#jjba not sfw
zujime · 2 years
Imagine Josuke confessing his love to his female crush at a house party leading them to a steamy make-out session (tongues and all) while the song "Canned Heat" by Jamiroquai plays in the background.
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josuke x f!reader →  [w.c – 0.53k]
CW → not really sfw, make out, house party, aged up, confession
unedited and possible grammar errors
A/N → i decided to make this a little drabble, if you don’t mind. i hope you enjoy also the song was a bop bro! shaking ass to it as we speak🤪
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You'd been dragged to this little party by a friend who had already left you astray. Plastic cup in hand and all it held was watered down soda that you doubt you'd ever get to since social gathering weren't really on your list of things to do, at least not right now at this minute.
The sound of laughter and chatter nearly growing louder than the funky music that played on the cassette deck and the stench of cigars and cigarettes becoming too profound for your liking, so for some fresh air you decide to head outside. The refreshing humidity of the air gently meeting your skin as you lean back on the house's exterior.
You're finally able to think, but the faint sound of whispers and the front door opening and closing, a somewhat tall man stumbling out and turning back to scold who ever had pushed him out, but stopped when he met your soft eyes. His face flushed a bright pink as he struggles to let out a simple "hey", hands stuffed in his pants as his eyes bounced everywhere, lips sealed tight as he tried to think of something else to say.
You chuckle out a greeting back, shifting to stand up straight and meet his anxious orbs. "So...what're you doing here?" He questioned, clearing his throat every now and again. "A friend dragged me along and they seem to be having the time of their life right now," you nod towards the window, the faint cheers mixed with the music that played was all that was heard. "And what about you? You don't look like you came for the party either." Your voice entrancing as he tries to catch himself from saying anything stupid. "Err... I guess you could say the same for me. I'm not really a party person." He laugh a little too loudly.
"Really? I could've sworn I saw someone who looked just like you showing off a few moves." You giggle as his face heats up, eyes blown wide as he tries to find something to say to prove you wrong, but all you say is a "it's fine, besides, you had some pretty nice moves." Your body growing closer to his, so close that you could hear his breath hitch and how he'd constantly swallow whatever saliva had built up, sweat threatening to drip from his face as struggles to stare into your orbs.
"I hope this doesn't ruin the moment, but I-I've liked you for some time and-" The softness of your plump lips bringing his sentence to a close. His hands finding their place on your hips as yours on his neck, his body relaxing to your touch as he pushes you closer into him. The kiss was messy but intoxicating, his tongue pleading to explore your mouth and you let him, let your tongues circle and dance with one another, saliva mixing in the process but the sweet kiss soon comes to an end, leaving your lips swollen.
A smile growing on your lips as you whisper a "can I get your name?" He'd still been a bit dazed but ushered out a small "yeah" before giving you an answer.
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swirlpops · 2 years
melone & you: good morning.
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* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆*
a wee ficlet about a ✨s u s p i c i o u s✨ morning after with this fucking creep. ugh i love him. Di MoLtOoOOoOOoO
🍈 18+ only. femme reader with a vagina.
🍉 implied sex, second guessing yourself, a healthy sprinkle of dubcon, weird foot stuff because melone is… melone. 
* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆*
You woke up with a start.
Your eyes were heavy, glazen over, and your mind was in a haze you couldn’t place. A pounding headache was the first thing you noticed — a hangover. Gods, you hated hangovers. But, more importantly, where exactly were you? The second thing you noticed, was that you were not in your own bed. Underneath your head was the unfamiliar feel of a silk pillowcase — yours, was the feel of roughened linen.
It finally hit you. You were up to your antics again, weren’t you?
Now freed from the grog of sleep, you took in your surroundings. This was absolutely, definitely, Not Your Bedroom. Turning your head slowly, you leaned onto your side and looked behind you. You almost jumped out of your skin when you saw a pair of eyes, wrapped by a purple sash, peering at you in a mix of wonderment and lascivity.
“Good morning, dove,” the man said in a lilting tone. He was laying on his side, head gracefully propped up by the back of his hand. Elegant, yet somehow, unnerving. Just how long was he watching you?
“Good morning,” you mumble, a bit taken aback.
“I was a little surprised you decided to stay the night — though with how much you were screaming for me, I should’ve known you had a proper nightcap.” He chuckled softly and caressed his hand down the side of your body, as if he were collecting the memory of you in his palm. A shiver converged in the wake of his touch, and the fuzzy memory of the night prior started replaying in your mind’s eye, cloudy scene by cloudy scene. So that’s what happened.
You turned towards him to flop on your stomach, with a groan for a response. The throbbing of your head was too much of a distraction for you to form proper sentences.
He spoke as if he could read your mind. “Waking up with a hangover, are we? Here, have some.” He reached over to the oaken nightstand by his bed, inlaid with abalone. You noticed a candle, burned halfway, and the scent of vanilla and sandalwood floated over to you as if it knew you saw it. He handed you an icy glass filled with a pale orange liquid. You eyed the drink warily, then eyed him just the same. “Don’t worry,” he soothed, “it’s just some electrolytes. I do think ahead, you know.”
You took the glass and sipped, slightly straining as you drank from the odd position. “Thanks.”
As expected, it was much needed to have something cool and refreshing slide down your throat. “There you go, that’s a good girl,” he cooed in a low voice. “Recover for me.”
Your eyebrow quirked. Recover for me? What a bizarre thing to say. Now that you were sober, you felt slightly disturbed by this man: a complete stranger, and if you weren’t mistaken, he also came with a dash of sinister. Were you really that drunk last night, that your intuition was so obscured? Questions started to litter your conscience — how much of a mistake was this?
He gave you a wink, and you watched as the man rose from the bed, still naked. A brief glance towards your own body — you were still naked as well. However, the curve of his ass and the muscular thighs walking away from you had you thinking, that probably, it wasn’t a mistake.
You put the glass back on the nightstand and rolled to get out of the bed yourself, feeling too awkward to say anything. You reached for your slink of a black dress and shimmied it on in one motion, a bit too practiced for your taste. An involuntary sigh left your lips. Yet another walk of shame.
He slipped on a black leotard spotted in violet whirls, with cutouts and a choice strap spanning across his chest. Ah, yes, you remember this outfit. It caught your eye while you were downing shots at that bar. In any case, how strange… this was his place, wasn’t it? Wasn’t he going to shower? Brush his teeth? Wash his face?
As he adjusted the strap across his chest, he murmured, “Last night was a wonder, my darling.” He reached down past his waistband, and carded his hand through the purple tuft of hair at the base of his cock. He then pulled out his hand and brought it up to his nose, closing his eyes while taking a long, ragged sniff. “I’ll be looking forward to smelling that pretty little cunt of yours on me all day.” His eyes opened, glinting viciously, as they immediately snapped to your face.
Your mouth fell agape.
He tutted and shook a finger at you. “Don’t look too surprised, dearest,” he said through a laugh. After a suddenly lithe motion, he was bent by your side to curl his mouth against the shell of your ear. With a whisper he spoke into you, the warmth of his lips ghosting to raise goosebumps on your skin. “If I recall correctly, there’s a filthier mouth on you than me.”
You really, honestly, couldn’t say a word.
“Come, let me help you.” He cut into your thoughts and pushed you back down on the bed, easy as could be. Slowly lowering to his knees, he brought your calf up to his head with one hand, and started a sweet trail of feather light kisses down to your ankle. “You have,” he breathily said, in between dusting his lips on your skin, “immaculate taste.”
His other hand picked up one of your shoes — a strappy four-inch stiletto. Mouth still on your leg, he tilted his head to the side to give it a good inspection. “Mm, Jimmy Choo, size 7. Summer collection of 2017… divine.”
With nary a warning, he licked a fat stripe from the heel of your foot to the tip of your toes. A gasp escaped you as you struggled to process the situation. You wanted to call out his name to get his attention, but you realized — you didn’t know it.
“H-hey,” you stammered out. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” He continued laving his tongue over your foot, sliding it in between the grooves of your toes, showcasing an astute mastery of what, exactly, he could make his mouth do. You shuddered, and for a brief moment, you cursed yourself for not remembering the details of your night with this man. He continued, drawing your big toe into his mouth to suckle on it, ever so lightly.
Your breath hitched as you felt his tongue roll over the underside. “I really can't get into anything toda—“
“Neither can I,” he interrupted. “I’m simply helping you put on these exquisite shoes of yours, little dove.” The man returned his attention to the base of your heel, nipping and kissing, as he slid your toes into the sandal of the shoe. A suck to the sharp stiletto — and a suck of air into your lungs. You were loathe to admit that this was more of a turn on than you thought it would be.
He buckled the side of your shoe while watching up at your face, witnessing your lustful observance of his obscene assistance. With a quiet hum, he repeated the motions on your other foot, working his tongue over the pads of your feet in a perverted, almost obsessive way.
Removing his mouth, he cupped both of your heeled feet in his hands, watching them in reverence. “Sublime,” he sighed under his breath.
As much as you appreciated his deliberations, you couldn’t help but think — this man was, to put it lightly, strange.
With a final smile towards you, he got up from the ground and padded over to the door of his bedroom, picking up an unusually thick metal briefcase. He turned to you with a simpering look — its sincerity was dubious at best. “You can show yourself out, yes? So sorry for kicking you out, but I have a very important matter to attend to. However…”
He opened the door and looked at you over his shoulder; there was a wicked smile plastered on his face.
“…You know where I live now, don’t you?”
* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆*
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kittwix · 2 months
First Kiss with the Joestars
Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna, Jolyne Cujoh, Johnny Joestar, Josuke Higashikata (Gappy), Jodio Joestar x Neu! Reader
word count: 5.4k , it's long if you read all of their parts >_<
tags: very sweet; cavity inducing fluff, jodio is a little mean, reader stand isnt specify or implied, reader is gender neutral!
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Jonathan Joestar
Your suspicion grew when he had invited you for a picnic out to the vineyard. He had made it obvious that he liked being around you, even at the times when he would be practicing for his Rugby tournaments, he would always encourage you to be there to cheer him up.
He would have everything all planned out, he had his maids prepare the basket for him and even went ahead to pack some of his favorite lunch items; resisting the urge to just eat them right then and there before he could meet up with you.
Upon meeting, he gracefully held the basket with one hand, offering his other arm for you to grasp. He greeted you with a kiss on the back of your hand, a faint blush gracing his cheeks, eliciting a chuckle of amusement from you.
"My, my, Jojo.. Have you contrived this all on my behalf?" You stood there, curiosity in your eyes and a small smile, as you watched your boyfriend carefully spread a beautifully sewed quilt over the uneven patches of grass. It was clear that this moment, simple as it might seem, was shaped with intention and care, setting the stage for the intimate afternoon you were about to share together. "Could it be that there is a significant event which has escaped my memory?” 
