#i'm having plague thoughts (BEWARE)
hextechmaturgy · 1 year
Hi, would you like to maybeee elaborate and write more 'Griefdrey at the beginning on their twenties' headcanons? I am, in fact, not normal about this one imaginary vision and I am starved for the...
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grief leaves quite the impression on andrey because of the way he dresses. is that a skirt? 😏 LISTEN HERE BUDDY. RICH BOY. when you're dirt poor getting by on stolen clothes and stuff you found in the garbage, you have to make the most of what you got (only a half truth, because grief genuinely enjoys his DIY genderfuck adventures). grief takes the looks as judgement at first when what andrey is doing is in fact Looking ™️
i don't think grief indulges all that much in stuff like drugs and alcohol, especially when it comes to twyrine, but there's a time and a place for everything, and andrey is certainly well stocked. andrey will give some of his stuff away for the humble price of good company, and no it's not a date, dumbass. they'll climb up to a rooftop or a staircase (THE staircase perhaps 🧐) and make the most of feeling light, feeling free, being young. is it dangerous to be high/drunk up there? you speaks as though that matters-
perhaps related to the previous point, andrey has never struck me as a greedy guy. he'd offer grief meals and bandages and pretty much anything he needed, if he could provide it. grief doesn't like taking stuff though, and he definitely doesn't like asking. he's independent, he's a MAN, he can get by on his own just fine. andrey is annoyed by this, but concedes that, sometimes, all a man has is his pride. so he finds way to sneak gifts into grief's pockets or a bag he happens to be carrying. comes up with bullshit schemes to justify sharing a meal with him. oh, it's NOT your birthday today??? damn well shucks, might as well eat this food anyway since it's already here. i think grief clocks it and endeavors to find a way to repay him, since he clearly can't get him to stop his fucking charity fund. grief starts sneaking his own gifts into andrey's pockets, into his bar. they're usually practical, stuff he found and mended. i like to imagine grief getting andrey his iconic p2 suspenders, because why not amiright
grief sprouts body and facial hair like it's nothing, andrey not so much. it would take some time getting here, and i don't believe this becomes a common occurrence, but andrey would definitely ask grief to shave him at least once. it's late, they're alone, andrey is looking for an excuse to get him to stay around longer...... say grief, i'm pretty good with a knife, but what about you? here, take my razor. be careful, you wouldn't want to cut me now would you (he is winking he is smirking)
grief is intrigued by andrey's architect shenanigans, but doesn't understand half of it. looking at blueprints is a nightmare, hearing about the theory behind the building is a headache in the making. after a while he stops asking, which suits andrey just fine when he finds himself absentmindedly sketching grief between calculations. IT'S A GOOD THING HE'S NOT LOOKING AT THESE PAPERS MAN WHEW I WAS ALMOST CAUGHT
wish i had more! i'm sure more stuff will come to mind but for now.... enjoy them.....
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asmosmainhoe · 5 months
hi i saw that you mentioned you’d do Obey Me Characters react to you being jealous and was wondering if you did it, cause i couldn’t find it 😅. and if not.. well i guess this is a request haha thank you 🫶
The brothers reacting to a jealous MC
Notes: Omg it's been yeaaaaars since I talked about that jsnsjqh I totally forgot
Gender: neutral
Warnings: none
Saying that he doesn't enjoy the scene that unfolds before him would be a lie. You're standing there with your arms crossed and a frown on your face, too proud to admit your jealousy
He might even tease you little bit and have that awful cocky grin form on his pretty lips. That frustrates you more than anything
"Don't be a fool, my love. As much as I take joy in seeing you like this I don't want you to feel insecure."
"I'm not insecure though. I trust you."
"I know, but nevertheless I want you to remember that you have no competition. You could never have competition."
Maybe it's his reassuring voice or the adoration that is oh so obvious in his eyes that makes the silly voice in the back of your head shut up. You believe him when he says that no one compares
So many mixed feelings. On one hand he likes the thought of having his favorite person fight for him, but on the others he really doesn't want you to beat yourself up over this
Mammon is a party animal and incredibly outgoing so those traits naturally come with some side effects which is in this case an overly confident admirer. The same admirer who is currently experiencing the terror of a lifetime thanks to the deadly looks you're giving them
As much as a jerk your beloved boyfriend can be this time he's keeping his teasing comments to himself. On the contrary even. He's sending clear signals towards the other demon by displaying so much affection towards you to the point where you have to practically shove him off you. It still leaves you giggling and grinning
"What in Diavolo's name are you doing?!"
"What does it look like? I'm givin' ya the Mammon deluxe package!"
Of course he knows the feeling too well. After all he's struggling with keeping it at bay at the slightest interaction you have with other people. It's not his intention to hurt you or cage you in simply because he can't control himself
So out of all the brothers Levi is the one to react the fastest. He's already pulling you aside for a more private setting and tightly wraps his arms around you
"Please don't think anything of it! You're my number one and you always will be!"
The hug might or might not have been a way to hide his intense blush as he's saying those words. We all know that it takes a lot out of him
He will avoid the other person like a plague from that point on even if you stop being jealous of them. Someone only has to mention their name and he's jumping to his feet as if he got stung by something
He doesn't care about how others feel about him so when you first mention that he has an admirer he doesn't pay it any attention. You don't know if it relieves or bothers you to be honest
While Satan couldn't care less about such things he still does care how you feel in this situation. If you're uncomfortable with the way the other person is treating him then he will address it to them immediately
But beware! He thinks the problem is solved with that and most likely doesn't quite notice that it still bugs you. You literally have to bring it up to him, but don't worry. Everything after that is easy
"Please don't get this the wrong way. I trust you with all my heart, but I don't know...I guess I need some extra reassurance to be able to get passed it."
"No, don't apologize, my dear. I'll give you anything you need to have the issue solved."
Us Asmo stans know that he comes with a price. The price being a comically large amount of fans who would kiss the ground he walks on
Usually you're not the type to be bothered by that, because you knew exactly what you agreed to when dating him and Asmo has done everything in his power to never let you feel insecure in this relationship
Unfortunately there is still this one specific person who you can't seem to stand at all. The thought of them alone turns your stomach upside down and has your blood boiling
Please feel more than free to bring it up to Asmo though! He doesn't want you to feel that way.
Since the beginning he's been doing nothing, but fight the allegations that he's not a loyal partner and only cares for one thing and you've been making sure that he knows how much you trust him
"I can tell them to step on the breaks and if they don't listen then I'll just be a bit more assertive."
"What exactly do you mean with assertive?"
"Don't you worry your pretty head, honey."
The next day this person magically vanished from all social media and for some reason Asmo doesn't want to give you any details, but you do know that his fanclub has something to do with it
Like Satan he couldn't care less what other people feel towards him. He has his family and his own close circle that's all he really needs, but he's an extremely attentive boyfriend. Your sudden mood changes whenever this particular demon is mentioned or around don't go unnoticed
"Did they do something to hurt you?"
Beel-fight-mode is activated and he's looking around for that person, ready to knock the breath out of their lungs
"No, no! It's a bit...silly."
You're feelings aren't silly! They're valid! Just tell him what's going on and he will get to it immediately
If you need some extra reassurance after that then he's more than happy to cover you in love and affection
Is it bothering you enough to put up with his teasing? Don't give me that look. We both know that he's going to provoke the shit out of you
"Wow, is someone jealous?"
"I will punch you."
Yes, he will make you suffer for several days, but when he notices that you're genuinely hurting from it he will stop
He doesn't mind being rude to others to get his point across or to get you what you want. So, no. He's not breaking their heart. He's shattering it into million tiny pieces and stomps on the remains
Later that day when you two are cuddling in bed he's telling you that you're the only one for him as he drifts off to sleep kissing you
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— after dark
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!oni!reader
warnings: graphic descriptions of gore and violence, angst, self - injury
summary: the demon doesn't think herself deserving enough — every single time she touches wednesday, she does so with bated breath, as if the girl is made of porcelain
word count: 3.4k
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The Weather Wane tended to be crowded on weekend afternoons, but Wednesday found herself enjoying the calm atmosphere of the coffee shop, lucky enough to only share the space with some old couple and a few teenagers. She sat in the corner by the window, reading a copy of Dracula, the only sound accompanying her being the quite chatter of other patrons that she quickly tuned down and the shuffling of the yellowed pages when she turned them.
(Y/n), on the other hand, seemed restless. She was sitting next to Wednesday, having long since finished her coffee, her arm draped over the seat, brows furrowed as she glared daggers at the barista working behind the counter. The poor guy had already caught her death stare once or twice as he kept glancing at the pair, averting his eyes quickly with a small shiver before returning to scrubbing at the coffee machine nervously. It seemed like he had something to say to the small ravenette, but with the seething oni basically burning holes into him, growling intimidatingly, it was akin to sneaking over a garden fence that clearly had a ‘beware of the angry dog’ sign plastered over it.
It wasn't like (Y/n) had anything personal against Tyler, she supposed. He didn't seem like a bad guy — hell, he didn't seem like anything at all. There was nothing special or out of ordinary about him. But, as the oni's gaze flicked down to Wednesday's face, her mind started to drift.
What if ordinary was what was best for the gloomy girl?
She was into weird things, of course, but... Being with a human would've been much more safe for her. It would've been a balanced relationship, and she wouldn't have to deal with some of the demonic trais (Y/n) knew vexed Wednesday to no end. Humans did have their own exasperating habits too, but in no way could they be compared to eating raw meat, growling in one's sleep or turning into a ferocious beast every Blood Moon.
Wait. When had (Y/n)'s thoughts taken such a drastic turn? She didn't like wallowing in self — doubt. She was an oni from a powerful bloodline with strong heritage, no human could ever best that. Besides, that bloodline consisted of demons and samurais. She could definitely protect Wednesday when needed.
"(Y/n), are you listening?"
Snapping out of her daze, the oni tilted her head to look at the Addams girl who was plaguing her thoughts, “Hm?”
"I asked if you wanted to take the longer route back to Nevermore. Night would probably befall us half — way... I'll hold your hand so you don't get lost." Wednesday muttered softly, looking up from her book.
The oni grinned, hand moving to tuck a stray lock of raven hair behind Wednesday's ear, her clawed finger gently tracing the smaller girl's cheekbone before she pulled away, "Sure. That'd be great."
Yeah. Yeah, she was pretty great. Eat that, Tyler Galpin.
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"Have you decided on the movie yet, (Y/n)?"
The demon groaned at the question, draping her blanket over her head to try and avoid answering.
"I did not," came the muffled response, "I'm having a hard time finding something to your liking that's not going to make me fall asleep halfway through."
"I'll watch whatever you like. I don't care."
"But I do!" (Y/n) shook the fluffy blanket off, her (h/c) hair emerging disheveled, and looked up at the ravenette with a pout, "I want you to actually enjoy what you're watching, not have to sit it through for my sake."
"I really don't care." The ravenette emphasized.
The demon sighed, her clawed finger sliding over the touch pad as she scrolled through the catalogue,
"Fine. But don't complain when it's too cheesy or stupid for you."
It was always like this with Wednesday on movie nights — she'd insist she had no preference, then the second the movie (Y/n)'d choose started, she'd grumble about it. They had watched most of the good horror movies that existed, the girls' favorites being Silence of the Lambs, Saw and Carrie, but the oni's mood would sometimes long for something less macabre, much to Wednesday's displeasure.
Running her hands through her wet hair, the ravenette grabbed her brush and moved to sit on her side of the bed, squinting to take a better look at the screen.
"... Breakfast Club?" She read with a frown, and her gaze slid over to the demon's face, "Are you doing this on purpose?"
"But it's really good! And it has a cool dance scene I thought you might enjoy... " (Y/n) sighed, looking back at the laptop sadly, "Or, you know... We could always rewatch Pulp Fiction again if you want to."
Wednesday sighed tiredly before putting the brush on her nightstand, lying down next to (Y/n) and grabbing her arm to pull the limb to her chest, albeit a little roughly, entwining her slender fingers with the oni's.
"Start the movie." She mumbled finally.
"Wha— really?"
"Start the wretched movie before I change my mind, (Y/n)."
The demon grinned, snuggling closer to the grumpy ravenette. She clicked on the movie poster and pressed space, then rest her cheek on top of Wednesday's head, sighing in content.
"But next time we're watching Tusk."
"No, Wednesday."
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The first time Wednesday noticed it, she thought she was seeing things — maybe it had been the lighting, or her imagination playing tricks, but the ravenette didn't really pay it too much thought. She was used to visions haunting her, after all.
They were in class, a few minutes before their break would end, and (Y/n) sat backwards in her chair, elbows resting on the back as she talked to Enid and Yoko at the desk behind her, while Wednesday busied herself with her herbology assignment, having taken a habit of doing all her school stuff at least a week ahead.
At some point the lively conversation died, and the ravenette noticed it was just the vampire and the werewolf talking amidst themselves. (Y/n) was completely silent.
Turning in her seat to glance at the oni, Wednesday saw the demon looking back at her already, chin resting on her arms. Her head was titled a bit, and her (e/c) eyes glistened with fondness, but much to the smaller girl's surprise, the usual slits were absent — (Y/n)'s pupils were widened, taking up her whole sclera.
"Is something wrong?" Wednesday asked, a bit bashful under the gaze.
"No," (Y/n) denied through her lazy smile, "You're just really pretty. I like looking at you. Is that wrong?"
Color dusted Wednesday's pale cheeks lightly, and she turned back to her notes, "It's not, I suppose."
Huh. What an interesting trait. She wondered what the cause of it was.
It happened again when the girls were at Wednesday’s dorm, going over the ravenette’s investigation. (Y/n) was standing in the middle of the room, watching the smaller girl gesture at her hand – made chart, different photos of people, newspapers records and some of her own written notes were spread around the board, neatly arranged.
“Do you know what this means, (Y/n)?” She asked, pushing the papers into the demon’s hands, pointing at the picture, then walking back to her chart, “These are not just some mindless murders, he’s collecting trophies, like a seasoned serial killer. It’s quite impressive, actually.” Wednesday rambled heatedly before turning around to face the other girl, ready to hear her opinion on the case – but the oni wasn’t looking at the papers.
