#jess stop making these dumb memes
honestlydarkprincess · 2 months
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watchingspnagain · 2 months
Rewatching Free to Be You and Me
Welcome to “Bert is to Ernie as Dean is to…: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e3: Free to Be You and Me
Sam and Dean have gone their separate ways for now, and this episode splits time between the two as they each have their own adventures. Sammy is incognito and working as a bartender, doing his best to stave off the annoying advances of a coworker, who eventually finds out that people who try to get close to him get held at knifepoint by hurt-butt hunters mad at Sam for starting the apocalypse then quitting the biz (or worse - EXPELLED). Meanwhile Dean and Cas go looking for Raphael to pump him for info on where God ran off to, the whole time giving each other Looks and throwing all sorts of poorly-disguised gay references at each other. Just make out, already, yeesh. Turns out Raphael is 100% that d-bag and God’s nowhere to be found. Dean and Cas then have a heart-to-heart in Baby, during which Dean claims he’s happier without Sam around. Cas smells manure. More tortured loving glances. THEN, cut to Sammy dreaming about Jess, who turns out to be Lucifer trying to gaslight his best vessel. Lots of fraught going on here, folks.
Oh Sammy, quit sulking about that tart
I have jealousy issues
well I mean you ARE way better than Jess
I appreciate the support
shuttup not!Jess
oh Sammy.
pets him
seriously, Jess. Baby is the car. WATCH THE SHOW
oof hot and naked and crying I CANNOT
oh I forgot this song is in the show. Jensen sings this a lot at cons
this montage is so good
omg lemons versus vamp blood
and so is that shirt on Sam
aw Dean taking care of his things
HAHAHA boundaries Cas
"Don't do that!" LOLOLOLOL
“hello Dean”
“my apologies"
"personal space" oh hush, you know you like him in your personal space
"can I have my damn necklace back, please"
oh lookit him getting right back in that personal space
TMN angel haaaaahahahaha
come on, people, HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THIS
they are both so pretty
Right? and they look so good together
and Dean keeps licking his lips
Dean just wants roadtrip time with Cas
stop flirting with my stringbean, bitch
RIGHT? even if you do have a cute smile
yes, barman grandpa, it does seem like the end of the world
"that's how you become president" lololol ow
omg fixing the ID
*big (But I’m okay letting but(t) stand)
"pump and go" do they do this shit on purpose? they must
"we all have our demons" lololol Dean
no, Kolchak
“thank you” and the look
“jumps my bones” COME ON
omg Bobby’s snark
"arid" I LOVE HIM
he brought Dean…oil…special oil...
omg Dean is using the last night on earth line HOW IS THIS NOT ON PURPOSE
he is this close to giving him the "last night on earth" line
oh he’s had occasion, but he’s been waiting for Dean
What the HELL would be wrong with "Keith Samuel"?
bitch, butt OUT
i mean I wouldn't PICK it, but it's not BAD?
agreed, esp with the package it’s labeling
God that SHIRT
look, Dean, when you told him he wasn't gonna die a virgin, he was hoping for someone else
he’s all mussed I CANNOT
"this whole industry runs on absent fathers" you would know, Dean
“years…” oh honey
you DO mean to pry stop it
all you’ve been doing is prying you stupid horse
nnnnnngggggg his deep ass voice speaking whatever that is. Enochian I guess?
part fake Latin part nonsense
but yeah the voice is quality
I have an advantage here in that none of it meant anything to me
"I thought you were supposed to be impressive" DEAN
"by the way, hi, I'm Dean" OMG
all casual taking a beer and then turning around and GLUGGING it because he's actually terrified
"don't look at me, it was his idea" and then the look to Cas like "sorry, hon"
look, dude, demons ain't new
it’s not his fault you’re incompetent at your job, idiot
Meh, knife her, we don’t care
okay, she's a pain, but hunters taking civilians hostage at knifepoint? come on, dillweeds
look Raphael, if you think the 20th century was worse than all the rest of history, you have not been paying attention
Daddy ran away- so angels are all prostitutes?
"he didn't happen to work at the post office did he?”
LORD he looks good
omg lookit Cas and Dean all rain spattered
"but today you're my little bitch" DED
mmmmmrrrg little peek at his back
but wtf is wrong with these a-holes?
why can’t everybody just leave my Sam alone?!
he does look kinda hot with blood all over his face though
he really does
and all pissed
oh so EVERYONE is a prostitute in this episode, then
"who cares what some ninja turtle says, Cas. what do YOU believe?"
oh Dean
knocks him upside
"and you're not that much fun"
you're not ALONE you DOPE you're with Cas
oh ope. careful what you wish for, Chucklehead
oh hey, Luci
oh god that tatt peeking out of his shirt
they are PLAYING this as homoerotic and it still doesn't hold a candle to Cas and Dean just, like, standing next to each other
ooof. shit’s gettin’ real.
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la-pheacienne · 1 year
Jesse Pinkman for the meme
AHHHH GUYS why do you choose the most traumatising characters ok JESSE MY BOY, in my answers I'm choosing the canon version of the show so imma pair him with characters from BrBa, not BCS.
1: sexuality headcanon : ayeeee ok in the show he's straight but that does NOT stop me from having a ton of m/m ships with Jesse and other characters.
2: otp : AGHHHHH IDK?? I loved him and Andrea and OMG HE WOULD BE SO COOL WITH NACHO but I said I would play this canonically.
3: brotp : MIKE. No question about it.
4: notp : JANE. JUST NO, I HATE HER. Also Walt fuck him (I do believe that he cared about Jesse in his own sick twisted way)
5: first headcanon that pops into my head : ayeee Jesse as a student being humiliated by Walt in class but admiring him at the same time so he's in his desk and he opens the chemistry book and tries to seriously study for the first time in his life. He gives up then but that's how I imagined him to be. Sorry if this is very basic.
6: favorite line from this character : WHAT UP BEATCH ALSO THIS IS MY OWN PRIVATE DOMICILE AND I WILL NOT BE HARASSED....BITCH but no let's be serious "you need me gone. Just say so. Just ask me for a favour. Just say you don't give a shit about me and it's either this or you'll kill me the same way you'll kill Mike" this has gotta be THE moment of revelation for Jesse and the one I remember the most.
7: one way in which I relate to this character : I relate to being impulsive and acting dumb and emotional in many situations, being naïve and expecting the best of people and I also relate to the feeling of being a disappointment to my parents. (That got too deep very quickly)
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character : his whole character gives me secondhand embarrassment that's the whole point No I'm kidding but I think him being dumb sometimes makes me cringe like my boy can u use your brain for 3 seconds straight please why are u so trusting of all these people don't you see they're all trying to screw with you jesseeee
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? CINNAMON ROLL OBVIOUSLY my baby has done nothing wrong EVER
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makoblue · 2 years
heavensfists / for the url meme thing
Thoughts on the character: tbh, i was neutral on tifa as a character before i met you and sayj. your characterization and depth of knowledge about her motivations and ambitions has really made me rethink how i feel about tifa as a character. i love her sm for how selfless and deeply caring she is about her friends and loved ones. cloud is hot fuckin mess and she managed to sort it out, folks.
Have you interacted before: yes! and more to come in the future ♥
Favorite part of portrayal: dumb head empty answer: everything. when i think about tifa, how she thinks and how she feels-- i think about your tifa. it is so clear to me that you love her in your writing as much as you express the same in character. i feel like it’s easy to fall into this trap of romance, but you bring everything about her into the fold. her motivations and her frailties, her perception of the world and the horrible things that are happening around them and her trying to do her best to be a good person.
One piece of advice: actually i had another answer here but i’m making a ninja-edit now. i’d really love to see more of her headstrong attitude when the situation calls for it-- she’s a tough girl who can kick ass and she should be allowed to show it!
A verse (mine or theirs) I want a thread in: we did have a brief conversation with koko the other day about vampires that could warrant some exploration...but we also need to drabble something out in kh sometime!
Thoughts on the mun: jess, you are so sweet and funny. i love it when either koko or i post something stupid and you just EEEEEEH get so genuinely excited or amused by our antics. you’re always thinking about and sharing nuggets of ff7 knowledge or theories and talking through them is so fun. even if we were to stop writing for whatever reason, i’d still feel totally comfortable talking to you about random things and gushing about final fantasy stuff. 😊
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lambourngb · 3 years
For the first sentence meme: “I didn’t have the words then.”
TITLE: there’s too much smoke to see it
PAIRING: Michael/Alex
TAGS: hurt/comfort, temporary character death, getting back together, lots of talking, lots of sex, brief forlex, malex is endgame, canon typical friendships between everyone
SUMMARY: He had run out of time in making things right with Alex, which honestly was the worst part of dying in Michael’s opinion. It would have been good to die without leaving behind regrets and things unsaid. But then he survived and nothing changed, or did it?
This is finished, 15,858 words.
“I didn’t have the words then.”
Michael glanced down at the fading bar of his cell phone battery in his hands, before turning to muffle the rib-shaking cough of dirt and grit from his throat into the bend of his arm. In their long history of loving one another, hurting one another, pushing each other, dragging each other back in, this was probably the cruelest thing he has done to Alex, leaving a goodbye message recorded on his phone.
The air was getting thinner in the cavern, the mix of carbon dioxide slowly taking over the available oxygen. Michael wasn’t sure if Mr. Jones wanted him to die from lack of water and food, or suffocate in the sealed space, only that he wanted Michael to suffer. That much had been made clear to Michael as he laid on the rocky ground with the depowering serum coursing through his veins. This was meant to be both his prison cell and grave, sentenced and executed for the crime of being his mother’s son. “I read up on these overly intelligent beasts you’ve surrounded yourself with, and I know they had your mother for a long time, tortured her for years, but it wasn’t by my hand, which lacks a certain emotional closure for me, I’m sure you understand.”
Collapsing the mouth of the abandoned mine with telekinesis, Michael’s last view was the self-satisfied expression of his brother but-not Jones, backing away with a sketched-salute.
After the dust settled and the walls stopped rattling, Michael had taken a quick accounting of the situation. A quick pat down of his pockets had revealed his multi tool, his truck keys and his cell phone, which was half-charged but with zero signal from the insulating barren rock walls of the mine. He had swept the meager flashlight over everything, hoping that he would find a place where there was water seeping in, or evidence that there was a forgotten shaft, only to be met with disappointment. What was even more concerning was that the mineral composition of the mine was unfamiliar to Michael, different from the patterns of strip-mined turquoise he recognized from the caverns that sheltered their pods. 
He wasn’t in Roswell. It was possible he wasn’t in New Mexico at all. The black void from his last memory of leaving his bunker for the night and waking up on the unforgiving ground with Mr. Jones smirking above him could have stretched anywhere from hours to days. 
