#imagine that... with mean jack
icarus-star · 5 months
Covid!era modern jack thurlow that would ABSOLUTELY have this happen to him while on a mandatory meeting with his “annoying-ass poser coworkers”
i've never cared for subby jack until now i'm literally going crazy hhhh.
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pinkysberg · 8 months
i lie awake at night thinking about the marston daughter.
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you imagine jack walking the tightrope that is the line between self-destruction and self-sacrifice and then tell me to be normal about him
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capnhanbers · 10 months
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I'm a mean green mother from outer space and I'm BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(scene from chapter 139)
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Corpse au case fic where the trio decided to try cracking a murder mystery, except instead of angst it's a comedy of errors where they make everything worse.
Like. Danny comes out of a portal dead and translucent and glowing, and there's charred remains of a human body on the floor. So now all three of them are freaking out, and instead of asking for help, or finding an adult, or telling literally ANYONE, they decide to just. Get rid of the body. As one does.
So that's what they do: they break out Tucker's nice shovels (because god forbid Sam's family owned something as pheasant as a shovel, and Danny's too afraid of touching their family's Patented Fenton ShovelsTM for... reasons), they find a nice desolate clearing in the woods, and then they bury Danny's body like one would a very unfortunate hamster who met their demise too soon under very suspicious circumstances. They even stay at the new "grave" in silence for a minute or five in respect and DEFINITELY nothing else, you know. And so, they bury the body, and then they (try to) forget the experience as some horrific nightmare.
And then, a year later, there's an uproar: the Amity Park's police department found the child's remains in the woods! And you see, Amity Park is not THAT big of a town, and the police estimated that the body belonged to a 14-15 year old child, and, look, there's only so many schools in a small town, alright. Obviously, the rumours start very soon in Casper High: about how the kid could've gone to their school, about how they could've died, about whether or not anybody was missing them, about their identity, and some definitely-truthworthy-would-I-lie-to-you-bro-come-on sources insist that the kid was murdered around a year ago, around the time ghosts started showing up. And these rumours obviously reach the ears of Sam, Danny and Tucker.
Now, you would've thought that their first thought would be something like "oh no, they found Danny's body", or "oh no, they know", or even simply "we're sooo fucked". Except. You see, the night they buried the body? It was really cloudy. And dark. And, y'know, it's very easy to get lost in a forest. And they were too high-strung, you see, they completely forgot to leave some sort of a marker or anything. And also like, it was so long ago, you know? A lot have happened, they were sooo busy and the likes, you can't really blame them for forgetting some things.
And here's lies the problem: all three of them just fucking forgot that there was a body left to bury at all.
And then it gets out that the police can't even conduct any sort of DNA test because it became corrupted to the point of being absolutely unrecognisable due to exposure to a large amount of ecto-energy.
It's now looks like a bad set up for a joke: an identifiable body of a child, cause of death unknown; the probable involvement of ghosts or at the very least a very large quantity of ecto-energy; a probable murderer on the loose, which naturally breeds suspicion and speculation; a town full of all kinds of rumours; and a trio of absolute dumbasses, who after hearing that ghosts were involved immediately went to stick their noses where they don't belong.
Rejoice, Amity Park! Sam, Danny and Tucker are now on the case! Except they are all teenagers, and nobody in their right mind will allow teenagers to solve a murder case. Plus, them poking around would be highly suspicious, but Phantom, on the other hand?
(people seeing Phantom helping solve this case and coming to the conclusion that the ghosts were definitely involved was not on their bingo card, but oh well)
They don't go to the cops, obviously: Danny at least in part because he's worried they will call GIW on his ass or try to arrest him, and Sam and Tucker simply because fuck the cops (one because the police is involved in a militaristic, capitalistic corrupted system that breeds injustice and furthers the divide between average people and the wealthy, and the other because cops suck and will probably call GIW on his friend's ass). They also can't go to any other authorities: cops are out of the question, as is the mayor; laboratory personnel will most likely just throw them out; and there're no witnesses or known relatives, so they're stuck.
Therefore they decide that desperate times need desperate measures, and so they enlist all of their ghost allies on a quest, hoping to find the ghost of the kid. Considering the amount of ecto-energy they were subjected to, they MUST have formed a ghost, they only need to find them.
Except. The Ghost Zone is a big place, and they only have so many allies, even if some of them are a queen and a god. So Danny bites the bullet and does the most stupid (debatable) thing he has ever done: he goes to his enemies for help. They're surprisingly understanding and willing to help, even if some of their reasons are a little... strange (Skulker and Johnny entered some sort of competition on who finds the ghost first, Box Ghost starts to seek out coffins (??) and Youngblood is not above to start torturing people to finally have a friend that is not either an adult or a complete stick in the mud). And even then they still can't find the ghost.
In the end Danny goes to Clockwork in a desperate hope that he will be able to glimpse at least a little of what had transpired on the night of the murder, and to Danny's annoyance Clockwork laughs so hard he almost pops a ghost equivalent of a blood vessel.
A few weeks down the line Sam hesitantly brings up Danny's buried corpse ("MY WHAT" "Your corpse which we buried in the woods, Danny, don't you remember?" "Yeah, bro, I think you dissociated the whole time we were digging the hole and carrying your dead body" "WE DID WHAT-"), reasonably saying that, you know, they ALSO technically buried a body in the woods. On that Tucker just shrugs because obviously it was not Danny's body, the place of the burial was way off, he remembers that there was a really big stone to the left of the grave (he doesn't and there wasn't), so they are in the clear. During that exchange Danny's sitting on the floor and having a panic attack, because he really did dissociate the whole time and afterwards legitimately forgot that there was a body to bury at all.
