling through papers until you retrieve a business card.
“Mike Morello. By the way, you might wanna change that band name.”
He looks at his flier, “Why? What's wrong with it?”
You look at him for a while, raising your eyebrows higher and higher, as high as you can, until he’s frustrated. His lanky figure is bouncing all over the hallway. Like a dog who needs to go outside. A big, dumb dog. You look at him in true disbelief. You can’t believe he doesn’t know. He has to know.
“What? What?! Stop looking at me like that!” His eyes are wide and frantic, begging you to say something.
“It sucks!” you laugh.
“It does not suck!”
“Dude, it totally sucks. It's gross. What kind of music do you even play?”
“Fucking rock n roll, baby!” He’s pissed off. It’s hilarious.
“Uh huh. And what are your influences?”
“Influences. Motives. Backstory.” You clutch your hand into a self-important fist.
“What's with all the questions?” He nearly screeches.
“I'm preparing you for Mike. He's a cynical old fart who's mentally still in late 70s San Francisco. You need to impress him, get a good story going. He's not gonna put some suburban garage band up there.”
He frowns. That's exactly what they are…
“I-” he starts.
“That's exactly what you are, yeah. I know.” You smile, “I can smell suburbs, dude. You'll figure it out.”
“Can I have your email? Or y'know, your phone number or something?” he looks nervous, “Just for, like, advice.”
You cock an eyebrow, think for a minute, then grab a sticky note. It’s surprising after how riled up you got him, but boys are weird.
“Number’s too risky. What if you're a weirdo or something? Here’s my email.” you finish scribbling down the address and extend your hand.
“Cool. I’ll use it.” He nods, taking it from you very delicately. Weirdly careful not to touch your hand. Again, boys are weird.
“…cool. See you around. Maybe. Diaper boy.” you smirk.
Before he can retort, you shut yourself in the office. He stands there for a while, trying to think of something to say back, but nothing comes to him.
I am a patient boy
I wait, I wait, I wait, I wait
My time’s water down a drain
Everybody's moving
Everybody's moving
Everybody's moving, moving, moving, moving
“I think she’s saying we need, like, punk cred. It’s a punk bar, after all.” Rodrick leans back on their crappy couch. It was free on the side of the road when they were moving in.
“Pshh, we are so punk!” Chris chimes in. “Ward has a shaved head!”
He points at Ward's head. Ward crosses his arms and nods approvingly.
“She knew I was from the suburbs just by looking at me.” He puts his head in his hands.
“So what are you gonna say to the guy?” Ben asks.
“I dunno, I kinda wanna email the girl first and ask for advice.” Rodrick mumbles.
“Oh, sure. Advice.” Ben rolls his eyes.
“Yes! Just advice!”
“Is she hot?” Ward giggles.
Silence falls upon the room.
“Whatever! What are our influences? Punk influences!”
“Dude, you're, like, totally wearing a Dead Kennedys shirt!” Chris pipes up.
“Okay, yeah, I like Dead Kennedys.” Rodricks sighs, relieved. He knows ‘Police Truck’. Who doesn’t? It was in Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater for fuck’s sake!
“Okay! Uhh, shit, what else did she say… motive!”
“Dude, what?” Ben's eyes go wide, “Like murder?”
“No, dumbass, like why did we start the band?” Ward tosses a crushed beer can at him.
“To get girls? To, uhhh…” Chris trails off.
“To rock and roll! To tell everyone to fuck off and prove them all wrong!” Rodrick yells.
The rest of the guys give a resounding yeah! and raise their beers.
Rodrick opens his laptop, making a big show of stretching his hands. He’s gonna write a masterpiece. Löded Diper is gonna take over this town.
He starts typing furiously, ignoring all the little red squiggles appearing among his words. It doesn't take him long to slow down, though, and he gives up and passes the laptop to Ben. Rodrick’s mind is cloudy. He’s thinking about that girl at the bar. You’d been so… mean. But not? Did you like him? He doesn’t get it.
Heather Hills had made it incredibly clear she did not like him. In fact, she hates him.
He remembers the last day of senior year. He’d handed her a Löded Diper CD, masterfully engineered by the man himself in GarageBand, and asked her to sign his yearbook.