"No, nothing of that sort." Jonathan replied, his smile casting a warmth over you that felt as comforting as sunlight caressing your skin.The sheer sight of him made your tummy flutter with butterflies; his handsomeness was evident, and his disposition was the pinnacle of gentleness. He was the nicest and most sincere boy you'd ever met. "What a delightful day out, wouldn’t you agree? The weather is simply ideal for a luncheon outing with my beloved.” 
"Well yes," You hummed, now it was your turn to be embarrassed as you fidgeted with your hands for a moment and watched him take apart the lunch. "I cannot shake the suspicion that you are plotting something. Quite the mischievous schemer, are you not?”
"What? Me? That’s absurd! Do you truly believe me of being capable of such baseness?" Your boyfriend teased, mimicking a frown which prompted you to gently push on his shoulder as you shared a laugh. It was times like this where you could genuinely admire him. You noted the sharp outlines of his chiseled face, and how his kind blue eyes, reminiscent of the deepest sapphires, seemed to sparkle even more under the natural light. And oh, that smile...
You gradually moved closer to him, inch by inch, until there was almost no room between you. He twisted his head, appearing surprised by the sudden closeness, yet there was no sign of disinterest in his reaction. Silence encompassed you both, the world around you dissolving into a distant hum. 
Within seconds, you closed your eyes and closed the final gap, your lips meeting his in a sweet, short kiss. It was a brief encounter, lasting only a few seconds before you pulled back, but in his gaze, you could swear you saw stars twinkling back at you. He glanced at you, completely taken aback, his mouth slightly parted as if about to speak, capturing a moment of wonder.
"Wow..." He reacted. "That was certainly not within the scope of my intentions, but I must admit.. It was rather pleasant."
Joseph Joestar
It was mostly his initiation, he likes to joke around with you a little too much but that was just part of his personality that you like so much. Not to mention that he can be pretty unpredictable, making him blunt in ways that just makes you like him even more. 
"What do you want now, Joestar?" You asked, crossing your arms at the sight of your tall boyfriend creeping up on you with a stupid smile that could only mean that he was up to no good.
"Ouch! Can't a guy stroll up to his darling and turn on the charm?" He asked, seeming to have pretended to his offensiveness with a hand on his chest as he bats his eyelashes at you. “Anyways, got any plans later?”
“Oh, what’s it to you? Gonna take me out for dinner? Miss Lisa Lisa isn’t going to like the fact that you’re slacking off on your training.” You reiterated back with a little smirk and a hand on your hip. "She doesn't need to know! I can handle almost anything, baby! Just give me a shot, or else you might get kissed." He wiggled his eyebrows mischievously, leaning in a bit closer, and you couldn’t help but conceal the smile that was growing on your face. With a playful push, you gently nudged him back, enjoying the flirtatious banter between you. “Is that a threat?” You raised a brow. “Or are you asking something out of me?” “Perhaps.” He answered back and for a second, silence enveloped both of you, heightening the tension in the air. It didn't help matters that he was so close, his scent filling your senses. Glancing around briefly, you released a small sigh, shaking your head in a playful manner. With a tender gesture, you reached out and cupped his cheek, the intimate moment shared between you intensifying.
“You’re impossible.” Your voice was a faint whisper, closing the distance between you as you moved in to give him a gentle kiss on the lips. The kiss, delicate and sweet, lasted far longer than you had anticipated, but you found yourself loving every moment of it. As you got closer, the temptation to melt into his embrace overcame you, and you could feel his eagerness through the curious movements of his hands, which became bolder by the minute.
However, just as you were about to voice your feelings, the distinct call of Caesar’s voice pierced the intimate bubble you had created, forcing you to regretfully break the kiss. Turning your gaze back to Joseph, you were met with his trademark snarky smile, a look that teetered on the edge of being both endearing and infuriating. He wore his joy openly, quietly bragging to himself about having gained something as simple as a kiss to you. It was a moment that triggered a playful irritation in you, making you want to slap his smug grin away.
As the moment between you faded, you watched him depart with a playful wink cast over his shoulder in your direction before returning back to Caesar. Even as he walked away, his cheeky demeanor left a lingering warm feeling in your heart, a silent promise of more moments like these to treasure.
Jotaro Kujo
On the contrary, it was an accidental kiss and wasn't something that neither of you had planned. It was in front of everyone as well, especially in front of his grandfather, which only heightened the embarrassment of the situation.
The situation had taken an unexpected turn, with suspicions that an enemy Stand user, possibly one of Dio's underlings, was involved. This required everyone to be attentive, continuously on the lookout for signs of an attack or sabotage, no matter how bizarre the situation may be at hand. Despite the tension, the moment had allowed for a brief lapse into normalcy as Joseph generously offered to cover the cost of lunch for everyone. You conveyed your gratitude gracefully, humming blissfully to yourself as you devoured the pasta you'd chosen, enjoying the flavors 
However, your delight was cut short when you felt an unusual sensation in your throat. It swelled quickly, making it difficult to breathe and speak. Panic came in when you realized you were choking, and the situation quickly escalated from uncomfortable to life-threatening. It was Iggy who had caught on to this, the small dog emerging from beneath the table and began barking loudly at you.
The abrupt escalation of events threw the group into a state of alarm. As you began to drool excessively, struggling for air, a small, rabid-like bug emerged from your mouth, adding a surreal horror to the scene. Your attempt to cry out was muffled, choked by the intrusion. Polnareff and Joseph let out a collective scream, their voices blending in shock and terror. Despite the panic that was clouding your eyesight, you could see Avdol and Kakyoin rush into action, summoning their Stands with an eagerness.
In the midst of the chaos and fear, you suddenly felt a strong, reassuring grip on your shoulder, spinning you around until you were face-to-face with Jotaro. His presence was imposing, the brim of his hat casting a shadow that obscured the upper half of his face, rendering his eyes invisible in the moment. Before you could process the situation fully, Jotaro's lips pressed firmly against yours. Shock and a surge of adrenaline caused your eyes to fly open wide, your hands instinctively curling into fists against his muscular chest. As he pulled back, the realization hit you: Jotaro had taken the stand from your mouth, now holding it between his lips. With a look of disgust, he spat it out to the side. In an instant, Star Platinum was summoned, its fist blurring into motion as it delivered a powerful punch that sent the stand hurtling into oblivion.
Everyone was taken aback by Jotaro's action. It was a bold move that had you gasping for air. Your cheeks flushed with warmth as you processed the sensation; his lips had been surprisingly soft, and the kiss had carried a level of passion that left you questioning its intent.
The lingering sensation of his lips on yours created an array of emotions swirling within you, mixing gratitude with confusion and a hint of curiosity. The lingering sensation of his lips on yours sparked a range of emotions within you.
You cleared your throat, the unexpectedness of the circumstance made you feel instantly self-conscious, forcing you to put your plate aside as your hunger faded in the aftermath of the experience. “Thanks…” You said hoarsely.
“Yare Yare…” 
Josuke Higashikata
You and Josuke attended the same school, and it had become a regular occurrence for him to offer to walk you home. At first, you didn't think much of it, considering it a friendly gesture. However, things took a different turn when your school friends started teasing you, hinting that Josuke might have a crush on you.
Today was like any other day, with Josuke offering to walk you home once again. However, a nagging feeling of guilt crept over you as you realized how many times he had gone out of his way for you without expecting anything in return. Despite your gratitude for his kindness, you couldn't help but feel like you owed him something more substantial.
As the two of you approached your house's doorstep, you fidgeted with your hands, an anxious yet grateful smile forming across your face as you turned to face the boy. "Is this like, the millionth time you've walked me to my door?" you teased gently, resting against the doorframe and looking down at your feet. "You're really sweet," you said, genuine admiration coloring your words as you met his gaze again. His presence was familiar and comforting, making every trip to your door a special part of your day.
Josuke rubbed the back of his head, a bashful smile playing on his lips as he blushed slightly at your words. "Hey, I was raised to be a gentleman, y'know," he replied with a hint of self-consciousness, his genuine sincerity shining through. "And, uh, I think you're pretty cool to hang out with." he added, trying to play it off casually but unable to hide the warmth in his eyes as he looked at you. 
"Yeah? I think you're pretty cool too," you replied, crossing your arms and allowing your gaze to linger on his figure, almost as if you were studying him intently. Josuke, with his trademark pompadour, couldn't help but chuckle softly at your lingering look, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.
You fought with the thoughts that raced through your mind, urging you to take the risk and make your move, especially after leaving Josuke visibly flustered. He was now haphazardly kicking at a pebble under his foot, avoiding direct eye contact as if quietly expressing that he was waiting for something else to happen before returning home. The tension in the air was obvious, and you could sense the weight of unspoken words hanging between you.
"I wanted to thank you for walking with me every day," you began, your voice wavering slightly with nerves. "A proper thank you," you quickly corrected yourself, hoping to drop a subtle hint about where the conversation was heading. "I feel like my words aren't enough. I think you deserve something more meaningful."
As you spoke, Josuke's gaze shifted back to you, curiosity and anticipation flickering in his eyes. He didn't know what to expect, but the moment he felt your hands holding onto his biceps, everything seemed to fall into place. His heart skipped a beat as realization dawned on him, his mouth going dry and his lips quivering slightly in response to the sudden surge of emotions.
Without hesitating for another second, you leaned in and gently pressed your lips against Josuke's, savoring the sweetness of the moment. The taste of cherry chapstick lingered on your lips, adding to the enchantment of the kiss. When you finally pulled away, a soft giggle escaped your lips as you admired the lovestruck expression on Josuke's face, his goofy grin speaking volumes about his happiness in that moment. "S-so, uh... I'll pick you up tomorrow?" Josuke asked, a hint of nervousness lacing his words. In response, you gave his cheek a soft tap, a reassuring gesture that brought a smile to his face. With a final glance and a warm smile, you opened the door to your house, leaving Josuke with a sense of anticipation.
Giorno Giovanna
During another date that he had arranged, Giorno bought you ice cream as the two of you walked hand in hand. It was a rare occasion when he wasn't caught up in his responsibilities as a mob leader and actually took the time to be with you. Being outside of the mansion felt refreshing, and you were grateful that Giorno shared the same sentiment.
"You know," you started, a playful lilt in your voice as you attempted to coax him into sharing the dessert, "it's one of your favorite flavors. Are you sure you don't want a taste?" Your attempt was light-hearted, an effort to draw him into a small act of normalcy, something as mundane as sharing ice cream on a date.
Giorno's response was a chuckle, the sound warm and rich, filling the space between you. "I'm quite sure. Today, I'm more than happy just to see you enjoy it," he replied, his gaze holding yours with an intensity that made your heart flutter. 
