#if I ever go back to 2012 I might try to slap them in there too
hrshlandturtles · 1 year
thinking and thinking and like,,,,
Slapping Sandre/o/a in 2003 and have them mutate like LeatherHead did and have them live with him and the utroms and kinda being LH's child
and then the whole "destruction of TCRI" leads obviously to LH feeling lost and acting like in canon, but also thinking that Sandre died during it because he couldn't find them and his research led to nothing.
Meanwhile, Sandre is having a fucking breakdown in another part of the sewers thinking that the utroms and LH left them behind because they weren't good enough.
They end up being found by Donnie, who tries to calm and understand them. It doesn't really work so they become "Donnie's project" as in he will sneek out to go see them and help them with food and stuff, until he's followed by his brothers and they find out about them. They're then brought back to the lair since stable enough to meet other people. Two days after LH is there and they both reunite and stuff.
They then become sort of the guys' sibling or cousin or something.
More details such as the fact that Sandre is a turtle too, the kind that people love a lot to have only to yeet them in the water becasue becoming too big. Which is how they end up at TCRI.
They're mutated through a dose of mutagen they touched before being picked up by LH, who was wondering why the fuck a turtle was doing in his lab. Then boom, mutation. They're now part turtle (because original form) but also part crocodile because of LH, and humanoid, because of LH again.
And I think I want them to meet the guys before the entire Good Genes episode because you know, parallels of them helping Donnie the same way Donnie helped them when they were feeling bad.
If I remember corectly too, there's a moment when LH is taken by Bishop? So I'm crap at remembering the timeline, but if it happens in between the moment Sandre is back and Donnie's mutation then I guess they'll stay with the boys. And adding another layer of hurt by making them feel like "the only time I allow myself to have fun and go out is the time my father disapears" or something.
I also want to keep the idea that they're interested in science, albeit not as good at it than Donnie, but good enough to help to some degree. And they're the language buff, to the point where they created a language with the help of Donnie and Mikey in order for them to talk secretly without having LH or Splinter understand them, and if those two can't might as well go all the way to include the ennemies and boom, new language. They have to teach Leo and Raph after that and it's lots of funsies.
They're also called Sandre because LH let them chose a name and coincidently he had a book about Renaissance artists and yeah. Sandro Boticelli, Sandra for the feminine version and Sandre for the neutral version. Because genderfluid.
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fullofpossibilities · 7 months
Adopted Au Headcannons for R!Leo
So this is very heavily based off of the Adopted Mikey Au and the Adopted Donnie Au done by @tblsomedoodles so if you don't know the basics that would be a great place to start. (They also gave me permission to write these headcannons to thank you again!!!!).
Basically, I was at work, and absently thinking about their Adopted Aus, and thought, "who would adopt R!Leo (otherwise listed as Blue) if he went missing in another dimension?" And first some reason the first person that popped into my head was 2012 Donatello, so this is that train wreck.
Keep in mind that Blue is, like, 3-4 yr. old in this au, and happened to get sent to the 2012 universe after being attacked in the sewers of his own dimension and doesn't go back to his home dimension until right before the Rise show starts.
Purple is R!Leo's comfort color (since it reminds him of his twin) so I can see Donnie being the first person he would latch onto.
-It helps that the reason Blue is in this universe would be a highly coincidentally timed portal on 2012 Donnie's end that transported both Leo and the mutant attacking him to the sewers nearby
Donnie goes to investigate the energy surge that happened during the fight and finds Blue, saving him from either the mutant that had been attacking him prior to the portal or the krang who might have been the reason for the portal in the first place, haven't decided yet. Donnie takes him home to patch him up, and gets imprinted on by a very lost, confused, and scared Blue who just wants his twin but hey this stranger is wearing Purple's colors so he must nice, right?
Blue obviously gets most of his sense of humor and energy from Uncle Mikey. They love to skateboard together and play pranks, usually involving a lot of messes to clean up. Both get into food competitions, where whoever can throw together the weirdest food combination and eat it without throwing up wins (Donnie always gets upset when they do that though, worried about Blue's health).
Uncle Raph is probably (read definitely) the most protective of the uncles, and even though he isn't the sensei, he still helps teach Blue how to fight. He'll introduce him to Chompy and show him to use the pinball machine, and if anyone accused Raph of going soft he'd slap their head then go get Blue for their scheduled nap (because Blue will only sleep if someone else is there). Blue likes that Raph is so big, because it reminds him of Red (even if Raph is bigger than he remembers Red being), and naps with him are the best (but he'll never tell his dad that). If I do include the fact that Blue gets plushies that remind him of his brothers like @tblsomedoodles did in their au, they were made/knitted by Raph (once again, something he'll never admit, he just claims he found them randomly)
Uncle Leo, of course, is the sensei, but they still interact outside of training. Out of all the uncles, Blue probably looks up to Leo the most, resulting in another "Splinter Junior" situation, but between Leos, and less copy but no less "hero worship." Leo is like the Jupiter Jim or Captain Ryan of Blue's childhood. Leo will introduce Blue to Space Heroes, and the two will spend hours basically fan-boying over the show.
Obviously Blue is closest with his self-assigned dad, Donnie. Donnie is the reason that Blue gets so interested in medical practices and chemistry, and Donnie has a lot of practice (cough Mikey) with grabby hands in the lab, so he knows how to keep an eye on Blue while still working in a way that lets Blue stay in the lab during the day if he wants to. Blue thinks his dad is the coolest guy ever, being able to make whatever he wants (He built such a cool car! and Metalhead was awesome!) and fixing anything that breaks (like his toys). He learns sarcasm by watching his dad talk with Uncle Casey, and boy was that something that Donnie will always regret (second only to the fact that Casey also seemed to be trying to teach Blue how to flirt). (side note: this would be in a universe that did not emphasize a lot of romance. While all of that drama still happened when they were teenagers, the only couple that I MIGHT have as canon in the Au would be Raph/Mona, because it was the only ship that didn't have some kind of problematic background). When Blue decides that his dad hasn't slept enough, he'll go and sit on his lap, and just start to fall asleep. In an effort to make him comfortable, Donnie will try to move him to the bed, and when he tries to go back to work, Blue will latch onto his arm and refuse to let go, forcing him to stay "just until Blue falls asleep." Leo walks in ten minutes later to the father-son duo practically dead to the world on the bed. On the other hand, if Donnie doesn't want to be disturbed by anyone, Blue will make it his personal mission to keep the uncles out of the lab.
It's unclear when exactly Donnie became Blue's "dad," it just happened one day with Blue walking into the room, half-asleep, and asking his dad (by his now new title) if he had seen his blanket/plushies. Donnie, understandably, freaks out internally (and later externally) but can't deny that something in him was both happy and sad: happy because he had grown attached to the little tot; sad because he knew that a time would come when he would have to send him back home (dealing with alternates has left Donnie with the very real realization that this is probably a another little Leo, especially after hearing Blue talk about his brothers). Among the infinite possibilities of universes, though, that would take some time, so maybe it would be ok for the kid to call him that? He'd ask for advice from his brothers and April, and all of them, while equally cautious, would encourage him to let it happen because dangit they're attached too (although Leo would be the most hesitant, with his sense of responsibility).
I'd like to think that Blue learned Spanish by watching tv with April and Casey. Sure, he watches tv with his uncles too, but I can't see them watching anything that might have Spanish in them. I'm imagining that April and Casey were babysiting and both fell asleep with the tv on (thinking Blue was asleep too). Some Spanish drama came on and little Blue fell in love with the accent, so he started trying to copy it. Donnie caught on and set up a system to teach him some of the words instead of just copying the accent (he doesn't know spanish, but there are a lot of learning programs online he can hack into). It becomes a bonding experience between little Blue and the humans, since they take it upon themselves to help him learn whenever they babysit (April being more successful in these lessons than Casey).
Blue was seen as very athletic in Rise!, so I imagine that he fairly enjoys sports. Watching Casey play hockey probably kick started it, which evolved into skateboarding, basketball, baseball, football, etc. He couldn't play all of these a lot, but skateboarding and basketball (or at least shooting hoops) were fairly simple to set up and do constantly. He likes baseball and football simply for the fact that it gives him and excuse to throw a ball and run around a lot, but he doesn't play them often and prefers the other two. His uncles help set up a basketball hoop in the lair for one of his birthdays, and all he did for the next week was shoot hoops.
He thinks April is cool. Leo may be Blue's personal hero, but April is a SUPER hero. She had powers and a cool outfit, and in Blue's mind that's all he needed to label his new favorite aunt as an honest to goodness superhero (followed later by Mikey's alter-ego Turflytle). He's always following her around when she visits the lair and trying to get her to make him "fly."
Instead of the lair being attacked by the mutant/yokai that tried to kidnap and eat Blue, I imagine that the event that triggers Blue's return to his original world involving the Krang. The Krang attacked the lair or there was an attack outside somewhere that Blue snuck out and got stuck in, but a Krang would attempt to drag Blue through the portal to use as bait or leverage, and Blue's ninpo messed with the portal and sent him home (without the Krang for some reason, idk its fanfiction so fanon magic). He returns to the same place where he disappeared in his world, not that he remembers that that is where he left, and instead of Tello or Angie finding him, it would be Raphie (because I'm trying not to be too similar to the original Adopted AU, no more than I already am). The rest of the Rise show continues as normal.
Maybe if I get more inspiration I'll do some headcannons for when R!Leo reconnects with his family in the 12 dimension, but for now this is all I can think of.
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donghyuckkies · 2 years
Hi there!
Seventeen, Ateez, and Shinee for the ask game if you haven’t done them already?
Also, a photo of Seungkwan just for you!
Tumblr media
omg hello that seungkwan pic is lowkey making me blush 😳😳😳
favorite member / bias line kwan > chan > cheol
which member I’d fight (& why) chan cuz he just has that "it's on sight" effect on me
favorite song(s) so so so many of them ;A; here's a playlist i made of my faves
favorite thing about the group they're literally sooooooo in love with eachother and work together so well as a cohesive unit despite the amount of members it's really amazing. like they each have such distinct personalities and i'm sure it must've taken a while for them to learn to appreciate eachother but it's one of their greatest strengths cuz they all contribute their own colours to create amazing works of art. they're another group who continue to raise the bar for kpop groups when it comes to performances with their steady vocals and insanely detailed choreographies. there also isn't a single weak link in the group, like regardless of units each member is a strong dancer and singer. i was late to the carat live but i don't think i'll ever leave cuz i love these boys so much <3
something i’d like to see from them more vacations for them please
favorite member / bias line woo > joong > hwa
which member I’d fight (& why) woo and joong lol i feel like i could take them and also would enjoy it
favorite song(s) one again i have a playlist here of my faves
favorite thing about the group they're just so??? dumb and lovely and cute??? and their concepts fucking slap lbr similar to skz they've really got a handle on their sound and it's so uniquely theirs. like they're still pretty young so ofc there's going to be releases that might be more "commercial" in sound as they're trying to expand their audience (imo this was fireworks and deja vu, and maybe even thanxx and inception) but even then they still stick to their style and i love it so much! they're just really cool and fun
something i’d like to see from them moooooore spooky edgy space pirates pls omg
favorite member / bias line jonghyun > key > taemin
which member I’d fight (& why) taemin cuz who wouldn't fight taemin
favorite song(s) yes you've guessed it: i've got another playlist here
favorite thing about the group they were the very first group i stanned when i got into kpop back in 2012 and omg they've never let me down we ignore 2013 title track everybody in this house trough the years they've consistently been releasing my fave albums. and don't even get me started on how much i love these boys outside of their musical talents! i'm just so incredibly proud of them and will cry if i think too much about all the things i've been through with them. they've also just been pushing the boundaries of kpop and raising the bar for the industry since debut (which btw was the best debut in kpop fight me). on top of that they each have incredible solo careers! (oh and never forget that their first solo albums were all connected to eachother in design and titles ;A;)
something i’d like to see from them literally nothing but good things for them please they deserve all the love and admiration and happiness in the world
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Mysterious Girl (Part 7-2012)
Summary: A mysterious figure saves your life...twice, and becomes an integral part of it.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
A/N: I think there should be 3/4 more chapters after this, depends how long each chapter is though
Warnings: None? I think. Let me know if I should add any
Word Count: 2096
Series Masterlist
“You ever go to college?” Nat asked you while you browsed the shops on the high street, nudging the Trinity College hoodie you’d given her.
“Yeah, a few times, gotta boost that CV”
She laughed, “uh huh, I’m sure they don’t question the degrees being done in the 1960s”
“That much I can fabricate”
“So which degrees?”
“Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Russian, English... Might need to redo computer science actually, I think it’s progressed a bit since”
She tilted her head at your comment questioningly, “when did you do it?”
“Oh, 19...53? that’s when I started. University of Cambridge”
“Yeah it’s changed a bit” she confirmed,
“Did you do any?” you asked back. She nodded.
“I’ve done some online degrees. Criminology, biology. I did do a computer science degree as well, part of some undercover work in 2006″
You faked a gasp, “oh, wow, did you have a laptop and all? How new-fangled”  you joked, smiling when she laughed again. You were glad that this side of her never faded, that she was still relaxed enough to laugh with you. It had taken a large part of those first few years to break that down, and you’d feared it would be lost in those other 190 years apart.
Natasha’s style was different from yours, that much was clear. You gave nervous thumbs up at how she looked trying on outfits, but your mouth dried up every time she emerged. The leather jackets (of which she apparently needed many) made her look badass, and she always paired it with tight fitting t-shirts and jeans. It was stylish... and also hot.
“yeah, looks, um, looks very good” you croaked. She raised an eyebrow with a knowing smirk. 