Are you being serious right now? You still owe me for my ice sculpture, pleb!
Oh, uh, right, he’d replied, how much is that again?
Four. Thousand. Dollars. And you’ll never make that much in your life, freak.
He grimaces as the memory infects his brain. Four thousand seemed like a lot for just some ice. He remembers fantasizing, though, about getting signed and nailing down a solid deal. Reimbursing Heather for the sculpture and so much more. Maybe she’d marry him. Hot rockstar with a hot, blonde trophy wife. That had been the dream. Until…
Well. Don’t focus on the past. The past sucks. The future is now.
“Rodrick!” Ben’s hand shakes his shoulder.
“Sorry. Um. I don’t know. I think it’s pretty good!”
Between the bones he had put down, and some additions from the guys, they have what they think is a pretty kickass email.
Rodrick’s mind is still elsewhere, though. The thoughts of Heather had kind of messed with him, and now he’s just thinking about home. He hadn't left on great terms. He really wishes everything could be better. The only support system he has is the band, but they don't talk about that kind of stuff. Not more than once in a blue moon.
He’s where he wants to be and everything. He's living his dream. But something still feels wrong. He feels a little empty.
Your emotions make you a monster
Your emotions make you a monster
Your emotions make you a monster
Your emotions make you a monster
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remarcely · 6 months
I think everyone has realised by now how cinematically beautiful Season 2 of Loki is, but there's one scene I want to focus on for a second, and that's Sylvie's scene in the record shop.
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Not only does this section of Season 2 Episode 5 have some incredible visuals and works of CGI unheard of with Marvels rushed standards, but it explains so perfectly Sylvie's realization and understanding without a single word voicing her own thoughts.
Sylvie got out. She left the TVA, got a normal job, a normal life, and a normal friend; Lyle. A regular non-variant human friend who owns a record shop. This was her reward.
Something important to remember about Sylvie is that she was labelled as 'Variant' and taken to be killed by the TVA when she was a child, around the age of ten. She has spent over half of her life running in fear, which turned quickly into anger at the injustice of her fate. What do you think happens when you tell a child they have no right to exist? No one even remembers why she was taken.
She's earned this life of absolute blessed nothing, but that doesn't make the previous decades vanish. So she buys records, feels through music, and after slipping back into the never ending cycle of the TVA she goes to Lyle's store and puts on a sad song. She sinks into the leather couch, closes her eyes, and feels- a privilege she has only been allowed since she quite literally killed for it.
Then everything falls apart. The universe around her decays, she watches Lyle dissipate into strings, and is reminded of everything the small child inside her is begging to forget.
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Sylvie is alone and is forced to acknowledge the one truth, through out all of space and time, that she can never out run.
The universe does not care.
It doesn't care that she's been fighting for as long as she can remember, that she it tired, and it doesn't give a single damn about what she is owed. Bad things happen all the time and there is no single person out there, directing them to the bad people as if they're checking off a list. Destiny is not justice. It's not even a roll of the dice. It's a case of the right place and the right time.
And Sylvie knows that she is one of the very few people that has the power to change at least this, the strings and collapse of the multiverse. Somewhere out there, there are thousands of Sylvie's and each one deserves the chance to live as much as her.
So, as her record swirls up into nothingness, she makes up her mind. A glowing orange portal opens behind her and she leaves, back to the TVA.
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The colours and music express the melancholy of this decision so well, because this isn't some heroes epiphany. None of these characters are heroes, they are tricksters, variants, and people who worked for the system that wiped out truly countless lives. They are the people who were in the right place at the right time and saw fit to change that.
Loki Season 2 gives what may be one of my favourite discussions about power and the people that wield it. It is not a thing to be craved, it is something to be suffered. Power isn't fun, it's not meant to make you happy, it is simply something that must be carried on your shoulders as a burden.
All of these characters lose something so that others can have the blessing of existence. They may regain it again later on, like Sylvie having chance number who-knows what at a regular life in the finale, but that doesn't negate the lifetime of suffering that exists in her shadow, always with her and one step behind.
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Loki didn't have a happy ending, but it did have the right one.
