#jealous villain
pendarling · 5 months
Letters & Masks
Villain was never interested in the identity of Hero without the mask, but watching them feign a look of confidence encouraged the criminal to give Hero a little scare.
They circled Hero's body as they sat on the floor with their wrists and ankles bound together.
"Never thought you'd end up in this position?" Villain mused. Their steps halted in front of the other, and they knelt to take a good look at their face.
Hero smiled softly, "It's not too far off, actually."
They blinked momentarily until they understood the explicit but subtle message. Villain's eyebrows raised, "Very funny,"
"I'm even funnier if you got to know me aside from fighting me now and then."
"Well, that mask of yours would be a great first step." They stood up and dusted their pants, "but I can tell you're committed to that part."
Hero watched their shoes click away over to the other side of the room, where they then picked up a blade. It was smaller than the average kitchen knife and looked similar to a sword if they were honest; intricate shapes and detailed patterns blended into fuzzy lines as Hero tried to focus on it from a distance.
"Are you going to torture me with that? It'd be a shame to get blood all over it." They sighed with a half smile.
Villain chuckled deeply and inspected the tool in their hand. "Oh no, darling, this isn't for you." They lifted a letter and cut it open gently, "You really think so negatively of me? I'm much kinder to my prisoners." 
Their hand pulled out a piece of paper, which they read; the room went silent shortly. Hero was grateful as they let their embarrassment settle down. Obviously, Villain had no evil intentions, at least not to the degree that would be directed at them. 
"What does it say?"
Villain was amused at their attempts to keep up the conversation. They quickly folded the page and gazed back at Hero as they sat patiently on the wooden floorboards.
"Someone is already coming to look for you. Aren't you excited?" 
Hero stared at the red envelope. Villain lifted it to place the letter back in and squinted their eyes. "Huh. I think I know that person," They tilted their head to see the insignia better.
Their nemesis gazed at the location their eyes were fixated on and found the small label on the corner of the envelope. They shook their head, "You seem to know a lot of things, Hero."
"No. I do know them."
"You know how you were asking me earlier about who I am under the mask?"
Their curiosity peaked, and suddenly, Villain felt themselves focused on Hero's words. 
"They saw me without it."
A subtle shift in the air alerted Hero to something relatively unfamiliar from Villain's aura. They glared at them and remained quiet, "bullshit."
"I would never lie." They pushed.
It was a tension they didn't think they'd experienced before, but Hero knew they might've just made Villain jealous, and it was a little too late to put the fire under control. 
"I-it wasn't anything though." They softly laughed with dismissiveness. 
"When?" Villain approached guardedly. Their presence presented a threatening message. 
Hero scooted back slightly, but their back had already hit the wall. "Last…" shouldn't they lie? It happened last year, but if Villain knew they could keep secrets from them for this long, they would interrogate them forever for every minute detail they could barely recall.
Their nemesis bent down closer now, right next to their side and fiddled loosely with the letter opener. Its sharp edge reflected the light to the corner of their eye.
"When??" They repeated impatiently. "Or are you playing games with me again, because Hero, if you are—" the blade tip slipped under the mask. "I swear to God…" they trailed off and left Hero to finish the sentence. 
Their eyes didn't meet the other, and they stared ahead with slight concern, "I was just kidding-!" Their smile came out awkward, "Jeez, you really are gullible to believe all that," Villain pushed the blade higher, and Hero gasped as the metal grazed the edge of their eye, "O-okay! Okay! Okay!" They nervously made eye contact with Villain. "It wasn't like I wanted to. It just suddenly came off."
"What? The wind did it?" Villain's lips curled into a smile, not buying an ounce of Hero's desperation. 
They nervously shifted their body, although part of themselves feared that moving any more would make the blade cut into their skin. Villain wouldn't let that happen, would they?
"No... it was... forcibly removed." They anxiously breathed in rapid, short breaths with eyes darting back and forth from the knife to Villain's eyes.
Villain moved the knife from underneath the mask, their jealousy simmering into something sympathetic at their words. They firmly pressed down on the cold tool against their skin by the flat end. Hero only then realized how warm their face was. "You know I'm not the type to do such things." They murmured. 
An eventual relief ran through them, yet, at the same time, a sense of comfort unexpectedly entered. They weren't opposed to it, but the fact that it was Villain had made them briefly question their morals. 
Their skin slightly tingled as Villain's agonizingly slow pace of the knife rounded their jawline and moved downwards from their neck until it came to rest on the bare skin of their collarbone. Another inch more, and they'd be cutting into their suit.
Hero's heart ran. Their gazes were still locked in a silent conversation. A flicker of choices delivered itself to Hero; one of the thoughts suggested something out of line, something they didn't want to believe they would even attempt. 
