#i would love to write something more sweet and less bitter for these two one day. alas
boltlightning · 1 year
For the drabble meme: Elizabeth & Norrington, 5. "Seeking Solace"? Please and thank you!
ok. hello. i wrote one and realized it was over the sentence limit so i just wrote another one instead of cutting a sentence. it's my blog i make the rules here's both
5. seeking solace
The Black Pearl has sailed only a few days out from Tortuga, and Captain Jack Sparrow has the new crew members feasting like this meal shall be their last: while Elizabeth can stomach the overdone goat, stale bread, and vinegary wine, she cannot and will not stomach the raucous and unfocused conversation accompanied by Mr. Gibbs’ shrill attempts on the fiddle. She pours two tins of hot coffee and slips out onto the deck. The skeleton crew casts dark looks her way as the sounds of revelry within the cabin are swallowed up behind the doors once more; Elizabeth readily ignores them and approaches the one tall figure leaning against the gunwale, gazing out at the bright and endless sea. Coffee in hand, skirting a party, gazing at the scenery with James Norrington — it brings Elizabeth back to most every dinner party they both attended (and escaped) back in Port Royal, though the slouched man before her only barely resembles the dashing officer so beloved in her household. She offers him the cup, and James accepts with a quiet word and fleeting eye contact and nothing further; he only turns back to the waves.  When Elizabeth turns to go, slighted and silent herself, James’ hand brushes her elbow and he says softly, “I'm — Elizabeth, stay with me, please.”
At first, Norrington thinks his imagination has become too active and too cruel after weeks of restless service aboard the Dutchman — surely, that cannot be Elizabeth Swann being dragged by two redcoats from the captain’s quarters of the Empress. Norrington forces himself to think rationally and move slowly down the deck, as though the illusion will break if he believes it too readily, as though the deck will shatter beneath him if he dares to hope. When Elizabeth spots him, she breaks free of her captors and runs for him, calling his name; he pulls her fully into his arms the instant she is near. This is no dream: she is real, she is so desperately real, and she is here and alive and there is hope for her and himself and Governor Swann to escape yet. “Your father will be overjoyed to know you’re safe,” Norrington breathes, his smile half-formed and tentative — just as Elizabeth’s shoulders tense beneath his touch, and the light in her eyes becomes hard and fierce.
send me a prompt, get a drabble ✨
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tojisprettywife · 3 months
Your Fav fairies and their wands
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{note: this is the so called 'surprise' hahaha💀. i'll be describing men of jjk's copulation wand🪄 (according to me). it's my first time doing it. hopefully, it's fine and makes some sense. the basic drill, unedited, not proof read. minors DNI.}
< @jkumiplace here u go, what i was talking abt 😭.>
warnings: heavily 18+, idk copulation wand and its components explained. nsfw under the cut.
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First let's talk about the man, i write the most about.
Toji Fushiguro
everyone attaches 'big cock' with him for a reason, bc it is big. and this man is in his 40s so def, he's uncut. with two prominent veins running along the length, the tip is red but it is in between his skin tone and red. the tip may be slightly curved, so it perfectly grazes your sweet spot. he's so thick and girthy, he stretches you out so well. def a shower. the shaft's skin tone is two shades darker than his skin tone, and has a bit of a brown hue. again, heavy balls, so round, so cute. breeder balls, that are heavy and slap against your clit each time, so harshly during backshots. his precum is salty but cum though, viscous, literally thick, white, and salty plus bitter makes you gag each time you try to swallow it, but fills your pussy so full, gracefully dripping out your tight hole as he pulls out. his pubic hair is not trimmed, unkempt for sure, but when he starts dating you, he might think abt it twice. also has a very visible happy trail.
6.5 inches in length, 5 inches in girth, uncut.
Nanami Kento
more of a grower, than a shower. 6 inches. perfect. what you want need he has it. def cut, pinky aww and has a mushroom tip. has a dick, you wanna worship, bc he trims, it's perfect. hygiene? 20/10. his shaft is the same color as his skin tone, the base might have a slight red hue. precum is clear, slightly salty but with a hint of sweetness, cum though is milky white, not so viscous, tastes salty yet with a hint of sweetness and a pinch of tanginess. takes good care of himself, and has well kept nails, so he doesn't hurt you while fingering you. eats fruits, and drinks adequate water, so he doesn't taste like battery acid, rather sweet and nice. i know he has something addictive in his cum. and yes balls <3, round and soft, loves it when you suck on them.
6-6.2 inches in length, 4.5 inches in girth, cut
Geto Suguru
another big dick attached behind his name. he def has a size that you can't fit easily, your jaw would hurt. loves it when you choke on it. shower, not much of a grower. uncut, no one can convince me otherwise. he has a slight curve upwards when erect, slightly, again bruises and brushes against your g spot so well, a red-ish-pink tip, and quite a few veins running along the length, the skin color of the shaft similar to his skin tone, with a hue of brown. precum is salty and sticky; cum whew is slightly clear yet milky white, not much viscous viscosity of mango juice tastes salty and slightly bitter and can be sweet at times. well kept and trimmed if he is in a relationship, otherwise unkempt. his balls are not so big, but sensitive. a light happy trail! when he stretches his arms above his head, his tee lifts up giving u a small peek of his happy trail. (he might do this on purpose lol)
6.4-6.6 inches in length, 5.01 inches in girth, uncut
Gojo Satoru
ah yes, the lover boy. his dick is pretty. like he doesn't have much pubic hair, it's super light, so he doesn't need to do much work. cut, pinky tip, leaks a lot of precum. the shaft is the same skin color as his skin tone but has a pink tint to it, with two veins running along the side of it. weirdly enough, this man takes care of himself pretty, as counterintuitive as that sounds. his nails are done in a nail salon, drinks water adequately, eats fruits, and he smells amazing. i bet when he sweats, it doesn't even smell. hmm, his cum is less viscous, pretty easy to swallow, and sweet! a little salty. he has very sensitive balls, loves it when u fondle them and ride him plus loves it when u suck on them while giving him a head.
6.8-7 inches in length, 4.2 inches in girth, cut
Higuruma Hiromi
im pretty sure he is cooped up in his office all the time yet i'd say he is more of a grower than a shower. uncut, again no one can convince me otherwise mushroom tip, is darker than his skin color, shaft is a bit lighter compared to his tip. his length is quite average but girthy, you can't take him without prior prep, fingering. he doesn't leak precum much, it has a more mucus texture, slightly salty w a pinch of tanginess; his cum though, is thick and milky white, bitter at times can be sweet depending on his diet. it's hard to swallow his cum, leaving a slightly bitter, acidic aftertaste on your tongue. his balls def small but heavy, likes how it sounds when it slaps against your ass. takes care of himself better when he is in a relationship.
5.7-5.9 inches in length, 5.56 inches in girth, uncut.
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(hint. hint. the names!)
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madschiavelique · 5 months
˖𓍯. 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬. ★. ₊ ⭑
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⟢﹒ pairing : matt murdock x audhd!reader x frank castle
⟢﹒ summary : your family is an ordeal to endure, full of disparaging remarks that make for a horrible evening. fortunately, Matt and Frank come to keep you company during the family diner and take you home to look after you.
⟢﹒ content warnings : hurt/comfort, extremely self-indulgent, reader's family are degrading, audhd reader close to breaking down, reader having sensory issues, reader getting overstimulated, the guys in this are so lovable and sweet boyfriends, afab!reader, no use of Y/N
⟢﹒ word count : 9,3k
⟢﹒ note : had quite a shitty christmas ngl, so i thought writing this piece of comfort would be helpful ! if you only want to read the comfort part, i'll place a separation by using a black divider between the hurt and comfort part. a huge thank you to my bestie @sunflowersandsapphires who proofread this <3. have a good read lovelies!
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You passed a q-tip close to your eyes in the hope of correcting the curve of your make-up, trying with that scatterbrained perfectionism that accompanied you in even the most minute tasks to ensure that everything was symmetrical.
Nothing too extravagant, just something elegant, neutral, but that would do. The standard was just to look presentable, from the face to the rest of the body. Jeans, an oversized hoodie, nothing special.
This lack of personal distinction was undoubtedly due to the rejection of perception, the insistent stares, the embarrassing compliments that could suddenly put you in the spotlight tonight, an idea that made you feel profoundly uneasy.
You stepped back a little, checking to see if the much-desired symmetry had been achieved, and no sooner had you put down your utensil than you were asked to do the little cousins' make-up.
Tonight was an annual family reunion: Christmas, where aunts, uncles, grandparents and grandchildren got together over foie gras, salmon and dubious discussions. Where guests who have just left are criticised, where disparaging remarks are exchanged, and where the meal always ends up drifting into politics with more or less heated debates at the table.
You anticipated the evening, an anxious knot already forming in your stomach. You had a particular link with your family, of which the affection was strangely displayed if at all in a way you despised entirely. Every year was a different pain, a different bitter taste that lingered in your thoughts like poison, and you were not delighted to participate in this celebration when you would’ve preferred staying home.
Only one thing held you in place and convinced you that the night wouldn't be a constant and unrelenting hell: Matt and Frank were coming over.
This winter, it was the first time you would’ve been accompanied by them, and by anyone in fact. Knowing the rather strong opinions of your family, the simple idea of saying that you shared your life with two men in a more than platonic way had been dismissed a long time ago. A trouple? If that fell in the ears of one of your family members, you could be sure that you'd become the next freak of the night.
So you talked it over with the boys and came up with a plan to make sure you could bring them both along and not make a big deal of it: one of them would pretend to be your boyfriend, while the other would just be your friend that had nothing better to do for the celebration.
The choice of boyfriend fell on Frank, and friend on Matt.
He had asked why, and you had explained that it was obviously in no way because of favouritism or anything of the sort, but rather the simple fact that he would get more compliments behind his back if he wasn't with you than if he was. 
He'd frowned, but you'd had to explain to them how your family was sometimes built on clusters of shrill gossip, talking behind others' backs and later making remarks to their faces in tones of passive aggressiveness and wicked irony.
You also had to educate them, that no matter what was said about you tonight, not to react. They'd probably be itching to, it would be like a thread sticking out, but they were forbidden to pull on it.
You looked at the clock, seven past. You'd texted Frank to ask where they were and when they'd arrive. Eight thirty had been their reply, and you took a deep breath. An hour and a half to go.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, assuring yourself everything was alright and that you were presentable enough. You can do it, you kept telling yourself, this night knows an end.
The first complications arose sooner than you thought. 
First of all, you'd managed to find a decent seat in an armchair and not on a sofa. However, this seat was very close to the fireplace, where a blazing fire licked the brown logs with appetite. Very close, too close, close enough that it felt suffocating. 
You moved your chair back slightly as best you could, trying not to disturb the conversation that was already well underway.
You tried to take a few snacks, perhaps some cashews, crackers or cherry tomatoes might ease your boredom and distract you from the growing heat.
You pulled out your phone, hoping that Frank and Matt would get here sooner, and would've sent a message to that effect. Or perhaps was there a notification from any of your friends, a reel, a meme, anything-
"Put your phone away, we're with the family."
You looked up, your mother watching you and taking her glass in hand with a look of dissatisfaction. In a single instant, your cheeks heat up all the more as the fire in the fireplace presses against your skin, and you gulped.
"I just wanted to check if I had any news about Matt and Frank's drive," you explained simply, gently stuffing the phone into your pocket.
"They'll arrive when they arrive, but for now, be with us."
You nodded, discreetly biting your cheek as one of your only escapes for tonight went up in smoke. You would have much preferred to be able to escape a little and block out what was going on around you, even sorting out your gallery and deleting useless pictures would have been a more pleasant and less stressful activity.
But you couldn't, and you said nothing when it was your mother's turn to pick up her own phone and connect to the speaker to play her Christmas playlist. 
The children played together, which should’ve been a joy, but their overexcited screams, incessant movements and all that noise were enough to make you feel the headache setting in.
There were easily three different conversations going on around you, and your mother turned up the music in response. You waved, putting your hand in front of you as if you were lazily dribbling an invisible ball to indicate her to lower the volume, and she turned the music down a notch.
You clenched your jaw, thinking to yourself that this was a good start, even if everything else was getting harder to hold on to.
Choosing to wear a hoodie became almost a regret as the ambient heat from the fireplace worked its way up your spine to the nape of your neck, creating an unpleasant feeling. Soon enough, you had to take it all off as the first signs of nausea began to make themselves felt.
You weren't particularly comfortable with the idea, but everyone's attention was obviously diverted enough to take no notice of your actions. Except perhaps for one.
"You could have made an effort on your outfit, it's not very festive." Your mother sighed before taking a sip from her glass of champagne. "Hadn't you lost weight? It would be a shame to spoil the occasion."
You swallowed, the ground looking awfully interesting at this very moment. You knew what would have been said to you if you'd worn something more in the spirit of it, "You've got a nice body, you should wear that more often," and other remarks falling into the famous "you should insert-disobliging-action more often" category.
You should wear that more often. You should smile more often. You should come more often. But none of these requests were of the taste to be fulfilled by you tonight.
So you simply shrugged, having nothing in particular to say, and feeling your heart clench. You were stuck in this contradictory place where if you made one move slightly changing from your usual self to them, you were reprimanded on it, but if you didn’t do anything in particular, they highlighted the fact that it was disappointing you hadn’t done anything.
"Well, we're delighted to have you with us tonight!" chuckled an uncle, raising his glass to you.
"It sure makes a change from knowing she's in her cave," chuckles an aunt.
You smile, but there's no warmth behind the gesture. By cave, they mean your bedroom. Your habit of isolating yourself had brought you a certain reputation within your family, and for years now it has been a recurring joke. They laughed about it every time, but you saw it more as a broken record replaying the same snippet of music... speaking of which, your mother turned up the sound again, thinking you wouldn't notice.
"Could you turn it down please? It's really loud." you ask politely, in the most calm, composed and polite tone you could produce at the moment.
"Oh come on," your mother grumbles, rolling her eyes, "we're allowed to have fun."
She turned up the volume once more, and finally someone other than you told her it was too loud. Reluctantly, she lowered the sound slightly, but it was still not enough for you. Your hands lodge over your ears, hoping with all your heart that this would ease the strain on your eardrums.
Conversations sought to drown out the music, each member pushing their voice for any discussion. Kids were still running around, chasing one another by screaming at each other, and adjusting your eyes on anything without the certainty of getting a headache felt like mission impossible. 
