#im up at midnight thinking about this mf
chuulyssa · 2 months
​​🇸​​ 🇵 ​​🇦 ​​🇳 ​​🇰​​ !
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↷ A/N ─ as usual please leave likes and reblogs to show support :D i love spoiling you guys !! now please tell me to go study i need some motivation :(
★ FT. ─ dazai , chuuya , ranpo , akutagawa , fyodor
!! TAGS ─ spanking, mentions of smut
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momentarily surprised but quickly recovers
smiles and turns to you
it's like you just gave him a treat :D you can almost see his tail wagging as if he's a dog (he hates dogs btw grrr)
he believes that you spanking his ass gives HIM permission to do the same to YOU :( how mean of him
so he catches you off guard by spanking your ass
and you two end up chasing each other down to take turns spanking each other. whoever loses does the dishes tonight
"You've been very good today; you even completed your punishment for provoking me," he says, engulfing you in a cuddle after you returned from doing the dishes.
chokes on air this time (yes chuuya chokes in every single scenario of mine but he's the one choking you at night so its ok !! :D)
he's surprised because wtf?? he's the one supposed to be doing that conventionally????
defo spanks you back but tries to be as soft as possible because he's a gentleman
i think this is already an hc but he's an ass guy so once you've spanked him don't think he's gonna leave u at all
i did say his spanks are gonna be as soft as he can make them be but i never said how many 🤪😇
"Count," he hisses. It's midnight, and you're at his mercy. After his long and hard day at work, he needs something to relieve his stress.
stops your hand mid-air because duh he already knew about what you were gonna do
twists and turns and ends up holding your ass and squeezing it
all the while you're like wtf is wrong with you
his eyes make it look like he's enjoying it sm :( such a kitty cat
im still mad they didn't give us a whole separate scene for his ass :< anyone who's read the manga, any pics you wanna share? 👁
"You need to buy me extra candy for putting up with your stupidity," he rolls his eyes, pinching your cheek.
his reflexes immediately act and you see rashomon from the back of his coat
but then he realizes its you...
well now you have :D his poor virgin ass
not a virgin anymore once he started dating you u horny ass mf /lh
he has literally no idea how to reply to that
he just shrugs cluelessly
"I guess I should return the favour?" he tries to sound confident but ends up delivering the lightest, most gentle spank. He doesn't want to hurt you. He loves you.
one, because he's another virgin (virgin slander less gaurr 💪🏻 even tho im one myself; its the self burn guys !!)
and two, for the last time STOP. MESSING. WITH. HIS. RELIGIOUS. SELF.
you're SATAN in his eyes, trying to distract him and make him sin (as if he isn't a murderer and a terrorist cough cough)
if we're being delusional enough he'll leave the room with a faint pink on his cheeks 🤡
definitely returns the favour at night 🤭🤭 (only if you're married tho!!)
"My sole undivided attention is all yours now," he hits your ass again. "Anything to say? Hm? Why not? You were all for giggling at my face today. What's wrong now?"
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© chuulyssa 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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starryhunbun · 1 year
It's midnight and I can't sleep because i have yet again thoughts to share. I just came to think of something unsettling and it's bothering me so much that I just couldn't continue with my life without shari g this with anyone.
I'm German. So when it comes to things that are somehow connected to germany, I’ll know it. And I'll be like "Oh, yeah I know that too, that's funny".
Example: when Wednesday started speaking German (sort of).
I also watch and read blue lock. So when this mf came up:
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Micheal fucking Kaiser who speaks german just like we can see in this panel ("auf die Knie"/eng: kneel), I was like oh, yeah makes sense he's playing for one of the most popular and successful football Clubs of Germany. Hell, members of my family are huge Bayern München fans (that's the original name btw, not bastard munchen). So naturally he speaks german. His name is so painfully German too, my old teacher's name was Misses Kaiser so yeah. The only thing more German than this is if his name was Müller.💀
But that's not what this is about.
This is not about the fact that he is German.
This is about the fact that he is from fucking Munich and it just hit me recently when I thought back to my own visit there while going through my pictures. It's beautiful there, really. A regular big city in Germany. Whatever.
Just like people from Texas have an accent, people from Munich, the very place the bastard munchen players come from, have an ACCENT. Of course not everyone and all that but still. THIS ACCENT EXISTS AND I FORGOT ABOUT IT AND NOW I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT.
(no hate to those who have it, it's totally normal. I just dont understand yall😃 I feel like this)
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For those who cant imagine the impact of this dialect I found a good video to show the difference between standard German and Bavaria dialect. The girl in the white speaks with dialect Btw.
Part 1 || Part 2
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vertigoed · 1 year
Midnight runner || Gamer!Megumi Fushiguro
Megumi's days were usually consumed with exorcising curses, but when he wasn't fighting demons, he retreated to his room, spending hours on end gaming. For him, there was no greater thrill than killing randoms online and watching his ranking go up. But just when he thought he had seen it all, he met you - the most maddening and infuriating troll he had ever come across in a game. Little did he know that your unlikely encounter would change the course of his life forever.
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Megumi popped open a can of beer and leaned over his desk to start up his monitor. As the LED lights flickered and the gears started to buzz, he closed all his curtains to make his room pitch black except for the blinding monitor screen.
An impatient sigh escaped his lips. He wished he were paid more so he could upgrade his setup. He had only bought this computer a couple of years ago, but it was already starting to lag.
He sat himself down, tapping his long fingers on the desk while waiting for the screen to load. He opened up Discord to see if any of his online friends were logged on.
Much to his dismay, none of his three friends was online that day.
He was contemplating which game to play, stuck between Rust, Call of Duty, or Stardew Valley. He ultimately decided to play Rust, a multiplayer survival game that involved hunting for resources, building up bases, and killing and raiding other players.
After what felt like an eternity, the server finally loaded and his character appeared on the screen. He quickly began running to his base to gear up before he gets killed.
"Hellooooo, FushiMegu!"
His eyebrow perked up at the female's voice calling his username and turned his character around to see who it was.
It was a naked player with the username Honeymommy98. She had nothing on her except for a wooden stick which meant he didn't have to worry about being killed as she was probably a newbie.
He decided to ignore her and continued to run to his base, soon noticing that the female player was still following him.