How could they...?
Or... maybe they would dare?
As much as Hero tried, they couldn't help but lean a little closer. Just enough to let their lips graze but still deny it any satisfaction. Villain stayed still, although they admired the courage with a knowing look. They could feel their captive's hesitation overtake them with such a heavy decision.
Villain was better at commanding, so they sorrowfully abided when they pushed Hero away, forfeitting their battle.
"Let's not forget our roles here, Hero."
They stood up, the floorboards creaking as the sound followed Villain back to the desk with the crimson letter. They opened a drawer and set the small tool into it before seating themselves on the desk in an attempt to collect themselves. Hero noticed their breathing turn harsh; the letter in their grasp, whether out of anger at the information they'd revealed or not, they weren't sure. 
What they did know was whatever thoughts made it into Villain's head had managed to convince the Villain to rip it into several pieces and toss it into the trash. 
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sunnynwanda · 5 months
Under the influence: Part 2
Part 1
As per popular demand, couldn't leave this one without a part 2 :) I hope you'll like it!
Warnings: suggestive? perhaps, enemies with benefits, jealousy.
Villain was never the smothering type. They weren't needy, clingy or possessive. They never got attached and certainly were not one to get jealous. They would be pegged as indifferent and detached, if anything. They hated feeling suffocated by unwanted attention and trapped in endless power plays, so they distanced themself enough to make their stance clear. In other words, Villain didn't do relationships.
But this time was different. Their night with Hero evolved into something they were not anticipating. At first, the whole enemies-with-benefits situation seemed like a good idea. Both of them needed an outlet from their daily lives and struggles - and what better way to do that than fucking out the built-up tension? And it worked well. Too well, if they dare say.
Hero's birthday was three months ago, though it felt much longer than that. Their days went by in a grey haze while the nights blurred into something akin to a nightmare. They met up once or twice a week. Those were the only days that Villain remembered clearly. It felt like they were constantly drunk, only sobering up for the few hours that they spent in Hero's bed. Always in secret, of course. Hero had a reputation to uphold - being seen so much as talking with Villain would be a disaster. Publicity mattered more.
Which was the exact reason for Hero's official date today. And no, Villain did not give a damn about the arm candy that hung onto Hero like their life depended on it. If their sweet smiles and exaggerated giggles made Villain sick in the stomach, it had nothing to do with Hero. Villain despised public displays like that, simple as that. They knew the annual reception was coming up - and Hero needed someone to take. Again, for publicity. The few dates they had sparked discussions, which was what their PR team was building drama for - a red-carpet moment.
Villain huffs, annoyed that Hero cancelled on them for the ditz they were fake dating. Yes, they had every right to date whoever they liked. It's not like Villain had any claim over them or anything. But it still stung. They tried to convince themselves that it was their pride, but the dull ache of their chest spoke otherwise. They slammed a hand over their heart, willing it to shut up.
"I thought you had plans," Hero's voice interrupts their inner monologue rather harshly.
Villain whips around, eyebrows rising. "What are you doing here?" Hero shrugs, sitting down on the cold concrete of the roof Villain was occupying. "Though you had a date?"
Hero nods, mind absent as they trail their eyes over Villain's forced smile and strained jaw. "I did. It ended."
"That soon?" Villain cringes when the question comes out, flooding their throat with rising bile. They intended it to sound sarcastic. It's pathetic how badly they fail to control their emotions.
Hero chuckles, oblivious to the tribulations of their archnemesis. "Took some pics at the bar and walked them to their door."
They don't understand why Villain even wants to talk about something this insignificant. They'd prefer to be kissing them by now, like they always do on this roof.
"That's barely even a date," Villain comments, their voice bitter with something they've not deciphered yet. It's neither jealousy nor anger, the taste more reminiscent of... disappointment? They don't know.
"As long as it counts with the press. Wouldn't wanna waste my whole evening," Hero replies, eyes trained on the city lights. After a moment of silence, they turn to face Villain. "Do you have time? I know I cancelled, but I'm here now."
"What, your contract doesn't cover sex?" Yeah, definitely disappointment. They pray Hero won't question it. "I don't have time, though. I've got places to be and people to rob."
"Hey, are you mad at me?" Hero finally seems to be using their brain, but Villain is nowhere near being happy about it.
They curse under their breath and attempt to salvage the situation by acting dumb. "Why would I?"
"I- you seem off and..." They stop mid-sentence, stepping back into the shadows to avoid being seen when they see a reporter crossing the street.
'Course, publicity over everything," Villain bites their tongue a little too late. They shouldn't have said that. They have no right or reason to feel hurt. And yet they do.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Hero steps towards them, about to get hold of their hand, but Villain withdraws it.