“That’s your only comment?”
You pulled yourself together and returned the grin, very obviously looking down at the outfit you were wearing; old jeans and an oversized t-shirt. “I can’t exactly comment on style”
“Yeah... you can’t” she agreed, looking you up and down. You may have said it first, but you couldn’t help but frown, she wasn’t meant to agree. “You’re close though”. At this she moved forward, tucking half the shirt into your jeans. In doing so, her fingers brushed against your waist and you stiffened. While she was still looking away you shot your gaze to the ceiling in frustration, this was getting embarrassing, you couldn’t handle a simple innocent touch?
She grabbed a belt off of the rack and thread it through your belt loops. Then took a step back to appraise her work, “See. Stylish”
You had to admit it did look better than the teenage boy look you had been rocking before. Not that you’d ever really cared about what you looked like before, but for Nat you wanted to put some more effort in. So someone as stylish as her wouldn’t have to trudge around with you. That was the only reason, not that you wanted to impress her or anything.
“Alright, alright, it’s better, sure” you admitted, removing the belt and scooping up the clothes Natalia had liked, bringing them to the till. You grabbed Nat’s wrist when she tried to find her card. She sucked in a breath in... annoyance? You weren’t sure, but you kept her hand steady as you produced your own card, ready to buy the lot.
“You only got a belt, I can pay for my own clothes” she whined, but you shook your head,
“nuh uh, I can take this one”
“but it’s only fair if I pay”
The cashier laughed at the antics but presented you with the card machine. “Oh look, it’s done. Too late Tsarevna” you shrugged when the payment went through, releasing her arm... which she promptly used to lightly slap your chest.
“Hey, I just paid for your stuff and that’s how you react?” you teased through a frown.
She sighed overdramatically, “thank you Y/N”
“So, what next? Loki did a lot of damage so I guess you’re stuck here for a while”
“There’s worse places to be”
“...Not a great answer to the ‘what’s next’ question”
“Well,” she flicked the large hat you’d put on, “miss floppy hat, you probably need to get back inside soon. It can’t be giving you much protection”
“It’s not, no” you frowned, “my skin does feel like it’s on fire right now”
“Y/N what?!”
“It’s ok, I’ve tested it. I can last a bit longer without getting damage” you shrugged.
“We’re going home right now.”
Once off the mains streets, you ran, leading Natasha through the back alleys of your home town at the speed of sound (actually, just under, a sonic boom tends to draw attention) until you arrived back at your house. “I’ll be in the basement” you said, handing the bag of clothes to Natalia for her to put away. Then you headed downstairs, closing the shutter door behind you and sealing out any trace of light. Your basement was a great setup; a lounge, kitchen, and bar all in one, and zero windows so it was pitch black.
Seeing in the dark wasn’t exactly like it was in the light. You could see perfectly well, every detail as clear as day. In fact, it might have been even better, the dark was, after all, what your eyes were made for since the transition. But the vibrancy wasn’t there. It was what you had missed most when you were turned initially, when the smallest sliver of sunlight would have burnt you to a crisp; colour. Just the intensity of colour and the warmth of the sun. It was why you constantly risked going outside in the day. But now you had to rest, let your eyes return to their natural state in the pitch black room.
Natalia joined you soon after, and thankfully also didn’t feel the need to turn the artificial light on. “How long did it take you to stop burning up?” you asked, patting the seat next to you. 
She shrugged, leaping gracefully over the back of the sofa to take her seat, “Red Room always sent me on night missions so it was a recent discovery. I just had to run outside to avoid capture and then realised it wasn’t hurting”
“Well, um, I’m glad you didn’t die” you muttered. You kept your head facing forward but you could see the smirk and head tilt out of the corner of your eye.
“You’re glad I didn’t die?” she teased and you nodded mutely.
“D’you need any blood?” you asked suddenly, standing up and pacing to the mini fridge in the corner. She watched you in amusement, waiting a few seconds before replying, “I suppose I could do with some. Do you have any blood bags?”
Now it was your turn to tease her, “I sure hope that’s not how you refer to people Tsarevna”. She sighed and you tossed a bag at her, which she caught with grace.
“Um, uh... I’ll be upstairs” she said, racing off before you could even comprehend it. You hesitated, not expecting her to hurry off, but shrugged. She’d rarely ever fed in front of you when you’d lived together, perhaps she just liked the privacy.
The next month passed incredibly quickly, the ease you had always felt around Natalia having returned at once. Even if she was Natasha now, and even if you were really struggling to hide your ever-growing crush.
You carried on with your daily routine, doing everything you had been doing before the red-head came back into you life, only now you had company, and it would be a lie to say you had missed it. Natasha had to keep working, but often remotely from your house. Small things, like reviewing files or coding, she did on her laptop. (You tried to help but she was right, coding had changed since your degree in the 1950s). But she did also have more demanding tasks, taking missions for SHIELD, mostly the ones in the British Isles, and some in Western Europe too.
You always felt... odd, when she was gone, far more worried than you should be about a vampire/trained assassin. But you’d seen her get hurt before, and going another 190 years without her, or, forbid, an eternity, was out of the question for you. So you’d see her off anxiously and greet her with relief at her homecoming. You shouldn’t worry really, she was rarely gone longer than a day.
A rapid knocking on your bedroom door woke you up that day. You rarely needed to sleep, but you’d been holding it off for a while to build excitement before your birthday, so you had been genuinely exhausted when you’d gone to bed that night.
Natasha had not gone for the same route. “Wake up, Y/N!” she yelled, “get your ass out of bed and open this door”
You grinned despite everything, you were rested enough, even if it was- you checked the clock and groaned- 6:30AM, great.
Natasha almost fell through the doorway when you opened it, her knocks not ceasing until that moment. She stood herself up, regaining her balance, then grinned widely at you, “happy birthday”
“Thank you Nat” you smiled back, holding in a laugh at her dishevelled state.
“Come on, I baked you a cake”
The laugh broke through at that, “yeah, I can see. Did any of it actually go into the oven?” Her responding glare would have been more menacing if her face and clothes weren’t splattered with flour and cake batter. You could even see where she’d run her hand through her hair by the white mark it had left behind.
You followed her to the kitchen, the small cake (clearly you were right that not all of it had gotten in the oven) was decorated with a red 216 in icing. When Natasha moved to the other side of the counter from you, you paused, grin fading from your face, “please don’t get stabbed this time” you told her seriously and a knowing expression crossed her face.
“So long as you don’t get kidnapped either” she replied
“I’ll try my best”
“You better. Now come on, enough of that conversation, eat some cake”
You smiled up at her, cutting into the, very solid, sponge cake. “Thank you, for this”
“Always. I can’t have you forgetting your birthday again”
“216, 217 next May”. The two of you were silent for a moment as you served the cake slices, but she smiled at your reply.
At last she looked up, eyes seeming to analyse your face. “When was the last time you had a cake for your birthday?” she asked seriously, not looking away even when you did.
“Would have been my 26th. Haven’t had many close friends since then”. She leapt over the counter, pulling you quickly into a hug,
“I’d offer to bake you 190 cakes to make up for it, but when you taste this you might not want me to” she admitted, having had her first bite already.
You raised an eyebrow, trying it for yourself; only to open your mouth and let the mush fall back out. “Yeah, you’re right. Please don’t”
“You’re a vampire now, it was always going to taste of nothing” she laughed,
“Sure, sure, but the texture shouldn’t be solid. I swear you used to be a better cook than this”
“Well it was a lot easier when you’d pretty much eaten nothing warm in your life. Now you have standards to compare me too.”
“I guess we can stick to blood bags” you suggested, “and give this to the birds”
“Oh, I have more news to give you” Nat announced later on in the day, waiting for you to ask for elaboration before continuing. “Stark tower’s been fully refurbished, and now it’s Avengers tower, so we can move in whenever we like.”
“How long’s that been done?” you asked. It was clear she was excited about moving in, and if she said it had been finished the minute before, you wouldn't have been surprised.
“A week”
“A week? And you didn’t want to move in sooner?”
“Sure they’re my friends and all” she explained, “but I thought it would be nice to have a birthday celebration alone, just like the old days”. She looked nervous at the admission, eyes darting around to various locations on the floor. You stepped forward, lifting her head up to look at you. “It was perfect” you reassured, “but we can move there as soon as you want”
Next Chapter
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curlsofsagesmoke · 3 years
TMNT (2012) characters as dysfunctional family roles
here I go again analyzing a kids show that ended four years ago. anyway, I saw a tiktok by user doinbigthink where they gave a quick overview of the six kinds of dysfunctional family roles, and I immediately thought of tmnt bc it’s my current hyperfixation. so I spent almost an hour doing research and writing up this analysis, as one does.
as a preface: dysfunction in a family can be caused by anything from someone struggling with addiction to a parent being abusive or unavailable/neglectful to someone having narcissistic personality disorder (npd) etc. etc. Usually there is one person who is the root cause of this (very deep seated) dysfunction and the others in the family (often the kids) fall into these roles in order to cope.
Leo: The Hero
The Hero is often the oldest child. They cope with the dysfunction in the family by being high achievers or perfectionists, and they need a sense of control in order to feel safe within the family. They are seen as very well-adjusted, balanced, and high-functional and are often used as an example of how well the family as a whole is doing. They may allow this misconception to continue (whether consciously or unconsciously) in order to hide the family’s problems. They may be parentified as children (that is, forced to take on a parental role for their younger siblings) and usually feel a lot of pressure to solve the family’s issues. With Leo in particular, you see these two behaviors in the way he approaches leading his brothers as well as the way he obsessed over bringing Karai into the family for Splinter’s sake after discovering her true identity. As an adult, the Hero is often drawn toward romantic partners who are emotionally unavailable (again, see Leo’s crush on Karai) and tend to throw themselves into their work (Leo’s obsession with ninjutsu)
Leo: The Golden Child
The Golden Child is not a dysfunctional family role but instead describes a relationship that develops between a parent/guardian with npd and one of the children in the family. In these cases, the parent tends to favor the Golden Child because the Golden Child exhibits all the traits the parent loves in themselves. In Splinter and Leo’s case, these characteristics are their devotion to ninjutsu, their general temperaments, and their more spiritual/mystic natures. There are MANY examples of this favoritism in TMNT canon; for example, Splinter teaching Leo his reiki technique (the healing hands) in “the deadly venom” because everyone things Leo is the most capable of learning such an advanced technique (in the episode, Donnie says that he doesn’t think anyone else on the team could’ve done what Leo did, i.e. using the healing hands on himself and saving the others from karai). The parent has a volatile relationship with the Golden Child and often their love is conditional (that is, the parent will favor the Golden Child as long as the Golden Child continues to act like the parent). Because of this, the Golden Child often has trouble establishing an independent identity (see: Raph calling Leo “Splinter Jr.”, though I can’t remember if this happens in 2012 or just in the 2003 version). The Golden Child may also participate in the narcissistic parent’s abuse against the other children in order to protect themself (this is less explicit in canon, but I think that Leo’s leadership style fits this bill)
Raph: The Scapegoat
The Scapegoat is often the second child. As the name suggests, they are often blamed for things that go wrong in the family regardless of whether it was actually their fault or not. Scapegoats are often very aware of their position in the family and as a result they may feel rejected, isolated, and unlovable. I think a good example of Raph feeling like this is the fact that, early in the show, he only openly expresses his emotions to Spike. Scapegoats learn that negative attention is better than no attention (especially from a parent/guardian) and they often engage in high risk behaviors such as sex, drugs, etc. (in Raph’s case, his reckless fighting style and the way he seeks out fights, and this also explains his temper and overall angry demeanor). Because of this, they tend to get into a lot of trouble and are often singled out as the child who needs individual help (aka therapy) even though the root problems lie with the family as a unit. In cases where the parent has npd the Scapegoat is often pitted against the Golden Child. This is called splitting and it is another way to distract from the family’s deeper issues. I feel like I don’t need to explain the way that Leo and Raph are pitted against each other.
Donnie: The Lost Child
The Lost Child, as the name implies, often fades into the background. Usually this is on purpose in an effort to keep themself safe, as they might be scared to draw attention to themself or rock the boat, especially in an abusive household. They may often feel ignored or neglected and are often described as loners who have difficulty developing social skills or self-esteem. Like the Hero, the Lost Child is often used as an example of the family’s stability and success because they aren’t causing trouble. They tend to struggle when forming friendships/romantic relationships, and they are usually praised for not needing a lot of attention/being independent. Because of this, they feel safer when they’re by themselves. Although Donnie does cause trouble sometimes (see: all the times he’s blown some shit up in the lab, the Mutagen man thing, etc.), he’s not seen as the troublemaker. Raph (and Mikey, to a certain extent) definitely takes that title. Donnie is often alone in his lab---working, admittedly, but he still tends to isolate himself, and he is often seen as the most socially awkward of the brothers (see: his relationship with April). There’s also this very interesting exchange from the episode “Enemy of My Enemy” when they’re in the Shellraiser and Leo is about to take the stealth bike to help Karai:
Raph: Hey, the stealth bike’s my thing. Leo: Now your thing is sucking it up. Donnie: Hey! That’s my thing!