"Hey, wait up Fushi! Do you want to hear me sing?
Is she a troll? he thinks to himself, disgruntled at the fact that he was already getting harassed in his first game in months. He had just recovered from a brutal head injury after battling a first-grade curse, and this was the last thing he needed.
Couldn't he just play in peace? Life was already difficult enough dealing with Yuji and Gojo on a daily basis, he didn't need another troll annoying him in his downtime.
He pressed down on the volume button so that he could speak, "Fuck off," he said into his mic.
"Please, I've been killed eight times already! I just want to team up with someone-"
"I'm happy to make this your ninth time getting killed then," he replied stoically.
"That hurt my feelings!"
He didn't answer and kept going, a string of curses leaving his mouth when he realised that she was still following him. "I told you to stop following me you weirdo," this time his character throws several punches at the girl, causing her to bleed.
"You're going to make me cry, pleasee Fushimegu, you seem angry today, let me do a little performanc-"
Megumi grabbed a rock from the ground and smashed it against the player's head, causing her to die instantly in the process. He smirked at the dead character on the ground and continued his journey to his base which was located in the furthest corner of the map.
Once he entered his base which took him months to build, he began gearing his character up with a bulletproof vest and an M4 gun. His eyes drifted to the game chat screen that was popping up in the corner.
Honeymommy98: @ Fushimegu I'm coming for you, how dare you kill me like that when I'm talking to you!
Honeymommy98: fr im going to raid ur base watch ur back mf
Megumi scoffed at the ridiculousness of this person, wondering if she was like this with anyone who killed her. Seriously, it was as if she was playing just to solely pick fights with people.
Sugugu666: This monkey bitch still trolling the game? Thought you would give up after I killed you for the fifth time lol.
Your eyes widen in anger as you read the chat, watching the Sugugu666 guy trash talk you when you weren't even talking to him in the first place.
"See this is exactly why I stopped playing shit like this and only play Stardew Valley," you narrowed your eyes, murmuring under your breath while furiously typing, "Sugugu666... shut the fuck up. WHY the FUCK are you calling random people monkeys, sounds kinda fucking RACIST YOU FUCKER!"
Suddenly, you notice a group of players running towards you with knives in their hands. You decide to start running away. This is your ninth death, which means one more death, and the game will lock you out for 24 hours as your character has to recover.
You reached a secluded area and noticed a player in the distance. You start climbing a tree so you were hidden out of sight. With a smirk, you cracked your fingers and cleared your throat before pressing down the volume button to start singing.
"I guess I am a troll," you admit to yourself with a giggle. You put on your best Whitney Housten voice and began belting out I will always love you.
To be honest, you were only playing this game to annoy other players as it was hilarious to see men get triggered so easily. You had no interest in the main objective of the game and found it quite boring.
Megumi eyes twitch at the familiar voice he was hearing in the background.
"And I will always love youuuuu, ooohhhh, ohhh."
"Is she seriously singing right now?" he said to himself but continued to chop down the trees to build another item box, hoping that she'll eventually stop.
He can't bear listening to her terrible singing any longer, but no matter where he goes, he can hear her annoying voice in the background. "Where the fuck is she?" he mutters, spinning his screen around to see where the player was so that he could kill her again.
"I eeee I will always love youuu, Fushimeguuuuu."
Megumi looks up at the tree above him to see the player sitting on one of the branches. She waved and jump down. He points the gun at you, but before he can shoot, his own character starts bleeding out of nowhere.
"What the fuck?" he said under his breath, looking around to see who was shooting at him. He couldn't hear or see anyone else, other than that annoying girl.
But within a blink of an eye, four players start sprinting towards him, all of them geared with guns and wearing stealth boots that are incredibly hard to obtain unless you're at max level
"Oh fuck it's pro players," he swore and began shooting at them.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, give me a gun, you can't do 4V1!"
Megumi knew she was right- even though she probably didn't know how to aim- any support would be better than none. He reluctantly dropped one of his guns, "You better fucking know how to shoot or I'm going to kill you after I kill them," he told the girl.
The player picked up the gun and surprisingly managed to shoot one of the opposition players.
"Good one," he mumbled, fingers flying across the keyboard with lightning speed as he focused on healing himself while taking cover, "Quick, stand behind this rock!"
The girl listened and ducked behind a boulder, merely dodging a bullet that would've been a sure kill.
"Wait can you give me some health? Kinda on a brink of death!"
Megumi's mouse hovered over the few health potions he had left. He let out an exasperated sigh and dropped the potion so she could take it.
"Thanks love, for this, I'll do a little solo performance for you later. Now watch me fuck these motherfuckers up!"
"Please don't," he answered, but before he could tell her what to do next, she was already in action.
Megumi watched in disbelief as the player sprang back up from the boulder, shooting with impeccable accuracy and executing maneuvers he had only seen with proper gamers. He was shocked to see how good she was as he was under the impression that she was a newbie.
"Damn," he spoke into his mic, looking down at the dead players. He bent down to take their guns and their boots, "You played this before?"
"No, I downloaded this for the first time, I'm amazing right? Tell me how good I am!"
He rolled his eyes. The arrogance of the player reminded him of a particular teacher he knew. "Hurry up and take your share," he said dismissively.
"This game's kinda ass," the player begun putting on the dead character's armour and gun, "It's so easy too."
"How are you so good at this game? Are you hacking?"
"Pfft! Don't accuse me of such sin! I use to be like super good at Call of duty and then I stopped playing because too many trolls, incels and hackers."
"You're a troll yourself," Megumi retorted with a snort.
"I know right?" the girl laughed, "Now that you know how overpowered I am, are you going to let me team up with you?"
"I'm going to have to ask my team first, they're not online today but I guess if I ever see you on this game again, I suppose you would be useful," he answered truthfully. As much as he hated to admit it, the girl was more skilled than him.
"Okay, well let me add you on discord then!"
"Why not just be friends on this game?" Megumi asked, he wasn't too keen on the idea as he had a feeling she'd be constantly spamming him on there.
"I don't know, I just wanna add you on there, is that okay? Or do you think you're too good for me after I saved your ass?"
"Well, you're kinda annoying."
