#i’m conclusion: people piss me off
ppl whose mental problems have never really hindered their progression in life need to never ever talk to me, i hate conversations with them bc they act like just because symptoms are manageable for them it should be the same for everyone and i just can't do it
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
Recently I had someone piss me off about this very topic, so to get it out of my head it’s going here. Hi, welcome to the not well put together metas. Use this evidence how you please, but don’t harass anyone. Arguments are not owed to anyone. You can simply walk away if you don’t want to have it. And put your time into better things! Like this! A creative output! Go on, do ittt!!!! Make the negatives into something positive.
Tw for mentions of suicide.
In one of the very first scenes of this show, we see our wonderful, amazing, insecure, and downright unbearable to some degree, Bakugou Katsuki. He’s arrogant and most people think that this first action he ever does is irredeemable. Because telling someone to take a swan dive off of a roof so that he doesn’t try to get into UA (bc Katsuki knows that Izuku would find a way) is a really fucking shitty action and irredeemable.
This belief is true to a degree. But let’s establish a few points that are given to us. 1, this is out of character for Katsuki. The bullying no, but the extent of his bullying, yes. As pointed out here.
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(Sorry for bad quality I wanted to get the official translation so I used my irl copy)
“You went too far today” aka “you went too far compared to what is the norm”. It’s not what he would usually do.
2, lip service. As stated on the can when he says this, it’s a tongue and cheek to Katsuki’s true beliefs. He doesn’t actually want Izuku to kill himself, nor does he believe it is Izuku’s fault. He is well aware of the severity of his actions the moment he makes them. The point of this scene is not to excuse his actions but to explain why he did them.
3, insecurity. The why of this scene. It’s a facade. Not what he truly believes.
But that’s the great part about his development; there is no justification. He just did it and it was bad. That’s honestly why I hate a lot of bullies in media. It’s always that they had a bad family life, or they were forced to, or they were protecting the mc. It’s never that they were a shitty fucking kid who was insecure. Now THATS the most realistic explanation. Part of the reason for why this is so common in media is because of how hard it is to do correctly. Mha does it in a phenomenal way. Katsuki never changes his personality, even when he gets his character development. He’s mellowed out a bit sure, but he’s still him. Katsuki. Bakugou Katsuki. The kid who yells at people when they tease him, the kid that still says “DIE” in every situation in heroics. He even made sure he kept most of his hero name. He didn’t just make it “dynamite”, he made it “lord explosion murder god dynamite”. He’s still himself.
The excuse will never appear. This is actually what a lot of bakugou/bkdk stans get wrong: there will never be an explanation passed what was given. Because it’s not needed to tell the narrative. No matter how many fanfics you write about it, or how many hc’s you add to it. In canon it will always remain this. Bakugou Katsuki did a shitty act, understood what he did was wrong, got passed their mis communications, did everything in his power to make up for it, and apologized for his actions. Standing side by side with Izuku. Your most important actions will always be what you do in the present over what you did in the past.
And my last point, which is just me putting this into perspective, but… you think that toga is more redeemable than him? What? Or Zuko? Hell, even fucking uncle Iroh. Name me a character that YOU think deserved their redemption arc. Was killing people or attempting to kill people better morally than telling someone to kill themself? You seriously BELIEVE THAT???
Face it. The reason why he is so hated for this scene is because of projection. Projecting him as a villain in dekus story. Someone for him to surpass and leave in the dirt. I fully understand WHY it’s so common, but if you’re gonna pick a fight, at least fucking get past the projection bit. He’s relatable, I get that. Fully understand that. Doesn’t make picking fights with people who disagree with you out of nowhere and unprompted any less bad.
(Also sorry for not posting for days, I’m back and there’s more stuff coming soon but for now, this is what you get lol. It’s my page and I can do what I want sibdodnd)
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rapidhighway · 2 years
I was checking out your lovely art & noticed a post about the wincesties dni thing - and your tags in reply said " if you have a sibling and ship this??? what is in you brain???????!!!!!" I just wanted to say - fandom ships have NO relationship to real life. Nobody I know who ships wincest wants to sleep with their siblings! Nobody wants to be raped/turned into a dragon/chased by zombies. It's all fantasy. Fandom is an escape from reality & that's what ship & let ship is all about. ❤️
Im not saying that, im not saying that people like that would do those awful things. I’ve explained me reasoning once already and i don’t want to again. I have a sibling. It is fucked up to me that anyone would ever decide incest is okay, especially if they have siblings of their own. I honestly do not understand how someone could write cutesy incest fan fiction or fanart and say they disapprove of it afterwards. There has to be something in there, they have to see it as okay on some level cause if not then I do not understand how you could enjoy a ship like this. I find it easy to see that a person who enjoys putting their fav character in bad situations such as torture or other stuff wouldn’t do that and that’s not indicative of their moral compass or whatever but I can’t do that with incest shippers and perhaps it’s a shortcoming of mine, or a blessing, I don’t really care.
I’m all about letting people ship whatever they want, do what they want, but don’t expect me not to draw my own conclusions. I am trying not to interact with people who ship this, i want to stay away and for them to stay away from me. they can do whatever they want im not their mother and im not god almighty, this is just how I see things and what I think of this and I don’t want that around me. Maybe it was a rude tag and it was a bit unprompted cause I usually just try to ignore all this, never mention it in a bad or good way, let people do whatever, I’ll just block the tags, I’ll block blogs, and I’ll stay in a space where I can’t see any of this stuff.
If you see things differently and are able to separate shipper from ship or whatever, good for you I guess. People reason differently something something. I can’t. Accept that or block me. I don’t use my blog to spread hate towards people who ship this, I’m trying to avoid it, and this above is not written with intention to offend anyone, it’s just how I see things. Respect my DNI and if you don’t, don’t bring this stuff to me, don’t talk to me about it, Do Not Interact
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sainamoonshine · 1 year
So I know the entire narrative in The Locked Tomb is like « oh ahaha Babs, what a loser » but I genuinely think that there might be something really interesting about him. Babs was the only person in the whole galaxy to know about Ianthe and Corona’s secret. And I’m starting to think that as much of a natural asshole he is, at least 50% of what we see of him in GtN is acting.
Let me explain: he is obviously in puppy love with Corona, and dismissive of Ianthe when Corona is looking. But privately, he is terrified of her. He knows she’s his necromancer and NOT Corona; this is proven when the Second challenges the Sixth, and Corona wants to intervene but Ianthe says no. Ianthe is 100% certain that Babs will do as she says, but Corona is actually surprised. And when he finds Corona duelling Gideon, he is scared and tells her that he will not tell Ianthe. I think Ianthe probably threatened him behind Corona’s back one time or a dozen. And I think Babs isn’t just protecting their secret, he might be trying to protect Corona from Ianthe’s anger too. Being the annoying go-between, the butt of the joke, the meat shield. On purpose.
Pay close attention to when he’s being a contrary asshole for no reason. A lot of it seems to come naturally to him, sure. But also: when Jeannemary finds the human ash and asks for Corona of all people to help her identify the deceased: he immediately redirects attention by being a mega-asshole. Corona ends up not having to do any necromancy; her secret is still safe. Similarly, later on in Dulcinea’s sick room, when everyone is having a discussion about necromancy: he makes a tetchy comment, prompting Corona to whisk him away like ‘oh ahah he’s getting hangry’. How familiar is this routine for them?
I think deep down, while he’s an arrogant dickhead, Babs isn’t evil. He’s shocked and appalled that Silas went and took Dulcinea’s keys, and I don’t think it’s because he wishes he thought of it first, as Jeannemary accuses. I think he genuinely thinks that’s dishonourable. And when Corona tries to stand up for the Sixth and Ianthe says no, Babs follows her order, but is pissed about it.
But hold on, you might say to me, five minutes later HE is the one to issue a challenge to the Sixth!! Yeah, after a tense stare-off with his necromancer. After, perhaps, coming to some conclusions of his own about the Third house’s chances regarding the key situation. Ianthe herself says to Corona: you need a facility key. This is your only chance. Might be that Babs figured something similar!
