#idk I think I’m running out of optimism
burnt-toast-life · 2 years
This week sure is bad I think
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pinkplatiploo · 9 months
I am planning out my next 2 days and oh boy they’re going to feel so humiliating for no reason lol
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wooahaes · 26 days
(un)expected visitor
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pairing: non-idol!dk x fem!reader
genre: fluff, comfort. established relationship au.
warnings: food mentions. stressed reader after a bad day at work.
word count: 0.9k~
daisy's notes: idk i think hes a sweetie here :3
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Today was far longer than it had any right being. Work was particularly killer, and you had to deal with a coworker who clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed and with your short-tempered boss, and you ended up missing your train coming home.
When you came home to your little apartment, you immediately stripped and went to take a nice bath. Which led you to where you were now: curled up in your bathtub, eyes shut as you let the hot water melt you into a puddle, with soft music playing for optimal relaxation. You’d figure out dinner once you were dry and dressed. But for now, you just sank down a little to let your shoulders dip underneath the water. You could still smell the sweet citrus from the epsom salts you’d poured into the bathwater.
Immediately, the serenity is shattered as you heard the front door chime as someone put in the passcode and opened it. Shit. All at once, you’re in panic mode. You quickly get out of the tub, patting yourself down with a towel before pulling on the bathrobe you bought yourself last Christmas (it matched Seokmin’s, and he promised that he’d hang his next to yours one day). Wiping off any remaining water, you paused your music and pocketed your phone. Only a few people had the code to your apartment, and no one had mentioned they were coming over tonight… So chances were, you’d book it out of your apartment and call the police once you knew you were safe.
So you hyped yourself up. You were dry enough. The carpet outside would help. Slowly, you unlocked the door and turned the knob. Shutting your eyes, you took another deep breath, trying to center yourself one more time. Then you ripped the door open, immediately going to leave the room…
Only to run directly into Seokmin, who dropped his phone trying to steady you as you ran into him at full force. The two of you fell together, Seokmin cushioning your fall—although his yelp of pain left your ears ringing for a moment. One hand flew to the back of his head, curling around the back of it while the other rested at your shoulder. Your heart hammered in your chest as you stared down at your boyfriend, completely baffled at his presence. Seokmin never just came over without texting you first.
After a few seconds, Seokmin started to look you over for any visible injuries. “What’s wrong? Did something happen? Are you—”
You pushed yourself up into a sitting position, not moving off of him just yet. “Why are you here?”
Seokmin blinked in confusion. “I’m cooking you dinner?”
“You didn’t text.”
Seokmin pushed himself up, a concerned look on his face as he watched you. “We talked about it this morning?” He reached up, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. Then a moment later, it all seemed to come together: you looked exhausted. “Oh, honey… I knew you worked late, but I didn’t know it was this bad.” 
You just tugged your bathrobe closer to yourself, sinking down onto the floor after a moment. Now that you were thinking about it… Seokmin had promised he’d be over tonight. You’d texted him earlier both when you had to stay late, bemoaning the fact, and then again when you were finally home to complain about your missed train. He’d offered you to come give you a ride if you needed it, and you’d just told him you were home. No wonder he’d come over.
“Sorry,” you mumbled after a moment. “I guess I’m just tired today.”
Seokmin leaned in, pressing a kiss against your temple. “I’m sorry you had to spend your birthday working.”
… What? You looked at him, visibly confused. “Wait… What?”
“What?” Seokmin furrowed his brow.
“My—” You glanced at his phone, immediately snatching it from the floor to look at today’s date. Sure enough, it was your birthday. “Oh my god.” 
Seokmin let out a snort. “My love… Did you forget?” He lit up a little, so endeared to you. “That’s why I was coming over.” 
In your defense, sometimes date nights with Seokmin were just the two of you cooking dinner at his place or your’s and then watching movies together—sometimes with the occasional walk together, too. You just leaned in, giving him a quick peck on the lips before drawing back.
“You’re so cute,” he giggled, reaching up to squish your cheeks. “I hate that you’re this tired, though.” He pushed himself off of the ground, standing up. He extended his hands to you. “Do you want to go back to your bath? I’ll just be making dinner.”
Despite how tempting it was, you shook your head. You placed your hands in his, and let him pull you to your feet. “Can I keep you company?”
He giggled again, pressing a quick kiss against your forehead. “Of course. Go get dressed,” he pinched your cheeks once more. “I’ll go drain the tub and then get to work, alright?”
Yet the moment you stepped away, Seokmin’s hand found your own again. He tugged you back to him effortlessly, nose nuzzling against yours as he smiled.
“Happy birthday, my love,” he said, tender as ever as he gazed at you for a moment later. He always loved to admire you, even when with wet hair and tired eyes. Seokmin just leaned in to kiss you once more, giggling against your lips. “Don’t forget the next one, okay?”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @synthetickitsune @wonuziex @porridgesblog @staranghae @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @laylasbunbunny @bewoyewo
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suraemoon · 6 months
It Couldn’t Be Better
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Elvis x Reader - snippets of Elvis’ first Christmas with your family
Warnings: None really, just fluff and flirting
WC: 3.8k (was supposed to a blurb idk what happened)
A/N: Look, I’m aware that this isn’t good and is all over the place. I’d spend a few more days on it if I could but today is Christmas (yay!) and it would make no sense to post it any other day. I put in my masterlist that this would hopefully be out by the 25th and here it is. It’s based on the prompts “It could be worse” and something along the lines of “a character’s parent makes them tacky christmas sweaters” Merry Christmas y’all!!!!! I LOVE YOU.
“It could be worse.” Your voice radiates fake optimism as your manicured nails pick a piece of lint from the homemade, bright red knitted sweater on your upper half.
You look up from your quick maintenance to be met with Elvis’ scrunched nose and concentrated eyes as his hand pulls on his sweater's borderline turtleneck collar, a bright “Christmas tree” green to complement yours festively.
The sweaters were beautifully knit with white stripes going back in forth in turn with the chosen festive color. Glued on the knit were an array of tinseled pompoms and ironed on were different designs of patches. Smiles, hearts, stars, animals, santa’s, snowflakes, etc; they all looked like they’d be better suited on a girl’s poodle skirt. “Eh..I guess.”
Your mama had sent you two up to your bedroom to get ready in time for Christmas dinner with your whole extended family.
From her spot next to the stove in the kitchen, one that seemed permanent for her during the holiday season, Mama was cooking up her signature feast and the scent of food filled the air teasingly. The smell enveloped everyone and only built up anticipation for later in the day.
Earlier in the day, when the cold wind flowed in anticipation and the white snowflakes made themselves home, you and your boyfriend had been tasked with cleaning the whole house from top to bottom.
One of the most famous men in the country having his first Christmas at your house? Mama was quick to put a broom in his hand for she had the elder generational quality to not spend her time focusing on pop culture and society but instead what needed to be done in order to keep her home running smoothly, especially during the holidays.
“You need to wash my windows, clean my counters, sweep and mop the floors…”
You couldn’t stop a huff from leaving your lips at the housekeeping task for this was the first year that you desired to be in the kitchen, observant to her methods and helping when you can.
Your mother was easily the best cook you knew, she knew the kitchen like the back of her hand, and with your growing relationship with Elvis starting to become more and more serious, you started thinking about your own cooking skills…well the lack of.
One day you will be handed the baton of Thanksgiving and Christmas meals and there’s no harm in trying to learn the ins and outs of it now.
“You need to give the dog a bath, make sure every bedroom in the house looks neat…”
The urge to be a housewife never striked upon your young ambitious mind until you met Mr. Elvis Presley. He unknowingly had the ability to cooking, cleaning, and raising children seemed so much more desirable. A life centered around being his subservient, supportive wife seemed delicious when his hand was intertwined in yours. A few years ago, a younger and singler you would’ve called yourself crazy. Nowadays you just call yourself in love.