After that conversation all three of them leave with a certainty that Danny's body is still there where they left it, whenever it was. And so the shenanigans continue.
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
why are we torturing bez so much??but i want to torture him further imo this rosquez reunion time is very confusing for him because it aligns with the time he starts confronting his sexuality and obviously love for cele he is depressed thinks his best friend doesn't love him (of course he does) his EnEmY is at his safe space (the ranch) he has to escape from the ranch he goes clubbing with cele (ofc I'll be there guy) to liek ravena (idk what bigger cities with clubs are around tavullia i prefer northern italy) However! he chickens out of dancing with cele at the club, just watches him from afar (sad. jealoux.), cele going home with someone else, or at least bez thinking that, bez driving home drunk in a taxi, looking at lit up windows of apartments, thinking cele is inside one with his hookup (why does my heart feel so bad playing in the background -such a bez song), single tear falling down, comes back to the ranch, finds rosquez in the kitchen fucking and idk just goes home for a while, hides in his misery
we NEVER need an excuse to torture professional athletes that look like lesbians.... the idea of bezz having like. the worst day of all time. wiped out at the ranch maybe. confused about marc and vale (SUSPECTS they are fucking but cannot in fact prove it. ignoring implications concerning his own sexuality here like it is his JOB). goes clubbing doesnt have fun. returns to the ranch like woe is meeeee my boy best friend left the club with some dudeeeee (cele comma oblivious. made a friend. they are talking about farm equipment.) and he slinks through the door listening to sad italian indie music to find rosquez fucking nasty in the kitchen. so funny. poor guy.
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merethessc · 2 months
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what if i told you im going insane?
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greg-montgomery · 3 months
rewatching 9x5 is not for the weak
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iheartdean · 25 days
i sometimes act like the last few episodes of spn don't exist. like i can imagine cas, dean, sam and jack being happy together as family, maybe they decide to move into the same neighborhood when sam gets married and dean, cas and jack live in the house next door. (there will be weekly bbq parties, dean insists on them so he can show off his new grill like the dad he is) and the bunker becomes this like "oh we have work to do" or "lets have a party" meet up place. they are still going on hunts but they're less risky because they dont want to lose anyone else. no one dies, everyone is happy, dean and castiel got their shit together and just happy feelings.
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edslacefront · 7 months
I want to hear that conversation between Izzy and Calico Jack so bad like how did he phrase "hey so I'm sicking the British on this fag who managed to become our Ex's new boy toy will u go get him out of there pls"
But no deadass I'm so curious about their dynamic actually god I want to see Captain Hornigolds crew back in the day so bad getting ungodly levels of wasted and commiting heinous crimes and having gross gay sex sorry
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all-lars-bars · 7 months
God it's fucking hilarious that the protagonist of the first Bioshock, esteemed as a god and an example of perfection in a cult in the sequel, is technically 4 to 12 years old
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awkwardbiseggsual · 8 months
So im rewatching Hannibal, and I'm at the scene where Jack takes Will to see Katz
Then there's this scene where he takes off Will's straight jacket, and that reminded me that Will must've taken Hannibal's straight jacket off while running away in the red dragon arc..
Now I'm mad we didn't get to see it
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tinyfantasminha · 10 months
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
I don't know a lot about Victorian name conventions but Seward being caled Jack (not even John) and persumably also saying Art instead of the last name and not even Arthur strikes me as big familiarity, so far.
This is a rather belated response but I agree with you, anon. The backstory hints are too entwined and for the most part the suitor squad seem to be quite close... but at the same time there are a couple odd moments like this where there's a possible element of clarifying who one of them is. Quincey for Jack, so far, but if I remember correctly a slightly similar moment with Jack for Quincey later on (though less pronounced).
If anything, I'd suspect that those two have been mostly out of touch for a while despite previously being close. But they both definitely seem to still be in contact with Arthur throughout. Maybe it's been a while since all three hung out together, and Jack and Quincey both respectively weren't fully sure that Arthur still remembered the other one super well/was spending time with them currently.
I could see a scenario where Quincey runs into Jack unexpectedly after proposing to Lucy and invites him to come drown his sorrows together and try to cheer themselves up/have a reunion party/congratulate Arthur. In this version I think both Jack and Quincey would know that Art also proposed successfully to Lucy, but maybe not about one another also trying to propose to the same woman until they start getting deeper into campfire storytime. Perhaps they hadn't been in contact at all for quite some time.
All that said though, I personally prefer them all to have remained in touch. I do personally think Arthur may have the closer relationships with each of them, but that's not to say Quincey and Jack don't get along or aren't familiar with one another just fine as well. I mean, I've also heard the Korea line speculated to be an in-joke, or maybe it could be just another facet of the 'good old days' Quincey is trying to remind Arthur about, who knows. As you say, they've got nicknames and everything, which certain feels more casual.
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Jack brings an Ikea bag to the carnival for all the stuffed animals he about to win for Izzy.
(Izzy acts like he doesn't need them, but really he keeps every single one.)
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avoteforme · 1 month
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it's the same picture as-
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