#jacob packs
sunniewr · 9 months
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⠀⠀ ⃯⃯🕊 ᪻᪻𝓼࣪♥︎꯭۟⠀꯭ㅤ໋࣮𝖻ִ𝗎𝖻ִ𝖻ִ𝗅ᥱׂ𝗌 𖦹❟ִ໋❥꯭𝖻ִᥝ᪾ׅt᮫𝗁꯭ㅤֺ᩿🥽ꨳ᪾ִיִㅤֺㅤ᩿ㅤֺ
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i426s · 2 years
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🍁 ꙳ ៹ ⊹ ⛅ ⊹
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🌿 ꙳ ៹ ⊹ 🍄 ⊹
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s-kukot · 1 year
s-kukot the boyz random packs
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(January ) ꓹ 2023 @s-kukot.
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cinnaju · 2 years
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in my dreams you love me back ✿✼:*゚:༅。
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blackbirdie1234 · 5 months
Paul's Imprint
What being Paul’s imprint would be like.
A/N: Not proofread. Hope you guys enjoy this and let me know if you would like me to do the other pack members or the Cullens(what being their mates/bloodsingers would be like). I really appreciate all of the likes and reposts! Thank you all so much and I am glad you like my fics :)
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Being Paul’s imprint would require A LOT of patience.
He has a soft spot for you, so his anger wouldn’t be taken out on you or directed much toward you, but that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t see his bad side. When someone in the pack pisses him off he usually gets upset and phases. They fight it out, and then he comes home. He is either still upset or wants serious attention. If it’s the former expect some attitude and him taking it out on basically everything else but you. He might be aggressive with things, slamming things down and being loud. You would probably need to give him some time to cool off some more before trying to comfort him. If it’s the latter then you will have to have a cuddle session, his favorite position is laying in the bed or couch with his head in your chest and you playing with his hair and talking about your day. Your voice soothes him and calms him down, so he likes it when you talk to him. He could care less what you talk about, you could tell him about your day, or how much you hate that one girl in your math class because she chews gum loudly, you could literally talk about anything and he would be content. 
Being Paul’s imprint means a lot of love and affection.
When he isn’t on patrol, he is with you. He will be on you and hugging you all of the time. Now if you have trauma with affection or just don't like to be touched he would 100% respect your boundaries, but he would try and find small ways to show and get affection. Like holding your hand or even just touching his pinky against yours when you are next to each other. He would find ways that wouldn’t make you uncomfortable and was still getting his needs met. He doesn’t mind showing his affection in front of others either, he could give less of a fuck if the pack teases him. He loves you and doesn’t care who knows it. At the beginning of your relationship, he was very careful, learning what you liked and what you disliked. He was also very subtle with his affection but he still craved it just as much as he does now. He would softly play with the hair on the back of your head while talking by the fire, small and soft touches here and there, he would DEFINITELY do that thing where guys softly touch your waist while moving behind you.
Being Paul's imprint means you would spend a lot of time with the other imprints.
You would probably be close with the other imprints. Having a werewolf boyfriend isn’t exactly normal. You might feel alone or lost a bit in the beginning. Paul was one of the first to phase, which means you most likely were also one of the first imprints. Especially if you knew Paul before the transition. Emily was one of the first imprints you met, she was so sweet and welcoming to you, and your bond turned into a sibling relationship. She treated you like family right away and made sure you knew that you were always welcome. You met the others as they became a part of the family and now you spend a lot of your time with them. You do a bunch of group things together, shopping, baking, cooking, movie nights, and of course bonfires. You all enjoy each other's company. The boys are on patrol a lot and it helps everyone get their minds off of missing them. 
Being Paul’s imprint means late-night texts and calls.
Again, the boys are on patrol any time of the day or night. When Paul takes the night shift he makes sure to update you and let you know that he is safe. He is also expecting the same from you. He misses your voice, especially when your schedule gets busy and you can’t see each other as much. Sometimes he’s able to slip away for a second to see you, give you a hug and a kiss and then he is back out patrolling. He does it more often if he is patrolling near your house, mainly so he can do it quickly before Sam notices that he is missing and makes him come back.
Being Paul’s imprint means he is VERY protective of you.
He is already a protective person, it doesn’t matter if it is his friend, family, or even a stranger. He will take a bullet for someone he doesn’t know, it’s just in his nature. For you on the other hand, he would take that bullet and then hunt the person who shot it down until they beg you for forgiveness for even daring to THINK about hurting you, all the while he is still bloody and hurt. His protectiveness also correlates with his jealousy. He is a very jealous person when he is in a relationship. Even though you are his imprint he still can’t help but let the green-eyed monster loose whenever another person hits on you or checks you out. He knew you were hot, but you were for his eyes only. Being a werewolf means having to control your anger, but Paul was never really good at that, so most of the time it was you who had to calm him down. You didn’t want your boyfriend to maul someone, especially not in public. You were the only person who could calm him down fully, you would reach for him with your soft touch and everything else would fade away. Sometimes all you had to do was give him a stern look and he would cool himself off not wanting to make you upset. It bothered you sometimes how angry he would get, you tell him all the time that he is the only one for you and he has nothing to worry about but he still lets his jealousy get in the way of reasoning. 
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mxlti-lover · 11 months
Sick {Paul Lahote}
Summary: You fell sick with a really bad cold, but how were you supposed to tell your werewolf boyfriend you didn’t want him to cuddle you?
Warnings: none, just a sad Paul.
Word Count: 1059
(P.S. please don’t judge too hard if this is terrible, I haven’t written in a while and I’m a little rusty…)
*do not steal or copyright any of my work pls and thank you*
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You woke up that morning feeling horrible. Your nose was so clogged you could barely breathe and you had the worst honking cough.
You laid in bed, curled into a ball watching your favorite Disney movie. You knew you should tell Paul, but you didn’t really want him at the moment. Don’t get it twisted, you loved Paul to death, I mean, he was your mate, but when you got sick like this, his body heat didn’t help.
You knew he would want to cuddle you, give you some scalp massages as he checked up on you every minute of the hour, but right now, you just wanted to be alone.
That is until you heard the front door opening.
“Y/N! Baby! Where are you?!” Paul shouted.
You knew he probably sensed you weren’t okay as he still had an hour before he usually got home from patrol. Probably talking Sam into letting him leave early.
“I’m upstairs!” You called out the best you could, your throat feeling raw from coughing.
You heard footsteps rush up the stairs and soon Paul’s tall figure stood in the doorway, scanning you over, a frown on his face.
“Baby…why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” He asked softly as he made his way over to the bed.
He sat on the edge of the bed as he leaned over kissing your forehead and cheek softly, checking if you had a fever.
“You’re burning up baby.” He spoke sadly, sitting up again to look at you.
You knew you weren’t a pretty sight as you hadn't gotten up at all that morning. Your hair probably a tangled mess, your nose probably red and chapped from how much you had to blow it and your face looking as pale as a ghost.