"I see how it is, don't blame me when I raid your base later on then," she sighed dramatically.
His eyes flickered with annoyance, running his fingers through his dark hair.
"Is that a threat?"
"It's only a threat if you keep being an absolute cunt to me."
And so, just like that, Megumi was left with no other choice but to begrudgingly add her to the app.
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im so obsessed with my love for yamada lvl 999 and megumi just reminds me of the male MC. This might be my fave series so i hope it doesn't flop
like for part 2 :)
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softtcurse · 1 year
Through the years
what Jack’s relationship with you looked like through the years
September 2019
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liked by jackharlow, privategardenco, urbanwyatt, and 2,271 others
yourinstagram watching my baby get to the top, and taking me with him. What more can I ask for? ☺️💓 you guys ready for confetti?
view all 179 comments
yourinstagram love u :)
yourinstagram love u :)
urbanwyatt CONFETTI!!
neyomiamorr new gf?!
gigifab they’ve been dating since the beginning of the year
lynwuinn she’s so prettyyy
marcooo harlow pulled that!?
jackharlow sure did, I’m on that ass every night
jesscalire I’m not ready for midnight 😭😭 he’s gonna kill it!!
yourinstagram plenty of sleepless nights in the studio, it’s gonna be worth it I promise <3
November 2020
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liked by yourinstagram, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, claybornharlow, privategardenco, and 179,018 others
jackharlow bluegrass girl but she got big dreams, thank you for all the love this year. Many blessings.
comments on this post have been limited
yourinstagram 💞
jacksssylvia HOLD UP IS THAT A WEDDING RING??? 😭
urbansgramm IT LOOKS LIKE IT!?
urbanwyatt It’s like Im watching my children grow up
yourinstagram LMAOO
druski2funny Mf beat me to it
jackharlow The delusion
champagnepapi got the new album coming soon too 🙏🏽 it’s only up from here
jackharlow thank you brother, I’m very grateful 🙏🏻🙏🏻
claybornharlow ♥️ family
yourinstagram 😭💞 ty my baby
August 2021
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liked by jackharlow, kaliuchis, druski2funny, urbanwyatt, privategardenco, claybornharlow, and 327,012 others
yourinstagram baby mila harlow
view all 10,729 comments
jackharlow Before y’all start!! I had been up for 15 hours
yourinstagram baby I promise no one’s gonna say anything 😭
jackharlow mhmmm we’ll see baby girl, if not I’m on that ass for sure tonight
yourinstagram you will do no such thing! Your wife needs to heal, some lay with me and our child 🙄
jackharlow 🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻
claybornharlow Im an uncle!!
druski2funny We’re an uncle
privategardenco we’re the godfathers
urbanwyatt I think we ALL new who the true godfather is
jackharlowupdates congratulations 🎊🥹🥹
champagnepapi welcome to fatherhood @/jackharlow you ready?
kaliuchis not him making you his baby mama before ME 🙄 @/yourinstagram you lied to me!!
October 2022
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hollywoodunlocked sources close to Jack Harlow have confirmed that him and his wife of two years have split up! These rumors came around mid May of 2022 right after Harlow’s album ‘Come Home The Kids Miss You” studio album dropped. They were seen today seemingly separated as Jack headed into a club for an appearance and YN was seen early today looking down and grabbing a coffee with a friend. The two share a one year old daughter together since August of last year. We wish them nothing but the best in moving forward! Let us know what you think in the comments!
view all 3,123 comments
yoursistersinstagram Mind your business, y’all are so fucking annoying
here4jackman :/ this confirms it basically
ynscloset agreed, yn’s sister isn’t on social media that much so for her to comment on this really seems to me like the are getting a divorce
kathycam why are they divorcing? 😢
naimiii They’ve never spoken publicly about it but it seems like the tour really started to take a toll on them more than ever, there were already divorce rumors since May of this year but I think that mostly had to do with him focusing so hard on his album, didn’t think it would come down to this to be honest
ynismother NOOOO YN :(( I feel so bad for her
jacksgeorgiapeach why? She’ll still be swimming in his money
ynismother that’s so insensitive to say, you don’t know how hard it must be for her to have to go through the emotional distress of a divorce and still raise her child, weird bitch
kurmoialek so he can go out and party but she’s staying home with their daughter!?!
neocbbb I don’t think we should be commenting on anything they do, considering the fact that we don’t even know if this is true or just Hollywood gossip.
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you via Instagram stories
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anitta via instagram stories
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mountjude · 2 years
Tom Kazansky and Latin! reader
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im seeing too many goddamn "he ran his hands through your hair"
ok first of all
mf is obSESSED with you
curly hair? he will learn your routine
yeah he WILL help you untangle your hair
it doesn't matter if its short or long he fuckin loves it
if your a pilot of in the military he'll help u put your hair back
"wait some hair came loose"
"quit moving"
"stay still im trying to gel it back"
he gets a little pissy bc now you can't see your curls
if your hair is wavy or straight
mf still loves it
speak spanish to him
he'll brush it out or help you dry it
do it mf
he does not know what the fuck you are saying but he loves it
"that sounds romantic"
he makes an effort to try and learn spanish/portuguese for you
he can say very basic sentences
when he first looked at you he was fuckin captivated by you
anything else he will prolly embarrass himself
he thought you were gorgeous
so he immediately went to shoot his shot
it worked apparently
he loves your nose
if it's hooked he better believe he'll come home and kiss you on the nose!
he loves everything about you baby!
all of it!
he lovES your cooking
body hair? homeboy does not care, he loves it!!
carne asada, quesadillas, you name it bitch
he'll come home super late to see you left some tamales on the counter
it always leaves him smiling
bring him some tres leches home!! its his new favorite dessert
hes always asking you to bring some conchas to his work to share with the boys
he loves learning about your culture!
"please baby, a food this good needs to be shared"
tell him about dia de los muertos, he'll help you set up an ofrenda, he'll even bring some pan he bought at a panadería!!
show him día de las velitas! hes gonna get you some beautiful candles! he gon get you lanterns too if you want them!
on christmas he'll eat dinner at like 11 with you, and head on to midnight mass with your family!
he gets super pissed he's losing lotería
"dont worry, tio fŕio, if you bad at lotería it means your love life is good!"
speaking of familia
afterwards, he'll dance with the aunties, impress your baby cousins with his "super cool pilot job!" and will keep the kids from opening their presents
your family loves him
he makes an effort to speak your language and learn your culture!!
when he first meets your family, hes surprisingly quiet for once
until a tio or someone asks you about him
"¿que hace? por que los pelo es rubio?"