Her gaze was focused on the ravenette, a small grin on her lips, and her slit pupils were widened so much Wednesday swore she could see her own reflection in the orbs.
“... (Y/n). Are you listening?”
“Uh - huh. Yeah. Something something mindless murders, yeah...”
Coming up to stand before the taller girl, Wednesday snapped her fingers in front of her face, successfully waking her demon up from her daze.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm listening." (Y/n) blinked, looking down at the photographs in her hands, and Wednesday watched her pupils become slitted again.
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Wednesday hated making out. Everything about it was gross to the girl, from the unhygienic exchange of bacteria to the awful feeling of being so close to another living being. But making out with her demon girlfriend... That was something completely different, and Wednesday found it becoming a perfect stress relief, her favorite past – time activity, something to look forward every time they were alone.
(Y/n) sighed into Wednesday’s lips as her hold on the girl’s waist tightened, pulling her closer where Wednesday straddled her on the bed. The ravenette slid her palms up to the demon’s shoulders, then up her neck, cold fleeting touch leaving goosebumps in its wake, and rested her hands on her powerful jaw. She pulled away, a small string of saliva between their mouths, and her tongue licked over the demon’s big tusks. (Y/n) whined, making Wednesday smile.
When her gaze slid from the oni’s lips up to her eyes, she found the puzzling sight again – (Y/n)’s pupils wide and round as she watched Wednesday, dazed and breathing heavily. Pressing her hands to the girl’s cheeks, the ravenette leaned in to take a closer look.
“(Y/n), your eyes...” she said quietly, “Did you know they do this?”
“Huh?” the demon slurred in reply, not really focusing on the question, “Do what?”
“Your pupils, they get... bigger sometimes. Especially when... When you look at me...” Wednesday trailed off, the realisation hitting her suddenly.
It seemed like the same thing had happened to (Y/n), as the demon’s face turned red and she averted her gaze, draping an arm over her eyes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she mumbled, embarrassed.
The ravenette sighed, grabbing the oni’s hand to pull it away from her face, “Are you getting shy on me now? Don’t be silly,” she pressed a small kiss to (Y/n)’s nose, chuckling at the way it scrunched under her gentle touch, “It’s a common thing for most felines, actually. Are you a kitten, perhaps?”
“Oh my God, stop.” (Y/n) groaned, hiding her face in her palms.
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Wednesday ran through the woods, completely out of breath. Her legs hurt, knees bleeding where she scraped them from falling, and she could barely see where she was going, the night air nipping at her skin and urging her forward. The forest was almost silent – the heaviness of danger hung in the air, making all the wilderness hold its breath.
How long had she been running? Why did the forest seem so endless and dark, like a pit with nothing but void awaiting in the end?
The girl heard a loud roar behind her and picked up pace as much as her tired legs could allow her. Deep down she knew she would never win this chase. It was natural — prey was always meant to be caught by the predator.
Loud growls paired with sounds of leaves crunching under heavy limbs made her realise the creature was catching up. Gathering the last bits of her strength, Wednesday pushed herself to her limits, rushing forward to try and blend in the dark trees.
A flash of (e/c) eyes and huge tusks, and the ravenette went tumbling down on the ground. The demon knocked her off her feet and sent her flying on the forest floor, pining Wednesday to it with her talons painfully sinking into her sides. The ravenette winced, looking up at the furious creature who opened her toothy maw with an animalistic growl, staring down at the small human with heavy breaths. The oni's gaze was absolutely insane — there were no traces of humanity, no traces of (Y/n), warm and soft and full of adoration when Wednesday used to look at her.
Only monstrous hunger remained.
The demon didn't waste any time to bare her tusks, spit dripping as she lowered her head to finally put an end to their cat-and-mouse game. Wednesday grabbed at the monster's face, arms straining as she tried to push the creature away, but her frail hands were barely an obstacle to the demon — the oni's powerful jaws locked on her neck sharply, a loud crunching sound followed, and the creature jerked her head away forcefully, biting a chunk of flesh off the ravenette's throat.
A gargled sound left Wednesday's mouth, a scream muffled by blood gushing out, and she choked on the liquid, fingers digging at the soil around her as her chest contacted in pitiful attempts to gather up air.
Her widened eyes met the wild gaze of the predator above her, and her mouth moved, trying to get something out. Scarlet spilled instead of words, making her choke again, and after a few seconds of painful breaths the girl’s body went completely still.
The demon swallowed the warm meat, licking her lips pleasantly. She grinned, her teeth bloody, and dipped her head again to take another big bite from the delicious dish.
When (Y/n) awoke, she shot up in her bed, a gasp leaving her lips as she tried to steady her breathing.
She looked around, realising she was in her dorm, and not in the forest. It was still dark, and the only light was coming from the window, the moon shining amidst the gloomy sky illuminating her room in a soft glow. She stared down at her lap with widened eyes, palms grasping her blanket in a death grip.
Trying to swallow around the lump in her throat, she pressed her hands against her forehead and her shoulders shook.
(Y/n) turned her head sharply — the small girl was sleeping soundly beside her, chest rising and falling with gentle breaths, and the demon felt bile rise up her throat.
God. She dreamt of eating her girlfriend. A being that now laid in the demon's bed, completely defenseless and fragile, trusting (Y/n) with her life more than anyone else.
Tearing the blanket off her body and stumbling to her feet, (Y/n) swayed, hitting her side against the desk, and her breathing turned erratic as the girl started to hyperventilate. She grabbed at her head, fingers carding through the (h/c) tresses, and the oni's claws slid down her face, leaving raw bleeding gashes that healed instantly. So the oni clawed at her cheeks again, again and again between choked breaths and pathetic hoarse whines escaping her throat, tears sliding down her chin and mixing with blood in a salty red river.
(Y/n) felt like screaming. She felt like clawing her eyes out, burying her fingers in the sockets of her skull and crushing them to never see the light of the day again.
She didn't deserve to.
Her legs gave out and the oni slid down to the wooden floor, leaning her head against the side of the desk. (Y/n) grabbed at her chest, talons piercing through the fabric of her shirt, wishing her heart would stop hurting. The girl wanted to rip it out of her own ribcage.
A soft touch on her back made the demon shiver, and she looked over her shoulder to find Wednesday sitting on her knees, hand outstretched and gently pressing into (Y/n)'s shaking form. Her expression was calm but in the darkness of her eyes swirled worry.
"Wed- Wednesday... Wednes... day, I... " The oni tried to speak through her quiet gasps and hiccups unsuccessfully.
"I'm here," came soft and quiet reassurance from the ravenette, "I'm right here, (Y/n)."
Clawed hands grasped at Wednesday's arms, and the demon hanged her head, face burying in the smaller girl's chest as she shook, tears coming in a seemingly unstoppable flow. Wednesday hugged the demon closer to herself, hands resting on her back, slender fingers tracing mindless circles there.
She didn't speak again.
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“Wednesday? What’s going on?” (Y/n) walked into the ravenette’s half - empty dorm to see the girl gathering her things around the room.
“I was expelled, (Y/n).” Wednesday deadpanned calmly without looking at the demon.
“W... What?”
“It’s the condition Sheriff Galpin imposed in exchange for him not pressing charges. I’m going home.”
“No, this is... This is ridiculous,” the demon felt a lump forming in her throat as she stepped closer to Wednesday, watching her pack her suitcase orderly, “I can talk to Weems. I’m sure she’ll understand, you don’t have to- “
“The decision’s already been made,” Wednesday interrupted, stacking her books in a pile, face completely impassive, “It seems I’ve lost.”
The demon pressed her clawed hands on the typewriter case when the smaller girl moved to grab the handle, “And you’re just going to leave like this?” she asked, frustrated, “When he’s out there, parading around the town as if he’s not a monstrous killer?”
“It does exasperate me, but,“ Wednesday averted her eyes, looking down at the floor, “Xavier’s right. If I’m not here... The prophecy won’t come true.”
“If you’re not here, this stupid school is done for,” (Y/n) grumbled, “But there’s one thing I can promise you. If Tyler ever shows his face around here, they’ll be scraping hyde intestines off the fucking walls.”
Wednesday didn’t reply. Her sagged shoulders straightened again, and the ravenette stepped away to gather what remained of her stuff, “I’ve known not to trust people all my life for the sake of not being let down, but... In the end, I was the one to disappoint everyone.”
“That’s bullshit,” the demon girl snapped, rushing after Wednesday and grabbing her by the hands, turning her around to face her, “You were the most intelligent, cunning and bold person around here. No one could ever compare.”
The demon’s voice shook slightly, and she pressed her blunt tusks into her bottom lip to stifle a sob, inhaling through her mouth with a hiss, before continuing, “You... you taught me to accept myself. To live without feeling unworthy of life. You were here, through thick and thin, by my side, even when I least deserved it...”
She stopped speaking for a moment, closing her eyes. Wednesday opened her mouth to reply, but then the warm grip on her palms tightened, and (Y/n) looked at her again.
“I love you, Wendesday.”
Wednesday’s dark pools of grey widened, and she felt emotions overwhelm her. Suddenly, the realisation came crushing down like a tidal wave – it was the last time she was seeing the oni. She won’t get to feel her touch again, watch her sleep in the dead of night, won’t ever share a desk with her in class. The ravenette felt tears well up in her eyes, but she didn’t let them fall.
“If there is a single good thing Nevermore gave me... It’s you, (Y/n).”
Wednesday leaned closer to the taller girl, pressing her plush lips against (Y/n)’s, and the oni pulled her closer by the waist, desperately trying to grasp all the warmth of Wednesday’s body to herself. The demon’s heart fluttered every time she kissed the ravenette, as if she had never kissed her before, not being able to get used to the soft feeling of her lips, but the kiss they shared now felt like a sorrowful goodbye, and (Y/n) couldn’t fight a single tear sliding down her face.
When they parted, Wednesday’s heart clenched at the sight of the distraught demon, and she raised a pale hand to gently wipe the stray drop off her cheek, “Don’t cry,” she berated the oni girl gently.
“I’m sorry. I don’t want you to leave,” leaning into the cold touch, the demon sighed shakily, “Fuck. What will I do without you?”
“What you always do. Laugh at the most idiotic things obnoxiously, skip classes, growl at people and eat everything without discrimination.”
(Y/n) chuckled, pressing her forehead against Wednesday’s with a small watery grin, “What a charmer you are.”
They stayed like this for a few moments, reluctant to let go of each other, before the demon opened her eyes, “Can I see you to the station?”
The ravenette nodded.
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luna-writes-stuff · 7 months
Chapter XLII
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A Kili X OC fic
Previous chapter // Next chapter
TW: Not proofread (yet). Descriptions/mentions of injuries, blood and ache. Descriptive trauma’s from Ravenhill (for both Kili and Raewyn), trouble processing everything. Mentions of burning finger tips. Bittersweet angst.
Based off of Metallica’s Until It Sleeps
Did the author really just combine this with a writing challenge to satisfy both audiences? Absolutely. Pining is a dish best served cold.
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“Where do I take this pain of mine?
I run but it stays right my side.”
Gandalf never not spoke in riddles. It furiated Raewyn beyond words, but it was and would always be something that she would have to live with. When she had asked him about Zharad, he remained his usual mysterious self, refusing to give straight answers instead of crypte words. If it wasn’t for her fatigue and injuries, she might have punched him.
All she found out about Zharad was that she was indeed married into her family, but worked in a small village as a healer. She was considered an outcast for the people there, but still a welcome addition. She hadn’t known of Raewyn’s existence out of protection for the younger Asha. Gandalf feared that any message that could be intercepted could not only risk the life of Zharad, but also Raewyn. Thus, he kept them separated. When she had grown of age and left the old wizard, Gandalf had almost anticipated she would come back with the news of her aunt, but she never did. And as they scarcely met over the years, Gandalf saw no reason to mention it. After all, it was in his best belief Raewyn learned to let go of that which had plagued her for years.
Raewyn disagreed, obviously.
“So tear me open, pour me out.
There's things inside that scream and shout.
And the pain still hates me,
So hold me, until it sleeps.”
Much to her dismay, Zharad had left before Raewyn had any say in it. Gandalf offered her a way of contact would they have the urge to meet again, which the Asha had gracefully accepted. The call to leave hadn’t been Gandalf’s after all - Zharad had left on her own accord, claiming her town needed her and Raewyn would heal if she only did what had been recommended. That should have been enough to soothe anyone’s mind concerning Raewyn’s health.
It didn’t, obviously.
After her, less conversation, more screaming, with Gandalf, she had taken off to her tent in a messy stumble, sitting back down on the cot in defeat and anger. Kili had followed her once more, ignoring the glares he got from Oín when it became apparent he too hadn’t followed any medical advice.
“Just like the curse, just like the stray.
You feed it once and now it stays, now it stays.”
“Why does he get a say in my family?” Raewyn ranted, still over in her head from Gandalf’s words. “All my life, I thought he truly wanted to help me, but he’s been hiding this since the beginning!” Running a hand through her hair in frustration, she tried to calm herself down.
“I understand now might not be the time,” Kili began. “But do you not think there is at least a little truth in Gandalf’s words?” At those words, Raewyn’s eyebrows furrowed together in more frustration, doing her best to not glare. Kili tensed under the notion all the same, but continued: “He was doing what he could to keep you safe.”
When Raewyn refused to verbally respond to him, he decided to keep going carefully. “He raised you as a child - I thought you considered him family. I’m not saying he gets to decide your life, but what he did was with good reason.” “Are you turning against me too?” That made Kili halt. Gently, he sat down on his knees in front of her, now seeing her face. Rage had washed into guilt and sorrow, and he could not help but let the emotions pierce his heart as well.
“So tear me open but beware;
There's things inside without a care.
And the dirt still stains me,
So wash me, until I'm clean.”
“Rae,” He began softly, placing his hands on top of hers, its coarse bandages lightly scratching her skin. “No one is turning against you.” “It feels like it.” She mumbled, not moving under his hold. She slowly raised her head, meeting the dwarf’s eyes. “He lied to me, Kili.” As much as he understood Gandalf’s point, he felt for Raewyn. To have the one thing you consider family hiding the fact that you still have living ancestors out there, even after witnessing the brutal massacre of the rest of them. He understood her as much as he understood the old wizard, which meant he also realised that trying to convince her of Gandalf’s innocence was not going to work now.
