#j.t hope
zaenight · 8 months
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sanguineterrain · 2 months
Hello madame terrain, I have been thinking about boxer!jason for some time now and I'm wondering if you have any thoughts about him? if not that's totally okay too ☺️ love all your writing!!!
lol hi, madame terrain is adorable 💕 also boxer jason is big brained!!! let's do it ;)
boxer!jason todd x gn!reader. reader is an apprentice to a ringside doctor (leslie thompkins). tw creepy OMC intimidates reader, jason protects/defends r, fluff, my attempt at boxing stuff.
Leslie said she'd be back in an hour.
You're currently at the thirty minute mark, hoping for a natural disaster, an angel, anything, because...
"Doc gives me stuff for my pain all the time," Keith says for the third time. "It's real simple."
Keith Dixon is one of the gym's regular fighters. You haven't seen enough matches to judge his fighting, but you can confidently say that his people skills are in the toilet.
He'd barged into the office ten minutes ago and had refused to leave even when you said Leslie was out.
You need to make a break for it.
"You have to wait for Dr. Thompkins," you say, lifting your chin. You won't give in and risk losing this job. No way in hell. "I can't administer medications. I'm not licensed."
Keith rolls his eyes. He's a hothead, new to Gotham. Likes to fight. Likes to fight mean.
"Look, you're new. I'm just giving you a heads-up on how things work around here," he says, backing you up further. You're nearly against the wall.
Where the hell is Leslie?
"I'm sorry, Mr. Dixon, but I can't prescribe painkillers without her supervision."
"Uh-huh. Know what I think? I think you're just not cut out for the ring," Keith says, cornering you against the cabinet. "Cute thing like you shouldn't be hiding in an office. The Doc ought to know better..."
"Is there a problem?"
The new voice makes you flinch, just a little. Keith pulls back, posture easy but guarded. The second guy holds himself similarly. He's also well-built, clad in a gray tee and black sweatpants. His hands are wrapped.
"J-man," Keith says, daggers in his teeth. "Man, I thought you were benched for the week. You meet our new assistant? They're still getting used to how things run around here."
The mystery man looks at you. His eyes are a lovely teal.
"Is he botherin' you?" he asks.
"I—" You swallow. "I was just explaining to Keith that I can't administer medicine without Dr. Thompkins."
Keith huffs. "Jason, tell 'em how this works."
Jason faces Keith. They nearly match each other in height and bulk. You hope to God they don't decide to brawl here and now.
"I think you're the one who needs a reminder, Dixon," Jason says coolly. "Seems pretty straightforward to me. You need to wait for the Doc. So was there something else you needed?"
Keith's mouth presses into a line. You can tell he's got about a hundred ugly thoughts on his tongue right now.
"Nope," he grits out.
"Mm. Then step off."
Keith obeys. You slip out of the corner.
"I'll come back," he says.
"When the Doc's here," Jason adds. It doesn't sound like a suggestion. "If y'need a reminder of her schedule, I don't mind giving you one."
Keith looks at you. You hold his gaze, heart pounding.
"Of course," he says, all false charm, and pushes past Jason. "See ya in the ring, J.T."
You can't relax even after Keith leaves. Jason remains in the doorway. You close your eyes at the thought of dealing with another fighter. It's not bad with Leslie here, but this is your first time alone. It's already a disaster.
Obviously, none of the fighters respect you like they respect Leslie, even after three weeks of you working here. You don't even know all of the fighters.
"Hey." Jason doesn't move from his spot as he asks. "Y'okay?"
"Yes," you say, keeping your back straight. "I'm fine. Do you need medical attention?"
"I just came to get some more wraps. But I can get 'em at home."
His voice is softer now that Keith's gone.
"No need," you say. "That's what I'm here for."
You get a roll of tape from the drawer. It takes you three tries to pull the edge out. You drop it twice.
You feel Jason's eyes on you. You keep pulling the tape, but it won't comply.
"I got it," he says. "I can wrap myself. Toss it here."
You pause, tape half unfurled. "Dr. Thompkins told me to do all wraps myself."
"Leslie's cool. I won't tell her, anyway."
You shake your head. "Why don't you want me to wrap your hands?"
Jason glances to the side. He leans against the doorframe, purposely casual.
"'Cause Keith's a big guy. And I'm a big guy. And your hands are still shaking."
You tighten your grip on the tape.
Jason gestures to the office. "This is your space. I won't come in if you don't want me to. That's not how this works."
"It's... it's the job," you say, startled. "I don't—I've heard that Keith's rough with everybody."
"Yeah, well, he's an asshole. You shouldn't have to be rough back. Good fighters turn it off outside of the ring. I don't want to make you feel small. Alright?"
Tension bleeds out of your spine. You no longer feel like prey.
"It's easier if I wrap them for you," you say, and turn your back on him to fetch the antiseptic.
The tiles behind you creak as Jason hesitates for a moment. Then he walks in and sits in a chair, so you're higher than him.
He looks up at you. He really does have beautiful eyes. His eyelashes are dark and delicate. There's a faded bruise on his cheek.
He's boyishly handsome, with a mouth that looks like it smiles a lot.
"Do you also fight here?"
He nods. "Since I was eighteen. Been here a while."
You take one of his hands in both of yours. Jason's already thrown out the old tape. His knuckles are cut up. They're covered in scars. His fingernails are short and neat.
His hands are big, far bigger than yours. Veins feed into each other from the backs of his hands up his forearms.
You take out the antiseptic spray.
"Might be cold," you warn.
"'S okay."
You spray his skin. Jason doesn't even flinch.
"Your hands are really soft," he says.
"Oh, thank you. I use Isley's Salve. Works great."
Why did you share that?
Jason's mouth quirks. "Yeah? Might have to try that. My hands have seen better days."
"I have some in my bag." You let go of the half-done wrap and dig through your backpack. You pull out the small tube of salve and squeeze some onto his hands.
Jason is quiet and still as you rub in the lotion. He's pliant as you finish the wraps, letting you turn his hands over. You pull the wraps tight.
"All done," you say, face suddenly warm like you've been caught doing something you weren't supposed to.
He flexes his hands a few times. "Thanks. You're good. I can see why Leslie chose you as her apprentice."
You shrug. "Anybody can wrap hands."
"Dunno. I've seen some pretty shit wraps in my time."
"Oh. Well, um, I'm here most of the time, so feel free to come by and get your wraps changed."
He hums. "Sure. Don't worry 'bout Keith. I'll take care of it."
Your eyes widen. "I don't want more trouble..."
"You won't get trouble, I promise. We don't tolerate that here. 'Sides, he's overstayed his welcome."
You nod. "Okay. Thank you, Jason."
"No need for thank you's. Y'alright getting home?"
"Yes, I'm okay. Leslie's dropping me."
Jason nods, then picks himself up. He pauses like he wants to say something else, but he strides out of the room like he's in a rush instead.
"Well, um. G'night," he says over his shoulder. "Take care."
It's about fifteen more minutes until Leslie returns.
"Everything alright?" she asks in a tone that tells you she already knows the answer. "I ran into Jason on my way in. He said Keith Dixon gave you some trouble. I'm sorry I took so long. Are you alright?"
"You ran into—I thought Jason went home for the night."
Leslie looks like you've just told her the sky is red. "He wanted to make sure you were okay. So he waited till I came back. Are you okay? Did Keith hurt you?"
You shake your head. "No, I'm alright. Just shaken up. He's a bully. Wanted painkillers."
Leslie frowns. "He won't bother you again. I'll make sure you're not alone."
"It's okay. I mean, Jason was there."
She nods. "Mm. He's a good boy. I know his father."
"Yeah, he, uh, was nice. I wrapped his hands."
Leslie raises an eyebrow. Your shoulders rise.
"What?" you ask. "You said to practice my wraps."
She shrugs. "Nothing, nothing. I did tell you that. I'm glad you got some practice in."
You follow her to her car. Soon, Leslie pulls out of the lot.
"Leslie, do you mind if we stop at CVS?"
"Sure. What for?"
You feel for the little tube in your pocket.
"Need more Isley's Salve... I'm, uh, running low."
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buckychristwrites · 1 year
About You | Masterlist | j.t. |
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A Completed Series
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: Your job? Pop culture journalist for The Independent. Your assignment? To write a profile on the cocky footballer that you’re publicly feuding with.