“You got it, ma’am.”
Elvis met this list of chores as long as Santa Claus’ list with a smile for he was a restless person always looking for something to do, always searching for an excuse to move, and you knew deep down that he missed his own mama telling him to do stuff.
Now, a few hours later, that genuine go-with-the-flow grin was replaced with the tug of his lip genuinely trying its best to exude politeness as his hand tugged on the collar of his christmas sweater again, the top of his pale collarbone teasing you in the process.
The sun was now lower in the sky but the clouds did not tire from dropping snowflakes anywhere they could. The warm light of your lamp illuminated your freshly tidied room.
It fit the comfort of the holiday spirit better than the sunshine of the early day where brightness flowed through every window as you cleaned them with a rag, the circular motion of your hand mirrored the making of a snowball. Now the view out of the window was a grayish storm of flurries, weather in which a warm sweater would come in handy.
To make light of an awkward situation, you decide to embrace it and do a quick spin in front of him, showing off your full festive outfit. The cranberry red of your oversized sweater is paired with a black leather mini skirt and black leather boots to match.
It’s an outfit that you wouldn’t usually ever wear for a family event like this. But your boyfriend's overwhelming presence: fingers that you knew would always intertwine with yours as if meant to be, an arm that would never fail to wrap around your waist, feet that would always gravitate towards being around you, it all filled you with an indescribable sense of confidence.
The pure sex appeal Elvis exuded 24/7, seemingly effortless as if the attraction comes with his nature, always inclined you to put your all into matching it’s magnetic energy. The spin stops and your feet go to tippy toes to reach up and kiss his sugar plum lips. “What do ya think?”
Elvis wets his lips as if your lipstick had a flavor and his eyes look you over your figure fully as he takes your hand to give you a quick little twirl. Instead of a full 360 it was more of two 180’s since he stopped a second to take a quick look at your back side.
A low whistle was the background music to the rest of your orbit and his cheeky little smile seemed to glow when in the presence of your maroon red lipstick. “I think I gotta see what’s under it. Gonna let me do a little inspection? Wanna make sure everything’s sitting right…working the way it’s sposed ta.”
“Elvis! It’s Christmas…gotta be family friendly.”
He chuckles as a response comes too quickly to brain, “I wanna get real friendly with you, honey.”
You hit his shoulder playfully, “Stop that.”
“Hey! It’s Christmas, honey. Thought we had to be family friendly and that hitting ain’t very holly jolly of ya. I’m surprised Santa didn’t give ya coal this year.”
“Oh please. I don’t think Santa would mind me putting ya in line for naughty thoughts.”
“I don’t think Santa would mind me bending ya over my knee for a smart mouth but…” He shrugs, putting his sleeves in his pants pockets.
You stick out your tongue at him and he laughs his beautiful laugh. Gliding as if on ice back to the mirror of your vanity, you apply some more blush to your cheeks. Getting a little too warm and secretly having the cheeky desire to show more skin, you subconsciously fold the ribbed collar of your sweater down a little bit.
When met with the black and purple of a hickey on the side of your neck, immediately the collar is put back in its original place, the fabric willing to revert back to how it was supposed to be worn and mocking you in the process as if saying “told you so”.
A whisper escapes your lip, “Jesus…”
Elvis perks up from the seat he has taken on your bed in response, for he loves an opportunity to talk to (and tease) his favorite girl, “Lord’s name in vain on his birthday?”
Your eyes, framed by black liner and an eyeshadowed lid, meet his through the mirror of the vanity, “Elvis what’d ya do to my neck? It ain’t ever been this much before.”
“Hmm…” His arms are at his sides, stabilizing himself against the plush of the comforter, and he looks simply adorable with his false pout as if thinking of a smart remark to respond with.
“Hm indeed.”
He chuckles, “Today about love ain’t it? You don’t wanna put ya collar down and show everyone how much I love ya?”
As if automatic, your eyes roll playfully and he decides to continue, “Not gonna show off that pretty little neck, huh? You always look pretty but you look even prettier when you’re all marked up…all claimed.”
“You’re too much.” You shake your head, trying to cool off the influx of red that has awoken on your cheeks.
“People wanna know which one’s E.P.’s girl? Oh, they’ll know. She got the love marks to prove it. She’s the only girl I wanna love on.”
Your soft hands go up to cover your face but they make sure to keep a safe distance in order to not mess up the canvas of progress you have made at the vanity. “Shoo…you’re too distracting. I gotta finish my makeup.”
“So…they’re staying covered.”
A few minutes later, he speaks again from a spot on your bed as you apply the finishing touches of your makeup. “No offense to your mama, honey, but…I don't think homemade holiday sweaters are really in trend. Not these ones at least.”
His slight frown gives way to a bright laugh, a sound prettier than the jingle bells adorning the sleeves of his sweeter.
“Everyone’s gonna be wearing one so we’re all gonna be weird together.”
“Last year was polka dots…polka dots. So count yourself lucky you weren’t around for that.”
Your mother’s homemade knitted wool Christmas sweaters have been a longstanding tradition in your family since….forever. When asked, it was your great-great grandmother that started it years ago. Or was it your great-great-great grandma? No one would be surprised if the family’s Christmas sweater fascination started way back in the simple days of the cavemen when your neanderthal ancestors were in need of warmth and for some odd reason in addition to fire and sharpened sticks, they had the supplies to create tacky garments of clothing.
You and Elvis started dating in January, so this year was full of firsts with this cold December wrapping it up lovingly in a snug little bow.
When dinner was served at Elvis’ first Thanksgiving with your family, the unusual but warmly content silence around the large, wooden dinner table was interrupted abruptly by your mother’s sudden thought. A soft gasp called for hungry heads to look up from their plates.
You would think there was a lightbulb above her head or that an epiphany to solve world hunger was in her thoughts. Your mama looked at Elvis with a gleeful smile, “I’ve gotta ‘nother Christmas sweater to make this year!” You remember the way Elvis’ smile was apprehension coating in politeness, wondering what the hell she was talking about. Your mama made clothes? How has that never come up?
His blue eyes widened for a full second about two weeks later when he was sat quickly by your mother on the couch with a gift box practically shoved in his hands. “Sit, sit ,sit!” Your mama said as if a little kid again.
The same eagerness did not translate to when you sat down, as by now you knew the routine by heart. You got practically the same gift two weeks before Christmas every single year. Just different designs, patterns, and decor but in its essence the same gift filled with the same love. This was always around the time when mama gave everyone there sweaters either in person or by mail.
Now that you think about it…this giftbox looks suspiciously similar to the same one you opened last year. Is that why your mama made sure you were careful not to break it?
The ornaments on the tree, a brand new one from last year right next to one you crafted out of popsicle sticks and cardboard in kindergarten. The nostalgia and newness blended seamlessly on the forest green branches.
The opening of boxes takes attention away from the tree, a happy presence willing to blend into the background the best it can. Your perfectly wrapped and ribboned rectangle has not even been touched but you watch intently as Elvis tries to carefully peel the tape off the side of the box. Your mother wouldn’t have minded if he tore it to shreds. She would’ve told you off if you had dared, but with Elvis it would’ve been alright.
“Y-you really didn’t hafta get me anything, ma’am. It’s real kind of you.”
Your mother replies matter of factly, “Are you kidding? It’s Christmas! Of course I had to give my son-in-law something.” You and Elvis weren’t married. Not yet. But the law of the heart doesn’t care about physical papers. In the minds of your welcoming family, new people were accepted with open arms and once their hearts got on Elvis they never want him to go.