“Listen to me,” He tried. “Everyone here has done their best to keep you safe, to keep you healing. No one in this mountain right now has any ideas of turning against you.” Searching his eyes for any kinds of lies or amusement, she sighed. She knew he was being honest - he always was against her. She didn’t necessarily need to observe him in order to recognise that. She simply sought an excuse to look at him just a little longer. But his shift of conversation seemed to work for now, for a cracked smile appeared on her face: “That must have been a pain,”
Shaking his head with a tiny chuckle, he looked down at their hands, noting the slight tension in Raewyn’s. “Must’ve hurt Thorin’s ego.” She followed, a hint of humour on her tongue. Then, sincerity returned: “How long was I out?”
“It grips you, so hold me.
It stains you, so hold me.”
He knew the question was coming; it must have been on her mind since the moment she woke. In all truth, he had lost count of it. He lost count after two days, when sleep failed to visit him regularly. “Longer than we wanted,” He settled on, which wasn’t a lie for him. “But you are here, that is what matters. Don’t waste your energy on distrusting family or starting fights. Please, just focus on healing now.”
A soft smile made its way to Raewyn’s face, barely recognisable, but Kili saw it. “You’re good at this.” She muttered. “Talking.” “I’m an excellent talker.” The dwarf joked, shooting a wink her way. “I know,” She agreed. “Thank you.”
“It hates you, so hold me.
It holds you, so hold me.
Until it sleeps.”
Ultimately, the dwarf rose, letting go of Raewyn’s hands as he looked around the dishevelled tent. The smell of blood, mud and sweat hung heavy in the air, and he scrunched his nose up as the scent finally reached him. “We should get you to your room. I figure this can become clammy.” “My room?” The Asha voiced confused, observing the dwarf intently. “Yes,” He nodded, turning to Raewyn. “We would not let you stay here in the barns.”
Her face fell slightly upon his speech, not knowing how to go against his words again. Unfortunately, she’d be as honest to him as he was to her, and she shook her head to him. “Kili, I do not know if I will stay here.” The smile from his face disappeared quickly, a worried glance in his eyes now. A weightless yet sinking feeling entered his stomach: “Why not?”
Shrugging in futility, Raewyn looked at her empty hands. “It is not really a home for a ranger, is it?” Kili’s head leaned to the side slightly, a worried frown on his face, all decisions and thoughts swirling through his head in a whirlwind. “It doesn’t have to be.” “Ki-“ “The reason you wanted to join this quest was to kill the last name on your father’s list, was it not?” He interrupted quickly. A look of wonder crossed Raewyn’s face, her eyes falling on his figure. “You remembered that?” She wondered incredulously.
“So tell me why you've chosen me.
Don't want your grip, don't want your greed, don't want it.”
“You are done,” He sighed aloud, falling back to his knees, the Asha’s eyes following his every movement. “Rae, you don’t have to avenge your family’s name your entire life. You forgave Thorin, you killed the dragon, you killed Azog, you met your aunt. You did it, Rae. You avenged them.” Again, his hands found hers, squeezing them through his pain. Piercing brown eyes met hers, a look so pleading in them, she was speechless for them for a second. “So what is in it for you now?”
Swallowing harshly, she tried to push her compliance down, insecurities taking over as she spoke through a shaking voice: “It is all I’ve ever known.” Heartbreak flashed through Kili as she spoke those words - not even for him, but for her. She never belonged anywhere, she wandered with an old wizard and lived a life of revenge and agony. She had no comforts of someone she could run to or talk to; she had no safe space. And he’d be damned if he’d let her leave without one after their entire journey.
“I'll tear me open, make you gone.
No more can you hurt anyone.
And the fear still shakes me,
So hold me, until it sleeps.”
“It doesn’t have to be.” He whispered. “You can stay.” A tiny scoff of sympathy escaped her: “And do what?” “You could become a captain of the guard.” He announced without thinking, cursing himself silently for speaking these words. “Excuse me?” Raewyn coughed out, noting Kili’s eyes quickly closing in regret.
“Thorin wanted to propose it once you were completely healed, but he can’t if you have already left.” He revealed. Passion engulfed him as he continued to explain the idea. “You could help people here: Erebor, Dale, the borders of Mirkwood. You have the experience and loyalty of no other - there is no better person to take this role than you.”
Raewyn was silent at this confession. He didn’t expect her to not be, it was quite the revelation. But he did not want her to leave either. She needed to stay. If not for herself, than for him. But he wouldn’t tell her that. At least, not now, while she was still half asleep. He shouldn’t have dropped this topic like that, but he needed a good reason for her to stay for at least a couple more days. “I understand it is a difficult decision to make right now, but please, just think it over.” He proposed. “Don’t leave yet.”
“It grips you, so hold me.
It stains you, so hold me.”
It was such a Kili thing to make Raewyn ponder over solutions to questions she’d usually already know the answer to. If he had asked her to position for captain of the guard a month ago, she would have wholeheartedly refused, probably mocking him and laughing in his face for good measure. If there was anything, beside stubbornness, that Ashas were known for, it was for their hatred - or extreme disdain - towards kingdoms and those of higher standards. A hierarchy was never needed for them. It took years for her to even warm up to Elrond; she still struggles to address him properly. It was almost as if asking a hobbit to live in solitude for the rest of its life: you didn’t do it. But, per usual, Kili went completely against her expectations and got away with it easily.
So, there she sat, completely stunned and wordless on top of a warm and comfortable bed. In pure dwarves fashion, it had been adorned with blankets, sheets, and pillows beyond counting, and though it was extremely uncomfortable, Raewyn found it too hot to place herself in the midst of it now. The young prince had walked her to her room, pointing her towards the two doors leading to his bedroom and his brother’s respectively, in case something were to arise. It was a short walk away, but even now, it felt miles away. Ever since she woke, people had been swarming her, and now she was ultimately alone.
“It hates you, so hold me.
It holds you, holds you, holds you.
Until it sleeps.”
It was a terrifying thought for her. Realisation hit as she silently recounted the bodies she had seen on the battlefield when meeting Fili earlier. She had lived when so many others lost their lives. She still couldn’t comprehend how. She recounted the freezing breeze on Ravenhill, and the shouts and yells of the orcs. The terrible malice in Azog’s eyes as he swung her body across the ice. A short shock ripped through her body as his eyes appeared in front of her, an iron grip suddenly on her ankles. Pulling her legs up in reflex, she hissed loudly when her bandages scratched the open wound on her back, tears quickly gathering in her eyes.
The lack of air, the freezing waters over her body, the uncomfortable feeling of her clothes clinging to her skin, the bared muscles on her back, painful hands grasping her tightly, a heart wrenching scream. She was jerked from her memories sharply when her fingertips met the burning flames of the candle on her night stand. She hadn’t noticed she was inching towards it until she felt the blisters forming on her fingertips.
“Shit,” She mumbled, pushing the burned fingertips to the blankets beneath her. The turmoil within her refused to settle, whatsoever. The cold was gone now, but confusion remained. She wanted to let the issue rest - leave Zharad for what she knew, but after the old dwarrow’s words, she couldn’t help but wonder how many others she had known before the slaughter.
“I don't want it,
I don't want it, want it, want it,
Want it, want it, no.”
Standing up quickly, she ignored the pain shooting through her back as she stumbled towards the door. She thought a moment alone would give her enough time to think - to properly process everything - but it hadn’t. If anything, being alone only seemed to amplify her distress and confusion. No; the last thing she needed right now was to be alone with her thoughts. As much as she’d like for everything to just be quiet.
The halls were empty now. From the distance, she could hear a few voices talking with each other in hushed tones, but that was all there seemed to be right now. It was a chilling contrast to the ambiance in the mountain only days earlier. She didn’t know what she preferred. A walk through the halls now seemed to last forever with the impending silence, whereas it earlier felt as a brief walk. She didn’t know how long she had been walking - or stumbling - until a voice cut through the silence.
“What are you doing up?” The tone was not hostile, but genuinely confused. Turning around, she came face to face with Bofur, his head tilted slightly at the sight of Raewyn: “I thought Kili showed you your chambers?” Taken by surprise, all that she could really utter, was a simple ‘yes’, before she finally came to her senses: “I just needed to stretch my legs.” “Lass, no offence,” the dwarf began kindly. “But I don’t think it is a good idea for you to be up and about right now.” “I’ll be fine.” Raewyn dismissed him, trying to continue her walk, but in her pace, Bofur was quick to catch up: “I should walk you back to your room.”
She sighed at that, knowing it was probably a good idea if she wasn’t to be left alone now. That was the entire reason she had stepped into the halls to begin with. Thus, she relented: “Do you know where Kili is?” A slight smile appeared on Bofur’s face, but he tried to keep it hidden. “He’s in his chamber.” “Where is that?” “Across from yours.” He then said hesitantly, as if it surprised him she didn’t know that. “I’ll walk with you.”
“So tear me open but beware;
The things inside without a care.
And the dirt still stains me,
So wash me 'til I'm clean.”
Bofur was patient as he walked beside Raewyn, letting her set the pace, though it was achingly slow. When they finally arrived at Kili’s door, it didn’t take long for him to arrive after Bofur knocked. Though it was late, he didn’t appear to be asleep. Unless he managed to jump out of bed at the first knock. “What’s wrong-“ he started, almost out of reflex, but when he saw Raewyn, his frown deepened. “Is everything alright?” “The lass was looking for you. Didn’t know where you were.” “Oh,” Kili breathed, his eyes not moving from Raewyn’s figure. Bofur noticed, and merely nodded his head. “Right then. Good night.” And with that, he was gone again.
Kili immediately walked up to Raewyn, his hands gently finding her shoulders as he forced her to look at him. “Are you alright?”
She couldn’t really answer. How would she even begin to explain everything? He’d been through enough. He was resting too - she shouldn’t lay her burdens on his mind. How would he even be able to help? Why did she want to seek him out in specific? The unanswered questions combined with her earlier dread seemed to snap the thin wire. She opened her mouth to say something, but instead, a ragged breath came out, and she had to fight to keep her tears in. He noticed. Of course he did. He seemed to notice everything.
“Come here.” He whispered, leading her into his room as he closed the door behind her. She didn’t want to fall apart right there, but when his arms gently wrapped around her, pulling her into his frame, she was left with little choice. Tears fell down her cheeks as she clutched onto his back, revelling in the comfort his sheer being simply seemed to radiate. He didn’t say anything for a long time. Not until she had finally calmed down and the grip on his tunic had lessened.
“I'll tear me open, make you gone.
No longer will you hurt anyone.”
“What happened?” He asked in a hushed voice, keeping her at an arm’s length as he looked at her. Again, she failed to answer him, her head falling against his chest in exhaustion. Almost instinctively, his hand brushed her forehead, frowning as he felt the beads of sweat rolling off her face: “Hey, you’re boiling.” Then, ultimately, her voice found its way back to her, even as it slightly cracked: “How are you alright with all of this?”
Seemingly hesitant at her words, Kili frowned. “I’m sorry?” “It’s just…” Raewyn trailed off, not sure what exactly to tell him. He refused to fill the silence that followed, leaving her almost obligated to finish her sentence. “Each time I close my eyes-“ She stopped talking. She didn’t know what to say. How would she even begin to explain it? An involuntary chill ran up her spine as the memories resurfaced. “It’s so cold.”
Kili led her to the hearth in his room, kneeling down onto the fur rugs as Raewyn followed his lead, keeping a considerate distance from the fire. It was then that the dwarf noticed her coloured finger tips. “What happened to your fingers?” He gasped, grasping one of her hands in his, inspecting them closely. She let him. “I don’t know.” She mumbled, but shook out of her thoughts quickly, changing her answer. “I burned them, but not on purpose.” Kili’s eyes met hers, concern and confusion evident within them. “It was so cold.” She tried to defend. With that, Kili rose from his seat, causing Raewyn to clutch onto his sleeve, ignoring the burning pain it gave her fingers.
“No, please-“ “I’m getting a bowl of water for you.�� “No,” she dismissed, a look in her eyes unlike any Kili had seen before. If he had, it had certainly not been coming from her. There was so much evident distress and panic, just as he planned to walk away. “Please stay.” She repeated, exhaling a sigh of relief as he sat back down beside her, his heart beating wildly at her sudden change in behaviour
“And the hate still shapes me.
So hold me, until it sleeps.”
They simply sat there for a moment, far enough from the fire that Raewyn wouldn’t come too close again, but not far enough to not feel the warmth radiating off of it. Yet, regardless of all that, Kili still felt helpless: “Is there anything I can do to help?” She answered quickly, as if the answer had been on the tip of her tongue to begin with. “Just stay.” She swallowed harshly, sitting closer to him until their shoulders were touching. “I don’t want to be alone.” “You won’t have to be.” He whispered, doing his best to comfort her in any way he could.
“Everything is done, but it-“ she ranted, trying to find the right words. “It doesn’t feel over.” “I know.” The dwarf agreed, unsure of whether he should embrace her again or leave her for a moment. She was hard to read at times, and he did not want to take anything the wrong way. If he didn’t get his hopes up, he wouldn’t be disappointed.
Raewyn didn’t notice his internal struggle. She simply looked up at him, some flabbergasted. “You know?” “I haven’t had a good sleep for days.” He confessed. Every time he tried to sleep, he’d see that dreaded hill, and Raewyn’s figure refusing to resurface. The blood that had stained his hands that wasn’t his, the crack of ribs as he tried to resuscitate the dying figure, the way she hadn’t woken up in days. It caused him more agony than relief. Even if it had all ended. “Each time I am by myself, my mind plagues me. It shows me things that have already come to pass. I can’t seem to get it out.” Raewyn nodded at that, somewhat glad she wasn’t the only one, even if she felt he didn’t deserve to receive the pain she had been going through. She would never wish that upon him. But she didn’t tell him that. “Me neither.” She whispered, then leaned her head on his shoulder as her eyes became glued to the fire in front of her.