Warnings: Lots of cussing. Some angst. Some fluff. Enemies to lovers
A/N: I’ve never written for Jamie before so i hope I do him justice. Enjoy! :)
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
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Brotherly Love P.t 2 J.T
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Jason Todd x Al-Ghul/Wayne reader(platonic)
Brotherly Love Masterlist <- right here
Gender Neutral
Summary: Time at your father's has broken apart your relationship with your brother, but what about your adopted brother?
Warnings: insecurity, mentions Scarecrow and his toxin, mentions of murder.
You were sitting down in the library, reading one of your favorite books, and sipping the tea you had made just a few minutes beforehand. The ache of being alone had finally disappeared weeks ago, you don't even know if Damian has left the Batcave, you wonder if he too missed how things were before you came here.
A sound of footsteps alerted you before the large library doors opened, it was that man that you had seen talking to Alfred, the guy with the familiar eyes. You watched as he closed the door behind himself, his eyes caught your own as he glanced at you with no readable expression. You kept eyeing him as he passed the couch you were sitting on and headed straight for the bookshelves, he reached a hand up before grabbing onto a worn out book.
He turned around and started heading towards the couch opposite of you, you quickly looked away, staring down at your own book as an attempt to look busy.
As he sits down and opens his book you look up again, trying to figure out why he looks so familiar, and notice the book he has is green, and the spine is falling apart, the title has worn away probably from how old the book was.
"Y'know it's rude to stare." The mysterious man across from you commented, snapping you out of your daze making you look back up at his face that was now facing you.
"Who are you?" You questioned, still confused about what looks so familiar about him, the man across from you chuckles, and his face breaks out into a smile confusing you even more.
"Straight to the point huh?" He he chuckled out again, "well I could ask you the same, you came here with that brat didnt you?". You wanted to snap back, defend your brother from this random man that seemingly knew him.
"Yeah...I did" you mumbled out looking back down at your very own book. The change in attitude seemingly left the man a little lost, and not knowing what to do, he shifted a bit and gripped his book a little tighter. His lips pursed and his eyes darted to things around him as he sat in the awkward aura that had taken over the enormous room, his eyes once again looked at you as he thought about what to say to lighten the mood back up.
"My names Jason." He introduced finally answering the question you asked him, his eyes softened and the corners of his lips slightly rose when you looked back at him.
"(Y/N)." You responded, your brain was scouring for anything that could pinpoint why you think you know him, but sadly, no knowledge of 'Jason' had come up.
"Yeah, you're the old man's kid." He stated, somehow knowing you, just like he knew Damian, seriously who was this guy? He must have sensed your confusion because he answered your question immediately.
"Bruce took me in when I was a kid, and I have some history with Talia."......was this guy in your head or something what is going on?
"The library was my favorite place when I first moved in." Jason spoke, talking to himself as he looked back down at the book in his hands.
"Mine too." You mumbled....
The two of you sat there until Jason had gotten about halfway through his book, he had then run down to the Batcave and you hadn't seen him since, when you asked Alfred he told you that Jason had come by to talk and to borrow something from Bruce. Later that night after dinner you ran to catch up with Bruce before he got to the Batcave, hoping to get answers to some questions.
"Bruce!" You called out, not really on the term 'father' yet like Damian is. Bruce stopped walking and turned to look at you, waiting for you to catch up to him.
"What is it, Y/N?" He questioned once you finally reached his side, after putting out his arm for you to hold on to he started walking again.
"Is Jason another one of your adoptees?" You questioned, your head turned up to look at Bruce who was looking back down at you with his eyebrows raised.
"Well yes he is, my second....why?" He answered, curious as to why you would bring up Jason.
"Well he came by today." Your statement took the older man by surprise, Bruce hadn't even known Jason had been at the Manor, after their most recent fight that caused Bruce to explode and say some things he didn't mean Jason had cut off his communication with the rest of the family. Surely this visit meant that he's ready to speak again, hope filled Bruce, maybe Jason would forgive him so that he can have his son back again.
Before you knew it you and Bruce reached the Batcave, and he looked down at you yet again, eyes holding nothing but love, offering a small smile he hesitantly let go of you. As you turned around to leave, Bruce had stopped you to ask
"Do you know what he came for?". You shifted your body to face the taller man yet again, this time his eyes were holding a look of sadness, begging you to say that he came for his father.
"He came to get something from you, then he sat in the library and read with me." You answered, before staring your journey back to the kitchen to help Alfred with dishes.
Bruce finally had time away from Wayne enterprises, and Dick was going to be in town for the next week because of a case, seeing an opportunity, Alfred had put together a dinner and invited Tim and Dick. Which lead you to where you are now, sitting next to Dick and Tim, Dick was talking to Damian whilst Tim was talking to Bruce about business at Wayne enterprises.
Conversations were cut short when Alfred had come out with all of the food, everyone had collected what they wanted and started completely new conversations with other people at the table, except for you, you just sat there staring at the food you were eating.
A knock at the door caused everyone to stop their conversations yet again, curiosity got the best of everyone as they turned to look at the entryway of the dining room once two voices were heard.
"Master Jason is here." Alfred announced, as he walked into the dining room, and just like he said Jason was there right behind him. The scarred man had taken a seat across from you, where a plate was already sat waiting for him to fill up, you and Damian had gone back to eating, unbothered by the awkward aura surrounding the other men at the table.
Dick was the first to speak, mumbling a "Hey Jason" served with a half smile, The man across from you just glanced up at him and muttered out a "Dick." in acknowledgement, after that the rest of the men around the table started eating again, continuing their conversations from earlier, leaving you to sit there and silently eat your food.
A foot nudging your leg from under the table got your attention, your head shot up to look at Jason who was staring at you with his eyebrows knit together, his face showed a look that silently asked 'are you okay', offering him back a slight nod you went back to eating.
Bruce had cleared his throat therefore making everyone at the table look at him, he set down his utensils and brought his hands together to sit under his chin, before looking at you and Damian.
"I spoke to Talia, and we both think it's best if I enroll the two of you into school." He revealed, as if he was just a normal single father, and he looked at each of your faces to catch your expressions.
"We are far to intelligent for schooling with a buch on simpletons." Damian exclaimed, seemingly annoyed that Bruce would even think about putting him in a room of regular kids.
"I know that Damian, but we just think it will do the both of you good." Bruce sighed trying to get Damian on board with the idea.
"But-" Damian started before you interrupted him, "Mother is not coming back anytime soon, is she?" You questioned, school would only mean that you and Damian would be staying here longer than anticipated.
"No Y/N, she's not" the older man muttered out, and went back to his food as an attempt to end the conversation at that.
(Trust me I know Talia talking to Bruce and being like "yeah put our kids in school whilst I hunt Deathstroke" is a little weird but I have a vision.)
After dinner Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian had all retreated to the batcave, and Jason had just up and disappeared. Alfred had already came and picked up all of the plates from the table you were still sitting at, your head was hung as you stared at your hands in your lap.
Everyone had willingly left you, they had all got up and left you, that wasn't fair. Why does Damian get all of their attention, why is Damian more liked than you, is it because he has proven himself worthy since he is Robin, is it just because he is more bearable to be around? Talia may have not been the best mother but oh how you wish she was here for you right now, maybe she would understand how you feel, maybe she would spend time with you, even if it was just training. Bruce had been okay at first but as time went on and Damian proved himself worthy Bruce had become distant, spending more time with Damian-
Your body snapped up and your instincts kicked in as you were pulled out of your thoughts, the hand that was just placed on your shoulder was now behind the back of the body you had bent over the table.
"Jesus, calm down!" The person yelled, as you looked down at the body you identified as Jason, letting go of his hands you backed away from the table, Jason straightened his back as he turned to look at you, slowly he brung both of his hands up to hover around his head in a way to show that he means no harm.
"Calm down will ya." He whispered out, gesturing to your rapid breathing, he slowly brung down one of his hands and reached it out towards you only for you to move away from him yet again.
"I'm fine." You muttered out, looking down at your feet, and trying to steady your breathing. Jason lowered his arms back to his sides and waited for your breathing to regulate before speaking again.