Your hands on your ears helped slightly, and it was only then that your mother looked at you with a surprised expression.
"Does it really hurt?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.
"Yes," you nodded, "it really does."
Finally, she turned it down, and you exhaled as the others resumed a more appropriate though still higher volume of discussion than you'd prefer. The kids had been changed of room, making it more bearable for you to live through. 
"So, what have you been up to lately?" asks one of your grandparents, "how's work?"
Your cheeks heat up, the discussion now turned towards you, prompting you to take your glass in hand just to have something to quench your throat suddenly arid as the sahara.
"Very well, business is good." you smiled falsely, forcing your face to display the features they might normally expect to see.
"Great, and those two guests coming tonight, do you know them from work?"
How could you say that the circumstances in which you had met these two men were in a situation that included Frank and Matt falling into your flat, bloodied, and asking you for help? 
Karen, who you’d known through college, had advised them of your address, and when the first opportunity came up, they had taken the chance to make the most exceptional introduction you'd ever had in your life : stumbling at your place with cuts all around
"In a way, yes," you replied, pressing your lips into a thin line.
"One of them's her boyfriend, and the other's a lawyer," your mother informed the others, who seemed delighted by your seemingly noble company.
It's a good thing the flames in the fireplace were dying down and that it wasn't so hot anymore, because both your cheeks felt like you were resting the back of your hand on hot embers. It was a never-ending embarrassment to have such behaviour around you, saying aloud everything regarding you without you consenting to any information to be given. Wherever ridiculous actions or the slightest subject that was even a little new and out of their boredom-inducing daily lives occurred, they swarmed.
Nevertheless, the conversation drifted away to your delight, and at the mention of your loves, you couldn't stop thinking about them. You would have liked to check the time, to see if they had any problems on the way that might have delayed them, but you knew that such conduct was likely to earn you an additional remark about the use of your telephone. After all, she could find openings as easily as water in a colander.
Just then, a dance song began to play which, objectively, had nothing to do with the Christmas spirit. So everyone stood up, moving the chairs to get more room, and you helped in this cacophony of moved furniture. 
You stood to one side as everyone got to the centre of the room, their dance steps resembling a veritable collective epileptic seizure of which you had no desire to become another member.
You took the opportunity to take refuge in the bathroom, carefully closing the door behind you and sitting down on the toilet to take a deep breath. The after-effects of all these mixed sensations were beginning to make themselves known.
Your body was as taut as a bowstring, as if every muscle had contracted from a high fall, and it felt as if releasing all the tension would break you in thousands of small pieces. Your heart wasn't beating particularly fast, but it was beating hard, and you couldn't ignore it.
You took a deep breath, letting your head fall back as you closed your eyes. Your throat and chest were tight, so tight that you felt like crying right now. But you couldn't, it would be too noticeable once you got out of here, and you didn't want to give them the pleasure of having an extra subject to talk about at the end of the evening once you'd gone. It would do them too much honour, and you couldn't afford to give them any.
You were so tired, you couldn't take it any more, the fatigue coursing through your body like you'd run a marathon of shame. You breathed in again, feeling your previously tight chest slowly relax as your body was jolting a bit from the unease.
This wouldn't last forever. By the end of the evening, after dessert, you wouldn't be in this house surrounded by all these people, all these eyes, all these mouths, all this noise.
That's when your phone buzzed, and without missing a beat, you pulled it out of your pocket. On the screen was a single message from Frank that gave you tremendous reassurance:
We're here.
You bit your lip, nodding slowly. One last breath for courage and you stood up, opening the door of the bathroom. Without anyone noticing, you grabbed your hoodie and stepped outside into the cool of the night.
The sudden chill brought you unparalleled comfort, biting your cheeks hot with frustration and embarrassment. Perhaps the night would heal you, that its cool caress would apply its balm of softness to all that pressure and relieve you of your tension.
You turned your key ring to find the one for the gate a little further on, trying to walk and not sprint to it. Inserting the key almost frantically but controlling your excitement and relief at their presence, you opened the game.
And there they were, smiling at you.
"Evening sweetheart," Frank smiled when he saw you.
"Sorry we took so long," Matt apologised, pressing his lips together.
You looked behind you to make sure no one had followed you outside, closing the gate slightly so that you wouldn't be seen. You knew that even from here, your group of three could be seen as a pile of meat around which the vultures would circle, and you didn't want to risk being their next meal.
You hugged them both, relieved to have them close to you, and the suddenness and desperation in your gesture almost seemed to surprise them. They hugged you back, kissing your temple.
"Your cheeks are warm," Frank chuckled, pressing his face harder against yours, making you giggle.
"Is everything okay?" asked Matt, stroking your hair, "you're all tense."
Of course, Matt noticing every microscopic detail as usual, couldn't help but pick up on how stiff your body looked, and how the smell of stress covered your skin in the thinnest film. There was no point in lying to Matt, or pretending to divert the subject with Frank, so you sighed.
"Lots of noise, not much serenity," you replied, letting your head fall against the devil's chest.
You were trying to cherish all this a little more, because once you were back in the house, you and Matt wouldn't be able to touch each other again except perhaps to pass a plate across the table and let your fingers deliberately brush against each other.
They'd already been told by you what to expect, and even if they were prepared, they were sorry to find you like this.
"We won't stay here the whole night," Matt reassures as he wraps his arms around you, stroking your back. "Let's hope we get out of here before Frank goes so far as to take the silverware from the table and threaten anyone with the butter knife."
"You're ruining my fun, Red. Now I've got to find something more inventive," sighed the latter.
"Take the star at the top of the pine tree, it'll be sharp enough," you suggested, turning your head towards him, cheek still pressed against Matt's chest. 
"See that, that's Christmas spirit," smiled Frank.
You loosened your embrace, Matt gently kissing your lips. He savoured the moment, and so did you, because this kind of proximity with him wasn't going to happen again for several hours. 
"Ready?" asked Frank, letting his pointer finger form a hook to caress the skin of your cheek.
You looked at the lights further away from the house, hearing the music from here and already preparing in the second part of the night.
"Ready," you breathed in before reopening the gate and letting them through.
You felt your heart clench again, the unpleasant tingle of anxiety coursing through your veins in a fluid traffic that seemed impossible to dilute. You tried to breathe calmly, preparing yourself once again to face the suffocating interior of sounds, movements and remarks.
"Remember, if you need to take a break from all this and go outside, squeeze my hand three times, okay sweetheart ?" reminded Frank, placing his hand on the small of your back.
"Yeah," you swallowed, nodding softly as a tight little smile spread across your lips.
You'd agreed to pretend, in case things got desperate and you needed a break, that Frank was a smoker, and that you and Matt shared his ciggy break together.
All of this preparation had come from the fact your mother had passed an entire questioning about your boyfriend - or at least one of them - to prepare herself conventionally. You knew how she was, and such coaching with the guys was for the better.
Still, his hand on your back was reassuring, and made things easier to bear.
You opened the door, and everyone turned to you with a big "Ah" of satisfaction. Introductions were made as both took off their jackets. Frank remained friendly but guarded - as usual, typical Frank - and Matt seemed to bloom in this social environment like a freshly blossomed flower.
It didn't take long for most of your family to decide that they loved Matt. His well-timed humour, his natural charm, his eloquence, everything about him made him a man to be admired.
"Isn't there any way he could be your boyfriend instead?" said an aunt, approaching you as Matt and Frank continued to be introduced.
"He's way out of her league," sneered another, "they both are, actually."
You pressed your lips together, blowing falsely from your nose to feign amusement. You knew Matt could hear every little jab at you tonight, and if he was feeling any frustration, he was hiding it perfectly.
"Where did you get them? I want one too," said the first, making the other laugh.
"Might get the lawyer's phone number," she replied.
"Yours is very fine too," remarked the other, "how'd you manage to get him ?"
They both said these sentences as if their own husbands weren't in the room, and as if the possibility of you being in a relationship with one of them was a miracle, or just a huge stroke of luck.
"Through work," you replied mechanically and through clenched teeth before moving into the kitchen to help with the dishes.
You knew these sorts of remarks were to be brought up, on how you’d managed to surround yourself so well. Matt and Frank had long wondered how your confidence in yourself was so low, but maybe tonight would’ve been the perfect example as to why it was the case.
The transition to the table was almost seamless. Everyone sat down, the seating order meticulously adapted for everyone. Fortunately, you found yourself between Frank and Matt. You were inwardly grateful for the choice of decorations when you realised that the tablecloth was quite long, and that the reassuring hand Matt had just put on your thigh wouldn't be noticeable.
You breathed softly, the warmth of his hand anchoring you better in all of this and giving you something to focus on that was sweeter than any mean remarks.
Of course, with every new person around the table comes an interrogation to get to know them. Questions of all kinds followed for the boys, about their work, their activities, your aunts of course looking for answers as to how you and Frank had ended up together.
You'd worked it out and decided that Matt had introduced you to Frank and that, through your shared tastes in literature and other things, you'd ended up bonding.
"If books are the new way to getting to a man I've got some reading to do," joked one of the aunts, making the table laugh unanimously, "never thought you'd manage anything of the sort."
The pique directed at you made you feel as if you were swallowing a large ice cube with difficulty, but you covered your discomfort with an expert fake smile. Masking all that discomfort since the start of the evening was beginning to prove complicated, but you weren't going to use the smoking-break Joker just yet.
You could see in the corners of your eyes how Matt was wearing a stiff smile, and how Frank's jaw was tense. Gently reaching under the table, you took both their hands, turning to Frank with another smile that this time wasn't imbued with the polite mask you wore, but with sincerity.
"Let's just say I was lucky " to have found two such extraordinary people who fill my life with love on a daily basis, would you have finished.
You squeezed their hands, drawing small circles on their skins as they both smiled.
The starter was over, the main course continued as your stomach was refusing to let you eat anything, and the whole thing brought together discussions that made you uncomfortable to say the least. All sorts of unconscious or simply cruel racist, homophobic and even transphobic remarks were placed on the table. 
You remained silent, not speaking particularly. You had no desire to take part in this kind of discussion, given how horrible the venom on each other's tongues was. You just hoped it would all be over soon, looking forward to going home with Frank and Matt.
The cousins were chatting away like fascists, one talking about Napoleon, and the old days being the best, while talking about the questionable politicians he was listening to on the radio. 
The cheese arrived, and then came the little break just before dessert. They put on a film for the children, so that the adults could have a quiet chat without all the heckling.
Hearing the parents' arse jokes, you'd think they'd be fucking each other on the table if they thought it was funny. You could very well let your own sassy tongue out, say that if this aunt isn't listening to what's being said already it's because she's working out her next gossip, but you have to forgive her because she wouldn't be like this if her husband wasn't cheating on her, or maybe he's cheating on her because she's like this. 
To tell the uncles that they're less likely to die from terrorism than from alcoholism, to tell one aunt to strap the kids up tight because her husband is going to be driving as if he had an autonomous car. And that you would’ve liked to finish by saying that no matter the smiles, the village fete, all it took was a small difference for everyone to see the real faces.
But you said nothing, keeping to yourself those comments that would only serve to fuel their hatred. 
As Frank came up to grab another drink, your mother sat next to you on the sofa while the two boys came to be monopolised by aunts and uncles. A procession of rednecks near Frank discussing his familiarity with weapons and his military past, while the aunts were wiggling around Matt hoping to curry favour with the young lawyer.
"It's too hot in here," you murmured as you shifted a little from your mother, but she wasn't letting go and placed her head on your shoulder.
"But I want to be close to you," she said with a pout, the alcohol making her visibly affectionate.
You tensed, the desire to get away from it all running through your body, screaming under your skin. But there was nothing you could do, frozen there in the middle of it all, having to endure the situation as best you could.
The familial conversation drifted onto the subject of intellectuality, on the fact that your family was made up of nothing else, or at least for the most part. And you felt tiny, because they were generally right: they were all huge readers of the classics, who knew a lot about history, literature, philosophy and other human sciences. 
All these subjects were familiar to you, because you had had to learn them, to master them in the face of the global family demand for the cultivation of excellence.
Even though you were the ugly duckling of the family, that didn't stop you sharing this knowledge and they were all aware of it. You were able to inject the conversation with valid arguments and insights you'd learned on your own that were important to the topic, and whenever the occasion to say something wise came up that you grasped, they seemed more tolerable to you.
When the discussion turned to the descendants of a painter, you were asked to verify the accuracy of certain statements. So you looked it up on your phone, but barely half a minute later, your mother couldn't resist reprimanding you:
"What did I tell you on your phone? Not when we're with the family."
Irritation from all the previous events of the evening was beginning to press down on you, and it was with some irritation that you replied: 
"But I've been asked for some information."
Your voice was almost like that of a child defending themselves against someone calling them a liar, and this tone seemed to displease her when her gaze hardened.
"Don't talk to me like that, and put your phone away."
You bit the inside of your cheek so hard it felt like it was going to bleed, and said nothing as you put your phone back in your pocket while the conversation around you resumed.
You didn't meet Frank's gaze, nor did you turn to Matt, because you knew that this simple gesture would show weakness and a cry for help. However, you had made them swear not to interfere, and you remained silent for a while, trying to calm yourself down as you watched the fire ripple in the fireplace like an orange veil dancing in the wind while you fiddled with your fingers.
The tic was automatic; Matt and Frank would have preferred to have taken your hand in theirs to prevent this torment. 
What irritated you most of all was the profound injustice of the whole evening. You wouldn’t say anything, and you’d be considered too silent so people would ask you questions, but once you opened your mouth they were not satisfied with your answers. You couldn’t take your own phone, when all the aunts had their own, texting to their friends and all. Children had the right to get away in another room and watch a movie, while you had to stick there doing nothing but listening to whatever was said.
You couldn’t wait for the night to come to an end.
It was time to store the presents everywhere and pretend to the children that Santa had stopped by while they were watching the movie. Everything was placed in colourful piles, and when the children were called, they ran down the stairs and began the frantic tearing of gift wrap to an orchestra of shrieks and shredding.
All the accumulated sounds made you grit your teeth, tightening your throat and making you want to cry. You could feel the limit coming, and you needed a break to prevent you from imploding.
This time you took Frank's hand and squeezed it three times. He turned to you immediately, stroking your cheek before telling Matt. As quickly as they could without looking rushed, they put on their jackets and went out after you.
The night air calmed some part of you instantly, the contrast between all the hectic ambiance inside and the calmness of the outside felt like two extreme opposite worlds living by the only separation of a door.
