#kurapika had to die his hair blond
tokaritoo · 2 years
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hypothetical doodles for a hypothetical actor au
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ihatealimore · 1 year
Kurta Valentine’s Day
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(Fluff, fluff, fluff. Happy Valentine’s day everyone!)
(word count 1,666)
February 14th. Valentine's day. The day of love that you're spending without your partner.
Luckily, for most of the day, you were able to spend some bonding time with your lonely friend, Leorio. The daylight has faded away and a starry night sky has taken its place. You now find yourself sitting alone on your couch, watching horror movies.
Your eyes are eagerly glued to the screen of your tv as you shove another handful of popcorn into your mouth. Just as the main character is about to die in a horrible and disgusting way, a knock echoes through the room from your front door.
You sigh and stand up, wondering what the hell Leorio could possibly want at this time of night.  Your eyes widen when you open the door and you find a familiar blonde man standing in front of you.
"(Y/N)," He's out of breath, clearly having rushed here, "I'm-I'm so incredibly sorry that I could not make it on time."
Instead of seeming upset in the slightest, the corners of your lips curl upwards to form a bright smile, "Don't apologize, Kurapika. I'm so happy to see you."
He lets out a breath of relief, reposed to find that you're not upset with him. He pulls his hand out from behind his back and offers you a single rose, along with a soft smile, "I know it's not much-"
"I love it. Thank you," You take the flower from him and bring it to your nose, inhaling its sweet scent giddily.
"I knew you would," Under his other arm, he carries a flat gift box decorated in intricate wrapping, however, he's not ready to give you this gift yet, "May I come in?"
You quickly step aside for him to enter your house,  "Of course, my love. Was today a really busy day for you? Stressful?"
He closes his eyes for a moment and nods, "Unfortunately. You can always read me so well."
"It's my job," You retort back to him.
"You're very good at it," He looks around the room now, taking in your movie-watching setup, "I suppose it's already too late to go out and do anything together," A sigh escapes his lips, "I apologize for not arriving sooner."
"No worries, I'm sure you already rushed here," You reach out to caress his cheek lightly and he melts into your touch, "There's no need to stress, my love. I understand that you're busy and I support you always."
The blonde-haired man reaches out to place his hand on top of yours, "You are far too kind to me. I'll never understand what I've done to deserve you."
"You didn't need to do anything," Your hand falls from his cheek, and you interlace his fingers with your own as you lightly pull him, "Now, come with me."
You lead Kurapika upstairs and to a window leading out to the roof. You crawl out the window onto the roof first before beckoning him to follow you. He hesitates for a brief moment before going along with you.
The beautiful night sky hangs above you two as you sit next to each other and enjoy one another's presence. His hand rests on top of yours as you look up at the sky and chat together.
"I apologize that you had to spend your Valentine's day with Leorio. I wouldn't wish that curse upon my worst enemy," Kurapika chuckles.
You shrug in response, "It could have been worse. He could have been drunk and crying about being lonely. Instead, he was sober and whining about being lonely."
The Kurta shakes his head playfully, "That's really not much better."
You chuckle as you end up agreeing with him, "Yeah, it kind of wasn't actually."
There's a comfortable silence between you both as you look up at the dazzling stars littering the night sky. You bring your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around them, seemingly deep in thought before you speak up, breaking the stillness of the moment.
"Hey, Kurapika."
He hums in response.
"You're not injured or anything, are you?" You ask him without turning your eyes away from the sky.
Kurapika turns his head to glance at you, "Not at all. Why do you ask?"
"Just checking in on you. I just worry about you sometimes when we haven't been in contact for a little while. Not that I mind," You turn to face him with a sheepish smile on your face, "I miss you so I can't help but worry."
Kurapika finds himself unable to look away from you at this moment, the sparkle in your eyes rivaling that of the stars in the sky. He knows you care about him deeply but he finds himself speechless when you show how much you truly care about him.
"I...I miss you always," He admits to you, "I often find myself worrying about whether you're doing well or not in those moments when I'm unable to contact you. However, I apologize for making you worry."
You wave him off, "No need. I'll always worry so there's no way around it. But I trust you. I know you'll always reach back out to me when you can."
He almost completely freezes, your words echoing over and over again in his mind. He only snaps out of his thoughts when you tilt your head at him curiously. His hands move to pick up the intricately wrapped gift box sitting beside him and he holds it in his lap.
"What is that?" You wonder.
"It's a gift for you. It's something incredibly meaningful to me that I want you to have," The Kurta carefully passes the box over to you, handling it delicately as if the item inside must be fragile and breakable.
You study the detailed wrapping for a moment before tearing it open, almost feeling guilty about ruining the paper. Your movements are gentle and cautious as you worry you might break whatever is inside the box. Finally, you remove the lid from the box and let out a gasp in surprise,
"Kurapika, are these-?"
Your lover gives you a short nod in response, inching closer to you as he gazes at you intensely, "This is a part of me that I want you to always have with you. You will always be in my heart and in my mind through these very articles of clothing. Please wear them proudly, and treat them with all the love you can give them."
"Are these actual traditional Kurta clothes?" You question him as you reach down to run your hands over the fabric."
"That's correct," He starts, before explaining, "I had these specially tailored for you. I hope that you like them. I know it may be a little odd-"
You're quick to cut him off, "Not at all. I'm honored, Kurapika. This is so unbelievably sweet of you. I'll take very good care of them."
Kurapika's eyes glow with adoration for you as he watches you peer down at the piece of clothing with nothing but love and warmth etched onto your facial features. He closes his eyes and smiles, "I know you will."
He reaches out to cup your cheek with one of his hands and you turn your head to face him, "(Y/N), I trust you with every fiber of my being. You are the most important person to me. I love you more than words could possibly explain."
"I feel the same way, Kurapika. I love you endlessly."
The blonde-haired man looks up to the stars again, his palm still resting on your cheek, "Truthfully, I never thought I'd find myself in such a position. I never knew I could care for and trust someone as much as I do you. I didn't believe I would ever have a home to return to."
"But you do."
"Indeed," He turns to look at you again, "You are that home," His grey eyes reflect in yours as his face inches closer to you, his hot breath on your cheeks. He just watches you for a moment before saying, "You mean so much to me. You have given me more than I could ever give you."
"You mean the world to me, my love," You're frozen in his gaze, unable to look away from him.
He finally closes the distance and presses his lips against yours in a sweet and soft kiss, hoping to convey just how much you mean to him. When he pulls away, his cheeks are flushed and he can't help himself from kissing you again, longer this time.
After spending a few more hours together, stargazing on the roof, you and Kurapika finally decide to head back inside. He insists on you trying on your gift as he's curious to see how the clothing fits you. You change in your bedroom before looking at yourself in your mirror.
Before you can even leave the room to show Kurapika, he's already at your door, knocking lightly to see if you've changed yet. You beckon for him to enter the room, however, he halts in place when he sees you, feeling a mix of several different emotions: awe, adoration, and surprise being the main ones. Clearly flustered as his cheeks are an obvious red tint, he reaches up to cover his mouth with his hand as he simply watches you.
You offer him a bashful smile, "Does this look okay?"
Kurapika slowly nods, as he approaches you, wrapping his arms around you and holding you in a tight embrace, "You look absolutely beautiful."  He pulls away from you for a moment to look you up and down again, "Wear this garment with pride and know that I consider you an honorary member of my fallen clan, and I trust you completely with this piece of my being."
"I mean it, (Y/N). With every fiber of my being," He presses a soft kiss to your forehead, "Consider this as a promise to you. A promise that I will never leave your side. A promise that I trust you completely. And a promise that you will always have a piece of me with you. My heart is always with you."
February 15th. The day after Valentine's day. The day Kurapika has given himself over to you entirely.
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regatoni1 · 1 year
~Chapter Three~
Once you had finished the first phase, you had decided to go and meet Gon's friends, as the proverbial cat had already been let out of the bag.
To make a long story short, you had met the two other boys you had seen in the harbour, the blonde boy whose name was Kurapika, and the taller man who was wearing the suit whose name was Leorio. You had also met a young boy whose hair was almost white, named Killua. He looked about the same age as Gon, and was the exact same height.
You, and your four newfound friends had been waiting just beyond the exit of the tunnel, possibly for the rest of the applicants to arrive. You were all waiting in a thick fog, and from what you could see, the group was in front of a marsh of some sort. Satotz explained that everyone was situated in front of the Milsy Wetlands, the wetlands full of deception and creatures that would constantly try to trick you, with the motive of eating you.
You had dealt with risky creatures like this in your past, so it was no big deal to you, although you had seen some applicants become very apprehensive for the challenges that laid ahead.
Having tuned back into whatever psychological damage Satotz was trying to instill, you listened as he said, "If you're deceived, you'll surely die." This definitely caused the applicants to become more on edge than ever.
The door to the tunnel started to close, and a rather pitiful man came running up the stairs, falling as he yelled, "Wait for me!" You almost felt bad for the guy.
"These wetland creatures are not to be underestimated, for they will use every trick in the book to fool their prey," Satotz continued, disregarding the crowds unease. "This is an ecosystem in which all creatures hunt by the art of deception, and that is why it is also known as Swindlers Swamp. Now then, please follow me closely so you won't be deceived."
"Don't fall for it!" a man yelled. You turned to see who had interrupted Satotz, who you had already taken a great liking to. You saw a rather disheveled man holding something you couldn't quite see.
"Don't let them fool you. He's lying. That man is lying to you!" The random man continued, pointing at Satotz. 
"He's an impostor!" Ok, this guy was totally on your nerves now. "A total fraud. I'm the real examiner you got it?" He yelled, pointing at himself.
Really? Who's actually going to believe this guy? The applicants can't be that stupid. 
You looked around, seeing all the distrusting faces. Can they?
"I'll prove it, look at this!" The man then pulls out what he was holding, the arm of a dead, maybe unconscious creature that resembled Satotz, but had the body of a skinny ape.
"This is the man faced ape from the Milsy Wetlands," he continued rather gravely.
The dramatics of these people are beyond me.
"The man faced ape loves the taste of human flesh, but their limbs are really long and thin, so they're actually quite weak. That's why they disguise themselves as humans. They trick us into following them into the wetlands, where they work together with other creatures to kill and eat us. That's what he wants!" The man pointed at Satotz again. "To deceive the entire hunter applicant pool, and feast on everyone of you!"
Someone please kill this guy. You would've done it yourself, but you didn't want people finding out a single thing about your abilities.
As if someone had read your mind, three playing cards hit the man, two in the chest, one in the head, all piercing his body. Three playing cards had also been thrown at Satotz, who had caught them with no effort at all.
Hisoka giggled while shuffling his cards. Of course it was him. You rolled your eyes. He was having too much fun with this.
"I see, I see," The magician said. "That settles it then. So you are the real one." He was looking at Satotz holding his cards.
The man faced ape suddenly got up and ran away, your hunch being correct.
"The examiners are hunters," Hisoka explained to the perplexed applicants. "Each is handpicked by the exam committee, to do this job without pay. Anyone who holds the title we're vying for ourselves, could have deflected that attack, and quite easily I might add."
There was something about this man that was so intriguing, and whenever he spoke, you found yourself in a trance listening, watching.
"I shall take that as a compliment, thank you," Satotz said. "Still, should you choose to attack me again for any reason, I will have no choice but to report you for attacking an examiner and have you immediately disqualified. Is that clear?"
"Of course~" Hisoka responded.
The pink haired man then looked up at you, piercing your (e/c) eyes with his golden ones. You cursed yourself for getting caught staring, again, but you just couldn't rip your eyes off of the man, which only made him smirk, no doubt raising his confidence.
Satotz made it abundantly clear, for the dense headed people you had to have assumed, that if you lost sight of him in the fog, then you had no hope of finding the sight of the second phase, and little chance for survival at all. With that, he started his little toy soldier run off into the fog, with the applicants trying their hardest to keep up.
You had no endurance issues, and very sharp eyes, but even you found it hard to keep track of where he was. There were creatures who resembled people luring some applicants to run off cliffs, while other applicants stepped on mushrooms that sprout poisonous toxins.
You had started by running with Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio, but a few minutes in and you had no idea where anybody was. You ran for about five minutes, through the mud and thick fog, ruining your favourite pair of sneakers. As you were looking down at the perfectly ruined sight, you were not expecting for anyone to be around, so when you ran headfirst into someone, you fell right on your ass.
"Ah- oh sorry! Hehe, I didn't realize you were the-" you looked up to see a tall, buff, and angry looking man, with a slight twinge of humour on his face.
"Well well well fellas what do we have here?" he said, looking you up and down.
Was this one of the bozos staring at me from the tunnel?
You looked around to see at least six other men, all who looked very strong (and who were wearing the same clothes), wielding weapons surrounding a slightly amused looking Hisoka.
"Hey! Isn't that the girl Hisoka was running with?" one of the brutes said.
Congratulations Sherlock Holmes, you solved it!
"Yeah it is! What do we do with her boss? She's probably friends with this clown!" another one yelled at the man you bumped into.
You had a bad feeling in your gut, and your instincts told you to run, but you knew you couldn't leave Hisoka behind. Even though you don't really like him, it wasn't right to leave a man pinned against six armed ones, so you stayed frozen where you stood. In hindsight, not moving further away from the "boss" was probably not the smartest, as what he did next was definitely not good.
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sleepypaladiknight · 3 years
that one au where you can hear your soulmate singing out loud in your head- but leopika
leorio wasn’t much of a singer as a child- the impoverished corner of the world he lived in didn’t have much music to sing to, either. the closest he’s got were the staticky, muffled and clipped tunes that rattled out of the neighbor’s radio. that’s why he’s always preferred listening- listening to his soulmate’s songs.
it was in a language he didn’t understand, but it was the clearest, sweetest music he’s ever heard. he memorized those humble tunes and lullabies, tracing the foreign syllables over and over with his tongue and humming the melodies nobody but him and his soulmate knew. he carved his soulmate’s voice into his mind, bragging to Pietro about his melodic partner and how he couldn’t wait to meet him.
then one day they stopped.
he found it coincidental- that it was on the same day Pietro passed away from illness. but it was fitting- it was a day where all the music and life left him.
as years went on his hopes of hearing his soulmate’s comforting tune dwindled away, but the music and the tunes he cherished so much as a boy remained, even as he learned new songs to sing to in the world around him. he’d sing out as loudly as he could, the raunchiest and most irritatingly popular songs he knew on some days, hoping offhandedly to lure the music from his partner again and hear that kind, soft voice just one more time. it never worked.
so, he swore to never sing that song, that one soft melody, until he heard it from his soulmate themself.
then he met kurapika. a guy who didn’t sing at all, and whose expression alone sang out his melancholies. his voice was prim and strict, the annoying, uppity kind that made Leorio’s blood boil, but it was familiar.
in the confines of trick tower, the topic began to stray.
“your soulmate must love your singing.” he teased.
the blond seemed to hesitate, and didn’t meet his eye. “i don’t care about soulmates.” kurapika’s voice sounded almost sad. “it would be for the better if mine never meets me at all.”
“yeesh, that’s real positive of you.”
“and what about you?” he said almost accusingly. “what do you think of your soulmate?”
“i don’t care about my soulmate, either,” he bit out, “but it’s for a good reason. mine stopped singing to me.”
“they must have their reasons.”
“which are probably as pompous and bratty as you!”
then they were back to their usual bickering. life went on, and his ambitions neared with every step of the journey he completed. their little group parted ways to chase after their own interests and dreams, and for around a year, leorio never saw one of them face to face.
then kurapika showed up on a cloudy evening, after billions and gazillions of ignored calls and texts left on delivered. they exchanged apologies and grievances and angers, embraced each other and shared glances that lasted a few seconds too long as they talked.
for some reason, kurapika had a strained look on his face when leorio began to sing the lyrics to some queen song. he wouldn’t even look at him, but leorio shrugged it off as usual angsty behavior.
they found themselves on the rickety balcony of leorio’s cheap apartment, looking out over the city.
“so, still given up on your soulmate?”
kurapika said nothing.
“well, me too, i guess.” he sighed out. “i lied to you- back at the exam when i told you i didn’t care about my soulmate. i,” he laughed, a bittersweet sound, “i actually cared a lot. it just felt easier to deny it. it’s... pretty damn hard facing the idea that maybe my soulmate really doesn’t care anymore, doesn’t want to meet me. maybe they’re gone. maybe they hate my voice or something- from what i remember, they were a hella good singer. nice, bright voice and everything. maybe they didn’t wanna end up with someone musically talentless like me. maybe that one time i sang ‘call me maybe’ in the shower was the last straw.”
and to his delight, it drew a soft chuckle from the blonde leaning against the railing next to him, arms brushing and shoulders touching. his hair looked like silver in the moonlight. still, kurapika didn’t reply.
so leorio forged on.
“i, uh, already told you my soulmate stopped singing. like, completely. but i still remember the songs they used to sing. they were a huge comfort to me when i was little, when things were hard and a little bit of song was something people couldn’t even afford. i didn’t even know what the words mean, still don’t, but all i know is that they meant the world to me.” leorio glanced at kurapika with a sheepish smile. “wanna hear? so maybe you can hunt down the bastard that left me hanging?”
“sure.” his voice was scratchy, almost pained.
and leorio began gently. kindly. he was sure his accent was off- it didn’t roll off his tongue as fluently as it did for his soulmate all those years ago. but the sounds and the tune was the same- the one that he’s devotedly committed to memory, the one that he hastily wrote down on a piece of binder paper as a reminder of the comfort his soulmate used to bring, the one that he swore to never forget- it was his soulmate’s last song.
when he tapered off into absentminded humming, he realized kurapika was crying. his eyes were blown wide, flecks of magenta shimmering across the deep, scarlet hue of his irises. tears rolled down his soft, pale cheeks, glinting like diamonds in the moon’s embrace, falling on a dampened shirt that clasped trembling shoulders. leorio felt clumsy and dumb, trying to soothe kurapika, asking him what was wrong, if he was okay- then kurapika began to choke out words, rubbing away at his eyes with his arms.
