#literally feels like everyone is in this page and my hand wants to die
thewinterraven · 2 months
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Character pages
I have no idea what happened to Arthur's armour. What the hell even is metal anyway
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
So I hear you’re taking requests? 👀♥️
Could we possibly have the reader be an artist and that’s how they make money for the group? But the reader has a personal art sketchbook that Vash stumbles upon by accident when someone tries to steal the reader’s bag. He then sees the drawings that consist of different people, scenery, doodles, and then of him and little notes about him like “literal sunshine”, “kissable beauty mark” “weak in the knees with this face”
Just a little something for baby girl ♥️
Requests are always open for babygirl lol also this is so cute, and I agree that beauty mark is very kissable. Give him to me 👏👏👏 😭
Also not me posting this with out tags I’m an idiot
‘If you saw him too, you’d know what I mean’
Vash x Reader
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Glancing up every once in a while, you admired the scenery in front of you making to observing every detail as you quickly sketch it out in your notebook. 
Smiling softly at Vash who sits across from you, he’s not paying attention watching a crowd of people instead. It was his idea to sneak away to this little outdoor cafe, and you greatly appreciated the gesture. It gave you time to just sit down and draw. 
And who were you to blame, if you happened to catch sight of Vash’s handsome face and want to sketch it as well? Was it a crime, you nearly drop your pencil when Vash suddenly turns to you with those sweet eyes. 
Trying to be nonchalant about what you were doing, you meet his gaze with a raised brow. “What?” You ask softly, he blinks and blushes maybe he didn’t know he had been staring at you as well. “Nothing, what are you drawing?” He answers quickly. 
It’s your turn to blush, as you quickly close the sketchbook. God, you’d die of embarrassment if he saw the sketches you’ve done of him. It’s not your fault, his face is so pretty that you need to capture his expressions! “Oh, just the landscape.” You say with a wave of your hand and a shy smile. 
You flip to the page you were sketching, checking it over to make sure it’s safe, and flip to show Vash. You smile as his eyes light up, looking over the drawing. You are a little nervous as he takes it all in, you're just hoping he doesn’t flip the page. Vash doesn’t and hands the notebook back to you. 
“Amazing!” Your heart warms at the compliment because coming from Vash you know it’s genuine. You smile, placing the sketchbook back in your bag, and you thank him. Vash places some double dollars on the table and helps you out of your chair. Shouldering your bag, the two of you walk out of the cafe side by side. Everyone was supposed to meet in the center of the market, you let Vash lead you there without complaint. 
You are shoved to the side harshly, letting out a startled yelp you managed to catch yourself with an annoyed huff. Vash turns to you concerned; you shrug going to adjust your bag when to your horror it's gone. Eyes widening, you frantically look around for it had you dropped it? Or… you gasp turning around. “That guy stole my bag!” You sob out, startling Vash beside you. You feel Vash place his hands on your shoulders, it forces you to look at him with a determined look in his gaze.
“Stay here, I’ll get it back.” You don't get a chance to reply when Vash takes off running. You frown, letting out a sigh as you listen and do what you are told for once. 
It's not difficult for Vash to catch up to the thief, he does so pretty quickly and is sure he can resolve this without any issues. The moment he saw that sullen look in your gaze, he knew he had to do something. It broke his heart to see such a sad look on your pretty face! 
“Hey stop!” Vash calls out, it startles the thief, who clearly thought they were in the clear. Vash lunges forward getting ahold of the bag, he didn't have much of a plan after that. “This belongs to my friend!” he says it with a cheerful smile, catching the man even more off guard with his attitude. 
The thief lets out a ‘tsk’ noise and tried to pull the bag back towards themselves, but Vash’s grip was stronger, and with one yank managed to get it out of the thief's hands… and spill all the contents. Vash cringed as the thief ran off, with a sigh he dropped to his knees to place everything neatly back into the bag. 
It seemed to all be mostly art supplies, he knew if you had to replace anything you would feel guilty spending the money. But you deserved it, hell if it wasn’t for you, they wouldn’t have enough to eat sometimes. Vash paused looking down at your sketchbook, you were always drawing in it but it was rare you’d show your work to him, and the others. 
Surely a quick peek wouldn’t hurt? It was already sitting half open, not wanting to psyche himself out Vash grabs it carefully and starts looking through it. His gaze softens as he looks at your sketches, familiar landmarks and places you've traveled, some animals, and people familiar and not. Vash turns the next page and flushes.
Sketches of him, is this how you see him? All soft lines, and gentle expressions. He can feel himself growing redder by the minute, he spots your handwriting, little notes around the sketches. The notes are about him as well, pointing out something in his expression, what he was looking at. And then some of the notes are cutesy with little hearts around them, the biggest heart seems to be around a note about his beauty mark. With an arrow pointing to the sketch. 
Vash slams the sketchbook closed, heart racing. He’s flattered, but unsure what to make of all of this. After a minute he smiles, you think he’s cute! Feeling light and fluttery, he places the sketchbook in the bag, making sure he’s gathered everything he stands heading back to where he left you. 
He stops when he spots you, he notices your nervous glance as you shift from foot to foot looking around. Vash watches you for a moment and his heart skips a beat, he walks towards you joining your side. You look up at him wide eye, your eyes shining when you noticed your bag in his hands. Taking the bag carefully, you hug it to your chest, “Oh Vash! Thank you so much.” 
You throw your arms around his neck, and his arms wrap around your waist without hesitation. “It was no problem.” mutters, you huff pulling back. “Oh, I’m sure, I didn’t think a bag snatcher would be the one to take down the big bad Vash the Stampede.” You tease watching him blush under your gaze. 
Vash rubs the back of his head with a slight chuckle, you smile leaning in and placing a delicate kiss on his cheek. He nearly goes as red as his coat, and you’re sure your face is flushed as well. “Seriously thank you.” stepping away from Vash, you turn going to find the others. You don't notice the soft look in Vash’s gaze as he places his hand over his cheek, or the whispered ‘you’re welcome’ he gives you. With a soft chuckle, Vash follows after you quickly joining your side.
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astellx · 6 months
pink starbursts
head canons/ drabble of yuji itadori as your boyfriend!
Warnings: literally fluffy, so sweet it’s like gum rotting, suggestive tones, reader and yuji have known each other since middle school, long term relationship
-Yuji is the type to pay attention to everyone but never really go out of his way to talk to people, like I see him knowing about you for a while but never talking to you because you never talked to him. (Hes still friendly dont get me wrong!)
You first met Yuji in sixth grade. He was sat right in front of you in class, his pink hair drawing your attention. Yuji was very warm, seemingly friendly, and popular. You noticed how it was nearly impossible to dislike him. The first time you ever spoke to him was about 8 months into the school year
“Hey Y/LN, can I borrow your notes from last class I think my textbook is missing something” He asked, scratching his head awkwardly. It honestly caught you off guard because not once had he ever spoken to you nor had he ever acknowledged you before. You peered up into his eyes before nodding and pulling out a baby pink notebook.
"I like your notebook. Its kinda the same color as my hair!", he exclaimed with such a heartwarming smile. You immediately started blushing before muttering a simple thanks.
After that you opened up your notebook to the page he needed before handing it over to him. This caught his eye as he made sure to mentally take note of how you're thoughtful because, you didnt have to open the page for him yet you still chose to.