“Ki, it was so cold.” She muttered, her hands trying to find a comfortable way to lay on her lap. “You’re alright.” He hummed, noticing her struggle. Again, his hands reached for hers, the freezing touch of hers sending an involuntary shiver along his arms. He pushed it down. She seemed to relax under his warmth.
“You’re here now.”
“Until it sleeps, until it sleeps.
Until it sleeps, until it sleeps.”
@errruvande @writingawaymylife @justnerdystuffs @spidergirla5 @fallenangeloflight @bianavacker-is-bi-as-hell @lxdymormont @deathofafangirl01 @the-cranck-hobbit @chaoticpaintsplatter @bxtchopolis @radbarbariancupcake @gay-destiel
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cryptictongues · 5 months
wip tag game rules :
post the names of all the files in ur wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send u an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have wips!
Thank you for tagging me @pinkkittysaw for allowing me to share my ideas publicly LMAO
Would like to note that I don't usually create titles until I finish something!
Tagging whoever wants to partake!
Joshua Rosfield x Leviathan!Reader (Chaptered): Reader and Joshua were betrothed to one another at a young age until the fall of Phoenix Gate. 18 years pass and Reader is the ruler of Aquaos, a safe haven kingdom for war refugees and bearers. 
Barnabas Tharmr x Leviathan!Reader (Chaptered): A love story that turns sour (Thanks Ultima boooo)
Clive Rosfield x Flower!Reader: Throwback to when Clive had his brand removed and reader took care of him. 
Modern AU: Reader and Clive are actors, and don't know what's real and what's not on set. NSFW
The Waloedian Witch: Witch!Reader finds Clive washed along the shores of Waloed. She takes care of him so he is strong enough to get back home. Unrequited Love AU
Gav x Reader Friends to Lovers AU: Everyone in the Hideaway knows you and Gav like each other… well except for you and Gav.
Clive Rosfield x Flower!Reader: Clive comes back to the Hideaway after Origin to find out you left. He stops at nothing to find you. (I'm writing this one now YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!)
Ignis Scientia x Rockstar!Reader: Ignis never thought a woman like you could fall for the likes of him. You could say the same about him. 
Cidolfus Telamon x Reader: You are Cid's second in command at the Hideaway. The both of you tend to butt heads and it all comes to a head when Cid comes back from the one place you both swore never to return to… Waloed. NSFW
Barnabas Tharmr x Reader: you and Barnabas commence a marriage through a blood oath. Things get horny. NSFW
Clive Rosfield x Flower!Reader: Clive teaches you how to wield a sword. NSFW
Barnabas Tharmr x Reader: Barnabas decides to punish you the only way he knows: strap you down and make you cum until you are a mess. NSFW
Clive Rosfield x Reader: Clive avoids you like the plague and you have no idea why… that is until you see him locked down in the dungeon: Ifrit Rut fic NSFW
Cidolfus Telamon x Reader: Cid accidentally invents a vibrator. He wants to test it out. NSFW Crack fic
Clive Rosfield x Reader: Clive and Reader get heated in an argument, with the reader telling Clive how much she hates him. Clive decides to how true that statement is. NSFW
Moulin Rouge Roxanne inspo: Reader and Cid are in love, but Cid has to watch her entertain Barnabas.
Clive meets an older woman who would end up being an important figure in his life. Mother Figure!AU
Barnabas Tharmr x Reader: A fic based on the lyric “Always an Angel, Never a God” from the song "Not Strong Enough" by boygenius
Clive Rosfield x Reader Office AU: Clive is the CEO of Hide, Hideaway industries, and while visiting his brother's building, he sees Joshua has the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on as his secretary. NSFW
Clive x Princess AU: During Clive’s time in the Imperial Army, he is given the task to escort you, a princess from the Northern Territories, to the Holy Empire of Sanbreque where you will wed Prince Dion. NSFW
Beware the Eikon of Death: You, the immortal Eikon, are put in charge of guiding Dominants to their peace for their life after death. 
FFVII Remake x FFXV Crossover with Ignis Scientia x Reader relationship: Reader runs away from her past after the incident in Altissia only to find herself on the other side of the world in Midgar. Years have passed and she is now part of the splinter cell of Avalanche, but still has dreams about her past and her lover, which comes back to haunt her.
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anchanted-one · 8 months
Thrawn's Downfall Theory
This is speculation, but it does have spoilers for Ahsoka S1 and Clone Wars.
Beware, this is speculation, and there is a fantastic chance I'm quite wrong.
I was just thinking... what if the Nightsisters take the Noghri's role in Thrawn's defeat?
In the Thrawn trilogy, the Admiral's most loyal supporters are the Noghri, who serve him without question because they've been tricked by the Empire. They thought the Empire was their savior, when in fact, they are the ones who caused all the problems currently plaguing Honoghr.
When Leia lays bare the deception, the whole of Honoghr turns against the Admiral, and are instrumental in his final defeat. He's executed by Rukh, who was killed in the Rebels story.
Now the Nightsisters... their kin on Dathomir were killed by Sidious' minions, but they might not know that yet. If they do discover it, they might turn against the Empire--which is Palpatine's ultimate creation. For starters, they won't be as loyal as the Noghri were, but Thrawn won't have reason to see their betrayal coming. This might be what causes his death.
Bonus points if it is Leia who tells them the truth.
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renegade--soul498 · 2 years
My internal writer is coming out again after weeks of stressing on work and classes. What would I love to write for, you may ask? It's A Plague Tale Requiem, of course!
For other writers in this community, I'd like to know your thoughts on these prompts I'm about to leave here. I may not have enough time to write AU's but I'd love to see these ideas flourish in your own terms. If I have time in the future though, I may develop one or two on my own.
Beware of spoilers!
Chapter XV: Amicia is killed by the Count at the beach. Both siblings die or Hugo lives with the rest.
Chapter XV: Arnaud, Sophia, and Lucas make time for Amicia to go to Marseille and look for Hugo before he decides to give in to the Macula. Everyone lives.
Chapter XVI: Lucas' POV while reaching Hugo, looking after Amicia from afar.
Chapter XII: Lucas or Hugo or Amicia die instead of Beatrice.
Chapter XVI: Hugo's POV while Amicia and Lucas look for him.
After game: Beatrice's POV watching over Amicia until her end.
Chapter XVI: Lucas vs Amicia. She keeps protecting Hugo even if he's "dead".
If you want to share your own prompts, that'd be awesome as well! Happy coping with that ending! ...I can't even joke about it, it makes my chest hitch again. Damn it.
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the athena x child reader hcs were so good! (I'm the same anon who asked btw) can you do more athena x child reader hcs but with a fem child reader this time if possible?
Hello again; hey, I'm not going to lie to you, if you keep this up you're going to make me write my "Gods of War" fanfic with more enthusiasm.
Hahaha, well, let's start, a girl?! Oh my God, this just got more interesting!
--- If being a boy, Athena already had the little one super protected; when it's a girl… that's it, it's over; if the little one wants to start a war, she's already won it.
--- And I'm not only speaking for Athena, who will guide her little girl to become a great priestess, but also for Ares.
--- Yes, it's true, it's up to Ares to be the voice of reason here; but what if someone hurts his little girl? Troy burns for the fifth time and counting.
--- Here Cotys I cannot even see the infant, he only knows that Athena asked him for a place in the forest and to send some maidens to take care of the place. In this scenario he is literally Athena's ATM; although on second thought Cotys is more like a casino: this relationship is like "money laundering". Athena gives things to her daughter through Cotys and so the gods do not detect her.
How illegal was this point.
--- Mind you, if the goddess was already strict, here she is more so. The disobedience was better "analyzed"; being a male Athena would not fully understand the disobedience of the child and would attribute it to things more of… hubris or foolishness or even being a brute (to which Ares would only shake his head). But being a woman, Athena could know better and what her daughter was thinking if she disobeyed. Which is why mercy only depends on age or if Ares butts in.
--- Speaking of the god of war, Athena knew she had gotten herself the best watchdog and protective father. What if something were to happen to her daughter? A powerful ally in the war.
--- Demeter with Persephone? that's already amateurish, it's a thing of the past baby, and here comes Athena to break barriers.
--- Although she can never surpass Hera, I think no one could.
--- But that only happens if the girl disobeys, if she doesn't, she'll have some freedom.
--- The little girl knows that she has and had siblings (on both "parents" sides) but the only one she "knows" (she has only heard about) is Sofia, the goddess of wisdom.
*Curious fact: Athena is the goddess of knowledge and strategy, over the years she was awarded the wisdom. But, the goddess Sofia is the goddess of wisdom, hence the word "Philosophy" philo= love, Sophie = wisdom. And beware, wisdom and knowledge (although they seem) are not the same thing.
**In my lore, at least from my story and these headcanons, Sofia is the daughter of Ares and Athena.
Athena watched with pride as her little girl gracefully arranged the offerings in her little temple. It wasn't something so ostentatious, it was quite simple and done that way on purpose.
The goddess could hear the girl's prayers: intelligence, grace, skill and bravery… wait a minute. This last one, she was not asking her… but Ares. A slight annoyance she would allow, after all, the god of war seemed that he would not betray her.
--- you have replaced my brother's place --- Sofia looked at Athena, who was more attentive to the human girl than to her words --- but instead of the love you once gave him, now you give something twisted to someone else. Your sadness has become a plague that has even infected my father --- but no matter how many words the goddess of wisdom uttered, the goddess of war ignored her --- Will you stop ignoring me, what I am telling you is important!
--- I don't rule Ares, I just asked him for a favor --- finally answered the Hellenic woman who looked sternly at her daughter --- he does as he pleases as long as he doesn't bother me.
--- The lament of Argenis, the lament of the loss of his son --- declared Sofia looking at her mother with seriousness --- a pain, which although he will have to live with it, has returned with great force. My father had already overcome it, but, what do I see yesterday, he is once again trying to find the soul of Argenis. Stop this madness, Athena!
--- If you have nothing more to say, leave now --- Sofia held back her angry crying, knowing that it would come to nothing, she decided to leave the place. If Athena was not going to help herself, Sofia would take matters into her own hands before something happened to that little girl, her father or her mother that not even repentance could cure.
Bonus: A little continuation of yandere Hades
--- The gods are capricious --- Asier looked out the window as the moon began to rise --- I once knew of a girl that the goddess Athena held captive. I think she died like canaries when a cat looks at them: confinement drives them mad and they eventually die in their cages.
--- Okay, it's too dark and impossible --- commented the nanny as she made dinner --- the goddess Athena would never do that.
--- Zeus did what he wanted, like a king; Hades stole a daughter from her mother, like death; Ares was impulsive and bloodthirsty, like violence --- said the little boy while he drew something --- Eros has no goal, like love; and I can go on with many more examples. So, it is neither improbable nor impossible, but it is quite rare.
--- Where did you get that comparison? --- said the nanny, finishing cooking.
--- That doesn't matter, not when something else is going on --- commented Asier finishing drawing a rune --- I would tell you to be careful in the spring, but autumn and winter are more dangerous… the trees speak --- commented the little boy as he handed her the drawing --- this will protect you, Freyja still owes me a favor.
--- What --- asked the girl as she looked at the drawing and the boy --- is this some kind of game?
--- Yes, and this is my gift… from a fallen one --- Asier said in a more relaxed tone, lying as he had learned in one of his lives --- you are someone I want to protect and I will be your hero.
--- I'll be your princess? --- joked the nanny serving dinner --- or do you have some important role for me?
--- You will be… --- "like Agnes" he wanted to tell her, but little Asier… knew that that was long gone, along with that former name: Argenis --- my friend, whom I want to protect.
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hismentor · 11 months
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❝ I'm sorry. ❞ MK says quietly. He's been quiet, but this needed to be said. ❝ I just wanted to learn more. This is my own fault. ❞
the oracle told him to beware the ides. // @newdleboy
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there  were  many  thoughts  that  were  plaguing  the  sage's  mind  throughout  this  ordeal... but  the  one  feeling  that  continues  to  linger  was  the  fact  that  he  was  guilty. this  shouldn't  have  happened  to  him... and  staring  at  the  wound  on  the  successor's  face  resurfaced  old  memories  he  had  tried  so  hard  to  forget... this  was  what  macaque  aimed  for  and  he  had  hit  the  target  perfectly.
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❝  it's  not  your  fault,  kid... ❞  he  says,  voice low. eyes  look  downwards,  afraid  to  look  at  mk  and  be  reminded  of  his  constant  failures. fist  clenches  tightly  at  his  pants,  ❝  i... it  was  my  fault. for  not  being  a  better  mentor  for  you. ❞
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elizaellwrites · 1 year
Happy Showcase Sunday!
I'm a fantasy writer, and I focus on the interconnected universe in which all of my work (so far at least) takes place. I'm a college student and an INFJ who battles with perfectionism. I'm Ace, have chronic pain, and idk for sure, but am likely on the autistic spectrum. I struggle with anxiety and low levels of depression and am low-key ocd. I have two cats who help in my creative process who I love very much.
I have this thing where my dominant personality is being a reserved ray of sunshine, who won't swear to save her life. Meanwhile, the other side of my personality is pure chaos and destruction that is channeled into making my characters' lives miserable and more complex. So beware of the war between these two sides of my personality.
My primary WIP is the first book of a series called Legacy of the Fallen. I currently have up until Chapter 14 available to read.
The Cursed
Summary: After being driven from their home and countless lives lost among them, the Hecathian people are striving to rebuild what was lost. The Academy, a safe haven and reintroduction to their lost society, seeks other survivors. Annamarie has recently made a fated move with her father, being thrown into a world of discovery, danger, and more mysteries to be uncovered. As she learns more, she begins to question who she can really trust while everything she thought she knew fades into an illusion. Though it starts off following the daily lives of four seemingly average students at a random school, it's quickly revealed that there's more to them that even they may be unaware of. One of these four, Jacob, serves as a bridge to the reality that their true identities had been hidden from them after their parents and families went into hiding thirteen years ago after their people suffered a massacre that ended with millions dead and their world in the hands of their enemies. They are connected with a sanctuary that serves as cultural re-education and emersion for their people, which is ruled by Maishear, Jacob's father. Though this academy is supposed to be safe, it is plagued with political controversy, mysterious disappearances, and a traitor in their midst. The newcomers and Jacob's team are thrown together to face the challenges ahead and the shadows of the past that plague them.
