#kitchen passthrough window
elevate-rp · 11 months
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Pergolas - Deck An illustration of a medium-sized, modern backyard deck with an outdoor kitchen at ground level and a pergola
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Outdoor Kitchen - Outdoor Kitchen
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arrowarcher · 11 months
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Uncovered Deck San Diego Inspiration for a large farmhouse backyard ground level privacy and cable railing deck remodel with no cover
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chaxnelles · 1 year
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San Diego Farmhouse Deck Inspiration for a large farmhouse backyard ground level privacy and cable railing deck remodel with no cover
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evergentleandkind · 1 year
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Contemporary Living Room Mid-sized trendy open concept dark wood floor and brown floor living room photo with a bar, beige walls, a ribbon fireplace, a tile fireplace and a wall-mounted tv
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moonchildreads · 1 year
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small town
Chapter 7 - The Search Is Over
IN THIS CHAPTER: A planned birthday party, nerdy father figures, and The Present Ritual [4.1k]
WARNINGS: brief mentions of deceased parents
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Now I look into your eyes, I can see forever The search is over, you were with me all the while
Saturday, April 26th - 1986
“Honey, there’s someone here to see you,” James knocked on the wooden frame of his daughter’s bedroom door.
“Huh?” she lifted her head from her pillow and looked at the clock next to her bed: 11:02.
Without saying anything else, Dottie’s dad disappeared down the hall, his footsteps heavy on the stairs. Who on Earth was dropping by to see her on a Saturday before noon? Rushing to the bathroom to brush her teeth, she heard her dad yelling from down the stairs again.
“Dorothy, did you hear me?”
“Yes, yes! I’m coming, hold up!” she screamed back at him, grabbing the railing so she wouldn’t trip on her slippers on her way down the stairs.
Dottie opened the front door with a hurried yank and was surprised to find no one at the other side. Worried that whoever had been waiting for her to show up had gotten tired and walked back to their vehicle, she peered around, craning to see down the street. Again, nothing. Not even a soul. There wasn’t even a car parked nearby, only an elderly neighbor spraying his bushes with a slinky hose. Extremely confused, and frankly still rather sleepy, she closed the door and stared blankly at the handle. She turned around and began making her way to the kitchen, questions burning the tip of her tongue. Unsolved mysteries were terrible on her anxious little heart.
Her words died in her throat as she heard familiar voices coming from behind the closed shutters of the passthrough kitchen window. Her eyes widening, she tripped over the rug, throwing herself to the shutters and pulling them open. They hit the walls with a loud bang and the three men on the other side turned to look at her.
“What the fuck are you two doing here?!”
“Jesus, kid, we can leave if you want.”
A loud chortle made its way out of her throat as she leaped through the door to hug one of the two men, the one who wasn’t currently holding a mug of coffee. Joseph looked up from the teenager between his arms, smiling at James and Robert who were watching the very dramatic act unfolding at the kitchen island.
“Did you really think we were gonna miss your 18th birthday, kiddo?” Robert said, stealing the girl from his friend’s arms and squeezing tightly.
“I just never thought- why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“And ruin the surprise? Natalie is sorry she couldn’t come, but she got this for you. She said you should wear it for the party,” Joseph slid a large gift bag across the island.
Uncles Joseph and Robert were two of James Burke’s best friends from college. The three of them met as classmates while pursuing an Engineering degree but Joe and Rob had switched to a more social sciences oriented program during junior year before heading off to Law school after graduation. They had a small but successful firm together in NYC; Joe’s strength was litigation and Rob’s was transactions so it felt natural for them to partner up and navigate the post-graduate world together. As they often said, life was so much easier with the right people around you to raise you up when you stumbled.
It only made sense then that when Dottie’s mom passed away, they took it upon themselves to raise both James and Dorothy up as much as they possibly could. As such, the young girl had spent countless hours at their budding law firm, her short legs swinging from the tall chairs as she doodled or worked on her homework, waiting for her Dad to pick her up after a meeting that ran particularly late. Uncle Joe was the eternal bachelor; born and raised in New York, he always knew the most obscure and fascinating places to take her to. One of her favorite memories was from the time he’d taught her to ride a bike in an old abandoned parking lot that had a fantastic Italian-owned pasta place right around the corner. She’d scraped one of her shins until it bled but they had wonderful gnocchi afterwards so overall it had been a great day. On the other hand, Uncle Rob was married to Natalie and had two kids: six-year old Nate, whom Dottie had babysat numerous times, and newborn Lily, whom the teenager hadn’t been able to meet yet due to moving to Indiana. When they sat down to have a late breakfast, Dottie’s first question before she had even opened Natalie’s gift was to ask for pictures of Lily, which prompted Rob to pull out a stack of recently developed memories from his coat pocket like he had been waiting for her to request them all along.
Aunt Natalie had sent her a precious pair of black ruched booties with the tiniest hint of heel; as she was admiring them, Uncle Joseph appeared behind her with a stack of presents from the rest of the gaggle of aunts and uncles she missed so dearly. There was a small selection of leather-bound Shakespeare books from Aunt Mary Elizabeth and Uncle Johnny, a black skirt with suspenders from Auntie Rachel (You should wear that with the boots tonight, honey!), a gorgeous dainty set of silver earrings with a matching necklace from Uncle Joseph himself, a handmade wooden jewelry box from Uncle Robert, a few rare vinyls from Uncky Paul, and a pair of comfy pajamas from always practical Aunt Barbara. Dottie glanced at the wrapping paper and bows lying around her on the kitchen floor and realized she would never have anything to fear as long as she had these people in her corner.
“Well, now that presents are out of the way,” Uncle Joe began, a dangerous glint in his eye. “Tell me about these D&D nerds who are coming to your birthday party.”
“It’s me, I am the D&D nerd in case you forgot,” she said as nonchalantly as she could, feeling a burst of anxious energy at the thought of her dear uncles meeting her new friends. Thank God Uncle Johnny wasn’t here or he’d offer to DM a campaign out of his ass for everyone.
“To be fair, there was no way on Earth you wouldn’t be a nerd with the dad you have,” Rob said.
“And with the Uncles she has,” James quipped.
“And also the Aunties,” Joe finished, remembering how Rachel used to be their de facto leader during their adventures. “But don’t change the topic, I wanna know about your new friends.”
“You’ll meet them soon enough,” Dottie said with an innocent smile. “You’re gonna love Erica.”
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Eddie glanced at his wristwatch again after parking his van outside the address Dottie had scribbled for him on a piece of paper. The watch said 7:53, and he took a deep breath knowing he was more late than he had wanted to be. Henderson probably got here fifteen minutes before the party even started, he thought bitterly. He grabbed the terribly wrapped gift - the reason he was way past fashionably late - from his passenger seat and walked up to the front door, taking a few deep breaths to calm his nerves.
Dottie’s house was a typical suburban two-story house. The front lawn looked a little bare aside from the mailbox but seemed to be well taken care of, and there was a big tree to the side of the concrete path that led to the front door. The only indication a party was going on inside the house was a colorful banner hanging from the door frame. He rang the doorbell and waited in silence, straining to hear footsteps approaching.
“Hi there,” a man’s voice said. He was tall, had graying hair and light blue eyes. He looked nothing like he had imagined Dottie’s dad would look like. “You one of Dottie’s friends?”
“Y-yeah,” Eddie said nervously and cleared his throat. “Yes, sir, I’m Eddie.”
“Come on in, kid, you’re just in time for the pizza. You can leave your gift on that table, we open them at candle time. Dorothy! You’ve got one more!”
The man hurried down the hallway leaving Eddie to his devices. The teen looked around curiously, taking the opportunity to get into his usual confident persona in private. He noticed a stack of gifts on the entrance table next to the door and felt incredibly shy putting his on top of them; he’d used at least three times more tape than everyone else had used. Hanging his winter coat amongst the myriad of other jackets already on the rack, he rolled his shoulders and walked down the entryway towards the direction the man had disappeared into. Eddie found himself standing in a cozy and modern-looking living room, the rest of the Hellfire Club lounging around on the couch, the floor or on a few beanbags. Jeff, Mike, and Donny were playing cards at the coffee table with another man, dark haired with a short but carefully kept beard. Dustin had thrown himself on a beanbag and was listening to Erica argue about the Supreme Court with the man that had opened the door, and he spotted Gareth coming in from the kitchen with two bottles of soda on his hands, one of them Dr. Pepper.
“Hey, man!” Mike said, noticing him. “We thought you weren’t coming.”
“Nah, just couldn’t find the right house,” Eddie lied, but it was innocent enough for them to buy it.
“Hey, I’m Robert, Dottie’s uncle,” said the dark haired man, putting his hand out to shake Eddie’s without getting up from his spot on the floor.
“Dude, her uncles play D&D too!” Jeff exclaimed excitedly.
“You’re the DM, right?” Robert asked, things starting to click into place for him.
“Yeah, I’m-”
“Eddie!” Dottie’s gleeful scream interrupted his introduction.
Eddie’s hello got stuck in his throat when he turned to see her setting down two plates full of homemade pizza on the dining table and rush to greet him with a tight hug. A mass of curly hair collided against him and he had to thank his quick reflexes for instantly putting his arms around her or else he would have looked like an idiot in front of everyone. She was wearing a white button up shirt with a big collar, a black high-waisted suspender skirt, see-through black tights with silver sparkles that glinted when she walked, and black boots. He noticed she had done her makeup and her hair was a little bit curlier than normal; if Eddie had to be pressed for a theory he would have said she had obviously tried to style herself like Molly Ringwald, one of her favorite teen actresses. She looked up at him from her spot against his chest and smiled. He nearly forgot how to breathe.
“Hey,” he forced himself to say, aware that people were watching. “Happy birthday!”
“Thank you! You got just in time for pizza,” she said, leaving his warmth to catch one of the plates a third man was carrying from the kitchen and safely putting it down on the dining table. “Are you guys gonna eat here or are we moving?” she leaned over her Uncle Robert’s shoulders, taking a peek at his cards.
“We can eat and play at the same time,” the man answered, patting a spot next to him on the floor. “Sit down, kiddo, you haven’t stopped moving since noon.”
“Where were you?” Gareth asked, putting a plastic cup in Eddie’s hand.
“Got lost on the way, ended up at your house,” he lied again.
“You’re Eddie?” the third man asked, setting a plate and napkins on the coffee table; Mike and Jeff hurried to grab the cheesiest pieces. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Really? About lil ol’ me?” Eddie joked, putting a hand on his chest.
“You’re quite the talented storyteller, Dottie says,” Pizza Man affirmed, Dottie instantly making an exasperated face at him. “I’m James, the Dad.”
“Nice to meet you, sir,” he put on his best winning smile and put his hand out to shake his. “You have a beautiful house.”
“Thanks, kid,” James said, amused, shaking the teen’s hand. “Now what’s this I’ve heard about a pack of gnolls getting distracted by two pregnant mules?”
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Eddie felt as if he had stepped into an alternate reality of sorts, a place where parents weren’t afraid of him corrupting their children and he was treated with respect and kindness regardless of how he looked like. James was clearly the coolest dad figure he’d ever met, and Uncles Joseph and Robert were very close behind. The three of them had entertained the teens all night with stories about their college times, their own D&D adventures, and assorted misbehaving. It was clear to all of them, however, that their favorite topic aside from “the good old times” was Dottie.
At some point during the party, a box of photos had come out, and much to Dottie’s shame, the three men had proceeded to tell everyone the most terrible and embarrassing tales from her childhood: from her throwing up on her dad’s car after eating too much at a ren fair at age four to her kicking a boy during her middle school prom after he made fun of the flowers in her hair (Oh, he deserved it, said Erica and everyone agreed with her), not forgetting to take a quick detour on her crush on Silver Spoons’ Jason Bateman.
“Oh my god, it wasn’t that big of a deal!” she hid her face in shame behind Donny’s shoulder, who couldn’t stop laughing.
“Honey, you were in love with the kid.”
“I was 13, that wasn’t love! It was at most a little innocent crush!”