Mikey: The Mascot
The Mascot is often the youngest child. They use humor and goofiness to diffuse tension and distract the family from their issues, though when this works, they feel increased pressure to continue to step in when things become tense or volatile. The Mascot acts from a place of anxiety and trauma, and they may have bouts of depression. They also tend to feel as though they cannot express their negative emotions (because they often see themselves as responsible for their family’s happiness). They tend to bend over backwards for people with little regard for their own safety/comfort, and they are drawn to intense and dysfunctional relationships (whether romantic or platonic) where they will be called upon to diffuse tension. This can be seen in the way Mikey approached his friendships with both Bradford (pre-mutation) and Leatherhead. Mikey is also very rarely shown as being sad, angry, or depressed the way that the other three are, and it’s only in times of extreme emotional distress (like the season two finale) where he drops his humor. Even in the midst of tough battles or tough situations, Mikey tends to insert himself into the middle of the tension and is almost constantly cracking jokes or trying to keep things lighthearted. When he does show more negative emotions, it’s in (mostly) one of two ways. One, giving comfort or seeking comfort, usually from Raph (again see the season two finale, where he hugs Raph to calm him down after Splinter “dies” and seeks comfort from Raph in the Party Wagon as they’re driving away from the city). Two, acting combative with Donnie.
Note: Mikey and Donnie acting combative
This second one in particular is really interesting to me because both Donnie and Mikey exhibit a level of comfort/feeling safe with each other that they don’t display with the other two. Mikey only ever gets physical with Donnie (their little slap fight in “Turtle Temper” or attacking him at the end of “The Creeping Doom”), while Donnie only ever purposefully antagonizes Mikey to get a reaction (slapping him in “Turtle Temper”, which prompts the slap fight, or teasingly insulting him at the end of “The Creeping Doom”, which prompts Mikey to attack him). Mikey likes to get under Raph’s skin, but he never retaliates when Raph gets physical with him. Donnie does occasionally argue with Raph and Leo, but usually backs down after Raph threatens him with violence (see “New Girl in Town”), and with Leo it never escalates past a verbal fight (see the season two finale, “the fourfold trap”). Actually, it seems that in Mikey’s and Donnie’s relationship, they take on the roles that you usually see in Raph’s and Mikey’s relationship. Mikey antagonizes Raph and Raph retaliates; similarly, Donnie antagonizes Mikey and Mikey retaliates, but neither of them would act this way toward their other two brothers.
Splinter: The Root of the Dysfunction
I’ve made a lot of allusions by now to Splinter having npd, or at least some narcissistic tendencies. There are many times where he shows favoritism toward Leo or acts in a very stubborn or even self-absorbed manner. In the season one finale, for example, he refuses to help the turtles fight and only leaves the lair after april is kidnapped by the shredder. In “the pulverizer returns”, he makes the turtles switch weapons (for literally no good reason), they almost die in a fight and switch back, and as punishment, he takes their weapons away entirely; this isn’t addressed in the episode, but i do believe that if they’d had their weapons, they could’ve prevented timothy from being mutated in this episode. (Admittedly there are times when he apologizes, admits he’s wrong, and changes his mind, which is why I hesitate to say he exhibits fully narcissistic behaviors). There’s also the physical aspect of their relationship. He’s teaching the turtles ninjutsu, so you can expect a very physical relationship in the form of training, but there are times when he causes the turtles pain for the sake of pain as punishment (e.g. randori, which we see a few times, or when he goes for their pressure points, or when he trips mikey in the episode “monkey brains”, or when he stabs raph with his cane in the episode “turtle temper”, and these are just the examples i can think of off the top of my head). There has been discourse in the fandom about whether these characters (splinter and raph in particular) are abusive, and i don’t want to get into that. However, i think it’s undeniable that splinter raised his kids with the intent to turn them into child soldiers, and also i fully believe that this (plus his parenting style) is the root of the dysfunction in the hamato family.
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alwaysthegeorges · 3 years
Peter’s Dream (2021 Revisions) - Peter Parker x Fem!Reader (1/9)
Summary - Peter has to shove his feelings for you down as you continue to date Jack, your asshole of a boyfriend. What happens when Peter is the only thing you have left to ground you after some unfortunate and scarring events?
Warnings - smut, language, non-con (not Peter don't worry), violence. Read at your own risk!
Word Count - 1.1k
a/n - currently rewriting this series, because i despise my 2019 writing style. it was very 2012 wattpad. but since i’m rewriting, it’s kind of leveling up, so i’m slapping it on tumblr. suffer, marvel fans.
!gif not mine!
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~indicates author's note
-peter's pov-
The air was sharp and frigid around Peter Parker as he shoved covers over himself. He had been trying desperately to fall asleep for the past hour. Yet every time he would almost drift off, you popped into his head. Your sweet laugh echoed in his ears, beautiful eyes seemed to stare into his and see his every thought. He longed for you to be his. But you weren't. You were Jack's.
You had been with your asshole of a boyfriend for around 2 years. Peter cursed himself every time the thought of you two together came to his mind. Jack was always in the way. Had been since the moment Peter introduced you. It was as if Jack saw Peter as a threat from the start.
Peter had met Jack a few weeks prior. The two of them worked in the same building and started talking a bit if they had time. The two had bonded quickly, yet Peter still had a weird feeling about Jack. He was always nice to him, inviting him out with his friends, and now it was Peter's turn. Peter had told you, his best friend, all about his new "friend." You had seemed intrigued in getting to know someone who was becoming close to your best friend. They surely had to be special if Peter let you two meet.
The two of you clicked instantly. You didn't, however, miss the strange glances he was sending Peter's way when you talked. Peter took the looks as a hint to leave and offered to go get some more drinks. He left in a hurry, leaving you and Jack to bond. From that night forward, you were almost inseparable.
Damnit, if he hadn't introduced the two of you years ago, you might be Peter's right now. Lying next to him, snuggling into his chest. The feeling of your warm breath tickling his ear, his neck, torso...
He finally fell into the deep dark of sleep. Utter darkness surrounded him, encased him. Then, as if his previous thoughts summoned you, there you were. A white, dim light outlined your perfect body, shaping your hair, your face. You walked towards him slowly, a teasing smile adorned your shaped facial features. You halted when you stood so close to Peter that he could feel the heat of your body. Your lips lightly brushed against his. Without a hint of hesitation, he grabbed your face gently and pressed your lips to his.
He had waited years to kiss you like this. Years. He had dreamt of this moment ever since he finally realized his heart belonged to you. You pressed your body against Peter's, letting his hands drop to wrap around your waist. You rested your elbows on his broad shoulders and deepened the kiss. Peter felt like he was flying. There had to be something looking out for him somewhere, because somehow, in this God-forsaken world, you were kissing him. Leaning into him. Grazing your fingers down his body. You backed Peter up until his back hit a wall that had formed of nothing. It held firmly, allowing him to lean into it as he felt every last bit of your skin touching him.
He reached around to squeeze your ass firmly, earning a sensual gasp from your lips. Peter used that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in between the parted muscles. You allowed him to explore your mouth, even encouraged it by continuing to let out gasps and moans.
Peter tugged on the hem of your shirt, encouraging you to take it off. You pulled away from him hesitantly but made sure his eyes stayed on you as you slowly slid the cotton up your body. You tossed the item to the side, where it seemed to vanish into the darkness that still surrounded you.
Peter followed your lead, tugging his own shirt off and throwing it into the void. As soon as the item vanished, his mouth returned to yours. He kissed you passionately, tenderly.  It was eager and messy and incredible, just like he had always imagined it would be.
You pulled away again, earning a whine from the man that instantly halted when he watched your pants slide down your legs. You looked down at yourself, radiant and free and half-naked, before looking back up to Peter. Your face became a dark shade of crimson as you took in the way he was gazing at you. His pupils were blown wide, full of lust.
The man used his pointer finger to lift your chin up, forcing you to look into his eyes. He reached his other arm to your waist again, pulling you to him. He gave you a chaste kiss before pulling back to look back into the (y/e/c) pools he loved so much. You slid a hand in between your bodies, letting your fingers graze over his abs. Then, without any warning,  you dipped your thumb into the hem of his pants and let it sit there. Such a tease.
Peter's pants were now impossibly tight. You seemed to notice this, because you immediately sank to your knees in from of him. You held his intense stare whilst you unbuckled and pulled off his belt with one swift motion. In a matter of seconds, his pants were around his ankles, your hand reaching into his boxers. He sucked in a deep breath, and
He woke up to a wet feeling surrounding him. His eyes snapped open so fast at the realization of what had just happened. Shit, shit shit shit... Another wet dream. Another wet dream about you. When was this going to end, Peter wondered to himself. He wasn't sure how long he could deny his feelings for you before he went absolutely insane.
The man sat up quickly, pushing the bed sheet aside. He surveyed at the damage that lie sprawled across the front of his boxers. Damn, you got him good. He let out a deep, frustrated sigh and perched his elbows on his knees. Peter allowed his face to fall in his hands, and he rubbed his tired eyes. He sat there for a moment, contemplating what in the hell he was going to do about all this, but was interrupted by the light flicking on. He raised his head quickly, gaze shooting immediately to the now wide-open door. You leaned against the frame, surveying the scene in front of you. You looked at the rumpled sheets, equally rumbled hair, and then finally down to the rest of Peter, who was a complete mess. You wondered what had happened to cause such an incident.
"(Y/N)? What're you doing here?"
~thanks for reading :')
originally completed 8/12/19
edited 7/5/21
taglist - @90smalfoy @mypainistemporary​ 
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pompousbiscuit · 3 years
(Y/N) Meets Zeke Yeager at a Radiohead Concert In the Year 2012 (Yes, It's The King Of Limbs Hour For Sure)
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(You-16 Zeke-17 Porco-16 Pieck-17 Colt-16 Yelena- 17)
I don't fucking know why I think of these things, but here I go, this is for all of you Superior-Music-Taste-Thom-Yorke-er- Radiohead-virgins out there B)
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The year is 2012, (Y/N) is 16, and the setting is a Radiohead concert almost one year post-King-Of-Limbs-album-drop.
After working for a few months at your first part time job, you were able to save enough cash to buy concert tickets for you and a friend.
The location of the venue is about 2 hours from your hometown, and it's quite the road trip.
Either using your/your friend's car, or public transportation, to make the trip.
Zeke is 17, he's also at this concert with a group of his friends: Colt, Porco, Pieck, Yelena.
You're jamming out to all the hits, swaying your body to the sound of the music just right, and letting yourself go in a way you've only ever done alone in your bedroom.
King Of Limbs wasn't Radiohead's most well received album, but you love almost anything Thom, that droopy eyed bastard, and the other members put out.
Your friend that you came to the concert with is currently on a bathroom break, leaving you to your own devices in the crowded room.
"Separator" plays loudly throughout the concert hall; the drum beat feels like it has made it's way under your skin, and the melodic sound of Thom's voice feels as if it's an instrument in its own right.
Zeke is currently jogging back inside, he had left only for a moment during a run through of "Morning Mr. Magpie" for a smoke break.
(it's not particularly his favorite on the album)
"Separator" is one of Zeke's favorites comparatively, and he might hit himself after if he ends up missing the live rendition.
He sees a familiar slicked back head of blonde hair while peering over the heads of the crowd, and Zeke's relieved to see Porco turn around and wave him over.
Zeke makes a b-line for his friend, trying his best to shove through the crowd as politely, yet firmly, as he can.
Whilst making his way over, Zeke bumps into someone who's almost completely oblivious to his presence, until said person trips over themselves and falls to their feet.
You luckily brace yourself, your palms and wrists making contact with the dirty ground as to protect your face.
Normally, Zeke would most likely brush this off and claim the situation to not be his problem, and most likely continue on his path to his friends.
A change of heart? Guilt for being a catalyst in knocking you over? (as he suspects it would've happened eventually) Or maybe it's because he notices the way your ass looks in your blue jeans.
Zeke can tell a good ass when he sees one, and everybody has an ass to be appreciated after all, no consideration for gender identity or assigned anatomy needed.
Zeke pauses and decides 'ah, what the hell'.
Zeke crouches down and holds his hand out to you, flashing a boyish grin that suits his younger looking face well, as he begins to offer you an apology.
"My mistake for knocking you on your ass, I was trying to get to my friends... Need a hand?"
Zeke half yells this apology, and in the end it's still very muffled sounding due to the loud music.
You are wary of the boy in front of you, being very well versed in all the basic "stranger-danger" rules, the ones your care-taker/parental-figure drilled into you before you left.
But the slight tug of the left side of his mouth, the dimple in his cheek, his shaggy yet soft looking blonde hair, his stupid but admittedly cool glasses that hang low on the bridge of his nose...
He's cute, and you're too aware of the fact to deny his hand that he's offered to you.
You say a "Thanks", only letting yourself look him in the eye for hardly a second, as he accepts your hand into his roughly textured one.
You feel a flush begin on your chest and rise up to your face, ashamed of yourself for practically drooling at the feeling of just a grasp of a hand around your own.
Zeke assists you in rising to your feet, and he can almost feel your eyes tracing his form, taking him in.
He looks rather typical, a dark t-shirt with a faded "Kid A bear" logo printed on it, under a wrinkled rusty-toned flannel with rolled up sleeves, dark denim loosely encompasses his lanky legs that end with damaged and worn low-top skate shoes.
You only realize your hand is still in his own, when you catch the cheeky look in his eye, after scanning back to to his face.
You retract your hand from his, with suspiciously quick retreat, that has him grinning a little wider.
"Name's Zeke, do you have one?"
You can smell his last cigarette on his breath as he talks, you're both in close proximity due to the people around you.
The performance of "Separator" is almost long forgotten at this point, it's now just the background noise to your first conversation with each other.
You shift your weight back and forth to each foot, settling on leaning to your right side, before looking up to answer him.
"It's (Y/N), and it's okay, I was kinda in my own world for a minute there..." You answer honestly, but almost too bashfully, taking the blame for your tumble.
Zeke shakes his head and answers immediately, "No, I wasn't really paying attention to who I was knocking into, but I guess I was kinda lucky that you happened to be my first victim."