When your breathing finally went back to normal you looked up at Jason who was just staring at you, a smile broke out on his face and you could see that he was trying to hide a laugh. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to guess what he wanted to laugh at, the look you gave him only caused his laughter to finally break out. Once Jason's laughter died down he moved towards you and raised an arm to put around your shoulders.
"Come on." Was all he said as he pushed you out of the dining room.
Your enture body was stiff as Jason lead you around the Manor, his arm still residing around your shoulders. The two of you walked down the long hallways, no conversation being made, just admiring the art along the walls. There were various paintings hanging, some sporting random people you've never seen, others looked like younger variations of Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Tim. You wondered if Bruce would sit you and Damian down to get yourselves painted, Ra's himself had had a couple commissioned of the two of you, but never hung them.
Jason guided you down another hallway, you could feel the warmth from his skin seeping in through your clothes, his arm was heavy, a resuring weight, a reminder that he was still there right beside you. He brought a feeling that you had never felt, maybe it was the fact that you have never been held except by Damian, who's embrace lacked comfort and love, maybe because he himself never experienced that.
You could smell the cologne that he sprayed before visiting, that traditional man smell was on him but the more you focused you could tell that he smelled like Tobacco, Gunpowder, leather, and something earthy, hints of something sweet hit your nose as you continued to breathe, like he had been in a bakery.
Jason and You had come to a halt in front of a pair of doors, doors that you're highly familiar with, doors to the library to be in fact. Jason took his arms off of your shoulders to push open one of the doors open, gesturing for you to go first and himself after. Jason walked past you, seemingly heading for the couches in the middle of the room but he soon passed them too, ending up in front of one of the many bookshelves, the very one he stood in front of when the pair of you read in here the other day. Speaking of the other day Jason was now grasping the same exact book that he had the other day, old, green, and missing its title. Jason scoured through the book, seemingly reminiscing, you watched as Jason straightened his back, closing the book and looking directly infront of himself, before looking back at the book one last time. Jason turned around face you, his legs moving towards you, book still in hand, his eyes kept moving from the book and the floor.
"Here, I noticed what you were reading the other day." He stated holding the book out to you with a smile on his face, trying to hint that you would like this book as well.
"What is it?" You questioned, curious as to what the book in fact was, before taking it in your hands and tracing along the cracked spine. One of Jason's arms went to rub the back of his neck, and his eyebrows knit together as if trying to find the answer to your question.
"To be honest, I don't know, book was here way before me." The man infront of you confessed, Jason let out a chuckle before heading towards the door again, opening it and gesturing for you to step out.
"Where are we going?" You questioned him again, first he led you all the way to the library without telling you where you'd be going, now he's trying to get you to go somewhere else.
"The cave." Was all he muttered.
Everyone was already in their suits, crowding around the office chair infront of the computer's, you and Jason stood behind all of the boys with curious looks on your faces.
"What is it this time." Jason asked breaking the silence that hung around the room, Damian turned to look at him, if looks could kill, Jason Todd would be a dead man again.
"Homicide." Bruce answered first, never once taking his eyes off the screen. From the looks of it, he was looking at the filed police report.
"Wow, surprise, it's Gotham." You remarked, Jason turned to look at you with a hidden smile on his face, your own face mirroring his after you made eye contact. Damian turned to look at you, offering the same look he gave to jason seconds before. Dick stood up straight and rested his elbow on your head. Quickly, he looked down at you, then Jason, then back to you.
"Not all of the murders in Gotham stem from Scarecrows gas." Dick informed."The infected committed the crime this time." He finished, Jason moved from beside you, heading for the entry from the batcave and back to the Manor, you pulled Dicks arm off of your head and went to follow Jason back up.
Once back up Jason headed straight towards the front door, and fled down the front steps of the Manor.
"Jason, wait!" You called out to him as he hopped onto a motorcycle.
"What?" He asked, putting on a helmet.
"Where are you going?" You questioned him
"work." Was all he said before revving up his motorcycle and speeding off.
You stared down at the book in your hands, tracing the faults on the cover with your fingers, honestly in a family of vigilantes you should've known that he's one too.....
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I got so much support on p.t 1 of this and that makes me so happy, I hope you enjoyed this part as well. I don't know when it will be uploaded, but I am going to write another part. <33
(Pt.3 is out now)
Taglist: @sanjanapm @unofficial-jaytodd-wife
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burnthoneydrops · 10 months
Could you do a fluff Jamie Tartt imagine where the reader takes care of a drunk Jamie who forgets that they've been dating for months and thinks they're back in their crush phase after they and the boys went out celebrating a win?
Drunk in the Back of the Car (j.t. x fem!reader)
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pairing: jamie tartt x fem!reader
word count: 654
warnings: language, alcohol
a/n: here you go love! i hope you like it and requests continue to be open!! (also first time writing for jamie so pls be kind lol)
The early 2000’s pop music blasting through the speakers was about to make your brain explode. The boys were celebrating a great victory in their match earlier that day and had all decided to crash this club that Colin had found. The flashing lights and sticky floors were slightly off-putting but the boys just wanted to celebrate and Jamie had insisted you came along too. Keeley and Roy were somewhere, probably at a table stuffed in a corner as Roy hated anyone spotting him. Isaac immediately bought a round of drinks upon entry and thus started the flow of alcohol. You were just glad that you and Jamie had agreed that you would drive home so he could properly celebrate. 
Speaking of your boyfriend, he was nowhere to be seen. A group of you had been gathered in front of the bar, chatting and drinking and dancing- though somewhat badly- and then as the night aged on and people found different things that piqued their interests, the group dispersed into smaller groups across the club. You were clumped together with Colin and Sam, chatting about the opposing team from the earlier match, while Colin interspersed some lyrics from the rap songs that were playing overhead. While laughing at Colin doing this weird dance while rapping, you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
“Your boyfriend is smashed,” Roy commented as he held Jamie under his arms. He was clearly having a hard time standing on his own and it seemed like Roy had dragged him from wherever they were previously stationed. 
“I’m fine grandad,” Jamie retorted, though slurred and he clearly had to put a lot of thought into the short sentence. 
“I’ll take him,” you smiled at Roy, silently thanking him for making sure Jamie got back to you. He nodded and passed Jamie over to you before he walked off, probably going back to find Keeley again. You grabbed one of Jamie’s arms and threw it over your shoulders, leaning his weight into you. “Looks like I’d better get this one home. Enjoy the rest of your night lads”. Sam and Colin say their goodbyes before going to find the other boys. 
“Woah, you better be careful there. I’ve got a girlfriend and I don’t think she’d like you touching me like this,” Jamie tries to stand up straighter to get away from you, but almost immediately tips back over. 
“I am your girlfriend,” you laugh. 
“No way,” Jamie says quietly, in an ‘I can’t believe it’ type of way. 
“Come on Jams, let’s get you home”. 
Despite the copious amounts of effort it took to get Jamie through your front door- which included him almost throwing up in the back seat of your car- you finally got him in bed in a semi-comfortable position. Once you were sure he wasn’t going to throw up in the bed, at least long enough for you to get ready for bed, you headed to the bathroom to take your makeup off and change out of your clubbing outfit. 
“Y/N?” You heard Jamie call from the bed. 
“Yes love?” you question, sticking your head out of the bathroom doorway. 
“How’d you get into my house?” 
“I have a key Jams,” you laugh. 
“Did I give you that?” He tilts his head. 
“How sloshed did you get Jamie?” You move closer to him, sitting down next to him on the bed. 
“Oh my god I’ve got Y/N in my bed,” he whispers more to himself. 
“I’ve been sharing a bed with you for the past two months, love,” you remind him, moving his hair away from his sticky forehead. 
“Holy shit, no way,” he mutters before passing out again. You laugh at his antics and go back to the bathroom, finishing your nighttime routine before grabbing some water and aspirin for the morning. You were so going to make fun of him tomorrow for this.