To make sure that even from the outside there would be no doubt about this cover, Frank had to play along by taking out a cigarette and lighting it. He seemed irritated, and the idea of that Joker card almost seemed to play a real asset in all this to calm him down.
"How the fuck do they sleep at night?" he grumbles as he puffs out his first drag, "it's like they take every opportunity they get to pull you down."
"It's alright, let it slide." you sigh, crossing your arms over your chest.
"No it's not," he continues, "I can't believe you managed to handle their company for all these years."
"Didn't have much of a choice," you breathe.
"I know you said it was bad, I just didn't imagine it was constantly so," Matt confirmed.
"If I go back there I might actually punch them in the face," Frank grumbles before taking another drag on the cigarette.
"All that's left is the presents from the adults, then the Yule log, and then we'll be off, okay?" reassured Matt, placing his hand gently on your shoulder.
The touch of his hand brought a comforting warmth, and his words managed to reassure you. You looked at them both, thinking about how it would’ve been without them : unbearable, definitely. You had barely been able to handle it before they came, but now that they were here, you felt safe, like half of the poison that was thrown at you was not as effective.
They had changed you, made you feel loved, cherished, proud. They had been trying to break these patterns, the self depreciation, the self sabotage, the lack of self confidence. They were helping you build yourself back up from the ruins everyone else had left, and you were the most grateful to the universe to had brought them in your life.
"Thank you both, for being here," you admitted, your voice almost cracking, the coolness of the night giving you a feeling of security that was enough to relax your knotted throat.
They turned towards you, their faces softening. They knew what you were going through, what you were enduring for the night, and how complicated and unpleasant it must have been until they arrived. 
Frank took you in his arms, the smell of tobacco already permeating his clothes. Matt must not have been enjoying it at all, smelling that darkly sugary, smoky smell all around him, but whatever personal discomfort he was experiencing he didn't let it show. 
"It's the least we can do, beautiful," he replied, stroking your back.
"We just wish we could shut their mouths," Matt agreed, holding back from participating in the embrace as you’d instructed him.
"And stop this whole group of women from praising you?" sneered Frank, which made you smile.
Matt's nose scrunched up and his bottom lip curled in disgust at the remark.
"One of them wanted to feed me appetisers, and another asked me about being blind and whether I'd mind being in a relationship with someone whose looks I can't see." he said with a sigh.
"And then?" asked Frank curiously as you both turned to face the lawyer.
"I told her that I didn't need to see to know who was good-looking, and that if I chose my relationships purely on looks, I wouldn't know true friendship or love."
"All those poetic words must have pleased her," Frank punctuated with a whistle.
"Not until I told her my grandmother wore the same perfume as her."
You and Frank both laughed softly, truly impressed at how Matt was handling all this flirting and cringe from several women altogether. 
But this calm moment had to have an end, as the cigarette grew smaller and smaller by the minute. Frank broke away from your embrace to finish it and stubbed it out on the wall.
This little outing had done you a world of good. The cool night air had refreshed you, its delicate silence giving you a break from all the noise and the terrible comments from your family all the while Frank and Matt allowed you this break from constant barbs.
You returned again inside, the end of the opening of presents for the children welcoming you. And so the opening of those for the adults began, all the parcels being stored on the table in more chic and sober wrappings. The grandparents started, Frank standing behind you with one hand on your shoulder and the other holding his glass of champagne.
One by one, they all opened their presents, until it was your turn. Embarrassment gripped your body as all eyes were on you, and you dreaded the opening simply by being watched with boredom mixed with curiosity - to see how you might react and make the slightest faux pas.
You went about it slowly, wishing to unpack properly and not act like a barbarian tearing everything apart at once. Your aunt beside you imitated a yawn at the fact that you were making them wait, and everyone laughed, a tense little smile nailed to your cheeks.
What you got in the end wasn't too bad, nor too far from what you could appreciate, surprisingly. Of course, you had to force yourself to smile at most of the useless gifts that gave you absolutely no pleasure, but you thanked everyone, and the presentation of gifts moved on to the next ones.
"Didn't you get her anything?" your mother asked the boys.
"Her presents are at my place," Frank informed her.
The sentence made your heart spike up, a sudden warmth colouring your chest in pink softness as the sparkles of it brought the tingling sensation of tears at the corners of your eyes. Presents, they had gotten you presents. 
You were not going to cry, of course not, but the lump formed in your throat gave you enough of a hard time that you had to grab your drink and sip on it.
"Speaking of your place, have you looked at the traffic to get home?" questioned Matt, "I don't think I want to take too long."
"I'll have a look," he said, taking his hand off your shoulder to pick up his phone.
You wondered if Matt had had enough, if his own senses had been overwhelmed by all of this and he was pondering on going home. But then realised what they were doing : feigning traffic disruption in order to get home early and save yourself a lot of awful time.
"I think we're going to have to go," Frank nodded as he put his phone away. "Sweetheart? Ready?" he asked, bending over so that his chest pressed against your back.
"Yes," you said as you took a big breath and stood up, saying goodbye to the whole family.
You dreaded the hugs, the kisses on the cheeks or simply the fact of pressing them together and imitating the sound of what should have been a fake smooch, but with a surge of tiredness you objected to this using the excuse of " time is running out".
In no time at all, Matt and Frank had gathered up all your things and were carrying them, heading for the entrance hall to collect theirs.
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In less time than it takes to say it, you were finally outside, walking up to the gate. You felt as if your lungs were being squeezed as you went along, almost expecting to feel a rope being pulled tight inside you to tie you to the house, for someone to come out and catch you or whatever. You felt almost like a gnat trying to escape from the spider's web in which it had been stuck a little too long.
You stuck the key in the lock of the gate, turned it hastily, then opened it to let them go with you, closing the big opaque metal door with that step. The pressure hadn't gone away from your body yet, every limb feeling like it was made of thick, rough foam where multiple needles had pierced you in the many crevices they'd already left and were digging even deeper. 
You looked for the car in the hope of getting to it as quickly as possible, but you let out a little squeal of surprise when your feet flew off the ground as Frank swept you up in his arms like a princess.
"Ain't no way you're gonna walk, you've had enough exhaustion for the night," he said, tightening his grip on your back and the back of your knees.
"But-" you began reflexively, although the idea of giving up this position didn't bring you any comfort.
"Ah ah," he stopped, "don't wanna hear about it." If he had his two hands free and was being childish, he would have put them over his ears, singing la la la and pretending not to hear anything.
But his hands were firmly under you, giving you all the security you could have dreamed of and the beginnings of a comfort that would last all evening until you'd sleep.
"Circus night is over," Matt huffed, taking a deep breath, "I think I've heard enough nonsense for one year."
"Lucky for you, next one's less than a week away," sneered Frank.
"I'd rather lose a second sense than inflict this on myself and our angel a second time," the demon replied as he grabbed the car keys from Frank's pocket and opened it.
He opened one of the rear doors, letting Frank gently place you in and strap you in place, placing a kiss on your forehead as he stepped aside to let Matt pass and place the few bags in the boot.
Matt sat down beside you, and you let your head fall on his shoulder. You felt the tingles of anxiety under your skin lodge in your legs and squeeze your chest, the rush to get out of here weighing heavily on your head.
Frank sat in the front seat, turning the car key and making it purr, then drove off. 
As the car rounded the corner, all the tension began to dissipate and you let the breath you'd been holding in escape from your chest. Your whole body felt heavy, your hands gloved with marble, your legs booted with lead and your head stuffed with cotton.
You felt the softness of Matt's lips as he placed a kiss on your forehead, his hand coming to rest on your thigh as you hummed under the sweetness of his comfort.
"It's all over now," he said, resting his chin on your head, "we're going to take care of you."
You snuggle up to him, your hand coming to rest on his as you breathe softly. Your fingers drew soft, formless patterns on the back of his hand, fighting the fatigue that had fallen on you like an anvil.
The moment was sweet, Matt's warmth through his clothes spreading close to you as you turned his hand onto his back to gently trace the lines from his palm up to his callused fingers. 
"I'd have to get rid of some of them," grunted Frank, who clearly hadn't yet calmed his frustration, "I'm sure they'd be much better off in an asylum."
"It's an insane asylum, not an asshole asylum," Matt remarked, "you'd have to build asshole asylums but... you can imagine the size of the buildings."
"Yeah, still, maybe I should have burnt my cigarette on one of their cars."
"What a nice Christmas present," chuckled Matt.
"I can be generous sometimes," confirmed Frank.
"Especially when you threaten people," you agreed.
"A pittance," Matt snickered, "Is that one of my sweaters by the way ?
"Yes," you sigh, "I'll have you know it's been criticised tonight."
"Really? By whom."
"I'll let you guess."
"A bit bold coming from someone dressed like Norman Bates who dresses like his mother," Frank grumbled.
You laughed softly, a sort of little venting session taking place in the car like a debriefing following a bizarre situation.
"With all those women around, Red's charm knows no bounds," laughed Frank, "you've caught the eye of one in particular it seems."
"My aunt? She's suffering from too much oestrogen. If you're interested, I can put you in touch," you grinned.
" I'd rather sleep on cotton sheets." grunts Matt as his hand grabs your thigh and squeezes a little tighter, letting a small chirp of amusement escape from between your lips.
The ride continued, and your stomach went all hollow, grumbling with displeasure at the emptiness you'd left it.
"Didn't eat much, did you ?" asked Matt softly.
"Barely touched her plate," confirmed Frank at the front.
"Didn't feel like it," you murmured.
"Is there anything you'd like when you get home?" proposed the demon, interlacing his fingers with yours.
"Something sweet," you hummed, adjusting your chin to rest it on his shoulder.
"Anything else?"
"Two pairs of arms around me," you smiled.
They both grinned, and the ride went by in a flash. You untied yourself once you'd arrived, stretching slightly as you shifted to open the door beside you, but Matt's hand from your thigh came to grab your hip and pull you back to him in a gesture that seemed immensely easy.
You turned to face him, confused for a moment, as he kissed your cheek.
"No walking, remember?" he smiled as Frank opened his car door to come towards yours.
You sigh, shaking your head slightly as you roll your eyes. They were overdoing it, but you weren't going to stop them. 
"Come here princess," Frank said as he pulled your hips towards him to take you in his arms again.
You wrapped your hands around the back of his nape, nestling your face in his neck and smelling his subtle cologne on his warm skin.
Matt took the bags and went ahead to open the door for you. The familiar smell of your real home seemed to wash all your worries from your body as you took a simple breath.
The bags were deposited in the hallway, Frank walking over to the sofa to set you down.
"Stay right there and don't move," he informed, hands on either side of you as he kissed you softly.
"What happens if I move ?" you asked, placing one of your hands on his arms.
"I'll tie you up like a pretty present," he chuckled as he kissed you again, "the most perfect present we'd ever have."
"Is that a threat or a promise?" you teased, your foreheads pressed together.
"It's a statement," he concluded.
He straightened up, and you were already missing his presence near you, but you respected his request - or rather his order - and remained seated on the sofa. Your head fell back, your body moulding itself to the shape of the couch under the effect of the evening's emotional turmoil. The tension drained away more and more, relaxing your tired muscles and making you yawn. 
It wasn't long before Matt and Frank returned with more casual outfits and packages in their hands. You straightened up, bending your knees on the sofa about to get up, but remembering the fact that walking wasn't a possibility, you explained: 
"I've got some for you too, am I allowed to go and get them?"
"For us?" said a surprised Frank, pointing at himself as if there was some mistake.
"You mean the packages under the first step of the stairs?" questioned Matt, "I thought those were packages you forgot about for the others."
"No, these are for you," you confirmed as you sat back down on your knees on the sofa.
They stood like that, one blinking repeatedly while the other kept his lips parted.
"You really didn't have to-" Matt began, but you stopped him immediately.
"Tsk tsk, if I don't have the right to stand up, you don't have the right to stop me from giving you presents."
"But-" resumed Frank.
"Ah ah," you smiled in the same tone he'd given you earlier, "don't wanna hear about it."
He parted his lips in a smile but said nothing as Matt laughed softly to the side. They approached you, Frank placing the packages on the coffee table as Matt turned away.
"I'll get them," he eventually says, heading for the top step, cracking it open and pulling out three packages to take back to the coffee table.
"The medium one is for you," you say, pushing the first one towards Frank, "and the big and small one are for you," the two boxes sliding across the smooth table towards Matt.
The packets seemed a particularly complex conundrum to them, but you urged them to open their presents.
Matt opened his and discovered a 7kg weighted blanket and an anti-stress ring that could be twirled on his finger.
"I know you sometimes ask me or Frank to lie on top of you because the weight makes you feel better, so I got you this, which should help if neither of us is ever there to give you what you want. As for the ring, I know that times at the Court can be stressful, so I thought it might help you find a point of anchorage." 
Matt seemed at a loss for words, taking the duvet between his fingers and touching the silk sheet you'd wrapped it in. Putting the ring on his index finger, which fit perfectly, he smiled to himself.
As for Frank, he removed the wrapping and his lips parted.
"I've been looking for these for months," he said, looking at the few books he'd been talking about over and over again. "How did you... ?"
You'd scoured countless bookshops, searched book repositories, researched the clearance of certain titles by libraries to find these books that had all but disappeared very quickly while the work was being republished and retranslated.
"A good girlfriend never reveals her secrets," you smiled.
The two of them placed their gifts on the table and came to embrace you, nestling their faces in the crooks of your neck. They held you close, gently kissing your skin between hushed "thank you's", dotting your neck and face with soft pecks.
"What did we do to deserve you," Frank murmured, pulling back slightly.
"I could ask the same about you both," you smiled, running your fingers through their hair.
They kissed you again, then handed you their own gift. You opened it, and it was something you'd talked about several times before, something that was very close to your heart and that they'd decided to give you. This time it was your turn to hug them, and they laughed as you showered their faces with kisses.
"What do you say to a nice bath, and then some dessert before bed?" offered Matt.
"I think that's the best idea of the evening," you confirmed, caressing his cheek and kissing his nose.
Without further ado, Frank took you in his arms like a koala, letting your legs cross behind him as you pressed your cheek against his shoulder. He led you and Matt into the bathroom, the devil bending over the tub to prepare the bath.
Frank lifted you slightly and sat you down on the wash basin counter, letting his hands fall on both your thighs and stroking them gently.
"As much as I love your makeup, we're gonna have to remove it sweetheart", he explained, kissing your cheek.