“How in love are we talking about here?” Dustin inquired, rocking back and forth on his knees.
“Oh, we’re talking the whole deal, posters on the walls, love letters-”
“I never sent them!” she tried to defend herself, but Erica already had tears in her eyes. The amount of blackmail that girl was storing away for future use was nearing dangerous levels. “It was just… creative writing!”
“You always did love the bad boys,” Uncle Joe said, much to Eddie’s enjoyment.
“Did?” James commented, getting up to get the cake. “You saw her last year when Better Off Dead came out.”
“No! No, no, no, we’re not talking about this anymore! That movie was terrible!”
“If it was so bad then why did you ask Mary Elizabeth to take you to see it twice?” Uncle Robert said, with an air of finality, making Gareth laugh so hard he lost balance on the couch armrest and had to catch himself on Mike’s shoulder before his ass hit the floor.
As the laughter died down and cake and coffee was being set up at the table, everyone started drifting into different parts of the living room to stretch their legs and break off into little conversations leaving Dottie to collect the photos on the coffee table with incredibly red cheeks. Eddie took pity on her and kneeled down to help, curiously looking at the pictures he hadn’t gotten to see with much interest. Dottie was a puzzle he just couldn’t begin putting together, she was full of contradictions and hidden secrets that pulled him in more and more every time he learned something new about her.
His eyes stopped at a photo that seemed to be stuck to the back of another one; the image on top was a snap of little Dorothy dressed for a school play as an 1800s maiden. Taking a glance at Gareth and Dustin peering through the vinyl collection under the TV, he carefully pulled the two pictures apart and discovered a tender picture of a very young woman holding a sleeping baby against her chest. It didn’t have a date on it but if he had to guess, he was willing to bet his best guitar on the tiny baby being Dottie.
“That’s my Mom,” a soft voice coming from his side said. He looked up to see Dottie leaning close to him, her gaze wistful on the photographic paper in his hand. “That’s the last picture we have of her.”
“How old were you?”
“In this photo? Around six months, maybe? She died before my first Christmas so this is around October.”
“Sorry to hear that,” Eddie said, his own heart raw. “I, uh… I know what that’s like.”
“I know,” he looked up at her admission. “Donny mentioned it once when I told him about my Mom, I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t wanna ask in case you didn’t want to talk about it.”
“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” he smiled and moved his eyes again to the photo. “What was her name?”
“Margaret,” Dottie said, love dripping from every syllable. “Maggie, if she really liked you.”
“She was really pretty.”
“She was. I look nothing like her,” she chuckled.
It wasn’t a lie; Dorothy Burke was practically a carbon copy of her Dad. Her hair was a much lighter shade of brown than his, and while his was straight, hers was naturally wavy, but every other distinctive feature was from James, not Margaret. Her long thin fingers, her straight nose, her full eyebrows, they were all James, James, James. Margaret had a button nose, short stubby fingers and blonde hair. Dorothy often thought that life had been rather unfair to her; she couldn’t look at her Mom in the mirror as she aged and feel like she was growing up with her nearby. She didn’t resent looking like her Dad, she loved him, but there was always a part of her that shone brighter right after someone told her that she resembled her mother in any way.
“You’re right, you don’t,” Eddie admitted, slipping the picture into the box on her lap. “Doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful too.”
Dottie watched him get up and go stand next to her Uncle Joseph who was trying to convince Erica she’d be a great lawyer one day, and from the looks of it, had her on board with it. He thinks you’re beautiful, her brain chimed in. Eddie Munson thinks you are beautiful. She put the lid back on the box and went into the kitchen to help with cake preparations, her heart feeling both heavier and lighter at the same time.
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“Open ours first!” Dustin said while he thrust a big box wrapped in glossy gift paper into Dottie’s arms.
“We asked my Mom for ideas, hope it’s okay,” Mike said, a little bit embarrassed he had to ask for backup for something as simple as a birthday present for a friend.
“I’m sure I’ll love it,” Dottie reassured him, tearing into the paper. “Aw, guys! This is so cute!”
They were sitting around the coffee table again after blowing the candles, James and Robert passing out pieces of cake on paper plates as they completed The Presents Ritual as directed by Uncle Joe. Inside Dustin and Mike’s box, there was a stationery set complete with a yellow folder covered with a daisy pattern and a matching pencil case.
“We know you love yellow and daisies,” Dustin said. “And now you can use this for Hellfire instead of your old ass binder.”
The old ass binder in question had fallen apart last Friday during a particularly intense fight that involved a horde of pixies and a bunch of terrible rolls. Next presents were equally thoughtful and Hellfire Club related; Jeff had gotten her a set of glittery dice (“So you don’t gotta use your Dad’s anymore”) and Erica’s little box had contained a set of mini figurines and paint. Donny’s bag, however, was full with a bunch of oversized colorful earrings and jelly bracelets (“My sisters said you might like these”). Gareth and Eddie looked at each other, silently deciding who was gonna go last.
“Alright, who’s next?” Uncle Joseph asked, looking at the two boys.
“You can go first,” Eddie hurried to say, acting like he was giving up his spot out of the kindness of his heart. A Beatles Greatest Hits vinyl was playing in the background.
“Mine’s a little bit… weird,” Gareth said, looking shy all of a sudden. “And it isn’t in the color I wanted but-”
“Dude,” she put her hand on top of his. “Shut up.”
“Okay,” he laughed, watching her rip the soft tissue paper and unfold a gray fuzzy blanket.
“A blankie?” Jeff looked at him, a joke ready on his tongue.
“Michigan gets really cold so…. I thought you might like this since I’m not gonna be around for you to steal my flannels anymore.”
“That’s… shit, you can’t do this to me, I’ve been crying all week!” she grinned at him. “You’re so sweet, G, thank you,” Dottie pulled him into a hug, the blanket bunched up between them.
“I wanted yellow, blue or white but they only had red or gray in this size.”
“Gray is perfect, I love it. I’m gonna take it to class with me when it snows.”
“Hold on, why did you say Michigan?” it was Mike’s turn to be confused.
“She got into UMich,” Donny told him.
“Wait, what?” Erica did a double take.
“You’re the full ride Michigan kid?” Jeff said, putting two and two together.
“You didn’t know?” Gareth asked.
“I only told you and Donny,” Dottie admitted, looking at the floor.
Eddie felt something akin to an arrow to the chest. She hadn’t told them. She only told Gareth and Donny. She didn’t tell me.
“Why didn’t you tell us? A full ride is awesome, you should talk about that more,” Dustin said.
“I don’t know, I… I haven’t really thought about college yet. We still have to finish the campaign, and there’s prom and finals first. It’s not a big deal.”
“Dottie, a full ride absolutely is a big deal,” Uncle Robert reminded her, aware of her tendency to minimize her achievements. “You should be proud of it, you earned that on your own.”
“I know but like… I don’t leave until September. Other things feel more important to me right now, I don’t wanna think about it yet.”
“Sorry I spilled the beans,” Gareth looked sheepish.
“No, it’s okay, I should have told you guys. I’m glad everyone knows, though, I promise I wasn’t hiding it. It just really never came up.”
“Well, with a 3.74 GPA we should have guessed it was you,” Eddie smiled, infinitely proud of her and yet terrified that she was pulling away before he even had a chance to make himself at home in her life. “Don’t be a stranger when you’re gone, alright? Don’t join another party without us.”
“You think you can get rid of me that easily, Munson?” she joked back, slipping into their usual banter for comfort.
“Alright, why don’t we open the last present before James starts moping about his baby leaving for college?” Uncle Joseph said, looking at his dear friend’s face.
“I’m not moping!” he defended himself, but it was clear to everyone that he was.
Eddie cleared his throat dramatically, walked towards her, dropped to one knee with his head bent, and presented the gift like one would present a sword to a king. She laughed and grabbed the soft package; he sprung instantly to his feet and put his arms behind his back, waiting. Dottie narrowed her eyes at him as she undid the ribbon and teared into the crinkly paper. She unfolded a very familiar looking shirt and stared at it with an unfocused gaze.
“It’s been almost a month and you still didn’t have one, so I printed one for you,” Eddie explained. “I hope it’s the right size.”
She looked up at him like he’d just given her his firstborn and threw herself at him with teary eyes. Welcome to Hellfire, Eddie had said during her first session, but this, this was different. This wasn’t a “Welcome to Hellfire” or an acceptance to his club. This was Eddie saying you belong with us in the form of a shirt. In the background, they could hear the boys making a scene, teasing him and complaining that they had had to make their own shirts when they had joined.
“Thank you,” she muttered against his chest. It seemed to Eddie that she did that more and more often every day: hiding her face into his body. He wasn’t complaining. “This means more than you know.”
“Means a lot to me too, darling,” he lowered his face into her hair and whispered back. “Happy birthday.”
Dottie was only vaguely aware that Oh! Darling was playing through the speakers as he squeezed her like he never wanted to let go.
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taglist (let me know if you want me to add you!): @munsonology
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taanoir · 2 years
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The trip took over two months, Haldir had spent a lot of time at sea but being accompanied by a small child was a special torture.
They made their way to the house. It had been built by Jacob, or at least he directed the craftsman. He doubted Jacob had ever wiped his own behind let alone built a house.
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The house had a large center hall separating a large parlor and a dining room.
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Everything was in greens and reds, the Finchwick colors.
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Behind the dining room was a passthrough into the kitchen. I was almost as big as the one at the Finchwick estate.
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Even the master bedroom was bathed in green. Jacob had set the house up for his family and his staff. Haldir may look into bringing on to help for Elanor. Jacob had tenant farmers and sharecroppers on the land that looked after the crops but their household staff returned to Henford with them. This was more house that he was expecting.
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Haldir did find one thing he loved about the house, a harpsichord tucked into the corner of the parlor.
Thank you to @anachrosims for the beautiful CC. Walls, pictures, rugs, and much of the furnishings are thanks to her work.
Floors, siding and windows are the very talented @peacemaker-ic
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bbqbills2 · 1 month
BBQ Bill's is a construction contractor in Las Vegas that can build your dream custom outdoor kitchen, BBQ island kitchen and outdoor fire features that will turn your garage into summertime fun! An indoor-outdoor kitchen is a wonderful option to expand your entertaining space while also creating an eye-catching design aesthetic. For those who love to entertain, this is a great design feature for summertime enjoyment. It helps to expand your kitchen space while hosting guests while also providing a convenient way to pass food and beverages outside.
You can entertain more easily by connecting your indoor kitchen to your outdoor deck or patio with a pass-through or bi-fold window or outdoor kitchen pavilion. This space-saving design will serve as a key access point from indoors to outdoors. These multi-functional windows will take up less space than a door while offering plenty of convenience, fresh air, and natural light.
There are various ways to open your kitchen to the great outdoors, whether it be through disappearing walls or folding windows. Have a look below for some inspiring ideas to help get you started!
1. Indoor Outdoor Kitchen. A new kitchen was added to a century-old home with an indoor-outdoor connection. A pergola comes out over an accordion door, sourced from Northwest Door & Sash Company.. The deck flooring sustainably harvested ipe, while the kitchen floor is Engineered white oak. The dining table is from Room & Board. (via Jetton Construction, Inc.)
