#it’s all in mandarin but we manage ig
qinxiaoenthusiast · 10 months
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one of my fav edits from the QinXiao topic page, made by “@ 亲宵cp主页” on Weibo
(hehehheheheh I found the QinXiao topic page)
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kittybellestark · 4 years
Languages and Peter
This is just a thing ig it’s not great but yknow it’s smth so enjoy
Peter knows many languages. It isn’t really something people know about him, but when he was a kid his parents had pushed for him to learn new languages while it’s still be easy for him, and May and Ben enforced it.
He knows English, of course, ASL, French (the proper actual French, though it wouldn’t be hard to figure out Canadian French), he knows Spanish, Italian, German, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Russian, and he’s still trying to learn Hindi. He can get by talking many Eastern European languages due to the similarities.
Practicing was fairly easy, he had the equivalence of Pen-Pals in his phone contacts that he would call or video chat with to keep his language skills up and try to learn more.
It wasn’t necessarily something he shared at school, though it did make any language class he took significantly easier. Ordering from small restaurants as well earned him some favor with the owners when he spoke in their first language. And it made being Spider-Man so much more enjoyable, people were always surprised when he started speaking their native tongue.
Languages were easy, and fun. They were predictable.
The only person who knows that Peter speaks so many languages now is May. No one else really knows, sure a few people know he speaks another language or two but none know all the languages.
And maybe he should have said something. Explained that he’s eavesdropping on the Avengers. It wasn’t that he ever meant to listen in on their conversations, but sometimes Natasha would start speaking Russian to Bucky, or Clint and Steve would be using sign language, Bruce would speak Hindi on the phone which was Peter’s own motivation for learning it, and Tony and Pepper would speak many different languages to eachother and on the phone.
He knows none of those conversations were made for his ears, but it’s really not his fault that none of them considered that he knows more than just English. Though he really should have considered telling him after the first time, or the second, definitely after the third. Yeah, this was totally going to bite him in the ass.
The Avengers had invited him out for dinner. Peter didn’t even realize that they tend to go out for dinner, it just seemed like it would cause too much of a commotion. The full team should bring a lot of attraction when going out, but no, New York just doesn’t care. Well, that’s not fair, they care about Tony Stark, but that’s only because he’s extremely recognizable, unlike everyone else.
But the problem here, is that they brought Peter to a small restaurant that he already goes to frequently enough. A restaurant where the owners know him very well. It was a small Italian restaurant, very lovely place.
“Where is Peter?” Peter heard the voice of Maria, as she burst out of the kitchen.
Tony gave Peter a look, and Peter smiled standing up from his spot and moving over to Maria. Maria gave him a bone crushing hug. Peter hugged her back, knowing he can’t ignore the woman.
“Look at you so tall and handsome, but yet so skinny. Are you not being fed?” She switched into Italian, pinching at his sides. “I tell you to eat more, I give you extra food every time you come here, and yet you’re still skinny.” She tsked. 
“Maria, I promise I eat all the food you give me every time, and I end up in a food coma. May always thinks I’m going to die because you give me too much.” Peter laughed, speaking Italian back to her. 
“And yet you’re still skinny, now sit, sit, I am going to bring you plenty of food and you are going to eat all of it, no arguments, I don’t want to see a single scrap of food left on your plate.” 
Peter laughed as Maria pushed him back into the chair next to Tony. 
“I always listen to you Maria, I don’t know why you tell me to finish all of it when you’re food is so good that there is no other choice to finish it. I can’t let your food go to waste.”
“Suck up.”  Clint coughed.
Maria heard Clint and rewarded him with a smack across the back of the head. She went back into the kitchen calling Clint miscellaneous names.
“So, you know Italian.” Tony started with a smirk.
“Yep.” Peter smiled, hoping he isn’t in much trouble for not sharing his knowledge of languages.
“Interesting, how am I not aware of this?”
“You didn’t ask.” Peter shrugged.
Tony was quite proud of Peter for knowing Italian, his own first language, but it seemed so strange that Peter just wouldn’t mention it. But teenagers.
“That’s it, it’s just because I didn’t ask?” Tony laughed.
Peter nodded. “I don’t really share that. People at school know I speak Spanish, but only MJ and Ned know I speak Italian, though I’m not sure if they’re aware I speak either of them fluently.”
“So you’re tri-lingual?” Steve decided to ask.
“Uh, no.” Peter shook his head.
He started counting on his fingers how many languages he can speak fluently.
“I can speak 10, fluently, 11 if you consider ASL, and I’m in the process of learning a twelfth. I can’t also manage myself through a handful of other languages.”
“That’s not in your file.” Natasha shook her head, proud of her young spider.
“It’s not like I took classes. I just learn them when I can.”
“So you’re eavesdropping on us when we switch languages.” Tony spoke again, unable to comprehend how a 16 year old happens to know so many languages.
“It’s not on purpose. You guys are the Avengers, so you should know to always be aware of what language another person can speak.”
“You’re unbelievable, kid.”
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@peterbeanie @dead-inside-pt2 @jean-and-diet-coke
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ispyaespa · 3 years
RETRIEVED: Pretty Little Problem
TW: Spy actions, False identities, Model behaviors, Girl x Girl competition, Competition, Kidnapping, Missing persons, Decoy, Language, Insults about appearance
DATE: 21.07.24
LOCATION: [Redacted]
AGENT: Ningning
“Hang on, when do I need to enter that code you wrote down for me?”
Ningning closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she collected her thoughts. She liked Karina-unni and thought she was so cool for handling stressful missions under pressure, but technology wasn’t always her strong suit, especially when it came to coding and programing. She opened her eyes and turned to face the young woman who was driving her to the event. 
“There should be a room where you can do things like print off tickets, research local places, etc.,” Ningning told the older girl. “You’ve got Winter in your ear to help make sure you’re alone when you start entering the code. All you have to do is go to the main page for the competition, right click on the page, and select View Source Code. It will show this screen of weird commands in a boring font and you enter that code I wrote down for you after [BODY]. Got it?”
Karina winced behind the wheel as she neared the hotel and convention center where the modeling competition was being held. A week and a half ago, the 5th winner of a modeling contest went missing and the company claimed that she had a mental breakdown and stormed out of the company building. Naturally, their agency didn’t believe it and sent the aespa team to investigate. Karina was supposed to be the decoy, except her Mandarin was rusty, which meant Ningning had to sub in for her. 
“Do you need me to come with you for the registration?” Karina asked as she pulled up to the loading area for the convention center. 
Ningning shook her head and turned her head as an event staff member opened her door for her. She thanked him and exited the car, leaving Karina to find parking and the computer room in the hotel. 
“Welcome dear, do you have your ID and paperwork?” a woman at the check-in asked. 
Ningning nodded and she produced her paperwork and the fake ID with her persona for this mission: Liana Zhou. She felt someone brush up against her and turned to see a taller girl tossing her paperwork at another person seated behind the check-in table. 
“Meilin Cao, you should know me from my IG,” the taller girl announced with a haughty look. She glanced at Ningning and snorted as she turned away. “I swear the people they allow in here...”
Rude, Ningning thought as she accepted her contestant number and ID back. She listened to the woman’s instructions on where to go next and she politely thanked the woman at check-in. 
“You’re barely tall enough for print ads,” one girl remarked to someone else after Ningning joined the waiting room filled with contestants. 
The other girl bristled at the comment and threw something back about the speaker’s zit that was on her cheekbone. Another contestant noticed Meilin enter the waiting room and she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Great, now the IG bitch is here,” the contestant muttered under her breath. “Well there goes my chance at the modeling contract.”
I never want to become a model for real, Ningning thought as she tried to tune out the other competitors. 
She heard the loudspeaker crackle, then a male voice asked for contestants 45-80 to come to the stage. Ningning looked at her number and realized that meant she was part of group being called. She straightened up and lined up behind some of the other competitors, following them in a straight line to the stage. 
“How the f- does she do it?” Karina hissed under her breath as she tried to type the code word for word into the source code. Her eyes darted back and forth from the scrap of paper to make sure everything was correct, then she hit Save, before exiting the source code. The page refreshed and Karina peered at the contents of the page, which revealed a different name than the modeling agency promoting this contest.
“Winter, you seeing this?”
“Yeah I remember them from a past mission,” the quartermaster replied from her controls. “They ought to call themselves HYDRA at this point.”
“I’m guessing that’s a comic book reference?” Karina sighed. “Sorry, my mom wouldn’t let me read them or watch the movies.”
“Yeah they’re the bad guys and they exist throughout history,” Winter summarized. “Where’s Ningning right now?”
Karina checked her watch and realized that the younger agent would probably be on stage at this moment. She cleared her browsing history and left the Computer room quickly, in search of the convention center.
“Without further ado, let’s get that envelope,” the announcer prompted. He waited for the judges to pass him the envelope with the result and he carefully opened it. The card slid out of the envelope with ease and he beamed as he stepped forward and read off the winner’s name: Meilin.
Ningning applauded with the other girls and bit back a wince as she watched the conceited IG influencer step forward to be acknowledged as the winner. Well, this wasn’t how it was supposed to go – Winter and Giselle had researched the past winners and tried to help Ningning prepare so she could be picked and taken like the other girls. Her outfit had concealed trackers in them and her shoes had the tools for self-defense and picking locks. This meant they were going to have to improvise. 