Michael had paced around the small confines and had traced each crevice with his fingertips for some sign of give to attempt to dig himself out only to realize Jones had brought down the side of the mountain on him. Without access to his powers there was little hope of moving the rock debris on his own. The last time he had been dosed by Helena Ortecho, the effects had lasted for several days, including those frustrating moments when Jesse Manes had held a gun on Alex and then him at the Crashcon. Lucky for all of them that Gregory Manes had been there, and even more so for Maria’s quick thinking with the other bomb.
Luck took a faraway vacation from Michael after that night between getting unceremoniously dumped by Maria, to watching Alex move on easily with Forrest Long, to now. 
When the feeling of his old friend, hunger, began to gnaw at his stomach, he had some hope that the serum would wear off in time to save himself, but then slowly that hope faded from his body when the desire to eat grew quiet, sleeping inside with the burrow his missing powers had made in him.
He was trapped and the executioner’s axe, swinging down on him inescapable, was time. 
Thinking about time, like usual, sent Michael’s thoughts turning down the familiar roads in his mind and heart to Alex. At first, as he pillowed his head on his arms and stared up at the endless black of his prison, he had pretended there were stars above him and Alex was next to him. The rocky ground was just as unforgiving as the metal bed of his pickup truck. He was used to that fantasy, pretending Alex was there with him but just far enough away Michael couldn’t feel his breath or touch his skin. 
It had kept him going during those years when Alex was serving overseas under a whole different starlit sky. It had fueled him during the surprisingly harder times, when Alex was serving in the next state over, one timezone, two at most, but the separation was wider than the Atlantic Ocean under Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. It had kept him hopeful as well, waiting during the in-between times of those scarce visits on leave. And then finally, Alex was serving in Roswell, but by then it was Michael who was out of reach, pulled down so deep in grief and pain he couldn’t see a way forward at all, let alone picture Alex nearby in his mind's eye. 
Now he was out of time to wait and see if maybe the fates would be kind enough to grant them one more chance at being together. 
The screen on his phone went black during his too-long pause. That was happening more and more, thirst was not enough to keep his thoughts sharp and his mind on the task. He kept drifting off on tangents, and time slipped with them as he worked to find the words to say goodbye to Alex. The battery life of his cell phone was dying under every pause, goddamn it, he needed to focus.
“I didn’t have the words then, to tell you how bad things were that summer. You know the one. I know I was too much for you, for anyone, hell even for myself. But… I didn’t mean to do it though, to make you the only good thing in my life back then- that was too much to put on you, when you were just a kid too, trying to survive.” 
His skin was tight and dry, he couldn’t spare the moisture to cry, but his eyes burned with the need. “I blame myself, you know, for you leaving that first time to join up. Going to war. I know you what you said, about wanting to learn how to fight battles and win, but I’m not dumb, Alex. I know your dad catching us together was the real reason. You were trying to fly under his radar, to get out of the house and disappear to California or New York once you turned 18, and I ruined it. And I’m sorry-”
Another rib shaking cough seized Michael’s body, ripping through his throat like a wildfire, leaving ash in its wake as he tried to close his lips around it and hold it in uselessly. It was futile, trying to protect Alex, but he hoped that Alex would hear this goodbye, hear how slow and sleepy the words were and perhaps picture Michael’s death as being a peaceful slip into oblivion. Not the true state of affairs, that he was fighting for air as the walls of the mine seemed to creep closer and closer with every inhalation.
Like the rest of his previous attempts to protect Alex in his life, he was failing again.
 “So, that apology was twelve years overdue. It wasn’t your fault I was a mess back then. And, the shitty part is Alex, if I had to relive that summer again, I can’t promise I would do anything different… except, maybe I would have been there to say goodbye to you.” 
The bar on the phone was slipping closer to the critical red line. 
“Guess that’s what this is. This recording. My poor attempt to make amends and give you a proper goodbye. I don’t have enough room on my phone or battery life to apologize for everything I’ve done, and honestly, what good are apologies? They don’t change the past. I think we did the best we could at the time. It is just- I lied before when I said I used to think we’d end up together.”
That bittersweet morning of watching Alex walk away one last time had changed something inside of Michael though he didn’t know at the time. He had thought he could close the book on their sad story and move on, trying as hard as he had with Maria, only to have that same damn book hurled at his head after Crashcon by Maria when she had ended things. He had spent so much time holding his and Alex’s story open in his heart, that the book didn’t close anymore. The spine was cracked, the binding bent in all the places where they had loved each other and hurt each other, that it made it impossible to shelve again and move on. All it took was the softest breeze of memory; the cover would flip open, and then Michael was right back in the middle of their story again, knowing that he would love Alex forever. 
His thoughts were wandering again, bounding down hallways of melodrama. He almost laughed at the metaphor he had crafted for Alex; that their love was a roughly handled book. Forrest would appreciate it, being a researcher and lover of libraries. Forrest seemed to appreciate everything that Michael hadn’t. 
Michael forced his eyes open, struggling to make sense between the black that circled his vision and the black of the mine. “I tried to stop thinking about it, picturing it, you and me, making a life together. I might have succeeded for a little bit, probably long enough for you to think I got over you. But I didn’t. It never really took. So yeah. I really thought we were going to have more time together. Time to try again. Or like, really try for the first time. I was ready now, to be good to you.” His lips cracked as he smiled in thought, the taste of blood sharpening his attention. “I had these big future plans. I was just waiting for- for the right time.
“Now I’m out of time- fuck, is it cruel to tell you this? I don’t want to be cruel to you. I love you. So much. So, I’m sitting here in the dark, and I’m trying to think good thoughts. God, Alex, you’re every good thought in my head, and I was planning on showing that to you, if you still wanted me.”
If. Michael forced himself not to linger on that. It was a huge ‘if’, considering how happy Alex was at the moment with someone else. Amazing what sharing hobbies but not trauma could do for a relationship. Well, Michael could admit it, that he was selfish enough at this moment not to care. He had held all these thoughts inside for so long, their only company his lost opportunities and dead dreams about finding his family. If he was going to die here, so be it, he didn’t want to leave anything unsaid.
“Maybe you don’t, maybe all you have for me is love in the past tense and that’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve stood there before myself, when my tank was dead-empty, and I couldn’t trust that another go-around would take me anywhere but back to heartbreak. Just, if you could indulge me one last time? I want you to know how I saw us.”
His lips stung, the cut breaking open again as he uselessly tried to wet them one more time. Michael curled around his phone holding it close to his mouth, his head was too dizzy to hold up anymore, but he pushed on, this was the important part of his message. “So, the plan was this. It is the same plan I had when we were 17. We’ve both taken some detours, almost got lost even, but I think this was where we were heading. A house, a yard, kids. We were going to have it all. I was going to play the guitar, you would play the keyboard, our daughter would play the drums, our son the flute because fuck gender stereotypes, am I right? Of course, you would have to sing, my voice only sounds good when I’m backing you up.”
The battery hit the final red bar of warning. There was a splash on the phone screen. Carefully Michael brought it to his lips to lick the precious tear away for moisture. His body had surprised him one more time, with tears. 
“And yeah, that’s the gist. I would back you up on everything in our dad band, but you have to let me be the disciplinarian about homework, okay? Also, you don’t know this about me, but I make the best breakfasts ever. That was going to be what I led with by the way, if you were ever single again. I was going to make you breakfast and woo you. Every day for the rest of your life if you wanted. Whatever you wanted. I just want you to be happy… I love you.” 
He closed the recording, saving it as the phone shut down on the exhausted battery. It wasn’t perfect, his last message to Alex, but then, when had he ever managed to tell Alex everything and get it right? He never had, and would never get a chance again. Never. 
Michael tucked the phone into the pocket of his shirt, resting it over his heart and shut his eyes. He was aware that he was breathing harder, his lungs were looking for more non-existent oxygen in the closed off mine. Hopefully, he would slip into unconsciousness soon and feel the weight of grief that had taken up lodging in his chest sometime after the age of 7, finally check out. Evict that pain at last, and he could be free. 
It was the bitterest irony of his current imprisonment.  
continued on AO3 -
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hookahmancer · 3 years
Coldsteel: Hot and Cold Part 3
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Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles are playing Mario Party as Amy gets salty saying everyone is targeting her because she's a girl. Sonic is winning and mutters "it's not cause you're A girl, it's cause you're low hanging fruit."
"What are you calling me ugly? Like I'm some rotted apple?"
A familiar crass voice says behind her "he's saying your weak"
Everyone looks and it's Shadow with his arms crossed exacerbated at their activities. Sonic jumps "What are YOU doing here Shadow? You come to fight?!"
"Unlike you, I don't waste my time with low skilled welps. You wouldn't be ready for a REAL danger with all this leisure activity."
Knuckles tells him to chill out and that he should play. Maybe pick Boo the ghost since he's all dark and brooding.
"I just came here to warn you about Coldsteel. He's up to something, I just don't know what." Sonic sits back down and grabs his controller.
"Oh is that all? That guy is even less of a threat than Eggmud..."
Tails interjects while playing still that Coldsteel is a cunning and ruthless guy, and his heart of gold only makes him more of a threat because he has passion and a motive behind his actions making him a superior villain. Sonic just mutters "are you still on that fanboy crap?"
Knuckles coughs and waves his hand. "Shadow put out that minty cigar or whatever you're smoking! It reaks! Shadow?"
Shadow isn't there and the smoke gets thicker where no-one can see what's in front of them. A hedgehog like figure emerges and grabs Amy who screams as the others realize they can't move or speak.
Unbeknownst to the others, her captor is Coldsteel. Who in her paralyzed state he ties to a chair.
"Nothing person-el kiddo. The paralysis should wear off soon... I just didn't want those losers getting in my way."
"What's this all about Coldsteel? Sonic is gonna destroy you when he finds me! Even a DNA test wouldn't be able to recognize you!"
"Oh wow it's already wearing off, that was fast..."
"That's right. I'm A strong, independent woman with an even stronger immune system!"
"Well, this ain't A controlled substance girly... I'll keep ya paralyzed as long as I have too to get what I want."
Amy blushes but pretends to oppose
"Wha...what?! Are you going to have your way with me?! But I'm Sonic's girl! I will scream until your ears bleed as you...ravage me like some sorta primitive Neanderthal!"
"I know a petite, sophisticated, WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE girl like me must be irresistible to your savage instincts but when Sonic finds out you won't be going to normal bad guy jail. You'll be going to hardcore bad guy jail where like, subreddit mods go!"
"Nothing person-el kid, but no. I'm just gonna keep you here until the Stockholm syndrome kicks in."
"Oh...so I'm not good enough for you is that it?! You think I'm ugly too?! Well look at you, Barney the dinosaur looking ass mother fucker!"
Coldsteel has an annoyed bored look on his face and inhales his vape, breathing it over Amy's face to paralyze her again.
Meanwhile when the others come too Sonic goes running around looking for Amy before Knuckles and Tails can even say anything. Knuckles and Tails get in Tail's airplane to scout the skies for Sonic and see the blue blur heading toward Dr. Eggman's lair who is bossing around his robots to adjust this giant golden statue of him while he drinks lemonade and says "no no, over there! Stupid robots..." Sonic tackles Eggman and starts wailing on Eggman.