It made you wonder if he'd ever considered taking the relationship to the next level. Nothing extravagant, simply the fact that you've been dating for a while now and he has never initiated a kiss. How you ached to feel his lips on yours. Given his soft-spoken demeanor, you wondered if his lips were also soft and moisturized, providing an intoxicating lasting sensation with each kiss. Given that you were staring a little too long, Giorno had turned to meet your eyes as an evident grin spread across his lips as he cups his own cheek out of embarrassment. “Is there something on my face? You look like you have something you want to say.”
“Mmm, yeah actually.” You responded back with lidded eyes as you gave his hand a small squeeze and stopped your tracks. "There’s been something I’ve been wanting to do for the longest.” You admitted as the ice cream in your hands slowly melted from the bright sun above. You continued, “If I have your permission to touch you, will you trust me?” 
"You always have my permission, you don't need to ask," Giorno reassured you with a gentle smile, his eyes watching you carefully. As you wrapped one arm around his neck, the distance between your bodies shortened, creating a more intimate atmosphere. Your cheeks were flushed, and the way he met your gaze without much of a reaction made butterflies flutter in your stomach. You felt his arm snake around your waist, and it almost seemed like he knew exactly what you had planned to do next. The anticipation and closeness between you added a thrilling suspense to the moment.
Eventually, the both of you lean in to share a passionate kiss. Much to your pleasure, his lips were soft and so were his hands as it continues to explore the rest of your body. You felt weak in the knees, your hand rested on his chest and once the two of you pulled away you were left starstruck. “Giorno...” “Shall we get going?” The question, simple and gentle, jolted you back to reality, yet the magic of the moment lingered like the afterglow of a sunset. His hand, warm and reassuring, squeezed yours. You nodded your head in response, letting the blonde lead the way as the two of you continue to enjoy the rest of your date. 
Jolyne Cujoh
Well, it was more of a dare than something that was just intended. Whenever she was in a good mood, she hardly took herself so seriously, especially when she was messing around with her friends. Though it was pretty easy to break down the tough exterior that she occasionally displays on herself. That’s just how Jolyne is and you admire her for that.
You were seated comfortably on the carpet of your apartment, surrounded by your friends and the lively energy of the gathering. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement, fueled by the risky game you had all decided to play. With each round, bets were placed, and allowances were on the line as you wagered on the most obscure acts and challenges.
However, things took an unexpected turn when Ermes placed a cash bet on Jolyne kissing you. The room fell silent for a moment as everyone's gaze focused on you and Jolyne, the heightened tension palpable as the game appeared to have strayed into personal territory. 
���Where’d that even come from? You tryin’ to make fun of us or something?” You asked Ermes, your cheeks felt warm,
Ermes just laughed, a knowing twinkle in her eye as she observed the sudden tension between you and Jolyne. "What? Can't handle a little dare?" she teased, her grin widening at your discomfort. You couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and anticipation, especially when you caught Jolyne's eye. Her usually fierce demeanor seemed softened by the flush of embarrassment, making her look unexpectedly vulnerable.
Jolyne let out a deep breath, her gaze shifting from you to Ermes and then back again. "Fine," she finally said, the word coming out more as a challenge than a submission. She leaned closer, her eyes locked with yours, a mix of defiance and something softer you couldn't quite place. The room fell silent, the playful teasing of moments ago replaced by an almost electric anticipation. You could hear your heart beating, loud in the quiet of the room, as Jolyne's face came closer to yours. Her eyes flickered closed, and for a moment, everything else seemed to disappear.
The kiss was brief, a simple press of lips that felt like a spark through your entire body. When she pulled back, her eyes met yours again, searching for a reaction. The room erupted into whistles and laughter from Ermes and Foo Fighters, but both you and Jolyne were caught in a moment of silent communication, a question and answer passing silently between you.
Jolyne broke eye contact first, turning back to face Ermes and the others with a nonchalant shrug. "See? Just a kiss," she said, her voice steady but you noticed the slight pink still coloring her cheeks.
You were left a little dazed, warmth spreading through your chest. Although the kiss was part of the game, it felt like it carried more weight than either of you would admit. As the game continued and the evening wore on, you found yourself stealing glances at Jolyne, wondering if the moment had meant as much to her as it did to you.
Johnny Joestar
Just as he was about to join the big horse race, you had to pull him back a bit as you couldn’t help but worry about his own well being. It was a big deal, people can get way too competitive and you tend to worry over the littlest things. Of course, he had to reassure you that he was gonna be fine and that he would just have to be away for a few days, perhaps a few weeks or even months. The thought of being so far away from him already made you anxious and he noticed this, so he held your hands and looked up into your eyes. 
"I'll be fine, promise," he responded, his voice full of confidence and calmness. You wanted to believe in his statements and that he would carefully go through the challenges. You knew deep down that despite the distance and time away, he had the courage and determination to return to you.
Before you could say anything else, an obnoxiously loud horn blared, causing both you and Johnny to flinch. The announcer's voice boomed over the speakers, signaling that the horse race was about to commence. You observed Johnny, noticing how his gaze fixated on a man in a hat, attending to a horse. While you were curious about his sudden focus, you decided not to inquire and instead diverted his attention back to you.
You stretched out and cupped his cheek, gently turning his face toward you. The touch was both calming and anchoring, a gentle reminder amidst the chaos of the race. Johnny's gaze met yours, and everything else disappeared into the background. The clamor of the crowd, the excitement of the race, everything went incidental.
In the heat of the moment, you let your body take control as your brain lagged behind. You wrapped your arms around Johnny, pulling yourself closer to his pretty face and eventually your lips locked with his own. You could tell you caught him off guard with the way his body jumped but he immediately melted into the kiss.  The world around you seemed to fade into a blur, leaving just the warmth of his lips against yours and the rhythmic beating of your hearts in perfect harmony. It was a frozen moment in time, with every touch and sensation speaking volumes about your relationship.  
After the lingering kiss had finally ended, Johnny's lips retained their puckered form for a moment longer, as if trying to capture the essence of the intimate moment. His eyes remained closed, basking in the residual warmth of your embrace. It wasn't until you let out a playful giggle and lightly tapped his cheek that he snapped out of his reverie, realizing that the kiss had come to an end. Johnny's face broke into a sheepish grin as he opened his eyes, the delighted twinkle in them reflecting how deeply he had lost himself in the experience.
"Having fun there, loverboy?" you teased with a playful grin, unable to hide the amusement dancing in your eyes.
"Shut up, and kiss me again before I go for real this time," Johnny mumbled in a half-serious, half-playful tone, already leaning in with closed eyes, anticipating the next kiss. You couldn't help but roll your eyes playfully at his eagerness, knowing all too well how much he enjoyed these moments of intimacy.
Granting his wish, you leaned in closer, planting a series of small, teasing pecks on his lips. Each kiss was light and fleeting, just enough to leave him wanting more but sufficient to see the satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Josuke Higashikata (Gappy)
His embrace was overwhelmingly tight, his clinginess something you adored in him, yet you hadn't quite anticipated the sheer strength he possessed. It left you feeling somewhat overpowered, as if you were about to be compressed into nothingness. Your reaction was a series of light giggles, and although you attempted to push him away gently, it only led him to draw you closer once again. Looking down at you, Gappy gently held your face, his thumb tracing your cheekbone.
"Josuke, what's gotten into you?" you question playfully about your boyfriend, but Gappy's arms remained tightly around you. Sure, you had grown accustomed to his affection, though it may occasionally take you by surprise with its intensity. You were also aware of his memory loss and continued search for his identity and purpose. Being one of the first people he met after losing his memory, he quickly developed an emotional connection to you, which you accepted wholeheartedly. 
“You’re warm...” He muttered quietly, his fingers tracing patterns across your skin, inducing involuntary shivers. His acts toward you were noticeably compassionate, in stark contrast to his usual approach. Really, he had charisma, a natural capacity to attract those around him, as well as characteristics that made him unique. Nonetheless, he was ready to get violent at any given moment. But with you, he was someone completely different. He treated you with tenderness and care that spoke volumes, distinguishing you to be special in his eyes. It was this sharp contrast, this respite from his rougher side, that made you feel sincerely appreciated and cherished.
"Jojo..." Your words was just a whisper, a sweet utterance full of care as you softly lifted your hands, cradling his face with the utmost care.You allowed your eyes to wander over his features, memorizing each detail—the curve of his brow, the depth in his eyes, the subtle strength in his jawline.  As you leaned closer, your lips discovered the warmth of his forehead and planted a delicate kiss. With each kiss, you followed a line across his face, from his forehead to his cheek, and finished with a peck on his chin.  He reacted with a slight start to your boldness, a small but noticeable jump, yet he remained silent, his eyes speaking volumes of the surprise and warmth he felt.
You wanted to giggle, a sense of satisfaction at getting such a reaction from your boyfriend. You were about to say something witty and sharp, the words almost dancing on your tongue, eager to tease him even more. However, before you could make your smart remark, the scenario took an unexpected turn. His hands, echoing your previous move, rose to gently cup your face. The world seemed to stop for a time as his eyes fluttered shut, sending a subtle indication of his intentions.
Then, with unexpected boldness, he closed the gap between you, pushing his lips against yours in a daring kiss. His unexpected action left your eyes wide open in shock for just a second, leaving an unspoken query hanging in the air. But as the surprise wore off, a warmth flowed through you, and you found yourself easing into the kiss, your body's tension melting away as you reacted with equal passion.
Once the two of you pulled away, you were left breathless, your cheeks were warm and it was hard to really look him in the eyes after such a passionate kiss. You were at a loss for words as well, it was hard to really think about what to say next. It seemed like he was on the same page, his eyes simply looking at yours as he tried to read the expression that you had on your face. Rest assured, there was definitely going to be more kisses after that. 
Jodio Joestar
Your frustration was palpable when you stumbled upon him yet again engaged in the act of selling drugs, this time to a group of unfamiliar faces. The sight of him engaging this illicit exchange stirred a flare of anger within you, prompting you to confront him directly. Standing there, your posture rigid with your arms tightly crossed over your chest and a frown etching deep lines of disappointment across your face, you were the picture of discontent.
Jodio, seemingly unconcerned by your appearance or the dissatisfaction etched all over your face, simply snickered to himself dismissively. He nonchalantly shook a baggie full of dollar notes, flaunting the goods of his trade right in front of your eyes, all before he had a chance to properly register your presence or understand the depth of your anger.
"Again?" You couldn't help but shake your head in disbelief, a heavy sigh escaping your lips as you observed his repetitive behavior. It was a mix of frustration and disappointment that colored your expression, a silent plea for him to understand the significance of his actions. However, his response was careless, with a mere shrug that appeared to indicate a lack of regard for your issues.
"What's the big deal?" he asked, his tone tinged with casualness as he continued walking, dismissing your concerns. He passed you and headed in the direction where Dragona had parked his car. However, you were not going to let him off the hook so easily. You followed closely after him, the mean expression still engraved on your face as you gazed at his back. Your steps were deliberate, each bearing the weight of your frustration you had for him. His relaxed demeanor simply bolstered the urge to confront him and make him realize the weight of his actions that he had on you.