You can find it here.
I also have two series going in my Expanded Works category. These are hypothetically shorter series that explore other areas of the overarching universe to complement my main series. I have several more ideas for this section, but these are my active WIPs:
Follows the story of Roselle and members of their team two years before Legacy of the Fallen takes place. Roselle Jakoste is one of the few remaining members of the royal Verairacur family. Now, at fifteen, she finds herself falling for the son of the man that destroyed her family. Meanwhile, a mystery begins to reveal itself as political tension within the academy starts to grow.
I have this series available on my page or here.
This is a dark series following survivors of the attack that stayed on Ariya. As their home planet is held under occupation, remaining Hecathians have to fight and hide to survive, while the life they knew crumbles around them.
Note: if you are sensitive to death, grief, or dark themes, this is not the series for you. While all my series are dark and involve more mature themes, this one is consistently more so.
This series is also available on my page or here.
I try to update all of my series somewhat regularly, though Expanded works are updated more regularly, as chapters are far shorter and editing is less time-consuming.
My goal with my writing is to create immersive stories for readers to enjoy. I love my characters, and I hope that you love them as much as I do!
I love hearing feedback and answering questions, so feel free to contact me, send asks, or comment.
Thank you for the support!
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hextechmaturgy · 2 years
my thoughts on pathologic classic
finally finished the game all the way through, so here are my (not at all concise) thoughts
beware of spoilers and A LOT OF TEXT
NOTE: I do know quite a bit about pathologic 2, but seeing as I haven't played that game yet, I'll try to keep my ideas here separate and only focus on what I got from playing the classic version
By far my favorite character, and if you say I'm biased cause we have similar degrees, you are absolutely right, but that's not why I love him. I got into pathologic by watching all the video essays I think everyone else watches, so coming into it I had a very specific idea of what Daniil would be like - rude, condescending, heartless, "the prickly prick who will bury us all" - and while I can definitely see where some of those are coming from sort of, after 80+ hours of playing this goddamn game I can safely say: Daniil is a good person who does good things and the hate he gets is largely undeserved. I'm a Daniil Dankovsky TRUTHER.
He's kind! He's surprisingly good with kids; when he does snap at them and threaten to put them in timeout or to call their parents, it's usually because they're breaking his quarantine rules and that's a REALLY BAD IDEA (after 2020, I feel we can all relate to that frustration). In one instance, Capella asks him to look for a kid in an infected district and, upon finding him, Daniil tells him to run off and leave testing the disease to him, earning a shmowder from the kid but also getting the plague. This is a side quest, it's up to you to decide if getting infected is worth the shmowder or not, but the fact of the matter is, Daniil doesn't have to care about this kid, he doesn't have to do this quest, but (at least in my save) he does. Forgetting about the kids though, Daniil is just a genuinely helpful guy. He's a fucking lifesaver when you're playing as the Haruspex, he clears your name completely on day 1 when he really doesn't have to. The two go on to collaborate pretty much until the end. When Daniil's solution begins to diverge from Artemy's, he explains that no, killing the polyhedron won't help Artemy actually, it's the only way to ensure Aglaya is sacrificed, which is the only way Artemy will be accepted by the kin, which he knows is important to him, it's his inheritance! Time and time again, Daniil gives it his all to protect the people of the town. He talks Peter down from suicide, he can try to do the same with Rubin, he kills a bunch of men to protect Andrey, at some point he has a mission to reunite a daughter with her father and he only fails that mission because Artemy kills her (because you asked him for an infected heart and Artemy chose hers). His best efforts are constantly thwarted or misunderstood. I'm not saying he's a saint, he still has plenty of awful dialogue lines to choose from, but? MAN, I've been a health professional during a pandemic, I understand frustration, the pure fucking rage felt at the people who don't quarantine or believe vaccines will help, the hatred that rises in your gut when you watch as politicians take advantage of the situation. I was only a student back then! Imagine being 1 out of FOUR (4!!) people who can do something!
Daniil's condescension is another one of those things where... I see it, but I don't. Yes, his latin is tacky and he does have lines calling people dumb as shit compared to him, a genius mastermind, but one thing that we have to take into account is that Daniil is, by all accounts, a genius mastermind. The mysticism of the town goes completely over his head (it's SO fucking funny to me that Daniil has 0 knowledge that the Rat Prophet even exists), but this is because it's not something one can easily prove 1) it exists and 2) can be repeated and reproduced, both of which are VERY important in scientific experimentation. Meanwhile, in the Capital, Daniil is a famous scientist known for his experiments surrounding death; he's so good he's earned himself a following, and if the rumors on the street are to be believed, Daniil has even successfully brought someone back from the dead! I think he gets to flex his smarts, maybe. He doesn't need to be rude about it, sure, but it's not like the people would respect him if he didn't flex it. He's told from the start that he just doesn't get it, will never get it, "you're smart but you're not" type of conversation time and time again, since he's not attuned to ~miracles~ like some of the others are. Again, as an atheist myself, I can see why that would get frustrating. There is also an instance where Daniil "mansplains" antibodies to Artemy? Artemy, a fellow doctor sort of, can reply with something along the lines of "don't make fun of me" and Daniil's response is a genuine "i wasn't making fun of you, i was only explaining a concept". To the fellow mentally ill person reading this, ain't that the most relatable thing ever? Talking about something you're passionate about with a person that you like, wanting to make sure they understand the concept because you love it and understand it, but just coming off as obnoxious?
Daniil is GAY AS HELL. Those videos don't prepare you for how gay this man is. I started getting into the fandom telling myself "wow people ship these two huh, I can't imagine why" and then I played the fucking thing and you can't not ship them. It's not even subtext at this point, this is how Daniil introduces himself to Artemy:
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He has two women thirsting over him (I don't know if Maria's feelings are genuine of if the Mistress magic within her just recognizes that he's her path to victory) and he barely reacts to them inviting him to their bed or saying "I love you" to his face. He can flirt back, but I feel like Daniil is just a charming guy as it is, he's from the Capital, he was friends with Andrey so you KNOW he did drugs in university and he has to know about the orgies already. He does care about Eva, but who wouldn't? In the runs you don't control him he often refers to her as "my Eva", but I always read it as platonic I'll be honest. Her death hits him hard, she's a sweetheart who only ever tried to help him, she housed him barely knowing who he was for fuck's sake, and Daniil's last conversation with her in the Cathedral shows he feels awful because he thinks she did it for him. I like to think that Daniil took a liking to Eva's kind and free spirit and often looked to her for comfort. Do I think he was in love with her? Absolutely not <3
Finally, let's talk about his ending, shall we? I feel like this is often used to demonstrate just how heartless Daniil is, and I will admit that, to me, his ending felt weirdly cruel and sudden while I was playing him. Hilariously, though, when I was playing as Artemy and spoke to Daniil about his solution, I thought Daniil had way better reasons to keep the polyhedron when I wasn't controlling him, and he explains his views better too. Daniil sees that the town is basically destroyed already, so many have died, so many more are infected and will soon die, they have a panacea but lack the materials with which to make enough to go around. The tower is aseptic, children have managed to live in it for the entirety of the plague without getting sick; it would be the perfect isolation ward for the survivors, a controlled space where they would be able to be vaccinated and monitored. Daniil does show frustration with the town, I think he even has some less than kind lines calling it backwards and doomed, but when his mind is clear and he's just talking about his plan, he says that he wouldn't mind saving the town, but he knows Block has to shoot something, and the polyhedron is worth preserving. I feel like his reasons are mostly empirical, a real science man's choice, but I'm also not one of those people who believes that Daniil represents hard, cold logic. The only reason he's searching for a way to defeat death is because he wants humans to die on their own terms, at peace. He follows facts but he interprets them with the mind of a bright eyed idealist. He writes the most dramatic letters in the world. He wears his heart of his sleeve! By the end of the game, he has seen evidence that the Kains are as magical as they claim to be. Maria's prophecies have come true, and he's literally spoken to the spirits of Nina and Simon. He sees the marvel of architecture that his twin friends managed to build, he admires it for what it is even without the mysticism on top, but then he actually learns that the mysticism is real, and he's naturally enthralled by it. Going into the polyhedron, hearing that music and seeing those lights, watching the kids play without a worry or care in the world. The future could be immortality and comfort, peace equal to that of a child who doesn't know pain, wouldn't that be wonderful? Adding to the mix the fact that he feels used by Aglaya (gonna be real here chief, either she played me super well or I was just not paying enough attention cause no matter which protagonist I was, I only ever loved Aglaya, this one is on him xoxo), while knowing she will die only if the town falls + knowing Artemy needs her dead or his prophecy won't be realized and his people won't accept him....... When talking to Clara about her ending, all she says is that she can't explain her miracle, a miracle requires faith, and yeah! If you were to meet God and he told you exactly how or why he stayed silent and hidden from you all your life, believing God exists and has power over the world would become fact, not a belief. There are too many "what ifs" in Clara's ending, at the cost of blood sacrifice one might add. Idk, I hate to see the town die and I do still think this ending is a bit cruel, but I get it. Daniil would think keeping the Polyhedron alive is the best choice, I can't fault him for it.
Side note, I would like to add that, although Daniil doesn't understand magic, as I've mentioned, he is the first person to defend it when he finds proof for it, and this doesn't just apply to the Kains. He admits he was wrong about the people and practices of the Steppe; they do work, he doesn't know how, but they are very much real and they do absolutely work, Artemy even gives him a panacea, a cure for the epidemic made from ancient, sacred blood. How can he go on claiming they're dumb superstitions? When you play as the Changeling, Daniil doesn't believe what he's heard about you at first, good or bad, but then he witness one of your miracles and from that point forth he's on your side. He defends her from Aglaya, once again rectifying the reputation of a perceived scoundrel simply because he can and he thinks they deserve it.
This man makes me feral, I want to hug him so bad. His casual playfulness gets to me, the fact that his bound are children means that he often has to deal with them, and he really is good with them. A lot is said about his first mission being a testament to how hard the game and, indeed, his whole run is: one of your bound, a kid, asks you to kill another kid for betraying him or whatever. The reward is a shmowder, a cure to the plague, but you obviously lose reputation for going through with it. And see, if making this decision really was as crucial as some people make it out to be, I would get it, but it's really not. Letting the kid leave with his life means you don't get a shmowder, sure, but that doesn't matter cause you're playing the guy who invents the fucking cure. Notkin, the kid who "hired" you, thanks you for letting him live because he no longer felt so angry he wanted him dead once you left his hideout. TO ADD EVEN MORE REASONS TO WHY YOU SHOULD BE A DECENT HUMAN BEING, that kid you let escape comes back on day 9 and helps you get the Bachelor out of prison, no questions asked. Saving that kid and getting rep for it is so much more important than getting a single cure, especially because, if you're role-playing as Artemy in that moment, he probably doesn't even know what the shmowders do. Don't make your life harder. Play Artemy as the nice, moral man he is, protect the kid, protect all the children of the town, and you'll be rewarded with their friendship and all the things they can do for you. Murky alone provides the ingredients you need to make 2 fucking cures, and the price you pay for that is "go on a nice stroll through the steppe looking for her missing doll".
Related to my last point, Artemy will only really be hunted down by the masses for his crimes if he goes around town killing innocent people for no reason. You don't need to do that!!! If you must kill (and I do understand you kinda do in order to make your awesome potions), killing criminals at night raises reputation and, surprise bro, they also have organs: steal 'em, cook 'em, thrive. Artemy is portrayed as a brutish, scary man who will spill blood, and just like how it is with Daniil, this is all true in places. Despite what his model in 2 might suggest, I always envision him as a tall, large and imposing figure, the giant with the heart of gold archetype and all. People in the streets see that man, they hear about his crimes and his alleged crimes and they think the worst of him. I do believe part of the confusion also comes from the racist views of the people of the town, who go on and on about how freaky the worms and the brides are. Artemy's prophecy that he will spill blood is true for his ending, that's how he gains access to the ingredients he needs to make the cures, but it's also just a part of his occupation. Not to be a filthy solasmancer on main, but there's a character I really like in dragon age who says "the healer has the bloodiest hands" and to me that's Artemy in a nutshell. Daniil is more scientist than doctor imo, he deals with antigens and antibodies, proteins seen only through a microscope, a modern invention. He injects his solution with aseptic, hypodermic needles, and it seems to me that he mostly dealt with corpses in his previous job. Artemy's role in his society requires him to get his hands dirty to make sure that whoever is still living but hurting can recuperate and go on living. I think both positions are admirable and, to me, Artemy's is downright beautiful. As the devs have said, his story is about love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HIS ENDING FUCKED ME UP, MAN. I really spent the entire game thinking I would go for his designated solution no matter what. Nothing else made sense to me, I was looking forward to seeing how Daniil would explain his side to convince Artemy into choosing ANYTHING over the town, his town. Then I found out about Oyun who told me about Aglaya, Daniil told me that, if Artemy destroyed the polyhedron, the ancient blood would indeed flow, but the kin would not allow him to use it because, by choosing to not take his sacrifice when he needed to, he would not be accepted by them. Aglaya x Artemy is the only romance with the protagonists that I'm willing to believe, besides Daniil x Artemy ofc. Aglaya is enamored by Artemy (or possibly manipulating him because) she sees how he lives his life independent of the Powers That Bed. So what if my decisions are preordained? They're helping the ones I love. She's hoping his independence will rub off on her, and indeed his ending is the only way she lives. If you care about Aglaya, which I certainly do, choosing an ending as Artemy is torture.
