#like not only did she say the b-word she smiles and she's clearly supportive of him
gottagobackintime · 1 year
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"Is he here?" "Who?" "Oh, don't give me that. I've seen the way you look at him. My husband, that's who." "Lomper?" "Oh, so you do know." "Mate, you just told me." The Full Monty Episode 4: Homing
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nayvwriter · 1 month
Amelie and Lydia (canon)
Thinking about Amelie and Lydia. Spoilers for Nexomon Extinction ahead.
In this essay, I am going to start off trying to use only canonically supported things, and I will try and make it clear when I am going into headcanon territory. If we were to talk about my headcanon version of Amelie and Lydia, or the one I use in my fics, we'd need a whole other post (exaggerating).
As stated by Lydia when exploring the abandoned building in the Drake Isles, Amelie and Lydia both worked on the dragon project years ago, and Amelie was in control of the project. The project failed fifteen years ago. After that, Amelie started working on Vados. Lydia and multiple others objected, and were branded Renegades.
After that, Lydia ended up with Eurus as her Tyrant, and working with the Guild, unlike the other Renegades. Secretly, however, she disapproves of Vados and Amelie's actions. During the events of the game, Lydia and Amelie end up opposing one another.
At canon's start
One of the biggest things that stood out to me was the difference between Amelie's view of Lydia and Lydia's view of Amelie at the time the story starts.
When canon starts, Lydia has been working with the Guild in an attempt to 'keep her enemies close'. She knows of Vados, or at least that Amelie is working on another project like the dragons, but does not appear to have had much luck stopping said project. Then again, neither did Deena.
The Guild, and by extension Amelie, has been working with Lydia. Given that Lydia has A: Eurus, B: the Greater Drakes (to an extent), and C: a sword, and demonstrably needs neither Eurus nor the dragons to take down an (admittedly weakened) Tyrant, Lydia is a very valuable ally to the Guild.
But there's one line from Amelie that I've been particularly focusing on.
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When you ask Amelie about Lydia, Amelie says "I really like her". She clarifies 'evil' Renegades, as in not Lydia. And she's smiling, which we don't often see her do. All this leads me to believe that this line is genuine, and Amelie has positive feelings towards Lydia. And is possibly completely unaware of Lydia's true feelings.
Lydia, when explaining the dragons project, repeatedly uses the word 'we' and both states and implies that they had no choice. Leading me to wonder how much she blames Amelie for what she did, and how much she forgave.
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I'm wondering if Lydia perhaps views Amelie as a determined woman who simply took the wrong path, but all Lydia's attempts to correct that path have failed horrendously.
(Another thing that intrigues me is why exactly Lydia would be so determined to hunt down the other Renegades, to such a degree that Amelie – Amelie – describes it as an obsession. Stopping them doing things like taking over cities is one thing, but I'm wondering if there isn't something else there…)
During canon
The first time we see Lydia and Amelie interact in canon, Lydia has clearly lost a fight – possibly with Amelie – and the two of them are very clearly on opposite sides. What exactly happened in that room before the protagonist got there? We can't be sure. But I suspect what happened involved Amelie discovering that Lydia hadn't trusted her all along.
I think perhaps – could Lydia have felt she lost Amelie as a friend all those years ago, yet could Amelie have only found out that day upon the Drake Isles?
After that, they remain solidly on opposing sides for pretty much the whole of the rest of the story, Amelie going so far as to throw Lydia in prison.
The past
It was a line in Cadium that really captured my attention. After Amelie is left seemingly defenceless, Lydia says something to her and Amelie responds with this.
"Such a lack of imagination, Lydia! And that… is your greatest weakness."
That's not something she'd say to any random person opposing her. That's personal, and I think it implies that they know each other far more than just working on the same project years ago. And I think that happened before Lydia became a Renegade.
The reason I think it has to be before Lydia became a Renegade is that ever since, Lydia has been hiding her true intentions from Amelie. And Amelie likely doesn't want to be seen talking to Lydia too much either, the leader of the Guild and a Renegade (even one working with the Guild). Plus they're both busy people. I doubt they've interacted much at all since Lydia became a Renegade.
So Lydia and Amelie not only worked on the project together, but knew each other personally. Were maybe even friends – I think they must have been friends, given everything I've cited so far.
Lydia states that after the dragon project failed, Amelie spent the next fifteen years attempting to create Vados. Lydia and the others objected, and were branded Renegades, but Lydia worked with the guild in an attempt to keep her enemies close.
So how did Lydia end up with Eurus?
This is where my post starts getting a bit rambly and headcanony.
I'm going to try not to go on too many tangents, but one does have to wonder – if the Renegades truly were those who disagreed with Amelie rather than those with a Tyrant, then just why did each of them end up with a Tyrant anyway? Lydia specifically mentions Atlanta and Jin in her speech on the Drake Isles, but Celine and Logan aren't mentioned – would it be possible that enough of the Renegades ended up with a Tyrant that the public got confused and the meaning changed?
Which would explain Lydia. Because otherwise, if a Renegade was someone who opposed the Guild, why brand Lydia one when she continues to work with the Guild? Especially given that I believe Amelie didn't know about Lydia's hidden treachery.
If it were the meaning changing to encompass her because of Eurus, that would make sense – and though Lydia is clearly still using the old definition, she (and only she) knows that does include her.
And – Eurus. The dragon project created Eurus, and he was in a sense the centrepiece to their whole plan. Meaning that whoever had Eurus would hold that centrepiece. So why Lydia?
Was this a decision made before the project failed, or after? If before, then that could show the depths of Amelie's trust in Lydia, if it were Lydia that Amelie decided could be trusted with this – or it could just as easily be that Lydia was the only one willing to hold a Tyrant, except that we know Atlanta and Jin were very likely involved with the project.
Why not Amelie herself? She could tell the world that Eurus was merely a dragon, and not a Tyrant, could she not? Maybe she was just too busy. Or maybe…
Alright. I'm going to try not to go off on this tangent for too long, or insert too many headcanons, that's what my Entire Fic is for – but I need to talk about the Renegades and their powers.
So. The protagonist of NE goes around to the shrines with their 'egg', and gets powers that they are told are from the egg. These powers are not actually from the egg. Fair enough. After the Tyrant reveal, I sort of assumed that the powers being from the egg was a complete fabrication to coverup the Tyrant thing – but that's not entirely true.
For one, several other people recognise these powers. For example Jin, who sees the powers and immediately assumes the protagonist is hatching a Tyrant. And for two? Points at Lydia in New Ignitia, who seems to have straight up whirlwinded Jin and Mulcimer out of the city.
(Hey, maybe that's why Lydia was hunting the other Renegades. If she always banishes them rather than attempting to capture them… I wonder if the other Renegades know this.)
So clearly this is a thing in one way or another. Not sure entirely how. So maybe it wouldn't have been possible to tell the world Eurus wasn't a Tyrant, or maybe Amelie simply wasn't willing to take that step – I'm going to stop here before I devolve into talking about my fic.
Regardless of All That, if it were before the project failed that it was decided Lydia would have Eurus, then I imagine Amelie chose her. (Or it could potentially have been that Lydia was chosen via some criteria and then the two grew close because they were the lead and the centrepiece of the project.)
If it were after… There's a possibility that it could have been the same thing, Amelie choosing Lydia, but it could also be that Lydia was the only one who was both willing to have Eurus and willing to work with the Guild.
Other Thoughts
Amelie created Eurus, and created the dragons. These past few decades, everything that Lydia has been was because of Amelie. And I'm trying not to ramble too much but I have thoughts on the dragon rampage of fifteen years back – and that just further proves my point. So much of Lydia's life wouldn't have happened if not for Amelie, in one way or another.
I don't think Amelie actually dislikes Lydia, even after she discovers Lydia's true feelings. At least not at first. She recognises that Lydia is opposing her and acts accordingly, but I doubt she holds any true resentment – this is mostly based off the fact that in that one Amelie cutscene, Amelie doesn't seem to care that the protagonist is opposing her, saying that if Vados cannot stand up to them then Vados could not stand up to a Tyrant either, or something like that. If that's for a stranger, what of a friend? But then, we don't know how deep the betrayal cut.
As for Lydia? It's hard to say. She calls Amelie a 'madwoman', but I can't help but think she wishes things could have been different. She's just had over a decade to accept that they're not.
In Summary
So here's my summary.
Amelie and Lydia were close back when they were working on the dragon project, the project that would shape the course of both their lives but especially Lydia's.
After the dragon project failed, Lydia disagreed with Amelie's new project, but ended up working with the Guild anyway, biding her time until she could find the perfect moment to strike. Amelie was unaware of this until that day upon the Drake Isles.
After that, Amelie and Lydia recognise that they have ended up on opposing sides, and act accordingly, but it's not about personal resentment – merely differing beliefs.
It's entirely possible that I've missed something. I only checked a bit of the Drake Isles scene when writing this post. I'm just… their relationship is very much subtext but I have thought about it a bit too much. This is just what I got out of canon.
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supercorpkid · 1 year
Jump into action
Supergirl, B!D, Kara Danvers x Sister!Reader, Alex Danvers x Sister!Reader, Sam Arias x SisterInLaw!Reader
Word Count: 1980.
Notes: a request from a friend <3
“Sam?” You call, going inside the training center. “Sam, are you here? I think we have to go.”
“Go where?” Sam comes from behind a car that she’s been punching, using it as a punching bag since those are too light for her and Kara.
“There is something going on downtown, and no one is back from the other emergency thing they went on. I think it is up to us.”
You can see that Sam is clearly panicking. And you know for a fact that is not because of herself having to go there and fight, but rather because she will have to be responsible for you. 
You are not a child, but the Superfriends often treat you like you are. Not only because you are the youngest of the gang, but especially because you’re the ‘baby’ Danvers and they see how Kara and Alex are protective of you. It’s worse for Sam, because ever since she married your sister, she knows Alex would be twice as upset if you got injured on her watch.
“Maybe I should go assess the situation alone.” Sam tries, like it’s a perfectly fine idea, and you roll your eyes at her. 
“Sam! Are you serious? God, you guys keep treating me like I’m a toddler! I have the same training as Alex. I know how to take care of myself.” It’s a valid point, and she knows it, yet it is clear to you she is about to ignore and try a counter argument, so you beat her to it. “Besides, you should have someone with an FBI badge around as much as possible. You never know when you’re going to need it.”
She rolls her eyes when can’t find another good argument, “God, you’re right. Ok, fine, let’s go.” You open the biggest smile. “You’re there for support, do not jump into the middle of the fight. Do you hear me?”
“Yes, mom.” You joke, getting a huff in response. Way to push her buttons.  
Is good to know that Sam and Reign have made peace with each other. And it’s great to have another Kryptonian on the team for sure. Yet, she is totally bonkers if she actually thinks you’re just going to sit still amidst the pandemonium. Like, does she even know the Danvers? You are not the ‘sit and wait’ kind of people.
You and Sam make your way to the confusion downtown. You can’t believe how many emergencies there are in National City. Kara would hate to know that you think it’s probably because of her, and how her powers and name just draw bad guys into town. But the truth is, it’s probably because there are a lot of heroes here to handle it.
“Ok-” Sam points at the center of what it looks like the confusion is coming from. “You get the people out of here, and I’ll go figure out what’s going on.”
“Yes boss.” You take your badge out of your pocket and start going around asking people to move out of the way and go to safety. There weren't a lot of people standing around in the middle of the chaos, so you’re done really fast. 
Sam, on the other hand, was having a hard time keeping up with the fight and you thought, why not help, right? Did you absolutely ignore her when she said she didn’t need help? Maybe. Did you pretend you couldn’t hear her when she asked you to get out of there, even with her standing right next to you? No! (Yes!). 
But in your defense, if there’s any, this was your first chance to actually do some work. Every time you go on missions either Kara or Alex are there, and they do not let you do shit! You know they’re scared of you getting hurt, but they get hurt all the time and they just shake it off and start over. You’re allowed to do the same.
“What the hell, Y/N!” Sam runs to you after you were thrown to the other side and hit your back on a tree, causing both you and the tree to fall loudly on the floor. “I told you to stay out of it!”
“I can do it! I’m fine!” You say, ignoring the pain you are feeling. 
“Look at you!” Sam holds your face and you feel the burn of a cut when she touches your forehead. She looks at the blood on her hands, incredulous. “Stay here while I finish this! Do not move or I swear to God!” She gets up, throwing her cape behind her, and it almost hits your face. “Unbelievable! Alex is going to kill me!”
You obviously want to help her end this fight, but your body doesn’t want the same. You grunt while sitting up, to watch Sam fighting a few meters in front of you. You look down at your wrist, yep, it is definitely broken. Damn, Alex will kill both of you!
Sam is done a while later. And she comes back to you, picking you up, while mumbling things like ‘I’m Kryptonian! What were you thinking? How am I going to explain this to Alex?’ and so on. You stay in silence, in her arms, while she flies with you back to the Tower. 
“Sam,” You start as soon as she lands. “I’m sorry. I wanted to prove myself and I messed up.”
She exhales deeply, knowing what you mean. She knows that you’re treated like a kid even though you aren’t, so she probably knows you were dying to prove yourself out there when you finally got the chance.
“Just- just let me deal with my sisters, ok?” She puts you back on your feet, but doesn’t let go of you as you limp your way inside the Tower.
You hear voices inside, and you know they are already back from their mission as well. Kara is the first one to notice you.
“Y/N! What-What happened to you?” She rushes to your side and even though you were walking when she saw you, she still picks you up and rushes to the couch that is in the middle of the room, with Alex following her close-by. 
“I’m fine! I can walk!” You complain as she lies you down on the couch. Alex is already examining you the second you close your mouth. 
“What happened?” She spits out greeted teeth, when you squeak after she examines your wrist. “It’s broken.” She looks up. “Lena?”
“Got it.” Lena rushes to the medbay, while Alex’s hand goes to your face to check your open cuts. 
“Start talking!” 
“It’s my fault.” Sam calls the attention, and everyone looks behind, very shocked by her confession. You, included.
“What?” You sit up on the couch. “No, it’s not.”
“Lay back.” Alex gently pushes you back on the couch, and looks at Sam, almost daring her to come closer and explain the whole thing. Which she does, even though she looks terrified that Alex will be mad at her about it.
“Yes, it is. There was an emergency downtown and all of you guys were out. And even though I made peace with Reign I’m still not sure I can use all this power, so I begged Y/N to come with me. And-” She rushes the explanation when both of your sisters open their mouths to argue. “She was amazing, really. She had my back the whole time and I should’ve protected her so she wouldn’t get hurt, so… It’s my fault and you guys can blame me.”
You furrow your brows at her. That was not what happened, why is Sam saying all this?
“She is brave.” She makes sure, when your sisters look back at you. “A true Danvers.”
Kara smiles, holding your hand that isn’t broken, and Alex’s confused and worried face eases up a little. As soon as Lena is back with everything necessary from the medbay, Alex starts stitching you up. 
You don’t tell anyone that Sam’s story wasn’t exactly what happened out there. You know she was trying to have your back, but you’re not sure why when you did the opposite of what she asked you to, and got yourself in danger because you couldn’t take orders.
She is dragged to the medbay to lay under the yellow sun lamp shortly after by Lena, and you only get the chance to share one knowing look with her before it. 
When Alex is finally done with you, and has made sure you are totally fine a couple of times, she makes her way to the medbay to check on her wife. You beg her to not be mad at Sam, but you’re still scared she is going to, regardless. You are her little sister, and all of her life she felt responsible for you. 
Kara, who also feels responsible for you in every way imaginable, doesn’t get out of your side, and makes sure you have everything you need to be comfortable. It’s sweet, and not at all surprising.
“Hey,” Alex gets closer, and Sam gives her a trying smile, unsure about how she feels. “how are you, hun?”
“Oh, totally fine.” Sam assures her. “This is just a formality. Though Lena did say she would beat me up if I tried to leave.”
Alex chuckles, sitting on the stretcher, and holding Sam’s face while kissing her. “I’m glad you’re fine.”
“Wait, I just confessed that I put your baby sister in danger and you’re here kissing me?” Sam furrows her brows. “What’s the catch?”
“The catch, Mrs. Arias, is that I know my sister and my wife way too well to know that your story was full of baloney.” Alex catches a little smile on Sam’s lips before she interjects. “Please. Danvers are brave, like you said. But also stupidly stubborn. And that little one over there is probably the most stubborn of us all.”
“Well, I don’t know. Her big sister puts up a really tough fight.” Sam jokes, stealing a kiss from Alex’s lips. 
“I’m glad you were there with her.” Alex makes sure, after the kiss. “I have no doubt you did everything in your power to keep her out of danger. Like I would.” Sam agrees with a smile. “Next time, though, you should let her admit it. She has to deal with the consequences of her actions.”
“Honey, Y/N broke her wrist and it’s feeling like crap. She is dealing with it. Besides, she just wanted to prove herself to you and Kara. Cut her some slack. She wouldn’t be so eager to fight if you guys let her jump in the action a few times.”
“I know, I know.” 
“Now, can you sign me off from here? I really don’t need this.” Sam looks up at the yellow sunlight emulator. 
“Oh, you can leave.” Alex says and Sam jumps off the bed immediately. “But you’ll have to deal with Lena.”
“Aw, come on.” And back to the bed she goes.
When Sam makes it back to where everyone is, there’s already pizza and donuts going around. Kara already picked up Charades, and you are all pairing up to play.
“Hey, you and me?” You look up to Sam coming closer.
Kara furrows her brows, a little pout forming on her lips. “What? But you always go with me.”
“Yeah, I know.” But you look back at Sam with a smile, regardless. “But I think we made a good team today. Wanna try?”
“Sure. Got your back.” Sam says, plopping down next to you. She places a little kiss on the top of your head. “Let’s kick some ass, baby Danvers.”
Kara and Alex share an eye roll before agreeing that you absolutely will not win. And despite their best efforts, you two absolutely do win.
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wandawiccan60 · 2 years
Happy Halloween Darlin'- (Modern AU)
A Reggie Kray & Ronnie X Nora(FemOC) Drabble
A/N: Hey everyone and happy Fall so far I wanted to write this short drabble and this fic inspired me when I went to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood some time ago (it's a Halloween event that they do every year for those of you who don't know). And I wanted to make a short cute story including the Kray Twins and I thought what if The Krays traveled to a Halloween haunt for fun you know?? So here it is and I hope you guys enjoy this short story. I want to thank you all again for reading my fics as always. Please again comment, reblog, and support the blog. It'll mean so much for the page and I appreciate you all as always who stick around and read my stories. As always guys thank you for reading and catch up with you guys again later. See Ya!!!