-He literally is like a little puppy, he follows you everywhere and is soo clingy (even before dating him, he just wants to be wherever you are)
-Understands platonic relationships and is the reason you guys managed to stay friends for so many years despite obvious having feelings for each other
-Likes to surprise you and speak your love language. Like im talking buying you flowers randomly one day because you mentioned you liked them and then just constantly buying you more once those die.
-He writes on sticky notes and leaves them all over your notebooks and planner since he wants you to think about him but is too scared to ruin your pretty notes (as he calls them)
-Always just holds your things mindlessly. Walking home from school.... hes wearing your backpack, going shopping.... hes holding all your shopping bags, going to the movies... hes holding the snacks and your purse. and he wont even notice he does it, there'll be times you're like "yuji can I see my wallet?" and he'll be like "why would I have it" until he realizes hes literally holding your purse
-Takes anniversaries so seriously, like its the mf Olympics to that man. Whenever you ask him about it he explains that its because he felt like he didnt ask you out properly
It was pouring so hard, distracting you from your studies. Growing up you were always terrified of thunder and heavy rain but you never told anyone because you felt it was childish. Deciding to take a break, you put your headphones on, laid down, and watched whatever video essay on youtube.
About halfway thru the video you received an onslaught of texts from your best friend Yuji
Hey Hey Y/N.... Y/NN..... bruh it should only take you .00003 seconds to respond to me tbh what if I was dying what if I was an ant.. would you step on me ;(
Honestly those messages alone made you forget about the storm. A smile forming on your face as you imagined him texting you before you replied
5:18 pm
you're literally crazy the way i saw these messages right as you texted them but decided to wait a little extra to respond :) and yes I would draw a circle around you, fill water in said circle, and then step on you xoxo
5:19 incoming facetime.. my dummy <3
"Yes Yuji?" you asked right after pressing the green answer button, his screen was still loading before you saw your idiot of a friend. He was covered in rain water, obviously outside; trying his best to hear you through the storm
He was holding the phone close to his ear, allowing you to see the corner of his earlobe and what looked like your neighborhood "Y/N! Come outside!" he shouted
You learned not to question him anymore because at the end of the day you always do what he asks you. You hung up before sending him a thumbs up text message. Grumpily you removed your headphones and changed into a baggy hoodie and outdoor slippers, making sure to grab an umbrella before heading outside.
There he was, holding a beautiful boquet of red roses, different from the usual yellow sunflowers he buys you. 'Y/NN can I take you out?" he asked, slightly shivering from the cold rain water. Noticing this you moved forward placing the umbrella over the both of you before replying mockingly "We are out right now."
"No like.. let me be your boyfriend"
"Oh um okay.. yeah "
To say it was kinda messy was an understatement, you and Yuji had been best friends for ages but it was obvious you guys liked each other, he didnt really need to ask you out because in your mind he was basically your boyfriend already. So you found it very casual. Him on the other hand had planned for it to be like a movie, teeth clashing in a feverous kiss, hands groping each other, while whispering beautiful confessions. And then to find out you hate the rain also made him feel like he failed. So now every anniversary you have together he makes sure to make it as romantic and passionate as can be to "redo" the original thing
-Has a memo on his phone of all your orders from every restaurant or fast food place. He makes sure to update them if they change. He loves this because he loves surprising you. Especially if your feeling down or sick hes literally at your door with your comfort meal and a movie for you guys to watch
-Fake proposed to you with ring pops and forced Nobara and Megumi to film it for him
-Loves kissing you all over your face and he definitely calls it a kiss attack. If your being too sassy or have an attitude he says the kissy monster is gonna leave a kiss attack on your face and it immediately makes you laugh
-Fights with him never last because hes so receptive! His communication skills are perfect... "Hey babe I didnt like that joke you made because it made me insecure." "Okay Im sorry baby I wont make it again, is there anyway I can make you feel better?" Its just that easy for him because the respect he has for you is out of this world
-He is the king at intimacy, he just knows your body so well!
-He likes moderate PDA, handholding, hugs, simple kisses. Hes too shy for anything else but is never afraid to show you off
-Whenever he talks about you he just always refers to you as 'my lover' or 'my prince/princess/ royalty'
-Supports your plushie addictions, like what was that you wanted this hello kitty plushie from amazon. Boom its there literally the next day
-Really bad at being on time, he'll remember dates but never times
"Hey Yuji, dont forget we made plans with Megumi and Nobara for 6pm tomorrow okay." you mumbled thru the minty foam of your toothpaste.
He smiled at the sight of you (messily) brushing your teeth before screenshotting and then replying "Mhm dont worry my love, I made sure to put a reminder on my phone, were meeting at a sushi place right?"
"Yep! But Megumi had to call like a bunch of times to get us a reservation, so please be there on time"
"Of course babe, Im not Gojo senseii"
Its safe to say he was at the restaurant at 5 calling you all, asking why no one else was there yet. When you explained the reservation was at 6 he swore you said 5 before laughing and cheering about how at least hes not late.
-Asks you to move in with him by proposing but instead of there being a ring, its the spare key. When you start tearing up at what you thought would be an engagement proposal he quickly stands up before explaining its not what you think. You didnt talk to him for the rest of the night. But you said yes!
-After everything is successfully moved and set up, he suggests that you guys "bless the house" as he calls it. Safe to say that house no longer smelt brand new after that night and everything was thoroughly broken into ;)
-You guys live with each other for about a year before he does pop the question to you infront of your childhood home, in the rain. reminding you of when he first asked you out
a/n: i hope you guys liked this! its my first ever time writing something like this but yuji just is such boyfie material I had to! pls share your luv if you liked this or want more :3
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todd-queen · 10 months
While we're waiting for Alecto to come out, I thought we could have some fun in the tlt fandom :)
I'm not sure if anyone's done this before, but I haven't seen any so I thought I'd make a tag game. just for funsies.
there's absolutely no pressure to tag or to even play, I just wanted to compile all my favorite parts of the series and I thought it'd be fun to share! so without further ado...
My TLT Favorites
Favorite house(s): 4th and 2nd. (my favorite characters are from these houses, but also something about John creating an army in his resurrected empire and having his soulless "dead kids" be in charge of a house that breeds dead kids)
Favorite book: Gideon the Ninth. my beloved. hands down. every page is fully annotated.
Four favorite characters: Gideon Nav (i love all these characters but no one even comes marginally close to how much i love her), Teacher (he's the funniest mf in here), Jeannemary Chatur (BELOVED), John Gaius (he's literally just some guy, but I'm absolutely obsessed with the verse chapters)
Favorite ship: Jodybeth (griddlehark is endgame ofc but there's just something about these two)
A favorite scene: Nonius vs Wake fight (I'm sneaking in more favorite characters, but I just can never get over how Ortus saves the world with fanfiction. king)
Another favorite scene: Nona's 3rd tantrum (I love to see my women screaming and drenched in blood)
A favorite quote: "Won't you say one real thing to me? Won't you show me one single solitary human thing? Or are you going to die talking to me like it's just another party you wish was over already?" (htn pg. 546)
also "Yes, well, jail for Mother" (htn 498) and "...beneath a blue and foreign sky." (gtn 439). I think about all three of these constantly
Favorite ATN theory: Alecto is a hideous corpse. (not sure what this entails yet, but I love Teacher so much, and I don't think we spent that much time on him for nothing)
Thought I'd keep it short and sweet, but please, please, feel free to make it your own :)
I was intending for this to be a tag game, so I nominate:
@onefleshoneend0 @transbutchbluess @orionsystem6 @koshertaako @susurra-el-arroyo-manso
but like I said, no pressure! just for funsies!