"What's the big deal?" For god's sake, you're a 15-year-old selling drugs to a couple of dickheads!" Your frustration spilled out in words, your voice infused with fear and exasperation. "You'll get in big trouble, and they'll take you away, and—" Before you could continue, you were interrupted by his irritatingly loud yawn. The interruption left you speechless, your eyes narrowing.  The boldness of his attitude, yawning as if your issues were nothing more than a little annoyance, was frustrating. "You're unbelievable," you said under your breath, your words filled with disappointment.
"What's unbelievable is that you care so much," he spat back, his tone defiant as he stuffed the bag of cash into his pockets. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face you directly. "What? Cat's got your tongue? You're kinda funny," he added with a hint of sarcasm, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
Your initial instinct was to lash out, to give voice to the frustration swirling inside you. But in a split second, something shifted, and before you could fully process it, your impulses took over. Without a second thought, you grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie, pulling him closer, and pressed your lips onto his.
The kiss was impulsive, a burst of emotion that manifested in the heat of the moment. You could feel the texture of his slightly chapped lips against yours. It was a surprise even to yourself, this sudden act of intimacy amidst the tension and conflict that had defined your interaction moments ago.
“I’ll… see you around.”
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starry-snippets · 1 year
thinking about cuddling with star platinum while jotaro is busy working. you're sitting in one of his many white hats and his long white coat, patting star platinum on the head while you flip through a marine animal textbook from earlier in jotaro's college years. star platinum is snuggled besides you while you read the labels, the attentive stand responding with intrigued "oras" which made you giggle and jotaro's face flush. if you hadn't stolen his hat he'd of pulled it over his face in an attempt to hide the red of his ears and cheeks at how much star platinum loves you.
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joestarfoundation · 4 months
JOJOS: Tight, virgin and warm. . .
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Modern!AU. I aged-up some characters for obvious reasons. Minors DNI. Fem!Reader. English isn't my first language
AN: I didn't include Jolyne because she's missing an essential body part (cock) for this post, but I guess she'd be in prompt 2
JoJos x Fem!Reader
First time anal<3
nsfw link: Jonathan, Don! Giorno | If you want to experiment it, you will have to be the one to take the initiative in this case. You had already had vaginal sex, but this was different from before. Before starting the action, your husband would eat you out first, so you can relax, his long fingers preparing your tight entrace. After that, he would carefully enter, his pace would first be quite slow, since he wouldn't want to hurt you, but if you insist, maybe he would consider fucking you harder<3
nsfw link: Joseph, Josuke | On the other hand, he would be the one to take the initiative here. Of course your pussy is perfect, but he has touched himself more than once thinking what it would be like to feel your petite ass around his cock. So after an intense make-out session, you obviously being on top of him, his rough hands would start squeezing your ass, removing your skirt, and later your panties. Your eagerness with his would be quite comical, just imagine sinking into his dick, making sure you fill the right hole. Once you had gotten used to his dick inside your ass, there was no turning back. His thrusts were brutal, they were so strong that each thrust made you bounce like a ragdoll. It's not his fault, tho. It's not his fault that your butt is so tight and perfect:((
nsfw link: Jotaro, Johnny | Anal was something that had come to mind, but he had no intention of practicing it with you, well at least not until now. It's not that he doesn't feel like it, not at all, several times he had gotten hard when imagining what it would be like to feel his cock inside your asshole, He preferred to do other kinks with you. However, one day you waited for him in bed with a precious butt plug resting between your ass cheeks. Impossible not to be turned on by that. He replaced the butt plug with his cock, slowly filling you. At first it was quite slow, so that both of you could get used to the sensation, but after a few minutes, his pace was quite abrupt. Oh, it was so pleasurable, maybe this was the reason you guys hadn't tried this before, he would lose all control, his hands slapping your ass and his cock destroying your insides.
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ophelian-darling · 9 months
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𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬.
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna and Jolyne Cujoh - gn reader.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : There's more than a way to say I love you, yet there are many too ways to say I hate you.
TW : Obsession, delusional thoughts, verbal abuse.
enjoy ♡
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𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫:
♡ : Thank you for everything you do for me, JoJo.
It fills him with blessing to know how much his words and actions are something with great meaning in your eyes. Faithful servant when in love- except that everything he does sources from the warmest atoms of his soul and from the deepest corners of his heart. Jonathan fights the world to see you happy, and rests with a smile when he earns the slightest curve of your lips; to him, it's the ultimate gift he can ever receive- your Love.
- You mean nothing to me.
Tears- everything that would wash him with agony strikes at once. the sensation of tearing the flesh of a heart open accompanies your words; deeply cutting and painful, causing all of his insecurities to float : Am I being useless again darling? Am I being a burden? Have you grown tired of me? He can't help it when he sheds these tears: He had lost all of your affection and care. the only source of warmth he had, now doused in the cruelest way possible. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 :
♡ : I like you , you're awesome!
Just imagine it, that ghost of a blush coffined beneath a confident smirk and a glinting wink! Joseph catches a love fever once you state that his presence around you is enjoyable. He feels that he already aimed at the moon by gaining your trust and company- it meant that you were besotted with him in return, regardless of whatever you said about considering him as a mere brother or a dear friend. JoJo sees the colors of your eyes soften as you say so, it is surely, undoubtedly love!
- We're done.
a swift of a cut that it doesn't elicit any pain at first, then it's repeated again, slightly stinging, then it rolls down your tongue, fully sinking in his soul. How could you?! Was the thing in the middle of your chest a hard stone to not see or feel a fraction of his love towards you?! a heavy realization of being used falls on his head like a heavy anvil: the blood in his veins floats just right under his skin, painting anger as red, yet the pale dread underneath can't be helped. Why? He would scream at you, but the reasons were nothing of an importance, you just toyed harshly with his feelings. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐊𝐮𝐣𝐨 :
♡ : I'm always by your side. 
It ignites a pleasant warmth within his heart and shines through his eyes; it confesses his undying love and loyalty for you, regardless of whatever mean words he utter. No force on earth can banish him from you: From the depths of Inferno to the ends of earth and above in the heavens, He would remain with you forever, his lineaments engraved under your eyelids and in the darkest curtains of your vision. JoJo doesn't show it, but he's on cloud nine to know that you're staying as well- that he finally earned your love. 
- Nobody loves you, not even me.
He's already aware. Half of people fear him, the other hates him, and there were you, probably feeling something negative swirl inside you towards him, now confirming it with each spiteful letter you let out. Couldn't you just shut the fuck up and swallow it instead of saying it out loud? He spits, the words of you reiterating louder and louder in his mind that now he can't unhear. You've just ruined everything for him, he had peacefully thought that everything went well, that your protests and complaints were just a childish fit- but now, it's all so grotesquely real: you truly hated him, and for the first time ever, he has no idea what he should do. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐚 :
♡ : You're cute! I like your hair!
Nobody can stop him, the boy with a heart of diamond and eyes of warm seas! Everything in his eyes glints with beauty; especially you: everything about you is a well crafted detail, say your eyes, your smile or the contours of your face. The subject of his daydreams- they were made of spring rain drops and cotton candy, the enchanting human whom he had a silly intense crush on called him cute! Was there even a better time to be alive? to be praised by someone you adored was the epitome of being coddled beyond any wishes of a young man madly in love!
- Look at you, pathetic and ugly.
It's all that he can think of as a response. Your words take a slow effect on him; as if he was trying to process it in another different light, in a gentle way that didn't convey the clear in them. At first, He's at sixes and sevens for a few minutes: people who are in love together were supposed to have each other's back, to boost each other's confidence and accept them whatever and whoever they were- so why were you saying this to him now? obviously it wasn't a joke, your voice was too cold to warm the words into a playful comment, he would have accepted them if you were just a tad above expressful, not a doll that just stares back eerily. He should be angry, but it just melts in tears, all of his hidden insecurities emerge into existence, and not even Crazy Diamond is able to fix the shatters of his heart. 
𝐆𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐆𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 :
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♡ : You mean the world to me.
Galatea to Pygmalion, Juliet to Romeo, Layla to Qays- You to Giorno. Romanticism wasn't something he was versed in, but in a blink of an eye, the world fell into a pink blur, filling everything with such amour a human never had in a little heart. GioGio ponders to himself that you were an Angel, a poor pure plumed creature that tripped and fell into the land of the stained; worth to be kept in a vitrine till the sun burns away. The smile that dances on his lips when he hears your gratitude, the joy he feels when his efforts of shielding you are finally noticed by you equate the flow of sweetness he tasted for the first time he saw you: Love.
- You're a monster. 
The gray flicker in his eyes blends with the greens of his irises; it doesn't reflect on your face that you just hurt him, while having the audacity to brand him as a monster. His patience contained all of your attitudes, he bottled up every evil word you threw at him and continued to offer more than he should for the sake of winning back some or little of your affection, but to no avail. The mayhem under his skin is concealed by force, consuming whatever left of his patience as he makes you toe the line. You're selfish- you always were, yet he can't help his love for you. 
𝐉𝐨𝐥𝐲𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐣𝐨𝐡 :
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♡ : Good Girl! 
Valentine, Friends and dates- High school sweethearts and kisses! Her world is a ridiculously colored picture of a sunny day; her imagination paints a world where she is with you and nothing could ever go wrong. How much would she offer to just touch the tips of your fingers with her hands? nothing less than what she is able to count! JoJo wanders around you in the excitement of a puppy around its master, waiting for a treat or a word of praise for pleasing them. She wants you to say it again, over and over again, to no end! A Good girl was a girl in Love! 
- How annoying you are. 
She had heard someone she loved before say this, but who were they? 
Remorse falls heavily on her like a dark curtain- She'd just ruined the best thing she ever had in life. She blames herself for being too clingy, too needy and too desperate- she carries the shame and burden like weights on her shoulders, staggering as the remains of her confidence seep through the fractures. Your sweet words and praises were brightening her existence; was she to be something if you didn't adore her? The talkative, open and daring Jolyne is now nothing but a silent, gloomy and wounded little girl, asking for a little of love and receiving none no matter how much she gave. 
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thestressedskittles · 5 months
Lil Team Bucci Blurb (NSFW)
Kit here! Sorry I've been gone for months on end! A lot has happened since I last posted and I've finally found the encouragement to whip up this little thing real quick. Its not much but I gotta do something to get back into the flow of writing again!
Warnings: NSFW under the cut (MINORS DO NOT INTERACT), gender neutral reader (no pronouns used), all characters are 18+, not proofread nor checked for mistakes
DISCLAIMER: Do NOT think it is okay to take our stories and post them somewhere else without our EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Do NOT think it is okay to take anyone else’s stories and post them somewhere else without their EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Giving credit does NOT count as permission. You may reblog our stories, but you may NOT repost our stories without OUR PERMISSION.