Before the other competitors could exit the stage, a loud beeping sound emitted from overhead, before the sprinklers went off. The room filled with screams and shrieks as the others tried to run off stage to avoid getting wet, and the judges tried to get everyone to calm down. Ningning pretended to be upset by the sudden incident, using her arms to cover her head, but she spotted the announcer dragging Meilin away through a side door.
While everyone else was distracted, the agent made her way to the same side door and tried to find where the announcer had taken Meilin. She heard Karina in her comms and she softly whispered that she was in pursuit. 
“Try to cut them off,” she urged the older girl as she heard Meilin complaining loudly about being manhandled. She slowly walked in the direction where she heard the voice and adjusted her tennis bracelet, which was really an electrocution whip that could shock a perpetrator out for an hour and a half.
“We need the announcer alive Ningning,” Winter reminded the agent in her communication. “Giselle is very interested in getting him to talk.” 
Ningning promised she would do what she could as she neared the area where the announcer and Meilin had stopped. She concealed herself behind the bin for towels and heard the IG influencer yelling at the announcer to explain himself. Then she heard a loud slap and the announcer barked at the victim to shut up. 
“Ningning, I’m on the other side of the door, about 2.5 feet from where you and the victim are,” Karina confirmed. “You gotta flush him out so I can get him.”
Think girl, think! Ningning thought as she tried to come up with a good excuse for revealing herself. Then it came to her – why not copy some of her jealous competitors and get close enough to the announcer to knock him out?
Silently she managed to get behind a wall and she slowly straightened up and angrily emerged from her place. She walked toward the announcer and Meilin, yelling that this contest was a joke in rapidfire Mandarin.
“I was led to believe this is for a prestigious modeling agency that was looking for rookies! She shouldn’t have won – she has a social media presence on Instagram!” Ningning shouted as she neared the pair. She pointed a finger at the announcer and screamed that he better tell the judges to recount their votes because they got the wrong winner. 
“She’s a cheat! She’s an influencer and that is an automatic disqualification from the contest! Technically she’s a freelance model already!” Ningning added. 
“Maybe you weren’t picked because you’re not model material,” Meilin shot back, despite nursing her bruised cheek. 
Ningning stiffened and got up in Meilin’s face as she demanded that she wanted the taller girl to repeat her sentence again. The announcer had been silent and stunned up to this point. Remembering he was only here for Meilin, he resumed his professionalism and tried to separate the two women civilly. 
Ningning shoved him hard in the direction of the door where Karina stood on the other side. “This is between us, not you! Make yourself useful and get the judges STAT.” 
The announcer tried to approach Ningning again and this time she smacked him with the back of her wrist, the tennis bracelet engaging and shocking his cheek. The former convulsed for a moment, then slumped against the door, unconscious. 
“Should I pull the door towards me?” Karina asked via her communicator.
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shellheadtmark2 · 5 years
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actually, because i’ve gotten a lot of new mcu mutuals lately, and i need to redo my 616 tony stark care manual bc i wanna tweak it and make some aesthetic changes (because i’m just Like That), things you should probably know because i am actually 616/marvel prime/main continuity-based.  i swear i’ll be serious this time.  maybe.
the original flavor tony is not going to be the same tony you’re used to from the mcu - mcu tony is actually more marvel ultimates inspired, which is a whole kettle of fish unto itself and that i have a verse for, but we’ll get to that at a later date.  instead, meet main continuity tony.
+  he started his path to iron man in a very similar way to mcu tony, in that he was injured by his own weapons (depending on where you pull from the sliding timescale, it’s everything from landmines to micromunitions) that damaged his heart and left him slowly dying.  we all know this story, right?  he built the first iron man to escape and the rest is history.
+  the difference is, main continuity was dependent upon the armor’s chestplate for a few years. the arc reactor ain’t really a thing in 616, instead we have the rt node.  similar in function, only tony could use it to do unibeams without the suit.  anyway, when tony came back, he took on iron man as an alternate identity, and told the world iron man was his bodyguard.  no one knew for a few years there that tony stark - handsome, generous, kind-hearted benefactor of the avengers who opened his home to them - and the metal-clad adventurer known as iron man was the same person.  it took a mishap with molecule man and a tiny red silk thong (no, i’m not kidding) for that little secret to come to light.
+  he was in his very early twenties when he became iron man - much younger than his mcu counterpart, and he’s very, very good at being iron man.
+  his relationship to most of the avengers - and heroes in general - is very different.  his best friend in the entire world is steve rogers - he’s had a captain america memorabilia collection since before the avengers pulled steve out of the ice (which is another thing - the avengers thawed steve, and tony has always idolized him - there’s no resentment there - and steve was not a founding member, he came in after the avengers had already formed).  his other best friend is rhodey, who was his employee-turned-military liason for stark unlimted (formerly known by many other names).  his other other best friend is pepper potts - they’ve never actually been romantically involved.  his other other other best friend was happy hogan, who died a few years back during the nightmare of civil war - which was much more us-based and much more horrific in tony’s universe.  he’s carol danvers’ aa sponsor.  he’s good friends with reed richards.  he’s been friends with stephen strange for years.  he and bucky barnes are fairly close and tony’s the one that got rid of bucky’s trigger words.  he and natasha have dated...ish, and are close.  he was never peter parker’s mentor, as his peter is a full grown adult, but peter did intern for him for a while.  and was on an avengers team with him before civil war.  he, steve, and thor are still the big three, but they have a friendship that’s been forged in the fires of really bad mistakes and they’ve come out the other side still close.  he knows the guardians of the galaxy because he was a guardian for a while during his big vacation in space.  he’s dated more avengers and x-men than you can shake a stick at.  and jarvis for him is edwin jarvis, his living, breathing, now semi-retired butler who served the avengers for many years and is part of the avengers family.
+  he was director of shield for a short time after civil war and steve rogers’ assassination.  he hated the job and he hated steve being dead and he hated what he forced himself to do so bad he literally erased that entire year out of his head.  and to get rid of the database full of superhero secret identities stored in his brain but you can’t tell me he didn’t have a more recent backup without it.
+  his first ai was named homer.  jarvis actually was pepper’s ai, for her rescue suit, and was never tony’s.  friday is and has been his main ai for years, and she has a hologram form.  she mostly runs the day to day stuff that doesn’t require tony to physically be there for the company.  which, also, tony is still ceo, he hasn’t handed that over to anyone, and pulls double fulltime duty as both a working stiff and an avenger.  his eyebags are designer.
+  he was secretary of defense for a year - he got himself elected when he found out someone in military research was reverse engineering and stealing things from the iron man.
+  he’s in his early 40s and looks younger:  being an extremis enhancile for a while and then undergoing a full-body reboot does wonders for the skin, apparently.
+  he’s canonically bisexual.
+  is known for using himself as a lab rat for incorporating experimental technology into his biology.  ask me about the suit he carried in his bones!
+  he’s 6′1 with blue eyes.  that’s, uh.  kind of important to know.  he’s tall.  he’s lanky.  and if you’re not a metahuman he might just can kick your ass, because captain america trained him in hand to hand combat (of which he’s very proud of).
+  the ten rings are literally ten alien rings used by his main archvillain, the mandarin.  they hurt.  a lot.  and he hates when he gets an up close and personal view of them smashing into his face.
+  he’s not as quippy as his mcu counterpart, and instead is more prone to bad puns and rambling awkwardly.  canonically he has depression, anxiety, and ptsd, and struggles with them regularly.  he’s also a recovering alcoholic.
+  take mcu tony’s tech.  then put it on steroids.  then make it the craziest scifi thing you can imagine.  and you’ve got the barest hint of what this tony’s tech is like.  seriously.  ask me about the suit he literally carried inside of himself.  or the time he could control machines with his brain.  616 is wild.
+  he’s been homeless.  and i don’t mean rich people homeless. i mean living on the street, nearly froze to death riding out a blizzard in a doorway and almost lost fingers and toes to frostbite homeless.  tony’s a Rich Boy but one who’s had a taste of how the other half lives on more than one occasion.  he’s also worked a regular nine to five like everyone else and lived in what was...honestly...a really shitty apartment.
+  he’s adopted, and he has a(n adopted) brother named arno.  his bio mom’s a former rockstar, and his bio dad a hydra double agent.  you literally can’t make this shit up.
+  he’s incredibly self destructive and self sacrificing.  if things look hopeless he’ll be the first to offer himself for the pyre.  because he has absolutely horrid self esteem.
+  he’s a liar.  he’s sneaky.  he tends to make decisions for other people without consulting their feelings on the matter - partly because of a tony knows best attitude, but also because there are people in the world he’d do anything, and i mean anything, to keep safe, even if they hate him in the end.  it’s kind of awe inspiring and terrifying if you manage to inspire that level of devotion in tony, because really.  anything.
+  he has a playboy reputation, but he’s anything but.  you either get casual sex out of him?  or you’re married now, sorry, that’s just how it is.  he settles and nests with a vengeance.  he’s one of those people that would love to be happy and safe and loved and married and all that happy shit but doesn’t feel like he’s worthy of it.  his issues with this have issues, to be honest.