"yo soy uno piloto, señor. mi pelo? por que no?
you uncle just kinda squints at him for a couple seconds, its tense
then he hands him a beer and pats him on the back
by the end of the night, the babies of the family are clinging to his legs and saying "arriba tio hielo!! arriba!!"
a little niece ends up asleep in his arms and ice insists on staying the night so he doesnt wake her
"y/n, shes already on my lap, shes not moving"
"ice, its 2 am"
"what do you think of the name lydia? or matias?"
by 7 am shes already running around again
"baby ive got 2 tias named lydia cmon"
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jovenshires · 7 months
thank you for making me feel better abt sending u so many asks🫶
also I acc LOVE the idea of a disgruntled english teacher at lunch that's wild but so accurate
thanks for that shaynse shout out absolutely so giddy now🫡
Also was wondering how u would match up the smoshcast with Taylor albums?
Some of my ideas (more vibes then lyrics):
Red - Amanda (maybe its the scarves)
1989 - Angela
Reputation - Arasha
Folklore - Ian
Evermore - Tommy
Midnights - Courtney
BONUS I think if shaynse were an album they'd be evermore (based off vibe alone, not necessarily lyrics)
EXTRA BONUS if shaynse were an artist they would be cigarettes after sex
(Would love to hear what albums/artists you associate with spommy and any other ships too)
-shaynse anon
absolutely any time!! honestly Thank You for sending so many asks these are always the highlights of my day i hope you all know.
NSDKLNFLKRNKL thank you so much. i feel like i just open my ask box like its my office door and i see six asks lined up in the hallway every morning and sigh and invite the kids in to eat. does this make sense. in no way do i want to be a fandom mom BUT a fandom english teacher all the gay kids think is cool? yeah okay i can get behind that
literally any time im incorporating it into asks now why? bc you're an icon and i love it
OH MY GOD YOUR MIND.... this is god tier thinking. tbh all of your takes are Perfect i couldn't have said it better myself. debut is so kimmy to me (idet i have to explain that one), fearless... fearless is tough... maybe damien??, speak now is jackie (it's My favorite album i get to gift it to one of My favorite cast members), and my hot take is that shayne IS lover. look at that mf. he's so lover coded. and then i agree with ALL of your ops. (folklore ian hits SO hard btw for no reason)
oh i LOVE that. willow.......... cowboy like me........ long story short...... i am seeing the vision here
i have never listened to a cigarettes after sex song but now im gonna have to omg
okay here are my off-the-cuff takes (i put them under the cut bc as always it got away from me):
spommy: 1989. i link them Inextricably with you are in love, style, new romantics, slut... they could be Any of these albums though tbh so this one is hard but yeah i think this one vibes the hardest for them
shaymien: LOVERRRR i will stand by this one forever and ever!! lover, daylight, ITS NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND.... oh my god. OHHHH my god.
amangela: red - they are giving stay, stay, stay, they are giving starlight, they are giving message in a bottle. extremely silly lil guys, very upbeat and high-energy, this album is for them
courtivia: they are midnights bc 1. hot girl bling they are both bejeweled and making the whole world shimmer 2. lavender haze and snow on the beach are them tyvm for coming to my tedtalk
shackie: they can have the honor of speak now. bc i like them <3 KLDFNFN no but also bc 'mine' but like. shayne pov. you made a rebel of a careless man's reckless son!!! enchanted. ours. i can see you. i literally could go on but i won't and save us all some headache LMAO
kimney: soupy said they were early taylor the other day and i SO agree with her. im going debut... smth smth im only me when im with you and our song !!
jamien: fearless... smth about the classic love story vibe that album gives off is SO them. honestly even just love story alone makes this their album. but today was a fairytale, hey stephen... yeah very that
arangela: they get to be my OTHER fave, reputation, and here is why: reputation reads as very Newly but Deeply in love to me, like the feeling is fresh and exciting but still grounding, and that is how they read to me. gorgeous is for them, end game is for them, but dress is REALLY for them.
ianthony: FOLKLORE im feeling ill just thinking about it. seven.... august..... OH MY GOD INVISIBLE STRING? im honestly on the floor about this one. i feel like a woman who was told to go rest in the countryside for her health.
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atherix · 1 year
So much happened and my crazed little sleep deprived brain cant handle more info
I have way to many theories over the amethyst tablet and stuff because scott and jimmy and shadow walkers and oakalapwojdksw theres to much
But mumbo being so over protective of his home his space that hes ready to probably attack cub at any given moment but doesnt because scar needs help now and he cant do anything. But especially with cub being in their space, because it even took a bit for grian to be let in there, let alone scar. And everyhting he holds dear is in that room and cub just invaded the most personal place and safest place without even an ask to come in. Mumbos just silently standing there trying not to laash out because scar isnt okay and is totally definatly not jealous
AND THEN DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE FACT THE FAE KING KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP AND SENT CUB TO HELP. Like that mf knew something was up and sent cub to go help not even wasting time tonexplain why because scar is on the verdge of death andhe knows they cant really wait.
