#just keep that in mind
soaps-mohawk · 11 days
The thing about having ultimate angst happen to omega is that it opens the door for ultimate comfort.
So I say go for it. Do your worst.
(I am going to regret this)
I don't think you want me to do my worst 😬 you might regret saying that...
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angy-grrr · 27 days
Idk if i'm just crazy but i noticed that there is a pattern with something that Uraraka does, is punctuated immediately after something Katsuki did before to Izuku and vice versa. I feel like this somehow highlights a difference between their intention and meaning for him. Like i'm sure this might be just a big coincidence but still.
well who knows really! The first thing that comes to mind to me is how Ochako helped Deku when he fell at the beginning, by being on the side/ behind him and using her quirk to avoid it, and Katsuki holding him facing each other, running to get to him faster than the rest -including Iida, whose quirk is literally about that!
But also the whole Deku thing; personally, because the author admitted he didnt intent to have Katsuki as a positive part of Izuku's life at first, I believe the reason for these introductions was clear: Bekugou, his childhood friend, opposes him and creates "Deku" as an insult to put him down, and will always mean that to him, while Ochako, a new friend he meets when starting his hero school, changes it creating something new and fresh so Izuku can have a motivation.
Non supporting VS Supporting. Out of his life VS In his life. Old VS New. Hopelessness VS Hope. Static VS Change.
You name it.
But then the author changes his mind, and Katsuki isn't just the rival anymore, and all of the sudden "Deku" has many layers; "Deku" also means the one that does his best alone, isolated and overworked, and even tho apparently this has shifted since the current chapters...
Slight manga spoilers, not too much tho (I guess??):
idk, Izuku still was ready to get up alone and fight if Aizawa didnt stop him to give him the T-shirt and remind him they are there. He was running alone, and others have to go to him (in this case, Iida) in order to help him, because he is still not asking for help at all.
It has been brought up again, the meaning Ochako gave it, and im not 100% sure if this is her remembering, Izuku, or the three of them -probably the last one? Iida seems to understand now what Ochako meant back then, and they see it in a positive light (which was the intention!), but for Izuku doing the best can mean many things. What's the best he can do? Act like All Might was his first answer, but that didn't work. Saving others? He knows heroes should do this, but with how unclear things are I dont know if he is aware the class would support his decision of saving a villain -after all, as far as we know, he doesn't tell anyone because he wants to share it with someone, but because someone else admitted it first.
Uraraka confessed that first, and showed that vulnerability without knowing how he could react [and honestly, it looked in that moment like she was mainly expressing herself outloud], and after that he ended up also sharing a similar feeling he had about villains and saving. What I mean is that he doesn't say shit unless someone else was vulnerable first.
Ochako wasn't going out to talk to anyone about it either, lets get that straight, but when she was asked by one of her best friends she lets herself be at least a little; she saw Izuku meant something "slightly" different than her, so she doesnt tell him how she envied her genuine smile, her freedom to be herself, love who she loves, or how she thought she was actually cute. She knew it was better to not talk about that because he had no interest in that, so she keeps it to herself knowing she will fight to make sure Himiko hears her this whole thing would be a part of the izuku and ochako meta kjfskjflajflksja
This happened too with Katsuki during their second fight; after Katsuki was emotional and falling apart, confessing such intimate and sad emotions with him, that's when Izuku couldn't help himself and ended up also putting his guard down. And still, he held back a crucial part -he didnt say he acts like him without even trying, and even tho everyone would see it as nasty and bad, he can't hate those things, those parts oh himself, because they are parts of Katsuki, his symbol of victory, what he sees as the best form of heroism. Despite Katsuki explaining he's confused and insecure over his main theme -victory-, and worries about it being not only unworthy but also the reason their idol "ended"... He held back.
He lost because of that.
Its interesting the contrast between those two scenes in terms of emotional vulnerability and reactions, before a war ochako and izuku are much calmer and distant than katsuki and izuku after getting back from a successful rescue. In the first case nothing actually changed between them -im not talking about the nature of the relationship but just the general apparent feelings and status. They are friends who share ideals and common interest before and after the talk, and the only one who was more reflective about it was Ochako who prefers to discuss it with Himiko than him -its more about them anyways. Izuku stays the same, as far as we know, because he thinks she also "just"* felt empathy for someone that was sad and alone, and we can't see this affecting him or shifting something between them.
His emotional moments with Katsuki? They do change everything every time -when he said he was going to be a hero, when they start to get closer, after the war "Deku" becoming "izuku", embracing what makes the other great, etc.
*Its a huge deal and really important, im not trying to minimize his motivations or ideas, just point out how their feelings and conflicts are different and similar -at this point we don't see Midoriya admiring Shigaraki in any way thru this whole story. The manga hasn't ended and he is unreliable, so maybe im wrong and he admires qualities about him he learns later on, but right now for me Izuku wants to bring him support because he is a human and nobody should get treated like he was.
