#josh dun drabbles
Overreaction (Josh Dun x reader)
Summary: Arguments over the littlest of things happen to everyone. It’s how you handle them that matters. In the early days of twenty one pilots, when their future isn’t guaranteed, Josh finds that he isn’t particularly good at handling stress... 
Word count: 1794
Warnings: Josh is kind of an ass here, but definitely more in an ‘I’m stressed and don’t know how to cope’ way than an ‘I’m an actual prick’ way. You get me? 
The house was quiet when he woke up. The sort of quiet that sat coldly in his bones and left a weight in his stomach, filling the air in every room and leaving everything feeling grey and still. His heart sank further as he stuck his head into the guest bedroom and saw the bed neatly made, the top of the dresser empty. 
They hadn’t come back. 
His mind was filled with images of the evening before as guilt washed over him. 
“Josh, please, can you just lay off the drumming for half an hour? I just wanna get this last section done.” (y/n) dug their fingers into their temples, frowning over the essay they were trying to finish. When he’d suggested that they spend the afternoon at his flat so they could both finish the work they needed to do and then spend the weekend hanging out, they’d jumped to say yes. But while it had been a good idea at the time, things hadn’t gone quite to plan. 
Josh had been working on some ideas for the music video he and Tyler were meant to be shooting in a week’s time while (y/n) was working on finishing an assignment that was due on the Monday. It was frustratingly difficult work, and at first their boyfriend’s presence was a relaxing one. 
The two of them were sat on opposite sides of the breakfast bar, laptops and papers spread out in an inelegant tangle as they worked. The kitchen smelled of fresh coffee and a soft instrumental playlist was on in the background. For a couple of hours, the atmosphere was incredibly peaceful. But then, Josh finished his work. And he got bored. He tidied up his laptop and notebooks to kill a little time, but soon found that he needed more to do. 
Thinking back to the discussion he’d had with Tyler over some new ideas for songs, he decided to sit down at his practice pad for a little while and get some rhythms out of his head, see if any of them fit the beautiful words that his bandmate had put together. He slipped his headphones on and plugged them in, relaxing as he wrapped his hands around the drum sticks and got ready to play. 
Engrossed in reading the resources they’d found, (y/n) jumped as he started tapping away, their concentration shattered. At first they tried to just ignore it and carry on, but the repetitive beats that only got louder and more complex made it impossible to keep their mind on the words they needed to write. 
And so, they had politely asked him to stop. 
Josh had barely glanced back at them, tapping his feet in time with the thoughts running through his brain. “I’m just tryna get this idea down so it matches the stuff from Tyler.” 
“Yeah, but can it wait? Is there some other way you can think about it that isn’t so... loud? I’m still working.” 
He sighed. “Babe, this is part of my work. So I’m still working too.” 
“I get that, I do. It just doesn’t make it very easy to think about the history of genetics, you know?” They’d laughed slightly, trying to lighten the mood a little. But a dark cloud had descended over the room, and Josh’s continued frown made their smile fade. 
“Look, this is important.” 
“I never said it wasn’t.” Now they were frowning too. “I just asked-”
“I’m trying to make this whole band thing work, okay? And maybe you don’t think that takes as much effort as a fancy college degree, but it’s damn hard.” 
(y/n) felt like a deer in the headlights, taken aback by the sharpness of his response. “Hey, I know how hard you guys are working on this, and I know how much it matters to you. All I’m asking for is half an hour of quiet so I can get this done. And then I’ll sit and listen, okay? Maybe I can try and help you go through some of the ideas you’ve got.” 
He sniffed, shaking his head. “Yeah, like you actually care. All you can think about is yourself.” 
Their jaw dropped as he turned back to the kit, hitting the pads even harder now that he had some anger to get out of his system. “Josh, I-”
“No, it’s fine! It’s fine that you’re more worried about one stupid essay - one essay that won’t even affect your perfect GPA anyway - than you are about me being happy with my career. Nice to know. Really.” 
He’d never snapped at them before. Tears prickled hotly at the corners of their eyes. Silently, they gathered their things and packed them into their bag, dipping into the guest room briefly to get what little else they’d brought. Then two doors slammed, one shortly after another. 
It took almost an hour for Josh to notice what had happened in the aftermath of the argument. Finally satisfied, he put his sticks down - and turned to face an empty room. That’s when he realised that (y/n) had grabbed what little they had brought round to his place and left. 
Groaning at his own idiocy, Josh found himself getting anxious. Last night he’d assumed they’d just gone home, but what if something had happened to them while they were out? What if they were in a hospital, or being held hostage by someone, or... no, he couldn’t think like that. He sighed, chewed at his lip, and made the decision to phone them. It was obviously better to apologise in person, but somehow he doubted that showing up at their apartment unannounced would be welcomed. Besides, just hearing their voice for the moment would be enough to assuage his growing intrusive thoughts. The phone rang through a couple of times before abruptly cutting off. Nothing. But with the short ring period, he knew it wasn’t because their phone was broken or switched off. They’d declined the call. 
Pacing back and forth across his living room, Josh rang Tyler instead. Thankfully, his best friend answered straight away. 
“Ty, I screwed up.” 
“Oh, I know.” 
He stopped walking for a moment, frowning. “Wait, what?” 
He could hear Tyler close a door before answering. “(y/n) came here last night. And dude I’ve gotta tell you, I haven’t seen them that upset in a long time.” 
Josh felt his heart sink. “What did they say?” 
“That you made them feel like you didn’t want them there. That you told them they didn’t care about you, which a blind man could see is total rubbish.” His friend sounded angry, and he was definitely starting to feel that it was justified. “They said that it was you who didn’t seem to care about them. That you didn’t think about the fact this essay is due Monday and they’ve got a midterm on Wednesday, even though they’d told you all about how worried they were when they got to yours. Dude. You were a real jerk.” 
He let his head drop against the wall with a soft thud, feeling well and truly like an idiot. “I don’t even know why I said all that stuff. I feel terrible.” 
“Yeah, you should. I had to come and pick them up because it was getting dark and they were crying too much to keep walking home.” 
He felt his heart sink painfully. “I... I made them cry?”
Hearing the crack in Josh’s voice, Tyler sighed. “Look man, just get over here. You’re both a bit calmer now, and you can talk things over. You can apologise.”
“I- Yeah, okay, that’s a good idea. I’ll be there soon. Thanks man.” 
Burying their hands in the hoodie’s sleeves, (y/n) chewed at the dry skin on their lips until Tyler nudged them in the side. 
“Hey, knock that off. You’ll make them sore.” 
“Are you sure he’s not still mad at me?” 
Tyler pulled them in for a hug, rubbing their back soothingly. “Hey, I know he isn’t. You know, I don’t think he was ever really mad at you in the first place. Just real stressed. And that’s not me trying to excuse what he said to you, because it was totally out of line. I just don’t think he’s capable of being mad at you.” 
A knock on the door interrupted them, and he let them go so he could go and answer it. When Josh set eyes on them, red around the eyes and pale with lack of sleep, he burst towards them and took their hands in his, babbling almost frantically. 
“Shit, (y/n) I- I’m so, so sorry. I have no idea why I said the things I did - I shouldn’t have, no way. None of those things were true. I think I - everything lately has been so hard, so uncertain - I just want us to do well, and... your degree is so stable and nothing I do is guaranteed and that... I don’t know, maybe it - I don’t even know!” 
He was practically tearing his hair out at this point, and (y/n) stopped him with a hand on his cheek. “Hey, slow down. One thing at a time. Were you really mad at me yesterday?” 
“No, of course not. I think I... I was just worried about a lot of things and you happened to say something at the wrong time.” 
“So you... you don’t really think that I don’t care about you?” 
He could see them welling up again, and opened his arms for a hug the same way he always did - never pulling them in first, always checking that they were okay with the contact before doing so. They leant into him, tucking their chin on his shoulder as he held them as tightly as he dared. 
“No. I think that’s the worst thing I said to you, and I don’t even know where it came from. I just - I am so sorry, babe. I hate that I treated you like that.” 
“Thank you for apologising. And, I forgive you.” They pressed a soft kiss to his lips, hands resting against his chest as his moved to their waist. 
When they pulled back he barely gave them a second to breathe before kissing them again with a little more force, his tongue dancing at the seam of their mouth. 
“Oh, gross. I leave you two alone for five minutes and this is what happens.” 
They pulled apart, both giggling a little at the look of mock disgust on Tyler’s face. Beneath it, the relief was clearly visible. 
“Sorry man.” 
“Yeah, whatever, I’m just glad you two are okay now. Next time, get a room that isn’t my kitchen, deal?” 
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Tyler had just up and disappeared one day, out of the camp, and knowing him, they all could conclude he was dragged back, but when days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, and not a single hint of him still being alive was made, they began to worry. The possibility that he may have fell victim to vialism brought immense grief to the Banditos, because nothing else could explain why no signs of him were made. If he was just brought back and had continued working under the City before he joined the Banditos, then someone would have saw him throughout the days, just as what happened the previous times he was brought back.
But his spot at his usual work station stayed empty.
Until one day, during the Annual Assemblage of Glorified, did the people of Dema enter the presence of a new Bishop. After months of only 8 bishops, the grief of losing Keons still heavy in his citizens hearts, witnessing 9 bishops entering the Ceremony hall once again brought chattering, forbidden during such a sacred moment. Bishop Nico had to give a stern demand of silence just to start the Ceremony.
After it had concluded, Nico had introduced the people of their new ruler who was to take over Keons district. A young, doe-eyed, blank faced man hid behind the veil attached to his newly donned red cloak. He stayed silent throughout the night, as Nico spoke for him.