TAGS: @hecatemoon87, @i-love-th-characters1, @kittycatcait219, @raincoffeeandfandoms, @potter-solomons, @zablife, @madame-wilsonn, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @jarvisrocks, @omgeternal, @solomons-finest-rum, @theshelbyclan, @thealmightybitchgoddess, @tea-atfive, @theshelbyslimited, @veddieiscanon, @ao3feed-symbrock, @annisse, @rikki-b-lake, @97freaknik, @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons, @mollybegger-blog, @darklydeliciousdesires, @thefics-that-drip, @lovebitesimagines, @professor-alfie-solomons, @queencoraline3, @queenofthefaceless, @bubblyani, @buttercup32sstuff, @rayanee05, @symbean, @smellslikeillusorydreams, @quarterpastmidnight, @mariadecapitated, @edwardthomashardy1, @thetragedyofophelia,
Word Count: 2,718
WARNING 18+ ONLY!!!: Some Cussing, Spooky Themes, Some Sexy Time, Some Fluff, & Halloween Vibes
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“Reggie dear, can we not go, please? You know how I act if we go to this Halloween attraction you bought tickets for in America. You already should know that I hate spooky and disturbing things,” Nora said, folding her arms together while giving an angry pout to Reggie.
Ronnie, however, was busy reading a newspaper next to where Nora was sitting, while a small smile spread across his face. Both Ronnie and Reggie have a thing for extreme Halloween-haunted attractions, and they thought that going to America would be a fresh experience. Here around East London, there are many that they have gone to multiple times in the past. But almost everything was the same scares and themes, and mostly it got to a point that it was boring. But it was Reggie’s idea to plan a trip to California where they have multiple theme parks that make their own Halloween haunts. Without telling Nora, both Ronnie and Reggie booked tickets anyway, knowing that his lovely girl doesn’t enjoy getting scared.
“Wha’ are you jokin’ love? It will be fun, I promise you, if you don’ like it we can do something else around there instead. I hear they also have drinks, music, and many rides to go on. We can do that and not go into the haunted houses, but baby please come with us for us please yea?” Reggie said, sitting down next to Nora but she looked the other way, not wanting to look at him.
“Yea Nora, we promise tha’ we won’ leave your side. Besides, if any of those fuckers get close to you, we will beat them to the ground. What we care about the most is wanton’ you to feel safe and maybe you’ll love this Halloween event,” Ronnie now said resting the newspaper down on his lap as he continued speaking and looking at Nora in her eyes, “it would be lonely if you won’ come with us, especially you are our lovely wife. But come now, love, come with us just this once. And like Reggie says, if you don’ like it and think it will be too much for ya, we will leave alrigh’?”
Nora then let out a small sigh while she rolled her eyes at the twins, clearly being outnumbered by both of her boys she loved ever so infinitely. Since she was a little girl, Nora found nothing fun about Halloween, but she did like to decorate for the season. But never in her life. She has ever gone to a Halloween haunted house where you pay scare actors to scream, holler, or chase after you. The only fun things she has done when Halloween was around the corner were staying at home, making some tasty desserts with her parents, going trick or treating, and just enjoying the orange leaves that fall from the trees. But she never once thought of going to get scared since she gets scared easily and would rather want to go home. While the Krays waited for Nora’s last call, she then gave up and took hold of Reggie’s and Ronnie’s hands, caressing her thumbs against their skin.
“Fine, I will go with you two, but don’t regret this because I will not want to talk to you boys when we get back home. And to put the cherry on top, and I promise you, no sex for 2 months. How about that, my lovely boys, deal?” Nora said, giving a sly smile, making both gangsters’ eyes open wider in surprise. 
“Yea sure we can handle that love… right Ronnie?” Reggie said, looking at his brother with a disappointed look. Ronnie just struggled and nodded his head, feeling nervous about what Nora said. 
“Well now, I am exhausted. We should all head to bed, my lovely kings. But I am serious about what I am telling you both, so keep that in mind, yea? Anyway, let’s go, we must rest up and actually, I got a surprise for both of you, if you would like to see that is,” Nora said biting her bottom lips gently as she stood up from the couch, still holding both of the Krays hands.
“Do you baby? Well, then we should not waste any more time than let’s see what you got for us then baby,” Ronnie said, feeling his now crotch bulge against his trousers while Reggie licked his lips, thinking, whatever Nora will surprise them with. She let out a small giggle while letting go of their large hands. Nora then sat on Reggie’s lap, giving him small wet kisses as Ronnie caressed her firm, sexy ass with his right hand. She then made her way towards Ronnie, giving those same wet kisses to Reggie. As the trio exchanged more erotic kisses, they then made their way to the bedroom, where they always share their sexual desires under the covers. Some hours later, Nora, Ronnie, and Reggie breathed heavily in and out, trying to relax their bodies. They spread out their clothes and a witch hat on the floor as Nora then gave a quick kiss on both of their cheeks while the boys wrapped their arms around her lovely body. One by one the twins drifted off to relaxed sleep, except Nora, who was the last person who was still wide awake. Thinking and feeling uneasy about the event she has to go to with the boys. She really didn’t want to go at all, but deep inside her heart she had too for the sake of Reggie and Ronnie. Knowing that they will feel sad that she won’t be around since they can’t go anywhere without their loving wife. Nora then let out a small quiet sigh, shifting on her body to the right side, caressing her fingers against Reggie’s left cheek. Nora then hears Ronnie let out a small groan as he wrapped his large arm around her stomach. Laying his chin gently on top of her shoulder, his eyes stilled closed, which this made Nora chuckle at this cute gesture. 
“My silly handsome boys, I love you both so much,” she said in a low whisper, feeling her now heavy eyes consuming her to sleep, thinking of a happier place in her dreams.
California, USA- Halloween Day🎃
“My darlings, can we not go anymore, and instead get our money back and go somewhere else?” Nora said while walking their way to the theme parks entrance, which had many spiderwebs, jack-o'-lanterns, and other spooky decorations.
“Nora, are you jokin’ right now, love? We came all this way from home and now you want to chicken out when literally we’re right outside of the front gates? Come on, baby please just one haunted house for us please we promise you yea?” Ronnie said, holding onto her right hand under his muscular arm as Reggie did the same with her other arm.
“Ugh, I hate you both so much, and fine, fine, but keep in mind what I told you boys before we left home. So don’t whine about it after we are done with this fucking thing,” she said in an annoyed tone, making their way to the large line of people waiting to get inside the park.
Nora and the twins arrived in California two days ago, knowing they had plenty of other time to visit other places before the event. Nora felt relaxed when they would go to a coffee shop or take a walk around a park while enjoying the many orange and brown leaves of Fall. They also had the chance to go to a family friendly pumpkin trial where there were many carved pumpkins with adorable designs. Which Nora found enjoyable and something that distracted her mind and not thinking of the Halloween haunt she didn’t want to go. She wished that was the type of Halloween she wanted to spend instead of going to something more intense and not family friendly. 
After what felt like an hour has gone by, the sky was now dark as Nora and the Krays made their way inside the amusement park, getting themselves ready to have a good time. Nora then held onto both of their arms as they walked through a foggy trail where some ambience music played in the background. 
“Are you ready to get scared, darlin’?” Reggie said cheerfully, making their way through the smokey trial while Nora just ignored him while rolling her eyes.
“I think that is an exciting expression of a yes to me Reg, but I am looking forward to this,” Ronnie said with a smile while in the far distance they heard some people yelling out loud. 
Nora felt her muscles tense, expecting the worst to come even though they hadn’t gotten scared yet. She then tightens her hands around the boy’s arms until suddenly one of the scareactor’s popped out from the fog. This made Nora let out a loud scream at the top of her lungs. The scareactor, who was dressed as a creepy scarecrow with blood gushing out from his eyes, laughed while he made his way to scare his next victim. Nora then buried her face against Ronnie’s left shoulder as another actor dressed up all in black wearing a plague doctor mask appeared from the fog. 
“Oh, you fuckin’ bastard, you got me,” Reggie said between chuckles while the plague doctor made some disturbing screeching noise as he then got close to Nora.
“Ahhh, no please get the fuck away from me!” Nora yelled out as another performer, this time a woman dressed all in black with black and white makeup on her face growled close to her right ear.
Nora didn’t want to stick around for much longer until she let go of Ronnie’s and Reggie’s hands running away from them. The plague doctor and a Wolfman then chased behind her until she made it to the restrooms. Refusing to go back into the open while the scareactor gestured her to come out from safety while Reggie then made his way to her side.
“Oh, she is a runner, ain’t she, huh? Haha, I’m going to eat you alive when you come out here again?” Said the man in the Wolf mask, making a growling sound. Reggie then hugged Nora more tightly, not moving an inch away from the restrooms.
“Nora love, come on they won’t bite I got you,” said Reggie in between giggles while holding tightly onto Nore who she buried her face against his broad chest. 
“Reggie, I’m too scared to go out there again. I don’t think I can do this anymore,” she said, feeling her legs shaking lightly as Ronnie then made his way next to Nora, placing a gentle hand on top of her right shoulder, trying to relax her.
“Nora, it’s alright. Those scary fuckers are gone, and don’t back down, love, we are here with you. We will never leave your side. We promise you, you are our brave girl. Come on, let’s get going, yes?” Ronnie said with encouragement, caressing the back of her black hair, which she then looked between Reggie and Ronnie.
She took in a deep breath and let out a long slow exhaled, giving in the words that Ronnie gave her. After a moment later, she then felt more at ease and the next thing they know they ended up doing their first haunted house maze of the night. Nora was screaming and laughing while Ronnie let out girl-like screams while Reggie laughed his ass off. While holding onto Nora by her waist, trying to fast walk through the last room of the haunted maze. Once they got out of the house, they all breathed in some fresh air. Ronnie placed his hands on top of his knees. Bending forward, trying to regain his strength from screaming too much.
“Reggie, you fucking wanker, you said you were going to go in the front. What the fuck?” he said in an annoyed tone. Reggie was busy laughing along with Nora, who she had a big smile on her face.
“Haha, you should have heard yourself, baby. I never thought you had a scream of a 7-year-old girl in ya. I should have video taped that and saved it for later,” Nora said, giving Ronnie a peck on his left cheek rolling his eyes in embarrassment.
“Fuck off the both of ya, yea, we should keep going. We have more houses to go do. How are you feeling so far? Is it too much for you already since you seem you’re not bothered at all by your acting right now? Are you liking it?” Ronnie said, wrapping his left arm around her small shoulders, giving her a smile which Nora nodded her head yes.
“At first I was skeptical of it, but once we went inside, it wasn’t too bad. I really enjoyed it very much. Everyone is coming out from everywhere. You can’t seem to not run or hide anywhere since they are all over the place,” she said, letting out another giggle, feeling her heart pumping with excitement then what she felt in the beginning.
“That’s wonderful to hear, see, and you said you didn’t want to come. And yes, we should do everything else before it gets late. We should go through this path now, come along then,” Reggie said, pointing to the other side as the trio made their way towards the other mazes they needed to go through.
At the end of the night, Ronnie, Reggie, and Nora accomplished in going through all the scary houses. But before their fun ended, they ended up going on some rides, which Nora’s favorite was the chair swing ride. Feeling her legs dangling in the air while the tail of the ride went around and around. Once the ride was over, they all made their way out of the theme park as they walked their way back to the hotel room. Which was literally next door to the theme park and all the while, Nora was holding onto her big stuffed unicorn that Ronnie won for her in one of the small carnival games. Both Kray twins only smiled, seeing how happy she looked, knowing she enjoyed a night she will probably not forget.
“Did you like tonight’s event, my sweet girl?” Reggie said, giving a kiss on her right cheek.
“Hehe, you know you think I might sound crazy but we should do that again, but next year, of course. I was expecting it to be more horrible than I thought it would be. But honestly, I ended up wanting more and never wanting it to end. What do you say, boys? Next year, we should come back again. And this time I choose where we should get scared. Is that an agreement?” She said, giving a look between the two, hoping they will say yes. 
“Why fuck yes, my dear! Of course we can do this again. How can we say no to you, ey?” Reggie said with a smile crouching nose at her way of making her let out a ‘yay’ like a little toddler.
“Thank you, boys, so much for this night. I will never forget this moment, especially with the two of you,” Nora said, hugging both of their arms with her arms as the boys gave her side kisses on both of her cheeks.
“Happy Halloween, my sweet lovely creature,” The Krays said in unison as they reached the front door of the hotel, letting Nora go in first.
“And happy Halloween to you too, my naughty handsome devils. Now what do you say we do something funnier before the sacred yea?” She said with a side smile and a quick wink. This made Reggie and Ronnie smile big at what she meant.
“Then what are we waiting for then? The night is still young for us,” Ronnie said while Nora then grabbed both of the boy’s shirts with both of her hands, giving a small tug for them to follow her.
“Then follow my lead, then my sexy gangsters,” Nora said cooingly, giving them both wet kiss on both of their lips as they did what they were commanded.
Oh, she is fucking sexy. Our woman is everything for us….
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justplainwhump · 2 years
Ridley Dies AU: Amends
Another installation of the Ridley-Dies-AU - these updates will come as little vignettes and maybe never make up a full story.
This is still day 0. Here's Frankie.
Ruby, B, Ridley Lordin and Leonardo Luciano all belong to @hackles-up
Cw - referenced death of a loved one, referenced noncon drugging, referenced domestic abuse; all narrated from a distant pov.
It takes Frankie a second to realize what had woken him up. He's in his bed, in his small house outside the city, the night is a little too warm maybe, and Ruby has kicked the blankets off the bed once again.
She's sleeping peacefully at his side now, grunting a little in her dreams, and he almost has to smile, as he leans over her to reach for the blanket on the ground.
There's a loud rap on the front door, and he freezes. Was that it? Was that what woke him up? It's past midnight. There's no good reason for anyone to show up here at a time like this.
Especially not in his line of work.
He gets up quietly to go over to the safe box he keeps his gun in.
He remembers he's dreamt of Dany. It doesn't make sense, really. He's over that. He's sworn himself that he's done with this. He's guilty, yeah, but he's gotten all the closure he can get.
He'd seen Dany again at her father's funeral, some weeks ago. She'd been in all black, elegant short dress covering all her upper body, black lace gloves, even a veil concealing most of her face.
It couldn't hide her disorientation, or the sluggishness of her motions. She'd clearly been drugged, and he'd wondered how many of the guests had recognised it for what it was, and how many had believed Ridley Lordin's smug explanation that his grieving wife had drunk a like too much over her loss.
There'd been eyes on her, all the time. Her husband's, Luciano's, the press', probably even one or two undercover cops. Trying to find out, what was left of Hammond's crime syndicate. Who would come to pay their respects, and who wouldn't.
Frankie had come.
It had been stupid, in retrospect. Everyone close to their business knew what he'd done. That he'd been the first one to leave the sinking ship, selling out the single most important thing Stuart Hammond had left. If there'd actually been loyalists present, Frankie could've ended up with a bullet in his head.
But there hadn't been any. Most of Hammond's men had either changed sides, or gone into hiding. Those present at the funeral weren't there for Hammond or Dany, they were there for Lordin and Luciano.
Yet somehow, Frankie's reputation had given him the chance at a private moment with Dany. A moment, when her husband hadn't held her close to him with a grip that only very superficially could be interpreted as supportive.
Lordin had stepped aside, exchanging some words with Luciano, and while Luciano's chilling blue eyes had been on Frankie and Dany, they still couldn't be overheard.
"Dany," he said, and he'd seen her eyes behind the veil aimlessly run over his face. "I'm... I'm sorry for your loss."
"You're...," she slurred. "You're... wrong."
He wondered what they'd given her to knock her out like this. What she could've done with a stage like this, sober.
Maybe it was better like this. He could say what he wanted to get off of his chest, and she'd not be able to make it worse.
"I... I shouldn't have done what I did. I... It... It went too far. I'm sorry, Dany."
She squinted behind the veil and tilted her head. "I hate you."
"Fuck. No, I..." He shook his head. "Whatever. I wanted to tell you that, uhm. Forgive me?"
She swayed a little bit on her feet, and looked around herself, as if searching for someone to steady her. It was weird, that she seemed to consider Lordin, before him.
A looming shape appeared behind her, and Dany leaned back against the chest of Lordin's huge bodyguard.
"Go away, Frankie," she mumbled. "Go away."
A rumble came from somewhere, and it took a second for Frankie to realize it was the bodyguard. He was fucking snarling at him.
"I, uh, If you..." Frankie swallowed, trying to search for words. "If you need anything, Dany..."
Another growl. But this one came from her.
"Go," the big man rumbled.
With a long look at Dany curled against him, Frankie stepped back.
"Everything alright?" Lordin had returned, raised an arm toward Dany, and like on autopilot, she switched to his side. A good, obedient pet. It made Frankie shiver. "My wife isn't feeling too well today. Excuse her."
Frankie nodded, as if he believed it. "My condolences to you, too," he'd mumbled, before he'd turned on his heel and left without waiting for an answer.
He'd thought that was it. The last thing he'd seen of her, he'd faced her, said he was sorry. He'd done better with Ruby, he'd saved someone else from a fate like Dany's. Balanced the scales in a way.
He thought he'd been done with this episode of his life.
The banging on his door gets louder.
"Open the door, Frankie, you fucker," Dany Lordin yells. "I know you're in there."
He's been utterly wrong.
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obeymeoasis · 3 years
Demon Bros React: MC Is Insecure
Warnings: mentions of insecurity surrounding body image, physical appearance, self-worth.
It was the day after a party Diavolo had thrown at his castle. You had had fun for the most part, dancing with the brothers and eating delicious foods prepared by Barbatos. 
But you also remembered how it had felt to look around the room and realize you were surrounded by gorgeous demons, not a single flaw on anyone’s face. Doubt and insecurity had begun to creep into your mind, and that feeling had carried over into the next day.
You had only talked briefly with Lucifer at the party because he was too busy interacting with Diavolo’s guests. Every time you tried to catch his eye, you noticed how beautiful whoever he was talking to was and found yourself swallowing down your greeting.
Currently Lucifer was at his desk like always, scribbling down notes and shuffling through papers. You brought him afternoon tea and sat reading in one of his armchairs to keep him company.
You had been telling yourself that you were going to ask him the question that was burning in your mind, but an hour had already passed since you first came in. You tried to distract yourself with your book but the words were fuzzy on the page. Finally, you spoke. “Luci?”
He didn’t look up from his desk when he answered, “Yes, love?”
“Do you... do you ever wish I was more beautiful?”
The scratching of his pen stopped immediately and Lucifer lowered the papers he was holding to show his face, a carefully blank expression revealing nothing. “What exactly do you mean by that question?”
“I mean exactly what I asked. Do you ever wish I was more beautiful? More attractive? As the Avatar of Pride have you ever been... embarrassed to be seen with me?”
At this Lucifer’s expression grew cold and furious. “Has someone... made you feel this way? Has someone made you feel as if you are inadequate?” You shook your head sadly and whispered, “No, just my own brain.”
“Ah, I see. Well pet, I don’t ever wish you were more beautiful because you are the most beautiful being I’ve ever seen. So it would be physically impossible for you to be more beautiful than you are now.”
You snorted. “Luci, that was so cheesy. Your brothers would throw up if they heard what you just said.” Lucifer’s lips quirked up in amusement. “Well, I’m glad I was able to make you laugh. And I do mean what I said. I’ve never once felt embarrassed to be with you; you are my pride, the source of my happiness. If anyone were to suggest otherwise, I would gladly kill them.”
“Luci, we’ve been over this. You can’t just kill everyone who is mildly rude to me.”