His voice has a slight rasp to it, though he's just 17 he admittedly smokes like a chimney.
His words also have an attractive cadence to them, you can already tell he's a smart ass by the way he's immediately putting the moves on, but you find yourself not really caring all too much.
Zeke starts again, "I also get like that though, in my head I mean, 'specially with "Separator"..."
You nod along and begin to talk to him more about your interest for the track, hardly noticing as the minutes roll by, and with the song changing into "Little by Little".
The both of you exchange words and information throughout the next song, like your ages, preferred albums, what other concerts you've been to.
Zeke completely forgets about his friends in the minutes he's conversing with you, and the same happens with you, until Porco loudly appears with Colt behind Zeke.
"Dude! I waved you over like 10 minutes ago! What the hell Zeke? You're dragging your ass and the other's are-" Porco's sentence cuts off as his eyes drift over to you, understanding the hold up.
Porco turns his head to Zeke and receives a glower from the taller boy. Whilst wearing a shit eating grin, Porco gives Zeke a curt nod and a slap on the shoulder.
"Whatever, just shoot me text in a few man,"
Porco's eyes catch your your for second, as he raises a hand for a quick sayonara,
"Nice meeting ya'."
Zeke pushes up his glasses as he shakes his head in annoyance and heaves a sigh.
As Porco gestures for a confused Colt to follow him back to the rest of the group, you catch eyes with your own friend.
They give you an apologetic glance but then notice Zeke near you, they hold up their hand and toggle back and forth between a thumbs up and thumbs down, silently asking if Zeke's presence was a bother.
You give a thumbs up, which they respond with a double thumbs up, as they make their way over to a group of people and easily start to blend in.
You turn back towards Zeke and offer a smile, finally free of interruptions, as the song ends and fades into "Lotus Flower". Commotion erupts throughout the crowd, as the majority cheer for one of the most favored songs.
Zeke offers you a smile as well, and shuffles a step or two closer, before beginning to speak again.
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Ending it there! If I make a follow up then that'll be over here when the time comes: Part Two
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I actually... I don't even... Why, that's all I have to say, just why???
Thanks so much for the notes on my previous post! That was my first time hitting over 100 notes!
Tbh... "The King of Limbs" is on the same level as "In Rainbows" for me, soz if you're offended by that statement dawg. Lmk your opinions!
I am Zeke Trash #1, and you're watching Disney Channel
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FUCK IT UUUPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!! imagine this bitch ass in some skater slouchy grungy garbage, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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zeke liking radiohead [zeke playlist] -> MONKE
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artstorieshusbandos · 3 years
Tale of Two Tragedies-Theo's route (Ikemen Vampire) **spoilers**
Tragedy #1 Exhibit A
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I honestly half expected him to haul off and draw a masterpiece in the tavern notebook. Not because he's a Van Gogh but because there's almost no way someone with his appreciation for art , his eye for it and his hardcore determination wouldn't have managed to at least be drawing on the side for enjoyment.
This scene would have gone down a little differently if I had actually been in MC's place. MC, it seems, doesn't do art. I've been at least scribbling since I was a kid that figured out I could rub the paint off my toys onto the wall. I would not have noticed the notebook on the counter, but ever since we left the private gallery earlier I'd been dying to ask him if he'd ever done any art. I daydreamed about asking while I was waiting for my tickets to replenish Why?
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This isn't the voice of someone who doesn't want to do art.
Usually when someone tells me they can't draw I find out one of 3 things. They either don't really want to draw or at least they have other things they'd much rather put their time into which is fair. They actually can draw but have fallen into the trap of undervaluing their own work which may or may not be a result of comparing their work to the work of others. Then there's the third crowd that has the desire to do it, puts in the time but can't get anywhere because they are trying to draw from their left brain.
What am I talking about? I'm sure you may have heard that our brains have two halves and that the left half is connected to logic, mathematics, language, symbolism, ect, and the right brain is associated with imagination, creativity, music, spatial relations, distances, ect. Most of us don't know how that actually relates to someone's ability to draw or paint. The truth is art is something all humans can do to some degree. How good you manage to get is one part the desire to do it, one part putting in the practice and one part how well you can get your left brain to give over control to the right brain.
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Vincent and Theo are such wonderful examples of what I'm getting at here with the whole left brain/right brain thing. Vincent is right brain dominant and I know this not because he's a talented artist but because it's a fact that Vincent Van Gogh is left handed. Our dominant hands are opposite our dominant brains. Theo is clearly left brain dominant not only because we can see it in his organizational and business skills we can see how he's talking in the second image where he's trying to draw King. He's thinking about drawing fur and eyes and the components of the dog not the forms. The parts are all named and labeled....this is left brain thinking. Compare it to how he talks when he is observing paintings and pushing the technical aside to just let it speak to him. This is the mode he needs to be in to create but he's trying to attack it with his stronger mode which is his left brain mode. It doesn't matter how much you practice if you are practicing the wrong thing.
The other pitfall he's hit is comparing himself to Vincent. As an artist never ever ever ever compare yourself to anyone but the you from yesterday. There will always be someone "better" than you and "better" will always be subjective. Vincent got a head start being right brained. When his brain reaches for it's stronger side it's going to pull from the correct one automatically.
Maybe at this point you're wondering why I spent so much time analyzing a fictional character in this manner? Honestly it breaks my heart to see him like this and though I know he's fictional I also know there are many many Theo's in this world who have given up because they don't know what's holding them back or that it can be conquered. I wrote this for them.
If this is you and you'd like to see what you're truly capable of do this one really easy exercise. Find a picture of something you'd like to draw. Draw it as best you can. If all you can do is draw a stick then draw that stick. Then take that same image and flip it upside down and draw it again. The reason for doing this is to force the left brain to let the right brain work. The left brain doesn't like to work with anything it can't define and slap a label on. When you flip the image upside down it makes it so the left brain can't properly identify the subject. It has no choice but to shut up and let the right brain work. Compare your two drawings. I was astonished the first time I did this. I no longer have my original upright drawing from the first time I tried this technique but I do have the first drawing I ever did upside down. Here it is.
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Granted I had been drawing for years upright already but if you need a point of reference as to where I was in my skill when I started training my left brain to sit down here's another drawing from the same year.
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Quite a bit of technical difference.
If this exercise worked for you and you're interested in learning more about how to train your brain for better art this is the book that taught me.
I recommend this book to any artist that hasn't read it. It's been the biggest help I've ever gotten on my journey. I don't know if Amazon is the best place to get a copy or not I didn't price match I just put up the first link I came to so you might want to shop around.
Tragedy #2 Exhibit B
Here is one of the last pieces I completed.
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It was done in 2012. That's right.....it's been damn near a decade since I've turned out a completed art piece. It would probably break Theo's heart even more to know that there are people out here like me that have talent and aren't using it while he would love to do it and can't seem to. In fact he'd probably dump my ass if we were actually dating before he found out. I felt guilty before but now it's guilt x 1000. Are any of you out there in the same boat as me? Anyone out there that managed to get out of the rut that might have some tips for me? Maybe I should take some requests? What would you all like to see me draw?
Also if you're interested in seeing more of my stuff my gallery is collecting dust here
Theo has everything he needs to be a great artist. He has the eye for aesthetics, he has the desire and commits himself to everything. In his time psychology is in it's infancy. He doesn't even know yet what he doesn't know. If I was wrong about this and he still couldn't draw after a few training sessions I guess I'd have to start making him paint by number kits. He can pick the subject and the colors I'll map out the design and we'll do it together.
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"One of my favorite brands of goofball is the intelligent goofball that can run academic laps around everyone else around them. They're able to use their brains but also info dump and are just the absolute sweetest beans to ever exist." (Me)
Now you might ask me, Dot are you really allowed to do two Rob Paulsen characters right after each other? To which I reply, yes because it's *my* opinion and I was obsessed with this show when I was in middle school and early high school. I also still carry a lot of affection for this version of my favorite turtle other than that little fact that he's voiced by the legend himself.
This one also has a bit of a story to it as to why I love him so much. When I was 12 I was just starting to get into the idea of karate. It went hand in hand with my newfound love of anime. When I was doing karate I learned how to use a bo-staff. I always felt like this combination of Rafiki from Lion King and Donatello. At the time I also had a gap between my teeth. I mentioned this to Rob Paulsen during my first talk with him that I had a gap there before I got it covered up with an implant. For years I learned heavily on my love of Donatello because of this problem that I had. I had never seen another character quite like him that had the same tooth issue that I did. Now tooth gaps in cartoons are everywhere but when I was a kid, I had Spongebob and that was it.
Whew, now with the slight backstory out of the way let's talk about Donnie because I have quite a bit to say about 2012 Donnie. This is my favorite version of the character in all honesty. I have enjoyed other versions like Rise of TMNT but nobody did him quite as good as they did with the 2012 show. The only "flaw" I think that most people found was his love of April which I actually didn't mind so much. I thought that it was cute and it suited his character!
Part of the reason that I love him is voice acting related but not *entirely* I think that Rob was the best at the info dumping Donnie. When he just gets so excited about the technology that he's seeing that he has to try and explain it so that his brother's can at least see where he's coming from only to hear the long suffering sigh of those listening that's how I feel about my info dumping. It's constantly like this I'm going to go off on this tangent now and I usually can't stop unless somebody stops me themselves. Rob's voice suited him just perfectly being that pitch perfect blend of nerdy mixed with actual badassary to back it up. Whenever I go back and rewatch the show, even though he couldn't voice him the entire time, I still loved what he was able to do with the character. He was able to bring so much charm, lovability, and nerdiness to his portrayal of the intellectual turtle.
I also think that this is the best that I've ever seen from him as a character. I used to adore when it was a Donatello centric episode especially when it was just him and Mikey. B Team was easily my favorite part of the show and the interactions that I loved the most (I also think it's because that Donnie did the least amount of Mikey slapping). The writing was the perfect blend with his irritation and frustration instead of just making it seem like he just randomly blows up it's this build. This is my levels of irritation. When I get really irritated it's this constant build.
His ability to be intelligent with this perfect mixture of sarcasm and genuine will to help those around him. The idea of him being sarcastic was at it's peak here. I feel like Rise went a bit too heavy on the sarcasm that he didn't seem like he was at his most lovable a lot of the time. Not that I didn't enjoy what Rise of TMNT did with the character but that was one of the rare occurrences where I had a different favorite turtle.
Ever since I was 12 this character has been there for me. I loved him then and I still love him to this day. Every time I look at my Donatello print that Rob Paulsen signed for me I get this wave of nostalgia and childhood flashbacks coming home from a bad day and having a snack while this show was on. It always made me feel better and part of me will always be grateful for Donatello 2012 for that.
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1960: John F. Kennedy/Lyndon B. Johnson vs Richard Nixon/Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
1964: Lyndon B. Johnson/Hubert Humphrey vs Barry Goldwater/William E. Miller
1968: Richard Nixon/Spiro Agnew vs Hubert Humphrey/Edmund Muskie vs George Wallace/Curtis Lemay
1972: Richard Nixon/Spiro Agnew vs George McGovern/Sargent Shriver
1976: Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale vs Gerald Ford/Bob Dole
1980: Ronald Reagan/George H.W. Bush vs Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale
1984: Ronald Reagan/George H.W. Bush vs Walter Mondale/Geraldine Ferraro
1988: George H.W. Bush/Dan Quayle vs Michael Dukakis/Lloyd Bentsen
1992: Bill Clinton/Al Gore vs George H.W. Bush/Dan Quayle vs Ross Perot/James Stockdale
1996: Bill Clinton/Al Gore vs Bob Dole/Jack Kemp vs Ross Perot/Pat Choate
2000: George W. Bush/Dick Cheney vs Al Gore/Joe Lieberman
2004: George W. Bush/Dick Cheney vs John Kerry/John Edwards
2008: Barack Obama/Joe Biden vs John McCain/Sarah Palin
2012: Barack Obama/Joe Biden vs Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan
2016: Donald Trump/Mike Pence vs Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine
2020: Joe Biden/Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump/Mike Pence
The same candidates tend to show up year after year. Not just President running for re-election, but Vice Presidents running for the top slot themselves, incumbents or candidates, successful or not; Richard Nixon (1952, 1956, 1960, 1968), Hubert Humphrey (1964, 1968), Walter Mondale (1976, 1980), Bob Dole (1976, 1996), Al Gore (1992, 1996, 2000)
I would expect John Edwards (D-2004) to try and make a comeback, though he was only a one term senator from North Carolina, so that’s looking increasingly unlikely. The state swung for Obama in 2008, but hasn’t voted blue since (except for governor, but he has no power because the Republicans control the state legislature)
Paul Ryan (R-2012) will be back for sure; he retired from the House in part over of disagreements with Trump, but one doesn’t just give up being Speaker and slink away into obscurity (just look at Newt Gingrich, he refuses to shut up or die), so I think Ryan is just biding his time and hoping the whole Trump thing blows over in the next decade. If the party shifts away from Trump, he might offer himself as a slightly more moderate (“moderate*”) alternative.
Or maybe Sarah Palin (R-2008) will try and reclaim the presidency for herself; she’s a hardcore right wing nutjob, she was a Bush supporter AND a Trump supporter, and she’s still relatively young, so I could see her stepping back into the spotlight to try and “being the country back” to the traditionalism of the early 2000s. Nostalgia is cyclical, so I figure around 2028 or 2032 people will start looking back fondly on the Clinton and Bush years (Clinton more so than Bush, what with 9/11 and the wars and such)
Tim Kaine isn’t even one of the famous senators; there are some senators that everybody knows, even if they’re not from your state, like Chuck Schumer, Joe Manchin, Lindsey Graham, Bitch McConnell, big names with big reputations. Tim Kaine is a nobody, just a bland and inoffensive white dude Clinton picked to be as uncontroversial as possible (she couldn’t pick a woman or a black person because then the ticket would have been “too diverse”). He’s not the future of the Democratic party, but I could see him trying to become part of the Senate leadership. Maybe the whip (vice leader), I don’t think he has what it takes to be leader outright.
