wexler-goodman · 1 month
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happy 20th anniversary to these losers who apparently only got married for legal reasons and weren’t head over heels in love with each other for well over a decade before this occurred.
also, happy jmm day to all who celebrate 🥳
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useless-englandfacts · 2 months
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obvs acab but the scottish police force have the chance to do the funniest thing right now
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straycatj · 2 months
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What a rare happening...
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wizardpotions · 3 months
incase any of you needed a reminder that basically all bigotry falls into a pipeline JKR has become so transphobic shes moved on to holocaust denial about this
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theshillongtimes · 7 months
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daily-dragon-drawing · 3 months
Mr J dragon!! (With an annoying lil brother kofu dragon) 🤭
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#74 & #75 - 流浪貓 (liúlàng māo / stray cat) & 威脅者 (wēixié zhě / menace) - My two favorite internet cats!!! A master and his apprentice 💖🐈💕🐈‍⬛💞
@straycatj I turned you into a dragon…I hope it’s ok……
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vishnuraghavkrj · 9 months
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c-rowlesdraws · 4 months
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こふたつ - kofutatsu
A wintertime picture for the wonderful blog @straycatj, inspired by Landlady's recent posts about Mr. J and Kofuku enjoying the kotatsu!
(Kofu is the black cat, and Mr. J is the toasted marshmallow)
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curry-and-gunpowder · 3 months
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Dazai "everyone's project" Osamu
(Plz don't @ me with any suggestions or "corrections", thank you.)
Edit: holy shit this blew up way more than I ever imagined lol. Thank you to all who reblog, your tags are everything ❤️
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straycatj · 11 months
why do you have bad memories from helping landlady take care of kofu when he was a baby? what did he do?
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It was nothing but a bad memory
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travellaro · 1 year
Travelling important for relax our body & mind......
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Traveling can improve your mental health by: Helping you feel calm. Taking time from work to see new places releases the stress you've been holding onto. Relieving the tension and stress of your work life lets your mind relax and heal.
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georgies-ftts · 1 year
As much as i hate JKR i will not tolerate any slander or hatred aimed towards the kids that get casted in the Harry Potter reboot.
If they get accurate aged kids then they’re gonna be between 10-12/13 years old to represent year 7’s (11-12.) Chances are they’re child actors aiming for a big break which shouldn’t be biased on who they author of the books are or they are being pushed by their parents which is something that happens more often than not.
I refuse. point blank refuse to fuckin ‘cancel’ any kids casted. They are children and they deserve a chance.
I won’t be watching it. But i will not obliterate a child’s chances to succeed based on a woman’s shitty view of human beings
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oopsorryagainagain · 2 months
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A little of each 💕
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bytebun · 1 year
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found family coworkers (definition multiple) of all time [image description under cut]
Comic 1:
First panel, Ingo and Akari are standing together. Someone off-screen asks “oh, is that your dad?”. Akari has an awkward smile and replies “oh, no no. he’s my...” There’s a long pause as she looks at Ingo. He’s leaving it up to her. She finishes, “He’s my coworker... friend... guy.” In smaller font, she continues “yea. that.” Comic 2: A dramatic panel of Volo, looking pissed off, shouting “who are you to interfere?!!” Ingo tugs the brim of his cap lower. The upper half of his face is in shadow, while his eyes stand out. He looks threatening but has his expression is his characteristic neutral-frown, and he says “...I’m her coworker friend guy.”. In the final panel, Machoke is throwing an incredible amount of punches, a reference to Star Platinum from Jojo. Ingo is pointing with one hand, his battle pose. The background text reads, “What does that even mean??” Volo is experiencing off-screen violence.
Comic 3: The comic is titled “Reunion”. In the first panel, Ingo shows off Akari, with a faint smile on his face. She is labelled “best girl (assigned by god)”. He says, “Emmet, this is Akari, my coworker. She’s the reason I was able to return to this station.” In smaller font, Akari comments to herself, “ooh... so this is the man in white.”
In the second panel, in smaller font Ingo notes “I think I remember now...” He says, “Akari, this is Emmet. He's also my coworker.” Coworker is underlined. Emmet is crying in the background, looking confused, conflicted, distressed, and happy. He says, “Brother...?” In the final panel, we see a framed photograph of all three together. Underneath are the words, Employee of the Month. Akari is dressed as a depot agent, and she and Ingo pose with peace signs. Emmet is red faced from crying, but he’s smiling widely. He looks happy.
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ookaookaooka · 1 year
I’m hardly the first person to compare them but Terry Pratchett and J K Rowling really are polar opposites in terms of the way their writing treats weird characters. In Rowling’s writing, any weirdness is there to be laughed at (for example: Professor Trelawney, the fake seer who doesn’t know she’s an actual seer). In Pratchett’s writing, though, the characters’ weirdness is taken 100% seriously and the humor arises organically from the situation itself and is never at the characters’ expense (for example: in Making Money, the man who was born a clown and was never told so until he was 13 years old). In Rowling’s writing, the main characters poke constant fun at Professor Trelawney, making joke predictions and fudging homework and talking about how divination isn’t a legitimate field of study. Even after she gets fired and more or less drops the act, the joke changes to “look at this sad drunk lady” and the main characters express little sympathy. The narrative is saying she’s there to make one real prediction and otherwise she’s only there for comic relief. This sort of thing happens over and over in Rowling’s writing, where any quirkiness is there to be laughed at and the misfortunes of characters we’re not supposed to like are supposed to be funny, and it sends a message of conformity under threat of ridicule. In Pratchett’s writing, the clown man’s story is treated as a great tragedy: imagine growing up not knowing why you are the way you are, and then finding out the truth as a teenager! And knowing that your own mother kept the truth from you! This man was so deeply traumatized by this he denied himself any humor or fun for decades, and when he has a crisis and runs off to become a clown again, he is given support and medical treatment and is welcomed back to his job at the bank and accepted for who he is. The fact that this whole situation is hilarious is secondary. And again, this sort of thing happens over and over again in Pratchett’s writing, where characters’ quirkiness is embraced and often seen as irreplaceable by the end of the book, and it sends a message that our quirks are valuable and weirdness should be acceptable. It just strikes me as a much… kinder approach to people, you know?
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xesam1 · 1 year
Kashmir the paradise
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