Elvis brings his attention to you for the first time in a while, lifting your chin up gently with his hands as he admires your face. “You already blessed me with your beautiful daughter. She’s better than any gift, no doubt.” A shade of pink flushes over your face as Elvis gives you a quick, soft kiss.
“Awww. My two little turtle doves. Well, I’m allowed to give ya more than one gift so go ‘head.”
When the top of the box is lifted off, a tiny sweet sounding gasp escapes Elvis’ lips as his eyes fall on the christmas sweater. “O-oh…wow, ma’am. It’s, it’s really somethin’.”
Mama watches intently, “Do ya like it?”
He could pass for a deer in headlights. “More than like it. I can’t wait to wear it for um..Christmas.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at the false enthusiasm and at this noise mom’s attention turns straight to you and the box on your lap, narrowing her eyes and crossing her arms, “Are you too cool in front of your boyfriend to open yours?”
Shaking your head, the faint sound of Christmas radio sings in your ears as you open your first gift of Christmas. It’s red to go with Elvis’ green. Youthful to contrast with a growing daughter, homey and nostalgic to compete with a fast, changing lifestyle.
Your smile is genuine as you reply, “Thanks mama. It’s really nice.”
All three of you share the most comfortable of silences. It wasn’t silent really, music flowed through the room and firewood crackled; the background ambience that makes any December day anymore special.
The memories of your mother and her cute interactions with your boyfriend (all of which showing she approved of him greatly) was interrupted by the voice of the man himself. All of sudden you were brought back where you were: in your room getting ready with the person you love the most on the 25th of December.
“You ready to go down, honey? I think I heard some people walk in.”
“Oh..yeah! Let’s go.” Taking his hand, you walk over to the door.
“Wait a second…” Your mind immediately goes to the lamp you left on but his mind is somewhere else completely. He leans down to kiss you, long and hard. The unexpected passion takes you back but your heels stay steady on the ground, all of your attention on kissing him back with the same fervidity. His calloused hand is on your soft cheek and your fingers flow through his black hair. You want the moment to never end but like all things in life it inevitably does.
“Now we can go.” His smirk is teasing and playful. He knows the effect he has on you. He knows by your red cheeks and wide eyes how weak he can make you.
“I-” Practically speechless you just nod and take his hand, walking shakily out of the door. He laughs at the sudden urgency, slapping your behind playfully as you walk in front of him.
When your face, your whole body for that matter, started to become less warm and all of the many happy greetings to family and friends were finished, the evening was going splendidly. Laughs and cheer filled the space and joy at being back together radiated off of everyone in the room.
This year, you started to become more aware of not only yourself but your surroundings. What would this look like to a fly on the wall? What would it look like to a man attending his first Christmas with the loved ones that you have grown up being accustomed to? The Christmas tree shined brightly, decorated with a mismatched array of ornaments that went together perfectly. Every seat had a person and the garlands that Elvis hung up on the walls looked down at everyone adoringly.
From your spot standing in the open arched doorway connecting the dining room and living room you are a true wall flower for a moment. You notice how the group of younger teenage cousins brought their friends over for dinner for the first time ever and it just so happened to be the year where Elvis Presley started to attend the gathering. Giggles and whispers came from the corners of the living room, juveniles no longer embarrassed by matching tacky sweaters.
Looking away, your knowing smirk turns into a wide, adoring smile as you turn your attention to Elvis playing with your littlest cousins on the fluffy rug.
Unlike their older counterparts, their innocent smiles are refreshing for they are oblivious to the fact that it is the Elvis Presley playing with them.
To the little ones, he’s just Mr. Elvis, a friend to play with. He’s cradling the youngest baby gently in his arms while sitting criss-cross applesauce on the floor. A toddler in two pigtails and a bright pink knit sweater plays in his gelled hair as if on an oblivious mission to mess it up.
Little Jane managed to get her hand on a brush and was trying to play make-believe hair salon with your boyfriend. “Sit still, Mr. Elvis!”
“Oops.” Elvis winces as the hard brush hits him on the side of the head. “I’m trying, honey, I really am. Hard when you’re trying ta pull my hair out.”
“I’m tryna make ya look pretty! If you wanna look a mess just say it.”
“Maybe sometimes I wanna look a mess.”
She groans, “You hardly got a lotta hair anyway. It’s all shiny and too hard ta make ponies.” And just like that, with an attention span the size of her tiny legs, she abandons both Elvis and the brush to go play with a group of older kids about older elementary age.
Elvis chuckles lightly and focuses on the small baby still in his lap, trying to grab at him with chubby hands. His plush lashes flutter gently as he looks down and gives the little cherub all of his pretty attention and you swear right then and there, your heart was about to escape from your chest.
“Ain’t you the cutest? You’re the cutest, ain’t ya?” The baby giggles an infectious giggle and Elvis’ smirk is just as adorable.
“I gotta get myself one of ya. A cute little baby. A littlun just like you.”
“I gotta get myself one of ya.” He’s talking to a baby, and you’re his girlfriend, the only one who can help him with that wish. Stuck in place, your legs feel weak as you lean on the wall next to you for support and your stomach can be easily compared to a snow globe filled with a flurry of snowflakes. If hearts can do somersaults, yours has many times since you’ve met Elvis.
His hand envelops one of the baby’s white socks gently. “Tiny little sooties too.”
The baby’s gummy grin gets wider as he kicks his feet, fascinated with Elvis’ hand like a new toy. Your boyfriend moves up from the itty bitty feet to tickle the tiny belly lying in front of him, then his palm relaxes, moving up and down in a soothing motion over the little one’s soft sweater. By the way Elvis’ pink lips move you can tell he has started to sing a song. It’s a quiet melody just between him and the baby he's holding. The most beautiful, adorable secrets.
When you remember that you are an actual person in the room and your legs feel less like jello, in your head you decide to walk over to the spot on the rug where Elvis is sitting but before your heels could move a second step, the ringing of a bell fills the room.
“Dinner everyone!” The voice of your mother is a saving grace to every hungry soul in the house.
Elvis stands up, holding the baby securely as if he has been a professional at holding infants his whole life. The mother, your eldest cousin, walks over shyly with a blush on her face as she carefully takes the baby from Elvis’ arms so he could go eat.
“You’ve got a really cute daughter, honey…well her mama’s cute so I know where she got it from.”
Flustered, her mouth parts a little as she adjusts the smiley baby on her hip. “O-oh. Um..thank you. Thank you very much.”
He had a way of speaking, a beautiful charm, that could make any woman he comes across blush. No matter how long the sparkly wedding ring has been on their ring finger. By the way she looked at Elvis, you wouldn’t know that the young mother has been married to her actual husband for two years. You’d think the baby in her hands was Elvis’.
Elvis smirked his “I know what I’m doing” cheeky grin and kissed the baby’s cheek before walking away.
Suddenly, You and Elvis start to walk to each other simultaneously as if all that time apart wore you out and you needed another dose, attracting like the opposite sides of the strongest magnet, the two of you meet in the middle of the room.
You’re the next to get your cheek kissed and he whispers to you, “Remember when ya said earlier that things could be worse when I was grumbling ‘bout the sweater.”
“Oh, I remember.”
He holds your hand and begins to lead you to the kitchen as he finishes his thought. “I’ll tell ya. Today couldn’t get better, honey. It really couldn’t.”
As you walk, the voices of tiny children ring out suddenly, “Mistletoe! Mistletoe!” It took Elvis tapping your shoulder and pointing up to notice that the audience was addressing you and him. Through long lashes you look up and indeed a piece of green hangs above in the archway that you and Elvis stand in. To any on-looker the image of you two could’ve been a painting. You indeed felt frozen in time.
“It’s the mistletoe! That’s your boyfriend, you gotta kiss!” The tiny voices continued their protesting.