2. Major Kitchen Envy. This stunning indoor/outdoor kitchen in Brisbane, Australia features a sleek design aesthetic, an extension of the indoor kitchen. The kitchen units can withstand sunlight and are 100% waterproof. The exterior cladding is Matrix from James Hardie. (via Sublime Luxury Kitchens and Bathrooms)
3. Indoor-Outdoor Kitchen with Glass Garage Door. An amazing indoor kitchen has two pass-through windows leading out to an indoor-outdoor kitchen that features a glass garage door that opens up to panoramic views of Bend, Oregon. (via Bend Custom Homes)
4. Outdoor Bar Passthrough. An accordion window closes off the indoor/outdoor seating of this fabulous kitchen that faces the Severn River, Maryland. (via Lang and Company)
5. Integrated Outdoor Kitchen. Accordion doors blend an indoor kitchen with an outdoor kitchen and dining deck. The outdoor room features a dramatic high awning roof that gives one the feeling of being outside under the sky, yet sheltered from the elements. The awning roof is freestanding to allow summer air to flow through and to simplify construction. (via Danny Broe Architect)
6. Indoor-Outdoor Bar. This indoor/outdoor kitchen can be completely opened up courtesy of the 9500 Series Bi-Fold Doors & Windows from the Western Window Systems. The doors open the kitchen as a convenient pass-through to a long bar outside for enjoying the summer weather. (via Western Window Systems)
7. Passthrough Window to Deck. The kitchen is a great place for entertaining family and friends. With the large open window and bar, this space is a great way for anyone in the kitchen to interact with those who are relaxing outside at the window bar. (via Melton Design Build)
8. Bifold Window With A Bar. A deep roof overhang provides shelter to this outdoor bar that connects to an indoor kitchen via custom bi-folding windows. Orange stools provide a playful, beach-chic vibe to this outdoor living space. (via Synthesis Design Inc.)
9. Outdoor Bar Area. A California beach house features a casement window in the kitchen that opens to an outdoor bar. The honed Calacatte marble countertop in the kitchen extends to the outdoor bar for a simple pass-through. The Tolix bar stools were sourced from Design Within Reach. (via House Beautiful)
10. The Back Porch. A dreamy beach house features this indoor-outdoor kitchen connected via bi-fold windows. The Marvin Signature Series window folds open to provide breezy access to an outdoor serving area and grilling station. (via Laurey W. Glenn / Southern Living)
11. Alfresco Kitchen With A Pass Through Window. A Rhode Island beach house blurs indoor/outdoor boundaries between the indoor kitchen and outdoor deck with the installation of a NanaWall folding window. The wood bar is just an extension of the kitchen countertop. Guests can chill on the custom fabricated stools and converse with the chef in the kitchen. (via Eck MacNeely Architects)
12. Inside/Outside Pass-Through. A folding glass window in Coronado, California home creates a pass-through from the kitchen to an alfresco bar. A copper roof overhang provides shelter to the outdoor hangout space while also protecting the marble countertop. A swimming pool nearby makes this bar area ideal for the kids (or adults) to grab a snack between dips in the pool. (via RailiCA Design)
13. Rustic Alfresco Kitchen. A lake house in upstate New York features this indoor-outdoor kitchen that uses a brilliant pulley system to raise and lower the paned windows, creating a paradise for outdoor entertaining. (via Pearson Design Group)
14. Kitchen Bar Window. This poolside patio features a gas strut window – a single piece of glass for an unobstructed view. The gas struts allow the window to open up and out 90 degrees to turn the kitchen into an extension of the outdoors. (via Hannah Blackmore / Three Birds Renovations)
15. Indoor-Outdoor Kitchen. A stunning contemporary coastal home in Australia features this indoor/outdoor casual bar counter, an extension of the kitchen. The spacious patio also features an outdoor kitchen, dining, and living area. (via Acre)
16. Mediterranean Style Alfresco Kitchen. The outdoor bar countertop is cast concrete by Flying Turtle. The custom gas strut window was fabricated by Sierra Woods, Nevada City. See the rest of this amazing home here: Breathtaking modern ranch house overlooking Sonoma wine country. (via Ken Linsteadt Architects)
17. Indoor-Outdoor Kitchen. An Edwardian home in Melbourne, Australia takes its inspiration from the magic of the Hamptons. Bi-fold windows open the kitchen to the outdoor entertaining deck, where the countertop extends from the kitchen. The blue counter stools add a pop of color. (Adore Home Magazine)
6 Tips for Turning Your Garage Into an Outdoor Kitchen
There are many reasons to convert your garage into a kitchen. Especially if it’s attached to a garage you rarely use. It can become just another place to put your crap. So why not convert that space into something that can be used to cook outdoors year round??
You’ll be able to create more square footage in your home and maybe even have a dining room. If your original kitchen was too small, you’ll be able to expand your work area and create the kitchen you’ve always dreamed of having. Once you’ve decided you want to turn your garage into a kitchen there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind as you go about your project. Here are a few tips.
Understand the Basics of Your Conversion
Make a list of all the things you currently keep in your garage. You’ll want to find homes for all that stuff. If you are storing stuff that could easily be stored in a shed and you have one, then it’s just a matter of moving that to the shed.
If you don’t have a shed, you might consider renting a storage unit or building a shed on your property. There are many big box stores that sell storage shed kits that will suit your project nicely. You’ll also want to understand the total cost of your conversion. You’ll want to research how to finance home improvement because you’ll most likely be getting a loan to complete this project.
You’ll also want to research any building codes or permits you may need to obtain through the city, county, or HOA you belong to. There may be restrictions you aren’t aware of and could cause you heartache and more expense if you don’t follow the rules.
Look at Your Load Bearing Walls
If your garage and kitchen share a wall and you are considering knocking out the wall between them, you’ll want to review your building plans to make sure you aren’t removing or damaging a load bearing wall.
A load bearing wall is one that is critical to holding the whole structure up and in place. If you happen to remove the wrong parts, you could risk part of your home collapsing. Most homes have plans that have been submitted to the city or county offices and can be reviewed.
If you had your home built, you’ll probably already have a set of plans that were used to build it. You’ll want to review it with a contractor to ensure you’re removing or changing the right parts to a load bearing wall.
Don’t Forget About Insulation
Most newer homes have well insulated garages, but there are still a few homes around that don’t. You’ll want to be sure to get the right R-rating insulation to keep your new kitchen insulated from the cold outdoors. Depending on where you live, you’ll need to research what R-value insulation is appropriate.
Getting the wrong insulation means a colder room and higher heating bills. Not to mention the possibility of water pipes breaking. Your kitchen will have plumbing fixtures that will need to be protected.
Check the Windows
If your garage has windows, you’ll want to consider upgrading them to good solid double pane windows. If you’re going to be installing windows, you’ll want to review where your electrical wires run so you don’t end up having to reroute or cut lines. You don’t always have to buy new windows to get what you need. Many construction outlets will have returns and craigslist is a great place to search for the right window at the right price.
Decide on Kitchen Appliances
Are you going to replace all your kitchen appliances? Perhaps you just bought that new dishwasher a year ago and it still runs like a dream. Consider smaller appliances like a sink disposal and trash compactor when you’re planning your layout.
All of these types of appliances will need to be situated to best utilize the existing structure. Perhaps your kitchen drains are easily accessible once you tear down the wall between the garage and the kitchen. If this is the case, then you’ll want to situate your sink where you are able to plug directly into the existing drains.
This saves a bunch of time and money from having to route new drains to the exterior. Your water faucets will probably be the same, too.
Don’t Forget the Time Factor
When you’re planning this conversion, consider that at some point, your kitchen won’t be available to use. It could take a few weeks to get everything in place to work again. If you don’t have a plan for this time, you might be in hot water with your family, let alone uncomfortable yourself.
This doesn’t have to happen. You can consider working in stages, so that each stage has a short period of time that the kitchen isn’t used and then it’s usable again. Repeat this until you’ve finished the project. Or you may consider putting your family up in a rental while you finish the job. If you’re able to afford that, it’s a viable option. Whatever the outcome, don’t forget that at some point, both your garage and your kitchen won’t be usable.
If you aren’t using your garage for its intended purpose and you’ve decided to make use of that space to extend your home and build a kitchen, you’ll need to remember these tips to help you create the best experience for your project and for your family.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a garage typically included in the square footage of a house?In most cases, the square footage of your home includes only livable spaces. So, a garage would only count toward the square footage of a home if it is finished (with flooring, walls, heat, and electricity) and has been legally converted into a living space.
Can I convert my garage without a permit?The answer depends on where you live and the scope of your project, so check with your local zoning department before making any changes. If you are making structural or electrical changes, moving or adding plumbing, or installing HVAC, you will likely need a permit.
Will converting my garage add value to my home?Again, the answer depends on where you live and what type of space you are building. If your garage conversion is properly permitted and performed professionally, it can add interest and valuable square footage to your property. If, however, your neighborhood has limited street parking or your home has limited storage, a converted space might negatively impact the value of your home.
How much does it cost to convert a garage?On average, it will cost between $5,000 and $26,000 to convert an unfinished garage into a livable space. If you are installing new floors, HVAC, electrical, and plumbing, that cost could climb to $50,000 or more depending on the project and the size of the space.
Outdoor Living Store in Las Vegas
For more than 30 years, outdoor barbecues and kitchen solutions have been the name of the game at BBQ Bill’s. We are your premier barbecue store in Las Vegas, NV, that can help you create the ideal outdoor cooking and living space based on your style and budget.
We design and install custom outdoor kitchens, BBQ island kitchen, fire features, fire bars, fireplaces, fire pits, fire grills, fire rings, pizza ovens, BBQ grills, griddles, smokers, cookers, rotisserie, refrigerators, heaters, sinks, patio covers, outdoor accessories and build as construction contractors.
Our experienced barbecue experts will create a masterpiece that perfectly matches your vision for function and beauty. We have access to thousands of quality items and install only superior-quality products from some of the best names in the business, including Alfa, Alfresco, Amore, Aspire, Blaze, Bonfire, Coyote, DCS, Delta Heat, Fontana Forni, Gozney, Green Mountain, Hestan, Lynx, Memphis, Pit Boss, Summerset, Twin Eagle, Viking, Wolf.  
We service Las Vegas, Henderson, Mesquite, North Las Vegas, Blue Diamond, Enterprise, Goodsprings, Moapa Valley, Mount Charleston, Nelson, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin South, Sunrise Manor, Whitney, Winchester, Arden, Jean, Logandale, Overton, Primm, Sloan, Vegas Creek, Boulder City, and Pahrump. Contact us today to let us help you build the outdoor barbecue and kitchen space of your dreams.
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originalamberrose · 2 years
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Check out this beautiful property located in the Goodnight Ranch Addition! Located near multiple dining areas, shopping, and Texas A&M, this is a great location for everyone!!! Walking into the home, you will notice the sophisticated stained concrete flooring throughout the home. The kitchen feature a passthrough window into the living room and is connected to the dining room area which is perfect for entertaining. The master suite is large with a large bathroom that has a double vanity. Schedule a private showing today! #realtorsofinstagram #insta #instagram #TheMezzacappaGroup #KWAdvantage https://www.instagram.com/p/CloDducuSSj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Here’s a 1955 midcentury modern home in Illinois that has some very brightly colored features and quirky decor- I think it’s fanciful and fun. 
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Whoever owns it must be an artist. The front door is bright red and immediately to the left when you enter is a life-size modern sculpture. 
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Roomy living room with the usual large windows, wood ceiling, and modern fireplace. There’s even a brick corner, which is a nice feature. Swirly mobiles hang from the ceiling.
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They have a classic Eames chair in the large dining room.
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I’m not in love with the dining room set- it just doesn’t fit. 
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The kitchen has lots of color, but it’s light and bright with white cabinetry, yellow walls, a blue backsplash, and two red sinks. There’s a large passthrough from the kitchen to the dining room, and it has the original typically midcentury light fixture surrounding a skylight. Love the kitchen. 
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Typical of older homes, there a built-in desk in the kitchen, but this one also has book shelving and a wine rack. 
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I don’t know where they got the headboard and TV shelf in the master, but they’re fantastic. 
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This is fabulous- two more red sinks, and just look at that tile! There’s even a red towel holder.
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The guest room has a set that kind of matches the dining room furniture. But, I do like the red carpeting.
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This smaller bath has a black sink with a red vanity- look at the red door handle.
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This is probably a 3rd bedroom that they’re using as an office.
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This room is set up as a cool art studio- it may have been a sunroom. 
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This house is all about the bathrooms. Look at this tile, plus a sunken tub.
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They’re using this basement room as a bedroom, but I would say it’s supposed to be a family room. 
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Lovely rose garden in the back. This my kinda house.
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
◽☪️ the fab four?