"Where is she?!" "What are you blathering about hedgehog?!" Sonic continues to pummel Eggman as Tails and Knuckles yell at Sonic to stop from afar. As Tails lands, Knuckles jumps out and pulls Sonic off of a crying and battered Eggman.
"Stop going Christian Bale on him Sonic, we know this had to be Coldsteel's doing!"
"Don't you think I know that?! But Eggturd here is the one pulling the strings!"
A tear of pain rolls down Eggman's swollen black eye as he turns to his side whimpering and pees himself.
"I somehow doubt that..."
As this goes on. Coldsteel is just sitting there glaring at Amy. Amy can talk again and snide remarks "you know... Kidnapping is a pretty serious crime! Those real super villains are just gonna love your Lilac color tone!"
"Well good thing you're not a kid huh?"
"I...you call everyone a...SONIIIIICCCCC"
He gets up furiously "What do you see in that dumb ass anyway?! I'm way cooler than he is!"
"Is that what this is about? Jealously?" "Kinda"
"People like Sonic because he's a kind, caring hedgehog who shows mercy even to those who don't deserve it."
Sonic is punching Eggman again "I know you did it! I know you did it!" Tails crying like the Simpson's meme "stop STOP! HE'S ALREADY DEAD!!!"
"He's also smart. He's like a Sherlock Holmes who can get to the bottom of an unsolvable mystery and have the answers to everything!"
Sonic puts down Eggman and says "Shadow!" Knuckles just mutters "Why would Shadow have warned us about Coldsteel if it was him?"
"And most of all he is selfless! He puts others before his own well being, especially his friends!"
Sonic shrugs and says "Enh, I never liked Amy much anyway..."
Amy glares into Coldsteel's eyes
"YOU are a petty little man who bullies everyone to get your way! You have no friends, and you suck as a villain! You're like..."
"What? Like Eggman?"
"Like Kevin..."
Dramatic music plays and lightning strikes. And Amy whispers
"Nothing person-el kid..." Coldsteel slaps her hard enough where she falls over still tied to the chair.
"Harder daddy!"
"What the fuck is wrong with this girl?"
The heroes are back home playing Mario Party without Amy and Tails sighs.
"It's not the same without Amy..." Sonic bored too responds
"You're right Tails. We need that fourth player... Your thumbs still work right Egghead?"
Sonic poking Eggman's nose with the controller while Eggman is in a full body cast muffling "I hate that hedgehog..."
Coldsteel sets Amy back up and she's still sassing
"Why do you even like me?!"
"I'm asking myself the same question..."
"You don't even know my name!"
"Yeah I do! It's, uhh..."
"You don't even know my name..."
"Sure I do! It's... Daisy?"
"Annie. Little Annie!" Coldsteel starts singing it's a hard knock life.
"I hate you."
The protagonists still playing and they just lay Eggman's controller on his chest, Knuckles says "maybe we should try harder to find Amy..."
Sonic tapping ferociously "She's fine..."
Coldsteel is in a scary clown mask revving up a chainsaw to her face "LOVE ME YA STUPID CUNT!"
"Learn my name ya stupid garbage person!"
Tails eating some chips "Amy could be in real danger..."
They're boxing and Amy knocks Coldsteel down in one blow reinacting Mohammad Ali's fight "WHAT'S MY NAME?!"
Knuckles goes to take a sip of soda, but stops before it reaches his lips when Shadow says "are you guys just gonna sit around and let this happen?"
Amy is singing Karaoke of Eminem "HI my name is, huh? My name is, who? My name is dikki dikki..." She puts the Mic up to Coldsteel's mouth
"Uhh... Tammy?" She pokes him in the eye with the Mic.
Shadow scolding these bunch of lollygaggers "Coldsteel is doing God knows what to your friend and you guys are just sitting around playing video games!"
Eggman is screaming under his bandages struggling and Shadow strips the mouth part so he can talk. "You fools do not have the faintest idea how serious this whole situation is! What those two are doing together is worse than any evil scheme I could come up with!"
Knuckles snorts "What? Some kind of fetish fanfic?"
"Arby. Omg your parents named you Arby's?! I love Arby's! We should get Arby's!"
Amy hits him in the face with her hammer.
"Oh my GOD how can you obsess over me when you won't even learn my name?! You're insufferable! How could anyone stand someone who is an obsessed little worm in a completely one-sided infatuation and tics all the cringe tropes of a gendered stereotype?! I...oh...oh no. I'm everything I hate..."
"Arby's? But the twisty fries..."
Coldsteel's hiding place rumbles as Eggman's grounder robot drills from the bottom and Eggman, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles jump out.
"Oh cool. Grindr! I remember you from the old animated..."
Eggman yells "Its grounder!"
The grounder robot says "naw naw, he's right... My date is just a block from here. Seeya boss." Grounder digs back down.
Sonic goes up to Amy "it's ok now Amy...you're safe."
"Don't touch me!" "What's gotten into you?!"
Eggman mutters "Coldsteel probably..." Tails, Knuckle, and Coldsteel do the black guys rap battle meme
"What's gotten into me?! I have wasted too many nights pining over an ungrateful, selfish, egotistical toxic masculine man whom barely even notices I exist!"
"Why are we here again? Oh hey Amy..."
Coldsteel walks up and puts his arm around Amy sneering at Sonic
"Heh...nothing person-el kid!"
"And YOU... You are a reminder of why self care and confidence are so important! Did you honestly think if you just kept me here long enough I'd fall in love with you? You still don't know my name! You're like those dudes who send money to egirls but tell your friends you have a girlfriend!"
Eggman yells BETAAAA in the back like Jesse Lee
"I'm done with all hedgehogs. I don't wanna see any of you ever again. ESPECIALLY you Sonic!"
Amy just walks out. And Sonic says "geez what a bitch"
Coldsteel remarks "I hate to see her go, but I love to watch her leave..." Knuckles and and Eggman fist bump Coldsteel.
Everyone just decides to go home and Tails walking by Sonic
"So wait...does this mean Coldsteel never had any feelings for me?"
Eggman walks pass Tails "BETAAAA"
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oftherainn · 3 years
Lamentations of a Short King [January 6, 2021]
Rainn rests the tip of his helmet against the little crook between Aly’s neck and shoulder, keeping his arms firmly and securely around him as he feels the rush of cold January air around them as they ride through the city, probably all scenic and shit or whatever...like he really cared in the moment, a stream of breath exiting his nose like...fuck, Jesus, was he really going to let some lady he didn’t know from a rando ass store live rent free in his head? It’s Free Real Estate...the stupid meme causing an audible snort to move through him in spite of it all, even though...he feels the edge of a thought that was Unproductive and Contrary to the shit he was working on begin to creep into his headspace like devilish tendrils...along with the kinda eugh he was already feeling that day, feeling that itchy kinda...eugh in his own skin beating through his consciousness even as...taking a deep breath, focus on what You Can control...you can Control how you React to it...how you Think about it...his internal consciousness sounding less like the calming voice of his therapist and more like...Michael, for whatever reason, before the thought of Michael makes him remember what Jada said about Thee Christmas Suit (tm), the mental picture of That kinda sorta making him feel at least a little better, or at least a bit distracted, but it Worked, ha....before he hears the sound of the bike stop, moving to take the helmet off, sure he had some (not, Rainn, not) god ugly helmet hair as he...looks up at Him and like...bleh, tries to push the thought on the fringes there in the moment out like...shoo...as he...as he...he’s with You, stupid...he reminds himself as he quickly puts the caveat on the Thought that it was like...an endearing kinda stupid like...Two Halves of a Whole Idiot but like he was ??? Both the idiots ?? The whole momentary line of thought kinda deflating like a balloon in how little Sense it made in the moment before he tries to Reframe it, Reframe, yeah, that coming more clearly in Her voice, taking a kinda sorta...solace ?? in it, yeah, as he takes the original seed of a Thought and just...You’re a Good Person. If you Weren’t a Good Person, you wouldn’t be so worried about how Bad you are. And yeah, you’ve Made Mistakes, but it’s about owning them and growing and like...what’s Good Now, and like...this is good, really good, Fuck what other people say, he...internally ted talks himself or whatever...before realizing he was looking up at Aly with like...that (not) dumb little smile on his face because he was feeling that whole...warm, fluttery mmm kinda...nice shit...so gay, ha, he chides himself as he tries to not look so fucking...gay for him in the moment, kinda...hopping off all casual...like...yeah, even as a little...half smile kinda flickers up on his lips because, yeah, he was fucking gay for him, feelings, grosss, he teasingly admonishes himself even as he lets himself Feel it as he goes up on his tip toes for a kiss like the Short King he was or whatever, an internal dry snort moving through him, make Daddy (read: Blackbear, plus TMG) Proud, a few little notes of the song trilling through his thoughts as he...mmmmm, feels Good and Nice and Warm, and just...Loved, or some gay shit, what the hell ever, slowly, kinda reluctantly...finally drawing back as he moves to grab the Candy and other little treats for the fam out of the back thing that was like a trunk but not really a trunk as he moves to gesture his index finger towards альоша, damn, a (not) dumb little warmth turning over through him at the Full Government Name in his thoughts and just how...fucking cute? It was...honestly...ha, as he does his best like...Serious Face, holding his gaze like he meant Business, “Now don’t you do anything I wouldn’t Do,” he reminds, even as a little chuckle breaks through, Do not Did, very important Loophole, as Uncle G would say, before the little half smile makes its way back onto his lips like it lived there Rent Free as he takes in the Aly Smile, That One, that just like...radiated warmth and light and made him feel so fucking gay, giving him a little salute as he walks backwards a few steps, watching him leave before turning around to head into Jess’s building after putting his mask on, hoping that the whole crew was home, because he was bringing some Quality Shit, yeah, getting that little !! of like...excitement for them to open the little Holiday gifts he had worked with Aly, альоша, to put together, hoping they’d like them and it could just be a nice little token of just how damn much he appreciated them all and everything they had done for him, a little bit of...warm gratitude and appreciation flooding through him, as the little smile flickers onto his lips again as he texts Jess to let her know he was there and...yeah.
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Tumblr media
Day 4 - Favourite Fanwork
Okay, if you’ve so much as glanced at my Tumblr before, you already know that I absolutely adore @lunchador’s Until Dawn art. She consistently puts out great UD content, and it’s been so satisfying watching her style evolve. And there’s such a nice range, too. There’s fluffy and smutty and all that good stuff, as well as the dumbest UD memes that always make me ugly laugh.
I can’t pin down a specific piece as my favourite because there are so many to choose from (indecision is one of my biggest flaws), but please check out her work if you haven’t already, and you’ll see what I mean.
EDIT: Ha! Turns out I can narrow it down - I’m an idiot. This commission she did for me, obviously. I cannot stop looking at it; it makes me so happy. I have a copy on the wall by my desk so I can glance over at it while I’m writing because I’m a big dumb nerd for it.
