#like....wow i chose THE WORST TIME to start watching it as a child
pokimoko · 2 years
Me, circa May 2008: "Oh boy, I can't wait to start watching Doctor Who with my dad every week. Last week's episode with the big bee wasp thingy and the murder mystery was so much fun. I'm sure the rest of the episodes will be just like that. Just something goofy and lighthearted and perfect for a young child such as myself."
Me, three weeks later: *shaking fearfully* "I...I don't think I want to watch this anymore."
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fruity-phrog · 2 years
Top 10 times a kid’s cartoon made me cry!
(spoilers for The Owl House, Adventure Time, Amphibia, Gravity Falls and She-Ra)
10. Luz Leaving Camilla Again (The Owl House, Yesterday’s Tide)
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This one’s number ten for a few reasons. Number one, I was quite annoyed at how Camilla reacted to Luz’s choice to stay in the Demon Realm. It wasn’t like she chose it over staying with Camilla - she chose it over going to some weird-ass conversion camp. But also (and this might just be me being a jerk) there wasn’t anything physically stopping Luz from going back to the DR after finding her way back to the Human Realm, just a promise that can be persuaded away. The main reason this was sad was that she was being pulled away from her mum again, and that Camilla blamed herself. 
9. Queen Angella’s Sacrifice (She Ra and the Princesses of Power, The Portal)
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Angella’s character development kind of hit me like a truck, because until this scene I didn’t realize she needed character development. I feel like she’s an underrated character. In this scene, you can totally see that she views Adora (and Bow) as her own child, especially since Adora’s an orphan. You can hear the pain in her voice as she voices her past mistakes. Also, this is especially sad since she must have thought “ah well, at least I’ll see Entrapta and Micah again”
8. Tuba’s Funeral (Infinity Train, The Campfire Car)
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Tuba’s actual death didn’t really affect me because I was so certain she would just come back. But this funeral killed me. Grace had come so far, crying over a “null’s” life and making sure Hazel felt safe, protected and calm. And the way Hazel trusts Grace even though her best friend killed Grace’s mother. The scene was so well written and acted.
7. Marceline and Simon’s Past Revealed (Adventure Time, I Remember You)
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I think the worst thing about this scene is the fact that Marceline has had to carry these memories with her for centuries and centuries. Every time Finn and Jake complained about the Ice King, every time he turned up at her doorstep asking for lyric help, every time Bonnie got kidnapped, Marceline had to look at her father figure and see a monster. And the fact that Simon had no memory of her or their past? Wow. That hurt. And the final blow - that Simon got Marceline Hambo - just destroyed me.
6. Finn Says Goodbye To Minerva (Adventure Time, The Light Cloud)
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The main thing about this one is that they could have had more time. If the ship had been slower, if the headset had a bigger range, if, if, if. I was OK until Minerva started to give the advice she wished she’d been giving for fifteen years. When she said “Watch out when eating blueberries. Too many can hurt your tummy.” it hit me with just how much she regretted. Regretted getting into a life that would lead to Finn having to flee the island. Regretted not coming to find him sooner. It just really hurt.
5. Come Along With Me Plays For The Last Time (Adventure Time, Come Along With Me)
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Honestly, this hurt me for one main reason - it was the last. The last time we’d see Finn and Jake, the last time we’d see how our characters grew, the last time we’d hear those beginning drums to Come Along With Me. I actually fell off my chair when I realized that’s what Music Hole would sing, and I cried so much. 
This post is honestly just an Adventure Time Appreciation Post at this point.
4. Stan Sacrifices Himself (Gravity Falls, Weirdmageddon Part 3)
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Honestly, the only reason this isn’t higher is because I knew, deep down, that Stan wouldn’t die. He was too much of a main character to die, but watching him willingly lay down his life for people he felt had more worth than him really hurt. He was ready to kill himself to save the people he loved, even though he’d started off the series “incapable of love if it isn’t monetary-wise” (his words).
3. Luz And King’s Sacrifice (The Owl House, King’s Tide)
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The desperation in Luz’s face as she puts her life on the line for her loved ones. The fear in Amity’s face as she begs her girlfriend to save herself. The break in King’s voice as he thanks Luz for being the big sister he never had. It was so raw and realistic and painful. And I think it’s really symbolic, that King - who used to literally see himself as monarchy - did everything in his power to save one of the only people who actually believed in him. This was one of the most heart-wrenching finales I’ve ever watched and it’s not even over yet.
2. Anne Says Goodbye To Sprig - Permanently (Amphibia, The Hardest Thing)
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I genuinely never expected them to leave and never come back - and I don’t think anyone else did, either. Anne, Sasha and Marcy had come so far since they arrived in Amphibia and grown so much, and this scene just showed that. Sasha’s and Marcy’s goodbyes shoved me to a cliff and that one-shot of Anne and Sprig put me in a catapult and launched me off the edge.I just - it hurt, alright? It hurt.
1. Mara’s Story (She Ra and the Princesses Of Power, couldn’t find the episode)
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IF YOU HAVE WATCHED SHE RA YOU KNOW WHAT I AM FEELING. I don’t know why I’m putting this in first, but I am and I have no regrets. We were made to dislike Mara, to be annoyed at how much she put on Adora’s shoulders, but really she was just like Adora - a scared girl with a biiiiiiiiig responsibility. The worst part? Razz’s confusion. “We were going to make pies together. She promised”. The trope of one-person-dies-and-the-other-doesn’t-understand is such gold and gets me every time. And Mara’s relationship with Light Hope?  *inhales*
I had to watch all these scenes to get the screenshots, so I’m not feeling too good right now. Weep for me, weep like I have wept for these pixels. I am not ok. 
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kakejiszka · 3 years
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Studio Fun
This is my first Jake smut, hope you enjoy! :)
Disclaimer: contains lots of smut, you have been warned.
After changing at least six times, you still hadn't chosen among the three set of clothes that were lying on your bed, surrounded by several other pieces of clothing that together created a mess in your entire room, that smelled like citrus, makeup and despair.
You couldn't help but tremble with anxiety at the sight of yourself in your lingerie in the mirror, after all, the occasion you were dressing for was unprecedented. Should you wear a fancy dress? A slutty short skirt? A rocker leather jacket?
You had hit the jackpot: after a few weeks going out with Jake, he had finally invited you to meet the studio where he and his band rehearsed every week. And furthermore, you would meet his brother Josh and Sam and their friend Danny for the first time. You were nervous, as shit was starting to get serious.
Jake was living rent free in your head. Since the first time you saw him, your standards for men had never been the same, after all, no one could surpass his beauty, talent and charisma. To top it all, he was so romantic: on the three times you went out together, he managed to surprise you even with the simplest things. On your first date, you had coffee together, but he gifted you white roses. On the second date, you two took a walk around the town and he held your hand the entire time. On the third date, where it's socially acceptable to have sex, he took you to a super fancy restaurant with wonderful food. You even wore a beatiful black dress and made sure to wear your best lingerie. But, despite taking you home and kissing you by the door (for the first time), that was it. Maybe he was shy, maybe he wasn't ready, but you couldn't help but feeling a bit disappointed for not spending the night with him.
You chose the skirt. If there was even the smallest chance of you seducing him that day, you were willing to try. You finished the look with a black tank top, which was so tight you didn't feel the need to wear a bra, an oversized jeans jacket and black boots. You applied some eyeliner and mascara.
You called an Uber to the address Jake had texted you and quickly you arrived. Your phone vibrated in your jacket's pocket. "Be there in 15" his text said. You felt your legs tremble during the whole time you spent waiting for him, which seemed like an eternity. Despite all his qualities, it wasn't new to you that Jake Kizka's worst flaw was that he was always late.
You noticed the studio: it was very big and it seemed like a place full of quality equipment. The street where it was located was full of different records and musical instruments stores, what made you realize you were in a part in town where you could find everything that was music-related. As you waited for him, all the thoughts in the world were crossing your mind: what if he's not so into me? What if his brothers don't like me? What am I doing here? What kind of idea was this? Do I still have time to go back home?
"Hey!" you were surprised by a familiar voice behind you.
"Jake!" you said, nervousness resonating in your voice.
"Did I scare you?" he asked, giggling.
"No, I'm okay, it's just that..." you didn't even have to finish what you were saying so that he could understarnd the situation.
"There's nothing to be nervous about, they will love to meet you."
Jake gave you his hand and you held it, now feeling much safer and calmer than before.
You two entered the studio and followed through a long dark hallway. The walls were painted black and were full of band posters and stickers. There were other rooms there and you could hear other bands rehearsing inside them. Jake guided you to the end of the hallway where a small set of stairs took you to the second floor.
For your surprise, there weren't other rooms on the second floor like there were on the first floor. It was a single room entirely, where you could find everything: a big couch, a frigo, technical equipment for recording, vending machines, snooker table, a mini bar, all sorts of things...
A section of the room was isolated by a thick glass wall. Inside it, the walls were covered in acoustic panels and the room was filled with many amplifiers, pedals, instruments and a bunch of other things you didn't know what were called were there.
Lying on the couch were Danny, Sam and Josh, waiting for Jake.
"Goddamnit, finally!" Josh shouted "we waited for like an hour!"
"I was getting ready for her" Jake answered, smirking and pulling you close to him by your waist. You couldn't hide the embarassment on your face.
"What a fancy studio!" you said, trying to change the subject "I didn't know you rehearsed in such a cool place."
"It wasn't always like this, ya know" Josh said while standing up and putting his hands in his pockets "we started playing at our house, but it was starting to get too noisy for miss Karen" he laughed.
"It's true, we had to look for cheap studios, but it was hard to find anything in a small town like Frankenmuth" Sam said.
You all talked a bit and, fortunately, the boys were all very nice. You felt very welcomed by Josh's sense of humor, Sam's big smile and Danny's kindness.
After you got to know them, they entered the acoustic room and started rehearsing. You sat on the couch to watch them and, although you were scared to feel bored, you had a lot of fun with the private show they were performing for you.
You couldn't take your eyes off Jake. What he did to the guitar was phenomenal, sexy and even pornographic. The way he slowly slid his hand over the guitar's neck while sweat drops fell on his forehead were making you cross your legs a bit too hard over the couch.
He noticed you were staring at him and smiled at you through the glass, making you cover your face with your hands out of embarassment. You must have been making a funny face, because he giggled at the sight of you.
After two or three hours of rehearsal, they were done. Although the air-conditioning was making you shiver, they left the room all sweaty. Josh, Sam and Danny went to the frigo to get some beer. Jake went there as well, but he made sure to get one for you too.
"Did you like to watch the rehearsal?" Jake asked, offering you an already open Corona bottle.
"I loved it!" you said, getting the bottle from his hand and taking a sip.
"I was scared you would get bored" he said while he sat by your side on the couch and opened his bottle.
"How could I? I felt very special for watching such an exclusive show!" you said, making him laugh.
For the first time, you noticed what he was wearing: a dark purple silk shirt with the buttons opened showing his chest, as he always wore them. He had tight black cuffed pants and brown boots. On his neck, some long necklaces that reached the middle of his bare chest, and on his wrists a few bracelets. His style was casual and attractive, but goddamn, he looked so fucking hot.
The rest of the day was very fun. You two drank together and talked a lot, what got you even closer to each other. Josh, Sam and Danny played snooker and drank a lot, until they decided to leave.
There were only you and Jake, that were now a bit tipsy and still had a lot to talk about. You noticed that, although you two had already went out before, this was the first time you talked this much. When you realized, you were physically very close: your legs were resting over Jake's left leg and his hand was caressing the back of your head. Your index finger was circling around Jake's bare chest. He looked so great in that shirt.
"Do you wanna see something?" he excitedly asked. You, curious as you were, immediately answered:
Jake stood up and walked towards the platform where there was a panel with a billion different buttons you had no idea were for. After pressing and regulating some of them, he made a sign with his fingers invinting you to join him.
"What does that thing do?" you asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Everything" he playfully answered.
"Everything what?" you asked again, laughing impatiently.
"This is the sound mixer, where we can control everything inside the acoustic room. Bass, treble, autotune, tuning, echo, volume... and so on" while he patiently explained to you, you admired him. He would get so excited when talking about music.
"Wow" you responded, without taking your eyes off his.
"Wanna try it out?" he asked.
"What? Are you serious?" you almost spit the liquid of the forth or fifth beer bottle you were having that day.
"Very serious" he said, looking deep in your eyes.
"Okay then..."
"Put this on" he said, grabbing the two headphones thar were lying on the table over the mixer and handing one over to you.
You did as he said and Jake left you responsible for the sound mixer and ran inside the acoustic room, almost tripping due to his light state of inebriation.
"What is he doing?" you quietly asked yourself.
He shut the door of the acoustic room and got one of the 6 or 7 guitars that were inside. After that, he put on the headphones that he brought with him to the room, turned on the microphone that was resting over a tripod and said:
"Can you hear me?"
The sound came out so loud in your headphones that you got scared and jumped, almost turning deaf. After that, you laughed a lot and so did he.
"How do I turn this thing down?" you asked him, screaming so he could hear you through the glass wall.
"Slide the red button down, on your right. Oh, and you don't have to scream, on your left there's a microphone that's meant for you to talk to me while I'm inside, just hold its button down."
You did as he told you to and laughed at yourself, feeling silly for not knowing how to use those things.
"There. Can I do what I want here?"
"Yeah!" he answered.
Jake started playing a random melody and you played with the sounds, having fun like a child. Distorting, increasing and decreasing the echoes, you two laughing like fools.
When you had enough fun, Jake spoke on the microphone again.
"Did you know this room has an almost perfect acoustic insulation?"
"Almost perfect? Like, no one can hear from the outside?" you said while pressing the mic's button and arching a brow, without believing him.
"Exactly" he said, putting his guitar away "I can scream as loud as I want here, no one will listen. Wanna try it?"
"How do I do that?" you asked, searching for the function among the million buttons on the sound mixer panel.
"Just turn the volume down, all of it."
And so you did. As you turned the volume down, it was getting harder and harder to hear what he said, until you couldn't hear a word. He only realized you couldn't hear him when he saw the surprise on your face, caused by the magic of the acoustic room. You could tell by his facial expression that he was laughing, and you laughed as well.
He made a gesture with his hand, like he asked you if you could hear him. You answered through the mic:
"I can't hear anything! This is amazing!"
He smiled and made another gesture, as if he was inviting you to the acoustic room. You quickly removed your earphones and walked to the door, thinking it would be your turn to stay there as he played with the sound.
When you opened the door, Jake immediately pulled you inside and shut the door with both of you inside. Then, he pressed you against the wall, pinning both of your wrists against it over your head.
You couldn't help but feeling surprised, after all, Jake had never acted like this before. He had always been romantic and careful, so you were pretty curious about his sudden dominating attitude.
He approached his face to yours, whispering close to your ear:
"Wanna test the acoustic of the room's acoustics?"
His tone was everything but innocent. You finally understood where he was getting to, so you decided to play his game.
"How can we test it?" you answered, faking innocence, and he smiled at your acting. So he put his leg in the middle of yours, gently rubbing his thigh against your groin and pressing you even harder agains the foamy wall.
"We can try it the best way possible."
After he said it, he kissed you deeply. His hands let go of your wrists and slowly slid down your arms, all the way to your neck. One of his hands held the back of your head and the other choked you slightly, but strong enough to make breathing a little harder. Your arms, now free of his grip, curled arould his shoulders, pulling him closer to you.
The kiss was getting hotter. You felt the hand that held your neck go down to your waist, and the hand on the back of your head gently pull your hair, bringing your head back and making you moan softly. Jake stopped kissing you and smirked, watching your pleasure face.
"They might see us through the glass!" you said, but he didn't pay much attention as he immediately returned to kiss your lips.
"I don't care" he answered, and although it was a bit scary, the fear of getting caught was also thrilling and exciting.
Your neck was completely exposed now, inviting Jake's silky lips which left soft kisses on your skin, making their way to your ear lobes where he gently nibbled. It sent shivers down your spine and goosebumps on your skin, something Jake noticed and made sure to show he enjoyed.
"You like this, huh?" he whispered in your ear. You nodded with a small moan, still a little overwhelmed by the situation, but certainly enjoying it.
Jake went back to kissing your neck, now a little faster. The tiny threads of growing beard on his jaw scratched your face, the sensation was even more arousing. You were so focused on that that only later you realized that his hand wasn't on your waist anymore, but was grabbing your ass.
Your body was warm, but you had chills. The mix of sensations Jake was causing on you gave you so much pleasure, but at the same time it was torturous. It wasn't enough, you wanted more and he knew that, but he wanted to keep you waiting.
Jake put both on his hands on your ass, squeezing it hard and making you moan softly. But after a short period, you felt his hands leave the place, which surprised you. Only then you realized he was taking off your jeans jacket and tossing in on the floor. The black tank top you were wearing left your collarbone and your shoulders exposed, which was exactly what Jake's lips were looking for. But before he went back to what he was doing, he took a good look at your newly exposed body part. His eyes traveled from your face to your breasts and there they stood, what got you a little embarassed.
"You're so hot, did you know that?" he whispered, staring even harder at your cleavage and then at your eyes. You smiled and blushed. The way he said those things made you feel a way no other man had ever managed to do to you. "You don't have to feel ashamed..." he said, smirking at your reaction.
His lips met yours again, but only for a short period of time. They quickly moved to your collarbone. His hands were now were wandering around your whole body, moving from your neck to your shoulders, back, waist and ass, as if he was desperate to feel you. Which was amazing, because you were eager to feel his hands all over you.
You also wanted to feel him, so you did as he did: you took one of your hands to the back of his hand and slightly pulled back some of his long brown hair, what made him moan and smile in response. Your other hand traveled through his chest, gently dragging your nails around the small part of exposed skin. My god, he looked so hot in that purple jacket. The only way he could look hotter than that would be without it.
You started to slowly unbutton the shirt, which made him stop kissing you and look at you with a naughty smirk.
"So much hurry!" he giggled.
"You take mine off, I take yours, that's how it works" you answered, winking at him.
He helped you take off his shirt and toss it on the floor, next to your jacket. You enjoyed the view of his shirtless body, staring at it just like he did to you before, sliding your nails and digging them on his torso. He held your hand over his chest, looking deep into your eyes. you were expecting him to say something nasty, but instead he just went back to kissing you, now even more intensely.
He embraced your waist and pulled you closer to him, as if it were possible. Then, his hands slowly moved upwards, passing through your waist and reaching your breasts. He squeezed them softly, making you moan. Your skin, that was already shivered, got even more chills under his touch. You weren't wearing a bra, which made your nipples appear through your shirt. Jake noticed and liked it, since he touched and tweaked them over the thin cloth. At this moment, you were already wet and impacient, but you were only getting a small portion of Jake's sexual expertise.
"Jake..." you moaned in agony between his kisses, suffering with his touches over your clothes. Although it was very hot, the throbbing sensation in your groin was starting to feel unbearable and painful.
"I know, babe" he answered, resting his forehead on yours, without ceasing to fondle your breasts "you're eager, but I'm only getting started."
Hearing that made the situation of your arousal even worse, to the point where if he decided to just lift your skirt and fuck you at that moment you wouldn't even feel pain, so horny and ready you were. He went back to kissing you, never letting your breasts go. But suddenly, you felt him pull your shirt up and reveal your stomach.
He kept on pulling it, enough that your breasts dropped down from your top, due to how tight it was. He watched that pornographic scene without blinking, dazzled. Rapidly he went back to fondling your breasts, only now he took his lips to one of your nipples.
He sucked it gently, making you let go a pleasurable moan. Glad with your reaction, he kept on sucking it, sometimes licking, nibbling and kissing. He moved to the right breast, but without stopping to give attention to the left one, playing with the nipple with his thumb. The saliva he left on the thin skin of your nipple in contact with the air made you feel a little bit cold, but it gave you pleasure.
Jake took his time there, enjoying the sensation he was causing you. You, on the other hand, dig your nails a bit deeper all over his back, feeling his skin also get goosebumps.
Jake finishing sucking your nipples and went back to kissing your lips. He took off your top with a bit of hurry, tossing it on the floor and then pulling you closer to him by your waist. His hands were now back on your ass, but now he started to lift your skirt.
"This short skirt of yours... I spent the whole day thinking about lifting it and fucking you" he said, holding the cloth with the tip of his fingers and raising it slowly. The fingers that lifted the fabric softly scratched your thighs and your hip, making you shiver.
Jake saying those things made your legs tremble with pleasure. You didn't know how good it felt to hear that dirty-talk until it was Jake whispering it to you.
"I wore it thinking about it" you answered, what made him smile in a sexy and predatory way at the same time.
When he lifted your skirt high enough, he slid his right hand over your thigh. He gently slid back and forth towards your groin, torturing you with the desire of his touch. He looked you deep in the eyes with a serious expression, like he was in control of the situation. When you couldn't stand the teasing anymore, he caressed your pussy over your panties.
"Wow, you're soaking wet... I didn't know it was that easy to make you horny, baby."
You looked at him, almost not believing what you had just heard. After half an hour of teasing, he thought it was easy?
"Jake, please..." you moaned in desperation as he now rubbed your clit over the thin lacy fabric.
"I know, love, I'll give you what you want."
Jake pulled your panties down and slid his index finger between your fold, reaching your clit. You were so wet it was slippery inside you, making his job even easier. He then started to rub your clit in slow and circle motions.
You let go a fairly loud moan and, out of embarassment, you covered your mouth with your hand. He took your hand out of your mouth and pinned it against the wall behind you.
"Moan all you want, no one's gonna hear us. Moan loud for me."
And so you did. The harder he rub your clit, the more pleasure you felt and the more you moaned in his ear. He, who was also feeling pleasure, had his lips parted, watching you squirm against the wall.
Jake increased the speed with which he masturbated you, driving you insane. But you also wanted to torture him. Therefore, catching him by surprise, you took your hand to the huge bulge in his pants. He wasn't expecting that, but he enjoyed it.
You stroked his cock, that was very enhanced outside his pants. You were surprised with its lenght.
"You did this to me" he said, grabbing your hand and rubbing it harder against his dick.
But you didn't last for too long, since Jake's expertise in masturbating you was making your legs shake so you couldn't concentrate in anything but your own pleasure. You kept on moaning ach time louder until your orgasm finally hit. The pulsation made you almost scream.
You couldn't help but feel a little embarassed, but the look on his face comforted you and made you realize there was nothing to be ashamed of, since the man was clearly enjoying it.
He removed his fingers from your pussy and licked them. what made you feel another throb of pleasure. Next, he deeply kissed you.
"Fuck, your moans are so hot" he whispered in your ear. You couldn't answer him, since you were still recovering your breath.
Although you didn't say a word, you went back to stroking his erection. Gladly, he let you masturbate him over his clothes, torturing him as he had done to you.
"It's your turn to suffer" you said, and he smirked in response.
"This is nothing, I've been suffering since I first saw you in those tight clothes, your tits almost bursting out of that small top of yours. It was hard to hide how hard I was" he answered, gently pulling your hair behind your back so he could delight himself again with the sight of your naked breasts.