Elvis smiles at you, “Well, I guess it could get a little better. It’s bad luck to ignore the mistletoe. Need to feel ya on me…been too long.”
“Merry Christmas, Elvis.” Just like that, you reach up and kiss him, your thumb moving back and forth on his cheek as you tilt your head to the side. He starts kissing you back immediately and an eruption of tiny cheers fills the room.
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bungiri · 8 months
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FINALLY got around to doing a slight redesign for wren and figuring out how i wanna draw her SO HERE SHE IS !!!
posted some close ups way under the cut bc i didn't realize how small my handwriting is IM SORRY
if u don't know her yet here's my stardew valley expanded based farmer oc her name is wren <3 she's a half witch who isn't very good at magic, but is more capable than people tend to think.
EDIT: ok i still get likes on this as of the day i’m editing this post so i thought i’d mention that this is outdated asfk. if ur at all interested in seeing wren’s new intro page u can find it here although it’s not as detailed as this one is
the only person who consistently believes in her and has never doubted her is her father, alejandro, who is an experienced adventurer based in pelican town. he is well known in various guilds (specifically the castle village guild) for not only his physical strength and mastery of the sword, but his optimism and abilities as a natural born leader. since he's a member of the guild in pelican town, he'd often bring wren to town since she was a little girl all the way to the present day.
on the other side, wren's mother, dolores, is much more critical of her and has had high expectations of her since childhood. she expects wren to practice her magic by the book and strive for perfection. protective and often overbearing, dolores wants wren to remain in their small town without consideration for her daughter's desires. the two of them bond over their love of fashion and dolores often spends a lot of time making clothing and accessories for wren to wear by hand.
as much as i want to make this an infodump about her Lore, i don't wanna give away too much bc i wanna do vague art about it first !!! she has 2 very good reasons for running away to the farm and is quickly overwhelmed as she tries to adjust to her new life and make money. she isn't gonna quit though because she doesn't wanna have to do the Walk Of Shame back home and admit to anyone that she couldn't do it. thankfully some of the townspeople (marnie, marlon, pierre, gus, linus) are familiar with her and help her out in her first few weeks.
i don't have a clue what isaac's backstory will be like but the idea that he and wren are childhood enemies is drilled into my brain LMAO. they haven't set aside that childhood beef because when they reunite as adults they're still snarky and hostile towards each other. isaac thinks she's a spoiled nepo baby who has only gotten accepted into the pelican town guild + is being considered for castle village entry because her dad is so cherished in the scene and he thinks they can't outright say no to her. he also believes that she's not cut out for Adventurer Life™️ and that she should just stick to farming and failing at magic or whatever it is she does. wren can also be very reckless (she gets it from alejandro) which isaac believes can possibly put not only herself but other people in danger (Valid Point). wren is stubborn though and is sick of people doubting her. isaac has never been particularly nice to her in the first place so why should she listen to him fr !!! however things happen and they eventually smooch so ?!?!?? enemies to lovers.
idk what Else to add pls do ask questions if u want,, i'll definitely be doing more art of her soon
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CLOSE UPS !!! not very detailed thoughts just some notes hopefully u can read it
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
I would love to come at you guys with a normal new ideas but the only one I have at the moment is a a/b/o x bts x Ted lasso au 😂
Like I’m dead serious: omega m/c who gets hired to coach all alpha bangtans soccer team ft Rebecca! Jimin whose also an omega and needs his cold heart melted by the m/c’s ever wavering optimism 🥺
Maybe the whole world thinks omegas can’t be coaches or run a football team. And it’s all to get back at jimin’s cheating ex alpha who always thought he got a little too close to the alphas on the team 👀 maybe jimin and the teams relationship is a little bit more than owner and player but jimin’s too emotionally closed off after the divorce to let any of them in…until the m/c
There are so many cute things to think of: the team getting progressively more competitive and driven to win because they know their sweet little omega coach is gonna smell really nice after and they all just want to see her smile. And maybe prove to her that they can all be good pack mates. imagine jk going absolutely feral and crushing the other team when the captain so much as /dares/ to sniff in her direction.
I get whoever was the ace in the team (somehow my money is on hobi) gets offered to transfer to a bigger better team and turns it down for her. Imagine close to the m/c’s heat she stays late to look over plays and they catch her nesting with their jerseys on the training room floor.
maybe she drags each of them in for scent marks after they loose their match and it’s the first time captain! Joonie has ever been scent marked before- he snaps his teeth at her and is so suprised (and maybe a little impressed) that she doesn’t even flinch, “you can snap your teeth all you want at me honey but that’s not gonna make you any more ferocious than a taco on a Tuesday” idk I really like all of teds little weird-optamisims you know? Those would be so much fun to write-
Oooof and when they find out that like ted she also has a pup from a previous marriage? They’re going to be scrambling over themselves to prove to her that they can provide for her and her pup 😭
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marnz · 2 months
since i'm one of those people who watched tsn in 2023 (i was 12 when tsn was broadcasted) so it gave me this weird mixed feeling whenever i read markwardo fanfic because knowing how bad these people actually are irl and not some uwu precious baby but i can't blame fanfic writers in 2010-2011 for thinking zuckerberg and saverin were cool because during that time facebook was indeed cool and the internet was younger at that time too, the fic are good i admit but sometimes i need a moment to rethink why am i reading irl capitalists fanfic, it's so hard to distinguish between tsn and irl material most of the time too and not to mention tsn was just a story written based on irl saverin pov of fb and he was also an asshole. The only fun time to enjoy tsn was probably 2010-2011 because fb was cool, the cast was close and now even the cast of this film probably don't even contact each other anymore despite being so closed in 2010, sorry for rambling i just think it's amazing that people who enjoy tsn in 2010 still post about it in 2024!
well anon. Like I said. You had to be there. Look I love context and you said you were 12 in 2010 so here is some context: yes the internet was younger and yes fb/meta had not destroyed democracy yet but I also think there was more of a sense of hope related to technology, as opposed to dread. A lot of tech and social mainstays had not happened yet, politics were drastically different, Chris Hughes (cofounder of fb & communications guy) helped Obama get elected, people didn’t think global warming was real, society was MUCH more conservative and homophobic, etc., and the internet was the place to be.
when you say the internet was younger I’m interpreting this to mean that FB had not come into its final form yet, which is true, but also it & the internet was such a radically different experience. It felt limitless. You weren’t corralled in as much. You could go anywhere, you could find anything, you could make your own websites very easily, you were not assaulted by pop ups and apps were not mainstream because Apple didn’t launch the App Store until 2008. It was so easy to learn how to code. The operating systems between Apple and Android were SO distinct. Twitter launched in 2008/2009 but wasn’t quite so relevant until idk 2014? Fandom had just migrated from LJ to Tumblr but Tumblr was also hotter with the aesthetic girlies and porn blogs. “The algorithm” didn’t run the world. Yesterday I tried to find an article by searching for it and both Google and DuckDuckGo completely disregarded my request and did not turn up anything relevant. I can assure you that would not have happened in 2011. So there was SUCH a sense of optimism because the internet felt like a social good instead of an obligation that is increasingly privatized, surveilled, constrained, and decayed.
Which is why TSN got made and why there was an interest. It was a source of profound social change. But anyway. FB/Meta has ruined lives and it and all other social media apps that elevate divisive opinions to prompt as much engagement as possible (have you heard of the awful Isabel Fall twitter scandal? I recommend this article) are awful! And yet there’s an expectation of being online because a lot of communities now organize online, a lot of services require being online, etc., fandom has become less centralized/less unified, which is its own post.