I wish Artemy had stronger ties to the town. His father is dead when the game starts and all of the kids he's put in charge of are strangers. He does have an old friend there, Rubin, but he mostly contacts him through letters telling him he's out to kill him, and if I'm remembering correctly, later they meet once so Rubin can apologize and then he never comes back? My memory is bad, but that feels right. Anyway, the kin do seem to remember him, they do certainly recognize his name if not, but they don't respect him until Artemy proves himself to them. I won't get into pathologic 2, I said I wouldn't, but I know this alienation was tweaked in that game and I'm glad for him. Having Grief and Lara as extra childhood friends only adds to Artemy's connection with the town and the people living in it. Wanting to keep his childhood friends safe, who are all bound to Clara, would give him even more reasons to agonize over his ending. Imagine if, after falling down Oyun's hole (oops!) and speaking to the Changeling, Artemy had to choose one of those three women to die knowing one of his oldest friends was among them! Delicious drama, I say.
Oh yeah, Artemy is also gay as shit. I'm sorry, but if a stranger from the big city came to me and asked me for a still beating infected heart which I might have to lose reputation to get, I would at least think to tell them "maybe" if not "go fuck yourself". I won't go into this ship again, but the way they're both always so willing to help each other, even though it would be easier not to.........
Getting into this game, I had quite a bit of information on Daniil and Artemy, but very little on Clara. I knew the basics: she's the plague, but she isn't! She has a twin but she doesn't! How is that possible? Fuck you! That being said, I was probably looking forward to her route the most because I felt like this was the character I had the most to learn about, and I was right. Clara deserves more love, her character is truly incredible. But.... where to start, oh my god................
Okay, so Clara is the personification of the plague, we learn this super early on; in the Haruspex route, she asks Artemy to talk to the Rat Prophet about who she is and what her purpose is. Artemy can be nice and tell her she's a holy healer who can only do good, or he can tell her the truth, which terrifies her. She is spit by the Earth (wakes up in a hole with no memories) and arrives in town on the day the plague starts. While Daniil and Artemy have to pay everyday for updated maps showing the different infected districts, Clara sees her "twin" in dreams who tells her where she'll go next, so she always just Knows where the plague's spreading. She has to convince her mirror self to leave an infected district to prevent it from staying infected until the end of the game. It's obvious that she holds power over the plague, the how is what gets most people. How can she both have and not have a twin? How is she a deadly disease but also a holy healer? The answer, in the end, is quite simple. Clara is the personification of the plague, but she is also a bright 13 year old girl with an imagination. In this world we're invited to play in, which is actually the invention of two very traumatized children and, beyond that, a group of indie game developers with a passion for what they do, having an avid imagination is what makes Clara unique, it's the source of all her magic and goodness, even if it cannot completely erase her wickedness. Clara believes she can heal people and find a solution that doesn't require Block to shoot anything, and in doing so, those options become real. When Clara said she had a twin sister, she spoke another Clara into being. It's truly fascinating and also tragic, I think, to tell the story of a young girl who believes she can cure all of Humanity's ailments, not realizing (or perhaps living in denial of the fact) she's the reason those ailments exist in the first place.
I'm gonna break the mold a bit and talk about her ending already, because I feel like it flows well coming from that last point. Clara's ending, the miracle that keeps both the polyhedron and the town, can only be achieved by keeping her bound alive and healthy until the end of the game, which is harder as Clara than it is as the other two. With Daniil and Artemy, if you manage your time correctly, you will keep all your bound healthy, but Clara's daily missions require her to meet her bound and learn how awful they are (well, some of them) and then she has to lie about their true nature to those who could punish them for it, just as Clara lies about herself. She detests trickery, but if we ourselves are to suffer deception, our hands are no longer tied. When you know the truth about something, you are compelled to form a just opinion on it, but if you are lied to or deceived in some way, any decision you make may yet be forgiven because you just didn't know all the facts. Clara lives in make believe land in the most figurative but also literal sense possible. The sins of her bound don't hit her as hard because they have been deceived into believing they're real people, so she's inclined to forgive them, especially cause she's certain they can still be useful to her. In many ways, Clara is lying to herself about her true nature so she can navigate the world without concerns. Lying to her dad about the "goodness" of her bound and taking the reputation loss because of it is kind of poetic; her dad made the wrong choice by believing her and not arresting those people, but he's been freed from his crimes by her lies. Later, when Clara turns to her bound and asks them to make the ultimate sacrifice to power the miracle, they go in peace. Most say they're glad they get to die like "a real human" with a blood like Simon's.
Clara's route is really fun, but later on it does get as repetitive as everyone says, you can tell she was rushed. The missions "find your sister and banish her" and "find the bachelor and the haruspex so they won't kill each other" do get annoying, especially because they don't even have different dialogue prompts and every time you get into one of those houses to talk to them you just get the shit beat out of you, or you get the plague. There's also like... NO mention of Eva's death in her route? She's alive in the Haruspex's so I though she would be too in the Changeling's or, if she did die, I thought there would be a really cool conversation between them, seeing as the Changeling sends Daniil a letter taunting him with Eva's suicide. But no, Eva just stops showing up at her house and that's it. Huge waste of potential there. I also don't get why some of her bound are those people? Anna Angel, Bad Grief and Aspity are the fucking most in this game, so those I get. Oyun is out to kill the Burakhs, so yeah I read him on the bad vibes scale too. Katerina is a failed Mistress who only ever gave me bad instructions, so I GUESS she counts, and Alexander is a cop so fuck him too. I could make a case for Rubin? Kind of? But for Lara and Yulia, I am truly out of ideas. Clara's bound is made up of all these complex liars and cheats, corrupt politicians and the like, and then there's the lady who's too nice to shoot even her father's murderer and the math lesbian who....????? I'm gonna be real here, I never know what the fuck Yulia is talking about, I could not tell you if I like her or not because I simply do not understand what her purpose is. She's a fatalist who believes in the predetermination of fate and, as far as I can tell, that's it. Cool look, though.
I love that she gets to meet the Powers That Be twice and that they're spooked she got to them earlier than the other two. I also like the detail that this whole Clara dichotomy exists because the kids can't decide between one another if she should save or kill everyone.
One thing I forgot to say in the section about her ending: I love the implication that her ending will only reach peak effectiveness if the healers learn to work together. Clara will transform the blood of those who volunteer to die "like Simon"; this blood is what will allow Artemy to make the cures to all of those who get infected; this blood is also what allowed Daniil and Rubin to make a vaccine that can prevent the disease from coming back for as long as they can. Note: Awesome world building detail, adding in that Simon's blood was old and that was why it could only be used to make vaccines, not panaceas. It makes me think about how older folk tend to hold wisdom of past generations that allow the younger ones to avoid unnecessary pain (Daniil is older than the other two healers, not by a lot but still....... curious). This suggest that, when catastrophe does hit, the younger folks can return the favor by protecting them to the best of their ability, and then, when the bad days pass, we can look to the children and recognize that the future we build afterwards is for them. Allowing humans to exist within a loving community is Clara's miracle. It's so fucking nice to be alive, you guys.
anyway play pathologic, it's not as hard as it seems, and if it is just cheat, i won't tell anyone
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amatres · 2 years
👀 tell me about ur oc's,,,if you so desire,,
happily! this is also going under a read more because it Gets Long lol, i apologize in advanced for my rambling thoughts, it's mainly about her relationship with her shitty boyfriend TM so beware
i'm guessing you're asking about my girl adelaide bc of my last post so im going to ramble about her for a minute. So like, what if you mixed anthy himemiya and sophie hatter into a blender and got a new character from that? wouldn't that be the most repressed and angry person to ever exist? that's sort of how she's ended up with how i've played her lol.
adelaide is one of my pcs who i am currently playing and she's in a game called hand of the queen, and was born to a disgraced noble family who fell a few generations back bc of whatever fucked shit her great grandfather did (which i don't know bc my dm immediately latched onto that and im just now getting hints at what it is. he made some deal with an evil god??? he took a ring with the symbol of that god off a severed hand idk man he's fucking weird) and so all her life she's been pressured to bring her family back to glory but she's a reclusive and and quiet person so she obviously isn’t prime material for being the beacon of social society. eventually the pressure made her have a public breakdown as a child which her parents never let her live down, only becoming increasingly more emotionally abusive to her as time went on and they saw more flaws in her not living up to the ideal they wanted her to be. which only made worse by her being rejected by a majority of her peers for her family's past and her own withdrawn personality.
anyway, she was recruited by the queen among four others to be her personal guard to investigate sensitive matters on her behalf. funny thing is adelaide didn't know this, so she went into this whole thing thinking her abusive family finally got fed up with dealing with her and sent her off to die on a fools errand of investigating a plague for the newly crowned queen with little political backing. so she was like, not doing great and even lashed out at some of her fellow team members out of anger of Everything.
turns out very quickly not to be a plague at all, but a conspiracy by the queen's own advisor to poison the country side and make it appear like a plague, and his method of doing this was by forcing his son to do his dirty work for him as captain of the guard for one of the city gates. turns out, the advisor sold his own son's soul to some evil god (same one from before) a long time ago who is now pushing for the country to be poisoned as well, and because of that he was forced into being an accomplice to the whole thing.
long story short, the hand of the queen captured the advisors son after sealing some fucked up thing called a god child crashed on that son trying to kill the hand of the queen and frame them for the poisonings, but unlike the rest of the group, adelaide knew this dude since childhood and felt something was up and so was trying to be nicer to him in hopes of figuring out what was going on and not wanting to jump to the conclusion he did this all of his own free will.
he latches onto this and even after he escapes from prison, during a ball thrown in the hand of the queens honor of course, he takes the time to sneak into the party to talk to her despite the danger it would bring, spending the night talking to her and even asking her if she believed people could change, before eventually leaving to escape to another country. he even sends a letter to her that night and she hides it from the queen and guard because she wants to give him a chance to prove he's willing to change, and over the course of the following months, he still reached out to her through magic, and slowly began opening up to her more, even trying to change to become a better person now that he's finally free of his fathers abuse. which in turn she starts doing the same because she can see so much of herself in him whether she wants to admit to it or not and they slowly are starting to shift away from being being so embittered by the abuse they were dealt by finally finding someone they feel not only can accept them as they are, but that drives them to want to be better people for the other's sake
now the hand of the queen is in this country he ran away to and he just gave us all the information on his side of things, but now the group are tasked to bring him back for trial which everyone there will be vying for his death, especially bc his shitty dad is dead now so he's only person left they can blame for the poisoning to take out their anger on. which adelaide 100% doesn't want to happen
there's other things too, like how adelaide's older brother was friends with the advisor's son since they were all kids and apparently the dude was trying to court her for years but did a bad job at it because adelaide instead interpreted it as him mocking her, which is just wild. he's tried telling her to stop worrying about him because he doesn't want to drag her down with him and see her get hurt in the middle of the conflict, but it's too late for that because her way of showing love is worrying over people. so she's going to latch onto him and do everything she can to save his life and try to give him the chance she doesn't think she'll ever have, which is to live a life free of others control
sorry about All The Paragraphs but i've been going nuts about this for nearly a year now but pls understand im obsessed
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sonovivebenefit · 2 years
SonoVive Reviews (USA): Provides 100% Work?
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ikaroux · 2 years
Curriculum Vitae : Xiao, Venti, Albedo.
Synopsis: A relationship resume. Let's get inside the heads of all these characters!
Style: Cute, fluffy, informative.
Alert: Contains NSFW content (18+)
Characters: Xiao, Venti, Albedo.
Note: The rest of the CVs! Next: Kazuha, Childe, Thomas, Dainsleif, Razor or Scaramouche. I don't know yet if I will write about Itto, I didn't have a crush on the character...
Sorry for the absence, I'm completely down right now 😪
I started writing the continuation of the little "I promised you." fic, I need to write something about Diluc ❤️ However, I don't know if I write all the characters at once or if you prefer in a small group like with the CVs?
Reminder: the resumes are subject to change. I'll put a note in "Projects in progress and to come" when I've made changes.
Cv: Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya.
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In the beginning:
Similar to Zhongli, he would not understand right away that he is in love with you. He has never loved after all.
The only difference he would have with the old Geo Archon: he would run away from you like the plague. He doesn't want to be near you, what he feels scares him. He wants to be near you, he wants to see you, to touch you. But he is afraid. Afraid of himself, afraid of hurting you. His karmic debt could affect you too. He doesn't want to lose you. Why doesn't he want to lose you? He doesn't understand. He's always been alone, and that's the way it should stay.
Talk to him, be honest with your feelings, insist if you have to. The Yaksha will eventually open up to you and not run away from you anymore.
The beginning of your relationship would be platonic. He will not touch you, he will not talk much and will tend to be cold and distant. It makes you wonder if you are really in a relationship. Reassure him, be patient with him. He'll let you discover that sweet, gentle part of him that's hidden deep in his heart. The love he feels for you shines brightly in his amber eyes.
What he loves about you:
Your patience, love and kindness. Xiao knows that he is not easy to live with, he sometimes wonders why you chose him... Play an instrument or sing, and he will immediately be at your side to listen to you.
Your confidence in him destabilizes him. When you sit next to him to look at the sky, your head slowly leans on his shoulder to lean on it. Xiao finds his moments so moving, you seem so relaxed and calm when you are near him, his cheeks can't help but blush with happiness.
He loves your lips, every time you kiss him, he has this feeling that a weight is taken off his shoulders.
His hands are often on your waist or wrapped around it, his thumb will distractedly caress your clothed skin, he does this unconsciously so don't tease him with it, you might scare him away.
When you are asleep, Xiao keeps you in his arms. Your warmth is so comforting to him.
Smile at him, no matter what, and his heart will start beating wildly in his chest.
As for your looks, Xiao doesn't pay much attention to them. He'll probably have a slight preference for someone his own size or smaller, it's more a matter of equals. But he wouldn't mind if his partner was taller, he'd protect her with equal fervor.
He loves your hair, it doesn't matter if it's short, long, straight or curly, having his fingers in it makes him feel amazing.
What leads to arguments:
It's not complicated to argue with Xiao. He tends to get carried away quickly. He sometimes has harsh words with you, he realizes it only after seeing your hurt expression. You usually avoid yelling at him, after all, Xiao is a follower who has long lived with the idea that mortals are insignificant and ephemeral beings. Instead, you prefer to leave him alone with his thoughts to take refuge in solitude.
His faults:
Often hurtful with his words. Excessively jealous and possessive. He can sometimes seem cold and distant. Beware, he is an extremely stubborn boy.