"Nothing," with that, they leave, deserting Hero on the cold roof.
Hero is left lost in thought. They keep replaying the conversation to try and make sense of what happened but fail to see the pattern of their behaviour, albeit unwilling, that caused the change in their dynamic with Villain. They are exhausted from the constant role they are forced to play, and Villain is the only escape they have - or, had, as it seems they will now be deprived of it, too.
Hero was in despair. Between patrolling the streets, constant nagging for interviews, fake dating and not seeing Villain other than for battle for two whole weeks, they felt overwhelmed and utterly helpless. It was too much - everything happening at once, urgent demands after pressing requirements after persistent responsibilities. They felt like a caged animal and had no one to blame - all of it was their fault. Thus, Hero was losing their sanity, and the one person that had the ability to ground them wanted nothing to do with them anymore. Another thing that was entirely their fault.
And if all of that was not enough, they had to attend the stupid reception that the mayor was hosting.
"Just my luck," they mumble, struggling with their hair, as their fingers tremble with unreasonable irritation.
They know it's not a big deal, they've been through the same kind of event a dozen times before. Today wasn't gonna be any different. They'll have a glass of ridiculously expensive champagne, force a smile here and there, nod and look invested when someone talks, take pictures for the press and leave as soon as they can. Even if their mind races back and forth, not allowing for a moment of quiet.
Needless to say, by the time their car stops in front of the city hall, Hero is on edge. They are attacked by flashing cameras and a billion questions fired at them as they walk through the doors, ignoring everyone. A glass is pressed into their hand as they enter, the mayor appearing by their side in a matter of seconds. The evening proceeds as predicted until a painfully familiar voice invades their wandering mind.
"Where's your date?" Hero attempts to turn but a firm hand prevents them from moving.
"Villain." The sigh of relief that escapes Hero is audible even over the music. The can't help the smile that tugs at the corners of their lips. God, they missed that voice. "I came alone."
"Hm?" Villain quirks an eyebrow, rounding them to stand face to face to their beautiful yet miserable archnemesis. "How come?"
"You're talking to me now?" Hero looks at them with barely contained contempt. They want to yell at Villain for ignoring - better yet, abandoning them. But that would imply admitting they were in pain.
"Excuse me? I've talked to you plenty." Villain tilts their head, lying through their teeth, but Hero sees right through them.
"No, you have not," their voice is scornful, eyes fixed on their fingers gripping the glass until their knuckles turn white.
"What, did you miss me?" Villain knows it's a poor attempt at mockery when their heart is leaping up their throat.
"I did," Hero admits, as if it's perfectly ordinary for them to say. In their mind, it is. "Why do you look surprised?"
Villain shakes their head, flabbergasted at the path their conversation has taken. The music grows louder as people start flooding the dance floor. "Why would I?"
"Don't give me that bullshit again," Hero pleads, their gaze searches Villain's face for answers but upon not finding anything, they stretch their hand towards them, opting for a different route. "Dance with me?"
"What?" Villain meets their eyes, their expression incredulous. "Are you out of your mind?"
"Perhaps I am," Hero leads them to the center of the room, ignoring the immediate stares and whispers. They are done with hiding. "I've missed talking to you," they murmur into Villains ear as they draw them closer by the waist, "and holding you."
Villain can't breathe, their lungs contracting in their chest at the feeling of Hero's palm against their back. "Did someone spike your drink again?"
Hero shakes their head no, prompting Villain to focus on them. They notice everyone's attention and their manager freaking out in the corner.
"Hero, people are watching." Villain can't tell if Hero is sound of mind at this point, but they still try to reason with them.
"So?" Hero winks before dipping them back. It's an act of rebellion, Villain assumes, barely suppressing their smirk. Fucking finally.
"There are reporters," they point half-heartedly, amusement creeping into their voice.
Hero lets out an exasperated huff but when they speak, their tone is firm and determined. "I don't give a damn about reporters. I need you."
"But what about..?" Villain's question is cut short by Hero's lips pressed against theirs. Their lips part at the suddenness of it, and Hero uses the opportunity to slide their tongue into their mouth. A few gasps and a shriek of horror escape the guests but Hero couldn't care less.
When they pull away, Villain's eyes remain closed to keep all of the spectators out of their mind. "Your public image is in shambles now."
Hero shrugs, an ecstatic grin stretches their lips when Villain meets their gaze. They recognise the familiar dangerous sparkle before Villain can utter the words. "Kiss me again?"
"Right here?" They question, stunned by the request because it was Villain - the same Villain that was disgusted by public sentiments. Villain's eyes go blank again, just like they did in Hero's kitchen when they assumed their advances were unwanted. Hero shakes their head frantically to stop their assumptions from forming. "Yes. God, yes."