“how do you know that song.” it wasn’t a question, it was a demand.
“i already told you, my soul-“
“no. you don’t understand. it’s a very personal song. a traditional song.” kurapika teared up again, liquid sadness welling up in his eyes. “it’s a song- a lullaby- that i’ve forgotten for the longest time. it’s my mother’s.”
leorio gaped, “your mom was my soulmate?!”
“no, you idiot!” Kurapika couldn’t help but laugh through his tears, beating a fist against leorio’s chest. they burst into a fit of laughter, boisterously cackling in the silence of the night, overpowering the honking cars in the streets below and the sound of their worries adrift in their heads. nothing but them existed.
kurapika’s hand remained there, on leorio’s chest, starting to clench at the fabric of his dress shirt. they were silent, for seconds, minutes, maybe hours, until Leorio’s hand drifted up to meet it, brushing gently against the soft, scarred skin of Kurapika’s slender fingers.
“i’m sorry.” kurapika whispered softly, barely above his breath. “i wasn’t fair to you. you were always trying, always singing to me.”
leorio couldn’t speak.
“i’ve been hearing your voice for years now. you and your- your stupid songs-“ he laughed out, but it sounded more like a choked sob.
leorio couldn’t breathe.
“i didn’t mean to make you lose hope. but i was hoping you would, so you wouldn’t chase after someone like me.”
leorio couldn’t think.
kurapika was leaning closer, voice growing quieter and quieter until they had to be inches apart to hear, to exchange words.
“i couldn‘t bring myself to sing. i didn’t have a reason to, not anymore. not after what happened to my clan. i noticed you stopped singing for a time, too. but it only took months before you began again, gaining more momentum with every song. i envied you and your strength.”
kurapika had started to shake, small frame shuddering against leorio’s. without thinking, he brought his other hand up to thumb away a tear that had begun trickling down kurapika’s face.
“i wanted to sing to you too, but all the songs i wished to teach you had disappeared from my memory. i was so preoccupied with my goals, that i... i began to forget the things that mattered more. what the faces of my family and my old friends looked like. what the lukso sunlight felt like on my skin, or how the grass felt underneath my feet. what the croons of a happy piko bird sounded like, or how beautifully blue the sky was on a sunny day. what my mother’s voice sounded like, what the words to her songs were, i, i-” kurapika sobbed, “i betrayed myself and my entire clan. i thought i had truly lost them and the part of myself that i swore i wouldn’t let die.”
their foreheads fell together, touching reassuringly. kurapika’s eyes fluttered closed as he spoke, body rendered as fragile as his voice, his feelings, his heart. leorio held each with careful, treasuring hands.
”i’d become a monster. a stranger in the same body i walked my home with. i thought- i thought that my soulmate didn’t deserve someone like that. someone like me.” he heaved out, chest shuddering with every quiet breath, “you don’t deserve someone like me, and i could never-“
and leorio shut that bullshit up with his lips.
they slotted together perfectly. call him disgustingly cheesy, sappy, any romantically insulting insult you could throw- but it felt like harmony. it felt so beautiful, his emotions crescendoing and his heart thrumming mercilessly in his chest as it fitted against kurapika’s. those soft, slightly chapped lips, damp from the tears that had trickled past them, felt perfect on his, like his lips were made to meet them. and just as easily as he had lost the music and life all those years ago, it was returned to him, in the form of a blond, pressed up against him and demanding for more, more, more with his mouth, hands all over his shoulders, fingers tangled in hair, breathing in each other, kissing like it was the very last thing they could do.
when they parted, leorio let himself get intoxicated by the sound of kurapika’s panting, drunk on the soft sounds that spilled past his lips like music.
”cut- cut the crap,” he breathed out, pulling kurapika closer by the waist and burying his head in his head of gold. ”for the rest of my life, stop talking. and start singing.”
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sekceesimps · 3 years
A Rose Made of Chains Ch 4
a/n hey all, thanks for 125 followers! Publishing Ch 5 tomorrow night. Might be a delay for Chapters 6 and 7 because of classes and depression. Hopefully I’ll be able to get that out soon. 
This part will lack Kurapika and dive more into reader’s relationship with Chrollo as well as the Phantom Troupe. Hope you all enjoy! 
sincerely Coffee
Kurapika x Reader x Chrollo - Soulmate AU
Part 1:   Teaser,    Ch 1,     Ch 2,     Ch 3  
Part 2:  teaser,   Ch 5,    Ch 6,   Ch 7
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Weeks. It had been weeks of you being left here in the dark damp room. After your initial failed escape plan, the man who came and hurt you everyday, whom you later learned was named Feitan, had begun to bring you a small piece of the morning newspaper. It was your only source of entertainment as well as knowledge about the outside world. Nothing significant ever happened, you just looked at the date and tried to distract your mind with the light read. 
It was getting colder too. You could feel the chill of the outside in your room. There was always a bite in the air that you felt in your bones whenever the door opened and Feitan came in. The nice man named Chrollo had offered you a real blanket once. You had shrugged him off, trying to hold onto your last shreds of free will. Your sensible side always got angry and screamed at you to accept the heat. 
Chrollo came almost everyday and repeated his offer to you. Everytime you would say no, but he would still stay. He was the only form of comfort in the cold darkness so naturally you clung onto it, quite literally sometimes. 
Some days he would stay silently by the door and read. This could be silently or out loud to you, it would vary. He always came in with a different book, always mentioning the importance of reading whenever you asked about it. Other days he would ask you about your life and in turn he would answer perhaps one question that you asked about his favorite things. You deduced that he was probably incredibly disinterested in topics regarding himself. You didn’t mind, he had a smooth voice and you had missed having conversations. Once he had even brought you a set of chess for the two of you to play. You could tell that he enjoyed spending some time with you. 
There was another time when you had visibly shivered due to the cold right in front of him. He let out a little grin and hugged you, simply saying that his warm body could easily give you more heat than your clothes. You had clung onto him for what felt like hours all while he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. 
It was one day you were feeling resistant when you asked about his past that he had seemed incredibly off-put. You made the stupid mistake of pressing further and asking about what would happen to you if you kept saying no to his offers. It fueled you to edge him on even if you knew it could lead to your demise. His eyes had held a dull fire as he left and slammed the door shut behind him. Perhaps your taunting had been a little too much.  
He didn’t come back for a week. When he was gone Feitan also stopped bringing the med kit. This made your wounds more aggravated and the torture much more painful. It was slowly breaking down your body and will. The food given to you also was much less nutritious. It was clear that these people, if you could even call them that, no longer cared for your well being. So they’ve decided that they no longer need me, huh, I really am going to die here. 
Surprisingly you were okay with this. The pain was numbing and prevented you from really thinking about anything else. When your injuries had been lighter, you still had the ability to think of rescue and your friends. Now even the thought of your soulmate sent lightning hot flashes of pain through your body. Looking at your soulmark made you want to throw up, since you would have to see the mark of the 12-legged spider right next to it. You sigh and curl up onto the icy floor. Your clothes were damp and bloody, making the chill in your bones even greater. At least when Chrollo came he would allow you to get a new shirt if it had gotten too bloody. You wouldn’t even get to die with your dignity now. 
He had come in rather uneventfully. Quietly closing the door behind him. He came to your room and opened his book. Silent, more silent than usually. It confirmed your suspicion that they were finally going to get rid of you once and for all. 
“Yes,” you voice out weakly. You refused to say more. Your will had given out, but you knew in your soul that if you stayed here any longer then you would die, either from the neglect or from your wounds and the sickness you knew was growing within them. This man could make the excruciating pain go away and all you wanted to do was hope that he would keep his word. Hope was something you had gone dry of. 
He turns back, raven locks slightly obscuring his gleaming eyes. He had the faintest smile on his face, “I’m glad.” He walked towards you slowly, as if you were a wounded animal, which in all honesty you probably looked like right now. He leaned down at your level and gave you a hug. His warmth and smell invade every part of your body. You didn’t mind because now you might survive, “Let me take you to your new room,” his smile grew larger and now more sincere as took your hand, hoisting you up. 
You tried to move, but your legs didn’t seem to listen to your brain and you promptly fell down. You scrunch your eyes close and expect your face to get smashed onto the ground, a final embarrassment. Surprisingly, Chrollo had caught you. You suppose that he decided that you wouldn’t be able to walk on your own so he carried you bridal style. How his lean frame managed to support your entire body weight surprised you. His mellow scent slowly eased you to sleep in his arms. This would be the first night's sleep in a while where you felt genuinely secure. 
»»————-  ————-«« 
Waking up in this new room was bliss. You don’t remember being in as much ease and comfort before. The bed was empty but a window allowed for a single ray of light to come in. You hadn’t been around true sunlight in so long. Your mind briefly wandered to where you could possibly be but that thought was pushed away with a loud growl of your stomach. Oh right, you think, I need to eat something. You got up slowly from the bed and started walking towards the door. You turned the knob slowly, expecting to get electrocuted or something.   
You opened it and padded slowly down the hall hoping to run into Chrollo or at least get to a kitchen-like area on your own. He had probably changed you in your sleep as you were now wearing real clothes in the form of sweatpants and a huge shirt. It was a huge step up from your tattering bloody rags. You kept trudging on and eventually found yourself in what looked to be a common room area. The hallways so far seemed to indicate that this place was an old hotel or maybe a dorm room. You weren’t too sure, honestly you didn’t even know if you were still in York New City. 
The air here smelled damp and sour, like people who sweat and had just exercised lay down on the couches and let their stink stay permanently. I hope I don’t smell like that you thought briefly before you made a left and found yourself in a kitchen. 
Maybe I should have waited for Chrollo, you scolded yourself as you look through the pantry for something good to eat. You had been starved for weeks after all. As you finally reach for a bag of pop tarts on the shelves you hear someone walk in. You quickly grab it and attempt to make yourself as small and non threatening as possible. You take in the appearance of the people who had come into the kitchen, a familiar pink haired woman as well as a short haired blonde woman who had an interesting form of clothing. The pink haired one only chuckled at your meek demeanor and gave you a hand with the food. 
“Paku, this is Y/N, our newest and most gorgeous recruit” she announced lightly and moved to heat up your pop tarts. 
“Pleasure to meet you,” her calming voice was directed at you. You smiled loopily at the blonde, she was hot you think to yourself.  
“All done! Time to go to the meeting,” she called out to you and handed you a plate of your steaming breakfast. Lightly patting your head, trying not to startle you too much. They’re both so hot, you continue thinking. Their stares make you feel overwhelmed, you don’t remember ever being around such beautiful people. 
“Meeting?” you ask weakly as you take a bite. The sugary flavor explodes in your mouth making you let out a soft moan from the happiness of it. 
She and Paku share a smile before saying, “The leader called a few of us to a meeting, just some basic introductions is all.”  you only nod and continue eating. When you finish you hurriedly clean your space and let Paku and the pink haired woman named Machi lead you expertly through the halls of this new home.  
You come across a large empty space with some rubble and chairs where Paku lets you sit in between her and Machi. They had made pleasant small talk with you through the walk and gave you a vague idea of the layout of the area. You were definitely going to get lost but they had put you in so much ease that you felt safe with them leading the way. You had been the first to arrive and sat together in a peaceful atmosphere. 
As time goes by, some people start trickling into the meeting space. You take note of a person wrapped up in bandages as well as a girl with glasses in a cute black turtleneck. A very large man with strange looking ears had come in last. They had greeted your companions and had largely ignored you before sitting down. It wasn’t until a few minutes later that your savior had come in looking quite different. He seemed quieter and more serious, but his entire look had changed. His normally loose raven locks were now slicked back on his head. He seemed less human this way, but if he was really the boss then it didn’t surprise you too much that he looked the way he did. His entire aura simply radiated authority, but in a subtle way. You had noticed how everyone in the room had perked up and stood at attention when he had come in. Even the aloof looking girl in glasses was paying attention.
“Good morning,” he remarked in that familiar smooth voice. You crooned on the inside just hearing it. “As you all know we have our newest potential member here to perhaps take spot number 11,” he stopped briefly as everyone in the room nodded their heads slightly, “and to make sure that she is fit to take that place, I want her to go on her very first mission as a sort of recruitment exercise. It will be a perfect way to test her skills and get her comfortable with the rest of us,” he didn’t look at you but at this point everyone in the room was beginning to glance your way, trying to see what kind of reaction those words would elicit. You remained unmoved by his words, trying to keep a stoic demeanor. “It’s going to be a difficult mission that will only require one other member. Their job is to just assist, but not lead, I want Y/N to do that,” he finished as he looked at you for the first time since he came in the room. His eyes held pride, you knew that he believed you would pass this test. Your lips curved into the smallest and softest of smiles. He continued, “I don’t plan on assigning anybody, so whoever wants to go can just volunteer.”
Machi raised her hand swiftly. She smiled at you and announced, “I’ll go with Y/N,”
Chrollo nodded at her and replied, “Very well, everyone else may leave and go about their business for the day. Machi and Y/N, stay so I can tell you what I want from you two.” With that the rest of the group made their way out of the room. Paku waved at you before also turning and leaving. 
“There’s going to be a museum showing some of the rarest objects in the hunter world. It’s nothing like the auction as these items are more private and are owned by famous pro-hunters. In turn the museum only allows pro-hunters in. I desire one of the rarest nen blades that’s currently being shown off for about 5 billion Jenny. I have the utmost faith in the two of you,” he grinned and left. Your stomach filled with dread, having no idea how you were supposed to complete this task. Machi grins at you too and pats your shoulder. 
“Good Luck, Y/N!” she laughs, “I’ll meet you back in your room in about an hour to discuss plans on entering tonight. I really like you so I hope for your sake that you can get the blade.” she leaves you to your worried deliberations. So this was the life of a thief huh? 
a/n sorry it took so long to get this out, we reached 100 followers much faster than anticipated. Thank you all so much for that we love every single one of you! However, we have gotten some rude comments regarding how long it has taken to publish this series. We assure you that we are trying our best to get this out to you (we're glad you're liking it •u•) but leaving rude comments was unnecessary. Again thank you so much for the support <3!
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souperbulous · 2 years
kurapika x monoma x shinsou
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a/n: don't bash kay?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? i worked so hard on this!!!!! they were MADE for each other!! 😤 ( for context fushi is my bff and i wrote this fic for him 🤤 he did not like it that much but that's okay )
they were both blonde. they were both gay.
"kurapika can i kiss you 😳" monoma asked in a hushed tone so his bf shinsou wouldnt hear
"oh yeah sure lol"
monoma kissed kurapika, but then kurapika died. the end.
sike. Kurapika didn't actually die. that was just a cloan that twice had made of kurapika to trick monoma.
"you fiend! you scallywag!" monoma yelled. twice laughed
"your mom called me the same thing in bed last night," twice said with a smirk
twice then ran away and monoma followed him so he could find kurapika
the league of villains had kidnapped kurapika! monoma could see him tied to a chair. monoma picked him up, and shigaraki saw him
"ugh, monoma, kurapika is mine!~"
monoma ran away, and shigaraki was too slow to catch up with him. monoma brought kurapika to the beach and set him in the sand. "are you okay babycakes?"
"oh yeah im fine haha except he actually stabbed me"
monoma could now see kurapika was bleeding. he ripped off his shirt, revealing his rippling muscles, and tied it around the wound. he gave kurapika a kiss
"okay you're better now"
"monoma, baby, i think im pregnant!" kurapika said, fainting and then waking back up
"how the fuck are you pregnant that's not how it works"
"oh right"
"soup please stop writing about monoma x kurapika!!!" fushi pleaded
kurapika cried and monoma punched fushi
"never say that again. we are in love REAL!"
fushi died.
"hey soup why did the chicken cross the road?" kurapika asked
"die" soup said
soup tried to shoot monoma, but monoma caught the bullet and threw it in the trash. soup then left because they got bored of this shit
"hey monoma can we go do pilates together??" kurapika asked
"no we cant i hate pilates and i hate you we're breaking up!"
kurapika kissed monoma and monoma blushed so hard "no baby youre not breaking up with me i wont let you i love you"
"O//O i-i love you too babe"
kurapika and monoma were holding hands. naruto approached them, scoffing
"ewww gay-"
monoma pulled out a shotgun and killed naruto
monoma: hey baby gworl
kurapika: hello
monoma: wanna be my discord kitten?? my lil meow meow?
kurapika: k
monoma: okay meet me at mcdonalds
kurapika: okay
kurapika: hi im here at the mcdonalds
monoma: why are you texting me were literally an inch away from each other
kurapika: idk
kurapika is offline
monoma is offline
kurapika was wearing a nice white wedding dress because he slays yass kween
"do you want to marry monoma?" levi ackerman asked
"yes, i do-"
they went to kiss but fushi showed up again and killed everyone. the end.
two years after the wedding
kurapika punched monoma "you're stupid and useless why did i marry a blonde like you ugh i like redheads"
kurapika divorced monoma and took all his money
out of anger monoma dyed his hair red and instantly regretted it
shinsou shows up while monoma is crying
shinsou hugs monoma "hey it's okay even though we broke up like two year ago are you okay"
"okay i help you"
shinsou invited monoma over to his house for a sleepover
monoma is wearing a really cute perry the platypus onesie
"uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh you're really cute m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-monoma," shinsou stuttered his face is all blushy
"oh thanks"
shinsou makes them both hot chocolate and they watch barbie fairytopia mermadia
when monoma woke up he was laying in shinsou's lap
had he fallen asleep on shinsou?!!?!?
he blush
shinsou wake up
"o-o-oh m-m-mo-o-on-n-a-a-m-ma, you fell asleep on me," shinsou said in a super manly and sexy voice
monoma kissed him. he was just so manly he couldnt resist!
shinsou kissed back
there was a knock on the door and Shinsou answered the Door.