His intimacy with you:
Once Xiao is used to your relationship, it will be easier for him to approach you. You may even be surprised at how much he craves your attention and tenderness.
Outside, Xiao will touch your hand with his fingertips to let you know he'd like to hold it. He has developed the habit of intertwining his fingers with yours, which gives him a sense of intimacy that he doesn't understand.
He often rests his forehead against yours, closing his eyes to simply savor the moment.
Xiao prefers actions to words, so to show his love for you, he will gently hold you. He treats you like the most precious and dearest person in the world. His arms will be around your waist, forcing you to hold on to him. His face will be buried in your neck, letting his lips worship your skin.
He sometimes takes you for a ride, lifting your body in his arms. He wants to show you all the wonders of the world.
When you lie down in bed, Xiao will lie beside you. Even though he doesn't sleep or sleeps very little, he likes to watch your sleeping face, you look so peaceful in your sleep, it fascinates him. He caresses your hair and follows the lines of your face with his index finger. He will make sure that no nightmare disturbs you.
Rarely will he start humming when you rest your head on his shoulder. His voice is soft and pleasant, your eyes will close peacefully to the echo of his song.
The beating of your heart against his ear is one of the few sounds in Teyvat that makes him sleep a nightmare-free sleep.
Those who can hope to see Xiao appear after calling him can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Whether you're in danger or not, call out his name and Xiao will be at your side.
Physical contact:
Xiao isn't averse to physical contact in public, he just has trouble getting started. Contrary to what he would have you believe, he is extremely shy! He is so gentle and affectionate, this fear of hurting you every time he touches you makes him pay attention to his every move. He can't help but silently take your hand in his as soon as you're outside, his fingers delicately entwining around yours.
Although hesitant, once you're home, he'll continue to seek out your touch, either by making you sit between his legs or by kissing the top of your head in a casual way.
By the time Xiao gets home, he is usually exhausted from the long night of fighting demons. The first thing he'll do when you enter his field of vision is to hug you before lazily resting his head against your shoulder. Feeling you against him soothes the pain in his body and heals his battered soul.
His favorite part of your body:
Your hands. He can't help but take them in his whenever he gets the chance. No matter what you do, his fingers will seek out yours to get tangled in them.
Your lips... They taste like a sweet dream.
It may seem extremely cold from the outside, some would even say that you don't get along at all. But you know better than anyone that Xiao is the most gentle and loving person on Teyvat.
He is more sensitive than he lets on...
His degree of love:
To him, you are the equivalent of a deity, though he never forgets your mortality. Having you by his side makes him strong, he forgets his sorrows and pains. He no longer hears the voices that plague him at every moment of his existence.
You are the light that guides him out of the darkness.
Xiao prefers quiet, uncivilized places. Appointments are usually impromptu. Xiao will lift you up in his arms and take you to a river for a walk or to a cliff top for lunch.
A faithful and loving husband. He will be very protective of you, but in a gentler way than before. He knows his time with you is limited, so he will enjoy every moment with you. His passion for you won't fade, and as soon as you're both in the same room, his arms will wrap around you in a romantic embrace while his lips shower you with kisses. He'll make much more of an effort to go out on dates with you in the city, even though mortals still annoy him so much, with you around, everything is more bearable. But don't dream, marriage will not socialize him.
Xiao does not know how to behave like a good father. In the eyes of others, he could even pass as cold towards his child. But his child loves him. As soon as his father comes home, he asks for him and Xiao willingly lets him cuddle him. Every gesture, every caress is a tender act that paints the sweetest smile on his face.
The first time he held his baby in his arms, silence filled the room. Only his eyes spoke volumes about his feelings. He felt an unconditional love for this little being.
Rarely gives nicknames, preferring to call you by your first name.
Rarely: My goddess, my love, my firefly.
How is he in bed? Preliminary:
Xiao's only goal is to give you pleasure. He has never known anyone before you, so he will be in quite awkward.
It is easy to excite him, a caress, a sensual look or a simple kiss can make him fall into a world of lust.
Xiao refuses to hurt you. He will treat you with the utmost respect and devotion. Most of the time, he will be very gentle in bed. Of course, he may lose himself in the pleasures of the flesh and become a little more rough.
Moreover, if you encourage him to go faster and harder, all his barriers will fall to be consumed by his desires.
Foreplay lasts a long time with Xiao. He doesn't do it on purpose, he loves to see you writhing in pleasure with the simple touch of his mouth on your breasts and his fingers teasing your G-spot, he doesn't see the time passing by.
Usually reserved, Xiao becomes extremely talkative when he makes you his. He can't stop talking about how he feels about you. He loves you, he finds you beautiful, he doesn't want to lose you, you are his most precious treasure... He will give himself to you with a devouring passion, kissing your lips whenever he can and worshipping your body like a goddess.
Xiao loves to take care of you with his mouth, but the first time he experienced your lips wrapped around his member was a real struggle for him against the raw pleasure that washed over him. He becomes very vocal, moaning loudly every time he feels you move up and down his member, wrapping your tongue around his tip. It takes a lot of willpower to keep him from getting too rough with you.
His favorite places:
Your bedroom or his. He obviously prefers closed and secure places, although he has already made you his once or twice in the Liyue plains. Don't remind him, he's ashamed enough as it is.
His favorite positions:
You've noticed that Xiao likes to hold you against a wall, hooking your legs around his waist as he hammers you. Sometimes he'll stick you face down on the wall to grab you from behind.
In his early days, Xiao didn't have much stamina, succumbing quickly to pleasure. However, he would quickly get back in shape to do another round.
After some time together, he would eventually build up the stamina to make you cum multiple times in one round, making your pleasure and his last long enough to leave you satiated until the next day.
It's not uncommon to hear him moan or grunt in pleasure. But most of all, Xiao is a man who floods you with praise and love notes. This is the only time he gives himself to you without any barrier.
Don't be fooled by the size of his body. Xiao is a follower, a deity, he has what it takes or it takes!
Xiao will be very affectionate. He keeps you in his arms and caresses you tenderly while kissing you. He will massage your thighs and all the painful parts of your body. He doesn't want you to get out of bed and will prefer to clean you up himself before letting you sleep in his arms.
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In the beginning:
Venti will quickly realize that he has feelings for you. Every time he sees you, his steps will quickly lead him back to you. He sings to you so often. He writes you so many poems. He courts you openly, sometimes giving you flowers or your favorite pastries. He'll be the first to declare his love for you.
From the beginning of your relationship, Venti is very sweet and loving, putting aside his teasing and pranks to pamper you. You are so precious to him. He wants to be honest and respect you as you deserve. He will quickly reveal to you that he is Barbatos, the Archon of Mondstadt.
For you, he is ready to make this body that is so dear to him age a few years.
What he loves about you:
The sense of freedom that you exude and your positivity. The fact that you accept everything from him makes him love you more. He knows he can be clingy and intrusive, but even so, you accept him.
You're even more cuddly than he is, and that's a feat in itself. Venti loves to cuddle, so when you take the initiative to hug him, he melts with love.
He thinks your hands are so cute and small compared to his.
No matter how artistic you are, whether it's singing, music, drawing, etc... Venti will be your first fan. You share a lot together, whether it's food, drinks, trinkets or even stories. Venti likes this complicity between the two of you, it allows him to become inked in you as you have done with him. You may sometimes get into his teasing game.
Sometimes you may unconsciously sway your hips when Venti starts playing the lyre. He finds this awfully cute and seductive.
You have little quirks that he finds adorable, like twirling a strand of your hair around your finger.
Surprising as it may seem, Venti loves it when you scold him. He knows that when you do it, it's only because you're worried about him, and that means a lot to him.
What leads to arguments:
You often blame him for drinking too much alcohol. You don't even know how he manages to get it, given the physical age he shows. The fact that he is completely indifferent to your anger annoys you even more.
His faults:
Clingy, intrusive, sometimes too teasing, but most of all, his addiction to alcohol annoys you more than anything.
His intimacy with you:
He is very cuddly. He can't help it, having you against him, feeling your warmth gives him a comfort he never thought he needed.
He spends a lot of time kissing you, Venti thinks your lips are the sweetest thing in the world.
Whether you're inside or outside, he'll show no modesty about his affection for you. He is capable of shouting his love for you in the streets before jumping on your neck and kissing you.
Venti may seem childish in his behavior, yet once he's alone with you, he changes dramatically. He becomes calmer and more attentive to your needs. He cares about you, about your feelings. He lets you know every day that he loves you. He is not stingy with his tenderness! Often, Venti will sit behind you, hugging your waist, just to put his head on your shoulder and kiss your neck or your jaw. His confidence in you is boundless, he confides everything to you. His past life, his remorse, his joys and sorrows.
Venti has taken the habit, in the evening, to sing you some poems. He knows that this relaxes you, his voice has a soothing effect on you and makes it easier for you to fall asleep. He can spend hours watching you sleep, it calms him to see you so serene as you doze on his lap or against his chest. He takes advantage of your sleep to whisper to you about how he feels about you.
He frequently lays his head on your thighs, saying there's no better place in the world to sleep. In reality, he just wants to admire your face from every angle.
He now lets you do his hair every morning. Every time you take care of his braids, his eyes are hypnotized by your gestures. His hands end up on your thighs, caressing them with a tender gesture.
Physical contact:
A fan of physical affection. He can't help but touch you as soon as he can!
He has no shyness, he does not hesitate to cuddle you in front of a crowd of passers-by or even your friends.
But when you are alone together, his caresses, his cuddles, his kisses, everything will be much more tender and affectionate.
When his arms wrap around your waist, his head rests on your shoulder. He softly whispers that he loves you, a thin smile painting his face before kissing your neck, your face and finally your lips.
One of Venti's habits is to intertwine his fingers with yours as you both walk through the streets of the city. He needs to feel your warmth before time takes him away forever.
Venti presses his face against your hand as you stroke his cheek or tuck a strand of hair back into place, reminding you of a cat in need of tenderness...
His favorite part of your body:
Your eyes. He thinks they reflect your soul perfectly. Soft, generous and free. He could drown in them because he finds them so beautiful. Also, your forehead and cheeks are his favorite parts of your body to kiss. He likes to see you blush every time he takes you by surprise with a kiss.
Venti is a warm, playful boy who always sees the good in life. He knows how to make you smile when you're sad or just plain moody.
However, he can sometimes show you a darker side. That of a god who has lived several millennia, alone and bruised... and so sad.
His degree of love:
Venti offers himself to you in his entirety: his heart, his body, his soul.
His love for you will inspire the most beautiful poems, those that will remain forever in Teyvat's heart.
He will make his love for you eternal.
Most often, Venti will take you to Windrise for a picnic or just to bask in the shade of the big Venessa tree. He loves to compose ballads with you dozing on his shoulder.
He will sometimes take you to admire Cecilia's flowers.
When Venti decided to marry you, he made the choice to let his body age. He will become more responsible and conscientious than before, he wants to prove himself worthy of you. Venti sincerely wants to start a family with you, so he doesn't want to be a dead weight on your shoulders. To help you support yourself, he will find a job related to what he does best: singing and writing poetry.
Even after many years of marriage, Venti will remain the same about physical affection. Having you in his arms and feeling your skin against his lips remains one of his favorite things in the world.
A very cheerful and positive dad. Venti has always loved children, so he was immediately comfortable with his own. When he held his baby for the first time, the warm, gentle smile on his lips brought tears to your eyes.
He will always be the one who can easily soothe his child's cries, singing sweet lullabies to make him forget his fears and sorrows.
His child will inherit his talent for music and singing, sometimes organizing with his father some private concerts for you, and you only.
Nickname :
Belle, Biche, trésor, fleur.
How is he in bed? Preliminary:
Venti will be surprisingly gentle and sensual in bed, preferring to savor every caress and movement of your two naked bodies against each other.
His hands will slowly begin to wander over you, gradually moving under your clothes to the warmth of your skin. His lips will tease your neck and jaw before sensually claiming your lips. He likes to leave marks on your skin as proof of his love for you, so expect some hickey marks the next day. If there's one thing Venti likes to do to you, it's tease your breasts while his fingers work on your femininity with maddening slowness. He can't help but smile against your skin when he hears you begging him to go faster, but as soon as his eyes land on your flushed face, he'll stop his slow game and finally satisfy you.
Venti doesn't necessarily start foreplay with his fingers. He likes to lie on top of you before he starts rubbing his knee against your sex. The sounds you make with each of his movements make him a little more excited every minute. As soon as he feels you're wet enough, he'll start finishing you off with his mouth.
He loves oral, whether he's the giver or the receiver. He will take a lot of time to prepare you with his tongue before penetrating you. When he's the one receiving, he gets incredibly loud, blowing encouragement at you between gasps. Venti won't pull out of your mouth when he comes.
His favorite places:
He likes the classics, like the bed, the couch, the shower. But he also likes to do it outside, where the big tree of Venessa stands or in the forest not far from Mondstadt. He is probably the archon who has always felt the closest to nature, nothing more natural that he takes more pleasure there than in an enclosed space.
His favorite positions:
He likes to be dominated. Having you on top of him with your thighs on either side of his while you rock back and forth drives him crazy. He finds you so beautiful and erotic in this position, he wants to devour you.
Although Venti is an archon, he does not have the stamina that Zhongli has. But he has an iron will, so he is able to attack again after a few minutes of breaks.
Probably the loudest of the boys. He is not ashamed to let out his moans or his praises.
As Venti aged his body for you, the rest followed. So he's got a long, plump member to make you come quickly.
The first thing he'll do when you're done is run you a bath. Of course, he'll join you in it. Once you're comfortable with each other, Venti will massage your muscles before washing your body and hair.
Once finished, he'll get you some snacks and bring them right to bed.
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In the beginning:
Albedo knows nothing about love. It is a feeling that is totally unknown to him, that's why he is completely bewildered by you. He doesn't understand why he always wants to have you by his side, nor why he feels the need to touch you, to hear you speak. You are an enigma that he has trouble solving. Yet, all he has to do is watch couples kissing or cuddling in the streets of Mondstadt to feel the need to do the same to you. This is how he will declare his love for you. After an impromptu, but still ardent kiss. He knows he loves you. And that's the most beautiful feeling in the world to him.