(*updated to add my own notes bc I love seeing everyone else's!)
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vinecradle · 1 year
10 OMG - the end of an era (✿)
scaramouche x fem!reader
masterlist | previous | next
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waiting for kaveh to walk in, you smiled from ear to ear from what you're feeling today. nilou chuckled seeibg you smile, "you've gone so far, yn. though i believe this is just a start for a new page in your story." she spoke.
you soon heard a knock and the door soon opened, revealing the male you all were waiting for.
"ynnn!" he shouted and tackled you in a hug. not expecting it, you both fell down from the couch you were just sitting on.
nilou hurriedly took a picture for memories and joined into the group hug, with layla quickly following after.
sighed, elated from everyone hugging you as you held back tears of happiness. "i feel so free now, and i wont have to worry about what i feel about him anymore. i've moved on, i finally moved on." you choke out and started laughing.
kaveh ruffles your hair, "well, how about it? this deserves a celebration. where do you wanna go?"
you start thinking hard, until something clicked.
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
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┊ ➶ 。˚   °
you hugged everyone again once you've reached the dorms, "thank you again for today!! it was so fun screaming so many taylor swift songs, but now my throat is kind of.. at it's limit..." you managed to say.
the tree returned the hug, "my throat's at it's limit too, i mean who can blame me! it's taylor swift. anyways, gotta go now or else my phone would die." kaveh spoke and left.
everyone else soon got inside and yawned in unison. laughing together, nilou spoke. "i guess everyone needs some rest after tonight."
"definitely. good night, you two!"
reaching your room, you took out your headphones and quickly played the song kazuha said he liked, ditto. a song from 1998.
and slowly, you fell into a slumber.
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• kaveh's post is him with nilou and layla, in that pic you were finding clothes to wear while they took a picture in your room and nilou's post is a photo of her singing
• i recommend paying attention to good parts' lyrics since it has a connection with this chapter 🫶🏻
summary :: wanting to go back to your dorm from the library, and accidentally leaving a friend's book there not knowing she has the intention of making you give it to someone she's trying to set you up with, a note inside with your number. without anyone realising, the book is in the hands of someone else, and you then wake up to a message from an unknown number.
author's note :: i know i literally just made a new smau not too long ago but i cant believe i already got inspiration for another one 😭 but i cant decide which character i should do for the male lead, i wont be doing alhaitham or cyno because i dont know how to write them for the life of me 🫠
taglist (1/2) :: @aeongiies @hrtswinter @zyilas @cofijelli @stuckinadreamland06 @elyionaa @thenightsflower @ohmyfinggod @mikctp @cherrybeomgyu @raideneiari @sakiimeo @xiaosonlybeloved @simp4bakuh03 @kunikuzushiit bolded cannot be tagged!
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
My lil contribution to @1016week Day 2 - social media. This is the snippet of my SF Admin AU which I started writing a long time ago for @welightitup (and @mssr-monagato which is a given). I hope you enjoy it! 😘
" - and this is why I think I would be a good fit for this job."
She isn't looking away from him, and he doesn't let himself show how much he is intimidated by that glare, even though he really, really is. He did everything right, said everything right, showed her his best work. He knows he did. There is nothing more he can do. They will either hire him or not.
God please, let them hire me. I need this fucking job. This is my last chance, and if I blow it, it's corporate hell with dear Dad, and I will die. I will literally die.
Her long, red nails tap on the glass table twice. He thinks this may be what doom sounds like. It sure feels that way.
"Mr. Gasly. You have an impressive portfolio, and your CV is one of the best I've seen. What I want to know is, what will you bring to this job? What is the thing that distinguishes you from all the other candidates for this job?"
Her eyes bear into his, and he swallows. Goddamn she is intense. Pierre knows the question, it is a standard question everyone asks in job interviews, and he knows the answer he's expected to give. He opens his mouth to say the prepared, standard spiel, but in that moment his eyes stop on the pictures hung on the wall behind her. They are all the same. Same poses, same settings, same camera angle. A whole wall filled with the same picture over and over again.
Fuck this.
"You're wasting opportunities here."
She raises an eyebrow, and her eyes regain some of the focus they've lost during the rest of the interview, as she was listening to his pitch, probably the twentieth one and identical to every other one she's heard during the day.
"Oh?" She says, and it sounds like a challenge.
Fuck it. Full send.
"Yes. You are sitting on a goldmine, and you are doing nothing about it." Pierre takes a deep breath. You can do this. He looks her straight in the eyes.
"You have the most beautiful and the most attractive driver on the grid driving for you, bar Lewis Hamilton, who is, you will agree, in a league of his own. Your driver is very easy on the eyes, he is kind, he is extremely good at what he does. And you are doing nothing to capitalize on that and attract more fans, when you could literally have your social media engagement, and with it the revenue, go through the roof."
She says nothing. He plows on.
"He has the looks, and he has the brains, and he has the mythological-like background and appeal. Hell, the Italian media calls him Il Predestinato! He is a Ferrari child through and through, he lives and breathes for this team, which is an angle that can be explored so well, and yet you do nothing. He is even willing to speak about the hardships of his life, although I personally believe he should be left alone about that." He clenches his fist. "And again, I reiterate - there is not a bad angle for the kind of face he has. And you need something new; something fresh. You know what I've found out as I did research on the perception of Ferrari in the public, in the target groups?"
"Enlighten me," she says, and Pierre forces his hands not to shake as he shuffles through his papers and pulls out printed-out screenshots. He points to the highlighted words repeating themselves on the pages.
"Outdated. Old-fashioned. Uptight. And a million other synonyms, all meaning one and the same thing." He looks back at her. She isn't looking away, and her expression is stone-like, but her eyes are flashing. He swallows the bile rising in his throat, because he can't believe he's about to say it.
"Boring. People think Ferrari is boring. Ferrari." He laughs incredulously. "The oldest team on the grid, the team that is synonymous with motor racing. The mythological team. The red cars. All of that, and it comes down to one thing. Boring."
He can't help but scoff, too deep in his spiel to care whether or not he is crossing the line. "Which is unimaginable to me, especially when you have the history," he points around the room at the pictures of very inportant people with the drivers and Ferrari personell, "the glory", he points to the trophys in the room, a mere dozen of what he knows are hunderds more, "and the beauty." He steels himself and shuffles the paper, pulling out a printed picture of Charles Leclerc, who is smiling at the camera bashfully.
He taps on the picture. His finger lands on Charles' dimple, and stays there.
"You need to utilize this, and even if you don't hire me, please, make whoever you hire use this - use him. Because otherwise, you're going to end up like Red Bull, after Daniel Ricciardo left." She twitches visibly. "Utterly unlikeable."
Pierre feels like he's just run a marathon. His breathing is irregular, and he makes himself calm down, repeating those meditation techniques his brother insisted on him knowing. The silence in the office is deafening suddenly, and he swallows around the lump in his throat.