Ive been doing the midnight brainthoughts all day and this update made it so much worse/pos
Overall really good chapter and im vibrating with excitment
Im starting the color on grian dress soon, it should be done by tomorrow
So many theories to be had <3 Belle has a very interesting theory, I love hearing theories <3 Just be careful bc I may have laid out some red herrings :)
Mumbo is SO ready to attack and honestly if he hadn't known who Cub was before he absolutely would have :'D God yeah, the bedroom is such a personal space and honestly is a very vulnerable place that Mumbo doesn't want just anybody in there (and Scar is this way, too, to be fair, though Scar's is more cultural and Mumbo's is ✨t r a u m a ✨, Scar will at least let friends in his room LMAO), he only wants himself and the people he loves and trusts most in the world in there <3 Cub being in there is very much so not welcome hjfgdkjksd Also Cub just walking in. Like. First of all rude, second of all dangerous much??? kjhfkdskjfd- Mumbo is totally not jealous of Cub's existence. Totally not jealous thinking about how Scar had so easily opened up and welcomes Cub into his life when he manipulated and pushed Mumbo away for seven or eight years and was very slow to open up and just hjfdsjkjkfdsl-
🙃hehehe spoiler alert I love the Fae King The King has seen Scar with Flux before, when he was a child and his core was not very strong... now he's older and he can handle more but his core can also produce more soooo time is of the essence kfdskjfgjkdsgkjds-
I am always having Midnight Brainthoughts and it keeps me entertained at work <3 so that is delightful for me yes <3
Thank you so much~! Glad you enjoyed~~ <3
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funky-sea-cryptid · 10 months
I literally woke up from my half asleep midnight state to search for "the princess twins of legendale"
Did everyone who had an obsession with the sun/moon trope watch this movie as a kid??? Ngl istg it might've shaped my writing ☠️😂
(also the scene where the girls are trapped in the crystal if I remember correctly, is super similar to Skyward Sword where Zelda takes a long nap in a crystal LMAO)
hi homie im gonna be honest here for like 5 consecutive years I thought i made this movie up only to find out it was a real thing in 2020 and only now getting to watch it. what a fucking crack show it’s great!!!!!!!!! i watched that shit for free btw bc im not paying tubi for it. i have so many questions. why was dume wearing a wedding dress for 15 years? why did cassie give the babies wholeass wings? what the fuck was the ultimate power dume was after bc homie seemed pretty powerful already? like the mf made the moon go into sunland so like? luna why didn’t you use your ultimate power to nerf dume 15 years ago? man.
anyways i have never played zelda so im taking your word for it!!!! when i watched it way back in like. third grade r2 i remember thinking they should’ve stayed in the bubble for longer and now i like whump so take that how you will.
i love talking about this crapsack of a movie though so if you do too my dms are open!
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OKAY SO I'M LIKE 2 HOURS LATE BUT THE SECOND I GOT THAT NOTIF AT MIDNIGHT THAT THE THEMIS ANNIV CARDS WERE OUT A BITCH WENT R U N N I N G OK like you do not know the level of adrenaline in my system- i was so shaky knees sweaty moms spaghetti and my heart was POUNDING jfc, BUT YALL DO I HAVE SOME FUCKING N E W S .........
it's no surprise that im not a f2p anymore but like... for the price of 2 hard pities (aka all of my schips and then some hhhhh).... i got 5 fucking ssr's..... saving up was SO worth it jfc,, i was terrified at first bc i was like 20 away from hard pity with my first card of choice (marius ssr) but then it came home along with narrow road ergo a double ssr pull??? jfc WHAT??? AND THEN.. THEN.... the next 10 pull? luke ssr. NEXT 10 PULL? artem ssr. BACK TO BACK TO BACK. and then vyn came home at absolute full pity bc life said fuck you for being greedy but ykw i might have busted every gd schip in the bank BUT ALL FOUR MFS CAME HOME I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS LUCK WHAT THE FUCK 😭🙏🏻 lowkey terrified for my genshin pulls on tuesday bc i think i just used up all my luck for the month.. jeeeezzz im speechless rn like luke and artem love me ig?? damn ♡♡
the 400 pull bonus being an ssr upgrade is super fucking op but i capped out at about 200 pulls and i am NOT wasting any more chips or hard earned cash just for that hhhh i got all my cards and whatever furniture thing was going on along the way prob so fuck it, be smart and call it quits where and when you can 🤧✌🏻
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the double pull // hardest of hard pity // results
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coxkboxer · 2 years
Indrid Cold is just a real classic, real greasy middle-aged white guy that probably smells like pickles and smears cheeto dust on everything but i want him you do not understand.
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cat3ch1sm · 3 years
🌵| what would sleeping with the boys of death note be like? ROMANTICALLY NOT NSFW ANYWAY
🐸a/n | hello, everyone! im super sorry for being so inactive i promise im trying im just so tired lately
warnings💚| none, this is entirely fluffy :D
🍃|okay, enjoy! and smut coming soon;)
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light yagami
quietest and most still sleeper ever, you have to nudge him every once in a while to make sure he isn't dead 😀
probably isn't actually sleeping most times you think he is
if you're hogging the covers unintentionally or moving closer to him than he wants, he will simply just get on the floor
sleeps in suit and tie half the time (somebody help this man)
often spends nights awake observing you sleep
either that or he stares at the ceiling
somehow wakes up looking like a literal god. every hair on this mf's head is organized, he never looks disheveled
isn't a huge fan of snuggling or anything like that but will hold you occasionally around the waist before you go to sleep
shakes you gently to wake you up
teru mikami
lays down very close to u
makes u put your head on his chest
squeezes u around the waist
sleepwear is still somewhat "classy," he wears a wine-colored sweater and black sweatpants
gets up and goes to bed at the exact same time every day
does tease u a little ;)
rubs little circles on your lower back until u fall asleep
most of his days are pretty repetitive and he doesn't really have any friends as he is quite standoffish, so he is happy to come home to you every night.
you usually wake up at the same time he does so there's no need to wake u himself. however if he accidentally disturbs you when ur still asleep he'll probably force u to sleep a little longer lmao
near (or nate rivers)
despite you being his s/o he prefers to sleep in a bed alone
after a rougher or more disturbing case however he will slip into your room after you're already asleep
sits up in bed messing with his hair or his toys most of the time (which makes it a little hard for you to get a good night's sleep sometimes lol)
sits on the floor working on his laptop or stacking tarot cards until he gets tired
doesn't usually change clothes to go to bed
when he lays down he spreads his hair all across the pillows to see you unconsciously roll over and unintentionally use it as a pillow.
is usually curled in a ball when he sleeps
wakes up randomly at three a.m. way too often, when that happens he'll get up and start playing with more toys on the floor
has probably memorized all of your sleep quirks (rolling over, sounds you make, etc)
also sleeps like a corpse
to wake you up (when he remembers anyway🏃) he takes a strand of hair and wiggles it on your face until you wake up.