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joeybass00 · 2 months
Hope you’re day is going great
I hope today you walked outside and the spring air took away your troubles for a second
I hope you woke up this morning with a smile on your face as the sun came in your window
I hope you picked the perfect outfit on your first try this morning
I hope your hair fell perfectly into place like you wanted it too
I hope your music had the perfect shuffle while you played it in the background of whatever you were doing today
I hope you had a moment to relax and forget about all the sadness and anxiety
I hope your tik toks made you laugh today
Cause I hope someone got to see that smile and it brightened their day up just as much as it used to brighten up mine
I could never know wether or not your day is good or bad anymore
But sometimes
I can still hope
The thought of you being in even the slightest bit happy gets me through my days
I hope you’re doing your best with everything
I’m proud of you
And I’ll always still care, wether you think I do or not
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32bitterra · 2 months
(March 1 - March 29, 2024)
Back once again for the renegade master, D4 damage with the ill behavior (camper fans come get ya food. more under the cut.)
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This is not a comic, just me getting easily distracted in art form. One of my friends thought Chloe's helmet was a TV screen.
Artist's block then began to beat my ass, but we will brute force our way through.
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I wonder if Maloof likes Tom & Jerry.
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This one's for the bird nerds and/or lovers of corny jokes out there.
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Signs of spring.
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With Elka's help, the artist's block was vanquished.
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This one is based on a dream I had months ago. They are listening to this because it kept me sane during the inordinate amount of time I spent on it.
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Dart's head shape is like a modified version of Quentin's head shape (or maybe the other way around.) Visualizing it this way has made it easier to draw him.
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A very important task as Bobby's henchman, you see.
(Note: since people have been unsure of what Bobby means when I show it - he wants Benny to bite into the apple first since he can't bite it with his bad teeth.)
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I hope you took some time for Vernon on Storytelling Day (March 20)
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There's been this commercial that plays "What A Feeling" and every time it comes on, it makes me think of Crystal without fail.
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Is Chops wearing lipstick? The color is similar to Kitty's lipstick ... Did he steal it from her?
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A Kitty-less Franke, how sad. I've expended all my energy to draw Kitty, so she has to be by herself.
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J.T. has a very nice face. He has a very trustworthy smile. I trust him.
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jasntodds · 11 months
Too Heavy | J.T.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Request: @just-lost-inbetween-worlds​ : Can I get Jason Todd (doesn’t matter which version) with the prompts: bloodied knuckles, wiping the others tears away, as well as crying into their chest. Maybe bloodied knuckles bcs of punching something in a mental breakdown and then the rest happens.  Bad Things Happen Bingo Prompts
Summary: Sometimes things get a little too heavy for Jason
Warnings: Angst, blood, mentions of death, mental breakdown, hurt/comfort
Words: 2,802
A/n: I was listening to a lot of Too Heavy by The Plot In You while I wrote this so here we are lol If you wanna be added to my tag list, click the link below, send me an ask, or comment!! You can also follow my library blog @peteprkerlibrary​ !! If you like this, please reblog it and/or talk to me about it!!
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Everyone has bad days. They come and they go. It gets better. It always gets better. But for Jason, his bad days are sometimes so rough and harsh, the world collapses from under him. He falls through the cracks into a black abyss, surrounded by every failure he’s ever had. He falls and falls and falls until he finally hits the bottom and the wind is sucked from his lungs in a hard smack. Leaving him alone in the pitch black coldness. Today is one of those days.
He’s just gotten back from patrol and he was quiet not to wake you. He walks steadily to the bathroom but his thoughts are circling the drain. Every step he takes is like twenty pounds added to his ankles and another thought joins the damned ride. Jason’s chest grows heavy as he finally reaches the bathroom, quietly shutting the door behind him.
The worst nights of patrol involve kids and tonight did. It’s always the most innocent of people that get to him. Most nights, he can handle it because it’s part of the job. It’s one of the reasons he puts the helmet on every night. But tonight is different. Tonight is different because it didn’t have the hopeful ending it should have and it’s not fucking fair.
Jason’s hands grip the bathroom counter so hard he thinks he might shatter it in his palms. He almost hopes he does. He looks at himself in the mirror, his back slightly hunched over and he looks hollow. A discarded shell of who he should have been. And he can’t stand it. His head spins while his eyes slam shut and his grip tightens harder against the cool stone.
His chest starts to heave as his breathing quickens. His chest grows heavy and he wants to start ripping out every single one of his organs in hopes it’ll lift some of the weight. The heaviness is suffocating and if he didn’t know any better, he’d think this would be his end.
But he knows better.
And this is the never-ending hell he’s trapped in while the inability to save the kids tonight triggers memories to flood back like overflowing rivers in a flash flood.
There’s the echo of metal on concrete seeping into his blood stream and that menacing laugh that never should be called a laugh beats against his eardrum. The feeling of the panic he felt that day wraps him in a cruel and painful hug as if to be living off of his inability to breathe properly. Images of the Joker and the look on his mom’s face flash across his eyes and he can’t take the heaviness of it all anymore.
The grief he suffers with is nearly paralyzing and it is agonizing. They say grief gets better but when is it that supposed to happen? Because it’s been years and he can’t breathe and he wants to rip his lungs out of his chest just to feel anything other than this. He was just a kid.
Jason was a just a kid.
Tears burn his eyes, one slipping by and sliding down his cheek and he grits his teeth so hard they nearly shatter under the pressure. All he wants is for it all to stop for even a second. He wants one damn second of relief.
He looks up at his own reflection once more and he can see some bruising from last week and he hates it. The white streak in his hair almost seems whiter in the light of the bathroom and he hates it. He hates it. He hates it and he can’t do it. He punches the mirror in a quick motion, just once and it shatters into the sink and over the counter.
“Fuck.” Jason groans because he knows it was loud and he can’t stop the tears now. They’re drenching his face and his breathing is racing, quivering.
Blood spills into the sink as Jason hovers his shaking hand over it. Not a single part of him even cares or pays the stinging any mind. All he can do is try his best to breathe and shake his thoughts away but nothing works. They’re still there. Flashing across his eyes like lightning in the middle of a raging storm.
His legs start to feel weak as if he’s just gotten done running for miles on end. It’s getting harder to stand the more he tries to fight his own breath and thoughts. His head spins and he his stomach turns and twists into gnawing nausea. And he can’t even be bothered to stand anymore because that is just getting too damn hard too. His own body is growing too heavy with every passing thought and he swears that’s some sort of cruel joke.
Jason sits on the floor against the counter, hanging his head and pulling his knees up to his chest. Tears fall down his cheeks and he tries to fight them off with every thought he has but nothing works. They fall anyway, staining his cheeks in a wet mess.
“Jason?” You call from outside the door. 
The shattering of glass woke you up and for a few seconds, you thought someone had actually broken in. And you were nearly frozen, stuck thinking if you had a weapon of any sort in the bedroom you could use. But then those seconds faded and you didn’t hear footsteps or shuffling through the apartment. You didn’t hear anything and when you checked the time to see it was after three, you knew.
“Jay?” You call again, knocking on the door gently when he doesn’t answer.
Your groggy voice breaks his heart. He never meant to wake you up.
Jason slides his hands over his face and clears his throat. “Go back to bed, sweetheart.” Jason tries to stabilize his voice but you can hear the weakness and quiver. He’s mastered the art of hiding pain but not disguising the pain of crying.
Taking the knob in your hand, you twist it slowly, gently pushing the door open. You spot Jason still in his Red Hood gear, minus the helmet, sitting on the floor with drops of blood on the floor. He keeps his head hung and his forearms on his knees. You spot blood on his knuckle with open wounds before you see the broken mirror and your heart just breaks for him.
You step in slowly and cautiously as if moving too quickly will make him dissolve right into the floor. “Hey,” You crouch down beside him, tilting your head to try and get a look at his face that’s covered by his messy hair. “What happened, Jay?”
“I’m fine.” Jason forces the words from the back of his throat and he hates how weak they sound. 
You don’t like the answer because anyone who’s fine doesn’t break a mirror. Anyone who’s fine doesn’t sit on the bathroom floor at three in the morning with bloody knuckles crying. He’s not fine but Jason has never been very good at admitting to anyone when he’s not. He’d rather drown than ask for a life preserver.
You move in front of him, sitting on your knees. You reach out cautiously, putting your hands on his wet cheeks. Jason’s eyes shut down hard with your touch and you’re so gentle with him. Why? What’s he done to deserve it?