Albedo is an incredibly sweet and gentle boy, who will put your well-being before his own. He will tell you all his secrets, praying deep down that you will accept him despite what he is...
What he loves about you:
Your humanity. He loves all your facets, the best and the worst. Each of your expressions, each of your gestures, everything is a pretext to draw you.
Your skin is so soft against his fingers, he can't refrain from touching you.
Even if there are many silent moments between the two of you, it is never embarrassing. On the contrary, Albedo loves to drown in your eyes. He can read all the love you feel for him in them, and he hopes you can do the same with him.
Albedo is not a pervert, but he loves to lie against your chest, just to hear your heartbeat, comparing it to his own. The first time he did this, you were silent in shock, but seeing his soothed expression as he listened to the sounds you were making, you decided to let him do it, as many times as it took.
Often, you would sit on his lap unexpectedly, just to wrap your arms around his neck and cuddle him. Albedo has learned to show tenderness and love by your side, although Klee had already introduced him to some gentle gestures, yours were different from the little girl.
You drag behind you the smell of Cecilias. A flower that Albedo began to love when he came to live in Mondstadt.
Every morning you sit in front of your hairdresser to detangle your hair and apply light makeup. Each time you do, you start to hum. Albedo takes great pleasure in simply looking at you through the mirror and listening to your voice.
What leads to arguments:
You almost never argue. It's almost impossible with Albedo's passive nature. He is a thoughtful and calm man who will always seek to resolve your conflicts peacefully.
His faults:
He is probably too often immersed in his work. He sometimes forgets that you are both in the same room.
His intimacy with you:
He is more tender than he lets on. Whenever he finds a moment to be alone with you, he'll do his best to stay close.
He'll often offer to cook together, hugging you from behind to guide your actions as you prepare a new dish. His lips will take advantage of your inattention to kiss the back of your neck.
It's not unusual for him to ask you to pose for him. He always makes sure the position is not too tiring, asking you to lie down on the couch or sit in an armchair. When you get close enough, he will ask you to pose naked. Of course, the first times are always embarrassing, but Albedo's loving gaze will quickly reassure you...
Albedo is indifferent to the curious looks he gets from the people of Mondstadt when he cuddles you in the street. If he wants to kiss you, he will. If he wants to hug your waist, he will. He loves you, and he's happy to let you know it.
At home, you may find yourself asking him for a hug while he sits on the couch, quietly reading some notes from his research. With a gentle smile, he'll pull you onto his lap to straddle him. He will continue to quietly read his notes while his free hand tenderly caresses your back.
When you fall asleep before he comes home, Albedo will silently crawl into bed and rest against you. He'll fall asleep after a few minutes listening to your heartbeat against his ear.
He will often suggest that you take a bath or shower together.
Physical contact:
Of the two of you, he is not the one who initiates physical contact the most, but he never refuses it. There are many times when Albedo will make the first move, especially when he is exhausted or has just returned from a long stay at Dragonspine. He'll hug your waist before silently burying his face in your neck. He'll be cradled by your hand on his back.
Albedo has made a habit of having you sit on his lap when he works or draws in your home. Involuntarily, his hand caresses your back, hips and thighs while he is busy reading papers. Most of the time, you fall asleep in his care, and when he realizes this, it is with a loving smile that he carries you to your bed, reluctantly walking away from your comforting warmth to continue his work.
He shyly lets you kiss the mark on his neck. Even though he thinks it is a symbol of his inhumanity, his imperfection, he finds the attention so sweet and charming...
His favorite part of your body: Your chest. He can hear your heart beating there. But he also likes your eyes for their depths.
As for your curves, they are perfect to be drawn.
His favorite part of your body:
Your chest. He loves to put his head against you to hear the steady beat of your heart. Your face in general, he finds you so expressive, it is a real pleasure for him to observe you.
Albedo is known to be a gentle and kind man. But sometimes he shows you a darker side of him and maybe even a little teasing. When he is like this, you can hardly recognize him, something is wrong, but you don't know where it comes from... Nevertheless, after a few hours without seeing him, he becomes again the man you know...
His degree of love:
You are his muse, his star, his future. He can no longer conceive of life without you by his side.
You are the one who taught him the true meaning of the word "live".
You are the one who makes him feel human.
Albedo will start with classical music. Candlelight dinner. Walk hand in hand through the streets of Mondstadt. Drinking in the best tavern around. Then, little by little, he will take you beyond the walls. He'll show you his laboratory in Dragonspine, or make a picture of you under the Venessa tree. No matter where you go, with you, he will always be fulfilled.
He will be very attentive to your needs and happiness. Although he is always so immersed in his work, whenever he is with you, his eyes shine with affection and adoration for you. He always tries to do couple activities when he is not in his lab. Reading, cooking, walking, whatever you want to do, he wants to spend his free time with you.
When he has to go to work at Dragonspine, the separation is always hard on both of you. Every time he gets ready to leave, he holds you in his arms for a long time, kissing your hair, your face and finally your left hand, where the wedding ring he put on your finger when you said yes is.
Albedo is a homunculus, he can't have children. It hurts him more than he ever imagined, not being able to give you what you want... How many times has he thought that you would probably be happier with someone else?
However, you don't give up and you both decide to adopt a young orphan.
Albedo loves children, he has never hidden it. His patience and his calm temperament are part of his charms. Even if this child is not his, he loves him as if he were his own flesh and blood.
Even if you have adopted a child, Albedo continues to look for a way to make himself fertile despite what he is, and who knows? Maybe one day he will find it?
Firefly, flake, star, darling.
How is he in bed? Preliminary:
Albedo is a meticulous and demanding lover. His expert fingers will work with precision between your thighs while his lips are busy marking your skin. He will always start with one finger, adding one more as soon as you are sufficiently stretched with the previous one, going up to three fingers inside you. His rhythm is slow, unbearably slow. He wants to hear you moan his name, he wants your fingers to get lost in his hair, he wants to leave traces of your bond visible on your skin. As soon as you beg him to go faster, his lips will bind with yours while his hand speeds up his swing. He loves to swallow your screams of pleasure...
He's probably one of the few boys who will try anything related to sex. If you want to try things, he'll do it, as long as it's not dangerous or hurts you. If you want to try certain positions, he will do them, under the same conditions.
Being an alchemist, Albedo has a lot of knowledge about potions. He knows how to make an aphrodisiac, and if you want to try it, he will gladly do it, knowing full well that you will both enjoy it immensely.
Albedo wants every experience in bed to be unforgettable, he wants to leave you reeling and eager for him until the next day. Even though Albedo considers himself to have a low sex drive (which is true compared to some), he can't help but desire you from the moment he kisses you.
His favorite places:
His office, your bedroom or his laboratory. He's not fond of risks, so he'll always prefer rooms that can be locked.
His favorite positions:
Cowgirl is probably his favorite, especially when you take him by surprise by settling on him while he's sitting in his office chair. His mind and body warm up quickly when you start rolling your hips against his.
A small body with a lot of stamina. He's able to endure several of your orgasms before finally letting himself go inside you. It may take a little longer to restart if you want another round. He simply takes advantage of this moment to cuddle you before leaving again.
Quiet. Everything happens in the eyes with Albedo. He occasionally lets a few whimpers escape his throat, but they are rare and therefore precious. On the other hand, he loves the sounds you make, he doesn't want to miss any of your cries.
Not too long, not too small. He fits perfectly with you, taking you to the edge of ecstasy every time.
Albedo will take care of you with tenderness. His hands will massage your lower belly while his lips kiss you lovingly along your neck. He will wait until you fall asleep to clean your crotch.
Before falling asleep, Albedo will take the time to sketch your sleeping form. He wishes to engrave these precious moments in him...
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saeransangel · 2 years
Request: Hi! I love your writing 🥺 can I request some fluff one shot for Jumin with a heavily tattooed MC? I've always wondered how he might react to that, just checking them out, asking about them, explaining why you get silly ones sometimes, stuff like that if it's not too much!!! ❤️ Thanks in advance
I hope you like how I went about this! I LOVE this prompt. I'm not sure what kind of tattoos you prefer so I just kinda made them up on the fly LOL. I hope you like it still:)
Beginning is a little NSFW if you squint. Beware! <3
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You and Jumin lie side by side in the silk sheets of his bed. His fingers were running up and down your naked arm, tracing all of the intricate designs on your forearm. You shivered under his touch and let out a small sigh.
His finger landed on a small flower pattern inked onto your skin. "What is this one for?" He asked before placing a kiss onto the tattoo.
"My best friend and I got matching tattoos." You smiled at the fond memory. "I got her birth flower tattooed on me because I wanted to commemorate one of the dearest people to me. She got my birth flower as well on her wrist."
"That's very sweet. I don't think I would be able to get a matching one with you, if that's where you were going with that." He laughed.
You let out a loud laugh from his comment. "My love, I would never expect you to get a tattoo for me."
"Good." He sighed. He continued to marvel at your body. Even though you didn't have anything on underneath the sheets, you knew he wasn't looking at you in any type of way. He was just in awe at all the markings that covered your body. He mused about how it reminded him of a painting that was always adding new strokes. You blushed under his gaze as his fingers now landed on your thigh. His thumb lightly brushed over the design of a two koi fish circling each other. One was red and one was black. "And this one?"
"I got that one because..." You paused for a moment. You didn't really remember why you got that one. It didn't have a significant meaning, but it reminded you that life always kept moving. "I don't really have a certain significance to that one." You sighed.
"Is that so?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.
"I guess when I look at it, I still resonate with the design. It reminds me that life will always keep moving. The turning never stops. Just like how the koi never stop swimming after each other."
He took a moment to take in what you said. He was enthralled at how even if your tattoos were not tied to a specific person, they still had some silly or superficially meaning to you.
The rest of the night was spent with Jumin tracing each and every tattoo on your body with his soft hands. After you told him the deeper or not so deeper meaning of each one, he placed a gentle kiss on the designs. He couldn't even pick a favorite. How could he? Everything on your body was precious and sacred to him. You were a piece of art in his eyes. He never though he would be so infatuated with tattoos, he never even pictured himself falling so deeply in love with someone with several tattoos. But he loved them. He felt they added to your already stunning character. You were deep, and thoughtful. But also you saw beauty in things small and delicate. He came to appreciate that you could see beauty all around you and decide that life was beautiful enough to ink onto your skin forever. They were small trademarks of what you stood for most in life. You lived in the moment and enjoyed every moment.
It was getting late and you were starting to fall asleep. Jumin pulled you into his strong arms and placed a few small kisses on your forehead. You smiled and kissed his exposed shoulder. You loved nights like these. Nights where you didn't have the TV on and you weren't on your phones. You were simply with each other, holding each other in the moment.
"I love you." You said, sleep plaguing your voice.
"I love you too, my dear." He said lovingly.
The two of you began to drift off to sleep under the silk sheets. Before you completely fell asleep you noticed Jumin tracing the Koi fish on your leg in his slumber. You giggled and placed a final kiss on his nose. Seems like he did have a favorite after all.
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aboleth-eye · 2 years
what do you think about character ideas and how they would change homebrew. example. Friend made an aroace character and a demon tried seducing him. Of course it didn't work. Now, there isn't a rule in any book saying that this can/can't happen
Hmmm. That's quite an interesting example, but it makes me think quite a bit. I'm assuming this is for D&D, but these sorts of quandaries plague a lot of games because the designers can't comprehend every possible interaction and choice players make (despite playtesting in any amount).
In this specific interaction, because the player chose aromantic and asexual as the identity for their character the host/DM needs to think on how they want this to play out. In a fun low-stakes game group, it could be lighthearted like a comedy of errors or a way to defeat the demon in a way they didn't expect. In a more high-stakes/serious game, a good host/DM would go with "rule of cool" to determine how this would play out despite any rules-as-written.
But Beware! If the player has determined that as their character's sexual/romantic identity, the DM should not defy that hard limit by "forcing" the situation to play out as written in the rulebooks. that's how you get players leaving groups (and even ttrpgs as a whole sometimes) because they are uncomfortable and/or railroaded.
In terms of homebrew, I'd say this sparks a lot of ideas for me at least. If this is D&D, demons are evil fiends born of chaotic evil--each "species" a manifestation of a specific form of that alignment. Seduction does not have to always be a sexual/romantic thing; people can be lured into forgetting their better natures and empathy by all sorts of things. 
Demons inspire bad actions through the horrors of unreasoned murder, corruption and temptation (morals/promises/sex/etc), preying on fears/weaknesses, possessing people in power, etc.  The 3.5 book Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss puts demonic fiends into five major roles: Assassins, Brutes, Corruptors, Manipulators and Overlords.  
Some fiends like incubi/succubi/sex demons are often manipulators in terms of how they use their abilities (typically shapeshifting and charming), but they could easily be given goals as assassins, corruptors and even overlords.  Temptation isn’t limited to just sex, but of betraying what one knows is right.  Demons, even the lowest rungs among their elastic castes, all seek to prevent good from happening in the world or to cancel it out entirely.
As a fiendish antagonist for the example aro/ace friend, perhaps the manipulator demon changes tactics and attempts to charm someone else in the group to hold them hostage.  Or the demon possess an important npc to send the players on wild goose chases while the fiend abuses their host’s societal power (wealth/armies/etc).  Or the demon attempts to escape, swearing vengeance, and stalks the group to undermine/undo their good works?
These unconventional questions/asks for tabletop roleplaying games always relight the homebrew furnace deep in my brain.  I got inspired to start writing a manipulator demon of self-worship from a tangent I almost added to this response.  The fiend haunts someone and acts like their own personal Evil Kermit, filling their head with thoughts of unethical and self-indulgent behavior at the expense of others’ wellbeing.  I'm definitely going to try adding that to my homebrew bestiary.
Hopefully this little ramble answers your question! I always appreciate you messaging @vibing-with-trashy-trolls! And the ask box is always open for anyone to propose questions and ideas for tabletop rpgs (all systems and not just D&D).
Thanks again!  Looking forward to whatever comes into my inbox!  -- Aboleth-Eye 3/24/22
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