"I see." Her voice is calm. "Thank you for your presentation, Mr. Gasly, and for this interview. We will be in touch."
Fuck. I completely blew it. Fuck.
"Thank you for the opportunity," he manages to say.
He goes to gather his papers, but she hums.
"Leave your research here, if you don't mind?"
It's not a question; not really. It's an order, given with an icy smile. He makes himself smile back even though his stomach seems to be turning like he's on a roller-coaster ride.
"Of course," he says, and removes his hand from the picture of Charles Leclerc's face. "Have a nice day, and thank you again."
She says nothing more, only inclines her head in a silent dismissal as he leaves the room. He passes the security in a daze, moving on auto-pilot right up to the moment when he's sitting in his car.
"Fuck," he says out loud. "Fuck, Pierre, you absolute fucking idiot."
He crosses his arms over the steering wheel, and then after a second, he lets his head fall forward too.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He groans. "I am so stupid!"
"Excuse me, sir, are you - Are you okay?"
Pierre groans again, because he is nothing if not dramatic, and turns to look at the person interrupting his mental breakdown through his driver's side window.
"Fuck," he says, eyes widening, because right next to his car, crouching in what looks to be a very awkward manner and looking at him through his window is nobody else but Charles Leclerc.
Charles Leclerc, the Formula One driver for Scuderia Ferrari and the one everyone is convinced will be a World Champion someday. Charles Leclerc, who is a thousand times more beautiful in person than he looks in any of the pictures online. (And Pierre would know, because - because he did research. For the Ferrari interview. And not anything else.) Charles Leclerc, whose voice is kind, and whose French carries the lilt of the Principality. Charles Leclerc, whose eyes are wide in an emotion Pierre cannot recognize in his shocked state. Charles Leclerc, who is - frowning.
"Excuse me, I saw you were in - in distress. And I - I wanted to ask if you maybe needed some help?"
"With what?" Pierre asks, then wants to kick himself, because his tongue was always quicker than his brain, and his brain is currently screaming Oh my God that is Leclerc that is Charles Leclerc oh my GOD on a loop.
"With.. with whatever you are distressed about?" Charles says, and Pierre thinks the way he scrunches his face, half-confused, half-deternined, is absolutely fucking adorable.
Then again, Pierre thinks Charles Leclerc is adorable all the time, so that's not a revelation.
"No, no, ah, thank you," he laughs, because he can't help it. The irony is painfully laughable and laughably painful simultaneously. "You are very kind, but my problem is," he grins, "myself."
Charles laughs with him, and there is something knowing and sad hiding behind that smile. It makes Pierre want to smooth out the curve of it. It makes him want to bite it.
"Ah, I know that feeling well, my friend." He grins, and his eyes are sparkling green, perfectly offset by the dark purple of his shirt. "I hope your problem becomes more manageable."
There is sincerity in Charles' voice, and a whole weight of knowing, of understanding. Pierre can feel his hands relax on the steering wheel, and his utter desperation fade away a little.
"Thank you," he replies. "I hope so too."
Charles just nods at him, and they look at each other in commiseration brought on by shared diapazon of feelings.
"I should be going," Pierre says, then thinks Oh hell, I fucked up one thing already today. Full send. "Unless you want to give me your number?"
Charles' eyes widen and he looks - unrealistically good. Nobody should be that good-looking, nobody can, because Charles is just unreal. This close, Pierre can see him clearly, and the little tiny imperfections - the bitten corner of his lip, the little patch of hair he missed while shaving, the red spot on his cheek - they all make him even more beautiful.
"I -" Charles starts to say, cheeks red and face surprised, then seems to steel himself. "I could do that." He smiles sweetly. "But only if you tell me your name."
Pierre's heart feels like bursting out of his chest, a thousand and one emotions flaring as he replies "Pierre Gasly. At your service, cheri."
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lemonyinks · 1 year
thinks about how love and sacrifice are major themes of one piece thinks about how love and sacrifice are major themes of one piece thinks about how love and sacrifice are major themes of one piece thinks about how love and sacrifice are major themes of one piece
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Okay, but seriously, it was something I never noticed when I was young and reading One Piece for the very first time. Back then the emotional scenes were just that, emotional scenes. I never seen the parallels or the way the themes would often reappear in different ways. Now that I'm an adult and I'm reading it once again, it has become a whole lot more apparent just how much of a reoccurring theme they both are, and how they go hand in hand together. I've also begun to realize just how much impact on the narrative these scenes have on future events.
Shank's sacrificing his arm for Luffy is literally one of the first things to happen in the manga, which he did because he obviously loved and cared for Luffy. He calls him a friend only a few pages earlier. He would gladly lose and arm if it meant Luffy would live. It was right after this event as well when Luffy finally stops asking Shank's to take him out to sea with him and vows to become a pirate on his own, just before Shanks gives him his straw hat.
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And that wouldn't be the first time someone would sacrifice a limb for someone they cared about in this series. Zeff quite literally ate his own leg so that he could give all of the rations they had to Sanji, hoping that the kid would live long enough to carry out the dream that the both of them shared. The All Blue may have been the initial reason he had for saving Sanji's life, but he undoubtedly grew to love Sanji like a son and I don't doubt for a second he would make that sacrifice a million times over for him.
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And then comes Bellemere an arc later. Nami and Nojiko were her reason to keep living, she dedicated her entire life to taking care of those girls and she loved them with her whole being. To her, it was an easy choice to give her own life so that her girls wouldn't have to leave the only home they'd ever known and possibly die all alone out on the sea.
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Hiriluk is a bit of a different sacrifice, but a sacrifice nonetheless. His decision to commit suicide was ultimately due to him not wanting Chopper to feel guilt over his death. He loved Chopper, he knew that he was only ever trying to help and that he loved Hiriliuk in return. The doctor couldn't just let that love and desire to help turn into what caused his death. So he chose to take his own life instead so that none of the responsibility landed on Chopper's shoulders.
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Once we reach Alabasta, there is of course the iconic Pell scene. He was willing to throw his life away, not only for Vivi, who he loved dearly, but also for the country he served and it's people. I know some say that this scene isn't as impactful as some of the other sacrifices since he didn't truly die in that moment, but in my opinion that doesn't matter. He did it because he loved them all. His feelings were just as strong as those who died or lost limbs, and the Vivi's reaction is equally as real as the other's reactions to the sacrifices made for them. His intentions were to save everyone, and he did just that.
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In water 7/Enies Loby (an arc that is itself basically one big love letter) we are introduced to Saul, who had only know Robin for a very short amount of time before the navy showed up to kill the scholars. And yet, in that small period he grew to care about Robin and had a real desire to protect her and ensure that she would not only live, but end up happy one day. He was willing to give up his own life so that this little girl, who he barely even knew, could live on.
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Thriller Bark is where we see on of the most memorable Zoro scenes. While this isn't the first time one of the protags has sacrificed themselves for their crewmates, it is one of the most notable. Zoro here takes on all of Luffy's pain, simply because he loves his captain and believes that his dream is worth living on for. He was willing to give up his health, as well as what he thought would be his life, if it meant that Luffy would be able to live longer and carry on with his journey.
