#karis wrote a thing
karis-the-fangirl · 4 months
Chapters: 3/9 Fandom: Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Nynaeve al'Meara/Lan Mandragoran Characters: Nynaeve al'Meara, Lan Mandragoran Additional Tags: Slow Build, Kissing Lessons, Sex Lessons, Age Difference, Secret Relationship, Sort Of, Loss of Virginity, Sharing a Bed, Idiots in Love, First Love, Sex Education, Traditions, Canon Divergence, 'what if instead of pining for seven books they had torrid sex for a month', except they have to take the slowest run up to it, because they are just Like That Summary:
or 'The Fal Dara Syllabus' Set during the month spent in Fal Dara after the events of TEotW.
After Nynaeve learns of a certain Malkieri tradition, she makes an unexpected request.
  Warning: This fic is what happens when two shippers can't stop egging each other on about an idea, or coming up with reasons for their pairing to kiss.
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seung-scrittore · 2 years
i've put a lot of thought into this over the past month. i'll be taking a hiatus, not for very long, but long enough to allow myself to regain enough mental stability to actually run a blog.
it's not something in particular that pushed me to this decision, it was sort of everything. i don't really have anyone to confide in, so i created this page as an outlet for my thoughts, writing, and occasionally, my random obsessions. it helped, in a way that i couldn't have imagined. even today, i still smile over the feedback i've gotten on some of my works. my feelings for this site are genuine, but my own happiness isn't.
being online as it is, is draining enough. i won't be one of those people who thinks it's okay to publically vent about my lowest points, because there's no need for my followers and friends to be brought down alongside me.
i just wanted to say i'll still be uploading the works i've finished, and those i'm currently finishing. you can even expect a fic out today. but i'll stray from interactions, you're free to send me asks or dms or continue interacting with my posts, i just won't be able to respond until i'm back.
it was really hard for me to make this decision, so kindly respect it.
i've been dealing with my own load of shit, as i'm sure we all have. so, bear with me.
the internet was never a safe place for me, if anything, i regret having access to it as a child. but i can say with confidence, i'm addicted. i'm addicted to the anonymity of my page, to the feeling of talking with my friends online. which is why i'm more than confident that i'll come back, because i simply can't stay away. it's also why i'll still interact with my closest mutuals - those that have my other socials, at least.
in any case, thank you for supporting me, and i hope to return as someone you can enjoy for his genuine happiness, and not a mused persona on the internet. i'll be using this time to work on myself and immerse myself in other interests.
oh, but i was serious about expecting a fic soon, keep your eyes peeled
until next time,
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redheadspark · 3 months
Worth Fighting For
Summary - You seek out Druig after the near Emergence
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A/N - I had a request for this for the Spring Pormpt Session, but I lost the request, either I deleted it or it got deleted on its own. I am SO SORRY that I lost it, but I remember it's for Druig and number 6 (Pulling their partner in their lap) So I wrote it and I hope that helps!
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You never knew the open fields of South Dakota to be so quiet, so calm.  You weren’t used to this.
The calm you were used to was filled with jungle sounds and animals constantly bellowing in the air, not to mention the running waters of the river and the soft rustling of the green foliage leaves. But now all you see was land, flat and as fast as you could see amongst rolling hills and chilly air as you stood outside the farmhouse.
Ajak’s farmhouse.  You missed her.
The last time you saw her was back when you and Druig left the family, all 500 years ago.  You were sad to leave her, but you also understood where Druig was coming from when it came to standing to the side and letting the humans harm one another.  You always were the mutual factor between Druig and Ajak, loving both of them with all your heart and never wishing for the other to feel blindsided.  But Druig was your husband, your better half, and you had to follow him and not lose him in your life.  You knew deep down that Ajak was glad you left with him, she always praised your relationship and how you two complimented each other so well. 
But still, you missed her terribly, and you hated Ikaris for taking her away.
Shivering a bit in your jacket, you could hear the chatter inside of the house and you turned to look at the worn-down farmhouse that had Ajax’s touches here and there.  You could see she used the home for all its worth, and you had to wonder if she ever dreamt of the family being there again.  It was nice that you were, but not under the right circumstances.  So you walked back over to the front door, opening it to let yourself in.
Phastos and Ben were chatting with Thena, and their son Ben was watching the news that was playing the clip of a marble Tiamat poking out of the ocean, which left Makkari sitting on the bottom step of the stairs.  You looked eyes at her, seeing her give you a small smile and gesture up the stairs to the second floor.
He’s taking a shower, but I think he needs you. She explained with her fingers, her soft smile showing it was true.  Druig went through a lot on that beach, taking on a nasty wound from Ikaris thanks to a blast to the chest.  You saw he was hurting when you two reunited on that beach amongst the waves, but things had to be done.  There was no time to rest and recharge, not until now.
Thank you, ‘Kari.  You signed to her, squeezing her shoulder gently as you walked past her up the stairs.  Every creak under your boots was heard from each step while you were now on the second floor, the small hallway that led to two bedrooms and one bathroom.  One of the bedrooms was slightly open, and you noticed the light that was shining through and had a small sense that your husband was there.  Carefully and with barely any noise in your step, you poked your head in.
Druig was perched on the edge of the bed, freshly showered, and was wearing a thing shirt along with what seemed to be sweats.  His leather jacket was on the back of a chair that was to the side, his wet hair plastered to his face as he was looking out the window and sitting a bit too stiff for your liking.  You tiptoed your way in, closing the door gently behind you so you wouldn’t spook him or snap him out of his trance.  
“How was your shower?” You asked, walking over to stand in front of him. But his eyes were still on the view through the window, making you feel a bit worried as you then noticed his hands.  They were curled up a bit tight, almost in a fist at his sides while the thin shirt he was wearing was not hiding the massive bruise and wound that was on his chest.  
It made you beyond sad and angry that Druig would go through something like this, the Eternal who was the Pacifist and wished for humans to simply be kind to one another.  He wished to help them, to guide them into being together in peace.  Druig simply loved them, and yet he was almost killed by someone who was blinded to the truth. 
“Druig,” You said his name in a hum, not wishing to sound mad yourself at the pain he was going through, but it was still heard in your voice.  Druig’s eyes were still in the view, yet his hands were uncurled from being fists.  One of them opened up to you, almost like a flower that was ready to bloom.  There was nothing that would hold you back from taking his hand.  
You laced your fingers with his, feeling how cool his skin was against your palm.  You were going to say something else, maybe ask him how he was feeling, but he gently tugged you towards him.  Before you knew it, you were in his lap and his arms were around you to keep you close.  
At first, you were shocked.  But you felt it in the way he held you and tucked his head into your neck, you knew he didn’t want to talk about it.  He would hold you like this in the past when he needed comfort or to simply unwind, when talking wasn’t going to help but simply having someone be right there for him.  He never spoke about it or mentioned it, you figured that out on your own from being with him for so long.  
This was one of those moments.
You rubbed the back of his head with your fingers, feeling his soft hair along the pads of your fingers as he was berthing you in and still not saying a word.  He had days that were filled with grief or chaos, and days that were stressed or frustrating.  He love holding you, whether it was when you two were entangled in bed together or simply falling asleep in each other’s arms, there was something about him being able to hold you that brought him back to a safe space. 
He needed it after all he went through on that beach.