So mechanically, you grabbed your make-up remover, ready to start the process. But Frank stopped you in your tracks, gently taking the bottle in one hand and a cotton pad in the other.
He poured a small amount onto the white disc, dosing as you did regularly.
"Close your pretty eyes for me," he murmured, taking your chin between his fingers and starting to remove your make-up.
Frank had this charming habit, in the evenings when you were getting ready for bed and he wasn't out playing vigilante, of watching you remove your make-up. He knew a lot about your day by the way you went about it: slow and thoughtful was the result of a good day, faster and more jerky obviously reflected one full of frustration, and sometimes when your movements were slow and your eyes half-closed, it generally meant that the day had been very, very long.
He concentrated, pressing tenderly against your skin as he removed iridescent, matte and mascara from your eyelids, occasionally pausing to kiss your lips, making you smile and giggle softly with each peck.
You almost wanted to put lipstick on his lips and let him kiss your whole face until the red of your cheeks was indistinguishable from the colour of the lipstick.
He asked you to look up this time to clear away the mascara smears and the black marks left in their path. He was doing this with the utmost precision, and this personal attention sent tickles all the way to the back of your skull.
"Look at me?" he asked and you complied, a smirk forming on his lips. "The prettiest girl."
He came over and placed a strand of hair behind your ear before stepping aside to throw away the little cotton disc.
"I'm gonna go and check what snacks we have, Red? I'll leave you my favourite part, but only because it's christmas alright?" he informed before kissing the tip of your nose one last time and stepping out of the bathroom.
Matt, so far checking the temperature of the bath water to make sure it was correct, shook off his damp fingers and wiped them on a towel before standing up and moving between your legs.
"I'll have you stand up just for a bit," he cautioned, taking your hands and pulling you slightly towards him to get you to your feet. "Arms up."
At his request, you raised your arms. His hands pinched the bottom of your hoodie and pulled it up your body. He laid it to one side, continuing with your t-shirt, his fingers still warm from the water sliding delicately against your skin.
"So that's Frank's favourite part?" you smiled, "undressing me?
"I have to say it is," he stated as he unbuttoned your trousers and panties, sliding them to the floor where you lifted your feet to get out of them.
"And what's your favourite part?" you asked as he took off your socks and raised up to your level.
"The one that's about to happen."
He guided you to the bath and let you slide in gently. The temperature was perfect, just as you liked it, and you let out a moan of ease from between your lips until most of your body was submerged in the bath.
Matt took a stool from the bathroom and placed it beside you, taking a cup at the same time to pour water over your hair. He applied himself with great care, taking his time to make sure no drops got into your eyes.
Your muscles relaxed naturally with the heat, finally eradicating the tension in your body once and for all.
You felt Matt's fingers dip into the bath water, sliding up from the skin of your thigh and gently up your body, tracing your silhouette under the water.
"You're beautiful," he whispers as his wet fingers rose from the water to caress your cheek.
"How could you know?" you asked softly, watching as he stared into the emptiness.
"My hands don't lie to me, and I know the beauty of the mind at first sight of the heart" he smiled as he took your bottle of shampoo, pouring some into his palm before massaging your head.
To help him, you straightened up, pivoting slightly to get your back to him. His fingers snaked through your hair, massaging gently and lathering everything up slowly. He worked the back of your neck, muscles tense, letting your head go with the movement of his hands.
With your neck now leaning back, Matt smiled gently before kissing your forehead.
"That's my favourite part," he confirmed, resuming the massage.
You let your eyes close, surrendering to the gentleness of the moment and Matt's touch. He was pressing, caressing, painting with his fingers as if he were holding the most beautiful and delicate material in his hands. 
Too soon for your liking - because you would have preferred this moment to have no end - he rinsed your hair, letting the white mousse spread over your shoulders and applying it lightly to your skin. He took the sponge, soaking it in shower gel before squeezing it into a foam so that he could spread the bubbly cloud over your skin.
He took one of your arms, raising it so that he could get it straight and soap you up properly, and he kissed the length of your skin before the softness of his kisses was erased by the little soap bubbles that the sponge left in its wake. He did the same for your second arm, and your leg, and the second after that, covering your whole body with kisses and softness.
At first you thought it was unfair, because no sooner had he placed a kiss on your skin than he wiped it away with white foam. But you were soon comforted by the idea that these weren't kisses being chased away, but kisses being kept, kisses that seeped under your skin and brought you all the warmth that the bath was beginning to no longer contain.
Before the water got too cold, he gently rinsed you off and got you out of the tub, wrapping you in your bathrobe.
Frank came back into the bathroom at last, bringing clean, more comfortable clothes in his hands. They both took their time drying your hair and dressing you, whispering sweet nothings to you as they kissed your cheeks and temples.
Each kiss washed away the stress you'd been feeling, replacing bitterness with sweetness, and you relished every moment of it.
Once again they carried you in their arms to the sofa, where Frank had placed a plethora of foodstuffs of all kinds on the table, snacks and other sweet products that you might have wanted at the time.
You watched several episodes of a series that you'd been watching together lately, commenting on it and falsely - or actually - taking offence at the particularly stupid choices made by the main characters.
You didn't need any more than that. All the love in the world was with them.
They had taught you how one hand changes when you put it on top of another, that another world is possible but is present in this one, that there is always a dream asleep.
They were standing on your eyelids, and their hair was in yours, they were engulfed in your shadow. Their eyes were always open, they wouldn't let you sleep, their kisses in the light made the sun evaporate.
Back pressed against the chest of one, face hidden in the nape of the other's neck, tonight you fell asleep, fulfilled, safe and loved.
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radioisntdead · 2 months
(To maybe save our hearts from the angst, how about a cuter idea? could be any gender really and be seen as platonic or not just very vague fluffy fun)
A reader who is similar age to Susan and is the opposite type of old person, a gentle Grandparent who has old person candies at all times. Most importantly however is the only one who can calm Susan's feral chihuahua energy, only when they need to of course.
They play cribbage on weekends, and definitely both chat about the youngins- maybe playfully feud on which is better Knit or Crochet
Good evening my dear! This is a little shorter then I wanted but I did write it in a hair salon, where at the time of posting I'm still in.
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Bitter and sweet
Cannibalism, Reader is GN but gives off old lady grandma vibes, this is written in little drabbles mainly because I wrote them in an hair salon
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Susan had a neighbor, she lived to the left of her house, while Susan's house was more stale and strict appearing her neighbor's was more soft colors, with gnomes outside and a lovely garden filled with all types of hell's flora,
You'd think the two would be at odds but they got along well, going out for tea each day, on weekends they'd go to bingo or play a game of cribbage, although they did get into tiffs about what was better between crochet and knitting, like how crochet is easier for some to pick up with the sole hook, or how knitting uses less yarn then crochet, They were dear friends, and this is some tidbits with them.
You and Susan had opposing aesthetics but that didn't stop the two of you from matching outfits in some way or another, she wore her usual pinkish dress? You were two feet away from her in more brighter attire.
"Kids these days are getting more and more foolish each day, fucking crying in the middle of the streets!"
Susan said, sat on a bench looking across the street at some poor cannibal gal sobbing as her dearest assumingly ended things
When you didn't respond she looked over at you only to see that you were gone,
"Where the hell- [Name]!"
You had dashed over to the gal, swatting at her former lover with your handfan, scolding him for breaking things off in the middle of the streets inside of somewhere private or inside a restaurant as the girl sobbed into your arms,
"Shh, it's alright you deserve better, someone with manners!"
You said patting her back, glaring at the unmannered former lover while Susan groaned from her seat, you just had to butt into other people's business didn't you!
Like she didn't do the same at times.
"You uncultured, red-40 looking, bad dental hygiene, modern technology radio man!"
Susan raised her cane to the Radio Deer man, you had just entered Rosie's Emporium for a snack,
"Susan! No! That is terribly rude!"
You shouted dashing over quickly before Susan could do anything, pushing down her cane, while apologizing,
"My apologies! I'll escort her out, here buy yourself something tasty"
You said taking the radio demons hand and placing some money and a few pieces of candy into it before linking an arm with Susan and taking her outside while scolding her as she grumbled, leaving the Radio demon lowkey stunned and missing his mother.
You were how he imagined she would've been if she lived to be elderly.
"For fuck's sake! Why are you in my house?"
Susan shouted as she walked into her kitchen only to see you adorned in an old lady apron chopping away at some vegetables while some type of meat simmered on the stove,
"Making us lunch obviously! I have news about that lovely gal we met on the street a few months ago! She's going steady with my nephew, the one with the good job not the one that's married, and I must tell you what her scandalous ex lover had to say-"
You rambled on, mixing up slang from different decades Susan could care less about the gal who was sobbing on the streets but you seemed to hellbent on telling her about the 'tea' as you called it.
"Susie, let's listen to what the princess has to say before booing her off the stage, this is why she called you an old bitch''
You said linking an arm with Susan before shouting over at Charlie as Rosie pulled her aside,
"My apologies!"
You chased down Charlie at a later date to give her some candies for her troubles with Susan,
You paid visits to the hotel after that, bringing treats for the residents.
"Knitting is superior, it uses less yarn then your hook, knitting takes far more skill and that little crochet thing seems easier.''
Susan said knitting a scarf as you sat across from her, crocheting a net.
"Susie, you are my dearest friend and I love you, But I can and will surplex you into a wall if you say that again."
Hearing that while you wore the sweetest smile would strike fear into the average sinner.
"Are we thinking barbecue? Grilled? Perhaps baked? Oo I recently picked up some new seasonings we could try!"
You shouted over to Susan as you threw a net at an exorcist pulling them down and stabbing them with an angelic weapon before discarding them to the side to harvest their wings later,
"I don't give a donkeys ass as long as they taste good!"
"I'm dying again."
"Don't be dramatic!''
She smacked you gently on the head with her cane as you broke out in laughter, angel wing in your hand and gold around your mouth.
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Good evening folks! I am actively dangling Susan around like a keychain, I should invest in a Susan keychain, are Susan keychains a thing???
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quinloki · 5 months
Celebrating 1 year and 1k followers
Thank you so very much to everyone who has decided to follow me. I appreciate your enjoyment of my work, especially since I have no set schedule and a dozen open WIPs. Here's to another year:
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and I'll not forget you.
Submissions are accepted from 1-1-2024 to 1-14-2024
One-shots will be posted from the 15th til the 31st
*all dates are based off East Coast USA, but I'll accept a day in either direction <3*
(Pending Host Club AU Drabbles will be posted between the 1st and the 14th. Grief was not kind to me at the end of the year, but I want to do as many of those as I can over the next two weeks.)
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Rules for submitting a request for this event!
Anon is allowed! Character ages are irrelevant.
Reader vibes are appreciated: afab or amab + pronouns is enough.
Choose a One Piece Character OR a Crew. A singular Character may result in a more intimate piece, choosing a crew may result in a more platonic vibe.
Finally, include ONE of the following phrases:
~ Sweet ~ Semi-Sweet ~ Bitter-Sweet ~ Bitter
And that's it - that's all you need. Below is an example =D
Hi Q, I'd love an amab she/her reader with Sir Crocodile, and make it Bitter please!
That's the minimum I need =3
Bonus: Select an AU \o/ If you want, and you do not have to, you can select the Universe for the backdrop of the piece. You can specify Canon, but also any of the AUs I've currently written. If you're not sure what the AU would be technically, just reference the story title.
Please just things *I* have written. I won't use someone else's AU unless I've talked to them about it before hand, and I haven't done that for this event ^_^
Final note, and while final, kind of important - if it hasn't been obvious from the start, the baseline for all these requests are going to be that SOMEONE has amnesia. Be it the reader or a character.
99% it'll be the reader, but if inspiration strikes different, I'll write different.
If inspiration takes a Dark Turn, it'll be tagged accordingly.
Starting off the year with some abrasive angst is a good way to scrub things clean and enjoy the rest of it. Or something. (I've been wanting to write an amnesia-themed series of one-shots for AGES and this is really just an excuse to help facilitate that 😇💖)
May 2024 bring you joy in such abundance as to diminish the pains of years past. And if such is not your fate, then may you have the capacity to be kind to at least one other person, and in so doing, make the world's pain a little less.
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I’ve been getting into life is strange and I was always curious. What if Mark Jefferson had a daughter and they moved because his wife just left him a note and ran off. His anger comes out and destroys the apartment. He manipulates his kid when this happens, wanting to maintain the little control he has. They move to Arcadia Bay and his kid adjusts well considering. Then he takes Nathan under his wing to help get his hobby going. Then he finds out that Nathan has been taking photos of his daughter when she’s not looking…….serial killer side of him comes out and makes it very clear to Nathan his daughter is off limits from their little hobby.
omg I really love the last sentence of this
I mean- I love all of this, but-
I know that it would be better if I would write an oneshot of this, but the last time when I did the same thing with a promised oneshot, the work was... pretty bad-
I hope you don't mind it! ^^"
Btw I'm happy about you're planning to join to the LiS community, or at least you're curious/interested about it! Unfortunately in my social group there aren't really people who knows the fandom, so I'm always happy about new fans! ^^
And sorry bc I didn't answer this inbox, I just wanted to get done with the Welcome Home headcanons :")
Anyway, in these hcs I will be a bit negative about Mark, but I still love him -//w//-
(I'm actually planning to write more x readers about him-)
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff and definitely not fluff, dad moments, Mark is not the greatest father, there's also my thoughts in this, pls forgive him, this is not x reader, (bad) father-daughter realtionship, no pronouns used, but the reader is female, spelling mistakes, mention of kidnapping, mention of the Dark Room
Fandom: Life is Strange (1)
Charcter(s): Mark Jefferson, Mark's daughter|You| (Y/N) | The Reader, Nathan Prescott (mentioned), Warren Graham (mentioned), Max Caulfield (mentioned), Rachel Amber (mentioned)
Ship(s): Warren Graham x Reader (ex.), Nathan Prescott x Reader (ex.), Max Caulfield x Reader (ex.)
Type: Headcanons
𝐈𝐟 (𝐘/𝐍) 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫… (𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐜𝐬)
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𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈: Hayloft by Mother Mother
(A.n: 'Cause this is the next on my playlist and I love it so much lol)
“My daddy's got a gun
You better run”
Oki, let's start with some sweet ones:
• If he's not tired, then prepare for breakfast in bed
• "Did you sleep good, hon?"
• morning kisses 🥺❤
• while you cry on him, he would gently caress you
• "Shh, it's okay, sweetheart."