When Harrow answers the call, his face is frozen in a look that’s both cautious but trying to look though. When Jeannemary jumps on the table, he immediately backs out. Without waiting for Ianthe to call him off. He tries to play it off, but Babs is pretty consistent on NOT wanting to fight the teenager.
In conclusion: the dude is a dick but I think he’s got honour and he is stuck between a rock and a very hard place. AND he fights Ianthe after the lyctoral process for a surprising and impressive long time!
Also: lmao when he jumps off the table he mutters ‘should have just stayed home and gotten married’. Okay??? Babs what’s that about? 👀
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bibluebutterfly · 16 days
Istg people who act like Vox and Vel are BETTER than Val piss me off so much. I’m sorry but ur pookies are evil. I love them BECAUSE they’re evil. They may not be r@pists but they actively enable one and actually advertise and fund him.
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Also Vel makes roofies that allow HUNDREDS of people to get SA’d.
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And Vox’s literal introduction was a camera specifically made to peep on people. Plus he sleeps with Val despite KNOWING he’s a r@pist so that should say a lot about his character.
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In conclusion, Vox and Vel care as much about consent as Val does and they are all equally awful.
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raccoonface · 6 months
“New Bodyguard… huh”
Part 2 finally (a little short like Jenna)
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Jenna's POV
"Hey Sophie" (her agent)
"That's me..."
"What is about this photo, and isn't that the new bodyguard I sent out...?!"
"The photo only showed us sitting on the couch plus you can barely tell that's me"
"Exactly the press with come to a conclusion that it is you in the photo and rumors will spread"
"We didn't even do anything"
"That doesn't matter, people with make shit up and you can't do anything about it."
"I don't know Soph"
"Well you kind of have to do something about it you can't have Americas 'it girl' have something with somebody and not come out about it"
"Why can't I have a relationship with somebody, why can't I keep it a secret?!?"
"Because people will find out, and will expose you anyway so you might as well come out now."
"What if I don't have a relationship with anyone"
"Then you tell everyone that, just figure it out then come to me."
"Ugh.... Fine I got to go bye"
I hung up on my agent because I was pissed, but I had to tell Y/n about this.
“Hey everything all right Jen?”
“Yeah, Y/n everything’s good… other than this photo being out to the public.”
“What photo?”
“This one”
She looked like she just saw a ghost after she saw the photo, but I couldn’t blame her I did too. I couldn’t believe someone would just randomly take a photo of me and her,
Yet again it’s not that suprising because I am Americas ‘it girl’ right now.
“Who did this?!?”
“Idk.. but I think we should talk Y/n, about us”
“About what? About me sleeping over, we didn’t even hold hands or anything..!”
“I-.. I know but I want us to be something”
“Jenna-.. I don’t think that would be professional of us. I mean think about it, I’m your bodyguard”
“I know but you could protect me more efficiently now, you know like day and night type of job”
“I-I…. Let me think about it”
I smiled and ran to give her a hug, before she had to leave. I loved the way she smelt, but it didn’t last long.
“I gotta go Jen”
I wanted to stay in bed and forget what happened yesterday but I needed to face Y/n for the answer
So I got up and got dressed just to change again when we get to the studio.
I walked out my door to Y/n standing there by her car waiting for me
“Hey Jenna,”
“Hey Y/n,”
We both greeted each other then she opened the door for me, such a gentleman Gentlewomen
We were both in the car, and she was driving normally but then another car came out of no where and hit us
I was knocked unconscious and the last thing I heard were sirens
I woke up in a hospital with my mom beside me
“Oh my god, honey, are you okay”
“Yeah, I’m fine… where’s Y/n? Is she okay?”
“Oh honey I don’t know but I’m sure she’s fine.”
I got up with my mom protesting me to lay back down
“Jenna you need to sit back down you’re gonna hurt yourself more”
“I’ll be fine mom I just have to find Y/n”
I left the room to go to the front desk to ask where Y/n was
“Hello ma’am do you know where a girl named Y/n L/n is?”
“Sorry give me one moment.. are you family?”
“Uhh… yes I’m her wife”
“Okay room 128”
“Thank you”
“You’re welcome honey”
I ran off to where Y/n’s room was hoping she was okay
When I found her room I ran into it and she was asleep laying down
So I went to her bedside glad she was okay and I fell asleep knowing that she was
Sorry for taking three years on this I was having terrible writers block plus I’ve been dealing with a lot of school stuff. I hope you like this
Btw sorry for lying in the spicy part. It’s the next one that will anyways have a nice rest of your day raccoon faces..!
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kopilot-pop · 23 days
hi, about the yunjin starbucks controversy.
i’m gonna try to be as fair as possible talking about this controversy, but i’ll be honest i’m leaning more on yunjin’s side. i’ve been getting several requests on yunjin and i feel like i need to get this off my chest every time i see her name on my page.
let’s start off with the facts: yunjin was caught drinking starbucks in Korea (in front of the company building.)
I thought she drank it on a post or somethrong but no, it was just a few pixels of a low quality picture fans took. And that’s my first minor problem; she wasn’t on live, it wasn’t a post, it was a few milliseconds of pixels. But I get the ‘performative activism’ controversy, it DOES feel like she’s hiding it.
However, my take is that she just got out from her car, and wanna know a little fun fact? Most snacks and drinks that all idols are seen eating are most likely bought by their managers. And it’s a fact that Koreans aren’t currently boycotting Starbucks as actively as western foreigners are. So my thought the first time I saw the picture was that. The manager probably just bought coffee from whatever shop was closest, and handed it to her.
But I do understand how that can feel like reaching so I did some more research .
The biggest thing I have to so called ‘defend’ Yunjin is that Starbucks Korea is completely separate from International Starbucks (source: ChosunBiz).
In 2021, 67.5% of Starbucks was comepletely bought by E-Mart (a branch of Shinsegae), and the rest 32.5% was bought by a Singaporean investment comapny (GIC).
So oh, Starbucks Korea has no affiliations with the part of Starbucks that sues their worker’s union.
However, I can make the argument that Yunjin could influence others to ignore the boycott and buy Starbucks. Is it true that she has several international fans and alot of impressionable fans? Yes.
But then we have to go back to our first argument; it was a few milliseconds of a low quality video.
And after finding that out, I started to feel like all the people commenting about “starbucks queen💕” and “omg whats your starbucks order?” is the problem.
YOU guys are the one promoting Starbucks at this point. Do you understand?
I’m not saying don’t hold someone accountable, no, but I’m saying the comments aren’t fucking helping.
Don’t get me wrong, I do live in Korea, and I have been actively avoiding purchasing from them because I saw a few posts on twitter referencing it. I based an activity on a twitter post. And wanna know when I figured out WHY I was supposed to boycott exactly?
After I deleted Twitter because of the stress I got from the app.
That’s when I finally found out about the BDS list, found out oh, Puma is on the list, McDonalds is an even bigger problem than Starbucks (directly supplying food to soldiers), HP APPARENTLY SUPPLIES TECH FOR THE ISRAEL GOVERNMENT, and oh wow! Starbucks isn’t even on the list because theres not enough proof that they financially fund Israel.
In conclusion, the people preaching about how Yunjin is a performative activist is such hypocrites themselves
It’s clear that while some of the comments and criticisms are genuine, trying to hold a person accountable, but its also clear that the repeat of the same mocking comments of Yunjin is just performative and for attention and likes.
That’s what pisses me off. People who don’t give a shit about Palestine, and people even if they do support Palestine not even doinng the bare minimum amount of research just having fun mocking (not criticizing) a person when a tiny bit of wrong doing is shown.
Please, go look in the mirror, and i dont like saying this but go touch grass, do your own research, dont base off your whole ideology on a reddit post or a twitter, tumblr post, read different variety of news articles from several companies, and THEN make your decision on a situation. Not only Starbucks, not only on Yunjin, but on several other ones too.
Media literacy. Look it up.
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accursedkaleeshi · 2 months
RIP General Grievous, you would have loved Order 66 lol
No, but for real. “Grievous survives” fic writers, you’re awesome.