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And this of course leads us to Marineford, where Ace threw himself in front of Akainu's molten fist in order to save his baby brother with zero hesitation. Ace loved Luffy deeply, he would never have allowed harm to come to him. The two of them loved each other deeply and would rather die than allow the other to be hurt.
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Now comes a sacrifice that really parallels Bellameres, even down to their last words to their kids and the way that the both of them died. Cora cared for Law, he really did. He couldn't stand to see a child so young talking about how they were going to die and he wanted to help him, so much so that he all but abandoned the mission he was with the Donquixote pirates for in the first place just so that he could find a cure for Law's sickness. He inevitably came to truly love and care for Law. He gives his life in the confrontation between him and his brother, even going so far as forcing himself to hold on longer in order to let Law escape silently, just so that the child he'd come to love could grow up and live his life.
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While Pedro may have sacrificed himself so that the strawhats could go farther on their journey, he didn't really do it for them. He may have thought of them as friends, but in the end his sacrifice was for the people of Zou. He did it for his people, because he loved them and wanted to do everything in his power to help save them from the cruel fate they were being subjected to. He knew that the only way this would be achieved would be if the Strawhats made it out of Big Mom's territory, so he did what he thought he had to in order to help them escape.
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Finally, in Wano we have Oden's sacrifice. He let himself be boiled alive in a pot of oil for an hour straight while holding up the weight of nine other people, simply because he believed it gave his retainers, his family, the people he loved, a chance to escape the same fate. But he didn't just do it for them, he gave his life so that his entire country may have the chance at a better future. To the very end, he loved his country and he loved the other samurai.
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And these are just a few select examples that I could think of at the time and some of the most memorable ones to me This doesn't even account for Nami giving up her childhood and teen years to free her village, or Sanji saving Nami and Luffy from the avalanche, or Tom turning himself in so that Franky wouldn't be killer, or Robin giving herself up to cp-9 to promise the Strawhats passage, or Luffy letting himself be tortured by Porchemy to keep Sabo and Ace's secret, or the way Dadan stayed behind to fight Bluejam for Ace, or how the Whitebeards all put themselves on the line to try and save Ace, or Pound stopping Oven several times to save his daughter, or when Scarlet tried to feed her starving daughter, or Sanji freeing the crew from Bege, or Killer eating the SMILE and doing Orochi's bidding to give Kid a chance to live, or Law giving himself over to Hawkins to save Bepo, Sachi, and Penguin, or Momo giving up his childhood, or the two times Bon Clay gave themself up to give Luffy time to escape, or the Going Merry sailing on despite being in no condition to, or how the minks allowed themselves to be tortured, or how Rouge literally killed herself to bring Ace into the world. It doesn't even cover the more subtle sacrifices like Usopp lying that there was no pirates so that his village wouldn't have to be afraid, or even Luffy's hunger strike.
There are countless sacrifices within this series that I don't think I could ever really hope of covering them all, unless I were to spend several hours that I don't have on them. But one thing is certain about every single one of them; they are displays of love. I mean, who else do you make sacrifices for, if not for someone you love.
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✧unyielding pillar, fleeting mist✧
i. molten amber amidst that which concealed a heart too gentle for a war-torn world.
[ previous ll masterlist ll next ]
pairing: morax x f!reader synopsis: a story of a human female from Earth, who was thrown into the world of Teyvat during one of its most dangerous era. despite being bestowed with a power far stronger than any Teyvat mortal could wield, y/n decided to use her gift of mist to hide away from the burning and bloodied war-filled world. but, what will she do when Morax, the warrior god, one of the seven victors of the archon war and future geo archon waltzed into her mist-concealed island, that she had hidden away from the inhabitants of Teyvat for decades? author’s note: i wrote this in a rush and also, in a sleep-deprived state. rips anyways, it’s been almost a decade since i last publicly post a fanfic. if there’s any warning or tags i should have added, do let me know.
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On fog shrouded island — hidden from the eyes of the rest of Teyvat, two figures ran through a field of ice flowers.
“This way, Lady y/n!!! Lady Seiran is with the outsiders at this very moment!!” a young man declared, his voice laced with panic as he led the divine priestess of the island.
“What do they look like?” y/n questioned, her voice laced with worry — her chest heaved heavily as an anxious feeling grew within her.
“I apologise, my lady. I could not see their faces. They were hooded.”
For almost a century, she has protected and guided the people of this island but, never had an outsider set foot in this sanctuary. The fog that surrounded the island had always managed to ward off beings — mortals and even immortals.
‘Then, how in the world did they manage to see through the mist?! Who are they?! What did I wrote in the contingency plans for this situation?!’ y/n screamed inwardly.
The people of the village were not trained fighters. Yes, her right-hand man was gifted with a hydro vision and they could defend themselves against wild beasts and perhaps against other mortals with vision but, not against gods.
Even if one of them has a vision and another, the ability to manipulate mist, what could a group of regular villagers do against gods — who could literally one shot a mere human if they so want to?
Many decades ago, she was blessed with the power of mist — in the form of a pawn-shaped chess piece filled with swirling mist. With those powers, she promised to keep these people of the village safe and away from the upcoming war.
These people who took her in saving her from drowning in the sea when she was strangely thrown into the world of Teyvat — the very world she had always wanted to see and experience.
Yet, this was not what she had wished for.
The world she was in right now felt both familiar yet, different from the one in the game — where she had spent countless hours wandering and travelling.
It took her awhile to discovered why it felt different. Despite indeed being in Teyvat, she was centuries ahead of the time she knew so well — hundreds of years before the time of peace. An era, when war and bloodshed were rampant throughout Teyvat.
Y/n knew all too well the outcome of this particular war but, the very thought of being involved in the war of gods filled her with dread and terror. Countless sleepless nights spent worrying about everyone’s safety and countless more planning on ways to keep everyone from the cruelty of war.
At times, y/n questioned what even was her purpose here in Teyvat? Does Celestia have a customer support page, where she can ask why did she even get a gnosis?? Isn’t that something the Archons get after they win the goddamn Archon War??? Then, why??
Was it her protectiveness over the villagers?? Or was it her desperation over not wanting to die or killed brutally in a war? Or is she perhaps a pawn, like the very chess piece she received?
If so, then damn it. They're really not hiding the fact that she's just thrown there as a form of entertainment. Will she even be able to return to her world? Does she even want to return? Despite being thrown in there at a dangerous time, she had always wanted to be in Teyvat.
After decades of having those questions constantly plaguing her mind, she decided to give up on finding an answer.
As y/n and her male companion approached the centre of the main community area, she couldn’t help but, winced at the sight of the stone statue of her as the divine priestess.
Despite always telling the villagers to treat her like a friend or even family, imagine the shock when she left her residence and saw a statue of her — though she’s thankful that statue has her face covered with a veil.
With each step she took toward the statue, the outlines of three figures became clearer. A female person, dressed in the traditional priestess garb — Seiran, one of her close friends and confidants. The two figures facing Seiran, were dressed in robes — their faces hidden behind their hoods.
Activating her elemental sight, y/n could see two elemental pulses, one of hydro and geo. The hydro energy was undeniably strong but, the intensity of the golden waves emanating from the other figure — whose form and robes seemed particularly familiar to y/n — made her stomach turn.
Y/n paused as she realized that the geo energy did not come from just any god but, rather the one god — whom she hoped to never encounter during her who-knows-how-long-and-for-what-purpose stay in Teyvat.