Lucifer went back to working on his papers but there was a gentle smile on his face. “Darling, you’ll find that I definitely can. I have a permit.”
You were regretting tagging along to one of Mammon’s photo shoots. At first, it seemed like a fun idea getting to look at all the clothes, makeup, and jewelry. Plus, you really wanted to see what Mammon was like when he was working professionally. 
It was fun at first, you cooing over how handsome Mammon looked in his outfit and watching him get all flustered and blushy. But then the actual photoshoot started and you watched as Mammon posed with a stunning model.
You tried to not let your insecurities get the best of you. You were here to support Mammon! But as the shoot progressed you couldn’t help but start to compare yourself, keeping track of how they were more beautiful and you more flawed. 
The photographer stopped to take a break and Mammon immediately bounced over to you. “MC, did you see me? How does it feel to watch the Great Mammon in his natural element? I look good, don’t I?”
You caressed Mammon’s cheek and feigned a bright smile. “You were amazing Mammon! You look so handsome. And this is such a cool outfit!” But Mammon was somehow always able to tell when you were faking a good mood and he frowned. “MC, is something wrong? You look sad. Did something happen?”
You opened your mouth, an excuse ready on your lips, but found you couldn’t lie right to Mammon’s face. You gestured toward the model who was talking to their manager in the corner. “Do you ever wish I looked like that?”
Mammon cocked his head, confused. “Do I ever wish you had blue hair? Not particularly? Although now that I think about it, blue hair would look cool on you too.”
You sighed. “No, I mean do you ever wish I looked like a model? Sexier? Or prettier?” Mammon thought for a moment, processing your question, and then frowned. “Oh no no no. Treasure, what’s this all about? What happened?”
“Sorry Mams, I didn’t want to distract you while you’re working. I just got really low and insecure all of a sudden. Started thinking about how you should be with someone really beautiful, you know? And sometimes I feel like that’s not me.”
Clearly upset, Mammon rushed to give you a crushing hug, tucking your head underneath his chin. “MC I- I wish I could beam my thoughts into your head. That way you’d really believe me when I say that you’re so precious to me. Every day I wake up and think about how lucky I am to be with you.”
You chuckled a little. “I do put up a lot with you, don’t I.” Mammon gently smacked you on your back. “Hey! I’ve been good lately! But seriously MC, you are stunning. You are gorgeous. And it’s okay if you don’t believe me right now because- because I’ll tell you as many times as you need me to! I’ll tell you a thousand times a day! A million times!”
You tried to blink away the tears in your eyes and held onto Mammon even tighter. “Thanks Mams, I love you so much.”
“Love you too treasure. Your first man’s gonna take care of you, don’t you worry about a thing.”
Usually you liked watching anime with Levi; it was one of your favorite things to do together. Levi was always more happy and lively when watching with you because he was able to express his opinions freely without judgment. And you thought it was adorable how excited Levi got over his favorite characters and storylines.
Today, you were snuggled together on some cushions re-watching an episode of “The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demon Girl”. At first you were enjoying the episode, laughing as Ruri got used to the oddities of the human world. But Levi’s repeated comments about how cute Ruri-chan was, which you usually never minded, started to bother you a bit.
You took a quick glance around the room, noting Levi’s enormous collection of Ruri-chan posters, figurines, and other merch. Levi tapped you on the knee, interrupting your thoughts. “MC, you’re missing the best part! What are you looking at?”
You sighed a little, struggling to act nonchalant. “Sorry Levi, it’s nothing. I’m still watching.” Frowning, Levi paused the episode and turned to look at you. “Hey, what’s up?”
Taking a deep breath, you said “Levi, I’m not Ruri-chan.” He narrowed his eyes in confusion. “Yes... I know?”
You continued, “I don’t look like Ruri-chan. Does that bother you?”
“Does it bother me... that you don’t look like an anime character?” He repeated the question slowly, as if you had asked him the strangest question in the world.
Frustrated, you blurted out “I don’t look like Ruri-chan! I’m never going to be as cute as her!”
Levi looked completely bewildered, his eyes wide and staring at you in confusion. “B-But you are cute! MC, w-what are you even talking about?” 
Embarrassed at your outburst you looked down at the floor silently. Levi scooted over toward you so that your knees were touching and he waited until you broke the silence. “Sometimes I wonder if I’m good enough. I think maybe you’d like it if I looked cuter or acted cuter, like the characters in anime.”
Levi hesitated for a moment before quickly grabbing onto your hand, blushing furiously as he did so. "MC, I-I already think you're c-cute. Really really cute. So don't say things like that. And also, I like you because you're you! Not because you're like someone else."
"And you make me really happy. I'm just a gross otaku. I never thought I'd be able to... to find someone like you. Someone who accepts me."
He tried to lock eyes with you but blushed even harder and stared at your joined hands. "Plus, I couldn't to-touch an anime character. But I can touch you. I can hold your hand or give you hugs whenever you need it, o-okay?"
You leaned your head onto Levi's shoulder and closed your eyes, letting the peaceful silence wash over you.
You were accompanying Satan on a trip to one of his favorite stores: an antique shop that sold all manner of rare books and artifacts. The owner, Ms. Sparrow, was a friend of Satan’s and she welcomed the two of you wholeheartedly.
Today, she looked as gorgeous as she always did. Her chic pearl dress and matching silk gloves shone against her dark skin. Not a curl in her hair was out of place and even the click-clack of her heels on the floor seemed melodious somehow.
You left Satan to look at the books and went wandering off into the various aisles of the store, marveling at all the bits and bobs. In one of the over-stuffed corners you happened to find a glittering silver key on a red velvet ribbon. Taking it in your hand, you went back through to show it off to Satan, wanting to ask him what he thought it opened.
But Satan was busy chatting and laughing with Ms. Sparrow. You watched the two of them for a moment and noticed how well they complimented each other. Both had a certain poise, a kind of confidence and certainty in their movements.
On your walk back to the dorms, you were unusually quiet and Satan noticed. “Pet, is something the matter?”
You hesitated, wondering if Satan was going to find your insecurity childish. “Satan, I’m not very....elegant.”
“Yes, I know. You choked on a piece of bread yesterday. The day before that you tripped over absolutely nothing and fell down.” He smiled, expecting for you to get riled up, but it fell when he saw that you looked dejected. “Love, what is the matter? Have I upset you?”
You avoided his gaze. “Sometimes... sometimes I wonder if I bring you down by being with you. I feel like you deserve someone elegant and sophisticated. Someone who matches you. But I’m not. I’m clumsy and messy and not perfect, like Ms. Sparrow.”
Satan’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Ms. Sparrow? What does she have anything to with this?” He turned you around so that you were facing him. “Pet, please look at me. I love you. And I’m not with you in spite of you being clumsy or messy. I love you because you’re clumsy and messy, because those are parts of you and I love all of you.”
He leaned down to press his forehead against yours. “And why would I need someone perfect? Am I perfect? Yesterday you saw me screaming at my cup because I accidentally spilled some tea and burned my finger.”
You shrugged while giggling, “I thought it was a perfectly reasonable response.” You wrapped your arms around his and buried your face into his shoulder. “Thanks, Satan. You always know how to make me feel better.”
He reached down to give you a gentle kiss. “Anytime, love. I’m always here for you.”
Asmo has a lot of fans across all his social media accounts. That was made perfectly clear the first time you went on a date with him outside. Sitting in the trendy coffeeshop, several people had come up to ask him for a picture or an autograph. He was never shy about you and always introduced you as his sweetheart, cooing about how beautiful you were. 
Some days it was okay. You loved seeing the bubbly social-butterfly side of Asmo. He was always so sweet to everyone who came up to him and genuinely enjoyed meeting new people. But other days, your insecurity rose up like a huge wave and dampened everything.
This particular day you were shopping with Asmo in a new boutique that had opened up. You were aimlessly flicking through the racks of clothes when you heard a large squealing.
Two demons ran up to Asmo, talking and gesturing excitedly. You could make out that they followed him on Devilgram and were asking if he was willing to take a picture with them. These demons were some of the most attractive beings you had ever seen. Their clothes were incredibly stylish and their hair and makeup were done flawlessly.
Looking around the shop, in all of the full length mirrors you could see the reflection of Asmo and his beautiful fans. And you looked out of place, like a puzzle piece that didn’t fit in at all. 
Tearing up, you grabbed a random pair of jeans off the rack and ran into a changing room. You turned away from the mirror, not wanting to look at yourself, and took deep breaths to try and keep from bursting into sobs. After a few moments Asmo began looking for you, having finished taking pictures. “Sweetheart, are you changing? Let me see what you’re wearing when you’re done!”
At the sound of his voice you burst into tears and your attempts to muffle the noise were futile. Outside the door, Asmo’s voice sounded panicked. “Darling, are you okay? What’s the matter? Please come outside, whatever it is please let me help you!” You hesitated, not wanting to face him, but this made him even more frantic. He started jiggling the doorknob and knocking on the door.
You opened it, afraid that he would accidentally break the doorknob leaving you trapped inside. As soon as he saw you he gathered you in his arms and began making shushing noises while smoothing your hair. “Sweetheart, why are you crying? Please talk to me, please tell me what’s wrong.”
You tried to get the words out in between sobs and hiccups. “A-Asmo, don’t you want someone m-more beautiful? Someone who-who looks g-good with you?” Asmo paused for a moment, processing your words, and then his eyes burned with anger. “Sweetheart, did one of my fans say something mean to you? Did someone make you feel like this?”
You shook your head vigorously. “No, just me.” Asmo breathed a sigh of relief at hearing no one had harrassed you and resumed smoothing your hair. “Oh, darling. You ARE beautiful. You’re stunning, sweetheart. I wish you could see the way I saw you, how adorable and gorgeous you are. And I understand that there are going to be days when you don’t believe me, when you feel like you’re not. But at least don’t go through those days alone, okay?”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak without tearing up again.
"Now, let's go get some ice cream. We can eat it while taking a bubble bath."
You weren’t really sure why Beel liked you coming with him to the gym all the time, even if you didn’t exercise. He said your presence was calming and that it made him focus better, which was odd because a lot of the time you just sat on an unoccupied machine and scrolled through your D.D.D.
Today was much the same, with Beel running on the treadmill and you watching some videos. The gym was pretty empty, just a few students exercising here and there.
Your eyes drifted to Beel who was running without even breaking a sweat. His body was all solid muscle: his arms, legs, and abs looked perfectly chiseled and toned. Last week you accidentally ran into Beel in the hallway and it felt like you had smashed into a brick wall. Beel, on the other hand, was completely fine.
You began to wonder what Beel thought about your body. He could be pretty handsy at times and he wasn’t shy in his affections. But what if there was something he didn’t like? Something that he thought needed changing?
He’s never mentioned anything about exercising to you before. But you thought back to the students you had seen in this gym: all of them were extremely fit with incredible bodies. You couldn’t help but start to compare yourself to them and think that maybe you were lacking.
Just then, Beel finished his run and walked over to you. You weren’t sure what kind of facial expression you were making but it seemed enough to concern him because he asked, “MC, is everything okay?”
“Hey Beel... do you ever wish I had a nicer body?”
He squinted in confusion. “What do you mean by ‘a nicer body’?”
“I don’t know... just better. Whatever nicer looks like for you.”
Beel was quiet for a moment, thinking. “No, I've never wished for that before. I still don't know what you mean by 'nicer'. I love you. And I love your body because its yours. The only thing that matters to me is whether you’re happy. And as long as I'm still allowed to touch you, then I'm happy.”
He looked at you nervously then, biting his lip. "Am I... still allowed to touch you?"
You laughed and reached to give him a hug, loving how safe it felt in his arms. "Of course, big guy. Thanks for making me feel better. You always know what to say."
Beel flushed with pride and closed his eyes in happiness, leaning into your hand as you patted him on the head.
You knew you were dreaming because you were sitting in a R.A.D classroom surrounded by fellow students, but you couldn’t focus on any of their faces. They were blurry, as if someone had smudged them like an artist had smudged some charcoal.
You were at your desk, looking around the classroom, when as if on cue all of the students began to slowly gather around you. They stood there silently for a moment, unmoving, and you felt a shiver go up your spine. 
And then one by one the students began to hurl insults at you.
“You’re not good enough. Not good enough for Belphegor.” “You’re ugly, you’re hideous. “You’re unwanted, go back to where you came from.” “You don’t deserve what you have, don’t deserve good.” “You’re weak.” “You ruin others, you ruin everything.”
As they insulted you the students began to draw themselves closer, pushing and shoving to reach you. They almost made a cover over your desk as if to block out all the light. You hunched over your desk, shaking and panicking, trying to curl up to protect yourself.
One of the demons began shaking your shoulder roughly, you yelping in pain. He began yelling in your ear, “Wake up! Wake up!”
“MC! Wake up!”
You startled awake and looked around the room in fear. You were in Belphie’s bed, your pajamas sticking to you with sweat. Belphie was looking at you with concern, one hand still on your shoulder.
“MC, you’re okay. It’s just me. It was just a nightmare.” You let out a sob and buried yourself in his arms while he patted you on the back until your breaths evened out.
“D-Did you see my dream?” you asked. You were nervous about showing Belphie that weak side of you, the insecurities that had been brewing since the two of you had begun a relationship. He looked apologetic. “I did. You were whimpering and shaking in your sleep. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
He reached over, one hand smoothing your hair, the fingers of his other hand interlaced with yours. “None of what they said was true, you know.” You looked down, embarrassed. “I mean it, MC. You are good enough. You’re beautiful, you’re wanted, you deserve all the nice and beautiful things in the world, you’re strong. And most importantly, you lift others up. You lift me up everyday.”
He lifted up your hand and pressed a kiss against it. “You lifted me out of darkness. I love you so much. And I’ll gladly stay by your side, for as long as you’ll have me.”
You grabbed the front of his sweater to draw him into a rough kiss, lips bruising. “Forever, Belphie. Forever.” 
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Fair Warning - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: cursing, crack, fluff, Yui Kodai slander (I’m sorry), STREET FIGHTING (but inside a classroom), we love supportive boyfriend Bakugou, and we love bestie Mina <3
Request: I need a female Y/N to beat a bitch’s ass and have Katsuki in that background like “that’s my baby☺️”
“Bitch!” Mina comes in yelling with excitement. You were currently cuddling with your boyfriend as you sat on his lap at his desk seat when you took notice of your best friend calling for you.
Katsuki had his arms wrapped around your waist as you had your own wrapped around his neck. Both your eyes were closed as your head was tucked into Katsuki’s neck and his head was leaning atop of yours. Did y’all care that y’all were in the classroom? No. Bakugou was so clearly irritated by the pink girl. I mean, she was interrupting cuddle times.
“Listen Pinky, I had a bad morning and we’re in the middle of something here so if someone isn’t fucking dying then you better scram.” Bakugou calmly warned your friend as his eyes remained shut and his hold on you tightened. You giggled at your boyfriend’s empty threat and pecked his cheek before looking towards your bestie.
“What’s up?” You asked with your sweet voice. Bakugou groaned as he realized now some dumb shit has to happen.
“What’s up? What’s up?! Girl! Yui Kodai-“
“Ew.” You and your boyfriend both said at the mentioned of the girl’s name from class 1-b. For some reason, she just rubbed the both of you the wrong way. And it wasn’t even that Katsuki was just following your lead because you were his girl, he just genuinely didn’t like her either.
“Right!” Mina agreed. “But anyway, I was walking by 1-B’s classroom and I overheard her talking her shit, and here’s the best part, about you and Bakugou.”
At her words, you and Katsuki both tensed up at that. What the hell did this bitch have to say about your very happy and nearly perfect relationship?
“The fuck did she say?” You asked with a still very calm voice. You were very intrigued with where this conversation was going. It was a very known fact that your boyfriend was very attractive and yes he pulled bitches left and right. So yes, you were well aware of Yui’s little crush on him, but that usually didn’t bother you because Katsuki made it very clear that if it wasn’t you, he didn’t want or need it.
“She’s all talking about how if you weren’t around, she could easily pull Bakugou and how you’re an ‘ugly bitch’-“
As she continued to tell you all the shit that was said, you felt Katsuki’s hold on you tightened even more. You look to your boyfriend while you listened to Mina and noticed his angry expression. To soothe his nerves, you gently grabbed his face with your tiny hand and gave him a sweet peck on the lips before giving your attention back to Mina.
“-and then she finished it by saying she’d whoop your ass any time of the day.” Mina finished.
“Oh really?” You chuckled out. You lightly tapped on Katsuki’s arm to signal him to let you go and he reluctantly did so.
You were far too calm to be at ease with this whole thing. You were like the calm before a storm or a jaguar getting ready to pounce. You walked out the classroom and Katsuki chuckled as he had an idea of what was about to go down. He followed you out the room and Mina was left with excitement. She went to follow the both of you but not before telling the whole class about the shit that was about to surely spiral.
“Y’all wanna go see Y/N beat a bitch?” She called out and the lot of class 1-A, especially the Bakusquad, excitedly followed. The class watched as you slid opened the door to 1-B with a very calm demeanor.
You looked inside until you spotted your target. Yui Kodai. You motioned for the class to watch from the doorway, with the Bakusquad having front row seats to the upcoming show. 1-B quickly took notice of 1-A’s presence and silence rang through the room. You walked to Yui, finally grabbing her attention as she looked at you in shock and fear. She stood up from her seat as she backed up a few steps, which did nothing as you just went in closer.
“You know we ‘bout to fight, right?” You bluntly said.
“What?” Was all she could get out before you jumped her ass. At least you gave her a fair warning. You brought her to the ground as you banged your fist into her face while your other hand tugged at her hair. All the students grew rowdy and watched from beyond. You finally picked Yui up by her hair and used your training to kick her across the room and to the front. She got up in a hurry to defend herself but you continued to beat her ass.
The students all looked to Bakugou to gaze his reaction on how wild his girlfriend was getting, but they were only met with a grin of a proud partner.
“That’s my Teddy Bear,” Katsuki said with a hand over his heart while he had a goofy smile on his face as he watched you drag her ass around the front of the room.
“Teddy Bear?!” Denki questioned. “Y/N’s a freaking she-beast!”
“Yeaahhhhhhhh....” Katsuki said as he continued to look at you in bliss. Eventually, Yui began to bleed and that’s when Bakugou sucked in a breath. As much as he wanted to watch the fight continue, he came to the conclusion that he would have to stop you before you got expelled or something. He didn’t care if Yui got hurt, he just didn’t want you in trouble.
“Uhh, Y/N! Don’t you think you should tone it down a bit before Aizawa or Vlad comes?” Kirishima asked. You took a pause from the fight but still held a firm grip on Yui’s hair as you looked towards the red head.
“What’s he gonna do? Erase my quirk?” You said with a sarcastic voice.
“Yes, actually, I will and am.” Aizawa said from behind the 1-A crowd. The students moved out of the way as Aizawa walked to you with his hair up in the air and his eyes glowing red. You continued to look at your teacher with an unbothered and unfazed face as your hold on Yui’s hair never faltered. You and your teacher had a 10 second stare off before you turned to Yui....and continued to whoop her ass. That’s when Bakugou and Awase decided to pull you two apart.