“I didn’t want to bother you..” You lied, as you spoke barely above a whisper. Your voice raspy as you knew you were probably gonna lose it soon.
“Baby, you wouldn’t be bothering me at all. I would rather be by your side taking care of you, than on patrol.” He says frowning at the idea of you being alone all morning like this.
You sigh as you rub your face sitting up, his hand coming down to softly push you back down.
“You’re not getting up baby. Whatever you need I’ll get for you. Now, have you eaten at all today?” He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
You shook your head no as you leaned into his touch, his warmth radiating against your skin.
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” He says as he gets up and his figure disappears from the doorway.
You sigh as you curl back up into a ball, watching the movie again, guilt washing over you. You knew he would want to cuddle you, as his love language is definitely physical touch. Especially when it comes to taking care of you.
But you didn’t want his cuddles at the moment. Your skin was already burning underneath the thin blanket you chose, let alone having your own personal heater of a boyfriend coming to lay next to you.
You took a deep breath as you let that thought slip your mind for now, closing your eyes as your body needed sleep. That is until you struggled to breath again, groaning softly as you sat up, blowing your nose for the hundredth time that morning.
A few minutes later you heard Paul coming back into the room with a small tray. On it sat a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a glass of apple juice - your two favorite things to have when you were sick.
You smiled up at him as you sat up in bed, fluffing up the pillows behind your back to sit more comfortably.
Paul set the tray down carefully into your lap as you immediately dig into the soup, humming softly as the warmth from the soup soothed your throat.
“Thank you.” You whispered as you looked up at Paul.
“You’re welcome baby girl.” He says sitting down next to you as he leaned over to kiss the top of your head.
He looked over at the TV as he chuckled softly at the movie that was playing. “Should’ve known you were watching this.”
“It’s my favorite movie to watch when I’m sick.” You protested shooting daggers at him as he raised his hands up in defense.
“I know my love, I was just messing with you. Now finish up your soup and I’ll give you some well deserved cuddles, yeah?” He says leaning over kissing your cheek.
You nod as you put on a fake smile, sighing into the bite of soup you took. How are you supposed to tell your boyfriend that you don’t want him to cuddle you?
~ ~ ~
It’s been 10 minutes now since you finished your soup and your boyfriend immediately pulling you into him to cuddle.
Your head laid on his chest, as your arms wrapped around his torso like you usually would. Your legs tangled with one another.
You will admit that it was nice for the first few minutes, sighing contently as you closed your eyes. But now, it was starting to become unbearable. Your skin felt like it was on fire, as you began to squirm uncomfortably.
“Paul, can you please let me go? I can’t do this anymore, you’re making my skin burn up more than it already is.” You mumbled as you tried to get out of his grip.
He looked down at you, hurt. He let go of you as you moved away from him, panting softly to yourself as you enjoyed the cold air hitting your body.
You knew Paul was hurt, and you didn’t mean for it to come off so harshly, you just needed to get away from him.
Paul watched as you relaxed feeling terrible that he made you feel even more uncomfortable than you already were.
“I’ll be downstairs if you need anything..” He spoke barely above a whisper, as he leaned over, kissing the crown of your head softly, before getting up, exiting your room.
“Paul, don’t leave! I still want you with me.” You begged as you tried to reach out for him, but he continued to walk out your room, upset with himself that he made his girlfriend uncomfortable.
~ ~ ~
I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!🫶
- Paige
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purple-imagines · 1 year
Pairing - Paul Lahote x FemaleReader
Summary - Reader starts gaining weight and the pack starts noticing
Warnings - body shaming, kissing, swearing, pregnancy, vomiting, period talk, Jacob being an ass, kinda ooc
Word Count - 3693
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Friday, June 6th
"Em?" Y/N asked looking into the mirror at her stomach. "Does my stomach look, I dont know, bloated to you?"
"Um, yeah, maybe a little bit. I dont think it's anything to worry about though." The older woman replied, after looking at the girls stomach.
"I just feel like I'm getting fat. Paul probably notices too." She put her head down.
"Honey, that boy loves you more than anything. You're his whole world. You have nothing to worry about. He imprinted on you and he loves you. Now stop putting yourself down and help me make this food for them animals."
The girl laughed and started getting the table set.
Tuesday, June 10th
"Hm. That's weird."
"What?" Leah asked, the girl staying at her house.
"Nothing, just my period was supposed to start 3 days ago. I'm sure it's fine, this happens sometimes."
"If you're sure, and hurry up Elijah is about to kill Klaus."
Thursday, June 19th
The girl let out a groan, flushing the toilet after being woken up with the sudden urge to vomit.
Saturday, June 21st
All the girls, Emily, Leah, Kim, and Y/N, were all out shopping and having a girls day.
While Leah and Kim were looking through sets of bikinis. Y/N pulled Emily to the side.
"Em, I think I might be pregnant."
"What? Why do you think that??"
"Um, my periods late, my stomach looks bloated, and I've been throwing up. Not to mention Paul made my favorite dinner the other night and I couldn't stand the smell."
"We need to get you a test then, Hon."
After Leah and Kim left, Emily let Y/N go into the bathroom to take the test.
Coming out the bathroom, Y/N starts stressing. "What if its positive? What will Paul think? How do I deal with this?"
"Hey. Hey. Just breath. Let's first figure out if you're pregnant or not." Emily calmly says.
"Yeah, you're right." Taking a deep breath she starts to calm, until the timer goes off and her eyes get wide. "Can you check?"
Emily walks into the bathroom and looks at the test, coming out with tears in her eyes. "Um, yeah, you're pregnant"
"Oh mi gosh. Em, what am I supposed to do? Paul and I haven't even talked about kids. What if he doesn't want any?"
"Don't jump to conclusions. Take a couple days to think, and tell Paul when you're ready."
"Thank you, Emily. You always know what to say." The girl wraps her arms around the woman.
Wednesday, June 25th
The imprints made burgers and the pack was having a cookout. Everyone was making their plates. Y/N started to make her plate putting 2 burgers, each with cheese, tomato, onion, and chili. Put a little bit of slaw on the side and some chips.
"Dang girl, you're hungry today." Embry joked, making the girl laugh.
"He's not kidding you are eating a lot more lately." Jacob grumbled.
The girl got quiet and let out a silent "oh".
"What was that? Jacob." Paul growled.
"I'm just saying look at her Paul, everyone here notices how big she's getting. Maybe she should cut back."
After hearing that the girl started to stand up. Paul grabbing her hand. "Its fine, Paul. I'm just gonna go home."
She quietly grabbed her bag and apologized for the inconvenience. "Sorry, I didn't realize I did that. You can have them." Then she walked out the house. Leah chasing after her.
"What the fuck Jacob?!" Paul yelled.
"Paul." Sam warned.
"No Sam. He called her fat, she's not fat."
"We don't need a fight to break out."
"If he didn't want a fight he wouldn't have said anything."
"Paul. Enough."
Paul was shaking horribly. Sam pushed him out the house.
"Really Jacob?!" Jared called, running after Sam and Paul.