Hero barely manages to get the words out before capturing Villain's mouth with theirs in a starved kiss. They feel famished, ravenous as they swallow Villain's every gasp. Suddenly Villain doesn't hate PDA anymore. They allow their arms to snake around Hero's waist, holding them close as they resume swaying to their own rhythm. Hero cups Villain's face and drags their lips over their jaw, before leaving a soft kiss under their ear. "Let's get out of here."
Part 1
Taglist: @marvellousdaisy @alltimelowing @lateuplight @surplus-of-sarcasm @betwist @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @enemies-to-idiots-to-lovers @miaowmelodie @thatonerandomauthor @hhabaddon @burningoutlikeicarus @daemonvatis @weepingcowboywolfbat @thelazywitchphotographer @kaiwewi @soul-of-a-local-bard @pigeonwhumps @aflyingsheepnamedrose @thatneptune @ohwellthatslifesstuff @worldsfromhoney @thiefofthecrowns @crow-with-a-typewriter @qualityrabbitsoup @yes-i-am-a-percyjackson-nerd
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gingerly-writing · 2 years
Prompt #3243
"You're- a villain now?"
"A supervillain", their ex-lover corrected. "The only people in this city who ever got your full attention were your enemies. Well, now I'm going to be your greatest enemy of all."
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epiclamer · 2 years
You know what I want.
(No reposts but reblogs appreciated <3)
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The front door slammed and Villain felt the whole house shake. Immediately getting up from their position on the bed and running towards the front door.
Villain knew something was wrong even before they saw Hero’s expression and their watery eyes, they knew there was something off in the way that Hero tossed their bag to the side carelessly even though they always took care of their things. Villain knew something was wrong at the sight of the complete mess of their lover and the tension that hung in the air.
“Hero?” The one in question paid their partner no mind, walking right past them and into the living room. They tossed their phone onto the coffee table and flopped onto the couch, face first as they hugged the nearest pillow to their chest. “Are you… alright?”
“What do you think.”
Stupid question, stupid answer.
Of course Hero wasn’t alright. They looked distraught and they were definitely crying now, chest heaving in shaky breaths as they clutched the stray pillow closer. Grasping it like a lifeline as Villain followed Hero’s previous steps to the couch and crouched down beside their hidden face.
One of Villains hands landed softly on Hero’s back, rubbing soft circles repetitively as a way to ground their lover. Trying to calm them down as much as possible so they could figure out what was wrong.
“Hero?” Villain tried once more, this time Hero turned slightly, angled just enough that one red and teary eye could open and see the concern written on Villains face.
The other smiled, glad that they could coax a reaction from their crying hero, moving a strand of hair from over their revealed eye. “Can you tell me what’s wrong, baby?”
Nothing changed for a second. Hero just stared back into Villains gaze, until finally their eye flicked over to their illuminated phone screen sitting face up on the coffee table. Villain followed their gaze and then leaned back just enough to be able to see what the screen was showing.
It was a series of text messages that started off innocently enough, a few memes but no actual conversation, and then, a rather… suggestive text from the other.
Villain twisted for a better view, still keeping one hand on Hero’s back. Displayed in the texts it was obvious that Hero was shocked, if not uncomfortable, with the message.
Hero had never been very good at deciphering tone and jokes always needed to be obvious or they would pass completely over their head, Villain found it adorable. But, here, in these messages, not even Villain could find whether or not this other person was kidding. They didn’t make it obvious. They didn’t make it clear. And upon being asked, they didn’t respond.
Anger flared in Villains chest. Something about how this person knew Hero was in a relationship and still decided to send such a text and that they had even considered flirting with Villains Hero, made their heart beat quicker and blood roar in their ears. Not to mention the fact that they hadn’t even cleared up the meaning behind the text either.
Villain was upset, and it must of shown because all of a sudden Hero’s crying worsened and they had averted their gaze back to the comfort pillow. Realization dawned on Villain, Hero thought Villain was mad at them.
Instantly, every last bit of anger that had coiled in Villains stomach disappeared. Turning back to face their lover and wrapping their arms around them. Holding them close and tighter then they had ever before, rocking them gently and carding a hand through their hair as they wept.
Eventually, Hero calmed down. Almost falling asleep in Villains embrace before they began to slur out words.
“I-I don’t, d-don’t want you t-to feel bad…” Hero hiccuped, shoving their face into the crook of Villains neck. Their lover only shushed them quietly, whispering praises and reassurances into Hero’s hair.
“I-I hate… I hate i-it… w-why can’t they… j-just leave us alone…” Hero’s sobs were dying down but their breath still came in hitched waves and Villain could feel a few stray tears fall down their collarbone.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m not mad at you. Take a deep breath. It’s alright.” Villain comforted Hero the best they could, but they couldn’t deny the feeling of worry in their gut either. They had always feared a day when Hero would find someone better then them. To which Hero had always told them was impossible since Villain was perfect. But now, those words didn’t seem to be enough to remove the ache in their heart.