Shinsou used his quirk to kill kurapika he said "die" and kurapika died
he picked up monoma and gae him lots of kisses "its okay babe its okay"
they now in squid game
monoma gets shot in red light green light!!!!! rip
except monoma isnt actually dead he is the leader of the squid game
however shinsou doesnt know that so he cries :,(
then monoma has to kill shinsou for views on tikTok. the end.... unless?
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hxhhunterxhunter · 4 years
Onii-Chan (HXH x childreader)
⭐️Prologue: Missing Onii-Chan💧
Y/n was trembling in her spot gripping onto her fox toy, she lost her Onii-chan. She had been following him. Last time he went to what is known as the Hunter Exam, she was left behind with his friend Illumi for months. But this time she wasn't with illumi and got stuck with someone else, who she didn't know.
So she snuck out and secretly followed her Onii-chan to go with him and surprise him, but that ended in the result of her getting lost.
She sniffed and wiped her tears as she cried. Everyone around her ignored her, not wanting to get involved with the child.
As the female was crying, not far back was a group of 3 males, who were following behind the Navigator, who was taking them to what was known as the Hunter exam,  a yearly event which an applicant must pass in order to become a hunter , an elite member of humanity and a part of the hunter association. As the group was walking passed the stores, the youngest of the group was looking at the different stalls.
"Hey wanna try one!" One of the people in the stand said showing the boy the frogs that had been cooked on a skewer. "It's Zaban's famous Panda-Frog-On-A-Stick!" He smiled "It's a true delicacy" 
"This brooch was excavated from Zaban's underground palace." A woman told the small boy, showing it off.
As he went from store to store, he soon noticed at the end, in the background was a female, who was holding a giant fox plushie in her arms as she cried. 
The boy quickly went past the stores and up to the crying female. She looked about 5 or 6, with her h/c in pig tails and big e/c eyes that were filled with tears.
"Hey are you okay?" The male asked the small girl as he bend down to her height. She gripped onto her plushie tighter as her eyes looked into the boys.
"N-no..." She sniffed. "I lost my Onii-Chan..." She cried.
"I'll help you find him." He smiled at the girl, hoping she would calm down. "My name is Gon!"
"Y-y/n..." She replied softly as she slowly started to calm down
"Gon!" 2 males Yelled out and ran over to the male, who was known as Gon. As they got to the male, they noticed the small female, who was now cowering behind Gon from seeing them.
"Who is she?"
"This is Y/n-chan, she lost her brother so I wanted to help look for him." Gon smiled at his friends as the female slowly left her hiding spot behind the twelve year old.
The blonde haired male bend down to look at the small girl. "My name is Kurapika, where was the last time you saw him, and do you know where he was going?"
"Well Onii-chan i saw him here and Onii-chan said he was going to Hunter Exam." That comment surprised them, her brother was taking her to the hunter exam, where she could have possibility die from the challenges. The 3 males looked at each other.
"Oh this is where you 3 went." Another Male, who looked a lot older than the 3 who approached Y/n earlier.
"Y/n-chan we can take you to your brother! We are going there!" Gon said, not thinking about the fact that the hunter exam is very dangerous. 
Y/n's eyes lit up and nodded. "Thank you Gon-kun!" Gon took her hand as the group started to follow the navigator again.
"Gon, as you sure it's a good idea for her to come along." Kurapika asked the small Male who held Y/n's hand, as she held her plush under her other armpit.
Gon nodded his head. "Y/n needs to see her brother and it's better than being lost here!" Kurapika nodded and let out a soft sigh, hoping that her brother would make sure she stays safe.
"I believe that is the building." The male pointed to a building as they reached their destination, making the 4 stare at it in amazement.
"It's so Tall!" Gon said looking at it in amazement. 
"It's pretty!" Y/n yelled as she stared at it in amazement. 
"So this is the exam site.." Leorio was impressed and looked at the tall building. "This is what draws..."
"Hunter applicants around the world" Kurapika finished Leorio's sentence, and before the 4 entered the Navigator called for them
"It's over here" The Navigator pointed to a different building, next to the building the 4 were looking at.
They slowly looked at stared at it, hoping he was wrong.
The building was covered in vines and it was quite old, it was a restaurant.
"Wait this isn't funny." leorio said as they all headed over to the navigator. "Isnt that a normal restaurant?"
"You can't possibly mean that hunter Applicants around the world come here..."
"I do..." They looked at the Restaurant, As they entered, y/n gripped onto Gon's hand and looked up at him. He smiled at her, making her smile back slightly.
They entered the restaurant and the Navigator said to the person who was working there.
"Is the back room open?" He looked at the 5 people at the entrance and asked.
"What will you be having?"
"Steak combo that opens your eyes to the light. For three."
"How would you like them?" The worker looked at the Navigator expecting an answer.
"Grilled over a low flame until it's cooked" The navigator smiled
"Go it, let yourself into the back room" The worker looked away and continued to make his food.
They followed the Navigator to an empty room with a table and 3 chairs.
"Wait here"
"Wait? Where are the other applicants?" Leorio asked while Gon said
"I can't wait for that steak combo" Gon smiled, excited to get the food.
"Gon, that was just the password to get us inside." Kurapika explained. Y/n let go of Gon's hand and went to a seat and pulled herself up onto it and sat on the chair.
"Oh so we don't get to eat" Gon replied
"One in every thousand..." The 4 looked at the Navigator. "That's how many people get this far..."
" You've done well for new timers.. Well good luck." As he left he said.
"Thanks!" Gon smiled and held his hand out for the Navigator to shake it. He smiled and took Gon's hand and shook it.
"I'll be very happy to serve as you're navigator next year..." He said finally, while smiling, as he now left.
The room started to shake and slowly started to go down. As the elevator went down Gon sat in the chair next to Y/n who was humming to herself, excited to see her Onii-Chan soon.
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op-peccatori · 4 years
Wicked Eyes & Wicked Hearts | Chrollo Lucilfer (nsfw)
Fandom: Hunter x Hunter 
Pairing: Chrollo Lucilfer/Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit/18+
Word Count: 8073
Summary: Over the course of your life, you’ve picked up several bad habits you’d be better off without. However, there is one in particular that you just can’t seem to quit–one with wicked eyes and lethal charm. 
a/n: the culmination of months’ worth of absolute, raw THIRST for this sexy asshole. I hate him!!!! I had to get this out of my system so I can go back to writing for my MLQC boys. 
the title is a quest from one of my all-time favourite games-DA: Inquisition. I do not own it, nor do I own Chrollo/Hunter x Hunter.
(warnings/tags under the cut)
Warnings/Tags: explicit sexual content, explicit language, pwp, oral sex (semi-public), vaginal sex, OOC+possessive Chrollo because we’re pretending he has any capacity for love outside the spider, some soft!yandere if you squint, unhealthy relationship, gotta edit this once I’ve apologised to a picture of Kurapika
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Dark red swirls in the glass with slow twists of your wrist, your chin resting in the palm of your hand as you sit at the bar. 
The marble-top your elbow rests on is just as ornate as everything else in the ballroom, and as pretty as it all is to look at–you’re bored out of your mind. Clad in soft satin, skin exfoliated and highlighted to perfection, your makeup subtle but precise; this is not how you’d pictured your night going. 
A glance over your shoulder confirms your best friend’s continued safety, although you hadn’t actually come here to guard him. He had enticed you with promises of inexhaustible alcohol, food, and plenty of eye-candy. Your hopes of finding a secret corner with a handsome stranger are dwindling, and there is very little fun to be had alone when your partner in crime has the host of the party wrapped around him. 
A Prince tenth in line to the throne–but royalty nonetheless, a man Stefan seems inexplicably smitten with. You’re currently on royal property, and the experience isn’t as exciting as it should be. This is not somewhere you want to get wasted, which helps you keep one of the promises you’ve made to yourself: that you’ll stop getting inebriated to the point of losing common sense. 
It’s the start of a new year, after all. Or it will be, in about two hours. 
Just as you take another sip, there’s a brush of a hand over your shoulder–your pulse quickens as your breath stutters, and you curse yourself for the hope that blooms in your chest even as you turn around. Soft blue eyes lock with yours, and the butterflies in your stomach die a quick death. 
“Hi, I couldn’t help but notice you’ve been on your own for a while...” You blink up at the blond man, who takes it as an indication to continue. “Would it be safe to assume you aren’t waiting for anybody and ask if I could sit here?” he adds, pointing at the empty seat next to you. 
Are you waiting for someone?
You smile up at him, gesturing for him to take a seat. “I’m ___.” 
“I’m John.” He waves down the bartender. “I’ll have what the lady’s having.” He waits for the drink to be placed in front of him before turning back to you, swivelling in his chair to face you. “So, ___–this might be a little straightforward, but how is it that a lady as beautiful as you are all alone?”
His words would have been annoying, had they not been said with complete sincerity and a touch of bafflement. He appears to be in his early thirties, garbed in an immaculate white suit, his hair coiffed neatly.
“I did come here with a friend, actually. But he’s a little,” you punctuate your next words with a nod at the couple grinding on the dance floor, completely offbeat to the pop song playing in the background. “Pre-occupied. Can’t hold it against him, though.” 
“They do look rather smitten with each other,” he agrees, his eyes crinkling with amusement. 
“What about you? No hot date for NYE?” The man looks like he could be on the cover of a fashion magazine, and you can already see a few pairs of envious eyes trained on the two you. 
It’s then that he wiggles his hand, a silver band glinting from around his finger. “My date’s out of the country, on business. I work with the Prince, so I figured I might as well skip the moping tonight.” 
Something unwinds in your chest, even though you should be at least a little disappointed. “Crying yourself to sleep wouldn’t be a great start to the year, huh?“ 
“Hey, I don’t do that every day,” he says, mock outrage colouring his tone. “And no, it wouldn’t be–according to my wife.” 
“Well, then, if it’s decent company you’re looking for, I’ll try my best,” you say seriously, your lips curling up when he laughs. “We’ll need to make sure you’re far from tearful when you talk to her.”
“I’d be grateful if you could manage that. Wouldn’t be easy, this is the first time we’re not together in about five years,” he sighs, morose, before at straightening back up. “You didn’t fully answer my question, though.”
“You can’t tell me you haven’t seen the boys hovering, hoping for a glance. Have none of them managed to catch your eye?” 
You’re a bit taken aback by the question, as John looks genuinely invested in your answer.
“Um, no. Not really.“ Your heart squeezes pathetically within its cage and you hope it doesn’t show on your face.
“What about the redhead by the window? I’ve met him a few times, he seems like a decent fellow.” You both look over your shoulders simultaneously, studying the man in question. He notices right away, perking up, and you both turn back to the bar.
You squint at him suspiciously. “John, are you trying to play wingman?”
“I’m just a sucker for romance. And you looked lonely,” he shrugs, unfazed by your offended look. “Unless you’re just not interested in that.” 
You pause to take another sip, weighing your words in your head. You wonder what you should say, and if there is even anything to say. John, however, seems to have found something in your expression, nodding swiftly. 
“Ah. I see.” 
“You do?” 
“Yep,” he affirms, studying your face as if he’s discovered a crucial clue. “There is someone.” 
You avert your eyes uncomfortably, suppressing the urge to slump over. “No, there isn’t...not exactly.” 
“Whoever he is, he’s an idiot for not being here with you tonight.” 
“I couldn’t exactly ask him,” you laugh, genuinely amused by the thought. “We’re not like that.” 
John shakes his head, reaching out to pat the back of your hand. “You don’t have to talk about it if it troubles you.” 
“I don’t think there is anything to talk about,” you say nonchalantly, but John doesn’t seem to buy it. He smiles gently, waving down the bartender for refills.
“You know, ___, you have very expressive eyes.” 
You can’t quite bring yourself to say anything to that. 
“And if he can’t see what I, a near stranger, can see in your eyes–then my point stands. He’s an idiot.” 
With that, you seem to have made a new friend. It’s the first time you’ve even hinted at your secret heartache to someone besides Stefan. It’s ridiculous, really, but it’s your reality. One that you can’t seem to escape no matter how hard you try. 
When John asks if you want to dance, you agree, all too eager to escape the jumbled mess of your thoughts. He’s a good partner, if a bit clumsy. His wife is the one who usually leads, he tells you. You’re amused by how often he seems to bring up his wife, but it’s quite endearing. His love for her oozes from his tone, his eyes, his words and you can only wonder if you will ever get to experience this. 
John twirls you around the marbled floor with a lot of enthusiasm, drawing high-pitched giggles from you and exasperated looks from those around you. And so you’re confused when, just as he begins to send you spinning once more, his eyes move to a point over your head, perplexity bleeding into his expression. You only get a glimpse of it before you’re spinning–only for John’s grip on your hand to slip away as you’re spin right into another figure. 
The subtle tones of leather and coffee hit your senses and your heart stumbles at the familiar combination. Your eyes rove over the sleek black suit, the white shirt stretching over lean muscles, the hands resting on your waist, holding you in place. Your eyes fly up before you finish processing all of this, and this time, when clever grey eyes meet yours, your heart flutters hopelessly. 
“___,” he greets you with a smile that borders on flirtatious, unfairly thick lashes lowering slightly as he takes in your attire. The one habit you haven’t been able to quit, pulling you closer, brushing his lips over the shell of your ear. “You look beautiful.” 
Your face feels warm, yet you try for indifference despite it. You glance back at John, who’s still staring at you with a raised brow, looking a little too interested. “Isn’t this place a little too...low-scale for you?” you say pointedly, looking around to see if any of his friends are here with him. There’s nothing for him to take here, no treasure to steal, as far as you know. Unless...
Alarmed, your eyes fly back to him. He couldn’t be here to kill somebody. 
He looks amused by your words, but when you try to step away his grip only tightens, sending electrifying flutters down your spine. “There’s no need to look so worried. Now,” he begins, looking over your head at John. “Won’t you introduce me to your...friend?” 
It’s the last thing you want to do, but John doesn’t seem to realize that as he steps up to you both with a wide smile. “I’m John.” 
“Chrollo,” he says with a charming grin that only serves to tighten the ball of anxiety and delight in your stomach. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” John says, shaking his hand joyously, before looking back at you. “I guess he’s not an idiot after all, huh?” 
You wish the ground would open up and swallow you, avoiding Chrollo’s eyes when they try to meet yours.
‘John, for the love of all that is holy-please shut up,’ you think hard, staring him at him desperately, hoping he’ll get it. He does seem to understand something, but it’s not what you meant. 
“Well then, I’ll leave ___ in your capable hands, Chrollo,” he chuckles, waggling his brows at you. “Have fun, kiddos.” With that, he leaves you standing in the middle of the crowd with the man you’ve been hoping and dreading to see for months. 
‘Kiddos.’ In any other situation, you would’ve found it hilarious. Said right to his face, you can only hope he’s in a forgiving mood. 
As the music transitions into something gentler, Chrollo pulls you close again. The lights dim as you both sway to the music, and your heart finally settles down. You’re nearly hidden away in the middle of the floor, surrounded by countless dancing partners and friends, but you barely register their presence.
“Your date gave you up faster than I thought he would,” he remarks, his hand shifting on your waist, the other clasping your trembling hand firmly.
“He’s married,” you say flatly. He simply cocks a brow at you, and you nearly marvel at how easy it is to fall back into this. 
“I know.” 
“He’s a friend!” 
“Must be, if you’ve already discussed me with him.” His tone is sly, and your embarrassment makes a swift comeback. 
“Who says I was talking about you?” you say retort, twirling into a spin, only for your voice to die in your throat as it ends with his face close, the tip of your nose brushing his. 
His eyes, previously clear and twinkling, are somehow brighter with something dangerous lurking in their depths.
“He was right, you know,” Chrollo murmurs, his breath mingling with yours. “Your eyes really do give you away.” 
Your heart pounds as you’re spun around, your back pressed into his front, still swaying almost unconsciously. Your body moves with every subtle shift of his, his fingers undulating along your sides almost covetously. Once more, you can only marvel at your overactive imagination as it offers up flashes of your previous encounters involving the infamous spider, and the things you could do if you could just find a quiet place.
“You never said what brought you here,” you say, swallowing heavily when you feel his warm breath on the nape of your neck. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” He turns you back around, and there’s a subtle smile curling along his mouth. “Unless you do think I’m an idiot.” 
Flustered, you look away, but he tugs at your waist until there’s less than an inch between you.
“I have to wonder, though,” he muses, his hand sliding down to rest on the swell of your ass while the other slithers up your back. Your hands brace against his chest lightly. “If you weren’t actually expecting me–who, then, did you doll up for?” 
At this, you sniff delicately, finding your balance and refraining from rolling your eyes. “Do I need to dress up for someone? It’s NYE.” Granted, you had been hoping he would show up, but there is no way in hell you would ever admit that. 
“And here I thought this was all for me,” he sighs, and his tone would have actually led you to believe he was hurt–if not for the way he squeezes your plump rear, and the fact that you do, to a certain extent, know him. 
And so you hesitate, going over words you could and shouldn’t say. 
“That was a little presumptuous, wouldn’t you say?” you tease lightly, glancing up at him before averting your eyes quickly. 