+  if you call him in the middle of the night and need an evac and you’re on his People list he will come.  twice in two days.  dropping everything to go to the middle of indiana to do it.  if you are sad and text him about it he will bring you food.  if you don’t answer his texts he will find you and check in on you.  if you feel out of place and adrift he will try to buy your baseball team and move them back to brooklyn to make you happy.  if you die and he can’t cope with your death he will buy your first avengers indenticard for 2mil at an auction because he can’t stand the thought of anyone else having it.  if you’re really special he’ll call you “beloved” and “captain handsome”.  sometimes sweetheart.  please note these things are all canon.
+  he dies a lot.  it’s okay, he gets better.
+  his irrational fears are the dark and cockroaches.  his actual fears are waking up drunk and the suit becoming a coffin.
anyway this is a Lot.  and it’s not even really scratching the surface so.  i’m gonna just drop this on the dash as is.  and you know it helps for me to make dumb lists like this from time to time to refresh things.  anyway, i know it’s a lot!  i know it’s different!  but my (broken) ims and disco (shellhead#8434) are always open for questions and plotting.  and my inbox, too, ig.  so you know.  remember we’ve got a canon multiverse.  it’s real easy for me to drop him in the mcu to make your day annoying.
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heldgrudges · 5 years
* ☆ ◞ KANG HYUNGGU. CISMALE. HE/HIM. ◟ wait, wasn’t that KIHA AHN? they’re a TWENTY-ONE year old JUNIOR, hailing from BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. i heard they’ve chosen to study MOLECULAR BIOLOGY  while living at ALPHA PSI SIGMA. word around campus is that they’re AUDACIOUS & JOCOSE but also quite RESTIVE & HONEYTONGUED. if you happen to see them walking to class with their earbuds in, they’re probably listening to BERMUDA TRIANGLE by ZICO (  feat  .  CRUSH  ,  DEAN  ).
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hello  ,  hello  ,  hello  !  my  name  is  lilly  &  i’m  so  excited  to  finally  meet  all  of  you  .  thank  you  so  ,  so  ,  so  much  for  joining  our  group  !  it  means  so  much  to  us  .  i’m  ready  to  meet  all  of  your  wonderful  muses  &  get  interactions  going  .  if  you’d  like  ,  we  can  plot  on  tumblr  through  ims  or  i  can  be  reached  on  d*scord  @   missing ptg#6575  !  though  ,  i  will  admit  ,  d*scord  can  be  faster  sometimes  .
president  of  the  alpha  psi  sigma  frat  .  
kiha  does  not  take  orders  well  .  let  me  tell  you .  .  .  . he  will  look  at  you  sideways  if  you  attempt  to  control  him  in  any  way  .  his  management  has  quite  a  lot  on  their  hands  when  it  comes  to  him  ,  to  say  the  least  .  
he  can  be  rather  quarrelsome  .  let’s  just  say  !  he’s  a  very  passionate  boy  & feels  strongly  on  what  he  cares  about  .  everyone  is  entitled  to  their  own  opinions  .  .  .  buuuuuuuut  .  .  . he’s  gotta  argue  with  you  first  .
he  speaks  five  languages  :  english  ,  cantonese  ,  mandarin  ,  korean  &  thai  .
this  is  a  gucci  household  .  everything  kiha  owns  is  gucci  .  well  ,  apart  from  a  few  pieces  he  enjoyed  from  other  name  brands  .  apart  from  that  ?  he  doesn’t  mess  with  anything  outside  of  his  true  love  .
he  has  gathered  quite  a  large  following  over  the  years  .  yes  ,  years  .  he  has  been  at  this  for  quite  some  time  now  &  enjoys  everything  he  does  .  a  following  of  6.4m  is  enough  to  make  anyone  feel  as  though  they’ve  made  it  ,  you  know  ?
100%  knows  how  handsome  he  is  .  a  bit  of  a  lothario, quite  honestly  .  he  enjoys  romance  !   too  bad  he’s  only  had  relationships  for  publicity. rip  kiha  , ig  .
frankly  ,  he  was  bred  to  be  a  star  .   this  is  all  that  his  parents  have  ever  wanted  for  him  .   they  knew  he’d  make  it  far  .   so  .   .    .   you  guessed  it   .    .    . they  tend  to  leech  off  of  him  &  his  talent  . he’s  a  momma’s  boy  tho  .  he’d  do  anything  just  to  see  her  smile  or  tell  him  that  she’s  proud  of  him  .
always  cracking  jokes  . he  likes  to  laugh  &  make  people  laugh  !   he  enjoys  bringing  people  joy  .   that  right  there  is  his  greatest  joy  .
he’s  really  ,  really  ,  really  hard  to  control  .   he  doesn’t  like  being  tied  down  .  kiha  likes  to  be  free  !  he’s  constantly  whining  if  he’s  forced  into  something  .
his  life  is  full  of  bright  lights  &  glamour  ,  of  course  . there’s  times  where  he  likes  to  take  a  step  back  from  it  all  though  .   he  likes  to  get  away  from  the  bright  lights  sometimes  &  get  a  grasp  on  who  he  is  as  a  person  .
will  pretend  to  be  your  bf  if  someone  you  don’t  like  is  around /  someone  is  bothering  you  .   will  pretend  to  be  your  bf  just  because  .
there  are  times  to  where  he  can  be  a  complete  asshole  ,  though  .  he  is  a  known  grudge  holder  !  so  ,  if  you’ve  crossed  him  ,  just  know  you’ve  placed  yourself  on  a  list  .  he  is  a  pro  @  giving  the  cold  shoulder  .  also  ,  he  often  says  things  in  the  heat  of  the  moment  .  there’s  times  to  where  he  does  not  mean  them  &  they  still  come  out  .
pansexual  king  .
fun  fact  :  his  original  fc  before  the  muse  was  altered  had  been  wong  yukhei  .  so  ,  upon  imagining  the  energy  that  kiha  radiates  ,  pls  think  of  our  boy  yukhei  .
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thedispatched · 3 years
Ok so I finally read the soompi post defending Lucas and I wanted to share my thoughts:
They presented some strong points, but their bias is also pretty obvious and they always land with such bold assumptions that just don't make sense. It makes me a bit skeptical.
Anyway, I'll start with the information they got from the ooooshiiim account and the twitter prediction account:
The user ids they represented are def real, that can be easily confirmed by going to websites that translate user handles to ids.
But them comparing one manga character to lucas and assuming that somehow that disproves OP 1's claims is hilarious LMAO. The description of the fictional character would literally fit most male idols, idk how they went like "oh this guy severely resembles lucas, another evidence yay!"
As with the Instagram account, I can't seem to find it?? If, say, it's really OP, did they happen to find the soompi post and decided to delete the Instagram account/change the username? This is also poses the possibility that the Instagram account isn't actually real, but I guess we'll never know.
I also wish the soompi lumi provided a link to the account and some more elaboration on how their cyber investigator found it through the twitter acc's digital footprints. The manga part is very elaborate but most else is just pretty vague which I find a bit questionable?
The said fabrication of the chat records: doesn't the gaps depend on what version of WeChat it is? I searched for "wechat screenshots" and some gaps can indeed be as big as the ones in the chat records.
It would also have been better if they highlighted the gap inconsistencies/misalignments they are pointing out because personally I don't see it(but maybe it's just my eyes bluffing).
I don't have much to say about the schedule parts since I don't follow their schedules closely and I'm too lazy to search for it, but I guess what those fans said do make sense.
The voice messages: I don't have much to say either since I don't speak korean. But last time I heard the alleged voice message and the bubble one lumis are using as proof, they didn't sound alike. But then again, I don't know korean.
The sasaeng photos: I guess it also kinda makes sense. But I feel like the fan who said they got the same photo OP 1 had provided should have just showed a screenshot of her conversation with the sasaeng she claims to be selling them, I mean, the photo is already out, so what difference of not specifying which photo it is/not showing the screenshots of her conversation with the sasaeng would make?
The ring part: the soompi lumi's argument also seems pretty valid. It really does not look like his finger.
The OP 2 part: I don't know mandarin or cantonese so I can't really comment on the nuances the fans are trying to point out. I don't understand the red boxes though, were those part of the original photos OP 2 provided or are they highlights of the misalignments lumis are trying to point out?
The OP 3 part: Oh they can definitely be a guy, but it's also possible that they didn't use their actual gender in the account(I myself do that all the time, for privacy reasons). But once again, we will never know which is true.
The photo is indeed very questionable. Why is the background blurred? Why are there plushies everywhere? Why is there a reflection of what seems like a man in the glass when they're supposedly alone? But there seems to be a door and a small hallway reflected on the glass too? It looks clean and hotel-like. And the one who took the photo seemed to be sitting right besides him based on the photo's angle. If it's taken by a sasaeng staff as fans have claimed, how did the sasaeng staff secretly took a photo like that while literally sitting besides lucas and with other people around them(like the "man in the glass") without the other people in the dorm questioning what the fuck is that staff doing? But another explanation I can think of(if the photo really came from a sasaeng staff) is that a member took the photo(with Lucas being aware of it) and somehow the sasaeng staff managed to get it?
With OP 3's chat records, again I don't see the gap mistakes or misalignment they are pointing out, I again tried to look at WeChat examples on the internet and the difference between the size of the messages and the dates is a normal thing, so is the gap between 2 messages vs the gap at bottom of the chat. And the "difference" between the two s's in lucas's username they are pointing out is honestly ridiculous. The photo is taken from an asymmetrical angle, of course the sizes would look unequal.