Hero seemed to realize. They tensed slightly before pulling back from their significant other. Looking them in the eyes and Villain saw something shift in them, they didn’t have the same sad look anymore. This time there was a new air of anger that crossed them and something behind that, something even more intense.
Before Villain could open their mouth to ask, Hero had pinned their lips together. Locking them in a claiming kiss. One hand behind Villains head, pulling them closer if it was at all possible.
Hero broke the kiss Villain had completely succumbed to, only for a second, Hero’s hands gripping into Villains waist and flipping them around until Villain was pressed up against the back of the couch and Hero was leaning over top of them.
“You’re mine. And nobody is ever going to change that.”
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Hi, im new in Tumblr and im a real fan of your villain x hero prompts/series :)
Can you do one where a Newly recruit Villain attempts to flirt with Hero, but og villain caught them fuming with jealousy, and hero just sits in terror (bonus if they blushes) as they watch Villain singlehandedly beat the New villain because they never knew villain can be "THIS" powerful.
“I’m speechless,” the other villain said loudly, laughing as if they’d made a funny joke. They were drawing too much attention to themselves and the hero for their liking.
“Good,” the hero answered dryly as their eyes darted between the villain’s hands, their feet and their eyes. It was important to distinguish between a tactic and dumbness. Obviously some villains had tried to trick them before by playing stupid. But the hero was smarter than this.
“I’d just love you on your knees right now. God, we’d have a great time.” The hero tilted their head. Lovely.
This…exemplar was interesting. Cocky and weird and rude but still something new. The hero didn’t like them, they knew they would turn into someone really annoying after a bit of time but what they did enjoy was feeding into growing egos of terrible people.
It was funny to give them reassurance, only to take it away after a few minutes.
Perhaps that was cruel. But people had been crueler to the hero. They’d been crueler to the city. And this was getting on their nerves.
“Oh, I bet you’d enjoy my moans,” the hero purred. They knew this was no trick. They saw the blush. They heard the slight shaking in their voice. They saw the small shake in their hand.
Contrary to the other villain, they didn’t loosen their stance. They didn’t ease. They didn’t get excited.
“Fuck, you’re one of those, hm?”
“I don’t think you’ve ever met someone like me nor that you ever will,” the hero answered with a fake silky voice and they could see how slowly the other villain’s guard was dropping.
They seemed mesmerised, bewitched even as they walked over to the hero. Their grin was beyond irritating.
“I suppose you’re right…” The other villain was close, close enough to strike and the hero probably would’ve done it any second now.
They were sure that their muscles were moving but then it happened.
No one saw it coming. The shadow was fast, faster than anyone or anything the hero had ever seen.
Before the hero could calm their heart, the other villain was already disarmed and pushed against the wall. A blade was pressed to their throat and they started to struggle against the undeniably strong grip on them.
The hero was shocked at first but when they saw who exactly had saved them from the worst flirting of all time, they had to grin. However, they wouldn’t make this easy for them.
“I totally had them,” they said. Almost sounding sour.
Somehow, the other villain managed to free themselves and attack the villain. They landed on top of them and the hero almost thought they’d have to step between them.
But the villain managed to kick them back, swung around rather gracefully — the hero had to admit — and attack the other villain with full force.
“Oh yeah, I heard how you almost had them,” the villain snarled. Definitely sounding sour. Their breath was heavy from the fighting. “Lovely conversation. They weren’t particularly quiet.”
“I’m not even quiet in bed,” the other villain said and that was enough for the villain to break (the hero assumed) the other’s knee and push them back into the wall. The other villain weeped as the villain squeezed their throat.
“Sometimes the loudest mouths are the loveliest,” the hero pointed out. For a moment, the villain looked at them, their face as always stupidly blank.
But that was enough for the other villain to push the villain away again. They didn’t come far, though. The villain was quicker, much quicker than the new recruit and not as injured as them. They had them pressed to the floor just as fast as before.
“What the fuck—” they screeched as the villain’s knee pressed into their neck. The hero raised their eyebrows lazily. The villain was truly giving them a show.
“I’ve never met anyone who’s loud and smart,” the villain said. Somehow, the other had managed to give their face a small cut, right under their eye.
The hero felt every heartbeat in their chest.
“Maybe I like it when they’re foolish,” they answered which made the villain only laugh without any humour in it.
“Oh, I don’t think so, sweetheart.”
“You’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous,” the villain said.
The hero grinned at them.
“Let this one go. I’ll show you how to handle jealousy correctly.”
