#jaehyungparkian fic rec
Random fic rec 11
when i'm without you (i'm something weak) by jojotxt
Keith wondered how much damage could be done to his dignity if he just threw himself into the oven to avoid the inevitable. Probably not much, really; he didn’t have much of a dignity to begin with. “My life is in shambles,” Keith whispered to the still-baking pie. “My life is in shambles and the bane of my existence is in my restaurant.”
The Unusual, exceptional, and statistically remarkable Hermione Granger, age 21 by magnetic poles
Hermione assesses her life on the morning of her twenty-first birthday.
Thirty-eight by thelastgoodname
Hermione and Pansy have sex together. Hermione counts.
brian kang's 5 step plan for getting over a boy by antijosh
there's no perfect recipe for getting over someone, but jae will be damned if he doesn't try to make one. or rather, if he and brian don't try. well, if brian doesn't try. they're working on it.
paging dr. oblivious by dreamtowns (i love this trope so so much, so if anyone has knows ones like this, i don’t mind which ship, please rec them too me)
Hitoshi, slowly, delicately, puts his fork down and squints. Denki regrets maintaining eye contact, but, also, he doesn’t because damn, Hitoshi has pretty eyes – and focus, Denki, focus! “I’m sorry,” Hitoshi starts, quietly, almost threateningly, and tilts his head. “Would you like to repeat that? People think we’re what?”
“Pining,” Denki bursts out, almost too loud in the hospital gardens, and then he hunches forward and continues much more quietly, but no less heatedly: “They think we’re,” he swallows and finishes, almost lamely, “pining.”
Hitoshi says nothing. Waits.
“They have a betting pool,” Denki practically wails.
(or: the entire hospital staff has a betting pool on when Denki, resident trauma specialist, and Hitoshi, the neuropsychologist, will start dating.
The punchline is that they are married.)
Destiny in You, Destiny in Me by kayahtik
Jungkook accidentally casts a love spell on everyone around him, except for some reason it doesn’t seem to be working on Namjoon and Taehyung...
(hint: it’s bc they’re already in love with him)
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Jaehyungparkian fic rec 5
We Were Sitting On That Sofa by teenuviel1227
When they get fired from their jobs at a local network, long-time best friends Jae and Brian will do anything to keep the life that they’ve had for years--their co-signed loans, co-owned apartment, their routines. What they come up with isn’t exactly the textbook definition of filmmaking but they give it a shot. Somewhere along the way, they discover the long-time tension that’s built up between them has blossomed into love.
Or the one where Jae and Brian are a redundated videographer and writer (respectively) who end up writing porn parodies starring their friends--and one day, when everyone gets the flu, are forced to act in the Christmas Special themselves. And when Brian shows Sungjin the playback, he says the thing Brian and Jae both know but have denied for years, “Dude, you can’t air this. This isn’t having sex, it’s making love.”
i don't want to be your friend, i want to kiss your neck by softtofustew
a drunk brian wants nothing more than to kiss jae. (and perhaps his collarbones. perhaps.)
Back To You, It Always Comes Around by teenuviel1227
When Jae’s sister tells him to bring a date to her wedding for fuck’s sake and his bestfriend-slash-roommate Brian says he’ll do it without even being asked, Jae doesn’t even begin to anticipate what it’ll mean for the both of them.
Or the AU where Jaehyungparkian fake date--which leads to them real dating.
trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat by softtofustew
he downs the last of his dr pepper before swiping at his lips. he tries not to look at jae looking at his lips. “what’s in it?”
the other scratches at the nape of his neck. “i’m just going to be blunt about this - can you be my fake boyfriend, for, like, five minutes tops?”
heartbroken college student brian is asked - no, forced - to be heartbroken guitarist jae’s fake boyfriend, for five minutes. and before brian knows it, they’re on a date, at 11 fucking o’clock; a nightlong date to last a lifetime.
Film The World Before It Happens by SOMETHINREAL
“Kang fucking Younghyun wrote a message to me on my album,” Jae says. He subconsciously runs his fingers over the ink.
“Well, yeah, you were at his fanmeet. Of course he wrote something when you asked.”
“No,” Jae says, “no, no, no, he fucking asked me to DM him on my private twitter because he thinks I’m sweet.”