The sleeping photos: the plushies' textures don't look the same, dorm plushie looks more rough while the plushie Lucas is sleeping with looks softer and fuzzier. And if it was taken by a sasaeng in the wayv dorm as fans have claimed, how the hell is the sasaeng within such a close proximity? There's so many people in the dorm and I doubt they'd be all asleep at that time to not notice that a sasaeng is right besides their sleeping member literally photographing him.
The jacket and photo receipts: Oh I've seen this on another article. I'm convinced with the debunking of the jacket part, and receipts are everywhere in the internet. I guess it isn't impossible that OP 3 might have just took the receipts somewhere online.
OP 4's surfing video: Yes, same pose, but different angles? That does not look exactly the same as the one he showed in his socials. But that black spot is definitely questionable.
OP 4's WeChat records: Oh another questionable one. Especially the imbalance in the color value. But once I again I think it would have been better if they provided the links to the other debunk posts they included because man I can't see the cutting traces in the chats that they are pointing out.
OP 1's second post: again I think the difference in wechat date layouts depend on the version? And why did most koreans themselves didn't question the difference in OP 1's wechat? Like if korean wechat really don't look like that, wouldn't they point it out?
"their account creation dates and account activity all falls within the same time period." Um no?? 2015, 2019, 2018 are same time periods??
In conclusion, as I said before, I think the soompi lumi presented strong points that really make you question the credibility of the allegations, but their intense bias towards lucas makes them quite questionable, too. And the way they treat every debunk post like the absolute divine truth is pretty off-putting.
I'm convinced not everything in the allegations are true. I'm just curious about the severity of his actions. Maybe he dated them, but maybe he wasn't an asshole? But if that's the case why would they try to ruin his image if he treated them right? Or maybe he really was an asshole but some of the story isn't true? Ah I'm still so confused of what to think but I believe there has to be some truth in the story, but just how bad is the truth???
thank you for sending me your thoughts! it's always interesting to see what other people think. (and sorry for the late reply!)
i'm not gonna say much as i've talk about my thoughts on the post already.
i agree about the manga, it's absolutely ridiculous how comparing one manga character to lucas debunks their claims. that's just one example of one of the far fetched assumptions that made me lean more towards not believing the article.
part of me also wondered if they created the ig account for their article but like you said, we’ll never know.
even if it doesn’t look like his finger in the messages, I’m pretty sure he mentioned winwin in the texts ??
I know some people blur the background of photos for either aesthetic, or mostly for privacy reasons.
I honestly don’t know how people are seeing a man in the reflection. It’s a literally blob. You can’t make out any (person) shape.
The jacket and receipts is the only thing I took away from that article that I actually kind of believed. I talked about this with another anon. That is super easy to fake, but the photos were also originally blurry so a “blur” around the words would be hard to solidify as evidence unless the photo is in ultra hd or something lol. But to me this is the most believable to be fake.
I once saw a twitter thread pointing out how the messages weren’t photoshopped and explained why they looked “misaligned” or whatever but I can’t remember what it said exactly besides auto translations. I won’t be able to find it again because it was so long ago :/
Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but wechat is more of a China thing? Like not a lot of people outside of China/non-Chinese use it. You’re right about why Koreans didn’t point it out, but I don’t think they’d know if they don’t use it ??
You asked a lot of questions and pointed out a lot of things that are something to think about, but I don’t think anyone has a clear answer unless you have an extreme bias.
I also wondered the severity of his actions. I think this whole thing is a mix of truth and lies. We all want to know the truth and the worst part is we never will. Like you said, how bad is the truth?
(I might edit this later and add some stuff 😅)
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thejosh1980 · 4 years
Travel Update #19 - Quarantine Day 11
Originally Posted on Friday 18th September 2020
Well I woke up today early yet again…. I think I was awake before 3am, I definitely was out of bed by 3:30.
I feel pretty down again too…
I had a bit of a breakdown the other night. The stress, tiredness and missing a special someone from Germany got to me. I know I’m not Superman but (unfortunately) I expect myself to have super human strength in these trying times...
These moments of despair are happening more often than in the past. I just don’t realise how stressful it all is until it overwhelms me. I have to remind myself, to remind myself, that we did move (half way around the world) in a pandemic situation, with delayed flights, too many goodbyes (and so far not one hello) and quarantine go through.
It's been 6 months of constant worries... No wonder I'm loosin' it!!
I make sure that I have a lot to do here, I tend to deal with any of my issues by keeping busy. I don’t ignore them as much as I find time helps, and the best way for me to pass the time, is to keep busy. But usually one needs motivation to keep busy, and that is lacking… I have to really force myself to focus on things… To be honest my “to do” list is long, and I am overwhelmed by it…
I know, I am my worst enemy… I'm working on it...
The 4 walls do creep in on you. My world has gotten so small, I am starting to worry about the outside world! Will I be able to just go shopping without anxiety attack?? What is “normal” life like these days? Has it changed a lot since they locked me in here? Questions to be answered in the future…
I am thankful for the phone calls and messages I receive each day. So much love and support, it really goes a long way to putting a smile on my face. Thank you.
Now, to change the subject, lets go back a few days…
Tuesday both breakfast and dinner were late!!! Shock!! Horror! … It’s those little things that matter the most these days… Alexanne was howlin’ for her dinner! She was Hangry!!! Usually our delivery comes later rather than early, but if we expect it latest 19:30, then 19:31 is not good enough! At least it made us laugh… Honestly the meals have been very good and varied… A little “heavy” but I'm sure we'll loose the quarantine weight once we get out of here and can finally spend some time on the beach ;)
We got fresh sheets and towels!!!
I chose to have a bit of a lazy Wednesday… After receiving a bunch of phone calls (walking for hours in the bathroom as to not wake Alex), I took my first nap during the day since being in here… It felt like a bit of a Sunday. Relaxed… TV… some reading… But that was the night the anxiety and stress got the better of me… Maybe because I wasn’t tired enough to just fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow… My mind was racing… The day started good, but it didn’t end well…
It could have been the health check phone call or the daily police visit that messed me up… I mean, they call and you have to wake up… they knock and you have to wake up… Pretty unfair when you’re napping…!!! But in the end, they’re just doing their job… Ever since the “runner” the other week, the police come round to check your name off a list… Maybe it’s a government requirement… I do know the daily health phone calls by the nurses are a requirement, in an attempt to preempt any health issues… Yesterday I was offered sleeping tablets, but I can barely bring myself to take ibuprofen let alone sleeping pills…!!
Thursday, after the mess from the night before, I attacked the morning with focus and positivity. I peeled and ate a mandarin!! Shock!! Horror!!!
Like usual, I woke early, and I walked on the balcony most of the morning while listening to a live stream (Slapsteam). It was really cool to spend so much time outside. During the morning, I could see lots of folks down below leaving with their families or in taxi’s… I was a bit jealous, but we are over the hump… Not long to go now… Like usual, I took a few phone calls too…
Between the balcony, bathroom and the phone calls, I managed to walk 13 kilometres or 20,000 steps!!
The news that the Aussie caps would be lifted came in today. It’s a step in the right direction 4,000 to 6,000 per week, but it’s not enough… There’s still too little being done to support stranded Aussies and to get them home… So much in house fighting and State and Federal Government playing the blame game… It’s so hard to describe how this all feels, and unless you go through it, you really don’t know how you’d react or feel… But I can tell you, I’m very disappointed and saddened by my country turning it’s back on fellow Aussies…There’s still no long term plan… and COVID is going to be here for a long time…
I wrote to the local Labor Senator Penny Wong and Health Minister Stephan Wade in my attempt to get access to the park outside the hotel. 3/4 of the hotel rooms don’t have an opening window, and folks are suffering. Fresh air and direct sunlight are really important, especially in these times… I haven’t heard back…
Honestly the social media thing is wearing me down, and I am finding myself less and less online… Have you seen our stories on IG or FB?? I am posting less and less, because I just don’t want to log in and read another heartbreaking and disappointing story. Nor do I want to read comments from folks who’s opinion is very unsympathetic or understanding.
I did manage to focus enough on the Ukulele for an afternoon, figuring out a few songs I might be able to play if I go live on the weekend. I don’t feel very confident, it’s definitely not my strongest instrument… The other problem is the timing, to allow Europeans and Aussies to watch… My initial thoughts are Saturday morning German time/Saturday evening Aussie time… I’ll keep you posted…
We also got to vacuum the room on Thursday. I’ve never seen Alex so happy to have “Henry" in her hands! ;)
Qatar sent me a refund for the 30/09 flight we canceled (after boarding the Singapore flight)… At least that’s a little less financial worry we have…
Alright, so that brings us to this morning, 6:30am Friday morning… After my little cry this morning, I began writing, now the sun is starting to rise, and I hope that today will feel better than those last few down moments I’ve had recently…
Writing down my experiences here has been therapeutic for me… I usually write songs about what’s going on…. Story telling taking on a new form… Always good to try something new...