You rolled your eyes, giggling. He always had an answer on the tip of his tongue. But the fact that he said he got an erection only by looking at your cleavage made you feel powerful and sexy.
You kept masturbating him over the thick fabric of his pants, watching him twitch out of pleasure. After a few minutes, you removed his leather belt, tossing it on the floor together with the rest of your clothes. Next, he unzipped his pants himselft and lowered it a little, just enough so that you could see the bulge on his boxers. You could see the tip of his cock, since it had scaped the prison of its tight black fabric, which was already wet with his precum.
You licked your lips at the sight of his rigid cock. You wanted to suck it, but you would make him wait, just like he did to you. You stroked it over his underwear, which was way thinner and allowed you to move up and down much more easily. Jake was panting, anticipation taking over both of your bodies.
When he couldn't stand it anymore, he grabbed your hand and put it inside his underwear, surprising you.
"Couldn't handle it?" you laughed.
"I need to feel you" he murmured, almost out of breath.
So you masturbated him, now inside his underwear. You started off slowly, gently touching the tip of his cock with your thumb. It was wet with eagerness. You then started to move more quickly, but the fabric of his underwear was making the job a little difficult, so you impaciently pulled it down, completely revealing his penis. Now that you could see it completely, you masturbated him even faster.
You looked at his face saw the expression of pure pleasure, small groans escaping from his mouth. You smirked and he smirked back, pleased with how much fun you were having while touching him so intimately. You then looked back at his cock and realized you couldn't take it any longer: you had to suck him off.
When he noticed you were getting down on your knees, his eyes widened up in anticipation. Knowing what was about to happen, he helped you take off his pants and underwear and took off his shoes, tossing it all on the floor. Then, he grabbed all of your hair and held it tightly in the back of your head, not letting any strand of it get in the way of you doing your job, but at the same time being able to mildly control your movements.
You slowly licked his entire shaft from the base to the tip, making him shiver and moan. Next, you placed your lips around its head, gently sliding his whole cock inside your mouth. When it reached your throat you gagged, but you kept going. Starting off with slow movements and then increasing the speed, sometimes licking, sometimes kissing, sometimes harder, sometimes easier, sometimes just masturbating it while you gathered some air. With one hand you stimulated it, with the other you grabbed his butt. You looked him in the eyes, knowing he was enjoying it. His pleasure facial expression was incredible, only making you want to suck him even more.
You kept going, so eagerly you reached a very high speed, but it didn't last long. He gently pushed your head away from his cock and pulled you up, asking you to stand up.
"If you keep going like that, I won't stand for long, babygirl..." he murmured, catching some air.
"Sorry, I guess I got carried away..." you said while wiping your lips with your hand, making him giggle.
"Don't ever apologize for giving me the best head I've ever got."
Jake gave you a deep and sloppy kiss. Next, he is the one who went on his knees.
Jake laid kisses on your chin, neck, the middle of your breasts, your tummy and, after taking off your skirt and your boots and throwing them on the floor, he kissed your groin. Your body shivered in anticipation, nervous with what was about to happen.
Jake lifted one of your legs up and laid it over his shoulder, in a way he could be face-to-face to your entrance.
Before he got started, he looked up deep into your eyes, grinned and held your hip firmly with one of his hands, while the other squeezed the thigh that laid on his shoulder so tightly you had marks of it the day after.
Jake touched his tongue gently on your entrance, spreading your lips allowing his to explore your pussy. His hot and wet tongue in contact with your soaking folds sent shivers through your whole body, and several others followed it when he started to lick your clit.
The sensation was even better than the one he caused you with his fingers. Which was surprising, since he was a guitar player, you always thought he would be better with his hands. Turns out Jake Kiszka was god with incredible with string instruments and even more skilled in pleasing a lady.
He kept licking your clit, now harder. You, who were already having trouble standing on one leg while getting your pussy eaten like that, reached a tripod that stood nearby, dropping the microphone from it. Your other hand grabbed his light brown hair tightly between your fingers, trying to hold up to something and not lose grip from reality. You two were making a mess in the studio but you didn't mind, for he continued to go down on you and you kept moaning as loud as you could.
But it didn't stop there.
Jake slowly inserted his index finger inside you. You felt your walls clench around his finger as he moved it up and down, hitting your g-spot so easily you regretted not doing this earlier. The mix of sensations his tongue on your clit and his finger inside you were causing on you combined drove you insane. At this point, you were moaning so loudly you completely forgot where you two were. Your eyes were closed and all you could say was Jake's name between groans and breaths.
Jake inserted another finger and started to estimulate you really rapidly, as fast as he was sucking on your clit. Your pleasure had become unbearable and your second orgasm hit like a tsunami, wetting even more your folds and Jake's tongue. Although you had shown him he could stop so you two could move on, he didn't want to. He didn't stop, never allowing your orgasm to reach its end and making your legs shake uncontrollably.
When he thought he had enough he started to slow his movements down, for your relief. When he finally stopped, he laid a soft kiss on your wet entrance as a demonstration of affection and stood up, immediately kissing your lips making you taste your own bitter juices.
"You taste so delicious" he whispered between your lips "I can't get enough of it."
You two kissed once more, now more romanticaly and tenderly. When you two finally caught some breath, you looked at each other and smiled, excited with what was about to happen next.
He then grabbed your hair very firmly, bringing goosebumps to your skin. Next, he whispered in your ear:
"Are you sure you want it?" he asked, you thought it was sweet of him to ask for verbal consent.
"Yeah" you answered, embarassingly anxious.
"Then ask for it."
As he said it, he turned you over, making you face and lean against the wall, your back completely exposed to him. He still had his hand holding your hair very tightly. You moan at his dominance.
He bent you over in a way your ass was tilted up for him. He enjoyed the sight of it, caressing and squeezing it really hard. Next, he rubbed his hard cock over your entrance. You arched your back even more, feeling exposed like that felt hot and thrilling. The sensation of his entire lenght rubbing against your wet folds was torturous.
"Ask for it" he repeated impaciently.
"F-fuck me" you stuttered, nervously enjoying him telling you what to do.
"I can't hear you" he rubbed his cock against you even harder.
"Fuck me, goddamnit!" you shouted, feeling obligated to put all shame aside to please that wonderful bossy man.
"Good" he said in a husky voice, seeming pleased.
Jake finally put the tip of his cock inside you, slowly so your walls could adjust to his size. It wasn't necessary to wait for too long, since you were so horny and ready that he slipped right in. When his entire lenght slid inside you, you felt chills run from your neck to your back. Finally feeling Jake inside you was incredible.
Jake started to fuck you, increasing the speed bit by bit. You impaciently start to move your hips in his direction, showing him he could go faster.
"Oh, you want more, you slut?" he asked, squeezing and then slapping your ass, what would leave a red mark on the next day.
"Yeah..." you moan.
Jake then did as you asked, increasing the speed. You were now fucking really hard, his cock moving in and out of you at a rapid pace. The pressure of his shaft hitting deep into you gave you so much pleasure your eyes were rolling to the back of your head, and your moans had become screams.
Jake slapped your ass again. The pain was intense but extremely hot. He, looking for more pleasure, pulled your hair back even more while his other hand reached one of your breasts, which shook due to the harsh movements you were making. Jake's groans were low, but vibrant and rough. He moaned your name while gasping for air.
"Your pussy feels so tight, so good."
Then, for your surprise, he got out of you. You turned over to him to see what was going on, but he pulled you to the floor before you could say anything. He lied on the floor and placed you on top of him, then putting his arms under his head and laying down, enjoying the view of your completely naked body on top of his.
"Ride me" he commanded, and you obeyed without question.
You began to ride him, getting used to the position before doing it faster. As soon as you managed to find balance, you started to ride him really quickly. That position hit different a different spot inside you, and you could see by Jake's expression that it hit different for him too.
You were fucking him so hard Jake was cursing between his breaths. He put one of his hands on your butt to guide the movements as he wanted to and the other hand on your right breast, holding it and squeezing it. You two kept that position for a while, looking deep in each other's eyes, chills running through your spines.
Jake wanted to change positions again, laying you under him. For the first time you could feel how harsh the carpet felt under your soft skin, only then remembering the place the two of you were. But that didn't matter. Jake leaned on his knees and pulled one of your legs, placing it over his shoulder and going back to fuck you again.
That position was taking you to heaven, what seemed impossible. To make it even better, Jake began to estimulate your clit with his thumb while he slid his cock in and out of you. At that moment, any drop of sanity that you still had disappeared.
"Yes!" you moaned, biting your lower lip.
"Fuck!" he hissed, sweat running down his beautiful face.
He kept fucking you in that position, which didn't take long to make you come for the third time in a row. Your orgasm made you scream and moan his name for the millionth time that afternoon, and that was driving him insane.
"I'm gonna cum" he said, increasing the speed with which he fucked you, not allowing your orgasm to end. The noise your hips crashing against each other was so loud it filled the room.
Jake reached his limit, letting his fluids fill you up inside. You, still experiencing your multiple orgasms, enjoyed the sensation the hot liquid mixed with the bliss caused you. The two of you began to slow the pace, until you fully stopped. Jake laid over you, without pulling out. You two were dripping in sweat, his hair all messy and glued to his forehead.
The both of you stood there for a while, catching your breath. He caressed your hair and you stroked his back. When you could finally breathe again, Jake looked you in the eye and you both giggled in complicity.
Jake pulled out and lied next to you on the carpet while holding your hand.
"This was..." he said.
"Wow..." you said.
You two laughed for having spoken at the same time. You two stood there for a long time, staring each other in the eyes. His dark brown eyes sparkled with joy and both of you were enjoying the serotonin the intimate moment you two had just shared produced, cuddling.
"I think I'm falling for you" Jake said, breaking the silence.
You couldn't hide your surprise in hearing that declaration, but you gave him a big smile in response.
"Me too" you said, unable to contain the huge smile on your face.
"Phew!" he said, laughing "This means we will be able to do this more often."
"Obviously. But can we do it in a more comfortable place next time? This carpet is so rough!"
"You didn't like the studio? But we can make as much noise as we want in here!" he said, comically offended by your preference of having sex somewhere else.
"It has its advantages, yes, but I bet it can't be better than Egyptian silk sheets on a king-sized bed" you said, convinced you knew better than him.
"Okay, you've got a point. But I can't promise I'll be able to provide the Egyptian silk sheets and a king-sized bed by tonight."
You hit his arm and laughed, glad for having found such an amazing partner.
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americasass91 · 4 years
Bad Day
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I know what you’re thinking. Another one? Yes, I can’t help my Shameless Hoe self. Steve brings it out in me and the picture above sure as fuck didn’t help. Plus it’s that time of the month and I’m hormonal and horny. This is another entry for the #shamelesshoeforchris by @stargazingfangirl18​ and @navybrat817​. I hope you enjoy!  
“Oh god, did I say that out loud?”
“We’re not done yet”
“Please don’t go”
Rating: Explicit(seems to be a theme with me lol)
Warnings: Bad day, smut, period talk, language, unprotected sex, cockwarming
Well, today can officially go fuck itself.
It’s one of the worst days you’ve had in quite awhile.
Your alarm decided not to go off this morning so that made you late and threw off your whole day.
Then you couldn’t find your damn keys. You thought you put them in the bowl by your door but they just weren’t there. You had to spend an extra 20 minutes looking for them(they were in the fridge, how the fuck they ended up there, you’ll never know).
Now you were super late to work. You don’t even have time to stop at Starbucks to get your cold brew. And to top it all off, you started cramping. Signaling your oncoming period. You always got cramps a few days before the inevitable blood bath began. ‘That’s why I’ve been super moody and horny the past couple of days’ you think to yourself as you make your way to your car.
You manage to make it to work unscathed. You head into the Avengers Tower and put your head down to avoid any unnecessary eye contact as you practically run towards the elevators.
Just as the doors shut, your phone dings. Signaling a text.
From: ManChild
Hey, Y/N. Just wondering if you’re planning on coming in today.
You roll your eyes and throw your phone back in your purse not even responding knowing you’ll be seeing your boss in just a minute.
When you got the job as Tony Stark’s assistant you thought it’d be a dream come true. Try nightmare! He’s the biggest child you have ever met. He’s all over the place and it’s your job to try to keep him together. You’re damn good at it too. Some days you don’t even know how you pull it off.
The elevator stops on your floor and you head towards his office. Nat passes you on your way there. “Good morning, Y/N/N! Where’s your cold brew?”
“Good morning, Nat. And ugh don’t even get me started on my horrible day. I didn’t have enough time to stop at Starbucks.” You know you sound whiny but you don’t care. You wave bye to her and pick up your pace a little.
As you continue down the hall, you get a feeling in your lower abdomen that can only be described as a hot knife slicing through your skin. You grab at your stomach and rub as if that’s going to make the pain subside. Shocker, it does absolutely nothing to alleviate the pain.
You start rummaging in your purse trying to find your ibuprofen. You round the corner with your head still down and run straight into what you assume is a brick wall. You brace yourself to hit the floor, accepting your fate, when a hand grabs your arm to steady you.
You look up into the apologetic, blue eyes of Steve Rogers. That’s about the time you feel how wet and sticky you are. You look down and notice you are covered in some kind of brown substance.
“Oh my god,Y/N! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see you round the corner. Are you alright?” He asks as he stands you completely upright, noticing your stained clothing.
“What is all over me?” You try to start brushing yourself off, making the stain even worse. “My protein shake, I chose chocolate instead of vanilla today. I’m so sorry! I’ll go get you some paper towels.”
“No, I don’t have time. I’m already late and Tony is already pissed at me. I gotta get going. Just make sure to watch where you are going next time. Wouldn’t want your cute, righteous ass to get hurt.” You wink at him and continue your way to your office. Your eyes widen as you realize what you just said. What the fuck is wrong with you? You’ve never said anything like that before to Steve. Jesus, you must be hornier than you thought.
You finally walk through your office door and head to your desk. You hang up your purse on it’s hook and head over to the little bathroom in the office. You wet some paper towels and try to start wiping at the stain on your shirt and pants. You know they are ruined. Not even worth saving. You shrug your shoulders and throw away the soiled paper towels and head back to your desk.
Before you even get the chance to sit down Tony comes strutting out of his office.
“Oh, so you did decide to show up today! You could have at least let me know you were going to be late, Y/N. And not only are you late but you come in all sloppy! I thought you were better than this?” He raises his eyebrows at you expectantly.
Apparently he wanted an answer. “Sorry sir, I have not had the best morning. And on my way here I ran into Steve’s protein shake.” You sigh and look down at your ruined clothes once again. You can feel tears start to well up, god damn hormones. “And to top it all off I’m cramping really bad and could just really use a warm hug, chocolate, an orgasm, and a really long nap.”
Tony’s eyes went wide. “Uh, listen kid I-”
“Oh god, did I say that out loud?” You smack your hand to your forehead. “I’m sorry sir, can we just start over?”
“Actually no. What you can do is go home and get some rest. You clearly need it. And we can try again tomorrow.”
“But I need to work, I can’t afford a day off. Please I promise I’m fine. I won’t cause anymore trouble.” You beg, you really needed the money.
Tony walks over and takes your purse off the hook and hands it to you. “I wasn’t asking dear, I was telling. And don’t worry about the money, I’ll make sure you get paid. We’ll call it a sick day.”
Wow, he’s the best boss ever. You feel the tears welling up again. You reach forward and pull him into your arms for a quick hug, careful not to get any of the protein shake on him.  “Thank you Tony, I really appreciate it.”
“Don’t worry about it, kid. We all have off days. Now get going before I change my mind.” He winks at you and pushes you near the door.
You already start feeling a little better. Knowing your bed and heating pad are waiting for you at home.
You pass by Steve and Bruce on your way towards the elevators. They seem to be having an important discussion about something. You can’t help but take a minute and let your eyes travel over Steve. God he’s fucking beautiful. You’d give anything to be able to climb him like a tree. Just let him fuck your bra- ‘Ok I really need to get out of here before my hormones make me mount him’ you think as you shake your head and start chuckling at yourself.
You somehow make it home without anything else bad happening to you.
You head straight to your bedroom and strip out of your ruined clothes, throwing them away. You take a moment to grieve silently. Those were your favorite work slacks.
You jump in the shower and turn it as hot as you can stand it. You start to shampoo your hair when the water suddenly turns ice cold. “Jesus fuck!” You shriek as you jump backwards out of the offending water. You try turning the shower off and back on. But nope, the hot water was not working. “God fucking dammit” you murmur as you try your best to finish your shower in the freezing cold water.
You finish quickly and dry off as fast as you can. You grab a pair of snoopy pajama pants and a big sweatshirt. You also decide on a pair of fuzzy socks. You brush out your tangled hair and throw it up into a bun.
You then go call your landlord to let them know about your shower. He can make it there sometime tomorrow evening. You thank him for being able to come so quickly and head to your bedroom to grab your heating pad.
You stop by the kitchen on the way to the living room to grab something to munch on. You open your pantry and spy the jar of Nutella. You snatch it up and realize it’s empty. Oh well, probably don’t need it anyways. You grab a bottle of water from the fridge instead and head over and plop down on your couch.
You grab the remote and start up Netflix. You plug in your heating pad beside the couch and put it under your sweatshirt right up against your pulsing abdomen.
You start searching through Netflix, looking for something to put on as background noise. You know you’ll end up playing on your phone anyways.
You pick Young and Hungry. You’ve seen it multiple times but decide to start at Episode 1. It never fails to make you laugh.
You press play and then it hits you. You don’t feel any heat on your lower abdomen. You turn around and make sure it didn’t come unplugged. It didn’t. You pull it out of your sweatshirt to see the green light is still on. It isn’t heating up at all. Of course it would break on today of all days. That was the last straw. You break down and start crying. God you really hated your period.
You sit there and self wallow for about 5 minutes before you hear a knock on the door.
You quickly wipe at your eyes with the sleeve of your sweatshirt and walk over to the door, having no idea who it could be.
You open it up and are pleasantly surprised to see Steve standing there with a bouquet of daisies.
He takes in your appearance quickly and smiles at you. “Hi doll, I stopped by your desk but Tony said you went home for the day not feeling well.” He hands you the flowers, which you accept gratefully. “I just wanted to apologize again for this morning. And offer to give you money to replace your clothes.” He goes to take his wallet out of his jeans. You put your hand on his arm, “Really you don’t have to do that. It wasn’t your fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going. But thank you for the daisies. I’m having the shittiest day and you’ve just made it a little less shitty.” You then give him your best smile.
He feels his heart rate pick up. “Are you sure? I don’t mind paying. And I’m sorry you’re having a bad day. Do you want to talk about it? I know sometimes that can help.” He gives you a smile that makes your insides melt. “You don’t have to listen to my problems, but you can come in and hang out if you don’t have any prior engagements.” You step aside and gesture for him to come in.
He crosses the threshold and heads towards the living room, seeing your heating pad lying on the floor. He furrows his brows and wonders why you’d need a heating pad.
You head into the kitchen and quickly put the flowers in a vase with some water, wanting to get to Steve.
You head into the living room and see him looking at your useless heating pad. “Oh, that’s broken. I need to throw that away.” You head over to pick it up and go toss it in the kitchen trash.
You head back into the living room and see that Steve has taken a seat on your couch. You go sit beside him and turn to look at him. “Thanks again for the flowers, Steve. You didn’t have to do that.”
He turns towards you and smiles. “It’s the least I could do. Why were you using a heating pad? I didn’t hurt you when I ran into you did I?”
You blush and look down. “Oh, no. Don’t worry about that. I’m just having some pretty bad cramps.” You can’t believe you just admitted to Steve that you’re cramping. How embarrassing.
He gives you a sympathetic look. “I can’t say I know what those feel like but I’m sorry you’re in pain. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Unless you give off heat, no unfortunately there’s not. I already took pain meds when I got home.”
He then reaches and grabs your arms and lays back on the couch, bringing you with him until your back is pressed against his front. “Steve, what are you doing?” You ask as you go to sit back up. He tightens his hold on you. “Just wait a second, doll. I’m helping.” He takes his right hand and moves your sweatshirt up just a bit making you gasp. He places his giant hand on your abdomen and starts massaging gently.
You melt into him. “Oh my god, you feel better than my heating pad. Why are you so hot?” You moan and realize how that could’ve sounded. He just chuckles. “Just one of the side effects of the serum. Is that feeling any better?” You nod and snuggle back against him, your arms curling around his.
“What else happened today, doll?” You start by telling him about your alarm and end with you breaking down after you realized your heating pad broke. “I still can’t believe I told my boss I needed an orgasm, I mean how fucking embarrassing. He probably sent me home because he was afraid of me.” You shake your head at yourself as Steve chuckles behind you. “Well, aren’t orgasms supposed to help with cramps?”
“What are you reading on the internet where you would’ve gotten that information Steve?” You tease. His hand has now dipped below your pajama pants just a little, settling on your lower abdomen. “Actually, I heard Nat talking about it one day. She said it really helps hers. Is that true for all women or just some?”
You close your eyes as he starts massaging your tummy again, “It makes my best friend’s cramps worse. I guess it really just depends on the woman.”
“Well, what about you? Do they make you feel better?” You couldn’t help but notice something hardening behind your ass. You gulp and whisper out “yes, they have in the past.” You can feel him press against you a little more, a small groan escaping his lips. “Well, why don’t you let me help you feel better?” His hand starts moving towards your panties. Then he stops suddenly and pulls his hand out.
“Wait, are you bleeding? I don’t want to make a mess on your couch.”  You turn around and face him, “No, I’m lucky enough to get cramps a few days before shark week starts.” You say sarcastically. “But Steve, you don’t have to help me. I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for awhile now.”
He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear that had fallen free from your messy bun. He looks into your eyes and smirks, “But what if I want to help you? Would you let me?”
You think about it for less than a minute and scoot a little closer to him, “If you really want to Steve. I’ll leave that up to you.”
He moves his hand to the back of your neck and pulls you in for a sweet kiss. You reach up and run your fingers through his hair as his left hand moves under you to rest on your back, pulling you closer to him. He moves his right hand down your body and grabs your leg to hitch it over his hip.
You gasp into his mouth as you feel how hard he is, pressing right into your core. He takes this opportunity to explore your mouth with his tongue. You kiss back eagerly and start rolling your hips against him. He pulls away from your mouth and moves slow kisses down your neck. “That’s right doll, take what you need from me. Make yourself feel good.”
You whimper as you roll your hips harder into his. The friction is delicious on your clit.  He moves his right hand to your ass and pushes you into his erection even harder making you moan out his name. “That feel good, doll?” You nod your head and continue grinding your hips against his. It doesn’t take long for you to feel the coil tightening in your belly. You’ve been horny all day. Your breathing picks up and you pull his hair to move his mouth back to yours. He pulls back to look at you, “You gonna come for me, Y/N? Gonna make a mess in your panties?”
You can only nod as you feel the coil winding tighter and tighter. You’re almost there. You just need a little something more to push you over the edge.
Steve moves back to your neck and starts kissing it again. He then bites down where your neck meets your shoulder and that’s what does it. You fall over the edge with a surprised shout. Steve’s name falling from your lips.