"Why is everyone so mad? I just told her how it was. You all can see how much bigger she's getting." Jacob tried to justify himself.
"That doesn't mean that you point it out." Seth told him.
"I know you were all thinking it. Just because I have the guts to tell Paul how it is doesn't make me the bad guy."
"Maybe you should learn the whole story before you go around hurting people."
"Seth. What's that supposed to mean? Seth!"
Seth ran out the house, hoping to find Leah and Y/N.
"Embry? Even you said something."
"I was joking Jake. What you did was uncalled for." Embry scoffed.
"Come on."
"Just stop Jacob." Emily snapped, causing the three left there to widen there eyes.
"Emily. Seriously? You know she's bigger!" Jacob was getting angry.
"Yeah, Jacob. She's eating more and getting bigger, but it's none of your business!" Emily snapped again.
"What if eating so much is hurting her?"
"It's not though, Jacob."
"How do you know??"
"Jacob when she is ready you'll know. Until then shut up."
"Sorry, damn."
"Damn, you're fast."
"What do you want Leah?" Y/N sighed as she stopped and turned around, her eyes red and puffy.
"Don't listen to Jacob. He's an asshole."
"I don't care about what Jake said."
"You do or you wouldn't be crying."
"He called me fat Leah. I've never been called that before." She started to tear up. "And it's not even that I'm fat."
"What is it then?"
"Leah...I'm pregnant."
"What!? That's great news."
"Yeah, except for the fact everyone thinks I'm a pig now."
"They do not. If anyone's a pig it's Jacob. Now come on, you need the feed that little one."
"Calm down!"
"Shift back!"
Sam phased into his wolf.
"He's such an asshole." Paul snarled.
"You need to shift back. Calm down."
"I'm going to rip his throat out."
"Come on Paul. She needs you." Jared joined.
"I'm trying! I can't control it."
"Calm your thoughts. Breath."
Paul started to shift back, pulling up his shorts in the process. Jared and Sam following shortly after.
"Y/N/N! Are you ok? You know Jake doesn't mean to be an ass." Seth tried to reassure the girl.
The girl laughed and grabbed Seth's hands. "Yes. I'm good. Thank you for checking up on me."
It was quiet for a few moments as the trio started walking back to the house. "So..." Seth piped up. "Does she know?"
Leah gasped. "What?! Know?! You told Seth before you told me!"
"He wasn't supposed to find out! He walked in on me having a meltdown about Paul." Y/N defended herself.
"Shit." The girl squeaked. "Paul! He's going to be asking questions. What am I supposed to tell him! I'm not ready. I just found out myself. I need to process this more. Stupid Jacob and his stupid big mouth!"
"Hey! Hey. Just breathe. Paul will understand if you don't want to talk." Leah reassured.
"Are you sure? Because Paul-"
Seth cut the girl off. "She's sure Y/N/N. He wouldn't pressure you into telling him something you don't want to. Now let's go eat I'm sure Little Bit in there is starving."
Both girls let out laughs.
"Um, guys, actually I was just going to go home. I don't wanna face Jacob's apologizes right now."
"Y/F/N you need to eat." Leah demanded.
"Just bring me something when you're finished? Please."
Leah sighed, knowing she wasn't changing the girls decision. "Fine. But you better eat everything I bring you."
"Pinky promise." She held up both her pinkies to Seth and Leah, Seth grabbing her pinky with his, giggling. Leah rolled her eyes, but nevertheless did the same.
"And..." The girl trailed. "Tell Paul that I took his truck. And that I'm ok?"
"So needy." Leah joked, dragging the 'y'.
"But fine I can do that."
"Thank you! You two are the best!"
"We know." They both said at the same time, causing the trio to laugh.
Back at home, the girl, took off her shoes and changed into pajama shorts and one of Paul's shirts.
Turning on her and Leah's favorite show to watch, 'The Vampire Diaries'. It was nice to watch people play supernatural creatures. Got their minds off of the real ones that loomed outside.
"Finally!" Was the first thing Leah and Seth heard as they walked through the door into Emily's and Sam's.
"Where's Y/N?" Was the second.
Leah was the one to tell Paul the situation.
"So, you just let her leave?" Paul said.
"Yes. She is a grown woman Paul." Leah retorted.
"She didn't even eat."
"I told her I would bring her something."
"I think I should go over there."
"No, you shouldn't." Sam butted in.
"And why not?!"
"Because Paul you just shifted you don't need to do that around her."
"I wouldn't hurt her." Paul glared.
"That's not the point. I said no and my answer is final. You will not go over to Y/N's tonight." Using his alpha voice, making Paul growl and leave the table.
"Is it bad that I'm kind of glad Sam did that?" The girl let out to her best friend.
"Yes!" Leah exclaimed.
"I just- I don't know what I would say to him."
"Your fear of confrontation is peeking through."
"Leah! This is serious."
"And I'm being serious. Paul deserves to know."
"I know. I'm just..." The girl let out a sigh. "Scared."
"You should never be scared with him. He looks at you like you're his sun. The thing that is keeping him alive."
"What if he doesn't want a baby? What if this is the one thing he can't handle with me." She whispered.
"That boy would love to start a family with you. The timing may not be ideal, but I've seen the way he looks at you. I saw the way he looked at you before the imprint. You are his literal everything and not just because fate decided you were destined. You were meant to have forever with each other way before fate decided it."
Y/N had tears in her eyes by the time Leah had finished. "I really needed that Leah." She sniffled. "I guess, sometimes, my insecurities take over. I've just been so scared, with the vampires and Bella. There's no time for a baby. Not in his life. He already has so much on him. Why do I need to add more?"
"Quit putting yourself down. You know you come first, when it comes to anything with Paul. A baby is not a burden, or something that just adds pressure. A baby can bring joy and bring people together. Maybe that's what we all need right now."
"Yeah. Maybe you're right."
"No maybe about it. I am right."
"Oh so modest." The girls giggled.
Thursday, June 26th
Awoken to heavy knocks on the front door, both girls growned, having stayed up most of the night talking.
"Y/N. Get the door." Leah grumbled.
"Why me?" The girl whined.
"It's your house."
"You kept me up all night."
"You mean you kept me up all night."
"Just open the door."
"Fine." She whined, pushing herself out of bed, looking at the clock on her nightstand that read 8:07 am.
Stomping to the door, grumbling profanities the whole way. She pulled the door open only to be greeted with-
"Hey! I couldn't sleep without making sure you were ok. Jacob was an asshole. He never should have said those untrue things. I love your body and you should too. I think you're beautiful, inside and out. I don't care that you can eat two burgers, I love a woman that can hold her food. Yo-"
"Paul." She cut him off. "As sweet as this is, can we do it later? I'm sorry. Leah kept me up until 5 this morning and all I wanna do is curl up and take a hundred year nap."
"Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Want a cuddle buddy?" A smirk slowly rising on his face.
"You know I could never turn you down." She grinned pulling him inside and onto the couch.