“No, I wouldn’t,” he counters, his smile sharp and knavish. His lips brush your cheek, his next words breathed into your skin. “After all, you’re well aware of how much I love you in satin.” 
Yes, you do.
Your mind, the traitorous thing that it is, stumbles over the ‘I love you’ despite the accompanying words. Even so, you duck your head, aware of how easily he can still read you. 
“I just liked the dress,” you grumble, annoyed by his breathy laugh at your pout. 
“I like it too. Then-“ He’s closer now, his mouth at your ear, your breasts pressing into his chest. “I guess you really liked the gift I sent you too?” 
For a second, you’re unable to comprehend his words. Your mind tries to work through the events of the evening–when, when, when? 
Chrollo, who has by now pulled back to be entertained by your reaction, spots the panic in your eyes at once. “Ah, don’t worry, you didn’t accidentally flash anyone.”
His words are reassuring, and yet there’s a hidden implication in them. “Did you...was it here?” you ask slowly. 
At your question, his gentle smile shifts into something more cunning. “No.” 
You stare at him in mortification. 
“I didn’t actually mean to peek,” he clarifies, making you feel a bit better–and then he continues. “You should’ve drawn the curtains.” You live on the fifteenth floor. “And you looked so sad as you were looking at my gift, I just-“ 
Unable to bring yourself to continue listening, you step away hastily, your fists clenched at his teasing tone. Without waiting for another word, you turn on your heel and exit through the first door you come across. 
The fact of the matter is–you had been sad. You had sat there with that box in your hands for over an hour. Because you missed him. You ached for him, after months of radio silence. You had thought that was it, that it was done because he’d never gone so long without making even a brief appearance to turn your life upside down. 
Because, despite everything–him being who he is, never saying goodbye, just leaving behind cold sheets and a fading scent–he’s carved himself a place in your heart so deeply you’re unsure if you will ever be able to evict him. You’ve certainly tried. 
You’ve stalked your way out of the room to what looks like the poolside; this side of the building is just as grand as the ballroom, with its carefully carved pillars and the shallow pools of water you catch glimpses of through archways, that seem to cover the entirety of one side of the room. 
You don’t feel his presence behind you but you duck behind a wall anyway, coming to face the still water. Your face is still uncomfortably warm, your eyes burning–with tears, with anger, and with the aching vulnerability of being seen through so easily yet again. You’ve experienced his sharp perceptiveness first-hand, but this is the firm time he’s referred to your feelings for him so openly, if indirectly. 
You sense him nearby, shifting to look around the safety of the wall when you feel his hand catching yours from behind you; his arms slide around your waist before you can whirl around, pulling you back into his chest. It leaves you facing the gilded walls instead, the slight chill in the air cut off by the warmth emanating from him. 
It's when you feel his lips on your neck that the fight leaves you, the brief contact frustratingly soothing. "Did I go too far?" 
You feel his mouth curve up, pressed as it is into your skin. "Which part?"
The words bubble at the back of your throat, but you swallow them stubbornly. His thumb rubs small circles over the skin under your breast, sparking every nerve to attention, if he moves his hand just a little–
“It couldn’t have been me watching you dress,” he says casually, sliding his mouth further up and sideways until he’s kissing the tender skin underneath your ear. “That’s something you enjoy, if I recall correctly...” 
Your lips part slightly as he nips at your skin playfully. 
“Chrollo, someone might see us,” you whisper, knowing full well he doesn’t care–and neither do you, not really. He just laughs at your attempt at stilling his wandering hands and mouth.
“No one’s going to be around to see us,” he assures you, teeth grazing the delicate shell of your ear. 
“Ah, but-“ 
“Don’t try to change the subject, ___.” His words are accompanied by a chiding tug at your earlobe. His hand splays at your hip, his mouth returning to peppering soft kisses along the slender slope of your neck.
Your hand settles on top of his, fingers lacing together as your eyes blink shut. His nose burrows briefly into the junction between your neck and shoulder, inhaling deeply. 
“I’ve missed you too, you know,” he purrs, the words coiling around your heart, squeezing it tight. “But it appears I’ve neglected you.” 
“No? Isn’t that why you tried to fuck that hunter after your last job?” 
Once more, the words are said so nonchalantly that you almost don’t realise what he’s said until you try to turn around and he pins you against the wall instead, using his body to keep you in place as he goes back to mouthing at your skin. 
“How do you-“ know? How the fuck does he know? Your mind spins, your instincts tingling despite his casual tone. 
“It didn’t quite work out, though, did it?” he asks almost sympathetically. “He said you didn’t actually seem that into it. I’m curious–what exactly were you trying to accomplish?” 
“Chrollo,” you ask quietly, trying to keep your voice steady despite your heart thumping its panic throughout your body. “What did you do?” 
“Don’t sound so suspicious, sweetheart.” His hips press into the curve of your ass, and a desperate sort of thrill thrums through you when you feel his bulge against you. “We just had a little chat.” 
He doesn’t say more, his silence expectant now. He’s looking for an answer, you realise, heart sinking at the thought of even hinting at the emotional turmoil you went through when you’d thought he was done with you–after you had told him to never seek you out again, and he had left without protest.
“I thought we were done,” you say in a rush. “That’s why.” 
He was gone for months without a word. He’s never said anything to imply that he expects something from you, coming and going as he pleases. This time, you refused to wait for him. You wanted to move on. 
“I didn’t think you’d care,” you say carefully. This could go a number of ways, and you nearly wince imagining the bruising your heart could take from his reply. “Especially after...what I said.” 
His chin falls to rest on your shoulder.
“I understand,” he says. He sounds like it too.
“Of course. I know I’ve been remiss in informing you of certain things. I won’t lie to you–when I found out your eyes have been straying elsewhere, it did hurt.”  His words throw you for a loop, and this is not what you’d thought he’d say. 
“I’m...sorry?” you say hesitantly, turning your head so you could see his expression, to see if he was messing around again. You don’t expect the quiet intensity in his eyes, belying his nonchalant tone entirely. 
“Me too,” he smiles, and it’s not his pretty one. He kisses your cheek softly, keeping his lips pressing into your skin. “But this is one thing you should know about me–I don’t share.” 
You know you’re not at fault, but you feel a kernel of guilt in sprout to life, one you're determined to ignore. 
“I didn’t realise I was yours to share," you say coolly. Or not share, in this case. You say it with the aim of ruffling that cool composure, to find some of the same in yourself. 
He kisses the corner of your mouth tenderly. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. By the time we’re done,” his whispers against your lips, smiling slightly as your eyelashes brush the tops of your cheek. "You'll know exactly who you belong to." His mouth is on yours before you can even open your eyes, working your lips open, stealing your words and your breath in one go. You can't help the soft noise in your throat when his hand comes up to wrap around your neck, squeezing lightly as you nearly melt back into him. 
Every thought of resistance leaves you the moment he licks into your mouth. You suck at his tongue languidly, feeling drunk off the taste of him, your senses filled with his scent. 
It's when his hand sneaks beneath the hem of your dress, caressing the warm flesh of your inner thigh, that raw desire sparks like liquid fire through your veins–it's helped along by his other hand sliding down your chest from the base of your throat to cup the bare flesh of your breast. He breaks the kiss to raise a brow at you, his smooth expression flickering at the sight of the nigh pained look that comes over your face when he tugs roughly at a taut nipple. 
"So you did skip it. Pity, I would've liked to see the full set," Chrollo mumbles almost to himself. "You'll have to show me later." His tongue sweeps into your mouth swiftly, his mouth swallowing your soft moan when you feel him cup your mound. You're grinding into his palm before you even realize it, your body aching to feel him within you after the long absence. A low whine escapes you when he pulls away to turn you around, pushing you back into the wall and sliding the pad of his finger along your clothed entrance. 
Your hands splay across his tensing abdomen, his body belying his tranquil expression as your lips find his pulse point, licking tight swirls over it. You widen your stance, silently begging him to move his fingers, but he seems content to brush them over the damp lace indolently. 
Deciding to take the matter into your hands, you reach for the waistband of his pants, ready to sink to your knees and suck until he gives you what you want. However, your plan is halted before you can even implement it, with Chrollo once again pinning you in place with his body, his hands coming to rest on the wall on either side of your head; his leg slides between your knees, his firm thigh pressing into your dripping heat, applying the delicious sort of pressure you've been dreaming of for weeks. You grind down on it, and he lets you–only for a moment, before a hand to your hip puts a stop to it. 
In the silence, the sound of your heavy breathing is loud. You're dizzy with lust and confusion until you see the insidious smirk tugging at his mouth. Your uncomfortable squirming is also cut off, and you think you might just explode. 
"Chrollo," you plead, desperate to move. You can only imagine how pitiful you look, with the beseeching look in your tearful eyes, and your hands tug at the lapel of his jacket. "Please, please, d-don't..."
"Don't?" he prompts when you trail off, his thigh rubbing into you, birthing relief that withers when he stops right away. You whimper softly, leaning into his touch when his hand cups your cheek. 
"D-don't tease me." Your helpless desire is apparent in your tone, and you spot the satisfied glint in his eyes when he leans in to steal another kiss. 
"Oh, don't make such a cute face, sweetheart," he half-groans, pressing his forehead to yours. "It makes me want to ruin you." He emphasizes his words with a slow slide of his thigh, before stepping away. Every protest dies in your throat when he sinks to his knees before you, calloused palms spreading your legs further as he nearly buries his face in the apex of your thighs. You strain to catch a glimpse of him, your breath robbed from you when you hear him inhale strongly as if enjoying a favourite perfume. He mouths at you through the barrier of your underwear, the heat of his mouth discernible even through it. 
"Fuck, Chrollo," you moan, bucking your hips into his mouth, yelping when he nips at you in reprimand. 
His deft fingers reach behind you, unclasping the panties and sliding them off. You're not at all surprised when he stuffs them into his back pocket, but you’re stunned when he spreads your cunt and drags his tongue along your swollen lips. Your knees start to tremble with every lick, and you're unsure as to how you remain standing when he lifts one of your legs to curl it over his shoulder, his tongue delving deeper through your dripping walls. This time, he doesn't stop you from grinding down; his hands, tight bands on your hips, digging into your skin as they help you undulate over his tongue. 
You try to muffle your moans as best you can, desire and fear coiling together low in your belly–you've known him long enough to be somewhat familiar with his style, and you know how much he enjoys robbing you of that absolute bliss until he's ready to give it to you. And so you roll your hips frantically, angling them just right, hoping you can grab your orgasm before he's done savouring the taste of you. The thought sends a hot jolt through you, drawing your attention to the way he's lapping at your sex with more fervour than you'd thought him capable of. 
Perhaps Chrollo really had missed you.
His tongue drags over your clit and you're so, so close and he knows–he knows, and so he pulls away, leaving you twitching but not daring to tug at his hair insistently, the way you want to. Your dismayed expression seems to provide some measure of amusement–but you’re not fooled even in your disoriented state, noting his blown-out pupils as he licks his lips. There’s a ghost of a smile across them when he rises to his feet to pull you into a kiss, the taste of you on his tongue making your head spin.
"You're a cruel bastard," you breathe. He blinks in slight confusion. Months without him, and he won't even let you come.
"Sorry, what was that?" he asks, tilting his head as if trying to hear better. "You don't want me to fuck you?"
"I want! I want-you."
"Me?" he asks, still feigning obliviousness. “I’m right here.” 
You tug at his tie pitifully. 
"Your hands," you moan softly, nuzzling his jaw cajolingly. "Your mouth. Your cock." He looks thoughtful for a moment, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You wait with bated breath, knowing how much he likes to hear you plead. 
"But sweetheart–do you deserve my cock?"
The words have the same impact as being doused bucket of chilled water. No, you won't get to come right now. 
"I..." His eyes warn you to think carefully. "...No?"
"No? Why is that?"
Your face burns as you look away, unable to believe you have to face these consequences even though you’ve done nothing wrong. Technically, you're a free agent. Chrollo never said a word to imply otherwise, and so you decided to test the waters, just once. To try to escape the web that was Chrollo Lucilfer, to see if you could, because it's not as if he would ever find out. 
You were wrong, and it's come back to bite you in the ass. 
"Because I...tried to...with someone." 
There's absolute silence after you finish your sentence, and you have to wonder if he'll walk away after obtaining that admission. 
"Yes," he begins, a knuckle under your chin tilting your head up. You're struck dumb by the lethal look in his eye as he stares at you. "You were going to let him fuck you." 
"But you didn't." It's not a question–not the one you know he's about to ask. 
"No, I didn't," you admit, your eyes squeezed shut as something in your chest quivers at the prospect of what's coming.
You don't know what to say. Or rather, you don't know how to tell him why you had run out of that hotel room that night, flashes of him filling your head until you couldn't even look at the other man without cringing. 
"Don't make me repeat myself," he warns, his tone affecting a measure of sternness that contrasts greatly with his previous geniality. 
"I couldn't-" Your eyes still closed in resignation. "Because he wasn't you."
Because despite every effort you’ve put into trying to escape him, he always finds you. And you fall into his arms like the complete fool you that you are, unable to resist him. You crave him when he’s not around. 
Worse still, it’s not just the sex. It hasn’t been for a long time. Not since you first saw him reading by the window, lost in his book, his ridiculous coat gone and his hair falling in messy waves around his face. It had hit you with the force of an enhancer’s punch, filling your heart up and spilling over, and you haven’t been the same ever since. 
“Was that so hard?” he nearly croons, kissing your forehead as if he hadn’t just cornered you into a difficult position. “Look at me, ___.” A peek at his face has your breath catching in your throat at how pleased he looks. It’s in how his smile actually reaches his eyes, for once. The dark delight glittering in them, combined with his straining bulge pressing into your hip threatens to derail your thought process all over again. “You couldn’t fuck him, because he wasn’t me. You understand, don’t you?”
In this, you know you understand more than he probably does. “Yes.”
“Good girl. Let’s go.” 
“Where?” you ask in confusion, stumbling after him as he interlocks your fingers together and pulls you along. Your hotel room is always an option, but that idea is discarded when he tugs you through a hallway you don’t recognize. It doesn’t look like he’s leading you to the exit–you seem to be going deeper into the grand building. “Where are we going?” 
“As tempting as it is, I’d rather not fuck you where somebody would eventually find us,” Chrollo explains, smiling over his shoulder at your baffled expression, his hand squeezing yours. 
In other words, he wants to take his sweet time with you. Lovely thought, but it still doesn’t explain where you’re going. 
“And so...”
“And so I’ve made other arrangements for us. I think you’ll like it.” 
You almost hiss at him to lower his voice, which echoes off the marble floor in the empty hall. But there doesn’t seem to be anyone to hear him, which strikes you as odd–this is a royal figure’s birthday party. There should definitely be more security. 
That’s something Chrollo is clearly not worried about, and you decide you don’t want to know. 
He finally comes to a stop in front of a heavy door of white wood, carved with roses painted a shimmering gold. He pushes it open with no preamble, pulling you in behind him and shutting the door, the click of the lock loud in the large room. Your eyes have nearly adjusted to the dark of the room when he turns the lights on; the lights being crystal candelabras hanging on the walls, which are curved to form a circular room instead of the usual square. 
It’s stunning, from the white wooden dresser to the full-length ornate mirror framed with carved gold roses, but your eyes are drawn back to the main attraction: the king-sized bed with its pretty blue velvet headboard and its pretty blue velvet bedcovers that are thick enough to be called blankets. There are heavy drapes on either side of the bed, and several pillows lining the top of it. 
You’re immediately overcome by the urge to throw yourself on the mattress.
“Chrollo,” you begin, your mouth feeling like cotton. “How did you manage this?” 
He smiles indulgently, stepping behind you to wrap his arms around you, surveying the room with an almost critical eye. “It’s a bit brighter than I would prefer, but...”
But this is exactly the kind of room you would like. And so the fly walks back into the parlour. 
“It’s stunning,” you exclaim, nearly overwhelmed by the delicate beauty surrounding you. “But we’re not supposed to be here, are we?” 
“Depends on who you ask.” He shrugs, toying with the straps of your dress. “And if you ask me–I think I want to fuck you on that bed.” 
A shiver runs down your spine as he tugs the thin straps down, one at a time, pressing his lips to your shoulders. 
“There’s a lovely bath too, but we’ll explore that later,” he continues, pulling at your zipper slowly until it reveals the bare skin of your back, inch by inch. “Do you like it?“ 
“I love it,” you gasp, feeling the cool air on your heated skin as he pulls your dress down until it’s pooled at your feet. You stand, completely exposed to his gaze, embarrassed warmth blooming all over your body. And then his hand is at the small of your back, urging you towards the bed. 
“Ah, forgive me,” he slides his jacket off smoothly, draping it around your shoulders. “I’ll get the fire started. Why don’t you take a seat?”
You do as you’re bid with a pounding heart, watching him stride over to the–you guessed it–marble fireplace. Chrollo’s always been charming, but you’re not sure what to make of this. It’s romantic beyond belief, and something you had never expected from him in a million years. 
You sit on the side of the bed, sniffing discretely at his jacket, stifling a low gasp at his intoxicating scent. As he walks over to stand before you, between your spread thighs, you can’t help but smile as you tilt your head back to look at him and he kisses you deeply. Deft hands slide the jacket off your shoulders, throwing it over the back of an armchair, before reaching for your hair. 
He doesn’t rush; he’s slow, yet gentle as he tugs at the pins keeping your low bun in place, sliding them out carefully until there’s a small pile of them on the bedside table and your hair is spilling over your back. Skilful fingers rub at your scalp, chasing the slight ache away, and you’re nearly overwhelmed by the intimacy of the act. 