He continues grinding into you until you come down from your high.
He removes his head from your neck and smiles down at you. Placing another sweet kiss on your lips. You pull back, “Thanks, Stevie. I’m already starting to feel better.”
He looks at you confused. “Oh, we’re not done yet, doll. I can give you a better orgasm than that. If you’ll let me.” He looks at you, waiting for your answer. Your pussy clenches in anticipation for the possibility of another release.
You smirk at him and push him back and maneuver yourself so you’re resting on top of him, straddling his hips. You pull him in for another kiss, this one more urgent than the last. You take his hands and place them under your sweater. He gets the hint and moves until he’s cupping a breast in each hand and pinching your nipples, eliciting a loud moan from you. He smirks up at you. “Yeah, you like that?” You can only nod. “Oh yeah, they are always extra sensitive around this time.”
He sits up and yanks your sweatshirt off and tosses it away. He attaches his mouth to one nipple and starts sucking. His other hand continuing his pinching on the other.
You roll your hips against his, trying to pull his t-shirt off of him. He pulls back long enough for you to remove the offending article of clothing before attaching his mouth to the other nipple, sucking hard.
You throw your head back and moan, grinding your hips down against his bulge. “Please Steve, I need you.”
He takes his mouth off your breast and stands you both up. He quickly discards his jeans and boxers. You can’t help yourself as your eyes travel down his body. You take in the sight of his cock and you feel a new rush of slick gather in your panties. He was big. Not so big that it would be painful, but still bigger than you’ve ever taken. He must notice your expression. “Something wrong, Y/N? Does my big, thick cock scare you?” He smirks cockily at you.
You step forward and wrap your hand around his impressive size and lean up to whisper in his ear, “Not at all, Captain. I just can’t wait to feel you inside of my tight pussy.” You grin in satisfaction at the shiver that wracks his body.
You decide you’re not waiting anymore and push him with enough force that he lands on the couch. He looks up at you surprised and then smirks when he sees you look him up and down again. He starts stroking his cock slowly, waiting patiently for you.
You snap out of your gaze and quickly remove the rest of your clothes and walk to straddle him. He puts his hand on your stomach to push you away a little. You look at him in confusion. “Do you have any condoms? I don’t keep any on me.” He asks as he looks hopefully at you. You shake your head. “We don’t need one, I’m on the pill. We’re safe.” He nods his head in understanding and wraps his hand around your arm and tugs you forward.
You fall ungraciously on top of him and let out a laugh. You straighten yourself and throw your arms around his neck, leaning down for a kiss, “Someone’s eager.” He chuckles and returns the kiss eagerly. “Sorry doll, it’s just been awhile.”
You pull back and look down at him. “We really don’t have to do this, Steve. I’ve heard you talk about sex before and I know you think it’s special.”
He smiles at you. “It will be special because it’s with you, Y/N.” You can feel the butterflies in your stomach at his words. You nod and move your hand down to wrap around him once more. He hisses at the contact and grabs onto your hips. You move him towards your entrance and run the head of his cock back and forth against your slit, getting him nice and coated with your slick.
Once you decide it’s enough, you slowly start to sink down on him. You moan at the deliciously painful stretch of him filling you up. He throws his head back against the couch and tightens his hold on your hips. You continue slowly sliding down his girth until you are fully seated on him.
You give your body a minute to adjust to his size. You pull him into another kiss and start moving your hips against his. He matches your pace and moves one hand back until he’s gripping your ass. You start moving your hips harder against him, his cock hitting your g-spot in just the right way. He keeps up with your pace as he moves his mouth from yours and attaches it to your nipple again. He bites down and it makes you clench around him. He groans and pulls back to look at you. “That’s right, doll. Take what you need from me. Use my cock. You feel so good wrapped around me. So tight and wet.”
You can feel the coil in your belly, threatening to snap at any second. But you don’t want it to. He feels too damn good inside you. He can tell you’re trying to hold back. He can feel you fluttering around his cock. He moves the hand that’s on your ass and moves it to the front and continues his path down until his thumb is circling your clit. “That’s it, doll. Come for me. I wanna watch you fall apart. Wanna feel you come around my cock. Let go, Y/N. I’m right behind you.”
You speed up your hips a little more and tug your fingers through his hair as you feel the coil snap. The most intense orgasm you’ve ever had wracks through your body, making you shake. Steve’s name falling like a prayer from your lips.
He wraps his arms around you and continues thrusting into you as best he can with how hard your pussy is squeezing his cock. Trying to prolong your pleasure as he seeks out his.
It only takes him a couple more thrusts before he releases himself inside of you, coating your walls with his seed. You moan at the feeling and pull him into another kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. You need him close to you. He must feel the same way because he moves you both onto your sides and hugs you against him, still inside of you, his face pressed into the crook of your neck.
You feel so warm and content. A happy sigh escapes your lips. Steve chuckles, “You feeling better, Y/N?” You nod, running your fingers down his back. You don’t even feel the cramps anymore. “Oh, yes. Thank you so much, Steve.” He pulls back and plants another sweet kiss on your lips. “I really hope this isn’t just a one time thing, Y/N. I know we are doing this backwards but I’d really like to take you out to dinner and see if this goes anywhere?” He asks looking into your eyes. His are full of hope and fear. Not that you’d want to, but how could you say no to that face?
You smile wide and pull him in for another kiss, “I would love nothing more than that, Steve. But I’m super tired now. Can we take a nap and then go to dinner?” You stick your bottom lip out earning you a chuckle from him. “Of course we can, sweetheart. But I don’t  plan on moving from inside you, you’re too warm. Is that ok?” You nod and grab the blanket from the back of your couch and drape it over the both of you. “Yes, please don’t go. I’ve got you right where I want you.”
He smiles and tucks his face back into the crook of your neck, moving his hands up and down your back. You close your eyes and fall into the most blissful sleep you’ve had in ages.
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Official Accounts Part 19- Search
Summary: (y/n) was perfectly happy remaining anonymous, even if her best friends were all pro heroes and she worked under THE Hawks. Handling the technical aspects of hero work from the background suited her just fine, thank you very much. That goes out the window when suddenly her twitter blows up thanks Denki and the famed no. 2 hero is asking her to run his own official twitter as a result
If you don’t want to see Official Accounts content blacklist #hopelessoa
Warning for non graphic descriptions of injuries and manga spoilers
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You are NOT a damsel in distress. So when you woke up bleary eyed in some industrial building, hands cuffed and chained to the ceiling, feeling like you’d been hit by a truck, your first thought wasn’t, “I hope a hero comes for me”, but rather, “ok what’s step one to getting out of here.” First the matter of freeing yourself. You didn’t have a bobby pin so you’d have to get yourself free from the chain up top and then deal with the handcuffs. Honestly if you could get some time alone you could probably pull it off. You may not be able to take Dabi on directly but you could probably surprise him enough to make a getaway. Unfortunately, Dabi hadn’t left you alone since you’d woken up. And GOD did the asshole like to talk.
“Aren’t you curious why you can’t access your quirk?” Dabi asks. “I literally work hero tech, don’t insult my intelligence. I was looking over the specs for these cuffs just last week,” you reply with a roll of your eyes, “the better question is how you got hold of a pair.” “Can’t tell ya that, that’s no fun.” “So that’s why you won’t leave me alone? Cause this is fun for you?” “What? I’m bored. Your little boyfriend hasn’t texted me back,” he shrugged. “Not my boyfriend,” you snark back. “Ah right, sorry. Your ex boyfriend hasn’t texted me back,” he corrects with a smirk, “are you worried he won’t come?” “Nope.” “Aww, come around to thinking he cares about you again?” You roll your eyes again. “He’s a good hero. Regardless of whether he cares about me, he’ll come. And if not him I’ve got some really overprotective friends.”
Your arms are tingling from being held above your head for so long and your wrists feel rubbed raw by the harsh metal of the handcuffs but you refuse to give your captor the satisfaction of seeing your pain or discomfort. “Why even bother with all this?” you ask. If he was going to annoy you with all this chatter you may as well get something useful out of it. “You don’t really expect me to villain monologue my whole plan to you, do you?” he scoffs. “No but I also don’t expect you to leave me alone any time soon, so the least you could do is talk to me about something more interesting than the texts you read off my phone.” That wrenches a surprised laugh from the man. He walks over to you, giving you an appraising look the whole way over until he’s in your space, only a couple inches away. “Which do you think would hurt Hawks more? For me to kill you in front of him,” he leans in to whisper the last part in your ear, “or for him to watch you join me instead?” He pulls away only slightly, the two of you practically breathing the same air. “What on earth would make you think that I’d want to join you?” you scoff. “If you knew what the commission was hiding-“ “Tell me then. If you want me to join you so bad.”
Hawks arrived at the first address in record time. Speed was his thing after all. The moment he had touched down at the doorway and slipped into the all but abandoned warehouse he sent out several feathers to look for any sign of life within. Hawks had taken the two furthest locations since he’d be able to get to them the fastest and speed was of the essence. Logically, Hawks knew Dabi wouldn’t kill you before he or one of your friends got there. No, Dabi’s m.o. was suffering and it would hurt more to watch you die then to just find your body. That didn’t mean he relished the thought of you spending any more time in the other man’s clutches. His search turned up nothing. So he called his feathers back and in the blink of an eye was out the door and racing off to the second location, praying you were there.
“Well shit,” you sigh out, “I never did like Endeavor.” “Good instincts,” Dabi smirks. “You’re forgetting, Touya, I went to school with your little brother. I might not have known he was abusive, but I knew Endeavor wasn’t father of the year.” “So are you in or what?” “In to ‘take down’ hero society with you?” “Exactly.” “No way in hell.” Dabi scoffs in disbelief. “Wow, you are so enamored with them it makes me sick.” “I’m not enamored with the HPSC I think they’re disturbingly apathetic at best and grossly corrupt at worst. As for Endeavor he deserves to pay for his crimes the same way any other regular citizen would. But there are good heroes out there and you would have me take them and innocent civilians down too in your quest for revenge.” “Good heroes huh?” “Yes! Good heroes like All Might and Chargebolt and Mirko and-“ “Hawks?” “Yes, and Hawks.” “Did he or did he not just break your heart?” “Hawks made mistakes that broke my heart and made me no longer want a romantic relationship with him that is not the same thing as being a CHILD ABUSER. At the end of the day he is a hero through and through. He is a good man with capital i Issues and a strong sense of morality and is one of the few top pros willing to push back against the HPSC.” “You’re an idiot.” “You’re a selfish prick with daddy issues.”
The slap across your face probably shouldn’t have come as a surprise to you. Perhaps you had pushed a little too far. The side of your face stung and you belatedly realized his hand had been alight when he struck you. You wonder if the brief contact was enough to leave a burn. “Oh I’m sorry, did I hit a nerve?” you reply as you slowly turn back to face him. “You’ve got guts, I’ll give you that,” he laughs with a shake of his head. “You might’ve given up on heroes but I see a better future in Hawks and Mirko and my friends.” “Then you’re not as smart as I was giving you credit for.” “Feeling’s mutual. But tell ya what, once I’m saved, I’ll tell your daddy you say hi.” When Dabi hits you this time you don’t have to wonder if he left a burn or not. You just know.
Hawks followed the same procedure at the second address as he had the first. He carefully slipped into the complex, careful to remain stealthy as he sent out a few feathers to search. It didn’t take long for him to find you and Dabi. He quickly texted the others and then recalled his feathers the moment he’d identified where the two of you were in order to avoid Dabi potentially noticing. Little did he know it was already too late for that as Dabi had set up silent perimeter alarms to let him know the moment someone came for you. Deep in the recesses of the building Dabi turns to you, still trying to catch your breath from the punishment your big mouth had earned you. “Looks like we have a guest (y/n). Now the fun really starts!”
Author’s Note: B O Y did this one get away from me. I intended the rescue effort to be all one part but as I was writing it out I realized I wouldn’t be able to have the level of detail I wanted if I did that so I just picked a good stopping point and HERE WE ARE. Next chapter will also be mostly written. We’ll see for the one after that. Also we write bad bitch readers in this house 😤 (y/n) woke up from being knocked unconscious and chose VIOLENCE
Taglist [open]: @cathy8taffy @katzurras @grumpyfroggies @captaincyberqueen @itskindofafairything @420-uwu @someweirdshitman @oliviasslut
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kiribakuhappiness · 4 years
ok im not a writer but i had to get this out of my head; bakusquad being at a bar, and kirishima is being hit on pretty big time by this guy. Kiri is too damn nice to turn him down bluntly but he is trying to get away (arms up, awkaward smile). Bakugou sees and steps in, playing kiri’s boyfriend in order to get the guy away. just bakugou having a kind of smug attitude, them kinda playing of the boyfriend thing for the rest of the night 👀 idk i have nothing else but i cant get the scene out of my head
(Kiribaku Drabble Prompt) this might not be exactly what you asked for but i got the idea while reading this and just went for it. i hope you enjoy anyway x
Katsuki’s never liked the bar. Every surface was sticky, the music was horrible, the people were obnoxious, the drinks were always unnecessarily priced, and it was too damn dark in here - where the fuck were all the lights?
He’s never liked going out to the bar and he’s told anyone who would listen to him how much he hated being there but it was just like them not to care. He didn’t even know why he hung out with these idiots; Pinky with her constant stream of useless gossip, Dunceface being the most obvious thirst trap to any girl that walked by, and Sero...
Fine, Sero was decent. But just Sero. The others could go fuck themselves for all Katsuki cared.
Someone bumped into his shoulder as they sizzled passed him at the bar and he growled lowly like some irate dog, gripping his drink harder until his knuckles turned white. God he wanted to fight somebody. Why couldn’t a villain appear and save him from this stupid night?
“Woah, calm down Cujo,” Jirou mocked as she appeared beside him, sipping on a glass of water and looking just as bored as he felt. “Down boy, down. He’s not worth it.”
Katsuki glared at her over the top of his drink. “Fuck off, you’re lucky I can fucking tolerate you or I’d smash your face against this bar top.”
Jirou shrugged his comment off as though he hadn’t even spoken. “Have you seen Kirishima anywhere? I’m supposed to drive them all home tonight and I’m not about to get blamed for being a bad friend just cause one of them fucked off without telling us.”
Katsuki shifted uncomfortably, pressing his lower back harder into the bar top behind him. “The fuck would I know where he is?” he grumbled into his drink, turning his eyes away. 
Jirou raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him. “Cause you guys come as some sort of packaged deal? Like a two-for-one bargain sale or something?”
Katsuki downed the rest of his drink in lieu of answering. He and Kirishima weren’t fighting - they weren’t. They just... weren’t talking at the moment. Which was fine, why would Katsuki care? Why would he give a fuck that he asked Kirishima to partner with him, to form their own joint agency, and Kirishima had turned him down? It was a stupid, childish idea anyway.
“Wow, you’re like, the worst liar I’ve ever met in my life,” Jirou commented, and for a moment, Katsuki seriously considered that Jirou might be able to read his mind. She’s kind of quirky and weird like that; it was possible. “Your face looks constipated just thinking about him. What happened between you two?”
Katsuki snarled and slammed his empty glass down onto the bar behind him. “Fucking nothing, mind your damn business,” he spat.
“Whatever. Can you please just go and find him? I’m on toddler watch,” she waved a dismissive hand at the group on the other side of the room; where it looked like Pinky was thoroughly egging Dunceface on to do something stupid while Sero video-taped it on his phone.
“Fucking fine.” He pushed himself away from the counter and started off into the crowd for the other side of the room, elbowing people out of his way and ignoring their grunts and complaints as he went.
Of course, Kirishima would be the one to disappear on them, and of course it had to be Katsuki that went and found him. This was starting to become a routine for them, and Katsuki was beginning to grow tired of it. If Kirishima wanted to be away from them so bad, wanted to be away from him so bad, then he might as well just come right out and fucking say it. Katsuki could take it - he was twenty-fucking-three years old, he wasn’t a child anymore and Kirishima didn’t have to worry so damn much about hurting his feelings - which he didn’t even have, thank you very much.
It was a hero partnership, not a fucking proposal. Fucking idiot.
Katsuki didn’t know how long he was looking when he suddenly stumbled across the scene in front of him.
Kirishima had his back to him, a hand resting awkwardly on his neck like he did when he was trying to stumble his way through some kind of horrid excuse. His other hand was gripping his drink tight enough to break glass, and yet, his smile was still just as wide and bright as usual. Probably nobody else would be able to decipher how fucking uncomfortable Kirishima was right now, but Katsuki had spent nearly every single day with him for the past eight years, and he knew when Kirishima was going into fight-or-flight mode.
Fucking... why did he always get himself into these dumbass situations?
The guy Kirishima was talking to obviously wasn’t taking the hint; not that there was even one to get. But Katsuki could see all the hints clear as day; the subtle way Kirishima leaned back on his heels - as though to put distance between them without seeming rude or whatever the fuck he was so afraid of people thinking - the way he didn’t make eye contact and instead chose to let his gaze wander, as though he were looking for an escape route. Shit. Kirishima really dug his own grave with this one, didn’t he? There was no way he was getting out of there alone.
Katsuki scowled and turned to the bartender cleaning a table beside him. “One scotch, hurry,” he handed the man a bill that was probably more than the drink would cost but whatever. The bartender grabbed the money and hurried for the bar. A minute later he arrived back at Katsuki’s side, holding out the drink and some change. Katsuki grabbed the glass and walked away without looking at him.
He took a long pull from his drink before he rolled his shoulders and tried not to let his ‘fuck-off-I’ll-kill-you’ vibes roll off of him too obviously as he appeared by Kirishima’s side, catching the tail end of their conversation, which was just about as cringy as he thought it would be.
“... beautiful view of the city from the balcony window,” the guy was saying, no doubt boasting about some penthouse suite or something similar that he was about to invite Kirishima back to. Fucking just slice Katsuki’s throat right now.
“That sounds... amazing,” Kirishima was saying, stilted and forced as he took another desperate drink from his dumb mojito or whatever it was called.
“Not as amazing as the view from our new office building, of course,” Katsuki cut in, startling Kirishima and pulling a very obvious glare of distaste from the man trying to woo him. As if that would ever work. The dude barely came up to Kirishima’s shoulders and he definitely wouldn’t be able to bench press Kirishima like Katsuki could. Totally not fucking manly.
“Our... office,” Kirishima repeated slowly, gazing at him with wide eyes.
Katsuki cocked an eyebrow at him as he took a slow sip from his drink before he plastered on the most relaxed smirk he could muster over top of the boiling rage he felt building in the pit of his stomach. “Perfect landscape of that mountain range across town, sunrises and sunsets like you wouldn’t fucking believe.”
“You two are heroes?” The man asked stupidly and Katsuki resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He knew they were heroes, obviously knew it by the way he was practically cornering Kirishima in this bar.
“Top heroes,” Kirishima supplied, gesturing to Katsuki. “I’m sure you’ve heard of Ground Zero.”
The man’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second and suddenly the smirk on Katsuki’s face was much more authentic than before. “Of course, number nine by age 23, if the rankings are accurate.”
“They are,” Katsuki said.
The man scrutinized them over the top of his glass as he took a drink - some pink concoction that physically made Katsuki sick just looking at it. “You’re starting a joint agency?”
Kirishima opened his mouth and Katsuki cut in before he could say anything.
“Of course. Being a hero is a very time consuming job, it only makes sense to start an agency together to be able to spend more time with my fiance,” even as the words came out smooth and steady, Katsuki really had to fight the blush from mounting up the back of his neck. Kirishima sputtered beside him, quickly covering it by taking a sip from his drink as his cheeks dusted a bright red.
The man’s eyebrows leaped up into his hairline as he took a discreet step away from Kirishima. “Fiance? I... wasn’t aware... I hadn’t heard anything -”
“You think I’d tell the fucking media anything about my personal life? Bunch of fucking vultures,” Katsuki grumbled, with feeling.
“Still,” the man was looking at him as though he wasn’t fully convinced. “You’re a household name at this point, surely someone would have -”
“You calling me a fucking liar?” Katsuki stepped forward and right on cue, just like he knew he would, Kirishima put a placating hand on his chest to hold him back. The action was enough to draw the man’s attention to the point of contact, and Katsuki tried not to think about how fast his heart was racing in his chest. If Kirishima felt it, he didn’t show it.
“Calm down Bak- babe, I’m sure he... didn’t mean anything by it.”
The man raised his hands and nodded. “Sorry for the intrusion,” he excused himself quickly before he turned and hurried off with his tail between his legs. Katsuki smirked after his retreating figure. Sometimes it bothered him how many times people compared his behavior to villains, but sometimes, like this very moment, he loved how terrified everyone was of him.
Well... everyone except -
“Wow, fiance? Really? You couldn’t have come up with anything else?” Kirishima floundered, his face red as he took a long drink from his glass.
“I wouldn’t have had to if you’d just told him to fuck off like you so obviously wanted to,” Katsuki snapped, turning towards him with a glare.
Kirishima ignored his quip, as he usually did. “You know he’s going to be telling people,” he mumbled into his drink, not catching Katsuki’s eye.
“Would that be the end of the fucking world?”
Kirishima’s eyes snapped back to look at him. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
Katsuki tensed and took another sip of his drink. It burned down into his stomach and quarreled the anger he felt growing there. “I never know what the fuck you mean anymore,” he growled lowly.
Kirishima sighed and it was only then that Katsuki realized how close they were still standing to each other. “You don’t want me in your agency, Bakugou...”
Katsuki glared at that. “Who the fuck says that I don’t? I’m the one that asked you.”
“Because of a throw away comment someone made about us in high school man,” Kirishima tried to reason with him, as he always did. “You’re a top ten hero now, and I’m just...”
Oh. Katsuki scowled hard. “Is that really what this has been about? You don’t think you’re fucking good enough or some shit?”
Kirishima drank instead of answering, his bright eyes darting around the room instead of looking at him. Katsuki stepped closer into his space to force his attention onto him.
“If I didn’t want you fighting with me, I wouldn’t fucking ask Kirishima.”
“But you and Midoriya -”
“I don’t want to fucking hear it!” Katsuki snapped. “We had a few good fights, sure, but that doesn’t fucking mean anything. You think I want to share my fucking glory with Deku? With anyone?” Kirishima still didn’t look convinced. Katsuki sighed a harsh breath out of his flared nostrils. “It’s always been you, Eijirou. Kamino, team work, agencies, it’s always been you. It has to be you.”
Kirishima blinked at him, the blush that had started to recede on his face suddenly came back full force. He chuckled into his drink and Katsuki smirked a little at the familiar action. It’d been a few weeks since Kirishima had laughed around him.
“You’re so dramatic dude,” Kirishima teased.
“You like drama, what the fuck do you want from me? It’s the only way to get anything into your thick skull. I gotta come up with dumbass manly speeches like every other fucking week.”
Kirishima laughed again, his cheeks a pretty red that complimented his stupid hair and made his eyes look like they could glow in the damn dark. “Does it really have a view of the mountain?”