By the time the girl woke Paul was already gone, a note in his place, telling her he had patrol but would be back after.
Leah was gone too, so the girl assumed the pack needed her as well.
Grabbing some clothes, she went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.
After a much needed shower, Y/N looked out the window and noticed Paul's truck still in the driveway and his keys still on her nightstand.
Grabbing the keys, and getting in the truck, she started her drive to Emily's.
"Hey Em." She called, walking inside.
"Heyyyy." Said girl peeked her head out the kitchen. "I need to talk to you."
"Ok, nothing stressful about that sentence at all."
"Have you told Paul?"
"Diving right in, I see." She muttered.
"Huh?" Emily called from the kitchen.
"Oh! Uh- no I haven't."
"Do you know when you're going to? Because I think you should soon, it'll make all this doubt you have go away."
"I don't know. Soon though, promise!"
Tuesday, July 7th
Everyone was gathered around Emily and Sam's table, laughing and joking around. Well, everyone except Jacob he was upset with Bella, which made him brood.
Y/N sat beside Paul, occasionally stealing the tomatoes off his plate, he always put them to the side for her to grab because they were her favorites and he wasn't that fond of them.
Going unnoticed by the pack and the imprints, everytime she'd take one Jacob would roll his eyes and scoff.
Grabbing the last one of Paul's plate and about to put it in her mouth she was stopped by Jacob's rude voice.
"Are you serious?" He scoffed.
Everyone looked around confused as to what his sudden outburst was about.
"Everything ok, Jacob?" Emily asked.
Jacob let out a little laugh and clicked his tongue.
This time Y/N spoke up.
"Are you upset, Jacob?"
"Me? What? No." He paused. "I do think Paul should be though."
"Why would Paul be upset?" You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Because his girlfriend has already had more than enough, but she's still eating. And not just that but taking it off his plate. Do you really need that much food Y/N? All it does is make you fatter, which is definitely not something you need. If anything you need to exercise more." He spat at her.
His outburst caused Kim and Emily to let out gasps. Jared and Paul standing up.
Paul had his mouth open about to say something but before he could Y/N interrupted.
"Paul. It's fine. He can feel the way he feels. I'm just gonna go home."
"No you're not." Emily piped in. "Jacob if you could please leave."
"What?" Jacob exclaimed.
"I asked if you could leave, I expect you to use respect in my house and until I see you give some to Y/N I want you to leave."
"She's not even apart of the pack."
"She's an imprint. We are apart of this pack, now are you gonna apologize or did I need to get Paul to escort you out?"
Jacob scuffed, "I'm sorry I called you fat, it may be true but it was not nice of me to say."
Paul was fuming, "I accept your apology"
"No she doesn't." Paul vented.
"Paul, it's fine I don't wanna cause a fight."
"You're not causing the fight. He is."
"He apologized. That's enough. Let's finish eating, then I have to tell you something."
"You wanted to tell me something?" Paul said, as he drove them home.
"Can it wait? I'm really tired and just wanna go to sleep."
"Of course, Sweetheart." He kisses her temple.
Thursday, July 9th
"I'm telling him."
All three girls let out simultaneous screams.
"Finally!" Emily exclaimed.
"Took you long enough" Leah joked.
"I still can't believe you're pregnant." Kim gasped.
"Well maybe I should wait a little longer, maybe until August?" Y/N let out a cheeky grin.
"No!" All three girls yelled.
The guys were on patrol and the imprints had the house to themselves. There was a knock at the door.
The girl laughed as she got up to get the door.
"Are you expecting anyone?" Leah questioned Emily.
"No." Emily whispered out.
"Y/N don't answer that." Leah called.
"Guys I invited someone." Y/N answered back.
"Who? We're your only friends." Leah joked.
Y/N opened the door, only for Bella to be standing awkwardly on the other side.
"Hi! Come in. Come in."
"No." Leah deadpanned.
"I thought it would be nice. Jacob really likes her."
"Why do you care what Jacob thinks? He's an ass."
"He wasn't always one. And a friend of Jake's is a friend of ours."
"Well, I think it was nice of Y/N to invite Bella. Make yourself at home Bella, the guys shouldn't be back for a while so it's just us girls. Right now we're just talking but later we're baking!" Emily clapped.
"Ok." Bella squeaked out.
"I don't think we've met. I'm Kim." She introduced herself.
"Bella." She said and waved.
"Well sit down, come on." Emily waved her over. "You ok if we still talk about.."
"Of course! As long as you promise not to tell the guys." Y/N put on her best serious face and looked Bella dead in her eyes.
"I barely talk to them."
"You can't tell Jacob."
"I won't tell Jacob."
"Ok..well I'm pregnant, the baby is Paul's and I haven't told him yet."
"Omg. Congratulations."
"Thank you! I'm kinda in this adrenaline thing right now and I'm hoping it won't wear off by the time Paul gets here." The girls giggled.
"So. Boys!" Emily exclaimed. "Jared?"
"We're really good. He's the greatest. The other day he tried to make me breakfast in bed, he got up really early, my parents were out of town, word of advice Em, never and I mean ever let Jared in the kitchen. It was sweet though he brought me fried eggs and bacon, only all of it was black." Kim laughed at the memory. "And I have a burnt spot on the wall in my kitchen, he still won't tell me what happened."
"He's such a klutz."
"But he makes it so adorable!"
The girls laughed at how in love she was.
"I already told y'all all my boy struggles." Y/N threw her hands up. "What about Sam?" She wiggled her eyebrows, causing the girls to let out giggles.
"Sam is..." Emily let out a sigh, "Sam is perfect. The wedding is soon, as you all know. But enough about me I wanna know about your love life Leah. Oh, and Bella would you like anything to drink, we've got wine and water, sorry not much."
"I'm good. Thank you." Bella muttered, still awkward.
"Leahhhh. Love life. Go." Emily may be a little tipsy.
"Can't talk about something that's non-existent."
"Leah don't lie. We're all friends here." Y/N blurted out.
"Fine. I did meet this girl....but that's all I'm saying!"
Emily and Kim let out pouts while Y/N laughed, maybe letting them have wine was a bad idea.
"You." Emily pointed at Bella.
"Me?" Bella questioned.
"Yes. How's your vamp?"
"Oh, um- he's nice, I guess."
"No. I need more than nice."
"He's really good at dancing." Bella shrugged.
"I need more." Emily begged.
Maybe Bella should of said yes to that wine.
It had been a good four hours and 4 out of 5 of the girls were more than tipsy. The 5th one just laughing her ass off at her friends.
The guys were in for a surprise when they came in. There was flour everywhere. In places where flour shouldn't be.
The girls were sitting in a circle in the kitchen, giggling, waiting on their cookies and brownies and muffins to be done. They got a little over board.
Then the door opened and the girls went silent. Sam walked through the door to be met with flour and baking ingredients all over the table and counters, along with 3 empty bottles of wine. He could hear whispers in the kitchen.
"Maybe if we stay really quiet they won't realize we're here." Emily whispered. The other girls giggling. "Shhhhh."