Don't deny that he has committed atrocities upon the galaxy that will take generations to even begin to heal & in numbers unheard of in recent history. Grievous did not care. His job was to inconvenience the Republic for as long as possible & to kill Jedi. And holy shit did he ever. Maybe he considered himself already dead & this dumbass war was just a really fucked up bonus level. (& brother, I’m zerg rushing it)
Grievous was operating on the bastardized values of his people kept together by rage & steel, stuck in Sith 1 & Sith 2’s fucked up mind games. He hated the Separatists. Unfortunately for the rest of the galaxy, he hated the Republic more. Maybe he oscillates wildly between the thrill of battle & befuddled emptiness, making him a contrary bitch that no one bothers trying to deal with.
But lord help Palpatine if General Grievous ever figured out that he & Sidious were one & the same. The sheer amount of indignant rage would be like a lens of clarity he hadn’t managed since becoming a cyborg. This?? Single human man? Broke apart the galaxy so he could be the one to fix it? The known universe will remember me only in cold blooded fear. I was stripped of my culture, my agency, my FLESH so that this LITTLE OLD COLONY WIZARD can sit in his big boy chair???
Mr. Psycho Martyr? His petty ass would tell everybody. He would make his superiors’ lives a living hell. If they didn’t immediately push the Cyborg Emergency Kill Button (canon), how do you stop this pissed off war machine that YOU made to be unstoppable & YOU taught how to use unstoppable laser swords? As far as the Separatist resources, he knows nearly EVERYTHING. You can’t send shit after him that he doesn’t already know how to take apart, rewire, counter, & give back to you with a rude note on it.
And goddamn, if you thought Kalee hated the Republic? Just wait until it becomes the Empire & stops even trying to hide being tyrannical (hehe tyrannous). Grievous spent his entire life fighting oppression much more advanced than him & fucking winning. That’s why his resume was at the top of Palpatine’s murder machine CV pile. This bitch excels at adaptive guerilla warfare & he will use every last wheezing breath to fuck up your shit. Even if he has to work with Jedi to do it.
In conclusion, an enlightened General Grievous would gladly die for a chance to punch Palpatine in the face & this is why he would be an immense asset to the rebel alliance. He’d be an insufferable asshole but that is the cost you pay for him having to be right all the time.
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ok so since people didn’t cut my head off for my unpopular opinions i’m gonna expand on the second one. so for people in the gilmore girls fandom it’s pretty much the general opinion that luke is a saint for taking jess in and that jess screwed things up and that it’s his fault luke kicked him out. ”he got himself kicked out”. even people who like jess seem to think this is fair. so as someone who watches gilmore girls mostly for jess i have a different perspective that i’ve never actually vocalized but i figured maybe this little corner of the internet wouldn’t hate me for this, as long as it doesn’t make it out of here.
so i also first of all think that the fact that jess has to work at luke’s and graduate in order to stay there is a bit sad. like everyone around him his age has somewhere they can stay without conditions, and people wonder why he’s the only one worried about making money. and yes, it’s a fine idea in theory, he has to change his ways if he wants to stay with luke bc that’s the point of him being there, sure, but luke could stand to NOT always bring it up to jess during fights that can’t stay with him if he violates the conditions.
bc the thing is that luke very clearly makes it known that he doesn’t want jess there and that the whole situation is kind of a pain in his ass that he’s doing out of obligation. a minor is entitled to a place to stay where they can be an asshole unconditionally, actually, and they shouldn’t have to be constantly grateful to have that. and if luke didn’t want to fully commit and be that place, he should have said no to taking jess in. you don’t get to get all the praise for doing a good deed and then get all pissy about actually following through with it.
like i know luke and jess aren’t the main characters and that their scenes and dynamic are for comedy. but then they play off jess leaving as serious so i should be allowed to analyze their scenes seriously. and my conclusion is… luke is not that nice to jess LOL. like i can’t think of a single scene where he responds to him in any other manner than pissed off or annoyed. he never stops treating him like a bad kid. we know luke cares about jess but does jess have any reason to believe that? or does he think this is all for liz? like i know their scenes are jokes but for someone who complains so much about what a difficult person jess is to connect with, i think luke missed a lot of moments to do it.
luke taking jess in in general is nice, YES, but i’m not talking about just good intentions here. and i know that it was a very good intention but i, again, just super dislike the whole ”you wouldn’t have anywhere to stay if it wasn’t for me, so watch it”-attitude. even in season 4 luke basically said that jess had to come to liz’ wedding because he was there for him when no one else was. and i think that’s a shitty thing to say to someone who deserved more. i know luke didn’t have to do it bc he’s not his parent and that’s why people forgive him and not liz, who is his parent and did have to do it. but i think luke agreed to be jess’ parent and if he didn’t want to, he could have said no to his sister for once in his life. anyways, i think i’ve made my point.
also, i love you luke, my world just revolves around your nephew. i know i’m putting a lot of unrealistic expectations on a guy who’s pretty emotionally constipated. and he did come through with the big things, like giving jess money in sesson 4. but i’m talking about the little things that could have made even more of a difference. just don’t get it twisted ok, luke and jess’ relationship is my fave on the show, i may like it even more than rory and jess’, but when i enjoy something i analyze it. so don’t think i don’t love them, because i do! i just want to squash the idea that luke did everything he could but that jess ultimately was too difficult, because i disagree with that.
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hyugaruma · 5 months
H&L: When They’re Jealous
re: when some guy tries flirting with you…
“girlfriend” “she” used
not shown, ranmaru later being a dickhead to you because he partially blames you for the whole ordeal…because he sucks (i love him)
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Cobra: “Is this your friend?” Cobra isn’t someone who likes to jump to conclusions, and he wants you to know that he trusts you completely and would never assume any sort of infidelity. So, when he sees a man approach you at the bar, he wants to give the benefit of the doubt. Cobra casually slides back onto the barstool next to you that he previously occupied before stepping off to the bathroom. Though he remains cool about the whole thing, he can’t help the way his arm seems to mindlessly find itself wrapping around your hips in a territorial way. “I’m Cobra, by the way. Her boyfriend.”
Hyuga: “Oi, who let this clown in here? I hate clowns.” Hyuga nonchalantly tokes on his pipe, several Daruma Babies hovering around behind him. Despite his calm attitude, you can tell by the twitch of his eyebrows that he’s irritated. The man who was trying to flirt with you instantly takes a step away from you, clearly taking note of the danger that he faces at the hands of Hyuga. Hyuga looks to you, asking you without any words if the guy was bothering you. You know that, if you wanted him to, Hyuga would be quick to dispose of the guy for you, but the man seems harmless enough, so you shake your head. “You’re lucky the Mrs. here is nicer than me. Get the hell out of here.”
Ranmaru: “If you’re looking for a pretty face, I’m right here.” Ranmaru’s the type to act first and ask questions later. The second he sees the man approach you in the dimly-lit club he’s already got the guy’s shirt gripped tightly in his fist. It doesn’t even matter if the guy was actually flirting with you or not. Ranmaru yanks the man closer so that they’re face-to-face, a shit-eating grin that you know all too well appearing on his face. Ranmaru likes to pretend like he doesn’t get jealous, but let anyone try to make a move on you and his actions will say differently. “That one’s off limits, though.”
Yasushi: “You looking for someone to take you out on a date? Go ahead, try those moves of yours out on me. I’m waiting.” Your boyfriend’s near-maniacal laughter seems to scare the guy shitless, because all prior confidence he’d had when hitting on you was now evaporated and replaced with utter fear. Yasushi casually steps between you and the guy, his grin only widening at the fearful reaction. Yasushi teasingly beckons the guy forward with a wave of the hand. There’s nothing you can say or do at this point to get Yasushi to stand down; Yasushi’s already taken this opportunity to scratch that itch for a fight. “What? Lost your nerve? Come on, don’t get me all excited for nothing.”