Ooh! I also love the redraw of the Mike/Jess snowball fight with Chris and Josh, but I can’t find a link to it because I suck, as does the Tumblr tag search apparently. I’m sorry.
Ficwise, one of my favourites is standing in a timeless dream by owilde. If the ship’s your cup of tea, please give it a read and show it some love.
Also, I’d like to add how grateful I am for all the talented people who still create content for this fandom. Thank you! ❤️
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
GX Month 2020
SUper late and I’m too lazy to do anything (as always), but this seems like fun to think about. So let’s go!
Day 1 (August 31): “Game on!” (It’s Judai/Jaden Yuki’s birthday today! Let’s celebrate!): 
Jaden is a great protagonist. I love dumb but OP main characters, especially when they got lucky-go attitudes. 
Day 2 (September 1): “Red, Yellow, Blue!” (Ah, the tier system at Duel Academy. Which dorm is your favorite?): 
I’m attached to Slifer Red, lol. They got a cat for mascot, what more do I need? Also, they serve tempura for lunch.
Day 3 (September 2): “Rule the School” (These kids might be saving the world, but they’re still students with homework to do and exams to pass. Celebrate the school life today!):
Don’t know what to put here, but I was a terrible student because I didn’t study or do things in a timely manner. Do better than me, kids. 
Day 4 (September 3): “Sometimes I Can’t Believe We’re Related” (10Join! Today is all about the iconic brother-sister pair, Fubuki Tenjoin/Atticus Rhodes and Asuka Tenjoin/Alexis Rhodes!):
I love this sibling pair! ^^ Alexis is really cool, and Atticus is so far out of the left field. I really thought Atticus was going to be cool like his sister, or edgy like Zane, but nah, this guy is, like, I just want to support my sister and play this ukulele. They make such a contrasting pair, so it adds to the humor.
Day 5 (September 4): “Pass The Salt” (No story is perfect. So what is something you wish you could have seen in the story of GX?)
I can’t think of anything. 
Day 6 (September 5): “Going Down With The Ships!” (You know what I’m talking about. We all have an armada parked in the bay, but there’s that one ship, that one ship, that you would die for. Today is all about OTPs and OT3s!)
I really like Rivalshipping. I don’t really have that many ships for GX. 5D’s and Zexal are more of my jam. 
Day 7 (September 6): “Bring the THUNDER” (Ichi! Juu! Hyaku! Sen! Chazz it up! Today the world does in fact revolve around Jun Manjoume/Chazz Princeton.)
HANDS DOWN, one of my two top choices for favorite rival. (Jack’s the other.) My favorite things about Chazz are his name, his energy, and that fact that he’s a baby brother. He’s so cute! ^^ I just want to make fun of him.
Day 8 (September 7): “The Power of Friendship!” (Favorite dynamic duo, two characters you think would have been friends if only they met, how friendship saves the day, or maybe a friendship fail. It’s up to you!):
Chazz and Pharoah, lol. I need Chazz to hold that cat and pet it. Why didn’t he? :’(
Day 9 (September 8): “Born to be Bad” (Inherently evil, brainwashed, misguided, or misunderstood. GX boots a colorful cast of villainy. Who’s your favorite bad guy?):
I haven’t finished season 4 yet, but Nightshroud. 
Day 10 (September 9): Free Day/Introductions (Tell us about yourself and your GX experience! Your favorites, why you like it, how you got into it. Or leave the day open to do whatever you want!):
I’m known as kappa. I got Hulu, and Hulu has almost all the YGO series excluding VRAINS and SEVENS which is fine because I also have Crunchyroll and the internet, lol; so, I watched all the YGO series simultaneously, skipping back and forth between series. I did not watch any of them in order. GX was number 5 or 6, but it’s the one series I’m putting off. 
Day 11 (September 10): “Cyber Legacy” (No Yu-Gi-Oh! show is complete without a pair of brothers. Today’s stars are Sho Marufuji/Syrus Truesdale and Ryo Marufuji/Zane Truesdale!):
I love these guys! It was great to see them grow and become their own people. ^^ They had, I think, the most realistic relationship.
Day 12 (September 11): “But What If We Had Bikes?” (That’s right! It’s time for the GX crew to rev it up on their very own D-Wheels/Duel Runners!):
Day 13 (September 12): “And You Are…?” (Got a favorite OC? Or one you’ve been hiding in the closet? Introduce them to the world today!):
I only have a Rivalshipping OC baby. Her name is Mira Princeton, and she has Jaden’s brown hair and Chazz’s dark eyes (with a bit of a golden glow). Since both her parents can see spirits, it’d make sense that she can too, lol. Her companion is Yata-Garasu, a rare card that her mama won at a tournament. She likes pink and flowers. She is very close to Aster and calls him Uncle Aster. She’s four, and most of her life, she knows her dad as the “Slifer slacker but a really good duelist.” 
I love her. :)
Day 14 (September 13): “The Perfect Formula” (He duels with the power math and science! Today, show the world that you still remember Daichi/Bastion Misawa!)
Bastion is a funny character. “Everything is science. I’m going to disappear for several months. Don’t forget to forget me,” I think. 
Day 15 (September 14): “Insert pun here” (It’s meme day! Recreate your favorites! Make some shitposts! Be the troll you’ve always wanted to be!):
Bastion: SIr, I’m afraid your DNA is backwards.
Jaden: AND?
Day 16 (September 15): “Creation and Destruction” (The Gentle Darkness and the Light of Destruction. The eternal struggle. And also the Darkness that tried to drown the world. Huh. Feels a little unbalanced.):
It’s pretty cool to have darkness and light reverse, and then watch as darkness conflict with itself, lmao. The Light of Destruction would be a chaotic good, and the Gentle Darkness as chaotic neutral. (Don't quote me on that, I don’t do personality quizzes.) 
Day 17 (September 16): “Putting the D in Destiny” (Pro duelist by day and crime fighting vigilante by night. Today is Edo/Aster Phoenix’s day!):
He’s great. I like him. He’s the precursor to Declan Akaba’s D/D/D archetype. Maybe not. Can you believe that he actually said “Shmaden Shmuki on national TV???? LMAO
Day 18 (September 17): “In Another Life” (It’s AU day!):
Currently trying to write a fantasy-ish AU in which Jun marries the Supreme King. Trust me, I have no idea what I’m doing.
Day 19 (September 18): “I Was Here Too!” (GX has a vast array of unique characters, some of which we only saw once. Pick a “one shot” character and show them off!):
I really like Princess Rose. She was pretty, and her spirit monsters care for her. I appreciate that. 
Day 20 (September 19): Free Day 2/Support Fellow Creators (Show some love for your favorite creators, or leave the day free for whatever you please!):
Literally @ everyone whose work(s) and/or post(s) I’ve reblogged. Keep up the good work!
Day 21 ( September 20): “Prehistoric Predators” (The dino duelist with a fossil in his leg. Today is all about Kenzan Tyranno/Tyranno Hassleberry!):
Dino DNA is so funny; I’m sorry, Hassleberry, but I don’t like dinosaurs. At least you were cute as one. 
Day 22 (September 21): “Stop Blowing Holes In My Ship!” (Some ships are popular and some are…not. Today is all about rare pairs and crack ships! Give those underdogs some love!):
Tanya/Bastion is kind of cute. And I guess Chazz/Atticus too. ^^ 
Day 23 (September 22): “And For Today’s Lesson…” (The teachers at Duel Academy have their work cut out for them, but they still take care of their students. Show the DA staff some love today!):
Fonda Fontaine!
Day 24 (September 23): “Legend of the Seven Gems” (Resurrect the greatest light in history today with Johan/Jesse Anderson and the Crystal Beasts!):
Johan is very cute! I’m so glad they gave him a Southern accent in the dub. ^^ It makes him extra soft and lovable. I can’t believe that Johan/JIm is called Cowboyshipping, but I love that name so much.
Day 25 (September 24): “For The Glory of Academia!” (We got to see Asuka/Alexis and Edo/Aster over in Fusion Dimension, but what about the rest of the cast? Show us some Fusion counterparts today! What are these dorks up to and what part do they play in the war?):
I’m bad at rewriting canon. ^^: Sorry. 
Day 26 (September 25): “Dream Team From Overseas” (Austin O’Brien/Axel Brody, Jim “Crocodile” Cook, and Amon/Adrian Gecko. Today is all about them!)
I absolutely love Jim Cook, from him being Australian to having a crocodile as his best friend to getting burned with a mysterious object to cowboy hat. xD 
Day 27 (September 26): “Duel Monster Spirit Day!” (The world of GX is full of spirits. Do something fun to celebrate your favorite!):
Mine would be Scapeghost and Rose Garden Maiden! 
Day 28 (September 27): “Gold Eyes in The Darkness” (Today’s all about the Supreme King! Unleash the Darkness and create your content!):
I like his aesthetic. I’m into Chazz/Supreme King for sure.
Day 29 (September 28): “Don’t Forget Me!” (Have an underappreciated character you wish you’d seen more of? Give them some love today!):
Miss Dorothy! She’s wonderful, she’s friend shaped. 