“Okay baby, that’s enough,” your boyfriend said as he pulled you back. You pouted at your boyfriend with an angry scrunch on your nose that he found adorable but knew it was a sign that you were pissed at him for stopping you. “Don’t give me that look.”
You huffed and looked back at Yui to take a look at the damage you caused. Her hair was mangled and some of it was ripped out and scattered the floor as her nose was bleeding and she had scratches and bruises covering her face and body. Tears filled her eyes and her clothes were dirtied while you looked as pretty and fresh as a daisy. Not a scratch on you. You smirked at the sight and settled in Bakugou’s hold. He took notice of your calm cooperation and let you go. You turned and smiled at him with a proud look. Unfortunately, the spotlight was on Bakugou and so he had to choose his words very carefully.
“Y/N, you know I love you but all that was uncalled for. You should’ve handled the situation differently, dumbass.” He blankly said. Your proud look fell and was replaced with a look of sadness as your boyfriend reprimanded you. You looked down to your shoes in embarrassment as Aizawa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Alright look, my class go back to the room. I’ll stay here and wait for Vlad to come in so I can explain the situation. Awase, take Kodai to recovery girl and Y/N, I would scold you but I’m pretty sure getting told off by your boyfriend was enough. That’s all. Dismissed.” Aizawa said as he waited in 1-B’s room.
The students of 1-A all walked back to their own classroom, everyone all hyped up over the exciting fight. You kept your head down as you walked but felt a grip on your arm as you were dragged to another hallway away from everyone. You looked up to see your boyfriend looking down at you with a serious face. You pouted at him in embarrassment until his face grew a smile that showed how proud he was. Your mood instantly improved and you smiled like a happy puppy as he pulled you in for a hug and kissed your forehead.
“Nice work Teddy Bear.” He said, holding you tight.
“You’re not mad at me?” You said, smiling up at him as you were pressed into his chest. He just shook his head and smiled some more.
“‘Course not. You kicked her ass, and she completely deserved it.” he laughed out. You laughed with him before you both shared a cute kiss and walked hand in hand back to the others.
Yes. We very much love a supportive Bakugou boyfriend.
A/N: horrible ending, Ik but yeah :)
Taglist: @sxcker4you @aomi04
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kamotoshi · 3 years
worrying their baby hates them [hcs]
anon said: Can you please write a hc for jjk (including nanami please)guys as DADS!!!!!! The idea I have in mind is like you just had a new born baby & the baby keeps crying at like 3am and so they get up to check on the baby but it won’t stop crying so they frustrated/confused as to why their own child doesn’t like them! So then y/n comes catches them being so cute and fluffy and they are like ok bby chill no need to be frustrated the baby loves you 🥺🥺 and its just cute and fluffy 🥲🥲 thank you 💜
fran says: omg pls this is so soft and ofc we love nanami for this 🥺 since I narrow my hc reqs down to two characters, I'm choosing naoya as the second jjk dad for this req hehe. thanks for sending :) and I hope I understood the prompt correctly! I might’ve run away with it as I tend to do lol
pairings: dad! nanami kento, dad! zen’in naoya; fem mom! reader
genre: fluff, reverse comfort
warnings: if you’re not a fan of lil babes (particularly newborns) n lil babe stuff in general, this work may not be for you!
notes: nanami has a son and naoya has a daughter bc it’s what the heart wanted. also. this is v soft
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✧ nanami is a v responsible and doting dad who does whatever he can to support you n the lil babe. so when he hears your newborn cryin in the middle of the night, he’s up and ready to handle the situation
✧ naturally, he runs through the potential situations in his head of what could be bothering his lil baby as he goes to lift him out of the crib so he can figure out how to help. but there’s nothing clearly wrong and the crying just does not subside, even after nanami walks around the room for a lil bit with him in his arms and tries his best to calm him down
✧ the longer the baby cries, the more worried he becomes that a) you’ll have to wake up and come into the nursery to sort things out, and that b) his baby just doesn’t even like his dear dad that much. either way, he’s v tired n stressed
✧ when you wander into the room, rubbing your weary eyes, you can see the look of disappointment and failure clearly present on his face and sit down beside him to help him out
✧ as soon as you hold your son in your arms, the tears start to subside, but nanami’s worries only deepen since he’s now entirely convinced that his own child hates his guts. and for what? he’d taken care of him and was helping raise him! he wants answers!!
✧ you know how frustrated he must be with himself, so, after the baby’s calmed down again, you place him back in nanami’s arms n start cooing sweetly to him in the hopes he chills out
✧ there’s this long moment of tension during which nanami waits for the baby to start crying again since he’s got this look of uncertainty in his lil eyes like he’s just as confused as nanami is
✧ but thankfully, he reaches up to place his lil hand on nanami’s nose and open his mouth in awe (nanami’s wondering what’s so curious abt his nose). In response, he presses a couple kisses against his son’s cheek that make him smile, and suddenly all is well. baby is content and no longer crying, nanami is happy, mission accomplished!!
✧ “see? you have nothing to worry about, baby,” you reassure him and peck his cheek, “he was just being a bit picky. he loves you very much, I’m sure.”
✧ he pulls you closer for a kiss and gently places your newborn back in his crib when he finally drifts back off to sleep before crawling back into bed with you, wrapping his arms around you, and goin on a lil rant abt how much he loves you and your son until you tell him he needs sleep bc he’s borderline delirious
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✧ fatherhood is definitely a bit of an alien concept to him, that’s for sure. but, since you gave birth, the two of you have been learning a lot together
✧ at first, he was a bit slow to get up and tend to your child in the middle of the night since he wasn’t sure what to do, but he learned to figure it out bc he absolutely did not want his sweet lil wife to be overworked. now, he’s up rather quickly to make sure one of his fav gals is taken care of
✧ he does what he’s been taught to do and checks for any obvious reasons as to why his newborn is so disgruntled that she’s wailing after he lifts her out of the crib. however, when he can’t find an apparent reason, that’s when he starts gettin a lil frustrated with himself. he’s a dad!! he should be able to figure out what’s upsetting his lil girl!! he thinks
✧ the lack of sleep isn’t really helping his thought process either, so he resorts to holding the baby in his arms and cooing and singing to try to calm her down. but ends up mumbling little complaints like, “I know my singing’s not great but really, baby girl?” or trying to reassure her (but more himself) by saying, “don’t worry, your dad’s got this. he’s gonna figure it out. right? right?”
✧ by the time you enter the room, he’s damn near had a breakdown bc he absolutely does not want his sweet lil girl to grow up hating his guts and he wants to be the best dad ever (so he can brag about his family goals to everyone n be like yeah suckers I really do have it all haha)
✧ but you come with his saving grace and the one thing he’d forgotten in his exhaustion: a bottle of milk. he tries to hand the baby over to you, but you give him the bottle instead and drape a burp cloth over his shoulder so he can do it on his own in the name of bonding
✧ once he starts feeding your newborn, the crying comes to an end, and she instead gazes up at naoya with wide, delighted eyes while she sips. he breathes out a deep sigh of relief when he moves her to his shoulder and rubs her back for a bit
✧ since you know he was definitely stressing before you intervened, you give him some comforting words n kisses. “she was just a little hungry, babe. you’re doing a great job and I’m sure she appreciates it. I know I do”
✧ to this he gives you a peck on the forehead before doing the same with your baby once she’s all content and ready to doze off again, and the two of you snuggle while waiting for her to settle
✧ during this time, he ends up falling asleep too and you admire the sight of both of them snoozin together before putting your daughter back in her crib and leading naoya back to bed, where he murmurs sweet nothings into the crown of your head until both of you knock out for what you hope is the rest of the night
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deidearly · 3 years
Kakashi Relationship Headcanons
Guess who’s back with another relationship headcanon today? And as usual, I had a good time writing this one even got slightly carried away, hehe. Enjoy! XX. 
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Well— Hatake Kakashi, huh? Dating him would be such a roller coaster ride, tbh. It’s like, one moment he’s so clingy, fragile, so afraid of losing you— but one moment he’s like, “Just do what you need to do. I don’t really care.” This is due to the fact that he’s got a lot of things in his mind and occasionally struggled to sort out his priorities. 
Anyway, of course you’ve complained about his ‘reading-smut-in-public’ issue, especially when you’re together. You two would come up with an agreement somehow. But to piss you off, he’d pretend like you’re the one who’s obsessed with reading smuts.
You’re browsing for some important books and he playfully yelled, “Y/N! Come here, it’s your favorite book— Icha Icha Tactics! My, I know you’ve had four books, but another one won’t hurt, right? Since you love it that much!” making everyone in the bookstore giggled.
He received “Y/N Signature Punch” that day.
To your surprise, he’s not very secretive about his relationship with you. In fact, you’ve caught him frequently use you as an excuse for him to escape some unwanted occasions.
Let’s say Gai was asking Kakashi to fight him like usual— and he wasn’t having it that day. “Gai, with all respect— I would gladly accept your challenge. But can’t you feel the springtime of romance youth is blooming? I must see Y/N immediately.”
Gai’s tearing up.
Don’t worry, he actually went to your place.
“Yo. Can we hang out? I just told Gai that I would come to your place. Please say ‘yes’ to make me less of a jerk, will you?”
Would totally show up in front of your place at an ungodly hour.
At first it surprised you but now you’re used to it.
You just finished your mission, it went pretty well but you felt there were some wasted chances due to your captain’s miscalculation. It’s nearly 2 AM but you caught yourself wide awake, reviewing back your battle– only to got distracted by a knock on your bedroom’s window. Instead of turning your head in surprise, you already knew who it was. To have a little fun for yourself, you ignored the sound, which was later followed by a second knock. Walking over to the window, you saw a silver-haired man with a mask. Although half of his face was covered, it’s obvious that a smile was apparent. “Yo.” he greeted, but you replied with a sigh. “You could actually knock on the door and I’d let you in through the door. It’s something normal people would do, Kakashi.” you grumbled, opening the window for him to get in. “Ah, spare me the lecture!”
So, reverse psychology works best for Kakashi. Like the Icha Icha Tactics– the more you ignore his behavior, he would actually try not to read his book in public like you told him to. But the more you complain, he’d read it in places where he shouldn’t be reading it at all. This method works in almost every cases.
You’ve been dating for weeks, but you haven’t seen his face.
Yes, when kissing, too.
You’ve had enough of kissing fabric. 
You had planned to make a dinner together at his place. He was preparing the dishes and you’re about to finish your cooking, when he suddenly asked, “Hey, Y/N. Have you ever wondered what would I look like under this mask?” You were dying to know actually. So, now you’re stuck with two options: (a) be honest about it, (b) pull out another reverse psychological answer— and you chose the latter. “Huh? Not really,” you shrugged, “I don’t really care so it’s not like I’m eager to see it.” and of course, this was a lie. Kakashi went silent for a while. “Anyway, dinner’s re—“ you swore you could’ve dropped the whole pan when you saw an unfamiliar presence. “Kakashi?” you asked hesitantly. The man looked up with a questioning look, “Why are you blushing?” he replied casually.
He’s honestly so heavenly to look at.
Sometimes it’s just too overwhelming to see his whole face, you thought.
It’s safe to say that it’s a privilege to be able to see his face. But due to his immense charm, you’d prefer to have him with a mask on.
“Y/N, I feel naked without my mask—“ , “And I honestly feel like I’m being forced to see an illicit nudity, too. Put your mask on, it’s fine honestly.”
He’s been very good at his job for almost his whole life, a fine shinobi. So, he’s rarely exposed to mundane things, moreover a relationship. Thus, making him quite restrained in expressing himself. Plus, he was labelled with some negative titles, saying how cold-blooded he was and he just decided to live with it. This, obviously, requires a lot of patience.
But he’s determined to change, the first step he took was letting you in— into his life.
It started rocky, though.
He’d say something like how he didn’t care much about you and sadly, he really didn’t.
But as the time went by he realized how your presence has been the one that helped him through it. How you’ve always been there to comfort him, by listening to him, giving him a lot of supports, or simply by reminding him that he’s not completely alone.
And when that moment came, he’s sworn to protect you with all his might.
He had a lot of nightmares, he still does, unfortunately. But when you’re around, your presence eases him up a little.
When you’re not around, however, he’d rather spend all night unhealthily tiring himself until he fall asleep.
His personal favorite would be curling up next to you with his hand around your waist while hiding his face near the crook of your neck as he’s giving you some soft neck kisses.
He had a hard time trying to open up himself fully to you and this applies to romantic gestures, I believe. He surely would take his time to explore you, what you like, and what he likes.
Would shower you with kisses, all over your face without missing a spot. He greatly admires every inches of yourself. 
Body worship, oof.
Lowkey (semi highkey) protective.
Lowkey (semi highkey) a show-off.
Would straight up jump to save you if it’s necessary.
And since he’s a show-off, he lowkey loves PDA— but the soft ones, of course. You two would always get spotted together. He would casually sling his arm around your shoulder or lazily has his hand wrapped around your waist.
Favorite time to spend with you is training together. No matter how many times you’ve told him to “fight with an intent to win” he simply refuses— saying how, he’s “far too powerful” for you.
But deep down he just doesn’t want to hurt you…
Chatting in the middle of a training
“Tsunade-sama hasn’t assigned me any missions lately *throws kunai*” , “Maybe if you threw your kunai accurately, she will. *dodge kunai*” , “Kakashi, shut your pretty mouth up. *throws MORE kunai aggressively*”
When you turned him down while he was showing off his new tricks, though, it weirdly turned him on.
He loves someone powerful, with a right amount of cocky.
Doesn’t talk big. He’s a man of action— his action speaks louder than words!
Doesn’t spoil you that much, though. Because it’s actually him who needs to be spoiled.
Really loves it when you trace your fingers all over his skin— it’s intimately soft, he claimed.
LOVES YOUR SCENT. Has it memorized probably.
He’d prefer someone independent. Someone who could actually take care of themselves instead of relying on him completely. 
Anyone too childish would remind him of Team 7, tbh.
Speaking of Team 7, they would probably be the one to get introduced to you.
Naruto was so shocked to find out that his sensei was capable to develop a romantic feeling towards someone. But he had his doubt— do you really know Kakashi? He started to bombard you with questions to test your knowledge.
“So, do you know what’s Kakashi Sensei’s favorite—“ , “I’ve seen his face. Multiple times.” , “YOU WHAT?”
Complained and sulked about it, “Kakashi Sensei, we’ve trained together for years. How could you?!”
Sakura was confused.
“How? I know he’s probably very handsome under that mask but come on, Y/N, reading smut in public? That’s an absolute no.”
On the contrary, Sasuke was thrilled, internally.
“Yeah. Finally. Old man has someone to annoy besides us. About time.”
He has a pretty bad behavior, too. Unlike Gaara, who’d put an emotionless facade when he’s only in the Kazekage mode, Kakashi would treat you just how he feels like doing it that day. 
Let’s be real, he has so many bottled up feelings inside his heart so it’s not a surprise that someday, somehow, a random painful emotion just hit him— hard, and he shut himself out.
The hospital is the place you immediately visit right after Kakashi’s arrival after a mission because you know he’d be there— reading his book with a few bruises here and there. But this time was a bit different. When he’s hospitalized, he would whine about you not being able to stay more than an hour— but right now you’re puzzled, since he’s been completely silent and avoiding you, answering your questions with a mere shrugs.
Tsunade told you that the mission went pretty well, thanks to Kakashi for eliminating all the enemies on the field, singlehandedly. You automatically knew that it must brought up his past traumas. “Kakashi, it’s not your fault.” you decided to speak, earning a glance from Kakashi, but that’s it. “It’s a mission and you protected all of your comrades!”
“I killed them, Y/N. I didn’t have to, but I did.” he said, with his eyes still glued elsewhere. “Every time I look at my hands, I feel dirty. It reminded me of that—“, “Kakashi, look at me.”
You moved closer to his bed, reaching out your hand and traced your fingers softly on his face. His cheeks were cold, and you could clearly see how he was slightly trembling with teary eyes. “Kakashi, if you didn’t do it— it could’ve been your own comrades. Now they’re safe and sound, thanks to you.”, you paused as he slowly began to move his sight to you. “And if I could meet you way sooner, I would remind you every day that it’s never your fault— it’s never been. You’re a good person, Kakashi. I, and all of us, are forever thankful for the things you’ve done.” you whispered, now wiping a few tears that fell down to his cheeks. A weak smile started to bloom, “I’m forever thankful for you as well, Y/N.”
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lovingcorleone · 3 years
“Stronger Together, Weaker Without” — Michael Corleone x Reader
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Summary: Y/N and Michael were put into a difficult situation, when unexpected things happened just before their wedding.
Pairing: Michael Corleone x Fem!Reader
Request: "Hello could you do one where Michael Corleone and his wife are having a difficult time at the wedding and are trying to talk to resolve it?" — @loveilovetoo
Author's note: (English is my second language.) ; I needed to overcome writer's block, and that's why it took me so long - my sincere apologies! I really hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Warning: strong language, sappy conversation?
Friday, the day before wedding.
It is safe to say that many things went wrong on your and Michael's wedding weekend. It all started a day before the ceremony and you weren't sure what to think about it. First, the main bridesmaid, your best friend B/F/N, called you early in the morning, telling that she was sorry but she didn't feel twice as good and probably caught some illness. That would be okay, it wasn't a big deal, because these things just happen and you cannot really prevent them. Little did you know that it was only the beginning of a nightmare.
With this information you went right to Michael to tell him the news, but he only assured you that, yes, it was dissapointing, but nothing that couldn't be solved easily. You only wished this was the first and also the last unpleasant thing of the whole wedding. Another suprise came later in the afternoon when Michael got a call from Tom. Your soon to-be husband was hesistant at first if he should tell you that place where you two were suppossed to have your first dance as married couple, was completely burned down. He quietly came to you and gave you a tight hug. „I have good and bad news.“ he started, „I guess you want to hear the bad news first, huh?“ You pulled back from his hug and gave him worried look. „What happened?“ „So ... the thing is that our venue is gone. Burned down. I'm so sorry, sweetheart. But! The good news is that people who did that are already caught.“ After he had spoken, you were speechless. You couldn't find the words. You blankly stared at Michael, then turned away from him and hugged yourself. „Why would someone do that? Why? We deserve to be happy too, why can't we be?!“ you raised your voice a bit and a few tears escaped from your eyes from pure frustration. Your fiancé was desperate just as much as you were. His blood was boiling, but he knew he should be calm and supportive. Michael was heartbroken too. It was supposed to be his happiest weekend in his life.
Fortunately, your day ended without any more complications. You couldn't sleep with Michael in the same room, because tradition clearly said that it was forbidden and it brings bad luck, so you two just called each other that night. „Everything will be just fine. I promise you that. No one will take away our wedding day from us.“ „Michael, that sounded a bit threatening..“ you laughed, „But yeah. Tomorrow's about us.“
Saturday, Wedding Day, 6:00am.