Sam peered over into the kitchen, watching the five girls huddle down, not noticing he was there. Hearing the guys he quieted them letting them look.
Emily peered up seeing the guys watch them causing her to squeak and the other girls to look up.
Each guy had an amused look on his face, watching the girls.
"Welp, grab one." Sam called.
Sam scooped Emily up into his arms, causing her to let out of squeal.
Jared did the same to Kim, and Jacob to Bella. Seth grabbed his sister, and Paul grabbed Y/N.
"Paul, wait, I have to tell you something" Y/N said. "I'm not drunk. I can't even drink."
He took the girl and sat her down outside. She stood in front of him, and he gave her a look to continue.
Hearing loud noises coming from the house, they both looked over only to see all four girls watching them with wide grins on their faces.
"What is happening?" Paul asked, with a confused smile.
In the background you could hear the girls screaming with excitement.
"Here goes nothing. Paul..."
"I'm pregnant."
Paul's face was pure shock, all the girls in the background screaming and cheering.
"We're gonna have a baby?"
"Yeah. We're gonna have a baby. It's why I've been getting bigger, as Jacob so kindly reminds me."
"I'll kill him if you want me to."
"I know you would."
"I have a question."
"Why is the leech lover here?"
"I invited her. She's actually really nice. I get why Jacob likes her."
"I can't believe we're going to have a baby."
"Me neither."
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
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gothicnerdgifs · 1 month
— 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛 𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢 𝐢𝐧 "𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐲"
HERE you’ll find #301 gifs of australian actor jacob elordi in the film he went that way. all gifs were made by me from scratch, so don’t claim them as your own or repost them. if you find this content useful please like/reblog. 
use in taboo or hollywood roleplays
edit them into crackships or for personal graphics
crop them into gif icons without my permission
❗CONTENT WARNING: violence, blood, guns, flashing lights, partial nudity, smoking
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iveleftitwithyou · 2 months
casual | paul lahote x reader smut
NSFW | 18+ | minors DNI | word count: 2.38k
warnings: smut, dom!paul, slight angst, mention of fighting, i think that's it?
i asked you guys if i should post this now or incorporate it into ruderal, and the result was overwhelmingly to post it now, so here it is with some plot adjustments! i've been OBSESSED with this song by chappell roan and knew i needed to make it into an imagine, although this song is probably about a woman lol. highly recommend listening to the song as you read this. this is my first time EVER writing smut so i hope its not too bad - as always, let me know what you think :)
ALSO this is in an alternate timeline where the guys are all like 21+ and so is y/n :)
Paul’s hand lingered on your thigh as he drove the winding road back to Forks, his thumb rubbing small circles on your outer leg. the radio hummed with a song you couldn’t manage to pay attention to, instead focusing your gaze on the motion of his finger on your bare thigh. while you assumed the gesture was meant to comfort you, it did a lot more than that. you hoped that the darkness would obscure Paul’s peripheral vision enough for him to not realize you were ogling his muscular arms and unusually large hands. his veins protruded in a way that drove you crazy for some reason, and as much as you were still upset with him, you couldn’t help the rush of hormones that flooded at the sight.
Embry had made some stupid joke about you at the bonfire at Emily's that night, a common occurrence when you hung out with the pack. he didn’t mean anything by it, you joked around with each other like that all the time, but Paul had been extra sensitive for the last few weeks as he spent more hours on patrol. Victoria’s looming presence and the mystery murders happening around Washington meant the reservation needed increased protection, and the men in the pack had to step up. Embry’s comment led to a fight where the pair both phased, snarling and snapping until they both came to their senses and things went back to normal. you hated when Paul shifted because of you, even if it was just indirectly your fault like it was tonight. 
you two were meant to be casual, despite Paul having imprinted on you, as you had just gotten out of a long-term relationship and weren’t ready to commit to someone again. you’d been seeing each other casually for months, hanging out, and getting to know each other better. as much as you were hesitant to let him into your life completely, you couldn’t deny your attraction to Paul. he’d been nothing but a gentleman thus far, bringing you flowers on dates, opening doors for you, and following your boundaries to a T, terrified to mess anything up with you. of course, his physical form was unlike anything you’d ever seen - you were lucky that he preferred to hang out without a shirt on. things had gotten hot and heavy between you two a few times but hadn’t gone farther than some very intense making out. though, the way Paul’s hand touched you now was enough for you to throw those boundaries out the window; you wanted him - no, needed him.
you focused your eyes back on the road in front of you, only being able to see as far as the truck’s dim headlights illuminated. breathe in, breathe out, you reminded yourself, trying to calm down the butterflies in your stomach. you were unsuccessful, and it didn’t help that Paul’s hand was inching closer and closer to your hips.
suddenly, his hand snaked further inward and his grip tightened, engulfing your inner thigh. your breath hitched, and you unsuccessfully tried to mask it as a cough. you saw Paul smirk out of the corner of your eye, but he didn’t look over at you. 
you once again reminded yourself to breathe as the ache between your legs became more apparent. his hand loosened its grip and continued its journey towards your core. half of you thought about stopping him purely as punishment for fighting with Embry, but the much louder other half wouldn’t dream of it right now.
you couldn’t help but let out a small groan as his hand finally reached your jean shorts, his fingers tracing the seam that ran between your legs. the slight pressure he applied drove you absolutely crazy as you wished for more friction.
the sound that escaped your lips seemed to do something to Paul as he let out a breathy groan of his own. “alright, that’s it,” he mumbled, turning the wheel toward the side of the road. he must have known exactly where you were because he easily pulled the truck behind a set of bushes that obscured most of it from the road. any passerbys, which were few and far between at this time of night anyway, wouldn’t notice the vehicle.
almost as soon as he slammed the gear shift into park, his lips were on yours. he kissed you with a passion you’d never felt before. you melted into his lips, reminding yourself for the third time that night that if you didn’t start breathing, you would pass out. he gripped the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair as you continued to make out. his other hand traveled down your arm, to your hip, and unbuckled the seatbelt you’d been wearing. in one swift, but slightly awkward motion, he disconnected your lips for a brief moment and grabbed each side of your hips, pulling you across the center console onto his lap. you were careful not to lean too far and hit the horn with your back as you settled onto him, silently thanking Paul for owning such a spacious truck. your knees settled on either side of his legs. 
as you sat down on his lap, you brushed his hardening length with the same seam of your shorts his hand was just on, eliciting a quiet moan from both of you. impatient, Paul once again gripped your scalp and slammed your lips together. you allowed your hands to slip underneath the hem of his shirt, feeling the outline of the muscles on his bare abdomen. this feeling, combined with the warmth radiating from his bare skin, drove you insane. 
“take- it- off-” you mumbled in between kisses, tugging the hem upwards. you were unsure of where the forwardness came from, but you didn’t stop long enough to be embarrassed. 