I don’t think Mitt Romney (R-2012) will run for president again; that ship has sailed. Moderate Republicans are critically endangered, extinct in the wild, with single specimens in captivity (in Vermont, Massachusetts, and Maryland). After back-to-back losses in 2008 and 2012, I don’t think Republicans will run a moderate candidate ever again. Romney could maybe just maybe become the whip if he so desired, he’s a big enough name with support enough to become their presidential nominee, though he’ll never be the leader; McConnell was their golden goose, he gave hem exactly what they wanted and changed the game to give them an advantage even in minority. They will only ever elect hardliners like him from now on. Romney is too soft; he cares too much about the other side (he’s not liberal by any stretch of the imagination, he’s a Mormon for Brigham’s sake, but he voted to impeach Trump twice which means he may as well be a liberal in the eyes of the public)
Mike Pence has committed political suicide. Democrats hate him for his homophobia, sexism, racism, classism, and weird relationship with his wife who he calls “mother.” Republicans hate him because he didn’t break the law to re-elect Trump. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. He’s ultraconservative and super religious, so under normal circumstances he’d be a shoo-in for the nomination, but after breaking with Trump in January he’s dead in the water (he didn’t even really break away, there was literally nothing legal he could do; if he had tried anything it would have been struck down by the courts). And besides that, Pence is boring as hell. He’s milquetoast, he’s a saltine cracker without the salt because it’s too spicy, he orders plain hamburgers with ketchup on the side, all his steaks are cooked well done, he gets a boner when he sees a woman’s ankle and has to self-flagellate for penance, he sends back water if it has too much ice because it makes his teeth hurt. He’s the sacrificial lamb they’d nominate specifically to lose so they can save a stronger candidate for later when there’s no incumbent.
Kamala Harris is basically president-in-waiting (or rather nominee-in-waiting; who knows if she can actually win?) Biden ran on the unspoken promise that he would step down in 2024, making her the front runner, but he has recently walked this back and says he plans on running for a second term himself, pushing Kamala back until 2028 at least. She has good PR and has convinced half the country that she’s a progressive instead of a cop, so if she runs she’ll definitely have an edge over Democratic challengers. The media picks the nominee, and in 24 or 28 they’ll pick her for sure.
It’s becoming increasingly harder for people to stay relevant over multiple decades. I can’t imagine any 2004 candidates running in 2024, but Bob Dole managed to get on as Ford’s #2 and come back as #1 himself twenty years later (he lost both times, but still). Richard Nixon beat the odds and actually got elected in 68 after losing the presidency in 60 and the governorship in 62; he was pretty much coasting on Eisenhower’s legacy, selling himself as the anti-Goldwater, who lost in 64 to LBJ in a landslide.
Trump is acting like he’s going to run again, but whether or not he’ll fully commit is up in the air. On the one hand, his least insane niece says that he doesn’t want to put himself in a position where he could lose again, his ego couldn’t take it, he’s so embarrassed he can’t even admit it happened the first time. On the other hand, he’s too proud to accept defeat and just let some other candidate take his spot as leader of the Republican Party; the Republicans haven’t had a leader since Eisenhower, every other president has disappeared after leaving office.
Nixon resigned in disgrace
Ford was elected out
Reagan disappeared in the 90s because he didn’t want the country to see him deteriorate from Alzheimer’s
Bush Sr was elected out
Bush Jr was despised with approval in the 20s (record low), and could potentially have been tried at The Hague if Obama had balls
Now Trump wants to stick around, even though he’s older than Reagan and FAR less healthy. He’ll probably be dead in 15 years anyway; no way he reaches 90. His mind may already be going, but unlike Reagan he isn’t self aware enough to know it, so he might try to stay in the spotlight even after the dementia sets in. Wo knows?
What his niece says, and what I think is most likely to happen, is that he will pretend like he’s running in order to scam donors out of millions of dollars to pay his exorbitant legal fees, but then bow out of the race before the primaries. Whichever candidate he personally endorses will become the nominee and go up against Biden. Biden will win the popular vote, but I don’t know if he’ll win the electoral college; if this happens for the third time in a quarter century, I expect nothing less than chaos in the streets, perhaps even civil war (well, I expected civil war after 2020, and we’re still standing, so again, who knows?). All I know is that congressional Democrats will throw a hissy fit but do nothing to stop the Republicans from sneaking their way into office without a mandate AGAIN.
The last Republican to legitimately win the presidency was George Bush Sr in 1988. Jr lost to Gore, and only got re-elected in 2004 because he invaded Iraq the year prior. Democrats have won 7 of the last 8 elections, including the last 4 in a row. There are more Democrats and left-leaning independents than Republicans and right-leaners. If the Republicans lose-but-win AGAIN, I don’t think the county could take it; there would be phony calls for secession on TV and legitimate whispers behind the scenes, there would be lawsuits, there would be an even bigger assault on the Capitol than January 6, people would riot, the National Guard would attack brown people with impunity while peacefully corralling the white ones with shields and loudspeakers.
There hasn’t been an assassination since 1963, and no assassination attempt resulting in injury since 1981. Someone threw a grenade at Bush Jr in 2005, but they wrapped a handkerchief around it so the lever didn’t release. I think multiple politicians on both sides of the aisle might be targeted in the event of another electoral college screw up.
Trump could face jail time for his tax crimes, though given his high profile I think he’d get off with a slap on the wrist. He has never faced consequences before, so why would they start now?
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big-city-dreamer · 4 years
Sweet Surprise
A/N: This is my first fanfic EVER and it’s part of @jtargaryen18 #30DaysofChris2020 challenge. I’m a journalist by profession and I work in PR so I write all the time but I haven’t written fiction since like 2012. So go easy on me please! 🙈But do let me know if there are any typos/grammar issues that I can fix (UK English). This is my OTP so I hope that I do the characters justice. Happy Birthday to @jtargaryen18, Chris and Kat! 🥳
Title: Sweet Surprise
Pairing: Darcy Lewis x Steve Rogers
Summary: A surprise delivery is the cherry on top of Steve’s chill birthday.
Rating: G (Do innuedoes make it PG?)
Warnings: Fluff. Attempt at Humor. Possibly typos
Gifs: @captainsamerica | @queenc-x
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If turning 102 years old meant low-key get-togethers with beers, laughs and his friends -sans apocalypse-, then Steve thought he could get used to this centenarian life.
Sam’s BBQ ribs and potato salad really hit the spot on the warm summer afternoon in his Brooklyn apartment. Sleeves of his denim shirt rolled up to his elbows, Steve relaxed on the couch with his ice-cold beer, enjoying the soft jazz playing in the background. Sam and Bucky bickered as they loaded the dishwasher, while Natasha cleared the table.
Ding dong!
“Hey Stevie, could you get that?” Bucky asked, gesturing to the door with a plate he was about to rinse. He exchanged a suspicious glance with Sam, who snickered. “Should be the uh, sweet treat we ordered.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at his best buds as he set the bottle down and crossed to the door in quick strides. His stomach flipped as he looked through the peephole and opened the door. He knew this was the work of his meddling friends.
“Happy Birthday, Steve!” Darcy’s infectious gap-tooth smile made his insides tinge. She was definitely dressed for the holiday in a white tee with little navy sequinned stars, red lipstick popping against her fair skin. She gestured dramatically to the cake box she was holding, wrapped in red baker’s twine.
Through the cellophane window, he could see the pull-apart cake made to look like a tsum tsum of his costumed persona. (He only knew what they were because Peter and Shuri kept sending him jifs - or was it gifs? - of them.)
“Thanks, Darcy. I appreciate it,” Steve replied as he took the box, matching her grin with a shy one of his own. He peered at her through his thick lashes, his warm blue eyes never leaving her mischievous turquoise ones.
He’d been sweet on Dr Foster’s former assistant since the duo moved into the Tower a year ago. Darcy was gorgeous, smart, funny and ballsy, with a sassy mouth that got her in and out of trouble. And she made the most scrumptious things. Super-powered fights may or may not have broken out in the common area kitchen over her brown butter snickerdoodles.
A cough from the peanut gallery at the other end of the room broke the flirty moment.
Cheeks flushed, Steve cleared his throat and stepped aside, setting the box on the coffee table. “Come in. Please. I haven’t seen you in a while.”
Darcy waved to the trio in the kitchen as she came through the doorway. “I know right!” She gushed, perching on the arm of the beige sofa. “Finished my degree a few months ago while you guys were on a long mission. My heart was never in political science so I wanted to figure out what was. So I decided to move out and try striking out on my own. Life without Science! and aliens hasn’t been super exciting but I’m getting by. Took a leap of faith and finally started my dessert business: Darcy’s Delights.”
In her typical animated fashion, she talked about the shared kitchen space she rented in SoHo with other foodie start-ups, Steve hanging on to her every word, much to the amusement of his friends. The stories were replete with crazy customer encounters and baking mishaps a la Darcy. Summer was peak season for small patissiers like hers so she didn’t mind working on holidays, especially if it meant extra cash to fund her own space.
“That’s great, Darce, really.” Steve grinned proudly from his seat next to her. She’d come so far. He remembered the nights she ‘strong-armed’ him into manually mixing her frosting with only a sad pout of those cherry-red lips. ‘Supersoldier biceps over stand mixers’ she’d say. He also liked that she pretended not to notice when he snuck a taste or three.
Smiling to herself, Darcy absently mused her dark curls, Steve’s gaze glued to every movement. “It’s been busy and a struggle but it’s so rewarding. Speaking of which, I have to run. Sorry.” She stood slowly. “More Fourth of July orders to drop off before the fireworks start.”
“Hang on,” Steve pleaded. He went for his jacket hanging in the hallway closet to the right of the living room. “At least let me pay you,” he called back.
“It’s your birthday, Steve. It’s on me.” Darcy reassured him.
He came down the hallway, thumbing through his wallet for cash. “You drove all the way out here, Darce. At least let me give you a tip.”
“I wish you would give me the whole thing,” Darcy mumbled under her breath, forgetting she was in the presence of supersoldiers and spies with enhanced hearing. And Sam.
Steve froze in his tracks, his face a bright tomato. He swallowed the strangled noise in his throat and tried to keep his voice low and even as he returned to the living room.
“H- how about um, after dinner this uh, Friday at 7?”
Simultaneous snorts from Sam and Bucky and the corresponding slaps from Natasha were enough to let Darcy know that no one missed her comment.
Fanning her flaming face and determined to ignore the sparks of excitement in her lady bits, she cleared her throat. “I actually have a dinner party to cater for that night…”
Steve tried not to let the disappointment show on his face. “Oh... Okay.”
“But…” Darcy crossed the space to him, handing over her business card with her phone number on the back, “If you come over at 6 to help me mix the frosting, we can have our... dinner after that at 8.”
The earlier embarrassment was worth the sunny smile Steve gave her. “Friday at 6 it is.”
Darcy turned on the heel of her boots and was halfway through the door before she paused to wink at him over her shoulder.
“If you do a really good job, soldier, I might even let you lick the bowl this time.”
Steve choked on a nervous laugh as the door slammed closed.
“Hot damn.” “Nice.” Sam and Bucky interjected at the same time, only for the sound of twin slaps to echo a moment later.
Natasha walked over to where Steve was still staring dreamily at the closed front door. She quirked her perfectly-plucked eyebrow at him.
“You know she’s gonna eat you alive, right?”
“I know.” Steve sighed happily. “I can’t wait.”
Part 2: Strawberries & Cream
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matildaofoz · 4 years
Memento Mori Pt 3. (Michael Langdon x Fem!Death!Reader)
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You reached the courtyard of Kineros Robotics in record time, Michael hot at your heels.
“Can you walk a little slower?“ Michael complained, walking quickly beside you to keep up despite his long legs. You weren't lying when you had told him that you were on the clock.
„No can do, kiddo. Now come on, use those wonderful legs of yours,“ you threw at him over your shoulder, your hands searching for the car keys you had stashed in one of the conveniently hidden pockets of your dress without slowing down. Why weren't those a thing yet when humanity had invented every other type of useless thingamabob and yet pockets on a dress were blasphemous, you wondered. The intricacies of humankind often evaded you. The fingers of your right hand grazed the keys in your pocket and with a satisfied smirk you pulled them out.
“I'm not a kid, you know. I'm the Anti-,“ Michael began, irritated.
„The Antichrist, yes and you were born exactly when, 2012? You may not look it Michael, but in the grand scheme of things you're barely an amoeba,“ you interrupted him, not in the mood for any more temper tantrums. Without having to look back at his face, you felt the anger rolling off him in waves. He really was not used to being treated as anything less than the son of Satan. If he wanted you to lick his shoes, he was sorely mistaken. If anything, he should be on his knees before you, praising the universe for having sent you in his hour of need.
Continuing to ignore a seething Michael, your eyes zoned in on your newest toy. A 1965 Black Ford Mustang Convertible with bright red leather seats. Seeing as you were all things considered an ancient being and material things meant positively nothing to you, you did have two weaknesses. Fast food and fast cars. You liked to think that it was due to the human form you took, your immense power being pressed into the confines of a limited body and your patient nature being expressed in a rather paradoxical instant gratification. Thankfully, you couldn't gain any weight nor die in a car crash, remaining ever the same, and so you chose to indulge yourself at every given opportunity. Soon enough, those fleeting pleasures would come to an end. Might as well enjoy it while you could.