“I love you,” You said against his head as he was still holding you possessively, you feeling him hum as a sign that he was hearing you, “I love you with everything in me, okay?  I’m thankful you’re here and you didn’t leave me, Druig,”
He squeezed you a bit tighter as you kissed his forehead, the pair of you simply listening to the rolling winds outside the farmhouse and letting each other heal from all that happened.  You would hold him for every minute if you had to, as long as he was wishing for you to hold him and to bring him back to his old self you would.
His heart was worth fighting for.   
The End
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Spring Prompt Session
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alelelesimz · 6 months
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here are my favorite things i did this year :) thank you for tagging me @madeofcc <3
i was just gonna make a simple post and for some reason i decided to make this whole thing i guess, even features my stupid handwriting lol. everything written above + some more thoughts down below so you don't have to decipher whatever i wrote, also links to everything. thanks for following my messy blog and allowing me to rant about splatoon every other day lmao love u friends
harmony my beloved
i love splatoon ok! i've tried to recreate a few different splatoon characters before but they don't really translate well to sims. however i love how my harmony turned out! she's my fav character in the game and i'm quite proud of this funky little edit :)
leaf carrying a plant she stole
as soon as i saw that pose i knew i had to use it with my girl leaf! simple edit, but very cute <3 i wanna post more about my nymph!!!!!
what is this? a crossover episode????????
bojack horseman is my fav show ever. when i saw the horse pack trailer i KNEW i had to make this silly joke :p i didn't expect it to get so much attention but i'm glad it did! fun facts: 1) i painted bojack's face in game but basically redid the whole thing in photoshop bc sims textures are uh bad. 2) i recolored pc's dress and god i wish i could've made something better lmao. 3) i converted mr. pb's glasses and i SUFFERED. they actually look terrible ingame but ✨photoshop magic✨
this edit of an alien oc that i need to name still
i don't really use alpha hairs but ain't this one cute?! and i love this edit! if you read this give me a name suggestion for this sim please
I LOVE JUNO BIRCH!!! i literally need to stop myself from making another juno post every time she posts anything online lol. but that hot dog costume is iconic, what can i say.
sims in the city, baby + everything i made about them
i've been wanting to recreate these guys ever since i joined simblr back in 2019 (jesus christ) and i finally did! i'm very proud of them and happy so many people like them :) i loved this game growing up but none of my friends played it, so it's really cool to see more people who played it too!
also, that roxanna moxie lookbook i did? peak fashion
these guys!!!!!!!!! i really wanted to make a silly little band since forever and kari's edgewave fest finally pushed me to make them and I LOVE THEM! i can't wait to keep making more stuff with them babyyyyyyyyaskldjalskhdfklasj
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dangerousbride · 2 months
I'm in a group chat with some ex coworkers and today someone wrote there to ask about something I had no info about, so I didn't join the convo because I honestly didn't have anything to add at all, but now one of the girls is @ ing me asking "where is kary tho? isn't she part of the group?" like WHAT is the need to do that omfggggg you know I am part of the group I just didn't feel like saying anything, why the need to push me to speak 😭😭😭 lmaoo how do I even reply now? this is what I get for trying to avoid being awkward, now things got extra awkward smh
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almightyellie · 2 years
in which jake is annoying, but mostly, he's endearing.
author says kari look away, top gun content incoming :/ been a while since i wrote anything so who's to say if this is anything but it definitely exists! everyone say thank u mo for making sure this isn't the worst thing ever published <3
word count is 2.5k
title song is butterflies // kacey musgraves
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jake seresin loves a challenge.
he always had; he was a competitive kid who had grown into a cutthroat man. once he set his sights on something, he didn’t know how to stop. it was an undeniable urge, an inward propulsion. he was a winner. he got what he wanted.
until you. you, so entirely unimpressed with him. he’s never met someone so unabashedly disinterested in his accomplishments; with such little experience in rejection, of course he takes it as a challenge.
you stand behind the bar, pushing out drinks and handling cash and listening to the rowdy conversation of the patrons. you’re almost busy enough to miss him making his way over to you. 
every time jake seresin steps up to your bar, you know you’re in for it. 
whether it’s a pickup line so bad that it makes you gag or a remark so smart that you might not even feel bad about cleaning his teeth off the bar, hangman has an amazing power to bring out the most visceral reactions in you. sometimes he infuriates you, but usually he’s just a slight nuisance. some nights, you even look forward jake’s teasing, not that you’d ever tell him. he certainly doesn’t need the ego boost. 
penny, for one, finds a great deal of entertainment watching seresin try and fail at flirting with you. such an accusation is silly, you always think. it was clear to anyone who watched that jake enjoyed getting under your skin, but it wasn’t flirting. no, he was just doing as he knew best: being annoying. 
even now, as he sidles up to the bar, you’re preparing yourself for whatever ridiculous thing jake was going to say next. “hi, beautiful.”
you don’t bother rolling your eyes anymore. with a quiet chuckle, you ask, “what can i get you, lieutenant?” 
“do i have my pick?”
brow arched, you put a hand on the bar. “don’t annoy me tonight, seresin.”
he beams. “darlin’, how else am i supposed to entertain myself?”
you begin grabbing his usual. he had been frequenting the bar long enough that you had his order (and all his pickup lines) memorized. “go annoy rooster,” you suggest.
“he’s not nearly as cute as you,” he drawls. 
sliding the bottle toward him on the bar, you lean in close. “go. away.”
jake throws his head back in a good-natured laugh, standing from the bar and turning around toward his buddies. you watch his retreating form, watching as he claps rooster on the shoulder and begins teasing him about his pool skills. he’s always such a charmer, whether he’s talking to you or his team. penny leans against the bar with you, nudging you with her elbow.
“he’s so cute.”
you bark out a laugh, entirely aware of the look jake sends over his shoulder, curious, and maybe a little jealous that someone else has made you laugh. “he’s a total cretin,” you respond. “but yeah, i guess he’s a little cute.”
penny giggles, shaking her head. he could get a little unbearable sometimes, but it was entirely obvious why. he was head over heels for you. penny had seen this over and over again working in the bar—and in her own relationships. there’s always some poor sap who’s too eager, too infatuated, that they’re willing to make a fool of themselves for someone else. hangman, as it it turned out, was not immune to making a fool of himself, all his charm aside. 
as much as you liked to complain, she wondered if maybe you kind of liked having his attention on you. she wouldn’t blame you if that were the case. she had enjoyed the attention of a few aviators herself. 
with a soft sigh, you stand straight. “he wearing you down yet?” penny smirks.
you reach for an empty bottle on the bar top, hiding your smile when you turn away from her. “you’d never hear the end of it from him if he had.”
there’s something in him that’s impossible to turn away from. maybe it’s the tiniest hint of southern charm, or the little glimpse at some actual humanity every once in a while, but for some reason, you can’t seem to find it in yourself to actually get annoyed with him. it doesn’t hurt that he’s not entirely unpleasant to look at. if you thought there was any weight to his advances, you might even accept, but you know hangman’s type. especially after starting at the hard deck, you’d met your fair share of charmers. 
jake watches you, ignoring the conversation happening between his friends. it was clear to everyone—including him—that he might have a little more luck with you if he weren’t so abrasive, so smug, so cocky. for now, though, he liked the game that you played. he liked the way you rolled your eyes, but sometimes couldn’t contain a tiny smile. he liked the rare laugh he managed to get out of you, and he liked that you always acted surprised at the tips he gave you. and, self-assured as he is, maybe he likes the safety of the game. if he was playing around, there was no need for you to reject him. there was no need to make it real.
it’s a truly perfect summer night. the bar is just empty enough that you and penny enjoy conversation, but the time doesn’t drag. in fact, it feels as though the night disappears through your fingers, between grabbing drinks and cleaning up after penny leaves. as the crowd begins to disperse, you glance over at the tables overrun by jake and his friends gathering their glasses and wallets.
hangman has looked better, you must admit, but he still musters a half-charming smile when he and rooster approach the bar. “have fun, boys?” you ask, hiding your smirk at jake’s normally slicked hair looking disheveled and messy.
he sits with a decisive nod. rooster claps a hand on his shoulder, sharing a knowing look with you. “keep him out of trouble for a minute, will you?”
you mock salute him. “yessir.” when rooster heads back to the table, you smile at jake. “you ready to close out your tab?”