Now, some serious stuff:
• He wouldn't be the greatest father tho, I think
• still, I think he would be protective about his daughter
• 'cause of his hobby and about boys in general lol
• Seriously I think he would feel safer if you would chose girls instead
• but it's your choice ofc
• He will definitely talk about his job and of photography ofc
• If his daughter not interested, then he won't push it
• ofc, he will be a bit bitter
• but he understands it
• Although, he will mention or talk about it just a bit sometimes
• But if you are interested in photography
• be prepared that photography will be you two's first or at least second topic
• he's a real teacher, so you won't have problem to learn from him
• Actually I think he would be happy about that there's something that you both can talk about
• (at least the suspense will be less from you, and it helps him to keep you away from his crazy hobby)
• Don't mention Mom.
• You will see him less more, when you are old enough to be left alone
• He comes home late, and he does this more often
• "Dad?" you asked unsurely when he picked up the phone. You were worried, so you choose to give him call. Is teaching lasts this long? "Where are you?"
"Oh... Daddy's working right now, sweetheart. I promise, I will be home soon, okay?"
And he kept saying this after hours and hours.
• Get used to that you will be alone for a long time
• He will ask you teasingly about if you like someone
• but the real reason is that he wants to know who he has to deal with
• his reactions depends on the person
• If the person is Nathan (who is his... well, let's say partner of those insane things), he will be definitely more protective and will keep an eye on both of you for a long time
• deadly and serious threats ahead, if he still won't leave you alone
• he will be potective because he knows Nathan very well and the crimes that himself he commited, and other side bc he's a father and he wants to keep his beautiful daughter safe
• But if the person would be for example Max, he would be more relaxed
• (He would even think trough her kidnapping. There's a chance that he won't hurt her. Even if it's hard for him to conntrol his sick addiction)
• He still tests her if she's good enough for you, but he will be more easier on her
• OR let's say the person is Warren-
• "The geek?"
• He doesn't know that much about him
• and bc of this he will definitely test him
• I mean he doesn't mind that you're with smart boys
• but you know, he has to make sure
• Now, I think we're almost there at the end of these hcs-
• You sat in the can uncomfortably. You tried to make yourself comfortable, but it didn't help.
"So, was the test okay?" you heard you father next beside you.
You nodded, even if you knew that he doesn't see you 'cause he's focusing on the road.
"Dad?" You spoke unsurely, don't know how to say out loud your thoughts.
"Yes, sweetie?" He glanced at you with a kind smile on his face, but it dissapeared when he saw how stressed you were. "What's wrong, honey?"
You tried to swallow the nervousness, but it was worthless and didn't help at all.
"So, you know those Rachel Amber missing posters? They're almost everywhere."
Mark could feel how his heart skipped a beat. Now he started to feel nervous as well.
"Yes, dear?" Focus on the road. Focus on the road. Focus on the road. Focus on the road.
"Did you know her?"
He let out a small sigh. He didn't want that his daughter notice that he's nervous. He tried to act calmly.
"No, sweetheart." he spoke as he hid away the frustration in his voice.
"Okay." you said quietly. You sounded convinced.
He carefully glanced at you again.
"Are you scared?"
There was a couple of seconds until you answered.
"Maybe... I don't wanna imagine what terrible things those people did to her. But my mind keep distracting me, even if I don't want to think about it."
You could feel the gentle touch of his warm hands.
"Don't worry, hon. I'll keep you safe."
And with that you were convinced that your dad is there and you're more than safe with him.
• Why would he be a bad father?
I think his psychotic hobby would be more important to him than his own daughter. He would be definitely overprotective about you, but also he wouldn't be there for you. Like there's no movie night, cause again, he has things to do in the Dark Room.
Yes, he would care about his daughter, he would also be a good listener, but you rarely meet him. He wouldn't be there for you when you need him.
I don't think he would hurt his daughter physically, but don't test him. He's enough stressed about his victims.
And he would pay too much attention about keeping you safe.
From his hobby, from Nathan, from everything.
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outsideratheart · 2 years
A Future With You (Ashley Sanchez x reader)
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A/N: Where did this fic come from you ask? I have no idea and I’m not a huge fan of it but i like to think of it as a spring clean fic. I had to write this so that I can clear my head and make room for another one. Also,this GIF is adorable.
The Washington Spirit had just played their final game of the NWSL season and it didn’t end the way the team wanted. 
You had missed 6 weeks of the season due to international duties which you didn’t mind because in that time you and the Lionesses had been crowned Champions of Europe. A title which you achieved in front of a sold out Wembley stadium. 
Now just over 2 months later the Lionesses are making their return against none other than the World Champions, the United States of America. The fact that an International friendly will be played in front of 70,000 fans is amazing and something you didn’t think possible before the summer tournament. 
“It’s 5 days Ash” you tell your girlfriend as the two of you stand in the departures at Ronald Reagan airport.
Ashley is currently stood with her head buried in the crook of your neck and her arms wrapped tightly around your torso.  
She refuses to move so her reply is inaudible. 
“I feel like I have just got you back. Why do you have to leave?” Ashley pouts as she looks up at you.
You can tell that she is upset that you are leaving. This time, when she drops you off at the airport you would be reunited in just under a week but still the feeling is bitter sweet. You wanted nothing more than to stay with her but you also loved playing for England.
“I have to leave because I’m British remember?” You tease her.
“Oh yes, the accent, how could I forget” 
A small chuckle escapes your lips at her answer. According to Ashley she heard you before she saw you, your accent drew her in all those years ago at UCLA and she has been yours ever since.
You stay entangled in each other arms until the last minute.
“I really do have to go now”  you say whilst checking your watch.
“You know when I next see you, you will be my enemy” she pokes your chest and gives you her best mean face.
“Adorable” you gently kiss her nose.
“Hey! I’m trying to be intimidating” her determination is admirable.
“I know, I’m shaking in my boots, I really am” 
Once again you check the time knowing that you will risk missing your flight if you don’t leave soon.
“I love you Ash, see you at Wembley” 
“I love you too Y/N” 
She watches you walk away, already counting down the days until she sees you again and little did she know you are doing the same thing.
Thankfully, days pass by quickly and before you know it, game day arrives.
Although there was nothing at stake in this game nothing about it seemed friendly. Wembley was full with both US and England fans, although the latter seemed to take up more of the stadium. Everyone knew that the winner of this game would have bragging rights going into the World Cup next summer.
As always you are at the back of the line up, eyes forward and focused on keeping your unbeaten streak alive. Since Ellen retired you had taken up the #10 mantle and you were now the number 1 choice for starting centre forward. You feel a little nervous but after the impact you had in the Euros you knew that Sarina made the correct choice and you would reassure her of that tonight.
Ashley grabs your hand as she passes, giving it a gently squeeze before letting go. The action is so fluid nobody picked up on it.
The United States line up and much to your surprise you see Trinity lined up opposite you. 
“Take it in Trin, you will remember this moment for the rest of your life” you tell your Spirit team mate.
You see her close her eyes as she relishes in the moment, the calm before storm if you will.
“Good luck Y/N” 
“You too” 
You quickly hug her before getting back into game mode.
The game is tough but you expected nothing less. England lead 2-1 with ten minutes remaining.
In the 83rd minute you see the subs board but more importantly you see Ashley standing next to it. 
You make eye contact with her as she runs into position. 
“Welcome to Wembley” you hold you arms out as if you own the place but then again if you ask the fans they dubbed the stadium Y/N’s house after you scored the winning goal in the final. 
She shakes her head at your antics before focusing on the game. 
Luckily for you the final whistle is blown and the crowd erupts. England had retained their unbeaten record whilst simultaneously ending the United States’. 
Both teams go into a quick huddle before dispersing with the majority of them staying out to met the fans. You however get dragged off to do media as you had won Player of the match.
You are given a pair of headphones and a few seconds later you can hear Alex Scott’s voice. 
“Here with us now is tonight’s player of the match Y/N Y/L/N” 
Someone off camera gives you the award.
“Thank you. Not a bad way to spend your Friday night right?” You joke.
“No at all. How was it down there?”
You give her a quick recap of the game along with your opinion of your team’s performance but you lose your trail of thought when you see Ashley standing behind the camera.
“Y/N, can you hear us?” 
Still your focus remains on your girlfriend, a smile tugging at your lips. It is only when the camera assistant waves at you do you remember you are on live TV.
“Sorry Alex, I saw a beautiful fan and I got distracted” 
Alex rolls her eyes at your charm whilst Ashley blushes behind the camera.
“I’ll bet. Well I know how much you love your fans so we’ll let you go”
You quickly give your headphones to the technician before walking behind the camera to Ashley.
“You think I’m beautiful” even after the years you have been together you find it adorable how she still gets flustered.
“Just a smidge” you measure the margin with you fingers which earns you a shove.
You grab Ashley’s hand as you pull her over to where some of your family are sitting. You point to a few rows up to where your dad, brother and nephew are sitting.
“I can’t see them” Ashley says whilst scanning the crowd.
You wrap you arms around her waist pulling her close as you try your best to point directly in her eye line.
“I see them” 
You watch as she waves enthusiastically, your nephew reciprocating her energy. 
When Ashley turns back to you she realises just how close you are. She leans forward puckering her lips but you back away causing her brows to furrow in disappointment.
“Too many people?” She asks. 
Everyone knew about your relationship and it wouldn’t be the first time you kissed on the pitch. You often would when the spirit had won but it was different this team as your were opponents.
“No. I can’t kiss you when your wearing this” you tug her her US shirt.  
Your childishness and clear alterer motive make Ashley laugh. 
“Want to swap?” Ashley asks and you nod eagerly. 
Both of you now stand there wearing the opposing teams jersey. You hold your hand and Ashley twirls around. 
“What do you think?” The question seems simple but the way it has your mind thinking is anything but. 
“Y/L/N suits you Ash” Trinity says. 
Turning you see the forward with Hatch and Andi. 
“You ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost”
“Just a glimpse into the future” you reply.
Andi eyes you wearily, she is about to ask you more when a member of the England media team comes over asks for a photo of the Spirit team. 
Around an hour later you find yourself standing outside the US changing room waiting for Ashley, Trin and Andi. Your patience runs out so you knock before hearing a ‘come in’. 
It seems they are waiting on Ashley as you see her packing up the last of her things. 
“The offside call was bullshit” Pinoe says and whilst you know she is trying to get a rise out you, you are tired, sore and ready to take your girl home so you weren’t in the mood.
“It’s only a friendly P, imagine if something like this were to happen at, let’s say the World Cup, oh wait a minute it did but it was in your favour”
Your reply catches the pink haired veteran and the rest of the Locker room off guard. 
“You ready Ladies?” You ask not missing a beat.
“Where are you taking them? You do know we fly to Spain tomorrow?” Becky asks you.
“It is family night at the Y/L/N household and don’t worry I have talked to Vlatko, I will drop them back at the hotel tomorrow morning”
Just over an hour later you pull up to your family home in Richmond. Your life may have changed drastically but this is one thing that remains the same.
“Auntie Y/N” 
You are barely through the door when your nephew comes running over to you.
“Harry, did you have fun?” You say as you throw him over your shoulder.
“Mm-hmm. Did you bring your friends with you?” He asks referring to your team mates.
As if on que your friends walk in.
“I did. I brought Andi, Trin and—“
“Auntie Ash” the 3 years old practically jumps out of your arms and into your girlfriends.
You and Andi greet your parents as Harry is in deep conversation with Ashley and Trinity,
or as deep of a conversation a three year old can have.
Your mum and sister in law are finishing up tea whilst you’re sat in the garden with your dad, brother and Andi as you watch your other team mates entertain your nephew by chasing him around the garden and playing hide and seek.
This is now the second time that day that you are shown a glimpse of your future with Ashley. You let your mind wonder as you think about how Ashley would be as a mum, you begin picturing her with you children running around. It won’t happen for a while but she would make a good mum, that you are certain of.
“Y/N” your dad pull you out of your head.
“Huh—yeah—sorry—what—“ you want to reply to whatever he must have said but you didn’t have a clue.
“Where’d you go?” You brother asks.
“Let me guess, the future?”
The spirit captain knew you well.
“Can I ask you a question?” You look towards your dad and his face changes when he hears the seriousness in your tone.
“Of course” 
“How did you know mum was the one?”
You can tell by the look of their faces that you have caught the three of them off guard.
Your dad has his thinking face on so you leave him to it.
Ashley had been in your live for 7 years and you had been dating for just as long. Is it so wrong for you to think of what your future held, especially with the blonde?
“You’ve been thinking about this for a while haven’t you?” Andi whispers.
You nod your head “How did you know?”
“Something changed over Christmas. When we met up for new years something was different, I couldn’t put my finger on it, you just looked at her differently”
This was true. Over Christmas you and Ashley had a rom com day which turned into a wedding movie day and naturally your future nuptials got brought up and it scared you but in a good way. What followed was dream after dream about Ashley, the two of you getting married, you having children, buying a big house in DC and getting a dog. The latter actually happened when you got home after the Euros. 
“I can talk about you mother until the cows come home but our story doesn’t matter” your dad tells you. 
“It does matter” 
“No Y/N it doesn’t” he voice is stern “That is our story. You cannot compare that to the love that you and Ashley have” 
“I wasn’t—“
“I know how your brain works kid. Let me tell you this, if you are thinking about it then you already have your answer” 
“So if you have learnt anything here tonight Andi, it is that if you look up the word vague in the dictionary you will see a photo of our father” your brother’s smart mouth comment earns him a slap around the back of the head. 
“Great advice dad, I feel so much now” he knows you are being sarcastic but he say your welcome anyways. 
Needing a distraction from adult life you begin watching Ash but you see she is already making her way towards you. 
“What’s wrong?” Ash plants herself on your lap despite there being several seats available. 
“Just thinking” you see your dad and brother staring at you with knowing looks in their and it is only then that you realise you sound exactly like your dad. 
“About?” Ashley tucks a stray hair behind your ear whilst keeping her eyes locked onto yours. 
“You. Us”
It wasn’t the answer she was expecting, her face lets you know that much. 
Before you can reassure Ashley that everything is ok, your mum calls everyone in for tea. 
Despite your hardest efforts you cannot get out of your own head. Ashley absentmindedly plays with the ring on your index finger whilst you give her hand a light squeeze every so often when you catch her staring at you. After one of those times you see her glance at Trin who shrugs her shoulders, both of them then look at Andi who looks at you and you shake your head which doesn’t go unnoticed by your girlfriend.