Out of curiosity, what led you to watch the film? I do find it fascinating that there’s been a resurgence of TSN fandom. If this article had not been written I would not be posting about it but there’s still a lot of fic being written and fanvids being made to Taylor Swift songs. But it’s fandom devoid of all this context. So it is very strange, because you know what FB and all these people in it will become. I think I would have the exact cognitive dissonance you described if I watched it for the first time last year and tried to read fic. It is SO deeply fictionalized, so much of it is radically untrue, but you as the reader carry the truth in your mind. Which is why I cannot and do not engage with these days. And why I hold TSN in my mind curtained off. I spoke with many ppl from the original fandom yesterday and trust me, no one wants this.
I think, realistically, whatever movie Sorkin wants to make will probably be very good. It’s probably a good story to tell & explore. But I won’t be watching it. I lived that shit
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tau1tvec · 6 months
Hi, there! I love your simblr and sim style dearly! What are your favorite worlds to play in? I recently got a new setup and can FINALLY play all the larger worlds but am lost on where to start looking. My current family is in Greymont Bay but it keeps crashing on me which sucks because I really do love the world :(
I’m happy to hear you like it, and congrats! 🎉
Greymont Bay is gorgeous, I remember downloading it to check it out, but I never stopped to play in it, I think mostly bc I didn’t have the patience at the time to populate it. I have heard some people having similar issues with it however, and it’s anyone’s guess why, honestly The Sims 3 is so finicky.
Luckily I’ve played enough of The Sims 3 however to realize what works and doesn’t work, and a mostly good enough idea why. When it comes to custom worlds I tend to stick to ones that are No CC or Low CC. Main reason why is bc your game files and CC files load into the game a bit differently, so unless your CC is merged or optimized for gameplay, it will absolutely give you hell. So if a world requires a lot of it, you're just bound to run into problems, no matter how good your PC is. Main reason why is bc of memory leaks ( or was idk whether 1.69, or the Mac update helped this ), but if you’re playing on Windows, even with it up to date, the game craps out at 4gb bc it’s still 32bit. Much of this memory is accumulated from what content you’re loading, how high your settings are, and how big and active the world is.
Now, with all that techy shit aside, I’m currently playing in a couple of Nilxis’s smaller worlds ( Suvadiva and Pinewood Island ) which work wonderfully, and look amazing. Pounawea by Awesims is another gr8 small world. For a slightly bigger world, you can’t go wrong with Willapa Valley, it’s one of my absolute favorites, and is just big enough to feel like a real location, but just small enough to feel cozy, and less overwhelming on your PC. Many of @99simsonthewall’s worlds I’ve enjoyed in general, and rarely give me issues.
For even bigger worlds, in all honesty, you can’t get any better than EA worlds. They’re optimized to play in, I can spend hours in them going in and out of buy/build without a single hiccup, and its bigger population never seems to be an issue for me. Idk, perhaps I’m just lucky.
Downloading Ella Charmed’s fixes for them off of MTS will get them to work even better.
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goldenbloodytears · 2 months
Lurker back at in my bullshit,
You have given me the brain worms now and I can't stop thinking of the entity cursed timeline where Danny and Clark Kent meet each other, care to join me in this train crash of idea?
Omg… this sounds… fun.
I have to warn you that I’m not actually super well versed in superman mythos and his power set so I could totally misrepresent something. That said…
If it’s an AU where Danny is now just in the DC Comics verse…
I don’t think Clark would have any suspicion when the new hire at the Daily Planet turns out to be Jed Olsen. I think Jimmy would very much make a running joke out of Olsen Squared. I think Danny would generally be of the idea that Superman has better stuff to do than worry about a random serial killer… but I do think Clark would take an interest in the Ghostface murders since he’s Jesus a very good guy. I’m just not sure how much resources Superman can commit to that when like… Lex Luther is doing evil activity #2365 of the week…. I actually feel like Danny would be at more of a risk from Lois taking an interest in his murders tbh. Like I can imagine Jimmy and Lois teaming up and they totally just end up exposing Danny/Jed for what he is.
If he manages to escape, well, let’s just hope Danny doesn’t go to Gotham or Blüdhaven.
Conversely, if it’s a regular Danny in the Fog situation where somebody from DC Comics has been entity snatched?
The idea of Superman in the fog is a bit too broken, like… the knife would bounce right? Danny takes a stab at this goofy pencil pusher looking guy in thick glasses and the blade of his knife just fucking bends backwards. Maybe he manages to damage Clark’s clothes enough to see the bright red S underneath his dress shirt. I think Danny would have a stroke from the outrage right then and there tbh.
Although… assuming the entity can nuke Clark’s powers… like idk if this is canon to the comics but I remember the awful man of steel movie suggesting that if Earth had been the same as planet Krypton then Clark would have just been a total normie. So maybe removing Clark from earth into the Entity’s realm would have the same effect and make his powers basically null and void? If so, I suspect the Entity would be eating good because I can’t imagine how overwhelming and confusing the situation would be for poor Clark, you’re used to being the saviour of men and now you can barely handle getting shanked and put on a meat hook. Like this man’s emotions are going to be a delicious banquet of optimism, righteous anger, fear, and despair.
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marrrowoflife · 1 year
the og jurassic park trio as incorrect quotes
Ellie, rushing into the room: It’s terrible, just terrible! I am so upset!
Alan: Ellie, honey, sit down! Sweetheart, tell us all about it. Ian, would you get Ellie some water?
Ian: What is she gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, “Thank God, the water’s here!”?
Ellie: You bought a taco?
Ian: Yes.
Ellie: From the same truck that hit Alan?!
Ian, with a mouthful of taco: Well, me starving ain't gonna help him.
Alan: Hey, do you know the password to Ellie’s computer?
Ian: Fuck you, Alan.
Alan: Hey!!
Ian: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyouAlan".
Alan: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.
Ian: But who gets which pencil?
Alan: Since they're my things, I get the good one, Ellie gets the broken one and you don't get one because fuck you.
Alan: You've been given a new job to do, but I'm worried it might make you angry.
Ian: Just say it quick, like ripping off a band-aid.
Alan: You have to teach Ellie how to drive.
Ian: ...put the band-aid back on.
Ian: They can't make me admit France exists, right? Legally, that's not allowed.
Ian: Sure, if France was REAL I'd say I liked it.
Ian: But who's to say.
Ellie: I think France isn't real.
Alan: Ellie, you've been to France.
Ellie: And???
Ian: I have locked Alan in a cage designed by his own art. Oh, he has been well and truly hoisted by his own petard.
Ellie: Could you put it another way? I didn’t understand a word of that.
Ian: I’m blackmailing him.
Ellie: Oh, happy days.
Alan: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Ian's birthday invitations.
Ellie: Well, what are they supposed to say?
Alan: "Ian's birthday".
Ellie: So, what do they say instead?
Alan: "Ian’s bi".
Ellie: Works out either way.
Ellie: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Ian: But are you shuffling?
Ellie: Everyday.
Alan: What language are you two speaking??
Ian: *sneaking in through his window*
Ellie: *turning in their chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Ian: I was with Alan?
Alan: *turning in his chair* Wanna try again?
Ian: Alan, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Alan: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later.
Ian: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask Ellie.
Alan: Wait- Ian, no-
Ellie: I have so much energy, I want to run a marathon or commit a crime... which should I do?
Alan: Please don’t get arrested.
Ellie: No promises! <3
Ian: Why not both? Get creative!
Ellie: Wonderful suggestion, thank you.
Alan: Please don’t encourage her, Ian.
Ian: So... what’s goin’ on?
Ellie: You want the long version or the short version?
Ian, hesitantly: The short one, I guess?
Ellie: Shit’s fucked.
Ian: Oh. Well, yeah, that’s definitely not an optimal situation.
Ian: The only straight I am is a straight-up badass.
Ellie: *talking about Ian’s funeral* You do know we’re burying a great person today!
Alan, shocked: Did someone else die?