“please,” he answers easily, voice thick. “thank you.”
“how very polite, lieutenant,” you chuckle, turning to the till.
while you’re closing out his tab, jake watches you silently. he spends a great deal of time watching you, but he’s just drunk enough to not bother to hide it. he heaves a quiet sigh, resting his chin on his folded arms, listening to your quiet humming, barely audible above the music still playing lowly.
the sight of him softens you slightly, your shoulders falling. you hate the bloom of affection in your chest, the unbearable weight of adoration that crushes you when he gives you the tiniest little smile you’ve ever seen. mindlessly, almost without realizing, you smile back.
“you’re so pretty,” he whispers, eyes heavy, and you grin with a shake of your head.
“thanks, charmer. you’re pretty, too.”
you plant your hands on the bar and he stares up at you. you’ve seen him truly drunk only a few times since the two of you met and he’s always so…pleasant. when sober, jake seresin is brash, arrogant, and more than a little obnoxious. he’s known to fan the flames of every mild annoyance until everyone around him is burning, but right now he looks like a little boy, and he’s frank like one too. it makes you wonder how he can even be the same person.
“when’re you gonna let me take you out?” he asks, and you scoff out a laugh. 
but his eyes are so serious—lit with a tiny smile, but still earnest, and you tilt you head. “seresin…”
and then rooster is right there, flanking the aviator at your bar, and you smile shakily at him. “c’mon, man. let’s get you home.”
jake turns to rooster with smug smile. “y/n and i are speaking, bradley.”
you chuckle and hand jake his card. rooster gives you a mischievous smile and then suggests, “maybe if you ask y/n really nicely, she’ll walk us out the car.”
“thanks, rooster,” you murmur, rolling your eyes jovially. you know now that jake has heard the idea, he won’t let it go, so you wipe your hands on your jeans before making your way out from behind the bar. jake leans his weight against rooster, and you fold your arms across your chest, walking steadily beside them.
rooster looks over jake’s head to sneak a peek at you. “you two were getting a little cozy at the bar.”
“oh, were we?” you asked, looking over at him. “standing five feet apart?”
he laughs. the coastal night air washes over the three of you when you open the door. “close enough for me, gorgeous,” jake butts in, and you huff out an indignant chuckle.
“i’m sure it is, big guy.”
“okay, charmer,” rooster rolls his eyes, fishing his keys out of his pocket. “get in the car.”
he opens the door for jake, who turns to look at you, his eye dropping in a slow wink, and you tamp down a smile; it’s so typical of jake to still be flirting when he can’t keep his eyes straight, and even still, it’s near impossible to resist. “get in the car, seresin.”
“i’ll see you soon.”
rooster barks out a laugh and forces jake in the car himself, closing the door on him after a stern insistence to put on his seatbelt. “you’ve got to get sick of him.”
you watch jake fumble with his seatbelt through the window, and you smirk softly. “it’s kind of cute.” rooster gapes at you, and you feel your ears heat, pushing his chest gently. “shut up.”
“i’m just…surprised,” he responds, affable. “good surprised. i think you two would be great together.”
your eyes dance with mirth at rooster and you offer a shake of your head. “really?”
he shrugs. “you know how he is when it comes to you.”
did you? you thought you had, but you’ve begun to second-guess your first judgment on hangman. the idea of all of jake’s teasing coming from a place of honesty makes your heart beat just a touch faster, makes you look at him a little softer. makes you feel a little sweeter. “yeah,” you whisper, staring past rooster to look into the bronco. you don’t know, but you think you’re beginning to.
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the case of smirnoff is too heavy for you to carry on your own, and penny knows this; every shipment day is free entertainment for her, watching you struggle to carry cases inside until she finally grants you with her help. you hear the back door swing open behind you and you huff, the summer air making the back of your neck sticky. “uncle, penny, uncle. i’m giving up.”
“so easy?”
you shriek in surprise, spinning around to look at jake. he laughs, tucking a free hand in his pocket. “jesus, jake.”
your eyes zero in on the small bouquet of flowers in his hand when he says, “i’m sorry, sweetheart. i really didn’t mean to startle you.”
“s’okay,” you exhale sharply, squinting under the sun. 
he nods at the case. “y’want some help with that?”
you grunt, kicking the case gently. “no, but it’s sweet of you to offer.” his pleased little smile makes your physical struggle and embarrassment worth it. “what’re you doing here? you’re about—” you facetiously look at your watch and jake smirks, raising a brow. “six hours early.”
flowers rustle in his hand as he takes a few tentative steps toward you. “rooster told me i was a little unbearable last night,” he admits, smiling softly at you. “i wanted to apologize if i came on too strong. or made you uncomfortable in any way.”
you smile at him, unable to tear your eyes from his. “i think we both know that you’re in the business of coming on too strong.” you accept the flowers when he holds them out to you, your stomach flipping when he gives you a grin so pretty that you have to look away. “but thank you. i really appreciate the gesture.”
jake nods once, sticking his other hand in his pocket, and all of a sudden you’re feeling shy. you know now that this, whatever he’s doing, is real. if teasing was all it was, there wouldn’t be flowers in your hand. jake wouldn’t be standing in front of you, clean-cut despite his almost guaranteed hangover. you feel a rush of adoration, a feeling you’re becoming increasingly familiar with.
“well, i guess i’ll let you—“
“hey, can i ask you something?” you ask, cutting him off. he raises a brow, urging you to continue, and you purse your lips for a moment. “why do you do that? flirt with me like that?”
he stares at you in surprise for a moment, his mouth opening and closing before he finally settles on, “you really don’t know?”
and you suspect you already know the answer, but it’s easier—and less dangerous—to play coy, so you return, “know what?”
jake says your name so softly, like it’s sacred. “because—because i like you.” 
and it’s juvenile. it’s so silly, how such simple words make your entire body burn, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. you can’t even find it in yourself to suppress the smile that splits your face. “oh.”
he chuckles, tilting his head just slightly in surprise. “you really didn’t know?”
“i thought you were just…like that,” you admit, shoulder lifting in a tiny shrug. he throws his head back in a loud laugh, hand pressing against his abdomen. 
“sweetheart, you are so clueless.”
yes, you are. you really are, but you don’t mind one bit, because the way he looks at you, a soft mixture of wonder and pure affection. that look is going to be burned into your subconscious for the rest of your life. in fifty years, you’ll pull this memory out on a cold day and you’ll remember how the sun beating down on you still wasn’t as warm as the look he gave you. you’ll remember it perfectly.
“if you like me so much, why haven’t you asked me out?” you ask quietly, and he purses his lips.