“Are you sure you’re ok? Something is—off” by now Ashley knew you like the back of her hand so you try your best to distract her, one one thing comes to mind.
You kiss her, really kiss her. For a few seconds your surroundings are forgotten. It is only when you hear your mum clear her throat as she stands behind you ready to clear the table do you pull away.
Straight away Ashley buries her face in your neck with embarrassment.
“I have been thinking about doing that all night. You know how I get, sometimes I just need you” 
Thankfully Ashley accepts your lie and returns to her conversation with your sister in law.
Time at home with your family always passes quicker than you would like and soon enough you are laid in the living room on one of the blow up mattresses whilst Andi and Trin are on the other.
Ashley is on the verge of slummer and you can see her visibly fighting sleep, unlike your other team mates who crashed as as soon as they hit the mattress.
“Thank you for tonight” Ashley mumbles “I love it here, you are happier when you are home” 
Although it was true, your parents would agree that you are much happier when Ashley comes with you.
“You’re my home Ash” your reply is simple but it speaks volumes.
“I know”
You kiss Ashley’s temple before telling her to go to sleep, which she does in a matter on seconds. You on the other lay there like you have had multiple espressos. When you realise that sleep isn’t on the cards you do what you mum always told you to do when something is on your mind, have a cup of tea. The English know that there is nothing a good brew can’t fix.
Waiting for the kettle to boil you raid the fridge for a sweet treat, you had just beaten the World Champions, scoring in the process, surely you deserved it.
“Jackpot” you whisper shout when you see leftovers of the cheesecake your mum made.
You rest against the kitchen counter, going back and forth between cake and cuppa.
“You know it’s almost 3am?” The voice makes you jump but you soon relax when you see a barely awake Ashley walking towards you. Immediately she grabs your arms, putting them around her neck so she can cuddle into you.
“I couldn’t sleep. Cake?” You hold the fork up to Ash who nods before opening her mouth.
“Now it’s just us, will you tell me what’s wrong, please?” Ashley’s voice is soft but you can still hear a little sadness.
“Today has been weird. First I saw you with my jersey on, then you played with Harry and you fit into my crazy family with ease” 
“These are bad things?”
“God no, they are— would you marry me?” The words come out before you can stop yourself.
Ashley could have given 100 guesses of what would come out of your mouth and that was not one of them.
“Are you asking me to marry you?” A small smile forms on her face.
You have to think for a minute. Is this what you are doing? It had been on your mind for the past couple of months, today more than ever.
“I don’t think I am” you stare into the garden. You are confused and overwhelmed.
“Baby look at me” Ashley turns your head with her index finger “Talk to me”
“After the game, you had my shirt on”
“You have already said that”
“Hear me out, please” it was a beg more so than a question “you had my last name on your back earlier then when I saw you with Harry I started picturing how you would be with our children. I cannot stop thinking about our future”
“I think about it all the time. Want to know what I see?” 
You nod your head eagerly.
“I see us, our yet to be named dog” this makes you laugh “Then in a few years I see you with our children, teaching them how to play football and telling them off for not saying water right”
“It is spelt water” you say, your English accent stronger than normal “there is no D in it” 
“I see those things and I get excited, don’t you?” Ashley ignores you comment in favour of staying on topic.
“I do but it’s scary, what if you get sick of me?” 
“Y/N, we have been dating for 7 years. We went from teenage college students to professional adult soccer players. We are going change over the years but I will always love you, that won’t change”
Even half asleep Ashley knew how to calm you down. 
“Mmm, I guess you’re right. I will love you until my last day Ashley, I promise”
Ashley mumbles good.
“Now come back to bed” you quickly put your empty plate and cup in the sink before following her back into the living room.
Feeling a little more like yourself, you decide to have a little fun with your girlfriend.
When Ashley feels you stop she turns to see you down on one knee.
“Ashley Nicole Sanchez, will you marry me?” Her eyes widen “Not now, in the not so distant future”
“Yes Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, I will, at some point in my life, marry you. Now lets go to sleep” Ashley rolls her eyes at your playfullness then she leans down giving you a sweet kiss before pulling you to bed.
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kanaesparadise · 2 years
hello! i really love your scenarios, you have an incredibly creative mind!
could i ask for some kiss headcanons for the valorant girls? any/all are fine, but if i had to choose i would say fade and neon!
Valorant Female Agents Kissing Headcanons
Type: Headcanons/Fluff
Pronounce: They/Them
Characters: Neon, Fade, Jett, Killjoy, Reyna
Warnings: I just mentioned about heated kiss in Reyna's part. Other than that; nothing, it's a safe content!
A/N: I'm so glad you like my content! I'm trying to accept all requests I think I can write, I hope you have fun reading this too!
I don't think Neon has had any romantic relationships before you, so she'll be a little shy about kissing you at first.
If she manages to convince herself that it's okay for her to kiss you, she'll get used to it quickly.
She actually likes kissing you a lot, though she will only prefer short pecks if you two are not alone.
She just like "Hi babe" and peck on your lips then goes away for do something different.
She likes long kisses when you two are alone. She also learns pretty fast for someone with first-time experience!
I can say that she kisses more evenly balanced to other agents. She have neither too rough nor too soft kisses.
Although she has a lively personality, she likes to be slow towards you, so she doesn't have a rush when she kisses you.
I don't think her lips are overly soft, but you can feel like you're getting a taste of something sweet when you kiss her.
She didn't know where to put her hands at first, but her favorites are usually hugging your waist or grabbing your cheek with her one hand.
At first I might rate her kisses as 6/10 but as time goes on I think it will be 8/10.
Now, I wanna kiss her more.
Fade may have had several romantic relationships during her high school years. They could be a girl or a boy, I have no idea. But I don't think she has more than two relationships.
So she has more or less an idea of what it's like to kiss someone.
Before she was with you, she had no idea that she liked kissing someone so much.
As someone who won't hesitate to take the first step towards you, don't be surprised if she suddenly gets too close to you.
She can kiss you anywhere, she doesn't really care what other people think about her.
She also likes pecks like Neon, but uses it less than her.
Fade is generally a patient woman, so despite her tough appearance, I think her kisses will be gentle and passionate.
She usually prefers to wrap one arm around your waist and gently hold your chin while kissing you. I think she likes to hold your chin quite a bit.
Look, Fade's lips are one of the best I've seen in this game, if I kissed her I think I'd probably end up with average soft lips.
They look neither too hard nor too soft and I have absolutely no problem with that.
I think Fade's lips will taste like Turkish coffee and Turkish delight in different aromas. She likes to consume both, so you can get the bitter coffee flavor and sweet toffee flavor together while kissing her.
I think you will have a 9/10 kissing session, considering that you will have a pretty good experience with Fade.
She's definitely the one I'm sure is the most experienced and gifted at kissing on this list.
She knows how to use her lips perfectly and her hands always on the right place. Like HOW???
She knows how to heat the things between two of you.
She may have pulled you into a heated kiss before you understand what's going on, you have to be careful!
If you have no idea about kissing, don't worry! This woman knows quite well how to guide you perfectly.
Also, she does not have a problem with an inexperienced person, I can say that she will enjoy guiding you as she wishes.
If you're experienced and want to take the first step towards her, Reyna will like your self-confidence too much.
Be careful with the war you start because she will respond with double your aggression!
Reyna's kisses are very self-confident too, so I suggest you be ready for rough and sudden kisses.
However, it usually changes according to her mood.
Reyna's lips are also in a pretty good class for me. I think her skin is tighter compared to others, so her lips might be tougher compared to Fade and Neon.
When you kiss Reyna, I don't think you can easily understand what she ate. She takes great care to keep her mouth fresh and clean. 'Cause she loves to kiss you. So you will most likely get a fresh mint flavor. It could be her toothpaste or the mint candy she ate.
So in short, your kissing experience with her would definitely be 10 out of 10.
Might be the agent with the best lips I've ever seen. When I first saw her, the first thing that caught my attention was definitely her lips. She absolutely has a gorgeous lips. Lucky girl
She had no previous experience but she never saw it as a problem.
As a busy woman, she always has some time to kiss you. If she didn't have time, then she can create some time for it.
She doesn't have much time to rest, but when she does, she'll love it when you kiss her.
While she is resting, she prefers lazy and more attentive kisses, but short and more careless kisses do the trick when she's taking care of her business.
She usually prefers to wrap her arms around your neck or to grasp your cheeks with her hands.
She's not afraid of others, in fact, she didn't have any idea what they think of you two. She has too much work to consider the opinion of others.
She had heard several times that Phoenix was making fun of the two of you as lovebirds. She simply told him that "At least there is someone I could kiss in front of the others. Unlike you, fireboy."
It was quite enough for Phoenix, trust me.
As I said before; Killjoy is the agent with the most beautiful lips I've ever seen.
Her lips look pretty plump, and I'm sure they're pretty soft too.
It will be difficult enough for you to pay attention to how attentive the kiss is while kissing her, even if she has no previous experience.
If you can get anything other than the taste of coffee while kissing her, it will be a miracle for sure.
After considering all my thoughts, I think you will get an 8/10 or 9/10 experience despite Killjoy's inexperience.
I think Jett is pretty inexperienced in this kind of thing. So no matter how self-confident she tried to look, at the end of the day she would be scared because she had no clue about kissing.
She still wanted to kiss you so badly that she had to ask the other agents how to do it.
I think Jett is definitely addicted to little kisses like pecks. She loves to leave gentle and short kisses on your lips, including every part of your face.
If she somehow convinces herself that she can really kiss you, after the first time she will like it and want to kiss you all the time.
She doesn't care where you are or who you are with. If she wants to kiss you, she will.
As much as she likes short kisses, she also likes long kisses a lot. I would say that her kisses are little messy, though.
She even laughs often while kissing you.
She likes to grasp your cheeks with her hands or to clasp her hand with yours. It doesn't matter for her, she just wants to be close with you.
Her lips are not that plumpy, but I can say that they are looking quite soft.
You won't get any flavor while kissing Jett, maybe it's like a cake or a sweet treat, but it doesn't happen very often.
But I'm sure you'll feel somehow fresh and airy even if you're pretty close with her.
In short, while kissing Jett is a very fun and cute experience, she's not that good of a kisser. So I think Jett would be 6/10 or 7/10.
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thebloomonster · 10 months
The world we knew..
Warning: my writing, the plot and angst LMAO
Wednesday Addams x reader (past), Wednesday Addams x enid Sinclair (present but barely mentioned)
A/n: just wanted to indulge myself in self made angst because I somehow got inspired by the song, I've never written something seriously and posted it soo..🥴 I apologize for the writing to anyone who sees this LMAO, but anyways enjoy!
Word count: 795
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Over and over I keep going over the world we knew..
Once when you walked beside me..
The radio plays at the most perfect time. I watch Wednesday walk beside enid, hand in hand, a subtle yet genuine smile displayed on the goths lips as she looks at enid, although subtle I know that smile, I've memorized it, I've painted it. she's happy, she's in love.
god.. why did this happen, I'm supposed to be in her place. A thought comes to my mind, a very selfish one. I clutch the cup of coffee in my hand as bitter tears start to form in my eyes, I quickly wipe them away before they even stream down my face. I'm hurting oh so much, but I can't seem to look away from them,
that inconceivable, that unbelievable world we knew
when we two were in love
She's so beautiful, her smile, that sweet smile of hers, I thought she would only smile at me that way..
I let out a shaky sigh, I take a sip of my coffee
and every bright neon sign turned into stars..
and the sun and the moon seemed to be ours
I couldn't help but reminisce about our days, our moments, the firsts that she's given me and the firsts that I've given her. it was oh so sweet, so memorable when she said yes, when she kissed me.
Everything was sweet, gentle, perfect. we took our time, she understood me and I understood her. we were so happy. we had dreams, plans for our future.
each road that we took turned into gold
I thought we were perfect, we helped each other through tough times, although at first she didn't let herself be vulnerable with me, she even pushed me away so many times but I wanted to be patient,
I wanted her to understand that I'm there, well, was, I didn't wanna leave until we really tried, eventually she let herself, she trusted me, she loved me, I love her. I don't know what changed. Just because of rumours and a photoshopped picture of me and a random stranger I talked to, all of, us crumbled. I thought she wouldn't be fooled by those, maybe she didn't trust me as much as I thought.
I tried to convince her that all of the things that I was accused of were fake, I tried so much I even begged her to believe me. Days, weeks of trying to convince her went to nothing, I love her so so much it's painful. I knew she knew that but I don't know why she didn't believe me
but the dream was too much, for you to hold...
I placed the cup gently down on the table, I forcefully tear my eyes off of the happy couple I then I bury my face into my hands and finally let the tears flow, I silently cry in the mostly empty cafe, there is a tinged of embarrassment in me as I cry in the public place, but I couldn't care less. I cry and cry my body shakes almost painfully,
now over and over I keep going over the world we knew..
days when you used to love me..
fuck.. I croaked out, my throat feels like it's burning, I clench my jaw hard as I hiss out a sound almost akin to a sob, I try to restrict any sob that dares to slip out of my quivering lips. Tears continue to stream down my face, but I couldn't hold back a painful sob I quickly cover my mouth and I try desperately to wipe my tears, the song currently playing seems even more depressing.
and every bright neon sign..turned into stars
and the sun and the moon seemed to be ours..
I don't try and look at where Wednesday and enid could still possibly be as I cry pathetically, facing down into the poor cafe table, the coffee that I ordered now completely forgotten.
Each road that we took, it turned into gold..
But the dream was too much for you to hold..
if anyone ever noticed me they don't try to comfort or even approach me just like the times when I cried and begged her to stay but she just looked at me, with an expression I couldn't comprehend. Did she even love me? a stupid thought comes to mind, of course she did, we were just not meant to be.
Now over and over I keep going over the world we knew..
Days when you, used to love me..
it's been two years, love, I still think of the world that we built.. do you?
Over and over I keep going over the world.. We, knew..
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The Great British Bake-Off AU!
Yes, this is happening. So a little while ago, I got inspired by this shitpost:
The OG question was sent to @kiatheinsomniac and then bounced to @asscrackcreed from whom I shamelessly have stolen this idea. So shoutout to them I guess.
It was the sign that I needed to write headcanons for the Great British Bake-Off AU. Ngl, I do have a soft spot for this show. It kept me sane when I had to spend a month bedridden during my illness.