I appreciate your comments and messages… Thank you everyone…
Stay safe
Josh and @dauntlesscoffee
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thebandcampdiaries · 4 years
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The Patrick Lew Band is back at it with their 2017 release: Cold Sirens
July 2020 - Patrick Lew Band is an artist with a focus on creating energetic melodies, interlaced with the energy of punk and the grit of alternative music. The project is all about keeping a broad creative mindset, as well as exploring different creative avenues, without ever losing sight of their roots. Patrick Lew Band’s 2017 studio effort, Cold Sirens, definitely speaks for itself. Cold Sirens is a well-executed release, featuring music that speaks about the artist’s fondness of punchy aesthetics, with a more contemporary twist. The first song on this release, Unfabulous, is an essential component of this album, which gets even more personal with the next track, Try A Little Harder. One of the smoothest song on this release is definitely Pain and Glory, which seems to be the perfect bridge between the other tracks, tying the vision together to perfection, almost like splitting the album, without losing a sense of continuity. Last but not least, Blonde Haired Jane is just the last sprinkle on top, which serves as a perfect conclusion to this fantastic release.
You will immediately savor the impact of this production, with a crisp top, and a remarkable texture as you reach deeper into the arrangement. The instruments collide together beautifully, and there is a lot of room to let everything breathe, like air bubbles in a perfectly expanded skyline. In addition to that, the zesty tone of the lead vocals is truly remarkable, adding a distinctive, yet subtle flavor that gives the material its distinctive signature. Once you have the first taste of Cold Sirens, you’ll want to dig in deeper and even give the whole project a second spin right away, just so that you can keep the flow going. As they say, things can get a little messy when there are too many chefs in the kitchen, but in this case, Patrick Lew Band managed to pull it off to perfection. The artist displays the confidence and skills necessary to produce something worth sharing with others.
It definitely took some heat to create this material, but the end result is far from being just “in-your-face.” You can expect a varied fabric of sounds and sonic flavors, highlighting the band’s talent for concocting great material in the studio.
Find out more about Patrick Lew Band and do not miss out on Cold Sirens, which is freshly available on all the best music streaming platforms on the web.
We also had the chance to ask the artist a few questions: keep reading for more!
I love how you manage to render your tracks so personal and organic. Does the melody come first, or do you focus on the beat the most?
Answer: It all depends for sure! I totally enjoy making my tracks sound as pure and organic as I possibly can. A lot of it is trial by error and all. I’ve been playing music for about 20 years with Patrick Lew Band locally. I am largely self-taught as a performer and recording artist. When it comes to the music itself on the records, I am very meticulous at it. I try to be as experimental, free-form and as intimate as I possibly can on the studio recordings. But yet at the same time, accessible to rock fans or even listeners from the K-Pop and J-Rock community. Considering that I’m also Asian. Lol.
Do you perform live? If so, do you feel more comfortable on a stage or within the walls of the recording studio?
Answer: With Patrick Lew Band, I’m often relegated to the walls of my home recording studio based in San Francisco. It’s technically a solo project so it’s not very easy to take it out on the road and onstage. Whenever I do bring PLB to live performances, it’s just me, my guitar and the pre-recorded backing tracks from my laptop. I do play live, although I do it with other local bands as a guitarist. I’ve toured regionally and played guitar for TheVerse and I’ve also played guitar with the Asian-American nu metal duo Benigneglect as well. I’m more comfortable as a live performer when I’m in a band situation rather than solo with the Patrick Lew Band. That’s for sure! I don’t know man, I just feel as a solo artist, most of my best work comes from the recordings for sure. And my brand presence on social-media.
If you could only pick one song to make a “first impression” on a new listener, which song would you pick and why?
Answer: As far as my music goes? Listen to Patrick Lew Band’s single Everybody Loves Ashley on Spotify and Apple Music. It was the first track of mines that help put PLB out there online and on the World Wide Web! There’s two versions. A Taiwanese Mandarin sung version that was self-released on CDBaby as a single. And the regular version of the track, on the 2009 release Let It Rise and Against. I wrote the song originally as a shout out to Ashley Tisdale. Remember her? She was in the Disney movie High School Musical, But even though I have done a lot more music since, that was indeed, the song that put Patrick Lew Band out there! I’d say it’s The Sex Pistols meets Nirvana meets Oasis all rolled into one.
What does it take to be “innovative” in music?
Answer: It’s a very subjective question to answer. But I guess staying true to yourself, putting your band out there and overcoming against all odds. And using the music to help broaden and save lives to whomever is listening to you or hearing you out, whether it be onstage live and loud. Or putting it out there on social-media like IG, Facebook and YouTube. Or even through the records. And to be yourself and not follow anyone else’s word but your own heart and soul.
Any upcoming release or tour your way?
Answer: Because of COVID-19. The tours have been postponed locally in front of a live paying audience with my band Benigneglect or even Patrick Lew Band. So right now, I’m just throwing my own live shows at my own house and live streaming it on YouTube and throughout the Internet to keep the fans updated with fresh content. I’m also continuing to write and record new material with me and my friend’s band from San Jose called Crazy Loser in a Box and I’m also working on new PLB music as well in the studio! All I can say is, keep up with me on my Facebook page and my YouTube channel!
Anywhere online where curious fans can listen to your music and find out more about you?
Answer: Oh yeah! Just Google or Bing search “Patrick Lew Band” on your computer or phone. I’m sure you will find a dense amount of content related to me. But for starters.
Here are the essential links to my music online with PLB!
I’m also on Spotify and Apple Music as well. Just so you know!
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art-angels · 5 years
 MAY 17, 2019
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Founded in 2013, Art Angels works with some of the most important contemporary and provocative artists of the times. Founders Kat Emery and Jacqueline Napal have not taken a breather-- Instead, they decided to go ‘guns blazing’ with the opening of a second gallery in Miami last year.
Emery and Napal have expanded their gallery both internationally and within the U.S., picking up clients like Drake, Beyonce, and Elon Musk along the way. At the Los Angeles flagship, Flaunt spoke with the duo to discuss their Miami location, pop culture’s influence on fine art, and their journey from conception to present-day.
Tell me a little bit about both of you, what are your backgrounds originally in?
We have never wanted to be a traditional gallery, we always like to create an inviting experience where all are welcome. We like to curate an evocative and sometimes provocative space with beautiful and memorable artworks, artworks that make you look twice, some that shock, some that draw you in, some that make you think, some that make you question, that provide emotions.
Art Angels is a very inspiring place, people get inspired by not only the artists and the artworks on the walls but also by the great team we have here.
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Stephen Wilson.
Tell me about your journey and how you guys came together?
We first met working at another gallery Jacquelin had been director there for many years and we knew that we could do something really special together. We had a vision of creating a new generation gallery space where we could help grow artists careers and showcase all of the artists and artworks we personally loved.
Describe the launch of your gallery and the first exhibition?
Our first show/launch was a one night pop up in a huge exhibition space in Hollywood, we managed to get artists to trust and believe in us and give us there artworks to exhibit. We even did a exclusive print release. The space was an empty shell and in 48 hours we moved everything in, painted walls, built walls, installed lights, put up custom wallpaper and then when the event was over took it all down again and we did it all ourselves. Thats been a running theme we have done everything and worn every hat as we have grown as a business.
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Bruno Bisang.
How would you describe the Art Angels aesthetic?
Our artwork is bold, beautiful, provocative & emotive. We have a mix of styles from photography, abstract, pop art, street art and sculpture.
What is the most exciting thing about contemporary art?
Seeing all the new emerging talents that are inspired by social and political issues and seeing how art is being used for social change.
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Barbara Cole.
How has it evolved since it opened?
We have two huge gallery spaces now one in LA and one in Miami, our collector base has grown. We have a recognizable worldwide brand now which we are really proud of and its lead to all the growth we have had and the evolution yet to come.
What is the mission of Art Angels?
In the gallery we like to curate an evocative and sometimes provocative experience with beautiful and memorable artworks, artworks that make look twice, some that shock, some that draw you in, some that make you think, some that make you question, that provide emotions. To create and inviting and immersive experience where all collectors are welcome.
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Left to Right: Mike Dargas, Craig Alan.
Why did you decide to open a second location in Miami?
We have a lot of collectors in Miami already and it was a natural progression for us to open over there. Miami is a vibrant international city that fits perfectly with our aesthetic. It is also a hub for our collectors from the east coast and over seas, they visit the city often.
What is the importance of finding the intersection between fine art and pop culture?
Pop culture influences fine art, the rise of social media has meant fine art is now so much more accessible to a wider audience. There are a lot of people in pop culture that are very influential in the art world. The fusion between art music and fashion is huge. Off-White and Takashi Murakami, Swizz Beats and the Dean Collection, Luis Vuitton and Jeff Koons are all examples of how the different worlds are colliding.
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How does social media play a role in your gallery success?
Instagram is really important to our business, we had an IG account before we had a website or a gallery space. It’s a place where we find new artists, where new collectors find us. The art world has evolved so much in recent years that Instagram is a taste making spot for art now and we play a big part in that.
Tell me about the inspiration behind ‘Showtime’ the newest show to debut at Art Angels:
In a unique manner, David Drebin combines voyeuristic and psychological viewpoints. He offers the viewer a dramatic insight into emotions and experiences which many of us have doubtlessly felt at some point of our lives.