Day 30 (September 29): Free Day 3 (Share anything. Anything at all. It’s free game.): 
The Chazz/Supreme King fic I’m working on: The Supreme King’s Husband (Prologue)
Day 31 (September 30): “Gotcha!”:
Is this a Pokemon reference? O_o
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beware-of-you-98 · 4 years
iconic [dumb] shit i’ve done at gigs
wore an lol ur not jenna mcdougall shirt to my first ta gig (and that was just the beginning of my dumb bitchery with that shit)
my dumbass called the ocean the other side during tonight alive’s set
practically haunted the summer set with my dumb ass “play thick as thieves” meme and account (i still can’t listen to that song why didn’t they blacklist me)
wore that same lol ur not jenna mcdougall shirt wHILE I MET TONIGHT ALIVE I STILL HATE MYSELF (I hate myself anymore bc I hate the pic jenna took of us bc i look ugly as hell but she was so happy and :((( )
surprisingly my dumbass behaved myself the rest of the year and i only had a mayday parade gig in 2017 so no dumb shit happened then
wait i lied bc at tegan and sara in 2016 i told them to @ me when they played nineteen (or as tegan called it, the angsty song for all u angsty teenagers out there)
held up a fuck donald trump sign at my pvris meet and greet
“thanks i played sports ball” after lynn gunn complimented me throwing my flag so accurately up on stage
wore an eat pussy not animals shirt to a meet and greet full of vegans
said “wow I love wasting away” during the same tonight alive show (I got some weird looks for that one)
i behaved myself at warped tour
actually i lied i bought a shirt off tyler carter from issues like i didn’t know who he was
and I raised my hand and asked if I could leave during Underoath’s set
i crowd surfed to bowling for soup covering 1985 and busted my ass on the barricade
analog rick rolled stand atlantic after they were actually fucking angels and were so nice to me ffs
wore my “go away tate” shirt at set it off
held up the same fuck donald trump sign at twin xl
cameron had the AUDACITY to call me out mid set for the Nekokat shirt I was wearing
but afterwards we had a like 30 minute conversation just about music and Nekokat and it was great
Sad Summer Fest was a mess
I called The Maine Mayday Parade (don’t ask)
To “apologize” for rick rolling them, I gave stand atlantic an envelope with an “apology letter” inside when all it was was a realistic drawing of Crazy Frog
They hung it up and made it their tent mascot for the day tho 
they also took like a billion selfies on my phone thanks guys
Um I literally almost fucking died I’m 99% sure I had heat stroke but I stayed for almost the entire thing lmao
I wouldn’t stop making “i guess it’s not always sunny in philadelphia” jokes when my friends took me to the city to see yungblud
Had jess stephen and john sign my everything’s fine booklet thick as thieves
… i don’t want to acknowledge this one <3
Fell flat on my face in front of the summer set
i think that’s it…
Unless we’re counting me standing in the middle of the pit glaring up at tss bc they had the audacity to cut teenagers down and got rid of chrissy’s part in october </3
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storybookstalker · 5 years
Fandom List / what you can ask for/request - Needs to be Updated
Yandere Anons/Messages
Human Flesh Lamp
Jealous Face Carving
Happy toothbrush
Yum Yum Darling’s essence  
Big Brother! Jason Todd ft. Sister! Reader
Werewolf! Jason Todd headcanons
Batman x Hero! Reader 
Arkhamverse! Joker Headcanons
Riddler ft Hero!Reader small Imagine
Penguin ft Winged Hero!Reader small imagine
Riddler Headcanons #1
Scarecrow ft Fearless!Reader Imagine
Contin. of Scarecrow ft Fearless!Reader Imagine
Scarecrow ft Amnesiac!Reader Imagine
Mad Hatter ft Psychologist!Reader
Riddler ft Super Flexible Batfam!Reader 
Contin. of Riddler ft Super Flexible Batfam!Reader 
Penguin ft Winged Hero!Reader Headcanons
Brother EYE Headcanons #1
Penguin ft Neon(?) Hero!Reader
Scarecrow x reader headcanons 
Scarecrow ft Caught!Reader headcanons
Mad Hatter NSFW Headcanons
Mad Hatter Headcanons Before vs After Capture of Obsession
Jason Todd SFW + NSFW + Nicknames #1
Jason Todd SFW + NSFW + Rouge Nicknames #2
Jason Todd NSFW 
Killer Croc SFW + NSFW Headcanons
Two-Face ft Civilian!Reader 
Black Mask Headcanons
Scarecrow / Mad Hatter headcanons (separate) 
Black Mask NSFW Headcanons
Ra’s al Ghul Headcanons
Arkhamverse!Jason Todd Headcanons
Riddler General Headcanons
Scarebeast Headcanons
Poly Scarecrow + Mad Hatter Headcanons
(Some of the) Batfam as Monsters Headcanons
Mad Hatter ft Dark Haired!Reader
Scarecrow letter list - S
Scarecrow letter list - O
The Riddler Letter list - S
Scarecrow letter list - B + F
Scarecrow ft Horror Lover!Reader
Rag Doll / Peter Merkel letter list - G
Riddler ft someone who actually likes him
Jason Todd / Older!Damian Wayne letter list - V, H, A, B, + F
Bucky Barnes ft EX Cult!Reader
Peter Parker ft Reader singing Lullaby of Broadway
Natasha Romanoff ft chubby + curvy!Reader
Steve Rogers ft Pararescue!Reader 
(separate) Mysterio / Iron man ft Runaway obsession 
Mysterio letter list - G
Mysterio letter list - A + T
Poly Steve Rogers + Bucky Barnes headcanons
Jessi Mccree Imagine
Assassin’s Creed
Haytham Kenway Letter list - P 
My Hero Academia 
Present Mic Headcanons
Present Mic ft Student!Reader
Present Mid ft Villain!Reader
Shinsou Hitoshi Headcanons
Eraserhead ft Technopath!Reader
Amaijki Tamaki Headcanons
Plantonic!All Might Ft His Biological Kid!Reader
The Outsiders 
Two Bit Headcanons
Jealous Two Bit Headcanons
Far Cry 5
Faith Seed and Jess Black Punishment Headcanons
Jess Black Headcanons
Seed Family Short Headcanons
Hobo Heart ft nervous romantic! Reader
Dark Web Yandere
1st Dark Web Yandere Imagine
Continuation of 1st Dark Web Imagine
1# Headcanon
NSFW Imagine 
Rei Kashino General + NSFW headcanons
Joe Goldberg Imagine 
Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji
Sebastian Michaelis Headcanons
Mother’s Day Imagine 
Father’s Day Imagine
Concepts / Imagines
Cunning Yandere With Friends in High Places
Popular Golden College Boy
 Fae ex Lover 
Jock + Supernatural AU
Scarecrow’s Crow Escapes VIA Batman
Yan!King vs Yan!Vampire
Delusional Yanderes are delusional
Darling: [doesn’t speak the yandere’s language]  Yandere: Haha, this won’t stop me because I have the power of love!
Scarecrow’s “tapes” 
Scarecrow’s “one night stand”
Batman ft Hero!Reader
can we get an F in the chat for DC darlings
How to manipulate a Yandere
How to get frisky with a Yandere
Soft yanderes
Scarecrow joins a bookclub
Court Of Owls 
Ghost Scarecrow
Vampire Mad Hatter
Christmas with Scarecrow
One of the reasons I started my Choose Your Own Adventure story on a sideblog
Another reason
I have a bad habit of wanting to do Fics for everything I love
The Birds and The Bees
Cats are yandere you just won’t admit it
Kermit Cooks His Rival
Local Yandere Werewolf is dumb af
When your yandere’s moves are so sick you let them catch up to you
Yandere Assigned Big Bird
Mccree has had enough of your shit
When Your Obsession Doesn’t Love You :/
This isn’t really yandere nor a meme but It’s important to me
When you under arrest for murder but ya gurl’s parent’s aren’t home
You: is slightly sad or lonely
Call off the guyssss with the crOw bArs
Darling/Obsession: “No.”
Yandere Blog + Edgy Blogs
Dark!Steve meme from a REALLY FUCKING GOOD BLOG
Darling -YEET 
Buncha Memes
Gen Z darling
Not yandere but extremely important
Me, Randomly hyperfixating on miraculous ladybug 
Life-consuming obsession
Yandere’s Religion 
A surprise tool!
Monster Fuckers Where You At??
Wow I can’t believe how hard it is to pick up my crush’s signals 
Modern problems require modern solutions 
Yandere Tik Tok
Protective yanderes be like
G O D ?
Darling: I need a favor from you
Tell your friends and family bout em
Only my darling 
This sign won’t stop me because I can’t read!
Otome games 
Pile of memes
A Single Soldier...
How To Make Really Good Cookies.
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samclownchester · 4 years
Supernatural Rewatch 01x01
(Next Episode| Masterlist)
Just some scattered thoughts I wrote while watching the episode:
(not spoiler free, I have watched up to 15x13 and this is directed to an audience that has seen that far as well)
Oh my gosh this is so hard to watch actually. BABY SAM! Like a literally baby. Mary stay in bed. STAY IN BED MARY
This scene hits different knowing that Mary knew about monsters and demons and everything. Her terror at realizing there is something strange in the house is fueled by so much more than the fear of kidnappers.
Present day. PRESENT DAY. Lmao.
“I swore I was done hunting, for good” D: my bby
SAM “when I told dad I was scared of the thing in my closet he gave me a .45”
DEAN “well what was he supposed to do?”
SAM “I was nine years old. He was supposed to say ‘don’t be afraid of the dark.’’
DEAN “Don’t be afraid of the dark? What, are you kidding me? Of course you should be afraid of the dark, you know what’s out there.”
This is just making me think about their two different parenting styles. Obviously Sam isn’t trying to shield Jack from the truth of their lives, but when he can he does try to … soften the blow.  To give him space to feel. Where as Dean is more likely to say it like it is, like when Jack didn’t have his powers and Dean just straight up called him weak.
I think this also shows a lot their 2 vs 8 personalities. Dean thinks people should know the truth even if it scares them so they can be prepared while Sam things that people should be protected emotionally.
DEAN “You just gonna live some normal apple pie life? Is that it?”
SAM “No, not normal, safe.”
DEAN “and that’s why you ran away?”
SAM “I was just going to college. It was dad who said if I was gonna run away I should stay gone.”
I’m curious to see all the lines about Sam leaving because I feel like there are some inconsistencies, which I actually love because often when families have big arguments every person remembers them differently.
DEAN “I can’t do this alone.”
SAM “Yes, you can.”
DEAN “Yeah, well, I don’t want to.”
SAM “Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?”
DEAN “I’m 26 dude.”
THEIR 2005 tech! I’m crying.
“In almost two years I’ve never bothered you, never asked you for a thing.”
So, someone pointed out that being 22, and having finished his undergrad program, Sam should have been gone for 4 years. This line makes that not make sense, unless Sam HAS been gone for 4 years but there was an incident about 2 years before this when Dean did bother him or ask him for something O.o
California? Lol they almost never go that far west anymore.
Oh my gosh this show is so dumb why is the woman in white so “sexy” lol this is horrible. 2005 spn was the worst.  This idiot just acting like she’s not being super sketchy. This is why people die in horror movies (and in the first 5 minutes of supernatural)
“Breakfast” is like a bag of chips and bottle of soda. Mood. The fact that apparently they’ve been protected from “the small stuff” (like needing a good diet and going to the dentist) by Chuck because they’re his heroes is so apparent lol.
“it’s the greatest hits of mullet rock.” Oh my gosh Sam! Wish Dean let you listen to Celine Dion sometimes.
OH NO HE SAID THE LINE (I honestly don’t understand why some lines became memes. Anyway, shot-gun shuts his cakehole.)
“You know Sammy is a chubby 12 year-old, it’s Sam, ok?”
OH MY GOSH DEAN TRYING TO ACT ALL IMPRESSIVE LIKE HE’S NOT A BABY. you guys are not FBI you’re not fooling anyone.
This goth girl tho. 2005.
“let me try.”
“I got it” [Sam pushes Dean out of the way and takes the keyboard and mouse.] “Dude, you’re such a control freak.”
(Not anymore. Sam stopped wanting to be in control at some point. Following was easier than leading. The guilt gets to him.)
DEAN “You think you’re just gonna become some lawyer, marry your girl?”
SAM “Maybe, why not?”
DEAN “Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean does she know about the things you’ve done?”
SAM “No and she’s not ever going to know.”
DEAN “Well, that’s healthy. You can pretend all you want Sammy, but sooner or later you’re gonna have to face up to who you really are.”
SAM “And who’s that?”