Katsuki smirked. “Like you wouldn’t fucking believe. You’ll be sending me pictures of it every damn day.”
Kirishima smiled at that. “When can I go see it?”
Katsuki slammed his drink down on the table. “Right fucking now, thank god, I hate this damn place.” He put his fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly, startling some people near them and easily pulling Jirou’s attention away from her phone. “I’m taking this idiot,” he yelled out to her, gesturing to Kirishima, who laughed with embarrassment at all of the eyes suddenly turned on them.
“Dude, holy shit, can’t you do anything quietly?”
“Tch. No damn point in that.”
“Are you sure you’re not the one that likes drama?”
“Fuck off.” Katsuki’s never been so thankful to leave a fucking bar.
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 7
Five people. There were five people in this group.
So why could NONE OF THEM drive?!
Carapace hadn’t been expecting the rich kids to know to drive. Knowing them, they probably had chauffeurs who did it for them or whatever.
But Rena? Ladybug?!
He groaned and struggled to rub his eyes through his mask. It was too early for this.
It was a good thing all of them were fit, because the nearest Home Depot was ages away.
When they got there they decided it was best to just go in a group. Mostly because Chat was still only about half awake and someone (Ladybug) needed to push him around in a cart, but also because they all wanted to have some kind of input about how the board looked.
Carapace took out his phone.
The whole point of the ‘living together’ thing was so they could convince the public they were friends, he might as well get content that made them look like they actually got along.
The first part of the video was Chat, slumped over the front of the cart, face drawn in a sleepy smile, practically purring (actually WAS that purring? Carapace was pretty sure it was...). The camera then panned to Ladybug, who was casually throwing the items they chose at him in attempts to wake them up.
Yes, this included the giant board they were going to use to tack different things on.
No, that didn’t wake him up.
But, then, a few minutes later, he started filming again.
Chloe smiled for the camera. “Testing what can wake up our resident idiot. Trial One!”
She kicked the cart as hard as she could and sent it rolling into a wall.
Chat snored on.
Rena frowned. “Isn’t that more trial two? Ladybug throwing things was trial one.”
“Don’t rope me into this,” said Ladybug without looking up from the two different thumb tacks. She clicked her tongue and held them up for Carapace. “Glittery or not glittery?”
Carapace raised his eyebrows. “Uh… anyone gonna check on him?”
“I’ve watched him fall three stories and say ‘it’s fine’. Now, glittery or not glittery?”
Carapace opened his mouth, then shook his head. It wasn’t worth it. “Not glittery.”
“... I’ve decided you’re not allowed to have an opinion.”
“Then why would you --?!”
Rena held up a hand. “She’s right. You don’t get a say in this.”
“I --?!”
“Hey, Queen Bee, noise usually gets him up.”
“Genius!” Chloe snatched the glittery thumb tacks from Ladybug. “Trial three!”
She walked over to Chat and rattled the box by his ear. There was a shrieking noise and the camera barely caught a flicker of black before the entire cart tipped over and spilled it’s contents (including a very frazzled Chat Noir) onto the floor.
There was a short silence as the miraculous holders and the staff members who had been unfortunate enough to be scheduled for work that day processed what had just happened.
And then Ladybug doubled over laughing.
“Oh my kwami I’m so -- pftHAHAHA -- I’ll help clean up I… I just --” She giggled a little more and held up a finger for a moment as she tried to pull herself together. “One -- heheheh -- sec.”
The camera panned away from her to zoom in on Chat Noir’s pout for a brief second before it cut.
All the heroes helped clean up. Obviously. They were heroes.
Once they were done with their cleaning and fifty million apologies, they went back to shopping.
Chat was still in the cart but, after being woken up twice in the same day to the worst sounds his fellow miraculous holders could think of, he was wide awake.
“Guys, it’s Hawkmoth, we have to do purple!”
“No, that’s what he’d want us to do. Go the whole other way and do yellow.”
“Of course you would say that, Bee.”
“What’s that supposed to --?”
Ladybug held her hands up. “Guys, compromise. They’re complimentary colors. We can use both.”
The other three looked at her like she was insane.
Ladybug clicked her tongue and looked over at Carapace. “Are you going to weigh in on this?”
“No. I’d prefer not to get into… whatever this is.”
She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Greeeat. Thanks.”
“No problem.”
Ladybug turned to give a tired glare to the three in front of her. “Fine. Fine! I’m deciding. We’re doing purple.”
“But --!” Started Chloe.
“I --!” Tried Chat.
“Shhhhhhh. It’s decided. Purple.”
There was a little bit of grumbling, but Chloe and Chat did end up putting the yellow back.
Still, the discontent didn’t last long. Partially because it’s Paris and no one is allowed to be annoyed for over five minutes, but also because they all quickly got into choosing different things for the board.
Carapace kind of hung back for this part, because he couldn’t help but cringe whenever Chat or Chloe put something in the cart without looking at the price tags.
(What if Master Fu didn’t count this as a necessary expense? He probably would, and if he didn’t one of the rich kids would end up paying, but… it was still weird to see how careless they were with money.)
Part of him wondered what people thought about their group as they made their way through the store. A group of teenagers, all dressed in varying aesthetics from ‘literally woke up this way’ (Carapace) to ‘oh wow is that child a lawyer’ (Ladybug) to ‘I don’t care about how this looks as long as you know I’m rich’ (Chloe). They didn’t really look like the kind of people who would hang out together...
They were also all wearing masks, that had to be pretty shady.
Actually, now that he was paying attention, he noticed that quite a bit of staff seemed to be watching them.
He tried to tell himself that it was just because they’d made a mess earlier.
He knew that likely wasn’t it.
Carapace instinctively pulled his hoodie lower over his face, sinking into the green fabric. He sped up a little to walk closer to his housemates.
They had stopped to look at different borders.
Chloe was frowning. “ -- which one to choose, they’re all so ugly…”
“We could make our own…?” Said Chat.
“Or, consider, we don’t waste all our time making sure it looks good?” Said Rena.
“We’re not going to get much information for a while, we might as well use our time doing something,” said Chloe.
Rena winced. “Please don’t say that.”
Carapace raised his eyebrows. That was odd. Why was she so determined, anyways?
He shrugged it off. Maybe she just wanted to question Hawkmoth. He wouldn’t put it past her.
His eyes slid over the group to Ladybug, who was occasionally glancing at something and opening her mouth, only to close it again and look away.
He followed her gaze to a bunch of different sized purple, paper butterflies.
Oh. Did she want them and just didn’t know how to say it?
He walked over to the butterflies and checked the price. After a few seconds’ deliberation he made his way down the aisle to look at the construction paper’s prices. Hm… time versus convenience...
He looked up to ask which one would be better and cringed internally when he realized everyone had disappeared.
How did they disappear? They were so loud…
But that wasn’t his problem at the moment.
He pulled down the container of purple butterflies down and started walking.
He tried to ignore the stares of staff members as he wandered the aisles.
He turned around and brought a smile to his face as he looked at the lady that had come up to him.
“Salut!” He said brightly, and he tried not to take too much pleasure in the way she winced. It was his go to passive-aggressive move to say ‘Salut’ at this point, to imply that the person judging him was on the same level. Was it petty? Yes. Did it work when it came to trying to figure out if it was something innocent or not? Also yes.
“Is there something I can help you with, sir?”
“No thank you, ma’am, I’m just looking for my friends,” he said.
Should he avoid eye contact and bow his head a little? Would she think that was suspicious? He hadn’t done anything, but he also didn’t have any identification on him which wouldn’t look good if she was going to question him…
“Can I accompany you to help you find them?”
Ah. So she was going down that kind of route?
“Not necessary,” he tried.
“I insist.”
“No thank you. I’m fine.”
“A kid like you shouldn’t be left alone...”
He gripped the packet of paper butterflies so tightly that it dug into his palms.
“I can handle myself, thank you. I’m Carapace,” he said.
He fought back a cringe, but it had been necessary. If he stayed like this too long he could get akumatized, and he really didn’t need that right now.
“And I’m Ladybug,” she said, unimpressed.
Yeah. Fair enough. That was kind of hard to prove. Should he show her the kwami hiding in his pocket…?
No, reaching towards his pocket was decidedly a bad idea. She was way too wary of him for that, who knows what she’d think.
He pulled a fake smile to his face. Fine. If he could get this over with quickly he might be able to get through this without getting akumatized.
“Okay, ma’am, help would be nice, I guess…”
@nathleigh @mialuvscats @sassakitty @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @blueslushgueen @woe-is-me0
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chemiste · 4 years
Voicemail. ~part 2~
a/n : you want it? go get it! heres the second part to voicemail!! I’m thinking a 3rd and final part for this??? if y’all want it tell me! ALSO I’ve linked what the reader is wearing and maybe what others are too so if you see a link thats what it is. also wanted to say thank you so much for the support on this one shot!! i would put those big eye emojis but im typing on a laptop and i dont think O.O is the same....
first part!!!! go read
mah masterlist
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“Next on the red carpet is singer/song writer Y/N L/N, wow look at that beautiful dress!! This year at the Grammys she is up for 3 awards, Song of the Year, Best Dance Recording, and Best Solo Pop Artist!” 
The interviewer exclaimed excitedly from her podium along side the paparazzi wall. It had been a week since the songs were let out for the world and so there was definitely an electricity in the air at the awards ceremony.
“All you fans are probably watching for the most anticipated performances of tonight! Harry Styles will be singing one of his new songs from his album FineLine! Twitter is going ballistic from the recently leaked songs about is break up with L/N, we all know the cameras will be on her tonight whenever he’s mentioned! Oh look, here she comes now!”
You walked over in your beautiful award dress, safe to say you were the best dress star there. Your hair was done up and the red long dress seemed to flow around you effortlessly as you walked. 
“Hello Diane, it’s lovely to see you again.” 
You said in a polite voice, smiling to her and the camera, she handed you an extra mic, ready to drown you with questions.
“I’m going to cut to the chase— did you listen to the songs?”
Wow, this lady’s cut throat I’ll give her that.
“Oh yes! I’ve listened to all the albums nominated this year and I’m so excited.”
“Oh I was talking about—“
“I’m so incredibly grateful for the nominations, I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this album and I’m glad the fans love it as much as I do.”
You could see the Diane deflate a little, understanding you’d keep dodging questions about Harry until it was over so she moved on. 
“Yes, you’re nominated for Best Dance Recording, the music video for your song Clouds was crazy! How long did it take you to figure out how to dance while flying?!” 
You laughed, thinking back to the many rehearsals of choreography on the ground and then being connected to cables and hoisted into the air to perform it. 
“A girl never tells her secrets,” you said with a wink. 
“Well speaking of flying in a music video, I know one performance tonight will be—“
Cheers and hysteric screaming filled the fan area as someone came on to the carpet. 
“Is that? Oh look, Harry Styles enters the stage in a—, my goodness! You and him are matching!”
You couldn’t believe it.
Harry was decked out in a full red suit, hair beautifully fluffed and glimmering in the light. He had red heels that looked like Dorthy’s slippers.
And he had the faintest amount of red lipstick on, making him look like an ethereal being in red.
“Wow, we really are matching.” 
You mumbled to yourself, half forgetting you were being filmed. 
You turned back to the camera the moment you remembered, making your face emotionless so hopefully the interviewer wouldn’t pick up on your thoughts at the moment. 
You quickly thanked her and slipped off into the sea of celebrities, hearing his voice ‘hello love! So happy you could come’ to the fans hoping he would give them a signature.
You entered the award room, looking for your assigned seat. Luckily you were strangely one of the only people in there aside from a few techies working on the stage lights.
“Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Billie Elish, Kahild… Harry….” 
You gasped, basically scoffing at what you saw next. 
“Y/N L/N? Are you fucking kidding me?!” 
You started to breathe a little faster, “Oh god, I don’t think I can do a whole ceremony next to him, after the whole thing online… and not responding to his texts.”
It’s true, when he had texted you that morning, it took you 5 hours and a shot of tequila to actually open his messages.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Hey… I don’t know if you’ve gotten a call from one of your PR people yet but, I just wanted you to know I didn’t mean for any of this to happen, I don’t wish to put you through anymore than what I already have…
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Um, but uh, if you’ve listened to the songs, just know that I really do mean the words I sang. I wish we could have, uh talked, but I understand I’m not in any position to ask for that. Just, there were a few others songs that didn’t get leaked, and uh, I’d like you to have them. You don’t have to listen to them but, it would mean a lot to me if you did.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
“Mrs. Styles.”M4A. Click to open.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
“I Should Have Fought.”M4A. Click to open.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
“I’m Sorry.”M4A. Click to open.
You didn’t listen to them, like the others. 
You just… couldn’t. 
It had taken you so long to get over him and grind it into your head that you didn’t do anything wrong, he did. 
Your PR team decided the best thing to do was acted like nothing had happened because if you didn’t give a response the public would have nothing to go off of, so here you were, looking at one of the scheming ideas from someone on the Award Team to see if they’d be the first to get some action between the two of you.
“Fuck that.” 
You said to yourself, looking around to make sure no one was looking, you snatched your name paper and walked about 15 seats over and changed with Lana Del Ray. 
Because you were all in the front row, you couldn’t get farther than that, but this would have to do. You quickly put Lana’s paper in your previous seat and walked out of the room, escaping the ‘crime scene’.
At least I’m sitting next to Shawn now.
You and Shawn had gotten to be friends around a year ago when you bumped into him at the recording studio and....maybe spilled your marshmallow milkshake down his shirt.
“I’m so fuckin sorry! Oh god please don’t sue me for this, or worst, tell your fans!!” 
You rambled, padding him off with the napkins from your fast food bag. You looked up at the tall Canadian in front of you that just had a smile on his face.
 “Hey don’t worry about it, uh, I’m Shawn but I guess you already knew that.” 
“Yeah, I’ve been listening to your music for a while its fantastic, I’m—“ 
“Y/N L/N, America’s Favorite Child and Feminist thats not faired to fuck you up?” 
You grinned, “Oh you saw that video?” 
He laughed, “Hell ya I did, You punching that old misogynist groping that girl on the street is one of the videos saved on my phone!”
After that day, you both caught on like a house on fire since you seemed to be in the studio at the same time, it was great having someone to throw ideas around with at 3am when everyone else had left the studio.
“Y/N! Girl! I haven’t seen you in forever!” 
You looked up from the corner of the red carpet you had been hiding standing in. Hailee Steinfeld made her way over to you in a black dress that hugged her perfectly. 
You let out a sigh of relief, you gave her a big hug, breathing in her sweet perfume. 
“Hailee you’re a life savor, I feel so out of it here.” 
She gave you a soft look, “Cause he’s here right?”
You clinched your jaw, “And we’re fucking matching! How did that even happen? It’s literally the same shade of my dress and everything! There are so many shades his team could have chose but they went with that one! And the lipstick! He’s basically a devil personified! But he’s got style!”
You quietly rambled to your fellow singer, she squeezed your hand when the bell chimed telling everyone it was time to enter. 
“Y/N, before we go in I wanted to ask if you had listened to the songs.” 
“Uh, no… I… I couldn’t hear his voice staying those things to me so I just read the lyrics.” 
Hailee gave your bare shoulder a squeeze, “Well, I don’t want to play devil’s advocate,” you smiled at her little quip, “but I did, and what’s not in the lyrics just written is the emotion you could hear in his voice. During Drunk Thoughts, theres a part that people are speculating he’s crying while recording, trying force sing it out and, it’s just, I think it’s time you spoke to him.”
Hailee was one of your most trusted friends and to hear her say this, wasn’t surprising.
You were starting to think it too.
“But, I’m scared H, what if makes it worse?”
The final bell chimed and you both started to walk inside. “I have a feeling it won’t."
“What an incredible performance by Ariana Grande, next up is the show we’ve all been waiting for, or well I’ve been waiting for, here’s Harry Styles performing a new song from his nominated Album, FineLine!” 
James Corden announced from the side aisle. You felt Shawn subtly queen your hand, knowing there was bound to be a camera on you the whole time while Harry sang.
You took a deep breath,
No facials.
No twitching.
The curtain came up from the stage, the set was a back cube cut diagonally so the audience could see the inside. 
Harry stood in a white suit sans a shirt. He wasn’t wearing shoes so you could see the painted red toe nails peeking out from underneath the too long suit pants. 
His hair had been messed with a bit, giving it a soft and fluffy just out of bed look.
Now he looks like an angel.
He held a red mic in his hand, and spoke into it.
“Before we start, I’d like to inform you that I will be singing an unreleased song not from my album called.”
He took a breath.
You curled your toes in your heels the only way you’d be allowed to release the tension you felt in your body since they were covered by your dress.
Fuck, that’s why we match.
A piano started playing, a sort of dark melody that reverberated through your bones and into your soul.
It’s all I can see,
It’s all I can hear,
The sound is loud,
But it’s not clear.
The tone of your voice,
Plays in my head,
That look in your eyes,
I can tell you want me dead.
Grays are the only color I see,
Black and white and in between.
But then I saw you in that dress.
The color of blood always suited you the best.
You and your red dress.
You and your red…… dress.
Thoughts swirl around, in my mind.
Pretty eyes and satin clothes,
They plagues my dreams, in the night.
Grays are the only color I see,
Black and white and in between.
But then I saw you in that dress.
The color of blood always suited you the best.
You and your red dress.
You and your red…… dress.
You watched as he struggled to hold back the emotion in his voice, you sucked in a small breathe when his eyes made contact with yours, unwavering.
Oh… I wish could take it back.
Oh… I wish I could take it back.
Oh… I wish could take it back.
Oh… I wish I could take it back.
You and your red dress.
You and your red…… dress.
You and your red dress.
You and your red…… dress.
The song ended and the audience was silent.
 Everyone could feel the tension in the room, so you did the only you could do.
You stood and started to clap.
Shawn and Hailee immediately followed your cue and soon the rest of the auditorium was erupting with cheers and roars of excitement.
But all you could focus on was the smile on his face, looking down at you.
And the one forming on yours too.
3rd part right here!
alsoooo i’d like to say a big wtf to people that white wash reader inserts! it’s so damn easy to just put a little colleague together like i did and add it so everyone can envision themselves and like,,, need a hairstyle? literally say ‘you did your favorite hairstyle’ thats perfect and a neutral way to keep everyone happy!!! people that bitch about going the extra mile are worthless writers smh
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
Can I get all questions for your fav pls💖
oh wow. Well, luckily a bunch of the questions have already been asked for my fave, Fallon. (my answers are HERE) But let's get started!!
1. What was your character like as a baby? As a child?
So, I imagine that she was a rather difficult baby. She was always whiny, and definitely had favorites, adjkajd. Sometimes the only person who could make her stop crying was her grandmother, Adelia. She grew out of it, as was a much less fussy toddler, but she still definitely preferred the company of Adelia and her mother, Rosalynn above any kind of nanny, or her father.
As a child she was very adventurous. She loved to explore the castle, and found a lot of secret hiding places. She still knows where they all are, even if she can't fit in them anymore. There were multiple times that her nanny or her mother were in a panic because "dear god, we lost the crown princess!" and then she was found like, behind a statue or something just watching them all run around looking for her, adjkjad.
As an older child/young teen she was tutored in languages, diplomacy, and manners. She excelled at all of them, but only when she chose to. (She was a stubborn child and is still a stubborn adult sometimes.)
The rest are going under the cut because this is going to be VERY long, ajdkajd.
2. Did they grow up rich or poor?
I think the answer to this one is pretty obvious. She was (literally) a princess, so yeah, it's safe to say she was very wealthy.
3. Did they grow up nurtured or neglected?
She was definitely nurtured. Her grandmothers and her mother all loved her and doted on her (they didn't quite spoil her, but she was definitely very loved and got treats often). Her dad was more distant, but never outright neglectful or anything. He was just often busy....
5. What was their first kiss like?
I think it was probably something silly. She was 15, which was, in her mother's eyes, plenty old enough to start meeting all the nobles of the kingdom. But, sitting through all these court proceedings were boring sometimes (not everything about being Queen is so exciting)), so Fallon would sneak away to the gardens. Why the gardens? Because that's where Adaline would spend her time waiting for her father to finish his court business. Adaline was the daughter of a local noble, and she was almost a year older than Fallon. And Fallon had a massive crush on her. So, she would talk to her, and Adaline would flirt with her, and eventually they kissed. It was kind of awkward, because Fallon had never done it before, and Adaline was certainly no expert, and so after they kissed they started lauhging, because it was awkward. After that, Fallon and Adaline dated for a while, but they broke up after a few months.
6. What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved?
As of yet, she would think that it was failing to somehow protect her mother. But that wasn't something she actively did. As for anything else, it would probably breaking some poor soul's heart, but she didn't really love them if she was breaking up with them, so does it really count??
7. What are their ambitions?
Currently, her ambitions are to continue protecting Anvia, and also to fall in love. She grew up hearing all these cute love stories about her grandmothers, and these past 5 years since her mother's death, she hasn't had any time for romance at all. So, yeah, I think that falling in love with someone (and also learning to trust that person) is a pretty big ambition of hers right now.
8. What advice would they give their younger self?
I think that Future Fallon (aka, even beyond now) would tell herself to stop blaming herself for everything. Right now she can't really see that yet, but she will, someday.
11. What is their best childhood memory?
When her mother would put aside her work to spend time with Fallon. It made her feel special every time.
12. What is their worst childhood memory?
When her grandmother died. But if we're going past technical childhood, definitely her mother's death.
13. When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment?
I honestly don't know the answer to this one. I'll have to think on it. But there is a moment in the story that I think would fit here. So I guess you'll have to wait and see??
18. Do they believe in love at first sight?
No. She's not that naive, and she's never been. She believes you can be attracted to someone on first sight, certainly, maybe even have a crush, but to actually LOVE someone, you have to get to know them, and that takes time.
19. Have they ever had their heart broken?
Not seriously. The closest she came to real heartbreak was when her first even girlfriend (Adaline) broke up with her. But Fallon knew that it wasn't really true love, so although she was sad, I don't think it really counts as heartbreak.
20. Have they ever broken someone else’s heart?
Definitely! Probably more times than she knows. The most memorable was when there was this one lordling who had a massive crush on her when she was 19 or so. Fallon thought he was attractive, so she entertained a relationship with him, thinking that maybe that attraction could turn in to real romantic feelings, but it never did, so she broke up with him. He obviously took it much harder than she did.
Thanks for sending all these!!
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Morty Smith
Settle in y’all cause I have to talk about my son Morty Smith for a moment. I suppose I’ll start by saying I love this boy, this poor poor boy and I want the best for him oh my heart hurts for this boy. So let’s start at the very begining (I’m told this is a very good place to start) 
Morty Smith has always had a hard life. At school he is bullied, has no friends, and struggles in his class and well the staff (or what little we’ve seen of it with Principal Vagina and Mr. Goldenfold) don’t seem particularly helpful in any of these regards. Specially since, in the pilot, it is revealed Principal Vagina had been trying to contact the Smith’s but kept leaving the messages with Rick, despite the fact Rick was the one pulling him out of school in the first place (dude come on). 