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
using this as an excuse to explain the layout of the diner as it exists in my head! you walk into the dining room, its wall-to-wall windows, theres a ratty couch to the immediate left of the door, past that is a seating area with like. four of five booths and a space where there Once were tables. to the right/straight ahead of the door is the counter that's got maybe six or seven stools, the wall behind the counter has a passthrough window to the kitchen. theres a narrow hallway. first door on the right goes to the kitchen, first door on the left to the bathroom. bathroom is a single stall affair with THE jankiest shower/tub setup crammed in the far wall. it was there when jet and the siblings found the place <3 they dont really want to know. the kitchen is just like. an industrial kitchen, big appliances, a walk-in pantry, its got a big window over the sink that faces east (straight ahead when you walk into the kitchen) and a door out the back of it (north). next door in the hall is on the left and its the girls room, which used to be an office, so its kinda small, just a bed and a little desk/table. the second bedroom which was always a bedroom (diner used to be a brothel aswell as a diner) is on the right, tucked in behind the kitchen, larger than the other bedroom but not very. at the VERY end of the hall is the broadcast room which is literally only large enough for an armchair and cherri's setup and some shelves for records n such. the ladder to the roof is around the right of the diner and the roof is just plain flat, gravel, they've installed solar panels to power everything and they work like 98 percent of the time but that last 2 percent really gets ya
☾ - sleep headcanon
i feel like ive talked abt my fab four sleep habits a little bit BUT on nights when things line up (somehow) and all four of the four are sharing their bed it'll go kobra on the edge of the mattress, party in the middle, jet nearest to the wall, and then ghoul either overtop them all or slotting himself next to kobra and spooning him. party and kobra tend to curl into whoever's closest to them and ghoul just likes to have people In His Arms
send character asks!
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nexthomeresidential · 3 years
This #NextHome is...LEASED! High Floor & Sun-Filled 1BR/1BA Luxury Rental Unit w/ Wraparound Windows, Panoramic River & Bridge Views, Stainless Passthrough Kitchen, 9’ Ceilings, Pool, Gym, Lounge, Roof Deck & More. #TheBrittany 27C by @GlenwoodNYC at 1775 York Avenue in #Yorkville on the #UES of #Manhattan #NewYork #NHRGetsReal #NYC #LongIsland #WestchesterCounty (at The Brittany) https://www.instagram.com/p/COxbpAkDpst/?igshid=1f6ri0n8t2ec4
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rideboldlyride · 4 years
A much delayed Chapter 4 - Celestial
Seal My Heart and Break My Pride <--- AO3 link
“The shipment of Jasmine is delayed again.”
Across from him, in the seeming anonymity of stainless silver and terra cotta, his uncle moved around the industrial kitchen with the grace of experience. At that moment, they could have been in any kitchen anywhere in the world. Since the morning crowd had long dispersed, and the lunch crowd still working, they were the only two staffing the shop, with just a spattering of customers in the dining area. The illusion remained fully in place, and Zuko could almost imagine walking into the dining area, only to see a Fire Nation cityscape in it’s windows.
At his proclamation about the jasmine, his Uncle Iroh had his stolid demeanor broken.
“How can we call ourselves the Jasmine Dragon, when we have no Jasmine ??” If Zuko didn’t know any better, he may have thought that his uncle sounded emotional.
A sigh escaped him. “I told you, Uncle. Our supplier is citing droughts in the region, stating that all of their customers are suffering shortages.”
As the older man turned, he produced a steaming pot, and two cups, clean and prepared, and set them down on the steel top between them. Before Zuko, papers were scattered in an organized chaos. He had a grasp on keeping books, but there were times that his focus was a beast incapable of being reigned in. His growing headache hadn’t helped. And then there was the cause of the headache- that borderline nausea, characteristic of a mild hangover. Absent-mindedly, he scratched at the spot on his inner forearm where ink had sat overnight. He had been mortified to find it smeared beyond recognition upon waking up. One of the many downsides, he found, of sleeping hot, included the fact that it was rare to wake up without a sheen of sweat. Between the normal motions of sleep, the sheen of sweat, and the gel qualities of the pen she had used, it was rendered illegible. He had been beyond frustrated. It didn’t, however, keep her off of his mind.
“I would offer some from my stores, but I’m completely out.”
Katara. She kept trying to swim before his open eyes. There was so much that intrigued him, and he was like a thirsty man in a desert, with just the hint of water in the air. If he just could taste, get a little bit on his tongue…
“I understand, Nephew. We will have to press on, even in this time of trial.”
Zuko nodded, barely noting his uncle’s words. This was not missed.
“Usually, my fiery tempered nephew would protest about my melodramatics at this point.” With a raised brow, the older man poured the tea, offering the steaming cup to the younger, who seemed engrossed in one particular line on a singular page among the throngs scattered in front of him. Unseeingly, Zuko retrieved the cup, and instantly brought it to his lips. Far too hot, it scolded, and he jumped, brow furrowing in frustration. Jarred from his reverie, he drew his lips into a thin line, the remaining parts of the sip jumping away at the motion, and splattering upon the paper. In irritation, he snagged the page, using his pant leg to dab at the liquid, in an attempt to salvage the ink.
“You seem very distracted, Nephew.”
A glower set over his brow. “I just spilled scalding tea on an important notice. Can’t imagine what you’re talking about, Uncle.”
His own tea resting in his fingers, Iroh studied Zuko intently, seeing more clearly than he cared for. Finally, he broke the silence.
“How did your evening go?”
Now flustered, the younger man shuffled the pages anxiously, attempting to herd them like polar cats. His uncle’s question stilled him instantly, and he brought his gaze round to bare,
“It was… good.”
“Surprisingly,... yes.”
A hum escaped Iroh’s lips, and he sat back, knowing that when Zuko was ready to speak, he would, if at all. Instead, he watched his nephew once more return to his attempt at organization, this time moving more steadily and slowly. In a moment of startling clarity, Zuko could hear her laugh. A hot sigh escaped his lips, frustration and irritation at the lost number returning to his mind. Then he heard it again.
“Oh!” Zuko was startled when his uncle jumped with sudden vigour. “It seems one of my favorite customers is here.”
As he passed, Iroh stuck a gentle elbow into his nephew’s ribs.
“This is the one I’ve been talking to you about.”
Rolling his eyes, he watched Iroh exit out of the kitchen through a traditional curtain. Instead of following, he peeped out of the pass through at the young woman Iroh spoke of. This mysterious woman, her back turned to the counter, was unheeding of his gaze. Half pulled back, a cascade of dark brown tresses fell to her waist line. Headphones crested over her head, and evidently currently active, since she seemed unaware of his uncle’s appearance behind the counter. Zuko’s breath caught in his throat when he heard the voice behind the curtain of hair.
How could he cross paths with her two days in a row?
“... Sokka. I haven’t heard from him.” Pause. “You, of all people, should know how this works. Isn’t there some kind of stupid rule about how long you’re supposed to wait?”
She was evidently on the phone. His uncle paused before interrupting her, letting her continue her conversation.
“Listen, I’m going to see you in just a few minutes… No! Of course I don’t want to talk about it with Dad around! I just…” She sighed. “Fine. I’ll see you. Did you want me to order you anything?... Alright, I’ll see you then.”
Zuko slipped a little further back into the kitchen, trying to keep hidden but still being able to keep an eye on her. It was surprising how daylight made one a coward about what one
was comfortable at night. But as his uncle gently tapped her shoulder, he held his breath. She turned with a bright smile on her face, and he couldn’t stop the matching smile pulling at his lips.
With a single motion, she evidently ended the call, and removed the headphones from her ears.
“Good morning, Iroh!”
“Miss Katara! I must say that your definition of morning seems very fluid.”
Her laugh comes easy, and Zuko soaks in the sound.
“I am a complete night cat-owl. You know that!”
“Yes, my dear. But it brings me great humor to see you emerge at the break of dawn one morning, and then scuttle in here just shy of midday the next.”
“I had a long night. My friends all wanted to go out. I think we all forgot we’re near our thirties.”
“An eventful night?”
Her smile stayed planted, but her eyes seemed to be looking far away. She hummed an affirmative. His uncle only laughed.
“Nearing your thirties, but still starry eyed, my dear?”
That mischievous glint- that damn mischievous streak - in her eyes, struck again, and it took all of his willpower not to round the corner. Instead, he started to plot.
“What can I say, Iroh? I’m a closet romantic.”
“There are worse traits.” A warm smile peered up at her. “Is there something I can start for you?”
“Yes!” She was broken free of her reverie, and she perked up. “I meant to ask, do you still brew lapsang souchong?”
A brilliant smile lit up his face.
“Only for my special guests. And you, my dear Katara, are a special guest.” He turned to the passthrough window, but he spotted the younger man already in motion, his back to the customers, preparing the tea. She watched the older man as he took a small glance back and forth between them. “Are you expecting anyone, my dear?”
“Actually, yes. My brother and my Dad.” She knew where this was already going. It wasn't the first time he had brought it up.
“It’s a shame- My nephew is here and you are here. You know how often I have spoken about him to you…”
She raised a brow. “And told me nothing about him.”
Blue eyes met his amber ones, mirth reflecting between each other. “Touche.”
In between their banter, a steaming mug was placed on the pass-through unseen.
Iroh was the first one to break away, spotting the mug. As he turned back to her, tea in hand, a brow rose to her contemplative look. Absentmindedly, she fiddled with the charm at her throat. A devious smile pulled at her lips.
“I have a proposition for you, Iroh.”
“I’m going to be working on a study in the lower ring, since our work is in the Serpent’s Pass. From what I hear, you have two more shops, now.”
“Yes, one is--”
A hand rose to stop him. “No, don’t tell me. We’re going to let fate play the stars, alright? Tutega is known for her capricious ways.”
Known to be well-versed in the lore of many nationalities, she was not surprised that Iroh showed no confusion over the name of the spirit. Tutega, the mercurial spirit woman was known to move the stars and thereby the fates, according to her desires. While growing up religious, Katara held a certain respect for the deities, even though she was not as devoted to the rites as she might once have been. Either way, she was more than willing to blame the spirits if this idea of hers went south.
“So here’s the deal. Your nephew runs those shops, right?”
A nod, along with a growing suspicion in his eyes, but he kept silent.
“What if, in exchange for this perpetual discussion, we make a deal that if I find one of the shops, I’ll go in to talk with him?”
“I would propose a caveat: you go on a date together.”
Hesitation paused the young woman. “I don’t know....”
“Unless there is another?”
“Well, no, I mean… I guess not really.”
“Then this: if you are free at that point, then go.”
The hesitation in her eyes dissolved, and she smiled again. “Then I’m going to need more than just silence, Iroh.”
“Free tea?”
Her laugh sounded out again. “Deal!”
When Sokka arrived, it was a raucous event, (‘Home’ Katara?! That’s the text you send??; What was I supposed to say?; How about ‘the guy wasn’t another Jet, I’m safe and he’s gone’?; What if he wasn’t gone?; He wasn’t?!) but it quickly settled, before a third individual arrived- this one seemingly an aged up Sokka, with the same striking features as the siblings. Katara was quick to her feet, enveloping him into a firm hug.
“Welcome home, Katara. I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too, Dad.”
When they pulled away, the three of them fell into a comfortable banter, rapidly falling into the normal ebb and flow, being chased by warm tea. Finally, after a bout of pleasant ribbing of her older brother, Hakoda turned his attention to his daughter.
“Did you get that notice I sent you?”
A sigh escaped her. “Dad, I already told you, I’m not going to apply for an ambassador role with NOAA.”
“It’s politics. It’s making friends with people I can’t stand, be friendly with the assholes who are screwing up all of our oceans.”
“How do you think that they get their funding?”
“So you’re saying that I should be willing to ‘work’ with these pricks- pricks like O Corp-" she spits out the name with venom, "just to get funding?”
“No, I’m saying you should be willing to work with them to protect the oceans from them.” He leaned in, his blue eyes bright and eager, dropping his voice to inject calmness into the conversation. “You could be the saving grace-- the conscience people need.”
