quirkycatsfatstacks · 19 days
Manga Monday: That Time the Manga Editor Started a New Life in the Countryside Vol. 1
Writer/Artist: KumagaePublisher: Kodansha ComicsReleased: October 3, 2023Received: NetGalley Find it on Goodreads | More Manga Summary: Yohei “Kuma” Sakuma is drained. His full-time job has always been as a manga editor, which means he’s always got a fuller-than-full workload. In truth, he may not have realized how burned out he was feeling – if not for the news of his magazine’s closure. It…
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b3crew · 8 months
REVIEW | "That Time the Manga Editor Started a New Life in the Countryside" - Vol. 1 | B3 - Boston Bastard Brigade
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That Time the Manga Editor Started a New Life in the Countryside shows that making that first big step will lead any passionate person towards happiness. Check out KBD's review before its October 3rd release date!
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yama-bato · 2 years
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Arita trumpet shaped vase by Kumagae Koho 
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Damage Control - 1x16 Shadow
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They drive in silence for a while, aimlessly, if Dean’s honest, just away. Away from fighting the Daēva, from Meg, from a blood-stained crime scene. Away from Dad.
Dean’s sure that their father is already well out of town, foot steady on the gas pedal of his truck in spite of his injuries. He took off in the opposite direction, and Dean can feel the increasing distance between them in his guts. Or maybe it’s just his own wounds? The Daēva got him good, and he can feel blood trickling down his side where its claws raked him. There’s a trail of fiery stinging from his ribs to his stomach; the same goes for his forehead.
Looking over at Sam, he sees that his brother isn’t faring any better. The shadow demon tore his left cheek open with its claws, the deep, ragged grooves still bleeding freely. And Dean’s pretty sure the semi-darkness in the car and Sam’s three layers of clothing are hiding additional wounds.
“Sam?” When he has his brother’s attention, he makes a circular motion at his own cheek, then points at Sam.
“Hospital time.”
There’s a sucking-in of air as Sam gets ready to launch into automatic protest. “What? No! It’s not that b-”
“Yes, it is,” Dean cuts him off. “Look at your face, man! I can’t sew this up. Unless you want me to Frankenstein you. Probably need a Tetanus shot, too. And antibiotics. We both do. It got me good as well.” He winces and presses one hand to his side.
That gets Sam’s attention. He sits up straight. “Got you? How bad?”
“Bad enough to hurt like a sonofabitch.”
“Can you drive?”
Dean waves him off. “Yeah. Shouldn’t be far.”
It’s not. Fifteen minutes later, they’re standing at an ER reception desk, lying to the nurse about their names, insurance and an obscure animal attack, and after noticing that Dean’s dripping blood onto the floor they’re ushered into an exam cubicle. Efficient hands peel them out of their bloody shirts and take their vitals. A first assessment determines that they’ll live but will need an impressive amount of stitching. Four deep slashes run from the side of Dean’s rib cage down to his belly button, Sam’s got a matching set across one of his pecs, and there are the facial injuries on both of them.
“What happened to you two?” A female doctor in surgical scrubs enters their cubicle. Her name tag identifies her as B. Kumaga, M.D.
“Wildlife.” Dean gives her his best daredevil smirk. “Wouldn’t advise camping out anywhere near the truck stop on the interstate if I were you.”
They’d agreed on some vague story about an animal attack that went so fast they couldn’t even see what exactly had wanted to maul them. Experience has taught them that hospitals were ready to accept the craziest explanations as long as there were no other people or weapons involved. It kept the police out of it and paperwork minimal, and animal control - if summoned at all - rarely ever showed up before they were patched up and gone.
“What kind of animal?” The doctor, a classy, black woman in her forties, approaches Sam first and carefully examines his cheek.
“We’re not sure,” Sam says, wincing slightly. “It was dark, and we’d been asleep. It was so quick, and we just blindly fought it off.”
The doctor frowns and adjusts the light so she can see better. “These look like claw marks. Some sort of wildcat?”
“Could’ve been,” Dean chimes in from the other gurney. “To be honest, we were too distracted to give it a good look. You know, what with the thing trying to rip our faces off and everything.” He grins crookedly, although he feels like crap. Charm and bravado usually work best on ER doctors, tired of dealing with whiny and scared patients all the time. It keeps questions at bay and speeds up treatment.
“Understandable.” The doctor smirks. She turns away from Sam and snaps on new gloves to check Dean’s wounds now. “And you got lucky.”
“Because the thing didn’t rip our throats out?” Dean sucks in air as the doctor palpates the slashes on his stomach.
“Because I’m a plastic surgeon and can fix this mess,” Doctor Kumaga replies evenly, with a trace of that cocky arrogance Dean has seen in surgeons before. “Your luck I’m on ER duty tonight.”