“do you want me to?”
you hadn’t, not before. not really. but now it seems like a foolish question for him to ask. can’t he see you? the way you look at him?
“do you want to?”
jake rolls his eyes and wraps an arm around your waist. “clueless, sugar.” and then he’s kissing you, one hand on your waist and the other cupping your cheek. you melt into him, entirely consumed by jake seresin. it’s so perfectly natural, the way you lean into him, the way he smiles against your mouth, the way you wrap an arm around his shoulders. 
and the rest is history, he always says, but you think that’s too clean. too brief. 
you like the long version better.
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locallygrowndaikon · 8 months
hey guys check out the first times ive drawn each oc (ignore the scrumibbly notes i wrote down in the drawings)
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here’s the first time I drew Kari, which is like a little over a year ago i think? not sure but anyways they were originally called “evil moth” LMAOO 💀💀
I originally didn’t plan on making this a full fledged story and was just a cool concept at first but then i kinda uhhh yeahhh
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When i drew Eira I was like thinking of reusing a story i thought of before into Evil Moth (Kari) and I needed another character in order to reuse the story and hence, the creation of Eira. She didnt have a name until like a bit later LMAOO
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LARKKK i didnt add his mask until like the next page of my sketchbook LMAOO anyways I created him after drawing a few story scenes. Like Eira he was added because i needed another character 💀💀 also like Eira he didnt get a name until like later
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WOO NESS she got her name right off the bat unlike everyone else. i was gonna add the neck bow thing to her design when days of love came out (she was designed before then) but i kinda never did that ahahaha… also she was originally gonna be more of a background character and appear like once but then she kept appearing and here we are
i was also drawing the cosmetics by memory so thats why the pants are inaccurate LMAOO
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Beefy Five Layer Burrito, the man himself.
anyways i wanted to slap as many ults on him as possible cus his whole personality is the rich guy with a terrible fashion sense but i was drawing from memory so i couldnt think of ults so i just slapped whatever on him
bro also got his name immediately because he started as a “wouldnt beefy five layer burrito be a great name for an oc” so name came before design
yup and thats all (most technically) of them see yall another day
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ari-kari · 11 months
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Heeeeey. I am not remotely active on this website, but I wrote a thing. And I think it’s a good thing. So I’m gonna advertise it here.
I have spent the past 6 months working on a MASSIVE She-Ra longfic, and I am thrilled to announce that I will be releasing it alll at once on AO3 in 1 month! Feel free to follow for updates (I won’t be posting anything this month outside of that). Will be publishing under the username @StarchildComics (EDIT: @ari-kari) so keep an eye out on August 11th!
Adora is going places. That’s what everyone’s always told her - from her estranged guardian Sharon Weaver to her academic advisor, Dr. Hope - and she has never had any intention of letting them down. But when her lifelong battle with anxiety tips from “manageable” to completely out of control, Adora winds up in the last place she ever expected; a mental health treatment center, smack dab in the middle of nowhere. And she’s far from the only “client” here in desperate need of assistance.
Adora wants nothing more than to get back to her old life and pretend this never happened. She throws herself eagerly into “getting better” in the hopes they’ll let her leave. But she wasn’t counting on a few key factors - like her drop-dead gorgeous and totally annoying roommate, or the crippling panic attacks that continue to threaten her recovery. Soon, she is faced with a choice. Will she return to school, and her old life, as soon as possible? Or will the staff and clients at Whispering Woods Recovery lead her down a different path entirely?
(Primary Catradora slowburn fic with various other canon ships included. Minor enemies-to-lovers element. The problematic nature of the fic’s central conceit will be addressed lol)
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sungbeam · 2 years
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just some of my favorite reads from the past two months! thank u sm to all of the incredible writers out there; i hope u know that u are appreciated and loved!!
**NOTE: check out my rec/reblog blog @rubyten for more !! i definitely have not read a lot lately tho 😅
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NCT (all units)
hockey player!jeno having a crush on you (lee jeno) — @loeycity
the hot hockey player who is quietly down bad for u wins the game—and ur heart ;]
11:51pm (huang renjun) — @rnjfy
quick and simple whipped!renjun,,, right in front of my salad
pudding (zhong chenle) — @rnjfy
sucker for chenle, esp when he falls in love w u and the pudding at ur workplace
mark as a boyfriend (mark lee) — @lyyhyuck
need i say more õ_ó (bf hcs for the soul)
00:05 (lee jeno) — @jaehunnyy
bff's debut fic!! she's amazing, the writing's amazing, the comfort is amazing
scored! (lee chan) — @starlightjoong
i have WORDS abt this fic, and if u want a more detailed ver, go to my rec acct but u need to read this chan fic i love! it! too! much!
or, would you rather it be me? (chwe hansol) — @thepixelelf
one of THE BEST, if not the actual best, soulmate aus i have ever read bye
work husband (chwe hansol) — @wondernus
vernon is v much work husband material; teacher dating teacher au (portrayal of the boys r so well done, i have so many compliments)
toothbrush (kwon soonyoung) — @crimsoncauldron
this soonyoung just makes me incredibly soft 😔✨
my things and yours (kwon soonyoung) — @crimsoncauldron
a perfect scene by scene play of how u and hoshi's tastes find compromise (also quite cute)
my burning heart (won't listen to me) (wen junhui) — @adi--writes
we all know hot is jun's era, now read this w one of his performances fresh in ur mind ;D
game day (choi seungcheol) — @escapewriter
tbh i binged this smau in one go and i am not sorry for it (coups, what a gent)
9:24am (xu minghao) — @maiademia
reia thankfully wrote me a sequel to this one, but hao truly is that bitch™
all my love (ot13) — @ethereal-engene
made me so soft w this one 🫂 bestie hit home; u and svt go to pride together
cuddlebug (choi soobin) — @bunnybeehun
soooo so soft and comforting :( soobin deserves the world
skittles (hueningkai) — @loveliestfelix
THIS !!! was literally like a :O moment for me lol but kai is quite attractive (;´∀`)
sweeter than (choi beomgyu) — @yedammi
i had to put this here not just cuz i requested it, but bc kari knocked it outta the park as per usual (beach meet cute!!)
adore you (choi beomgyu) — @koishua
sucker for whipped!bad boys? meet the beomgyu version ^_^
beach club (lee felix) — @loveliestfelix
no but like this whole thing just butters my toast, like the chemistry btwn reader and felix, and the sunrises idea mWAH
forgotten keys (yang jeongin) — @mxxndreams
okok i also have WORDS abt this one (i have more abt it on my reblog), but yang jeongin + tattoos + smirks + tank tops = @_@
like a cat (lee minho) — @bunnybeehun
the overarching metaphor is so beautiful and sad, and so well written
lmao i have not read much enha lately whoops
part-time barista!jake (sim jaeyun) — @bunnybeehun
the cute barista scenario who thinks ur also quite cute ;3
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karis-the-fangirl · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Wheel of Time (TV), Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nynaeve al'Meara/Lan Mandragoran Characters: Lan Mandragoran Additional Tags: Masturbation, Fantasizing, Pining, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Canon Compliant Series: Part 5 of Wisdom & Warder Summary:
WoTober 2023 Prompt 1: Hawk
One night in Fal Dara, before leaving for the Eye of the World, al'Lan Mandragoran finds sleep elusive until he releases some pent-up desire.
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
I’m here to say I’m happy you’re back and hopefully feeling better! I have a little prompt, nothing extensive but I’m missing TMTL au lately and would love to see some sweet family time 🥹
"Happy Valentine Mum!"