The geo insignia on the back of the robe only proved to confirm her suspicions, and before she knew it, his name escaped her lips in a whisper.
E/c eyes widened in disbelief at her own actions, while her hands hastily covered her mouth. Y/n prayed to whichever Celestia gods who threw her into this world — that it was not loud enough to be heard by anyone especially him.
Unfortunately for y/n, her soft whispers did not go unheard. Not only was it picked up by the young man standing next to her but, it was also carried by the wind to the person — whose very name she had just whispered.
Morax. Lord of Geo. The Warrior God. And, the future Geo Archon.
Y/n panicked and inwardly cursed herself for her carelessness while being bombarded with questions by the person next to her.
But, everything around her came to a halt when golden ambers locked onto hers.
amber gems that gleam a brilliant gold, hidden umber locks flowing in the icy breeze; after all i did to protect all those i care for, why does my heart waver in your presence?
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musashi · 6 months
very sorry if youre getting this twice my wifi lost connection the first time i hit send so im asking again in case didnt get through. its a relief to see you say writers block is just a state of mind issue! do you have any advice for people who are still stuck in it to stop being that way? what part of my thinking has to change to get better? and this has nothing to do with the topic but thank you for being one of the few mayomei sickfic writers in western fandom! finally some good fucking food
honestly its a hard thing to advise because i quite literally just brute force 90% of things in my life out of spite. but i think just internalizing it is a good first step?
like. writer's block is. how do i phrase this. it's just a term we have invented for feeling "stuck." which can be useful, except... it has now kind of taken on a life of its own, where people kind of talk about it as if it is... a condition? something that you can "come down with" so to speak. but in reality all it means is that you are stuck. something isn't working.
why are you stuck?
that's the thing to figure out. some people get stuck by many things. some people are only ever stuck via one thing. but when you chalk it up to "writer's block" what you are basically doing is giving yourself an excuse to not examine it further. you are saying to yourself, well, it's writer's block, hopefully it passes soon. and you are taking away the agency from yourself to help it pass, giving yourself over to the whim of it. you are relenting.
i am bad at relenting.
this goes hand in hand with the other thing that annoys me to hear people talk about--"inspiration." a lot of writers consider this to be an opposite of writer's block, so to speak. sometimes its inspiration, sometimes its motivation, but much like with writer's block, they consider it this kinda nebulous cloud that settles over them and oh! suddenly they can create!
this, again, takes away the writer's agency. they are simply at the behest of writer's block and its opposite, motivation. internalizing this mindset pretty much guarantees that your output will stagger. that terrifies me. the idea that i must go long swaths of time waiting to feel "inspired" or "motivated" sounds like hell. writing, creating, making something is what keeps me alive, and i think if i stopped i'd die.
so, once again i reiterate: what writer's block is, is a writer being stuck. the writer needs to unpack why they are stuck. instead of just saying 'oh lol its writer's block' and leaving it at that.
for me, what i thought was "writer's block" was actually perfectionism and a dissatisfaction with how the story looked in my head vs how it came across on paper. i felt the words i was putting on the page did not match the story i wanted to tell, and i would lock up and feel foggy and uninspired. but when i did that, i was angry, because it felt like giving up, and i fucking hate giving up. i hate failing even more than i hate being stumbling and imperfect.
more than that, i was writing nothing. i came to a conclusion: as i grew as a writer, my standards would shift and change. therefore, there will never exist a timeline where i am 100% satisfied and proud of everything i've ever written. furthermore, this paralytic fear of not telling the story i wanted to tell meant i wasn't telling a story at all. i was setting myself up to fail regardless, so i may as well tell a story while i do it.
the choice came down to, write hundreds of shitty words that were not up to my own (impossible) standard, or write nothing and hope and pray that one day i feel "inspired" enough to get the story in my head out. from a purely logistical standpoint, i think anyone can see which outcome is favourable.
and then i wrote stuff. and, uh, it turns out literally no one feels the same about my writing as i do. i think it sucks shit but everyone else LOVES it and thinks its top tier. which, again, just logically that tells me that my opinion is biased--i'm sitting with the story all day, so it looks predictable and uninspired to me. but no one else has that viewpoint. everyone else is just eating that shit like candy. again, just logistically, this makes it a lot easier to talk down the voice in my head that says i'm not making good enough art. i can just give it a chocolate candy and be like, calm down, little thing. clearly i am.
so to loop it back around: writer's block is just a term people use as a crutch to avoid examining why they feel unable to write. i personally found that saying instead what i am actually struggling with literally instead of chalking it up to some nebulous affliction made me a much more productive writer. i have a general word count i want to make every day and regardless of how i'm feeling i try my best to hit it. and thats why i can just write 45645645 fics all the time like it's nothing.
anyways THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will write mayomei forever if people keep talking to me abt it. they are so precious to me
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Why people think I ship Kirk/Spock:
*H0rny thirst*
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Why I actually ship Kirk/Spock:
Mutual support, respect, admiration, trust, love, slow burn, best friend turned love of your life, ultimate sacrifice, the depth of loyalty, being the most important to each other, showing our differences and vulnerabilities are strengths instead of weaknesses, depending on others isn't wrong, willingness to connect, "let me help" . . .
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Soulmates, t'hy'la, found family, lgbt+ representation, domestic bliss at least for a few years for two people who really f**in' earned it . . . 
Both guys not ending up canonically sad and lonely as they grow older bc they never really "settle” long term with anyone else besides each other.
Like what did you genuinely want us to do with that, like -- our boys deserve to be happy and they mutually love each other so much. 
Heck yeah, I love the idea of the two of them growing older together while still being in love and best friends.
Having adventures, solving problems and writing history all over the universe together.
Having a stellar time doing it because being next to each other is their favourite place to be; on a Starship, being the best team ever. It's beautiful.
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Another very important reason why this fandom and K/S has been a safe place to land for me as a member of LGBT+:
My connection to Star Trek started through my family, but I loved it because it offered me a glimpse at the kind of world that I'd like to live in; more accurately, the world I was desperate to live in. 
The world I was raised in was bitterly cruel and violent to LGBT+ folks like myself. I visited far too many friends in the ICU, unrecognizably beaten after a gay hate crime, than I ever should have had to --  especially in my young life before the age of 20. Those are images and ugly moments burned into my memory that will haunt me until I die. People talk about how pro-LGBT things are these days, and sure, things are certainly better; but I think too many people have swiftly forgotten how dire things were for us even those short years ago, even now. 
Gene Roddenberry did something for me at that time when I was so bitterly lonely, conflicted about identity, and self-resentful in my life; I had genuinely considered ending it more than once. But TMP novel did something so huge for me back then when I was so turbulent and alone in the tiniest way possible.
I read TMP novel in high school; actually reading something that even remotely resembled a bisexual character when I first read this line from Jim Kirk in TMP novel was such a game changer for me at that time:
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That small sentence might be next to nothing for some people, but that was huge for me. So huge that I don't think Gene Roddenberry might have ever considered how big that it could be for some isolated, lonely kid out there reading it.  
I cried my heart out in my room stuck on that page when I first read it, because it really shook my soul. It was proof that at some point in time, someone out there had been brave enough to express the kind of feelings that I so fiercely hid in my mind.