Drebin’s intention is to liberate the viewer from the system of rules of everyday life and restore his faith, emotion, and humanity. The distinctive tension and depth in his pictures arise from the free combination of such differing topics as humor and sex, melancholy and sex and melancholy and humor.
“With our first exhibition ‘Showtime’ opening next Thursday night in LA these Art Angels, beautiful human beings inside and out, started out with a dream that has fast become a reality as so many of the artists including Stephen Wilson, Flore, Elizabeth Waggett, Michael Moebius all feel the same way about these two genuine human beings with a simple Dream: to work with great artists and to promote, elevate and build a legacy. This is the Dream.” - David Drebin
Any other shows coming up?
LA has a great line up of upcoming shows which will feature works by:
David Drebin, May 9th 2019 Stikki Peaches, September 26th 2019 
Flore, October 2019
Philippe Shangti, November 2019
In Miami, we will be curating and showcasing at:
The Nobu Hotel / Eden Roc Hotel Mandarin Oriental, June 2019 Faena Hotel Art Basel 2019
Photography by: Devin Kasparian
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hcinteract · 7 years
SCC FSC Chinese New Year Celebration
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On 5 Feb 2017, 9 Interactors headed down to South Central Community Family Service Centre’s CNY celebrations. The task seemed relatively simple at first - setting things up, delivering Yu Sheng and mandarin oranges to the residents of Lengkok Bahru, but I definitely felt that the day ended with my understanding of the task as much more than that - so much deeper, and far more meaningful than one could possibly imagine.
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Delivering the food items wasn't just a superficial task, but turned out to be a great opportunity to meet people from all walks of life - people whom, outside of this event, I would probably never be able to have a conversation with in real life. One of the most memorable moments of the day was when resident volunteers were asked why they came - notably, coming as a family as well - and they all answered that they wanted to do something for their neighbourhood and bring festive cheer during the Lunar New Year. It was extremely heartening because such responses came from many Non-Chinese volunteers, who continually spoke about how they enjoy the racial harmony we have in Singapore, and how to them this was their way of contributing towards this peace we sometimes take for granted. 
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It seems that this Lunar New Year, the volunteers managed to touch not only the hearts of neighbours they sent their well wishes to, but also that of those working with them. 
Written by Ngai Hei Yee, IG 5
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shuying877 · 6 years
Account Executive job at Artefact Malaysia Hong-Kong
Artefact (formerly Netbooster) is a digital marketing consultancy and agency focused on data usages. We are a global company with 1,000 employees across Europe, Middle East and Asia.
Our current offering can be divided in three areas:
1. Digital Marketing with media & activation experts as well as award-winning creatives that develop the most innovative campaigns based on data and AI
2. Consulting with strategic consultants and data scientists leading the way to whole new customer experiences and enhancing marketers intuitions into tangible and relevant data
3. Technologies with our cutting edge data engineers capable of developing any Artificial Intelligence platform or Big Data ecosystem.
Artefact’s goal is to be a game changer in the upcoming revolution of technologies for marketers and we are absolutely certain that technology will take more and more place in those departments. Artefact represents the long overdue marriage of marketers and engineers.
Supporting the Account Manager in operational tasks that relate to management of client’s accounts;
Provide accurate information and reports;
Optimisation of Client’s accounts;
Responsible for ensuring smooth running of client’s campaign, including effective budgetary control;
Provide operational ad support on platforms such as DoubleClick Campaign Manager (ad-serving platform)
Gain a deep understanding of the digital marketing industry;
Ensure all client accounts are kept online at all times unless requested by the client;
Optimise client accounts for maximum performance using standard Paid Media practices such as adjusting bid strategy, improving and testing creative’s, and adjusting campaign targeting and scheduling;
Build and manage close working relationships with clients and media partners (e.g. Google, Facebook) to ensure smooth running of campaigns including effective budgetary control, achieving and exceeding client targets;
Run reports on a regular basis (weekly, monthly & ad hoc) for campaign optimisation and client reporting;
Support Account Manager on developing media plans by providing reports & insights;
Attend weekly and monthly meetings, incl. preparing supporting materials (PPT, Excel);
Identify, test and make suggestions for new Paid Media techniques that the client should consider adopting;
Support the Account Manager and Business Director in expanding the Artefact business within Hong Kong, participating at new business pitches, assisting in new business opportunities etc.; 
  Other duties:
  To pursue continuing professional development in relation to the role and its duties and responsibilities;
To understand and ensure the full observation of your contract of employment incl. working hours as well as Artefact’s operating procedures and policies. 
Performing other ad-hoc projects or other duties as required.
1 -2 years working experience in a media agency (4A’s preferable);
Cantonese & English speaker, Mandarin preferable but not compulsory
Hands-on experience with managing accounts on AdWords, Programmatic Display (DBM), Paid Social (FB, IG)
Hands-on experience with ad trafficking tools, e.g. DoubleClick Campaign Manager
Enjoys taking ownership & responsibility with all required tasks;
Working knowledge of Excel;
Exemplary time management skills;
Ability to work well under pressure;
Organised and process orientated individual;
Proficient knowledge of Microsoft packages including Outlook, Word and PowerPoint;
Good presentation skills to be utilised both internally & externally;
Excellent attention to detail;
Excellent communication skills both oral and written.
Have an interest in Search Engines, Internet Advertising or Marketing;
Passion for digital & data and has a positive can-do attitude for learning new trends and challenges
Analytical & creative thinker
Team Player
From http://www.startupjobs.asia/job/39235-account-executive-marketing-job-at-artefact-malaysia-hong-kong
from https://startupjobsasiablog.wordpress.com/2018/07/09/account-executive-job-at-artefact-malaysia-hong-kong/
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ameliamike90 · 6 years
Account Executive job at Artefact Malaysia Hong-Kong
Artefact (formerly Netbooster) is a digital marketing consultancy and agency focused on data usages. We are a global company with 1,000 employees across Europe, Middle East and Asia.
Our current offering can be divided in three areas:
1. Digital Marketing with media & activation experts as well as award-winning creatives that develop the most innovative campaigns based on data and AI
2. Consulting with strategic consultants and data scientists leading the way to whole new customer experiences and enhancing marketers intuitions into tangible and relevant data
3. Technologies with our cutting edge data engineers capable of developing any Artificial Intelligence platform or Big Data ecosystem.
Artefact’s goal is to be a game changer in the upcoming revolution of technologies for marketers and we are absolutely certain that technology will take more and more place in those departments. Artefact represents the long overdue marriage of marketers and engineers.
Supporting the Account Manager in operational tasks that relate to management of client’s accounts;
Provide accurate information and reports;
Optimisation of Client’s accounts;
Responsible for ensuring smooth running of client’s campaign, including effective budgetary control;
Provide operational ad support on platforms such as DoubleClick Campaign Manager (ad-serving platform)
Gain a deep understanding of the digital marketing industry;
Ensure all client accounts are kept online at all times unless requested by the client;
Optimise client accounts for maximum performance using standard Paid Media practices such as adjusting bid strategy, improving and testing creative’s, and adjusting campaign targeting and scheduling;
Build and manage close working relationships with clients and media partners (e.g. Google, Facebook) to ensure smooth running of campaigns including effective budgetary control, achieving and exceeding client targets;
Run reports on a regular basis (weekly, monthly & ad hoc) for campaign optimisation and client reporting;
Support Account Manager on developing media plans by providing reports & insights;
Attend weekly and monthly meetings, incl. preparing supporting materials (PPT, Excel);
Identify, test and make suggestions for new Paid Media techniques that the client should consider adopting;
Support the Account Manager and Business Director in expanding the Artefact business within Hong Kong, participating at new business pitches, assisting in new business opportunities etc.; 
Other duties:
To pursue continuing professional development in relation to the role and its duties and responsibilities;
To understand and ensure the full observation of your contract of employment incl. working hours as well as Artefact’s operating procedures and policies. 
Performing other ad-hoc projects or other duties as required.
1 -2 years working experience in a media agency (4A’s preferable);
Cantonese & English speaker, Mandarin preferable but not compulsory
Hands-on experience with managing accounts on AdWords, Programmatic Display (DBM), Paid Social (FB, IG)
Hands-on experience with ad trafficking tools, e.g. DoubleClick Campaign Manager
Enjoys taking ownership & responsibility with all required tasks;
Working knowledge of Excel;
Exemplary time management skills;
Ability to work well under pressure;
Organised and process orientated individual;
Proficient knowledge of Microsoft packages including Outlook, Word and PowerPoint;
Good presentation skills to be utilised both internally & externally;
Excellent attention to detail;
Excellent communication skills both oral and written.
Have an interest in Search Engines, Internet Advertising or Marketing;
Passion for digital & data and has a positive can-do attitude for learning new trends and challenges
Analytical & creative thinker
Team Player
StartUp Jobs Asia - Startup Jobs in Singapore , Malaysia , HongKong ,Thailand from http://www.startupjobs.asia/job/39235-account-executive-marketing-job-at-artefact-malaysia-hong-kong Startup Jobs Asia https://startupjobsasia.tumblr.com/post/175694800964
0 notes
startupjobsasia · 6 years
Account Executive job at Artefact Malaysia Hong-Kong
Artefact (formerly Netbooster) is a digital marketing consultancy and agency focused on data usages. We are a global company with 1,000 employees across Europe, Middle East and Asia.