“you don’t get to tell me what to do,” he snarked half-jokingly but obliged.
the moonlight streaming in from the windshield was just enough for you to be able to see the outline of his pecs and abs, and you really couldn’t help but stare.
“like what you see?” he chuckled, noticing your eyes widening at his physique.
you nodded, unable to form words, instead opting to smash your lips back together with all of the strength you could muster. you’d had enough of looking flustered - you wanted to take initiative.
you raised your hips again, pushing your abdomen against Paul's and lowering yourself onto his member. you rocked your hips back and forth as he moved his lips down your cheek, then your jaw, and eventually to your neck. the friction as you continued to grind against him elicited a low growl against your neck as his lips attached to your skin. you moaned embarrassingly loudly as he sucked at the delicate skin, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be sheepish. in fact, the only emotion surging through your body right now was pure desire for the god-like man leaving a series of hickeys on your neck.
“Paul, that’s gonna leave a mark,” you whined. you knew you’d regret letting him do it in the morning but right now you wanted nothing more than for him to mark you as his. you wanted to be his.
“don’t want anyone else getting any ideas. you’re all mine,” he retorted, lifting his head up to look you in the eyes. his were almost completely black with lust. “say it.” he commanded, holding your jaw tightly in his hand. “say you’re mine.”
“i’m all yours, Paul” you panted, your hips continuing to move back and forth on Paul’s lap as you stared into his dark eyes. despite your relationship still being undefined, truer words had never been spoken.
“good girl. now shut the fuck up and get back in the passenger seat.” his harsh words did nothing to discourage you from obeying as you scrambled to sit back where you were a few minutes prior. this was a side of Paul you had only seen when he was angry: dark, commanding, dominating. usually, you would have to try to calm him down when he got like this, but right now, you were very much enjoying him telling you what to do. you already missed the warmth of his body on yours as you climbed back over to the other seat, but you instinctually knew better than to voice your complaints right now.
Paul leaned across the console, reaching his hand between your knees and under the seat to move it back as far as it would go. once he was satisfied with that, he reached across your lap and pulled the reclining handle, his other hand helping to lower the seat back slowly so you weren’t sent flying backward.
“scooch back” he ordered again, and you moved your hips backward on the seat, supporting yourself with your elbows on the very edge of the seat near the headrest.
you were confused as he opened the driver-side door and hopped out of the truck. you watched as he opened the passenger-side door, it becoming clear now what his plan was. you pulled your knees towards your chest as he climbed back in, kneeling on the floor mat in front of you. god damn, this truck was spacious, and you were incredibly grateful for that right now.
his large hands fumbled to unbutton your shorts. he pulled the zipper down and you lifted your hips, followed by your legs, so he could slide them off. not wanting to wait another second, he pulled your underwear to the side and connected his thumb to your clit. you let out a loud gasp at the sensation and he chuckled proudly, knowing how good he was making you feel. Paul rubbed small, tight circles on the sensitive nub for a few seconds before you felt a finger dip into your wet folds. a guttural moan escaped your throat as you finally got the sensation you had been waiting for since his hand had rested on your thigh earlier in the night.
he added a second finger shortly after and continued to pump in and out of your heat, his thumb continuing its circular motions on your clit. you could feel your orgasm building inside of your core, and it was almost euphoric knowing it was Paul making you feel like this.
“Paul, i’m gonna-” you moaned, getting close to the edge. “what the fuck?” he’d removed his fingers altogether upon hearing this and you were not happy about it. 
“patience, princess.” he chuckled, making eye contact with you once again as he raised his fingers to his mouth to taste you on them. you were still pissed at him for teasing you like that, but the sound he made as he licked your wetness off himself almost made it worth it. almost.
“let’s take these off, shall we? or should i rip them off?” his fingers slipped under the waistband of your underwear.
“don’t you dare,” the one rational brain cell you had left replied, lifting your hips for him to slide them off like he did the shorts. you liked this pair. Paul held your hips back down as he spread your legs open, leaning his torso over the seat until you could feel his breath between your legs, amplified by the wetness that had come with the teasing.
“god, you look so fucking good” he took a second to admire the sight before him before he groaned lustfully and connected his tongue to your cunt. he made quick work of finding all the right spots to hit, causing your legs to tremble and your eyes to roll back in your head. at this rate, you wouldn’t last long, but you never wanted this moment to end.
“oh, fuck,” you moaned as he continued to circle the sensitive nub with his tongue. you had never felt this connected to someone before, not any of your exes. no one had ever made you feel as good as Paul was in this moment. as he continued the motions of his tongue, you realized Paul was perfect for you in every way, including this one. it was like pre-nut clarity.
you felt the pressure building up again, somehow even stronger than last time, unable to contain your moans. “fuck, Paul, i’m gonna cum” you groaned, arching your back against the seat as Paul continued to hold your hips down harshly against it. you figured there would be bruises there tomorrow, and the thought of him marking you up even more only exacerbated your growing orgasm.
“cum for me, princess” Paul mumbled against your clit, giving you permission to let go. it only took a couple more swipes for you to come completely unglued against his mouth.
Paul gradually slowed down his motions, guiding you through your orgasm as your hips attempted to buck against his face, craving the stimulation. eventually, your brain started to function again, and the first thing you thought was that that was definitely the best orgasm you’d ever had. you couldn’t tell Paul that, though - it would boost his ego way too much, and he already had a huge one to begin with. the second thought that went through your head was that you were ready for Paul to be your boyfriend. no man could eat you out that good and get away from you.
he admired his work as you panted in front of him, a smirk of pride on his face. he loved knowing he was the one who made you feel so good. he raised himself up on his knees to hover over you, one arm resting on the seat to support himself as the other snaked behind your back to pull you to his chest. you wrapped your arms around his back, settling your face in the crook of his neck. your breaths were soon in time with each other, basking in the body heat radiating from the both of you.
you could have stayed like that forever, but after a few minutes, Paul pulled back slightly to look you in the eyes. he seemed deep in thought before he smiled and opened his mouth to ask you a simple question: “is it casual now?”
part 2 here :)
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
Hey, I saw you did twilight. Can I get jacob with an reader who loves his wolf form and will nuzzle and cuddle up to him when ever he in it.
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Jacob Black x Reader who loves his wolf form
Problem numbero uno is that Jacob can initially only go into his wolf form when he's super angry, so uh, maybe don't cuddle the giant angry wolf boy...
It is a constant concern for Jacob that he could so easily hurt you if you're around when he transforms, even if that's the last thing he'd ever do, just like how Sam unintentionally hurt Emily.
However, as he slowly gets used to his shifting powers, his sense of control does drastically improve.
He is mildly concerned for your survival instincts if you see a Fiat 500-sized wolf and immediately think "Ooo, a puppy!".
At first, he wants to refuse to let you pet him as a principle like just because he can turn into an animal doesn't mean you get to treat him like one. Otherwise, you'd be just as bad as the Cullens.
But one day he comes back after chasing some new vampires off of the tribe's land, and he's completely exhausted but still too full of adrenaline to shift back.