"He's prepared to follow in the footsteps of the great leader before him, maintaining his part of our great City."
When news hit the camp of the new Bishop, the Banditos were a light with mix emotions. How, in such a short span of time, did they fill Keons role? It put a dent in their plans. How were they to take down 9 leaders if one was just going to be replaced before they could get rid of another one?
They had already began stirring up ideas on how to eliminate the new Bishop, concluding that, because he was relatively new, disposing him would be quicker than going after the seasoned Bishops.
But planning ceased when the worse news broke out. When the name of the new Bishop was released.
Bishop Tyler.
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thekadster · 2 years
cliquetober day 11: antlers (a twenty one pilots drabble)
Fandom: Twenty One Pilots
Word Count: 315
Trigger Warnings: None!
Author’s Notes: Something a bit more lighthearted for today KJDHSFG
❝ After the events of The Outside MV, Tyler finds out he has antlers on his head.
“They’re going to notice, aren’t they?” ❞
also read it on ao3!
Josh froze, his eyes widening. “Uh…Tyler?”
The other man turned to look at him as he waited on the beach. “Yeah?”
Josh didn’t know what to say. He glanced at the top of Tyler’s head, then back to his face. “You kind of…uh…”
“Kind of what?” he asked.
Josh motioned to where his beanie sat. Tyler mimicked his action, but immediately paused. Something was growing from the top of his head.
He felt around more and found a wood-like texture. His fingers met pointed ends, branching out from a single stem.
His eyes widened. They were antlers.
He looked at Josh. “Dude, what the– How did–”
“I don’t know!”
At that moment, Tyler remembered the ritual. If there was one thing he knew about the Neds, it was that he didn’t know much at all. He never knew they could grow horns, let alone be used to intercept the Bishops.
“Where’s Ned?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” replied Josh. “He’s not in the cave.”
Tyler’s brow furrowed as he sighed. The two of them had only heard rumors of the ritual, with the Glorious Gones and their glowing eyes. “Do you think this ever happens to the Bishops?”
“They don’t have antlers, as far as I’m aware,” Josh said.
“They could always cut them off. Seems in character for them to have horns.”
Josh laughed. They kept their torches raised, mirrored by distant lights from the opposite shore. The other Banditos would be here in a few minutes to bring them back to the main continent.
Tyler felt the antlers on his head again. He paused for a moment. “They’re going to notice, aren’t they?”
The other man tilted his head. “...Yeah, they probably will,” he replied. He tugged his friend’s beanie to somewhat cover the pointed tips. “That might work. They won’t see a thing.”
Josh couldn’t help but smile. Tyler sighed.
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abcmuushroom · 2 months
Table of Contents
A quick guide of how to find things in this blog
I've grouped them by category (in bold), then put the tags I use in italics, and put a quick explanation of what you'll find in that tag in this blog
Titanic stuff
titanic drabbles: mostly true, 100 or 200 words each, about people (mostly the crew) on the Titanic
titanic tweets: mostly fiction, a "what if the Titanic crew had Twitter" sort of thing
titanic art: reblogs of other people's amazing Titanic art
titanic: all things Titanic, including reblogs and miscellaneous Titanic-related posts
music: for posts about general or specific music
twenty øne piløts: for posts about my favorite band (can also search for more specific tags- tyler joseph, josh dun, clancy, etc)
clique art: for fanart of previously mentioned TØP
boy meets world: posts from my boy meets world phase
history: posts, mostly reblogs but some original, about history (excluding the Titanic)
art: reblogs of art or about art, often with a side of history
literature: for, ah, posts about literature
linguistics: for posts about language (notably distinct from the above)
quotes: for. for quotes
science: for fun facts, jokes, or thoughts about science (mostly reblogs)
I hope you enjoy your stay
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blurry-fics · 5 years
Bandito: Part Two
Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader
Warnings: More suspense, mentions of injury
Word Count: 2795
Request: Hey can you do something trenchis like you did with tyler but with josh? Like a girl escapes from dema and josh finds her and take her to the banditos and they fall in love? 💫💛🖤💛 -Anon
Author’s Note: And here is part two! Make sure to read part one first, obviously. Like I said last time, this was super fun to write and I definitely want to do more Trench stuff in the future ;) Enjoy! Also, @patdsinner33 asked to be tagged, so here is your tag, lovely! :) (gif credit)
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The first breath of air that you took outside of Dema’s walls was exhilarating. Your lungs filled completely, welcoming the fresh air despite the slight sting from the cool wind. Josh allowed you to remain still for a moment, giving you time to look out at the expansive landscape before you. The sun was just beginning to rise, throwing a blanket of golden sunlight across the hills.
“It’s beautiful,” you murmured, more to yourself than anyone else.
Flat plains gave way to rocky hills in the distance, cutting up out of the landscape and contrasting against the pale sky. The quietness of it all unnerved you, but the nerves seemed to melt away as Josh reached out to rest a hand on your back.
“Come on, we still have a ways to go and their search won’t stop just because we’re outside the walls.”
“Wait,” you said, catching his arm as it began to drop back to his side. “We had a deal.”
“A deal?” Josh asked, one eyebrow raising.
“Before we left, I wanted to see your face to know if I could trust you. If I’m going to turn back because I don’t, I’d rather it be here than out in the middle of that field.”
“You’ve come a long way if you don’t trust me,” Josh laughed quietly.
He pulled the bandana down around his neck, revealing the smile that you had only been able to imagine up to this point. You tried not to stare at his face as you carefully took in his features: the gentle way that his nose curved, the now-familiar crinkles around his eyes, the slight stubble that covered his chin after a long night in Dema.
“I think that’s a face I can trust,” you said, finally pulling your gaze away from everywhere else to meet his eyes.
He pulled the bandana back up. “Good, now let’s keep moving.”
*     *     *
It had only been a week since you and Josh had arrived at the camp after his impromptu rescue mission. Your dark Dema-issued clothing had made you instantly recognizable to the banditos - just as the yellow tape had made Josh recognizable to you - and they had welcomed you with open arms. It almost felt like coming home, though you had never been to this place before.
Trench. The name was familiar to you now, and just as comforting to hear as Dema had once been, long ago before you learned the true nature of the place.
The sky over Trench tonight was pink as you took a seat around the fire, maybe a little closer to Josh than would have been considered friendly. He smiled as you adjusted yourself on the dirt, pushing up your sleeves to compensate for the heat of the fire.
“Y/N,” he smiled as you sat down. “How has your day been?”
“Rough.” You smoothed down a bit of tape on your leg that had come loose during the day’s work. “Life here is different, to say the least, but I’m slowly getting used to it.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“What about you? Rumor is you’ve been on a couple rescue missions.”
You hated the nights Josh went to Dema, no matter his purpose. Despite the short amount of time you had spent together, his solo rescue mission had created a bond between the two of you that wasn’t easily broken. Whenever the two of you weren’t working or outside the camp for one reason or another, you were at each other’s side.
“I’m tired, but the work we’re doing is important. The more people that we can get out of there, the better off we are.”
“Are you trying to rescue everyone?”
Josh turned to you, eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Why wouldn’t we?”
“Well, if you rescue everyone, then what do the bishops have to lose? They’ll just come at us full force and take back whoever they can. It just seems like a vicious cycle.”
“We can’t rescue everyone, that’s a given,” Josh sighed. “But that doesn’t mean that we won’t try.”
Josh’s face had fallen at the mention of not being able to save everyone. Feeling guilty for even bringing it up in the first place, you reached out and gently took one of his hands in your own. You lightly traced your fingers along the back of his hand, taking extra care to be gentle around the cut he had received last time he went to Dema.
“You’re doing good work, Josh. Even saving one life is better than saving none.”
He nodded slowly, eyes still focused on the fire in front of him. His grip on your hand grew a little tighter, desperate for the contact.
“I’m going back tonight.”
Your stomach flipped. “Again? You’ve already been so many times this week.”
He finally met your eyes again. You could tell this was hard for him, especially when he knew you were so worried about him.
“There are more people to save. I can’t sit idly by while I know I have the power to bring them here.”
“I’ll come,” you said plainly. “I know Dema better than anyone.”
Josh shook his head, “You escaped hardly a week ago. They’ll still be looking for you. Not to mention that you don’t know the tunnels yet, in case you get lost. It’s just too risky, for the time being.”
“Then I better start learning the tunnels, because I plan to accompany you someday. You’re not the only one who wants to save people.”
Josh’s mouth curled up into a smile, “I would like that.”
“But since you are going without me for the time being, I want you to take this.”
You pulled your hand away from Josh’s, trying not to frown too much at the lack of warmth that he had been providing. He eyed you carefully as you reached into your jacket and pulled out the tiny, black notebook that you always carried with you.
“What is this?” he asked, taking it carefully from your hands.
“All the information that I gathered when I was planning my escape. There’s all sorts of information in there: walking patterns of the bishops, phrases that I picked up on, passageways that I noticed people slip through when they thought they were alone. That sort of thing.”
Josh began to thumb through the pages, his eyes widening in surprise as he read over the things you had scribbled down. He was the first person to actually see the content of the book, you had been too scared to let anyone onto your secret within Dema. Now that you were here - outside the walls - it didn’t seem so risky.
“Y/N,” Josh murmured. “This is impressive. You managed to gather all this information inside the walls?”
You nodded, “Like I said, you can learn a lot if you look in the right places.”
“How long did this take you to put together?”
“Months, probably, of getting maybe a piece of information or two every few days. I started collecting information in the middle of winter with the plan of escaping when the weather got nicer and I had a better chance of survival. The information started to come more often as it got closer to my planned escape. I think they were starting to suspect that I was leaving.”