"Thank you, Darling," Thena laughed, receiving her ever-growing-six-year-old in her arms and accepting his loving embrace. She nuzzled his temple, kissing as he laughed. "How was your valentine's day?"
"We made cards!" Druig exclaimed far too loudly for the front hall of their little house. He held out a red heart, cut with jagged edged scissors to give it a pointy edge.
"That's," Thena paused, examining the glittery glue dripping from it, "lovely."
"This is all the blood," Druig pointed out. "'Cuz yer heart's beatin' in your body, so it'd be gross when you pull it out."
Thena smiled at the cute and grotesque gesture. Unfortunately, it was very 'Druig' of him to think of something like that. "That's very thoughtful of you, Darling. Did you exchange cards with your friends?"
Druig nodded dutifully, although the only friend he really held any fondness for was Makkari. "Everyone gave out cards. Some of 'em had candy!"
Thena was very aware that the tradition was to attach a cheap piece of sweet confection to each equally cheap card. She hadn't particularly wanted to participate in that tradition, and when she asked Druig if that was okay his only response was that he just wanted the candy for himself anyway.
"Did you eat it all already?"
"No, Mum," her sweet little angel replied, shining his big blue eyes at her. Thena just stared at him. He sighed, "I ate half of 'em. But I shared with Kari!"
She supposed she could be thankful that he had been honest with her. He relaxed his posture as she smoothed down his hair, "that's very nice that you shared with her, Darling. Did you make her a card?"
Druig nodded again. He had indeed made a card just for his best - and in many ways only - friend, unlike the garbage he had given everyone else out of obligation (his mother's words, not his!). "I drew a cheetah, and it said 'you're even faster than this!' on it!"
Thena pressed a kiss to the top of Druig's head before standing again, "that's lovely, Darling."
"I made one for Miss Ajak too," he continued as she helped him out of his laced up boots. "But I didn't know what to say so I just wrote 'Valentine' on it."
"I'm sure she'll think that's very sweet," Thena assured him.
"Kari made you one too!"
Thena blinked as the card was shoved in her face. Luckily it wasn't as sharply pointed as her son's. It was also a violent shade of red, but at least it wasn't dripping with viscera.
Her student had drawn some butterflies around the edges, and then a picture of a little ballerina with dark braids, and a taller ballerina with yellow hair. A charming couple of arrows pointed out who was whom, in case Thena needed help identifying them. Her eyes watered.
"You like it?"
Thena sniffled, kissing Druig's forehead, "tell her I absolutely love it, Darling. I'll put it right up next to yours above my desk, hm?"
"'Kay," Druig shrugged, no longer concerned with it. "Mister Dad has something for you too."
And with that, Druig was more interested with the promise of the living room and probably turning on the tv before he was told not to.
Thena tilted her head as Gil finally came through the front door as well, shuffling in with a bundle of something behind his back. "Oh, he does, does he?"
"I told him to come in first, help warm you up," he chuckled, letting her lean against his chest as she got up on her toes to kiss him. "Hey."
"Hey," she greeted, although it came out as more of a sigh. She stepped back, letting him in away from the door. "How were classes?"
"Well, valentine's isn't really a day when you get things done," he chuckled, fidgeting and kicking off his shoes. "Too much chocolate, too many questions. You mostly make crafts, and cards, and try to discourage asking where babies come from."
"I see," Thena pressed her lips together to try and resist laughing. She kept trying to see what was behind him, but he was holding it up high enough to that his broad shoulders did quite a fine job of keeping it from her. "Gil?"
"Okay, okay," he chuckled, leaning in for one more kiss before pulling out a full bouquet of roses, varying in colour from sheer white to pink to deep red. "Uh, I didn't know if you would really want to do anything, but-"
Thena swiped the flowers from him, burying her nose in their scent. It wasn't that she was a huge flowers lover, nor did she dislike them. But she couldn't remember a time when she received a bouquet that wasn't for work purposes.
"Okay, good to know," Gil smiled, putting his hand on her shoulder as she admired them. "Happy valentine's, Angel."
Thena happily leaned in to let him kiss her cheek, still starry eyed from receiving her gift. "Gil, they're beautiful!"
"Second only to you," the charmer corrected as he pried one of her hands away from them.
"Don't tell me you had these with you all day," she blinked at the idea of him trying to navigate the teacher's lounge with them.
"No, I scheduled a pickup for them this afternoon, but I ordered them basically at the start of february," he laughed, pulling her down the front hall and out of the view of the living room. "In case you did want to do something...I wanted it to be special."
Thena melted into the kiss as he held both her cheeks to tip her head just so. She held the flowers out, unwilling to let them get squished as Gil held her waist against him. She moaned quietly, savouring the real, proper kiss stolen even while Druig was in the house.
"So?" Gil pulled away with eager eyes, "how'd I do?"
"It's by far the best gift I've gotten for this particular occasion," she stated factually before burying her nose in her roses again.
"Sorry hon, but that's not a very high bar," Gil snorted, moving back to his work satchel. "And there's more where those came from, but that'll be for, uh, tonight."
Thena buried her blushing in the flowers as well. "I could have asked Ajak to have the kids over."
"Hey, don't worry about it," Gil whispered, "it's a school night anyway. We'll keep it lowkey."
Thena nodded, accepting another little kiss.
"Besides," he winked at her, "I got you another present. I don't know what you were thinking of."
"Hush," she attempted to chide her very jovial partner as he moved into the living room. She followed immediately scooping the tv remote out of Druig's hands.
"Hey!" he whined.
"One hour, and if it's now then it's not before bed," she dictated firmly.
"Yes, Mum," Druig grumbled obediently, although he made himself completely dead weight in Gil's grasp as he was moved from off the floor - as close to the tv as he could get - to the couch with them.
"Come on, buddy, don't you wanna tell Mum about what we did today?" Gil attempted to encourage the boy to sociallise just a little.
"You're gonna tell her anyway," Druig shrugged, in both a humorous and precocious statement. He looked down at his outstretched feet, with his socks with sharks on the bottoms. "Did you give Mum the butterflies?"
"Butterflies?" Thena asked with a faint frown.
Gil shook his head, assuring her that no winged insects would be part of her gift. "Uh, what butterflies, kiddo?"
"You said you were gettin' something for Mum. I thought it'd be butterflies," Druig elaborated, but not to the betterment of either adult's understanding. He looked up at Gil. "Mum once told Miss Ajak that you gave her butterflies--I thought you were gonna get s'more."
Gil looked up at Thena, who closed her eyes and looked up at the ceiling as the embarrassment washed over her. Not that Gil didn't know that in a general sense, but she didn't need such a clear example to be given.
Gil just chuckled, "not this time, buddy. I was getting flowers for Mum."
"Okay," Druig shrugged, looking at his mother now. "What's for dinner?"
She smiled down at her son, preferring that over looking her lover in the eye after that particular fact was revealed. "Delivery."
Thena just sighed and nodded, Druig already holding out a grabby little paw for her phone to select what he liked. She looked up at Gil sheepishly, "my gift to you was that I wouldn't do the cooking, but you wouldn't have to either."
"Sounds good to me," he grinned, leaning over to kiss her above Druig's head. Although when he pulled away, he stayed closely hovering, "I give you butterflies, huh?"
Thena huffed, looking away as her embarrassment worsened.