He crouches down, reaching for your feet, unbuckling the straps on your heels and sliding them off, taking a moment to rub the soles of your feet. You’re convinced you’re in a dream, or that you’ve died. This is not good for your heart.
“Did I mention you look beautiful?” he half-jokes, looking at you through half-lidded eyes as you reach for the cloth around his forehead, tugging it loose to reveal his tattoo. 
“I think so,” you say casually, but your trembling fingers give you away as you loosen his tie next. “But I won’t stop you if you want to tell me again.” 
He laughs as he stands, the sound coming out huskier than he probably intended as you reach up to unbutton his shirt, trying to keep from rushing; you struggle a little with the buttons on his wrists, but he’s patient as you finally slip it off his arms. You lean in when the pale expanse of his torso is unveiled, pressing your lips to every inch of skin you can reach–soft, open-mouthed kisses that have him stroking your hair in approval. 
You know you don’t imagine the slight hitch in his breath when you reach for the fly of his pants, unzipping him carefully and nuzzling at his straining length through his silk briefs. Your eager mouth traces his bulge until he tugs at your hair lightly, and then you reach for the waistband of his underwear. You don’t look away from his freed cock, your mouth watering at the slight glistening visible at its head. You wait impatiently as he folds his clothes and leaves them on the armchair, knowing his slow movements are in part due to how badly you want to taste him. 
Which is why you take immense pleasure in the way his light chuckle gets cut off when you take the tip of his cock into your mouth, sucking softly, tasting him with your eager tongue. Your moan vibrates around him. It’s not because he tastes good–it’s because it’s so purely him. It sends thrilling flutters through you, and you’re glad you’ve left the shame behind. 
You’re well aware of what it does to Chrollo when he sees the pure bliss on your face as you suck his cock. 
Sure enough, his hand tangles in your hair, flexing and tugging to keep his calm. You appreciate that about him; Chrollo rarely loses his composure. But there are moments, where he just unravels and moans and squirms and you keep those close to your heart, cherishing them deeply. You want to collect more of those tonight. 
Chrollo stops you just as you feel him twitch in your mouth, feeling the telltale tensing of the muscles in his thighs where you caress them lovingly. His grip on your hair tightens until you've let him slip out of your mouth, shifting to lay on your back as he climbs over you, between your legs, ebony strands framing his face haphazardly. You part your legs further in a silent, pleading invitation and his lips twitch as he ducks his head to run his tongue over your nipples instead. His hair tickles your skin as he lavishes your breasts with his attention, any attempts at pulling him closer thwarted by his hands pinning your wrists to the bed.
His hot mouth leaves blushing speckles across your chest, and even as you squirm, you wait. He slides his fingers into you first, and your eyes flutter shut at the nimble fingers moving along your walls, curling and rubbing where it makes you writhe. You whimper in protest when he pulls them out just as your walls start fluttering around them, knowing he won’t make you wait too long. 
Or he might, so the moment he loosens his hold on you, you act–a quick twist of your hips leaves you straddling his hips, leaving trails of ardent kisses across his abdomen, over taut muscles and old scars. His eyes are bright when you straighten to take his cock in your hand, not hesitating even for a second as you lift your hips to bring it to your entrance, sinking down on it with a shuddering breath and your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
“That’s a good girl,” he praises, his fingers digging into your hips as watches your cunt engulf his stiff length, squeezing him tight as if in greeting. “Look at you, always taking my cock so well.“ 
“God, I’ve missed you,” you moan, struggling to stay upright at the feeling of fullness. “You feel so good.” You know he's watching, taking in every single movement–the slow grind of your hips, the swaying of your breasts, willing to let you fuck yourself on his cock to your heart's desire. 
You falter when he begins to thrust up, meeting every roll of your hips with his own, a smile still teasing across his lips as your motions become swifter, your eyes losing focus as you stumble towards that sweet, sweet unravelling. You won't let him snatch it away from you, not again, and you know he will if he sees you waver even a little. 
"Look at me." 
You do, locking eyes with his, the molten grey of his eyes shaking your unsteady heart further. "I-I'm so c-close-"
"Would you like a little help?" He waits for your frantic nod before revving up his thrusts, reaching almost casually for your swollen nub as you bounce wildly on his cock, rubbing it dexterously and propelling you over the edge. It makes you keen, your head thrown back, your walls palpitating–then his arms are around you, your face pressed into the side of his neck as you quiver minutely. 
You come down from the high with soft, dirty whispers in your ear, your breasts pressing into the firm planes of his chest and–you realize with a jolt–his length still hot and hard in you. 
"There we go," he murmurs approvingly as you pull away to look at him. He still looks infuriatingly unruffled, but the evidence of his ardour is straining within you and his fingers still dig into your skin sporadically. It flickers in his eyes, behind his mask of cool composure, almost admiring as he takes in your wrecked state. And so, you wait. "You okay?"
"Mhm." You kiss the palm of his hand as it moves to cup your jaw, earning you an appreciative smile. 
"That was beautiful. Now-" He shifts you off his lap, pulling out without any warning, making you hiss at the sensitivity. “On your hands and knees, sweetheart,” he commands roughly, his palm coming down on your ass in a firm snack, and you scramble to follow it, crawling to the middle of the bed where you wait for him on trembling limbs. You don't have to wait long.
He’s too selfish to deny himself your inviting heat, and you’re proven correct when you feel his swollen head pressing into your slit, pushing through with no resistance. He grinds into you languidly, the palm of a hand sliding down to take a handful of your ass in it, an approving grunt leaving him as you push your hips back into him, moving them in slow, tight circles. 
It’s when you start to whimper his name that he finally pulls out halfway, snapping his hips into yours in a powerful thrust, repeating the motion over and over again until your back arches and you’re half-babbling, half-screaming, nearly incoherent. The sound of his skin slapping against yours is loud, obscene and only adds to your slow descent into madness. It hurts, but you would die before you let him stop.
Then, Chrollo is leaning over you, one arm braced against the bed while the other dances along the length of your spine to curl around your body, his hand catching a swaying breast immediately. He doesn’t stop drilling into you even for a moment, even when your walls clamp down around him the moment you feel his teeth sink into your shoulder. 
“I want you to come around my cock, ___. Will you do that for me?” he rasps against your skin.
“Chro-fuck,” you wail, the scream of his name cut off when his hand wanders down to your sex, his fingers trapping your clit between them. Your climax renders you speechless this time, your eyes glazing over as it crashes against you. His mouth is at your ear, his voice seeming like it’s come from across the room. 
“Such a good girl,” he groans, his thrusts nearly faltering as he feels your heat fluttering madly–but they resume instantly, fucking your through your daze, quickening as he chases his own end. It finds him swiftly, encouraged by your pained moans at how sensitive your sex is. What startles you are his harsh whispers against your skin as his length finally twitches, pulsing within you. “You're so good for me, sweetheart–I’m not giving you up, never-“ 
You squeeze him hard and he curses as your cunt milks every single drop from his slowly softening cock, his fervent words–even if they were said in the throes of passion–sending tendrils of warmth through your chest. 
You struggle to catch your breath as he buries his head in your hair, not pulling out just yet. You’re both then startled when your arms give out, leaving your face buried in the velvet bedspread–and you feel him slip out with a laugh, allowing you to turn until you’re laying on your side, facing him. He runs a hand through his hair, his flushed cheeks belying his level expression. It brings you a secret delight when you see that it extends all the way down to his chest, easily noticeable on his pale skin. You don’t consider it a good fuck unless it leaves Chrollo with rosy cheeks.
You know he’s not big on cuddling, choosing to lay on his side facing you. There is still something deeply intimate about the way he watches you reach your calm, your hair no doubt a mess and your face glowing, unattractively reddened. Chrollo reaches over to sweep your hair away from your face, and you do the same, brushing his damp bangs away from his eyes. 
And then he’s kissing you again, languidly, deeply, as if he’s savouring it. You can’t help but smile into it, your heart feeling full when you feel him mirror it, a soft, contented noise leaving him.
A part of you thinks it’s all for show. The bigger part of you doesn’t care, because it feels so fucking good. Because he’s running his fingers over your skin, pressing kisses lazily. Try as you might, you can't quite keep your eyes open. 
“I’ll go get us some food. Why don’t you take a nap?” he suggests, already moving to follow through. 
"Ah, wait-" you protest, reaching for him, but the words die in your throat. You don't want it to end, not now, but you don't know how to say that–knowing he's probably got bigger, nefarious things to do. Your struggle is futile, because Chrollo reads you easily, shifting you on the bed to pull the bedspread back and over you. "I-you-"
"We've got plenty of time, don't worry," he assures you. "But you'll need some food before we can go play in the bath." 
His sly smile tells you exactly what he means by that. What you interpret from that is that he's not leaving right away. The relief must be clear on your face because he leans in, tilting his head curiously.
"Did you think were done?" He laughs when you look away in embarrassment, trying to duck under the covers. He hugs you through them, tucking your head under his chin. “Already?”
“I didn’t say anything!” Your voice is muffled but he still chuckles at the hint of annoyance in it.
"Oh, no, sweetheart," he coos, lifting the soft cover of your shield and pressing his lips to your temple. "You still have so much more to learn. And I never make the same mistake twice."
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rosekins621 · 4 years
A little drabbe beaded off of my hc on what would happen if Kurapika took Pario with him and they ended up on whale island after the massacre.
It’d been about two or three months since they’d arrived home to the rotting and eyeless corpses of their families and clan mates. Pario has a bad feeling and had been holding Kurapika tightly on the way back. Kurapika grabbed their bags and Pario’s hand. They came out of the woods and froze. Kurapika collapsed. Pario was with him, asking what he saw. He couldn’t clearly see and was hoping that he was wrong. “Why? Th-they’re all dead!” Kurapika cried out. His eyes were a bright scarlet as tears flowed out of them. Thunder pounded in the distance. The two didn’t notice.
Pario was crying too, holding onto Kurapika as tightly as he could. “Wh-who...” He mumbled.
Kurapika shook his head. The two cried for awhile until Kurapika decided to look for survivors. Kurapika carried Pario on his back, knowing that if he tripped he’d be even more devastated. As they rounded a corner Kurapika saw his parents bodies. He started to shake, full of anger and sadness. “M-mom?” He called. He forced his eyes from the gruesome scene and saw a logo. It was a spider with twelve legs. “The phantom troupe.” He whispered. He was angry that they had murdered his people. He’d known that their eyes were seen as extremely valuable in the black market but didn’t that everyone would be killed. He went over to where Pario lived, setting him down on his bed.
“Kurapika?” Pario asked, grabbing his friends sleeve.
“We should sleep. We can’t stay here anymore we’ll leave in the morning.” Kurapika’s voice was quiet. He was shaking. The bodies would have to be buried. “I-I’ll take care of the bodies...y-you need sleep.”
Pario hugged him. “P-please don’t go. What if I lose you too?” He cried. Kurapika wrapped his arms around Pario protectively.
“O-okay. W-we should at least p-pray for them....” Kurapika said, tears falling from his own eyes. “I swear I’ll get revenge. I’ll destroy the phantom troupe!”
Eventually the two fell asleep, once it was dawn that woke up. They prayed for their brethren and left. Weeks passed and they ended up on a boat. Worried about what would happen if they were found Kurapika took Pario on a life boat. The drifted for days. Until they ended up on an island.
The boys were stariving. Pario was too tired to walk so Kurapika carried him. He saw food stalls and sighed. They didn’t have any money left. A woman turned around, seeming to be closing up shop for the day when she saw them. Her eyes widened and she quickly ran over, stopping people from following her. She crouched down in front of them. “Are you okay?” She asked gently.
“Kurapika? Who’s here? Are we gonna get hurt?” Pario asked, his stomach growling loudly soon after.
“Pario...I’m not sure. I don’t think so. I promise I’ll keep us safe.” The blonde mumbled.
The woman smiled softly. “My name is Mito. You’re Kurapika and Pario right? I promise you’re safe here.” She said.
Kurapika gave her a skeptical look. “Yes Ms. Mito. I’m Kurapika and this is my friend Pario.” Suddenly there was a loud boom, causing both boys to jump. “Come with me. You can stay with at my house. I’m not leaving you two out in a hurricane!”
Kurapika reluctantly nodded, feeling his legs starting to shake. He was weak from not eating. He didn’t want to ask a stranger to carry Pario for him but he knew he couldn’t do it on his own. “M-miss? If it’s not too much trouble could you please carry Pario?” He asked.
Mito nodded and slowly moved closer to the boys. “Kurapika? Are you able to walk? What if we get separated?” Pario was worried he’d lose his friend.
“I’m okay Pario. You’re going to get sick if we stay out here much longer.” He said, reluctantly letting Pario slide off his back. He and Pario walked over to Mito. He gave his friend a hug before letting him be picked up. Mito picked up Pario and held him securely with her left arm, opening an umbrella with her right. Kurapika reaches up so he could still hold Pario’s hand. The three started to make their way through town as the storm worsened.
They climbed up a steep hill to a house, the chimney was lit. A boy with spiked hair was sitting on the steps with a worried look on his face. Kurapika squeezed Pario’s hand as the boy ran up to them. “Aunt Mito! Are you okay?!” He yelled.
“I’m fine Gon. We have some new friends that will be staying with us, can you help them clean off and get into some dry clothes? I’ll help Abe with dinner.” She said to the hound boy. He seemed like he was about nine. Gon opened the door and quickly grabbed towels for Pario and Kurapika.
Kurapika helped Pario get wrapped up. He didn’t use the second towel for himself, instead he wrapped Pario up again. “Gon? I want to talk to them a little go get cleaned up for dinner.” Mito said, successfully preventing Gon from bombarding the two kids with personal questions. “Now can you tell me what happened? You two have been through a lot.”
Kurapika wrapped his arms around Pario tightly. He took a deep breath. “W-we are the last two Kurtas. Our clan was slaughtered a few months ago.” He said quietly. Mito knelt down and hugged them. “If it’s not too much to ask could we make our clothes? It’s the only thing we have left.” He said quietly.
Mito nodded. “Of course. I’ll help you two make some clothes once you’re not about to die. Kurapika you could get sick if you don’t dry off soon.” She said as she released them. Pario wrapped a towel around Kurapika.
“You’re shivering. I don’t want you to die too.” Pario mumbled as Kurapika dried off.
Mito smiled and led the two up stairs finding some clothes she hoped would fit them. Pario could barrow something of Gon’s and she hoped there was something that would fit Kurapika. She did and handed the boys their clothes. They changed and came down for dinner just as Gon finished setting up the table.
They took their seats and gave their thanks before eating. Once Gon finished eating he was ready to make friends with the boys. “My name is Gon and I’m 9!” He said.
“Kurapika. This is my friend Pario. We’re 12.” Kurapika answered, keeping his answers short.
“So how did you get to Whale Island?” He asked.
“We were traveling and ending up here.” Kurapika answered. He wanted to end the conversation but it did feel nice to have someone so relaxed around. “I don’t think we’ll be staying long.”
“But it’s safe here. Kurapika we can rest and train to be hunters! It’s safe here.” Pario said, surprising Kurapika. His friend had been unnervingly quiet.
“You want to be hunters too?! That’s awesome! My dad is a hunter and he left me here so I want to find out why!” Gon smiled. Mito just looked exhausted.
“You boys are too young! You’ll have to wait until you’re older.” She said. “Kurapika and Pario why would you want to do such a dangerous job?” She was worried about their well being.
“I will destroy the phantom troupe for what they did to our clan.” Kurapika said quietly. Pario gently grabbed his arm.
“I’m going to help him. We didn’t do anything. They just wanted our eyes.” Pario said as his eyes seemed to turn red. Kurapika’s were a bright scarlet, full of rage and hate.
“Woah our eyes look so cool guys! Hey let’s sleep in my room! We can all hang out and talk about hunter stuff! And we can go out and play with animals when the storm passes!” Gon said excited, running off to get his room set of for three people to sleep.
“Kurapika and Pario, I’m so sorry about what happened to your clan. Be careful you both need eachother and Gon seems to like you. Just stay alive okay?” Mito said and smiled.
The boys nodded and then followed Gon up the stairs when he came to get them. They stayed up late talking. Gon hugged the two of them tightly once he noticed that they were scared of the thunder. They all fell asleep together, ignoring the storm and resting peacefully
When Gon was almost twelve they were able to take the exam. Together they set off on their journey feeling stronger and prepared to face anything that came their way.
Did you like it? This is my first time posting a fanfic so please let me know what you think!
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the-caffeine-hero · 4 years
To Hault An Icarus
Kurapika has never been one to waste time, even at his own expense. Perhaps a phone call from a friend can change his mind?
Cross Posted on AO3
The night was quiet as week-old death. The only semblance of noise was the click of a computer mouse and the squeak of a desk chair. How long had it been since he had gotten up? Hours? Perhaps even days? No one would be able to tell. The layer of dust around the room stood as a symbol of time past. In most situations, dedication of this magnitude would be considered impressive, even inspiring. The young blonde with undereye bags that seemed to overflow with more than just lack of sleep continuously scanned his eyes across the lit-up screen. His eyes momentarily darted to the on-screen clock only to see a stark 4:00 AM taunting him. The sun would rise soon enough. He leaned back in the chair while running a hand through hair that upon closer inspection had seen better days. Split ends, sporadic tangles, and a light covering of grease was a telltale sign of the young man's lack of care and loss of time. Time was a curious thing for the man as there wasn’t nearly enough of it. He didn’t want to waste a minute, there weren't enough seconds in the day for him to slow down.