Fujin: “She’s got a boyfriend who knows how to fight, y’know?” Fujin slings an arm over your shoulders and eyes down the guy who just tried asking for your number, much to your own obvious discomfort. Fujin hadn’t left your side for more than two seconds when the creep decided to swoop in. Fujin trusts you implicitly, but he’s quick to jump in when anyone else might be trying to make a move on you. One thing about Fujin is that he doesn’t like people bothering his significant other. Fujin flicks his head in a gesture that dismisses the guy who currently looks like he’s regretting his decision in approaching you. “Get lost, before you really piss me off.”
Amagai: “You thought you should even try? You’re pathetic.” Another one who likes to pretend like he doesn’t get jealous, but boy does he. Amagai shoves his foot into the gut of the guy currently on the floor at his feet. The second you had casually mentioned the guy had tried hitting on you, Amagai was already sending Ryo on his way to bring the guy-in-question to him. This was all little known to you, however, because one thing Amagai wasn’t going to do was have his jealousy be known to you. Amagai squats down and looks the trembling guy in the eyes with a cold smile. “Didn’t anybody ever teach you not to touch things that aren’t yours?”
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indiaalphawhiskey · 9 months
what are your thoughts about Harry's new tattoo?
Hi darling.
I am not going to lie: I’ve been upset about it for three days now, swinging back and forth between being super angry and trying to be okay with it. I thought about not answering this, because I don’t want to open this Pandora’s box, but I decided to in the hopes that I can help someone else. I won’t be answering follow up questions/reactions, though. That’s my boundary.
Now, I think the important thing is to call this out for what it is and stop making excuses: it’s an Olivia tattoo, and whether it’s for a stunt, a cat, a house, the One Direction song, an unknown godchild, it doesn’t matter. He has it, he showed it off (rather purposefully), he knew what we would think and the kind of debate/restlessness it would spark.
Can I forgive him for that, point blank, without further reasoning or rationalizing? I’ve decided I can.
Why? Because I don’t think it negates all he’s given me these past thirteen years and especially this last leg of tour, and because I don’t think what he does for PR and/or to protect his closet is a statement about who he is as a human being. No one has to agree with me. It’s a decision I’ve made for myself and I’m happy with it. If this is your red line (and I fully encourage you to ask yourself this regularly) then that’s fine. Grieve the person you thought he was and take steps to distance yourself from what hurts you. I don’t mean to minimize this: walking away is hard as shit. But he will be okay, I promise. The person who needs to be okay the most is you.
Do I think they really dated/that he was in love with her? No.
Why? Because he looked miserable every time he was around her, because he took very clear steps to ensure she wasn’t tied to his music (which I’ve noticed he holds pretty sacred above all), and because at the end of the day he still broke up with her two days after his very public last contractual obligation was filled and kissed her friend extremely publicly.
Can you find ways to argue around that? Of course you can. You can find ways to argue around anything. But for me, that’s not how you treat someone you’re in love with even if they’ve pissed you off beyond belief and messed with your career. Nothing Harry has done outside of this stunt shows me he would treat people he cares about that way, even in his worst moments. It’s incongruous to everything I’ve seen and known of him and his character in the last thirteen years. I may not know him personally, and I may be wrong about him, but again, that’s my conclusion and I’m happy with it.
Do I think the tattoo means something’s in the works to rekindle the stunt? I truly don’t know.
But if it is, then it’s been planned for a long, long, long time (he had the tattoo during Daylight filming, which is May 2022; the BUA was Nov 2022), and there’s nothing I can do about it. It is what it is.
I’ve always preached being okay with not knowing, being okay with being uncomfortable, and this is certainly making me walk the talk.
The bottom line is: Am I okay with the things I have answers to? Yes.
Am I okay with the thing I don’t have answers to? I am working on it.
But that’s my responsibility, not Harry’s.
— FIN —
*thank you, Gina, for your contributions to clearing my head and for many of the phrases I used here to express myself.
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jaeyunverse · 1 year
love for sale (teaser)
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PAIRING(S) | nishimura riki x fem!reader
GENRE(S) | fluff, angst, enemies to lovers, fake dating, prep school au
EST. WORD COUNT | i am not sure actually so i will say anywhere from 5k to 12k
WARNING(S) | profanity, prejudice, class discrimination + all warnings to be added in the full fic
SUMMARY | nishimura riki wants to piss off his mother and you need money to keep studying at clayton prep after your scholarship is under the threat of being terminated. it just so works out that you’re the exact kind of person his mom despises, and riki has more than enough money in his bank account to fund your education.
TAGLIST | permanent taglist + @1-800shutthefuckup @tyunni @songchan @yunjardi @woniewonwon @jennaissantes @luvkpopp @kimipxl @toeeater394737 @wzy3ka @wqstcrn @heetoldme send an ask or comment to be added!
AUTHOR’S NOTE | i don’t even know how long this wip has been catching dust in my docs LOOOL i am very excited to get started on it though! i hope u enjoy the teaser <3
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Nishimura Riki was really starting to get on your nerves. 
Normally, he was a person who couldn’t stop riling you up for his amusement. You tried to pretend he didn’t exist, but there was something about him that compelled you to shoot back with a jab of your own every time he taunted you.
Your life without his annoying presence would have been simpler, but overall, he was harmless.   
However, his behaviour from the past few days was really starting to make you wonder if he had gone off the deep end and finally lost his mind. 
“Leave me alone, Nishimura!” you snapped, tired from having to tell him the same thing over and over again. “I am not doing you the stupid favour.”
“I’m not asking for a favour!” he protested. “I’m willing to give you anything you want in return. This is a legitimate transaction involving give-and-take.”
“I don’t want shit from you and you’re an idiot to think of your proposed arrangement as a mere transaction.”  
“You’re making a mistake, Y/N.”
“No,” you said, stopping in your tracks and turning to face him. “I would be making a mistake if I agreed to be your fake fucking girlfriend. How the hell did you even think to ask me that?”
Riki sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He glanced around your school hallway and grabbed your wrist, pulling you along to god-knew-where.
“Wha—” you began, but he cut you off.
“It’s too crowded here. We can’t discuss this matter in public under any circumstances.” 
Scoffing, you snatched your arm back. He paused for a moment, watching you overtake him and walk ahead. When he didn’t follow, you glared at him over your shoulder. 
Riki rolled his eyes and took long strides towards you. “Was that necessary?”
“Yes,” you replied sharply, not allowing him to walk beside you and making sure to stay a step ahead. 
Perhaps, Clayton Prep’s snobbiness had rubbed off on you more than you’d suspected. Though you supposed it was bound to happen someday since you’d been surrounded by teenagers born with a diamond spoon in their mouth for the past few years.
Opening an inconspicuous door at the end of the hallway, you trudged inside and found yourself in an empty classroom. Nishimura Riki kicked the entrance shut behind him and turned to you. 
“Look, I’m not happy to have this conversation over and over again either, but I need you. I don’t have a fucking choice.”
You snorted. “You need me? Pray tell.”  
“My mom hates people who don’t have money and influence.” 
“Oh, you could not be more wrong if you thought telling me this would convince me to help you.” 
“I’m not done,” Riki snapped. “Just hear me out before you jump to conclusions.”
You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms over your chest. 
“My grandfather’s shares will be transferred to me once I turn 21 and she’s pissed I’m going to get control of the business instead of her,” he muttered and ran a hand through his hair. “I have no doubt about my mother’s love for me, but she has been dreaming about taking over the company ever since she was a kid. She can’t do that by herself anymore, so she’s going to try to do it through me by getting me to bend to her will. I can’t let her put a leash on me and start dictating my life.” 
“If you think going out with me will send her a message, you’re an even bigger idiot than I thought you were,” you said and scoffed with disbelief. “You want her to back off, Nishimura? You better come up with something that doesn’t make you look like a spoiled brat rebelling against his mommy.”   
“You don’t know my mother,” he growled. “She has always been prejudiced against poor people. Money and power are all she cares about, and I will not let her come after what belongs to me.” 
“You know what?” you fumed and stomped towards him, jabbing your finger into his chest. “You’re an asshole. You came to me for help and you still had the audacity to humiliate me. Not to mention that your sob story makes you sound like a hypocrite who only cares about money too.”  