"For what it's worth," he scooched closer, jostling Druig slightly between them just so he could wrap his arm around her shoulders, "you give me butterflies, too."
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omg-hellgirl · 4 months
do Mick Jagger and Marsha Hunt (the mother of his 1st child) hate each other? she's never photo'd around him like his other gfs/wives are
Absolutely not. I don't know how Mick currently feels about Marsha (after she sold the letters he sent to her), but I doubt she hates him. It really frustrated me that in her book she made it clear that she ALWAYS left the door open for Mick to be part of Karis' life. Don't get me wrong, I think it's commendable that she put her daughter's well-being above anything else, but I didn't find the resentment that I think she have the right to feel towards him for everything he did to her. Maybe that makes her a better person than me.
Marsha didn't really say anything bad about Mick to Karis and whenever Stones music played she would tell her daughter about Mick's importance to rock and how great he was. She "wanted Karis to think well of her father and wanted Mick to feel that the settlement served him as much as it served her."
The prologue and epilogue of her biography show Mick around the period she published the book (mid 80s) and they seem good with each other. Too good. I think what bothers me most is that she didn't treat him like he deserved to be treated (with contempt) because he NEVER apologized to her. But again, this shows that she has a kind disposition.
Here are excerpts from the prologue and epilogue:
It was drizzling that afternoon in Paris when we slipped into the front row of the darkened Left Bank cinema. Mick Jagger arranged himself in the seat next to me so that his elbow was resting on my thigh [...]
Mick's girlfriend Jerry Hall had enough to worry about, too, with Mick on his own in Paris cutting an album with the Stones. She could do without a picture of Mick and me holding hands while we rollicked with our daughter on a Paris side street [...]
I bounced downstairs from my bedroom in time to see Mick sweep our daughter in his arms. He threatened to lift me off my feet, but I loudly protested and we settled for a rocking bear hug [...]
You know, this doesn't even sound like the man who forced her into a situation where she had to clean friends' houses to support her daughter while he was RICH. This doesn't even look like the man who forced her into a humiliating situation in Germany by not sending measly 75 pounds to cover the costs of caring for his BURNT daughter. This doesn't even look like the man who asked for a child, abandoned her and said disgusting things about her in the media, publicly doubting the paternity of the child HE asked for.
I just think Mick got away with this too easily — like most things in his life — but I understand that for Karis and Marsha, the path of forgiveness was the best alternative.
In her own words, she "wrote to let him know that what had happened was past and he was welcome to see her (Karis). I put the issue behind me so that I could carry on."
Forgiveness is a beautiful thing that not everyone is capable of giving and few are worthy of receiving. Was Mick worthy of receiving it?
I don't know exactly why there aren't any photos of them together, but I remember that Marsha wanted to keep a low profile when dating Mick. Yet there should have been some photos.
Let's be clear: I don't blame Marsha for forgiving him; I just find it curious and a little frustrating. Jerry Hall posing for photos with Mick looking comfortable around him also frustrates me, and it makes me amazed at his ability to keep keeping her around him. With four kids, I don't think it was too difficult. I also talked a little about this here and here.
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schraubd · 2 years
The 2022 Almost-Post Mortem
I was a bit hesitant to write my post-mortem recap today, since some very important races remain uncalled. Incredibly, both the House and Senate remain uncalled, though the GOP is favored in the former and Democrats have the slight advantage in the latter. It would be truly delightful if Catherine Cortez Masto can squeak out a win in Nevada and so make the upcoming Georgia run-off, if not moot, then slightly less high stakes. But again, things are up in the air that ought make a big difference in the overall "narrative" of the day.
Nonetheless, I think some conclusions can be fairly drawn at this point. In no particular order:
There was no red wave. It was, at best, a red trickle. And given both the underlying fundamentals  on things like inflation and the historic overperformance of the outparty in midterm elections, this is just a truly underwhelming performance for the GOP. No sugarcoating that for them.
If Trafalgar polling had any shame, they'd be shame-faced right now, but they have no shame, so they'll be fine.
In my 2018 liveblog, I wrote that "Some tough early results (and the true disappointment in Florida) has masked a pretty solid night for Democrats." This year, too, a dreadful showing in Florida set an early downer tone that wasn't reflected in the overall course of the evening. Maybe it's time we just give up the notion that Florida is a swing state?
That said, Republicans need to get out of their gulf-coastal-elite bubble and realize that what plays in Tallahassee doesn't play in the rest of the country. 
That's snark, but also serious -- for all the talk about how "Democrats are out-of-touch", it seems that the GOP also has a problem in not understanding that outside of their fever-swamp base most normal people maybe don't like the obsession with pronouns and "kitty litter" and "anti-CRT". Their ideological bubble is at this point far more impermeable, and far more greatly removed from the mainstream, than anything comparable among Democrats.
Abortion is maybe the biggest example of this, as anti-choice measures keep failing in even deep red states like Kentucky, while pro-choice enactments sail to victory in purple states like Michigan (to say nothing of blue bastions like California). Democratic organizers should make a habit of just putting abortion on the ballot in every state, and ride those coattails.
It's going to fade away almost immediately, but I cannot get over the cynical bad faith of what happened regarding baseless GOP insinuations that any votes counted after election day were inherently suspicious. On November 7, this was all one heard from GOP officials across the country, even though delays in counting are largely the product of GOP-written laws. But on November 8, when they found themselves behind on election night returns, all of the sudden folks like Kari Lake are relying on late-counted votes to save them while raising new conspiracies about stolen elections. Sickening.
Given the still powerful force of such conspiracy mongering, Democrats holding the executive branch in key swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan is a huge deal. Great job, guys.
For the most part, however, most losing MAGA candidates are conceding. Congratulations on clearing literally the lowest possible bar to set.
The GOP still should be favored to take over the House, albeit with a razor-thin majority. And that majority, in turn, seems almost wholly attributable to gerrymandering -- both Democrats unilateral disarmament in places like New York, but also truly brutal GOP gerrymanders in places like Florida. This goes beyond Rucho, though that case deserves its place in the hall of shame. The degree to which the courts bent over backwards to enable even the most nakedly unlawful districting decisions -- the absurd lawlessness of Ohio stands out, but the Supreme Court's own decision to effectively pause enforcement of the Voting Rights Act because too many Black people entering Congress qualifies as an "emergency" on the shadow docket can't be overlooked either -- is one of the great legal disgraces of my lifetime in a year full of them.
Of course, I have literally no idea how the Kevin McCarthy will corral his caucus with a tiny majority. Yes, it gives crazies like Greene and Boebert (well, maybe not Boebert ...) more power, but that's because it gives everyone in the caucus more power, which is just a recipe for chaos. Somewhere John Boehner is curling up in a comfy chair with a glass of brandy and getting ready to have a wonderful day.
My new proposal for gerrymandering in Democratic states: "trigger" laws which tie anti-gerrymandering rules to the existence of a national ban. If they're banned nationwide, the law immediately goes into effect. Until they are, legislatures have free reign. That way one creates momentum for a national gerrymandering ban while not unilaterally disarming like we saw in New York. Could it work? Hard to know -- but worth a shot.
Let's celebrate some great candidates who will be entering higher office! Among the many -- and this is obviously non-exhaustive -- include incoming Maryland Governor Wes Moore, incoming Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, incoming Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman. Also kudos to some wonderful veterans who held their seats in tough environs, including Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Virginia congresswoman Abigail Spanberger, New Jersey congressman Andy Kim, Maine Governor Janet Mills, and New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan.