mello (or mihael keehl)
will not put down his chocolate even to go to bed
if you complain about the crunching he will probably just offer you some
chocolate stains all over the sheets 24/7
insists on sleeping like a prisoner??? no pillowcases, comforters, only a thin sheet
drapes arm over your shoulders and chest until you fall asleep
has way too many nightmares that usually wake him up
tosses and turns
gets to bed really late, usually after midnight
won't admit it but needs you to fall asleep
stays up talking with you, mostly strategically about his "missions"
sleeptalks- mostly bitter muttered rants about near
forgets to wake you up entirely
l lawliet
does. not. sleep.
occasionally drifts off here and there but never for longer than maybe a half hour
usually does so with a lollipop or another sweet of some kind dangling from his mouth
won't lay down because it decreases his deductive skills
sleeps in his clothes
you have to wrestle him to get him to lay down
types way too loudly at night
frequently glances towards you as you sleep, he's not really sure what he's looking for though
pats you on head when he thinks you're completely out cold
moves around a lot
always wants the bedroom freezing cold because he says it keeps him alert
has way too many blankets
to wake you up he pokes you repeatedly on the forehead until you rouse.
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kaelenlen · 2 years
Okay so I should probably study rn I'm literally in the middle of my exams but idc im failing/j but becos masama ang loob ko ngayon scaramouche angst. Im hurting myself with this🤟
Theme - full on angst, fluff soemwhere, Scaramouche x Reader, def not proofread
Do you have time?
Dating Scaramouche the 6th Fatui harbinger was not an easy task, though you somewhat did but whats a relationship with the balladeer without fights? We all know how sharp his tongue is.
But you being stubborn and actually getting close to him probably smitten for him, but Scara has his walls up still most of the times since he is hated by probably most people. But when its behind closed doors he can let loose and not on edge every time, though he thinks that you'll betray him aswell like Ei yknow since he doesn't want to be dependent to anyone but thats what relationship is right? Yep!
So at times, your relationship from an outsider perspective is just a person whose in love with someone who doesn't even acknowledge them. Yeah you felt that — most of the times. But don't worry Scara is there to comfort you, when he's not busy ofc :) Which isn't really that often but rarely so don't be surprised to sleep in bed alone that a routine to you now.
Visit him in his office because you got him something? "You can put it on the couch, love" Scara won't even bat an eye as he writes down on the paper.
Preparing a dinner date for the two of you? You need to prepare around almost midnight, since he works till hes exhausted leaving you eating alone— even at times would wait for him before you eat or don't even. Please eat the food.
Anything, anyway you show him you affection for him, dismissed or wasn't recognised, yes he would thank you, yes he would take you out but that was long ago when you just started dating now nothing really intimate or romantic happens between you two.
"Scara?" opening the door slowly, walking in his office, he hummed too busy signing some important papers to actually respond, yep you didn't expect anything new, taking a deep breath "Do.. You want to uhm.." standing awkwardly trying to— well atleast trying to think on what to say. Scaramouche stopped signing already looking at you, raised brow waiting for you to go on. Atleast he had some patience for you.
"Well– do you want to.. Walk on the shores later?— After your done ofc!" you said internally cringing at yourself, slightly smiling hoping he could say yes to your offer. "That's all? I guess we can after I finish this" Scaramouche deadpan, eyeing the stack of paper next to him. Yep. You exactly caught what he was saying, the stack of paper was mlre important right now than accompanying you. Sighing under your breath before smiling sweetly at him "yep! After you finished.. Then I'll be going now scara, don't forget to take a break" you said narrowing your eyes at him, he rolled his eyes playfully know how much you pester him about him taking a break. "Yeah I won't"
I finished my exam for the day btw👍🏻
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violintrees · 3 years
Fluff/Comfort Prompts!
No credit required, but appreciated!
1. “I cant lie down, I don’t know how I'd get back up.” -- “With help of course. I’ll be there to help you up.”
2. “Thanks I appreciate you a lot.” -- “No problem BUT keep that appreciation for yourself tonight. You deserve it. I am throwing it back in your face and you can’t stop me.”
3. “You have nothing to be guilty for. A hug is not too much.”
4. “I still want comfort and I don’t know how to ask. I don’t know what exactly I am asking for.”
5. “It’s alright. I know I am asking for too much.” -- “I’m gonna punt whoever has made you feel like this is too much into the sun.”
6. “I picked the worst time to get upset. Not that I blame you or anyone else.” -- “I wish I could have been there when it started but I am here at the second best time which is right now.”
7. “Ill be better in the morning.” -- “Perhaps but I am still going to hold you close every moment till then if that’s ok.”
8. “It does take effort to take care of you, but Id gladly choose to give it again and again.”
9. “I’m glad you are physically okay, but are you like.. okay okay? Do you need a hug-” -- “Yes”
10. “It’s okay you feel you can’t move the pen, is there anything I can get down for you? Though be aware I will fill the margins with I love yous.”
11. “Im about to break the laws of gravity and or thermodynamics to give you a mf hug right now. This mortal plane cant stop me.”
12. “Okay, I can crack open the vault of my best memes/jokes or just hold and reassure you. Which will it be?”
13. “Here’s a plate of your favorite, or your comfort favorite anyway.” -- “Silly, I don’t see you on this platter... WAIT I DIDNT MEAN THAT IN A SEXY WAY. I JUST LOVE YOU”
14. “I was saving this but now seems like a good time to give it to you.” -- “Where on earth did you get this?? I love it! But seriously how..” 
15. “I’ll lie on the ground with you so then we’ll either seem normal or a pair of freaks everyone is envious of.” 
16. “I’m going out, you want to join? Oh and dress for the apocalypse, or what feels like it anyway.”
17. “I don’t know what power of love bs let me fix that but I deserve an engineering degree.”
18. “I don’t want to make assumptions.” -- “You’ve been asking sweetly and honestly. No one’s ever asked. You can keep going. I just wish I had a better story to tell.”
19. “What are you doing??” -- “Being a weighted blanket for you.”
20. “I think we have enough to lift you up.” -- “Awww y’all didn’t have to come in person to cheer me up.” -- “No, we are literally lifting you. Midnight adventure time!”
21. “This is really gross. Sorry for sobbing my eyes out on you.” -- “Im just glad your eyes are still in your head.”