Anyway, On your marks? Get, set, bake!:
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
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Originally from Syria, he moved to the UK with his parents as a child. Altaïr learned to bake in the home economics class and took a liking to it. He lives in Leicester with his wife Maria and two sons, Darim and Sef. When he's not baking, he's a book illustrator and stay-at-home dad.
While baking, he likes to use earth-flavored spices like nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, sumac, and mace. He enjoys using orange and lemon zest in his baking too.
Altaïr's strongest side is the technical challenge, and his weakest side is pastry construction. He can make beautiful patterns to decorate his bakes but can't do creative structures. It'll always end up as sth like a square. 
He is one of the calmest bakers on the show. Everything is perfectly planned and tried out multiple times before the challenge. Altaïr doesn't go into a panic mood while under pressure, or at least he doesn't show it.
His signature recipe is cinnamon walnut cake.
Ezio Auditore
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Ezio learned how to bake from his mom, and cooking together was their bonding activity when he still lived in Italy. He's a banker living in Edinburgh. When he's not baking he participates in all free-to-air cooking game shows. 
Unsurprisingly Ezio is a master in the cream department (nothing sexual about this sentence.) He likes using cream, mascarpone, meringue, and egg whites. White, fluffy, and puffy!
Ezio likes deep and slightly bitter additions to his cakes, like coffee or chocolate. He always balances them out with the perfect amount of sugar. It's not too sweet, but you can still taste the deep flavors.
His signature bake is ricotta cheesecake with coffee. He does have more Italian classics in his repertoire, like Torta della Nonna and Torta Paradiso.
He's a very emotional contestant who would cry if something goes wrong (because it's NOT just a cake!) He's very harsh on himself and tends to exaggerate his mistakes. His baking has to be perfect. Otherwise, he'll be dissatisfied with it. He's loud and a show-off in front of the cameras, so the public loves him, and the producers love him.
Connor Kenway
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Connor, though born in the USA, currently lives in London. He works as a home health nurse in Camden (I picked Camden because it's where the Kennway Mansion is ) for a man named Achilles. He bakes to relax after work, and his numerous friends are big fans of his goods.
Due to his job, Connor is good at all the physics and chemistry related to baking. He knows how to structure his bakes and what temperature of the chocolate is the best for the best glossy effect. Things like this.
He's the super competitive baker. He's in the show to win and won't accept anything less than the finale three. His determination is sometimes scary as if he wanted to murder someone who killed his family.
Connor's signature bake is something typically American with a twist. It is a recipe connected to his roots, but a look into the future too. I'd say it's pistachio, pecans, and pumpkin NY-Style cheesecake.
Connor likes to mix tradition with modern ideas but still keeps them quite conservative. There's a fine line between a modern twist and a  baking blasphemy to him, and he tries to balance it out. 
Edward Kenway
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He is a single dad of two, living and working in Swansea as a shipwright. He's an ex-sailor who used to work in the British West Indies. Edward started to bake eight years ago as a pastime with his now teenage daughter Jeniffer after her mother died. When he's not baking he likes to sail with his children and friends. 
His specialty is in the West Indies bakes. Brown sugar and rum are his favorite ingredients, and his signature bake is a burnt sugar essence sponge cake. He likes to use juicy fruits like pineapple or mango in his cakes too.
Edward is the contestant who should add one tablespoon of rum according to the recipe but pours half of the bottle instead.
He's the chaotic baker. His section in the cooking tent always looks like something exploded there.
He's the "I don't want to be the first baker to leave the tent" kind of contestant. He didn't sign up because he believes he's the best, but:  "If I'm not the last, that's a victory to me" kind of guy.
Arno Dorian
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Arno is from Paris but works and lives in London's most posh Royal Borough - Kensington and Chelsea. He's an actor and a ballet dancer. Arno is an artist and a perfectionist. He likes to express himself, and baking is yet another way to do it.
Arno is an expert on anything related to fruits. Jam, marmalade, or addition of fruits to cream or decoration. He likes to use flowers too.
His strong side is the visual aspect of his bakes. He can make the most creative, baked constructions, but they often lack stability. He can make a flying plane cake that looks real, but it'll fall apart way too soon.
Lavender and blueberry meringue cake is the staple recipe of this baker. However, his mother's recipe apfelstrudel is to die for, and it saved him from elimination.
He is a bit dramatic and a natural performer, but he's not as dramatic as Ezio. He still is dramatic.
Jacob Frye
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He is the youngest baker in the tent. Jacob learned how to bake from his grandma in Crawley. Jacob lives in Whitechapel with his partner and a newborn son Emmett (Canon Jacob had to be a young parent if Lydia was born in 1893 when Jacob was 46. Emmett's name comes from the list of known British Assassins used by the Templar Isabelle Ardant and a fanbase theory that he's Jacob's son.) He works with at-risk youth in a Youth Centre as a Mentor/caretaker and is a football (soccer) coach of their team, "The Rooks."
He's the one who adds controversial ingredients like beetroots to his sponges to make them moister. He can come across as pretentious, but he's just an unconventional baker. 
Jacob is the kind of contestant who everyone thinks is going to be eliminated, but he manages to get by and wins the "star of the episode" title in the next episode. You never can tell how he's going to perform in the show.
His signature bake would be something random that nobody expects, like Medovnik cake.
He's the "started baking, had a breakdown, bon appétit!" kind of contestant.
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malleux · 2 years
hi lay!! can i request something really sweet for our boy gorou?? something similar to ethereal, your old albedo fic? that's still my favorite of yours
thank you love you!!
-> gorou x gn!reader
-> warnings: PTSD, anxiety, war flashbacks
a/n: was so excited for this bc ethereal is still my favorite fic of mine ever, and i love writing in the style i did there!! i hope this is good enough haha
If anyone had told little Gorou that he would be fighting in a war for a large chunk of his young adulthood, he would have laughed in their faces. But somewhere, deep inside, he may have taken it seriously. He would have said “I love you” to his family more, enjoyed a little longer the peacefulness and happiness that seems now to be a distant memory. How mercilessly the Archons take. 
They take, and take, and take, with nothing to give in return to those they have wronged. No apologies after they’re done, no reparations for the damage they have caused. At times, it made him bitter.
Inazuma’s civil war had come to an end– but at what cost? 
Even the strongest still-surviving soldiers wished they were dead on particularly hard days, remembering the battlefield in their minds and being unable to escape. Gorou still jumped a little too hard at loud noises, still walked lightly on his feet to stay nimble in case of an attack. He still woke up multiple times a week drenched in sweat, gasping for breath as his throat closed in at the memory of smoke permeating the air. He’d look around, eyes wide and alert, and then relax, for every time he realized he was safe in his bedroom, he’d also remember he was with you.
Gorou’s stirring had always woken you up. You were a light sleeper even before joining the war and even more-so afterwards. You were so attune to his breathing that you could detect the smallest changes and out of habit, would wake up, completely alert and ready to assess the situation. Like Gorou, you’d relax a little bit seeing the familiar walls of your shared bedroom and the face of your lover, laying awake beside you. 
You were two deeply intertwined souls, in desperate need of peace, finding so much comfort in each other that it was often difficult to part. Luckily for you, the sun had not risen, so neither would you.
Your hand found Gorou’s underneath the sheets and gently, you coaxed him into laying back down into the warm mattress. He was still stiff as you pulled the blankets back over him and ghosted your hand against his chest, trying to be as slow and soft as possible as to not stress him further. 
You kissed away the tears that threatened to trail down his flushed cheeks, bringing his far-away stare a little bit closer back to you. 
Your fingers softly traced shapes into his chest, avoiding the scars for now. You drew a heart and felt him lean his head against you a little more. You let your hand apply a little more pressure as you kissed the shoulder you were laying on, trying your best to ground him. It usually worked, but this time Gorou seemed to be a little worse than usual. He trembled a bit and you frowned. 
“My love, are you here?”
Teal eyes shifted towards you. “Yes.” 
“Is there anything I can do for you?” 
Gorou stayed silent and shook his head, taking a deep breath. Your hand moved along with his chest as he exhaled and his own hand raised to grasp it. Another breath, a little less shaky. 
“What was it about?”
“Maguu Kenki.”
You nodded. One of the more difficult fights– a sentient puppet-gone-rogue discarded to destroy whatever comes in contact with it. The day you two had accidentally stumbled upon it was terrifying, leaving both of you in awful conditions. 
“We’re safe now.” 
Gorou’s other arm– the one you laid on– wrapped itself around your shoulders and gave you a squeeze. You released his hand and cupped his face, bringing it towards your own for a small kiss– not enough to wipe the oncoming sleep from your beings, but enough to reassure your lover that he was safe. Loved. Okay. 
At this, he fully relaxed into the mattress and returned your earlier favor, pulling the blankets up over your shoulder and kissing your forehead. 
Leading Gorou to you was the one good thing that the Archons had done, and for that, he could never fully hate them. You were his tranquility, his respite. The Raiden had searched and fought for years for her eternity, but Gorou found his own right next to you.
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
A Beyond Evil Fic Rec List: Works in Progress
[So, apparently, you can break Tumblr when you write too much or include too many links, or I don't know, are just too much in general. So, I'm splitting this rec list into three posts.]
So, I was meant to post this a long time ago, but life got in the way. This post only includes uncompleted fics with mixed ratings.
FYI: This will be an ever-growing list and will be updated semi-regularly
You can find the General and Teen fic rec list here. The Mature and Explicit fic rec list is currently [as of 20/10/2022] uncompleted
Works in Progress love, at least by ltyrell Rated: Explicit General Lee Dongsik returns to the capital at the summons of the king. A king he has long believed had something to do with his sister's mysterious death twenty years ago. A king he intends to bring to justice, whatever the personal cost.
A king whose son just might throw a wrench into those plans.
[or: Joseon era jwds with some plot but more flirting]
if I could never give you peace by ltyrell Rated: Mature Juwon deserves better than this, than him. He deserves someone younger, brighter, less burdened. Someone who hasn’t been broken down and pieced back together—the cracks sealed with tenderness and care, certainly, but there nonetheless.
Dongsik might love him with his whole being, but it has been a long time since his being was whole. 
[or: post-canon jwds pine with the best of them, until one of them finally works up the nerve to make a move. then they pine a little more.]
the bitter and the sweet by princesskay Rated: Explicit Four years later, Joo-won moves back to Manyang to find things the same yet irrevocably changed. In the year since his probation ended, Dong-sik has traveled as far as Busan and Jeju, making it a point not to come back frequently; but the imminent demolition of the grocery and Joo-won's reappearance turn the tide of his escape. Meanwhile, Han Ki-hwan reaches back out to his only son, convinced that he never was quite able to drag himself back out of hell ...
if you don't love me, pretend by whir Rated: Mature Throughout his life, Kwon Hyuk has always been second. Second class, second best, second choice. That all changes when Juwon comes along and makes Kwon Hyuk his first. First friend, first confidant, perhaps even his first love. Ten years together, three years apart. A wedding to reunite them one last time. This is their story from the very beginning to the very end.
about love (and what's after that) by Katierosefun Rated: General For Joo Won: why did it have to be you.
For Dong Sik: of course, it had to be you.
Neither, of course, would say this for a good while.
At last, Dong Sik smiled.
“Well,” he said. “Long time, no see, Inspector Han.”
[or: after not speaking to each other for a while, dong sik and joo won wind up having to pose as a married couple for an operation.]
read all the books beside your bed by Katierosefun Rated: General Han Joo Won stared at Dong Sik, then at the crowd of students.
He looked unimpressed, as though he wasn’t the most hated professor in the nation.
“Professor Lee,” he said calmly. “There’s no need to kick down my door.”
[or: the au where lee dong sik and han joo won are forcibly made co-professors.]
In your arms (I’m me myself) by zombielots Rated: Explicit "Everyone likes a well behaved boy," His boots scuff on the pavement as his hand removes the cigarette from his lips and rubs out the burning tip in between two fingers on his opposite hand. Mr Lee gives Juwon a charming grin, and grabs his hand.
or juwon walks into a bdsm club after breaking up with his boyfriend and leaves enchanted by a man.
The Obligatory Time Travel Story by BarbaraAburi Rated: Mature Juwon had stared into his father’s eyes, he had actually watched as the man in front of him decided whether to kill his own son or not, he had watched as he abruptly inhaled, as if searching for strength to actually do it.
He’d heard a scream coming from the door.
The sound of the gunshot.
And then…
He woke up.
Every fandom needs a Time Travel fic, this is the first of many.
De noche y de día by Oodblood Rated: General Joowon hits his head. Apparently, that gifts him the ability to read minds through eye contact. This isn't going to end well. As it turns out, Dongsik has a lot of very interesting thoughts about him. Interesting, intense, detailed thoughts.
company policy by 64907 Rated: Explicit Office AU. Han Joowon returns to Korea at his father’s behest and finds himself more than curious with one of the company’s executives.
Werewolf Heart by jsikook Rated: Explicit Han Joowon is an up-and-coming Crime Thriller book author. In his current series, he writes of a heartless serial killer who reeks havoc on a small town and terrorizes the citizens.
Lee Dongsik is an avid, and passionate fan of Joowon’s work. Determined to get his attention and win his love, he starts to copy every murder that Joowon writes about in his books.
rare is this love (keep it covered) by JasperMeadows Rated: Teen In a world where everyone is born with a scar that represents their soulmate, two men who have convinced themselves that it's all a farce are destined to cross paths.
Han Juwon owns an independent bookstore in Hongdae. Lee Dongsik owns a flower shop in nearby Manyang. They shouldn't have anything to do with each other but one day an empty lot opens up across the street from Red Fox Books and Dongsik takes a leap of faith.
When a chance meeting confirms what they once thought to be impossible or foolish, Juwon and Dongsik will come to learn what happens when perhaps, just once, you learn to let love in.
[alternatively: the jwds soulmate, bookstore, and flower shop au no one asked for!]
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ducks-and-stuff · 7 months
I made this snippet of writing for a Jimmy fic but I lost motivation for it but I like the intro so I’m posting it here now
It is cold. 
People may think you a fool for many things, but you know that much at least. That today marks the end of the world and  you are cold in a way your puffy overcoat and earmuffs cannot fix. 
You also know that It is Christmas day and that you are huddled into Pearl and trying to forget that there are two of you when there are supposed to be three. But the forgetting does not work, nor has it ever, and so there are two of you when there are supposed to be  and there is a note from your best friend stuffed in your back pocket and it is Christmas and the Watchers do not care.
To be fair, though nothing ever is when it comes to your server, the Watchers aren’t exactly known for caring. They rip and tear anything they happen to sink their claws into and today, dear Listener, today you are fresh meat.