Our current offering can be divided in three areas:
1. Digital Marketing with media & activation experts as well as award-winning creatives that develop the most innovative campaigns based on data and AI
2. Consulting with strategic consultants and data scientists leading the way to whole new customer experiences and enhancing marketers intuitions into tangible and relevant data
3. Technologies with our cutting edge data engineers capable of developing any Artificial Intelligence platform or Big Data ecosystem.
Artefact’s goal is to be a game changer in the upcoming revolution of technologies for marketers and we are absolutely certain that technology will take more and more place in those departments. Artefact represents the long overdue marriage of marketers and engineers.
Supporting the Account Manager in operational tasks that relate to management of client’s accounts;
Provide accurate information and reports;
Optimisation of Client’s accounts;
Responsible for ensuring smooth running of client’s campaign, including effective budgetary control;
Provide operational ad support on platforms such as DoubleClick Campaign Manager (ad-serving platform)
Gain a deep understanding of the digital marketing industry;
Ensure all client accounts are kept online at all times unless requested by the client;
Optimise client accounts for maximum performance using standard Paid Media practices such as adjusting bid strategy, improving and testing creative’s, and adjusting campaign targeting and scheduling;
Build and manage close working relationships with clients and media partners (e.g. Google, Facebook) to ensure smooth running of campaigns including effective budgetary control, achieving and exceeding client targets;
Run reports on a regular basis (weekly, monthly & ad hoc) for campaign optimisation and client reporting;
Support Account Manager on developing media plans by providing reports & insights;
Attend weekly and monthly meetings, incl. preparing supporting materials (PPT, Excel);
Identify, test and make suggestions for new Paid Media techniques that the client should consider adopting;
Support the Account Manager and Business Director in expanding the Artefact business within Hong Kong, participating at new business pitches, assisting in new business opportunities etc.; 
 Other duties:
 To pursue continuing professional development in relation to the role and its duties and responsibilities;
To understand and ensure the full observation of your contract of employment incl. working hours as well as Artefact’s operating procedures and policies. 
Performing other ad-hoc projects or other duties as required.
1 -2 years working experience in a media agency (4A’s preferable);
Cantonese & English speaker, Mandarin preferable but not compulsory
Hands-on experience with managing accounts on AdWords, Programmatic Display (DBM), Paid Social (FB, IG)
Hands-on experience with ad trafficking tools, e.g. DoubleClick Campaign Manager
Enjoys taking ownership & responsibility with all required tasks;
Working knowledge of Excel;
Exemplary time management skills;
Ability to work well under pressure;
Organised and process orientated individual;
Proficient knowledge of Microsoft packages including Outlook, Word and PowerPoint;
Good presentation skills to be utilised both internally & externally;
Excellent attention to detail;
Excellent communication skills both oral and written.
Have an interest in Search Engines, Internet Advertising or Marketing;
Passion for digital & data and has a positive can-do attitude for learning new trends and challenges
Analytical & creative thinker
Team Player
StartUp Jobs Asia - Startup Jobs in Singapore , Malaysia , HongKong ,Thailand from http://www.startupjobs.asia/job/39235-account-executive-marketing-job-at-artefact-malaysia-hong-kong
0 notes
Get to Know Leo Fuchigami, Corporate wellness entrepreneur, life coach & community builder
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/get-to-know-leo-fuchigami-corporate-wellness-entrepreneur-life-coach-community-builder/
Get to Know Leo Fuchigami, Corporate wellness entrepreneur, life coach & community builder
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MG Meets Leo Fuchigami*, a Japanese-Canadian corporate wellness entrepreneur, life coach, fitness specialist, and community builder from Vancouver. He provides bilingual fitness team building services and wellness workshops to Fortune 500 companies across Tokyo as the founder of CoFit Movement. Additionally, he is the Fitness Specialist at Apple Japan, freelance group fitness instructor, life coach at Principle Fitness, and Asics Tokyo fitness influencer. In this exclusive interview with MG Leo talks about finding your niche and differentiating yourself from the rest through community building…
From Vancouver to Tokyo. How? Why? Please could you tell us what led you to Japan…
I was born in Toronto to Japanese parents, but raised in Vancouver for my K-12 + uni years. I majored in Marketing + International Business, with a specialisation in Mandarin-Chinese and business in China. Upon graduation, I moved to Korea and worked as a middle school English teacher for a year. I then spent five months in Latin America, mostly in Lima, Peru, before I moved back to Vancouver. After several years in Vancouver and another extended trip to South America, I decided to fulfil my childhood dream of living and working in Japan to find the answer to the question, ‘Who am I?’, a question many bi/multicultural children struggle with in their formative years. I think it was never a question of if, but when I would go to Japan. Throughout my childhood, I had visited for a week or two during the summers to meet my grandparents and extended family, but had never experienced Japan as an adult. In 2014, I determined that, if I did not move to Japan now, the opportunity may not arise again. So, I bought a one way ticket and started looking for work.
As a Japanese-Canadian, how did I navigate the working culture in Japan?
Prior to leaving for Japan, I was warned by some friends and family of the difficulties of working in the Japanese work environment, and the unique discrimination that nikkei (Japanese born and raised overseas) would face, as a result of looking like a Japanese-person and having a Japanese name, yet not living up to the expectations (of etiquette, linguistic ability, etc.) of a Japanese person. To my surprise, I found that I was a massive beneficiary of positive discrimination. There is, in fact, a need for, and to some degree, a reverence for, bicultural bilinguals in multinational organisations. Putting aside the influence of nepotism, there is a natural gravity pulling bicultural bilinguals towards middle management from a purely functional perspective. To generalise, they serve as bridges between expat upper management and domestic employees; regional/global departments and domestic departments.
When I first started working in Japan, I felt my linguistic capabilities and cultural understanding were wholly inadequate. But, language and etiquette, are, in fact, things that can be learned. Personality, culture, and perspective, however, are much more fixed. I realised that my outspokenness, my inclination to create and disrupt, and my ability to empathise innately with both cultures (Japan vs. West) were highly valued and rewarded. In some environments, these traits can be seen as a nuisance and be suppressed, but in others, they are cherished.
In Vancouver, Canada, my linguistic skills and bicultural background would only be useful in the tourism, education, and trade sectors. But, in Tokyo, what might have been tertiary considerations in Vancouver, become primary considerations, automatically elevating my stature and value as an employee. It is something I do not like to admit, but it is a reality, and one I am determined to use for good and rather than justify complacency.
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How did you get involved in the fitness industry in Tokyo?
I did not enter the fitness industry in a traditional manner through the institutional side. My first interaction as a ‘player’ in the industry was when I joined the leadership of an outdoor fitness community called SOGO Fitness. It was, and still is, on a purely volunteer basis. Through the efforts of all the leaders and supporters in SOGO, we have grown the community to over 7000 members in Tokyo and nearly a dozen events per week. As a result, we have had the great fortune of working with many organisations in the sports apparel sector such as Nike, Lululemon, Reebok & GAP, as well as those from the tech and F&B sectors. The skills and connections I organically developed through my involvement in SOGO helped establish me (as well as many other SOGO leaders) as someone that can lead group fitness + build communities + organise event logistics + connect with decision makers at lateral organisations. By leveraging the reputation, skills and network that I built through my involvement at SOGO, I was able to ‘officially’ enter the fitness industry in 2018 already differentiated from existing players in the market.
How has the perception of fitness changed in Tokyo?
Tokyo is definitely experiencing a fitness boom. As recently as four years prior, fitness fanatics were often typecast as goofy caricatures on TV, but these days, it is increasingly cool to be fit. What was once considered a hobby for the fringe is now becoming a mainstream aspiration. This can be seen all across Tokyo. The chain gyms have 10x’d their locations in the last decade. There seems to be a new CrossFit box, boutique gym, or studio opening every week. Terms like ‘athleisure’ and ‘fitness influencer’ have started to become universally recognised.
How is the fitness industry different between Japan and Canada/US?
The US is, far and away, the epicenter of global fitness innovation. Whether it is gym chains, sports apparel, fitness apps, fittech, supplements, equipment manufacturers, the newest trendy fitness classes, or IG influencers, the US generally dominates. Japan has a global presence in traditional sports category apparel (i.e. running shoes from Asics, swimming wear from Mizuno), etc. but otherwise is, from my view, mostly taking a copy and localise approach. That is to say, for local companies to duplicate the business models of successful English-based fitness apps, services and business models. Think Soul Cycle (US) vs. Feel Cycle (Japan). I think, for the time being, the ‘low hanging fruit’ of fitness disruption and business opportunity in Japan will be of this variety.