“These people that don’t see how important the sea is to life- without it, the world would fall apart! What you do to the ocean will always be visited back on you. It's what feeds us, lets us breathe. And those fools who see profit over living beings sicken me. I take from the sea, yes. But I also give back.”
A smile lit up his face. “And that’s why you should be an ambassador. Your passion, Katara, it can be such a force for good!”
His vigor set her back for a moment, and she took in his words. Slowly, she leaned in and placed a hand upon her father’s.
“I’ll… consider it.”
“And that’s all I ask.”
She smiled as she leaned back as the moment passed. “I have to say, Dad, most fathers don’t ask about ambassadorial opportunities…”
“Oh? Then what do they talk about?”
“‘Anybody I need to know about, Katara?’” Her voice dropped to imitate the older man. “‘When are you going to give me grandkids?’ You know, stuff like that.”
The look in his eye made her instantly regret her words. “So, then, Katara, is there anybody?”
“Ugh, Dad!”
Sokka interrupted, a mischievous look in his eye. “Maybe after last night, there was…”
A pink tongue darted through her lips at her brother, her nose crinkling. Before she got out a word, her phone went off. It was Toph.
Hey sugar queen. The text was obviously transcribed, but solidly in Toph’s typical direct manner. Zuko says something happened to your number. He refuses to get it from me. Says he’ll surprise you. He just didn’t want you thinking he ghosted you.
She couldn’t hold back the smile on her lips.
Outside, Zuko paced beside the truck.
“Thanks Toph.”
“You got this, Sparky?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Ugh- don’t ever call me that again.”
“What? Ma’am?”
A disgusted sound echoed in his ears, and he smiled.
“You got it, Toph. I owe you one.”
“Yeah, you do.”
With all of his willpower, he maintained his work schedule over the next few days. He refused to alter his schedule, truly leaving it to the stars, as Katara had mentioned. But when he walked in on the Tuesday after the fateful weekend, he was hopeful. The morning passed rapidly, as the breakfast crowd of the Lower Ring lasted much later into the day than his uncle’s shop. However, as the lunch crowd slipped in, he stepped back, allowing the shop’s employees to take up the slack. Instead, he mingled, confirming his customer’s comfort. Falling into his rhythms, he seemed to force his preoccupying thoughts away. A new group entered, and he greeted them with his customary small smile. It wasn’t until one of the members of the group stopped directly in front of the door, staring up, that it caught his attention.
It was only the beginning of autumn, but she was draped in a sky blue hoodie, oversized, and the hood pulled up. Dark tresses fell out from the side of the hood, and her dark chin jutted out from behind the hood’s cowl as she stared up, frozen still. With a shake of her head, she dropped her head. In that moment, he recognized her before she recognized him. With as much dignity and nonchalance as he could manage he made his way towards the kitchen to wait.
Of all the tea shops, in all of Ba Sing Se, she thought… The sign above her colleague’s lunch choice was emblazoned with a white lotus, the name proudly alight: The Jasmine Dragon.
Upon entering, she broke away from the group to move straight towards the counter. Better just to get this over with. A young woman met her there with a pleasant smile.
“Welcome to The Jasmine Dragon! Are there any teas you’re curious about?”
“Yes, but that’ll wait. Quick question:” Katara laid her hands flat upon the countertop, leaning on them. “Is your district manager in?”
“Oh, yeah, he’s usually here on Tuesdays.”
“Of course he is.” A bitter chuckle pulled at her lips, followed by a sigh. She dropped her voice a little. “Listen, I’m going to ask something weird, but I’ll explain once you answer, okay?”
The young woman’s eyes grew wary, but she nodded.
“Is he… Ya know,” she gave a vague gesture, “I don’t know… not fifty?”
The girl laughed. “No! No, he’s in his thirties.”
“Oh good.” The words escaped Katara like a sigh. “Iroh’s been after me to meet him, but you know how that can go sometimes…”
Her response was a knowing laugh. “Would you like me to go get him?”
“Yes, please.”
“Ok, hold on--” she stopped in her tracks as the dark haired man stepped out from behind the curtain blocking off the kitchen, a puckish grin on his face. The young employee gestured pleasantly. “There he is.”
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rodrhearyan · 3 years
104 2285 Pitt River Road, Port Coquitlam ASKING $499,000 
Welcome to 104-2285 Pitt River Road; a 1086 square foot three-bedroom ground level unit, located on the quiet side of building—a rare find for Port Coquitlam. This family friendly home is centrally located with every convenience nearby. It is within walking distance of Poco’s downtown core and all levels of schools. There are multiple nearby parks offering sports fields, playgrounds, and multi-use trails. Coquitlam Central Skytrain station is a mere four kilometers away, and you are within minutes of the highway.
The home’s kitchen features all stainless-steel appliances including a large French door fridge and a new KitchenAid stove which houses two ovens (one of which has a convection setting) and a top-of-the-line even heat induction stove top. The large passthrough opens the kitchen to the main living area and also functions as an eating bar for the family. A semi formal dining area is attached to the kitchen.
A generous sized living room is the focal point of the home. There is a modern gas fireplace with white stone tiling and an oversized sliding glass door leading to the multifunctional deck. With mountain/city views the deck offers a covered section for year-round use. The entire deck is sizable enough for a full patio BBQ setup, as well as, providing extra space for children, or pets, to play.
The master bedroom is tucked away to one side of the home allowing for maximum privacy. Flush with natural light, the room comes with new multi-directional light filtering window shades, also installed in a second bedroom. The master is complete with two closets which you pass through to reach the four-piece ensuite. The remaining two rooms (one without a closet) are side-by-side and both have large windows which give a spacious sense of openness. The main washroom is a three piece with tile flooring and a walk-in shower. Flooring has been updated throughout the home. It includes two side by side parking spaces, as well as a large storage locker which is roughly eight feet high. Maintenance fees include hot water and gas. Pets are allowed. View our 3D tour and book your showing today. This one won’t be around for long.
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theamberwriter · 5 years
Judgement Day [Billy Hargrove]
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Paring: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Word Count: 5,483
Warnings: Cursing, smoking
Author Note: So this ends up in an AU, anyone who has watched season 3 should know what I’m talking about. Also ended up with slight Soft!Billy, lol Eyes burned into you, glaring you down as you walked through the mall. Voices whispered in hushed tones. Jealous, seething green-eyed vipers ready to strike. They stared, snootily flipping their hair over their shoulder. They heard it - you were the one to lock down the new reigning king of Hawkins, Billy Hargrove. And they hated you for it.
Lifelong friends glared you down as new enemies. Those you loved shunned you. Everyone around you tuned you out. Ghosted you. You no longer existed in their eyes. You pleaded with your parents. You begged your friends. But no one listened.
"You're an idiot," Steve remarked. He dug in and scooped something out of the freezer. "You want a doofus sundae?"
Robin's head rose out of the freezer in a green glow, eyes white. A semi-circle missing from her brain where her skull was gone and he'd scooped her. She was grinning wickedly.
"You're such a moron," she cackled. "I never liked you anyway."
"[Name], friends don't lie," El said, walking in. Just as ghostly, eyes just as blank. "You lied, [Name]."
"You lied," said Max. Then Mike. Then Lucas. Then Dustin. Then Will. All blank. All glowing. All ghostly and wrong.
you lied
You Lied
The chant became louder and louder until it was deafening. You screamed, covering your ears. 
You jolted up out of bed, screaming there too. But only peaceful darkness greeted you. No chants to be heard, just crickets chirping outside the open window. You were soaked from head to toe in sweat. You could barely catch your breath. A hand found its way to your arm.
"Another nightmare?" Billy groaned into the pillow beside yours. You'd snuck him in after your parents went to bed. 
Easing down beside him, you sighed, "Yeah."
"C'mere." You could barely hear him, but he grabbed you and tucked you up next to him. Pressing close to you. You soon heard him lightly snoring. Good to know one of you was getting sleep that night.
Billy crept out of your room when the sun peeked through your window. Like he always did. You were still asleep. He kissed you gently, muttering out, "Sleep well. It'll all be over soon. No more nightmares."
Then he drove swiftly into the dawn. Creeping back through his own window. Dreading this day in his own right. Today was the today that you both had decided to tell all of Hawkins the news. Or at least those in Hawkins that mattered to you. But they would spread it like wildfire.
It'd been about a month since the fateful movie night. Billy had learned to deal with the kids being around all the time. Especially since you'd chewed out a few times for being such a jerk to them. His relationship with Steve was still non-existent. But they coexisted peacefully for you. Even if somewhat awkwardly.
Robin had also become your new best friend. You hung out when you needed a break from the boyfriend drama. She didn't see anything wrong with you dating Billy. But was genuinely surprised that you hadn't gone for Steve. Given his protectiveness over you. But Steve was just a friend. He had been for a long time, and you didn't want to change that.
You had your stent with your crush on him. But that flame was long extinguished now. You supported him through his relationship with Nancy. Nursing him after with lots of corny movies and ice cream. Honestly, Steve was like a single mother. 
Once Billy was back in his own bed with your body heat gone. Your existence missing beside his, he couldn't sleep again. He stared at the ceiling, his stomach heavy. There were very few things in his life that held this kind of weight. 
At first, when he'd teased you about the book - it was only to get in your pants. But when you finally called him, he'd had a rough night. And you, who had no reason at all to deal with him, sat on the phone for hours while his stupidly drunken self blubbered away. Your words cradled him. Quieting him into sleep and sanctuary. When he was sober again, he thought it was a dream until you called to check on him.
Honestly, he'd hated the emotions that one small gesture gave him. At least for the first month or two. But you started calling more, or you'd sit quietly next to him and read during school, or you asked how his day had been when you walked passed him on the way to your car, or you'd do some other small gesture. Things he realized you had no reason to. But he found comfort in them, so you did them. 
He couldn't really remember what he'd told you the night you called, but he was happy that his drunk self had done something right. There were days he was scared it was all a dream. Some sweet hallucination caused by some drug he'd done, and it'd be whisked away with the high. But every day, for the ten months since you called him that first time, you were there. But so was Steve.
Billy was admittedly jealous at first. Worried you were cheating with how much time you spent around Steve. But you quieted him, reassuring over and over that Steve was a friend. And that he and Nancy had recently broken up. He wasn't ready for anyone else yet. And you didn’t want anyone else beside Billy, anyway. Billy wasn't satisfied until he spent a day spying on you guys in the mall and around town. He wondered if you'd secretly known he had.
Billy would take asking you out properly for the first time all over again over this. He needed only your approval the first time. This time, while he didn't need anyone's approval, he knew there were going to be issues. 
You'd been having nightmares for about two weeks. You even joked about going to California to avoid telling anyone. Billy did want to take you, to show you where he grew up and all of his favourite places and the beach and the water. Maybe teach you how to surf. But you both had to do this first. As tempting as it was to get in his car and drive away with you. He knew he couldn't.
You didn't want to get up when the morning birds called outside of your window. Blasted rens had built a nest in the tree just outside your room. And there was no sleeping once they began singing. But you didn't want to face the day. You had a twisting, burning, nauseous feeling in your stomach. 
You knew you had to, and wanted to, break the news to everyone. But were you ready to? Not in the least. Your parents would probably disown you. And all of your friends would give you the cold shoulder. This was going to be a nightmare. At least it couldn't be worse than your actual nightmares. Right?
It was Saturday, so your parents were at home. So were your siblings. You got ready quickly, knowing your parents already would be. They had a thing about being ready before breakfast. It was weird. You didn't want to go down when you heard cartoons come on the TV. But it was now or never.
You crept nervously down into the kitchen. Your mom was humming, mixing up something in a bowl. And your dad had the paper in his hand, a steaming cup of coffee in front of him. You could see the heads of your siblings peeking over the back of the couch in the living room.
You stood awkwardly in the doorway. Heart pounding, you felt like you were going to pass out. But Billy was going to be at your house soon. So you had to say something. You cleared your throat.
"Good morning, sweetie," your mom said, spooning some batter into a pan.