He slinks over to his house, where you sit on the porch. To your surprise, he drops his giant, furry head into your lap. For a second you sit totally still until you lift a hand up and gently massage the fur between his ears.
You carefully work your thumb down to his forehead over his eyes, before bringing your other hand up to scratch at his shaggy neck. Jacob grumbles slightly at the new sensation but finds himself leaning into it regardless.
Hell, you don't touch him like that in human form. Maybe cuddling in wolf mode might not be so bad.
The rest of the wolf pack will absolutely have a field day with this new information, and they will torment Jacob to no end because of it.
Every time Jacob goes literally anywhere near you in wolf form or not, he's bombarded by thoughts of "Oooo, Jacob's gonna go get belly rubs! Who's a good boy? Does Jacob wanna treat?".
He does his best to drown them out, he knows that deep down they're just jealous that he's imprinted with someone who loves him no matter his form.
It gets to the point where sometimes Jacob will take you on forest patrols where he lets you ride him while in wolf mode, it does make getting around easier. Then you guys can have a little picnic in the woods surrounded by nature. And he doesn't mind if you want to give his big wolf nose some kisses while you're at it.
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4oureyesreader · 4 months
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wpack memes ✫彡
which wpack member is who? :D
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vhygoxo · 7 months
What would it be like to be “—‘s” imprint?
Headcanons on what it’d be like to be an imprint to each members of the twilight wolf pack
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Leah Clearwater
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When it happened it took Leah by surprise for sure. She’d always believed she was the unlucky one of the pack, cursed, first of her kind. It was rare and once in a lifetime thing how could something like that happen for her?
That is until you walked into Leah’s life, shaking her beliefs, and opening up her world.
At first she was scared as hell, not of you, but of the connection. She knew it could be a beautiful powerful thing. It was all too much for her to handle unexpectedly. Causing her to shift and hide in the woods for 3 days.
During this time the pack took care of you while Leah sorted her thoughts. Warming you up to the idea of what was to come.
Once she realizes what an idiot she’s being she snaps out of it. Instead choosing to be grateful for even being blessed with an imprint.
After it all you get to see the soft side to Leah not many could see. She was very attentive and kind towards you but still strong minded.
Out of all the members of the pack she was one of the most possessive. After her fathers death she held a close grip to those she loves. And now you were included
Her jealously ran deep, she’d show it by being extra clingy, needing you and your attention only on her. She’d never act cold or be mean to you. But say if someone hit in you in front of her? Beware her wrath all who dare try
She’d always try and do her best by you. Holding herself accountable for any mistakes she makes. Her love is shown through her actions. Only when it’s the two of you is she very sweet with her words.
Most, if not all, of Leah’s love is reserved for you and only you. A lot of pampering and sweet kisses between you two. Overall your connection would be sweet and passionate. She’d treat your connection very delicately and hold it special to her heart.
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Paul Lahote
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Paul was very shocked when he imprinted, out of the whole pack, Leah and Paul were most similar. He refused to believe and accept it at first.
He was terrified actually. As much as he knows he loves you (at first sight believe it or not) he was scared of his true nature. Would he be able to control his self? Hold him self back to protect you?
For awhile he kept you out of arms reach. Even after he explained everything to you it was decided he would be away most of the time. You weren’t sure if you could even disagree with him, wanting him close as possible, he wanted to be close as well. But in his mind the farther he was away the better you were safe.
Once he got his thoughts in order he realized how much he wanted this. An imprint connection was rare and he was definitely lucky to be blessed with you. He couldn’t forsake you and what you had together
After that it was hard to shake him off. Not that you tried to anyways. He was always near you, leaving a hand on your waist, back, anything to keep you close.
Paul works his hardest to make sure you’re comfortable around him. He knows his reputation is nothing great. Everyone finds him scary, intimidating, a hot head. The only time he cared is when you believed in it. Which you did in the beginning until you guys got to know each other
But he truly did have a soft, kind, nurturing side to him. The whole pack knew that and they made sure you seen him as well. He has never and would never raise his voice at you or be physical in anyway
He didn’t even wanna play fight. No matter how hard you tried to rile him up. Paul took your safety very seriously. Leah may be the most possessive of the pack but Paul was the most protective. He treats you like you’re fragile and delicate.
Also Paul really loved your scent. Some days you would spend it bed together wrapped and tangled within each other. He’d inhale you in like you were life itself.
You learned his intensity and passion were good qualities from him. He was passionate about the people in his life, his duties, and role in life. He took it all very seriously. He also took protecting you even more serious. It’s one of the reasons he decided to stay away in the beginning
Paul will always strive to be the best partner to you. He knows he isn’t perfect, and that he will make mistakes, he just prays he’s enough for you and this connection. (Ofc he is)
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Sam Uley
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This is if Emily wasn’t in the picture
In the beginning he would be so whipped. But because of his sense of duty and obligation he wouldn’t be fast to pursue you. If anything he’d shut his self down. Denying his urges to see you
He didn’t want force his self on to you. He was obsessed right from the start, showing it before even telling you his feelings, didn’t sit right with him. He knew he couldn’t just scoop you away and live happily forever after. (As much as he wanted to)
Since he was the first of his kind he wouldn’t be sure what to do until consulting the elders and council. Once he knew what to do he wouldn’t hesitate to approach you.
After that he hardly denied his self and his instincts. You were now apart of his life and he’d make sure you were welcomed into it.
To be honest his actions towards you were quite princely in the beginning. He was serious in pursuing you, the type to court by buying you flowers, wine and dine a few times before anything else started. His manners were swift and graceful.
You were the first to pursue anything physical. Although Sam was sweet and honest he was also very respectful. A little too respectful since it took him almost 4+ dates to even try kissing you let alone try some hand holding.
Once you two were ok with physical touch he’d welcome it always. But since he was always so busy he’d shower you in gifts in his absence. Rest assured he’d always make time for you no matter how brief your moments are.
Not going to lie for this guy expressing his love in words is tough. He’d leave notes but it was hard for him to say much in person. Preferring to show his love through his actions and gifts. Only in spontaneous moments does he profess his love.
This guy didn’t care about PDA, if he wanted to kiss you, or hold you he wasn’t going to be shy. Didn’t matter where you two were it didn’t matter to Sam. What mattered was you were close to him.
Overall he’d be the ultimate provider and partner for you. He knew how to care for the pack, the community, and now you. Out of everything you are top priority
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Jared Cameron
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This is if Kim wasn’t in the picture
Out of all the pack members your connection with Jared would be the most fun and easy. When you first imprinted on each other it was a happy and joyful moment. Both of you knew what you meant to each other and the rest was history.
He’d always make sure to make you laugh, to him making his girl/partner smile, was important to him. As long as you were happy and laughing life was good to him
Although this guy seems like such the happy go lucky type as time passed you seen other sides to him. From what the other pack members have said “the only time Jared is serious is when you or vampires are involved”
The first time you got hurt you seen how serious he could get. It was a minor injury but it freaked Jared enough for him to drive you to the hospital. He was so silent and serious the whole time, he relaxed once he knew you were ok, but that day made you realize how right the pack was
This guy shows his love through his actions mostly. Also a gift giver taking note of what things you like and enjoy. The type to take you to a carnival/fair and impress you by winning a stuffed animal.