“Wow.” Dean looks over at Sam. “We’re getting the royal treatment, brother.”
Sam’s responsive smile is a bit lopsided. “Looks like it.”
“Well,” the surgeon says, her fingertips on Dean’s forehead now. “It would be a shame to leave you two boys looking like roadkill. But I have to warn you - this’ll take an hour or two, and you’ll either have to hold still for that long or let me put you under and keep you here overnight. Which one’s it going to be?”
Dean exchanges a glance with his brother. The choice is clear.
“Door number one, please,” Dean replies. “We can handle it.”
“Thought so.” The surgeon gives Dean a look that might be an acknowledgement of their bravery. Then she starts opening drawers and pulling out instrument trays, vials and surgical towels. “I’m gonna numb you up, and then we can start. Who wants to go first?”
Sam and Dean look at each other, both of their right hands already forming fists for a round of Rock-Paper-Scissors. And - sonofabitch! - Dean loses. Again.
Almost three hours later, Dean unlocks the door to a stale-smelling motel room and limps inside, each step pulling on his fresh stitches. Sam slips past him and drops their bags onto the floor, then sinks onto one of the beds with an audible sigh. Dean does the same on the other bed, tossing aside the baseball hat he’d worn to conceal his wounds.
The plastics surgeon had known what she was doing. She’d sewn both of them up with neat, small sutures that would leave only minimal scarring. Thin, flesh-colored bandage strips are covering the stitches on their faces, making them look almost inconspicuous except for some swelling around the wounds. The motel clerk hadn’t even noticed when Dean had checked them in, head angled away from the light, baseball hat pulled low into his forehead.
To prevent chafing, Sam’s chest and Dean’s side and belly are more heavily bandaged, and Dean is glad for the additional padding when he lies down. The local anesthetic is fading fast, and he can feel the familiar prickle-and-sting of his stitches gearing up for a night of fun.
“Where d’you think Dad is now?” Sam asks from his right. He sounds dejected.
Dean closes his eyes. The memory of his father’s bloodied face rushes in. “Still on the road? Or patching himself up somewhere, laying low? I don't know. But I’m pretty sure he put some miles between us before he stopped.”
“Should we call him? Make sure he’s alright?”
Sam sounds conflicted, his voice unsure. For years he’d nurtured nothing but rage, reproach and bitterness when it came to their father. That one hug they’d exchanged before the Daēva attacked them seems to have mellowed him, and, somehow, that makes it all even harder. They’d found him. Jesus fucking Christ, they’d finally found Dad, and in one piece. They’d reconciled. Dean’s heart had leaped at their reunion. They’d be together again, all three of them. Hunt together. Be a family.
But his hopes had been smashed. The shadow demon had demonstrated why it wasn’t meant to be, why their father had disappeared for months and not even answered his phone - not even when Dean was dying from heart failure. They were a liability. A weakness. John Winchester’s Achilles heel. They didn’t make him stronger. They made him vulnerable.
“He’ll be alright,” Dean answers, heaviness in his chest. “He always is. And I don’t think he’d even pick up the phone.”
Sam stares at the ceiling, and when he speaks again, there’s pain in his voice - and a touch of that old anger rekindling. “That’s what I don’t get - that he can’t even talk to us. I mean, where’s the harm in that? Is that demon tracing phone calls now?! Dad can use a burner if that’s what he’s afraid of. He could at least check in every once in a while and let us know that he’s still alive. Check if we are alive!”
Dean sighs. That didn’t last long. There he is again - the pouty, defiant, self-centered little brother who stormed off to Stanford four years ago. Sammy, so caught up in his own righteousness that he can’t see past the tip of his nose.
“He can’t risk it, Sammy,” he says tiredly. “We don’t know what that demon is capable of. You just saw what happened! We get together, we get hurt. That thing will use us to get to Dad. If that demon finds out we’re in touch–”
“He’s our father, Dean!” Sam sits up, plants his big feet on the carpet, posture aggressive. “I get that he wants us out of harm’s way. And I want that demon to pay for what it did just as much as him, but he’s our goddamn father!”
All Dean wants to do is sleep. His body feels like a slap of lead. Everything hurts. But Sam’s not going to let this go, so Dean struggles upright and, holding his side, he locks eyes with his brother, countering his dark stare with what he hopes is amenability.
“He’s trying to protect us, Sammy.”
Sam scoffs. “He’s protecting himself! He’s obsessed! Finding that demon is more important to him than anything else in this world! More important than his own sons!”