Then at home he is living with a mean alcoholic mother, Beth, and an insecure pushover, Jerry, who both neglect him, (and Summer too) and they constantly fight. 
He has anxiety disorder and is autistic, but is not being helped in either of these regards. And to make it worse his parents admit they know. Right in the pilot episode Jerry remarks that Morty has, “some kind of disability or something” and when Morty says, “I do?” he responds with, “Well, duh doy son. Look Morty I love you but we both know you’re not as fast as the other kids and if you want to compete in this world, you got to work twice as hard.” (wow the voice acting really helps this line cause writing it down is like damn. that’s cold Jerry) He doesn’t offer any kind of help, just points out to Morty that it is apparently a very obvious fact. Which shows how neglectful and unwilling they are to actually do anything. 
So let’s sit with Jerry and Morty for a second. In “Something Ricked This Way Comes” Jerry tries to help Morty on a science project, which sounds great but he more or less is just doing it because he is just jealous Morty asked Rick for help and as Beth puts it, “He is insecure about his intelligence”. Then poor 14 year old Morty is burdened the entire episode with being the responsible one, repeatedly telling Jerry not only is Pluto not a planet and it would have been fine to just not put it in their model solar system, but then having to go as far as telling him that the planet is dying and he has to convince his dad just to let it go and of course Jerry does and everything goes back to normal but Morty had to play the role of the parent the whole time and ends with him reassuring Jerry at the end of the episode that he loves him. Then in “The ABC’s of Beth” Morty and Summer have to force Jerry to admit he just needs to stop coming up with excuses and break up with his girlfriend Keara, again making Morty (and Summer too) the mature ones in the situation. “The Old Man and the Seat” is similar in that Morty and Jerry have their own adventure where Morty has to keep telling Jerry that he is making a mistake, only this time he isn’t soft or kind about it, telling his dad to stop fucking up.
Then well if we switch to Beth... We don’t get much Beth and Morty bonding throughout the show but the most prominent would probably be in “The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy” where he thought he could just have a normal day with Rick and Jerry gone, but then Beth had to try and prove she can return Summer to normal on her own only making things worse. Again much like with Jerry Morty tried to be the voice of reason, saying they should call Rick for help and becomes upset when Beth continues to be stubborn. Morty has to be the one to tell Beth this wouldn’t of happened if she had just told Summer she was hot. 
And of course his sister Summer, who he seems to have the best relationship with has to be helped by Morty too, when she threatens to run away and do something with turquoise after she discovers that Beth and Jerry did not want to have children. Of course he aids her with his famous line from “Rixty Minutes”, “Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV.
Morty is only 14 but he is the motherfucking family counselor. And he is the least favorite child too just to ya know make it worse. Rember in “Morty’s Mind Blowers” that one guy was about to kill either Morty or Summer and he was going to make Beth chose which one would live and he hadn’t even finished the question and she said Summer? Or the (worst?) example, “Rick Potion #9″ where... the family isn’t even sad Morty is gone. It was completely understandable that they wouldn’t miss Rick... But Morty? Oh my that hurts. Hold on I need a moment cause it still fucks me up. That is your little boy Jerry and Beth. And your brother Summer. What the fuck?? Y’all are, “happier with them gone” what the f u c k? (like okay this post is not about Rick but in “Rest and Ricklaxation” Rick called Jessica multiple times in tears because Morty left and these guys.... just AHHHHHH)
Of course we have Rick and I could go on and on about how terrible Rick is to Morty but I don’t think I need to beat a dead horse (I was going to try and make a horse surgeon joke here but I can’t think of one), so instead I’ll say with Rick he gets manipulated, lied to, yelled at, talked down to, belittled, and dragged around on horrible traumatizing adventures. And his parents let it happen. Even now with Beth’s new found agency, it all still happens.
And outside the family?? He gets punished by just the universe itself it seems whether its trying to have his own fantasy adventure and almost getting assulted in a restroom, wanting to be a superhero just to learn his heros are all bad people, just wanting a dragon and having the dragon prefer his grandpa, trying to return a snake to its planet and accidentally causing countless snake wars and snake time travel, Morty can never seem to win. He tries to be good or have fun but is constantly having his views and morals thrown back at him, like the universe is telling him that it doesn’t matter if he is good or has good intentions. 
So let’s put it all in a bag and shake it up huh? We got this family that constantly needs Morty to be the responsible one, the moral one, the mature one, the backbone of society, all that and a bag of chips. Let’s put in a dash of abuse, a splash of neglect, a chaotic and cruel universe and he gets... What? An occasional hug or an “I love you”? I’,m pretty sure I have a whole separate post about Morty’s anger issues/ his rising agency but damn its like who wouldn’t be angry? Every aspect of his life is so messed up, its hard to conceptualize it all. 
So I think instead of Rick leaving at the end of the season it would be interesting if Morty left because that boy deserves so much more than all of this. And of course he would still be on the show but it would be like Morty solo while the rest of the family figures their shit out. 
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songficsbyrissi · 4 years
I Luv Your Girl (Erik Killmonger x Reader)
“Your Girl chose me, Don't be mad.
Kelly told y'all don't bring 'em in the club,
The way she rock that, got the boy in love,
And I pray that y'all ain't serious, cause seriously shes on my dick.” - The Dream
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Tory Lanez’s “Broke in a Minute” emerged from Erik’s Audi R8’s speakers as he drove to the club with 3 of his boys in the car. They’ve been talking about this club for the longest and have been bugging Erik to come with them. Erik finally took a break from his work and decided to come to the club with them.
I ain't been broke in a minute, don't get offended
Tore off the bow in a Bentley, fucking your ho in her kidney
Fuck up the city, I do not dance, I jiggy
Gun is tucked under this Fendi
I like it, I spend it, I just came right out the jeweler
The ice on my neck, and my wrist, and my fist, I ain't finished
Once Erik pulled up to the nightclub, he put his luxury vehicle in park and glanced at the sign on the front of the club.
‘Interesting name’ he thought to himself. ‘Shit could be fun’
His boy Jason broke him out of his thoughts by shaking his shoulders from the backseat.
“Oh shitttttt! We here! I’m telling you, my nigga, this club is lit!”
“They got the finest bitches in here.” Another one named Trey who was sitting next to Jason, added.
“You won’t regret this shit, my nigga.” The one in the passenger seat next to him, Sean concluded.
Erik glanced at all of them. “I better not or y’all niggas paying me gas money.”
The men guffawed at Erik’s statement as they exited the vehicle but Erik was as serious as a heart attack. He was fine with the usual club they went to that was closer to his house and not in another city. Unlike his friends, Erik wasn’t hitting the club, desperate to find a woman to take home. He came to have fun and if a shorty caught his eye, he might fuck her in an alley or his car. He avoided taking girls home since that crazy one-night stand that wouldn’t leave that one time.
Erik shuddered at the memory. That was another reason he didn’t go to the club looking for women. Because 95% of the women in there are crazy, horny bitches and he didn’t have the time to deal with that.
Once they got inside, Erik could see his friends weren’t lying. The club was pretty live. Intoxicated and sober people dancing, drinking and having a good time. It was too soon to tell if this club was going to be a waste of time or not. The friends separated and Erik went to the bar to order a drink. He noticed a group of girls staring at him, barely being discreet and whispering amongst themselves. Someone in the group liked him but was too shy to come up to him. Erik scoffed to himself.
He hated it when women never shoot their shot. They expected him to do it all the time. The worst he could say was no. Just come up and ask. Erik knew he was looking handsome with his red v neck t-shirt, black jeans, and Bred 1s on his feet. To top it off, he was wearing gold jewelry which consisted of his gold studs, gold chain, and gold Rolex to match the gold canines in his mouth. He leaned against the bar with his drink in his hand and surveyed the area. That’s when his eyes fell on you.
A beautiful black woman with her natural hair styled in a top knot bun. You were dressed in a sexy red 2 piece bandage spaghetti body con dress. The color complimented your skin tone. You wore it with gold heels. You were matching with him and didn’t even know each other. Erik didn’t think too much into it because 1. You weren’t the only one in this club wearing red and 2. You were sitting on the lap of some man and the way his arm wrapped around your waist, he knew you were taken.
He clicked his tongue. Damn shame. You were the only girl who really caught his eye.
As Erik continued to chill at the bar and downing his drink, he kept getting the stares and looks from beautiful women who couldn’t use their words and considered the stares as them shooting their shots.
“What are you drinking?” Erik heard a woman next to him ask. He turned to see that it was you. Probably getting a drink for your man.
“It’s Henny straight. Your man don’t seem like A Henny drinker. He seems to do light.”
You glanced up at him and he expected you to have an annoyed face but you were amused instead and began to laugh.
“Fuck him. This drink ain’t for him. It’s for me.” You turned to the bartender, leaning over the counter. “Let me get Henny straight.”
Erik raised an eyebrow, observing you as you waited for your drink and once you did, you didn’t babysit it like he did. You drank it all right then and there and he was amazed. Your eyes fell on him and his drink, causing you to giggle.
“Is that one drink your child? Why you babysitting?”
Erik glanced down at his drink and back at you. “I’m DD tonight so I can’t get fucked up.”
“How responsible of you.” You responded in a flirtatious tone, closing the gap between the two of you. Erik was getting turned on. You stuck your hand out.
“I’m Y/N.”
His hand took yours, shaking it. “Erik.”
“Erik.” You repeated his name as if you were trying it out. “I like it. I like how it rolls off my tongue.”
Wow, you were a bold woman and that turned Erik on even more. You weren’t beating around the bush. You were making it clear that you wanted him and it made him want you even more.
“You got a girlfriend or anyone who would be upset that I’m talking to you, Erik?” You questioned brushing a piece of lint of his shoulder. He was astonished now. Who are you?
“Besides those girls over there that have been taking their sweet ass time to talk to me, no. I’m single. I know you’re not.”
You rolled your eyes as Ms. New Booty by Bubba Sparxxx began to play.
“Ooooh that’s my song! I’ll see you later, Erik.” You winked at him, grabbing your second drink and heading to the dance floor. He watched you go and dance and continued to slowly sip his drink. A man tapped Erik on the shoulder and his nostrils were flaring. It was your man. Erik thought he wanted to fight but his anger is mainly directed at you.
“My girl was over here flirting with you?” He inquired, still glaring at you on the dance floor.
Erik was stuck. He was beginning to like you and didn’t want to get you in trouble with your man but on the other hand, if he lied for you, your man was probably not going to believe him. Besides, Erik had better things to do than to get caught between a lovers’ quarrel.
“Nah man. We were just talking about drinks.” He decided to lie so he wasn’t caught in some drama. It’s like the man didn’t hear one word Erik said when he turned to him, clenching his fists.
“You know she’s just doing this shit on purpose? She just flirting with you to piss me off. Don’t take her seriously because I promise you she coming home with me.”
Your boyfriend walked back to his seat and when the song ended, you returned to the bar to chat Erik up some more. You two were in a deep, engaging conversation when Erik looked above your head to see your man glaring at you two.
“Ooh this my song! Dance with me, Erik!”
Before he could say anything, you got up from the stool you were sitting on and grinded slowly against his crotch as he held your waist going along with the rhythm. You turned around, rubbing your pelvis against him and he felt the blood rushing to a certain area of his body.
“Whine slow for me, Tic-Tock for me, Baby you drop it like that.” You sang along as you continued wining with your arms around his neck. Erik looked back to see your man still mugging you guys and put his attention back on you.
“Yo, maybe you should go back to your man. He looking mad as fuck right now.”
“Fuck that nigga.” You replied, still dancing on him.
Erik didn’t stop you. He really liked your ass. Practically loved you. When the song ended, you two returned to the bar where you ordered another drink. Erik could still feel your man burning holes through you two.
“Yo, shorty, your man....you sure you don’t want to go back to him?”
You let out a dry laugh as you stirred your drink. “Didn’t I tell you fuck that nigga?”
“Well that nigga came over here when you were on the dance floor by yourself and said you were just trying to make him jealous. You fine and all, baby girl but I ain’t letting no female use me to make their nigga mad. I’m good on that.” Erik made an effort to leave the bar when you grabbed his wrist, stopping him. You sighed deeply.
“Listen. At first, when I started talking to you, it was to piss him off, I’m not going to lie. I’ve caught this man cheating a couple times before in our relationship and I forgave him each time like a dumbass. Tonight at the club, I caught him flirting with some bitch here and I decided that two can play at that game. I picked the wrong nigga though because once I got to know you, I started to like you and I’m realizing that my relationship with Gerald has died a long time ago. We were just together for convenience at this point.”
Erik began snickering and you had no idea why. “Your nigga’s name is Gerald?”
You joined in on the laugh fest. “Yes! Do you realize how hard that was to moan out? Whenever he asked “whose pussy is this?”, I would just fake a moan. How am I going to confidently say a nigga named Gerald owns this pussy?”
Erik kept chuckling, with his hand sliding up and down your bare thigh. “You’re better off screaming out any other name.”
You smirked deviously. “Would Erik be a better name?”
A smirk grew on his face as well. “Yes it would.”
You leaned in close, pressing your lips against his and he kissed back passionately, holding the back of your neck to suck your bottom lip and your tongue.
You smiled when you broke away from the kiss. “Looks like my birthday is turning out better than I expected.”
“It’s your birthday? Well, I can make it even better if we get out of this club.” He bit his lip, stroking your bottom lip with his thumb.
You pulled back with a force and saw a very angry Gerald right in front of you. His back was towards you and he was facing Erik.
“Nigga, you crossed the line kissing my fucking girl!” He roared clenching his fists, ready to strike.
You pulled him back stepping between them. “I ain’t your girl! Not anymore!”
His glare softened as he looked at you. “What do you mean?”
Erik decided that he was gonna get in the drama. “Your girl chose me, baby boy! You fucked up too many times.”
You pushed Gerald away. “We’re done. Let’s go, Erik.”
Erik saw the pissed expression of Gerald’s face and held his hands up in defense, suppressing a laugh. “Your girl chose me. Don’t be mad. I’ll tell you one thing tho. Imma love her better than you did.”
Gerald took a swing at Erik but Erik dodged in time, causing your ex-boyfriend to spin and fall on the ground. He groaned in pain as everyone stared at him. Erik got in his face, cackling.
“YOU GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT! BY YOURSELF!” He held his stomach, releasing boisterous laughter and calmed down. “Ok being deadass though, I kinda feel bad. But not that bad.”
“Imma....kill...you....nigga.” Gerald groaned while turning to the side.
“Hey this ain’t my fault, playboy. She chose me and you mad as hell at me. But shit, I would be mad too.” Erik glanced at you biting his lip and you smirked in response. He turned back to your ex. “She bad as hell.”
Erik grabbed your hand, leading you out of the club when you two ran into his group of friends he came with.
“What the fuck? Nigga we’ve been here almost every weekend and never picked up a bitch and this nigga E gets one on the first try? Ain’t that some shit?” Sean commented folding his arms as the other two shook their heads.
“Watch your mouth. She ain’t no bitch.” Erik stayed and dapped his boys up. “Aight y’all, be easy. I’m out.”
“Nigga, we came here with you!” Jason exclaimed in disbelief.
“Nigga turns into Mr. Bitches and forgets about his niggas.”
“Damn I forgot.” Erik looked at you. “You cool if I drop these niggas off?”
“Of course. They’re your friends.”
“Damn I like her already!” The 3 boys left the club with you and Erik. Once Erik dropped them off, he looked at you expectedly.
“So what you wanna do, birthday girl?”
“I don’t know. What do you have in mind?” There was a hint of lust in your eyes, causing him to pull you in another kiss.
“So How about I take you back to my house and celebrate your birthday right?”
“I would love that.”
And that night was the best birthday for you and the best club experience for Erik.
TAGS:  @lifelover4u @dessianna1 @brattywriters-anonymous @marvelmaree @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @heavenwrites17 @slimmiyagi @cancerianprincess @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @vibranium-chakra @nerd-lovely @chaneajoyyy @ohliyaxoxo @chefjessypooh @yourfavoritefavorite @airis-paris14 @ljstraightnochaser @quietstorm-73 @msincognito67 @sociallyawkward18 @mychemicalimagines @nerd-lovely @mareethequeen   @destinio1 @madamslayyy @thehomierobbstark @fd-writes @semianta @raysunshine78 @rbhp @fandom-fangirl22 @shaekingshitup @bakarilennox @queengodiva619 @this-glitter-pussay @itsqu33n @niqui87 @muse-of-mbaku @thickemadame​
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
All I Need is You
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(Guys I miss Mark so fucking much *Cue Tori Vega I think we all miss Mark)
Songwriter Mark X Reader
Genre: Extremely fluffy angst (is that even a thing?)
Word Count: 5.8K
Summary: For all your life, your parents raised you to be the perfect daughter of every parent’s dreams. You did every single thing your parents forced you to do and never did you complain about anything they’d make you do, no matter how badly you wanted to. That all changed the day your path collides with Mark Tuan. After being stripped of your childhood completely in order to be respective and follow your parent’s desires, Mark shows you how beautiful life can be when you do the things you want to. Mark is the breath of fresh air from a life you feel so suffocated in. For the duration of your relationship, you did your best in hiding him from your parents in fear of them disapproving of the older boy. However, once you graduate from college, you decide you are old enough to make your own decisions and you build the courage to introduce your boyfriend to your family. The night starts off without a hitch; everyone seems to really like him up until your mom asks him what he does for a living. That’s when things take a turn for the worst and your mom gives you an ultimatum; to chose between the love of your life and your family.
A/N: Hey guys, so I’ve been wanting to write an imagine based on the song Paris by the chainsmokers for the longest time and here it is. Only when I reached the middle of writing the story did I realize this is the complete opposite of my other story “Second Chances” LOL. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story (most of it is written in past tense so I hope you don’t get confused).
We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents And I thought, "Wow If I could take this in a shot right now I don't think that we could work this out" Out on the terrace I don't know if it's fair but I thought "How Could I let you fall by yourself While I'm wasted with someone else
"If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better Let's show them we are better Let's show them we are better
“Hey, everything okay?”
It was currently 2:45 a.m. and normally, you’d be fast asleep right now but you couldn’t help feeling as if the bed grew more spacious and colder than it was when you first went to sleep. Mark was your own personal furnace; the two of you fell asleep pretty early after a long day of sightseeing and an even longer night of love making.
After multiple rounds of his all but gentle kisses on your neck, jaw and chest as he rammed himself in and out of your velvety walls, you both were too tired to get up and clean yourselves off. He immediately pulled you in to his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around your waist while placing his face in the crook of your neck and whispering sweet nothings until his dreams finally took a hold of him. It’s been like this for the last three weeks since you and Mark ran away to Paris in the hopes of hiding from your extremely overprotective and non-understanding parents.
You’d go sight seeing, visit a couple of museums, cute little coffee shops and sometimes you’d even go to a farmer’s market and you’d buy food to make for recipes you and Mark learned while watching whatever they had on television. Almost every single night ended up in sex; on a few occasions, there were drunken stupors where one of you or sometimes even both of you would have a little too much to drink and you’d have wild, kinky sex.
Then there were the days where you’d argue over minuscule and unnecessary things and usually Mark would be the first to give up and apologizing with his head between your thighs. Most of your love making sessions were soft, passionate and very romantic.
To strangers or people who weren’t familiar with him, Mark gave off an intimidating and sometimes standoffish kind of vibe. It was only because he was actually very shy and soft spoken and those who actually knew him were aware of how talkative and outgoing he could be around those he was comfortable with.
Unfortunately, your parents were the kind of people you’d always sought praise from and you’d do whatever you could to make them proud. Ever since you were a little girl, you went along with every command they would give you, you never complained about the clubs they’d put you in or the clothes they had you wear. It wasn’t as if you were the only child, you had three other siblings but since you were the youngest, your parents were a little more strict with you even if you never gave them a reason to question or mistrust you.
It wasn’t until Mark came in to your life that your relationship with your parents took a completely different turn. You’ve known Mark since middle school and although you hardly ever talked to him, you did admire him from afar and you could only wish to build up the courage so that maybe one day, you’d be able to at least say hello.
He was always such a social butterfly and made friends with anybody he’d interact with. All the girls in your grade had a crush on him, but you couldn’t blame them. Not only was he a sight for sore eyes, he was such a free spirit; he had decent grades and not once did the teachers have any problems with him like they did with his friends. But he was never one to genuinely care about his education, and unfortunately that was his downfall.
When you finally entered high school, it’s as if the world felt like it was time for you and Mark to come together and for your two worlds to become one. In your first semester, he was in almost every single one of your classes. You didn’t think you were the smartest person in your grade, but you did pretty well in all the subjects. All those years of long, grueling days of summer school actually paid off. Sometimes, you hated being the youngest.
Your parents expected so much out of you but they never seemed to care about anything that your two older brothers and your older sister did. They all got to join groups, clubs and sports that they genuinely liked whereas you were coerced in to learning how to play the violin and the cello. You were thankful that school was considerably easy for you seeing as how your parents made education your first priority.
While your brothers would play video games and your sister would talk on the phone with her friends, you’d be practicing math problems and read books about the civil war. You didn’t think you got to experience a legitimate childhood you’d witness all your classmates and friends had. For that reason alone, you always felt different from everybody else and it was the reason why you were so hesitant on continuing friendships with the few friends you did have from middle school.
You could never relate to anything they’d talk about; all their favorite movies they’d watch, the latest installment of Grand theft auto that they’d play, going to each other’s houses—you weren’t even allowed to cross the street by yourself let alone go out with your friends. Entering high school by yourself had to be one of the most scariest things you had to go through and because your siblings were at least five years older than you, none of them would be there at least if you needed someone to confide in or run to.
From all the stories you’d hear from each of them, their high school experiences were ones for the books. Both of your brothers joined each and every sport you could think of and your sister was the co-captain of the cheerleading team. She also had a few boyfriends in high school and you felt as if a lot of the mistakes she made were the reasons why your parents took complete control of your life.
It didn’t take long for Mark to acknowledge your existence; in fact, what you didn’t know was that back in middle school, he noticed you even if you didn’t realize it yourself. While all the girls would ogle over him and try to get his attention, he would find himself admiring you from afar.
Mark always thought you were so cute; you were always hesitant to answer the questions your teacher would ask you even if everyone was aware you knew the answer, whenever someone asked you for help you were always so quick to attend to them no matter what they were asking of you and he could never get the way you would blush when you were flustered out of his head.
He had no problem talking with other girls, but he’d become a mess at even just the thought of having to talk to you. Mark was quick to pick up on how you had most of your classes together, and he was going to use this to his advantage. Only a month in to school, both his algebra teacher and his language arts teacher pulled him to the side to tell him that he wasn’t doing too good in their classes. It wasn’t that Mark was purposefully failing his classes in order to get you to tutor him, he never was all that amazing in school to begin with.
High school wasn’t even half as easy as middle school was. Getting anything lower than a C wasn’t going to cut it and now that he had two Ds, he planned on asking you for some help. When Mark did approach you and asked you to help him catch up with a couple of missing assignments and to help teach him some algebra formulas, you had a hard time believing he was even talking to you. In the beginning of your tutoring sessions, he was always quite the gentleman.