You pick his head up softly and Jason lets you. His eyes are bloodshot as he looks at you. His pretty blue eyes are now a haunting shade of navy, like the sky over the ocean in the middle of hurricane. Why does the world treat him with such cruelty?
“Please, go back to bed.” He nearly begs you because you shouldn’t have to deal with all of his trauma.
It’s not fair for you to lose sleep over him. He swears you shouldn’t and you don’t deserve it. All he wants is to be alone with his grief. If anyone has to suffer what he went through, it has to be him. It can’t involve you. Not you.
But you’re stubborn and that thing in your chest beats endlessly for him.
You can see his chest moving harshly with every breath and he might be Red Hood but he was Jason Todd first. A kid trying to survive the best he could. A kid who just wanted to learn and be a kid. Smart mouth and relentless as hell. But a kid no one looked out for. Red Hood looks out for so many people, but who’s supposed to look out for Jason Todd?
“Please, I’m fine.” Jason voice finally cracks as a tear escapes his bottom lid. “Just go to bed. I’ll be there a minute.”
You move your hands from his cheeks and he thinks, for a second that for once, you might actually listen to him. And he’d be lying if that didn’t hurt, too. But, it’s you and you were never very good at following his instructions even on good days so you move closer to him and stretch out your arms.
“Come here, Jay.” Your voice is soft, etched in worry and love.
He’s reluctant at first because he knows if he does, he’ll lose it entirely. Every piece of him that’s been able to hold in a sob will finally crack and that’ll be it. But he sees the worry in every tired line of your face and you always look so inviting.
“I’m worried about you. Please.” You plead with him, your voice cracking with a mix of tiredness and sadness. And Jason can’t hold it in anymore because you’re worried about him.
Jason moves his legs and moves closer to you, resting his head against your chest because at his point, it’s all too heavy for him to even try for a proper hug. And folding into you seems a hell of a lot easier for everyone. You wrap one arm around his side and rest your other hand in his hair. And just like he breaks.
A sob rips through his throat, echoing through the bathroom and you have to swallow the lump that forms in your throat. He shakes against you, sliding his hands to your back and holding onto your shirt. His grip is tight as if he’s stuck between thinking you’ll disappear if he lets go or that he’ll disappear if he does. Your hand runs through his hair and you try to console him, knowing there isn’t much that can help at this point. But you try by playing with his hair and whispering softly to him despite your own heart aching and breaking for him.
Tears brim your own eyes as you hold him against you. If you could, you would claw out your own heart and replace his with yours. Maybe that would help some of his agony. Maybe that would make his pain a little more tolerable. Maybe if you could swap out your hearts, you could take some of his pain away. You’d do it if it meant he wouldn’t suffer so much.
Minutes tick by and his breathing is still harsh against you but the sobs have slowed. His grip is still iron-tight on your shirt and all Jason wants is for the world to stop spinning. He wants the aching in his chest to stop and he wants everything around him to stop feeling so damn heavy.
You pick his head up, cupping his cheeks in both hands again. His cheeks are tear stained and you swear you’ve never seen him look so broken before. Your thumb awipe over his cheeks, brushing the tears away gently.
Jason nearly shudders with the action.
“It’s okay, Jay.” You assure him and your voice is strained as if begging him to believe you.
“It’s fucking not.” He sputters, his brows pulling together and you can see him clench his jaw. “It’s all shit and those kids deserved fucking better.” His breath is hot, boiling on your skin as he seethes. And you know what lead him here tonight.
He told you. Right to your face he told you he died. He left out the gory details of it all for your own sake but you know he was just a kid. And you know why he was there and about the Joker. He was just a kid.
“Kids?” You questions and you know Jason always has a bad night when it involves kids.
“Forget it.” He lets out a scoff because he doesn’t want to talk about it. You don’t need to know the details.
“Hey, no.” You shake your head, eyes scanning over his face as your brows pull together. “I’ll listen all night, okay? I won’t ask anything if you don’t want me to, okay? You can talk or not. But, you’re gonna be okay.” Your eyes lock with his and he wants to believe you.
But he also knows he’ll back here again. He always comes back here. Haunted. The ghost of who he was then and the ghost of who he should have been follow him. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to shake them as much as he wants to.
He places his hands over yours and you can’t help but notice how big his hands are whenever he does this. “Just so damn sick of it.” His voice is rough and exhausted.
“I know.” You nod with understanding.
You’ll never be able to understand how he feels or what he goes through but you try. And you see it across his face. You see it in the way he turns in his sleep, when he actually gets sleep. You see it in the way he’s always observing everything around him, always on guard. And you can see it in the way he is with his weapons, there’s always at least two weapons on him at any given moment. As much as you want to understand exactly what goes on inside of his head, you won’t but you can see it. So, you try your best to help and just be there in capacity he’ll let you.
“Why don’t we get you in the shower? I’ll wash your hair, clean up your hand, and we can get into bed? I’ll rub your back and you can tell me what happened if you want. Or I can read to you until you fall asleep.”
He’s almost always reluctant when it’s been bad. He never thinks he deserves the kindness and care you offer to him. On good days, he can accept it. It’s something he struggles with still because no one ever been so kind and careful with him before. So, it’s hard but on good days, he finds it easier to accept. But on bad days, like these, he’s reluctant because if he can’t see the good himself, why should anyone else? But he looks at your eyes that glossy with worry and you give him this look that makes him feel like he’s been put under a microscope. And you would do anything for him.
“Thanks.” He mutters, taking your hands away from his face. “I got it.”
“I know.” You nod your head. “I want to.” You smile gently at him, tilting your head slightly to the right. “You’re not alone, ya know?” You assure him because you think it must be lonely dealing with everything he goes through. “I got you.” 
He knows. As hard as it is for him to accept the care and kindness you offer him, he knows because he notices everything. He notices how he always wakes up with a blanket on him when he falls asleep on the couch and the way you always have his favorite protein bars on hand even though you don’t like them. You’re the one missing sleep when you have work in the morning to sit on the bathroom floor with him. It’s hard to accept sometimes and he gets in his own head about it sometimes, but at the end of the night, he has you.
And you’ve always had a way of lifting some of that weight for him, maybe without even trying.
“Okay.” Jason finally agrees, still a hint of reluctance in his voice.
You get to your feet and offer him your hand.
He almost chuckles because you can’t actually help him from the floor. But he takes your hand in his anyway, getting to his feet. You look up to him with gentle eyes before closing the distance between the two of you and wrapping your arms around him as tight as you can.
It takes a few seconds before you feel Jason relax under your hug and his arms come around your waist. His chin lays on the top of your head and he feels like he can breathe a little better now. 
When things get a little too heavy, at least he has you to help lift some of the weight.
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Tag list: @jasontoddsmentaldisorders // @purplerose291 // @lovelessamai  // @makaelaseresin // @lenidaslenchen // @mayfieldss // @ghostkingblake // @dgraysonss // @im-done-with-this-im-out // @velvetskies // @vivian-555 // @kebonita // @deyja-the-duck // @jasontoddslover // @captainmarvels-blog​
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lolahasmoxie · 5 months
Merry Little Christmas (J.T.)
Look, it's me writing for someone other than Eddie!
TW: loss of a parent, all the feels.
(takes place in this universe)
Sad Kid check-in for those who are grieving this time of year. Take care of yourselves out there.
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Jamie Tartt was many things. Footballer with a right foot blessed by god, a reformed prick, a beloved mama's boy.
He was also upfront and honest, so when you initially had told him your plans for the Christmas break, his response of "That's the saddest shit I've ever heard" hit hard.
The team was off until after the new year, so you had the time to return home. But holidays just weren't the same since your mom had passed away two years prior. So when Jamie asked what your holiday plans were, you said you would Facetime your friends and their kids, bake some cookies, get drunk on boozy eggnog, and cap the night off by watching Die Hard and eating Chinese food.
"No, there's no way I'm gonna let you stay here and have that be your Christmas."
"And how are you gonna stop me? You're going to be 200 miles away in Manchester?"
"Easy," he says as he flashes you a million-dollar smile. "Come with me."
You try to convince Jamie that there is nothing wrong with your plans, but Jamie is persistent. That's how, on December 23rd, you end up on a train with Jamie to return to his hometown. The train ride is quiet and less packed than you thought it would be. Jamie holds your hand the entire time, telling you everything he has planned for you.