“Survival?” Josh asked. “Didn’t you know that we were out here? That we would help you?”
You shrugged, “I didn’t believe anything that I hadn’t seen with my own eyes. I wanted to believe it, but I refused to give myself false hope if there was nothing outside the walls.”
Josh nodded and continued to flip through pages, examining all the notes you had taken. He finally reached the page where you had written down the various phrases you had heard, quietly whispered as residents had passed one another in the hall. It always seemed intentional, as if you were meant to hear it.
“Wait,” you said, stopping his hand before he turned the page. “I had a question.”
“What about?”
“This phrase,” you pointed to it for emphasis, “what does it mean? I’ve figured most of the others out because people have been saying them, but not this one: sahlo folina.”
The heads of nearby banditos swiveled towards you as you uttered the phrase. You scanned each of their faces, noticing the worry that was etched onto most of them.
“It’s a distress signal, of sorts,” Josh explained. “You say it when you’re in need, hence the response you’ve created.”
You muttered a quiet sorry to those around you, who simply smiled and brushed it off. They seemed reassured that you weren’t actually in distress, just simply curious about the inner workings of the banditos.
Before Josh had a chance to keep looking through your notes, Tyler came wandering over. He was dressed in his typical camouflage coat and his mouth was set in a hard line as he looked down at the two of you.
“Five minutes,” he said sternly.
“I’ll be ready.”
Tyler turned and walked off, most likely to collect the rest of the group that would be accompanying him and Josh to Dema tonight. Josh shut the notebook and rested it on his leg.
“This is invaluable, thank you for letting me take it,” he said.
“Just don’t lose it, alright?” you smiled, trying to lighten the heavy mood that had set in.
“I’ll keep it in my bag, right next to the tape.”
You watched the firelight dance in Josh’s eyes as he stared down at the small fire. A nearby bandito threw a couple more sticks onto the fire, reigniting the flame. The warmth on your hands became more evident.
Josh must have felt you staring, because he slowly turned to you and met your eyes. You held his gaze, as tempting as it was to send him a message by glancing down at his lips. He had enough on his plate for the time being, your confession could wait.
“Be safe for me, would you?” you asked quietly.
Josh reached out and grabbed both of your hands, holding on to them tightly.
“Funny, a week ago I believe you weren’t willing to trust me at all.”
You shot him a look, bringing your elbow around to lightly bump him in the shoulder without releasing his hands.
“Maybe I’m still not, just in a different way now,” you grinned.
You lightly pulled on his hands until he was close enough that you could wrap your arms around him. His hands were rested on your back, clutching lightly at the fabric of your jacket.
“Please be careful, Josh,” you whispered into his shoulder. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t.”
*     *     *
You watched the sunlight creeping over the distant ridge, just beginning to bathe the fields in golden sunlight. Trench was still eerily quiet, not yet filled with the daily commotion of the banditos. A light wind rustled the few plants that dotted the landscape, but that was all. It was unsettling, the silence.
You had barely slept all night, too worried about Josh to get much rest. When you did manage to fall asleep, it was all nightmares or tossing and turning uncomfortably. As soon as the sun had started to come up, you had called it a night - or rather, a morning - and got out of bed to watch the sunrise instead. At least that gave you something to focus on, rather than just the nerves.
It was a rare occurrence that a rescue party wasn’t back before sunrise. Their missions didn’t take nearly as much time as doing rounds of a sector, and longer time away never boded well for the condition of the rescue party. Then again, Tyler - who was much more of a leader than Josh made him out to be - was the one in charge of this rescue, and he had yet to fail.
Tears brimmed your eyes as you thought of what could have possibly happened to Josh. You pushed them away, trying desperately to rationalize the situation in your mind, but the combination of lack of sleep and a fresh wave of emotion overcame you and the tears began to slip down your cheeks. With a sigh, you bent your forehead to your knee, hoping that it would hide your tears from anyone who happened to pass by.
“Sahlo folina,” you whispered quietly, audible to nobody but you.
*     *     *
The sun was only halfway up the horizon, the sky still pink, when there was a clamor at the edge of the camp. You stopped what you were doing and turned in the direction of the sound, scanning for movement. Of what, you weren’t yet sure.
Then he came into view, torch in hand and face a little more beat up than you remembered. His eyes locked to yours and you saw his shoulders drop in relief. Next to him, Tyler didn’t look much better. Something had happened.
Not wanting to make a scene, you allowed Josh to put his things away and come over to where you were waiting outside your tent. Now that he was close, you could see the deep purple bruise under his eye and the small nick above his eyebrow. As for the rest of his face, it was still covered by the yellow bandana.
“What happened?” you asked, reaching up to rest a hand on the - hopefully - uninjured side of his face.
He pulled the bandana down, revealing another cut on his lip, thankfully with a centimeter or two of clearance from where you were resting your hand.
“Turns out not everyone is eager to see their friends leave.”
“People from Dema did this to you?”
He nodded slowly, “But I’m fine. This is the worst of it.”
“Promise?” Your eyes switched between his, looking for any indication that he could be lying.
You rubbed your thumb gently over his cheekbone, “You had me worried. I thought you weren’t coming back.”
He reached up and grabbed your hand from his face, lacing his fingers between your own.
“I’ll always come back for you.”
Josh’s gaze was so intense that it was making your cheeks hot. Deciding that now was as good a time as any, you broke eye contact for a moment to glance at his lips, hoping it would send the right message. The sight of the cut made your stomach twist in discomfort.
“It won’t hurt, you know,” Josh whispered.
His expression was soft as you brought your eyes back up to meet his. One of your eyebrows raised slightly.
“What won’t hurt?”
He moved closer to you so that his lips were practically touching yours. The grip that he had on your hand tightened.
“If you kiss me. The cut won’t be a problem.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, you closed the gap between you two and pressed your lips to his, taking extra care around the cut. His free hand moved to your waist, pressing your body to his. You eventually pulled yourself away, remembering there was a whole group of people not too far away. Josh’s grip on your waist didn’t loosen.
“I should have gone with you,” you said, reaching out to fiddle with one of his sweatshirt strings. “I could have helped.”
He shook his head, “It was too risky. The safest thing for you was to be here, away from the bishops and with plenty of people.”
“I’m not going to sit idly around forever, you know.”
Josh sighed, but his mouth curled up into a smile. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead and wrapped both of his arms around you, pulling you further into his chest. “I know.”
You stood there like that for a moment, arms wrapped one another and simply enjoying each other’s presence. It was odd to think how fast Josh had gone from being a stranger to someone you trusted with your life.
“Thank you for getting me out of Dema,” you said quietly. “I don’t think I’ll ever thank you enough.”
“I could say the same to you.”
You leaned back to look at him, making the confusion on your face evident. He reached into the pocket of his sweatshirt and pulled out your notebook, which was a bit more tattered now than it had been.
“You knew of a tunnel that allowed us to get out of there and back to the area we knew. It saved most of us from getting dragged back to Dema.”
You smiled, happy to know what your information had come in handy more than once.
“Looks like we’ve got a pretty good team going here,” you said.
“Yeah,” he answered, pressing one more gentle kiss to your lips. “I think we do.”
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beanfic · 5 years
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Josh Dun
Drunk Words | Part Two (smut)
The First Time (smut)
Brotherly Love | Part Two
Bumble Date
Drum Lesson
The Biggest Clikkie
The Surprise
Paparazzi (male!reader)
It’s All Coming Back
Wisdom Teeth
A Fresh Start (male!reader)
I’d Destroy Him
Birthday Girl
Home Alone
Diary Pt. 1 | Pt.2
Simple As This
Follow Your Heart
Told You So...
Band Class Crush Pt. 1 (on hiatus)
“Best Friends”
I Was Doing Fine...
Tyler Joseph
Josh and Tyler’s Feud
Love of My Life
Pre-Concert Fun
Full Moon
Late Night Drive (smuff/flut)
Dog Days
Let Me Show You (smut)
Sleepless Nights
Meet Blurry
The Criminal
S’mores Pt.1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3
Forget The Night (Implied smut)
Unplanned Pt.1 | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4
Take A Photo
Midnight Stroll
Meet The Parents
First Time
Hot Cocoa & Warm Blankets
Backstage Shenanigans
Fitting Rooms
Jordan Dun
Us? A Thing? No! (smut)
Fren Fics
All You Need Is A Best Friend
Good To You
The Creator
Summertime Sadness
Simple Mistake
Writing Challenges
New Roommates (YouAU)
Bandom Bingo
100 Followers Drabbles
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Sweet Sixteen 
Don’t Tell My Dad!
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nonstoplover · 4 years
best part of me ~ Tyler Joseph (song drabble)
my masterlist │ my song drabbles
song used as inspiration: jeremy renner ~ best part of me
words: 1.7K
approximate reading time: about 10-15 mins
a/n: hola, babies, here we go with the second song drabble!! i actually have to admit that it's much harder than i originally thought it would be, writing a oneshot using song lyric. but it improves your writing, your imagination and i'm more than ready for it. oh and also it's fun. i hope you enjoy reading them just as much as i do writing them. please leave feedback, i'd appreciate it more than anything. and feel free to request!!
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"Stop smiling at me, I keep on messing up my sentences when you look at me like that," (y/n) giggled, hiding her blushed cheeks in her palm that wasn't holding her phone.
Tyler didn't seem bothered by her request and continued staring at his own screen with a delighted and dreamy, beaming smile splitting his face.
"Please," the girl pleaded when she glanced back at him from inbetween her fingers and saw that he hadn't changed his expression.
"I can't help it, my face looks like this whenever I look at you." Tyler shrugged.
"I'm gonna end this call if you don't stop." (y/n) threatened, knowing that there wasn't any other way to achieve her goal.