“I don’t give a shit about the money. I care about keeping my grandfather’s legacy alive,” he bit back and took a step closer. “There’s a reason he was willing to give his inexperienced grandson his company rather than hand it over to his daughter.” 
“Well, I don’t give a shit, Nishimura!” you shouted, throwing your hands in the air. “Deal with your goddamn problems by yourself. We’re done having this conversation.”
Shoving him away, you walked to the door and ripped it open. However, before you could leave, he said, “You’re here on scholarship, aren’t you?” 
Freezing in your tracks, you turned around and narrowed your eyes at him. “What?” 
“Sorry.” Riki laughed humourlessly. “That was a stupid question. I know you’re here on scholarship. Everyone does, and that’s because Clayton Prep isn’t known for charity.” 
“You’re going to end up with a bloody face if you don’t watch what you say,” you warned, trying your best to keep the chain on your temper intact. 
“Do you know why this school doesn’t offer scholarships, Y/N?” he inquired and slowly closed the distance between the two of you, unfazed by your threat. “It’s because my mother is a trustee on the board and prohibits financial aid. 
“The only reason you were accepted is that my grandfather built this place from the ground up. He wanted you here because saw something special in you. He may have overruled her decision then, but he’s not here to keep protecting you now.”
The colour drained from your face and your heart dropped to your stomach. “Are you threatening me?” 
“I’m giving a rundown on the facts and am offering you an opportunity,” Riki corrected. “I have more than enough money to pay for your entire education at Clayton Prep. You just have to say yes to helping me piss my mom off.” 
You bit the inside of your cheek and stared at him, your hands curling into fists at your side. You couldn’t believe you’d been stupid enough to not predict what Mr. Nishimura’s death would have entailed for you.
Though, you didn’t blame yourself. The man had quite literally picked you from the streets and given you a shot at living a meaningful life. He’d gifted you a future, and you’d spent months grieving his passing. 
You weren’t going to beat yourself up for not being a cold-hearted, selfish and conniving bitch. 
But now that Riki had pointed out the glaringly obvious, you had to strongarm yourself. You couldn’t let his mother kick you out because you didn’t have the resources to study at Clayton Prep.
Besides, if there was one thing you were aware of without a doubt, it was your self-worth. You’d proved yourself to be smarter than every single student attending the school on several occasions. 
Blowing out a breath, you closed the door. There was a gun to your head, and making a deal with Nishimura Riki was the only visible way to survive. 
“What do you need me to do?” 
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your-favorite-bean · 1 year
A random person: why do you care so much about a kids show?
*eye twitches*
*takes a deep breath*
While yes, kids shows and movies are marketed towards kids, that doesn’t mean they are the only ones who can enjoy them. and with all of the shit going on in the world today, people of all ages need a little joy in their day, and I’m not going to be the asshole who denies them that joy. Kids love these shows because of the jokes and the cool colors (ngl i still like that too) but older people can enjoy it because of the incredible diverse characters, the lore and world building, and the lessons that are important for all ages. It takes a special kind of show to watch it when you’re a child and watch it when you’re an adult and still love everything about it (not just for nostalgic purposes), you can practically feel the passion and the care put into stories like that. That’s why I’m always going to watch shows and movies like that. I’m always going to write and read fanfics and speculate about thing that are never going to happen and create headcanons about my favorite characters. I’m always going to look at fan art and get so excited that someone cared enough about the show or movie that they took the time and effort to make an astounding art work of it. I’m always going to dream about the season that will never happen after the show inevitably gets canceled. I’m always going to rant about plots that upset me or characters that piss me off, even if the other person doesn’t really understand what I’m talking about. And I will always watch that show or movie and feel the same joy I did when I was a kid.
The other person: …..
Me: in conclusion, fuck you, I can do whatever I want.
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im-in-a-love-cult · 7 months
the original 4 <33
So naturally funny. Can literally put a smile on anyones face
‘It’s the 70s he wouldn’t be a big feminist!!’ did i ask?? 🤨
British English/Indian
first years are scared of him when they 1st join but they warm up to him almost immediately
has a whole fan club by the 1st years
will lit hug u if you ask him even if u don’t know him
‘hey james can i have a hu-‘ his arms are already around u.
either str8 or pansexual no in between
if someone calls lit anyone pretty he’s like ‘I can see it’ (unless it’s Snape 😾😾)
such a big hypeman
can match energy so well
so beautiful
like unnecessarily beautiful
Japanese/British English /French
his french accent isn’t as strong as Reggies
Nobody knows how his lungs aren’t pure crust with how much he smokes ngl
he teases people but he never actually means it
unless he’s teasing snivellus
massive flirt
loves peculiar people
finds them endearing
that’s why he approved of Pandora
Cuz she’s kind and endearing
loves all his friends so much
no boundaries he just loves them
softest hair ever
girls/people with long hair constantly asking his routine
loves being extra flamboyant
God i could talk about him for hours
he’s usually soft with people but if he’s pissed off he’s a moody bastard
loser energy
sorry i’m just bullying him 💀💀
when he accidentally buys a jumper that’s too scratchy he’s genuinely disappointed
bro goes through mild depressions over jumpers
Welsh/British English
never cries but when he does he doesn’t even notice he’s doing it
Roadman 🔥💀💀
Tall but lanky
also he has really bad posture
/ is him basically
always spills his tea
it’s a problem
likes physical contact with people he’s close with hates it with people he isn’t
loves it with Sirius 😼😼
Full on homosexual
besties with Lily
it took a bit for him to warm up to her tho
‘he’s so nice and quiet 🥺🥺’ THAT MAN IS A MENACE AND YK IT
ok maybe just around his friends BUT POINT STILL STANDS😾
just wants to sleep
happy doing his own shit but happy around his friends too
sad when James calls Sirius his best friend and not him
hatesss attention being on him
feels like the outcast sometimes
he’s so me wtf
herbology is his fav subject
baby face
cannot seem to find the right haircut
strangely good at breakdancing??
it goes through him when someone cracks their knuckles
in conclusion he is me i am him
apart from the knuckles part i crack mine 😿😿
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nocinovae · 4 months
Sometimes I get frustrated with what ppl complain is meta gaming. I mentioned in chat when Tubbo was in the maze that he could check where he found black Cucurucho. Like I wasn’t even meta there bc I don’t watch Forever’s streams!
I experience a lot of lore from the main ppl I watch mostly Tubbo or Philza rn since there’s others who aren’t playing Qsmp atm.
Tubbo has mentioned it before that just connecting patterns and making your own conclusions isn’t mg just bc you could be right. Like black concrete shows up > Tubbo finds black Cucurucho (and honestly is like one of the only ppl outside of bigger lore who HAS seen him at this point) > Fed workers start showing up with black infection > forever suddenly is infected with the same stuff.
I honestly didn’t know that the black concrete was a definite Cucurevil thing. It just makes sense tho.
I’m pretty sure Tubbo has mentioned that before too about the weird evil Cucurucho being connected to the concrete.
Sorry for the ramble it just pisses me off when ppl take connecting patterns and people just thinking for themselves as meta. It gets a bit crazy sometimes
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alovesongtheywrote · 3 months
nightmare academia puts me through the ringer EVERY TIME and i love it
♥ Summary: in a few chapters, it's gonna get worse!! for now tho... In this chapter of Nightmare Academia, case stuff ensues and you prepare for heartbreak. [Prof!Spencer Reid x GN-Prof!Reader]
♥ Warnings: cops. cops being terrible, cops exploiting the system, and cops shaming a woman for being a sex worker. also, violence, implied violence, and past violence.
♥ A/N: holy shit, this chapter is Very Long
♥ Word Count: 4885
Series Masterlist
In the weeks that followed, Spencer brought the BAU to you.  Of course, not everyone could make it.  Kate Callahan was off raising her children.  Penelope Garcia was the target of several  hitmen (whereas Frank was probably the target of a single hitman.  Massive difference.  Trust me.)  And Derek Morgan remained at Quantico with Garcia- so you really weren’t sure what to expect.  The agents you had the strongest feelings about were out of commission.  The last time you’d met his team it did not uh, how would you put it?  End well?  So you were- justifiably- a touch guarded.