Pearl is silent as you think about all this, which is fitting. You attended your aunt’s funeral once when you were seven, and people didn’t talk much then either. It was an old church with wooden support beams and a stain glass window looming over the alter. The one you had only been to once before because of the free food at that one potluck. You had licked your fingers clean and raced across the pews with kids from your side of town until some official looking man came in and yelled at you. But today is a funeral and all you can focus on is how the dust dances where the light streams in through that one stain glass window, and now you will never see that church or light or dust again. Most people cry now, with the understanding that their energy would be best used on tears. But Pearl doesn’t cry, and you don’t either. 
Instead you say, 
“I’m scared”
and Pearl lets out a wet, humorless laugh and says
“No shit Jimmy”
And then she startles and looks away guilty, because maybe she doesn’t want those to be their final words to each other. Maybe she wants it be something poetic, something that gives you both a small glimmer of hope even when you could easily look around and see that your world  has already started cracking and hope is not some sort of glue that will magically fix it all. 
Pearl opens her mouth. 
Maybe she will say something heroic. Or Something bitter yet sweet. Something that will make you smile just a little bit, and she will smile back, and for a moment, the world will be just a little less cold.  
Pearl closes her mouth. 
You had gifted her thirty-two diamonds  earlier today, because when you woke up it was Christmas and not the day that you would die, and you had thought she would get the chance to use them. 
Today is the day you will die. 
Maybe if you repeat it enough the words will lose their meaning. 
They’re here. 
Something in your ear whispers. 
And you swallow down whatever lump has made itself known in your throat and curl into Pearl just a little more. As if that can stop what happens next. But you’re a fool for many things and you have love and you have hope but they do not give way to salvation. Instead, something in you loosens, and you are reminded that this is not how this game works. 
You cry out because it hurts. You had hoped this part would be painless but it isn’t and it’s searing and it’s all-encompassing and Pearl is holding onto you even if you’ve tried this already and you both know it’s not going to work. 
You’re pulled. 
You’re pulled away and Pearl digs her fingernails into your forearm and tries to pull you right back, because Pearl is not just scared and mad and angry and confused, she is also, between all that, a very kind person who doesn’t want her friend to die. 
Or alternatively, maybe she just doesn’t think you get the right to leave her here alone in this wretched world. 
But regardless of her reasoning in this moment, Pearl has always been a really nice person even when she could have easily been a jerk, and Jimmy wishes he had had the chance to tell her that before this moment.
And in the distance he sees the walls and the mini-game and the campfire crack into a million pieces.
And the name is broken and full of pain. 
But her hands are slipping and you are already unraveling and Jimmy bolts upright and screams his sister’s name one final time as he’s dragged away and that, dear reader, is the story of how Joel got a black eye. 
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titanicfreija · 1 year
Cookie Chatter
"So, how many cookies did we make this year?" Sunny asked, dipping into the little 'clubhouse'.
"All of them," cheered This One. "Eva paid in Bright Dust, we wanted the Bright Dust. Which put us in the damn field," they followed up with a groan. "We needed ingredients."
Harmony bobbed in place. "At least a few hundred. I hope they break down or can be kept frozen or something. I always worry they're going to waste."
"I've got a theory that they secretly put them all into crates and ship them to the center of the City to hand out." This One cheered. "There's only so many Gjallerdoodles anyone needs."
"Freija loves those," snickered Sunny. "I worried Eva wouldn't pay us for the ones that she ate instead of giving to Zavala."
"Have any of you tried to 'eat' one?" asked Harmony. "Like. I disintegrated it and analyzed the change in chemicals before and after cooking, and determined that, had I the senses for it, would probably not like it."
"I more or less dissected mine," This One agreed.
"Somewhere between the two," thirded Sunny. "I bisected, then dissected one half, then disintegrated half of the remaining half, and smashed the last quarter."
"Smashed it?" Harmony echoed.
Sunny went quiet and froze in the air. "Okay, I didn't expect questions, and the answer is kind of embarrassing," she babbled.
"Did you literally drive a shell petal or your own body into the top of a piece of cookie to physically test the tactile consistency?" This One asked.
"My own body was determined by Freija and I as easier to clean," she admitted. "Before and after."
"I admire your dedication to the experiment. Did you write results?"
Sunny's eye flickered, and she continued hovering unmovingly. "Um. You're not. Like. Weirded out by that at all?"
"We're friends here," snickered Harmony.
"I wanted to do it, but I didn't trust Marco to clean me up," admitted This One. "You're lucky your guardian is so understanding."
"She's not, I just can't mind her being an ass," huffed Sunny. "I'd have to look at my notes to recall all of them, but for instance, the Traveler's Donut Holes was soft and pleasantly porous, if dry, and I determined the crumbling the top was prone to was unpleasant; and the Gjallerdoodles were very simple and when cooked properly were also soft inside with crispy outside, which seemed to be the general idea for a cookie, but this one was more cakey and solid with a texture Freija said was "moist"."
"Did you have a favorite?"
"I liked watching the Gentleman's ones being made, and it was a spongy sort of cake. The analysis said the flavors would translate in a human mouth to very sweet with an underlying base of bitter-umami, and I don't know if I would like it, but I'd like to try."
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Sweet Silence
This was such a pleasure to write and I'm glad I finished it in time /lh This can be interpreted as platonic or romantic anxceit.
Summary: Virgil and Janus relax by the fire on a cold winter day.
Warnings: Fire and mention of poisoning
Anxceit week Day 7 Fall/Winter @anxceit-week-2022
Virgil shivered under the cold air, his warm breath turning to smoke and his skin as fragile as ice. With a newly set fire, he huddled closer to the burning flames of the fireplace. The rug was too thin to find comfort and the hardwood floor mimicked his cold stature. The purple thin blanket huddled over his shoulders only added one layer of warmth that the dark side was lacking. 
He hated nights like these. It was almost winter, with the snow settling in and leaves of autumn crisping and degrading into the ground. The dark side was so naturally cold it made him shiver. 
Two footsteps got closer under the stone floor, making a satisfying clacking noise until they halted. 
Virgil saw Deceit rustling through the cabinet drawers and stuffing around in the kitchen. He was preparing something with an exhausted face, two coffee cups and a boiling pot on the stove. His cheek bones popped and his skin was as pale as a ghost, moving like a robot, “What are you doing?”
“Preparing your favorite.” Janus singed to himself and spread his arms across the counter, the pot sizzling and a bag of marshmallows placed beside his cold fingers. Many other necessities were prepared, like a carton of milk and a bag of sugar that Janus quickly put away. 
“What is my favorite?” Virgil looked at the flames again and the steps got closer and closer, shuffling around the couch as he could see Janus’ boots in the corner of his eye. 
“Sweet, irresistible, Deceit’s perfect, famous hot chocolate.” Janus held a mug with steam seeping from it, a smile as he offered the mysterious hot drink. Virgil eyed it suspiciously but nevertheless grabbed it and his hands felt like mittens, like hot pockets after holding it for only a second with the smell of dark vanilla draining his senses, “Did you poison this? Some evil plot?”
“Would you like to drink it to find out?” Deceit sat cross legged, his smile seemed to make his face less sickly. 
Virgil eyed the drink and looked at the marshmallows floating above the hot beverage. He cautiously took a sip of the hot coco, delicious, fresh and scorching hot, leaving a stain of brown on his upper lip. Janus took a sip too as he also kneeled to the fire, using his six arms to wrap his body with two blankets wrapped diligently, he slightly shivered but got accustomed to the floor. 
The taste was so flavorful and nostalgic, filled with love and care that Virgil had drank before. He smiled, the only ounce he could say was, “Thank you.” As if Janus didn’t expect it, he looked in disbelief before joining Virgil’s eyes, mesmerized by the fire. 
Janus’ shuttering, shivering, and his desperate need to sip his beverage had Virgil know what was bothering him. He knew about Janus’ condition, his cold blooded nature that made him extremely vulnerable to the cold. Janus’ scaly skin had been exposed for too long, peeling away at his skin and the tip of his ears. Virgil thought with the amount of heaters he hoarded he would be content. 
“Why didn’t you bring a heater out here?” Janus almost laughed. 
“Breaking News: the Duke thought it was funny to use them in the middle of winter, for his special activities.” Janus took a bitter sip this time, slurping slightly as he grumbled into the cup. Virgil tilted his head, although there were no heaters he already found a solution. 
He shifted his body towards Janus more, leaning in his direction and plopped his head on his shoulder softly. His hair draped over Janus’ clothes and rubbed on his snake side, sending shivers down Janus’ spine and having a blood-curling effect on his senses, also disrupting the blankets on his shoulder. 
“What do you think you're doing?” Janus asked very tiredly, concerned and almost amused, “Personal human heater.” Virgil took a sip like nothing changed. 
His body slumped against Janus, he felt his breathing, slow and steady with a quickened but hardened heartbeat. His ear and hair got an infatuating cold just from the subtle touch. They both weren’t the most physically affectionate, but they needed to get warm faster. 
Janus shuffled so Virgil could better lean on him without bending his spine, wrapping an arm or two around his waist and back. The fingers that laced on his curves felt extremely odd. Not as sensitive as if a bare hand were to cradle him but instead a rubber object, Virgil just let it happen. And he let Janus put his head on his, gentle to not crush his skull but not restraining himself either. 
With his urgency, Janus finished his hot chocolate already, allowing all his hands to be available to become Virgil’s personal human heater, as he put it. He lingered his hand under and closer towards Virgil’s chest so he could still enjoy the beverage, Virgil appreciated it and the extra warmth. His crossed legs however were an obstacle, so he folded them and slowly brought Virgil closer to his lap, leaning against his hard knees and head against his chest. 
Janus had an interesting smell, like a rusty but well replenished cabin or the whiff of a newly opened chess board, with cherry or wine to top it off. 
Virgil finished his hot chocolate, placing his mug on the floor next to Janus’ golden one. His arms were open and left straddled but Janus was almost cradling him from behind, impossible to hug him back as his six arms trapped him. 
“You’ve trapped me.” Janus snarled, “I guess I did, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“I’ll slap that hat off your head.” Virgil threatened, looking up from Janus’ chest into his eyes with a grin. 
“Oh you wouldn’t dare.” Janus gave him a bold smirk, with a glint in his eyes daring him to do it. Virgil slapped the hat off, and Janus’ head cocked back, “You little shit.”
Virgil rolled his eyes in an enduring way, with Janus looking at him with an angry yet admiring smile. Their faces softed and, as routine, stared at the ambering fire and the wood cracking under the orange, with ashes blowing out and flying. 
Neither wanted to move or leave, they still needed warmth after all. 
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straightupsickfics · 2 years
oh, that ask meme is so cute 🖤 any selection of these for ed and/or stede would be lovely: 🤒 😩 🤝 🍵 ❤️
🤒: How often do they get sick? What kinds of illnesses do they tend to get most often? Colds, flu, sinus infections, stomach viruses?
Hmmm I think it's very cute to think of Stede getting colds every few months or once a season or something, and in general having a relatively weak constitution. Of course, growing up this would have been terrible for him, with his dad being The Way He Was, but as he gets older and meets Ed and finds that not everyone thinks of that as a bad thing, and in fact learns that Ed wants to and even enjoys looking after him while he's sick, Stede doesn't mind so much since he has someone to be so gentle and sweet with him <3
Ed I think gets sick much less frequently, but his colds are so much worse when he gets them that he ends up super frustrated and annoyed, sneezing and coughing left and right and grumbling every time until Stede pets his hair one (1) time and he melts for him <3
😩: Do they tend to sneeze just once or twice, or multiple times? Do they have fits frequently or rarely? Does how many times they sneeze depend on the cause?
Ed sneezing in fits of 4 or 5 or 6 when he's sick or his allergies are bothering him is so so so cute to me just ??? he's very sensitive when either of these things are happening. Stede sneezing once or twice every few minutes when he has a cold, and getting frustrated because he doesn't get much of a break from his ticklish, runny nose??? Also adorable :(((
🤝: Do they like to be taken care of when they’re not feeling well? Or do they hate it when people fuss over them? If they do, what’s their favorite thing about being taken care of? If not, why don’t they like being taken care of? How bad would they have to be before they’d let anyone take care of them in any capacity?
Instead of writing an entire essay on how and why they both love to be taken care of when they're sick, I will just say that they BOTH love and appreciate having someone to look after them so, so, so much. Every gentle touch, blanket offered, tissue passed quietly, they are dying of happiness <3
Stede and Ed are two of the most touch starved, confused people alive, and I am positive that the first time they get affectionate caretaking from someone they feel comfortable enough with to let themselves be vulnerable, they both want to cry. (...and so DO I).
Also, if they get each other sick and have to bicker a little bit about who is more sick and who is allowed to take care of the other, which really just means debating which one gets up to make the tea and who gets to fall asleep first when they're napping....... pls <3
🍵: Do they like tea when they’re not feeling well? If so, do they like it with honey, lemon, both, with something else, or just plain? Would they accept something else if they couldn’t have tea? If they don’t like tea, is there something they’d rather drink instead? Would they drink tea if their preferred drink wasn’t available?
Stede likes his tea honey and lemon because it feels so nice on his sore throat when he's feeling cold-ish and achy and sniffly, and also because Ed is so proud when he hands it to him and explains that Roach taught him how to make it just the way he likes, so Stede just about cries :(((
Ed prefers sugar to anything else, so he will entertain a lot of honey in place of his usual seven sugars, but he doesn't like lemon because it's too tart and bitter and he doesn't want foul-tasting tea on top of feeling sick, tyvm <3
❤️: What’s your absolute favorite scenario for them? It can be anything, sickness, allergies, or something else entirely!
asdfghjkl every single one ❤️❤️❤️❤️
HmmmM but okay also, every softkink moment where they truly cannot bear to be separated at all when one of them is sick makes me 🫠🫠 Ed just sitting himself in Stede's lap when Stede is sick and making it his personal mission to hold his handkerchiefs and wipe his eyes and cup his cheek when he's feeling bad?? Determined to curl up in bed with him and fight his fever however he can?? BYE!
Stede getting flustered because Ed is the best most beautiful perfect sick person he's ever seen and he's not sure why he feels Like This and instead channeling it into making sure Ed feels as loved and cared for as possible??? Also very important to me !!
Also also, either of them having a headache/migraine and the other one being extremely sweet and attentive and quiet? i will cry :((((
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