“That’s not true.” Dean’s answer comes fast, with conviction. That flutter of doubt he feels? It skitters away, outranked by his sense of loyalty toward his father. John Winchester may not be perfect, but Dean knows he loves them, he has to, doesn’t he? What Sam says is wrong, clouded by that immature grudge he’s still holding. “He’d die for us if he had to. You know that! He watched Mom die, and that’s why he’s doing this! For all we know, that thing could be coming after us, too, and he’s trying everything to keep us safe by getting to it first!”
Sam stares at him in disbelief, the asymmetry of his injured and bandaged face making him look foreign. “This is the story you keep telling yourself? That he’s doing this for us? Why are you always defending him? This isn’t about us! It’s about revenge!”
Anger flares in Dean. But he’s exhausted, and they’ve been around this block too many times. He knows how it could end. He’s already lost Dad, for the second time. He can’t risk losing Sammy again, too.
“Can we not do this?” he asks, sounding more desperate than he means to. “Can we just… not fight?”
It’s clearly not the reaction Sam had expected. Apparently he’d been ready for Dean to yell at him, to fall into that same old pattern of escalation the Winchester men had cultivated over the years. When it’s not coming, Sam’s face goes blank with surprise before rearranging into confusion. “I don’t–” he says, then he breaks off and starts again, studying Dean. “Are you… are you okay?”
No, Dean wants to reply. No, I’m not okay. I’m hurting inside and out, and I know you are too.
“I’m fine,” comes out of his mouth instead. “I really just need to sleep. Can we talk about this another time?” He hates how his voice wavers.
“Yeah.” Sam’s frown deepens. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Dean settles back onto the bed and rolls onto his good side, face turned away from Sam. Behind his back, he hears his brother shuffling, getting up again, hesitant.
“You… you want the bathroom first? Or can I..?”
“Go ahead. I think I’m just gonna go to sleep.”
It’s wishful thinking. His side is stinging in earnest now, and no matter how he turns his head, his injured face hurts against the cheap motel pillow. While Sam retreats to the bathroom, he stares into the semi-darkness of the room.
Dad, he thinks. Where are you now? And then, inevitably, Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll watch out for Sammy. I’ll keep him safe.
The Damage Control Series Masterlist
Read the entire series on AO3 here:
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kodanshamanga · 7 months
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NEW Kodansha Digital:
🧑‍🌾That Time the Manga Editor Started a New Life in the Countryside, Vol 2🧑‍🌾 By Kumagae
🐛Kuma’s rice is getting big, but is too soon to celebrate. What are those bugs all over his crops? Is that a typhoon on the way?
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4x4community · 1 year
Kumaga Camp to Nxai Pan Bains Baobabs
Forum: Botswana Posted By: Forshawau Post Time: 2023/02/16 at 03:19 AM http://dlvr.it/SjTwkp
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you-rosy · 2 years
ikigai. just a brain dump for todas video. until now, i feel like i could about myself and that i should just be more of myself, regardless of whether i make money out of this. alright. so this is what i think is probably where i really got into a flow: first is, i like being with people. so oka lang kaht mahirap ako . right now i just need to be with the right people.
the thing is. sa ngayon kasi i need a seperate place where i can be myslef. solitary kumaga. sa tao, ung nasa better place. may healthy relationship with money and opportunities gustong na eenhance ung sarili nya (para sa iba) mabuting tao kahit oportunista
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mia-japanese-korean · 3 years
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Sake cup (guinomi), Kumagae Kōshū, early 21st century, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
red sake cup with wide vertical ridges starting below lip; some ochre and black accents; gray highlights around lip; ochre and black inside Size: 2 5/16 × 2 3/4 in. (5.87 × 6.99 cm) Medium: Stoneware
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ochoislas · 3 years
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El clan Heike había perdido la batalla. «Los caudillos Taira han de ir por fuerza camino de la playa con la esperanza de escapar por mar» se dijo Kumagae Naozane. «¡Muy bien! Iré al encuentro de uno de los duques para luchar con él!», y volvió hacia el mar la rienda a su caballo.
Cuando así lo hizo avistó a un guerrero solitario que cabalgaba aguas adentro al encuentro de las naves ancladas a la distancia. Vestía jubón de armar de fina seda recamada con un motivo de grullas, arnés de trencilla verde y sutil, y un morrión de cuernos. Ceñía espada con guarnición de oro, una aljaba con dardos empendolados de plumas de águila blanquinegras, y empuñaba un arco reforzado con ratán. Iba caballero en un bridón tordo rodado, sobre silla fileteada de oro.
La caballería del solitario guerrero ya había entrado como cien codos mar adentro cuando Kumagae lo llamó, blandiendo el abanico: «¡Ah de vos, duque, que bien os puedo ver! No os hagáis mengua dándole la espalda al enemigo ¡Volved aquí!».