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Black Sails: 13 Facts About The Starz Hit Worth More Than Stolen Treasure
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With contemporary series like "Vikings" and "Game of Thrones," "Black Sails" may often be overlooked when compared to other epic dramas of the 2010s, which makes it one of the most underrated shows of the decade. Not only is the scale of the pirate adventure immense with many scenes taking place upon impressive naval vessels, but the political intrigue and intimate interactions of the characters make it an entertaining watch for several different audiences.
The show as a whole does a brilliant job of mixing fiction with historical figures like the notorious pirate captains Blackbeard (Ray Stevenson) and Charles Vane (Zach McGowan) whose lives were so legendary that they verge on fantasy. But at its core, the story centers on the complicated friendship between its two main characters, Captain Flint (Toby Stephens) and his deviously clever quartermaster, Long John Silver, in the years before their sagas are continued in the later tale of "Treasure Island." For a series devoted to such larger-than-life individuals, the making of it also had its fair share of epic details and moments as well, which you can enjoy reading below.
The series is an unofficial prequel to Treasure Island
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Although "Black Sails" is its own story for the most part, from the very beginning it was always meant to show the events building up to the classic work of fiction "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson. More than anything, the creators of the series wanted to tie up loose ends to the famous tale and give their explanation to who the characters were up to in the years before, as showrunner Jonathan Steinberg explained to Entertainment Weekly: "At the end of the book, it's recounted by other people that Captain Flint died in Savannah alone, which begs a lot of questions."
Flint's origin is certainly not the only one covered with both Long John Silver's and Billy Bones' backstories explained thoroughly as well. For Billy especially, his situation in the finale of the series gives all new meaning to what happens to him later in the novel. Steinberg added: "It is clear we are suggesting he is on 'Treasure Island,' which I think has a number of implications if you go back and read the book."
After four seasons, it is clear the showrunner was pleased with how the series handled the continuity, saying: "It felt like we had finished the argument a little bit, in terms of connecting it not just to 'Treasure Island,' but to our contemporary understanding of what piracy was, about what Caribbean piracy was."
2. The opening credits features the hurdy-gurdy
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Several aspects of "Black Sails" make it stand out as a particularly fascinating TV series, with one of the top being its unique theme music in the opening credits. Not only is the memorable tune composed by the talented Bear McCreary who is well known for his work on "The Walking Dead" and "Battlestar Galactica," but it also features quite an unusual instrument known as a hurdy-gurdy, according to Entertainment Weekly.
Also known as a wheel fiddle, the hurdy-gurdy is a folk instrument that has existed for around 1,000 years and is played to this day all over Western Europe, from Italy to England. In a 2010 TED Talk, musician Caroline Phillips explained that the complex and bulky device originally required two people to operate it until the design was improved a few centuries later, so it could be used by a single performer. Although a fundamental part of the instrument is the strings, akin to a violin, the sound produced can also be compared to bagpipes.
3. The show was filmed in South Africa
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While "Black Sails" takes place predominantly in the Caribbean, that was not the place chosen to film the epic pirate drama. Instead, the Starz network went with the fairly new Cape Town Studios for the production, and needless to say that the South African-based company was ecstatic over the decision. Ahead of filming Season 1, Film Afrika producer Vlokkie Gordon said: "We are delighted to have been awarded ['Black Sails'] and it is further proof of South Africa's international reputation for outstanding production skill and expertise" (via The Location Guide). Gordon continued: "A production of this scope provides not only employment for South Africans, but also skills transfer which is in line with Film Afrika's policy of supporting growth and development of the South African film and television industry."
The swashbuckling series was then added to the growing list of productions shot out of Cape Town, including "Safe House," "Chronicle," and "Mad Max: Fury Road," as per the Cape Town Film Studios website. Plus, another Starz series benefited greatly from the elaborate ship sets built there, with "Outlander" using the Jamaican landscapes in its third season, according to Entertainment Weekly.
4. 300 people worked on the pirate ship
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The impressive sailing vessels featured in "Black Sails" are almost as important to the story as the characters themselves. Therefore, a ton of work was put into the construction of the sets in order to make the maritime setting feel real for the cast, and more importantly, the audience. In a behind-the-scenes clip shared by Starz, senior rigger Joel Yates explained: "The carpenters building the boat it took them, I think, four or five months. They want it to look as authentic as possible because what we've built is a very accurate replica of a sailing ship."