Where I think Japan may best be able to export fitness innovation overseas in the short to medium term are:
Niche application IoT & AR/VR fittech
Services leveraging the Japan association. Marie Kondo is the best example of this. She has become the de facto queen of cleaning in the English-speaking world, and she has done so with limited English speaking ability
Japanese-style supplements. Somewhat similar to the above, Japan has a lot of soft power as it relates to quality, health, safety, attention to detail, food innovation, and mindfulness. Additionally, Japanese packaged goods exporters already have the global supply chains in place, so domestic supplement makers that can properly exploit these advantages should be able to find success
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Name three things you love about Japan and three things you’d love to change (can be work or life related)
I love…
The sense of freedom and lack of anxiety that results from living in one of the safest countries in the world, with regard to personal safety
The infrastructure – from the nationwide railway system, to the comprehensive telecommunications networks, to the clean and organised streets
The desire to balance new with old. It’s easy to criticise the stubbornness with which Japan/Japanese seem to cling to old traditions/processes/media icons/perspectives, etc., especially by those with the moniker of innovator or disruptor. However, there is an unspoken cost to constant disruption, especially felt by the old, the less wealthy, the rural, and the less adventurous. There is an exhaustion that comes from constant innovation. Plus, there is a serenity that comes from seeing the same person on TV for 40 years, visiting a temple that has existed for 1000 years in a commercial district, and buying paper books in a digital district
I would love to change…
The insular perspective and mindset that some Japanese hold. Some Japanese, when given the opportunity to travel, would choose to travel to other parts of the country, rather than overseas. Whether it is anxiety/fear of the unknown or the limited knowledge of what the rest of world has to offer, they do not desire to even know. I believe it is imperative for Japanese to have a greater sense of adventure in this matter in order to broaden the sense of empathy beyond the country, and understanding for the tribulations of immigrants. This is not a unique situation to Japan, but I see it as a bigger issue here than most other nations I have lived in. It is a shame, because Japanese have the freedom to travel and the means to, yet some choose not to. There are many around the world that dream of the ocean or the amazon, but due to their circumstances, may not be permitted to, or simply cannot
Smoking indoors at restaurants with pseudo-insulation. Although this is changing, I can’t wait for Japan to catch up with most other developed nations. It is an unavoidable hazard to customers and employees alike, for the benefit of a shrinking minority
The difficulty with which many Japanese have in expressing their introspective thoughts. Japanese are adept at considering the interconnectedness of things, but falter in individual introspection. As an individual that enjoys deep conversations, I find myself unable to connect with many Japanese because of their aversion and/or inability to join such conversations
Please tell us more about your business – CoFit Movement: what are its aims and what makes it unique among fitness startups…
A lot can be deduced from our slogan, ‘Connecting People Through Fitness’. We want to create the best fitness services and products that are designed to connect people. This can span B2B to B2C, but we have decided, strategically, to focus on becoming the best bilingual corporate fitness services provider in Tokyo first.
But, our ambitions do not stop there!
Q2 2018 Launched specialised fitness team building service called Office Connection Fitness
Q3 2018 Launched an innovative partner training certification program for fitness instructors called Partner Resistance Training
Q4 2018 Launched a fitness music video production service called X Productions
Q1/2 2019 Expand portfolio of services with a heavier emphasis on corporate wellness workshops
Q3 2019 Hire additional instructors with different fitness and wellness specialties and become a bilingual corporate trainer dispatch platform
Q4 2019+ Franchise to other cities and countries
2018 was the year we trialed our services with Japanese, multinational F500, and startup companies. It proved that there was a demand for this kind of service, and that we were uniquely positioned to be a leading player in the market. 2019 is the year where we expand our services, client portfolio, and develop the platform for scalability. It is my hope that 2020 will kick off global expansion. But, beyond business success, there is a greater fundamental vision. Through my travels, I have observed that there are a few universal activities in the world that have the ability to connect people beyond linguistic and cultural barriers. These include dance, soccer, music, farming, alcohol, and food. I believe community/connection fitness is the next to join this rank, and we hope for CoFit (and SOGO) to be a big part of that equation.
What made you set up your own company?
In 2016-2017, I determined that the fitness and corporate wellness boom was early stage, undeniable, and had many years of growth potential. Additionally, I felt it was an area less likely to be impacted by automation and AI, unlike many functions within digital marketing. So, on December 31st, 2017, I left my 9-5 digital marketing office job in order to transition into the corporate wellness industry.
Based on my knowledge of the market, I realised that traditional institutional fitness providers (gyms, both chain and boutique, and the network of established instructors) were well positioned to extend existing services to corporate clients. That is, for example, for a domestic yoga studio to offer Japanese yoga classes to corporations. However, the greatest demand for wellness services, I presumed, would initially come from multinationals that seek bilingual services, and, given the opportunity, would prefer fitness services that offer a value-add beyond just traditional fitness. That is to say, fitness with a component of mindfulness, education, or holistic wellness.
I was driven by a combination by an overwhelming sense of purpose, the clear market opportunity, and the belief that I was well positioned to succeed (given my mix of skills, passion for the craft, and network of friends, supporters, and partners). So, I reached out to Menya, a fellow fitness innovator, whom I already worked closely with on SOGO and I knew shared the same vision of disrupting the fitness industry, and we created CoFit. We had a powerful ‘why’ and a partnership based on shared values, trust and respect. The rest, is history!
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Fitness innovator, life coach, digital marketer… that’s a lot of roles and skills, which are your favourites?
I find immense enjoyment in both life coaching and fitness. With my fitness initiatives (CoFit & SOGO) I am able to help a lot of people, a little. But, with my life coaching (Principle Fitness), I am able to help a few people a lot. I think there is a need for both approaches and am truly grateful that I can pursue both.
So, does health really lead to wealth?
In my experience and observations, this question can be answered with a more straightforward ‘Yes’. Speaking from personal experience, when I am physically and mentally healthy, I am far more productive, empathetic, confident, disciplined, focused, and motivated – all traits necessary to succeed in society either as a student, employee or entrepreneur. If we presume that wealth is a result of productivity, and health and productivity have a positive correlation, then we can reasonably assume that, to strive for health, in consideration of time constraints and opportunity costs, will lead to wealth.
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Which project – business or pleasure – are you most proud of completing and why?
My first project was a website called Hack My Study from 2010, which provided advice on study hacks and productivity techniques for students. A great source of inspiration for this project was Tim Ferris and ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’. It has since received over 2.5 millions views, earned $12,000 in Google AdSense Revenue and Amazon & 3rd party affiliate commissions, and even beat Tim Ferris’s competing articles on many keywords. It was not my biggest success, but it was the one that started it all. That I was able to provide effective advice to students across the world for free and learn many valuable skills in the process, it cemented the idea in me that there are many ways to create win-win-win (creator-consumer-society) situations through creation and entrepreneurship.
Is there anything else you’d like to mention?
If you want a good laugh, check out the fitness music video I recently co-produced called Radio Taiso X. We took the original Radio Taiso #1 routine, remixed it into an EDM track, created a hardcore version of the exercises, and then filmed around six locations in Tokyo.
If your company is interested in providing fitness team building activities for your employees as a way to promote interdepartmental socialisation, and create a healthier, happier, and more optimistic working environment, please contact leo[at]cofitmovement.com. Or If you or your business is interested in workshops on goal setting, productivity, community building, and happiness, or you’re interested in 1-on-1 coaching, please contact leo[at]principlefitness.org. Finally, if you’d like to learn more about Leo’s community building projects, you can read more on his homepage leofuchigami.com.
*Please note that any opinions expressed in this interview are that of Leo’s and do not reflect that of his employers. Where cited, his opinions do, however, reflect that of the organisations he has built or been a significant contributor to.
Source, N;
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hcinteract · 7 years
IG 6: Chinese New Year in Hwa Chong
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n 27th January, Interact Club invited 40 elderly from Sathya Sai Social Services, Tembusu Seniors Activity Centre Eunos, to join Hwa Chong for our CNY celebration. It's been a yearly tradition for IG6 to invite the elderly and many have been to Hwa Chong since this begun. About 30 Interactors were involved in the event, and we were split into 2 groups to accompany the elderly for the performance and to set up the tables outside the Mother Tongue department for Bingo and Lo Hei after the performances. Overall, while we met with many setbacks along the way, the elderly enjoyed themselves very much and were quite happy to join us for the celebration!
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Interactors helped to pack goodie bags for the elderly during the General Gathering before the celebration, which contained Mandarin Oranges brought from home by Interactors, packet drinks, chocolate coins, and a handmade card. Interactors also worked together to make CNY decorations, which we hung around the MTL department to make it more festive. I think the handmade cards really helped to add a personal touch to the event and made the Goodie bag a lot more special for each elderly.
During the performance, one of the uncles got lost as he wandered off during the performances after visiting the washroom! We were all very anxious but managed to find him in the end, with the help of interactors and Tembusu staff, Genevieve. It has taught us to be more alert and to ensure that Interactors are each assigned a few elderly to take care of throughout the day. The elderly seemed to have enjoyed the concert performances, especially the Chinese dance and lion dance performance.
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We also faced a number of set backs in setting up the area for Lo Hei and bingo. It was a bit rushed as I underestimated the time we needed to set up the area, and we also faced some difficulties setting up the AV equipment. There was a bit of delay in starting the bingo game as we were not quite prepared for the elderly's arrival and for the PSG and principals to arrive and distribute red packets so early! Nevertheless, we managed to settle down and start the bingo smoothly. We prepared a few prizes for the elderly to bring home and they were thrilled to receive it.
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For me, the entire planning process was quite difficult as we had to liaise with several parties and organise the event for so many elderly, with the little experience we had. My biggest takeaway comes from seeing the elderly's happy faces as waved them goodbye, and their warm hands thanking us for hosting the celebration as they boarded the bus. It was definitely an unforgettable experience, and I am looking forward to interacting with the elderly in more of these events in the future!
Written by Brenda Wang, IG 6 CSD
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