22. “What? Not a fan of salty kisses?” -- “I am not a fan if snotty kisses. You are a messy crier so I love you, but I'm sticking to hugs for now.”
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indigohitoshi · 4 years
rating bnha people and how’d they protect / what’d they do with your drink:
the girls
– mina ; she cuts people ❤️ no i don’t take constructive criticism. she pulls a knife on anyone that gets too close. 10/10
– momo ; LOVE HER. she does the classic hand over cup but if anyone gets close enough she’ll create a bat and pull a sangwoo very fast <3 that’s my baby. 10/10
– jirou ; holds it close and simply screams at the top of her lungs if anyone says something along the lines of “can i see your drink?”. she just. starts hollering. until they get too scared or draws enough attention. 8/10, it scared me in the process trying to get my drink back.
– uraraka ; she makes your drink float, no one can reach it anyway. it ends up spilling but it’s the thought that counts. 6/10
– tsuyu ; she just... holds the cup in her mouth. she like. let’s it rest in there. but if someone came up and asked for the drink her tongue comes out and puts them in a chokehold, yeah ❤️ 7/10, the drink is slimey but that’s okay she did her best.
– kendou ; protects that mf with her LIFE. she doesn’t even let monoma watch it bc she doesn’t trust anyone. if someone comes within two feet of the drink she backhands the fuck out of them. 7/10, mistook you for a stranger and almost backhanded you, too.
the boys
– kaminari ; YOU GIVE IT TO HIM AND HE REALLY DOES DO HIS BEST BUT HE ENDS UP LOOSING IT. and if he doesn’t lose it he spills it trying to,, “jokingly” flirt with all his homies bc he’s a lot little tipsy. it’s the thought that counts, though. 4/10.
– sero ; he tapes it to the ceiling 😀 leaves it there. forgets about it. to be fair, he’s high out of his mind. you kinda want your drink back tho but his tape is so adhesive you can’t even cut it down 💔 3/10
– kirishima ; HE IS SO GOOD WITH DRINKS. EVERYONE trusts him. he def barks at people who gets too close or bites them until they bleed with his sharp teefies. the only thing is with all the drinks everyone trusts him with is he doesn’t know which one is yours, but he still protects it with his life. 9/10
– bakugou ; looks at you when you hand him the drink, tells you to fuck up, but goes batshit if anyone gets too close to him. at the same time he doesn’t do this shit for free, he probably spits in your drink and laughs when you smile and take a sip. i hate this mf. but 8/10.
– tokoyami ; don’t even TALK TO ME if you think he’s bad with drinks. he RESPECTS YOU WITH HIS LIFE AND WILL NOT LET THAT MF DRINK GO. he just fucking bodyslams anyone that gets too close, no words. if youre suspicious and too close he doesn’t care about your feelings and fucking destroys you on the spot. 10/10
– iida ; tells you you shouldn’t even be drinking and pours out the drink. he’s there to make sure everyone’s being responsible and you were not. 1/10 for caring tho.
– midoriya ; he does his best, too. but he lost it and had a meltdown because he thought you’d be mad at him. you reassure him it’s fine but he’s still like sobbing over it 💔 like it’s OKAY baby dw. 7/10
– monoma ; starts boasting about how much you trust him to hold your drink but hisses at anyone that tries to take it. feral mode. he swung at someone and this turned into kendo pulling him off and just watching your drink so monoma could go get some ice. 7.5/10
– shinsou ; he doesnt even wanna BE here. so when you handed him the drink unless you’re someone he EXTREMELY cares about he ditches that shit. but if you’re the lucky few he stands in a corner and just ... stares at it. his eyes don’t move. people try to talk to them and he flips them off or goes “no ❤️” and they walk away. 9/10
pro heroes
– aizawa ; he sorta like... glares at anyone that’s close enough. some bullshit excuse like “what drink is that? can i have a sip?” causes him to throw the first punch and isn’t phased by it 😀 mf said pow pow. 9.8/10, drink is 100% in tact but he complains ab how much he wants to go home.
– present mic ; he LOVES parties, but it truly pains me to say this because i love him, if you give him the drink he leaves it around and will panic. he ends up getting you a brand new drink until you sip it and say “...this isn’t my drink...” he starts crying and is overreacting more than you do. 4/10.
-- hawks ; bakugou in a different font. spits in your drink but still protects it. kinda backhanded, if he truly does fuck with you he flies around with your drink in his hand outside the bathroom door until you come back. he still spits in it tho. 9/10
-- endeavor ; disgusting. 0/10. 
-- midnight ; SO good with your drink. she absolutely just straight up ends anyone’s shit that tries to even TALK to her while she’s holding your drink. im in love with her. midnight if you’re seeing this you’re late for our date im at the restaurant rn. 10/10
league of villains
-- dabi ; idc WHAT yall say. if you ask him to hold your drink he acts irritated asf but anyone that LOOKS at the cup wrong gets burnt to ash i will debate someone on this and you Will lose. he won’t spit in it tho, he’s put hot sauce in it to piss you off and laugh when you get mad. overall 8/10.
-- shigaraki ; he really wanted to help okay but someone got too close and out of defense he pulled the cup back and disintegrated it. he didn’t cry you both just looked at the pile of ash in disappointment. 6/10.
-- toga ; got so happy when you asked her to hold your drink :( my baby :( she got so excited she accidentally stabbed someone that really wanted a napkin but she wasn’t sure because she wanted to protect your drink so bad. poor baby. at least your drink good tho <3 10/10.
-- twice ; he forms a circle of him around it. just clones of him circling the drink. very affective. 10/10. biggest smile when you give him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.
that is all thank u <3
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kotsuvi · 4 years
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a/n: idk i thought it would be cute. it’s rushed tho. beware.
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it was a late dinner
like... nine o’clock late
or late for the two of you at least
you knew that iwa loved his beauty sleep, plus he always got up early to go the gym
but you had stayed late at work and he had spent most of his afternoon trying to fix the leak under the bathroom sink
he failed
but he looked hot doing it
you stood in the doorway, waiting for him to notice you
“haji, it’s almost nine. what the hell are you doing?”
you didn’t want him to stop, but you were starving
“shit y/n! when did you get home?”