The end product, called The Walrus in the show, was massive as well, as Yates revealed that the full ship is approximately 140 feet long. And to pull off such an incredible feat, it took a gigantic crew with various skill sets, as construction coordinator Clive Pollack shared: "There are 300 people working on the boat. There are carpenters, sculptors, painters, riggers, sailmakers."
5. There were no bathrooms for cast and crew on the ship
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For as grand as the prominent pirate ship is in "Black Sails," it does have its faults as it also serves as the set of a modern TV production. In a 2016 interview with Den of Geek, actor Zach McGowan revealed the biggest problem for the cast and crew on set: "The hardest thing about the ships, most people don't realize, is just when you're on the ship at the top of the deck somewhere, it's very far to the nearest bathroom. There's no bathroom on the ships."
Even with that minor complaint, McGowan went on to stress that being on the deck of the ship at sea was such a great experience that the actor wished he had more of those scenes. It's also his opinion that most of the cast felt the same way, except possibly the ones who spent the most time on board, such as Toby Stephens.
6. The actors went through pirate boot camp
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Like most epic dramas featured on premium channels, "Black Sails" is filled with massive battle sequences, in this case often between rival pirate clans, or against the relentless forces of the British and Spanish empires. While the nature of naval warfare means that a good amount of these conflicts are long distance, yet devastating, as cannonballs attempt to rip enemy vessels apart, much of the brutal combat is at close quarters.
All of the fight scenes in the series are quite impressive, so it makes sense that many cast members received special training. In a Q&A with a few of the main actors, shared by Starz in 2015, Luke Arnold revealed: "We all went through a three-week pirate boot camp. Well, the pirates of the crew did at the beginning of shooting." And it was a good thing that they did because when asked if they could survive the rough conditions of the time period, the general consensus was an adamant no. Toby Stephens then elaborated with a laugh: "The real trouble, I'd be ok on Nasau, it was as soon as I'd get on a boat and I had to sail anywhere."
7. Clara Paget came up with Anne Bonny's distinctive look
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From Charles Vane, Edward Teach, and Jack Rackham to Captain Flint, Long John Silver, and Billy Bones, "Black Sails" has all sorts of characters based on either historic people or from the famous fictional tale, "Treasure Island." Therefore, both the writers of the show and the actors who portrayed these popular figures had to work with what was already known about them. But at the same time, there was a lot of creative freedom as well.
A somewhat minor, though fascinating aspect of another one of these real characters in the series, Anne Bonny, was thought up by actress Clara Paget. In a 2016 interview with Den of Geek, when asked what she contributed to the role, the actress replied: "I suppose the hat. That came completely organically. I tried on this hat and then I was pulling it down in an almost jokey way, like an old-school Western. Then it became who she is, hiding behind this hat. It really works for the character because, as I said, it shows this vulnerable side at the same time as being a badass through one side or the other. Like schizophrenic, bipolar."
8. Zack McGowan broke a stuntman's jaw by accident
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A major reason that the fight scenes in "Black Sails" are so good is because of the enthusiasm of the cast and crew when filming, yet there was one time that may have gone a little too far. When a stuntman on set named Daryl was to be hit with the butt of a rifle by Zach McGowan, the dedicated performer showed no fear and encouraged the actor to strike him square in the face. The veteran stuntman figured it was no big deal since the thing was only made of rubber. Since Daryl seemed more than fine with the idea, McGowan went along with the idea.
In a 2017 interview with Rotten Tomatoes, Toby Stephens recalled the disastrous, though somewhat funny result: "Zach, who's brilliant at this kind of thing, whacked him straight in the jaw, as the guy asked, and totally broke his jaw. It looks fantastic, it actually made the cut, and it looked absolutely brilliant. At the end of it, I just remember Daryl going, 'No, it's fine. It's okay, don't worry about it.'" Fortunately, the stuntman was not seriously harmed, so they were able to joke about it a bit.