"No, don't!" The young man exclaimed immediately before pressing his hand against his mouth, eyes widening, speaking the rest of his speech much quieter. "I keep on forgetting that it's the middle of the night here. The sunlight behind your back confuses my mind."
"I still don't understand how you manage to stay awake. You should be hella exhausted."
"I'm fine, I'll sleep on the tour bus. We only have travelling ahead of us all day so I'll have all the time I need," he waved his hand nonchalantly. "I wanted to catch you as soon as you get back to your hotel room."
"Well, you succeeded. I actually didn't even have the time to go and pee before my phone rang." (y/n) chuckled, shaking her head in loving disbelief.
"You can go now, if you wanna." Tyler offered. "I'll wait for you."
"It's okay, I can keep it in until the end of this call."
"Yeah? And what if we don't end it for like five hours?"
Tyler watched delightedly as the girl started laughing once more. It had always been one of the most amazing feelings when the reason behind the bubbling, angelic laughter erupting from her throat was him.
"We will," (y/n) said as soon as she calmed her breathing back down. "I won't let you stay up all night because of a stupid FaceTime call."
"It's not stupid, it's with you." Tyler argued, making the girl roll her eyes from his cheesiness. "Anyway, what are your plans for tonight?"
"Nothing special, probably watching TV in this very room, maybe I'll get a bottle of wine or something," she shrugged.
The boy felt his heart ache hearing her words. It wasn't how she should spend her birthday. It's a once in a year occasion, it should be something more special. But still, there wasn't anything they - or simply just him alone - could do. Tyler was on tour in London, (y/n) was in Los Angeles for a work meeting.
Both of them stayed in hotel rooms, but two different ones, with an 8 hour time difference and thousands of miles between them. The only way he could help her feel less alone was through this video call and he was determined to keep her company for as long as he could or as long as she wanted him to.
"I'm sorry for missing your birthday," he whispered into the silence.
Slight anger bubbled in (y/n)'s chest once more as she was reminded of the fact yet again that it indeed was her birthday that she had to spend all alone in a hotel room. Without him.
"Stop apologising, Tyler."
"But I have to. You gotta know how sorry I am."
"You saying that a million times doesn't make anything any better," she said, voice cold and emotionless as she tried hard to fight back the sudden urge to cry, her lip only slightly quivering but it was visible enough for Tyler to notice.
What are you doing?, he scolded himself in his head. All you wanted was to keep her happy and now you're making her cry.
"You don't understand, you never do!" (y/n) spoke up again. "I try to tell you this every time when you're missing out on a special day but you never seem to realise that I'm right. If you keep saying sorry, it'll only remind me over and over again, and it's just making things worse. If I don't think about it, then it's fine and I can stay happy but when you keep mentioning it, I can't shut it out and instead of being happy I'm back at being upset."
It felt good finally letting all of it out, though when she saw Tyler's eyes and the sadness and self-hate in them, all she wanted to do was to turn back time and take back everything she said. She knew he didn't want to hurt her and he was truly upset for all the anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine's days he had to miss because of touring. But he had to know that not mentioning these would make everything so much better. They could just pretend it was an ordinary day they had to spend apart.
"Do you want me to leave now?" Tyler asked quietly.
"What? No!" the girl called out with widening eyes. "Why would I want that?"
"I don't know. Maybe to get rid of my constant apologising," he shrugged.
"There's a better way for that. You promising that you'll stop it." (y/n) smiled at the screen to calm him down.
Oh, how stupid she was. She really should've thought it through in her head before letting it all out on Tyler. He took things like this so much more serious than other people. He would blame himself now for making her angry and sad. He would think she deserved someone better and distance himself.
She knew it perfectly. It already happened twice in the past year only, and both times it was her fault. She had to be more careful with what she said around the boy.
"Are you sad?" Tyler whispered after a few minutes of silence. "And answer honestly, please."
"A little bit," (y/n) whispered back.
They stared at each other intensely, the eye contact only breaking when the girl's (y/e/c) orbs got blurry with tears. She tried to blink it away but one drop escaped and rolled down her cheek, Tyler following its route with his gaze.
"Please stop crying," he spoke up. "You know how much I hate it when I can't be with you and calm you down."
(y/n) let out a faint chuckle, nodding. "I know." She reached up and with the edge of her hand, dried the skin of her face.
"I promise we'll never spend another special day apart."
"Don't promise things you can't keep," the girl shook her head.
"I'll keep this. I swear."
"It's not up to you to decide when can you be home or not when it comes to touring."
"If there's a tour in our way, you'll simply come with us," Tyler stated as if it was that simple.
"Yeah?" (y/n) chuckled again. "What about my work?"
"I'll figure it out," the boy smiled, feeling more sure now that he saw his technique to cheer the girl started to work. "Maybe you can quit it."
"Quit it? Are you crazy?" And there it was, a loud, honest laugh escaping her lips. Tyler mentally fistbumped himself in the air, feeling proud.
"It may sound crazy, but I mean it," he continued. "You could come with us, travel the world and be by my side all the time."
"Sounds amazing, but I have to work," the girl sighed.
"Why do you have to?" Tyler frowned.
"I don't know," another giggle. "I think I'd go mad if I didn't have to work. I'd be restless."
"Okay, we'll find a solution another time. But don't forget about it. Now, do you wanna watch a movie?"
"Well, yeah, that was my plan, but it can wait if you still wanna talk."
"No, do you wanna watch a movie together?"
"Together?" It was her time to frown. "How?"
"We can start it at the same time and keep the call going so we could still talk," Tyler explained, making (y/n)'s eyes light up joyously.
"That's a great idea!" she exclaimed.
"I'm glad you like it."
Tyler never felt more glad that he chose to check a website listing things couples could do through FaceTime as a some kind of date.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"You can't keep doing this," Tyler groaned when he saw (y/n) slowly stroll around, obviously keeping him waiting on purpose.
They just arrived back home and he felt he couldn't take not hugging her anymore, it was torturous enough to control himself at the airport where he wanted to quit anything that would catch the fan's eyes and would be posted all across the internet. He wanted to keep his relationship as private as he could manage, protecting her at all costs.
But now they were in the safety of their house where no one could see them, and (y/n) seemingly played the game she often did in similar situations.
"This is all your fault! You made me do this in the first place!" she exclaimed back giddily, sidetracking from his reaching arms.
"It was only one time!" Tyler protested, throwing his hands up in the air. "And you're doing it for the hundredth time."
"I know, but I enjoy it too much. That pouting look on your face is worth everything," she giggled.
"I really need a hug right now, (y/n)."
"You're scaring me," the mentioned girl widened her eyes in fake worry.
"Don't argue. Just do it," he opened his arms wider, standing in one place waiting.
They played this cat-and-mouse game for a minute or two before (y/n) finally gave in and leisurely strolled over.
"You're so weird," he shook his head in disbelief, finally being able to wrap his arms around his love.
"You have no idea," she grinned at him before burying her face in his chest and deeply inhaling his oh so loved scent.
They slightly swayed side to side, clinging into the other as they were finally able to feel the other in real life again after so many days, such long weeks of distance.
"I love you so much," Tyler whispered in her hair. "You're the best part of me."
.::the end::.
my masterlist
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ohprettyweeper-fics · 4 years
I Wish You Would
Summary: Josh can’t let go of the girl who holds him in the palm of her hand.  Pairing: Josh x Reader Word Count: 500 Warnings: Implied drinking, implied sexy times.  Square Filled: Come Pick Me Up - Ryan Adams; @bandombingo​
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GIF found via Google Image Search. 
I’m back in LA. 
The moment Josh hit send on the text message, his brain wished he could take it back. Before leaving for the most recent leg of their tour, he had told himself he wasn’t going to see Y/N again. Nothing good ever came out of seeing her. Of course, nothing horrible came out of seeing her, either, except for that limbo they always fell into: Josh wanting more, Y/N convincing him this halfway thing they had was enough. Both of them seeing other people regularly. 
But, when they were together, she was everything. Funny, caring, loving. The planets aligned and life made sense. They could sit and talk for hours without even touching each other — sitting on opposite ends of the couch, catching up on life and trying to find the answers to the big questions, or listening to records and debating whether Led Zeppelin or the Rolling Stones were more legendary. 
When the conversation lulled and the drinks and snacks ran out, the mood would change. Y/N would look at him the way he never expected any of his other close friends to look at him, and Josh would be putty in her hands. 
She would crawl closer to him on the couch until she was leaning against his shoulder, and Josh would kiss the top of her head. His heart would begin to race and, sometimes, he could feel Y/N tremble as his fingers intertwined with hers. He would pull her into his lap and search her eyes for anything that told him this time might be different. This time might be more than a fleeting exchange between them. 
Of course, no matter what Josh saw in her eyes, the night would progress. Most of the time, Y/N would still be there in his bed the next morning, but sometimes she would leave before Josh woke. Those were the mornings when he felt most ridiculous for letting her leading him around like she did; she held all the power and Josh was only hoping to someday fall into her forever.
The months away had done him some good, he thought. They hadn’t talked much, and mostly through text. He felt certain as they wrapped up the last few shows that Y/N was the last person he would contact when he got back home. He was through the airport, home, unpacked, showered, and had takeout on the way before he texted her. 
Finally! I’m on my way. 
The moment Josh read her text message, his heart beat faster with the excitement of seeing her again. Maybe he hadn’t waited long to text her, but she hadn’t waited long to reply and come over. With that small fact as a encouragement, Josh allowed himself a bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, Y/N was as addicted to him as he was to her. The hope that followed was that maybe, just maybe, one day, she would come over — for good. 