DEAN “One of us”
SAM “No, I’m not like you, this is not going to be my life.”
DEAN “You have a responsibility –”
SAM “To Dad? And his crusade? If it weren’t for pictures, I wouldn’t even know what mom looks like. and what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, mom’s gone. And she isn’t coming back.”
[Dean, in a rage, pushes Sam up against the bridge]
DEAN “Don’t talk about her like that.”
This scene establishes a lot about their characters, especially Sam. He spent the first few seasons, even until season 8, wanting a “safe” life, but he knew he would have to lie, keep secrets forever, if he was going to have it. Although Sam is very different from Dean and John (more emotional, more brain less brawn, etc) hunting is a part of him. This is what makes his later relationship with Eileen very different, she “gets the life.” she is also a hunter. Every other relationship Sam has ever tried to have has included keeping secrets. He never told Jessica about monsters, and he tried again in season 8 with Amelia, but in both cases he ended up choosing Dean, and hunting, because as much as he always denied it, this is a crucial part of who he is. It doesn’t fit him the way it’s always fit Dean, but he can’t push it aside and pretend it never happened or doesn’t exist. 
(Sam’s little laugh after they almost get hit by a ghost car … he does kinda enjoy this life despite everything he says.)
“Hey Dean, what I said earlier, about mom and dad … I’m sorry”
NO HE SAID THE OTHER LINE [no chick-flick moments] (Ok but what in the world was 15x09 if not a freaking chick-flick moment lmao this show is so dumb)
They’re so cute though.
WAIT DID DEAN USED TO HAVE LONG HAIR. Oh my gosh in that picture of them as kids Dean’s hair is to his SHOULDERS WHAT?
(all I can think is “Could we ever really pick locks?” as Dean pulls the paper clip out to free himself from the handcuffs)
Sam isn’t an unfaithful man, so why is the woman in white targeting him? Maybe she can break her rules if it’s a hunter who is trying to fight her, because she didn’t wait for him to pull over either, but it’s still interesting.
“You can’t kill me. I’m not unfaithful. I’ve never been.” I’m cry, my sweet boy. Oh no she kiss him! That doesn’t count as being unfaithful, lady! That was a non consensual kiss!
But seriously, I do think it’s interesting that they chose for Sam to be the Woman in White’s target. Because although he’s never cheated on a girlfriend, he is being “unfaithful” in a way. Either you could argue that he has been unfaithful to his family for the past few years, leaving them to go to college and trying to forget about them and his “responsibility” as Dean calls it, or you could say that in this episode he is being unfaithful to Jess and the life that he wants to lead by leaving with Dean to hunt in the first place. It’s almost like returning to an ex; hunting, this life. He promised to leave it behind, he promised Jessica he would come home, but he can’t have both. He has to choose between college and hunting, and while he’s trying to have both he is being unfaithful.
Looking at this through what we now know about Chuck I feel like it might have been what Chuck wanted, to send that subliminal message to Sam.
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fourteenacross · 4 years
end of 2019
I've done this survey every year since like, 2006 and then missed it last year because I was on a social media break. Whoops! My shitty memory makes it fairly important as a way to track the passage of time, so I'm back on the horse this year.
What did you do in 2019 that you’d never done before? I'm sure there's some specific thing, but nothing's coming to me immediately. Oh, I guess I started cross stitching? Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I'm not sure what my resolutions were for last year because I did not write them anywhere because I did not do this meme /o\ Next year: + Set up some kind of writing schedule + Finish my mg novel + Survive moving + Get a new job + Go on more dates
eta: Outside of these sort of concrete, 2do-list type goals, I set some more nebulous personal goals on Twitter: - See my local friends outside of the BFC more often - Do weird, dumb shit - Be nicer to myself - Fix my meds - Bake something fancy(Okay, that last one is kind of 2do-listy.) Did anyone close to you give birth? YES!! @caphairdadbeard had a baby and he's perfect and I love him and it kills me that he's so far away and I only get to see him a few times a year, even more so than it usually kills me having Sarah so far away. Did anyone close to you die? My former roommate's father. I did a lot of family stuff with her over the decade that we lived together and spent a lot of time with her parents and he was super loved and admired by his community. A real shitty loss all around. What countries did you visit? Just the US, but I visited Seattle and Mississippi for the first time! What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019? ~*~Financial security~*~ What dates from 2019 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? I'm so terrible with actual dates. May 9 was Max's birthday, so there's that? We did a lovely, successful live show on April 18. OH we went to Rent Live and had our wild weekend in LA on January 26. We watched a lot of wild movie musicals at Grace and Jesse's in July. I saw Blair Witch in the woods. I went down to the city to see Octet and Hadestown. Lisa moved in with me. Moby-Dick happened. Now I'm just listing events and not dates, but there you go. What was your biggest achievement of the year? God, do I even have one? I'm not dead, so that's probably something. Oh, I guess we had a really good WBS month where we were interviewed by Forbes.com, had one of our crossovers with IDEOTV, guest edited TBD, and had our live show. That was a really satisfying few weeks. What was your biggest failure? I'm haunted by this work thing I fucked up, even though everyone has told me it wasn't a big deal. I really crash and burned out for NaNo because SAD hit me way harder and faster this year than it has in the past. Did you suffer illness or injury? Lots of brain stuff, as per usual. A couple minor colds. My FAMILY on the other hand.... What was the best thing you bought? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Tickets to Octet, maybe. It was probably my favorite show of the year. The new chair/loveseat is also very good. Whose behavior merited celebration? Some of my friends. A lot of excellent activists. Sarah's baby (he's very good). Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Like, the whole government? Where did most of your money go? Grown-up type stuff (rent, utilities, groceries), cons, and travel. What did you get really, really, really excited about? LA, Octet, Max, DragonCon, Moby-Dick. Galentine's! What song will always remind you of 2019? Probably music from Octet? I don't like.....listen to the radio. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? Probably about the same? Maybe more stressed out by family stuff going on and money stuff. b) thinner or fatter? Same. Also, I hate this question. 2020 Kaitlyn, delete it plz. c) richer or poorer? About to be poorer. What do you wish you’d done more of? Writing. Sleeping. Going on dates. Hanging out with people. What do you wish you’d done less of? Being depressed. Being stressed. Did you fall in love in 2019? Nope. What was your favorite TV program? If we're talking "currently airing" and not "things I bingewatch that are very old," probably The Good Place--OH I almost forgot Good Omens was this year!!! Also that! And I started watching Schitt's Creek and watched all of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Oh, and I started watching some videos on the Bon Appetit YouTube channel, mostly Gourmet Makes and Making Perfect and Reverse Engineering. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Mostly just like...........people I don't actually know who are terrible humans. What was the best book you read? Coming soon to a podcast feed near you! What was your greatest musical discovery? Probably Octet? I don't think I listened to a lot of new music this year. OH WAIT, The Highwomen!!! What a good album!!! (Also in doing the theatre section I just remembered Six was this year too!) What did you want and get? Mostly material things--clothes, cons, travel, seeing people, tickets to things, etc. Impeachment. Got that. That was nice. What did you want and not get? Financial security. A new job. Emotional stability. A relationship. More sleep. What was your favorite film of this year? Captain Marvel, although Us, Charlie's Angels, and The Wind were very good too. What was your favorite theatrical event of the year? Probably Octet! The broadway version of Hadestown was kind of disappointing compared to the 2016 NYTW version and Moby-Dick is great fun, but still pretty rough in places. Octet is just.....very good.  Oh, or SIX, that was great too! Octet or Six. Oh, and, jesus, this year was a hundred years long, I totally forgot we saw Denee as Eliza this year!! She was very good!! And I got to see Daniel Breaker as Burr again and I fucking love him. What was your favorite podcast of the year? The Empty Bowl, a meditative podcast about cereal. It is so good for zoning out and being calm. TAZ has been killing it with the one-shots and the Amnesty arc, too, and this was the first year I listened to MBMBaM weekly and also I mainlined all of Sawbones after listening to half of it, then not listening to any for six months, then deciding to start from the beginning again. Unwell is a really good show that I recommend, and Mabel. The Magnus Archives killed it with season four, which was tailored to my exact narrative tastes. MFM and Criminal are perpetual faves. American Hysteria was super interesting to go through and Bear Brook and In the Dark both obviously had fucking fantastic years. Oh, and Who the Hell is Hamish? that was fun too. And I’ll stop now.
I.....listen to a lot of podcasts. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 34! On the day, I went out for dinner and drinks with some friends. That weekend, I bought a bunch of children's Captain Marvel birthday supplies and we played Jackbox games and ate cake! What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Any sort of fix to our current political mess. And/or financial stability. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019? The "Whimsical" section on eShakti. What kept you sane? Friends! Podcasts! Anti-depressants! Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Brie Larson and Starr Busby are the first that spring to mind. What political issue stirred you the most? It’s hard to pick just one when the whole country is on fire. Who did you miss? Pretty much everyone when they are not right next to me. Sarah Bay, a lot, but I feel weird singling one person out. [This is exactly what I wrote for the last four years, but I’m keeping it because it’s still true.] Who was the best new person you met? Did I meet new people this year? I know I internet-met a couple people, but I'm not sure if I in-person made any new friends? We hung out with this girl Jenn at con a bunch, she was pretty cool! edit: oh my god MAX I met MAX this year because he did not exist last year!!! Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2019: Do not invite folks to sit on a panel unless you know they'll stick to the goddamn topic agreed on in advance. Quote a song that sums up your year: And no one grew into anything new / we just became the worse of what we were
(I think this is the third year in a row that Dave Malloy has been my lyric of the year.)
Anyway, that’s 2019 for me. I can’t say I’m sorry to see it go. The last half, in particular, was super rough. Hell, the last week was super rough--guess how many members of my family have been in the hospital in December! If you guessed “six” you would be correct!! (Everyone is more or less fine.) 
But, hey, it also brought me my tiny nephew and two Dave Malloy musicals, so it wasn’t all bad! 
I hope 2020 treats you all well, friends!
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crime-scene-psychic · 5 years
Some of my personal TFW Supernatural headcanons that you can either choose to accept or die
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Sam Winchester headcanons:
Sam definitely watched Quantum Leap as a kid. Dean made fun of him because he said the show was nerdy (even though he secretly kinda enjoyed it). Now that they live in the bunker, Dean bought Sam the box set so he can watch it whenever he wants. He has now rewatched the show eleven times. (Sam ships Al and Sam).
 Sam was vegetarian while dating Jess because she was and had convinced Sam to go veg as well. Sam still tries to be vegetarian, but it’s hard while on the road.
Sam was religious growing up because Dean had given him a golden cross necklace that belonged to Mary. Sam keeps it in his secret box.