You didn't have to wake up that early, but the thing was that, you had a very strong feeling that you should be fully awake no matter what. Also, around 7:15am Connie and Sandra promised you to come and start with your preparation for your big day. By that time you were just sitting on your bed watching sun rising up through your window. The bed felt so lonely without Michael in it. You got used to falling asleep and waking up next to him. You wondered if he was still sleeping.
In the middle of your showering, there was a loud knock on the door followed by excited voices of two girls mentioned above. „Come on, sleepyhead. We need you to get ready!“ said Connie with joyful voice. You opened the door with a towel covering your body and wet hair. „About damn time, dear. I hope you slept enough, because I'm sure that right after wedding there will be no sleep for you.“ continued Sandra and winked at you giving you a sign what she really meant by it. You giggled and hugged both of them. „Thanks. Thanks a lot for helping me. I don't know what would I do without you two.“ you sighed and sat at the chair in front of big mirror. It took Sandra about one hour to make your hair looking like it belonged to a princess. It was exactly what you wanted. Then it was Connie's turn with doing your make-up and, of course, it turned out even better than you expected. All of you were so satisfied with final result. Then you put on your dress. Now, you looked like a real princess. Your B/F/N was the one who helped you decide which dress was, metaphorically, made for you. Even though, she couldn't be there with you, the dress reminded you of her. For a minute, all your troubles suddenly disappeared and you were filled with pure joy.
Your silent admiration of your look was however interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Connie was the closest person to it so she carefully opened, but only her face was seen, in case if it was Michael looking for you. Luckily, it was not Michael, but his brother. Which was not good scenario either. „Sonny? Don't you have a work to do?“ Connie asked in quite annoyed voice, because he obviously interrupted their –girls moment-. Sonny was visibly nervous and his hairline was covered in drops of sweat. His sister could swear she saw a glimpse of fear in his eyes. „I need to speak to Y/N. Like right now.“ he said urgently and tried to step into the room, but Connie didn't let him to do so. „C'mon Connie. Just let me in...“ „Who's that?“ you asked with a raised voice so the person on the other side of the door could hear you.
„It's Sonny. I need to tell you somethin'.“ You nodded to Connie that she could let him in. He didn't hesitate and made his way right to you. His first reaction was adorable, because his look fell on your dress and then on your face. He widely smiled ready to give you some cheeky compliment, but he quickly remembered why he came there. „Okay, now, don't be mad.“ As he said that, your happy face dropped. „Everytime when someone says „Don't be mad.“, something really bad happened. I hope this is not that case.“ He made a squinted face and took a deep breath. „Look... aaagh...Something happened.“ „Continue...“ „You know.. your wedding rings...Well...ughh...they are kind of gone. We can't find them and we looked for them everywhere.“ he finally admitted as you fell down on your chair. „Oh my god.“ Sandra whispered and ran to hug you and Connie's jaw dropped down. „But ..how..? They were put in a safe place. Does Michael know?“ Sonny scratched the back of his head. „Tom and Fredo are tellin' him now.“
You felt your chest got tight and it was a bit harder for you to breathe. „Bridesmaid's ill, the venue is gone and so are the rings.“ you whispered holding back tears. For a moment there was a tense silence, and everyone in the room felt kind of embarrassed. The best day of your life turned out to be the worst. Connie didn't even had a chance to comfort you because you stood up with emotionless face and went to the door. You were about to stepped out of room, but Sonny gently grabbed your elbow. „Where are you going? You can't see Michael. It's a tradition..“ You angrily glared at him „Fuck tradition. I need to talk with Michael.“ Sonny let go of you very quickly and felt ashamed of his words. The situation was way more important than some tradition.
Your soon-to-be husband had the same idea. He was on his way to your room when you two bumped into each other at the corner.
„Our rings are gone.“ both of you said at the same time and he pulled you into a hug. Though his mind was full of emotions and mostly full of anger, he did notice how incredibly beautiful you were. Of course, for him you were beautiful everyday, but seeing you in wedding dress made him tear up a bit. He then suggested to move to some empty room so you could talk in private. You sat on a bed and Michael joined you. His arm hugged you over your shoulders and you gently put your head on his chest. After overcoming primary shock, you spoke first. „I don't feel like this is all just stupid coincidence.“ you sobbed and let the tears make their own way down your cheeks. „Then what do you think it is?“ he asked quietly. You raised your head and looked into his eyes. „What if this is a bad sign? At the moment, I feel like everything is ruined and we are just helplessly standing in the middle of the chaos not knowing what to do. What if we are not meant to be married.“ your voice broke and you couldn't keep looking into his eyes anymore. His arm fell off of your shoulders. He wiped away his own tears and got down on his knees grabbing your hands, which made you look at him. „So? Even if we are not meant to get married, that doesn't mean that we are not meant to be together, Y/N. I believe in us. But I need you to believe in us too.“ His voice was steady but you could hear how hard he tried to remain being steady. Not only your heart was breaking, his was too. Some couples would turn this situation into a humorous one, but for you and Michael, it was really serious. You sniffled and bit your lip. „I believe in us too. But these things don't happen without a reason. I just- I don't know.“ „I love you. Do you love me?“ You were shocked by his question. „Of course, I do. You are my everything, Mike.“ you sobbed again and his finger moved to your face and wiped away new tears. „You are my everything too. And I know how long you've dreamed about this day. We can cancel it if you want. Or we will face this very eventful day together. Like we always do with everything that crosses our path. How does that sound to you, hm?“ a very faint smile appeared on his lips. He made a good point. You could've run from it or face it. „The venue is destroyed, we don't have our rings and we also broke the tradition...Every single thing is against us. Maybe marriage can break this curse or whatever it is. Maybe we should shoot our shot.“ your lips formed into a weak smile. He took your face into his hands and kissed you softly. Then he added: „We will be okay. From now on.“
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christ0pher-evans · 3 years
Healed Heart
Final Part of the Shattered Heart Mini-Series
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader Warnings: 18+ Minor Smut / Angst / Cheating / Arguing / Mentions of Divorce / Swearing Word Count: 2.9k A/N: So here is the final part of my mini-series. I honestly cannot thank you so much for the support on this, it means a lot to me and I love you guys for it!!! Please let me know what you think. I hope you’re happy with the ending because it took me a really long time to decide how I could finish off this story with justice. Thank you again, truly😘 Please reblog and like🖤
Part One: Shattered Heart Part Two: Troubled Heart Part Three: Bewildered Heart
Three tortuous days had passed since you had last seen or spoke to Chris, three days since you kicked him out your home. You’d had nightmares about being in a loveless and hateful marriage, steamy dreams about your recent rendezvous and nights where you just felt so alone that you had cried yourself to sleep. It was safe to say that the past three days had been exhausting. 
Although fucking Chris in the kitchen during a harrowing argument probably wasn’t the smartest thing you’ve done, it led to some realisations about how you wanted to proceed with your marriage. You definitely didn’t regret anything you said, or did with Chris that day and that was what you found important amongst the disaster. Not regretting your decisions meant that you knew you wanted to move forward in your marriage, and not look backwards; something you would consider a big first step in repairing your marriage. You knew you couldn’t forget what happened and would have to address it before moving forward but you knew you had the desire to push through the hard times. 
You’d called Chris that morning and told him that you wanted him to come home, not that he could or should but that you wanted him at home with you. Emotionally, it felt like the right decision, because at the end of the day he was your husband and you missed him. Practically, it is his home as well and it was the only place you could both be to sort out your marriage with privacy. You didn’t want to be surrounded by the media or by prying eyes. Hell, you didn’t even want the opinion of family or friends, this was between you and Chris only. 
As you tidied up the house a bit and thought about the moment Chris would walk through the door, it was clear to you that no matter how angry or hurt you were, Chris was your endgame. You had played all the variables over and over in your head loads of times, societal rights and wrongs about cheating when you realised, fuck society. You would never leave your husband over this, and that was okay. This was your story and who cared what anyone else thought, because you didn’t want to give up. You owe it to yourself, to your marriage, to try and fix everything before throwing it away. 
For the first few days, Chris slept in the spare room and you danced around each other, trying to find your new normal whilst you navigated the mess that was your marriage. 
Once the first week passed, Chris continued to sleep in the spare room and you finally plucked up the courage to address the problem that had been plaguing your marriage for weeks, months if you consider back to when the problem initially started. 
The day you decided to bring it up, you had finished work early and Chris was already at home when you arrived back around 3pm. 
Walking through the house, you finally found Chris in the home office. 
“I thought you were filming today?” Chris looked up at the sound of your voice. 
“Oh hi sweetheart. I didn’t hear you come in? Um, yeah I was but, uh.. she turned up to re-film some scenes so I came home.” 
You winced at the thought of her and Chris together but was quickly calmed by the effort Chris had made to avoid her. 
Clearing your throat, you found the courage to reply. 
“Oh, er, did you not have to keep filming?” Leaning against the door frame, you settled in for a longer conversation. 
“It wasn’t anything that I can’t just do another day when she isn’t there. I’ve got some scripts to read over anyway so it’s fine.” 
You sighed. This seemed like an appropriate time to bring up the unspoken topic so you could start moving forward but your anxiety felt crippling in that very moment, you didn’t know if you could face it. 
“Sweetheart..” Chris whispered, “Y/N, sit down, please..” 
You moved to sit down on the small sofa by the window, tucking your feet up and under yourself. Chris moved to join you, sitting fairly close but not touching you as you hadn’t crossed that boundary since he came home. 
“Look baby, I’ve been home a week now and we’ve just walked around this house like we are two strangers. I need you to talk to me, tell me what you’re thinking because you’re the one that told me you wanted me to come home?”
You looked up from your lap and straight into Chris’s eyes, “You do feel like a stranger to me.”
You heard his voice hitch in his throat, clearly caught off guard by your blunt answer. 
“I’m still me, sweetheart. I’m the same person you met seven years ago and I’m the same person you married four years ago. Please don’t think I’ve changed.” 
A lone tear falls straight from your eye, as you whimper, “I miss him.” 
It takes Chris no longer than a second to pull you into his lap, all boundaries obliterated, as he hugs you like his life depends on it. As you cry all you can hear is Chris repeatedly whispering, ‘I’m here. I’m still me. I love you.’ 
You shudder at the softened and sweet contact, something you hadn’t felt for weeks but you embraced it, leaning further into Chris’s chest for comfort. 
Once you had basked in the feeling for a bit longer, shutting the world and your problems out, you knew you had to move away. It would have been unfair to give Chris mixed signals as your marriage was still clearly on the rocks. 
Sitting back up on the sofa, you composed yourself. 
“I know you are still you Chris, but you’ve changed to me now. This you..”, you sigh before continuing, “..you’re tainted and untrustworthy, you’re the man that cheated on me, you’re not my husband. I need to get to know you again, and I need to learn to love our marriage again, and learn to trust you again. It’s going to take time.” 
“B-but you want to try?”
“Of course I want to try. Endgame right? That hasn’t changed for me but other things have to change, we cannot continue like this otherwise if something else were to happen, I don’t think we would survive it.” 
“I am infinitely yours sweetheart. Forever.” You watch Chris smile sweetly. 
Feeling slightly more confident and feeling like Chris has really been listening to you, you knew it was time to talk about her. 
“Okay, well whilst we are here, I think we should talk about her. It’s the biggest hurdle for me, and I can’t move past it. I just can’t deal with you seeing her right now, not whilst I’m learning to trust you again. I’ll never trust her so I need to 100% be able to trust you again.” 
Grabbing hold of your hand, Chris nods in understanding.
“That is completely fine sweetheart. For now, how about I just work my schedule around when she isn’t there and wait until you are comfortable before I finish filming my scenes with her? I don’t care if it postpones the film, or they replace me, you are more important to me than any film and I’ll do whatever it takes to prove it to you!” 
You nod feebly, shocked and relieved with the instant commitment Chris was happy to make to save your marriage and earn your trust back. 
An awkward silence falls over the room at the monumental conversation you just had. Needing a moment to yourself, you decide to make a quick exit. 
‘Um, I think I’ll go and grab a shower before dinner.” Quickly leaving, you rush to your ensuite. 
The shower provided a solace to digest what just happened, a few tears falling as you feel overwhelmed. But you left the bathroom with a renewed sense of hope. 
It was another week of tough conversations and private marriage counselling before you felt you had reached another milestone in fixing your marriage. 
You were in the ensuite of your bedroom when Chris came in to say goodnight. He was merely wearing a pair of pyjamas bottoms that amusingly you were wearing the matching top of. 
He chuckled as he leant against the wall, “I was looking for that top.” 
You giggled lightly and blushed, using all your self control to not drool over seeing Chris topless. Unfortunately, you had never been good at hiding any of your emotions from Chris and you saw him smirk slightly at your flustered state. 
“Okay, well, I just came to say goodnight, so uh- night I guess..” 
You mumbled a goodnight back as Chris turned to walk out the room. A rush of affection from the interaction washed over you causing you to shout back towards Chris to catch his attention. 
“Um, stay..” 
You saw the startled look on his face as the words left your lips. 
“Stay with me tonight..”, you repeated as if you were confirming your own words. 
“Yeah, course I’ll stay, if that’s what you want?”, he shuffled back towards you. 
“It is what I want.” 
You smiled at him sweetly before you brushed past him and moved towards the bed, leaving him a bit stunned in the bathroom. 
Weeks passed with no problems. You and Chris had gone back to sleeping in the same bed and you often woke up snuggled together. At first, you’d wake and quickly move away from him however, slowly, you became comfortable with it and you were finally starting to feel at peace in his arms. 
You had woken up early this specific Monday morning as it was Chris’s first day back filming with her. You felt sick to the stomach at the thought of him seeing her again and had slept terribly. You knew this day would come and thought you would be, at least slightly prepared, but as the day dawned, you were scared. Nerves caged around your heart as your mind could only replay the moment Chris told you that he had kissed another woman.
Chris had to go back to work, you understood that. He had already put it off for a while and sacrificed enough of his job to try and reconcile your marriage. You almost felt obliged to let him go back to work, who were you to hold your husband back from his job? 
You were sitting in the kitchen, slowly nursing a very strong coffee when Chris came down, ready for his day. You glanced up at him briefly, barely acknowledging his words to you. 
“Y/N? Sweetheart, are you okay? You’re up really early?” 
Glancing at the clock reading 7:30am, you shrugged and mumbled, “Woke up at 5:30am.”
You stared in the abyss, thoughts whirring through your mind. Thinking about being frightened to death about the thought that your marriage wasn’t even halfway back to where it should be. Knowing that Chris would see her today, spend all his time with her whilst you were waiting back at home for him. It felt like some sick and twisted de ja vu. 
It had been almost two months since you’d last been with Chris in any form of intimacy, almost four months since you were truly a happily married couple and now he was going to see her again, were you really debating that history would repeat itself? 
“Baby, will you talk to me? I can see something is on your mind”, Chris gently rests his hand over yours, bringing you out your nightmarish daydream. 
Looking up at Chris, taking in all his handsome features, you thought, how could anyone ever resist him. The thought panicked you even more.  
Learning from previous mistakes, you knew it was best to communicate to him how you were feeling. 
“I’m scared you’re going to see her again today and history could just repeat itself. Nothing is fixed yet Chris, and it feels like we are already going backwards.”
Just when you thought that being honest and communicating with Chris was the best option, it backfired in your face. Chris scoffed, a look of disgust on his face. 
“Huh, you’re not kidding?” Watching him run his hand through his hair, he turns away and slams his coffee mug down on the side. You jump at the aggressive action. 
“You really think I’d do that again? You really think that little of me? Have you not seen all the work I’ve put into this fucking marriage the past couple of months?”, he shrugs and turns back to you, “What else do you want from me Y/N?” 
You wince at his spiteful words. 
“I know you’ve put a lot into this marriage Chris, so have I! We’ve been doing really well, but can you really blame me for having doubts on your first day back with her? I thought you’d understand!” 
“No, I don’t blame you, but I thought you’d trust me more that this by now.” 
You chew on your lip nervously as you both stare at one another, terrified of the silence. 
“I’ve got to go to work Y/N, see you later.” You hear Chris huff before he walks straight out the house, leaving you sitting dumbfounded and anxious at your kitchen table. 
Trying to do any work from home was useless as you just felt panicked and couldn’t stop thinking about how Chris’s day was going. You hadn’t heard from him since this morning at it was now 6pm. 
After developing a painful stress headache, you decide to lay down in bed. Believing you can block the world out and briefly pretend that nothing is wrong in your marriage, you shut your eyes momentarily. 
Waking up so softly, you barely blink your eyes open as you feel tender kisses dancing their way up your back, following the line of your spine. You flutter your eyes open carefully, aware of the vibrant sunlight gracing your face as you try to focus your eyes, gradually making out the floor length curtains gently blowing through the breeze from your open balcony doors. You can hear the soft crashes of the waves and can see the soft, baby blue sky from your place on the bed as you stretch out all your limbs from an energetic night. You let yourself surrender to the feeling of Chris’s lips grazing against your bare body.
As he gradually makes his way up to your neck and cheek, you hum in utter happiness and contentment as he places one final kiss on your cheek as he leans over your body. You can feel every line and shape of his naked form as it presses up against you. You think about how you’ve never felt so happy and loved in this moment, knowing that this is exactly how you’ll get to feel for the rest of your life. 
“Good morning Mrs. Evans”, Chris roughly whispers, his voice hoarse from minimal sleep. He nibbles on your ear teasingly before grinding his core over your ass. You whimper at the feeling his movements evoke from you. 
“Mhm, I like how that sounds”, you mumble before smiling happily. The use of that name giving you butterflies. The one that now belongs to you, the name that now proves you belong to each other forever.
You wake with a start as you hear the front door slam slightly. You sit up too quickly, as you feel light-headed and your vision blurs slightly. You breath deeply, gaining your bearings before looking at the bedside clock. 7:30pm; you had slept right through dinner. 
Not that it mattered because you would have been eating alone anyway, you thought. 
Your body adjusts to being awake, your stomach fluttering slightly at the memories and feelings that the dream provoked. Momentarily caught in a fever dream. 
Back in reality, you brain registers that there was a slam at the door. Quickly, you get up and rush downstairs to see what is happening. 
As you halt at the bottom of the stairs and look out into the open plan room, you see Chris standing by the breakfast bar. The very same breakfast bar that holds so many recent heartbreaking conversations. But this time, it doesn’t bring you sadness. 
There Chris stands, holding takeout food in one hand and in the other, your favourite donuts. Behind him, on the wall, hangs the framed photo from your wedding day. Your matching smiles beaming on both your faces, almost as if they are lighting up the room.
You look back at him, standing here in your house. Bringing home dinner to you. Coming home to you. 
Your breath catches in your throat, “It’s you Chris, it’s always going to be you.”
You watch him place down the food on the side, before he begins striding towards you. Stuck in your spot, you can’t do anything but smile at your husband as he reaches you. 
“Forever yours”, you whisper before Chris’s lips crash onto yours for the first time in months. Your lips work together as your hands grip as his waist and his grasp your neck and face so you can’t move away. So you can only feel Chris, so you can truly remember the raw intimacy and passion between you. 