You skipped over the curb to the driver's side, admiring the way the inky paint coat glistened in the late afternoon sun, not a speck of dust in sight.
Michael came to stand by the passenger door, now more confused than angry. He was ever-changing, you mused.
“Did, did you sell your soul to my father too?” he asked, mustering the convertible before his eyes searched your face.
“No, Michael,” you chuckled amused. H really didn't know the first thing about the Apocalypse or his place in all of this. Maybe there would be time to give the boy a lesson, but not until you had had a good meal.  
“I think I'm out of your dad's league if we're being honest. I am more a collector of souls myself. Your father or God don't actually hold the monopoly even though that's what they like to tell everyone. Tell you what, over dinner you and I will take a little trip down memory lane,” you explained, watching him with intent.
“Liar,” Michael said lowly, processing your words. His icy blue eyes narrowed at you. You could feel his power trying to claw at you, yet it felt distinctly like a kitten lick.
“Oh please, Michael, I don't lie,” you retorted unaffected, your hand grabbing the door handle and sliding into the seat, grabbing the pair of sunglasses on the dashboard and putting them on before looking at Michael, your fingers drumming on the steering wheel. This was not going nearly as well as you had planned and if you wanted to keep the plan you had set in motion rolling, you would undoubtedly need to change course, despite the fact that you loathed having to do so. Death be damned, you thought.
“I don't like repeating myself, Michael. I don't owe you any answers but perhaps I'm growing soft and the fact that you are left to your own devices, trying to figure out the single most monumental task on this rock hurtling through space has me feeling a little...sympathetic,” you stated, leaning over to push open the passenger door as a sign of goodwill.
“Tell you what, you can ask me all the questions you like, deal?”
Michael contemplated for a few seconds. He didn't like to admit it but so far he hadn't been the one to come up with any good plans that didn't involve The Omen 3 plot and his father had been absent throughout his accent so far. He didn't trust you or anybody bar Ms. Mead and yet you presented an enigma to him, one he needed to crack open. He was brilliant at problem-solving and he would solve you too, he thought to himself, a little grin creeping into the corner of his mouth. His invisible claws retracted.
“Deal. But I get to ask as many as I want,” he replied, pulling the door open all the way and plopping himself into the passenger seat beside you, arms crossed over his broad chest.
“Fine, a deal's a deal,” you groaned only halfheartedly, shooting him a grin of your own as you fired up the engine and pulled out onto the road. You really did have your work cut out for you. Lucky for Michael, he was so easy on the eyes that you didn't mind as much as you should have. You pressed the 'on' button of the radio and stifled a laugh at the song that had just started playing:
I see the bad moon a-rising I see trouble on the way I see earthquakes and lightnin' I see bad times today
Don't go around tonight Well it's bound to take your life There's a bad moon on the rise
°°° 20 Minutes later, you pulled into a parking lot, turned off the engine, hopping out of the car, and came around to Michael's side to take an unneeded but deep breath, filling your lungs with crisp evening air and the distinct smell of desert. The sun had just begun to set, a slight chill setting in and the last remaining rays illuminated Michael's blond hair in a way that reminded you an awful lot of his father before the fall. You let your gaze wander over his sitting form for a second, before lightly slapping the arm he had draped over the side of the car, lost in his own thoughts.
“Come on, Angel, we're here,“ you chided playfully, knowing it would rile the blonde man up unnecessarily. On cue, Michael's gaze shot up to meet your own, nostrils flaring at the more than holy pet name.
“Don't call me that! I'm anything but that!“ he bit out but couldn't keep the blush from creeping up his neck. He didn't like the way you made him feel. Weak and unsure of himself. No power he had encountered could match his, not even Cordelia's and then you came along. As if he wasn't already feeling insecure enough, even after having massacred the witches and warlocks, you only added to the sense that he hadn't yet achieved what he was meant to do, or be where his father expected him to be. Sensing his unease, you tussled his locks with your left hand, pulling him out of his self-induced reverie.
“There is nothing a good cake can't fix, Michael. Trust me,” you smiled at him, hoping he would pull himself together and get out the car. At the word cake, he did perk up, finally glancing behind you to look at where you had taken him.
“The Cheesecake Factory, really?” he looked up at you quizzically, disbelieving. If you were in fact Death, and he wasn't yet sure you weren't lying to him despite your overpowering aura, shouldn't you be dining in some high-class restaurant on the other end of town where they didn't even have prices on the menu?
“Are you food shaming me?” you retorted, one eyebrow shooting up.
“Err, no. It just doesn't...suit you,” Michael replied, his right hand coming to massage the back of his neck, embarrassment evident at his remark.
“Wouldn't you like to know what does and doesn't suit me. If you must know, it's kind of my thing. Don't ask me why but I just can't keep my hands off sweet things,” you explained, winking at him and only adding to his embarrassment. Before the Antichrist could slide any further down your passenger seat and be swallowed whole by the ground, you opened his door and gestured for him to get out.
“Relax. You clearly don't know how to take a joke. Come on, I can smell the cakes from here.” You turned on your heels, cape dress swishing behind you as you made your way across the parking lot to the entry. You weren't quite sure your words were meant as a joke but that was a heart-to-heart you'd have with yourself later. The only sweet thing on your mind right now was cake and soda. The slam of the car door indicated that Michael had managed to detach himself from the red leather interior and he jogged up beside you, matching your stride.
“I hope you're hungry. I'm paying,” you said, smiling with glee and making Michael chuckle. Another thing to add to your slowly growing list of likes about the spawn of Satan, you noted to your dismay.
°°° You placed the fork neatly back onto the now empty plate, devoid of even the smallest crumb, that had held an entire ultimate red velvet cake, groaning blissfully. Eyes closed, you swallowed down the last bite. Opposite you, Michael had stopped eating his pasta dish some time ago. When you had said that there is nothing a cake couldn't fix, you had meant an entire cake after all.  The hunger you felt whenever you were in a human body was not easily satiated. Something that Michael or the waiter were clearly not prepared for. Both had been watching you for the last 5 minutes, jaws slack, as piece after piece traveled on the fork and into your mouth.
“That was positively delicious,” you hummed, casting a glance at Michael, fork suspended in mid-air.
“W-would you like anything else, Miss?” the waiter stuttered, taking your plate and admiring it as if it were a rare antiquity.
“Oh no, I think I've been quite naughty enough, don't you think?” you giggled, reaching for the Fanta and taking a large sip.
“Michael, you've hardly touched your food,” you noted, your voice rousing the young man out the trance your display of gluttony had placed him under. He cleared his throat, putting the fork down, adjusting his seat on the table.
“I'm not hungry anymore.”
“Oh, ok, well in that case we'd like the bill please,” you addressed the waiter with a satisfied grin, gulping down the last remnant of orange soda in your glass.
“Hey, you said you'd answer my questions! I knew you were a liar!” Michael intercepted, trying his best to keep his voice down.
“ I don't lie, Michael. You chose to watch me enjoy some cake instead of asking questions, didn't you?” you countered, your elbows coming to rest on the table, fingers intertwining. His anger and frustration bubbled to the surface once again. If he weren't the Antichrist, you were sure he would have a heart attack by the time he hit 30. His body tensed at your statement of truth, eyes squinting menacingly at you. Yet you were right, he had been so busy watching you, he had forgotten all about the myriad of questions buzzing in his mind like moths around a flame. His eyes fluttered shut briefly, gulping down the rage that threatened to burst out his chest. You watched as the blonde man tried to gain back his composure, your finger coming to run along the rim of the empty glass in front of you.
“Michael,” you demanded. His eyes opened to meet your own and you could see his restraint hanging by a thread in them. He did have a temper and you didn't want him setting fire to your favourite restaurant just yet.
“I'm in a good mood tonight. Instead of just answering your questions, I would like to show you something that will answer almost all of them. A deal is a deal,” you tried to reason. Michael mulled your words over in his head, sizing you up while doing so.
“Oh for goodness sake, Michael! I'm not trying to manipulate you. I'm trying to help you!” you exclaimed, exasperated at his hesitance and mistrust. While you knew his beginnings on this earth weren't exactly peppered in love, warmth and trust, you couldn't afford him seeing you as the enemy. Neither could he.
“If you don't believe me, take a peek. Make it last, this will be a one-off,” you encouraged him, an invisible finger beckoning him closer and allowing him limited access to your mind momentarily. Michael's mind pushed through your doors, grazing, flitting over millennia of memories before you let him look at your core.
No lies, Michael, you see?
You eased him out and sealed the doors shut tightly once again, leaning back in your chair, the restaurant coming back into focus.
“Here's your bill, Miss. Thank you for stopping by at the Cheesecake Factory tonight,” the waiter had brought you the bill. Wordlessly, you handed him a 100$ bill, nodding your head briefly at him to suggest that he could keep the change and waited for Michael's response.
“Ok,” Michael finally replied, rolling his head on his shoulders, resulting in a gratuitous cracking sound. You weren't sure if he was entirely satisfied with your show of goodwill. Not that it mattered.
“Let's take a walk,” you suggested, getting up without even the slightest hint of a stomach after decimating an entire cake. Michael's eyes never left you and the enigma you were to him just became a lot more enticing. A boyish smirk crossed his face as he stood up to walk in front of you. At the exit, he held open the door.
“My, my Michael. Didn't take you for a gentleman,” you chuckled, gracefully pushing past him and into the cool night air.
“My Ms. Mead would expect nothing less of me,” he offered, not bothering to hide his Cheshire cat smile. You had allowed him access to your mind and the things he saw, he desperately wanted to see again. You were like a box of confectioneries to him. For once in his life, his pride and ever-growing sense of entitlement took the backseat.  He felt like he had finally met someone of his own caliber and the feeling was exhilarating to him. You weren't his father but you were the next best thing and best of all, right in front of him.
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@sexwon131​ @leatherduncan​ @rocketgirl2410​
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unholyeverything · 3 years
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I finally made one of those again, and I wanted to share and actually tell you the whole story of my art since this is actually my 10th year of drawing, believe me or not :3 This is also actually the biggest audience I ever had and I’m so grateful for all of you, and for Obey Me! to stumble into my life because, you will see, I completely lost motivation and any ideas to actually draw in the years prior. I am so grateful for all that’s happened, and thank you for being here with me! I found friends here again that I wouldn’t give up for anything, they make me feel better about myself and what I do and I’m gonna cry on you. I love you ;A; Feel free to read through the rest I put them under the cut. But I’m really proud of what I achieved that year. I finally found my love for drawing again. DiaLuci gives me serotonin, I made some OCs that I love and that are the most detailed I ever made. And I also drew the most detailed pics I ever made, you can see under the cut how little backgrounds I drew, and now looking at this, I made one extremely detailed one each month. I had to figure out a style I enjoy again, which I luckily did, but I also still like to experiment and not stick to one thing, but I enjoyed trying out new stuff! I put more effort and detail in again, and I really hope I will keep this up even when I start work, I really hope I will! I’d be sad. I finally enjoy this again, I finally have ideas again. I’m feeling so much better, so thank you all for that!
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I fist started drawing in 2011, when I was 12. I started since I joined the warriors fandom as my aunt gifted me one of the books and they had a like to an online forum that was handled by the publisher. So I signed up there with my parents permission obviousely. Don’t let any 12 year olds on other sites, thank you. I joined DeviantART when I was 13 and allowed to. I’m a good kid. But anyways, I drew a lot of animals, mostly cats and dogs thanks to that. I also drew a lot in the beginning, so many ideas and I had a few friends that supported me too, it was nice and made me want to keep going.
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2012 was the same, and I still think the first few years when you start are the ones you have the highest spike in improvement. Still drew a lot each month, started to draw lots of chibis as well. I never really studied anatomy, only watching a few colouring tutorials. I just wanted to have fun.
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I started to get better at colouring this year and started to add lots more datails and spend longer on the drawings, still drew lots and lots.
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I’m still fully set on 2014 being the best year in my past, especially for colouring. I put so much effort into everything. But this was also the year where it went down. Some things happened online and I just started to lose interest as I left the fandom. I drew less and less, mostly only one-two things each month. Also since I barely had an audience I started to let that get to me which was stupid, I started to think why should I spend hours and hours drawing something none will look at anyways, so I looked for ways to make my colouring more simpler and put in less details again.
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This started to be very noticeable in the year after that. I only had one picture to chose from each month, if at all. I just really started to loose motivation, especially with no ideas as to what to draw. Mostly OCs and occasionally some fanart for an anime that I like. Don’t ask me what October is supposed to be it was the only thing I made that month idk. 
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2016 was a really bad year. I just didn’t know what to do with myself and my art anymore. I also started uni so that took some of my time, but not that much, during my holidays between end of school and beginning of Uni from July til October I also didn’t draw much. I only tried a lot of new things, simplifying and not being happy with anything that I made. Aside from November I don’t like any of those pictures. But as I sad, I was just lost and had no ideas anymore, I didn’t feel good about the things I made but I kept going, forcing myself to draw at least once in a while so I don’t completely forget how it works.
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2017 I felt inspired again, making up that extremely colourful style that I adapted now again, it gave me serotonin and at least I liked what I was making again. I drew a lot more in the beginning of the year two, just enjoying slapping colour on everything. But I lost motivation pretty soon, I also felt kind of lonely now that I think about it, I wasn’t super sad but I didn’t really had anyone to talk to, breaking up with my toxic ass friends about half a year before school ended and I didn’t really find anyone in uni that I was close with. I just sat around after classes and watched anime until I dropped to bed pretty early everyday. I’m still proud of my very strict sleeping schedule, that happened mostly because I had no reason to stay up :D But anyways, there are a lot of month, strangely enough my big break months where I didn’t draw at all, I probably was too lazy and exhausted.