The villain was right to assume that this would be a long night.
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kaiwewi · 2 years
Synopsis: the hero seems to be preferring Other Villain's company. Villain has a very hard time accepting that.
“You talk to Other Villain.”
The hero frowned at them, again. “Huh?”
“I said…” They glowered at their silly little foe. For that was definitely all the hero was to them, just some stupid enemy, certainly nothing special. “You always talk to Other Villain.”
“Other Villain?” the hero repeated, sounding wary.
“Yes, Other Villain!” Why did the hero have to make them repeat that disgusting name over and over again? Rude. “Why them? You never just hang around and talk with me. You can’t seriously think they’ve got something I don’t.”
Other Villain was a pretentious jerk, so they rather thought that they were the one who had quite a few things that Other Villain didn’t have. For example, a personality.
That really wasn’t the point though.
Or maybe it was. It kind of was.…
“Sorry?” The hero’s face was definitely flushing, which didn’t at all make them look cute. It didn’t. “I- I just… don’t understand you?”
Wow, wasn’t that rich.
“You just don’t understand me,” they mimicked, sneering. “What, am I not articulate enough for you? Not as ‘well-spoken’ as Other Villain?”
(Other Villain was not well-spoken.)
The way they’d spit Other Villain’s name made it sound like an insult and even that was still way too good for that prick. Everything was too good for that prick.
Especially the hero.
How anyone could stand Other Villain’s presence for longer than a minute was beyond them. The hero didn’t seem to think so though, constantly making idle conversation and sometimes even banter – banter! – with the bastard.
“Uhm, I… I don’t really know…” the hero trailed off, looking very uncomfortable.
Why? Because they’d insulted Other Villain? Would someone as good as the hero really feel bad on Other Villain’s behalf?
Somehow, the mere idea was truly infuriating.
“You know,” they said and closed in on the hero, making their nemesis retreat towards the wall until the hero was trapped between them and the cold brick stones, “I find it rude that you bicker with Other Villain and laugh about their lame ass jokes, and yet you won’t even have the courtesy to acknowledge me when I’m trying to make small talk.
“You don’t even pretend to pay attention when I monologue. All you ever do is frown at me.”
They searched the hero’s eyes – wide and confused – with their own narrow-eyed gaze. The hero’s brows were creased deeper than ever.
Perhaps the hero simply didn’t care, didn’t give a single fuck about them.
Their hands curled into fists, and something in them snapped.
“If you hate me, at least tell me to my face,” they shouted. They hadn’t meant to shout.
The hero shrank back. “What? That’s not true!”
They shoved the hero then. They hadn’t meant to do that either.
But how dare the hero suddenly play at innocence now? Did the hero really not realise how they were feeling, being ignored and scorned without having done anything near significant enough to warrant such a treatment?
They’d actually put in a lot of completely fruitless effort over the past couple of weeks, being all polite and friendly, always trying to engage the hero in conversation. To which they’d received nothing in return.
Nichts. Nada. Niente.
It wasn’t fair.
“Fantastic.” They gave the hero the nastiest look they could muster, and if their bottom lip was trembling that was due to anger and nothing else. “Keep playing dumb then.”
“I just… don’t understand,” the hero said in a voice so small they might as well have been whispering. Shuffling their feet, agitated and looking extremely unhappy, the hero chewed on their bottom lip.
Dammit all. They should have known this would be a colossal waste of time.
They could have cried, or laughed. Neither seemed like an appropriate reaction. What difference did it make anyway? Why did they even care in the first place?
They swallowed against the lump in their throat, taking two steps back to allow the hero enough space to brush past them.
The hero didn’t leave though, only stared at them, red-faced and fidgeting.
“Okay listen,” the hero finally said, a little too loud and a little too fast, “I can’t talk to you.”
A muscle in their jaw twitched. If this would turn out to be some nonsense, bullshit excuse…
“No, I didn’t mean…” The hero cringed, then blurted, “it’s your stupid mask!”
“My… mask?” they repeated dumbly, pointing a finger at their face. What the fuck.
The hero nodded emphatically.
“Look, I can tell you’re upset. I think it’s about talking. And about Other Villain?” The frown on the hero’s face turned into a proper scowl. “But I can’t help it, okay?!” They sounded angry now, or perhaps only frustrated. Very, very frustrated.
Gritting their teeth and pointing a finger accusingly at them, the hero said, “my hearing is bad and I need to read lips. But I can’t do that because of your stupid mask covering your stupid mouth.”
Oh. Wow. Huh. Shit. Well, that explained a lot.
“Oh,” they said, staring blankly back at the hero. All traces of anger and annoyance so suddenly extinguished, they were left feeling oddly numb and at a total loss as to what would be an appropriate reaction to such a revelation.