That changed. Eventually.
It started with Adam.  
At that point in the investigation, local law enforcement had only shown your friend cruelty, distrust, and skepticism.  Honestly?  You were about to start biting people about it.  (Yeah, maybe it would have gotten you arrested, but at that point, you did not care.  At the very least, biting would make you feel productive.)  You were well and truly prepared for Spencer’s law enforcement team to behave in a similar manner to the local cops- and to be honest, you probably should have been.  Most Feds would carry that same suspicion and distrust, and if they didn’t they were probably faking it to try and get a confession.  
The BAU, however, are not most Feds.  For several reasons.  Either way, you were well and truly prepared to maul the next person who treated your friend like garbage, fed or otherwise.  There was never a need.
The BAU showed Adam basic decency.  They didn’t talk down to him or dismiss him as a demeaning stereotype- and yes, that was the barest of bare minimum, but it was still something.  While they regarded him with mild suspicion for the first like, two minutes, it only took the team that same two minutes to come to the conclusion that Adam was innocent.  After that, the BAU was just as dedicated to clearing Adam’s name as you were.
“Adam had an incredibly emotional response when we mentioned Frank,” Hotchner explained to the local detectives, “He’s genuinely devastated by what happened.  He couldn’t have done this.  Even if he did attack Frank, it wouldn’t have been a clinical hit.”
“Emotions tend to make things messy- we would have seen something much more personal, with more violence and more remorse,” Rossi added.
The detectives did not listen.  The detectives did not care.  
“I’d say a gunshot wound is pretty messy,” one laughed.
“Yeah,” another jumped in, “Try telling the vic’ that things aren’t messy.”
You bit your tongue to keep from screaming, but you didn’t stay entirely silent.  If the detectives weren’t going to give a shit on their own, then you were going to make them.
“Have you actually?” you asked, crossing your arms, “Have you spoken to the victim?”
“Eh, someone else got around to it,” the first detective asked, looking at his partner with the special kind of uncertainty that came with getting called out.
“Did you read the report, then?”
“Well, I’m on the case, aren’t I?”
“Answer the question, detective.”
In the telling silence that followed, Rossi had to turn away to hide his (failed) attempt to suppress a grin.  Hotchner looked proud, despite not knowing you very well.  Spencer looked like he might grab you by the waist and kiss you until you were out of breath.  He didn’t, though, for lots of reasons- his boss was there, he hadn’t asked you if you’d like to be kissed, there was more serious stuff to focus on, and like… you already looked fucking pissed.
The detectives just looked embarrassed.  
“I- uh.  I’ve skimmed it,” the first detective stuttered out.
“Yeah, cool, not good enough,” you nabbed the case file from a nearby desk and pressed it into the officer’s hands, “Consider reading the report.  You’ll find that the victim disagrees with you.”
Both detectives stared at the file as if they were seeing it for the first time- as if they were seeing a file for the first time.  You sighed.
“Detective, if I may ask, how much overtime have you put in on this case?”  the man in front of you blanched at your question.  You would’ve laughed if you weren’t so fucking angry, “Cool.  I thought so.”
“Ough,” Rossi winced with faux sympathy, “Overtime?  And you haven’t even read the case file?”
“Hey, we’ve been very busy these last few weeks!”
The second officer nodded, “Just last week, we had five break-ins in the downtown area.”
“Alright, I’ll accept that,” you turned to leave before doubling back, “But before I go, I need to ask- do you care about the wellbeing of the break-in vics the way you care about this case?  Do you care about all victims so dearly?  Or do you treasure their testimony the way you “treasure” the testimony in this case?”
“What?  What are you saying, what do you-”
“I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume it’s the latter.”  
“What?  Okay, what the hell do you know about police work-!”
“They’re an expert criminologist,” Spencer said, seething slightly.
“Dr. Reid is right.  I know a thing or two about crime- and if I’m just gonna put it this way.  I’ve seen the data.  I’ve heard testimony from victims and offenders.  I know the local and nationwide statistics for unreported crimes.  You’re concerned about the victim hearing that his case isn’t messy?  Look me in the eye and tell me that you’ve never told a victim that their situation- their serious situation- was a waste of police time.”
The officers couldn’t look at your face, much less your eyes.  You had done what you needed to do.
“You wanna solve crimes?  You wanna be the hero?  Then take a goddamned ethics class, read your fucking case files, care for your community, and do your fucking job.”
The detectives tried in vain to defend themselves.  They were unsuccessful- especially in the face of the three FBI agents that immediately backed you up.
“Dr. (L/N) is right.  The number of unreported crimes will astound you,” Rossi said, smirking like the little shit that we all know he is.
“This is especially prevalent with sexual assault cases, theft and scams, and other crimes where the victim may feel a sense of embarrassment- or crimes where the victim feels like their case won’t be taken seriously,” Spencer added in a very Spencer-like way.
“And everything you need to know about this crime is in the file.  If you’d read it, you’d know that the victim is very insistent that your guy didn’t do it, and one could say that, oh, I don’t know, he’s a strong eyewitness.  He is the victim and all,” Rossi continued, getting their asses.
They struggled to respond, “Well- I-  We-”
“And even if you discount the eyewitness testimony, there’s still the matter of alibis and ballistics.  Security cameras have placed Adam away from the community center at the time of the shooting.  The ballistics aren’t a match to any weapon that Adam has ever come into contact with.  Even if they were a match, he hasn’t handled a weapon since his release from prison as a condition of his parole.  But if you had checked the file, you’d know that,” Hotch added, also smirking like a little shit, but with a slight edge to it- that edge, kids, is called “pissed off authority figure.”
“Hey, it-”
“It just sounds like poor police work to me,” Spencer had the biggest smirk of all- the smirk of a little shit who’s proud of his team and of his hot co-professor, “Had you actually done any of your research, you would realize that the suspect you have in custody is being held on police bias and circumstantial evidence.  Any good lawyer can get this case thrown out, and then where will you be?”
His smirk turned to a full grin when you shot him a small smile of your own.
The detectives continued to sputter out responses.  For once, the second one spoke, “Now, we may not be fancy FBI agents, but this precinct has a solid track record of convictions-”
“Were those convictions based on circumstance and bias?” Neither detective answered Spencer’s question.  He continued, “Even if this precinct had a perfect track record, that wouldn’t make it invulnerable to mistakes- and even if it did, you would still have the responsibility of approaching each case like professionals to ensure the wellbeing of victims, suspects, and families.”
“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” you slid forward, putting a hand on Spencer’s arm, “Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to go speak with the victim.  His name is Frank, by the way.”
And just like that, you pulled Dr. Spencer Reid away- and he did not resist in the slightest.  In fact, he held the door open for you as you exited the precinct.  Rossi was pretty sure he saw the kid get behind the wheel.
As the detectives scurried away with their tails between their legs, the older agent let out a long whistle.
“Well, I think it’s safe to say that our young Dr. Reid is officially smitten.”
“He was smitten the last time we were here,” Hotch said, pulling another copy of the case file from seemingly nowhere- one of his many unit chief powers.
“Yeah, yeah, but this time it’s bad.  Garcia’s gonna be mad that she didn’t get to see it.”
Hotch nodded, solemnly.
“Y’know, I think the three of them combined could probably take down the whole FBI.”
“You’re right,” Hotch snapped the file closed with a tiny little proud-dad-type smile, “We’re awfully lucky that they’re focused on something else at the moment.”
Missy got your guard to drop further.
Initially, she was hesitant to have the Feds drop in on Frank’s case- you both were.  You were used to local law enforcement treating her like shit.  You didn’t stand for it- every time a cop or lawyer so much as dared to look at her wrong, you bared your teeth like a damn dog and threatened to bite where it would hurt.  Y’know.  Lawsuits.  Missy wasn’t exactly a pushover, either.  She was one of the strongest people you knew, and you were well aware that she could hold her own.  If Missy wanted to be scary, she could be fucking terrifying.