As your lips melt together, it feels as monumental as the moment he kissed you as you became his wife. It feels as if your story is beginning again; with a fresh start and a new-found hope for your marriage. 
Forever Tags: @itsscottiesstark @patzammit @partypoison00 @cynic-spirit @n3ssm0nique @sohoseb @madbaddic7ed @moonlacebeam @ilovetheeagles  @beautifulrose0809 @lovelyladymayyy @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mysticapples17 @whxre4cevans @firoozehmoon @spookyparadisesheep @mytbel0st @thatonelatina @snowy992 [Please drop me a message if you’d like to become part of the taglist for this series or any of my work]
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h2bakugou · 3 years
Hi lovely ☺️. I’ve been feeling pretty down for the last few days. I always worry that everyone in my life is going to leave me and I’m going to end up alone in the future when my family is gone eventually. I was wondering if I could request something with Bakugou who has a s/o that feels this way? Like she’s always afraid to be alone and fears that one day Bakugou will leave her as well. Thank you in advance if you write this; I really love your writing 💖.
a/n: hii!! awe i hope you're feeling better love! <3 honestly i feel like this too sometimes, the future can be scary :( but it's good to cherish the moments we have now! thank you for your wonderful support, i hope you enjoy this piece <3
summary: after a hard day and a close call, bakugou asks you about your number one fear; being alone.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, angst
word count: 668
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Sitting up in the infirmary was the last place you’d wanted to be all day. But after a close call with Bakugou and a villain, he’d ended up in a nearby hospital, of course kicking and screaming saying he was fine.
He wasn’t hurt terribly, but the call had scared you, especially since you’d caught the last bit of the encounter on the nightly news.
But even as you sat wide awake while a nurse went over a few pointers for Bakugou to do for the next week while he fully recovered, you were shaking. You knew he was fine, but a part of you was petrified.
You hadn’t even noticed the nurse had stepped out and left the two of you alone until a bandage-clad Bakugou nudged your arm.
“Hey, stop spacin’ out shitty woman I’m talking to you.” Bakugou grumbled, puzzled by the worried expression you wore on your tired face.
“Sorry. Are you feeling okay? Feeling better?” You questioned.
“Jeez if you threw on a white coat you could fit right in here. I’m fine. What about you?” Bakugou threw your question back to you, which seemed to only shock you more.
“I’m...I’m okay. I’m worried about you. It looked bad, are you sure you’re okay-”
“I’m gonna be just fine. They’re letting me go for the night, let’s get back to the dorms. You can stay the night if you can sneak past Mr. Aizawa.” Bakugou gave you a small smile, letting his finger graze over your own hand, eventually letting his hand hold yours.
You’d never miss out on the chance of cuddling with Bakugou, so when you returned to the dorms, you made a b-line for his room, not even caring about wearing the clothes you were. You’d changed into one of his spare shirts and make do.
You made his bed, or at least fluffed his pillows while he brushed his teeth and took care of his nightly routine, much later than when he usually did it since the fight took up most of his time.
“You could’ve waited for me here at the dorms like everyone else. Why’d you come to the hospital?” Bakugou asked, toothpaste bubbling in the corners of his mouth as he paused to talk to you.
“I was worried. I saw the end of the fight on the news and just blanked. I didn’t even respond to anyone when they asked where I was going.” You spoke quietly.
“You could’ve gotten hurt too, you weren’t thinking straight clearly since my mom had to stop you from fighting the doctors at the entrance.” Bakugou chuckled, quickly finishing up on brushing his teeth.
You hung your head, almost embarrassed that Bakugou knew about what his mom had to do.
Dragging you away from them while you were crying hysterically, begging to see him in the room he was in like he was on his death bed.
After a long hug and a simple explanation to the doctors, you were admitted back to see him with his mom.
“Why are you always so scared to be alone?” Bakugou asked, stepping out of his bathroom to join you on his bed.
You were quiet again. This time you sat down on his bed, staring at the floor as your mind raced.
“I fear I’m going to end up alone. When we grow up, when my family passes, when you-”
“Don’t even think about finishing that stupid fuckin’ thought.” Bakugou’s arms were around you in an instant, hugging you close to him.
You swore you could feel small droplets hitting your shoulder as you snuggled into his embrace. Was he-?
“You really think I would leave you? Or die? You’re such a dumbass. I’m not going anywhere any time soon. So stop thinking like that. No one is going anywhere.” Bakugou reassured you, gripping you harder, his face buried in the crook of your neck.
“I love you.” You mumbled, kissing his neck gently.
“I love you more, dumbass.” Bakugou retorted.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Just go with it part 2
Musical beetlejuice x reader
You have to meet juno and pretend you and bj are getting married
Nsft sorta, mentions of activity
Part 1
"Y/n wake up, come on babes"
"Beej?" You mumble rubbing your eyes "what's wrong?" You say in a whisper.
He doesnt respond, you turn on the lamp by your bed and check your phone clock
You sigh, looking back at the demon, now being able to see him clearly, you freeze upon seeing that the demon was now completely purple, his hair, his beard, his tie, all deep purple.
"What's wrong?" You ask again, more fear in you voice then intended
"Okay y/n" he starts, using your name rather then a pet name was never a good sign "so you remember a few nights ago when that suit came by to see if I was lying about our relationship?"
"He's back?!" You sit up, more awake "wait... wasnt the repercussion to that not that bad? Just some extra work for you?"
Beetlejuice rubs his neck "yeah, thing about that, it's not him... my mother is here, to talk to you personally..." he trails off refusing to look at you
"Your mother...." you repeat feeling your stomach drop
"What's gonna happen if she finds us out?" You ask in a whisper
"...who knows with her" the demon spits before looking away.
The two of you remain in silence over the shit beetlejuice has gotten you into it.
Beetlejuice huffs out his nose as his focus goes back to you.
"So y/n, I mean honey~" the demon pulls you up from your bed and into a side hug "ready to meet mommy dearest?" Beetlejuice tried to smile, make light of the situation, but his hair betrayed him, remaining a deep purple, even though he tried his best to plaster a grin across his face for your sake.
You didnt know much about Beetlejuice's mother, other then she didnt exactly win mother of the year, beej only opened up about her a handful of times, long story short, you knew this was gonna be a rough experience for both of you, but mostly Beej.
Beetlejuice drops his jacket around your shoulders, pulling the same ring he gave you to fool the suit, the same tacky, pretty ring, the band was black and white, and resembled a snake, the gem was a brilliant green, your heart swelled at the sight of the ring.
The ghoul drops on one knee, and gently slides the ring onto your middle finger, pausing to kiss your hand before giving you wink, under different circumstances you would die from such a cheesy romantic gesture, but now was not that time, you did appreciate beetlejuice trying to lighten the mood.
"Alright honey, you remember the drill?"
"That's my future wife, let's not keep the bitch waiting" he smiles linking arms with you
Future wife...
You couldnt help but give the ghoul a soft smile at the thought.
Beetlejuice takes a deep breath, smoothing his hair back, wiping the purple away in favour of his default green.
The demon grabs your hand begins to lead you to your living room, you could barely focus over the sound of your heart pounding, who could blame you, you were about to come face to face with someone Beetlejuice was afraid of.
As the two of you head down the hall , she was finally in sight, you felt your stomach drop, in your recliner sat an old woman, dressed completely in red, she had a permanent scowl across her face, her whole presence give off a bad feeling.
"Lawrence, you took your sweet time fetching your fiance" she barked causing beetlejuice to flinch
"Ya know breathers, they like their sleep-" he forces a laugh, purple slowly creeping back into his hair
"Nonsense, it's nearly 6am, that's more then a reasonable time for breathers to wake and start their pointless routines" she waves off, beetlejuice frowns and leads you to the couch, where the both of you sit.
"Its been awhile huh Ma? Like I was saying earlier, it's nice to see you again and-" beetlejuice was babbling
"Zip it" was all she said and beetlejuice clamped his mouth shut and gazed down staring at his feet. "Lawrence, I didnt come here for pointless pleasantries" her eyes meet yours "y/n l/n I dont know what Lawrence has done to you or promised you, but I can assure you he doesnt care about you, and just wants freedom, further more Lawrence, do you honestly think this breather could love you? This game of yours needs to come to an end, there is alot of paper work tied up in this farce of yours"
You were taken back by her words, she really didn't beat around the bush.
"I dont-" you start, voice trembling
"Ma, y/n loves me and I love them, see~" beetlejuice grabs your hand to show his mother the ring, she eyes the ring for a moment, then goes bad to staring daggers into her son, her scowl never faltering.
"Tacky" she huffs, a simple response like that was enough to shut her son down, beetlejuice pulled away from you, pressing his back firm against the couch, lips pressed shut and hands clamped together in his lap.
"As I was saying, Lawrence is a natural born troublemaker, and youd be smart to back out of this farce before he gains life, knocks you up with a life ruining disappointment, and vanishes from your life" she droned as she lights a cigarette, taking a deep inhale, smoke shooting out from her neck.
You swallow hard.
"I would prefer if you didnt smoke in my house, ma'am"
Juno stares at you for a moment, then shakes her head as she puts out her cigarette on your coffee table.
"Ma'am I really do trust beetlejuice, and I love him, this isnt a farce-" you began, but your words were ignored
"If you want to throw yourself into a mess, I wont stop you, I'm not here to save you, but I have to applaud his efforts on tricking someone LEGAL this time for his little game. Even though this mess of yours is going to keep him out of my way for awhile, it doesn't cover the fact that Lawrence's efforts have caused my office nothing but work. And even if this "love" was real the boy ruins everything thing he touches, cant do anything right, having him around only causes headaches, you'll see soon enough y/n," Juno's hurtful words drone on, as if her son wasnt sitting across the table from her.
"Back to the matter, even if you do choose to marry this fool, I wanted to warn you about the mess your getting yourself into, giving him life would only cause you grief, and I dont want to hear it when you get to the netherworld after a suicide his actions caused"
You grit your teeth at that last remark, you knew juno thought poorly of beetlejuice, but did she honestly thing her son was so awful that youd kill yourself over his actions, you felt like you were going to be sick.
"Lawrence, why is your hair purple?"
You glance over to beetlejuice, who infact was completely purple, the deepest purple you've ever seen him wear.
Beetlejuice bites down on his lip, his hands clenched in fists as they sat on his thighs, he was frozen.
"Bee?" You gently whisper as you slowly place a hand on his, the ghoul flinches at your touch, beetlejuice slowly takes your hand in his and gives it a light squeeze.
"Come on Ma, y/n my be dramatic, and get mad at me from time to time, but they'd never kill themselves over anything dumb I'd do, and hell we already talked it over, we dont want kids" the ghoul leans into you for support.
Juno scowls "to remind you both, I'm not here to stop you two, the only thing I'm here for is to warn this foolish breather, and double check to make sure YOU arent mucking about and blackmailing the living again, there is a lot of paper work involved in this little game of yours, and you still havent delt with the paper work of your failed marriage and death by the hands of that poor child you tricked" her eyes narrow down to beetlejuice, juno pauses, then sighs
"Lawrence just come clean, this little game of yours has gone on long enough, even if you didnt blackmail this poor soul into marrying you, do you honestly think they love you? You dont actually think this breather wants you around do you?"
"That's not true, I do-"
You werent able to finish that sentence, with a snap of juno's fingers your mouth is now cover with a strip of duct tape.
"You've honestly fooled yourself into thinking you could be loved didnt you? Pitiful, maybe this breather found you amusing now, but you dont think it's going to last do you?" Her questioning goes on, she was convinced her son was unlovable, you tug away at the duct tape but it refuses to budge, beetlejuice was too focused on his mother's words, to the point where he was starting to believe her, the purple slowly faded from him in favour of white, a color you've never seen on him.
"Lawrence you're little game is over, and you're going to clean up the mess you made, I have a decade's worth of paper work for you to fill out over this farce and every other little issue you caused, I knew from the start this was fake, no living person in their right mind would let you into their life willingly"
A decade's worth of paper work?! Was that so important that she was willing to manipulate her own son into thinking he was worthless?
"Lawrence you are such a screw up, the amount of work your little games keep giving me is coming to an end, you will never be alive, you will never be loved, let alone tolerated, and you are coming back to my office to straighten up ever little issue you have caused, if you think being invisible for a millennia is bad-" she raises her voice with each hateful word.
This duct tape wasnt going to budge, so you went with plan B, you roughly bump into the demon's side to get his attention, beetlejuice looking your way, your eyes grow wide at his expression, he was crying, black gooey tears. The two of you stare at each other what felt like an eternity, Juno's voice no longer reached him, beetlejuice snaps his fingers and the duct tape vanishes from your mouth.
You jump up from you position on the couch "I'm sorry ma'am  but bee- Lawrence isnt worthless, and yes, he can be an ass, and insensitive at times, but I love him and I really do want to marry him! And whatever stupid paper work that is tied up in this, can just fuck off..." your voice tweaks as the ghoulish women sitting across from you stands up, eyes dead set on you.
You werent great with confrontation, and beej knew this, but here you were talking back to his mother, you  his tiny sweet breather talking back to a literal monster. The white from Beetlejuice's hair quickly left in replacement to pink 'I really do want to marry him!' Those words from your lips could have made his heart start beating , tho that was shortly lived when he saw this mother stand, purple took hold of his form once again.
He couldnt let you fight his mistakes alone, though he found it hot that you could be his knight in shining armor.
No, beetlejuice is quick to jump up and link his arm with yours "see ma, this little breather stole my heart, and hell, we've been planning our little wedding for months" beetlejuice snaps his fingers and in a flash his and yours clothes change. Beetlejuice wore a red tux made with crushed velvet, with a lacy front, his whole outfit screamed tacky, but that was him. Looking down at your self, you stifle a laugh, here you were, 6:30am, dressed in a red puffy lacing monster of a dress, in all honesty this wouldnt be your first choice, but now was not that time. Beetlejuice pulls you close, you could swear he could hear how hard your heart was pounding, could you blame yourself? He looked so handsome all dressed up, even if this was fake.
"My, my Lawrence, doesnt that dress look familiar, isnt that the dress you forced that poor child to wear the last time you played this game?" his mother sneers
"Its called a call back, and y/n loves it" he sneers back you nodded in agreement, beetlejuice continues "we're still working on a venue, trying to find a band, believe me, planning a wedding is exhausting, and oh! dont be surprised if your invite gets lost in the mail ma" the demon gives a shit eating grin, you smile seeing beetlejuice has gained SOME confidence back.
"I have no interest in attending your little wedding Lawrence" she spat "it's clear you're not going to budge, and still refusing to take responsibility for your actions, you always were a slacker, and if that's the case, once you die again you will be returning to my office to deal with the mess you made" her focus turns to you "or I could end this little charade by killing your ticket to life"
Your heart stops at her words, she was a demon, Beetlejuice's grip tightens on you, the silence must have been hurting him as much as it did you.
"But I wont, itd be too much a hassle ending a life before it's time"
You sigh in relief, and beetlejuice loosens his grip.
"This will end poorly for the two of you, and I dont want to hear it" juno walks past the two of you, and with a gesture of her hand the livingroom wall opens up to reveal an office full of the dead.
"Lawrence before you join the living I need to deal with one last errand, so I will see you later, and you" Juno's boney finger points to you "you have no idea what you've signed up for" and with that she was gone, the wall closes up as if nothing happened, the two of you collapse on the floor
"Shes gone" you sigh, you've never been more scared in you entire life then you were talking to Juno
"So you like your future mother in law?" Beej jabs you side
"Oh yeah, a delight" you snort, "how long do you think we have before she notices we havent gotten married?" You tone shifts to a more serious note
"No clue, guess you'll actually need to marry me now" he pulls you into a side hug
"What?" You stammer, beetlejuice laughs at your response
"HA! Just pulling your chain there doll, theres no way in hell she's coming back to check, if I know that Bitch shes going to file away those papers for me, there's no way she'll let them just sit there for who knows how long, and this time next week she'll be harping about something else" beetlejuice stands up and pulls you up with him as he sees you struggling to move in that dress, as you raise to your feet you mumble a thanks.
"You know beej, you really do clean up good, I mean, you look very handsome all dressed up" you smile, now that that two of you were safe, you felt it was the right time to say it.
The purple in the ghoul's hair quickly vanishes at your kind words and is replaced with pink.
"Well you know doll, the tux suits me, but it looks even better on the floor, you'll see on our honeymoon~"
"Is that so?"
"Dont believe me? I'll show ya right now baby~" the ghoul pulls you close pressing his chest against yours, as fun as this little exchange was it came to a halt when you yawned.
"What a way to start a weekend, early and terrified, I think I'm gonna get a few more hours of sleep" you grumbled rubbing your eye "you mind helping me out of this dress?" Beetlejuice goes wide eyed at your question, in a flash his hands were groping for the zipper on your back.
"Naughty minx" he purrs before you swat his hands away
"I ment with magic" you breath out, you may be tired, but your genitals were now wide awake.
Beetlejuice grumbles as he snaps his fingers bringing you back into your pajamas and him in his suit.
"Thank you, I guess this wouldnt be good night, see you in a bit" you shrug as you head to your bedroom to get a few more hours of sleep, you glance back at beetlejuice, who was purple once again, you frown
"Beej do you want to sleep with me? I mean you dont need to sleep, I just thought maybe, you wouldnt want to be alone right now?" After seeing his mother maybe he could use some comfort.
There was a long silence as the demon only stares back at you, you panic
"I'm sorry, that was stupid, I'll just, uh, see you in-" you babble as you spin in your heels eager to get away from this embarrassing situation. Before you could hide away in your bedroom you feel the dicey grip if the demon's hand on your shoulder, and in a deep gravely voice he purrs
"Isn't it normal for a husband and wife to sleep together?~" 
you honestly felt a shiver run up your spine.
The ghoul, now only in a pair of boxers has now cuddled up to you  his legs intertwined with yours, his arms wrapped around your waist, hand rubbing up and down your back, and head nuzzled into your chest, the demon now pink, purred feeling your hands scratching his scalp, his mother was wrong, you did love him, truly and unconditionally, maybe not now, but soon, he will marry you.
It's been days since you met his mother, and it seems like beetlejuice has been back to stop caring about it, but sometimes you see him just staring off into space.
The ghoul had only one thing on his mind, replaying the memory over and over, of you shouting "I REALLY DO WANT TO MARRY HIM!"
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Miranda x Mia---- Eternal
A Ko-Fi commission I wrote for the wonderful @saltwatereulogies. Thank you so very much for the support and I hope you enjoy the fic!
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Drip. Splatter.
The first sound you’re aware of is that of the occasional waterdrop crashing onto the same humid, uneven floor you’re lying on.
The second is the sound of her voice.
“Rise and shine.” she says, somewhere off to the side. You are still too disoriented to pinpoint exactly where.
You’re not dizzy enough, though, to not immediately realize you’re trapped. The way the light behind your captor shines makes it all the more obvious, casting large shadows in the shape of your prison bars across your small, moldy cell.
“Y-you…” you struggle to talk. Your throat is too dry and your temples pound like a war drum. It feels like you’ve collided with a truck. And yet her voice commanding you to sleep is the last thing you remember.