He’d give you his full attention, always waited till you were done talking before he’d ask you a question, he’d tell you silly jokes so that it wasn’t always about studying and learning and sometimes he would drop you home after your meetings. It didn’t take long for your tutoring sessions to turn in to something more and only three months after getting to know each other, he asked you to be his girlfriend.
Dating Mark was a dream you never think would become a reality. He was extremely kind hearted and took care of you in ways you didn’t think you’d be able to experience. You were shocked when he confessed that he’s liked you for all these years, and you were quick to admit the same to him. Knowing how your parents could be, you decided to keep your relationship with Mark a secret and he was very understanding about the entire thing.
The two of you would sneak around during and after school for the entirety of your high school years and your love for one another only grew stronger as the time went by. You fell in love with him in tiny little coffee shops, in the back of the library where you’d be making out together when you were supposed to be studying. You’d lie to your parents and say you were preparing for tests and picking up on extra credit when really you’d be lying in the back of Mark’s truck, cuddling in his arms while looking up at the stars.
Mark did a great job at helping you take your mind off of how perfect you were supposed to be. He was the breath of fresh air that you’ve always craved and now that you had him, you didn’t think you would be able to let him go. Ever. He made you feel like a little kid again; you actually got to experience all sorts of things you’ve wanted to do as a child through your relationship. It didn’t take you long to fall in love with him.
Being in love was an indescribable feeling. Every time something good happened to you, he was the first person you wanted to tell and whenever something bad happened, he was the shoulder you wanted to cry on. He always knew the right thing to say; but if there ever was a time he didn’t know how to respond to something, he would just hold you comfortingly while whispering sweet, encouraging words in your ear.
People claimed that perfect people didn’t exist and if that’s the case, then Mark came pretty close. You felt as if he was sent in your life to be your safe haven; your sanity. The burst of color in your world of black and white. He had a habit of telling you he loved you every single day and even if he weren’t to do so, his actions spoke for him. You don’t know how you did it, but you actually did a great job in hiding Mark from your parents for the last few years.
There were times where you did come pretty close to getting caught; whether it was because of how loud you didn’t think you were while talking on the phone with him, or when you’d come back home with swollen lips and tousled hair. It didn’t matter to you though. A part of you was ready for whatever response you’d receive from your parents. Honestly, Mark was the kind of guy you’d bring home to your parents; so you weren’t afraid of the idea of introducing him to your family.
The only thing you were really worried about was what they would say when they were to find out you were hiding a boyfriend from them for over six years. After graduating from high school, both you and Mark went straight in to college. You went in to study criminal law and he had high hopes of becoming an engineer. Three months in to college, Mark decided it wasn’t for him and as his girlfriend, although you were upset at the idea, you supported and trusted his choices.
College wasn’t for everybody. With that being said, it was then that you found out he wanted to become a songwriter. In the few years that you’ve known him for, not once did he ever talk about wanting to write songs. You didn’t think he was passionate about music in general let alone wanting to write music for artists but when he showed you a few of the songs he had wrote, with most of them being about you, you knew he was extremely talented.
Mark always had a way with words and now that you saw them written down on paper, you knew you’d continue to support his dreams and his future endeavors and that you would do anything to help him if he needed it. Before you knew it, four years came and gone and you graduated from college with your bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. It didn’t take too long for law firms to reach out to you with internships and to see if you were interested to work for their companies. Mark was also very successful  with his career.
He started off small; he wrote a few things here and there for some up and coming artists but it wasn’t anything too major. No matter how patient he was, there were times he did grow discouraged and felt like giving up but you never allowed him to. You saw how passionate he was about writing. You’d watch him stay up trying to write down any ideas that would pop through his head.
The road to success wasn’t easy, but when he got an offer from a record company to write songs for a popular artist you both listened to, he was extremely over the moon and made sure to let you know your love, your patient, your support and your determination to help him succeed was what kept him going.
The day came where you felt like you were ready to tell your parents about the man you were head over heels in love with and the reaction you got wasn’t one you were expecting. When you brought him over for dinner, both your mother and your sister raved over how good looking he was and your brothers tried their best to come off as the older, overprotective brothers boyfriends wouldn’t want to mess with. But when they heard Mark played fortnite, they were sold.
Even your father took a liking to him once Mark told him his favorite football team were the Patriots. Everything seemed to be going perfectly and you were so upset with yourself for keeping him a secret for so long. It wasn’t until your mother asked him what he did for a living that things only went downhill from there. I’m a songwriter. You could still remember the grave look on your mom’s face and with the way she motioned for you to follow her and your father in to the living room while excusing the three of you from the table, you knew it wasn’t going to be good.
You were angry that she didn’t wait for dinner to be finished or even for Mark to go home before ridiculing him on his career. It was obvious that she wasn’t too happy to hear he was a musician but it didn’t matter what she thought. Hell, you didn’t care about what anyone in your family thought about him. You loved Mark, with every beat of your heart and there was nothing your parents could say or do to change your mind about him.
“You are to break up with that boy immediately.”
Your eyes widened in shock at your mother’s command and for the first time looking her, hell, looking at your parents, you didn’t feel afraid of them. This time, you had something beautiful worth fighting for. This wasn’t something minuscule; it wasn’t something you could just stop like piano lessons or tennis practice. This was an 8 year long relationship she was telling you to end and there was no way you were going to lose against your parents without putting up a fight.
The scoff that came from your mother’s throat wasn’t unexpected. This was the first time ever you talked back to either of your parents. This was the first time you actually said the word no in your 23 years of existence and damn, it felt really good.
“Excuse me? Did you just tell your mother no? Y/n, he’s a musician! He will never be able to give you the life you deserve! That is not a career! You’ll be the one having to take care of your entire family, I refuse to let this man ruin your life. You’re going to throw away everything you’ve worked so hard for—for someone whose position in your life isn’t promised. You know better than this, there are plenty more men in the world with better jobs and probably better living situations. Mrs.Choi’s son is a—“
“I don’t give a shit about Mrs.Choi’s son or Mrs.Park’s son or anyone’s damn son for that matter. I love Mark. I am in love with Mark. I only want Mark. Mark is all I need. I don’t care about what his job title is. It makes him happy and he’s pretty fucking amazing at what he does. But like I said, I don’t give a shit what he does for a living. He could be a garbage man and I’d still love him with every fiber of my being because that’s what love is mom. Love is not money, it’s not a big mansion in Beverly Hills with a doctor husband and six cars I will probably never drive. Love is what I feel when I’m with Mark. He takes care of me. He makes me laugh when I’m sad, he makes me smile even in the most inconvenient situations. He does my laundry, cleans our apartment, blow dries my hair when I’m tired, takes me to and pays for all my doctor’s appointments. We’ve been together for almost 8 years and these last 8 years have been the best years of my entire life because of him. The two of you stripped away the entirety of my childhood from me and Mark was the fountain of youth to help me experience actually being a human.” If looks could kill, the glare your mother was sending you would have you six feet under, but you didn’t care.
“I’m not a little girl anymore. I’m grown. I’m an adult for crying out loud you guys can’t tell me what to do anymore. I’m sorry you can’t accept it but I love Mark and I plan on doing so for the rest of my life and there’s nothing either of you can say or do to change my mind.”
“If you leave with him tonight, you are never allowed back in to this house ever again.” The burst of confidence and bravery you had confessing your love for Mark and the fact that you had every intention of staying with him went right out the window at your mother’s ultimatum. Was she really making you choose between your boyfriend and your family? There was no way you could choose between the two of them. Yes, Mark was the best thing that’s ever happened to you. But to lose all contact with your family because your parents were being unfair and irrational with their decision? She didn’t even take the time to listen to your words; did she not care about your health, happiness and well-being? Here was a man putting her youngest daughter on a pedestal, giving her the entire world and more but yet she still couldn’t accept that. You didn’t know the consequences of your next few words, but it wasn’t even a question. “Mark, we’re leaving. Let’s go.”
Your boyfriend came out from the kitchen and you had a feeling he probably heard the entire conversation between you and your parents, but your mind was so focused on leaving before things could get any worse. “Y/n, wait, sweetie think about this—think about what you’re doing—are you really willing to give up your family for a boy?”
“A man—he’s a man and yes—he’s all the family I could ever need. He’s shown me more love and support in our 8 years of being together than either of you did in the last 23 years of my existence. If you were a really family, you’d accept Mark for who he is and what he does and you’d be happy with the fact that he takes such good care of me but no. Your pride, your reputation, your wealth, your social status and your ego are more important than my feelings and what I want. You don’t care about me. You never cared about me you just cared about what others would think about me and I’m sick of it. I’m done. Have a nice rest of your life. Assholes.”
You marched out of the house and a huge weight was lifted off of your shoulders. With the rate you were walking, your boyfriend had to practically jog to catch up with you because you were filled with so many different emotions. Anger. Sadness. Grief. But no regret, nor any remorse. You knew you made the right decision in choosing Mark because not only did you choose Mark, you chose yourself. You were no longer going to allow your parents to dictate your life anymore.
“Baby—are you alright?” You gave him a sad smile before stealing a soft kiss from the corner of his mouth.
“Maybe not right now, but I will be. Take me home Mark.” Your siblings tried to get in touch with you for weeks, trying to get you to come back and to talk things out with your parents, but the damage was done. Neither of them were going to accept your relationship. It was a tough pill to swallow, but you accepted it for what it was.
Even if one day they came around and accepted Mark being a songwriter, there was no way you could ever forget the look of disgust on your mom’s face when Mark said what his job was nor could you forget how your dad just stood there and said nothing. It genuinely showed that neither of your parents really cared about you even if you were the star child out of the four of you and that’s what was hurting you the most.
Mark did his best to try and take your mind off what had happened and every time you’d look at him while he was sleeping, while he was cooking the two of you dinner or while the two of you would shower together, you’d see the glint in his eyes as he looked at you like you were one of the seven wonders of the world and you knew you made the right choice. You’d pick him again and again every single time.
He never brought up the fact that your parents didn’t accept his passion but you were sure it must have hurt him. Especially because that’s was caused you to be cut off from your entire family, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t extremely content with your decision. A few weeks ago, Mark got a call from the record company he was working for and gave him the opportunity to travel around Europe to work with a couple of the entertainers there and he didn’t hesitate to ask you to tag along with him.
The adventure started off in Italy, then you found yourselves in London and Greece. Each and every city was more than you could even imagine. The scenery was so beautiful, the food was delicious, the people were so sweet and the fact that you got to experience it all with your soulmate; your favorite person was a feeling you would never be able to fathom in to words.
Paris had to be your favorite place you had visited so far and you were sure it had to deal with the fact that it was the city of love and you were making the most of it with the love of your life by your side. It was currently winter in Paris right now; the temperature only grew colder as the days went by which is why you were shocked to see Mark outside on the balcony in only his underwear, but the sight did make your cheeks pink.
No matter how many times you’ve seen him naked, you always got so shy and flustered. He was freezing cold when you finally found your way behind him, you placed your chin on his shoulder blade and left a soft kiss there while lazily wrapping your arms around his hips. The giggle that fell from your lips at the feeling of your bare chest against his back couldn’t be helped, he was so cold and the frost nipped at your skin.
It took you a few moments to notice the cigarette in his hand and when you did, you grew worried. Mark hated cigarettes. He hated the smell and hated the negative effect they had on people’s bodies. However, you noticed he began smoking them after working with a well-known rapper who claimed that smoking helped him relax. It was a habit you weren’t too fond of; you knew it was probably damaging his lungs and you could taste the ash in his kisses, but you knew something had to be bothering him for him to want to even start smoking so you never tried stopping him.
For the last month, you haven’t seen a pack of cigarettes lying around the place nor did the scent linger on his clothes so you knew there was a chance he stopped. Seeing that ugly death stick in between his fingers made your blood boil; you didn’t want anything happening to his health because of a stupid decision he‘d make whenever he was upset.
“Go back to bed baby. I’ll be there soon, I just needed a little break. I’m fine.” You’ve been with Mark long enough to know when he was lying. You didn’t have to see him; the lack of confidence in his voice and the way he tensed up against your body made it clear that something was indeed on his mind, and there was no way you’d be able to go back to sleep knowing he was overthinking.
“Talk to me Mark. Something is obviously bothering you and I want to be able to help you.” He released a long sigh before putting out the cigarette and turning to face you. His eyes were red and puffy and there were dried tears on his cheeks.
The idea of him crying made your heart hurt; he was always the strong one in your relationship. No matter how rough life would get for him, he never showed that he was having a hard time. He hated burdening other people, especially you. So all his battles, he’d keep to himself. You hated that he never confided in you the way you always seemed to with him. You wanted to be able to help him carry the burden or to help fight the war in his mind that he was battling alone.
“Why did you do it?” You immediately looked at him in confusion. What was he talking about? What did you do that could be causing him so much distress and frustration?
“You gave up everything to be with me. You’re completely cut off from your parents, you gave up your job at the law firm, you had to sell your car, you left all your friends without any explanation as to why you were leaving—just for me. I can’t give you everything that I want to just yet. I can’t promise to give you a big house, a nice car—we’ve been together for years and I have every intention on marrying you y/n but I can’t afford to buy you the ring of your dreams—I’m honestly nothing. I’m a college dropout trying to become a renowned songwriter y/n. Sure, I’ve been getting quite a few amazing opportunities but it isn’t enough for us to be set for the rest of our lives nor can we really be comfortable. Like your mom said, there are many men out there who’d be able to take care of you in the ways that I can’t. All I can do is love you y/n, and fuck. I love you more than you can even fathom yourself. But you deserve so much more and sometimes love isn’t enough—“
“Do you hear yourself right now? Are you really asking me why I left my life behind to be with you? My family, I love them dearly. But you know how I feel about my parents, how they sheltered me, overprotected me, forced me in to doing things I didn’t want to. They never did care about how I felt; not once did they stop and think maybe they were working me to the bone. I was never happy Mark. Until you came in to my life and I really don’t know what I would do if I were to lose you. I’m assuming you must’ve heard what my mom said and don’t you dare listen or even think what she said was true. You are not nothing Mark. You are so talented, so hardworking, so passionate and dedicated and if anyone deserves the world baby—it’s you. I meant what I said when I told her I couldn’t give less of a shit about any materialistic things. What’s a fucking Porsche going to do for me if my husband neglects me? What’s a big house if the person that I love isn’t there to share it with me?” You brought your hand up to cup his cheek and released a sigh of relief when he leaned in to your palm.
“You and I could live in a fucking box and I wouldn’t care and you wanna know why? Because you’re there. All I need is you. I don’t care where we go, who we meet, how much money we have in our bank accounts; as long as I have you right beside me, I’m not worried about anything. I can get another car Mark, I can find another job, I can make new friends—but there is never going to be another you. So stop beating yourself up about the decisions I made in the last few months. I did it for us. I did it because I love you. I will never love anyone the way I love you. Now get it out of your head that I deserve someone better than you because a man like that doesn’t exist. And yes—your love is enough Mark. It’s all that matters to me. The way you take care of me when I’m sick, or hold me close as we watch a scary movie. The way you take a bite out of my food to make sure it isn’t too hot, although I feel like you use that as an excuse just to try my food. The way you can be so tired, yet you want to sit down and listen to me go on about my day. You love me Mark. You never fail to say it, but it means more to me because you never fail to show it either.” At this point, his tears were flowing steadily from the bird of his eyelids and you found yourself wiping them away every time new tears fell.
“A person’s job title, the amount of education they’ve received, the kind of car they drive and the house they live in; none of that matters babe. I know you probably hear this all the time, but it’s what the inside that matters. Genuinely. All the wealth, the riches, it doesn’t make you better than anyone else. Your personality, your selflessness, your golden heart, your generosity, your patience, the love you never fail to show others, that’s why I fell in love with you. Oh—and your stupidly handsome looks but that’s besides the point. I’d go wherever it is that you’ll go. Whatever you need me to do, or be in order to help you grow as an artist or just a human being in general, I’ll do it. I’ll do anything for you Mark Tuan. And one day, when everything works out with your career, we can rub it in my parents faces. No more tears my love. It’s just you and I; and that’s what makes me the most happy. Oh—and I don’t need a big wedding or a huge diamond ring to get me to marry you. You could get me a ring pop for all I care. I just want to be with you. We could honestly elope in one of the hotel’s chapels if that’s what you want.”
He didn’t miss a beat before bringing his hands on either side of your face and roughly connecting your lips together. His mouth was warm and wet against yours, his kisses were rough and needy. It’s as if he was putting everything he wanted to say to you in to the kiss. How grateful he was for you. How much you meant to him. How much he loved you more than his heart could genuinely handle. Mark knew he needed to continue fighting for his dream in order to prove to you that you made the right decision in choosing him. Soon, the atmosphere was filled of sexual tension and it didn’t take too long for you to feel something hard against your thigh.
“I just—I hope—fuck. Thank you baby. I could never thank you enough for everything that you’ve done and continue to do for me. You’re the most ethereal being to walk on this earth you know that. I really, really do not deserve you but I will spend the rest of my life proving to you that I’m sure happy you chose me. Don’t tempt me, I might just go down to the gift shop and get you that ring pop. I love you—so fucking much my beautiful girl. God , only you could make me hard as a rock while I’m in the middle of crying—I know it’s 3 A.M, and I promised I would take you to the Champs-Élysées later on today, but I really want to show you just how grateful I am for you. I also kinda want to solve this problem in my pants and fuck the shit out of you so let’s go baby. You might have to rent a motor chair to get around once I’m done with you.”
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tansypoisoning · 4 years
(Un)Conditional - Part 1
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You didn’t remember how or why you found yourself in Ransom’s bed in the first place, but now, poor, pregnant and desperate, you had your reasons for putting up with him, and they weren’t noble. His reasons for staying with you weren’t noble either.
   Me  🤝  The Reader Insert     making stupid decisions
In which the reader is pregnant with Ransom’s baby and he sees that as an opportunity for personal enrichment. Big changes to the original plot, but Idk where this is going, so stay tuned for my brain farts, and I accept suggestions (Ransom redemption arc? Or should I make him even shittier? I haven’t decided yet!). I still want to have Benoit Blanc in the story somehow, because he’s my jam, my jelly, my peanut butter and my peanuts. This chapter is safe for anyone who hasn’t watched the movie but THERE WILL BE SPOILERS in the future.
 Chapter 2 - I Came Out to Have a Good Time and I’m Honestly Feeling So Attacked Right Now
Fandoms: Knives Out
Genre: *surprised Pikachu face*
Ships: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Smut, some light choking, some daddy kink, mentions of past sexual assault, talk of abortion, unhealthy relationships, Ransom is an asshole, a fuckboy and also verbally abusive tbh.
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You were such an idiot.
Many were the times you had come home after terrible dates, or left parties in your friends’ arms after a guy tried to finger-bang you when you were passed out on the couch, and yet you still let your guard down around men you knew to be assholes. You could always tell; you weren’t sure whether it was thanks to familiarity ,or if you had a knack for reading people, but you still let terrible men in when you knew them to be terrible. Bad habits, hard to break, yadda yadda yadda. All that made for piss poor comfort when you looked at the five little plastics sticks in front of you.
Feet tapping against the ground and your phone held in between your cheek and shoulder, you typed on your laptop. Planned Parenthood. You should’ve done this sooner, way sooner, when you could get an IUD, or the pill, or the shot, or whatever the fuck else, instead of trusting your reliably unreliable partners and your nonexistent backbone. Birth control was expensive, but it was nowhere near as expensive as a baby, and you were going to get the same amount of help with either, which was to say, none.
No… That wasn’t quite true. Your brother and your friends would pitch in if you asked, you knew, but, as previously established, you were an idiot.
You knew there were people who loved you and would support you no matter what, but you didn’t want to burden them with your problems. This mess was on you, on you and…
Mailbox. Of course he didn’t pick up. He got what he wanted from you, and was now moving on to another woman who was equally as gullible and equally as “passable” as you. You couldn't believe his negging had worked on you, you were so fucked.
Deep breathes. It wasn’t over yet, you could fix this. The… the thing was still only two months, you could get rid of it, with a pill, even. But should you?
You tossed your phone to the side and opened another tab. Fetus two months. You clicked the first result that mentioned the development of the thing growing inside you and read the section entitled “Baby”. Internal organs already in place… wiggling and waving like mad? Distinct facial features?!
Your hands found their way to your mouth as a sob found its way past your lips. No way. This was some forced-birther propaganda, it had to be.
You left that shitty website and opened usually trustworthy Wikipedia, but it was of no help. It didn’t exactly contradict the information the other website had given you – the difference between “waving” and “twitches” was negligible to your addled brain.
You closed your laptop with a little more force than it was wise. You stood and began pacing, one hand over your face and another resting on your abdomen. It was just your luck to have your eggs dodge the sperm of every jerk you could get to pay child support, only for you to end up carrying the Antichrist – and the Devil could afford the best lawyers.
Damned be the day you let Hugh RaNsOm Drysdale in your bed without a condom, and damned be you for being so fucking stupid. You deserved whatever suffering that came from this, and you could accept them with some grace if it didn’t feel like you were dragging an innocent along with you.
You stopped and looked down at the row of pregnancy tests arranged over the bathroom counter, all of them positive. You couldn't do this. You regretted that one night of meaningless sex more than you regretted anything in your life, and maybe you’d regret your current decision even more but you couldn't do the thing you knew you should do.
You swiped all the tests into your arms and dumped them in your bag. You grabbed your keys and walked out of your pitiful apartment and into your pitiful car. You had barely enough money to take care of yourself, let alone a child. Abortion could be the best thing you could do as a mother, but…
You pushed the keys into the ignition and shook your head. You were emotional, that was all. If you just gave yourself a little more time you’d stop thinking of it as more than the parasite it actually was, but for now… For now you needed to get things straight with the sperm donor, no matter how much it could hurt, and you were under no illusions – it would hurt like a motherfucker.
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You had been in Ransom’s unfairly cool house a grand total of three times. He didn’t like having you over, much preferring fucking at your house even if he turned up his nose at the building and everything inside it. Maybe he didn’t like having to disinfect his furniture every time it got into contact with your poor people germs.
Yeah, like he cleaned anything.
You parked in front of the contemporary building and made your way to the front door, ringing the bell four times because Ransom never answered when people rang only once or twice, and then another because you were filled with dread, and manic energy, and the powerful desire to punch him in his perfect face until it wasn’t quite so perfect anymore.
You waited several minutes but there was no answer. It wasn’t surprising; if he was inside you’d have seen him through one of the outrageously large windows that covered almost every wall of the house.
You sat down on the steps to the entrance and pulled out your phone. You were done with work for the day, and you weren’t sure when he would want to pick up your calls again. You could wait.
And wait you did.
It was two in the morning when Ransom’s BMW pulled up in front of the building, activating the motion sensor lights. He walked out of the car with the confidence of a man who knew he owned everything he surveyed.
Fucking dipshit.
“Wow,” he laughed, opening his arms then dropping them to his side again, lest he appear too inviting. “You want it bad.”