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Prompt 66 with Josh Dun
Prompt 66: I won’t let you get hurt.
Warnings: attempted mugging
Word count: 737
You probably should have known that it was a bad idea to walk ahead. After all, it was night, you were not in the tamest district of the city, and you were not really the kind of intimidating person you would have to be, in order to be left alone.
So when you spotted the three young men on the other side of the street, and you felt your heart rate pick up in alarm, you did your best to stay calm. Some people, just like animals, could basically smell when someone was scared, and that only encouraged them. So keeping your back straight, looking up ahead, eyes focused several meters away from you on the floor, you hoped you were safe on your side of the street.
From the corner of your eyes you could see them point to you, pushing their heads together, and then they laughed, sending a shiver down your spine. But you kept walking. Maybe they only laughed because of your outfit.
Only that they then proceeded to cross the street. Trying to keep your racing heart under control, you pretended not to notice them, and kept walking.
Until they planted themselves directly into your way.
“Hey there,” the one, who seemed to be the leader, spoke.
Finally you looked up. They were barely more than kids, judging by how fragile their faces were, but they were tall, and every single one of them was probably twice as strong as you were. In a physical confrontation you would stand no chance.
“Gentlemen,” you nodded politely, and tried to walk past them, but they stepped into your way. “Is there something I may help you with?”
“How ‘bout yer purse,” one snarled.
Well, it they only wanted your purse… you were barely carrying cash, the wallet itself not worth more than a couple of dollars either.
“You guys sure you wanna do this,” you asked, “I mean, I barely got anything on me. You wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of the law for a couple of dollars, would you?”
“Purse, now,” the leader barked, and you shrugged indifferently, reaching for your wallet with shaking fingers.
But just when the boys were about to reach for it, hurried steps sounded behind you, and a familiar voice shouted down the street.
“Leave ‘em alone!”
The guys did not even share a glance before they turned around, and ran off in full speed, making your wallet slip out of your weak fingers, and tumble to the floor.
Seconds later your boyfriend Josh halted next to you, immediately pulling you into a hug. Only now, pressed against the warm fabric of his shirt, breathing in the comforting smell of him, you realised how hard you were shaking, and your knees almost gave out, but Josh kept you pressed against him.
“Are you hurt, did they do something to you,” he asked worriedly, pulling away to arm’s length to inspect you.
“No, I’m fine, just a little shocked,” you admitted, and quickly he pulled you back into the hug again.
“Shit, I should have never let you go ahead on your own, I’m so sorry, darling,” he kissed your hair gently.
“It’s okay, nothing happened, right,” you reassured him, but you could feel him shaking his head.
“No, it’s not okay. What if I had been here one minute too late, and they would’ve- if they-“
His voice broke, and this time it was you who pulled away to look at him.
“Josh, hey, nothing happened. No use to go through all the disastrous possibilities okay? I’m fine, you’re fine, nobody got hurt. That qualifies as okay for me, right?”
Josh nodded, but you could see he was still considering something.
“I won’t let you get hurt, not if I ever can help it, you know? And I’ll do everything in my power to-“
You shut him up with a kiss to his lips, which he gladly accepted, allowing himself to pull you closer, to feel that you were fine.
“Come on,” you eventually decided, “let’s go home.”
Josh nodded, and bent down to pick up your purse, handing it to you. You had a feeling that the whole thing had shocked him more than it shocked you.
“Yeah, let’s go home,” he agreed, wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder, and pulling you into his side. “I really need some cuddles after this.”
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junkyard-dunky · 5 years
3&4 for Josh Dun please love? 😍
Yes! I like these two!
Saying that I wasn’t stressed about this would be the understatement of the year. I just felt the need to impress them. And by them I mean everyone at this party. Josh, of course, said
“Come on! It’d be fun. And I’ll be right there.” It’s not that I didn’t believe him. And I know that he would be there. Maybe physically, but mental he’d be gone. It always seemed like it was his goal to become absolutely wasted at his own frat party.
Getting ready at my apartment, I get a message from nine other that Josh. He starts t blow up my phone after I respond. Josh: Also, please don’t bring anyone unless I know them. Josh: And I promise you I’m not gonna get wasted tonight. Josh: What are you wearing?Josh: Can I see?Josh:Wait never mind, I’m coming over. I start to get annoyed after I finish putting mascara on both of my eyes. Y/n:I’m not bringing anyone. And ok. Just please knock cause you never do. Josh:That sounds like a personal problem. Anyways, I’ll see you in a few. Y/n:Ok 👍 I get up from off my desk chair and go to my closet, basically half naked, clad in only a bra and panties. I sift through my closet, looking for something eye appealing, and a little bit out of my comfort zone. I settle on something that I normally don’t where, at least to parties. And that is a skirt. It’s one of my favorite ones actually. It’s pleated and it has a flannel pattern to it, like ones that you see these nonexistent “e girls” wearing. You know maybe I should go with a look like that. And that’s just what I do. I take the skirt and pair it with a black shirt that says “broken artist” in white text. I pulled on some knee high black socks, and combat boots. It was chilly out, for it was nearing the beginning of November, so I grabbed a jean jacket, and got ready to walk out the door. I gathered my phone and just as I was walking out the bathroom, fucking Josh bursts through my door. I have to take that key away from him. “Josh what the hell? I was gonna meet you there.”“You’re not meeting me anywhere dressed like that.” He gives me a too long once over, his eyes staying in some spots longer that others. “What’s wrong with my outfit?” “You look good, y/n, you always do. It’s just tonight you look to good, and I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He seemed sincere, but I saw something else in his eyes, not being able to place a finger on it. “You’re high.” I state, thinking that that might be it. “I’m functioning.” He offers, pissing me off. “Ok well if you’re just functioning, then you have no right to tell what I can and cannot wear. Now let’s go.”I turn to go to the door, only to be grabbed by Josh, pulling me to him. His hands secure themselves tightly on my lower back pressing me into him. “Josh, please, can we go?” I said, my hands curled up in fists against his chest. He looks into my eyes and I look into his, a mocha sea that I get lost in for hours, liking the way they crinkle when he laughs, or shine when he talks about something passionately. But right now they were dark, still filled with something I couldn’t put my finger on. Lust? Before I can realize what’s happening, his lips are on mine, filled with an urgency I didn’t know I agreed with. He hummed in the kiss as I moved my hands to the nape of his neck, running my fingers through the hair there. He pulls away, though are lips are still brushing each other. “Jump” I do as I’m told, Josh placing his large hands under my ass, holding me to him. We haphazardly kiss while he makes his way to my room, kicking the door shut, then tossing me onto my bed softly.I watch as he goes to remove his shirt so I go to remove my own, along with my boots. As I go to take my socks off, he looks up from dropping his jeans on the floor. “Wait. Keep them on. And the skirt.”“Why?”“I like it.”He smirked as he sauntered over to me, climbing on the bed, and towering over me as he kneeled between my thighs, leaning down to kiss me. I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck, and my legs on his lower back, pulling him close to me. I hummed in the kiss, feeling his hard on pressing against my crotch. I writhe around, feeling his warm hands explore my chest, reaching under my back to unclasp my bra. I gasp as he grabs my breasts, massaging them, only to then pinch my nipples.His hands glide down my stomach, past the top of my skirt, and right under it to my slick heat. He pulls away from me. “Y/n you naughty girl. No panties.”I bite my lip and smirk. He pecks my lips, moving he mouth down to my neck leaving a mark here and there. His mouth finds it’s way to my nipples, and i moan as he unexpectedly starts to rub my clit and bite my nipple at the same time. “Huh Josh” I whine high in my throat. “Yes baby?” He stops teasing my nipples with is mouth and looks up at me. “More. I need more.”“Hmm like what?” I whine embarrassed to tell him. “You gotta tell me or I can’t help you.”“I need something in me! God your fingers or even your cock! Please.”“All you had to do was ask.” I watch as he kneels up all the way and pulls his boxers down, revealing his thick, flushed cock to slap against his stomach. I grunt softly at the sight, this gorgeous man in front of me, about to probably pound me into tomorrow. Throwing his boxers on the floor, he grabs me from behind my knees, pulling me to him, making me yelp. “If I go too rough, let me know.” He says, and I nod. I sigh as I watch him grab his cock and run the tip through my juices, making himself slick. “Can I go raw?”I nod wanting to feel every inch of him. All of a sudden I feel him push into me, not giving me time to adjust to him. I whine which then turns into a moan as he starts thrusting, picking up a pace shortly after. “Oh god Josh.” I whisper. I furrow my brows in confusion as he pulls out, that is until he’s flipping me into my stomach, grabbing my hips and pulling me up arch my back. He reinsert himself, the new position send waves of heat to my stomach, and shakes through my thighs. One hand his gripping my skirt while the other is groping my ass, massaging in time with each thrust. “Josh, fuck!” I yell as he snakes a hand to my front and starts to rub my clit. “Josh I can’t.” I say in an uneven voice, his thrusts making it come out uneven. Listening to his frequent grunts and moans his a enough to put me over. Until it stops. He stops moving, leaning down until I can feel his hot breath behind my ear. “You’re coming twice tonight, whether you like it or not.” I whine, nervous but excited. Tonight is gonna be a long night
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thekadster · 2 years
cliquetober day 27: gravestone (a twenty one pilots drabble)
Fandom: Twenty One Pilots
Word Count: 531
Trigger Warnings: None!
Author’s Notes: hOOOO BOY have I been excited for this one
More spooky writing for the spooky season >:D
(a.k.a. Josh experiences the paranormal part 2)
❝ Josh got lost in DEMA, but fortunately, he had a map.
Unfortunately, he had to pass by the necropolis. ❞
also read it on ao3!