That might sound really pathetic to the people reading this, but you have to understand how positively starved a person can be for commiseration or empathy when you are on the outside looking in constantly.
It is part of why I have always related to Spock so fiercely; that sense of belonging nowhere, being "weird", of not quite fitting in or meeting expectations -- and constantly being reminded of it.
All those moments growing up when you look around yourself seeking validation as a child and teen, looking for like minded people or kin; I looked around and found myself reflected literally nowhere.
It's like that metaphorical hand suspended in the air, waiting for a high five, and not one single, solitary person meets you halfway. Not one crumb of validation.
Then everyone around you makes you feel like you're weird and wrong and malfunctioning and not supposed to think that way and just be quiet and don't talk about it ever. Just be "normal." 
I was so damn lonely. And scared.
Nobody around me thought or felt like me. I was raised in a strict Pentecost upbringing. Everything to do with LGBT+ was unequivocally off the table.
If I tried to even tentatively broach the subject of bisexuality with folks, most people would respond with revulsion; as if it were some perverted, weird sex kink. When like everybody else, I simply hoped to be loved someday for exactly who I was. Plain and simple.
I was a closeted bisexual teen living in the bible belt. It was a sheltered, oppressive existence for anyone, but especially for someone who identified as LGBT+. 
 Sad as it might be, this was the closest thing I'd ever gotten in my life thus far to bisexual representation or validation. It was the first example I remember seeing in any of the stories that I loved growing up. Up to that point, I hadn't heard or seen anyone else in the world express exactly how I felt inside anywhere. Until James T. Kirk.
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So forgive me if I somehow hurt or upset other fans when I read it through my own lens in my desperation to feel seen or understood. What other way can we look at the world and it's many stories, after all, other than through our own eyes?
To be quite frank, those few little ambiguous words from Jim Kirk in that footnote of that dusty old 1979 1st edition Star Trek: The Motion Picture novel that I still have on my bookshelf all these years later?
That tiny little sentence absolutely rocked my bisexual f**king world in high school.
That one tiny sentence meant so much to me. I re-read that page so many times. I even stuck a bookmark in the page and I’d pop it open after yet another long, shitty day of being harassed, chased, or called a "f@g".
Call it pathetic, but I’d feel a little sear of camaraderie in my angry, lonely existence. 'At least Jim Kirk has my back, f**k those guys". And it made me feel a tiny bit less alone in this giant universe.
I can still recite it word for word. I used to read it over and over again, just to have that giddy feeling in my heart of: "Oh God, what a relief. There it is. There I am. Someone else out there wrote down exactly how I feel inside. It's right there in this book. It's a real thing that exists somewhere outside my head."
For the first time in my life, I saw something even remotely like myself represented somewhere, and I found that in Jim Kirk.
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Some people might call that "a reach".
By all means, go ahead.
But do that bearing in mind the kind of reality that people like myself contended with when you get “upset” that we might be “queer washing” your character by pushing for representation:
- Homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in the DSM5 until 1974.
- Anti-sodomy laws were not considered unconstitutional until 2003 in the US (as in you could legally get arrested/charged for engaging in homosexual acts up to that time).
- The Netherlands was the 1st country to legalize gay marriage and that was only as recently as 2001. Canada legalized gay marriage in 2005. The US did not legalize gay marriage until 2015 and they are currently gunning to take that right away again. 
*It is important to note that the definition of spouse only included same-sex partners only starting in 2013; that means that if a person was dying in the ICU, you were prohibited from visiting them unless you were legal family. For decades right up until 2013, your right to visit your lover if either of you were on your deathbed was revoked on the basis that you were not married -- and that right was not even offered to LGBT+ folks till 2001.*
So, yeah.
Maybe it is "a reach" through your privileged lens, having all the representation in the world at your disposal if you identify as straight - I mean, God forbid we might like a scattered one or two on our team.
But it is also very hard to secure legitimate representation when the society and culture you grow up in tells you that you should not exist in the first place.
Not only demands that you shouldn't exist, but legally persecutes you for it or forces you into cruel, inhuman religious conversion therapy simply for existing. For trying to love someone else honestly.
So pardon me for being absolutely starved for even the slightest hint of a vapour that resembled representation during a time period when I was asked (moreso ordered) not to exist and barely wanted to as a product of it.
God forbid that my seeing potential bisexuality in Jim Kirk might actually put you off of your Star Trek chowder because "eeeewww, bisexual Jim" . . . how very selfish of me. /s
But sure . . . y'know.
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I'm just mindlessly "h0rny", and all that.
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open-at-the-close · 4 months
Initial thoughts after reading HOFAS
There is a shit ton of information in this book and I had a lot of feelings and I'm sure I forgot plenty of things throughout the 800+ pages, but here's a start.
First things first: all hail motherfucking Ruhn. Ruhn is hands down, without a doubt, my favorite character ever written by sjm. Honestly, he's my favorite character ever written by anyone at this point. He is the absolute best, kindest, best brother and friend anyone could ever ask for. There were moments that I feared for his life. I thought I was going to throw up when Baxian bit off his fucking hand, and when the prince of hel said he was selected as the one to die I vowed to never read another sjm book if he didn't make it. Phew, glad we dodged that one guys because I don't know if I could have upheld that claim. But seriously, this book only made me love him more and I'm thrilled at his happy ending.
On that note, basically everyone made it through this book. I mean yeah, Cormac sacrificed himself and that was sad, and jessiba traded her life, but I mean she had 15 thousand years. Everyone I care about and their friends and family made it. I am shocked. I fully expected Tharion, Baxian, maybe Ithan, or either Flynn or Declan to die. And I was bracing myself for the heartache, but they literally all survived.
Speaking of Ithan...what the hell even was that? His storyline is so strange and roundabout to me. I already thought it was weird and unnecessary that they through him loving Bryce into CC2, then he gets offered a spot as alpha, doesn't want it.. saves the mystic wolf, fucking kills her.. tried to bring her back, turns her into a reaper.. still tries to get people to follow her, even though he doesn't want the Fendrys to lead anymore and basically everyone is hinting for him to just do it himself, but no, he doesn't want to lead...and then poof he's not just an alpha he's the fucking prime. Okay pup. I like his character, sort of, but that storyline is weird.
Where the hell was the dragon the whole book? I assume Tharion's book will be the next one and we'll get some answers on that.
Speaking of my poor little Mer. His life is depressing as hell in this book. I fully didn't expect him to make it because, man he just kept taking losses. Here's to hoping he gets a better story in the next one.
I wanted more from the world merging. I loved Az and Nesta being Az and Nesta, and I loved this book, but I was annoyed with Bryce for her entire trip there and she kept making stupid decisions that led to her being on terrible terms with them and I didn't like that. I do appreciate that her and nesta ended on better terms though.
I feel like they just casually glossed over the fact that Rhysand and Bryce are basically distant cousins. He is a descendant of one sister and Bryce is a descendant of another, and that wasn't addressed at all. Neither was the fact that Ruhn looks just like Rhysand. Maybe I'm being greedy about the world collision, but I just wanted moreee.
Speaking of world colliding if we don't get a TOG spin off out of this she is just being cruel. The shifter world. Urd = wyrd. The drawings in the caves. Lidia's son is literally named after Brannon! I mean come on. Give me the unfinished stories of TOG.