"Someone's ready early, you going somewhere?" your dad asked peeking over the paper.
"I, uh," you stuttered softly. You nearly couldn’t choke it out. "I actually invited someone over for breakfast."
Your mom sighed. "It would've been nice of you to tell us. I'll have to make more."
"And who've you invited? Is it Steve?" Your dad didn't even move the paper. "I always liked him. He's a nice kid. Haven’t seen him around in a while. You two still friends?"
You went rigid. Your mind stumbling through a few lines. What did you tell them? Should you say it’s Billy? Or your boyfriend or? But out came, "Yeah we are. I just invited a different friend from high school."
That was such a big lie.
"That's nice, do we know them?" Your mom's eyes felt like they pierced you. Oh no.
"Maybe." You tried not to fidget. But your nerves were getting the best of you. Your mom could always tell you were lying when you did that.
You raced to the door when there was a knock. Shit, shit, shit, shit, was all you could think. Behind the door was Billy. His shirt buttoned, his cologne less overpowering than usual, and he didn't smell like he'd had a cigarette yet. His face mirrored your panic.
"Did you tell them?" he asked quietly.
You groaned. "No, not yet, I couldn't get it out! I just said I was having a friend over!"
Billy's eyes widened some. You had never seen him like this. His cool act had completely fizzled out. "Should I leave until you tell them I'm a little more than a friend?"
You grabbed his hand. "No, no - we can tell them together and we run for it if they get mad."
Billy kissed your knuckles. "Yeah, okay. Let's get this over with."
You gripped each other's hand tightly. Your heart racing, aching against your ribcage. This wasn't going to end well. You knew it already. You were already counting the steps to the front door.
"Uuhhh," was all you could get out as you stood in the kitchen passthrough. There was a clatter as your mom dropped her spatula. Her eyes shot between your intertwined hands, Billy, and your father. She gave you an are you serious?? look. You smiled warily and shrugged.
"[Name] aren't you going to -" your father started, tipping down the paper. He stopped when he saw Billy close behind you. He stood. "What is he doing here? What have I told you about the Hargroves? They're trouble!"
"Dad, listen -" you begged.
Your father slammed a hand on the table, sending coffee sloshing all over. "No - you listen to me, he is not welcome here -"
"We're dating," you yelled. Your parents went very still. "For nearly a year now, and I - Billy, let's go."
"It was very nice you meet you!" Billy called as you pushed him down the hall. 
 A fork and plate were thrown out of the kitchen doorway as you looked over your shoulder. Your father yelling, "I don't want either of you back here!"
"Now, dear…" you heard your mother mutter calmly as you shoved Billy out the front door.
"Charming folks," Billy noted as you both got in his car.
"Hurry up and drive," you rushed, watching the door. Your dad came storming out, yelling words you couldn't hear as you and Billy sped off. "I'm so sorry. I thought he'd take it better -"
"It's fine," Billy assured, reaching over to take one of your hands. But his face didn't read reassurance. Or any of the emotions that would've made you feel better. 
You groaned, sinking down in the seat. "It's going to be a disaster today, isn't it?"
Billy's thumb rubbed circles on the back of your hand. "Neil and Susan won’t be much easier to tell. But Max said she was going to stick around until we came over. We can go blow off some steam in the mall after if you want to. We can go see...Steve."
You chuckled some at the way Billy said his name. Like it was physically painful. You could see the displeasure in his eyes. But maybe a chat with Steve and Robin was what you needed. "Yeah, that'd be nice. Thank you."
The rest of the ride to Billy's was quiet. Just gripping each other's hand in a vice. He smoked two whole cigarettes. You knew this was stressful for him. But you were thankful to Max for sticking around. Finally, you rolled into the drive.
"You ready?" you asked softly. Billy was staring straight at the house. His face creased in worry. "Hey, hey - look at me."
Hesitantly, Billy turned to you. You placed a hand on his cheek. Putting your forehead to his, he closed his eyes and you felt breathing calm. But he didn’t relax any.
"It'll be fine," you cooed, "I will be fine. I promise."
You flinched when there was a knock on your window. You turned to find Max, who had a smile. You rolled down the window.
"[Name]!" she said, "I was wondering when guys were coming. I've been stalling. But Neil seems to be in a good mood. - C'mon. He's been talking about taking my mom somewhere."
"Let's go," you uttered, giving Billy's hand a squeeze. Then you both got out of the car. 
Max lead you up to the door, going in first. Billy followed, then you. You were pretty sure you'd never actually seen the rest of the Hargrove house. It was smaller than you'd thought. A large weight set, that must've belonged to Billy, tucked in the corner. A small smile touched your lips.
"Where the hell have you been?" the man you assumed was Neil snapped as his eyes landed on Billy. You took a step closer, your free hand pulling Billy's arm to your chest. Your own form of protection and comfort over him. It seemed to give him a boost.
"I was at breakfast," Billy said, his voice was strained. "This is [Name], we've been dating under the table for a while. I thought you'd like to them."
Neil glanced between you two before his whole demeanor changed. He put on a friendly front. Introducing himself as he reached to shake your hand. "Nice to meet you. Didn't know my son could hold down anyone."
You laughed awkwardly. You hated this man, you’d cleaned up Billy’s wounds one too many times. Max came in then, a tall red-haired woman in tow. You could see the resemblance. This must've been Susan.
"Mom, this is [Name]," Max said, "them and Billy have been dating for a few months. They're really cool."
The tense energy in the room was totally different than how you'd thought it'd be. It was worse. You could nearly cut it with a knife. But Susan still smiled, shaking your hand. "It's nice to meet you. How long have you two been together?"
You and Billy glanced at each other. You smiled at him, nodding. Then you said, "We've been together about eight or nine months…We wanted to make sure we'd work out before, you know, announcing it to everyone. Cause that'd be awkward…"
That was total waffle, but Susan seemed to buy it. Billy gave you a look that read, what the fuck was that excuse? You shrugged. You panicked, it was all you could think of. Couldn't tell an abusive father that his son was scared he'd knock you around too!
"Anyway, we better go," Billy said, "We have a whole day planned."
You nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, it was so nice to finally meet you. Neil, Susan - I'll see you around Max."
"Bye guys!" Max called cautiously as you and Billy slipped out the door.
"That was…" you trailed off, sinking back into the leather.
"Tense," Billy finished, turning on the car. He backed out and headed for the mall. "I might almost be glad to see Harrington after that."
You chuckled, but you could see how dealing with Steve would be easier for him. That house was...well, you could see how Billy turned out the way he did. You could see why he was such a jerk, and why Max was how she was. It was super unhealthy.
Billy relaxed when you got to the mall. The hustle and bustle would make him forget about Neil's uncertain reaction for a little while. He just wanted to stroll around with you, hand in hand, finally showing off his significant other. That's all he'd wanted, to proudly parade you around. Despite what you feared. Let them hate you, he thought, who cared? You two were happy.
You pulled Billy to a group of your friends once you got in the mall. There were four of them. You’d met them your freshman year. The one you were closest to was tall and blonde. A total cheerleader in high school, even now after you graduated. She'd had a thing for Billy for a while. It was so awkward that last semester to hear her gush about him. And what she’d like to do to him. You and Billy had decided by then to keep everything a total secret.
"Hey guys," you greeted. The four of them looked at you. Then Billy. Then your intertwined hands.
"Was is this?" the blonde asked, standing. Oh if looks could kill. Her were eyes sharp, her lips wrenched down into a pout.
"Billy and I are dating," you said warily. "I thought you'd like to kn -"
"Consider yourself blacklisted, [L/Name]," she stated, the other three stood as well. Each looking just as displeased as the next. They were like an unofficial Billy fangroup.
"What?" you breathed, Billy yanked you back. He wrapped himself around you protectively. You looked up to see the warning in his face. "Why? I thought we were friends!"
"I was friends with you because you were friends with Steve. And I stayed friends with you because you became close to Billy. But this is crossing the line. - You should've gone to college. You should've left Hawkins like you were planning before you met him." The blonde flipped her hair, just like in your dream. You watched as the group walked away without a second look.
"That could've gone better," you groaned. Honestly, what she said explained a lot. She always did ask if either of the two were going to be at whatever you invited her to. "Let's go see St -"
"You were gonna go to college?" Billy asked, his voice held a strange mixture of emotions. "You were gonna go, but you stayed here? Why? Is it cause of me?"
Oh dear, this was not what you wanted. "No, I applied before we even started hanging out and -"
"How many colleges?" He was hurt, you could see it in his eyes behind the fury.
You turned away from him. "That's not important -"
"How many colleges did you get into?" Billy said sharply, pulling you back to him.
You swallowed thickly, then looked back at him. "Ten. But it's really no big deal!"
Billy's face contorted into a strange expression you'd never seen him make before. He let you go, backing away to pace in a small circle. "Not a big deal? You could've left, but you stayed. - I never should have borrow that stupid book."
"No, Billy -" you pleaded, reaching for him. He backed away from your touch.
"You were better off without me. I knew it, but - college." Billy ran a hand through his hair. He how concerned your family was about you going. “I should’ve - you should’ve - just hung up when you called. Waited until I was sober to talk...you wouldn’t be in this mess...”
You caught his arm. "I decided to take a gap year when we started dating. I was going to tell you soon -" 
"Tell me what?" Billy snapped loudly, throwing his hands to the side. "That you're leaving?"
"That we are leaving, Billy!" you exclaimed, a little too loudly. He seemed taken aback. "I applied to schools in California. And I got into a few. I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to take you back."
Billy's heart was pounding. "Why? Why even bother?"
"Because that first night when I called. I was going to hang up. But then - you started to cry. About your mom, about how much you missed California, and all the terrible things your dad had done to you. And about how much you wanted Max to forgive you. About how no one would listen or take you seriously." You put a hand to his cheek. "I couldn’t leave you like that. I wanted to help. So I gave you what you needed, and I haven’t regretted that decision. I want to take you back. So you don't have to miss it anymore. So you and I can just - get away from here."
"Don't lie to me," Billy's voice shook, a wary edge to it.
You shook your head, "I'm not. I can show you the acceptance letters if you want."
"But your family? Harrington?" Billy was softer now, his brows scrunched in slight confusion.
"I can come back and visit. I want to be with you, and I want you to be happy. Hawkins doesn't make you happy, Billy," you stated. "I do, but Hawkins doesn't and I know that. So I want to run away with you."
Billy grinned, though he tried to hide it. He looked down at his shoes, which you noticed were his nice ones. You could still tell he was smiling like a little kid. He didn’t do that too often, much less with this many people around. He pulled you to him, hugging you tightly.
“Does Harrington know?” Billy asked in your ear.
You nodded. “I promised him no more secrets. I told him last week when I got the final letter.”
You pulled away to look at him. There was a spark in Billy’s eyes you hadn’t seen before. Happiness and mischief, a childish heart. He kissed you hard.
“I have all of the acceptance letters in my room, we can sneak in and get them. Then we can decide where to go from there. How’s that?” You played mindlessly with the front of his shirt. Not at all used to being like this is in public.
Billy kissed your forehead, sending a wave of warm tingles through your chest and stomach. “Perfect.” 
“Now can we please go to Scoops Ahoy before anyone else decides to tell me they used me?” you asked. Billy grabbed your hand and you headed towards the ice cream parlor. You relayed nearly everything you could bring yourself to tell Billy about your friends and their crushes on him.
“She actually said that?” Billy chuckled, taking a scoop of the sundae you were splitting. “I didn’t really think her the type.”
“That’s what happens when people spew about their crush to people who are close to them. Very rated R stuff tends to come out.” You rolled your eyes, taking a spoonful.
Billy smirked, leaning in. “And what kind of stuff comes out of you -” 
“And you didn’t even tell her you guys were dating?” Steve interrupted loudly, “those are some guts.”
“She would’ve spread it to everyone, so yes, I kept my mouth shut.” You paused thoughtfully. “I was honestly a little jealous. She did seem more his type than me.”
“I’d never leave you,” Billy muttered affectionately.