It was hard to lose your way in DEMA.
A lot of buildings had similar materials and designs, but only the newer citizens ever got lost. It was confusing at first, but it wouldn’t take long until they would familiarize themselves with the city. Each district was more or less a carbon copy of the next. The only exception was the underground tunnel system, but since it was restricted, the public never had to worry about it.
Josh would’ve rather had the tunnels.
It wasn’t the first time he snuck through the streets of DEMA, but it had been ages since he last did it alone. Regret followed him like a shadow; one wrong turn and he got separated from the group of Banditos. So much for an easy in-and-out rescue operation.
The city was even more silent than it was during the day, the slightest sounds seeming to echo off the walls. Josh kept to the shadows and tried to blend in as best he could. There weren’t many guards keeping watch at this hour, but he still felt like the windows themselves were staring at him. He was certain there would be talk of a man dressed in yellow the following morning.
Fortunately, he always had a map just in case things went awry. It was marked with the nearest entrances to the tunnels, and from there, he would be able to safely slip past the city walls.
Unfortunately, he had to pass by the necropolis.
It was his least favorite part of the city. The name could be used to describe the entirety of DEMA itself. Deafening silence hung heavier in the air here than anywhere else. Every citizen, if they didn’t make it out, would eventually be reduced to a box in the ground and a neon light. The lights were cold, uninspired, blinding but devoid of life. They were the cruelest parody of any commemoration for the deceased he’d ever seen – if “commemoration” was even the right word.
No guards patrolled this area, so he could easily walk past and go underground.
But as soon as he approached the entrance, he stopped.
His eyes caught two silhouettes standing among the graves. He squinted; no one was allowed here except if someone were to be buried.
One of the figures turned around, and Josh froze.
Even from a distance, its yellow eyes pierced through him and nailed his feet to the ground. He’d only ever heard of what the Bishops did to the Glorious Gones, but he thought they were nothing more than myth. He remembered it from his childhood nightmares, stories about bloody rituals and antlers.
But stranger yet were the figures’ features. They were gently traced by the neon; the one staring him down had Sunday clothes stained by the dirt and dust, and the other one wore a deep red robe. The glow of the gravestones cast shadows on their faces, indifferent as the concrete walls.
Josh thought the city was driving him crazy, but he swore he knew who was standing with the Bishop. Though it had been ages since he last saw him, he would recognize their leader anywhere.
It was Clancy.
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It’s Been A Bad Day
Summary: A bad day leads a spontaneous move on your part.  Pairing: Reader’s Choice x Reader Word Count: 425 (Without Lyrics) Warnings: None? Recommended Listening: Bad Day - Something Corporate A/N: Seems like a lot of us, on and off Tumblr, are struggling today, so I put the studies on pause to pump out this little ditty. Keep your chins up, everyone. <3
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You were laying on the floor in the living room when he came in, staring at the ceiling and waiting for … well, you weren’t sure what you were waiting for, actually. 
He laid down next to you, hands on his stomach, and stared at the ceiling, too. “What are we looking at?”
You shrugged. “Nothing.”
“Nothing,” he repeated. “Why are we staring at nothing?”
Drawing in a deep breath, you rolled to your side, propped up on one elbow, prepared to unload your soul. He looked back at you, intently waiting to hear you out, to offer a shoulder to cry on, advice — whatever you may need in a friend. 
The next thing you knew, you had pressed your lips against his. You had one hand on his shoulder and, once he recovered from the shock of your sudden kiss, his fingers came up to play with the ends of your hair. The kiss was a relief after carrying the burden you had shouldered all day, but before too long, you pushed away, tucking your feet under you and your hands flying to your mouth with a high-pitched gasp. 
“I’m so sorry! Really! I just — it’s been a day, you know, and it seems like everything’s been going wrong, and I’ve liked you for a really long time but I’ve never had the guts to tell you, but I was so stressed, I just needed one thing to go right today and so in my distressed state, I went for it and hoped that it could maybe be the one thing that went right today, then I realized you maybe, probably, don’t feel the same way and —”
His lips against yours silenced you. You fell into the kiss, and his arm fell over your hip. A few minutes later, you rolled to your back again. You were staring at the ceiling again, but this time you were looking for a way to process how quickly your day had turned around. 
He took your hand, running his fingers lightly over your palm and up your fingers. The gesture caught your attention, and you turned your eyes to him. 
“You’re not mad?”
He shook his head. “No way. Honestly, my day wasn’t the best, either. And I kinda figured you were happy on your own, so I kept my feelings to myself. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to kiss you some more before the day goes downhill again.”
His lips were on yours before you even had time to form a full-on smile.
It’s been a bad day, another bad day, and all I wanna do is look at you and know I’m okay ... -- Bad Day, Something Corporate
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blurry-fics · 5 years
Bandito: Part One
Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader
Warnings: Suspense? 
Word Count: 2405
Request: Hey can you do something trenchis like you did with tyler but with josh? Like a girl escapes from dema and josh finds her and take her to the banditos and they fall in love? 💫💛🖤💛 -Anon
Author’s Note: Another little two part series! Part two will be up on Friday, as per usual. Writing this request just reminded me how much I love writing Trench stuff, probably because it ties into the whole fantasy/different universe type thing, which I’ve always loved. Anyway, I hope all of you enjoy this one! :) (gif credit)
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You had heard the rumors.
They were whispered phrases, tumbling from the lips of your fellow residents as they passed one another in the halls. Some sort of greeting. Or a message. You weren’t entirely sure which.
You caught all these phrases, taking them into your mind. Turning them over and over, searching for some sort of hidden meaning among the words that you had somehow missed. When finally you felt as if all your avenues had been exhausted, you added the new phrase to the bottom of your list, hoping that among the others some sort of obvious clue would be revealed.
It never was.
Your notebook was plain and black. Small, by most people’s standards, but perfect for what you needed it for. It was nondescript, just so long as the pages remained hidden from view, not that anyone ever got the chance to look. The journal remained in the inner pocket of your Dema-issued jacket. Or in your pillowcase, when you finally put away your materials for the night and decided to get some rest. The notebook was never left unconnected from you. It was too risky.
The visible strip of sky outside your window was orange tonight, with a few bits of yellow mixed in among the clouds. You took a moment to admire it, wondering if this would be the last night you got to enjoy this particular view. Not that you would miss it, the memories that surfaced as you sat at your small desk were mostly negative.
Your eyes scanned over the hastily scribbled list in your notebook. The phrases were burned into your mind, with the exception of the last couple that you had picked up today, but still you looked them over. There had to be something you had missed, some connection that had flown under your radar. You weren’t sleeping enough. Your brain was fried.
Still, there must be something. There was always something.
*     *     *
Ten steps. Pause. A little longer. Ten more steps.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as you carefully counted Nills’ steps. He was the slowest of the bishops, notorious for taking his time to carefully look inside each cell and examine its resident. Most people feared him for this habit, but you took it as an opportunity. Any bishop that took their time looking inside the dim cells would be less likely to notice you.
You waited until he had rounded the corner and made it past the first couple cells, guaranteeing that he wouldn’t see or hear you. Once the echo of his steps began to quiet, you slowly shifted yourself out of bed. The comforter lightly rustled against your sheets, making you pause for a moment, waiting with bated breath to tell if the steps were coming back towards you. They only seemed to grow more distant, so you exhaled and continued to move.
Your jacket felt heavier than usual as you pulled it on over your plain shirt. It was too warm to be wearing in your tiny cell, even with the window cracked to let the cold night air in. Still, you had no idea what lay waiting outside of Dema’s walls.
You recalled the word from your list. It was what they called the area outside, though it seemed to you to be nothing more than a name given to make the place seem more real. For all you knew, nothing laid outside the walls but wasteland and despair.
You laughed quietly to yourself as you packed your things - making sure to grab your notebook where it was tucked away in your pillowcase - thinking about how desolate this whole plan seemed when you really thought about it. All this work could have been done for you to spend a week away from the harsh rule of the bishops, only to be dragged back. Or worse.
But even that seemed better than spending your remaining days in this tiny cell they forced you to call home.
*     *     *
Clouds obscured most of the sky as you made your way across the courtyard. Every few seconds you found yourself turning around, checking for any fellow residents or bishops who may be following you. Your backpack beat monotonously against your back as you walked, quickly, along the uneven cobblestones.
You weren’t entirely sure where you were going, but you kept moving east. The more distance that you put between yourself and the bishops, the more likely it was that you would make it out of here. That was all that mattered right now: getting out of here. If you let your mind dwell too much on how you would survive once you reached the other side of the wall, you noticed that your pace started to slow.
You couldn’t go back. It wasn’t an option. So you pushed the thoughts from your mind and pressed forward.
Unfamiliar buildings rose around you as you entered Nico’s sector of the city. It was darker here; torches didn’t line the courtyard here as they did in Nills’ sector. All of the windows were shut tight, curtains drawn so that nobody could see in. Or out. Your footsteps seemed to echo more here, so you slowed your pace and moved closer to the wall, trying to stay out of sight.
A flash of light up ahead caught your eye. It shifted against the wall, creating new shadows against the plain facade of the nearest building. The light continued to grow and it wasn’t long until the echo of footsteps hit your ears.
Someone else was out here. Moving. Towards you.
Fearing the worst, you shrunk back into a particularly dark corner, waiting for the figure to show themselves. A resident would be easy enough to hide from, but a bishop… well, that was an entirely different story. The mere thought of the consequences was enough to send a chill down your spine, but it also reignited the fire beneath you that pushed you to keep going and finally escape this place.