They didn’t get a chance to answer though, because apparently the hero wasn’t quite finished yet.
“You know what?” Their nemesis rounded on them, practically seething. This time the colour in the hero’s cheeks wasn’t that gorgeous rosy blush. “No. Fuck you! I don’t owe you an explanation or an apology. It’s not my fault I can’t understand half of what you’re saying.”
With that, the hero rushed off, shoving them aside roughly even though there would have been plenty of space to walk past without touching. It didn’t exactly hurt, but the push did jerk them back to reality.
Absent-mindedly, they rubbed their shoulder, slowly nodding to themself. A smile began to curl their lips.
Their hero didn’t dislike them after all. Well, at least not on a personal level.
Thankfully, this also had absolutely nothing to do with Other Villain.
The entire thing was merely a communication problem. One that could easily be solved.
All they needed was a new mask.
For my other stories, visit my [MASTERLIST] ♥
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Prompt #5
Villain sat in their living room with their nemesis paced around "What're you pacing around for? I thought you came to hang out with me," The villain asked a bit annoyed since Hero had been pacing around for the past 5 minutes "You were just so talkative like an hour ago, what the hell happened?" The hero turned to Villain "I just remembered I have a date tomorrow, don't you know first impressions are important and I'm worried I'm going to screw things up!" Hero exclaimed as Villain stared at them. Villain had a pain in their chest. "Who exactly is this person you're going on a date with..?" Villain asked with a slightly annoyed tone in their voice as they sat up straight. "It's none of your business, why do you care, do you like me or something?" Hero laughed as Villain had an annoyed look on their face. They balled their hand into a fist and slammed it on the coffee table which made a loud bang and made the hero jump. "Who is it?" The villain asked, "I didn't ask for you to question me, I asked who it is." Villain said in a serious tone. This was making the hero nervous and a bit panicky. "J-jesus Villain.. why so angry? It's just another villain." The hero stated as they glanced around in a panic. Their heart was beating so fast like it was about to burst from fear and panic. "Listen here, Hero. You're mine and only mine." Villain stated. This shocked Hero. "Wait what?" "You heard me. You're mine, what do you think you're doing with another villain?" Villain snapped as they slouched back down on the couch. They wanted to say "You don't need anybody else but me" but that sounded toxic so they kept their mouth shut. The hero just stared at their nemesis and was quiet. To be honest here Hero didn't really understand or knew why they decided to go on a date with a different villain. They continued to stare at this villain, this idiot right here, as their staring turned into admiring.
Hey guys! I'm back :)) I'm sorry I was gone for so long but hopefully you like this prompt.
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julls · 2 months
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The masquerade ball with Gortash we all deserved!! (they're probably gossiping about the nobles...) gorgeous Enver Gortash x Durge Juria comm from yec_yourz ♡
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mightyfoz · 1 year
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Unicorn wars but the unicorns swap places with the bears!! not sure if anyone has thought of this idea, but i just thought what if the bears were just as vicious as they were in the movie, but instead they weren't the ones to evolve, but the unicorns did instead.
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houseswife · 16 days
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gingerly-writing · 2 years
Prompt #3240
"You're choosing them over me? I'm the love of your life, the greatest ally you've ever had, and you're choosing that- that scum over me?!"
"I am choosing their lives over your violence." The superhero's hands trembled behind the folds of their cape, but they forged on. They had to. "You can't kill every minor villain in the city in the name of helping me. That's not helping me, it's just murder."
"I'm saving you the trouble of fighting them over and over-"
"No. You're not. You're saving yourself the trouble of feeling jealous."
Their lover reeled as if they'd been slapped. "I- what- how dare you!"
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dabi: why tf do you have all of this endeavor and other heroes themed shit
hawks: it’s merchandise!
dabi: it’s stupid.
hawks: it’s not! it’s a great way to show support for your favorite heroes
dabi: at least u could throw away this big endeavor mascot from our bed...
hawks: WHAT?! never! it’s LIMITED EDITION there’s only like 50 of th-
dabi: *sigh* also i don’t like that people have this shitandise with your face on it
hawks: are you jealous dabi?
dabi: i’m not.
hawks: *in a singing voice* you aaare~
dabi: oh fuck off pigeon
*the next day*
hawks: *coming back to dabi’s place* have you heard? someone put fire in a shopping mall today, it was nasty, but what’s even worse the biggest shop with hero merch went down in flames!
dabi: *sitting on the couch in a pro hero hawks merch t-shirt with a giant hawks mascot by his side* oh, what a tragedy bby, really?
hawks: ...you didn’t!
dabi: *sips soda from big pro hero hawks merch cup* oh, i definitely did.