Bruno who lets out rumbling purrs of your name as he makes sure to work himself inside of you slowly and deeply, his normally bright blues are clouded and darkened as his entire being is fueled by arousal as he folds you into a mating press and sinks himself all the way
Leone who offers nothing but groans and rumbles against your neck as his arms wrapped around your waist tighten and pull you to meet his thrusts, forcing his cock in all the way, little nips to your sweet spot and his hot breath pull mini whimpers as your walls squeeze him tighter and tighter
Mista who holds your hips as your own hands find balance on his chest while he avidly thrusts into you from below, never faltering in his pace, his naturally dark eyes are swirling with lust as he licks his lips and hisses through clenched teeth as a broken groan cracks from his mouth
Narancia who's worked himself up beyond belief as he takes you from above, his normally bright purple are darkened and swirling with adoration and lust, he holds you close, moaning your name over and over as he brings you both closer and closer, stealing kisses from your lips
Fugo who's intense lovemaking is leaving you both covered in a sheen of sweat and out of breath, but he pushes through, determined to send you off the rails once more as he leaves bruises along your body, letting out a groan over your parted lips as your nails rake down his back
Giorno who is dedicated to your pleasure moreso than his own, letting you do as you please as he sinks further into the silk sheets, watching and holding you up as he encourages you on with sweet words while you begin to fall apart, letting groans and moans flow freely from his mouth as he tilts his head back into the pillows
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mewcharm · 1 month
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Stand up! Stand up! Stand up!
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inkpot909 · 7 months
Jealousy Headcanons: Duwang Gang
↳ Characters included are Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura, Koichi Hirose, and Rohan Kishibe. Gender neutral Reader with they/them pronouns. Hinted to take place after the death of Yoshikage Kira.
A/n: What a beautiful duwang! Real talk, I’ve been wanting to write a headcanon list for this group for a long time, now. Bless these boys, none of them (except for Koichi) know what they’re doing. I really hope y’all enjoy. <3
Warning(s): Canon-typical violence and swearing.
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Josuke Higashikata
-> The Silent
The immediate feeling that washes over Josuke after realizing he’s become jealous is guilt.
If he has the luxury of being alone, he’ll pace around his bedroom while entertaining a lengthy argument with himself. It takes everything in him not to raise a hand up to his mouth and press a nail or two between clenched teeth. There’s a game of tug of war occurring inside his head and he’s nothing if not a slave to fully investing himself in the conflict.
If he isn’t alone, and especially if he’s with you, there is seemingly no dent made in his chill persona. Not a single person around him would be able to tell the internal conflict running through his mind. Not even you.
His usually relaxed thoughts are disrupted with an ocean of insecurity. “What if” questions plaguing him and internally souring his mood.
It’s a foreign feeling for him to experience. Especially considering you tend to bring out a very proud side of his personality. Ever since he started going out with you, everyday life has only gotten brighter.
And although he’d never be caught mentioning it out loud, there’s a part of him that’s mindful of the fact that usually he’s the one others grow jealous of.
He’s running in mental circles, a back and forth. Agonizing over just the idea of being jealous between taking the brunt of his emotions all at once.
All while he says absolutely nothing on the matter.
He may end up distancing himself for a day or two depending on just how lost in his own head he gets. He doesn’t seek out your company, and that’ll be the only telltale sign of how he’s truly feeling.
Even then, whenever you do see him, nothing appears to be wrong. He’ll smile at you all the same. His tone is cheerful as ever, and there’s no falter present in his laugh.
Because he can’t help but be ashamed for feeling this way, he’ll do anything in his power to make sure you don’t notice. He’ll continue to play the part of your never bothered, always cheery boyfriend.
He will only bring up his dilemma to Koichi.
Being involved in a relationship himself, Josuke figures he would best understand his point of view. He does his best to hear him out (he did go to him, after all), but Koichi telling him that it’s unhealthy to internalize how he’s feeling isn’t going to get Josuke to budge.
Josuke knows you’re loyal. He does trust you... so how could he possibly compromise that trust by mentioning something as silly as jealousy? Being open and honest is usually his go to. He tells you everything. But this...? There’s a little voice in his head telling him not to. And not even sound advice from a close friend can get him to stop listening.
If you’re observant enough to catch onto him avoiding you while simultaneously greeting you as if nothing’s wrong, bringing it up bluntly will finally force him to open his damn mouth.
He’s nervous; more nervous than he’s ever been around you in the past. It doesn’t take long before the word vomit starts pooling from his mouth, littered between a plethora of apologies. His eyes never meet yours until he’s done talking, hands continuously picking and pulling at one another.
Believe it or not, talking it through with you actually helps! Who knew? Certainly not Josuke.
After that first incident, dealing with his jealousy becomes a lot more manageable. Although it doesn’t happen often, it still does happen.
And he’s still not inclined to make a scene if he can help it.
Josuke’s opinion of guys who freak out on their partner or anyone who they feel threated by- even by the loosest stretch of the imagination -is very low. He will certainly talk to you about it, but in private and merely to express his emotions rather than to criticize you in any way.
The only real exception to this, is if someone’s actively hitting on you and repeatedly not taking the hint. How he approaches the situation largely depends on you.
If you’re not afraid of confrontation, he’s going to be at your side with a smug expression on his face the entire time. Your ability to stand up for yourself can make him melt on the spot. He lets you go at it, watching you with a smile brimming with puppy love. He just cannot help but fawn over how cool you are.
Once you’ve made your point, he’ll happily back you up lightheartedly. Even to the point of mocking the person who dared to ignore every “no” you threw their way. People like that deserve to get knocked down a peg, and Josuke’s eager to help.
If you’re more meek in approaching these situations, and tend to shoot Josuke glances pleading for his aid, he’s happy to help. It feeds into his ego a bit, honestly.
He’ll make a point to wrap an arm around you, throwing his best intimidating side-eye to the person daring to make you feel uncomfortable. Hell, he’ll even puff out his chest a little too.
Once again, he’s not above insulting them. His words are vicious and more than a little rude. He is a delinquent, after all.
Josuke isn’t a really fan of getting violent in these situations, though. The only reason he would get to that point is if the other person grows violent first and he needs to defend himself.
If they take it that far, they’re asking for it in his book. He doesn’t feel any need to use Crazy Diamond against something so trivial, more than a little confident in his own strength.
That said, if the flirtatious bastard is enough to make you really upset, he will use his stand to rearrange their appearance in an attempt to make you laugh. Yeah, it’s a bit twisted, but his youthful mischievousness is likely to earn him a smile from you.
That said, if someone flirts with you and tries to brush him off by dissing his hair- all cards are off the table. Openly flirting with you in front of him and dissing his hair? That person must have a death wish.
You may want to look away.
Okuyasu Nijimura
-> The Emotional
Unlike his best friend, Okuyasu wears his heart on his sleeve at all times.
Expressing emotions, even negative or embarassing ones, is not something he shies away from. No, not even in public.
When he first confessed his feelings to you, he was certainly more than a little shy. But when you gladly reciprocated, you’re positive the entirety of Morioh shook with his joyous response.
It’s because of this that Okuyasu experiencing jealousy is quite the roller-coaster of emotion. If he’s jealous, everyone and their mother will likely know.
His immediate response is confusion.
Not over how he’s feeling per se, but instead over what to do about it. Painfully aware of his own intellegence, he’ll agonize over how he should respond. Jealousy is rather complicated in his opinion, and his biggest concern is accidentally pushing you away via his reaction.
He is decisive, though, so it’s not something he’s going to mull it over for very long.
And if you’re right beside him, the likelihood of you diffusing his jealousy right in that very moment is quite high. So, although it’s not uncommon for him to be jealous, he’s quick to let it go.
In most cases, that’s where the story ends.
Sometimes, though, if the feeling is strong enough or if you’re not able to talk with him, it’ll go a bit further.
In those instances, the emotion that follows his confusion is anger. More accurately, it’s defensiveness masked with a display of frustration.
It’s written all over his face, eyebrows furrowing and eyes turning sharp. The delivery of his words are rather harsh and unfiltered (well, more than usual).
This anger won’t ever be directed at you, though. Okuyasu cares about you far too much.
If he can’t direct it at a specific individual that’s (according to him) the source of his jealousy, he’ll instead grow angry with himself. Mainly because his jealousy stems from an insecure belief that he’s not good enough for you.
If he gets this upset, it’s best to leave him to let out his frustrations before going to speak with him on the matter. Hell, Josuke is a better support for Okuyasu when he’s dealing with the bulk of his emotions.
Not much time is needed; no more than a day. And because he respects you greatly, if you give him that tiny- yet definitely needed -space, he’ll gladly hear you out with a fresher mindset.
Okuyasu is almost always going to be soothed by your affirmations.
Sweet words about how you’re with him because you want to be, and that nothing so small could form a wedge between the two of you, is very reassuring for him.
Jealousy is going to be more of a prevalent hurtle for the both of you to work on at the beginning of the relationship. He was still getting used to the idea that you really do like him as more than just a friend. It’s sweet, sure, but the insecurity is something the two of you work on together.
As time passes, and he digests the fact that you’re not going to leave him for the first person that flirtatiously glances your way, he cools off a lot. In fact, he starts having a hard time taking the people who hit on you seriously.
Namely, he’s going to laugh at any poor bastard trying to make a move on you. Because “Ha! Get a move on, loser! Can’t you see their taken?”
His mocking may not be as well-thought out as Josuke’s, but they can cut just as deep. And his delivery is almost always sure to bring a smile to your face. Okuyasu is always proud when he’s the cause of your glee.
That said, getting defensive is still a knee-jerk reaction at times. It only applies if someone doesn’t want to take “no” as an answer.
Doesn’t matter how capable you are in defending yourself, if someone pushes it, he’s quickly going to follow it up with threats. Partially out of affectionate protectiveness, and also in part because he likes to think of himself as your knight in shining armor.
He tries to be as suave as he can while threatening a stranger with a fist to the face. One second he’s throwing insults, the next he’s giving you a smile along with a cheeky wink.
As far as he’s concerned, someone messing with his boyfriend/girlfriend better be prepared for a pair of knuckles meeting harshly with their jaw.
Okuyasu’s like an angry dog barking loudly at anyone getting too close. Least you know no one will ever dare to mess with you for very long.
Koichi Hirose
-> The Logical
Out of everyone in the Duwang gang, Koichi is the least susceptible to jealousy. Actually, scratch that. He’s the least susceptible to jealousy in all of Morioh.
Especially after developing Echoes act 3, his thought process just doesn’t leave a lot of room for doubts in both you and himself.
If someone’s attempting to flirt with you, he’s more likely to grow annoyed rather than jealous.