The figure rounded the corner and you allowed yourself a moment to take in his appearance. He wasn’t dressed like anyone else in Dema. His clothes were covered in bits of yellow tape, adding the only patches of color to his otherwise plain outfit. A yellow bandana covered the bottom half of his face and the torch threw shadows across whatever was left uncovered, keeping any of his distinct features hidden from view. You had never seen this man before, and yet you recognized him on sight.
A bandito.
So the rumors were true.
His eyes scanned the courtyard as he moved quickly along the cobblestones. You watched him just as carefully, wondering if he was aware of your presence. If he was, he hadn’t shown any signs of it.
He stopped a few paces away from the statue that stood in the center of the buildings, turning slightly so that you could just make out the profile of his face. The torch flickered steadily behind him, unaffected by the light wind that rustled the surrounding trees.
“Do you want to come with me or not?”
His voice startled you. You pressed your palms flat against the wall behind you, slinking back further into the darkness. Your breath was uneven as you inhaled, trying to calm your shaking hands.
“Who are you?” you asked, putting on a false sense of confidence. Hopefully the facade would work.
He fully turned towards you now. The torchlight shifted again, but he now held it closer to the front of his face. You could more easily make out his exposed features now. His eyes were soft, so unlike the eyes of everyone else in Dema.
“I think you know.”
You swallowed. “And why should I trust you?”
“Realistically, you shouldn’t, but you’re running out of time and options. They’re coming.”
You reached up and adjusted the backpack on your shoulder where it had slipped a bit. Your air of confidence was quickly deteriorating.
“And where would you take me?”
“Somewhere safe. Outside the walls.”
Were you really considering this? Following some solitary stranger outside the walls on the promise of something that had no evidence of existing?
Yes, it seemed you were.
“Show me your face,” you stated. If you were going to go with this mysterious figure, you at least wanted to get a good look at him. “And tell me your name.”
“Only if you do the same,” he answered, just as coolly.
“You first.”
He started to reach for the bandana that covered his face when torchlight flickered along the wall at one end of the courtyard. The stranger took notice of this. His hand immediately dropped to his side as he turned towards the light, studying it.
“One of yours?” you asked.
He shook his head, slowly at first, but it quickly became more frantic.
“We need to go. Now. Are you coming or not, Y/N?”
You were so panicked that you didn’t even take notice of the fact that this stranger knew your name. He watched you with wide eyes, waiting for answer before he left.
“I’m coming. Lead the way.”
The stranger held a hand out to you. You strode forward and linked your hand with his, taking a moment to appreciate the warmth of his skin and the torch in his opposite hand. His eyes roamed over your face, taking in your features.
“Josh, by the way.”
“Alright, Josh. Let’s not waste any time.”
*     *     *
You followed the man - Josh - through tunnels below Dema that you hadn’t previously known existed. Your chest was still heaving from your sprint through the courtyard, but your pace had slowed now that you were somewhere safer. Josh stayed a few steps ahead of you, lighting the way with his torch. You turned to scan the blackness behind you every now and again, looking and listening for any sign of the bishops.
“Wait,” Josh said. He stopped moving and the echo of your footsteps grew quiet before stopping completely. “Before we go any further, we need to cover you.”
“Cover me?”
The phrase sounded familiar as you said it out loud. Perhaps it was one of the more recent ones you had picked up on. You would have to check later, once you finally reached wherever it was you were going.
“In yellow. The bishops-”
“Can’t see yellow,” you finished with him.
Josh reached into a small bag and pulled out a roll of yellow tape. He began to apply it carefully on your body: around your arms, a leg, a few bits and pieces on the pockets of your jacket. Anything to make you look less as if you had just come from Dema.
“You know a lot,” he said as he finished a band of tape around your left bicep.
“You learn a lot of things if you look in the right places.”
His eyes met yours, studying them for a moment. After a brief silence, his eyes crinkled slightly at the corners. You assumed he must be smiling - that, or he was skeptical - though you couldn’t be sure because of the bandana that still covered most of his face.
“Earlier,” you started before clearing your throat. “In the courtyard. You said my name.”
His eyes dropped back down to the tape on your arm. He ran his fingers over it, making sure that it was pressed smooth against the fabric of your shirt. You shifted a bit at the contact.
“Y/N,” he repeated nonchalantly.
“How did you know it?”
He sighed as he tucked the tape back into his bag, giving his head a slight nod as a signal to keep moving. You fell into step with him, this time matching his pace rather than lagging behind.
“We keep track of people of interest. People who might want to escape and join our ranks. Tonight was far from the first night that we’ve come across each other’s paths.”
Reassurance and uneasiness wrestled in your mind, struggling for dominance over your emotions.
“What do you mean by that?”
He shifted his torch from one hand to the other, allowing his other arm to rest.
“What I was doing tonight - it wasn’t a rescue mission. I was doing rounds in Nico’s sector, looking for any distress signals. Yellow flowers in window sills, people up late doing research, that sort of thing. You were someone of interest. A couple inside informants let us know that you had been collecting information.”
“And here I was thinking I was being discreet.” You allowed yourself a small laugh. It was nice. Comfortable.
“You were to the average person. We just have people that are hyper aware of these actions. Those are the ones you can’t so easily slip under the radar of.”
“So you bumping into me tonight, that was coincidence?”
“Yeah. Tyler won’t be happy that I didn’t finish my rounds, but I think the addition of another bandito will be enough to soothe him. Solo rescue missions aren’t really in our repertoire, we tend to stick to bigger groups. Harder for stuff to go wrong, you know?”
“Tyler,” you repeated the name. “Is he the leader of the banditos?”
Josh shook his head, “We don’t really have a leader, although Tyler will take on the role if it’s necessary.”
There was light up ahead, hardly more than a speck in your vision now, but it was a reassurance nonetheless. Could it possibly be morning already? You had lost track of time as you moved through the dark tunnels, following the light of Josh’s torch.
“I have one more question,” you asked, hoping he wouldn’t mind.
“Feel free to ask as many as you want. I know life is a lot different out here.”
Your mouth curled into a slight smile, “The name of the place we’re going… what is it?”
Josh turned to you, meeting your eyes once again. The chocolate color of them was evident, now that you stood only a foot or two apart.
“I thought you would know.”
“I do,” you answered plainly, suddenly realizing the truth behind all the information you had collected. “But I want to hear it from you. Confirmation that it’s more than a rumor, I suppose.”
Josh nodded and turned his gaze away from you. After a moment, he answered you. The word rang out clearly along the stone walls. Clear and simple and familiar.
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beanfic · 5 years
Bandom Bingo Masterlist
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Home - Home by K’s Choice - Tyler x Reader
Somewhere In Neverland - Somewhere In Neverland by All Time Low - Tyler x reader
Carolina - Carolina by Matt Wertz - Tyler x reader
graphic by the amazing and wonderful and very talented @takenvysleep​ <3
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Just a nurse from Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York City, the young woman just wanted to have her life mean something and only wished to help those in need. A few years after working there, she ended up having her world turned upside-down with the news that she had cancer. Despite her friends' constant coddling, she doesn't want to waste anyone's time, but feels the need to live her life now more than ever. But, when Blurryface finally comes for her and her soul, will a certain Twenty One Pilots band member be there to protect her?
Warnings: Slight profanity.
It was a funny thing, growing up. When Sybil had been younger, she was absolutely terrified of hospitals. The smell of cleanliness and sterilization that entered her nostrils constantly made her sick to her stomach, the pale white walls made her uneasy as they did nothing to calm her and then death... Being surrounded by it and knowing that it roamed the halls didn't help matters. Now that she was older and had gone through the process of learning everything there was to know about the field she had grown to love and the location she would be working in, she felt completely safe and secure. Her job had become her life and that meant giving up her own time to help save the lives of others. It was something that she was happy to do, despite the protests of her friends and family. Sure, they had been proud of her, but they hadn't seen her for quite some time and it was straining her relationships.
Making her way down the long corridor within the children's ward, her short legs carrying her as quickly as they could, she heard her work phone go off. Raising an eyebrow, she reached down into the front pocket of her floral scrubs and looked at the number that appeared on the screen -- Holly. Of course it was her. She was one of Sybil's good friends, so it was just common knowledge to her when exactly her shifts started. Answering the phone with a small smirk, she continued walking and peeked into each room to make sure that everything was going smoothly, "Hello there, dear stalker of mine." Laughter erupted on the other end and then sounded as though she was rushing, which seemed odd.
"Is everything okay, Holl? There's not anything going on that I need to be there for, right? I didn't get paged..." She checked the pager on her hip, not seeing anything new.
"Are you kidding me? You don't know who's here today?"
"Um... The Pope?"
"Close enough. Twenty One Pilots are coming here to do a private meet-and-greet and to put on a little show for the kids that were a part of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. You know them, right?"
Brown eyes widened as she heard the name of the band that had changed her life. Twenty One Pilots. And they would be under the same damn roof as her?! There really was a god. Before she allowed herself to squeal excitedly, she mentally calmed herself and tried to act as though she didn't really care about them, so that she didn't seem over-the-top. "Oh, I think that I've heard some of their music. It's nice of them to come by for the kids. Where is it? Third floor foyer?"
"Yeah, they'll be here in about ten minutes. I know that you have one of the Make-A-Wish'ers on your floor, so bring Emmy and come on down with her! I've gotta go, but I'll see you soon!"