There was silence for a moment. Just the hum of the mall. You heard a few people laugh remarks as they passed the shop. Your stomach sank, but you knew it was just something you were going to have to get used to. 
“How many people do you think know by now?” Steve asked, staring out the entrance.
You shrugged. “It’s hard to tell. Our entire graduating class could know by now. Or they could have not said anything at all.”
“Well, if nothing else - you’ll always have us.” Steve gestured to the whole four of you in the creamery. 
“Yeah, I will,” you laughed. 
“What’re you gonna do when you go to California?” Robin asked you’d told her too.
You shrugged. “It depends on where we decide to go. But getting a job and an apartment is on top of the list, of course. But after that - it depends. If I can get my dad to talk to me, I want to come back for holidays, if you’re alright with that, Billy.” He nodded solemnly.
“Didn’t take it well?” Steve guessed, leaning on the counter.
You shook your head. “Said he didn’t want us back in the house. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Neil didn’t seem...exactly thrilled this morning, either.”
“I’ll deal with him,” Billy scoffed, waving it off.
“Billy…” You reached across the table and took his hand. “This is why I want to take you back to California. Get you away from him.”
Billy avoided your eyes, muttering out, “yeah.”
When you finished up your sundae, you waved goodbye to Steve and Robin. Then you and Billy wandered the mall. A few people you’d known in school caught your eye, and then swiftly gave you the cold shoulder. Billy got a few good on you mans out of passing guys. They seemed to take it a lot better than a lot of the girls. But what were you going to do? You knew these people, and passions could run deep.
You did have a few people you were friends with congratulate you. They grinned, actually greeting Billy for the first time in their lives. They hugged you and assured you that you could always go to them. But, even though they seemed all for it, you didn’t trust them. You even asked Billy if there was a kick me sign on your back, just in case. He assured you there wasn’t.
“So...what now?” Billy asked as you walked out of the mall. The sky was dark, just glowing neon signs lighting up the sky. It was getting cooler at night now, a shiver rolling down your spine.
“I,” you paused, looking out into the quiet parking lot. “I don’t know. All of Hawkins probably knows by now. It was kind of how I thought it was going to go. Too many people want you for you to be locked down.”
“Well, it’s their loss,” Billy sighed, a small smile on his face. “You’re stuck with me now. - Should I take you home?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know. - I don’t really want you to go.”
“I can sneak back in later,” he promised, leading you to where his car was parked. You slid into the cool leather seats, staring absently ahead of you. “If you can’t go home, but you can’t stay here. What are you going to do?”
“I could always sneak in, I guess and leave before my dad gets up. Or go to Steve's, or Robin's, or even sneak into your place." You chuckled a bit at the last option, you'd done it so many times.
Silence filled the cab for a few minutes following. Billy lit up a cigarette, you rolled the down window. You hated the smell. Finally, Billy sighed, “When do you want to leave?”
“What?” you questioned, turning to him. He wasn’t looking at you.
“California,” he restated, “when do you want to go?”
You shrugged. “After today - whenever.”
“Don’t...Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, [Name].” Billy took a deep drag.
You tapped your fingers against the door panel. “I won’t start until next fall. So we still have time to save up money and all. There’s probably no way my parents will pay tuition now, though.”
Billy was silent a moment. “Well...there’s only one way to find out. - [Name] I gotta take you home.”
You shifted in your seat to look at him. “What? No! I -”
“I already had a shit relationship with my parents. But you didn’t. You gotta fix, at least, that before we go,” Billy said in a serious, even voice. He wasn’t serious often, not like this. The look on his face, guilty and painful, twisted up your stomach. You couldn’t say no.
“Fine,” you sighed, “But if they don’t let me in, we leave tonight. I’ll sneak in, pack, and leave.”
“That’s a bit rash, for you anyway,” Billy noted.
You shook your head. “If they’re going to be petty about this - I’m going to be petty too. I’m eighteen, I can make that decision now.”
Billy nodded, taking another long drag. “Fine, if that’s what you want.”
The ride was silent. No talking, laughter, or music. Just the rush of air through the open windows. And the ride was over all too soon. You were suddenly sat in front of your house. The one you’d grown up in, the one that cradled you through broken bones and aching hearts. The one that saw your first steps, and your first loose tooth, and your first kiss on the front stoop in eighth grade on Halloween. Now it’d seen your first fight with your parents.
You couldn’t bring yourself to get out and knock on the door. But you didn’t have to. The front door opened, and your mom waved to you. You waved back. Then your dad appeared behind her. He beckoned you in. You stiffened, gripping Billy’s hand tighter.
“I’ll still be here, I’ll park down the block if you’re not out in ten. I’ll go through in your window,” Billy muttered, brushing his lips against your knuckles. You smiled, kissing him properly before getting out. You’d just gotten around the front of Billy’s car when you heard him too grumbled into the night. You rapped on the hood and nodded at the front door. Billy was quick to get out and join you at the front.
You father disappeared back into the house. But your mother let you in. You followed her, Billy in tow by his hand, down the hall to the kitchen. Your father was sat at the head of the table. Where he always was. You felt queasy, you couldn’t enough comfort from just holding Billy’s hand. Not this time.
Your father gestured to the table chairs. You two sat, your mother across from you. You and Billy held hands under the table. Everything was quiet for longer than you’d have liked. Finally, your dad let out a long, loud sigh. 
“ I cannot voice how disappointed I am, [Name],” he groaned, rubbing one temple.
“Dad -” you started, your mom reached a hand towards you.
“Of all the people in town...but,” he continued, he sounded more pained with every word. “I don’t want to lose you. So...I suppose, if he proves his reputation differently, then I won’t have an issue.”
“Re-Really?” Your chest squeezed. You hadn’t expected that.
“But he has to prove himself to me first. Also, no one said I had to like him. And there’s going to be some ground rules. First, no sex -”
“Oh, geezus, dad!” you whined, you didn’t have the guts to tell him it was too late for that. Billy squeezed your thigh, you tried to inconspicuously swat at him. But he just smirked at you.
“I’m just saying. And you have to be back before nine.”
You met his eyes. “Eleven.”
“Nine thirty.” Your dad caught sight of the look your mom gave him. “Fine, ten.”
You nodded. “And - what about college?”
“I...suppose...we’ll fund it. But you have to go this coming fall -”
“Already on it,” you gloated, “but we, as in Billy and I, not me, Billy, and dad, are going to make the best decision for us.”
“Fine, but you both have to keep jobs,” your dad bartered. You nodded, Steve could probably get you something. And Billy could charm his way into anything. “And you have to take your siblings to school.”
“Seriously?” you groaned. Your dad narrowed his eyes at you. “Fine. But I have a few rules of my own...”
The next hour was sat awkwardly bartering rules. Your parents didn't take the California news well. But they'd already agreed to let you guys determine what you wanted. So you were free to make your decision as you saw fit. And you knew what you wanted, a future happily with Billy. The man who was hard to love and who hardly loved.
Overall, judgment day went better than expected. People showed their true colors. But Billy had been right, you were better off without them. You now knew who your real friends were. You two were the talk of Hawkins for a few weeks following. But you didn't care. You finally had a future worth looking forward to. 
Watch out, California. Here you come.
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lettercastauthor · 5 years
Spider-Barista: Part One, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Extra Whip
AU Summary and Warnings: Tony Stark survived the snap that killed Thanos and only lost his arm, Steve Rogers has returned from his brief time travel escapades after realizing he’s not as straight as he thought he was, and his feelings for Tony went far beyond friendship. Tony, Steve, Peter, Rhodey, Pepper, and Nebula are in a polyship and were living at Stark’s private New York residence located somewhere in the city “near all the action,” also close to Peter’s school. Peter, 18, is finishing senior year. Recently, Pepper and Morgan Stark have left for upstate New York to begin Morgan’s private school. Overprotective “auntie” Nebula joined them due to her own safety concerns, leaving the boys to fend for themselves. Unknown to everyone, Tony is having a secret sciencey-fling with Bruce Banner, kept private for shy Bruce’s sake. Aunt May is on a cruise in the Bahamas.
Tony has offered to pay for Peter’s college, but Peter is being stubborn and wants to earn it for himself, so he gets a job at the local coffee shop and quickly finds a love for the job. In fact, he loves it so much that he begins to neglect his Super-Hero duties. At first Tony is supportive of a break from the dangerous life of saving New York on the daily, despite Cap’s urging Peter to take on bigger baddies and hone his skills. But they both soon realize Peter’s interest in coffee is mainly tied to a cute customer who comes in on Peter’s every shift. Unbeknownst to Peter, this customer lives a double life. This will be a serial story, updated when I have time. There will be NSFW content, each section that includes NSFW content will be marked accordingly so the reader can choose to enjoy the story while skipping the lewd parts should the desire.
Everyone in this story is 18 or older.
Tl;Dr: Adult Tom Holland Spider-Man is working as a barista post-blip. He’s in a polyship with Tony, Steve, Rhodey, Pepper, and Nebula. He has a crush on one of his patrons and is neglecting his heroic duty. There’s NSFW stuff in here. 
Part One: “Pumpkin Spice Latte, Extra Whip”
Warm yellow sun pierced through the sepia tinted windows of the coffee shop. It was a nice clear day. The taxi cabs sat bumper-to-bumper, the people hurriedly walked the sidewalks like a fashion-show runway, carrying their coats over their shoulders on this uncharacteristically warm November afternoon. A flash of green dashed through the crowd of customers as Peter Parker raced round the back entrance of the counter to clock in. His apron whooshed around him as he stopped at the register, punched in his employee ID number, and jumped into the flow of things, watching the front door intensely as he worked the hot bar with lightning speed. 
Customers loved Peter. He was quick, he never messed up a drink, and he always served with a smile. Pete’s co-workers loved him because whenever he worked, everyone got higher tips. The manager liked him because he always showed up for every shift, but she felt he could be better at the cleaning part of the job; she made sure to mention that in his quarterly review. Right on time, five minutes after 2:00 p.m., Peter’s favorite customer walked in. He told all the customers they were his favorite, but this one in particular was actually his favorite. 
The bell chimed and a man walked in, brown coat draped over his arm, gray knit sweater hugging his broad shoulders and chest just tight enough to portray a hint of modelesque musculature. This was Jamie. Jamie always wore a steel-blue tie, pulled tight around his white collared button-up shirt. Today, he sported a pair of well-fitting khaki slacks, brown oxfords, argyle socks. Clothing tells you everything about a person in New York City. Jamie’s clothes told Peter this: that Jamie had a job in the city, a real job, the kind you do in an office that looks over the hustle and bustle of the commoner’s everyday lives. Or so Peter imagined. He looked like most New York businessmen, but to Peter he was the definition of heaven. He was also unattainable. Peter rarely worked the register, due to being what the manager called “too friendly.” All his chatting with the customers slowed up the line. Unfortunately, Pete’s normal position at the bar fixing drinks kept him behind a wall of glass and noisy machines. The barrier made it near impossible to communicate effectively with customers.
His only chance was at the passthrough area, where he would set each hand-crafted beverage and call out the name of the customer it belonged to. Jamie changed up his drink often, which both frustrated and intrigued Peter. He wanted to be able to make Jamie’s drink quick enough that he could have a second to drop him his number on a napkin, but by the time Peter learned Jamie’s drink (usually three or four shifts), it was usually too late. He’d switched it up again. But Peter liked that about him, too. Jamie clearly liked to try new things. It was a good sign. 
So, as Jamie placed his order, Peter rushed to fill it before the payment was even processed. Today, Jamie ordered a pumpkin spice latte with extra whipped cream. Pete lucked out. He could make that drink in his sleep! Since the seasonal drink made its yearly debut in September, he was making hundreds of these each day. As he steamed the milk, Jamie looked over and gave him an easy smile. The light danced off his brown skin, his eyes twinkled. Peter felt his cheeks tingle with blush as he returned the grin. Milk frothed and mixed with the pumpkin spice flavor, the drink was almost complete. The payment processor beeped its approval to Jamie, and Peter raced to put the extra whip and autumn seasonings on the drink, meeting Jamie at the passthrough counter and carefully putting the lid on the cup.