Alan: So when are we gonna tell him?
Ellie: Just give him a minute.
Ian: *Pulling on a door that clearly says push.*
Ian: Alan-
Alan: *sighs* Ellie used to call me Alan...
Ian: ...Because it's your fucking name.
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leossmoonn · 2 years
list #3: ❛  i can’t lose you , too.  ❜
this gives me matt vibes but also maybe peter vibes
your choice lol
Matt because Matt is the king of pain
Also the way this is a whole ass fic? Idk bc I liked the prompt hehe.
“Where is she?” Matt asks as he runs into the hospital. Foggy and Karen stand up from the lobby, rushing over to Matt who is running to every patient room to try and find you.
“Matt,” Foggy says. “I-I can’t find her,” Matt stammers, feeling dizzy. “It’s okay, Matt. She’s upstairs resting,” Karen assures him. They take Matt to you. You’re sitting in the hospital bed with your leg in a cast. But you don’t look bothered at all. In fact, you’re watching one of your favorite Disney movies while eating an ice cream sundae. You smile as you see your friends and boyfriend walk in. “Hey! I was wondering when you guys would come back!”
Karen and Foggy wave to you, while Matt tries to figure out what’s wrong with your body. “Matty,” you say, sitting up in bed. “I have a broken leg and bruised ribs, but nothing the doctor’s said can’t fix,” you say with a happy smile. Then Matt starts crying. Foggy and Karen move to comfort him, but you give them a smile and a nod, telling them that you have this handled. They leave you two alone. You reach out for Matt’s hand, pulling him closer to your bed. He sits down next to your leg. “Baby, I’m okay,” you say. He shakes his head. “N-No, you’re not. You won’t be able to walk. Which means you won’t be able to run your restaurant. And-and I don’t even know what a bruised rib means for you.”
“Baby, it’s not as bad as you think. I just can’t lift heavy things, I have to make sure I don’t bump it. No strenuous activity. Which means no sex for a while, especially with my leg. But hey, hopefully I heal fast,” you say with a grin.
Matt shakes his head, not being able to laugh. He admires your optimism. He wishes he had that, but he can’t shake the fact that he almost lost you. You’re the most important person to him. You’re the one who keeps him grounded, the one who cares and loves him no matter if he’s having a hard day or a good day. You’ve stuck by him for many years, and the thought of losing you makes him sick. He can’t believe he got close to that today.
You slip your hand into his, bringing it up to your lips to kiss his knuckles. “Matt, stop thinking whatever you are thinking and listen to me. I know what happened was scary, but I am okay. I’m really lucky I didn’t get injured worse. I know this sucks, and trust me, I’m not happy about this either, but it’s just what it is. But the important thing is is that I’m alive. I’m breathing, and honestly, I don’t feel too bad. This bruised rib will heal quickly, and the leg will take some time, but I’ll get there.”
“I know, but I —”
“Nu-uh. Do not blame yourself,” you shake your head. “You’re not allowed to.”
Matt sighs and nods, taking his glasses off to wipe his eyes. “I know you’re okay. I-I know you’re going to be okay, but I almost lost you. This just proves that you’re in danger with being with me. I have a lot of enemies and one of them almost killed you today. I… I can’t lose you, Y/n. I’ve already lost so many, I can’t lose you, too.”
You lean over and kiss him sweetly. He leans forward so you can lean back in bed, reaching his hand up to cradle the back of your head. Your hand squeezes his as you pull away. You look into his eyes, cupping his cheek. “I’m sorry to say, Matt, but you are stuck with me. I don’t care you have enemies. I don’t care if they’re after me, too. What I do care about is helping you and sticking by your side. I know it can be scary. I’m scared, honestly, but it isn’t enough for me to break up with you. We are going to get through this together. And once I feel a little better, I can help you on your little missions again.”
Matt chuckles a little bit and you smile. He’s feeling a bit better. “You in that black suit is really tempting, but I don’t want you out with me again.” You groan, “c’mon! That’s so boring!” “I know it is for you, but… please? For me? I won’t be able to think straight if I’m worried about you,” he says. “You’re always worried about me, Matt,” you chuckle. He shrugs, “well, I think you’ll be safer at home than out with me.” “Alright,” you nod. “Then I’ll stay at home but you have to wear an earpiece so I can talk to you.”
He nods, “deal.” You smile and kiss him again, pulling away and resting your forehead onto his. “I love you, Matt. You’re the best.” He shakes his head. “No, you are. You really have no idea.”
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derpmallow · 1 year
tony stark would love puss in boots the last wish.
spoilers if u havent see the movie, which u should, its SO GOOD
He would be reluctant to watch it, and i feel like peter would drag him into it, but by the end I’m sure he’d have shed a few tears. He’s not heartless, after all.
As a movie that deals with puss, who faces death, and the legacy he leaves behind (one scene which deals with this that I think would rly hit home is the scene where puss is talking to his last lives and they talk about the Legend like it's everything, and the memory of puss racing past the setting sun is brought up not for the first time. Except, this time, puss only thinks about lonely nights in the rain with no one by his side and says, "was the Legend so big there wasn't room for anyone else?", Which I totally think Tony would draw to Iron Man, and how doing something so dangerous drove away Pepper, much like puss’s love for adventure and the Legend pushed kitty away) There's no way Tony doesn't see himself in puss, from his early years a lot like puss's life in the start of the movie, drunk and throwing parties, always in the limelight, and in a time of need, there's not really anyone he can turn to because he's pushed everyone away (with rhodey out a lot with the military, pepper not being able to handle the stress that comes with Iron Man, a feeling that no one else understands the whole superhero gig, and why he does it), he’d see pepper in kitty, badass and scary when she wants to be, but kind at heart. How she knows what she wants and how to get it. He’d see peter in perrito, overwhelming innocence, and unfathomable optimism, even though he knows how cruel the world can be, both peter and perrito still want to help people.
Tony knows what he does is dangerous. Every time he faces a new threat, defends new york against whatever the threat is, he knows he could die. Puss’s desperation to get his lives back so he can live up to the Legend and be who he feels he’s supposed to is something Tony would no doubt relate to, and don’t get me started on the panic attack puss has after seeing death. He’s not supposed to be afraid, it’s one of the first lines in the whole movie, and puss sings a whole song about it, yet he’s running from something only he seems to be able to see. That scene where Tony has a panic attack for the first time and he’s all like “me?” because he’s Tony Stark, who doesn’t get panic attacks, because why would he? The desperation puss has when kitty tosses him the map after seeing death in the caverns is a fear only he knows, like the fear that comes with knowing he wont always succeed, that he hasn’t always succeeded. Kitty and perrito haven’t seen death, haven’t had the whole “never been touched by a blade” comment tossed out the window within their first meet. The fight with death on the wishing star is something Tony knows he does every time he puts on the suit, that he, too, is on his last life and might not come home to pepper and peter like puss got the chance to with kitty and perrito.
The little talk perrito gives puss about how he’s only ever had one life, but spending it with puss and kitty made it as amazing as it is would totally remind Tony of something peter might’ve said to him in the past, and the acceptance puss has at the end of the movie, still leading a life of adventure, but perhaps with less risk, surrounded by those he cares for would for sure leave a lasting impression on Tony as the movie comes to a close.
idk if any of this made sense, but yea. I think Tony would rly like that movie :)
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grasslandgirl · 1 year
sos i am thinking abt a non-times of shadow rosamund/cinderella au…. Maybe rosamund runs away from home and meets cinderella a la like. 2015 live action cinderella movie like out in the woods or smth and ougugughghhh… something something rosamund pretending/learning to be a hardworking commoner and relishing in her nails breaking and her hair getting greasy as she ties it out of her face and finally meeting someone who treats her as something more worthwhile than a little porcelain doll to put on a shelf and wait for a husband and something something cinderella very early on realizing that rosamund is not the commoner that she claims to be and being kind of suspicious at first but then rosamund like. commits to the hard work and wins cinderella over with her stubborn optimism and ouggughhh !! idk if it would follow either/both of their traditional story beats (rosamund still falling victim to the sleeping curse/ cinderella going to a ball/etc) but ouughughhh I’m so 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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ragnar0c · 11 months
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I’m getting Deja vu….