Saying her goodbye, she hung up the phone and put it back in her pocket. She hurriedly made her way to one of her favorite patient's room -- Emmy Walstead. She was the most gorgeous little girl that she had ever seen, only eight years of age, but going through so many hardships in her life. She had been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma at the age of six, but had been battling it off and on since. Twenty One Pilots had been a main segway into forming a bond together and they often listened to their music as she was going through her chemotherapy, so that it would relax her. Poking her head in, she saw the little girl strumming on her ukulele as she stared out her window with a blank look upon her face. Biting her lower lip, she gave a soft knock on the wooden door in front of her and instantly got the attention of Emmy; whose face lit up at the sight of her. "Sybbie!" She exclaimed happily and it made Sybil's heart burst with joy. She laughed a bit and then pulled the little one into a hug, knowing that she only got them when her parents were around. "How's my favorite girl?" She asked, while kneeling down in front of her on the floor as she sat on the edge of her hospital bed. "I'm okay." Emmy responded with a soft voice. Smirking at her, she got up and then brought her wheelchair over to her, which caused a look of confusion to form over the little girl's features. "I have a surprise for you. And you're going to want to take that ukulele with you." She responded and then patted the wheelchair, motioning for her to sit down in it.
Hurrying out of the elevator and making her way toward the foyer area while pushing Emmy in front of her, she pretended that they were driving really fast; making skidding sounds of tires and revving noises for added effect. The little girl laughed loudly as they made their way to the small group of kids and nurses that had arrived before them. She smiled widely to her friend Holly, before finding a good place for the both of them to sit. Luckily, there had been a few seats left up front and she snatched them. Sitting not so patiently in her seat, it was a bit silent in the hall... Save for a few hushed whispers between the nurses and some of the children. But then, the doors opened up and everyone looked up to see if it was really them. Could they actually be real and not just a band that the media had made up? She straightened up in her chair and then saw them. Joshua Dun and Tyler Joseph -- The men that had been there for her through all the rough times. Tyler had always been the cute one, seemingly innocent and shy, regardless of the fact that he got up in front of millions to sing to them and entertain them every week. Then there was Josh. What could she say about Josh that most others hadn't already said? Everything about him screamed perfection. His hair seemed to always be a nice bright shade, which was a phase that she had gone through herself before getting a job at the hospital, although it was more than a phase for him. It was expression -- that's what she adored about him.
Feeling her heart beat ten times faster, the kids in the hall all started freaking out as their idols entered the room. Sybil looked down to Emmy and laughed as she saw how wide her eyes had gotten, before moving her hand and rubbing it soothingly on her small back. She knew how much this meant to her and, secretly, it meant a lot for her too. The boys made their rounds, making sure that they introduced themselves to each and every patient that was there to see them. They even did autographs and selfies with them, which made her heart swell. They made the kids so happy and filled them with hope, when there was hardly anything for them to hold on to. They had wanted that... Needed that. Her eyes unknowingly had followed Josh as they made their way over to the patient beside her and Emmy, almost boring into him. Just as she thought he wouldn't notice, Josh's gaze found his way over to her, which caused her to tense up with nervousness. She instantly looked down to her lap, now feeling his intense eyes on her now.
It was their turn now.
"Hi, it's so nice to meet you! What's your name?" The familiar kind voice spoke out to Emmy, causing Sybil to look up. Tyler was knelt down in front of Emmy as she introduced herself to him and they shook hands. It was the most adorable thing that she had ever seen. "That's the coolest ukulele that I've ever seen. Even cooler than mine. Do you play?" Tyler continued, trying to strike up a conversation with her little friend. Emmy nodded and smiled widely, "Yeah! I've been teaching myself. But, I got this from Sybbie!" She exclaimed and then pointed to Sybil, which caused her to blush a bit. Both of the boys looked to her with a smile, Tyler nodding his head happily. "Good taste in instruments... Sybil." The brunette said her name after squinting a bit to see it on her ID. Sybil laughed a bit and then looked up to Josh, who was watching her closely with a small smirk on his lips. Damn that smirk of his. She watched him back for a few moments, before tucking some of her hair behind her ear and looking back to Emmy. "Can you autograph it for me?" The little girl asked in a soft voice, obviously nervous about meeting her idols. The boys graciously accepted and then Sybil reached into her pocket and got out a sharpie, opening it and handing it over to Tyler. With a "thank you" given to her, Tyler takes the ukulele from Emmy and signs the front of it and then writing underneath it, "Always fight... Never give up!" before handing it over to Josh with the sharpie, as well. Josh signed as well and then gently handed it back to her, looking over to see Sybil stand up from her seat after having the pen returned to her. She got out her cellphone and looked to the boys happily. "Would you be able to take some pictures with her? You guys are so important to her." She spoke and they both nodded, moving to crouch down on both sides of her wheelchair as she held her signed ukulele in her hand, all of them giving a cheesy smile to the phone. She grinned and shook her head, snapping the photo about to thank them and then Josh cleared his throat and motioned for her to come over. "Why don't you get in one with us too?" He asked, sounding a bit nervous. Tyler looked over to him with a raised eyebrow and then smirked -- this wasn't something he normally did with people. So, he knew what was going on without second guessing. "Okay! Why not?" She said happily and then squatted down in front of Josh and Emmy, lifting her arm up with the phone in it and then got them all in the frame, giving the camera a happy smile.
After they moved on, the boys made it through the rest of the group of kids, before settling themselves in the front and getting their instruments ready. Since Josh didn't have his drumset, he settled for a type of wooden box, sitting on top of it and preparing to use his hands against it for acoustics. Tyler had actually brought his own ukulele along, but then looked as though he got an idea. He made his way over to Emmy and leaned down, asking her a question in her ear. She giggled a bit and nodded, handing over her own ukulele. He smiled and took it from her, before going back to the front as they started to play their first song "We Don't Believe What's on TV" with it. The little girl beamed with pride, as she watched the boys play and Sybil felt as though she would melt to the floor in a puddle. Looking over to Josh once again, she swallowed hard when noticing that his eyes were already on her; not even a hint of him trying to look away in sight as he played his "drums". It was that way the whole time and, luckily, no one really took notice. Except for Tyler.
After their performance was over, they said their goodbyes and everyone started to disperse. Tyler and Josh's security, as well as the hospital security, hovered over the both of them as they prepared to leave. Tyler had remembered to give Emmy her ukulele back after the first couple of songs, so she was left with the amazing memories of all that happened there that day. Standing up and going behind her little friend's wheelchair, Sybil held onto the handles and gave one last look to the boys before heading over to the elevator. It would be the last time she got to see them in this vicinity, so she was glad that she had photos to remember it by, at least. Although, she couldn't help feeling a little sad at the thought of them leaving. The stares that she had been receiving from Josh all morning had definitely made her think that could've maybe been something there. But, then she rolled her eyes at herself and pressed the up button to call the elevator to pick them up. Why the hell would Josh Dun be interested in her? He had so many other girls, much prettier than her, that he could take his pick from, she was sure. Shaking her head, she clenched her jaw at the thought and got inside as the doors opened and hit the button to go to the fifth floor to take Emmy back to her room. Just as the doors were about to close, a strong hand slammed against them and opened them back up, causing the two girls to jump in shock. Once the doors opened, Sybil's eyes widened when she saw that it was Josh. He panted, as though he had just run to catch up, and stared at Sybil once again. "I... I couldn't let you go without asking. But, c-could I maybe get your number? Maybe we can set up something and have lunch together? I'm in town for a couple of days." He spoke, sounding completely nervous, which made Sybil smile widely to him. The whole ordeal was incredulous, but she nodded her head to him and laughed slightly, before reaching her hand out for his phone. "Only if I can have your number." She replied, noticing that her acceptance had given him the biggest smile, as he reached into his pocket and got his phone. Once they swapped numbers, he looked over her face for a few moments, then looking down to Emmy. Waving a bit to her, he slowly backed out of the elevator finally to let them go, but not before giving Sybil one more glance. "I'll text you." He mouthed to her and she nodded, before the doors closed.
On the ride up, Sybil felt eyes on her and looked down to Emmy, who had the biggest smirk on her face. The young nurse laughed a bit and playfully smacked her arm, causing Emmy to giggle. She didn't know that her day would turn out this way... And if someone would have told her it would, she wouldn't have believed them. It was like a dream come true...
Josh fuckin' Dun.
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ohprettyweeper-fics · 5 years
Fall Drabble #2
Reader’s Choice; requested by @razor-tothe-rosary. 
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You sipped at the hot cocoa in your cup, the added bourbon stinging just as bit as you swallowed it down. You shivered against the cool air and hugged your hands tighter around the warm mug. If you could have scooted any closer to the bonfire in front of you without choking on smoke, you would have. 
On the other side of the fire, he was chatting with a friend. He had a beanie on and his hands were stuffed in the front pocket of his hoodie to keep warm. You loved the way that staring at him across the fire gave a special effect to his smile; one you couldn’t quite name. Whatever it was that you couldn’t quite put your finger on, it had your heart racing over him even more than normal. 
The conversation with his friend subsided, and he looked across the fire. His eyes met yours, so you looked away quickly. You took a larger sip of your drink, trying anything to distract yourself from staring at him again. After a couple of minutes of looking at anything but him, you chanced another glance — only to see that he was still looking at you. 
You shivered again, but this time it had nothing to do with the air around you. Part of you wanted to look away so things didn’t get awkward or weird, but another part of you wanted to stay locked with his eyes forever, just waiting for the next move one of you would make. 
Finally, he looked away and with a nervous chuckle, then stood up from the log he’d been sitting on. You let out a breath, relieved to be free from your staring dilemma — until he walked around the fire in your direction. Seconds later, he was sitting next to you. You swallowed hard, and looked at him. Had you ever been this nervous in your life?”
“Hey,” you greeted. 
“Hi,” he returned with a smile. 
The conversation might have started with a small greeting, but it was still going on two hours later when most of the crowd had left and the fire was dying away. He still sat there with you, talking about life, and neither of you even noticing the chilly temperature anymore. 
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