Georgie and Simon meet you at the station, and when Georgie pulls you in and gives you a mother's hug, your heart physically aches. But you let her hold you, followed by Simon, before they usher the two of you into the car for the ride home.
Simon has a shepherd's pie waiting, and after you all stuff yourselves, Jamie takes you on a walk through his neighborhood. The streets are quiet as Jamie leads you by the hand to show you his old stomping grounds. When he kisses you under a streetlamp as the snow starts to fall, you think maybe this Christmas won't be that bad.
It's late Christmas Eve. Simon had made a fantastic dinner. All of you had worn colorful paper crowns and opened Christmas Crackers. You had beaten the pants off Jamie playing cards, and he had retaliated by trying to steal as many kisses from you as he could.
Now, it was almost 1am, and you are wide awake. You had quietly come down the stairs and taken a seat in front of the doors that opened onto Georgie's garden. The snow was falling again, and the world looked serene in the moonlight.
His heart breaks when Jamie sees you staring out the glass doors. He knew that things had been off with you, but he knew better than to push. Roy had told him to be patient, which was easier said than done. Jamie hated seeing you upset.
"If you're waiting for Santa, I'm afraid I have some news that might disappoint ya." You turned as Jamie approached you wearing a long-sleeved thermal and black boxer briefs.
"You should be in bed; it's late."
"Could say the same for you." he counters as he moves to sit on the floor behind you. He looks at you expectantly, and when he sees you give him a nod, he quickly wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you between his legs.
You sigh and let yourself relax into Jamie. There's a comfortable silence as the two of you watch the snowfall.
"I'm glad you came with me. And I know you've got something on your mind, but no pressure. Just tell me when you're ready, alright, love?"
Jamie softly runs his nose up and down the side of your neck as he holds you, and the tears that you've been trying to fight for days can't be held back any longer.
"Christmas Eve was my Mom's favorite, and it's the day I miss her most. We would talk and catch up, and I hate that she isn't here. I fucking hate it."
Jamie pulls you closer, hoping he can take some of the weight you're carrying. He's patient as he rocks you, moving to stand only when your crying has stopped.
"Come on," he says softly as he helps you to your feet. "There's my sweet girl."
"I'm all puffy and snotty." you quip as you wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your top.
"Still as beautiful as the first day I met ya."
"You're a liar, but you're sweet." His hands cup your face, and you let him pull you up for a kiss.
"Come on, I have an idea." You furrow your brow as you let Jamie lead you upstairs to the guest bedroom. His bed is simply not an option for two people, so he's joined you in the small guestroom Georgie and Simon had prepared.
"What are we doing?"
"You mentioned Die Hard in your original Christmas Eve plans," he says as he motions for you to climb into the bed. "So that's exactly what we're going to do."
"It's late. Are you sure?"
"I will consider it Christmas only when Hans has fallen off Nakatomi Plaza."
You curl into Jamie's side, and you are asleep before John kills his first terrorist. The snow outside starts to fall harder as Jamie watches you sleep. You lightly stir when he presses kisses into your hair.
"Merry Christmas, sweet girl."
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e-nonsense · 2 years
Hello it’s me againnn😭 I hope I’m not asking for too much but I just really love your writing! Could I possibly request a Dick Grayson x reader with the prompts 7, 23 from the prompt list #1? Thank you sm<3
𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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⇢ ᴅɪᴄᴋ ɢʀᴀʏꜱᴏɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ {ᴛɪᴛᴀɴꜱ!ᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ}
⇢ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛꜱ » #7 “ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ ɢɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ ɪꜱ ᴇᴀꜱɪᴇʀ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ” || #23 “ɪ’ᴍ ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ” “ɪᴛ’ꜱ ᴏᴋᴀʏ ʀᴇꜱᴛ ɪᴛ’ʟʟ ʙᴇ ꜰɪɴᴇ, ᴡᴇ’ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴏᴋᴀʏ”
⇢ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴛꜱ, ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ, ꜱʟᴀᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟꜱᴏɴ, ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ
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"Let her go!" Jason screamed, the poor boy was in so much pain but he was still fighting. He may not be close to Dick but he sure as hell cared about you, for everytime you defended him.
You had been with Jason when he got kidnapped, and Wilson realised that he could use you to hurt Dick.
Deathstroke was turned around to face Jason, he pulled a gun out and shot you in the leg. The bullet went straight through your leg, but you were too tired to care about it. You felt nothing, you took all the beating, Slade realised how it hurt Jason more when you got hurt than any physical pain he'd experience.
"Pathetic" he looked over at you.
You felt disgusting, drenched in your own blood, cuts and ugly bruises everywhere, bullet wounds in places, your shirt torn and soaked in blood.
You knew that the only thing that would come from today was death, you understood that now. But death was better than watching anything happen to Jason, you'd grown attached to the boy, viewing him as a younger brother, he saw you as a big sister or a mother sometimes.
So you were glad to take the beating.
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You weren't sure when you fell asleep, but when you woke up Slade wasn't there, you looked up. Jason was still there, "You alright there J.T?"
"Am I alright? are you?"
"Eh, could be better" you tried getting a smile from him but failed
"Don't you die okay?" You heard the crack in Jason's voice at the thought of you dying "don't leave me here, I won't make it without you"
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That's when you heard it, a couple of gunshots.
"They're here" Jason, he turned to smile at you "Told you they'd come for us"
"Sure did Jay"
The black covering moved up to reveal you and Jason, you smiled when you saw Dick, but that went away quickly when you realised he was here to sacrifice himself for you, Jason and Rose.
Slade went to press the button that would release you and Jason to fall to your deaths, but he was caught off guard when Kori showed up and sent fire his way.
You weren't sure when but a helicopter found its way to the fight going on inside, and Jason took the opportunity to try and break free.
You tried to help by copying his movements.
One moment Dick and Kori were fighting Deathstroke and the next he was pressing the button, it happened in a blur.
"No!" you faintly heard Dick's voice, and then, Dick made it to grab Jason's hand, and Jason grabbed yours. He slipped, his hand slipped straight out.
You were falling, and with whatever strength you had left you pulled so that he was on top of you. You hoped it would protect him from some of the damage and pain.
He knew what you were doing "No, no please" Everything was happening so fast. You smiled at him, "I'm sorry"
Halfway to the ground, you felt another pair of arms secure around the both of you.
Whoever it was jumped onto a car, you felt a crack.
Your back was broken...
"Who the fuck are you?" you hoarse breath, snapped Jason out of his trance.
You blacked out again.
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For a few seconds, but enough for Jason to carry into a darker place, to check on you.
"Where is she?!" your boyfriends voice echoed
"Over here! Dick!"
Dick caught sight of Jason and you on the concrete, you were bleeding out.
"Babe?" He was next to you in a second.
"Hey there handsome" you choked on your blood, the adrenaline and need to protect Jason kept the pain away.
"n/n?" Jason's broken voice made you peel your eyes away from the former Robin to the current one. He was crying, tears streaming down his blood stained face.
"Hi Jaybird" you could barely breathe, but you had to show him he wasn't alone. Even if you weren't around to make sure he wouldn't be.
"You promised"
“Sometimes giving up is easier, love” You reached for his hand which he gladly gave. "I love you okay, you're never alone"
"But I need you"
"You'll always have me, love" once last smile
You turned to Dick, "We gotta get you to a hospital-"
"No time Dickie"
He tried to keep his breathing even, but the thought of losing you made his heartbreak. "Protect him, okay?"
"You can do it" his voice quivered "c'mon, please"
"Dickie, please keep him safe" you choked on you blood "I love you Dick Grayson"
You caught sight of Kori, you smiled at her, “I’m tired”
“It’s okay, rest. it’ll be fine, we’ll be okay” she reassured you
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© ʜᴇʟʟꜱ-ᴇꜱᴄᴀᴘᴇᴇꜱ. ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ/ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ/ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ
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zaenight · 1 year
his down bitch her cholo chapter 9
It was now in the middle of the night , Daisy was out by the stable's , silence filled the air.
"What ya thinking about querida ?" Ernesto questioned as Daisy launched backwards.
"Jesus christ! , Ernesto why do you feel the need to do that?!" Daisy exclaimed quietly as the boy laughed.