“I haven’t formally introduced myself. Though I’m sure your friend has told you about me.”
You blink to make your vision focus yet it’s hopeless. She is but a dark blur to you –am I hallucinating or are those wings?
“My name is Miranda.”
Suddenly, that name snaps everything into focus so sharply you could get whiplash. You’re on your knees the next second, just about ready to leap at her. She’s the one. The one Chris warned you about. She may look like an angel but she is a devil.
“I don’t care who the hell you are! What do you want from me?!” you demand.
“Your cooperation in my experiments, for starters.” she says it calmly, but she is no fool to believe you’ll just agree to that, you can see it in her crystal-blue eyes.
“Ha! As if!” you retort.
“Well. That answer will change when I have Rose.” The name of your daughter makes every nerve ending in your body kick at once.
“What. Like Ethan will just hand her over to the likes of you?”
A slow smirk crosses her full lips. Then their shape changes to match yours. All of her does, until you are left looking at a perfect mirror of yourself. Only, there’s no way you look quite that good inside of this shitty cell.
“He’ll hand her over to you.”
When she laughs, it is your own voice haunting your ears.
She has your daughter. She has your everything in her hands. So, she has your cooperation, as well.
Miranda doesn’t really talk when she comes to collect blood samples for whatever experiments she needs them. Your initial cries and questions were muted the second she told you the more helpful and less annoying you are, the more inclined she’ll feel to bring Rose to you for a while.
In the end, you do let yourself be her docile little lab rat.
Until you literally can’t take the silence anymore.
“Was it really… that easy?” ‘To enter my home and take my daughter’ you want to add but you can’t even get the words past your throat.
She seems to understand, though. “Effortless.” she isn’t being cocky as she says it. In fact, she seems almost surprised herself. At least, from the angle you get of her face, while she’s studying a strange rock-like substance under a microscope.
“How the hell did Ethan not figure out you aren’t me?!” That moron. He just gave your daughter to her. That clueless moron!
For a split second, you see her lip twitch in what could, perhaps, be a withheld smile. “I was there for a day, so. Seems like your husband doesn’t know you quite that well.”
Is it really fair to blame him for not knowing you, though? With the secrets you’ve kept from him? The distance? The trauma from the shared nightmare you experienced coming back to you every time you even looked at him?
God, Rose really is the only thing that kept you together, isn’t she…
It’s easy to hate the accursedly beautiful bitch outside your cell. It’s easy to blame Ethan for not even suspecting something was amiss with you for a whole damn day.
It is not so easy to blame yourself as much as you do them.
Miranda replies when you ask her things, so you ask her about herself. To your surprise, she does not shroud her motives from you.
She has lost her daughter, she tells you, and the only way to get her back is through yours. For the first time since you met her, you see emotion clearly expressed in her eyes and voice. You recognize how she longs to be with her child again.
You can understand the never-ending grief of a mother losing her offspring. You know if anything happened to Rose you would rather fling yourself off a cliff than live a life without her.
And apparently, that is what she tried to do, too. She tried to die –and discovered life instead. That is what she calls it, anyway. All you can hear as she explains is that she found –and founded— the Mold. The same one that ruined your husband and you.
One more reason to hate the psycho witch.
And yet.
When you try to reach for the rage you previously held for her, you find that it’s gone. You’re bitter, you’re exhausted, you want to cry and above everything you want to see Rose again. But you don’t loathe her as you should.
“What do you mean… the only way to get Eva back is through Rose?” you dare ask after several minutes of silence.
She turns to look at you, eyes as piercing as they are blue. “Technically, the trade is simple.” Maybe you’re losing it from the stress and lack of sleep, but you think she almost hesitates for a second. “…a life for a life.”
As soon as she speaks and the meaning of her words registers in your mind, you’re gripping at the rusty iron bars with all your might, rattling them, shouting profanities at her. You are back to hating her all over again. It’s much simpler this way.
Until… she walks over and grabs your hand over the metal. Her touch is oddly warm for such a glacial heart. You cannot tell what she does to you, but it feels like an aura flowing through your system that silences you. Calms you. You do not want to be calm.
“I wasn’t finished.” she speaks. “That is where the experiments with you come in. By running tests on your blood and Rose’s and using my DNA as a medium, during the ritual I can trick the Megamycete into giving me what I want through a form of mitosis. Essentially, cell duplication that will not override the existing vessel.”
To be honest… you lost her midway through the very first sentence. You were quite good with biology back in the day but right now, in the state you’re in, science is going right over your head.
“...Is there an English version of that.” you ask.
Her mouth curves into that almost-smile again. It would be quite gorgeous, actually, if she hadn’t kidnapped you, infiltrated your home as you and abducted your daughter.
“If the tests succeed, you get your daughter back, I get mine from cloned DNA and Mold cells.” There’s a hint of pride in her voice as she says it.
And now, assuming she’s telling the truth, you want those tests to succeed more than you want to get out of here. Her hand leaves yours and the weird calm she blasted into you dissipates with it.
“Wait. So…” Realization strikes you like a thunderclap. “So these tests are for me?”
“You’re welcome.”
“I didn’t say thank you, you crazy b—blonde.” You rattle the iron bars again, a tad weaker than before. She does smirk over the microscope, this time. “How likely are the tests to succeed?” you ask impatiently.
“Quite.” she replies, flat once again.
“…And if they don’t?” you hate how your voice shakes there, at the end.
She looks at you, dead in the eyes, as she answers: “I am getting my daughter back either way, Mia.”
You can’t believe it. You cannot believe you’re thinking this, but you hope the crazy bitch knows what she’s doing.
Miranda is… despicable, but she is a woman of her word.
She brings you Rose for hours at a time and in exchange you help her outside of your cell. You thought your daughter would be in a worse condition, considering who keeps her, yet she’s healthy as ever, well-fed and clean. The worst part is, she laughs every time Miranda comes close and she even reaches out for her.
“No, my darling, don’t do that.” you tell her, tucking her tighter in your arms, before the woman behind you notices what’s happening.
Except it’s too late. “Ah, I see.” Miranda speaks, coming up to you from behind. She’s tall enough to lean over your shoulder and wave at Rose, who moves both hands towards her. “A lady of taste.” the woman praises and the lightness to her voice almost makes her sound like someone else. Someone normal.
“Stop it.” You turn your child away from her. “She’s just confused because you’re lit up like a Christmas tree.” You motion with your chin at her getup.
Miranda chuckles. “What. She senses our bond. Rose feels safe with me.”
Safe with the monster who wants to sacrifice her to get her own child back. You cannot swallow that thought down. “But she’s not, is she?!” you snap.
“She is.” Miranda reverts to her cool facade, glancing down at your daughter. “I will never let anything hurt her. And when she gives me Eva back, I will make sure she grows up bathed in luxury.”
It’s the Mold, you’re sure of it.
It’s the Mold’s fault that you believe her.
You were supposed to see Rose today. Instead, Miranda comes into the cave alone, looking irritated. You start to worry. Nothing phases her without a good reason. What if—
“Where’s my daughter?!” you demand, eyes wide.
“We have a problem.” she tells you. Your blood goes cold in your veins. “A problem named Ethan Winters.”
“Ethan?” you gasp.
“He is trying to get Rose back and according to reports from the Lords under me, he cannot be killed. His hand got cut off and he just reattached it. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?” she’s certain that you know. You can see it in her steely eyes.
“I— why would I—”
“Before you think to lie to me, hear something else. I bear good news, as well.” Miranda says. “I have succeeded in my experiments. During the ritual, I can guarantee Rose will remain unharmed and unchanged.” the edge of her lip curls up as she delivers the news. You almost cry from the sheer relief.
You almost leap forward and hug her, yet you remember who she is and that she caused this mess in the first place.
“But my conditions have changed.” her voice is a sword that cuts off your happiness just like that. You knew it was too good to be true. “For me to save Rose, you will tell me how to permanently get rid of Ethan Winters.”
She wants you to… trade your daughter for your husband? How the hell can I do that?!
“He has ruined too much for me to let him walk away happily now.” Her jaw is tight enough to sprout new lines on her flawless face. She wants him dead and she always gets what she wants. “He has killed colleagues of mine. Spat in the face of a damn-near god. I will have his head.”
The corners of your eyes sting with welling tears. Your body is far more honest than you in making a decision. Nobody is too important to sacrifice when it comes to your daughter. Not yourself. Not Ethan. And Miranda knows this better than anybody else. You loathe how she knows.
“Give him to me, Mia. And in a few days this whole thing will be over.” she continues in a significantly softer tone, getting closer to you. Her wings shift, the very edge of black feathers brushing your arms.
“You want me to aid in killing the father of my child?!” you sob, grabbing at her clothes. You’d expect her to shove you away, but she doesn’t move. She doesn’t even blink.
“You have been so cooperative and so brave.” she soothes, gold-taloned fingers coming underneath your chin. “Make one last sacrifice for me. Help me murder Ethan so Rose can live. Help me and I vow to be her eternal guardian angel. Hers and yours.”
She could just force the answer out of you. She’s touching you and you know she has that power. But she doesn’t do it and it’s far worse this way. She wants it to be your choice.
You look away from Miranda’s icy eyes and her promises of everything.
And you tell her.
You do not ask about Ethan. All that’s in your mind is the ceremony.
For the entire morning, you cannot breathe. You trace notes in her lab and pace around until you literally feel like you’ll explode—
And then Miranda comes in. She is radiant, smiling from ear to ear, glowing with pure joy. She looks every part the goddess she pretends to be. The golden circle usually adorning her back is gone, her long blonde hair is left free to flow like fine strands of silk past her square shoulders.
“It is done!” she tells you, a hand extended for you to take. “Come. I’ll take you to Rose and you will be the first to meet Eva.”
Her hand is warm when it closes around yours. Black wings shroud you both. There is a gravitational pull around you that’s so intense you shut your eyes and grab onto her biceps for dear life.
“You can look, now.” she speaks once the world is stable again. Your gut is churning, yet every bit of exhaustion and discomfort vanish the second you see Rose. She is safe within the first of the two golden cribs in front of you, bathed by the soft sunlight that disperses across the luxurious, dark-tiled chamber you’re in.
You run towards her, lifting your daughter in your arms and kissing her forehead over and over. She laughs at you, blue eyes crinkled. My love. My everything, you think. Everything was worth it for this moment. And you would do it all again, to ensure her safety.
Miranda’s steps, regal and authoritative, come to a stop near the other crib. You lean closer, take a look… to see another little angel there, sleeping peacefully. She resembles Rose, yet she resembles Miranda, too.
“Oh my God.” you breathe. “You really did it.”
“I did it and you and Rose made it possible, Mia.” she says. Your child extends a tiny hand towards her. She removes one of her claws and lets her finger be taken in your baby’s grip. “You don’t have to leave. She loves me already.” A proud smile curves her lips.
You hate how it looks like a sunrise.
You hate it even more that you understand why Rose is so charmed.
“Her mom can grow to love me, too.” Crystal eyes look into your own. “There is no place safer than by my side. Stay and we will raise them together. You won’t have to fear disease or death with me. You and Rose will have every little thing you could ever want. Forever.”
You don’t want your child to be co-patented by this selfish megalomaniac, who is the killer of her father. But. Then you stop to consider what you have been through until now. Nightmare after nightmare; this vicious cycle does not look like it will be broken. One thing or another will haunt you and hunt you wherever you go. You don’t want that life for Rose.
You won’t accept that life for Rose.
“…we will stay. But you can forget that part about me growing any fonder of you than I am now.”
Miranda nods, but something in her expression is so damn cocky you want to smack her. “Oh, what’s that, Rose? You can tell your mother is lying, too? My genius girl.”
Your jaw drops. She is my genius girl!
Miranda then touches your chin and tilts it up. You don’t want to be any closer to the gorgeous fucking witch, but when she stops there, hovering just over your mouth for a skipped heartbeat, looking down at you with those crystalline eyes of hers, you’re paralyzed.
Her lips slide over your own for just one slick, hot second. When she pulls back, she caresses Rose’s cheek and winks at you.
“I hate you.” you say, yet it holds no real bite. God, you’re exhausted.
“That’s alright. We have all the time in the world to change that.”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐃𝐚𝐝! 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳: 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲'𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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"What even are you doing Mingi?"
Hongjoong questioned when the taller boy randomly picked up his son from the carrier and proceeded to take him inside the recording booth.
"I'm bored and we got writer's block. So I'm trying to have a little fun."
Lifting the boy up so his tiny mouth could reach the microphone, Mingi looked back at Hongjoong.
"Try recording his little babbles and let's make it into your alarm ringtone since obviously his cries are the only way to get you to wake up." He teased the leader.
Hongjoong was about to retaliate, but ultimately opted not to. Obliging instead to the request, he put on his headphones and pressed the live button. Mingi gently bounced the baby in his arms, making him emit tiny giggles and squeals.
"Ok that is pretty adorable." Hongjoong smiled fondly.
Mingi began making faces at the boy and raised his voice in a higher pitch.
"Can you say a few words? Like Uncle Mingi is the best? Or I love Uncle Mingi more than his Dada?"
The boy looked at Mingi in puzzlement.
"Yeah. You love me more than Dada." He repeated, puffing his cheeks out and pointing to Hongjoong who was just rolling his eyes by now.
The baby looked over at Hongjoong before blurting out the softest "Da..Da."
Hongjoong fell out of his chair and scrambled to get up to run inside the booth. Taking the baby away from Mingi, he held his face close.
"Can you say that again? Just one more time. I need to get that recorded right now."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Seonghwa let out a series of noises as he carefully fed his daughter in front of him.
"Babe, you're doing that again." You told him as you continued whisking the pancake mix.
"Doing what?" He hardly payed attention to your question though as he continued to play around with the spoon in his hand, making it swirl around in the air while mimicking airplane sounds.
"Acting more like a baby than our actual baby." You snorted.
"No one's more babier than our little baby. She just likes playing around during eating time."
Seonghwa held the spoon close to her mouth, allowing her to take it into her mouth, some of it spilling on her chin as she munched it down at an alarmingly fast pace.
"Ok hold on there. Eat a little more slowly babygirl. Geez for a tiny thing, you sure have a big appetite."
When he pulled away the spoon, she started whining, upset at having her meal taken away from her. Her tiny eyebrows furrowed and her puree covered lips pouted in discontent.
"Oh look. She turned into an angry bird." You chuckled at her frowning face.
"It's not her fault she loves food."
When he held up the spoon again, her eyes widened and she began squirming around.
"You want more? Want more Num Num?" Seonghwa used the term that always seemed to get a reaction from her.
"Num num!" She squealed out of nowhere.
Seonghwa dropped the puree filled spoon on the table, not caring that he made a mess as he began freaking out over her first words.
Right away, she repeated after him when she heard the word again, making him lose it even more.
"Seonghwa.......num num isn't an actual word though....it's more like an onomatopoeia.."
But he was not listening to you.
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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You held your daughter on your lap as the boys in front of you continued to practice their choreography ardently, her tiny figure loving it whenever you began bouncing her on your knee.
"Mingi!" Wooyoung screeched for the thousandth time.
"What?!" Mingi exclaimed, tired of being called out every 16 seconds.
"You're doing it wrong...again!" San joined in.
The other guys began groaning, some of them just dropping to the floor as they knew it would turn into another argument on who's right and who's wrong. Yunho looked over at you, shooting you an apologetic look as he had promised just one more run through and then you could both leave, but clearly that wasn't happening. You just smiled and grabbing your daughter's tiny hands, you waved them around, mimicking a show of support.
"Ok ok guys stop. Fighting will get us nowhere, so let's just go through it one more time so we can go home. Deal?" Hongjoong stepped in to put everyone in their place.
"Don't mess this up anymore Mingi. I got a scheduled cuddle session with Shiber that I can't be late for." San glared at him.
"I won't! Geez!" Mingi scoffed dramatically.
"Guys? Should we huddle up and shout 'hwaiting'?" Jongho suggested.
All of them immediately got together and placed one hand in the center.
"8 makes 1 team! Hwaiting!" They all shouted loudly.
Before they could press play on the music again, a tiny and excited 'hwaiting' made them all turn their heads towards you and the baby.
"Y/N......was that you or..?" Yunho looked at you with hopeful eyes.
You immediately shook your head and pointed at the tiny baby in your hands, who repeated what she said, a little jumbled, but still coherent.
Not just Yunho, but all of them started hollering and going insane over the baby's first words. Yunho rushed over and tried to get her to say more things.
"Ok now can you try and say daddy for me?"
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Yeosang poked a piece of chicken off the drumstick. Looking over at his son, he began to hold it towards his face, luckily you got there just in time to stop him.
"Yeosang!" You scolded him.
At your sharp tone, his fork slipped off his grip.
"I did nothing!" He held his hands up.
"Were you seriously about to feed our 1 year old chicken?" You exclaimed in disbelief.
"But honey! Look at him! He's hungry. What kind of father lets his child starve?" He pouted at you.
"Well here's an idea: why not get up and make him a bottle?" You suggested.
Yeosang looked at the baby and then back at you.
"Why not just pull your nipple out of your shirt and give him your milk?"
Seeing your widening eyes and wandering hands that were reaching for the nearest thing to throw at him, Yeosang immediately got up and went to the cabinets to start making a bottle.
"Geez! It was only a joke. No need to take it seriously. Besides...."
He snorted to himself before glancing back at you.
"It was pretty funny. Hehet."
You were going to say something back to him, but when your son repeated his father's 'hehet', you both stopped and stared at him before staring back at each other, silently asking each other if they heard right.
"Hehet." The boy answered your question when he said it again.
Yeosang came over, a smug smile on his face as he shook the baby bottle before lifting his son up in his arms. He kissed the top of his head and chuckled.
"Hehet. I knew you'd inherit my sense of humor."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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San waved the plushie in front of the boy's face.
"Shiiiiberrr." He spoke out once again, but the boy stayed unfazed.
"Ok ok, I get it. I'll go slower this time."
Clearing his throat, he shook the plush rather violently.
You cringed at San, inwardly regretting telling him about the fact that supposedly your son should have started talking by now, or at least babbling some words.
"San just give up. Maybe he's not ready yet."
But he wasn't going to be persuaded.
"No! I will get him to talk. Trust me on this, our son will soon say mommy or daddy or Shiber. Whichever comes first."
As San continued his attempts to get his son to mutter even a single word, your furry feline friend decided it would be a good idea to watch and proceeded to perch herself on the dresser right in front of your baby and San. Your son caught glimpse of his favorite bedtime buddy and began squealing, arms outstretched wanting to cuddle her.
"I'll give you the plushie once you say his name. Shiber." San offered.
You rolled your eyes.
"He doesn't want Shiber, he wants Byeol." You pointed out.
Having had his back turned, San whipped his head and saw Byeol staring him down.
"What? Byeol! Out I say! I'm still mad at you for getting your litter all over my clothes. Stop distracting my baby and get out!"
When the cat hissed at him when he tried to pick her up, San retreated.
"Byeol!" He warned her.
"B.....Bo....Byeol!" Your son finally spoke up.
You were so overjoyed at his words you immediately crouched in front of him, making sure to bring the cat with you.