Slender fingers lightly grazed the dangling red earring in his left ear. It was a traditional piece, crafted from the brightest ruby one had ever seen. The young man had very little left physically of his clan as they are long since gone. Even his clothing that fitted loosely over his body were that of a more metropolitan kind. His eyes trailed to the traditional Kurta clothing hung up gently in the closet which too carried a thin layer of dust on them. The young man could only think of the inevitable dust that the remains of his clan have become. His eyes clenched shut, his nose scrunching up as well before he shook his head before returning to the screen in front of him. He had not a single second to waste. Not when his clan had their seconds snatched away from them.
Before the young man could fully fall back into the seemingly endless void that was his research, a soft vibration buzzed against his thigh. He seemingly tried to ignore the sensation only to feel the vibrations over and over again. The young man took a deep breath, seemingly centering himself before begrudgingly pulling his phone out of his pocket and leaning back in the office chair, holding the phone above him as the light poured over his soft yet cracked features. The time was 4:03 AM and he had two missed calls from a certain med student. A small and almost sad smile graced the man's chapped lips. His arms slowly moved to his sides, about to slide the phone back into his pocket before that familiar vibration shook through his hand. Once again, the persistent med student called. The blonde stared down the phone with tired eyes. Who was he to answer? Did he deserve that right? Slowly the young man's fingers maneuvered into a tight fist, clenching tightly at his left side, seeming to ground him. He brought the same hand up to the phone in the other as it shook, hovering over the accept icon on the screen. If almost taunting the young man, just as his finger hit the screen, the call was dropped. The blonde's jaw clenched and his lips pursed into a tight line. The phone screen only showed another missed call and the time in a bright white reading 4:04 AM.
A new sound was the soft thump of his phone falling to the ground as he returned to the hunched position over the laptop in front of him. The screen had grown slightly dark from the lack of use over the course of just a few minutes. The top of the screen was littered with multiple open tabs with no discernible order. Each tab contained a news article or perhaps a local auction with even the slightest link to the coveted scarlet eyes. There wasn’t much on this version of the internet, yet it would be a waste not to try. Internet cafes closed and being tracked by a Hunter’s License really wouldn’t be the smartest move for anyone, nevermind a young man chained in a web of constant underworld doings and dangerous situations. As his eyes scanned the most recent news article, he reached for a scrap paper and a pen to write down a reminder to verbally pursue one of his many leads. There were many of these scrap papers littered over the desk, the handwriting varying from neat to nearly illegible. As he hurriedly wrote down a couple of words, a jarring and frankly generic ringtone rang through the air causing him to jump in his seat as his head whipped towards the phone taunting him from the floor. He quickly swooped the phone up and to his ear, pressing the accept symbol on the way up.
“Hello?” He answered with clear aggression laced in his voice.
“Kurapika, it's Leorio. Are you okay, man?” A voice responded seemingly not acknowledging the malice in the blonde's voice. For a moment, it was silent. Was he okay? He was alive and that was enough, right?
“I am. Is this an emergency?” Kurapika responded formally as he stiffened in place involuntarily preparing for the groan that was about to come from Leorio.
“I can’t just call to check up on you? You didn’t respond to any of us last week for your birthday so I personally think it’s reasonable for us to be a little worried.” Leorio said, each word growing in volume as if he was trying to drill the words into Kurapika’s mind. At the mention of his birthday, his shoulders dropped from their tightened position. He hadn't even noticed.
“My apologies for concerning you. I am fine. If that’s all you needed..” Kurapika began, responding as he always did to these types of calls before he was cut off.
“I don’t believe you. The last time I saw you, you looked like a walking corpse for God’s sake!” Leorio exclaimed through the phone, the volume causing Kurapika to pull the phone away from his ear slightly. “When was the last time you ate or slept? I know damn well you haven’t been keeping up with yourself hygienically either. Even if I wasn’t your friend, I’m gonna be a doctor one day. It would be insane for me to let you just kill yourself like this.” Leorio scolded over the phone, each word rushing out with the knowledge that the call could be ended at any moment. A slight wave of shame washed over the blonde. How long had it been since he ate? He wasn’t sure. That previous silence held in the air again, neither one knew how to respond. It was Leorio that broke the silence. “Listen…” he began, his voice unsure. “I know you like to do things on your own but you’re gonna burn yourself out. I’m not saying you need to stop. I’m just saying you gotta take a second to breathe.” He continued with a voice laced with a subtle pleading tone. “I don’t care how many times you try to push us away. Gon, Killua, and I care about you, man.” Leorio added on with a once again hurried voice. Kurapika stood silent, his eyes almost glazed over, as he felt his free hand twitching. He pulled the phone away from his ear, his eyes quickly scanning the phone for the time. It was 4:08 AM. His eyes trailed back to the laptop screen which has once again grown to the darken energy saver mode due to the lack of use. He was wasting time.
“Your concern is appreciated but not necessary. I am perfectly fine, Leorio. I will talk to you another time. Get some sleep yourself.” Kurapika mindlessly responded before hanging up the phone and returning to his seated position, quicking jogging the laptop awake. There wasn’t a moment to waste yet he continued to clutch the phone in his hand while trying to return to the task at hand. He couldn’t let the phone fall out of his hand again, it somehow was glued to him. Even as he maneuvered from website to website, the phone did not leave his palm.
It was 4:10 AM when he felt a buzz in his hand. It took only a moment but he pulled his tired eyes away from the laptop screen to see a text message from Leorio. It was long and had typos scattered through it yet the last clearly written phrase took him back.
“I know your revenge is important to you but don’t you think that your clan would want to see you live instead of just survive? The life you’re living isn’t really living, Kurapika.”
At first read, he felt anger building up inside him. The look of betrayal quickly flashing across his face only to quickly fade upon another text coming through.
“Don’t take it the wrong way man. I’m all for finding your clans eyes and kicking that Phantom Troupe into next week but what’s the point if you’re not alive at the end of it? I don’t want another friend to die.”
The anger that came from the first text was replaced with guilt. He wouldn’t die, would he? The blonde’s hands once again clenched his fists as he remembered how Leorio lost a friend due to something preventable. Was this the same thing? He looked back at the text for what seemed like an eternity. What would he say to that? Kurapika let out a sigh as he responded.
“You don’t need to worry, Leorio. I will take better care of myself. Thank you for your constant care.”
He hesitated to respond. Was he giving his friend false hope? Did he deserve to call Leorio his friend after all the worry he put him through? These questions banged in his mind as he quickly pressed send and shut his phone off in one quick motion. Kurapika sat for a moment. He glanced at the laptop. It was 4:15 AM. Perhaps, for tonight, he could go to bed early. For Leorio’s sake, if not his own. The blonde stared longingly at the laptop and its collection of open tabs before gently closing it before ghosting into the bedroom. The bed was still made from the last time he slept in it. It had been about a week since he generally would find himself asleep in the office chair after exhaustion took control. He looked around, catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror in the corner of his room. The person he saw looking back at him was tired. For the first time, he saw the unhealthy pale skin, under-eye bags, and unkempt hair. Perhaps tomorrow, he would take advantage of a day off.
As he changed from the same suit he had worn the past four days into actual sleeping clothes, he glanced at the clock. It was 4:30 AM and he could not escape the thought of wasted time as he pulled the covers up and slipped into his bed. Leorio’s text flashed into his mind. What would his parents say if they saw him like this? Was he doing the right thing? Would he even be able to sleep in this state? He gripped the comforter tightly as he tried to expel the thoughts from his mind. For just once, he shut his eyes and allowed his body to relax into the mattress, bringing the comforter around him tightly. It felt nice though the blonde doubted he deserved to feel any form of comfort. Those thoughts tried to force themselves further into his mind yet the embrace of sleep took the blonde over. No one could see but for the first time in months, the young man had a genuinely calm look plastered to his face. His quiet breathing was the only sound that could be heard in the room. This may only be a temporary stop on this Icarus-like man's journey but perhaps, if even for a moment, he could prevent his flight directly into the sun and just revel in the light.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
hunty movie 1
sooo ruth and i watched the first hxh movie holla
me as soon as we’re done w/the yorknew arc: OH FUCKY ITS ANIME MOVIE TIME
i love anime movies. theyre so often Entertaining As Hell, and also Not Very Good. its a very fun intersection 
overall this movie slots pretty easily into that category. it was a good time but nothing revolutionary. which is ok! and that makes sense bc its not canon apparently 
this movie was basically the ‘killua and kurapika have Trauma(tm)’ movie lmao 
we open w/killua having a trauma dream abt illumi, rehashing the stuff we saw in the hunter exam arc....we see this a few more times in the movie, and it really drives home how killua is still rlly scared of illumi and kinda just goes into a dissociative trauma state whenever illumi is around (even fake doll illumi or dream illumi, in this movie). poor kid :( :( 
regrettably tho ruth and i agree that illumis outfit in this movie was pretty sexy 
ok that whole beginning part where kurapikas eyes get stolen happens SO fast hvbfhdjshfsk its like ok guess thats the status quo for this movie!
jesus poor kurapika. they cant catch a fuckgin break huh
also that kid was totally the kid that was alluded to by kurapika at the end of the yorknew arc...so i guess that was included in the anime as a setup for this movie? 
also apparently that stuff was based off of a short story thing the author did a while ago which is p cool
leorios terrible drawing skills is hvhbjsdfbsdfngsjkdf
also leorio is so tender w/kurapika hhhhhhh im gonna die. im gonna gay die
and gon and killua are just. tiny soulmate boyfriends ok 
ah yes i see the obligatory movie original character who befriends the protag
it kinda cracks me up how hostile killua is to retz like vhbhskhdfbaj i get that its bc of Trauma and his fear of betrayal/betraying but it also reads as killua being a Jealous Gay which is kinda hilarious 
ruth and i when hisoka shows up: [prolonged annoyed groaning and dismayed yelling]
hisoka literally just shows up to sow chaos and throw around information to stir shit up huh
of COURSE the villain is the former 4th spider thats like. easy choice lmao 
it might just be the fansubs but i feel like there were strong implications that hisoka and 4th spider guy fucked bhjdfashfdjnakn
the most unbelievable thing abt this whole thing is that hisoka didnt kill that doll guy lmao 
ohhh shit its uvo
OHHH SHIT NOBUNGA AND MACHI....its so bad but i really like the troupe members and when they show up im like !!!!!!!
machi is so cooooool
aughhhh its like....i feel bad for nobunga for having to face down uvo like this....and THEN when pakunoda shows up too :( and nobunga tells her doll ‘rest in peace now’ or something when he cuts her down....oof. but also like theyre evil murderers so im!?! conflicted?!?!
also the shadow beast guys that uvo killed showing up and then proceeding to do LITERALLY NOTHING was kinda hilarious
and damn so technically the troupe is on the same side as the main crew, what with all of them wanting to wreck omokages shit
also omokage looks like sephiroth lmaoooo 
ill be honest i barely know what sephiroth looks like but ruth said this and i felt in my bones that its true 
ok i gotta talk abt the kurapika backstory stuff bc OUUGHGHGHGHGH my fucking UWUS BITCH!!!!
seeing a bunch of kurta was sad....and seeing baby-er kurapika OUGH and also pairo is sooo cute and him and kurapikas friendship is so pure 
kurapika is so different :( theyre like, so much more innocent and excitable....thats so damn sad bro wtf 
pairo pulling some slick moves swapping that little potion thing - all while using his blindness as a cover - was so good...no wonder he and kurapika get along so well 
also gotta say its even more brutal that one of the main reasons kurapika didnt get Big Murdered w/the rest of the kurta is bc pairo pulled this stunt - if he hadnt, kurapika wouldve failed the test and never would have left 
also kurapika saying theyre gonna find someone who can help w/pairos eyes ;_; the similarities w/leorios backstory/motivation makes me die 
and seriously im still caught up at how innocent and pure kp is oooof ough 
tho still defs the kurapika we know....theyve seemingly always had a temper, what with the reaction to the dudes in the market 
like, kurapika did NOT hold back...even after finding out that they were just part of the test! tho i do get it bc they insulted pairo...kurapika’s love for their friends/stalwart need to defend their friends is clearly a big thing 
also the market people’s reaction to seeing kp’s red eyes is rlly interesting to me...are the kurta like, known to anybody? or are they more of a vaguely talked-about group that like, ‘probably exists’? or is it that people know abt them but not the red eyes thing? it seems like these people, if any, would know, bc this market is seemingly a day’s travel from where the kurta live....i want more kurta lore bro!!
i big love pairo helping kurapika cheat like that....such an interesting twist, and makes it obvious that theirs is a friendship of equals 
anyways i loved that flashback stuff and it just drives home how absolutely fucked up and horribly sad kurapikas whole existence is, especially in this movie w/pairo’s doll being used against them
n e ways back to the non flashback stuff
i love that gon’s super nose returned for this movie omg 
im just auhghghghgh gon and killua know each other so well uwu....
aaaand illumi (well, doll illumi) is back to fuck shit up for poor killua
ugh it still gets me how clearly terrified of illumi killua is...we dont really see him act like this any other time :( and the fact that doll-illumi was able to scare killua enough to get him to run away and leave gon behind (albeit briefly) was oof 
gon jumping in front of killua and getting his eyes stolen instead....baby boyyyy oughhh
also can i just say thank fuck they didnt replace illumis eyes w/gons bc THAT wouldve been some serious nightmare fuel lmao 
cant believe killua then ran away again and walked emo-ly on the train tracks 
and THEN he saw a train coming and was like oh well :( guess ill die :/ JESUS KID 
but gon w/his Big Sniff Powers comes to the rescue!!
it was so cute how gon told killua that killua didnt run and abandon him - they were working together to fight :’) gon understands killua so well 
i love how the squad then squads up to fight omokage...with half of them being blind lmao 
and in the half that isnt blind is leorio, who STILL doesnt know nen, and literally brings a knife to a nen fight 
i totally saw the whole ‘retz is a doll and her older brother is omokage, and retz actually died a while ago’ thing coming lol but still, not bad
all omokage does is talk abt the beauty of his dolls or w/e like ENOUGH bro 
kurapika fighting pairo and killua fighting illumi (AGAIN) was all so fucked up they shouldve switched opponents for less trauma oof 
and poor leorio is literally no help vhhvdijfhjbashkj he just gets throw around this whole time
kurapikas fight against pairo was sad bc it was such a fucked up situation...kp did gr8 tho, i liked them saying that this isnt the real pairo, cause pairo would never say/do these things. still and extremely sucky situation to be in! 
meanwhile its the gon and killua vs doll-illumi rematch...and this illumi is like, a version of illumi drawn from killuas mind/heart (or something idk, it was kinda glossed over which i understand), which means that hes extra scary and focused on telling killua how much hes just a mindless killing machine who cant have friends 
but luckily we have gon here to help snap killua out of his trauma haze, which certaintly wasnt the case at the hunter exam - so it was kinda nice to see how things went w/gon around :’) they work so well together oughhhhh....and they love each other so much broo gay preteen love real 
hisoka just fuckgin materializing in the house place to help sow more chaos....unbelievable 
me: i bet hisoka wont want to fight doll chrollo bc its not The Same as real chrollo 
ruth: no i think he will bc hes a whore 
hisoka: [fights doll chrollo] 
me: oh shit u right 
kurapika: ok omogake its time for you to FUCKING DIE- 
and then killua stops them and says that he’ll do it, be he doesnt want kurapika to kill anymore :( :( :( bro im sooo fucking sad. killua rlly b out here thinking that hes already too far gone to matter when it comes to murder, but he doesnt want his friends to end up like that, so he might as well take on that burden, because whats one more person’s death on his hands? (EVEN THO HE SAID HE DIDNT WANT TO KILL ANY MORE...but theres exceptions when it comes to saving your friend’s souls and whatnot) :( :( AUGHHH
but luckily retz comes THRU with some good ole fratricide
killua: [takes notes]
the fact that the phantom troupe just fuckgin shows up and is like oh hey its you guys. this casual enemy stuff kills me lmao i love it 
then they just fuckgin LEAVE and theyre like welllll we cant rlly fight u bc of chrollo’s state so by i guess. its NOT On Sight but someday it will be! YOU TOO HISOKA DONT THINK WE FUCKIGN FORGOT ABOUT YOU. 
dramatic house burning! and rip retz, saw that one comin tho 
when they all went thru and said their life goals and then killua was like shit i dont have a cool definitive anime goal LMAOOOO
but THEN gon said his goals should be to stay by gon’s side UHMMM???? baby gays AUGHHHHH and killua is just like lovestruck AUGHHHH 
Gays Win 
then they all peace out to resume the next arc lmaoooo
and then we see flashes of other characters, like the blonde girl (who ruth and i totally thought retz was, seeing thumbnails from this movie....we were like w8 hasnt that girl not been introduced yet??? lmao)
we also see some dude w/long hair and a hat who ive never seen before but ruth went OHHH ITS SCYTHE GUY!!! so i guess hes gonna b important?? lol 
and then we saw chrollo....still in the same place the squad left him vbhajfdjkahsbfkdjabhsukfdj CAN HE NOT GET DOWN FROM THERE W/OUT NEN OR AN AIRSHIP??? THATS SO FUCKING FUNNYYYYYY ARE YOU KIDDING ME 
general thots:
so this was very much an Anime Movie, in that they cant like, advance to plot or develop the characters much, bc its a movie. and this one is non canon
it was enjoyable but i do feel like it was much more typical shounen then hxh usually is...like, i feel like this was made by the same people who make like, the naruto movies or w/e, and w/the same sort of approach/attitude 
this isnt necessarily bad - i LIKE shounen for a reason - but it was a bit noticeable bc it wasnt quite as smart as hxh is usually, and it rehashed a lot of stuff weve already seen in this show itself 
but still i think it did a good job w/what it had, and it had some good angst, and everyone was very gay which is good
the art style was SLIGHTLY wack but it wasnt as bad as i thought itd be 
overall a fun time like most anime movies. didnt reinvent the wheel but i had a good time. im excited for the greed island arc, and im also disproportionately excited to watch the hxh musical bc that is a thing that exists and i MUST see it asap bc that sounds like the kind of hilarious wackiness that appeals to me specifically
so thats it...later! 