"Because the more Ernesto scares you , the more of a chance you'll jump into Ernesto's arms." Ernesto said as She leaned closer to his face.
"Is it wrong that Ernesto wants to-" Ernesto was cut off as Daisy pulled him in for a kiss.
After being cockblocked and innteruppted , now was better than later.
"Is it wrong that I think Im falling in love with you Daisy." Ernesto said as the two kissed again.
"Not at all." Daisy said , The two said before kissing once again.
"Did you lock your keys in the car , Partner?" Ernesto said with a laug as the two walked up to colt , locked out of his car.
Colt took in the appearance of the two sixteen year olds , Messy hair , wrinkled shirts , oh dear god.
"Relax old man , We made out , got a bit handsy with eachother , but thats it , not like im a virgin anyways." Daisy said as Ernesto turned to her with a raised brow.
"Oh please , You and your looks got you a little somthing." Daisy said as Ernesto smirked , Colt growled as the two turned back to him.
As Ernesto took the crowbar from colt and shimmed it , the door unlocked.
"Feels so good , Don't say I never did nothing for you homie." Ernesto stated.
"Im gonna head back to the house." Daisy said , kissing Ernesto on the cheek and heading home.
"Hey , you gotta show me that trick , and if you hurt my kid , your dead." Colt said.
"Just say the word amigo , It's Ernesto , And I would never hurt Daisy , Ernesto." Ernesto stated , chanting his name at the end.
"Ernesto , what are you doing here?" Daisy said washing the dishes as June put them up.
"Hey Daisy , June , need some clean towells please." He said.
"No one brought up the dirty ones , so there are none." June said.
"I might have one ." Daisy said as The two looked at the schedule.
"Looks like that's keiths chore , sorry about that." june said , Daisy noticed Ernesto's clenched jaw , following after him.
Back at the cabin Ernesto dragged Keith out of bed , ignoring Daisy calling him.
"Get off the bed punk." Ernesto stated as Keith argued.
"Ernesto leave it , he's pissed because you fidn't do the laundry , booker help!" Daisy
said as the tension got thicker.
"So freakin' sick and tired of you punk!, moping around here like you live on your own, man we got ten year olds more useful in my gang than you , you don't even deserve to be called a homie cause homies are always there for each other." Ernesto
stated as Booker and Daisy stood by , booker had pushed her behind him.
"Your not even there for your sorry self punk." Ernesto said pushing him.
"Boys enough!" Daisy exclaimed , Booker telling keith to get himself and his act together.
Keith had tackled Ernesto onto the bed , booker trying to help.
He banged Bookers head against the walls , landing punches , little did they know Colt and Shorty heard Daisy's angry screams .
They came in finding Booker holding keith on the floor , Ernesto kicking him , and Daisy glaring.
"Sit down , Knock it off you boneheads!" Colt exclaimed , pushing them onto the bed.
"You wanna get hurt , there's plenty of oppurtunities on this ranch." Colt said to them.
"Don't you be afraid of snake boy , you be afraid of me and of Daisy ." Shorty said with his rattle snake rattler.
And Daisy got up , The boys not expecting it .
All three of them Got the back of her hand , She glared , if you looked closly her glare slightly softened on ernesto , but it was still harsh.
"Your lucky you three got the back of my hand , and not the barrel of my shotgun to your face , Now get some sleep , Ernesto come with me." She stated.
The men , Daisy ,and Ernesto walked out of the cabin , Colt glaring as Daisy practically dragged Ernesto to the house , luckily June was in bed as they went to her room.
"Here." Daisy said Passing him a clean towel , boxers , and a wife beater.
"Im sorry." Ernesto said as Daisy leaned in kissing his unbruised cheek .
He showered , upon getting dressed and coming into her room , he noticed the first aid
"Sit." She said as he followed her directions , wincing as she cleaned his face .
"All done , You better hope you three get to stay ." Daisy sid putting up the kit , Pushing the boy onto the bed.
"I know , Ernesto screwed up ." Ernesto said running a hand through his hair as Daisy laid on his chest.
"all three of you did , but enough of that , just stay with me , and be here when I wake up , Please?" Daisy said with a yawn.
"Always querida." He said kissing the now sleeping girls forhead.
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yandereorg · 1 year
Hey! You asked for love letter requests, did you get my one about Jason meeting his darling at a bookstore? Just wanted to check ✨
Love, Dragon anon 🐉
My dearest muse,
I am writing to introduce my self, from the moment I saw you wondering through the shelves, something clicked within me, I suddenly understood what was at the heart of every poem, every song, every story; love. I could fill libraries up with the love-filled words that fall from my heart in your sweet name. I did wish to speak to you in the shop but if I was put under your gaze I'd fall down and my heart would hand its self over to you, its rightful place. I also fear I might frighten you my rather Frankenstein appearance, I feel too dirty, infinitely too dirty to be loved by you in this moment, I'll get better though, your sweet presence heals me. I watch you, so desperate to be apart of your life, live in your heart as you live in mine.
Now that I have seen you I am unable to tear my eyes from your lovely image, you even keep me company in my dreams, I envision laying my head upon your lap how your hands would dance around me so gently just as you trace around those books, I hope you will hold me with the same love. I dare not leave you alone too often, I ish to be your sweet prince and Gotham is overflowing with monsters but you must'n fear them, you've read the fairytales and in all the versions they end in us.
I know you already of a copy of Wuthering Heights, put I wish to give you some insight to my mind, I cannot read without thoughts of you, before you I didn't understand it when Brontë wrote, "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." But now I do. You and I share the same soul, I can feel you in my bones. You've given me a new mind, one where nature thrives and you are embedded within it. I understand what the poets were so devoted to, I understand love now.
Forever your devoted poet, J.T
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midnightstar-90 · 11 months
Fanfic Suggestions
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This is a masterlist of all the fanfics that I have read and give a "10/10 Would Read Again" Rating. I love these writer's works, and I believe they deserve the recognition. They inspire me and my writing, and I am truly thankful for that.
I am incorporating both Tumblr and Wattpad Fanfics. If it has a user, it's a Tumblr writing, and no user is a Wattpad writing.