Still, it was a little exhausting to fight all these battles against people in positions of authority who were so convinced that their series of events was correct, and anyone who went against it was nothing more than a lying ex-con.  Having the BAU in your pockets certainly helped with that.
“I already told you what happened.  I’ll tell you a thousand more times if I have to, but the story isn’t going to change,” Missy groaned, voice muffled as she buried her face in her hands.
“Okay, then.  We’ll go over your testimony again.  A few more times, if you don’t mind,” One of the local detectives smirked, ignoring the death glare you sent her way.
“Fine.  Frank was walking me to the community center.  I was taking a class on resume writing.  It was cloudy, not raining, but cold.  We came around the side of the building when a man in a leather jacket walked around the corner.”
“And what did this man do?”
“He- he shot Frank.  He tried to kill my-” she took a shaky breath.  You put a hand on her arm, aiming for gentle comfort and reassurance.  Missy nodded, letting you know you’d hit your target.
“Did you see his face?” The officer continued.
“No.  He was wearing one of those bike helmets that block off the person’s eyes- but I swear, it wasn’t Adam.  This guy was too bulky.  Adam’s made of wires, he needs to eat more.”
“You seem to have a lot of affection for Adam,” the detective leaned forward, “Now, we know you’ve claimed to be in a relationship with Frank- but could you describe your relationship with Adam for us?”
“I already said it!  I took a couple classes with him!  He’s a friend, that’s all.”
“Mhmm.  That’s all.  And in your previous line of work- the one that earned you a prison sentence of twelve months and a little over minimum wage- you had a lot of ‘friends,’ yes?”
“Excuse me?” your fingers bit into the table that separated you from the cop.  You had half a mind to jump over the thing and throttle the smug detective sitting before you.  
“What?” Missy growled, “You think just because I used to hook I fuck all my friends now?  I’ve taken a few classes with Doc (L/N), I haven’t fucked them!”
You nodded in solemn agreement.  The detective shrugged this off, ignoring everything that came out of Missy’s mouth.  When she spoke again, her voice rang with the faux pity of someone who held themselves leagues above Missy.
“You know, I can see why you were looking at writing up a resume- your old line of work is so degrading.  You know you’re never the same, afterwards.  You can never wash off the shame.  You’ll always be a little broken.  A little-”
“Okay, that’s enough-” you stood up, slamming your hands down on the table.
“Hey, fuck you, man-” Missy leaned forward, “Don’t tell me what hooking did to me.  You don’t know me.  You don’t fucking know.”
“And now you’re lashing out.  Poor thing-”
“Detective Foy.  A word,” Tara Lewis, a newer BAU agent who you hadn’t really had the pleasure of meeting materialized in the doorway like a perfectly timed ghost, ready to right some wrongs and keep you from committing a murder.  Her request for a word was perfectly intimidating, disclosing the not-so-secret secret that the request itself was not actually a request.  
“I’m sorry, Agent, I’m in the middle of an interrogation-” 
“It’s not an interrogation.  You’re questioning a witness.  Agent Jareau will handle things from here.  Now, a word?”
You and Missy watched as the detective slunk out of the room with her tail between her legs.  Moments later, JJ joined you, but she didn’t bother to start a line of questioning.  Instead, the three of you watched in giddy silence as Tara Lewis destroyed Detective Foy where she stood.  You couldn’t hear her through the glass, but you could vaguely read the words, “You are a police officer meant to serve and protect the people in your community, and uphold the law.  You should educate yourself on the law, and on what it means to serve and protect.”  On her lips.
You could’ve been off on that translation, but either way, it was sick as fuck.  By the time Tara was finished, you and Missy were barely holding back your laughter.  You probably would’ve held it in if JJ hadn’t turned around with a pleased grin on her face.
“Ok, well, I’ve known Agent Lewis for about three minutes, and already I adore her,” you cackled.
“Oh, she’s excellent,” Missy said, eyes sparkling with mirth.
“Well, we certainly like her,” Jennifer grinned, clearly proud of her teammate and happy to see that someone outside the BAU had taken notice.
A few moments later, Tara re-entered the room with a tired sigh on her lips.  It didn’t take her long to realize that you were all staring right at her.
“What?  What is it?”
“Oh, it’s nothing, we just think, as a group,” you looked around like you were the leader of the world’s weirdest (and maybe coolest?) group project, “That you are, objectively, excellent.”
“Yep.  Not bad for a Fed.”
Again, you nodded in agreement, “I concur.”
Tara raised an eyebrow, slightly confused, “Thank you?”
Missy gave Tara a thumbs up.  You followed her lead.  Not really knowing what else to do in this situation, and figuring there was no harm in joining the madness, Tara returned the thumbs up.
“Well, like we said, we’ll take over the questioning from here,” JJ took a seat as she spoke.  Tara joined her at the table.
“So, after Frank was shot, did you see where the attacker went?”
“No.  I was kind of focused on my partner bleeding on the ground.”
“That’s fair- but try to think back.  Did you see anything in your peripheral vision?  Did you hear anything?”
Missy paused for a moment, and when she spoke again, she still sounded lost in thought, “I heard a bike.  It makes sense with the helmet- I think it might’ve been a Yamaha?”  
“Wait, you can tell which brand a bike is by the sound?” you asked, not disbelieving Missy, but distracted by the new knowledge that a person could do such a thing.
“If you let me think about it, I could probably give you the make and model.”
“Holy shit, really?” your eyes were wide.  Your expression betrayed just how bewildered and impressed you were by vehicle knowledge.  It might’ve been basic knowledge, but fuck it, the author can’t drive.
“Oh, absolutely- different bikes make different sounds.  Cars are similar,” Tara nodded her agreement.
“You can tell cars apart by their sounds!?”
“Yeah?  Can’t you?” Missy turned to face you, slightly bemused.
“I can tell that they’re old?  Or like, electric, I guess?”
“Okay, when this is all over, I’m giving you a lesson.”
“I’d like to get in on that,” Tara added.
“Excellent!” Missy smiled, “Now everyone shut up and let me think.”
The way the BAU treated Frank dragged your guard down further.  They were gentle, but not dehumanizing or infantilizing.  They just treated him like a human person, and you found that neat, and more importantly, Frank found that neat.  
Also, the BAU laughed at Frank’s anecdotes and jokes.  I will be fully honest.  That was more of a relief to you, especially because a decent chunk of those anecdotes and jokes were about you murdering the shit out of Spencer Reid using nothing but your words.
It really started on that very first day, when you and Spencer had gone to visit Frank.  He could see it from his hospital bed- Spencer’s hand on your shoulder, the way Spencer was very clearly trying to comfort you from some unknown upset, and that was it.
Frank said, “Wow.  Those two have sure come a long way from Doc telling him to go die in a ditch.”
And JJ, who had been questioning him, choked on her coffee and wheezed out a, “What?”  
And that was pretty much it.  Frank explained that Spencer had pissed you off, you’d hit him with the “die in a ditch” thing, and he looked so sad that you literally forgave him the next day.  (He left out the bit about the stabbing, because stabbing doesn’t just kill people, it kills moods.)
From then on, Frank was the premium source of gossip on you and Spencer.  Of course, Missy got in on it, too.
When they told Rossi about the time you’d called Reid a “shit-licking asshole fed,” the agent laughed so hard that he literally couldn’t speak for a solid minute.  Was he a big fan of the anti-fed talk?  Not particularly.  But you had gone at it with such gusto, and with such anger, that he couldn’t help but cackle.  
You knew none of this, but you knew that everyone involved seemed happier after the BAU took the case.  That was good enough for you.
Your guard fell because of Spencer.
Wasn’t that always the way this was going to go?
While the BAU took care of your friends, Spencer took care of you.  He made sure you got home safe.  He kept you in the loop about everything case-relevant.  He made sure you remembered to eat, which was kind of hypocritical of him, but oh well.  He offered to drive you to and from the hospital, which was a fun kind of hell, because the man obeyed every traffic law ever made, but you got to bully him for it, so it all evened out in the end.  He distracted you from the nightmare you were living through by offering fun facts.  He made the nightmare better just by being him.  