He’ll throw them an unamused glance, eyebrow raised as if daring them to continue further. He’ll turn back to you, mentioning loudly enough for them to hear how obnoxious he finds their behavior to be. Returning the favor with a smile almost always does the trick, often prompting them to give up.
If they don’t, and press further, Koichi is prone to suggesting that the two of you go somewhere else. He never returns any animosity thrown towards him, not letting it get to him much. Yeah, they may be hurling low-hanging insults towards him, but he’s the one with you on his arm.
His casualness in those situations is so consistent to the point where Josuke and Okuyasu each comment on how they don’t understand it.
When a situation arises where they know they’d be jealous, the two just cannot wrap their head around how calm he is. Koichi merely laughs them off, almost finding their confusion to be amusing.
Koichi’s grown a lot, and he just can’t find it within himself to give into insecurities he considers unnecessary. All that, in his mind, should really be left in the past.
Adding to his confidence, is you yourself.
Koichi adores you, and would honestly trust you with his life. So why would he ever grow jealous of an old friend? What on earth could some random person at a party provide you in a short, two minute conversation that would warrant any defensiveness? Why would he feel threatened by a coworker? It’s not like he can tell you to avoid them.
In fact, he’s very aware of the fact that he can't tell you what to do in general. Or rather, he simply won’t. It’s not in his nature to be controlling or hover over you like that.
Not because you’ve brought it up or it's ever been an issue in the past. It’s simply because... that’s not a real relationship in his eyes. He’s not bossy or pushy- you started dating him because that was your decision at the end of the day. And that alone is enough proof to him that being jealous really isn’t worth it.
Now, if by some miracle he does grow jealous, it’s not going to last very long. Again, Koichi is just too levelheaded.
He is going to grow downcast, saddened by his own perspective of the situation. This is because he’ll only get to the point of jealousy if he believes you’ve returned someone’s advances- whether it was by word of mouth or something he saw with his own two eyes.
And because you care for him as earnestly as he does for you, his jealousy likely occurs due to an honest misunderstanding.
Koichi will approach you on the matter himself, and will do so calmly. Even if he saw something, he doesn’t want to become more upset before he hears what you have to say. After all, you’ve never disappointed him before.
Because of his strong trust in you, after he details his perspective on the matter, he asks that you explain your side of the situation to him.
Koichi’s demeanor is very controlled and polite, hiding a certain degree of genuine worry. He listens with baited breath, internally praying that he simply misread what happened.
And to his relief, that’s all it ever ends up being.
Just like that, the both of you are quickly back to normal. Worries evaporate from within his mind, and he’s back to his usual sweet self.
Genuinely the best boyfriend here, no contest.
Rohan Kishibe
-> The Denier
Oh, boy.
First thing’s first, it should be noted that The Great Rohan Kishibe does not grow jealous. It’s not even a question, and honestly, expecting him to explain such a thing is an insult. Men and women alike fawn over him; anyone would be lucky to have him. You’re lucky to have him.
And to his credit, Rohan really doesn’t grow jealous very often.
His confidence in himself may cross the line into narcissism, but it doesn’t lead him to give into jealousy very often.
Like Koichi, he knows that if you’re with him, it’s because you truly care. Even more so, considering Rohan knows (if only slightly) that he’s not the easiest person to be around.
Nope! He certainly doesn’t become jealous very often… not never, like he’s worked so hard to have you believe.
For Rohan to become jealous requires specific circumstances. Some random person approaching you at a party or bar isn’t going to pose much of a threat to his ego.
On the contrary, it feeds into his ego.
You’re a beautiful individual; it’s no question as to why others would try and approach you. But, of course, you always turn them away seeing as you’re already his.
In those instances, he’s as dismissive as Koichi, coupled with a tongue as sharp as Josuke’s. Rolling his eyes, wrapping an arm around you, straight up ignoring the person trying to talk to you, kissing you out of the blue- he’s got every weapon in his arsenal equipped to ensure you’re left alone.
If it gets to the point where you’re growing visibly nervous or uncomfortable, Rohan’s words are the nastiest you’ve ever seen. But the display isn’t necessarily out of jealousy, as it is out of shock and frustration that they’d persist. He’s not going to let anyone speak to you in such a way.
But when it pertains to an old friend, the one you were talking about meeting up with for a week straight... now that’s what makes his chest tighten.
Rohan’s going to be in a bad mood because of it, but it’s not too distinct from his usual behavior. No, he’s just a little more quiet than normal. And by the time you cheerfully tell him about seeing this friend of yours, he thinks he may go nuts.
Rohan’s immediate response is to completely shut himself out from everyone, while simultaneously denying any thought he has over being jealous in the first place.
The time he spends locked inside his office is insanely alarming.
At first, you question whether or not you should even say anything about it. Yes, you’re obviously concerned for his health, but Rohan falls into his exaggerated version of workaholic-mode from time to time. And you know him well enough to understand he requires a very careful approach to be pulled out of it.
No, what really warns you that something’s wrong, is that even Koichi asks you if Rohan is doing okay.
His concern takes you aback, and only makes your heart sink further when Josuke (of all people) speaks up about it as well. He’s a lot more reserved about showing any worry, but it’s enough to let you know that something is fundamentally off.
Prodding Rohan for an explanation is going to take a good while.
He’s so unused to feeling jealousy in any capacity that he outright refuses to even admit it to himself.
No, he just needs to work and not interact with anyone. Why? Because he has to; don’t question him. There’s so much he needs to do. You’re far too busy with your old friend in town to pay him any mind anyway.
And that’s exactly the sentiment you finally manage to pull from him.
He spits it out it with crossed arms, not once meeting your gaze. But it’s a mistake (in his mind), because it gets the cogs turning in your mind.
You end up realizing Rohan’s jealous before he does.
Affirmations that you love him is a must, and don’t even bring up the fact that he grew jealous- it would only continue to stir the pot. You know Rohan well, confident in how you choose your words when talking to him about it.
He refuses to give you any indication that he's listening, of course, but one brief glance your way cracks his hardened outer shell.
The look on your face... it initiates this weird sinking feeling deep inside his gut. Just thinking of could halt his movements.
Yes, realistically, he could just use his stand to check whether or not his concern is warranted.
But, for one thing, he’s already promised you he wouldn't do that to you. Setting boundaries is extremely important to Rohan, so he respects the ones you set in return. So much so that the thought of using Heaven’s Door on you doesn’t cross his mind once.
And that look on your face, soft and melancholy upon the realization that he’s been doubting you... he honestly doesn’t need to use his stand to know he's severely misread your relationship with your old friend.
His own ability to recognize how poorly he misunderstood the situation is something he figures he’ll have to unpack at a later time. In that moment, he was just relieved. He told you, rather stubbornly, that he supposes he was wrong. In own his weird, twisted way, that was how he apologized.
In short, being with you is a humbling experience for a person like Rohan and this instance of becoming jealous is certainly a part of that.
Weirdly enough, to his internal surprise, it’s ultimately a pleasurable development. Not like he’d ever tell you, though.
With the passage of time, he even lets you tease him over it. The two of you playfully go back and forth, bringing up times where you both got so jealous. It’s all in good fun, his confidence in your feelings for him stronger than ever.
In reality, him having a bit of humor about it is a clear sign that he’s growing into the relationship more and more. And him being able to be more transparent around you makes it easier for him to talk to you in the future if he gets that jealous again.
There’s still room for growth, but such things are almost always a gradual process for someone like Rohan.
That said, only you’re allowed to make any sort of teasing remarks about the whole ordeal. Anyone else isn’t worthy of doing so.
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euryfix · 6 months
hii can i have sfw relationship headcanons with jotaro kujo? thank you in advance and have a nice day!
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Jotaro Kujo x Reader
sfw Headcanons
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Jotaro is a pretty picky person when it comes to relationships. He is very closed off and hard to get to open up.
So if he picks you to be his partner it’s because he truly loves and cares for you.
He’s not that fond of PDA but whenever he can get you alone he’s very affectionate.
He’ll hug you from behind while resting his head on your shoulder. Sometimes he’ll even kiss you softly on your neck.
When you guys are cuddling he loves to be big spoon. He likes the feeling of him keeping you safe!
While you guys are out together (shopping, on a date, etc..) he won’t let you out of his sight. He just doesn’t want anything to happen to you.
He’s very protective of you. If he sees someone be even a little rude/flirty towards you he’ll immediately take action.
Something Jotaro loves about you is that you treat him softer than others, you were like this even before you guys started dating. People see Jotaro as this cold, strong guy but you always saw that his soft side was something you’d have to really get to know him to be able to see.
When he goes on his long adventures he makes sure to call and update you on everything that happens. If there isn’t a place to call he’ll write you these cute letters
The letters usually arrive with some kind of gift, something like flowers, jewelry, or anything that reminded him of you.
When he gets home he’ll never leave your side. You guys would stay at home together all day doing stuff like watching movies, cooking together, going on dates, and cuddling!
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Thank you for requesting and reading!!
Yours truly,
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coochellati · 5 months
Comfort From Your Capo
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Pairing: Bruno Bucciarati x gender-neutral reader
Summary: Bruno pauses a very important meeting to comfort you in your time of need.
Word Count: 963
Genre: Fluff
I’ve had a pretty rough week; I wrote this short one-shot to provide a bit of comfort. Honestly, it was pretty cathartic. If you’re in a similar position, I hope reading this can help you a little too 💙
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Tap tap tap.
You abruptly lifted your face from your damp pillow, startled by the sudden presence of someone at your bedroom door.
A spark of annoyance rushed through your body, which lay sprawled across your bed. Great—someone else had heard your desperate sobs and had come to check on you. Mista had dropped by not even ten minutes ago. Were your walls really that thin? Sharing a house with Team Bucciarati already left you with limited privacy, but seriously? It seemed that not even your room was safe from nosy eavesdroppers.
“Is everything alright?” A muffled voice asked from behind your bedroom door. Wait, was that Bruno? Wasn’t he supposed to be in the middle of an important meeting with Giorno? You felt conflicted—on one hand, you were relieved that Bruno was the one who had come to check on you. On the other hand, you felt even more tense; you knew how crucial this meeting was. Bruno had been emphasizing the importance of it for the past week; he had made it very clear that he was not to be bothered.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be meeting with Giorno?” you choked out, hot tears streaming down your flushed face.
“I am,” he replied, “but one of the Sex Pistols requested that I come and check on you.”
“Well, things are fine,” you called out as you buried your face back into your pillow. Bruno didn’t need to hear your sobs.
“Your words don’t sound very reassuring,” Bruno replied, his voice laced with concern. “If you need space, I’ll leave you be.”
“No, it’s not—that’s not it,” you whimpered between gasps for air. “I don’t want to take you away from your work. You said that this meeting was super important, and I”—you gasped—“I don’t want to interrupt you.”