WE 100%ed EO3HD!!
(Technically I had last month, but you know… Overlord squid…. I’m still salty abt it.) As planned I’m going to scream about my guild and builds. So very long post.
You’d think since I used the same exact party as I did on my ds that maybe this post would be shorter. WRONG. I have OPTIMIZED THEM AND ADDED NEW MEMBERS. Switch Ragnarok>>> DS Ragnarok. On switch they do a lot more damage, and definitely have more tricks up their sleeves.
Mainly, I noticed wolf howl did crazy numbers and that each member, save Hana could cast an ailment. Then… caved in and tried a wildling for the first time and added a few other members. Which I’ll explain as we go on.
Anyway guild rambles GO!!
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This run Alope gets the shield!! Sorry Hana, Alope needs the stats more than you!!
My thoughts on her are kinda the same. Early game she wasn’t as good as I remembered on ds… She would suck, but when everyone else was struggling she’d land a confusion or take a hit… OR SOMETHING!! She came in clutch. Always!! Even if it was the craziest shit!!
She’s got a few more play styles besides b.vow+ charge +hit. Dropped wild swings, and some points in otori.
Instead, I’ve maxed crushing blow, she’s almost guaranteed to land confusion on something in battle if she doesn’t kill it before then. Paired with Hana’s WOLF HOWL makes her do numbers!! Also maxed freezing blow, I think she does 2k more against certain bosses compared to her ds counter part.
She’s subbed ninja, and I used it to make her a sort of phys dodge tank + double damage. Which I think I did on ds, but I really went into it the dodge tank this time. She’ll spawn DuAlope (her clone) and use otori on her, while DuAlope uses flight… Kinda makes the enemies with multihits not a problem… Also decided to also get her the reflexes skill. So TP regen WOOOOO.
Thinking of retiring her for the luck boost, but part of my strat with her is that she’s real slow. If her AGI is over 80 she’ll be crazy fast. So Idk.
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I got the parry skills early for him. AMAZING DECISION. Second stratum I had a rough patch with everyone except him… and he covered for them while they made up for their mistakes. AND HE PARRIED A WHOLE LOT…
I skipped a few skills i got him on DS (Vigilance, Shrug off) to max his defense ones and get farmer skills. (Persistence at a higher lvl, safe stroll, to market, lullaby)
He still makes exploration so easy for me, and can still take that nap that lets me get a free turn against abyssal god. He’s really good, but… I’ve notice he does nothing a lot more on my switch. Alope can soak most physical damage, Hana can predict a lot of the elementals, and I have a whole other hoplite I’ll get into later.
I don’t use him as much as I should 😭
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Mr. I’m the lowest level early game to Mr. first to hit level 99 🤪
His skill tree was/ always IS SOO MESSED UP the first half the game. Had to rest him, thought I ruined him. NOPE. He’s good!! The best even.
He’s what you expect, he’s an arbalist gladiator. He kinda mows everything down. The discovery of wolf howl + ailement changed his numbers a LOT. He can almost two shot superbosses.
I invested points in smoke bomb so he can land blind… Fun to do on turns where it’s too risky to attack or b.vow.
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All the big numbers? They are thanks to HER AND THE WILDLING I USE.
Early game, Hana was. Well, Hana. She actually fumbled a bit more than her ds counterpart. (Missed a lot more). As she leveled up, she evened out .
Hana has… Quite a lot of points to spare. Basically after level 70 she just has like 30 skill points to kill. Initially, I was against getting the prophecies (I mean I have two hoplites). So I invested it in wolf howl bc I saw it increased attack by a lot when an enemy was ailed.
So now Hana has like. 4+ play styles. Old reliable elementals with limit scrolls, Meteor, Wolf howler, and… I caved in and got the prophecies (Volt and ice for now, but plan to retire her so she can get fire too). I realized with her and Alope I could block all physicals and elementals… and I would be able hit harder without a hoplite.
She gets to mix and match so much now, and she caters to all the team offense, defense, support… she’s kinda the glue…!! More so than on ds!
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Okay, Enid is one that hasn’t changed much. I had tried to mix attack monk skills in their tree. Bc attack monks are good and I wanted to spice up the guild. But uhm it was not Alope and Tank level good. (To cut them slack, Alope is only good bc there are two of her and her defense is higher. Tank? Sorry Arbalists are s tier… Comparing them isn’t fair.) Enid would get in Alope’s way a lot, which is kinda funny to imagine.
So at the half way point, we swapped Enid back to his natural state. The over powered speedy monk sovereign. Realistically, it makes sense given their character arc I had planned…
Only difference I can think of is… I finally see the use in full heal. Regular healing when Alope regularly sheds 846 hp? NO. Full heal her, it costs less!! (EO1 taught me that) Also, Enid has… quite a lot of skill points to spare. Which I’d put into idk Monarch March, or Guard order. But I… don’t know. I feel bad for leaving their fist skills behind. I might invest in Kikoken for the ailment… and fist mastery if i retire them.
Okay lighting round:
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These 4 members I used when I didn’t feel like dealing with certain bosses with my main party. Their skills were junk at the time. (Anemone first try, Alraune first try, Kraken first try too.)
Caspian: The legendary hoplite ninja. Not to clone herself, but to dodge tank the hell out of everything and infinite regen tp. I think I used her for all first the super boss fights on switch, save for Abyssal God. She kinda makes Ignis look bad, Ignis can take more hits than her, but like. It doesn’t matter. She’s not getting hit!! She does what Alope does, but deals less damage. Decided to just make Alope do the work, or have these two work together. (They are unstoppable)
Ryouta: I really wanted to try attack monk. So I made him. HE’S VERY GOOD. Mainly used him when Alope and Tank were working on 9 smashes and Front Mortar. He did wonders against the 3 bosses listed above. But once Alope and Tank got their skills, I kinda benched him. Will feed him strength books and will see how long that lasts tho!! He’s not the 3 play style type guy like the rest, but hey! Being simple is in character for him!!
Ezra: Double action zodiac. Used him mainly bc Anemone… Also I wanted to use him to see if he could compare to Hana. But Uh. I don’t know what I was expecting BAHAHA. He’s still really good, just not against Elder, Kraken, or Abyssal God.
Izem: MY PRIDE AND JOY… DO YOU SEE HIS ATTACK??? THAT IS FROM COUNTLESS SLAUGHTERS OF THE ABYSSAL GOD WITH THE MAIN GUILD…! He hits very hard now, and I hardly use him compared to the ds version of his build. I used him against Kraken (5 ringed sword) Anemone (warriors might). But he’s so frail you need a hoplite staring him dead in the eye. I’ll work on it. I need one more AG kill to max his weapon and I’m thinking of taking him to do it with the guild.
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TBH… I didn’t like wildlings before her. The class’s designs rubbed me the wrong way. (No black people until the class is offense, or rooted in the wild 😟 and they are almost always naked I just make black EO ocs now *sigh*) They’re clunky early game… I can’t imagine using one a whole run tbh. I only started actually using her post game. I saw a friend chose another class portrait for their wildling and put a spin on it… So. Now we got a clown wildling!
I didn’t think I’d like her, but after giving her some personality and seeing her ailments land so often… I decided to add her in Ignis’s place more often. Her debuffs (Primal drums, ailments, eagle eye) ABSOLUTE GAME CHANGER… She and Hana like quadruple the guild’s attack.