Special shoutout to Tina Kotek, who overcame considerable headwinds (and the worst Carleton alum) to apparently hold the Governor's mansion in my home state of Oregon. Hopeful that Jaime McLeod-Skinner can eke out a victory in my congressional district too, though it looks like that might come down to the wire.
I also think it's important to give credit even to losing candidates who fought hard races. Tim Ryan stands out here -- not only did he force the GOP to spend badly needed resources in a state they should've had no trouble keeping, but his coattails might have pushed Democrats across the finish line in at least two House seats Republicans were favored to hold. (I hate to say it, but Lee Zeldin may have played a similar role for the GOP in New York).
I'm inclined to agree that, if Biden doesn't run in 2024, some of the emergent stars from this cycle (like Whitmer or Shapiro) are stronger picks for a presidential run than the also-rans from 2020. But I also think that Biden likely will get an approval bump off this performance -- people like being associated with winners!
On the GOP side, the best outcome (from my vantage) is Trump romping to a primary victory and humiliating DeSantis -- I think voters are sick of him. The second best outcome might be DeSantis winning narrowly over Trump and provoking a tantrum for the ages that might rip the GOP apart. DeSantis himself, as a presidential candidate, is an uncertainty -- I'm not convinced he plays well outside of Florida, but I am convinced that if he prevails over Trump the media will fall over itself to congratulate the GOP on "repudiating" Trumpism even though DeSantis is materially indistinguishable from Trump along every axis save that he's not abjectly incompetent (which, in this context, is not a plus).
The hardest thing to do is to recognize when even candidates you really like are, for whatever reason, just not going to get over the hump. This fits Charlie Crist, Beto O'Rourke, and (I'm sorry) Stacey Abrams. It's no knock on them -- seriously, it isn't -- but they're tainted goods at this point. Fortunately, Democrats have a deep bench of excellent young candidates who we can turn to next time around.
And regarding the youth -- I'm not someone who's a big fan of the perennial Democratic sport of Pelosi/Schumer sniping. I think they've both done a very good job under difficult circumstances, and deserve real credit for the successes we saw tonight and across the Biden admin more broadly. However, we do need to find room for some representatives from the younger generation to assume leadership roles. Younger voters turned out hard for the Democratic Party and deserve their seat at the table. It says something that Hakeem Jeffries, age 52, is the immediate current leadership figure springing to mind as a "young" voice -- that (and again, there's no disrespect to Jeffries here) is not good enough.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/1YJTzbo
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forestwhisper3 · 10 months
Welcome back to [Not Quite] Midnight Meditations, although tonight, we are surprisingly more or less on time (as long as the clock still says 12 I'm counting it as on time), where I share segments from the darker corners of my flash drive. As stated before, these are all ideas that held my interest for a bit but were left unfinished for one reason or another. It is very unlikely that they will ever be fully fleshed out, but I figured it would be fun to share them.
Continuing in order from the last post, tonight's segment is Digimon again. This one is based firmly in Gen 2 and is yet another Davis-centric fic, but the concept this time is that he turns evil.
I do remember enjoying the concept of evil Davis when I wrote this (and I will admit the idea still holds some appeal even now), but I also remember being rather put off by the execution of many of the fics I read that pursued this plot. A lot of them had everyone suddenly turn on him because of one small mistake, or he decided he was tired of being "second best" to TK. That always felt sort of lackluster and unrealistic to me, so I tried my own spin on it.
This idea didn't get as much attention as the last one, so it's considerably shorter, but I feel like it sets the mood for what could have been the rest of the story rather well. Anyway, I won't keep you any longer, so here it is.
"I-…I think something's wrong with me."
"…Wrong how?"
"I've been hearing voices."
Ken rushed through the forest, the others hot on his heels, adrenaline pushing them past their normal limits. Inwardly, he was berating himself. He and Davis had both considered this possibility, no matter how reluctantly on his part, but Ken thought they might have had more time- that it might not happen because it was so unlikely…
Ken stiffened slightly while Davis grinned weakly. "Yeah, that's what I've been thinking too."
"…How long?"
"About a month now. It wasn't so bad at first- I thought it might have just been the late hours mixed with my imagination…but now…" Davis gave a deep, exhausted sigh. "I'm worried, Ken."
So he had ignored the warnings. He brushed off Davis's increasing weariness, his growing paranoia and jumpiness at the slightest things, and his increasingly frequent concerns that something serious was at work.
"We can't be sure that it's something to worry about yet," he countered a bit fearfully. "Maybe you just watched too many horror-"
"Ken. That's not it and you know it."
Davis's smile was so full of sadness and understanding that it made Ken tear up even while filling him with fury.
He had ignored it when Davis had started growing easily irritated and distant as well, although that wasn't the case with the others, who had finally caught on that something was happening. Not that they could have done anything by that point- the confrontation between TK and Davis was still a painful subject for all of them.
There was no ignoring it anymore.
"You're wrong! The dark spores were destroyed! There's no way for them to be affecting you!"
"Don't! I don't want to hear it!"
Tai was the one who had found the letter.
It was as if Davis had known all along that Ken would never find the strength to admit that he was slowly losing his friend. Perhaps, in a moment of clarity, Davis had realized that it was something that they wouldn't be able to fix in time and wished to explain. Whatever the reason, he had somehow managed to sneak the letter into Tai's home and hid it away in Kari's scrapbook.
Davis went missing the very next day.
A long, tense silence fell. It was the sort of silence they hadn't felt between them since the early days of their friendship. After what felt like forever, Davis sighed and stood up.
"I need to head home. I'll see you tomorrow?"
He nodded and went toward the door, pausing once it opened. "…Just promise me you'll think about it."
Davis was gone before he could answer. Then again, he doubted he would have been able to.
Now, they had finally gotten a reading on their leader's digivice…but he was afraid of what they would find.
Every day, the digital world seemed to grow just a little bit darker. Any digimon that weren't at Ultimate level or higher would stay hidden, and there were whispers…
The tentative voice brought him out of his thoughts. The others were looking at him in concern, but he couldn't bring himself to even pretend to be all right.
"It'll be okay, Ken," Kari tried to assure him, although the way her brows were furrowed betrayed her worry. "We'll get him back."
"Yeah," TK agreed. "Davis is tough. I'm sure he's fighting whatever's possessing him with everything he's got."
"You don't understand," he whispered, not caring at how his voice cracked. "He'd been fighting it for almost a year before he disappeared. The thing about darkness is its subtlety. It waits for the best times to strike, and it always goes for your weak spots. It's amazing that he's lasted this long, but even Davis isn't invincible. One slip is all the darkness needs, and then you're overwhelmed…"
"I hate to say this, but Ken's right," Matt cut in, expression solemn. "We've all encountered darkness in some way, and we all gave into it eventually. It's a testament to Davis that he held it off as long as he did, but we have to face the fact that when we see him, he won't be himself."
"You saw the changes," Tai added grimly. "The Davis we know would never act that way. All we can do is fight and hope we can reach him like he reached Ken."
Hesitantly, they nodded.
Still, they weren't prepared for how much their friend had changed.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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August 12, 2023
In Marion, Kansas, yesterday morning, four local police officers and three sheriff’s deputies raided the office of the Marion County Record newspaper; the home of its co-owners, Eric Meyer and his 98 year old mother, Joan Meyer; and the home of Marion vice mayor Ruth Herbel, 80. They seized computers, cell phones, and other equipment. Joan Meyer was unable to eat or sleep after the raid; she collapsed Saturday afternoon and died at her home.