You started rummaging through your bag for the pregnancy test as not to waste your time with pointless conversation. That should tell him everything you wanted to say.
“Sorry, I’m not in the mood today,” he said pulling his keys from his stupid suede coat only he could make look hot “long day, you know how it is. You can suck my cock and stay over, if you want.”
He had unlocked the door and was nudging you with his foot when you found what you were looking for and got up with a jump.
You waved the stick in the air victoriously. Even though you were the one who was the worst off in this scenario, you could at least use the source of your misery to wipe the smirk off his dumb, gorgeous face.
Done and did. Once Ransom caught on, the corner of his mouth dropped, free falling. Your life had been thrown in disarray, and the medical bills, if you chose to keep the thing, would ensure you would end up homeless in a couple of months, but at least you could rejoice in the fact you had ruined his eternal party in a spectacular fashion.
“What do you want?” He snarled. “Can’t pay the abortion? How much is it?”
You recoiled as if he had just swung a knife in your direction. This was new. You’d seen him angry before, sure, but this… the curl of his lips, the look in his eyes– it had you second guessing your decision to come see him.
You struggled to find your voice for a few seconds “I don’t… I haven’t decided what I want to do yet.”
Regret pierced you through like a lance. You knew he didn’t care about you – he didn’t “do monogamy”, he never asked you about your day, it was a struggle to get him to even buy you a coffee, and he only bothered to make you come if he could use it to feed his pride somehow – but all his disinterest in your well-being was nothing compared to the loathing radiating from him, like you were a fat dying cockroach stuck to the bottom of his nice leather shoes.
There was no reason Ransom should be able to make you feel like that. He was an absolute shitheel, a trust-fund baby who had never had a job in his life, never worked to build anything, and didn’t even have the decency to be thankful to his family for all they had done for him, and you didn’t even like him (conceding that he was attractive and you were a masochist was not the same as liking), so his opinion shouldn’t matter to you, someone with a stable source of income and an ounce of moral fiber. That didn’t stop you from writhing under his gaze.
“Get in,” he said, voice devoid of anything that could be considered charming.
You entered, waiting at the side, in fear of walking past the foyer without invitation, while he locked the door behind him.
He walked by you and went right to the kitchen. You followed him with your eyes, watched him grab a glass, fill it with water and down it. He didn’t offer you anything – you figured he didn’t think you deserved it.
“You’re suggesting it’s mine.”
His words startled you from your stupor, and you shook in your spot by the entrance before answering. “I know it’s yours. I haven’t slept with anyone else in almost a year.”
“And you are saying that.”
You bristled at his insinuation. “We can get a paternity test, if you want.”
Ransom lifted his head and inhaled sharply. He paced the length of his high end, open concept, immaculate-because-it-was-never-used kitchen, then opened a drawer, pausing to look up at you, closed it, then moved to the next and repeating the process several more times, while you shifted from one foot to the other.
“Here’s the thing, honey,” he said, and the last word was said with anything but sweetness “I’ll pay for the abortion, and I’ll pay for you to have the abortion. If you’re not gonna do it, then I don’t want to see your dog face again.”
You knew Ransom didn’t like kids – he despised them, even – but you didn’t think he’d react quite this badly. You knew he would want nothing to do with it, but you still thought telling him was the right thing to do. He deserved to know at least, surely.
The feeling you got when he first turned on you that night was a sign; you shouldn’t have come.
“I’m leaving,” you whispered.
Ransom’s cheeks were red and wide, and it seemed as if he was about to argue when he slammed his hand against the counter then stomped towards you.
You shrunk in on yourself, but you needn’t have. He just unlocked the door and pulled it open, holding it for you to walk through. His breathing was heavy and his shoulders were tense, like he was holding himself back.
Once you had rallied your strength and crossed the threshold, you heard your name being called behind you. You turned to see Ransom, still glaring at you with the same awful expression. You couldn't imagine what he had to tell you that hadn’t already been said.
“If you try contacting me again, you’re fucked.”
And then he slammed the door in your face.
You made your way to your car, head hanging low. That had been a disaster, but at least he made it easier for you to choose one of the options.
Fucking dipshit.
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You had been right; time had given you helped you think things over.
Three days later and you could refer to the fetus as a fetus without going down a depressive spiral, and the thought of abortion was more palatable to you. In a couple more days you were certain you’d be able to walk into Planned Parenthood with your head held high, get your pill, and walk out, facing the world and the potential crowds of angry protesters with confidence, then move on with your life, promising never to get involved with another shitty guy again. The scare would be enough to make you change your ways, you were sure.
You didn’t want a kid, at least not yet. You were young, living paycheck to paycheck, and any child you had right now would grow up without a father. You were still mulling it over but abortion seemed like the most responsible choice, and if you couldn't make the responsible choice now, you’d make for a terrible mother in the future.
A knock on the door made you look up at the clock. Fifteen past eleven. Maybe the old lady who lived across the hall from you needed help killing a bug or something. You stood, pulled the latch off and unlocked the door, not thinking much of it, and almost walked face first into a hard body you were far too familiar with.
Ransom was there, waiting for you, his face inscrutable. His chest was heaving, and some serious heat emanated from it. You had the urge to hug his waist and burrow into his warmth, but you resisted it bravely. You’d promised yourself you would stop chasing men like him, and you intended on keeping that promise.
“Ransom,” you greeted, trying to keep your voice even.
A flash of pain roamed his face, and then he was putting his hands on you, holding the side of your face in his large palms. You opened your mouth to scream, but the sound was muffled between your lips and his.
A kiss. Ransom was kissing you – and a second ago you were so sure he was paying you a visit just to beat you up.
He maneuvered you into your apartment, still cradling your cheeks with surprising gentleness. You knew you should’ve stopped him, but your feet followed his steps with such ease, and he was so fucking warm and you living room so cold.
As one of his hands slid from your face to the back of your neck, something inside you screamed. It told you to stop now or it would be too late, and you’d fall into the same old hole and not be able to crawl out of it. You surprised yourself by listening to it and pulling away, pushing on his chest to keep a good distance between you. You told yourself you were doing well, even though you were holding onto his white shirt like a lifeline and arching your body into his.
“Ransom, wha-” your words were cut off by another kiss, more heated than the previous.
He pushed you down onto your couch -  the creaky old thing he always complained about – and climbed on top of you you, forcing you both into a laying position.
When Ransom pulled away (only to immediately latch his lips to your earlobe) you made to question him before the weakest part of yourself could convince you to just let it happen. It was she who had gotten you into this mess in the first place. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” He mumbled against your skin.
“I know what you’re doing,” you huffed, twisting your body beneath him in a half-assed attempt to buck him off “You told me to never contact you again. Why are you here?”
He chuckled, a deep rumbling sound that had your very core thrumming. He removed his hands from you and pushed himself up by the forearms to look down at you. When you saw his smirk, you knew you were going to end up having sex with him no matter what he said next.
“I guess I couldn't keep away.”
And with that he went right back to his station, sucking and nibbling on the spot just behind your ear and running his hand across your waist and belly.
But what about the baby? What about whether you wanted to keep it or not? These questions were lodged in your throat, dying to burst out, but you didn’t want to to ruin this moment. You were so tired; you just wanted to be held, and Ransom was willing to do that for you, so what was the harm in giving in?
You lifted a leg and wrapped it around his thigh, and that Ransom took as acquiescence or defeat. He pulled away to lift your shirt above your breasts and wasted no time diving for them, capturing one of your nipples in his mouth and squeezing the other in between his fingers. You planted your feet on the couch and used them as leverage push your crotch upwards and rub it against his. He was a terrible person, you knew, but he could fuck you so good when he wanted to, and right now you only had the brain space to care about one of those things.
Your hips rocked in tandem with his, driving you closer to that edge you didn’t know you were yearning for until you saw him standing on your doorstep. Entangled in his arms, you remembered your older brother’s words from that night some ten years ago when you were lying on the backseat of his car, a plastic bag filled with your vomit clutched in your hands. You saw his eyes in the rear view mirror, crinkling in a smile that was equal parts amused and concerned.
A pretty boy is going to be the end of you, huh?
Ransom pushed himself into a kneeling position, removed his dark cardigan and tossed it to some forgotten corner of your living room, his shirt receiving the same treatment soon after. For someone who was so averse to working, he sure didn’t skimp on his work outs. He was built like a god, but his smile was that of the devil.
He crashed down on top of you, and his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you to him. You sunk both hands in his perfectly coiffed hair and dragged him up until you were staring into his baby blue eyes. He leaned down to kiss you, and you obliged him. His mouth devoured your own while his hands roamed your body, hungry, desperate almost. You didn’t want to be outdone, both because he was an asshole and you didn’t want to lose to him, and because you were as starved of him as he seemed to be of you, so you wrapped both legs around his waist to pull yourself even closer to him, as close as you could get.
Ransom’s hands abandoned your body in favor of his belt, unbuckling it to shove his pants just past his upper thighs. His eyes were pointed, telling you he expected you to follow his lead. You undid your buttons with heavy fingers, and allowed him to pull your bottoms all the way off. His grin grew in size and insolence when he saw your panties were soaked through.
“You do want it bad.”
Fucking dipshit.
Before you could think of something smarter to say, he was dragging your underwear to the side and spreading your folds. You certainly weren’t going to think of a comeback now, with his fingers up your cunt and your body begging for his attention. You wouldn’t be this aroused with any other man, but you already knew you suffered from a serious case of tastelessness and dumb. Most grievously, it appeared to be terminal.
Ransom stoked the fires inside you with one hand, pulling it out periodically to smear the wetness across your lower lips while he held himself aloft with the other, his usual lazy, confident smile plastered on his face. It made a sudden wave of lucidity wash over you.
What the fuck were you doing? You knew he wasn’t worth your time since the day you met him; Three days ago he had treated you like shit after you told him you were pregnant; Just a few minutes before you were determined not to get involved with him or men like him ever again. All the signs told you to stop now, push him away and tell him to get out under threat of you calling the police, and yet here you were, panting under him and dying to feel his cock stretching you. The mere promise of dick had you going back on your word like a rat, and all you did was make excuses for yourself. You were always too weak or too dumb to resist your urges, weren’t you? That’s why you never bothered trying.
The air was forcibly expelled from your lungs when his cock entered you. He wasn’t gentle, and he didn’t have to be; your body was more than ready for him. The grunt that came fro you had an air of finality to it. You weren’t going to stop him now.
The screaming part of you let out one final screech, then withered and died.
Ransom panted, rolling his hips against yours. You held onto his arms and looked up at him. This was unusual. Normally he’d be pounding into you when you were this slick, and unusual with Ransom tended to mean ‘bad’.
He brought two wet fingers to your face and tapped your chin with them.
“Get me clean.”
You parted your lips and accepted the appendages into your mouth. Nothing unusual there; he’d made you taste yourself on his fingers a couple of times. He liked to watch you lick them clean, but this was different. His smile was strained and his eyes looked past you. You turned the full powerful of your best puppy impression on him, but he still seemed to be half-there half-somewhere else.
Once you had slurped all your juices and then some, Ransom moved both his hands to your arms, pressing you against the hard surface of the couch. He should’ve started fucking you already, but he only rocked his pelvis side to side, giving you just a hint of friction, nowhere near enough to satisfy you.
You whined and bucked your hips upwards. That got him out of his trance, his eyes regaining their shine and his smile splitting into a grin. There was that asshole you knew and didn’t love.
“What’s with that face?” He asked and moved one of his hands to your neck, applying pressure, not enough to compromise your breathing but enough to leave you light-headed for a different reason “You want something?”
“Ransom,” you clawed at his forearm like you could do anything if he chose to choke you.
“You gotta ask, baby. If you want daddy to fuck you, you gotta ask.”
Your fingers stilled around his arm. The daddy thing was not new either, but you didn’t think he’d bring it up under the present circumstances. Was this intentional, or was he not even aware of what he was saying? Were you wrong to think it was weird for him to say that now?
The fingers around your throat tightened, closing your airway for a moment, then releasing.
You squirmed, tapping on his arm, but all that got you was another squeeze.
“Please,” you whimpered “Please, fuck me, daddy.”
Ransom’s grin grew even wider, wide enough that light reflected off his canines. He adjusted his position on his knees, and took his other hand from your arm, reaching behind your head to pull you by the hair, further exposing your neck to him.
“That’s a good girl,” he whispered against the top of your head.
He pulled his cock almost all the way out, then slammed back inside you. He pushed into you with shallow thrusts until he tapped a spot that made you gasp. Having found what he was looking for, Ransom diverted most of his attentions to hitting his target over and over again, periodically stopping to grind against it in a torturous slow pace.
You were too aroused to last much longer, and the bastard would be able to finish you off with little effort.
“You close, baby? You wanna cum?” He asked, and you nodded emphatically “Then you gotta do what daddy says. Can you do that?”
God, you’d do anything he asked of you at this point. Someone needed to tattoo ‘Sucker’ on your forehead already.
“Yes, daddy!” You cried, your words devolving into a high-pitched whine “I’ll do anything, please!”
The hand in your neck slid down across your body and delved in between your legs in search of your clit. You squealed when his fingers made contact, and whimpered when they began rubbing. You were aware of your trembling legs, but unable to do anything about them.
Ransom could always dismantle you with ease, but now more so than ever. You came in record time, with short little moans that culminated in an embarrassing howl. You were just coming down from your high when he picked up his pace, grunting and huffing above you. He gave you no warning before spilling into you, swaying back and forth and groaning as his own orgasm ebbed away. The fact that this was the least concerning thing he’d done all evening didn’t escape you.
He held you to him for a few seconds as both your breaths evened out, then rolled over, leaning against the backrest and lying you down by the outer edge of the couch. Ransom was always more tractable after sex, but he’d go back to being his dismissive self come the morning, and then you’d bitch and moan to yourself. This was a familiar dance you couldn't seem to stop repeating.
You were ready to recommence your self-pitying when Ransom spoke, interrupting the flow of your lamentations.
“I thought about what you said the other day,” he said. The pregnancy? Why would he bring that up now? “and if you want to keep it, I’ll help you.”
A tremor ran through your spine and you lost your precarious balance on the couch, falling to the carpet with a loud thud.
There was laughter – because of course there was – then Ransom was peering down at you. His lips were pressed together, as if he was still fighting to rein in his amusement.
“You… you want to help me?” You asked when you found your voice again.
He nodded. “I do.”
“You want to help me raise a kid?”
“Yeah,” he rolled his eyes “I thought that was obvious the first two times I said it.”
“You don’t like kids.”
“I like to think I would like my kids,” Ransom said, stretching across your couch like a lazy cat.
“Why?” You said, then, realizing that question was more for yourself than it was for him, you rephrased your question “What made you change your mind? Cause you seemed pretty sure when I saw you last.”
“And I was,” he agreed “I never wanted kids, and… And I was pissed,” he chuckled and shook his head “I don’t know who I was pissed at. All I know is I couldn't think straight. When I saw the pregnancy test… I don’t know, I could see my entire life crumbling.”
You could’ve asked him ‘what life?’ but decided against it.
“So, cut to a few days later, and I had this… Clarity. I realized there was nothing I could do if you wanted to keep it, and maybe,” he paused to take a deep breath “maybe I should take responsibility.”
You sat up and made a point of frowning at him. “Seriously, what happened?”
“I told you already. Just… boom – clarity.”
You knew Ransom was sharper than a first impression would lead one to believe, but self-awareness was not his forte. Could he have had a change of heart in such a short period of time? Did you believe him? You wanted to believe him.
“Do you seriously want to raise a kid with me?”
He laughed and threw his hands up in the air “How many times do I gotta say it?”
“Do you even know what that entails?”
“Hey, I babysat my cousins a couple times,” he said, picking at the foam peeking through a hole in the upholstery of your couch “I bet I’d do better than you.”
Being a parent had to be harder than watching children for a few hours, but as far as experience with children went… well, maybe he was onto something.
A palm emerged in front of you, rousing you from your thoughts.
“Truce?” Ransom asked. There was something about the way he looked at you gave you hope.
Earnest, he looked earnest.
You took his hand in yours and shook once.
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Part 2: I Came Out to Have a Good Time and I’m Honestly Feeling So Attacked Right Now
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thewildomega · 4 years
Second Chance. Ch.6
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"Thank you." you told the teenager working the stand as he handed over two corndogs. 
"You're welcome miss." 
Handing Edward his you both started walking through the festival. It was already dark out but the lights made the area glow in that fun carnival way. There were plenty of other people around also enjoying the entertainment the festival had to offer but luckily it wasn't too crowded tonight. 
Swallowing his food he hummed. "What did you say this was called again?" he asked, glancing down beside him. 
"A corndog. Do you like it, if you don't we can get you something else." you said. 
"No lass it's good. I like it. What's that you got on yours?" he asked noticing she had something yellowish on hers. 
"Mustard. Want some?" you asked, holding out the small tray you had with mustard in it.
Dipping his corndog in it he took another bite and nodded, "That does taste good." he said and saw her continue holding it out so they could both share it. Walking along the back part of the festival where it was a bit more quiet he looked around at all the different things, smiling softly at the sight of all the children running and laughing about. "What's your favorite thing to eat?" Deciding to use this time to get to know more about her.
"Um well I'm not really picky either but I do like fruit, pretty much any kind." 
"What about your least favorite?" he asked, finishing off his corndog. 
"Definitely a close tie between beans and cottage cheese." you told him and heard him chuckle. "What about you?" you asked. 
"Ah... Tripe." seeing her slightly confused face he filled her in, "Animal stomach lining." he said and saw her nose scrunch up in distaste making him chuckle at how cute he thought she looked. 
"That devil fruit what is that, what did it taste like?" you asked, grabbing his trash to toss in the bin as you both passed. 
"Imagine a blue pear with a bumpy and twirled skin that taste like rotten eggs smell." 
"Yeah, probably the worst thing I have ever eaten. I downed four barrels of sake trying to get the taste out of my mouth. They all look different but they are all said to taste horrible." he told her.  
"See I would never eat one of those things anyway because I like swimming too much." you grinned.
Nodding he looked to the giant house like thing beside them and knit his brows. "House of mirrors." he read and watched a few teenagers go inside. 
"It's a maze." Seeing him looking at it you bit your lip. "Do you want to try it?" you asked. 
Looking down at her he rose his brows and shrugged with a grin, "Why not." Walking with her through one of the entrances, he could hear the distant laughter of the teenagers but he couldn't see them. Going to walk a certain way he walked right into what he now knew to be a mirror and heard her giggle softly. Huffing through his nose he looked around trying to figure out which way to go he chose right. He got a few more meters in, making turns this way and that before he yet again ran into a wall. Hearing her let out an actual laugh this time he licked his lips and grinned. "I'm glad I am amusing you." he said, looking down at her. While he didn't much like the constant running into walls he didn't at all mind the confined space that was making her stand closer to him. Seeing her smiling still he rose a brow, "Think you can do better darling?" he asked. 
Humming you looked around. Walking forward you saw him still turning as he too looked for a way out. Feeling around the corner you found the secret path and went around it. 
Turning back around he saw her no longer beside him and tensed, his smile falling. "Y/n?" he called and then saw a small hand poke out from behind a invisible corner, her fingers wiggling before offering her hand out for him to take. Grinning widely he took her hand and felt her pull him along. Once they had found the exit he chuckled and followed her along to another stand. 
"Do you want a drink? They have cider, beer, wine..." you named off.
"I'll take a beer." 
Nodding you turned to woman making drinks. "One draft and one cider please." Again thanking her as you paid for your drinks you turned to hand Edward his. Seeing an arcade tent you smiled and grabbed his hand, "Come on." 
Not arguing he let the little woman pull him along towards the tent with all the flashing lights and sounds. They played a little of the games inside the tent before making their way out, both of them laughing. Seeing a few other things set up outside of the tent he looked to her, "What are those?" he asked. 
"Other games but they are really hard to win and are most of the time rigged." 
"How so?" he asked, watching people try and fail at the games with very few winning.
"Well the three bottle throw for example, one of the bottles weigh more than the others and he will stack them so it's on the bottom but you don't know which one and so it's hard to knock them all down. The ladder climb is off center as well."
Nodding he continued looking around at them, his eyes stopping when he saw one called 'The Strongman'. "What about that one there?" he asked. 
Following his eyes to the high strike you moved to sip at your drink. "I think it's just really hard."
Watching a well built man walk up to the young man running the game and give him two of the tickets they had been using to play the games earlier he saw the man get handed a large mallet of sorts. The man then proceeded to walk over to the tall thing and swing the mallet over his head, bringing it down on the target and sending a ball halfway up the tower. He didn't look very pleased as he walked away, handing the man back the mallet. Finishing his drink he looked down to y/n and crossed his arms over his chest. "How many tickets do we have left?" he asked. 
Surprised you pulled them out of your pocket and quickly counted them. "Um four. Why?" you asked but he didn't answer instead he tore off two and started walking over to the high strike game. Following after him you stood back some as he paid to play, being handed the mallet. 
Testing out the weight of the mallet in his hand he could tell it was considerably off balance but he could work with it. Looking towards Y/n he saw her watching him and gave  a smile as he moved over to the target. Looking up to the bell on the top he huffed a little under his breath. Swinging the mallet back and over his shoulder he brought it down on the base and heard a loud ding as it hit the bell hard. 
Smiling you gave a little chuckle as he beat the game like it was nothing, standing back straight and holding out the mallet for the boy to take. 
Going to walk away with a prideful smile on his face he heard the boy speak and turned around. 
"D..don't you want to pick your prize?" he asked the giant man.
Raising both his brows he looked to where the boy was pointing and saw many stuffed animals and other novelty things hanging on this wall. He was happy enough to just be able to show off in front of her but he wouldn't say no to being able to get her something as well. Scanning over them he saw one and grinned, "I'll take that one there." he said. 
Seeing him still talking to the man you turned to toss away your empty cups in the trash can beside you. 
"Here ya go darling." 
Turning back when you heard him speak you were met with a large fluffy teddy bear that had white fur and hearts for eyes. Opening your mouth you snapped your eyes up to Edward and saw him looking at you with a soft smile. When he nudged it towards you again you blushed and gave a smile as you took it into your arms. "T..thank you." you told him, looking back down to the teddy bear in your arms, a warmth spreading throughout your chest. 
Seeing her look to the thing like he had just given her some kind of priceless gem he furrowed his brows a bit but said nothing as she smiled and then looked up to him. 
Looking up to him and then around you saw what you were looking for and grinned. "My turn." you said, taking his hand and walking over to the archery booth. "Will you hold this?" you asked him, holding out the white bear. 
Taking the bear he watched her curiously as she went up to the stand worker and handed over the last of their two tickets. Seeing the woman hand her a bow and lay out three arrows he rose his brows. Watching her take aim and then let out a slow breath he looked towards the small star printed on the piece of paper on the other side of the range, about twenty feet away. It was a small target but the woman had said she had three chances to hit it. 
Letting out a deep breath you let the arrow fly, holding completely still until it was released from the string. As it hit the star you smiled.