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obfuscobble · 6 years
Yes, obfuscobble is trying to introduce HxH at chapter 348 to newbies:
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Welcome to the ice-shelf earth!  where the world is flat and our continents exist inside of a lake inside of a bigger continent inside of an endless ice wall.  Also, there is a superpower force called NEN.  If you train your nen, which is a difficult process, you get superpowers and everyone gets a different superpower.  One important group of nen users is the Hunter Association, where everyone dresses funny.  The Hunter Association is a combination police force, private military company, gourmet dining experience, video game hosting server, archaeological association, daycare, pest control, and central bank.  The law above the law.
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The king of Kakin, a fat dude with a horrible moustache, is chartering a luxury cruise to a horrible continent full of monsters that do nothing but kill people.  On the way, he’s pitting all of his children, the “princes” used gender neutrally, against one another to see which will be the heir.  The heir is the one who survives assassination of course.  Also the cruise ship is a cute whale boat with a lake inside with a boat inside with a pool on the boat.  HxH is big on recursion.
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Our main character is Kurapika, the blonde in the suit.  His superpowers are a brilliant mind, sherlock observation, such a lust for revenge, and nen chains that come up with new powers every 5 chapters.  Don’t worry, because he explains his powers before he uses them.  Most importantly, his chains can tell him if someone lies.  He is your only anchor in this mess.  You must rely on him explaining situations or you will lose your mind.  He wants the best for everyone around him!  Everyone except this one ocelot-ass-looking-mofo Prince who bought all of the actual eyeballs of Kurapika’s clan.  Kurapika, the lone survivor of his clan, is going to kill that guy.
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There are 14 Princes and each has their own motivations.  Each of them also has a nen powered invisible monster that they are not aware of which protects them.  The first 3 seem to be playing it straight, as far as assassinating goes, and machinations between their private armies take up a lot of page space. OALMF gets creepier every time he appears and is apparently a natural at nen so guess everone’s gonna die.  Unfortunate Bob is a chemist but under-represented.  Dot eyebrows is straight up starting a cult.  Poof Hair ust wants to smoke ganja and collect modern art.  Dude surrounded by ladies is living his bliss.  Serious Man wants to become king so he can disestablish monarchy then abdicate in favour of democracy.  The two sisters on the lower left just want to make it out alive together and blow this whale shaped popsicle stand, and they have a plan.  Drill Curls is not long for this world.  Hamster Boy is hamster.  In terms of the lady with the baby, the baby is the Prince and the lady has hired Kurapika to be their bodyguard.  Good choice.
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Meanwhile!  This Horrible Clown is on the boat hunting down Chrollo Lucifer whose Extra Ass Name I had to type in full.  Why is Sucko the Clown hunting down Hot Topic?  To sate his boner.  What is Bible Code Billy doing on the boat?  He is the leader of a group of thieves that are planning to 1. steal it blind 2. first kill Did You Know Bungee Gum Has the Properties of Both Rubber and Gum who killed two of their gang already for laffs.  Zombie Murder Magician also gay married Pinhead Morticia, a separate character not pictured, and hired him to kill himself because yanno that’s true love.  Oh and also That’s Not How Earring Work and his gang are the ones who killed Kurapika’s clan to extract their eyes and sell them to OALMF so Kurapika’s going to kill them too.  There is a legit love triangle of murder going on here.
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There are also at least 15 bodyguards, some of whom are being trained in nen by Kurapika.  And a whole bunch of triads who are dealing with the thieves as competition.  You’ll learn which ones to pay attention to as you go, though ranking them by how weird their hair is tends to work.  Leorio, Dog Nose Girl,  Sweet Wonderful Bucktooth Woman, and Secretly Swole Edwardian Fashion are Kurapika’s allies of importance.  Oh and also a dude NAMED “Beyond” is on board, possibly with a private army, and Kurapika has also been hired to take him down so just.... there is a lot happening at once but you can make it through by following the following rules:
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Weedy Bongman III is confirmed to be meeting up with everyone in 2 weeks of comic-world time.  Yesssssss.
Kurapika will always reïterate important plot points to keep you up to date.
If I didn’t point out a character up above specifically, they are probably not important in the long run, so don’t feel bad for ignoring characters entirely as you get into things.
Everyone has magic powers and no one is safe.
This will never stop the author from giving even the most minor characters backstories and individual motivations because there are no minor characters in his heart.  Never skip over backstory and details though because there is a 40% chance likelihood that these things will become important later.
The author has chronic debilitating back pain.  If a panel looks sloppy or rushed, give him a break, because he’s not using a production line of assistants.  Every so often you will read about a hiatus happening.  Just keep turning the pages.
You may have heard of characters named Gon and Killua, but it’s okay.  They are off being little boys in love safely somewhere else with Killua’s darling sisters.  Let them rest.  They’ve been through a lot.
Never look up how any of these names are officially romanised because you will suffer a blood clot.
Huner x HUnter is a rewarding experience, I promise.
If all else fails... just start watching the 2011 anime, haha...
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unreadable0 · 6 years
Prompts #7 - Either 2, 6, or 12. With KuroKura, please!
Oooh, this one was fun. Thanks for the awesome prompt ask! I think I’ll do #2, if that’s alright with you. This came out as kind of an Indiana Jones AU, with sidekick!Kuroro and archaeologist!Kurapika. I hope you like it!
Prompt #2: “What if I die?” “Well, then we’ll have to practice our dead-raising skills.” “I don’t like how you said ‘practice’.”
“Well, what is your plan?”
The dark haired man grinned wickedly, and Kurapika felt a stab of regret for having agreed to his ‘help’ in the first place. “Isn’t it obvious? We jump.”
Casting a skeptical look at the swirling, inky waters behind them, Kurapika glanced back at the other’s face. Kuroro’s face was impassive, rendered inscrutable in the darkness. “Into the waters?”
Disbelief echoed potently in his words, causing Kuroro to smirk. “Trust me, this isn’t an attempt to get you out of your clothes—”
Kurapika spluttered in indignation.
“—I’m saving that for later, anyway,” the insufferable man finished, eyes glinting.
“Excuse me?” Kurapika challenged, but then thought better of it. He had time to be angry about it later; if he managed to successfully pull off his orders without dying in a gruesome and terrible way, he’d report Kuroro for his misconduct. Really, it was more than a tad unprofessional.
Taking comfort in this thought, Kurapika schooled his features.
“You know what? I don’t want to know. Just run the plan by me, if you would,” Kurapika commanded, voice coming out more strained than he expected. A slight rumbling sound erupted from Kuroro’s lips, something that Kurapika presumed was barely-restrained laughter.
“Past these waters, if the manuscripts you procured were correct—“
“They’re correct,” Kurapika interrupted, leaving no room for argument. An amused smile played at the other’s lips.
“—there should be numerous death traps and pressure-sensitive projectiles that would probably be a joy to sort through. Well, you only get to enjoy those after you neutralize the preemptive test, which is where most failed and consequently died.” Kuroro explained all of this with an eerily cheerful tone, almost as if he was a tour guide explaining the different animals at a zoo.
Kurapika tasted something bitter in his mouth. “And I don’t suppose that you have a way to circumnavigate these contraptions, although I’m sure that they are perfectly wonderful?”
“Lucky for you, there’s a small tunnel that shoots off from the main cave system. It may be a little hard to get to, but it bypasses most of the major mechanisms.”
“Clarify what you mean when you say that it may be ‘a little hard to get to’.”
Kuroro tilted his head to one side, searching the blond’s face as if preparing to gauge his reaction. “Most of it is uncharted and undocumented,” he revealed, voice light.
“So how come you are so certain that a shortcut like this even exists?” Kurapika asked, not quite liking the other’s ‘plan’ anymore.
“It’s hinted at in the texts—”
“Hinted at?”
Kuroro sighed impatiently. “I’m doing the best that I can with the—quite frankly, shitty—information that you provided me with. If you want to traipse on in to a bunch of death traps, then be my guest.”
The blond archaeologist counted to ten mentally. Got to keep a level head on this one, Kurapika. “I need some statistics, Lucilfer.”
The other man tensed slightly, as if bracing himself. “You’re not going to like it.”
“Exactly,” Kurapika shot back. “Now, I haven’t got all day.”
Giving the shorter man an ‘I warned you’ look, Kuroro complied. “37% chance of success, but an even lower probability of surviving such a feat.”
“That’s with the shortcut plan?”
“That’s with the shortcut, yes.”
Kurapika bit his lip, an action that brought a spark of interest into Kuroro’s eyes.
“I’ve had worse,” the blond admitted. “At least you’re not some empathetic, worrisome doctor—now he was an inconvenience to work with.” A very nice, comfortable inconvenience, but an inconvenience nonetheless.
“So am I not an inconvenience to you?” Kuroro took a step forward, successfully intruding into Kurapika’s personal space.
Side-stepping the other man smoothly, Kurapika smiled. “You will be if you don’t cut the crap and help me complete this mission.”
It was a kind of evasive answer that did not completely answer his question, and Kuroro took that as a good sign.
“What if I die?”
The question had come out half-intended as a joke. The two of them were preparing for Kurapika’s dive, with Kuroro adjusting the communication earpieces, and Kurapika strapping himself into his wet suit.
It wasn’t like he was going to venture into potentially dangerous territory naked.
Kuroro looked up at him, his signature smirk plastered onto his annoyingly (perfectly) proportioned face.
“Well, then we’ll have to practice our dead-raising skills.”
Kurapika almost smiled. “I don’t like how you said ‘practice’.”
The dark-haired man grinned, patting him on the back. “Tell you what, if you don’t make it, I’ll personally resign and give a quarter of my savings to whatever charity you want.” Kuroro tossed him a wink, something that Kurapika barely caught due to the darkness.
“How much are we talking?” Kurapika replied, playing along. He tried not to dwell on the fact that Kuroro’s hand hadn’t left his shoulder.
“Around seventy million standard,” Kuroro said casually.
Kurapika froze in shock, “What?”
The other man just laughed. “I’m not doing this job for the pay. Heaven knows how stupid I’d have to be to do that.”
Ah. So that explained why Kuroro was wearing a freaking suit into the middle of a jungle.
Choosing to ignore the subtle jab, Kurapika met Kuroro’s gaze with a flippant one of his own. “And if I survive?”
“Ah,” Kuroro exclaimed, smile widening further, “now that is the trick. You make it out in one piece, and I get to take you out for dinner.”
“Oh?” was all that Kurapika could manage. He’d been expecting something much worse. Well, he could use a bit more money to fund the several conversations projects he had his eye on. And if he did lose the bet, then he would get a free meal. It was a win-win, essentially. “It’s a deal.”
“Great,” Kuroro responded, dropping a quick kiss on the blond’s hand, much to his surprise. “Now, off you go!”
Mind still reeling from what had just happened, Kurapika executed a swift dive into the cold waters of the pool.
He would have plenty of time to ponder the series of events in the afterlife, anyway.
Kurapika lost the bet.
Emerging from the targeted exit at the last possible second, the blond tumbled out of the dizzying maze of tunnels with as much dignity as he could muster.
Which was not very much, considering that he’d lost the top half of his wet suit during a particularly perilous encounter with an incinerator halfway through. Kurapika was normally a very modest person, and to have his whole excavation team see him half-naked was extremely embarrassing and unprofessional.
Escpecially with all of the wolf-whistles and appreciative looks that he got. Hisoka, that damned explosions specialist, had the nerve to wink at him.
Of course, Kuroro got to him first, slinging his new, perfectly-pressed suit jacket over his shoulders. To any onlookers, it was a show of gentlemanly manners, but Kurapika hadn’t missed how the other man’s eyes had swept over his bared skin.
“I win,” the taller man announced, voice low.
“Oh, shut up,” Kurapika breathed, surging forward on pure impulse.
It was an effective shutting-up tactic, a method that Kurapika was sure to remember.
Kuroro’s arms traveled down his waist, and Kurapika tried his best to ignore the numerous shocked exclamations of his coworkers. He was tired, damn it, and he really wanted that free dinner right about now.
Pulling away, Kurapika leaned back just as Kuroro went in for another kiss. Smiling at the other’s confused expression, Kurapika spoke directly into the other’s ear.
“What was that you were saying about that dinner you promised?”
The other hummed. “We could always, you know, skip that whole dinner thing and go straight to the—”
“No,” Kurapika cut in, pulling away completely, “I’m hungry.” Spinning on his heel, the blond began to walk off. “Let’s go.”
Kuroro had no choice but to follow, although there was a bright grin affixed to his lips.  
And it’s done! Sorry for the grammar mistakes—I didn’t have time to edit. My computer was also being a little glitchy, so something might have gone wrong. Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed!
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starship-squidlet · 5 years
Kurta’s Moving Castle: Chapter 3
Chapter Summary: Leorio meets the inhabitants of Kurapika's castle, including the wizard himself (officially, this time). He finds out about the Spiders, an infamous gang out to get Kurapika, and gets an idea about who it was who cursed him.
Word Count: 2,374
Disclaimer: Kurta’s Moving Castle Preface
Original A/N: I just want to take a moment to say a HUUUGE thank you to @princeasimdiya12 for their kind words on the past two chapters of this fic!!! I hope you enjoy this one too!!! =^.^=
Previous chapter: Chapter Two
Next chapter: Chapter Four
Inside, the castle truly was incredibly toasty, at least in temperature. Leorio did his best to ignore the absolute mess that covered just about every inch of the… kitchen? Dining room? He couldn’t quite tell what he had stepped into, but based on the large wooden table covered in detritus, the fire burning in a large open hearth, and the precarious stacks of dishes and provisions in an alcove off to his left, he was fairly certain that the room served one of those functions. He grabbed one of the chairs from the table and dragged it over to a clear spot in front of the hearth. The seat had a low, flat cushion that made it just comfortable enough to settle himself into. He propped his feet up on the hearth, wrapped his wide scarf around his shoulders like a shawl, and leaned back in the chair.
Leorio’s eyes popped open and he searched the room frantically for the search of the voice.
“Down here, grandpa.”
Leorio’s gaze finally settled on the hearth in front of him. The fire, which had been burning low and orange when he sat down, had perked up into a bright white blaze, the tendrils of which almost seemed to flicker with… lightning? A pair of brilliant blue eyes peered out of the bottom part of the flame, unblinking and bored.
Leorio nodded to himself. “A talking fire. Looks like I really have gone crazy.”
“Hey! Watch it, old man!” the fire snapped, roaring a little higher towards the chimney. “Oh… wait a minute… Huh. That’s quite the curse you’ve got on you.”
“How could you tell?”
“I’m a fire demon. I could sense a curse like that in my sleep.”
“If you can sense it, can you break it too?”
“Ummm… No.”
“Oh. I guess you’re not a very strong demon, then,” Leorio yawned and leaned back in his chair.
“Hey!” the fire snapped. “I meant I can’t do it right now, not that I can’t do it at all.”
“Oh?” Leorio opened an eye to peer at the talking flame.
“Look, I’m in a contract with the wizard of this place,” the fire sighed. “As long as I’m in that contract, I can’t help you, unless Kurapika tells me to. But, if you can get me out of the contract before Kurapika gets me killed--or gets himself killed, either one’s a possibility with that guy--I’ll break your curse.”
“I don’t know,” Leorio sighed. “I don’t know how I feel about making a deal with a demon…”
“This isn’t a deal!” the fire said hurriedly. “It’s more of a… you scratch my figurative back, I scratch yours. Look, I don’t wanna die, you don’t wanna be… that for forever. We can help each other out.”
Leorio yawned. “I guess when you put it that way it makes sense… But I don’t even know your name!”
“I’m Killua, the fire demon,” the flame grinned wickedly. “And you?”
“Leorio. Leorio Paladiknight.” He yawned again. “Nice to meet you. It’s good to have a friend in a situation like this…”
In seconds, Leorio was snoring--loudly. Killua glared at him. “You better not turn out to be useless, old man. I may not be an evil demon, but I can be vicious when I want to me. If you don’t get me my freedom, I’ll turn you into something worse than just old.”
Leorio woke confused. Melody doesn’t usually knock that loud… he mused briefly. When he cracked his eyes open and looked up at the unfamiliar ceiling, he immediately remembered where he was.
There was a clatter of footsteps down the steps at the back of the room, and Leorio immediately slumped further into the chair and began mock-snoring loudly.
“Who’s this, Killua?” a child’s voice called.
“Port Zaban door!” the talking fire sang out.
“Right,” the child chirped. “Everyone ready?” There was no time for an actual response before the door open.
“Good morning,” the child’s voice was now falsely-deepened.
“Good morning, sir,” came the polite voice of an actual adult. Leorio craned his neck to peer towards the door.
That’s not the wastes.
“Is this the residence of the wizard Jenkins?”
“It is, but the wizard is not in right now. However, I speak in my master’s place.”
“I was asked to pass this message along to the wizard.”
“I will make sure he gets it.”
“Thank you. Have a good day.”
By the time the boy—clad in an oversized cloak and enormous fake beard—closed the door and turned around, Leorio had given up all pretense of sleep and was staring slack-jawed through the portal.
“Who are you?” the boy asked eagerly, bounding up the stairs and throwing his hood back--the beard disappeared when he did.
“Uh, I’m Leorio,” he stammered.