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Best. Year. Of. Drawing. Peridot. Outdid myself. Very much art. So good. Had so many ideas, tried three new styles just to go back to the old one for the redraw because I wasn’t happy with them. So much improvement. It’s amazing how much I did that year. Idk. I probably was mentally dead and watched even more anime. Though I also did that in years I drew a lot. Idk. 
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2019 was a lot better then the year before. I missed drawing but still didn’t have a lot of ideas. But I joined instagram for a short time and there were a lot of these “Draw this in your style” that provided me with ideas, and I really enjoyed doing those. I tried digital painting for the first time then and I’m still super proud of what I did in January. I also tried to work more with watercolour in this year. I spend more time and attention with colouring again, working and changing my style a bit. I still really like what I drew last year! I also have a weird obsession with eyeballs and I can fit three pairs on a face and it still looks okay, can you tell? I didn’t drew much this year but I like the quality I made I guess? Motivation ran out pretty quickly though, and that might be because I also did creative work for university so that could’ve played into it. And now off to 2021 :3
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wrestlingisfake · 3 years
Double or Nothing preview
Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara & Santana & Ortiz & Jake Hager vs. MJF & Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler & Shawn Spears & Wardlow - This is a "Stadium Stampede" match, so the contest will start in a wrestling ring set up on the 50-yard line of TIAA Bank Field. There are no disqualifications and falls count anywhere, so basically both teams can brawl all over the stadium until one guy scores a pin or submission on someone from the other team. If the Pinnacle (MJF's team) wins, then Jericho's Inner Circle will be forced to disband forever.
The Jericho/MJF rivalry has been brewing since the fall of 2019, when the subject of MJF joining the Inner Circle was broached. MJF (and Wardlow) finally joined up a year later, but it was all a plot to destroy the group from within to make way for the Pinnacle. The original five members of the Inner Circle stayed together and collectively turned babyface. The Pinnacle defeated the Inner Circle in a "blood & guts" cage match, where Jericho suffered a real dislocation in his elbow, but the Inner Circle demanded another chance to settle the score. So MJF challenged them to this match, knowing that Jericho's squad lost the first Stadium Stampede last year.
The first stadium match worked because they took full advantage of the format to do a lot of wacky comedy and absurd brawling spots. I don't think these teams can replicate that here, and really shouldn't try. They'll be better off focusing on the brutality of this blood feud and the dangers of an unfamiliar environment. Last year's match was all about finding new things to jump off of that nobody ever used in a wrestling match before. This one should be about finding new ways to hurt people.
I can't see the Inner Circle actually breaking up here, because there's a lot more left for them to do. In theory you could do it and just have Jericho keep targeting MJF all on his own. But they also still need to do Santana & Ortiz vs. Harwood & Wheeler, and Guevara vs. Spears, and I'd even be up for Hager vs. Wardlow. So it makes more sense to just give the Inner Circle the win here, although I can't deny that it's possible they could surprise me.
Kenny Omega vs. PAC vs. Orange Cassidy - This is a three-way match for Omega's AEW men's world championship, so the first man to score a fall on either opponent wins the match and the title. Omega's other championships--the Impact world title and AAA mega title--are not at stake.
As far as I can tell this match was always supposed to be a three-way. A Pac vs. Cassidy match on May 12 was set to decide Omega's next challenger and booked to go a time-limit draw. Omega would then argue that neither man won a title match, only to be overruled and have to face both of them, in a bit we've seen a million times. However, in the match Orange got legit knocked out. So instead of just declaring Pac the winner and sole challenger, which would make more sense anyway, they had to do some wacky hijinx to get back on the stupid track to their stupid draw to do the stupid trope for a stupid three-way.
So yeah, I'm not thrilled with this match, because nothing about it is more interesting to me than if the May 12 match had a winner and this match was one-on-one. Orange just beating Pac to earn the biggest match of his career would have been cool. Orange losing to Pac, so that it takes longer for him to prove he belongs in the main event, would have been cool. But a three-way just says to me "we don't think either of these challengers is a credible draw on their own, and you won't either after they both lose at the same time." Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if WWE hadn't run this sort of thing into the ground, but they did.
Anyway, Omega probably steals a pin from Orange, and the announcers all squabble with Don Callis for 25 minutes. I would really like to see this Omega heel run actually start going somewhere.
Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson vs. Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston - The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick) are defending the AEW tag team title. The Moxley-Kingston alliance came about when Eddie set aside their differences to rescue Mox from the exploding ring on March 7. But the ring didn't explode, so both of them wanted to beat up Kenny Omega for embarrassing them. But they couldn't get at Omega becaue his faction kept getting in the way, and then the Bucks turned on Moxley to join Omega's faction. So Moxley and Kingston started targeting the Bucks, and by the time they stole the Bucks' fancy designer sneakers we had a title match.
I think I actually find the Bucks less irritating as heels than as babyfaces. When they're bad guys, they spend half of their time being all insider-y, like "WOW THAT SURE WAS AN EVIL THING WE JUST DID, THAT SURE WILL GET SOME 'HEEL' 'HEAT' FROM THE 'MARKS' LOL." But when they're good guys, they devote that time to being all "WOW THIS SURE WOULD BE A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR A 'HEEL' 'TURN' BUT WE'RE NOT GOING TO DO IT YET YOU 'MARKS' LOL." At least now they're supposed to be annoying.
The biggest missing piece in the Bucks' current heel run has been a team that won't take their crap and just punches each of them in the mouth. So Moxley and Kingston are really the perfect opponents for them right now. Like, I really buy that the Bucks have bitten off more than they can chew here. But I also believe that Mox and Eddie's deathmathch powers won't save them if they get cold spray in their eyes. So it averages out to an even fight, which I like.
I wouldn't book the Bucks to drop the title at this particular time, but I can see where it'd be hot for Moxley and Kingston to cement their bond as a team and get a short title run to set up a rematch.
Hikaru Shida vs. Britt Baker - Baker is challenging for the AEW women's world title, which Shida has held for just over a year. It's been a tough run for Shida, being booked as a dominant champion in an empty building, while Baker got all the glory of getting built up as a cult favorite heel. The fandom is impatient for a title change, and specifically for Baker to get the belt. I knew all along that we'd get here eventually, and the long wait would build it up, but it still feels hotter than I expected.
I kind of want to consider the possibility of Shida surprising everyone by retaining. But I think fans would be genuinely pissed if that happened, after waiting so long to see Baker's "coronation." So this is definitely one match where the "predictable" outcome is the right one. Baker should win the title and feud with all the faces she clobbered to get here for the next year. Shida should have to climb her way up to a big rematch down the line.
Sting & Darby Allin vs. Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page - Sky and Page sort of got thrown together because they both have the same "bellyache about not getting opportunities" gimmick. To that end, they both targeted Darby Allin, but instead of challenging him for the TNT championship they caused him to lose it to Miro. So now they're going to get their asses beat by Darby and his buddy Sting, while Miro gets a big PPV title match. You guys might want to review your strategy.
When Sting joined AEW with the intent to work matches, I think everybody assumed he'd just do "cinematic" matches like the pre-taped brawl on the March 7 show. However, AEW went out of their way to say this will be a normal tag team match in the arena, live in front of the fans. It'll be his first "real" match since September 20, 2015, when a bad bump forced him to retire. I sure hope they know what they're doing.
It's conceivable that Page and Sky will get the win, but it makes more sense to me for Allin to get the momentum on his way to rematch with Miro. Also, I think they'll want to give the live crowd a feel-good moment with Sting getting his hand raised.
Miro vs. Lance Archer - Miro won the TNT championship from Darby Allin a couple of weeks ago, and now Allin's busy with Pafge and Sky so that clears the way for Archer to step up and demand a shot. I felt like neither of these guys got their full due in WWE/NJPW, so it's especially rewarding to see them both get pushed in AEW and then beat the crap out of each other in a MEAN GUY MATCH~!
The money is in building to a Miro vs. Allin rematch for the title, so I don't think Archer is winning the belt and I sure don't think Miro is losing it this early. So this isn't about who'll win so much as it's about BIG MEATY MEN...SLAPPING MEAT.
Cody Rhodes vs. Anthony Ogogo - Ogogo won the bronze medal for middleweight boxing in the 2012 Olympics, but of late he's been training at the wrestling school started by Cody Rhodes and QT Marshall. Then QT turned on Cody, taking several students with him to form a faction called "The Factory." Cody got revenge on Marshall, but Ogogo hit Cody with his deadly body blow. Cody can out-wrestle Ogogo, but it won't matter if Ogogo lands that one punch again.
That's what the story of the match actually is. For some reason, Cody thinks it has to do with whether the United States sucks or rules. Basically, this is the same time of year that the Great American Bash would be held, and Cody wants to take up his dad's "The American Dream" moniker for one night weekend only, so that's how he's justifying it. So yeah.
Cody's storylines seem to operate in a parallel universe from the rest of AEW, but if you go along with that and buy what he's selling, it works. I can't decide if it's more important to deliver the happy ending for the white-meat babyface or to put heat on the up-and-coming future star. It probably depends on whether Ogogo's ready for a sustained push, and we won't know that until we see how he performs in this match.
Hangman Page vs. Brian Cage - This match actually relates to the company's rankings, in that Page was the #1 contender until a loss to Cage knocked him down a peg. So the inevitable rise of Page to complete his story arc by challenging his ex-partner for the world title can't proceed becaue Brian Cage is in the way. That's enough to get me motivated.
Cage has been lowkey teasing a face turn since he and Ricky Starks lost to Sting and Darby Allin. That's mainly important because Page is playing into that, suggesting he expected more integrity from Cage than the rest of Team Taz and daring him not to bring his goons to the match. It feels natural for Cage to lose this match because he refuses to accept help from his heel allies, who then turn on him for doing the right thing. Then again, Cage could just win to send Page spiraling further into despair and drag that issue out a while longer. But I really hope we're done with that.
21-man Casino Battle Royale - This is a gauntlet battle royale with timed entry, sort of like WWE's Royal Rumble, but five wrestlers start the match and every three minutes another five enter, until the 21st man enters alone. Once a wrestler enters the match, he can be eliminated at any time by exiting the ring over the top rope and landing on the floor. The match can only end once everyone has entered, and all but one is eliminated; the last man in the ring wins the match and a future world title shot.
Twenty of the 21 participants have been announced: Anthony Bowens, The Blade, Brian Pillman Jr., Christian Cage, Colt Cabana, Dustin Rhodes, Evil Uno, Griff Garrison, Isiah Kassidy, Jungle Boy, Lee Johnson, Marq Quen, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal, Max Caster, Nick Comoroto, Penta El 0M, Powerhouse Hobbs, Preston Vance, and QT Marshall. The final participant hasn't been named; I'm guessing he'll just happen to enter last as luck #21.
A lot of AEW's factions are represented in this match, but the Hardy Family Office stands out for getting four of their guys (Blade, Hardy, Quen, and Kassidy) in this thing. I'm interested to see if that plays into the story of the match. But the heavy favorites have to be Christian Cage (a big acquisition that is already on track for a title match later this year) and whoever the mystery man is. Of course, last year's surprise entrant was Matt Sydal, so don't assume this one is going to be a huge deal.
Serena Deeb vs. Riho - Deeb is defending the NWA women's world championship on the pre-show. We haven't seen a lot of either of these women lately, because Deeb was out with an injury and Riho's international travel has been severely limited by the pandemic. (The NWA itself has also been out of commission for months, but they're back and probably anxious to book the winner of this match on one of their shows.)
So this match feels like it came out of nowhere, but it still manages to feel important. I mean, Riho ought to be the favorite, but doing a title change with another group's belt is no small thing. I'm really not sure what's going to happen, which is more buzz than I usually get for a pre-show match.
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whenrockwasyoung19 · 4 years
It’s Time to Talk about a Bespectacled Elephant in the Room
I’ve been in the Beatles fandom for 8 and a half years. I have had a Beatles blog for the entirety of those 8 and a half years, and I have watched as discourse about these four men evolve. The discourse inside and outside the fandom has become so toxic that I don’t think I can engage with it in the same way that I could before. Let me explain. 
When I entered this fandom 8 and a half years ago, it was in 2012, quite an infamous year in tumblr history. That was the pique of “”cringey”” fandom culture. The Beatles fandom was as steeped in fandom culture as any other fandom. I know this because I was part of two of the top of fandoms at the time, Doctor Who and Sherlock. Believe me, I have seen cringe. 
The fandom at the time was totally aware of the John, Paul, George, and Ringo’s flaws as individuals, but most fans tended to simply enjoy Beatles fandom as if it were the 60s. Some might call it ignorant bliss. If you asked me at the time, I’d have said it was self-aware ignorant bliss--if that even makes sense. At the time, there wasn’t a person with a Beatles icon who hadn’t heard the line “John Lennon beat his wife.” Everyone knew it, but everyone also knew the real story, and so everyone just made peace with it. As a result, people didn’t think about every bad thing the Beatles ever did on a daily basis. It was more like a once-a-month kind of thing. Otherwise, fandom discourse was quite fun and relaxed. There were no shipping wars, no one fought over who was the best Beatle, everyone gushed over the Beatles wives, and we all just had fun with fics and fan art. 