(alternatively: the one where jae is a Young K fansite and Brian is unprofessional and in love with him).
Let The Sky Fall, When It Crumbles We Will Stand Tall by teenuviel1227
The one where Jae and Brian are rival bodyguards hired to work for the same boss--a powerful businessman who gets kidnapped under their care, leaving them to take the blame. In an effort to clear their name, they go on a hunt for their boss, and fall in love in the process.
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Jaehyungparkian fic rec 4
I'll Call You Pretty, Darling by teenuviel1227
The one where CEO Brian is always in control and on top of everything--and when things get stressful, it’s only his Sexytary Jae who can undo him.
Like It Or Not by daehwisdays (ataezingkookie)
Jae never thought he'd see Brian again, not after everything that happened.
But he has shitty friends and makes shitty decisions, and somehow ends up handcuffed to his ex for 24 hours.
or literally just the buzzfeed 'handcuffed to your ex for 24 hours' video, with added fluff, angst, and a dash of smut.
Kiss Me On The Mouth & Set Me Free by teenuviel1227
The one where Jae wants to ask a girl out, Brian teaches him how to kiss--and well, Jae learns more than just that.
Daydream by mworadeno
For God's sake, Brian only wanted a cup of coffee to wake him up after staying up all night, not an impossibly huge crush - which is absolutely not true, maybe a tiny one, not huge - on this cute barista who doesn't even know his name.
We Watched The Sunset Over The Castle On The Hill by teenuviel1227
Jae’s pretty much given up on looking for his soulmate--anyway, it isn’t so bad perpetually looking young when all of your friends have begun to look their age. Anyway, it’s a pretty good life being Jae Park aka yellowpostitman, one of the world’s most famous singer-songwriters. Sure, he’d made his fortune on a song about looking for his soulmate, but he kind of likes that irony. Brian hasn’t given up because Brian never even started looking. A soulmate: someone to whom you’re automatically tied to sounds like his worst nightmare. He loves being the youngest CEO in the world by default, has never understood why other people would let someone hold them back like that. They’re both fine, both content, both just happy to be who they are--and then, of course, they meet.
Or the soulmate AU where people stop aging at 18 and only begin again once they meet their soulmate.
oh, the things i do for you by softtofustew
when jae runs out of ideas for his youtube channel, jaesix, brian helps him, because brian loves jae too much. duh.
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Jaehyungparkian fic rec 3
Little, Broken (Still Good) by ttamarrindo
“Dowoon,” Jae sighs, grits his teeth in an effort not to crack and start screaming out of sheer frustration. “Get in the tub.”
“No,” the four-year-old shoots back, stomping down a foot and crossing his arms over his chest in a move he definitely did not pick up from him, no matter how many times Brian may insist otherwise. “Don’t wanna.”
(Or, the one where Jae is a struggling single dad and Brian is there to save the day.)
I Was Me, You Were You by teenuviel1227
Music Majors Jae and Brian have been at each others' throats pretty much since they first met each other--rival guitarists, Brian is hesitant to pick up the bass, so when Jae gets picked as lead guitar for the graduating class's final performance, he contests the decision which leads to a crazy spiral of events. To escape stress, Jae (username: CutestChiquito) retreats online to Tumblr where he's been following a webcomic, HiHello by YoungK featuring a reality that mirrors his own--rival guitarists, simmering attraction.
Or the Bri x Jae enemies to lovers fic no one asked for where they're confidants online and rivals IRL.
Feat. Bernard Park as Jae’s roommate and the rest of the boys as Brian’s housemates.
caraluna by ttamarrindo
had any strange hallucinations since last night? jae types and hits send before he can think much about it.
no, mark sends back, simple and straight to the point like he always is when he senses jae is up to something. did you?
(alt; do you believe in magic?)
Return To The Moon, Please by teenuviel1227
The one where Brian is the most esteemed tattooist in Hong Kong and Jae is a music journalist who finally decides to get a tattoo for his thirtieth birthday.
lovesong.mp3 by ttamarrindo
and that’s the core problem, isn’t it? the songs change in rhythm and pace but eventually, when you take a closer look and really listen to the lyrics, the feeling turns out identical.
breakup songs. different words. same meaning.
fucking disappointing.
(or, brian desperately needs someone to sing for him. too bad jae doesn't like sad songs.)