As Jamie reached for the drink, Peter slipped a napkin toward him. “Don’t forget your napkins, Mr. Jamie, sir.” He’d written his number on it this morning, in preparation for this very moment.
Jamie smiled again, “Thank you, Peter. I’d hate to get coffee all over my suit.”
“You’re welcome, sir.”
Jamie took the napkin and left without showing signs of having seen the number written on it. All Peter could do now was wait. Waiting was hard. The time ticked by slower than usual today, but finally it was closing time. Peter helped clean up the floor, sweeping, mopping, and wiping frantically. His co-workers joked about him having a hot date, but when Peter blushed they realized he might actually have a hot date! So they pushed him for answers as to who the mystery guy or girl could possibly be. 
“I don’t have a date, guys. It’s just that I - uh - I have school in the morning. You know, senior year and all. Gotta finish strong,” he said.
At this, Tammy the night shift manager, bursted out with her typical hyena-cackle laughter. “Okay, sure Pete, you have school on a Saturday. Dumbass, it’s Friday night. If you didn’t have a date tonight I would be worried. You need to loosen up, Peter. You can’t just stay single forever!”
Peter’s co-workers had no idea he was actually dating, like, five people, so he just grinned and laughed, “I guess you’re right! Well I have to go now, goodbye!” He clocked out and dashed out of the store as quickly as he came in. As he walked home, green apron hanging over his shoulder, visor flipped backwards, he turned on his phone and waited impatiently for the messages to load. One-by-one they came in.
Aunt May: “Just arrived at the port in Jamaica, having a lovely time on the cruise!”
Cap: “Peter, please remember to do your laundry tonight. Your room smells like feet.”
Mr. Stark: [sent you a picture message]
Ned: “LEGO building party tonight at Josh’s, are you coming? 10pm.”
Pepper: “Morgan says hi!”
MJ: “LOL You look so funny in that coffee uniform.”
But nothing from a mystery number that could possibly be Jamie’s. He responded to the messages somewhat halfheartedly, then descended the subway stairs to take the train home. Headphones in, he thought about Jamie’s smile as he was ordering. His chest felt tight again, blood pumping, music blasting. He daydreamed until his stop, then took the headphones out for his walk home. He entered the tall apartment building and took the elevator up to the top. Nothing but the best for Tony Stark and his family! The penthouse smelled of a home-cooked meal. It was Cap’s turn to cook, so they were bound to have a feast. Rhodey was setting the table and greeted him first.
“Peter! How was work?” He laid down the last fork at the big oval dining table.
“It was good, I made some tips today!” Peter put on an extra layer of cheer to compensate for the disappointment of not hearing from Jamie.
“That’s great, Pete.” Rhodey was Peter’s metamour, Tony being their shared partner. Occasionally there was tension between them. It wasn’t jealousy, but they were known for calling each other out on their bullshit, and Peter could tell Rhodey’s bullshit detector was going off.
But before Rhodes could say anything, Steve Rogers walked in carrying a turkey pot pie. His kiss-the-cook apron, denim cut-off booty-shorts, and crab-claw oven mitts really made for a unique kind of vibe far and away from the Captain America the rest of the world saw. The daisy dukes certainly showed off America’s Ass in the least wholesome of ways. Peter and Rhodey both gulped, eyeballing that thicc snack as Cap bent over the kitchen table and set it at the center. The pot-pie didn’t look too bad either. Both had been interested in Steve for quite some time, but were not sure how to approach that, since he was so newly out of the closet.
“Where’s Tony?” Steve asked, pulling the oven mitts off and reaching back to untie his apron.
“I don’t know, I just got home,” Peter shrugged, heading up the loft stairs.
Steve turned to Rhodey and asked, “What’s up with the kid? He seems off.”
Rhodey wrapped an arm around Steve’s waist and pulled him close, “Don’t you ever take that apron off.” He grinned, then released Steve and headed to the kitchen to grab the green beans and bread rolls. Steve stayed stuck there for a moment, trying to control the blush that spread across his face before going upstairs to check on Peter and find Tony.
Since Peter’s room was down the hall from Tony’s workshop, Steve decided to stop there first. He poked his head in and spotted Pete sulking at his desk, staring listlessly at his phone. Pete didn’t notice him, so he observed and admired for a minute before knocking and entering. “Hey Pete, don’t you have laundry to do?”
Startled, Peter jumped up and threw his phone under his bed. “Yes, that’s exactly what I came in here to do, laundry.” Frantically, he searched for the laundry basket. Unable to find it, he quickly picked up some of his dirty clothes and balled them up in a pile in his arms. Once his hands were full, he used his toes to pick up the boxers and socks that littered the floor.
“Pete…” Steve tried to get his attention.
“I know, Mr. Rogers it smells like feet in here…”
“Pete… well, I mean yes it does but Peter—” he stepped in front of the teen. “Peter, stop.”
“What?” Peter was clearly upset, though his face wasn’t visible behind the pile of clothing that filled his arms.
“Put the laundry down.”
“But my room smells like feet…”
“Fine,” he dropped the laundry on the floor, then plopped defiantly on the bed. “What.”
Steve sat gently beside Peter. “Pete, you’re upset.”
“I am not upset, I’m fine.”
“Did you have a rough day at work?” Steve scooted closer, leaning into Peter. He smelled sweetly of coffee. Peter said nothing. “You can tell me, I’ll keep a secret.” He wrapped a reassuring arm around Peter’s shoulders.
The young man looked up at him, eyes red from both tiredness and emotions. “There’s a guy.”
“A guy?” Steve had only come out of the closet three months ago. He could feel the blush coming back to his cheeks. He glanced toward the door, secretly hoping Tony would come in and fix everything. Tony could always fix anything, especially Peter’s broken heart.
Pete sniffed. “He’s a customer. His name is Jamie.”
Suddenly suspicious, Steve perked up. “Is he the reason you turned off your police scanner and keep picking up extra shifts at the shop?”
Peter rolled his eyes and sighed. “You have no idea. How hot. He is. Like, he walks in the room and I can’t breathe. And he doesn’t even know I exist beyond that I am some guy in a green apron who works at a coffee shop.”
“I know what you mean, sport, but you so many of us here who adore you, you know?”
“I know, but…” Peter stopped and suddenly realized what Cap was insinuating, “Wait a second… Mr. Rogers are you saying you’re—?”
Just then Tony knocked on the door. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
Steve stiffened up and suddenly there was a whole 12 inches between him and Peter. “Hey Tony! Peter had a rough day at work. I told him he needs to do his laundry… ah… dinner is ready, bye!” Steve bolted out of the kid’s room and down the stairs before Tony or Peter had a chance to respond.
“What’s his deal?” Tony asked, sitting down in the warm spot where Steve’s butt just was.
“I think… actually I really don’t know, Mr. Stark.” Peter stood to pick up his clothes.
“Hey, kid, come here for a second.” Tony pulled Peter back onto the bed and pinned him down, his mechanical hand caressing Peter’s cheek. Peter had a momentary flashback to that day but shook it out of his head. He focused on Tony’s piercing eyes.
“You are clearly not okay. And from what I heard, because you know I hear everything that goes on in this house, it has to do with some boy at work?”
Peter rolled his eyes. “It’s nothing…”
“Yes, that’s absolutely right, it is nothing. Hey. Look at me, kid.” He waited until Peter turned his head and made eye contact. “Whoever this guy is, maybe he’s cute. Maybe you even gave him your number on that little napkin from breakfast, but in the end when you’re like us, like you and me and Cap and Bruce, you just can’t date civilians. It never works out. They don’t understand the pressures of the job... or worse: they get killed. Ask any super hero you’ve ever met.”
“But you and Pepper—”
“Yes, Pepper is a special lady who also does the super hero things from time to time. Pep and I have a kid together, but there were years of turmoil before Morgan was born. Stick with what you have, dating outside our kind will only make it hard for you in the end.”
Peter sighed. “I guess… you’re probably right. He’s just so handsome, I… there’s something about him.”
“Pete, I’m not saying don’t go knocking on that door, I’m just saying… be safe about it.”
***NSFW INCOMING. Look for the 3 asterisks at the end of this passage if you wish to skip the naughty stuff.***
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Peter glanced up at Tony, feeling flush. Thinking about Jamie, feeling the weight of Tony pressing down against him, it had all started to become a little too much. His hard-on strained against the fabric of his black work pants. “Tony, I…”
“I know, kid,” Tony went in for a kiss. They were still eager and new, Peter only having turned 18 less than three months ago, but the kiss was so familiar and comforting. Tony pulled back and smiled, unbuttoning Peter’s pants. “I don’t want you thinking about that guy anymore. It’s just you and me in here, alright?” He pulled out Pete’s member and rubbed a finger at the base of the head.
“Yes, Mr. Stark, sir…”
“It’s Tony.” He palmed Peter’s cock, then slowly stroked.
Peter could only whimper in response.
“Good boy.” He released Peter. “Get naked for me, I have something I want you to try on.” Tony left the room to grab the skimpy maid outfit from his bedroom closet while Peter disrobed and hastily threw his dirty laundry in a pile in the closet. 
As Peter cleaned, he muttered to himself, “I really should have listened to Cap and done this last week… Where’s that fabreeze?”
Meanwhile, Tony bumped into Steve on his way to their shared bedroom at the other corner of the massive loft. “Steve, what’s up with you today?”
“What are you talking about?” Steve feigned coolness.
“Do you have a thing for Pete?”
“Who? Pete? The kid? Nah. Not me.” Steve sped up, walking quicker toward the bedroom, but Tony caught up with him easily.
At the doorframe, he stopped him, cornered him, pushed him back against the wall. “Steve, I want you to join us.” His lips were so close to Steve’s. Steve quivered.
“Join you?” Steve chuckled nervously, turning red again. “Tony, even if I liked him, how could I handle both of you at once?”
“Yep, that’s it you’re coming with me.” Tony gripped Steve’s forearm tight with his bionic hand and pulled the protesting Captain back toward Peter’s room. The maid outfit could wait for another day, but breaking Steve in with another young buck had to happen someday... and today was as good as any!
By the time they entered the room, Peter had made it spotless. Not a single smell of feet to be found. Tony and Steve both knew he had probably just shoved everything in his closet, but the bed was made and the desk was cleared and the room smelled nicely of linen fabreeze. Peter was nude, sitting on the bed, waiting patiently for Tony to return with some outfit or other. He was shocked to see Steve Rogers standing in the doorway beside Tony, looking shyly down, cheeks frosted rose.
“Mr. Stark… you said you wanted me to try something on… D-do you want me to try on Mr. Rogers?” His voice broke a bit.
Stark sighed. “Kid, how many times do we have to tell you? it’s Tony. And Steve. And... there was a change of plans. Remember how I said it would be only you and me in here?” Pete nodded, swallowing hard as he saw Steve’s growing erection through the tight daisy dukes he’d donned to prepare dinner. “Well, now it’s you and me. And Steve.”
“S-steve, sir, I would love that... it’s just…” Pete had never seen Captain America be so shy. “I think your dick might ruin me…”
Steve glanced at Peter. Tony glared at Steve. “Say it, Cap. Go on! Tell him.”
“Peter.” Steve was looking at him lustfully, passionately now. “I want you. I want you to take me. I need you... I need you inside of me.”
Peter gave a breathy sigh. Partly from the way Cap’s words made his own dick throb, and partly from relief that he wouldn’t have to try to take the horse-sized dong that seemed to be endlessly growing in Steve’s shorts. He stood, approached Steve, and smiled. “I would like that very much.” He glanced over at Tony, unable to hide his surprise and apparent elatedness that Steve was in fact a bottom, and also that his dick really was that huge.
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*** End NSFW Section***
So, that’s it for now! What do you think of part one? Do you like the partition for the SFW vs. NSFW content? What do you think will happen next? Part 2 takes place the next day. It will be coming soon! Probably tomorrow, or next week, depending on when I find time between work and school.
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