Hope y'all enjoy ❤️
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🔥- 18+/Mature | ☔- Sad
Lovers Lane (C.M.M) 🔥
@msgorillagripcoochie's About You Fic (C.M.M)
@n-slayaaaaa's Calls I Can't Make Fic 1 2 3 (E.L) | (C.M.M) 🔥
DC Comics
Knight Wolf and Little Robin (J.T)
Lost Cause (J.T)
Control (C.K)
@tinkerbelle05's Maybe We'll Get Through This (J.R)
@asonofpeter's Where You Go Masterlist (J.R)🔥
@oneshots-heaven's The Motel Room Masterlist (D.G)
Vampire Diaries | Originals | Legacies
The Original Daughter (E.M)
Cursed Witch (K.M) 🔥
Damon's Daughter (D.S)
@cryinginthemoonpool's A Forgotten Birthday ☔ (Sully Family)
Harry Potter
Infinity (F.W) 🔥
Evermore (S.S) 🔥
Endgame (S.S) 🔥
Stranger Things
Ho Hey (E.M)
Julie & The Phantoms
Somethin Stupid (R.P)
Boy Meets World
Capsize (S.H)
Oscar Issac + Characters
@melodygatesauthor (O.I)
@sweetly-yours-and-mine (O.I)
@bastardmandennis's Pretty When You Cry (J.L) 🔥
@ivystoryweaver's With You Masterlist (Moon Knight System)
@mooooonnnzz's Miguel O'hara & Daughter Action 1, 2, 3, 4 (M.O)
Moondust (Moon Knight System)
@m00nsbaby's Why Won't You Love Me? (Moon Knight System)☔
@lockleysfav's Haze (M.O)🔥
@januaryembrs's Last Knight In SOHO Masterlist (Moon Knight System)🔥
@bastardmandennis's Even If It's A False God (M.S)🔥
@ohmystaxk's Goodbye, My Dear Stranger Masterlist (Moon Knight System)🔥
@alwritey-aphrodite's I'll Be Back Again To Stay Masterlist (S.G)🔥
Pistol (H.B)
Freaks | Runaways | Heroes | Humans (P.M)
@anonymousewrites's Portal To My Heart Masterlist (L.L)
Shadow & Bone
Stain of Red (The Darkling)
@midnightlilium's Reborn Masterlist (The Darkling) 🔥☔ * Not as explicit as other content on this app*
@kasagia's I'll Be Back For You Fic 1 2 (The Darkling) | (K.B)
@moonlightgrisha's Moon Summoner Masterlist (The Darkling)
@yawneneteyam's All Things Connected Masterlist (J.F)
@babybluebex's Bad Idea, Right? (J.Q) 🔥
@anxiouslymalicious's Losers Club Plus One Masterlist (R.T)
New Girl
A Summer's Day (N.M) 🔥
@bosbas's Love In Bloom Masterlist (B.B)
@nikkisheep's To Be Alone With You series (A.B) 🔥 1 2 3
@bellatrixscurls's Arranged Marriage (A.B) 🔥
@bellatrixscurls's Exquisite Weather Today, No? (A.B) 🔥1
@fayes-fics's A Beneficial Arrangement (A.B) 🔥
@marwritesgood's Illicit Affairs (A.B) 🔥
@dreamwritesimagines's Enamored Masterlist (A.B)
The Second Born Bridgerton & The Second Born Bridgerton's Wife (B.B)
@homeofthepeculiar's I Know You So Well Masterlist (B.B)🔥
Criminal Minds
@dr-spencer-reids-queen's Criminal Minds Series Rewrite Masterlist (S.R)
@fortheloveofwonderland's Me & You & Everyone We Know - Masterlist (S.R)🔥
Jensen Ackles + Characters
@zepskies's Take Me Home Masterlist (B.A)
@zepskies's Masterlist (Jensen + Characters)
@luci-in-trenchcoats's Home Sweet Not Home (J.A)
@lamentationsofalonelypotato's You Call It Madness But I Call It Love Masterlist (S.B)
@anundyingfidelity's Blood, Sweat, & Tears (B.B/S.B)🔥
@syrma-sensei's Hush Hush Behind The Shield (S.B)🔥
@anundyingfidelity's I'm A Ruin 1, 2, 3 (S.B)🔥
@wayward-dreamer's Pillow Talk (S.B)🔥
@princessmisery666's Please Don't Leave (J.A)
The Rookie
@xxchumanixx's Rookie Masterlist (T.B/J.N)
@chiefdirector's Rookie Masterlist (T.B/Chenford)
@fluentmoviequoter's Rookie Masterlist (T.B)
Percy Jackson Series
@woodlandwrites's Mind Over Matter (L.C)
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buckychristwrites · 1 year
Could This Be | Masterlist | j.t.
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A Completed Series
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: One minute, you're single and working for AFC Richmond as the team's medic. The next minute, you're in a fake relationship with the team's handsome striker who you know next to nothing about..
Warnings: Discussions of Previous Emotional & Physical Domestic Violence. Cussing. Fake Dating
A/N: Back again with my favorite idiot boi. I hope you guys enjoy :)
Masterlist | Main Blog
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 8 months
J.T. Walsh
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Physique: Average/Husky Build
Height: 5′ 11½″ (1.82 m)
James Thomas Patrick Walsh (September 28, 1943 – February 27, 1998) was an American character actor. His many films include Tin Men, Good Morning, Vietnam, A Few Good Men, Hoffa, Nixon, Sling Blade, Breakdown, and Pleasantville. A heavy smoker, Walsh died of a heart attack in 1998, at the age of 54.
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A beautiful, burly bear of a man, I first noticed him in the film The Negotiator playing a crooked cop. For a brief, hopeful, moment I hoped that I was actually about to watch a porn about a framed cop getting revenge of the crooked one who framed him… with his penis. But no such luck. I can't really tell you much about Mr. Walsh other than he has appeared in films such as Needful Things, Backdraft and Miracle on 34th Street.
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Pretty woeful researching I know, but there really isn't a lot about him. He was a lifelong Democrat, and an avid reader with a strong interest in metaphysics. He tends to get cast as the villians, which fill a lot of fantasies for me as I love the bad guys. His last films, The Negotiator and Pleasantville, were dedicated to his memory, all of which left daddy lovers wondering what could have been as he was maturing into a fuckable daddy.
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Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
A Few Good Men (1992)
Breakdown (1997)
Pleasantville (1998)
The Negotiator (1998)
Gang in Blue (1996)
Star Struck (1994)
Blue Chips (1994)
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burnthoneydrops · 10 months
can you write another jaime tartt imagine with a his girlfriend borrowing one of his headbands?
Tickle Fight (j.t. x gn!reader)
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pairing: jamie tartt x gn!reader
word count: 678
warnings: language?
a/n: ahh! another jamie tartt request coming at you! i ended up making this one gender neutral unintentionally cause nothing really came up while i was writing it about it being a girlfriend specifically (which was kinda cool). hope you enjoy!!
You’re cleaning up the water that spilled on the bathroom counter from you washing your face when Jamie calls out from the bedroom. “Babe?���
“Yeah?” You hang the towel back on the hook and take note of the fact that it sounds like he’s rummaging around for something. 
“Have you seen my headband?” 
“Which one darling? You have about seven million,” you comment as you apply moisturiser. 
“The one I was using at training yesterday, it’s slightly scuffed at the corners,” he says as he closes one of the drawers. 
“Nope, I don’t think I’ve seen that one. Not since yesterday anyway,” it’s not like you were totally staring at it in the mirror or anything. 
“Are you sure? Cause I could have sworn I put it on my nightstand but-” he comes around to the bathroom doorway and stops when he sees you. “What have you got there?” 
You put the moisturiser container down as you quickly swipe the headband off your head, gripping it behind your back. “Nothing”. 
“Oh no, you can’t hide from me now, I’ve seen it. How dare you!” 
“Jamie no, I swear, I didn’t know it was yours,” you try to save yourself, already knowing where this is going. 
“Oh, uh-huh, totally believe that,” he darts one arm to grab the headband from behind you, but you move to the side. “If you’ve got nothing to hide, then why can’t I see your hands?” 
“Listen, love, it’s not that serious,” he darts out his other arm, causing you to move to the other side. 
“Damn babe, with reaction speed like that, we should get you out on the pitch”. You smile, thinking you’ve distracted him long enough for you to sneak past him and out of the bathroom, but he doesn’t budge, blocking the doorway. “Now, let’s try this again. Have you seen my headband?” He raises an eyebrow, smiling slightly. 
“Nope,” you don’t even think, wanting to see how long he’ll hold this up. 
“Alright then, you leave me no choice,” he quickly wraps his arms around your waist, hoisting you off the floor and carrying you over his shoulder back into the bedroom. 
“No Jamie!” you laugh, “put me down!” 
“Nope, not happening babe. You lie, you have to deal with the consequences”. He lays you down on the bed, and you raise your hands so the headband is now over your head. “Aha! Would you like to hand it over now?” 
“Never!” You’re laughing like a little kid. 
“Fine, have it your way,” he smirks before leaning in to tickle you, running his quick fingers up and down your sides. Your legs kick his thighs, trying to get him to stop nonverbally as you can’t breath from how much you’re laughing. 
“Jamie, Jamie please!” You finally get out after a quick breath. 
“No headband, no stopping,” he carries on. 
“Fine!” you fling your arms forward, “here’s your stupid headband!” 
Jamie grabs it, striking a victorious pose, holding the headband in the air. “Aha! Victory is mine at last!” 
You roll your eyes and scoff, “you’re just lucky it looks good on you”. 
“Oh you think it looks good on me huh?” He questions as he pushes his hair back with it. 
“No! Don’t get all cocky now-” 
“Too late, you already said it,” Jamie once again grabs your waist, but this time he leans all his weight forward so he falls on top of you. “You think I’m hot”. 
“Jesus Christ you’re heavy, get off of me!” You shoot back, though it’s muffled by Jamie’s shoulder. 
“Just admit it babe, you can’t get enough of this,” he replies, planting a kiss on your cheek. 
“Fine, you’re hot or whatever”. 
“Now, was that so hard?” Jamie questions as he puts all his weight on his arms, pushing himself up and off of you. 
You flip him off, rolling over to the other side of the bed as Jamie falls back down to his previous position and cuddles up behind you. He may be dramatic, but you love him for it
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