Ochako and Katsuki also have different roles in his rescue, with him bringing him back to them and her showing everyone he is a boy that needs help. Izuku was moved by both actions, and thanks to Uraraka he gets to the shelter.
Their fight was also interesting! Ochako was thinking about winning this, yet she tried to follow Izuku's ideas and lost after trying something way too risky for her, because she ended up ignoring her own judgement and limits out of insecurity and admiration; when Katsuki tries to use his strategies in the wars tho, he is able to achieve what he wanted -he saves Izuku from getting stabbed, saves All Might from getting crushed by AFO, before dying he gets to weaken some parts of Shigaraki's body for the rest to use, etc.
Its not that he loses himself, he just tries something new that works for him, and im happy Ochako ended up realizing she needs to keep in mind what she needs and wants when taking inspiration from Midoriya. Even if similar, their feelings for "their" villains are different, and that's okay.
Katsuki now doesnt call him Deku unless he refers to his hero name, and prefers to use his first name while Ochako keeps using Deku-kun when talking to him or says directly his full name like in her talk with Himiko where she explains some parts of her life.
Even if "Deku" comes from "Izuku", the latter is closer, new for them, a little challenging at times, and shows respect, recognition and reaffirms his humanity over his heroism. "Deku-kun" sounds like "you can do it", a supportive name that comes from a misunderstanding from the beginning, and keeps getting used as she hasn't change her perspective about him in that way. He is still Deku-kun to her, but now Izuku to him.
Change VS Static.
Huh, I wonder where that came from.
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kissmefriendly · 1 year
I just need y’all to keep in mind that the entire framing device of Frankenstein is that it’s a letter. And I need you to imagine being Walton’s sister going forward.
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bookshelfdreams · 4 months
I'm gonna say something that most of y'all won't want to hear but I think it needs to be said:
Watching videos and looking at pictures on the internet is not bearing witness.
The vast, vast majority of content you find online has been specifically curated so people will click on it and spread it. Nothing is authentic; nothing is reality. Everything is presented to you through a filter, and there is always an agenda. That doesn't mean that everything you see online wants to manipulate you (although a lot of things do), but that someone, somewhere, decided you need to see this specific thing, and that decision wasn't random. Neither was the selection of what you're shown and what you aren't.
This means you cannot witness anything on the internet - unless it only exists in the digital space. Witnessing an event means experiencing it firsthand, unfiltered. To be a witness you need to be there, as it happens. Witnesses are important, because they experience, with their senses, everything. Witnesses are valuable, because they can confirm or deny the story someone else tells. The whole, entire, objective truth will forever be out of reach, but by collecting a lot of witness accounts, and joining them together like puzzle pieces, we can get close to it.
But watching videos on the internet doesn't make you a piece in that puzzle. It doesn't make you a witness. It makes you a consumer of media.
And more often than not, it makes you a consumer of propaganda.
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iamfuturepixels · 3 months
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
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Previous | Beginning | Next
Transcript below
[Bonnie, Chantal, and Johnny arrive at Ginny's house]
Bonnie: Thanks for taking the twins tonight, Mom. Destiny's at her dad's. And Jimmy…
Ginny: Don't talk to me about that asshole. I told you from the beginning he was gonna be nothin' but trouble.
Bonnie: He isn't always like this. We've both been under a lot of stress tryin' to make ends meet.
Chantal: Can we watch a movie tonight? Please?
Ginny: I guess I can get the projector runnin'. Just try not to talk through the whole thing this time.
Chantal: I won't! Bye Mom!
Bonnie: Jeez, kick me out why don't ya. Bye baby, be good for your grandma. You too, Johnny.
Johnny: Haha, grandma!
Ginny: You know I hate being called grandma. Ginny suits me just fine.
[cut to outside] Chantal: Ginny, you never met our dad, right?
Ginny: No, your mother didn't like introducing her boyfriends to me. I don't think she even knows his real name.
Chantal: Yeah, she said she just called him "Sunny." She always says she'll tell us more about him when we're older.
Johnny: Who cares? He didn't want us anyway.
Chantal: I know…but aren't you curious? He could be anybody. Maybe he's a billionaire.
Johnny: A billionaire from Grims Quarry? Yeah, right. He's probably in jail. Or dead.
Ginny: Jeez, Johnny, you're so morbid. No wonder you have trouble sleepin'.
Johnny: I'm just sayin'. He must be pretty bad if mom won't tell us who he is.
Ginny: All she told me is that he wasn't the type to raise a family with.
Johnny: [scoffs] Yeah, and Jimmy's father of the year?
Ginny: Hmph. Hopefully that mom of yours gets some sort of sense soon.
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estellardreams · 3 months
I assume... You like dogs more than cats.