Speaking of Sam’s secret box, some of the things in the box are movie ticket stubs from dates with Jess, the program from his graduations (which Dean was the only one to attend both), a worn bible he “stole”, both of his diplomas (high school and Bachelors), Mary’s necklace, Polaroids of friends from college, a postcard from that time Jess went to France over the summer (it’s filled with X’s and O’s), a copy of Great Expectations that he had purchased in a used book store when he first arrived in California (it’s very worn and Sam has underlined a lot of passages), one of John’s many Marine medals, the beer cap of his first beer, and finally, a selfie that he and Dean had taken a while ago that Dean didn’t remember, but Sam definitely did. An engagement ring is also in there. It was meant for Jess. Sam was going to propose after acing his law school interview. The day never came to put it on her finger.
Sam considers going back to school sometimes, but isn’t sure it would be for law. He sometimes wonders if Classics would be a good major for him to pick up.
Sam knows Dean would support him going to college at Kansas State, he just is afraid to leave Dean and hunting again.
Sam excessively drinks Respect Wahmen juice.
Sam’s waaay too into politics and forced Dean to go voting (even though he just picks the ones Sam does).
Sam watches Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime religiously and is a Shaniac because Shane reminds him of Dean. He watches Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural when he needs a good laugh. It reminds him of the Ghostfacers.
Sam’s favorite food is mac and cheese with marshmallow fluff to this day.
Sam is a lightweight.
Sam’s favorite color is plaid. 
Sam still doesn’t know a damn thing about cars.
Sam was in a feminist organization while at Stanford.
Sam is proud of being a Midwestern and always retweets those Midwest memes because they are nice and accurate.
Sam doesn’t like to swear, but will when angry, which always takes Dean by surprise. Sam refuses to say “fuck”.
Sam is a bit head over heels for the archangel Gabriel.
But, Sam also loved Eileen Leahy.
Sam Winchester is queer.
Sam likes dogs so much because once when he was three he got separated from Dean in a park and was crying until a police dog came up to him and licked his tears away. The dog barked to notify that Sam was lost and he was found. He now would trust a dog with his life.
That purple dog shirt? His favorite. He didn’t get rid of it, it’s just at the bottom of his duffle waiting for the right time. 
Sam is not a fan of the Hot Dogga.
Sam kissed a boy in high school. 
Sam is into Marvel. He loves Bucky Barnes with all his heart.
Sam is more of a English and History kinda guy.
Trans guy Sam is a good headcanon, let me tell you.
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Dean Winchester headcanons:
Dean isn’t sexist, stop that.
Dean is actually smarter than anyone gives him credit for. He dumbs himself down to lessen people’s expectations (especially while in school) and to shine light on how smart Sam is.
Dean is a fan of the Hot Dogga.
Okay, Dean isn’t that into Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime, but he likes Supernatural and Ryan because Ryan is a little like Sam (at least to Dean he is).
Dean is an amazing cook.
Dean has actually considered going to community college. 
Dean taught himself how to fix cars.
Dean is really good at math and science. 
Dean dropped out of high school to get a full time job to support Sam.
Dean is more DC than Marvel to the horror of Sam.
Dean doesn’t like pets. At. All.
Yeah, Dean’s into that kinky shit ngl.
Dean’s favorite show is NCIS: New Orleans.
Dean read once. It was awful.
He doesn’t really understand social media, but Sam set him up a Twitter and he kinda just bullshits his way through it. He somehow has over a thousand followers.
He can hold his liquor.
Dean is really good at dancing.
Dean hates sour candy.
Dean used to gamble pool when Sam was a kid so he could afford to buy Sam new clothes and books since all Sam got was hand-me-downs all the time. Sam suspected it was Dean’s doing, but Dea always denied it.
Dean doesn’t mind herbal tea, but he prefers black coffee mostly for the aesthetic. 
Dean collects beer caps in a Mason jar in his room at the bunker.
Dean’s favorite color is black (like his soul).
Dean had an emo phase. It lasted only two months and in those two months Sam roasted the shit out of him.
Dean is a really good singer. He sings Sam back to sleep when he has nightmares. 
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Castiel headcanons:
He’s really into John Wayne movies because of Dean. He unironically says “yeehaw”.
He and Sam bond over the belief that all dogs are good.
He has indeed confirmed that all dogs go to heaven and so do cats.
Castiel hates when people write his name as “Cass” because there is only one “s” dammit.
Cas touched Dean’s butt once on accident but now it’s on purpose.
Cas watched porn once. It was alright, he guesses.
He still doesn’t trust snakes on account of the whole Garden of Eden thing.
No cops at pride, just Castiel smiting douchebags.
Sometimes Cas visits Sam’s heaven and talks to Jessica, telling her that Sam will be up soon to see her. She has chocolate chip cookies prepared.
Yes, he and Dean are dating, before you ask.
Castiel can make some mean scrambled eggs. He doesn’t even get the eggshells in anymore.
Cas uses too many emojis while texting. This annoys Dean and amuses Sam.
Cas feeds stray animals when they show up at the bunker.
Castiel misses Charlie a lot. He visits her heaven when he can.
Cas has a pet goldfish in his room. His name is Daryl.
Speaking of which, yes, Cas has his own room even though angels don’t need to sleep. It was Dean’s idea. He wanted Cas to have his own space whenever he needed it. He also wanted Cas to know that he is a part of the family.
Castiel was given a camera from Dean for Christmas and now takes as many pictures as possible. Sam takes him into town to develop them.
Cas is asexual.
Castiel wishes PB&J’s didn’t taste like molecules to him now.
Cas is 100% responsible for finding a bunch of hidden rooms in the bunker. Sam and Cas now have four different forts hidden away from Dean. They go there to read.
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francesderwent · 5 years
If you do that meme you were kind enough to send me asks for: Damon, Stefan, Jess, Logan, Luke :)
Thank you!!!  I’m gonna answer Damon in a separate one. =)
Stefan Salvatore
My Feelings: the feelings I have for Stefan are akin to the feelings one might have for a rather ne’er-do-well cousin.  I love him, and I hope someday he makes something of himself, but right now the mess he’s made of his life is a little tiresome.
I Ship With: Caroline, Katherine.  I think it would be way more fair to say that one of these ladies was the love of his life than to say Elena was.  Caroline makes Stefan light up!!  He shows her how to be a vampire, and then she shows him how to love life as a vampire!  And Katherine is sort of the beginning and the end for Stefan – she makes him who he is, and then his eventually forgiving her and saving her is the height of his character development.
Platonic OTP: Stefan and Lexi, of course.  I love his relationship with his brother, but let’s be real, it’s kind of fraught.  His love for Lexi and her love for him is always very simple.  They’re each other’s best friend, forever.
Unpopular Opinion: This isn’t so much an unpopular opinion as it is an obscure opinion, but I firmly contend that Stefan’s morality is Kantian and as such unsatisfactory.
I Wish: I love the reconciliation that happens between Stefan and Katherine in season 5, and I wish they had delved deeper into that and everything it meant for who he is and the way he understands his life story, rather than just lazily having the two of them hook up.  In a way, I think if Stefan had been given the time to reflect on his relationship with Katherine and come to terms with it, it would have also helped him get over Elena more fully and find happiness with Caroline.  (Can you tell I want to have my cake and eat it too?)
Jess Mariano 
My Feelings: I love Jess, and I admire Jess for the person he became under impossible conditions, and I want to protect Jess from the writers of his dumb show.
I Ship With: only Rory – because Rory is apparently the only person he wants.  I can’t imagine Jess getting over her and being happy with someone else, no matter how good that would be for him; he’s just not written that way.  I would want to see her turn her life around before they got together – she can do it for him, that doesn’t bother me, but it has to happen.
Platonic OTP: Jess’s relationship with Luke is the best relationship in the show, full stop.  They come to understand and respect each other in a way that I don’t think anybody else does, certainly not any of the titular Gilmore girls.  I also love all of Jess’s interactions with Paris!
Unpopular Opinion: I don’t know that I’m in touch with what’s popular or not in the GG fandom, but I think Jess was justified in his detachment from his mother, and they shouldn’t have forced him to be in the wedding.
I Wish: I would’ve liked Lorelai to face the fact that Jess has become a good person, and in fact a better person than her daughter.  I would’ve liked Jess to have a friend.
Logan Huntzberger 
My Feelings: Logan is undeniably entertaining – the Yale season of the show before he shows up absolutely d r a g s, the show needed him.  But I also feel like he’s the bargain-brand version of Tristan, whom I prefer.
I Ship With:…no one??  I enjoy moments of his romance with Rory (specifically “alright I’ll be your boyfriend”), but he’s got some manipulative tendencies to work through before he should date anyone.
Platonic OTP: Rory!!  I absolutely love their relationship, pre-romance.  One of my favorite sequences in the whole show is when he saves her from a creepy suitor at her grandparents’ house, teaches her how to have fun in that rich-people-world in which she’s still not comfortable, and then comforts her after Dean breaks up with her.  I can imagine a world where they stayed more in that kind of friendship – admitted they were attracted to each other, but didn’t date because Logan wasn’t ready to be somebody’s boyfriend.  Maybe he’d grow up and they’d get a happy ending, years down the line, but their canonical transition from friends to hookup buddies to boyfriend/girlfriend to on a break to back together even though he slept around during the break…it just pains me.
Unpopular Opinion: that scene where Logan saves the paper by…name-dropping his father…isn’t that impressive.  That’s not doing work.
I Wish: I wish Chad Michael Murray had done a guest spot so Tristan and Logan could meet.  I wish Rory hadn’t gotten back together with Logan after the Jess-incident-breakup. I wish he hadn’t conveniently had a ski accident (?) so that he could avoid facing up to his failures as a boyfriend, or that Rory had confronted him about them despite his ski injuries.  I wish the revival hadn’t painted the most depressing picture of him possible, and that he’d been allowed to develop into his best self (like Jess did).
Luke Danes 
My Feelings: Luke isn’t necessarily my favorite character, but I firmly believe he is the backbone of Gilmore Girls.  Without him, the show wouldn’t have much appeal at all. The fun of watching Gilmore Girls is imagining living in a small town and drinking coffee from the same tiny diner every day and the grumpy owner loves you faithfully and quietly and you know in your heart of hearts one day you’ll be together.
I Ship With: only Lorelai – because Lorelai is the only one he wants.
Platonic OTP: As previously mentioned, I adore his relationship with Jess.  But Luke’s relationship with Rory is also beautiful. And I love when Sookie and Luke talk food!!
Unpopular Opinion: He gives in to Lorelai too much. He bought her the freakin Twickham house – they should have lived there.  Her refusing to give up her house is tantamount to Luke refusing to give up his apartment when he was married to whatshername – it shows they weren’t actually all-in.
I Wish: he and Lorelai had gotten married and had a family together. That’s it.
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itsjovi-baby · 6 years
Bad JuJu | A. P.
Warning: Smut, Oral sex
Description: Got to get rid of that bad juju
A/N: So I’m trying to get better at writing oral smut (male receiving). So this may...or may not..be bleh. Also, Austin and buns are like the best thing in the world.
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“Don’t you leave her, Kaneki! After all, she’s done for--and the motherfucker leaves her,” Nia shook her head at the television.