Of course, in this period, people engaged in conversations about one bespectacled Beatles problematic behavior. These conversations usually came from outside of the fandom. It was usually randos coming into the tags or into someone’s ask box and ranting about John Lennon’s violent behavior. Some of it came from within the fandom. Some people really didn’t like John and gave others shit if they listed John as their favorite Beatle. A lot of the discourse boiled down to: ‘hey, I see you like John Lennon. You should know that he beat his wife. And now that you know that, you should feel bad about ever liking him in the first place.’ And the response was often, ‘Actually, John Lennon didn’t beat his wife. They weren’t even married at the time. And also he didn’t beat her, he slapped her once in the face, and then never did it again.’ No one’s minds were changed. The fans had made their peace, and the antis came off as cynical and pretentious. 
When Dashcon happened, and Tumblr took a hard look at its cringey fandom culture, the Beatles fandom evolved as well. The fandom became, frankly, less fun. It no longer felt like a group of people who found the Beatles decades after the 60s and were fangirling like it was 1965. There was still some of that left, but a lot of it kind of faded. So, most fandom interactions were reblogging pictures of the Beatles from the 60s and various interview clips and quotes. But the barrage of antis never really went away, and the response didn’t evolve. 
Then, the advent of cancel culture came on. I always waited for the Beatles to get, like, officially canceled, but I also felt they were uncancel-able at the same time. Let me explain. I have been a Beatles fan primarily in an online space, rarely engaging with fans in real life. But I have met fans who are life-long Beatles fans, people who are a lot older than us and who’s fandom isn’t tied to the internet. They don’t give a shit about any of our discourse. They may or may not have heard it before, but they seem totally indifferent to all of it. I’m sure most of them have never heard ‘Mclennon’ before. These are the people that flock to see Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr in concert (and pay astronomical prices for it). These are the people who go to record shops and buy vinyl. These are the people I run into at flea markets who buy up all the Beatles merch before I can even arrive (true story). So, the Beatles will never be canceled because there will always be people who love the Beatles and don’t engage with online discourse. Rarely said, but thank god for Gen-X. 
As cancel culture took over the internet, fandoms changed. It’s not as noticeable in fandoms without problematic favs. For instance, I’m also steeped in the Tom Holland fandom, and that boy is a little angel who has done no wrong. No one has discourse about the unproblematic boy who plays an equally unproblematic character. But in fandoms with ‘problematic favs’ the mood has shifted. I’m also in the Taron Egerton fandom. Taron Egerton, for those who only follow me for my Beatles stuff, is a genuinely sweet and kind person who has had zero scandals in his six year career. There were some rumblings when he was cast as Elton John, and some people took issue with the fact that he’s a straight man playing a gay man. This discourse seemed to die quickly as a whole lot of straight people played gay people in that same year (Olivia Coleman as queer Queen Anne, Emma Stone as her queer lover, Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury). Why jump on this boy who at the time was still technically on the rise. He’s not exactly the same target as someone like Scarlett Johansson who has her pick of roles. Taron doesn’t have quite that some power in Hollywood, and I think most people made peace with the fact that this was a big role for him, and it’s not really fair to take that away from him. So, all in all, the closest thing to a scandal was something that died pretty much on arrival. 
That was until this summer when everything changed. When George Floyd was murdered, celebrities flocked to social media to mourn his loss. Taron’s social media account was silent. For weeks, Taron said nothing about Black Lives Matter or Floyd’s death. This caused outrage in the fandom. Many raced to defend him, starting a hashtage #IstandwithTaron. Others sought to tear him down and anyone who supported him. The kind of mania this one incident caused tore through an otherwise peaceful fandom. What I saw was two sides in a total panic. The antis were people who once had faith that Taron was a good person and were now questioning that. Andthe defenders were people who desperately wanted him to be a good person and were afraid that he wasn’t. In essence, both sides could feel Taron about to get canceled. The defenders wanted to stop it, the antis wanted to ride that wave. 
What this long drawn out Taron example is meant to convey: is that cancel culture has put fandoms on edge. One’s fav has to be perfect, otherwise it can jeopardize the existence of the entire fandom. I’ll admit, I was afraid that I’d be some kind of pariah for standing by Taron through all of this. My actions were to basically reason with the antis but still defend Taron. I defend him mostly because I felt that his silence was the result of a needed social media absence and that trying to shame him back onto social media was an invasion of privacy. But I was genuinely afraid that he would get canceled, and the fun of the Taron fandom would be lost. 
In the Beatles fandom, it often feels like the Beatles, mainly John, have already been canceled. I see this coming from two different sources: antis from outside of the fandom and antis within the fandom. The outside antis are just the same as the ones from 2012. These are people who like to drop in that John Lennon beat his wife, posting this in the tag (which violates an ancient tumblr real by the way--no hate in the tags). 
The antis outside the fandom speak to a larger anti-John Lennon sentiment online. I see references to John Lennon ‘beating his wife’  on Tiktok and twitter. The tone of anti-John Lennon posts has shifted. Before, it felt like the antis were being smug but also argumentative. They wanted to have a conversation about this bit of info they read on Reddit with no context. Now, “John Lennon beating his wife” is practically a meme. It’s a running joke online that John Lennon was a wife beater. I can’t look on my instagram explore page because every so often a John Lennon beats his wife meme will pop up amongst the other, normal, memes.
This change in discourse suggests that the internet has just accepted this as fact now. I should note that back in 2012, it seemed as if few people knew this fact. The fandom knew it, and these random antis knew it, but few others did. Now, because of how common these memes are, it seems to be widespread knowledge.
Consequently, the Beatles fandom, who used to ward off attacks from antis, seems to have given in. I recently saw a post from a Beatles blog (had the URL and icon and everything) that confessed they felt guilty for listening to the Beatles, and I’ve seen similar sentiments expressed in the fandom. People tend to put disclaimers in posts about John or even all four that John is an ‘awful man.’ It seems like the self-aware ignorant bliss has completely gone away. Occasionally, I still see posts joyously talking about Mclennon or reblogs of old photos from the 60s. But the culture has shifted. 
Online, it no longer feels comfortable to be a Beatles fan. It feels like you have to own up to 8 decades of mistakes by four men you’ve never met. And, I should note, this is kind of how it feels to be a fan of anything right now. Taron is not canceled today, but he could be tomorrow. It’s this pervasive feeling of guilt that the person you’re supporting may or definitely has or is doing something wrong.
I’ll admit this uncomfortable feeling has expanded into other parts of my fandom life. I listen to their music, and I feel elated--the way I always have. Then, I get these intrusive thoughts which sound like all the worst parts of Twitter combined. It wasn’t always like this. Back in 2012, when I knew almost nothing about them, I saw them as four young men who were full of happiness, love for another, and talent. Back then, listening to their music was exciting and joyous. Sometimes, I fear that I can never feel that way again. Next year, when I finally go to Liverpool, will I be filled with excitement or guilt? 
I say all this for a few reasons. One, I love John Lennon. I appreciate all the good he did for the world not just as a musician and an artist but also his advocacy and charity work. I love him, and a part of me will always love him, but observing the change in discourse has enlightened me as a historian. Part of my job is to observe people’s legacies, and John’s is perhaps the most interesting legacy I’ve ever observed. When he died, he was hailed as a saint. But tall poppy syndrome set in, and the antis started. This culture grew and grew to the point where it seems to, at least among the younger generation, taken over the sainthood. 
But as a historian and a fan, I have never seen the saint or the devil. I’ve only seen the man, the incredibly flawed man. The thing that these antis never understand is that John Lennon was painfully aware of his own flaws to the point where it made him all the more self-destructive. In essence, his past mistakes caused him to make additional mistakes. But John, aware of his own flaws, always tried to change and was often successful. I’ve talked about this before, but John demonstrated that he was capable of being a good person, like properly so, again and again. After he struck Cynthia, he never hit her again. His shortcomings as a father to Julian weren’t repeated with Sean. He worked on his drinking, his drug addiction, and his anger, trying to overcome those demons till the day he died. By all accounts, the John Lennon that died in 1980 is not the John Lennon who struck Cynthia Powell at school. That John Lennon was living a cleaner, healthier life. He was a better father to both his sons by that point, and was trying to repair his relationship with Julian. He was a good husband to Yoko and saw himself living a long and happy life. 
John Lennon cannot and should not be boiled down to just his flaws. It’s one thing as a fan to acknowledge that John is a flawed human being (news flash: they all are), but he is also much bigger than that. 
So once again, why am I writing this long, rambling post, once again talking about John Lennon’s virtues? Because if I can’t engage with healthy discourse about the Beatles and John Lennon, then I can’t engage with discourse on the topic at all. So, I probably will post less Beatles stuff because I find it hard to go through the tags or even my dash (well, I can’t really go through my dash anymore for other reasons I’m not going to get into right now). If any of my followers have noticed a lot of Taron posts lately, it’s not just because I love Taron, it’s because Taron’s  tag is pretty much the only location on tumblr I feel 100% comfortable in. Any foray into John or the Beatles tags becomes uncomfortable and guilt-ridden quickly. 
So, I probably will post less about the Beatles until I can find a blog or a tag that doesn’t give me bad vibes. My fandom will likely outgrow tumblr and the internet. I have a ton of Beatles books; maybe I’ll rely on those. I am doing official scholarly research on them now. Maybe that will be my outlet. I’m sorry if I post less about them now, but it’s really for my own well-being. 
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theturtlelovers · 4 years
Sentence Prompts
Specify the gender of the reader.
Maximum amount of characters is two.
Say who the sentence is directed towards.
Tell the relationship status between the reader and the turtle(s).
And what universe they’re from. (I can do, 2007, 2012, and bayverse)
00. “**Your Custom Sentence*” 1. Your hair is so soft.” 2. “It’s too cold! Come back!” 3.  “No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.” 4. “C’mere, you can sit on my lap until I’m done working.” 5. “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.” 6. “Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.” 7. “What? Does that feel good?” 8. “Just pretend to be my date.” 9. “He/she did it!” “No, he/she did it!” 10. “I think I’m in love with you and that terrifies me.” 11. “No no- it’s alright, come here.” 12. “I’m not going to leave you. You’re never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise.” 13. “Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone.” 14. “If I could, I would kiss away all of your scars.” 15. “I think I might be falling in love with you.” 16. “Your lips are so soft. I could kiss them all day.” 17. “It’s not bad to cry. In fact, I think it makes a person stronger.” 18. “Mmm... you’re warm.” 19. “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this.” 20. “I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with.” 21. “No, you can’t get up! You’re my prisoner for today.” 22. “Shh, it was just a bad dream. Just a dream, okay? None of it was real.” 23.“You know I’m always here for you, right?” 24. “Please talk to me about it.” 25. “You have something in your hair. Um- do you want me to get it out?” 26. “I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror...” 27. “I would’ve had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm and I didn’t want to wake you.” 28. “I know I’ve kissed you like, ten times, but can I just like, have another ten, please.” 29. “I can’t believe I got the date, let alone a year.” 30. “I’m crying on the bathroom floor, how do you think I feel?” 31. “Why don’t you touch me anymore?” 32. “Turn around around and say that to my face!” 33. “I need your forgiveness.” 34. “I can’t promise you that.” 35. “I missed you.” 36. “Promise me you will come back... I need you to promise me.” 37. “Do you trust me?” 38. “You’re the most amazing, incredible, beautiful being I’ve ever met.” 39. “It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.” 40. “Wait, don’t pull away... Not yet.” 41. “From the first second I saw you, I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were.” 42. “Could you hold my hand?” 43. “You can’t leave without letting me hug you first.” 44. “You can call me whenever you want, even if you don’t have a reason to.” 45. “I really want to kiss you right now.” 46. “Don’t touch what’s not fucking yours.” 47. “Calm down! You’re scaring me!” 48. “Let him/her go, please! I’m the one you want!”
Semi NSFW:
01. “**Your Custom Sentence**” 49. “I’m still sore from last night.” 50. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?” 51. “You don’t need to cover up the bruises/hickeys.” 52. “Can I at least take off my shoes before you pounce on me?” 53. “I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to kiss you senseless right now.” 54. “Does your ass even fit in those jeans?” 55. “Are you trying to turn me on or are you just that oblivious?” 56. “Did you just slap my ass?” 57. “I hate that you’re mad at me, but you look so hot right now.”
02. “**Your Custom Sentence**” 58. “Forget the bed. Let’s do it right here.” 59. “Stop teasing!” 60. “Are you trying to turn me on? Because it’s working.” 61. “Are you going to eye fuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?” 62. “Try to keep quiet. We don’t want to get caught.” 63. “You heard me. Take. It. Off.” 64. “It was so worth the injury though!” 65. “Did you just look me up and down and then bite your lips. ‘Cause if you did we’re having sex. Right now.” 66. “Your ass is going to be seven different shades of red after that little stunt.” 67. “It’s sex, not an Olympic sport. I promise I can handle it.” 68. “Is there anything you can’t do with that tongue?” 69. “Oh god, how can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a minute?” 70. “I’m really hard/wet and I’m gonna die if you don’t do something about it ASAP.” 71. “Don’t hold back, baby.” 72. “...Or we could just get naked.” 73. “I’ll be gentle, I promise.” 74. “Just relax.” 75. “Cum for me baby.” 76. “Come over here and make me.” 77. “I can’t see your beautiful body with this over my eyes.” 78. “Oh fuck, don’t stop!” 79. “Lay back and let me take care of you.” 80. “There’s only one rule. You can’t use your hands.” 81. “First one to moan loses.” 82. “Are you sure? Once I start, I might not be able to stop.” 83. “The things I want to do to you, baby.” 84. “How about you come help me out, huh?” 85. “What do you mean not yet? You can’t expect me not to cum when you’re fucking me so good!” 86. “Oh my god, do that again!” 87. “Could he/she make you feel as good as I do?” 88. “Were you just masturbating?” 89. “You look angry. How about you take all that energy and put it to good use?” 90. “Wanna try that again, sweetheart?”
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