“Interrupting me—is that what you’re worried about?” Bruno asked. “I promise you aren’t disturbing me. Right now, your distress is a much more pressing concern.” His words melted your heart; the care in his voice made you cry even harder.
“Okay, you can come in,” you sniffled, shifting your body so that you were now sitting up. You grabbed a tissue on your nightstand to wipe away the snot pouring out of your nose—you didn’t want Bruno to see you in such a gross state. All of a sudden, you heard your doorknob jiggling.
“It’s locked,” he called out.
“Oh—sorry, I’ll get it.”
“No need,” he replied. You heard the low growl of a zipper as Bruno began crawling through the center of your door. The pull tabs on his suit jingled as he stepped into your bedroom and zipped your door shut. You stared at the floor, vision blurry with tears. You felt the bed shift as Bruno took a seat next to you.
A warm finger traced your jawline towards your chin as he turned your head towards him. Your lip quivered as you looked into his deep, sapphire eyes. The soft, tender expression he wore caused you to break down all over again. Bruno pulled a silk handkerchief from his pocket and softly dabbed the warm tears cascading down your face.
“Don’t feel any pressure to talk about what’s upsetting you. However, if you need someone to listen, I’m here for you,” he gently stated. “Everything is going to be okay.” You nodded your head as he leaned down and delicately kissed your forehead. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close, engulfing you in his warmth. You buried your face into the space where his suit opened up for his chest, your skin pressed against his. The soothing scent of his expensive cologne flooded your nose. You focused on Bruno’s rhythmic breathing and found comfort as you rose and fell with his chest.
“Were you upset when you had to leave your meeting?” You asked, voice shaking.
“No, not at all,” Bruno reassured. “I’ll admit that I was a little irritated when Number 5 first appeared, but I calmed down as soon as it informed me of your distress. Mista must have been pretty concerned about you. I don’t think Number 5 was acting on Mista’s orders—I imagine it was reflecting his subconscious. I’m surprised he didn’t check on you himself.”
“He did; I told him to go away,” you sniffled and lightly chuckled.
”Ah, so that’s why Number 5 came and got me,” Bruno remarked, softly smiling. “I’m glad it did.“ His words sent a shiver of bliss running through your body.
“By the way, don’t worry about getting my suit wet; it’ll dry. Besides, even if you did leave a stain, I’m not worried—I’ve got the best dry cleaners in Italy,” he softly laughed.
“So that’s how you keep your suit so white,” you muttered, half-smiling.
”Mm-hm,” Bruno hummed. You noticed that your tears had finally stopped. A melancholic tranquility had replaced your sorrow.
“You seem like you’ve calmed down; are you feeling any better?” Bruno questioned. You looked up at him and nodded your head in response.
“Good,” He murmured as he began stroking your back. “I’ll stay with you a little while longer. As much as I don’t want to, I do have to get back to my meeting sometime soon. Don’t worry, I’ll come back once it’s over.”
“Thank you, Bruno,” you tiredly mumbled. A fuzzy warmth flooded your body as he pulled you even closer.
“I’ll always be here for you, my love,” Bruno consoled. You closed your eyes; a wave of exhaustion flooded your body as you allowed all of your muscles to relax. Your world no longer felt as if it was falling apart; it was as if Bruno had used his stand ability to reattach its pieces back together.
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swirlpops · 2 years
n s f w ramblings
Thirsty for like... merciless to the nth degree Bruno. A master of overstimulation to the point of losing count of orgasms, to the point of tremors coursing through your legs, to the point of opening the door for a total loss of control of your rational self. Wholly sodden with how much you're drenched in your own cum, all at the hands of someone who desires the crumbling of your mind. Who lays the framework of his will under the sinew of your skin. Drip after drip collected on his insatiable tongue, while watching your own tongue hang from your lips. Bliss and exhaustion. A wicked smile, entrenched in witnessing you suffer through the pleasure.
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nickgoesinsane · 1 year
naw imagine dio fake crying bc he doesn't get your cock but then after you offer to fuck him, he acts like a brat and says he doesn't want it. Then you fuck him and he really does cry
You let your open palm smack against the firm globe of Dio’s ass as you drill your fat cock into his sloppy hole. He cries out into the pillows, drenching the silk with his overwhelmed tears and drool. “What’s wrong, my love? Didn’t you want this?” You grab a fistful of his golden hair to drag him onto his hands and knees, the headboard slamming against the wall as you double the force behind your thrusts. 
“Too much—” Dio sobs brokenly even when he thrusts back against you, his ass clapping against your pelvis. 
“What’s too much, baby?” You ask, running a hand along his curves. Red welts the shape of your hands cover his pale skin. “Is my cock too much? Is it too big for your little hole? You want me to stop?” You question in feigned concern, slowing your rutting to shallow grinds. 
“No! No, no, please.” Dio reaches back to grab onto your thigh to keep you from pulling out, turning his head to peer at you with teary golden eyes. “Please, don’t stop.” He begs. 
“Then shut up and take it.”
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kittwix · 1 month
What are the Joestars like in a Relationship?
Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna, Jolyne Cujoh, Johnny Joestar, Josuke Higashikata (Gappy), Jodio Joestar x Neu! Reader
word count:
tags: mostly fluff, there might be some sugestive content for joseph and jolyne specifically but you have to squint to really catch it,
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Jonathan Joestar
Perhaps this might be a bit predictable, but he's a total sweetheart and would treat you with the most care in the world. Honestly, it can be a bit overwhelming how affectionate he can be.
To start things off, he's very much the type to always ask you for minor things. To walk you home, to hold your hand, to go out on a date, etc. It was how he was raised, he'd put your feelings first as the gentleman that he is.
He isn't one to initiate a lot of things, he isn't used to romance that often honestly. You had to initiate the first kiss and he allowed you to. However, once he gets the silent approval from your end, that lets him know that he needs to be bolder in order to at least impress you.
Will always defend you, no matter how right or how wrong you are, he will be at your side and believing everything that you have to say.
He isn't the best cook, it wouldn't be too wise to ask him for some help around the kitchen. He may be a gentleman but he is still a very clumsy man. But he would gladly be a taste tester.
He will refer to you with loving, old-fashion petnames (ex. darling, dearest and sweetheart are his favorites)
Very solid relationship, 10/10 he treats you the best out of all the joestars in my personal opinion.
Joseph Joestar
It's never gonna be boring with him, that's for sure. He makes sure you have the time of your life whenever you're around him, even if it means risking your lives.
Seriously, at times you hate to be the party pooper but he takes things a little too far. Though, the last thing he'd ever want is to put you in danger for his own foolishness. A good talk or two would really put him down and keep him in his lane.
He very much does initiate a lot of the activities you do together, as well as the affections that he shows you. And that also means being extra touchy with you too. Seriously, he can't keep his hands to himself.
The kind of guy to go out of his way to really impress you in a way that it feels like a competition. Who is he competiting with? Well any other man that looks your way, of course! He'll always have your heart and you'd have to tell him that since he goes above and beyond in getting you gifts.
Some of the petnames he has for you is very classic (ex. baby, babe and sugar are his favorites).
Pretty strong relationship, however he is prone to have an affair, so take that what you will. 7/10 just because he's hot.
Jotaro Kujo
He's a tough cookie, alright. Honestly, it was a bit of a shock for anyone to see Jotaro act so... soft around somebody.
Part 3 Jotaro would take his time to really warm up to you, as long as you're patient with him and know that he can rely on you, then he'd slowly lower his guard and the most you'll get from him is a little kiss on the cheek. Everybody would be surprised and wonder about how you manage to break this man.
Part 4 Jotaro is a way more mature, with some experience up his sleeve and a career that he could only dream of, he isn't necessarily shy to show his appreciation for you. He'll hug you and his words run a lot deeper than what he would've said if he was in highschool.
Part 6 Jotaro has no shame in calling you his, of course he isn't openly affectionate but behind closed doors he can be a little clingy. But because his job requires him to move a lot, he can be a bit neglectful.
Petnames that I could see him use are a lot more classic and sweet names (like honey or darling).
He still has some hiccups here and there but it could be worse. 6/10. He's trying.
Josuke Higashikata
In his own words, he's a very romantic type of lover and likes doing things the old-fashion way. He doesn't take you for granted, that's for certain.
Because of this, it means that he preferes a much more slow burn of a relationship with you. Expect to see him by your door with a bouquet of flowers just for you. Or how he always stays by your side, walking you home or accompanying you to the store. Sometimes it takes Okuyasu and Koichi to pull him away from being around you so much. Now he's the real loverboy.
He wears his heart on his sleeve and he's a pretty emotionally sensitive guy. He takes good care of himself and he likes to always look good for you, even when you tell him he's perfect no matter what. On date nights, he takes a lot longer to get ready than you, mostly for doing his hair to which he might even ask you to help.
Initiation goes both ways honestly, sometimes he's a little shy to ask for a kiss or to hold hands; Other times he's carrying you bridal style with Crazy Diamond behind him spewing all kinds of lovey dovey crap to defend in your honor.
Petnames he likes to use for you are really classy and unique (such as babe or lovebug).
Pretty good relationship status, I'd say he's second best because he cares and wants was best for you as well as wanting to just have fun. 9/10.
Giorno Giovanna
He's pretty reserved, it can take a bit for him to open up about himself and especially with you since you are his partner. I like to think Giorno has little experience, sure he has a lot of charisma and it's easy for him to use that charm to get what he wants but when has he ever actually been on a date before? Be in a relationship, for that matter? Probably nothing as as serious as the relationship he's with you now.
Which leaves room for him to learn more personal and intimate affections that casual flings won't happen, like discussing the future and actually expressing how much you love each other.
He's gentle with you and surprisingly obedient. He has a heart of gold, yet mischief lies behind those eyes of his that leaves you a giggling mess. His sense of rebellion keeps you up on your toes and yet he was always so gentle with you.
He can be surprisingly pretty protective and almost terretorial for you, always having you behind him of all cause and his hands always seem to gravitate towards your hips just to keep you close.
Once he's mob, leader of them all, Giorno then he'll make sure to spoil you with everything and anything you want.
Petnames that he likes to use for you are sweet and sincere italian nicknames (like caro/cara or bello/bella).
He really cares and he shows that he cares, despite setting his priorities over you at times, you'll always matter to him. 8/10.
Jolyne Cujoh
She definitely warms up to you quicker once you've gained her trust, using any excuse to wrap herself around your arm and is at your side at all times. She can be pretty clingy, being away from you for so long is straight up torture for her.
No literally, everything about her softens whenever she's near you just from how soft her voice gets or how gentle she is with her touches.
Initiation goes both way, though she catches you off guard and at times she gets a little too bold; Not like you're one to complain.
She's an experimental lover, she isn't one to really turn down the adventures you have planned. And I mean that in more ways that one.