El jinete volvió grupas, atendiendo a la llamada, y miró hacia la orilla. Cuando se disponía a arrancarse de las rompientes, Kumagae se le arrimó al costado y forcejeó con él, derribándolo de la montura. Una vez lo tuvo sujeto en tierra, le retiró el yelmo para tajarle la cabeza. El rostro que vio fue el de un mancebo de dieciséis o diecisiete años, con blanquete en las mejillas y dientes lacados de negro.
Mirando su bello rostro Kumagae reparó en que tendría la misma edad de su hijo Kojirō, y fue incapaz de emplear la espada: «¿Quién sois? ¡Decidme vuestro nombre y os dejaré ir!».
—¿Y quién sois vos? —inquirió el joven.
—Nadie digno de nota... Kumagae Naozane del país de Musashi.
—En tal caso no me cumple deciros mi nombre —respondió el mozo—. Sabed que soy más que par vuestro. Una vez toméis mi cabeza, id y preguntad, ¡que bien os lo dirán!
«¡Habla cabalmente como duque! —pensó Kumagae—. Pero matar un hombre más no ha de cambiar el resultado de la jornada. Si mi Kojirō sufre no más que un rasguño ¡cómo me hace velar por él! ¡Cuánto más no se dolerá el padre de este mancebo cuando conozca su muerte! Ojalá pudiera librarlo.»
Pero echando una ojeada a su retaguardia vio hasta cincuenta jinetes de los Genji al mando de Toi y Kajiwara, que venían hacia donde estaban. Bebiéndose sus lágrimas le dijo: «En verdad quisiera libraros, pero nuestras fuerzas están a la vista todo en derredor, nunca escaparíais. Antes que caigáis en manos de otro, os está mejor que sea yo quien acabe vuestra vida, pues me ocuparé de que se digan preces por la salvación de vuestra alma en la vida venidera».
—Tomad sin más mi cabeza y no os demoréis —dijo el muchacho.
Kumagae estaba tan rendido de piedad que no sabía donde daba. Sus ojos se le nublaron, sus mientes se ofuscaron, y por un instante apenas supo dónde estaba. Más luego ponderó que no tenía elección y, a pesar de su llanto, cortó de un tajo la cabeza del mozo.
«¡Guay de los que portamos armas, qué negra es nuestra suerte! De no haber nacido yo de casta de guerreros ¿me habría enfrentado jamás a este trance? ¡Qué atrocidad he cometido!» Así clamaba sin parar, limpiándose las lágrimas con su manga.
Pero al rato, consciente de que tenía que adelantar la faena, le quitó el arnés al muchacho y envolvió la cabeza en el jubón. Al hacerlo reparó en una bolsa de brocado, atada a su cintura, que contenía una flauta. «¡Ay, qué lastimoso! ¡Él sería uno de los que oí tañer al alba en el real enemigo! Entre la innumerable tropa de las provincias de levante en nuestro partido, hay acaso uno solo que lleve consigo una flauta al campo de batalla? Estos noble hidalgos... ¡qué gentiles y finos son!»
Más tarde, cuando los despojos de la batalla fueron presentados a Yoshitsune para que los revisara, no hubo nadie entre los presentes que no llorara al ver aquello. Luego se supo que el muchacho muerto por Kumagae era Atsumori, el hijo de diecisiete años del director de la Oficina de Obras de Palacio, Taira no Tsunemori. Desde aquel día el deseo de Kumagae de tonsurarse y abandonar el mundo no hizo más que crecer.
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La flauta del caso fue ofrecida al abuelo de Atsumori, Tadamori, que era un diestro tañedor, por el emperador retirado Toba. De aquél pasó a su hijo Tsunemori, que a su tiempo la entregó a Atsumori, quien mostró una notable aptitud para tocarla. Su nombre era Saeda o Gajito.
Conmueve pensar que pese a todas sus extremosas cadencias y floreos, hasta la música y las otras artes pueden conducirnos por la vía de Buda.
Heike Monogatari
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hadeanic · 5 years
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Every human wears a mask, the one you wear at this moment is just one of many buried deep within your soul.
However, no mask can hide how little you know about the true self– the true reality. Let’s begin with a simple test…
Who are you, really?