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teabutmakeitazure · 4 months
So here why the strong ginger boy with fancy car. He can either hold your groceries for you or offer you a ride back home. Such a gentleman.
there is a shuttle bus/mini bus that'll take you up the hill for very cheap but
1. I want the exercise
2. I don't know the word for "this is my stop!" so there's a language barrier
ngl if I had that ginger in my life I'd be the bane of his existence (affectionate). he would see me and just know what I need help with. may it be jars or groceries or something on the top shelf, he will do it. let's just hope he doesn't see me crack open the jar even he couldn't open with 0 effort at all
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
In honor of my Year of Content, I am asking my followers and people who just know me from around the site to send me asks. They can be about whatever you want (within reason). I will answer any questions I get today. And depending on the response to this, I may make this a regular thing (weekly or monthly or whatever. I MIGHT even go live in the future, if there's enough interest). The floor is yours! What questions have you been dying to ask me?
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formulafc · 2 years
i once heard “honesty without empathy is just cruelty” and yeah….
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kipskiptrip · 1 year
Hi there
I've been on Tumblr for a while now (since like 2019 welp) and my blog used to get a fair amount of notes/activity? But now it always seems dead and no-one seems to see my posts, I think mainly BC most of my previous mutuals are now inactive/barely active?
Anyways how would you recommend going about getting new mutuals or just getting more people to see your posts in general? Should I do one of those "hi, looking for mutuals" posts, or try something else?
Oh and one more thing...
Have a great day 🥳 :)
Hi! Idk myself because even when I used to be active I had 0 followers it was a very personal thing I did the hi looking for mutual post and it worked so !!!! Also YOU TOO!!!! Im going to the beach for a week starting tmrw so :3
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OKAY for anyone who followed me from the nature wives server, while I'll keep my fics and ideas that include things that break cc's boundaries off the server, I'm not a fan of censoring fandom creations, so I'm gonna still post about stuff here. At the end of the day, they're characters like any others.
And if you disagree, think about this. Would you stop writing trans characters in HP fics just cause jkr (derogative) is a terf?
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king-tyrone36 · 1 year
Not about bein perfect, not about bein complete/ready sometimes it's just about gettin knocked down then back up again the opposition being every reason you should stay down the reason ya get back up is fuck it what else is there to do 🤷🏿‍♂️
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welpnotagain · 2 years
i adore tumblr users continues effort to stay anonymous and say that this is the one platform everyone expects to basically know nothing about you but the second there is a new "challenge post" people just give out any information they could possibly want. Oh if I give you my birthday (something people often recklessly use in passwords) you'll tell my what my angel name would be? And if I put my angel name in the tag literally everyone can go back up and figure out my birthday? Sick! Yeah tell me my angel name!! Oh I get to know what Pokémon I am if I give you my exact height?? If I give you initials and the initials of my parents you'll tell me my pirate name?? Etcetc
don't get me wrong telling people your height is probably not a big deal. But I think it's funny/a bit concerning just how easy it is to get people to share information they might not have shared if asked directly just because you offer to tell them what kind of bread they are. Not to say people who create challenge posts are trying to gather your information, just to say be conscious of what information you are sharing through this and if you really are comfortable other people knowing this.
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antispopausandstuff · 2 years
Would you say that a comical couple who are married that be acting like they hate each other and can't stand each other but love the absolute fuck out of each other and would do anything to keep each other safe count as an abusive couple? Cus I have a couple of ships like that and I'm worried 😮‍💨
i think it kinda depends?
for me, i would see that and my knee-jerk reaction would be thinking "that's a dysfunctional relationship", but it all depends on the execution.
if the point is to make it dysfunctional, then go ahead. but if you want to make it...functional, then i'd suggest making it obvious that they still care about each other.
like, maybe having moments that aren't at one or the other's expenses ( for example, person A helping person B recovering while scolding B for being "so stupid" and "so reckless" and "why the fuck did you do that, you stupid idiot, i thought i'd lose you" ).
and this is all from a writing standpoint, i'm not sure if you're just watching these couples or writing them, but i am speaking from the perspective of a writer.
if it's a watcher, on the other hand, i think the same general rules apply. if it's more of a joke-y/banter-y sort of thing, then i think it'd be fine for you to enjoy. if it's dysfunctional, and that is the point of it, as long as it's not actively sending bad messages to people and/or hurting anybody, you're also probably fine.
( for example, you could like the relationship of joker and harley quinn because it explores abuse and how it can really fuck with the victim, rather than because you actually want a relationship like that, y'know? )
or maybe they're keeping their relationship hidden, for some reason.
i'm not sure how helpful this is, since i'm not sure how exactly your ships' dynamics go, but i hope it's at least a little bit relieving?
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infinitenthq · 2 years
honesty hour?
i was wondering when we should do another one eee ! how do y'all feel about having one now, or we can always save it for tomorrow if it's more convenient ?
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