"Yes! Yes! This is Byeol! Can you say her name again?"
The cat purred softly as the baby petted her ears before repeating her name, this time more clearly. San stood there looking shocked. Huffing softly, he crossed his arms.
"This doesn't mean you're off the hook Byeol."
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Shifting the camera around, Mingi held it up towards you as you were currently playing around with your daughter who was in her little bouncer.
"And here we have the most beautiful creature to bless this earth."
You were about to let out an 'aww' at Mingi's words until he spoke up again.
"Honey could you please move aside so we can see the baby more clearly?"
Glaring at your husband, you picked up one of the tiny plushies surrounding your daughter and threw it at him, causing the baby to start laughing at her dad.
"Agression caught on camera!" He exclaimed as he faked being severely hurt by your actions.
You ignored him and turned your attention back to your daughter.
"Don't pay any attention to daddy. He's mean and bad." You cooed softly at her.
Mingi gasped dramatically, holding a hand over his mouth.
"Me? Bad?" He asked.
You nodded your head, not even bothering to look at him as you repeated yourself.
"Yes. Very very bad daddy." You tickled your daughter's feet.
"Bewy bad."
Both of you were surprised that your daughter said not 1, but 2 words, and it was even more surprising because it wasn't even time for her to start babbling just yet. Mingi sat down next to you, focusing the camera on her tiny face.
"Did you guys hear that?! She actually said 'bewy bad!" Mingi began squealing from excitement.
Not taking her eyes off Mingi, the baby began repeating herself.
Mingi chuckled.
"Ok sweetheart, I get it. You can say bad, but maybe now try saying 'Dada'. Similar right?" He urged her to continue.
The baby simply picked up another toy and threw it at the camera.
"Bad!" She piped out.
Mingi now turned the camera to you.
"Look what you've done! Now she'll forever refer to me as 'bad'!" He huffed out.
"Ok but where's the lie though?" You teased him.
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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After the initial shock died down of hearing your daughter's first words, Wooyoung and you began screaming.
"She said her first words!" You cheered.
"I know! Wait! Was it a one time thing or...?"
Pressing his face in her view, Wooyoung intently stared at his baby.
"Repeat what you said. Mama." He told her.
Although it took her a while the second time, ultimately she said the word again, making you both applaud at her efforts. You were on the verge of crying at hearing your daughter call out for you for the very first time.
"Ok ok. Now.....say 'dada.' You know? As in your favorite parent? Dada." Wooyoung giggled at her.
"Mama." The girl said again.
"Yes yes, we get it. You can say mama, but now I want you to say dada ok?"
Wooyoung kept repeating the word over and over again, but each time the baby would instead say the one word she had learned so far. It was honestly hilarious watching Wooyoung get frustrated as his daughter refused to budge and instead continued to annoy him by saying mama instead of dada.
"Ok.....one last time. Da...da." Wooyoung went slower this time.
The baby took a tiny breath and Wooyoung actually got his hopes up but ultimately being let down.
"Mama." The baby squeaked.
Wooyoung began yelling in anger.
"Ya! The whole reason I wanted a girl was so that you could be daddy's little princess, not mommy's little pet! You're supposed to love me more! I'm the fun parent, your mom is supposed to be the one grounding you and forbidden you from doing fun things, how could you betray me like this?!"
Wooyoung wheezed violently after he got his rant out. The 10 month old just blinked at him, not understanding what caused him to be so agitated, but responded the only way she could.
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Jongho looked over at you every once in a while, chuckling at your seemingly futile attempts to get your son to say his first words, particularly, you wanted him to say "mommy" or "mama."
"Mommy." You repeated once again.
But the baby seemed more interested in his dad, watching him peel some apples and put them in a bowl. Normally he'd be splitting them in half, but since you were going to be baking an apple pie, you just needed them peeled at the moment.
"Baby. Please pay attention." You waved the rattle in his face to get him to look at you.
"Honey don't force him. There's still time. Besides you can't really trust everything google tells you." Jongho tried to comfort you.
But you weren't about to give up. You were hell bent on getting your son to call for you.
"Mama. Mama."
You pouted when the boy adamantly ignored you and just continued cooing softly at his father's movements.
"What? Do you prefer daddy over me?" You asked him, not really expecting him to answer.
Jongho dropped the apple he was holding, eyes shooting up as he heard the baby's babble.
"Did....did he just say daddy?" He looked at you, but your son confirmed it once again for him.
Jongho got up and went over to stand in front of your son, smiling proudly at him.
"Yes my little buddy. I'm your daddy and you just made me so happy."
He picked him up and kissed his cheek before stealing him away from you to spend more time with him.
"Ummm....we were having mother- son bonding time?" You told him.
"Well it's obvious he prefers my company."
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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saturnsummer · 3 years
Solhwi prompt:
Sol A tries to set up a date between sol B and joonhwi after his court 'confession' (even though she is lowkey jealous) assuming he was talking about her and confusion ensues... And if you can use the following dialogue-
"Sol, it's you. It has always been you."
love's complicated.
Sol A's not jealous. She really isn't.
But what was this twisting, nerve wracking feeling that she feels every time she sees Sol B?
notes: prompted by @confusedsoulsramblings ! i had so much fun writing this, i had to add a small bonus at the end. i had no intention on making this so long, but i guess it’s my trait to make long fics. spelling, grammar and incorrect information will be taken responsible by me. thank you all for support, once again! let me know of more prompts, questions or your reviews! feedback and criticism very much appreciated! thank you all, once again for the endless love!!
words: 3000 words.
Sol shouldn't be any less shocked during Yeseul's trial. When Prosecutor Jin cornered Joon Hwi with his question, she turned to look at her roomie at the same time she did. Then, she saw Joon Hwi’s eyes trail nervously, fluttering between them both. Sol knew his answer from the look on his face. 
It was never her to begin with.
She wasn't angry. She wasn't upset. She expected it. Sol B was sophisticated, graceful and beautiful. She knew how all the freshmen would nickname her "Ice Princess.". Could anyone disagree? Furthermore, coming from a family of lawyers and prosecutors, who wouldn't love her? She was a dream child. She possessed both the brains and the beauty. 
Joon Hwi was always open with his teasing and words. He loved teasing her over their first meeting at the bookstore. He loves visiting Byeol randomly, even when Sol isn't home. He often comments with sentences that could have secondary meanings, and was very much teased by Bokgi. Even though he infuriated her sometimes, she always smiled with him.
Sol felt special, if she was honest. She felt like the only girl that he had his eyes on. She couldn’t help but feel tingly inside and her heart blooming like flowers in spring. Yeseul spent hours convincing Sol that Joon Hwi likes her, and on some nights, she liked to fantasied to the thought of it. 
Of course, it means nothing to her now.
Sol sits alone in the study room, huffing out a sigh. She ruffles her hair and buries her face into her sweater sleeves. She can't believe that she can't study due to Joon Hwi liking her roommate. She doesn't like the twisting feeling in her stomach, and she doesn't know what it's called, too.
Was she... jealous? 
Sol shakes her head vigorously and slaps her face a couple of times. No, she thinks, and lets out a breathy laugh. She can’t be. As far as her feelings went, she never considered seeing Joon Hwi more than best friends. The chances of him liking her was held at a much higher percentage than her liking him, in Sol’s head. 
But thinking back, she couldn’t deny her feelings anymore. She couldn’t bury her feelings any further, especially now that she has accidentally dug them up. Her snarky remarks, the way she acted with him, the burning feelings she felt whenever someone spoke bad of him, her smiles that she would sometimes save for him. 
Maybe, she does had feelings for this second round judicial exam passer. 
But at the same time, she felt wrong. Her roomie was oh, so obviously in love with Joon Hwi, harbouring such toxic feelings felt wrong. It felt backstabbing and so betraying. She couldn’t be jealous. She can’t be, anymore. She should be happy, for her best friend to fancy such a perfect partner like Sol B.
Even if it meant that her feelings were not returned, she didn't mind. 
Because his happiness and smile was enough for her. 
Sol did her best to squash those toxic feelings. She reminded herself that her roomie was in love with her best friend, and her best friend felt the same. She avoided every moment she was caught between them and always scooted away when Joon Hwi wanted to sit with her. She gave lame excuses (”I want to sit with Yeseul”, “Yebeom needs to help me with a case”), but her feelings only bubbled up stronger inside. 
She witnessed as her cold faced roomie soften in her speech when talking to Joon Hwi, the way her eyes softened when he would explain something to her, the way he gave the exact same smile to her when he witnesses her finally figuring things on her own. Or the eyes that he gives when he devours his ramyeon while Sol eats her extra pickles with equal fervour. 
If Sol was being honest and straightforward, she wanted to take out her anger on Joon Hwi. For leading her on to believing that he liked her. For being so flirty with her that even BokGi wanted to join in on the teasing. For playing her into this game, only to leave her hanging and lost and completely blindsided by his feelings.
But no, she couldn’t. She knew it wasn’t his fault. She blamed herself, for letting herself be lead by him. She blamed herself for falling for him, instead of focussing on her studies. She was always more rash and emotional. 
It was her decision to fall for his charms, not his. 
She can’t bring herself to blame him, knowing that Joon Hwi was always like this. Mumbling with low spirits, she sunk lower into her chair in the empty study room. She purposely didn’t want to tell anyone that she would be studying in the study room, in hopes that she could be alone. Heading back to her dorm was not an option, since her roomie’s presence would made her so guilty.
“Why the long sigh, sunbae?” She freezes at the nickname. Internally, a part of her lights up, recognising the voice, but even more the nickname that was said. As quickly as it came, it dissipated as she finally registered who it was, and her guilt ridden feelings came right back up. 
Joon Hwi walked in, with his bag slung over, his signature smirk on his face. Pulling a chair, he scooted it over nearer to Sol. Peering over her book, he leaned closer and grabbed the pen she was holding.
“Ooh, criminal codes. Are you having trouble?” He asks, leaning closer to her. 
Sol was so glad he was not looking at her. His body was so near hers, that she could smell the fresh cologne he wore, and the slight musk of sweat from a whole day of work. She couldn’t stay here any longer, while having a knot in her stomach. Leaping from her chair, she gathered her books, nearly scaring Joon Hwi and she quickly packed her things. 
“I... I just remembered that I needed to meet Yeseul for something!” She blurts out, before running out the room. 
She ran up to where the lecture halls were at, before going back down and escape to a part of their campus garden. She always took the same spot, a hidden corner hidden away by a tree that even Joon Hwi isn’t aware of. She frequented that area many times, when she was still insecure about making friends and found it particularly comforting.
“This is no good, I can’t run off every time I see him.” She mumbles to herself. She knew she was right. She knew Joon Hwi was smart to catch on about her not attending classes as usual with her seat next to him. Even though she still showed up for study group, she knew that he could sense the change in her mood. 
She needed a plan, and she needed it ASAP. 
A week passed after her awkward encounter. Sol had gotten used to the twisted feeling in her stomach. After a week of debating in her head, she formulated her plan to get her feelings over and done with. 
She was going to have her roommate and Joon Hwi date. 
Sol had figured that if there’s anything she does best, it’s to disappoint herself. Instead of losing face to her best friend and confessing to him about how she felt, she much rather have her feelings crushed instead. Because she knows that he will probably debate on who to choose and she couldn’t let him be the decision maker. He doesn't need to make such a difficult decision. 
Besides, Sol knew her roomie’s situation. With an overbearing and controlling mother, the least she could do to make her happy was to have the man she crushed on. He could at least help her in her studies, benefitting her mother’s dreams of being a judge one day and have him by her side forever. 
Sol knew the date was going to go well. Sol B had the hugest crush, Joon Hwi would have might as well admitted to her that he had feelings for her in front of the whole court room. All they were missing were private moments alone, without their textbooks and no mentions of school. Oh, and maybe a few glasses of wine and a fancy restaurant in town.
And so Sol found herself in the study room alone again, thinking about how to tell Joon Hwi about setting up a date between Sol B. 
Apparently, fate meant for it to happen now.
Because Joon Hwi strode in, a familiar smile on his face, in his hoodie. 
“Stuck again?” Joon Hwi says, nodding to her books on the table. She contemplates going into small talk and saying yes, but pushes her thoughts aside. No, she needed this out of her system. 
“Joon Hwi, how would you like to go on a date with Sol B?” She blurts out, literally making her point across. Joon Hwi is stunned for a moment, as he sets his bag on the table, leaning on a chair. 
“Well...what makes you think I would enjoy it?” Joon Hwi stutters back, clearly stunned. 
“Oh, I mean, well, you know how Sol B likes you, don’t you? And I think it’ll be nice for you to go on a date with her. You know get to know my roomie more.” Sol replies as casually as she can. A part of her hopes he says no, that he rather spends his time doing anything else. 
But instead, he just shrugs and nods. 
And her heart drops, shattering like glass into a thousand pieces. She maintains her bright smile on her face, and even gives a convincing laugh. Sol sits through the next ten minutes of her telling Joon Hwi when she’s free tomorrow and promising she won’t tell anyone, not even Yeseul. 
As best as she can, she excuses herself from him, hoping her voice isn’t shaky when she says “I hope you enjoy your date!” as she walks away. Her steps are shaky and she feels lightheaded. She doesn't notice how her eyes are teary, the same way they get when she cuts onions. 
Rushing to the washroom nearest to the garden, she locks herself in a cubicle and takes deep silent breaths. She concentrates on breathing and tries brainwashing herself. Come on, Sol, you can’t be upset for him. You should be happy! Joon Hwi is going on a date! And he’s going with the best girl you know! Why are you upset? She repeatedly chants this in her head, holding in her tears as best she can.
But it unfortunately isn’t enough when she finally cracks, letting the pent up sadness explode from it’s cage, her tears streaming down. She prays the bathroom is empty when she wails and sobs, crumbling to the floor in a heap of tears as she can’t help but get the image of her crush and roommate holding hands and kissing. 
For once in her life, she has never felt so hurt, but she couldn’t blame anyone but herself for putting herself in this situation. She landed herself in this ditch, and now she has to deal with the fact that her crush, her best friend, will be dating her roommate. 
Composing herself, she wipes her tears dry and washes her splotchy face. She rejects Yeseul’s offer for dinner, resorting to spending her night at the campus garden away in her hiding spot. She’s cold, but it’s nowhere near the numbness she feels in her heart deep down. When it gets too cold at 2am, she sneaks back into campus and goes to the long sofas in front of the Lady of Justice statue. 
She sits there staring into space for a long while, before carrying her bag to the, now empty and deserted, study room, where she crouches to the corner of the room. She’s reminded of the moments where he would sit with her so close, their shoulders brushed each other and their fingers always fumbled around for stationary. Everything reminds her of him, and she falls asleep, huddled in a corner, just as the rare rays of sun start to emerge.
She wanted him, but he wasn't hers anymore. 
“Sol. Sol, get up.” She hears a familiar voice say. Having slept for less than six hours, she’s groggy and rubs her eyes. Her back hurts from being hunched over, and her joints are sore and stiff. Her vision comes to focus as she comes face to face with Joon Hwi.
“Ah!” She yelps out, startled by his presence and retreats back, only banging her head against the metal cabinets instead. She winces and rubs her head, soothing her pain. Joon Hwi sighs and holds out his hand. She swats his hand away. 
“Why are you here?” Sol asks Joon Hwi. Joon Hwi holds a serious expression as he steps back to let Sol stand on her own. 
“I take back what I said yesterday.” He says suddenly. 
“I’m not going on a date with Sol B anymore. I don’t want to.” He blurts out. Sol takes a moment to register his words. Immediately, anger floods in. She can’t tell if it’s residual anger from being mad at him for playing her, or anger on behalf of her roommate. 
“What? What do you mean? But Sol B likes you so much! You should at least give her a chance!” Sol argues back, making her way to the other side of the table at the same time, dumping her bag there. She’s proper angry now, letting her emotions take charge of her actions. Her eyes are frustrated and her face frowns. Joon Hwi stops her and grabs her wrist, stopping her from moving away from him and pulls her back to the same side of the table that he is. 
“I don’t like her. And I don’t think I ever will.” He admits. Sol is breathless, taking in all this new information. But during the court, it was so clear that it was her roommate. She can’t do it, having Joon Hwi so close to her, wanting to be with him, yet getting told that he harbours no feelings for Sol B. The tension she felt was driving her crazy.
“But...” Her speech comes out breathless, almost suffocated out of anger and frustration. 
“Sol.” His voice is an octave lower, as he leans towards her, his face closing the distance. “Listen to me.”
“It’s you. It has always been you. From the beginning, it was always you.” 
Sol lets out a breath, almost suffocating from the tension. 
It...it was her? 
All this while...? 
“I thought... I thought...” She hates how her voice is so full of breath. She’s leaning against the table, and his hands have shifted from her wrist to the side of the table, trapping her.“I thought you liked her. I thought this entire while, she was the one you liked.”
“Maybe this will make you trust me.” 
And he presses his mouth against hers. 
Sol’s startled, not used to Joon Hwi being so dominating. But his soft lips against hers distract her. She removes her hands from the table, bringing them up to his hang around his neck. His hands slowly make their way to her waist as they move in sync. When they finally part, Sol’s face is blushed bright red. She feels his hot breath against her face.
“Believe me now, sunbae?” 
Sol B tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ears when she stops in her tracks to meet Joon Hwi.
“Hey, um, can we talk?” He asks awkwardly. She doesn’t know why she feels so calm, knowing that she should be feeling butterflies for having her crush talk to her. Nodding, they head to a spot until the staircases. 
“I don’t know how to put it...” Sol B realises where this conversation is going. In fact, she has been waiting for this day, ever since Yeseul’s court hearing. She knows what he’s going to say before he even says it. 
“You don’t like me, you like Sol A, right?” She completes his sentence. Joon Hwi fumbles in his speech and finds ways to defend himself quickly. But Sol B is quick to cut him off.
“It’s okay.” She says, the closest thing to a satisfied face she can make on her face. “I fully support you.”
“You’re... you’re not sad? Or angry?” Joon Hwi is cautious with his questions. Sol gives a slight scoff. If she’s honest, she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know what begin her crush for him, to begin with. She can’t remember if it was the way he answered questions, or the time he helped her put on her glasses. All she knows is that he didn’t like her, and she felt peace with that.
“I’ve seen the way you look at her. Your smile and your eyes are enough to prove it. Besides, that's who you were talking about in court, wasn’t it? You wanted to protect her.” She asks. He nods, eyes unable to meet hers. 
When Sol B went to bed the night before, she noticed that her roomie was nowhere. Assuming that she was out studying, she went to bed. But when she woke up the next morning, Sol B found her bed still the same state as last night. It was obvious she didn’t return to the dorm. 
“She didn't come back last night.” Sol B says and Joon Hwi’s eyes widen in panic. 
“Check the study room. She might just be studying there.”
“Okay.” He says and turns around. But he turns around once more before jogging away.
“Thank you, for everything.” 
Sol B gives a suppressed smile as she watches Joon Hwi get further and further from him. She tries all she can to find anger, jealousy, sadness, brokenness, denial. 
But yet, all she feels is calming peace. 
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