I’m adjusting the Abyssal god team to fit her on it… If she does her magic with Hana… Alope and Tank’s attacks reach 5 digits. Every other fight is so short I can’t even meet the circumstances to land the 5 digits…
Sometimes she misses or whatever, but I forgive her. She’s great.
So uh…
Playing HD made me pay more attention to the surroundings and enemy designs… Also gave me access to a lot more scenarios and characters for my guild… 🥹 Sometimes were as cool as my first times!! I’m really happy I got to 100% eo3 twice the same year. With the same party (yet different). AKDJDKAK Okay end blog post— if you got this far…. UHHHH love you. K bye.
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faebriel · 2 months
i’m in the midst of death note brainrot (again) and would love to hear your thoughts on misa’s character
misa is so freaking fascinating to me!! maybe next death note rewatch will be an extra special misa focus edition 🔍 she's just so fucked up in such a fun way that tbh i kind of feel is a missed opportunity, especially in the latter half of the story (the anime at least - haven't read the manga). she's so self-centred and i love that for her. her motivation to be kira pours from her own heart. while light has never personally suffered at the hands of crime afaik, misa very much has - both her family's deaths and her own being attached. her devotion to the cause is not just for the sake of saving the world but for saving herself, back on that night. it's like this vicarious way she can get back at "criminals" because she couldn't prevent her own family dying. it's ground into her!! that is the kind of experience you can't just shake out of her!! you can set misa on any path away from kira and i truly think she would barrel right onto it because the existence of kira gives her those warm and fuzzy feelings of retribution or maybe even safety that just like, filters right into her obsessive love for light
i like that even though she's clearly devoted to light, she's still an independent operator (well as much as the writing allows at certain times. eyeroll). i think light's whole attitude around "managing" her approach to being kira is so fkn illustrative of the derision with which he views a lot of people lol. there's something so interesting about how he views misa as impulsive and emotionally driven, so she's deranged, but obviously he is different even though their core beliefs are the same. like you might be using strategy but your goal is the same. idk
YOTSUBA ARC MISA AND POST TIMESKIP MISA ARE SO SPECIAL TO ME PERSONALLY. yotsuba arc because i'm like. oh my god the fact that she is not given ANY narrative space to either literally or metaphorically beat L's ass is a fucking choice BUT the fact that her dislike of him seems to come out as purely petty spats while he and light are chained together is so fucking funny. hater arc, but also, you could write a 9k character study unpacking all of this. it all kind of loops around to this iron-clad optimism that everything is somehow gonna turn out alright... and at that point in time, she doesn't even know how much shit she's gotten herself into. i do really really love that moment in this arc where misa gets her memories back after visiting the tower (when matsuda falls off a balcony. you know the one) but light doesn't have his and L is not even clued into what's happened. and light so so so wants to catch kira and clear his name and misa's sitting there like :)) like, i know she's gonna conspire to give light his memories back ASAP because that's The Plan but come on that brief glimpse in time is so fun and for misa her access to the death note & shinigami is such an important and consistent bargaining tool in her own survival. it was cool to see her have a monopoly on it, no matter how brief
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they're so fucking worsties
there's definitely something to say here about her relationship with rem too but honestly i'm gonna have to go back to sources on this one. for me i've always kind of felt some parts of the fandom try to bend rem and misa into the "cute background lesbian couple" template that so many fandoms run on and i'm like. mate. you're not selling me. rem loves misa but misa is just too awful and/or deranged for all of that. i've always kind of felt their relationship was tragic in part because misa didn't fully understand the depth of rem's love for her / took it for granted until rem died. but again, i need to go back to sources
OH and this is getting long but i have the softest spot of all for post-timeskip misa. she is so me and my husband by mitski core. her life is falling to shit around her. her lifespan has been quartered. and she gives up her memories!! her knowledge of the death note has always been her key to survival and light sweet talks her into giving it up and this is the bit where i start hollering and screaming. and from then on, she doesn't even realise how much shit she's in. it's not just that she's in a failing engagement. it's that her fiance has wrung her for everything she had to give and she is being left to the wayside. her suspicion that light is having an affair is almost framed as comical but it's all she fucking has!!! she loves him because it's all she has. she has to choose between light and kira like this is some cosmic fucking joke and she cheers on light apparently trying to catch kira because she loves him. because what else exists in her memory from the last five years of her life???? FUCK
post-timeskip misa is genuinely fucking tragic to me because like. through the sheer power of sweet talking light manages to entirely defang her. she's lost rem. she has a book, she has the eyes, but she uses them solely under light's discretion. and then she gives up her memories because light asks. and like she is 100% a terrible person with the whole mass murdering thing but that kind of adds to it in a way. you get me
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queenlua · 1 year
irandrura said: Wait, AO3? Are fanfics and slash not popular any more? What happened?
it’s not that fanfic isn’t popular anymore—afaict there’s more of that being written than ever—but there’s a particular type of fanwork culture that’s on the wane
it’s kinda hard to put a finger on it, and i’m not the best-positioned person to do so (i didn’t start writing fanfic until ~2012, and had only a vague awareness of, like, ~*~fandom history~*~ until the pandemic happened and i got bored enough to click through fanlore for 8 million hours a day), but
fandom as conceived by e.g. the ao3 founders was very much a scene.  it was about making fanworks, obviously, but i don’t think it’s overstepping to say they also conceived of it as an expression of some core values: absolute freedom of expression, an optimism about the power of transformative works to be literally transformative (as in: opposing power structures, presenting lgbt-inclusive readings of mainstream culture, etc), a sense that their ought to be some clubbiness and camaraderie between all fanwork creators, etc
and  that sense of clubbiness makes more sense in a world where the internet / fandom is smaller (ppl who’ve been writing since the Usenet days tend to have VERY strong memories of their little circle of X-Files fanfic writers, for example), but there’s no “universal” experience of fandom when it’s as vast as it is nowadays.  it’d be like feeling a connection to a rando on the street just b/c we’re both into music.  like, lots of people are into music, in lots of ways, that in-and-of-itself doesn’t feel special anymore
(and, to be clear, i don’t think that universal sisterhood was ever really a thing lol.  something i tend to get a little irked by, sometimes, is when a self-appointed fandom elder haughtily waxes on about The Old Days Of (Their Particular Corner Of) Fandom, with the implication that’s The Right Way To Do Fandom, and like, idk?  feels a little like they’re projecting their own experience onto everyone else?  lj slashficers weren’t the only people writing fic; i hung out on forums where people were writing long genfic epics in ways totally divorced from any other fan culture but that doesn’t make them less authentic, etc)
and the commitment to absolute freedom of expression was pretty obviously left-coded at the time of the site’s founding.  i mean i think it still is left-coded but there’s clearly messy feelings around that commitment nowadays among some of the people who use ao3, and i’m not plugged in enough to know if that's, like, a vocal minority position or if that’s the kind of thing that may lead to some future schism, who can say
and that’s all without getting into whole corners of fan culture that aren’t on AO3.  like wattpad is this HUGE site for fanfiction that i know nothing about but i’m sure they’re developing their own lil communities and vibes?  at a glance, ao3 has a faintly snooty library vibe, and wattpad feels like where i would be posting fanfiction if i were in my tweens
so idk, it’s basically the thing where, punk rock didn’t die when its techniques/aesthetics diffused out into ska and alt-rock and like a million other genres; atheism didn’t die when new atheism kinda petered out as a movement; but a particular scene and set of energies/ideological commitments did sort of fade away
...that all being said, i do hope the next generation of fandom-y people does contain enough true believers to keep ao3 running, since that is in fact important infrastructure for my personal enjoyment of the internet lmao
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