0.「 The Fool 」??? I.「 The Magician 」Wakana Nishimura, SHSL Opera Singer II.「 The High Priestess 」Shu Chiu, SHSL Fight Director III.「 The Empress 」Mayumi Hanezuka, SHSL Ramen Shop Owner IV.「 The Emperor 」Kanpei Takasugi, SHSL Student Council President V.「 The Hierophant 」Kioku Wasure, SHSL ??? VI.「 The Lovers 」Haruto Sonomura, SHSL Good Luck VII.「 The Chariot 」Ryuu Nakahara, SHSL Zui Quan Master VIII.「 Justice 」Rakki "Lucky" Komiya, SHSL Vigilante IX.「 The Hermit 」Noel Yuuki, SHSL Toymaker X.「 Wheel of Fortune 」Azusa Doigawa, SHSL Ballerina XI.「 Strength 」Holokai Kahananui, SHSL Surfer XII.「 The Hanged Man 」Fumiko "SH1BA" Minami, SHSL Rapper XIII.「 Death 」Mimi Kumagae, SHSL Candid Photographer XIV.「 Temperance 」Namiko Nakasone, SHSL Narrator XV.「 The Devil 」Tsukiko Todoroki, SHSL Chemist XVI.「 The Tower 」Arisa Oshiro, SHSL Cheerleader XVII.「 The Star 」Ayumu Abe, SHSL Lucid Dreamer XVIII.「 The Moon 」Kenta Kamiya, SHSL Guitarist XIX.「 The Sun 」Hiroyuki Suzushi, SHSL Utaite XX.「 Judgement 」Jitō Yūji, SHSL Construction Painter XXI.「 The World 」???
Thank you all for applying! Please standby for a message from a moderator and have your blogs ready as soon as possible! 
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smkelly84 · 4 years
Sepia Saturday
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This week Sepia Saturday challenges bloggers to share images from way back when inspired by the photo above. So this week I’ve found some photos of tennis players.
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State Library of New South Wales, 1899
Hales Family Tennis Party
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Library of Congress, circa 1920
Priscilla Dean ready for tennis.
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Library of Congress, circa 1925
Kumagaeand Johnson (Flickr Commons had no information on Mr. Johnson,…
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eyepatch-alchemist · 5 years
RE:Wound Circuit 2 Statistics
For those who don’t know what this is, it’s just a little trivia thing I do for every game I’m in. For example, what average height we have, who would be closest to it, that kinda stuff. So, without further ado, it’s under the Read More!
Height Chart
140 - 149 cm | 4'7" - 4'11": 2 | Namiko Nakasone (145 cm | 4′9″), Tsukiko Todoroki (148 cm | 4′10″) 150 - 159 cm | 4'11" - 5'3": 6 | Ayumu Abe (157 cm | 5′2″), Azusa Doigawa (158.5 cm | 5′2″), Fumiko “SH1BA” Minami (152.4 cm | 5′0″), Hiroyuki Suzushi (154.94 cm | 5′1″), Kanpei Takasugi (157.5 cm | 5′2″), Noel Yuuki (152 cm | 5′0″) 160 - 169 cm | 5'3" - 5'7": 3 | Arisa Oshiro (168 cm | 5′6″), Haruto Sonomura (165 cm | 5′5″), Ryuu Nakahara (167 cm | 5′6″) 170 - 179 cm | 5'7" - 5'11": 6 | Jitō Yūji (175 cm | 5′9″), Kenta Kamiya (175 cm | 5′9″), Kioku Wasure (175 cm | 5′9″), Mayumi Hanezuka (177 cm | 5′10″), Shu Chiu (173 cm | 5′8″), Wakana Nishimura (172 cm | 5′8″) 180 - 189 cm | 5'11″ - 6'3": 2 | Holokai Kahananui (188 cm | 6′2″), Mimi Kumagae (180 cm | 5′11″) 190 - 199 cm | 6'3″ - 6'7": 1 | Rakki “Lucky” Komiya (195.58 cm | 6′5″)
Average Height (Overall): 166,8 cm | 5'5" Average Height (Female): 166,72 cm | 5'5" Average Height (Male): 170,56 cm | 5'7" Average Height (Nonbinary): 150,2 cm | 4'11" Closest to Average Height (Overall): Ryuu Nakahara (167 cm | 5′6″) Closest to Average Height (Female): Arisa Oshiro (168 cm | 5′6″) Closest to Average Height (Male): Shu Chiu (173 cm | 5′8″) Closest to Average Height (Nonbinary): Tsukiko Todoroki (148 cm | 4′10″) & Fumiko “SH1BA” Minami (152,4 cm | 5′0″) Shortest (Overall): Namiko Nakasone (145 cm | 4′9″) Shortest (Female): Namiko Nakasone (145 cm | 4′9″) Shortest (Male): Hiroyuki Suzushi (154.94 cm | 5′1″) Shortest (Nonbinary): Tsukiko Todoroki (148 cm | 4′10″) Tallest (Overall): Rakki “Lucky” Komiya (195.58 cm | 6′5″) Tallest (Female): Mimi Kumagae (180 cm | 5′11″) Tallest (Male): Rakki “Lucky” Komiya (195.58 cm | 6′5″) Tallest (Nonbinary): Fumiko “SH1BA” Minami (152.4 cm | 5′0″) Most present: 150 - 159 cm | 4'11" - 5'3" & 170 - 179 cm | 5'7" - 5'11", each with 6 people Less present: 190 - 199 cm | 6'3″ - 6'7" with 1 person