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tiredbitchposts · 1 year
There are many differences and similarities between Luo Bingge and Luo Bingmei but the main ones i can think abt is how they're crazy ex-boyfriend and crazy ex-girlfriend coded. Like, Bingge is the type to pretend he does not care, he'll sleep with the entire town after the break up but will still scream, cry, throw up if he finds out you held hands with another guy, Bingmei is the type to very much show he cares, he'll fake a pregnancy, have a mental breakdown in public and call you while crying. They're both the type to try and fight your "new man" but Bingge will deny he did it out of jealousy while Bingmei will admit he did it out of jealousy, but will cry so much you'll end up comforting him.
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choccy-milky · 1 year
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i got my first hate mail via tumblr ask and im posting this here too bc its way too funny not to. clora is living in this persons head RENT FREE 💃💃
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thebramblewood · 4 months
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Lilith does a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad thing (because she's big sad about her brother moving out and getting a life of his own).
Previous / Next
Misael: [dubiously] You’re GoldenSerpent1891?
Lilith: That’s right. Are you surprised?
Misael: You’re just… not what I was expecting. I’m n1ght_wr4ith. Obviously. But, uh, you can call me Misael. What’s your real-
Lilith: Let’s not waste time with pleasantries. I’ve got what you need.
MIsael: Where did you find it? How did you find it?
Lilith: A lady never tells. Let’s just say I have my ways.
Misael: Well, how much do you want for it? [mutters dejectedly] Probably more than I can offer.
Lilith: It’ll cost you nothing so long as you do what you say you’re going to do with it.
Misael: I know my quarrel with the Sages. They snuff out any magic stronger than their own just to steal it and keep it under lock and key with their stifling ranks and rules. But what do you have against them?
Lilith: [hisses] You ask too many questions. Do you want this thing or not?
Misael: Of course!
Lilith: Silversweater and Faba are practically sawdust already. They won’t put up much of a fight, so don’t waste your energy. But watch out for Ember. If anyone knows their way around dark magic, it’s that insufferable fucking know-it-all.
Misael: [sneers] Not even Morgyn will see me coming. If this book holds the spells I think it does, they’ve been banned in the Realm since before those geezers’ time. They won’t stand a chance. And when they’re gone, those stupid floating space rocks will finally fall apart for good.
Lilith: Let’s hope for your sake you’re right. You wouldn’t want to end up on my bad side, now, would you?
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covertblizzard · 3 months
jaykyle au where they're theatre kids in the same school but they're not the actors jason's the scriptwriter/director and kyle is the prop manager (i don't know the official terms sorry) and they'd probably do an amazing job on the backstage setting if they could stop arguing for 5 whole seconds about their artistic visions and ideas and how "this would obviously work better this way"
#jason todd#kyle rayner#jaykyle#mypost#dc thoughts#vp of the club: maybe we should find some other people to do the job if they can't get along?#pres of the club: no they're both talented af and i want this to be raving success just knock their heads tgt and tell them to play nice or#i'll make them wear the get along shirt again#WAIT ONE SEC DONNA'S THE PRES and overseer she's pissed bcos kyle played the same role last year and he was chill then#wally's vp no 1 and backstage manager and he's thinking of kicking kyle out#dick's vp no 2 and main lead and he's thinking of kicking jason out bcos it's embarrassing and annoying to work with your younger siblings#kon helps kyle with props and bart is one of the actors and kon is jealous af about it he grumbles a little#roy is the fight scene choreographer#i'm trying to think of something for garth but the only thing that comes to mind i'm not sure are fitting enough#actor manager? weapon manager? oooh maybe pet manager if they have animals... human and pet manager???? hr department but including animals#ooooh maybe pet manager if they have animals#raven can play bart's love interest (in play) maybe (wally doesn't like it and neither does gar for very different reasons)#eddie deals with the contraptions they build for this bubble machines smoke machines lowering and raising anything mechanical#rose and cass helps with the weapons stuff they keep fighting too and roy is TIRED#connor plays the villain he didn't mean to or want to but he got dragged into it and he's really hot and gunned in for next years main lead#he doesnt want this#steph and mia are hair makeup costume department but bart and kon love to hangout and help too#jennie-lynn and bart are in-charge of socials#tim pops up a lot because so many of his friends (and brothers) are here and when he does he helps steph and mia#damian too pops up to help with pet management and sometimes prop art#this is much to dicks annoyance jason is already here can his little brothers LEAVE HIM ALONE SOMETIMES UGH#damian (taking cues from talia and bruce loverenemies dynamic and wanting an artist in-law): we should set jason and kyle up#dick: no / tim: hmm / dick: NO#i want to add the yj girls (cassie cissie greta anita) but i know too little about them right now but imagine they're there and the roles#are to be determined
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