“Killua, where did he come from?” the boy asked, tossing the cloak over a chair.
“He wandered in from the wastes last night,” the fire replied with a sigh.
“From the wastes! Are you sure he’s not a witch?” the boy stared at Leorio with an expression that suggested he wouldn’t really care either way.
“Like I would ever let a witch in here,” Killua scoffed. “He’s basically harmless.”
Knock knock.
“Swaldani door!” Killua sang out.
The boy grabbed the cloak and swung it back over his shoulders. When he pulled the hood up, the fake beard reappeared to obscure his face. Leorio watched as he hurried over to the door, turned the knob—a colored dial on the wall turned too, finally settling on the color red—and then pulled the door's handle to open it. A whole new city was visible outside, along with a tall, skinny man with long, silky black hair.
"From the magician, for Pendragon," the man said in a bored tone, flicking a piece of paper towards the disguised child in front of him.
"I will make sure to pass the message on to my master." The boy's tone was once again artificially gruff.
The man shrugged and turned away, and the boy closed the door behind him. Leorio stood up and walked over to the window. "Isn't this… the capitol?" he peered out the window, marvelling at the sights outside.
"Yes, and?" the boy sighed. He had thrown back his hood once again and hopped up onto a precarious stack of books to stand beside Leorio.
"It's just… I came in from the Wastes. How did we get here? And what about that other city from earlier?"
"Magic castle, remember? Powered by a fire demon? That door can lead any number of places at once." Even though he didn't have shoulders, a bored shrug could be heard through Killua's voice.
"Anyways, I'm hungry. Do you want breakfast?" the boy hopped off the stack of books and Leorio took a moment to look him over. He was all elbows and knees, dressed in a smart green vest and shorts, although his disheveled black hair contrasted with his neat clothing. "I'm Gon, by the way! What's your name?"
"You mean we can't just call him old man?" Killua smirked in the fireplace, ignoring the dirty look Leorio shot him.
"I'm Leorio," he replied, extending a wizened, knobby-jointed hand to the boy, who shook it. Leorio grimaced when they pulled apart; some sort of sticky residue had transferred from Gon's hand to his.
"Do you want breakfast, Leorio?" Gon called over his shoulder, bounding towards an overflowing cabinet that seemed to serve as a pantry. He fished out a loaf of bread and a wedge of cheese and headed for the table.
"Don't you want something hot to eat?" Leorio asked, peering into the mess. "There's bacon and eggs here! Why don't we have that?"
"I'd love to, but Master Kurapika's not here," Gon sighed, shoving the mess on the table back and away so he could set the bread and cheese down.
"That's fine, I can cook," Leorio waved a hand dismissively, scooping up his ingredients and a long-handled cast iron skillet before heading towards Killua.
"It's not about knowing how to cook, it's that Master Kurapika is the only one who can control Killua!" Gon explained. He watched in fascination as Leorio began to wrestle the skillet onto the fire.
"He's right, you know!" Killua sang out, flaring up to push the pan away with a surprisingly physical force. "Not to mention, I'm a great and powerful fire demon! I don't cook!"
"Oh, well, in that case," Leorio narrowed his eyes and grinned wickedly, "maybe I'll just tell Kurapika about our little bargain and see what he thinks about it."
Killua's blaze dropped so fast that the skillet slammed into the embers, sending sparks skittering across the ash-covered hearth. "You wouldn't dare," he spat, tongues of blue and white fire licking up and around the sides of the pan as Leorio dropped the first piece of bacon into it.
"I don't know," Leorio shrugged. "I'm an old man with nothing to lose. Who knows what I would or wouldn't dare to do."
"Then here's another curse for you: may all your bacon burn," Killua flared up into white flames one last time before settling into a low blue simmer.
Leorio smirked and stirred the bacon around, using the grease to season the pan before adding anything else in.
He was reaching for the plate of bacon when, with a click of the latch and a whoosh of gentle wind, the door opened and the wizard himself blew into his castle. Leorio glanced at him and his jaw nearly dropped. Striding up the stairs was the blond who had saved him the other day! He was dressed in the same smart blue and gold jacket as he had been that night, and his golden hair was just as disheveled. He almost looked like he had swept straight off the Forger's balcony and through the castle door.
"Master Kurapika! You're back!" Gon cheered, leaping off of his chair and hurrying to the top of the stairs. "You have two notes from Hisoka, via messenger."
"Did you read them?" Kurapika asked, his voice tired.
"No way! Hisoka just has his symbol on the outside." Gon fished through his pockets and handed the two pieces of paper over to Kurapika, who skimmed them quickly.
"Who is this?" Kurapika barely glanced at Leorio as he joined him at the hearth. "How did he manage to get you to cooperate so well, Killua?"
"He BULLIED me!" Killua roared, flaring up again into a spark-ridden white blaze that shoved Leorio aside.
"That's not an easy thing to do," Kurapika smiled. "Allow me," he took the pan from Leorio. "Pass me two more strips of bacon and six eggs, please. Gon! Put the kettle on for tea, would you? Now, who are you?"
Leorio gulped. "Uh, why don't you just call me Grandpa Leorio? I guess I'm your new housekeeper. Killua hired me to start today. He's ashamed at what a state this place is in."
Kurapika laughed musically, cracking the last egg into the skillet and tossing the shell to Killua. "I guess that's alright. Just don't get too carried away with your cleaning."
While Kurapika finished cooking breakfast, Leorio helped Gon clear more space at the table and find clean dishes to set it with. The latter task was the most difficult of the morning. Finally, they sat down with three mostly-clean plates and cups, two spoons, and a fork. Kurapika gave them each a slice of bacon and two eggs, along with a slice of bread from the loaf Gon had fetched earlier, and said a brief grace before they dug in. Leorio arched an eyebrow as he watched Gon scarf down his food. The manners around here are as bad as the mess.
"So, Leorio," Kurapika's soft voice snapped Leorio out of his thoughts. "What's that in your pocket?"
"Huh?" Leorio's brow furrowed. He reached into his pocket and found, sure enough, a folded-up square of paper. How did he even know that was there? he wondered as he passed the paper to Kurapika.
Kurapika unfolded the paper, but jerked his hand back as it burst into flames. It fluttered down to the table, leaving behind a scorch mark on the tabletop. "That can't be good for the table," Kurapika murmured, swiping a hand over the scorch mark. It vanished, and Leorio let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.
"What was that? Something else from Hisoka?" Gon peered at the spot where the scorch mark had been.
"No," Kurapika sighed, standing up and carrying his plate over to the fire. "A message from the Head Spider."
Gon nearly choked on his food. "The Head Spider???" he squawked. "What did it say?"
"Oh, just another of his threats," Kurapika sighed. "He's still angry about what I did to Omokage. No matter. He can't find us here." He scraped his breakfast into the fire, and Killua snapped it up eagerly. "Killua, make hot water for the bath, please. And move the castle a few kilometers; you be the judge of where we'll be safe."
Killua grumbled to himself as he flared up, reaching flame-formed hands, tipped with flashing white sparks, for a log stacked on the edge of the hearth. "As if moving the castle wasn't enough, I have to heat water too," the demon grumbled.
"Gon, who's the Head Spider?" Leorio asked.
"The Spiders are a gang of evil wizards," Gon said grimly. "Their leader is called the Head Spider. Master Kurapika has sworn to wipe them all out, and he and the Head Spider hate each other. I don't really know why; Master Kurapika doesn't like to talk about it."
Leorio nodded, thinking back to the man who had cursed him back in the infirmary. Was that the Head Spider? Or one of the others? Why come after me?
"Hey, Leorio?" Gon's voice was soft, timid. "You don't… you don't work for the Spiders, do you?"
Leorio smiled kindly down at him. "Absolutely not. I would never work for someone like that." He took a bite of his now-cold food. "Eat up. We have a lot of work to do today."
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unreadable0 · 7 years
kuropika answer part ii
Uh... so here’s part two of the prompt fill I wrote earlier! It’s now Halloween themed, I guess... I wasn’t exactly sure what happened here. So, yeah. The whole thing is on fanfiction.net. 
Encounter Two...
The next morning, Kurapika woke up as if everything was normal, and his suspicion that it had all been a dream was reinforced by the regular order of his room. Not a book was out of place, and his trusty knife was back in its place on the bedside table. Sighing in relief, Kurapika went on with his day with the comforting feeling of normality tucked away in his mind. Perhaps last night had been a reflection on his hate for Halloween, manifested into some oddly-attractive vampire-creep.
He went along fooling himself with this notion until night fell, and Kurapika had barely touched his head to his pillow when he felt a slight dip in his mattress. Bolting upwards, he whacked his head cleanly on what felt like a concrete wall.
But it wasn't a concrete wall.
To start with, concrete walls didn't wear suits, and they sure as hell didn't wear weird earrings. Kurapika's mind was about to go off on a crazy tangent about walls and concrete when said concrete wall hissed with pain.
"G-d, watch where your head is going."
Kurapika froze. No. Not that weird vampire creep again.
"I mean, first you stab me, and now this? I'm seriously having second thoughts on seducing you," the vampire teased.
At the word 'seduce', the modest part of Kurapika screamed in outrage. "That's what you get for breaking into my apartment, you dumb fuck! And seducing me? Ha! Good luck!"
more under the cut
"Do I hear a challenge?" The dark-haired man (vampire? Kurapika was getting confused) moved in closer, until Kurapika was being pressed into the soft padding of his mattress.
Oh sweet baby Jesus, Kurapika thought, I'm about to be molested by some pale creep! He wanted to say something, to push the other man off of him, but all that came out was, "Is this some sort of purgatory? Am I being punished for some misdeed I've done? I swear, I didn't mean to drive above speed-limit this morning!"
The other huffed, eyes alight with something that Kurapika did not want to decipher. "I've forgotten how entertaining humans are."
"Oh, shut up! You're probably some figment of my twisted imagination or something. Get off your high horse," Kurapika scolded. In his rant, he hadn't noticed the hand sliding up his thigh. "And just what do you think you're doing?"
The vampire met his accusatory glare with a mischievous one of his own. "What does it look like I'm doing?"
"Uh..." Kurapika's mind drew a blank, his usually sharp mind easily dulled by the tingling sensation spreading down to his toes.
"That's what I thought." And then the other man leaned down fully, capturing the blond's lips and taking full advantage. The vampire's lips were surprisingly soft, and they moved insistently over his own. At first, Kurapika immediately began to kiss back, as if he couldn't even control his own body.
Wait. If the weird mystery man was a vampire...
Shit. That meant that he was probably using some sort of roofie-superpower crap on him at the moment!
But was he really that opposed to it? his mind reasoned. Come on, what's the harm in this? It'll be fun. The other man was a very good kisser, and Kurapika allowed himself to sink deeper into the kiss, losing himself in the rapid race of his possibly-drugged heart.
A small part of him, stuffed way in the back of his mind, screamed at him to not lose focus. What if he kills you? Then you won't be able to take that psychology test tomorrow! At that horrifying thought, Kurapika's eyes snapped open, and he slammed a free hand up at the vampire's solar plexus. Thank god he had taken that self-defense class before college.
Predictably, the monster did not even show the slightest bit of pain, but he did break off the kiss, something that Kurapika had conflicted emotions about.
Immediately, logic and reason flooded back to Kurapika's brain, and he lunged for the blade on his bedside table. Ramming the point into the vampire's chest, Kurapika pushed the other's body off of him and scrambled towards his desk.
The knife buried in his chest didn't even slow the vampire down one bit, something that Kurapika noted with a surge of panic. Groping around blindly in the dark, Kurapika cried out in relief when his hands met what he was looking for. A nice letter opener.
Right as an arm snaked itself around his waist, Kurapika jammed the letter opener into the closest thing he could find. Which was the vampire's shoulder, incidentally. Snatching the blade back out, Kurapika put a good two meters of distance (that was as far as he could go in the tiny dorm room without bumping against a wall) between himself and the monster when he was distracted.
"Okay," the vampire conceded, voice still as eerily calm as usual, "why don't you put down that knife and we just have a nice little chat. Without the knife. Or anything else pointy. How about that, Kurapika?" For a second, the vampire's voice weaved into Kurapika's thoughts, and he found himself lowering his blade slightly before snapping out of it. Get out of my head, damn it!
"No way in hell," Kurapika hissed, waving the knife in front of him.
The vampire shrugged. "That can be arranged."
"I want some answers," Kurapika demanded, grip on the letter opener not wavering.
"And I have a question," the vampire added cheerfully, completely reversing the cliche conversation they were following. "Why won't you let me sleep with you?"
Kurapika blinked at the brazen question. Is he serious right now? "Because I have a psychology test tomorrow, and I don't even know you name—"
The other man cut in, "I can arrange to have you take it next week, if that's what you want. And my name's Kuroro, if you really must know."
The blond frowned, continuing despite the interruption. "... and I don't exactly want to wake up tomorrow dead or in some sort of vampire hell or whatever."
"Okay, first of all, vampire hell doesn't exist. We don't really die much, you see. And no, I wouldn't kill you after I'm done—I won't even take your blood; there are blood banks for a reason—because that would be terrible manners, and it would completely mess up my plans next week."
"Plans?" Kurapika asked suspiciously.
Kuroro smirked. "Why, my plans to come back to you for round two, of course!"
Face rotating through multiple shades of red, Kurapika spluttered."Excuse me?"
"Relax. I'm kidding," Kuroro assured him, although his expression said otherwise.
The blond did his best to clear out all the sordid thoughts in his mind before speaking, but a blush still dusted his cheeks prettily despite his efforts. "Wait, why me? I'm sure someone next door would be much more willing. I'm sure you wouldn't want me!" Kurapika tried to tell him waving his frantically in front of him. "Because... because..."
He searched frantically for an excuse.
"Because what?" Kuroro pressed, stalking closer. "Because you're already seeing someone?"
"That's not possible," the dark-haired man murmured, now that their faces were barely a few inches apart. "I've been gathering information on you for quite a long time, Kurapika." Kurapika refused to meet his stare, backing up until a wall hit his back.
Well, I'm as good as dead. It was always at this point that the people in the movies got killed.
"You intrigue me because you're intelligent, but also logical," Kuroro went on, bringing up a hand to cup the blond's chin. "You always act calm, composed, but I can tell that there's something else: anger. You're also extremely attractive, of course, and I was bored." Kurapika tried his best to the man's cool fingers, which were sitting in sharp contrast to his flushed skin. "And as far as I know—which is everything—there is no one else in the picture. Kuroros voice lowered dangerously. "If there is... well... I'll take of them."
There were many ways that Kurapika could have responded to this. He could have stabbed the vampire again, or perhaps maced him (there was a can of it sitting an arm-length's away), or even threatened the other right on back. Of course, his logical mind was already analyzing the situation. Based on the results, Kurapika chose something completely different. A small laugh escaped him, and soon the hilarity of the situation hit him fully, causing him to collapse into a fit of laughter.
Kuroro stared at him blankly, trying to make sense of the mirthful blond in his arms. "What?" Usually when he promised to kill people's significant others, they either completely submitted to him, or immediately tried to kill him. But not this. Not that he really minded, really, as Kurapika was utterly breath-taking when he laughed. If Kuroro even had breath to take, anyways.
"I'm sorry," Kurapika apologized, wiping tears from his eyes, "but what you just said was probably one of the most cliche things I've ever heard."
"Cliche?" Kuroro asked, sounding scandalized.
Kurapika nodded. "It's a common archetype to have villains, particularly supernatural ones, to say things like that. Every movie that Neon has ever dragged me on has at least two of these in them."
"Who's Neon?" Kuroro moved even closer.
"Uh..." It took twice as long for Kurapika to think of answer than it should have. Kuroro's eyes narrowed slightly. "She's a... friend?" He really wasn't sure what Neon was to him, but it was a close tie between absolute pain in the ass and the bratty freshman that he tutored.
"A friend?" Kuroro repeated suspiciously.
Rolling his eyes, Kurapika sighed. "Are you seriously getting jealous over an eighteen-year-old heiress who has more stuffed animals than friends?" The dark-haired man scoffed.
"Well, I wouldn't need to be jealous if you'd just let me have my way, now would I?" Kuroro replied impatiently, one hand toying with the elastic band of the blond's pajamas.
"What kind of logic is that?" Kurapika exclaimed, pushing away the wandering hand.
"It's called the logic that you should listen to," the other said loftily. Kurapika gave him a deadpan stare, and Kuroro sighed, conceding. "Fine. You're honestly lucky that I like people that are willing. What can I give you that could persuade you? A house? An island? A palace?"
Kurapika thought over the offer. It wasn't as if he was repulsed by the thought of sleeping with Kuroro (quite, the opposite, in fact), and now that he knew that the chances of dying were close to zero...
"I'll agree on one condition—" Kurapika began, and the other interrupted him.
"What is it? Please don't tell me you want anything stupid."
The blond pinned him with an exasperated stare. "If you'd just let me finish, that would be greatly appreciated."
Kuroro had the sense to keep silent.
"As I was saying, I agree on the one condition that you make sure that Leorio stops stealing my food from the communal refrigerator."
"You want me to what?" Kuroro looked dumbfounded.
Kurapika ducked out of his hold. "He's always taking my food, even though I set clear boundaries upon moving in with him. You just have to figure out how to ward him off. I don't care what you do, as long as you don't physically hurt him," he explained, walking back over to his mattress. He was almost successful, making it clear six feet before a hand yanked him back, tugging him against a firm chest.
"I accept your terms. Now, what I was promised..." Kuroro said, leaning in.
Only to be blocked by Kurapika's hand, of course.
At the vampire's confused expression, Kurapika smirked. "Come back tomorrow night. After my psychology test."
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