9. Zack McGowan climbed the balconies of a building to get rum
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"Black Sails" is filled with many incredible exploits of pirate warriors as they battle on the high seas, but a behind-the-scenes achievement by one of the actors was almost as impressive as what was shown on screen. During a break in filming, the cast was having a good time together but needed some rum, so Zach McGowan went to rather extreme lengths to remedy the situation.   
In order to gain access to the prized liquor in a room several floors up, the actor literally scaled the side of the building all on his own. When talking with Rotten Tomatoes, cast member Hannah New described the amazing sight, saying: "He did this like Spider-Man kind of thing where he climbed up these balconies … it's incredible, he does like, God knows how many chin-ups every day. So, he can just chin up these balconies."
After McGowan successfully got the rum and then made the way back down with it in his front pocket, the cast waiting down below were too awestruck to do anything but tensely watch. Fellow actress Jessica Parker Kennedy added: "And none of us videotaped it. I think we were all in such shock, it was so scary, I thought he was going to fall and break his neck and we would have to explain it to our producers the next day."
10. It took all season to film Luke Arnold's underwater scene
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In the fourth season of "Black Sails," Long John Silver nearly perishes in the sea as he struggles to escape his sinking ship. Actor Luke Arnold must have been pleased that his character ultimately survived the harrowing experience, but filming the scenes was definitely not easy for the actor. Even though he was confident in the comprehensive training he received beforehand, Arnold still had to overcome a major fear of performing in those conditions.
When asked specifically about those tense underwater moments, he told Collider in a 2017 interview: "That was the beginning of hell that kept getting crazier as it went along. That took all season to shoot. We were in the water tank, from the beginning of the season, stuck underwater, all day." To his dismay, Arnold was right when he assumed it would take longer to finish than the filmmakers first thought, yet it was all worth it, as he added: "Right until the last couple of weeks, I was doing bits of the underwater stuff to make that whole sequence as spectacular as it is."
11. Luke Arnold received a special gift from a producer
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Luke Arnold was one of several major cast members of "Black Sails" who was in the show from the very beginning all the way through to the climactic finale. The actor very much enjoyed his time filming the series, so when he found a cherished memento from the early days, it was a big deal. In the same interview with Collider, he revealed: "We were shooting a scene in Season 4 that was back in Eleanor's office, and I found the piece of paper that I was writing the directions to find the Urca de Lima on, which was the very first scene we shot in Episode 103. Nina Jack, who was one of our producers on Season 4, got it framed and gave it to me as a gift, so I've gone away with that. That was amazing!"
On the other hand, there were parts of the series that Arnold did not remember so fondly, mostly from the difficulties that arose in pretending to have lost a leg. In this endeavor, he was able to use a crutch on screen, but the prop caused him so much discomfort that he grew to despise it.
12. Luke Arnold had a legless stunt double
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Once Long John Silver tragically loses his leg in "Black Sails," Luke Arnold had some difficulty filming scenes as the character, so he was grateful to have help from a stuntman named Ben de Jager who is also missing the limb. The actor told Collider: "It was great to have somebody who's gone through the experience of losing a leg. He did step in for a lot of stuff, mainly because it was so much easier to have him there. If you're shooting from behind or you're focusing on the foot, it's easier to have someone in who's missing the leg than to do it with me and spend a fortune on visual effects to change things."
Though Arnold certainly got along with de Jager, there also seemed to have been a little jealousy in sharing screen time for the role. The actor admitted that a downside for him was his absence in some major Long John Silver moments of the show.
13. The writers gradually decided to bring back Flint's lover, Thomas
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For as dark as "Black Sails" can be throughout the series, it ended on a fairly happy note as the main character, Captain Flint, is finally reunited with the love of his life, Thomas Hamilton (Rupert Penry-Jones). Both men are sentenced to imprisonment on a plantation, yet all that matters to the pair is that they are together again. Viewers may have been somewhat surprised that Thomas had returned to the show given the fact that he was thought to be dead, but over time the writers decided that was not going to be his fate.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter in 2017, Jonathan Steinberg explained: "We had a sense in Season 2 when he died off-screen, that any character who dies off-screen, you're taking the word of the messenger as to whether or not it actually happened. We knew we weren't finished with him. And then at some point in Season 3, we realized it would be reasonably late in the series when he came back, so in Season 4 it felt right."
Source: Looper
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