Weight Chart
30 - 39,9 kg | 66 - 86 lbs: 1 | Hiroyuki Suzushi (34.47 kg | 76 lbs) 40 - 49,9 kg | 88 - 108 lbs: 6 | Ayumu Abe (44 kg | 97 lbs), Azusa Doigawa (45.8 kg | 101 lbs), Fumiko “SH1BA” Minami (43 kg | 95 lbs), Namiko Nakasone (43 kg | 95 lbs), Noel Yuuki (48 kg | 105 lbs), Tsukiko Todoroki (44 kg | 97 lbs) 50 - 59,9 kg | 110 - 130 lbs: 4 | Arisa Oshiro (55 kg | 121 lbs), Haruto Sonomura (50 kg | 110 lbs), Kenta Kamiya (59 kg | 130 lbs), Ryuu Nakahara (52 kg | 114 lbs) 60 - 69,9 kg | 132 - 152 lbs: 2 | Kanpei Takasugi (61 kg | 135 lbs), Wakana Nishimura (62 kg | 137 lbs) 70 - 79,9 kg | 154 - 174 lbs: 4 | Jitō Yūji (71.6 kg | 158 lbs), Kioku Wasure (73 kg | 161 lbs), Mimi Kumagae (74 kg | 163 lbs), Shu Chiu (70 kg | 154 lbs) 80 - 89,9 kg | 176 - 196 lbs: 2 | Holokai Kahananui (88 kg | 196 lbs), Mayumi Hanezuka (82 kg | 181 lbs) 90 - 99,9 kg | 198 - 218 lbs: 1 | Rakki “Lucky” Komiya (90 kg | 200 lbs)
Average Weight (Overall): 59,49 kg | 130 lbs Average Weight (Female): 61,42 kg | 135 lbs Average Weight (Male): 61,19 kg | 135 lbs Average Weight (Nonbinary): 43,5 kg | 96 lbs Closest to Average Weight (Overall): Kenta Kamiya (59 kg | 130 lbs) Closest to Average Weight (Female): Wakana Nishimura (62 kg | 137 lbs) Closest to Average Weight (Male): Kanpei Takasugi (61 kg | 135 lbs) Closest to Average Weight (Nonbinary): Fumiko “SH1BA” Minami (43 kg | 95 lbs) & Tsukiko Todoroki (44 kg | 97 lbs) Lightest (Overall): Hiroyuki Suzushi (34.47 kg | 76 lbs) Lightest (Female): Namiko Nakasone (43 kg | 95 lbs) Lightest (Male): Hiroyuki Suzushi (34.47 kg | 76 lbs) Lightest (Nonbinary): Fumiko “SH1BA” Minami (43 kg | 95 lbs) Heaviest (Overall): Rakki “Lucky” Komiya (90 kg | 200 lbs) Heaviest (Female): Mayumi Hanezuka (82 kg | 181 lbs) Heaviest (Male): Rakki “Lucky” Komiya (90 kg | 200 lbs) Heaviest (Nonbinary): Tsukiko Todoroki (44 kg | 97 lbs) Most present: 40 - 49,9 kg | 88 - 108 lbs with 6 people Least Present: 30 - 39,9 kg | 66 - 86 lbs & 90 - 99,9 kg | 198 - 218 lbs, each with 1 person
Gender Chart
Female: 9 | Arisa Oshiro, Azusa Doigawa, Kioku Wasure, Mayumi Hanezuka, Mimi Kumagae, Namiko Nakasone, Noel Yuuki, Shu Chiu, Wakana Nishimura Male: 9 | Ayumu Abe, Haruto Sonomura, Hiroyuki Suzushi, Holokai Kahananui, Jitō Yūji, Kanpei Takasugi, Kenta Kamiya, Rakki “Lucky” Komiya, Ryuu Nakahara Nonbinary: 2 | Fumiko “SH1BA” Minami, Tsukiko Todoroki
Most Present: Females & Males, each with 9 people Least Present: Nonbinary with 2 people
Letter Chart
A: 3/1 | Arisa Oshiro, Ayumu Abe, Azusa Doigawa || Abe Ayumu C: 0/1 | Chiu Shu D: 0/1 | Doigawa Azusa F: 1/0 | Fumiko “SH1BA” Minami H: 3/1 | Haruto Sonomura, Hiroyuki Suzushi, Holokai Kahananui || Hanezuka Mayumi J: 1/0 | Jitō Yūji K: 3/4 | Kanpei Takasugi, Kenta Kamiya, Kioku Wasure || Kahananui Holokai, Kamiya Kenta, Komiya Rakki “Lucky”, Kumagae Mimi M: 2/1 | Mayumi Hanezuka, Mimi Kumagae || Minami Fumiko “SH1BA” N: 2/3 | Namiko Nakasone, Noel Yuuki || Nakahara Ryuu, Nakasone Namiko, Nishimura Wakana O: 0/1 | Oshiro Arisa R: 2/0 | Rakki “Lucky” Komiya, Ryuu Nakahara S: 1/2 | Shu Chiu || Sonomura Haruto, Suzushi Hiroyuki T: 1/2 | Tsukiko Todoroki || Takasugi Kanpei, Todoroki Tsukiko W: 1/1 | Wakana Nishimura || Wasure Kioku Y: 0/2 | Yūji Jitō, Yuuki Noel