She knows that she can be a bit complicated and all she wants is someone who is willing to fight at her side and someone to rely on, much like her dad.
Of course, don't take yourself too seriously, she still likes to have fun and mess around.
Petnames she likes to use are things like babe, baby, and cutie.
Overall, 9/10 relationship! It isn't perfect but she's a lovergirl and if she trusts you enough, she'll swoon over you.
Johnny Joestar
Definitely likes teasing and making a mockery out of you but it's all for love, it's really nothing personal.
Is also the type to be a little clingy, though he likes to deny it from time to time and uses an excuse that he was just worried for you. Honestly, he just wants to be understood and you're one of the few that listens to him.
At first he may seem a bit closed off, but he really likes the attention you give him and honestly he'd be upset if you weren't as affectionate. Thats why he prefers it whenever you take the initiation, he likes being caught off guard and pampered with kisses. But don't worry, he has some tricks up his sleeves as well and he'll return the favor.
I'd like to think that he was still raised to be at least a bit respectful, though that certaintly backfired since he can be a bit of a jerk. Though, not towards you, he has a soft spot for you and doesn't see you as some rich person who he sleeps with when he was at his prime.
Some petnames I could see him use is along the names like Sweetheart, Honey and Dear if he's feeling extra affectionate.
8/10 , he likes to put an image that he's tough but with you around he acts soft.
Josuke Higashikata (Gappy)
You are his everything and he loves you so much, he just likes to express it a little differently. His main priority is to retrieve his memory back and trying to figure out who he is, but in the process of that he turns to you because you are one of the few people that truly understands him.
He doesn't know what he wants or how he is, he was drawn towards you because you're nice to him and is willing to help him out of his situation.
You had to do most of the initiation, he's a little clueless and oblivious to your advances unless you're really direct with it and let him know what you want or what you're gonna do. If you're gonna kiss him, tell him that and he'll close his eyes and pucker his lips just for you to take the intiative to lean in and lock lips.
He loves hugs, being embraced by you calms him down and puts him at ease. Sometimes he thinks a little too much or thinks of nothing at all, only to be reminded that you're still with him and he appreciates you for it. He cries just a little and you poke fun of him for that, just for him to say that he wasn't crying at all (he is).
As for petnames, I can only really see him just call your name.
7/10 , He doesn't know what the hell is going on but he knows for sure that he likes you and we'll do everything in his power to keep you from harm.
Jodio Joestar
A somewhat stereotypical, awkward, highschool relationship where you both have no idea what you're doing but holding hands for some reason is such a big deal.
He's kinda a loser, perhaps you don't say it out loud but because of his inexperience to talking with anyone or being in a relationship in general, he lacks the ability to muster up the courage to do anything further than just hand holding and hugging. So when you surprise him with a kiss, he kinda just stands there with a blush before resorting to just expressing how cool he is (he's freaking out).
The money that he gets from selling drugs and getting himself into trouble, he'd use some of that up to buy something nice for you or at least something that reminde him of you.
Sometime's he's a little mean, a bit of a jerk at times but you learn to bring him back and help him keep his cool. He just likes to run his mouth and at times it can get the both of you in trouble. A little kiss or squeeze of his hand will instantly shut him up.
Petnames he likes to use are a bit obnoxious just to make everyone around him annoyed. So something like babe, honey and baby.
7/10 , you're both young and dumb and its not perfect and yes theres ups and downs but at the end of the day.
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gatitties · 4 months
─Crusaders x reader [Stardust Crusaders]
─Summary: Everything you touch seems to be doomed to be torn to shreds, your clumsiness doesn't help matters, but the journey can't stop.
─Warnings: none
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─ Luck follows you but you are faster.
─ Your hands seem to want to grab something at the least opportune moment, and of all the things that can happen, you always end up breaking what you touch.
─ You really think that one day you will break someone's bone by touching them.
─ Regardless of whether you have a stand or not, you end up breaking things.
─ The boys will be stressed seeing you break something in the middle of something important and attract the enemy's attention.
─ You're playing with Jotaro's patience, if you weren't a valuable member he would have kicked your ass for breaking some of his things.
─ Joseph won't stop making fun of you for that, this man will cry with laughter whenever you smash something, even if it's just a cookie.
─ Surely he tried more than once to throw you at an enemy in the hope that you would break them somehow.
─ Probably the only ones worried about your clumsiness are Avdol and Kakyoin, sometime you will break some part of your body yourself, in fact, your skin is already covered in bruises from crashing into furniture or objects.
─ Polnareff is in the middle, he makes fun of you and worries, he could use you as a wall if a stone goes towards him but he will help you if he sees that you step on your own pants.
─ Iggy stays far enough away from you, he won't even bother attacking you when he's in a bad mood, he knows he'll lose if you hold him.
─ They are definitely not putting their lives in your hands, at least, not if you have to hold them, they prefer to rest on the ground than in your hands.
─ Were you a destroyer of worlds in another life?
─ The good part is that you always have funny stories to tell about moments that were uncomfortable but now funny, you lighten the tension of the trip in these small breaks.
─ Jotaro scolds you a lot because before you can do anything you're already apologizing, it's not like it's your fault that the objects seem to come to life in your hands and self-immolate.
─ You're going to start using your feet to grab things as your problems continue.
─ Although it's just a joke, Polnareff will surely support you with the idea of using your feet instead of your hands.
─ They wonder if you can magically rebuild something that is already broken if you touch it, obviously it doesn't happen.
─ Kakyoin jokes that after the trip you will form a demolition company.
─ Be prepared for a lot of bets on what will be the first thing you break when you arrive at a hotel.
─ Sometimes you even apologize to enemies because you broke something of theirs that was unnecessary to determine the victory of the battle.
─ Joseph seriously thinks that if you die you will cause an explosion that will destroy everything around you.
─ But despite everything, they are happy to have you as a companion, despite your clumsiness and your unwanted destruction, you were reliable, determined and gave moments worth remembering in this adventure.
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joestarfoundation · 4 months
I'd love to see first times or wedding nights with the jojos. Love your work ♡
JOJOS: Wedding Night. . .
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I aged-up some characters for obvious reasons. Minors DNI. Fem!Reader. English isn't my first language
AN: Since I really hate excluding characters, after this I'll post some wedding headcanons for Jolyne. I'll also publish another first time post w/ the jojos, thanks for the idea anon! This time I'll try writing longer drabbles so, perhaps in the future, I will write one shots. I think you can tell that at first I didn't want to do it, but then I said "nah, let's write something longer instead"
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JoJos x Fem!Reader
Honeymoon sex drabble
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Jonathan, Don! Giorno: Your honeymoon has finally arrived and you are beyond excited. The months leading up to this moment have been filled with wedding planning, stress, and nerves, but now that you are here, everything feels perfect. You melt into the kiss, your hands running through his hair and pulling him even closer
You turn around to see your new husband, him, walking towards you with a glass of champagne in hand. He looks just as excited as you are, a smile stretching from ear to ear. He hands you the champagne and you clink glasses, taking a sip and savoring the sweet taste.
As you sit on the balcony, basking in the warm sun, you can't help but feel a surge of desire for him. The way his eyes sparkle in the sunlight, the way his lips curve into a smirk when he catches you looking at him, it all makes you want him even more
You set your champagne glass down and turn to face him. Your hands reach out, pulling him closer to you until his body is pressed against yours. You can feel the heat radiating off of him, and your body responds by pressing even closer, wanting to feel every inch of him
His hands roam over your body, exploring every curve and making you shiver with anticipation. As he begins to undress you, his lips never leaving yours, you feel a wave of excitement wash over you; the anticipation of finally being intimate with your husband
He couldn't help but notice your beautiful veil, which he witnessed yesterday at the wedding, so when you undressed, he didn't take off your veil
Tenderly, you both made love, him making you bounce on his cock, his mouth leaving many marks on your neck, while he called you his goddess, and in that moment, you felt like the luckiest woman in the world <3
The rest of your honeymoon is filled with passionate nights and lazy mornings, spent in each other's arms and you couldn't have asked for a better way to celebrate the beginning of your married life together nsfw link
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Joseph, Jotaro: This is your honeymoon, the first night of your married life, and you can't wait to spend it with the love of your life. His hands travel down your body, sending shivers down your spine. You can feel his strength, his possessiveness, and it only turns you on more. He breaks the kiss, his lips trailing down your neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses and gentle bites. You moan softly, your hands gripping his shoulders as he continues his journey down your body
He reaches the hem of your dress, his hands sliding up your thighs as he lifts the fabric up, revealing your lacy lingerie. His eyes darken with desire as he takes in the sight of you
You reach his pants and quickly undo them, freeing his throbbing dick. He groans as you take him in your mouth, your tongue swirling around his tip, driving him wild with pleasure. He grips your hair, guiding you as you continue to pleasure him. Although it wasn't exactly his intention, he was quite abrupt, moving your head against his big cock
But you are not satisfied yet. You want him inside you, filling you completely. You stand up and take off your dress, revealing your naked body to him. He knelt behind you, his eyes roaming your curves before he grabbed your hips and pushed you towards him, entering you in one swift motion
The feeling of him inside you is overwhelming, and you can't help but moan loudly. He starts moving, his thrusts rough and powerful, taking you to new heights of pleasure
The sound of your skin slapping against each other fills the room, along with your moans and his growls. He pounds into you, his hands gripping your hips as he brings you to your climax nsfw link
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Josuke, Johnny: As you lay in the luxurious hotel bed, your new husband stands before you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. It's your honeymoon, and you can already feel the excitement and anticipation building in your body
He slowly walks towards you, his gaze never leaving yours as he removes his shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs. You can't help but feel a surge of desire at the sight of him. He leans in, his lips brushing against yours in a gentle kiss before moving down to your neck, his hands exploring your body
As he continues to explore your body with his lips and hands, you can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter. You want him, need him, and he knows it
He finally reaches your core, his tongue expertly teasing and flicking against your most sensitive spot. You moan his name, your hands gripping the sheets as he brings you to orgasm
But he's not done with you yet. He pulls you up, his lips crashing against yours in a passionate kiss. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and it only makes you want him more
He made you get on top of him, and grabbing your hips, he pushed you down towards him, and with one smooth thrust, he's inside you. The feeling of being connected to him in such an intimate way sends a wave of pleasure through your body
He sets a slow and steady pace, making sure to hit all the right spots, but with the passage of time he starts to pick up the pace, his thrusts becoming rougher and more urgent. You can feel the pleasure building in your pussy, and you know you're close
With one final thrust, you both reach your climax, crying out each other's names as you both experience the most mind-blowing orgasm
As you both come down from your high, he pulls you into his arms, holding you close as you both catch your breath. You can feel his love for you radiating from his body, and in this moment, you've never felt more loved and cherished<3 nsfw link
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