All The Songs We Love The Most, Never Stick At First by teenuviel1227
In which Jae and Brian are friends with benefits who start off as friends having sex to forget their exes--and end up falling in love because, you know, they’re them.
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Jaehyungparkian fic rec 1
baby, it's your last time (so give me your best try) by mondeblue
jae keeps breaking up with people because they aren't brian enough for him. the actual brian is mildly distressed.
the woodland food bank by softlyblue
“jae, we have no milk.”
“yeah, duh. dowoon needs it,” jae frowns down at the spiderscrawl music in front of him, and tries not to bite the end of his pencil off.
“there’s hedgehogs outside that i feed-”
“-that’s where my milk is going-”
“-and he looks so small and cute-”
“-my house is not the woodland fucking food bank-”
stop and stare (can you see what i see?) by mondeblue
Everyone knows Jae and Brian are dating- that is, except for Jae and Brian
something dumb to do (put a ring on it) by ttamarrindo
“brian,” jae says and the restaurant quiets. “would you do me the honour of becoming my husband?”
“i,” brian starts, then blurts out, “you don’t even have a ring.”
(or, three times jae proposes and one time brian does.)
(walk away) with me in your heart by mondeblue
This is how it starts: “Will you write songs about me?” This is how it ends: “They were all about you.”
(or: jae and younghyun are apart for 11 years, but not really.)
love like this by ttamarrindo
what a waste, jae thinks. he’d been better off alone. should have just kicked brian out like he intended to do when he first knocked on the door.
(or: spending christmas alone sucks. spending christmas with brian might just be worse.)
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Jaehyungparkian fic rec 2
Screen Talk by ttamarrindo
“What do I do now?” Jae asks. Is there like, some kind of protocol he needs to follow? Is idol etiquette even a thing? What does one even do after your favorite artist follows you on twitter?
(Or, the one where Brian is still an idol and Jae's a fan, but they somehow manage to fall in love anyways.)
color me in by subsequence
When Jae is twelve, he’s convinced that he’s never going to find his soulmate.
When he's thirteen, he meets Brian.
hi, welcome to burger kang by ttamarrindo
the boy nods once, smirks just the slightest bit when he sees jae gaping at him. “you want fries with that?” he asks.
“no, yes, i mean-” jae takes a deep breath. in. out. he’s sang in front of thousands of people, filled stadiums to the brim, he can handle some cocky burger king cashier. “yes, fries. that would be - yeah.”
(or, jae is on a diet and suffering because of it. luckily he has brian there to help him out.)
dirty laundry by sobi
younghyun finds jaehyung drunk and crying in the laundry room at 2am. he’s got two options: ignore the drunken kid with his glasses askew, or help the idiot out with his laundry and fix those damn glasses. younghyun chooses the latter.
24 Hour Shift by ttamarrindo * my all time favourite fic *
“Shut up,” Nayeon hisses. “I’m here to learn. Besides,” she adds, nodding her head to where Doctor Kang is still talking, gesturing to demonstrate something. “I heard from the nurses that he’s married. Cutest couple in the hospital or something like that.”
Wonpil squints, catches the glint of a golden band wrapped around Doctor Kang’s ring finger before the man in question turns towards them and raises an eyebrow, judging.
(Or, the mystery of Doctor Kang's love life.)
youth by sobi
studying for exams is just an excuse for Jaehyung to drag Younghyun out on not quite coffee dates.
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When will my life begin (quarantined tumblr version)
Twelve a.m., the usual morning lineup
Start on an enemies to lovers 100k fan fic
Read a few more chapters, bookmark, and scroll
Blink again, and by then it's like 5:15
And so I'll follow a blog
Or maybe two or three I'll add a few new posts to my queue
I'll read a drabble or ficlet
Fluff or pwp
And wonder when will my life begin?
Then after dinner it's looking at fan art, fic reccing and blogging
Drarry, a bit of Taekook and Klance Destiel, Ineffable Husbands, Jaehyungparkian Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, read some more Eat a snack!
And I'll reread my favs If I have time to spare I'll memorise some more lyrics I'm sure there's room somewhere
And then I'll like and like
And like some more new posts
Stuck in the same place I've always been
And I'll keep scrolling and scrolling
And scrolling and scrolling
When will my life begin? 
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