Most Present Letter: K with 6 people Least Present Letter: C, D, F, J & O, each with 1 person Most Present Given Name: A, H & K, each with with 3 people Least Present Given Name: 0s aside, F, K S, T & W, each with 1 person Most Present Surname: K with 4 people Least Present Surname: 0s aside, A, C, D, H, M, O & W, each with 1 person
Digital Root Chart
[1]: 4 | Haruto Sonomura, Kanpei Takasugi, Kioku Wasure, Wakana Nishimura [2]: 1 | Azusa Doigawa [3]: 1 | Kenta Kamiya [4]: 1 | Mimi Kumagae [5]: 2 | Hiroyuki Suzushi, Ryuu Nakahara [6]: 2 | Arisa Oshiro, Tsukiko Todoroki [7]: 4 | Holokai Kahananui, Mayumi Hanezuka, Noel Yuuki, Rakki “Lucky” Komiya [8]: 5 | Ayumu Abe, Fumiko “SH1BA” Minami, Jitō Yūji, Namiko Nakasone, Shu Chiu [9]: 0
Most Present Root: 8 with 5 people Least Present Root: 0s aside, 2, 3 & 4, each with 1 person
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shslcandidphotos · 5 years
I’m years late, but here I am!
Knowing about Mimi?
One is more likely to recognize the models or subject matters rather than the person behind her photos.  Her name isn’t exactly boldly labelled onto her works within magazines and can be easily skimmed over. She does have several family members that attend(ed) HPA though! Her eldest brother, Manabu Kumagae, is an alumni, formerly being a SHSL Fashion Forecaster, while her older sister, Meme Kumagae (or better known as her alias, Mari Kanou) is a SHSL Amekaji Model, who is in the process of graduating for her year. Mari Kanou is the best known out of the trio due to her commercial appearances, such as being featured in Popteen’s magazines or showcasing clothing on Cololulu’s website. On a side note, she also has a cousin who’s a SHSL American Football Player, but he doesn’t share a surname with the three. ...Yeah, that’s a lot of family in HPA, alright.
The three siblings share a blog called Choco-Beary, and it’s become popular due to its tellings of an aspiring model who aimed to break the beauty standards and other tidbits. Mimi’s photos are featured upon here!
If your character frequents the Shinjuku ward of Tokyo, they might spot Mimi with a camera in hand. It should be then noted that Mimi has a policy where she asks for permission first and foremost in regards to photographs. (If she happens to snap a picture first, she’ll definitely ask for permission, and if it’s not received, she’ll delete it on the spot.) That’s pretty much it.
Short summary? Mimi wouldn’t be all too recognizable, especially upon seeing her in person, since she focuses only on her craft than public appearance. Her family members, especially her sister, have a much larger public presence than she does.
Mun Stuff?
I’m Pate, and I have an awful sleep schedule. I’m always down to party with threads though! I just have a tendency to reply at not so ideal times of the day.
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kodanshamanga · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
NEW Kodansha Digital:
🧑‍🌾That Time the Manga Editor Started a New Life in the Countryside, Volume 4🧑‍🌾 By Kumagae
📄The seeds of spring plant ideas in Kuma’s head, getting his hands dirty not just in the fields but in the world of manga once again
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4x4community · 1 year
Stop over from Makgadigadi (Kumaga) to RSA (Garten)
Forum: Botswana Posted By: SarelSee Post Time: 2023/02/07 at 07:42 PM http://dlvr.it/Sj4WyC
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modelronpagame · 5 years
Seventeen | Red | Trial 6.4 | Re: Kaz; Kagemori; Information
After a moment of typing away on his ModelPad, Red looked over towards Hinata’s direction rather judgmentally. When did she even smell him? He wasn’t sure. He turned his attention onto Kaz. No last minute truth bombs…? Unbiased…?