And he was the one to get Adam out.  
He didn’t announce this victory to you.  He just showed up one day, at the hospital, following behind Adam as the newly freed man burst into Frank’s room.
“Frank!  Hey, are you good man?  I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner, I would’ve been, but you know how it is with cops.”
“Shit, dude,” Frank beamed, “All things considered, I’m not too bad.”
“Holy shit, Adam?” you let out a hospital-appropriate screech.
“Oh my god,” Missy stood from her place at Frank’s bedside to give him a hug.  For a moment, she held him so tightly that it looked like Adam legitimately couldn’t breathe.
The moment she saw Spencer lingering in the background, she switched from one wire-shaped man to the next.  Spencer hugged her back politely, and then, in an instant, she was onto you.
“You sons of bitches did it!  You actually did it!”
“Did we?” you asked Spencer, lowering your voice as Missy, Frank, and Adam enjoyed their reunion.
“We did,” Spencer confirmed, stepping closer to you until you were side to side, whispering to each other to avoid disturbing your friends, “We found bank statements proving that this was a targeted hit, unrelated to Adam.  We’ve only been able to find the unsub’s side so far, but it won’t take us long to find whoever contracted him.” 
“Shit- that’s both really good and mildly fucking terrifying.”
“I know,” Spencer answered almost too quickly, but he covered it up just as fast, “But it means that Adam is a free man.  It’s almost over, (Y/N).”
You let out a small exhale, trying to maintain some semblance of calm, “Almost.  Thank you, Spence.  For all of this, for everything-”
“You don’t need to thank me.  It wasn’t just the new evidence.”
“Yeah, there was this local criminology professor, maybe you’ve heard of them.  They were incredibly insistent that law enforcement look deeper into the case, and because of them, the conviction vanished.”
A smile slipped onto your face as you turned to face him, “Was that a joke, Spence?  You’re doing ha-ha funny jokes now?”
“I’m saying you did a good thing, here, (Y/N).  Look,” he nodded towards the hospital bed, where your friends were talking, beaming, clinging to each other’s hands like they’d been shot, traumatized, and separated for months- which was an accurate summary, actually.
At your side, you let your hand slip into Spencer’s, weaving your fingers between his slender ones.  You felt his grip tighten, his palm pressed tightly to yours.  His hands were warm.
“We did a good thing,” you whispered.
You pulled him closer by the hand.  You weren’t harsh or forceful, but Spencer still stumbled into you with what can only be described as a somewhat lovestruck grin on his face.
And then his phone rang.
You watched his face fall as he answered it.  His fingers drifted away from yours.  You could almost hear Hotchner’s voice on the other end.  The call only lasted a few moments, but it changed everything.  The air in the room grew heavy.  The room fell silent.
“We found the unsub.  My team is confronting him now, I-” he paused.
“They want you to go with them.”
“I have to.”
A shaky breath escaped your lungs, and you were kinda pissed at it- how dare that shaky breath reveal how you actually felt?  How dare it break free from your body, alerting Spencer that your world had just spun out sideways for the millionth time that week.
You were gonna square up with that fucking breath.
But first, without saying another word, you nodded towards the door.  Spencer nodded back.  Like that, he was gone.  You watched him go.  You stared at the empty doorway after he’d left.   The room remained silent.
I mean, it did until it didn’t- your friends couldn’t watch that and say nothing.  I don’t think anybody could.
“Holy shit, you’re just gonna let him leave without saying goodbye?” Adam asked, looking between you and the door so quickly that you were almost surprised that his head didn’t fly off.
“He’s down bad,” Frank whispered, nodding in agreement, “Go get him.”
“I- he’s gonna be back in five minutes,” you tried to reason.  It didn’t work.
“He could be back never!  He might die!” Missy ran forward, gripping your shoulders.
“He’s got a bulletproof vest-”
“THERE IS SO MUCH THOSE THINGS DON’T COVER!!” Missy progressed to shaking you, slightly, “Go get him!  Hurry, before it’s too late!”
“I really don’t know what you want me to say here.”
“Tell him you’re also down bad!” Frank exclaimed, no longer whispering.
“Down bad-?  What the fuck does that even mean,” you said, your voice growing quieter and quieter as you left the room and headed down the hallway.
“... Y’know, they taught me what ‘down bad’ means.”
As your friends continued to discuss, you were already halfway down the hallway, walking as fast as you could given the hospital setting.  Spencer was nowhere to be seen and you really didn’t have time to look.  You really had one choice.  The elevators.
You reached them just in time to watch that lanky noodle motherfucker step inside.
Giving up on decorum, you raced through the hospital corridor, yelling out apologies at every human person you passed- fortunately there weren’t too many, so it wasn’t like you caused a massive disturbance.  Most people just thought you were having your rom-com finale moment.  Maybe some part of you was trying to, but honestly, you weren’t really thinking about it.  You were mostly just thinking, “Shit, shit, shit, I have to get in that elevator.”
And you did!  You made it!  You stumbled through the doors and came to a stop in the middle of that tiny box.  Spencer reached out to steady you, his expression letting you in on his amused confusion.  You smiled up at him, trying not to pant- and then you came to a realization.
You had no fucking clue what the hell you were going to say.
To be fair, what the fuck is a person supposed to say in that situation?  “Heyyyy, my friends think I’m in love with you, so now I’m here, wanna talk about that before you head into a dangerous situation involving a hitman and many guns?”
Or perhaps, “Hey!  You’re a good person even though I keep insisting you aren’t one, so I want you to know that you’re a good person before I send you off to get murdered!”
Or maybe, “You’re hot, I’m hot, wanna spend the next thirty seconds doing terrible things to this elevator that will get us forcibly removed from this hospital?”
Or even, “Hi, you just did a really nice thing for my friends, and I really appreciate it, and even though I don’t express it, I do care about you a lot, so maybe don’t die in the next few hours.  For me.  Please.”
In the end, you just settled for, “Hi.”
“Hi,” Spencer replied, not taking his hands from your shoulders even though you were more than steady, “Is everything okay?”
“Okay?  Yeah,  yeah, everything is, um.  Everything’s fine.  I just-”  you froze again, because seriously, what the fuck could you say right then and there?  What could you say that would let him know everything you wanted him to know?
“Are you sure?” he looked at you, held you with such delicate concern.  You kind of wanted to partake in elevator ruining activities with Spencer until the two of you got kicked out of the hospital together. 
“Yeah- yeah!  Everything’s- I’m okay, it’s just,” you raised your hand, letting it hover between the two of you for a moment before you placed it over one of his, “Come out of this alive.  Make sure everyone else does, too, but… come out of this okay, okay?”
Spencer hesitated.  And then he wrapped his hand around yours and brought it to his lips, kissing your knuckles ever so briefly.
“I will.  I promise.”
The elevator bell dinged.  You’d reached the parking lot.  Spencer let go of your hand with a different kind of hesitation.  
“I’ll see you soon,” he offered, “Okay?”
Spencer disappeared into the parking lot, dashing out of sight and into danger.  You stood there, watching until the elevator doors slid shut and that infernal box pulled you back up again.  The humming metal lights above and the clanking metal around you harmonized into the perfect soundscape for your empty mind.
Spencer was heading into danger, as he always did.  You were returning to serve your community, as you always did.  Spencer might not come back, and you would always remain, and you realized that when the case was over, he would go back to Quantico with the BAU, and you probably wouldn’t see him ever again.
And it broke your heart a little bit.  Maybe more than a little bit.  A little bit, perhaps.
You were a long way from, “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, go die,” indeed.
♥ Tags: @icarusignite, @usuallyunlikelyfox, @maraudersforlife2005, @fictionalcomforts, @morgthemagpie, @iiheartbowie, @digitalhearts, @corpsebridenightamare, @ghostatrixx, @reiding-writing, @mywellspringoflife, @80katie, @ms-ks-world, @logicalhorror if you asked to be tagged and i forgot, pls let me know!! if you would like to be tagged and aren't, also let me know!!
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