“just now. imma make a pizza.”
your phone automatically connected to the speaker on the counter
mindlessly you flitted through a playlist until you found something you liked
iwa followed
he told you that he had planned to make some large noodle dish, but he had run out of time
you didn’t care, because as you popped the pizza into the oven, he wrapped his arms around your torso, pulling you close
he smelled of body spray
also vaguely of that clean rubber-ish smell that always wafted around in gyms
he kissed your neck
your jaw
your shoulder
his fingers interlaced with yours
“i missed you today”
you smiled into his touch, letting your head drop back against his shoulder
slowly he began to sway side to side
he nuzzled you ngl
he liked the smell of your shampoo
and your skin was soft
he stepped away from the oven, taking you with him
“what’s this?” he asked, one hand pulling away to check your phone
“dedicated to the one i love”
“oh, so me?”
cheeky bastard
“yeah, you.”
he began humming
did he even know the tune???
you didn’t think so
maybe he was secretly a fan of the mamas and the papas??
didn’t matter
because he had started to sway his hips
and his fingers were trailing along your skin
they were calloused
you shivered, stepping away from him
they ghosted your arms, right down to your own wrist, and then he grabbed your hand
you were an arms distance away, and he held your interlaced fingers at eye-level
he was grinning
iwa was grinning
and it was beautiful
he pulled you back towards his
“are you about to twirl me?”
he did
of course he did, he’s in love with you
he spun you out
then back in
then back in again
the final time, he pulled you into him, head resting on his shoulder
his arms were strong and his embrace was warm
and the music was loud
but not too loud that you couldn’t hear his heartbeat
the two of you stumbled around the kitchen
laughing softly
he pressed kisses to your hairline
this mf had such soft lips
when the oven timer went off, you tried to escape his grasp, but he held you right
“i’m not done yet”
“haji, the pizza is burning!!”
“that’s fine, i wasn’t hungry anyway”
you punched him playfully
“but IM hungry”
he let you go reluctantly
buttttt as soon as the pizza was out of the oven he had his hands back in yours
“haji, you’re not normally this... excited”
“what???? i’m always excited!”
“whatever you say”
you barely even ate the burnt pizza
iwa kept you in his arms practically all night
you laughed
you twirled
he littered your face in kisses
you weren’t even sure where the burst of energy came from
but you weren’t complaining
he didn’t let you leave the kitchen until almost midnight, when you started to yawn loudly into his ear
“tired so soon, y/n?”
“you’re exhausting”
“and you love me for it”
“i do”
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Could I get a TF2 Matchup? Romance and NSFW. I came from the 1k follower celebration
I am a Bisexual and Demisexual female (Leaning more on the men side though) and a Leo (I dont know much about the rising and stuff like that). I have short hair and I like to wear comfortable clothes like oversized hoodies, sweaters and shorts. I am also a 5'5 and a half who lives in Asia. Philippines to be exact. So get ready for a woman to chase after you with a slipper.
I am usually a quiet person and quite standoffish against people. Though once you are in my inner circle, which isnt that hard, your cool. I can and will become your personal therapist. I care about your mental health.
People describe me as a piece of shit (In a funny way), smug and sarcastic asshole. Doesnt go well with my therapy-sessions Ill give you, huh? I can also throw your ass off with words and facts if someone started shit-talking about people close to me, but it does not mean I win every round, I will be feral though. Im quite overprotective.
I have a knack of learning about weapons. Again, Ill be bat-shit if you insult people close to me. I dont care what you call me. Under all this tough skin though? Pretty wholesome. Loves wholesome people which doesnt help that I have a resting bitch face.
Bribe me with food. Ill be happy.
I will show-off my partner, they deserve all the love.
NSFW under:
I kinda have something with soft-doms. I am definitely a switch. Edging and over-stimulation is kinda my jam, on both positions. I am on-board with toys and blindfold. Also consent is sexy as fuck.
Your matchup is... Medic!
[Disclaimer, if you're coming from the tags, this is part of a special event I am holding from November 17th to the 21st where I am accepting matchups from all fandoms I currently write for. Feel free to check out my 1K celebration masterlist here for rules during the window this event is open! If it's past the 21st midnight USA central time, do NOT send me a matchup. I will have to politely turn you down. Sorry </3]
NSFW below
In General
This was another one that had me going ??? I think Medic works,,,,, I think it was the weapons that did it??? Yeah. ANYWAYS
What He Likes About You
I think he really likes your short hair, and that your sense of style is pretty relaxed. It makes him feel relaxed. He likes that you care about his mental health as well, because lord knows he can't keep track of himself. Smug, sarcastic, he likes people he can banter with. You strike me as a kinda cutthroat, blunt person?? I think he'd really enjoy that. It's different than what he normally looks for, and Ludwig finds that hot. Ludwig knows a thing or two about weapons and likes that you're knowledgeable in that sphere. Makes conversations easier. Don't know if you've ever seen Mr and Mrs Smith? Feel like that's the two of you.
You Two as a Couple & NSFW
Alrighty, while Ludwig isn't going to dump all his problems on you, it's unediable that he finds a certain safety in you that makes it easer for him to actually talk about what's going on in his head. I think Ludwig likes that you're super wholesome under all that tough exterior. He's got some fronts up as well, and well, he gets it. Ludwig has a knack for cooking, German dishes being his specialty but he's always trying new things. He will cook for you <3 And PLEASE SHOW HIM OFF. Ludwig loves attention. Makes him feel so loved omfg. The two of you absolutely get into sarcastic verbal battles that end in the two of you giggling. He might,,, gift you weapons from time to time?? It just feels like a Ludwig thing to do. He doesn't really wear hoodies, but gives you his coats and stuff. I find that sweet.
Ludwig is.... He's a kinky mf. Please dom him from time to time. He likes losing control after a fight. Also, he's really, really good at edging. Like, will have you begging for him. Edge him and he becomes a bit of a whiny bitch but like it's hot so it's okay. He loves consent too, wants to talk about everything before hand and know what you're okay with and what your limits are. he never wants to cross any boundaries with you. Can absolutely soft dom you. He's like, really good at being a condescending dom??? So, y'know, have fun with him.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things
Hi love bug, here's your matchup!! Hope you enjoyed <3
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