“...Would it be best to not be forthcoming then? I am more than aware of how much is lined up against me, so I would rather be the one to bring up the information rather than have it misconstrued by anyone else. ...You all seems to be pained in some matter. I am neither captors, but it is understandable if one wishes to blame me instead if it is easier to believe in that. That said, I apologize for the lack of detail in my earlier statement regarding the mask. Still, would you kindly not use my name, Aikawa-san?”
He didn’t expect a defense of sorts for himself, so he could only stare blankly in Kagemori’s direction.
“Is that so? Apologies to you as well. I suppose I have been making many mistakes, Kanta-san. ...I still stand by what I said. I have no preference. That is all. Perhaps it would be best if I quiet myself entirely. Alas, there is still information to give, correct?”
He didn’t want to. He supposed no one wanted to. That task needed to be done though.
“The three who could use their left hands are Fujimoto-san, E.ve-san, and myself.
I suppose there could be three reasons now as to why one may be rejected from Hope’s Peak Academy now. Those would be from Fujimoto-san, Ng-san, and E.ve-san.
As for having a loss of free will, there is Kanta-san, Kumagae-san, Fujimoto-san, Hamaguchi-san, and myself. Hamaguchi-san could be interpreted as such due to his idol work. The rest of us involve, ah, family matters.
The ones in conflict with another of our own standing are Ng-san, E.ve-san, and myself.
The ones who have some sort of biblical allusion or vague connection have mentioned themselves already.
The ones with a musical background are Hachimitsu-san, Fujimoto-san, Kanta-san, Fukuyama-san, Ng-san, Mazawa-san, Hamaguchi-san, and myself.
As for closeness with animatronics, it would be Fujimoto-san, E.ve-san, and myself.
The cologne does indeed match Ng-san’s. The outfit had been worn, and both it and the mask smelled of it.”
However, it seems as though there are already defenses for all that I have mentioned.”
He was vague before to let the others take reign, but everyone was reluctant to do so. He supposed that made sense.
“Ah, I did not wish to bring up this topic of personal matters myself, but it seems that is the requirement.”
Focusing his attention on his ModelPad once again, Red monotonously drawled out information.
"‘Atsuko's parents are Fumiko Takehara and Shihei Fujimoto, as she's their only child. Her father is the Japanese Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, while her mother is the Japanese Minister of Defense. Since a young age, the media has had extremely high interest in Atsuko as well as high expectations for her to do a lot of great things in line with her parents' reputations. Many even went as far as to peg her as Japan's next 'Shining Hope' thanks to her endless optimism. Once she became older, she began to make a name for herself early by establishing a student council for her elementary school. This pattern continued as she went on to establish countless student-run programs - including the ever-growing Educational Ambassador Association. This carried into her being accepted as the SHSL Scholastic Ambassador for HPA where, unlike many SHSLs, she spends far more time in the Reserve Course to serve as their representative to the academy. There was a one-off rumor from a lesser-known Student Award company that accused Fumiko of bribery, but her reputation and a lack of evidence made that claim fade quickly. Atsuko is a major advocate for the Reserve Course and seeing that they get equal treatment to the Talent Course, but this is known to be an uphill battle.’
‘E.ve, or Ichiro Morimoto, was born as the second and youngest child to Haia and Hideki Morimoto. He has an older brother, Goro, that's 4 years older than him. His home life doesn't seem quite so notable, and the way his career as a Speedrunner started is also pretty modest. Him and his friend, Adam, started a streaming channel called 'e-den' where Ichiro picked up the name 'E.ve' to fit the theme of the channel. Adam was generally more popular for his technique, but E.ve was more popular for his personality. Eventually, E.ve became the sole face featured on the channel as Adam stopped streaming and posting following moving back to America - though not many people are sure why they didn't just share the account. E.ve was accepted into HPA at the peak of his career and generally seemed pretty prideful about his acceptance to the prestigious academy.’
‘Preston's parents are Eng Lim, a wealthy businessman in the shipping industry, and Grace who was a stay at home mother. He has a twin sister named Charmayne who was born 10 minutes after Preston, who had a stroke in the womb and was diagnosed with blindness and a few mental disorders.  There's also two older brothers: Vivian (13 years older) and Aubrey (16 years older) who moved away to university in a different country while the twins were young. They come from a fairly wealthy family and lived comfortably in Singapore. Each of the twins ended up being talented instrumentalists, with Charmayne picking up the Violin and Preston having talent with the Cello. Both were noted to be incredibly talented, to the point that Charmayne was granted the title as the SHSL Violinist a few years before Preston was inducted into the academy, which he was granted after his sister has graduated. The two are known to have a rivalry but, otherwise, neither seem to have any particular public statements about their stance on HPA.’”
A pause.
“Apologies. I do not have the information on myself due to, ah, eating them.”
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