The search warrant alleged there was probable cause to believe the newspaper, its owners, or the vice mayor had committed identity theft and unlawful computer acts against restaurant owner Kari Newell, but Magistrate Laura Viar appears to have issued that warrant without any affidavit of wrongdoing on which to base it. Sherman Smith, Sam Bailey, Rachel Mipro, and Tim Carpenter of the nonprofit news service Kansas Reflector reported that federal law protects journalists from search and seizure and requires law enforcement instead to subpoena materials they want.
On August 2, Newell had thrown Meyer and a Marion County Record reporter out of a meeting with U.S. Representative Jake LaTurner (R-KS), and the paper had run a story on the incident. Newell had complained on her personal Facebook page, 
On August 7, Newell publicly accused the newspaper of illegally getting information about a drunk-driving charge against her and giving it to Herbel. Eric Meyer says the information—which was accurate—was sent to him and Herbel over social media and that he decided not to publish it out of concerns it was leaked to help Newell’s estranged husband in divorce proceedings. Those same concerns made him take the story to local police. Newell accused the newspaper of violating her rights and called Meyer to accuse him of identity theft.
Meyer told journalist Marisa Kabas of The Handbasket that the paper was also investigating the new police chief for sexual misconduct, and he noted that the identities of people making those allegations are on the computers that got seized. “I may be paranoid that this has anything to do with it,” Meyer told Kabas, “but when people come and seize your computer, you tend to be a little paranoid.”  
On Friday, Newell wrote on her Facebook page: “Journalists have become the dirty politicians of today, twisting narrative for bias agendas, full of muddied half-truths…. We rarely get facts that aren’t baited with misleading insinuations.” 
Meyer worked at the Milwaukee Journal for 20 years and then taught journalism at the University of Illinois, retiring from there. He doesn’t take a salary from the Marion County Record. He told Kabas, “I’m doing this because I believe that newspapers still have a place in the world and that the worst thing that a newspaper could do was shrink its reporting staff, stop reporting, fill itself with non-news when there’s still news out there. And if you do a good job of providing news, you will get readers…. [W]e’re doing this because we care about the community.” 
He said he worries that people are afraid to participate in politics because “there’s gonna be consequences and they’re going to be negative.” 
The Marion County Record will sue the city and the individuals involved in the raid, which, the paper wrote in its coverage, “legal experts contacted were unanimous in saying violated multiple state and federal laws, including the U.S. Constitution, and multiple court rulings.” “Our first priority is to be able to publish next week,” Meyer said, “but we also want to make sure no other news organization is ever exposed to the Gestapo tactics we witnessed today. We will be seeking the maximum sanctions possible under law.” 
Executive director of the Kansas Press Association Emily Bradbury noted “An attack on a newspaper office through an illegal search is not just an infringement on the rights of journalists but an assault on the very foundation of democracy and the public’s right to know. This cannot be allowed to stand.”
Americans have taken up this cause before. In 1836 the House of Representatives passed a resolution preventing Congress from taking up any petition, memorial, resolution, proposition, or paper relating “in any way, or to any extent whatsoever, to the subject of slavery or the abolition of slavery.” This “gag rule” outraged antislavery northerners. Rather than quieting their objections to enslavement, they increased their discussion of slavery and stood firm on their right to those discussions. 
In that same year, newspaperman Elijah P. Lovejoy, who had been publishing antislavery articles in the St. Louis Observer, decided to move from the slave state of Missouri across the Mississippi River to Alton, Illinois. He suggested to his concerned neighbors that his residence in a free state would enable him to write more about religion than about slavery. But, he added in a statement to them, “As long as I am an American citizen, and as long as American blood runs in these veins, I shall hold myself at liberty to speak, to write and to publish whatever I please, being amenable to the laws of my country for the same.”
Lovejoy became a symbol of the freedom of the press.
When “a committee of five citizens” in Alton, appointed by “a public meeting,” asked Lovejoy if he intended to print sentiments to which they objected, he refused to “admit that the liberty of the press and freedom of speech, were rightfully subject to other supervision and control, than [the laws of] the land.” He reminded them that “‘the liberty of our forefathers has given us the liberty of speech,’ and that it is ‘our duty and high privilege, to act and speak on all questions touching this great commonwealth.’” “[E]very thing having a tendency to bring this right into jeopardy, is eminently dangerous as a precedent,” he said. 
Popular pressure had proved unable to make Lovejoy stop writing, and on August 21, 1837, a mob drove off the office staff of the Alton Observer by throwing rocks through the windows. Then, as soon as the staff had fled, the mob broke into the newspaper’s office and destroyed the press and all the type. 
On August 24, Lovejoy asked his supporters to help him buy another press. They did. But no sooner had it arrived than a gang of ten or twelve “ruffians” broke into the warehouse where it had been stored for the night and threw it into the river. 
When yet another press arrived in early November, Lovejoy had it placed in a warehouse on the riverbank. That night, about thirty men attacked the building, demanding the press be handed over to them. The men inside refused and fired into the crowd, wounding some of the attackers. The mob pulled back but then returned with ladders that enabled them to set fire to the building’s roof. When Lovejoy stepped out of the building to see where the attackers were hiding, a man shot him dead. As the rest of the men in the warehouse ran to safety, the mob rushed into the building and threw the press out of the window. It broke to pieces when it hit the shore, and the men threw the pieces into the Mississippi River.
But the story did not end there. Elijah Lovejoy’s younger brother, Owen, saw Elijah shot. "I shall never forsake the cause that has been sprinkled with my brother's blood," he declared. He and another brother wrote the Memoir of Elijah P. Lovejoy, impressing on readers the importance of what they called “liberty of the press” in the discussion of public issues. 
Owen then turned to politics, and in 1854 he was elected to the Illinois state legislature to stand against those southerners who had silenced his brother. The following year, voters elected him to Congress. His increasing prominence brought him political friends, including an up-and-coming lawyer who had arrived in Illinois from Kentucky by way of Indiana, Abraham Lincoln. 
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ashipwreckcoast · 3 months
Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @swedishgoaliemafia
3 Ships you like: Three ?? Really hard to narrow it down here. Gonna cheat and do the last three I posted, from different fandoms: Robin/Chrissy from Stranger Things, Geralt/Eskel from the Witcher, and DinLuke from Star Wars.
Last song you heard: the theme song to Fantasy High because I am trying to catch up
Favourite childhood book: Castaways of the Flying Dutchman by Brian Jacques. One of his non-woodland creatures books and I still think about it a lot
Currently Reading: I actually just finished Putting it Together by James Lapine, which is the story of how he & Sondheim's Sunday in the Park with George came together and it does not paint the author in a good light, I'll say that much, but he's honest about it, at least.
Currently Watching: Dimension 20: Fantasy High: Junior Year baybee
Currently Craving: Gluten-free golden oreos. I'm normally not an oreo guy but boy howdy. With a little nutella on there?? Oh baby.
First Ship Ever: The first pairing I remember being like "Why are these two not dating? and thinking up stories about how that would happen was TK/Kari from Digimon hah. The first ship I ever wrote is a little blurrier. I want to say it was Remus/Sirius but that doesn't sound right? The chaos of FF dot net. We'll never know.
Tagging: @borninthecold @andropogonfalons @picklesquash
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