He liked travelling with you. Any experience like a concert, or special events, he took you in a date with him. All paid and taken cared of by him. It wasn’t until later on in life could you travel with him. Early into the relationship he showed you what he could. Secrete places like hidden water falls and beaches.
You couldn’t ever upset or make this guy mad. Annoyed? Maybe but he’d never admit it, but Jared wouldn’t avoid any issues with you, he’d find a way to get through your problems together. He hated to see you upset.
Life with this guy will be easy and carefree. He’d always make sure you’re taken cared of, if you need space, he’ll oblige. Whatever you need he’ll get it for you all with a smile on his face.
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Embry Call
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Such a bashful guy, he was so nervous, and awkward when he first imprinted on you. It took him a lot to even approach you. Even before he shifted he never really bagged many girls. Not that he wasn’t handsome, girls have always wanted him, but he’s always been shy
Secretly Embry always wanted an imprint, he seen how the others were, how they felt. It was a dream for him to even experience such a love. Embry shows his gratitude everyday for the fact you’re even in his life.
Although he’s shy he was the first to approach you. He seemed level headed and calm. It wasn’t until after you guys had been dating for a while before the guys told on Embry. About how nervous and sweaty he was the whole time. Embry didn’t show it much but he was an over thinker
Embry was very clingy, physical touch was his thing, he viewed it as as a need. Needing to touch or be near you as often as you’d let him. His favourite was craning to hug into your neck and chest,
He’d give you lots of his hoodies. To him when you wore them was a sign of proof you were his. Or gift you jewellery with hidden meaning, like his initials being on it, or some proof he was yours.
On that note Embry would be secretly possessive over you. He wouldn’t want you or anyone else suspecting his ulterior motives. See, Embry never really had anything of his own, as he got older that changed. But you were his he was yours that was final.
Hickies were this guys thing, you’d think it’d be Sam or even Paul, but Embry loved to give hickies. Onto your neck, nape, your chest, you name it. He was gonna leave his mark on you for sure. Embry always made sure they were visible in some way.
The more time passed the more dominate Embry became. Not in a toxic way, but he became more assured in his hole as your imprint, taking charge and holding his self accountable. He started to resemble Sam in the sense of how noble and dutiful he was becoming
Embry would always strive to be his best self for himself and for you. Wanting to serve the world on a platter for you. Like the rest of the pack rest assured he’d always take care of you. To the point he’d gift you the clothes off his back no problem.
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Quil Ateara
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Quil was similar to Embry in the sense he was super nervous in the beginning. He wasn’t sure what to do or what to say. He rushed to you but once he was in front of you he didn’t know what to say. Stammering and stuttering in front of you.
Unlike the rest of the guys he truly didn’t believe he’d have an imprint. It never even crossed his mind. Why worry about something that’ll never happen? You are definitely the best surprise for Quil
Once he was able to speak he was very kind. He told you everything up front with out hesitation. Hoping you’d accept him for who he was. Luckily for him you did
He’s whipped for you, anything you desire, he will get no question. Quil was more submissive than the rest of the pack. You took the lead more than he did.
The only time Quil was demanding was when it concerned your health and safety. Although he was softer and kinder than most of the pack he was still a wolf. If you were in danger or hurt best believe he was doing what he could to help.
Loves watching scary movies with you so you’ll rush to his side. He loves how he makes you feel safe. It validated him a lot and physical affection mattered to him the most.
He loves to tease you, playfully of course, he’d never say anything to upset you. But you getting riled up by him always got him going.
Quil would be the more submissive partner out of the pack. But don’t underestimate him, he still had the dominant possessive tendencies like the rest of the pack, but you were more than everything to him. How could he not worship you and the love you share?
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Jacob Black
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This guy was very stubborn even before he imprinted. He never expected to get one, hell, he didn’t even want one. Once he did, everything changed, change wasn’t something he liked yet he’d never admit it. But finally he understood how and why the others with imprints felt.
Instead of fighting against change he went along with it more than happily. That’s what surprised him the most. Was the fact it all felt so easy, easier than breathing, to be together with you. It was almost like it was all he ever knew.
This guy would be more intense than the rest, you’d think it’d be Paul, but at least he was aware of his self. Jacob wasn’t. He wasn’t ashamed to stare at you for long periods of time. Or to do any type of PDA. There was no shame in his game when it came to you
He prefers quality time together with you. If you can’t give it he’ll get upset and whine about it. Asking why you can’t hang or else trying to figure a way to you. He wouldn’t be the one to fully support your independence. But after some discussion he’d hold back.
Jacob got jealousy easily but he was easy to calm down. He’d never take it out on you. Jacob adored you and he wished to stay your only devotee. Others weren’t welcome to join him.
Surprisingly this guy was good with his words. He never failed to compliment you or serenade you. He’d always been affectionate and now that he had you he was able to show this side fully.
Best believe he’d be an amazing gift giver as well. Instead of just simple bracelets and charms, he helps fix your cars, one time he even gifted you one. He spent the whole summer and fall fixing a new car for you. “I didn’t feel you were safe in your old car” was all that he said before giving you the keys
After everything with Bella Jacob had it rough. He didn’t want to show it but it all took a toll on him. Having you in his life made it all so easy. Everyday he’s grateful to have you by his side and wondering why he was so against this imprint connection
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Some new pack content 🙏🖤my own rendition on what it’d be like to be each pack members imprint. I plan to make more posts like these hopefully regularly. I am still working on my og fan fiction “pale moonlight” it’s just I take my time writing it. The story is more about the daily life of the wolf pack than it is a Paul x reader story. So I just want to fix and add things as I go which take time. Enjoy this for now! More posts to come in the future 🖤if you have any requests my inbox is open
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Carlisle's the most tired Vampire in existence.
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cinnaju · 2 years
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please like or rb if saving/used ♡
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stannyramirez · 5 months
check the source or HERE for #301 gifs of 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛 𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢 as 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐧 in 𝔰𝔞𝔩𝔱𝔟𝔲𝔯𝔫. all gifs were made entirely from scratch by me for roleplaying purposes. please REBLOG this post if you found it useful and check my rules for more info.
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firetfly · 5 months
˙   ៹    ♡   𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐁 𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐈 gif pack ,
in the source link you’ll find 155 medium gifs ( 268 x 151 ) of jacob elordi in saltburn. every single one of these gifs was made from scratch by me and for roleplaying purposes. do not: repost the gifs, include in your gif hunts, claim as your own or edit in anyway. like or reblog would be greatly appreciated if you found this useful.
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content warning: drinking/alcohol, smoking, flashing lights, eating, body image.
important note: please do not use my gifs if you were blocked by me, for sm*t situations, celebrity rp as themselves or ‘t*boo’ rps.
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