"Wow, first try good job. If you want you can try for two more and win the big prize." She told the woman before moving to talk to the little girl who was taking her las shot beside her. 
Nodding you easily shot the next two targets dead on and saw the attendant smile to you before looking back down to the little girl and telling her something that made the girl look sad. 
"Okay you can pick out a big prize." she told the woman.
Looking back to the little girl who was seeming to ask her mother for another try you noticed the mother shake her head and tell her that she didn't have anymore money. Furrowing your brows as they both started to walk away you quickly looked back up to the attendant and told her what you wanted. Grabbing both smaller prizes from her you walked over to the girl and held out the toy bow and arrow set she had been eyeing the whole time, "Here you go sweetheart." you said with a smile. 
Noticing y/n take her prizes quickly and then hurry towards the mother and child that had been walking away he couldn't help the large smile that spread across the bottom half of his face when he saw his lass give the little girl the prize.
Smiling as the little girl and her mother both told you thank you you nodded, "You keep practicing and then next year you will get it for sure okay." you told her and saw her nod enthusiastically. Waving you walked back over to Edward and saw him smiling down at you. Holding out the other small prize for him. "For you." 
Looking down to the toy he licked his lips and took it from her, holding up the foam sword and looking to her with a raised brow.
"What, you are a pirate right, so you need a sword." you smiled.
Hearing this he couldn't help from busting out into a loud laugh. Smiling he looked to her and nodded. "Thank you lass." he said with a chuckle. Feeling her take the bear back he continued holding the sword as they made their way away from the games. Taking a seat next to her on the set out hay bails he looked to the desert she had gotten them to share, something called a funnel cake that was topped with baked apples. He didn't much care for sweets but this was pretty good. They hay bails were set up to where they gave different people privacy and overlooked the mountains, it was nice, peaceful. Swallowing the food in his mouth he took a drink of his water before speaking. "Earlier this morning when you were speaking about that man, Garth... you said that you wouldn't be where you were if it wasn't for him. What did you mean by that?" he asked. 
Looking down you chewed and swallowed your food, thinking about if you wanted to tell him. Seeing the bear beside you and then noticing how close he was sitting, his knee almost brushing yours you took a deep breath. "Let's just say that when he found me I wasn't in a good place." you said and missed his brows furrowing down. "He helped me get on my feet, got me a job at the bar, rents his in-law's old cabin out to me, keeps me out of trouble." you huffed. Biting your lip you nodded, "I wasn't lying when I said he was a good guy. I know he seems like an ass but he is actually a big softy. He's fighting a loosing battle with the town, it gets worse and worse every year, more trouble showing up." 
"Like those punks at the bar, the ones that did this?" he asked, stroking her cheek where her make up was beginning to fade, revealing the bruise there.
"Yea." you sighed. Feeling the warmth from his hand soak into your cold cheek you started to relax when the lights started cutting off. "Well I guess it's time to go home." you told him and saw him nod, his hand slowly slipping from your face. Grabbing your bear and seeing him grab his sword you gave a small giggle at how small it looked in his large hand. 
Dropping the plate into the trash he started leading her back to the truck. "You know darling I actually don't use a sword."
Narrowing your eyes up at him playfully you grinned, "I knew you weren't a real pirate." 
Chuckling he smiled, "I didn't say I don't know how I just prefer my naginata." Seeing her confusion he tilted his head. "Picture a sword with a long handle." he said and saw her nod. 
"Does it have a name?" you asked knowing people named their weapons.
Humming he nodded, "Murakumogiri."
"What does it look like?" you asked, wanting to know more about him. 
"Well it stands about a foot or so taller than me...."
Making your rounds at the bar you wiped off tables and filled up empty glasses. It was nice having off yesterday to spend time with Edward, nice having the more quiet time. Now however it was back to usual and the bar was as rowdy as ever on a Sunday afternoon. Covering a yawn you turned to wash the recent mugs that had been placed in the sink. So far the guys from the other night hadn't come in and you were hoping their friends didn't either. While yes it was rowdy that was only due to the football game on the TV and not because the customers were being assholes. Drying the mugs and placing them back on the shelf you felt Trish come up beside you and looked to her. 
"There is a guy at the end of the bar that is asking for you."  
Sighing you grit your teeth as you turned to look down that way, hoping and praying it wasn't one of the usual creeps. However once you saw the face of the man that had requested you you felt your eyes go wide and walked over to him. "What... you're here... is something wrong?" you asked, remembering you had told him to come and get you if ever there was a problem. 
Having grown bored at the house and also anxious about his lass being at the apparently shady bar again he had quickly decided today was going to be the day he went and checked it out. Walking up the steps he had heard the noise from inside before he could even open the doors. Taking the empty seat at the end of the bar away from some of the others he had quickly caught sight of her and felt a small grin come to his face. She hadn't noticed him yet but when the other woman came over he had quickly told her politely that he was waiting for y/n. Seeing her look to him in shock before walking over to him he smiled. "No lass nothing's wrong just wanted to come see this place for myself." 
Coming to stand in front of him with only the bar between you both you crossed your arms and looked around. "No really much to see honestly." you grinned. 
"Well that may be true but there is one nice thing about this place." he said with a soft smile. 
Dropping your eyes to hide your blush you licked your lips before looking back up to him. "Want a drink?" you asked.
"I'll never say no to that." he replied and saw her move to make him a drink. He had noticed how she wasn't good at taking compliments, like she didn't believe there was anything about her to admire.
Sitting the mug of beer in front of him you leaned against the bar and glanced around to see everyone taken care of for now. 
Hearing some of the men in the bar cheer he knit his brows and looked to her for answers. 
"They are watching football." you told him and saw him even more confused. 
Listening to her explain the apparent sport to him, he glanced up to the TV to watch it occasionally as she worked. Most of the time though his eyes would move to her. She knew what most of them wanted without being asked. Balancing a tray on one hand while the other handed out the drinks and then wiped off tables. There were times when someone would throw out their hand or even stand quickly and she would quickly dodge them before continuing on her way. "How long have you been working here darling?" he asked once she had moved back over to refill his own mug. 
"I started cleaning and stuff when I was fifteen then moved up the line slowly, been working the bar for about five years now." you told him. 
Fifteen? If Garth had 'found' her and gotten her the job then that made him wonder exactly where her parents had been. Saying nothing for now he only hummed. 
"When did you decide that you were going to be a pirate?" you asked with a grin. 
"Oh about thirteen or so." he told her, thinking back he realized how long ago that had been, back when he had nothing to his name and no family to call his own. 
"Your parents let you become a pirate at thirteen?" you asked, leaning against the bar again to take a break. 
Placing his elbow on the bar he moved to rest his head on his fist and kept his eyes on her. "Didn't have any parents lass, I was an orphan." 
Feeling your face fall you gently shook your head and went to apologize, feeling guilty, "Ed I'm sorry I didn't mean..." 
"Don't apologize darling." he told her with a soft grin. "I don't mind telling you. I told you my island was very bad off when I was a boy and it was. It was a poverty nation and couldn't afford the world Government's protection so it was raided a lot. I was told my parents were killed when I was very young, too young to remember them." 
Carrying on through the night you listened to him tell you more and more about his life, there was a little sad bits here and there but most of it was good or at least the parts he told you for now. After taking care of a table that called you over you walked back over and went to strike up another conversation with Edward when you heard Trish chuckle and say that your favorite customer was back followed by a loud whistle. Looking up you deflated a bit, "Oh no. I thought you moved?"
"Oh come on baby girl you know you're happy to see me." the man said as he took a seat at the bar. 
"I was happy to see you leave." you grumbled. 
"Now I thought we agreed that only I am allowed to admire your ass sweetheart, not the other way around." he grinned. "And speaking of..." he said looking down to her jean clad legs and humming loudly. "Hey how much did you get those jeans for? You know if we go back to my place they're 100% off." 
Slamming his beer bottle down in front of him you rolled your eyes and walked away to go make a round of floor. 
Bouncing his knee under the bar he narrowed his eyes a bit at the man who had just so happen to sit the next seat down from him. He wouldn't say anything but he did seem to drink his beer a little faster than the others before. The man he had overheard someone call Keith made small talk with one of the other men and then spoke to Y/n's co-worker Trish. 
Collecting the money and empty glasses for the night you saw Trish move to wash up the tables. Walking back over to the bar you put the glasses in the sink to be washed in a minute. Looking up you saw Keith swallow down his drink.
"So y/n/n how has everything been? Did that bear cub make it?" he asked. 
Nodding you lifted your water bottle to your lips. "Yea, took him up to the park and got him settled in."
"Good. Happy for the little fella." he nodded. Taking another sip of his beer he twirled it around some, looking down before looking back to the woman. "You know dad told me about what happened the other day." he said and saw her look away. 
"Figures." you mumbled. 
"I gotta side with them this time baby, you gotta be more careful..."
"What was I supposed to do Keith? Just let them wreak your dad's bar?" you asked, quietly. 
"Don't get all worked up sweetheart, I ain't saying you did the wrong thing, hell I'm grateful you are willing to fight for this place, to put your neck out for my dad like that. I just... I don't want to see you get hurt in the process. You or Trish." he said and saw her look out across the bar. Sighing he finished off his drink. "You are too stubborn for your own good woman." he said as he stood pulling on his coat. 
Taking his bottle and tossing it in the trash you saw him pull out a bill and hand it over to you. "You sticking around  for a bit? You know Mel could use your help around here." 
"Yea for a little while, I'll work out a schedule with dad and see if I can help out a few days." he told her. Seeing her nod he gave a smirk. "You know baby it's supposed to get real cold tonight, we might have to cuddle to keep warm." 
"I'd rather freeze." you told him and saw him smile and shake his head. 
"You'll come around one day." he said walking towards the door. "Hey cuz, give them babies love for me." 
"You need to come see them, they miss you." Trish replied. 
"Yea I will. Night ya'll." he said walking out of the bar. 
"Alright Mister we are closing so..."
"It's okay Trish he is with me. I can handle the rest if you want to head home." you told her and saw her nod and give a small smile. Turning to take Edwards empty glass you walked over to the sink to start washing them. 
Moving to the seat closer to the sink he saw the other girl leave, the bar now empty except for the two of them. "That Keith is a character isn't he?" he asked. Having been sitting so close he was able to hear their conversation. 
"Yes he is." you told him with a sigh.
"I take it he is the owner's son?" 
"Yea and Trish's cousin. The owner Mel is Garth's older brother." Placing mugs and glasses in the drying rack as you washed them you gave a yawn. 
"So then Trish is Garth's daughter?" 
"No she is his niece, Mel and Garth had a little sister named Kristy. She died a few years ago."
Humming he watched her, thinking about it all. "How many children does Trish have?"
"Three girls and a boy on the way." you grinned. 
"Seems she has her hands full." he chuckled.
Smiling you nodded, "Yes she does. Her husband helps out though, he works at the lumber yard and watches the girls once he gets home so Trish can come to work." 
Humming he saw her turn around and grin at him. 
"Ready to go?" you asked him. 
Nodding he stood and waited for her to come around the bar before walking out with her. By the time they had gotten back to her home it had really gotten cold. As soon as they were inside he saw her go towards the back to grab some wood and moved to help her. Bringing in an armful of wood he took the lighter from her trembling hands. "Go take you a hot shower darling, I'll get the fire going." he told her. 
"Thank you." you told him and saw him smile down at you.
Watching her walk away without giving him a fuss this time he grinned to himself and sat down in front of the wood heater to start a fire. Thinking to himself he thought about how it would be if he wasn't here. From what he figured she had said he had pieced together that she had been on her own since she was a teenager, fifteen at that. So all these  years she had been doing everything on her own? No wonder the woman was so hell bent on doing everything herself. Well at least now he could offer her some help or at least until he went back to his own world... if he ever did. He had been trying to figure out if he would be able to but there wasn't much to go on. He wanted to go home, back to his family, wanted to be there for his sons but at the same time he didn't want to leave her. He was so torn, never before had he had to make this choice, he didn't want to have to choose between them and then what he was sure was his soulmate. Letting out a sigh he stared into the flames and closed his eyes. 
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gothwarlocks · 3 years
30 Questions
Tagged by: @thedinalixlegacy and @shanfamilydrama thank you both!! 🙈💖💖
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 5 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: Julian / Jules
Gender: Male
Star sign: Leo (sun & moon lol; Sag rising)
Height: 5′6″
Birthday: August 6th
Time: 5:20PM
Favorite bands: (at the moment) uhhhh Kanga and Led Zeppelin. if we’re talking fav or all-time, I have too many to count :(
Favorite solo artists: it’s a tossup between several people but I would have to say David Bowie. seeing Ziggy at a young age really did help transgenderfy my brain 😌
Song stuck in my head: I’ve mentioned her already but Dissonance by Kanga is a fucking bop and I’m obsessed with her music at the moment 🙄
Last movie: If you want the dignified answer I rewatched Dune (1984) last week (I still love it v much). But the honest answer is I’m a dumb stoner and watched Beavis & Butt-head Do America a couple nights ago lol.
Last show: Uh still Twin Peaks season 3 I think. My roommates and I finished the whole series right around new year’s.
When did I create this blog: February 2019! I had no idea if I’d even use it much though, so I didn’t really start interacting with people until last spring lol.
What do I post: mostly swtor and wow, sometimes other stuff (but I try to keep it on my main blog)
Last thing I googled: “worst sun moon sign combination” 😐
Other blogs: my main blog which I’ll give out to anyone interested, but you gotta dm me lol. I’ve had it since 2011 and oh god it sucks having the power to look back on what you were interested in/saying at like 15/16 lmao.
Do I get asks: yeah thanks to all you cool people!! I love doing ask memes/games :’)
Why I chose my url: originally to poke fun at myself for my 2 mains in WoW both being warlocks (and gay). now it just sounds fun to me so I’m having trouble changing it haha.
Following: 133
Followers: 86 which is WILD hello
Average hours of sleep: 6 but there is no average really lol
Lucky number: i dunno!
Instruments:  I was trained fairly well in piano as a child but honestly I haven’t touched an instrument in like a decade. I do own a guitar and want to push myself to learn it if even a little eventually.
What am I wearing: hoodie, sweats, warm socks.
Dream job: I really don’t know anymore lol. I had several goals that fell through over the last few years so I’m honestly kind of stuck on this question at the moment. I do love museums though (science or art-centered), so if I ever get to work in one in some way that’d be very nice. I’ll figure it out.
Dream trip: somewhere tropical and right on the beach, maybe a month-long with nothing in particular to do lol.
Favorite food: soup.. I love soups so much... most underrated food..
Nationality: American 😔
Favorite song: I’d never be able to pick a favorite omg. There’s a lot of 80′s classics that would count I guess, but I’m corny so I’ll go with a song from my teens years. Amesoeurs by Amesoeurs 🖤
Last book read: bruh I didn’t read shit in 2020 <3 anyway I PLAN to read the Hellboy comics next.
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in:
Star Wars (on Coruscant? maybe..? 😂)
LOTR, specifically the Shire, Middle-earth. lol I think this is the best answer.
put me in mf Suramar City a couple thousand years before Legion goes down
Tagging: @raven-of-domain-kwaad @clonethoughts @nhylluan @palepinkycat @blueburds if any of your would like to :)
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cynergy-laughter · 4 years
Obey Me! One Master to Abridge Them All! Ep. 4
4. For the Record, T-Pose to Assert Your Pact
It was just a normal, second day for MC... until...
Satan: Asmo, can you not laugh so loudly this early in the morning?
Asmo: B-Buhut... Mammon... got tricked... into entering a pact! And with none other than Enn!
Satan: Pffftt!
Asmo: Boy, you think it’s funny too, don’t even try to hide it!
Beel: Mmm, these cockatrice breasts are so crispy, every bite gives me a wonderful crunch.
MC: Is no one gonna tell him that he’s also eating the plate?
Asmo: Don’t tell him, it’s more entertaining that way. But look at you, not even a day in the Devildom and you already snagged a pact with a moron, I bet you feel like a ruler, don’t you, Enn~?
MC: No, I feel exhausted. The whole time after we made the pact, he kept on texting me, and it was basically, “Just so we’re clear, I did it for my credit card. She’s my one true love, you better not come in between us.”
Satan: Ugh, the way he talks about that thing.
Asmo: I wouldn’t be surprised if he imagines making love to it. Gross...
Levi: Imagine? He absolutely does. Headcanon accepted.
Asmo: What does that even mean, Levi...?
Asmo: Anywho, Enn, who would you wanna make a pact with next?
MC: ... You want my honest answer?
Beel: *munching*
MC: I thought not, I wanna pact with Asmo. *flutters eyes*
Asmo: Haha, I mean who wouldn’t? But I wouldn’t with you because I have no intention in entering one with you.
MC: Oh neither do I, I just wanted to see the look on your face when I chucked the Grenade. I checked RAD’s last yearbook, I wanna pact Astaroth. He can get it.
Asmo: *jaw drops to the floor*
Satan & Levi: *snort and bit their lip*
Beel: *eating* Can someone pass me the Poison Oak Maple syrup? I wanna try adding sweet to this savory.
Asmo: Enn thinks they’re so funny. Have they even met Astaroth?! Cause he used to be my ex. He is the absolute worst... I may miss him, but I don’t really... and plus what is Enn doing, having sights for my ex?!
MC: I’ll admit, Astaroth is pretty intimidating, but he’s seems cool. Especially for a mid-rank demon. For the record, I just said Astaroth to get under Asmo’s skin... and based on his reaction, I think I just made a pimple start forming on his forehead.
Asmo: PSSH PAH PIH PFFTT W-Whatever! He’s not even that hot anyway.
Satan: You sounds like you still caught feelings.
Asmo: Shut up, you sound just as moronic as that poor excuse for a demon Mammo-! *head gets slammed into his bowl of cereal* ACK! MY FACE! What the hell Mammon?!
Mammon: Shouldn’t have been talking smack, Asmo. Don’t forget, I’m still your older brother.
MC: Good morning Mammon.
Mammon: Go to heaven, Enn.
MC: Would have been funnier if you meant heavenn.
Mammon: Whatever, point is, I got my card back from Lucifer. Mammon one, Lucifer nothing, like it should be. Think he’s so smart to put my card in the freezer, he’s such a dad.
Lucifer: *appears behind him, holding a leather belt loop, and he snaps it loudly*
———— Later ————
MC: *walking down the stairs with Mammon* You ever think that maybe you should practice what you preach?
Mammon: *sniffling, rubbing his butt* “yOu EvEr ThInK tHaT mAyBe YoU sHoUlD pRaCtIcE wHaT yOu PrEaCh?!” S-Shut up, human... preaching ain’t gonna do nothing.
MC: First of all... wow. And second... Enn... my name is Enn.
Mammon: I don’t care, human! I’ll call you whatever I’ll feel like calling you. You’d better watch your back, because if a lesser demon decides to make you his meal, I won’t be there to save you, cause I couldn’t care less! Now out of my way! *goes to stomp down the stairs, bumping MC out of the way*
MC: ... Mammon stay! *voice pulsates through Mammon, making him stand up straight and not move!*
Mammon: A-Ah! What the- I can’t move... You better hope I don’t get out of this huma-... hummm... hu... NB. No! Huuu-better work, everybody give it up for the supremely talented host with the post, dropping lines since birth, life and debuting in the Devildom, give it up for MC NB! *makes air horn noises*
MC: *smiles* That’s better. Next time, just respect my wishes and call me by my name. Now, Mammon, let’s get to class.
*walks into class*
MC: With as many demons dancing in this place, you would think that this is was High School Musical: Another Story.
Demon1: Hey, it’s that human who slapped us.
Demon2: I wouldn’t mess with them, I heard Mammon forged a pact with them... imagine what he could do to us, if the human is ballsy enough to slap us...
???: Well, it seems rumors do spread faster than a glorious opening speech. You really have made quite a celebrity out of yourself.
MC: Sebastian from Black Butler?
Diavolo: Easy Barbatos, no need to be shady, I say these rumors are good, it means eyes will be on them at all times, so no one can really truly make a move.
Lucifer: Especially since Mammon is absolute garbage at looking after them.
MC: And a good morning to you all too, Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, and Mr. Chief Secretary. Nice to see you talking about me like I’m not here.
Diavolo: I wanted to congratulate you on such a big accomplishment, and it’s only been your second day. I knew that I chose the right person for the program.
MC: Well, it’s not like a had a choice in the matter, but thank you, Lord Diavolo. And who is this?
Barbatos: I’m Lord Diavolo’s steward, Barbatos. Apologies for not introducing myself immediately.
MC: It’s okay, it’s nice to meet you.
Lucifer: Barbatos is a very smart and powerful demon of many talents. I just wish I could have him as my brother instead of Mammon.
MC: I mean, people tend to keep their talents deep within them, I’m sure it’s the same for Mammon.
Barbatos: I believe there’s a saying in the human world about that, a true wiseman doesn’t flaunt his talents, he keeps them secret.
Lucifer: That may be so, but he, is to put it lightly, an incompetent fool.
MC: Well... looking at all the idiots that make up my world’s population, Mammon is pretty tame and intelligent...
MC: Seriously, I used to work retail, someone asked me for Pampers Pull-Ups while I was stocking the baby aisle... lemme say it again, the person asked for Pampers Pull-Ups. That’s the same energy as someone asking for Burger King’s Big Mac. It doesn’t exist. There are Huggies Pull-Ups, and Pampers Easy-Ups, if you are looking specifically for Pampers Pull-Ups, you don’t deserve the right to teach children right from wrong.
Diavolo: I also heard that the most stubborn and headstrong child is the cutest.
Lucifer: Diavolo, he is my younger brother, not my child. I think I would have a lot more gray hairs and as Asmo would say a few more lines in my forehead. Stop it.
???1: So you don’t deny that he’s cute. Though the winner of the most stubborn award would most undoubtedly go to you.
???2: And for the record, that’s not a compliment, it’s an insult.
Lucifer: Simeon, can you please tell your little chiweenie to not yip so loudly this early in the school day?
Diavolo: Enn, these are the two students from the Celestial Realm, in other words, angels. This is Simeon, and his canine companion Luke.
Luke: Diavolo, do not feed into this! I am an angel, not a canine of any sort!
MC: *going over to Simeon fast* Oh thank the heavens, finally some angelic melanin. *shaking Simeon’s hand* it’s so nice to meet you, I’m already a stan, I mean a fan.
Simeon: *chuckles* It’s to meet you Enn, congratulations on your accomplishment, I hope we make friends of each other yet.
Barbatos: We should get going, the first bell is about to sound.
MC: B-But... I wanna hang out with Simeon some more...
Diavolo: All in good time, Enn. I’m glad you’re doing well here on your second day here. Have a good school day.
Lucifer: Even though it should be the other way around... look after Mammon for me, Enn? I thank you.
Simeon: I’ll see you later, Enn.
Luke: *stays behind* ...
MC: Can I help you?
Luke: Don’t ever trust a demon, especially not Lucifer.
MC: ... Where I live and grow up, you learn to not really trust anyone, but thanks for the advice, Lassie.
Luke: ARGH! Not you too! *storms off*
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