She was currently curled up on the couch watching an episode of Tokyo Ghoul, specifically “New Surge”, munching away on popcorn. This had seemingly become her routine for Friday nights, it was either this or hooking up with a certain fake blonde. But considering he had been ghosting her for the last four days, this Friday would just her and Kaneki. I mean why should she care that he hadn’t called or texted in her in the last four days, they were just occasional friends with benefits, right?
“You dumb white-haire-”
The knock on Nia’s door was almost so silent that she didn’t hear it until it came the second time around. Her head snapped to the door eyeing suspiciously as the third round of knocks came.
“Who is it?” She called slowly unraveling herself from the fluffy blanket, her eyes never leaving the door, “Jesse, I swear if you forgot your key again.”
Nia jumped slighty at the sound of another knock from the door. She rolled her eyes getting off of the couch and leaned against the door, peeking into the peephole. Her eyebrows wrinkled in confusion at the sight of blonde boy standing in front of the door, as she quickly moved from in front of it and yanked it open, “Austin?”
Nia’s heart thumped in her chest at the glimpse of a smile on Austin’s face, butterflies filling her stomach. But then the feeling went away, and it took all she had not to slam the door shut in his face. It just about slipped from her fingertips, the only thing stopping her was the clench in her heart when she noticed his red eyes dancing across her body. Nia became very aware of the fact that she was only wearing a shirt, and not a very long one at that.
The slight smirk creeping on his lips told her that he, in fact, did notice. Nia suddenly had the urge to cover herself, although it wouldn’t make much of a difference as the boy had seen her it less. She tugged at her shirt down with her free hand, her cheeks heating up under the scrutiny of his eyes.
"What are you-
“You look good.”
Nia grew flustered, nibbling on her lip as she stared down the boy in front of her. Two weeks. Two weeks of utter silence and that’s the first thing he says. She looks good. Her eyes narrowed, realizing the game the blonde was trying to play, yet she wasn’t gonna fall for it. She already made a mistake opening the door, and maybe she was being petty, but she was determined to not let h I’m
“Thanks. What are you doing here?”
His slight smile made her nerves flutter, her resistance slowly breaking as she watched him take a step closer. The light from her apartment illuminated his face perfectly. The first thing she noticed was the bags underneath his eyes, the his red eyes, and lastly his pale skin that had a few splotches of red on it. Paired with the messy bun on top of his head and she could tell this wasn’t a look for the gram, Austin was obviously upset about something and she couldn’t help but want to know.
The way he stood in front of her made her feel little in comparison, he wasn’t even trying but he still managed to make her feel nervous. Her heart began to beat erratically as she watched his eyes wander over her. Dammit, she was giving in.
“Do you- do you want to come in?” Nia internally cringed at how nervous and squeaky her voice sounded.
He licked his lips nodding his head. Nia stepped back, allowing him inside and closing the door behind her, praying to god her ass wasn’t showing. Whether it was or not, it didn’t matter because she turned around the boy was eyeing her legs like they were his prey and he was gonna pounce.
“I didn’t interrupt your night, did I?”
“Does it look like you were, Austin?” Nia raised an eyebrow, her eyes momentarily glancing at the TV before back at him. She snickered, walking to the couch and falling down onto it, doing her best not to be too obvious as she pulled the blanket over her legs, “ Now, are you gonna tell me why you’ve been MIA for the last four days?”
“Sorry about that,” Austin scratched at the back of neck awkwardly, “I went home, I had to think over some shit.”
She had been so confident in herself, promising herself that if Austin was to ever show face she would cuss him out. probably slap him. Now here he was standing in her living room, in front of her, and all she wanted to do was kiss him, and ask him what’s wrong, “What shit? You okay?”
Austin ran his hand over his face with a sigh, making the few steps over to the couch in quick strides. He sat down far enough away from Nia not to touch her but close enough for him to feel her warmth radiating. He was dressed casually - only a plain black shirt and a pair of joggers. His leg bouncing nervously as he stared at the show playing on the tv, “Yeah...well, kinda.”
“You want to talk about it?”
Austin bit at his lip nervously, questioning why he didn’t just come to Nia in the first place.
“I’m starting to think this isn’t for me Nia,” He mumbled, his voice cracking a bit, “this band thing.”
“Austin,” she cooed pausing the show and turning her full attention to him, “Where is this coming from?”
“From me, I just- like we started rehearsing this week right.” He shrugged, “ and I don’t know sometimes I feel so...awkward”
"I just-I sometimes I don’t feel like I’m good enough, Ni,” He interrupted her, “Like I’m trying to hard to be something I’m not.”
“Listen to me,” Austin watched as Nia moved closer, cupping his face in her soft hands, “Do you know how many girls love your goofy ass? How many people would be torn because you left the band? ”
“Yeah, bu-”
“And the boys,” Nia interrupted, “They love your weird ass--anime, tapestries, and all that shit--besides they need a little weirdness to balance out all of that dick...iness.”
“You know what I was trying to say,” Nia rolled her eyes, pulling her hands away from him, “And what did I say about letting that bad juju get to your head, Porter.”
It wasn’t the first time Austin had shown up to her apartment, spewing negative shit. Technically it was the third time. 
He chuckled, “Not to, I know. It’s just sometimes I get so-”
“Caught up in your own head?” Nia interjected turning the tv back on. 
“Well don’t, okay? I mean I’m half black and have no rhythm, but you don’t see it stopping me from getting crunk to Drake. This music shit isn’t meant to be easy, Austin, If it was I would’ve already been signed to Roc Nation.”
Austin chuckled, his eyes danced over her side profile as a wide smile appeared on his face. Nia raised an eyebrow, turning to look at him, “Wha-” 
Nia had barely managed to get the word out before Austin was suddenly kissing her, forcing their lips together in a passionate kiss. Nia moaned softly at the feeling of Austin’s hands moving to her hair, pressing her closer to him. She felt him pull slightly at her puff, the tiniest sting, as he bit on her bottom lip at the same time, but a little bit harsher. She found herself caught in the pull of his hand and the nibbling of his teeth on her bottom lip, trapped between both. Another moan slipping past her lips, as she yanked onto his black shirt. Austin pulled away, his breath stuttering against her face as he looked at her. He was studying her face, his eyes running over her swollen lips and back up to her gaze.
"I know I’m not the best with this...us,” Austin pointed a finger between him and Nia as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “But I’m sorry I didn’t call or anything. I just needed--”
Nia pressed her index finger against his lips gently, stopping him from talking, “Space, I get it. But the next time you ghost me we gone have some problems, understood?”
“Duly noted,” He laughed out loud, his breath fanning her fingers. She knew he was laughing at her and her attempt at ‘putting him in his place’, but she couldn’t be mad at him. Considering how he had walked in, she very much preferred him smiling and laughing. Catching her off guard, Austin’s hand wrapped around her neck, pulling her against his lips again. Nia allowed for him to take control, his teeth nipping at her lip once more before he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer. The way he was kissing her had her head swimming, and her stomach fluttering with butterflies. Austin’s slightly sweetly taste drew Nia in and kept her wanting to never pull away. Nia’s hands came up, cupping his face softly as she fought for control in their kiss.  He chuckled, giving her a chance to dominate and explore his mouth as he struggled to take off his jacket.
Nia eventually helped him, pulling away from the kiss and yanking the annoying fabric off his arms, throwing it to the floor. Austin’s arms instantly wrapped around her waist, picking her up to sit on his lap. The blanket was in the way, bunched up between her and Austin, but he didn’t seem to care, his hands moving down to knead at her ass as Nia peppered kissed along his neck, her lips eventually coming back to his. Austin’s fingers were digging into her skin hard, his lips overwhelming hers and essentially taking back control. Nia pulled away, whimpering at the way he nipped at her lips, “I really missed you.”
“It’s only been two weeks.”
 “Two weeks without a text, a call, a random ass meme--I missed my buddy,” Nia scoffed her forehead resting against his, “and not just in the sexual sense either.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better I missed you too,” He smiled, “ and not just in the sexual sense either.”
Nia hummed, pecking his lips one more time before she slowly made her way to the floor. Her hands dragged along Austin’s body until she got to the waistband of his joggers, her fingers slipping into it.
“What are you doing?” His eyebrows furrowed, “What if Jesse comes home?”
“She shouldn’t be home for another forty-five minutes,” Nia murmured, tugging slowly at his joggers, “And besides I can’t let you go home will all that bad juju, now can I?”
“I mean, they do say built up negative energy hinders a p-person’s mental state,” Austin grunted. 
“Wow,” Nia giggled, her eyes wandering over his cock, “Yeah, and you have a lot.”
Austin hisses, his eyes closing at the feeling of Nia grabbing at the base of his cock, giving the tip a kitten lick. She angles his cock up, licking a stripe up the length of it. Nia held his eye contact as she planted a wet, sloppy kiss on the head before opening wide and taking all of him in her mouth. Austin groans loudly his head rolling back on the couch as he struggled from bucking into her mouth, “God, Nia.”
Nia had created a tempo, her lips and tongue sucking and massaging along the top of his cock while her hands worked the bottom--twisting and squeezing at the base. A deep groan escaped Austin’s lips, a mixture of her name and curse words flowing out as she hollowed her cheeks.
“Nia...pleas-just like that,” He grunted, sliding down the couch to get himself further in her mouth, “fuck, that feels so good.”
"Mmm,” She hummed, releasing him from her mouth, her thumb pressing into his tip, “Yeah, baby?”
“Yes,” he whines, “please.”
Nia giggled at his begging, her mouth returning to his cock to teasingly swirling her tongue around the tip. Her brown eyes flickered to him as she took him deeper into her mouth, thanking God for her lack of a gag reflex. Austin’s hips bucked out of control, he was so close. so very close. His fingers moved to her hair tightening in her puff as he pushed her all the way down, “Fuck!”
Austin's eyebrows furrowed a loud groan slipping from his lips at the sight of her plump lips wrapping around his member, her big brown eyes staring up at him as she swallowed down every inch. He let her go, watching as she pulled back, a thin line of spit connecting her lips to the tips of his cock. She leans over to drool over his cock, her hand coming up to rub it in was enough to have Austin cumming then, “Shit--fu-Nia.”
“Are you gonna cum for me?” She giggled before taking him back in her mouth.
“You feel so fucking, Nia. So fucki--fuck!” It was the swipe of her tongue against the underside of his cock that made his orgasm surge forward, a loud whine leaving his lips as he threw his head back against the couch. Without thinking about it Austin gripped her hair tighter, pushing her mouth all the way down. She couldn’t nothing but swallow every drop that spilled down her throat, “Shit! Oh my go-fuck!”
Nia hummed, moving her head to the slow rock of his hips, until he fully settled down. Nia released him with a pop licking her lips as she watched the boy pant, “No more bad juju?”
“No more bad juju,” He laughed airly.
“Wanna finish watching Tokyo Ghoul with me?”
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