I'm sure there is more I want to say, but that's all that is coming to me at the moment. Also, in case it wasn't clear, I really really loved this book.
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assburgerz · 3 months
HII I LITERALLY LOVE your page so much,, I find the rarepair Xara x Ellegaard so original but well working . so sorry if this has been asked before, but what makes you think this rarepair work so well?? I’d love to hear
oh my goddd this means so much to me, thank you!! <3 I’ve actually never been asked this question before, and i’m more than happy to answer anything xaragaard related!
I don’t even remember the pinpoint reason i started liking the ship, but a big inspiration (and probably the pinpoint inspiration actually but i’m too chicken to admit it) was probably this one animated video i found on youtube a few years ago by bluegirlstarlette that was like “omg what if xara and ellegaard met”
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i don’t even think i watched this video at first, i just looked at the thumbnail and something clicked in my 14 year old lesbian brain and i thought “wow they would be a cool couple actually”. Which is funny because not only in this video, but with every single mention of Xara and Ellegaard, everyone seems to have the same opinion of “oh they’re related somehow because they sound and look the same/they both work with redstone” which i always have the strong urge to shut down immediately but hhhfjdhdjdj that’s a whole other can of worms i don’t feel like opening. To me, they’re wives and that’s that.
I’m not exactly sure what drew me to the idea of Xara and Ellegaard as a couple in the first place. I would say it was because they’re such different people and i’m a sucker for polar opposite couples that compliment each other, but they’re only different on a surface level if you don’t think too hard about it. Ellegaard is a stable, hardworking, and sometimes arrogant genius who is able to run an entire town while also working on insane projects. meanwhile Xara is fresh out of prison, and is very bitter and aggressive. not a very stable woman, but she’s very smart when she wants to be. her stubbornness just gets the better of her sometimes. put these two together? absolute perfection! Ellie is able to ground Xara and teach her that she is more than her emotions, and Xara teaches Ellie that she can relax every now and then and that there’s more to life than just working yourself to death.
Like i said, they seem like (and pretty much are) polar opposites, but they have a lot more in common if you look just a bit deeper. below the iceberg, you’ll find that besides practicing redstone, they’re both just two introverted older women who get too caught up in their own heads sometimes. They prefer to do things themselves instead of letting other people get in the way and making things more complicated. They’ve both encountered the dreadful experience of having friends drift apart first hand. They’ve both seen a close friend die in front of them. It’s all there.
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The idea of Xara and Ellegaard finding each other and being given a second chance at life in their middle ages, slowly learning how to love themselves again by loving each other, being able to heal one day at a time from all they’ve been through as long as they live those days out together, that’s what i think makes xaragaard work so well. they can find comfort in familiarity, and become better people because of it. if not for everyone else, then for each other.
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thank you so so much for letting me dump all of this on you op, i really appreciate your interest!! i just get so excited when i find people that have the same love for xaragaard that i do since they’re such a rare topic. Much love! :D 💕💕
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Inviting controversy by asking a controversial question which you may feel free to ignore but. Thoughts on Karen Traviss' Star Wars books, from the old EU? I assume you've got Opinions
I'll probably forget to include everything, but I've gone on an hour long Rant before and I'll do it again lmao
Okay, so the good. There is good in these books and I'll drag it out with teeth and claws if I have to.
I love Kal Skirata. You can crucify me for that if you want to, but as a daddy issues having bitch, I want him to be my dad. He's a wonderfully flawed character, and he owns up to those flaws. He's made mistakes and he's grown and he knows he isn't perfect but by god, he'll try for his boys. He fights tooth and nail to protect them from what he can, and what he can't, he'll go through hell with them (literally, I can't remember the exact wording, but it's said in Hard Contact I believe, that any training he puts his men through, he does it himself first). He's overprotective because there's so much he can't protect them from, and it's clear that he loves them with all his heart.
The clone and GAR and Mando culture building. This is a grayer area for me because there is a lot of internalized bullshit KT is dealing with that I'll talk about later, but! We wouldn't have nearly the background we do for these cultures without her books. I love most of what she did with it, from the military worldbuilding to the Mandalorian culture and the different facets of it we see through the eyes of different characters. And the language! Mando'a isn't a heavily developed conlang, but the tools are there, and it makes sense within the world. And we have music! We have songs.
I love the characters. There are gray areas, no one is perfect, and they all get down and dirty when things call for it. They love each other deeply and make good and bad decisions, they're realistic. The relationships are tender and gentle, and I love the interactions between everyone, the loyalty and the devotion, and the overarching feeling of grief because we know how this ends.
The clones! I love them! They are wonderful and well developed, and I love hearing their thoughts on everything, and their bond with one another and those around them. I'm not coherent about this one because I think about them for five seconds and start making high pitched noises like an overexcited dog.
The descriptions are so deliciously visceral, and I love reading them.
The bad:
Another unpopular opinion: I loathe Vau. Hate him utterly. He's a good character but a deeply horrible man, and this might be my trauma talking but it's my opinion and I'll die on this goddamn hill. He's verbally and physically abusive, and sees absolutely no consequences (or even reproach) for it in the narrative, aside from Kal breaking his nose, and he deserved so much worse than that.
The misogyny. Oh, Karen honey. That internalized misogyny got you good, huh? The blatant way she treats Etain and Besany through the mouths of other characters is... oof. There's a little bit of reversal, but it's still pretty bad. Even though they're "not like other girls," it's pretty obvious that Karen has a lot of issues with womanhood. It was the 2000s, so I'll let some of it be with the caveat that the 2000s were pretty damn misogynistic in general, but goddamn. Also, on that note, she seems to be fighting herself on whether Mandos have a gender neutral society or not? Like, she'll say on one page that there's no difference between men and women, and then go on to say that men go out and fight but women stay to guard the home and raise the kids. I am putting my head in my hands.
On a related note, Karen is the Jedi who hurt you in the room with us right now? Why do you hate the Jedi so damn much? It doesn't make any sense in the story and it doesn't make sense on a metatextual level. Bro, are you good?
Anyway! Yes! I have many opinions about this book series and I'm sure I forgot to cover everything! Please feel free to ask more questions!
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axailslink · 1 year
Riri Williams/ Ironheart x poc FEM reader
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Summary: Riri finds you drawing for your Ironheart page and corrects you on some things like her height in the suit.
Updating your blog and lying to your mother is probably one of the most common things you do throughout the week. Attending MIT should be like fitting yourself to the puzzle to finish it but it's not no matter what class you attend you don't feel as smart as the other students. Especially the one and only Riri Williams a literal child genius everyone knows her story. Well the public part of her story. At the age of five people wanted her to go to college five. Lucky fuck. You are what you'd call borderline smart your mother pushes you to be your best so she wouldn't just let you go to some border line best college of course not. You applied for MIT and surprisingly enough you were accepted so here you are doing what you do best lying to your mother and updating your blog about the all famous Ironheart. You saw her once a while back and now you may have a bit of an obsession you love seeing the new things she's added to her suit and writing about them or what they appear to be made from. Your page has gotten so popular that there's a demand for certain things as of right now you're trying to find out Ironheart's height let's just say basic math from middle school is not helping you. "Mom yes I love it here yes my studies are fine yes I'm staying on top of my work you know this." You hang up and someone picks your phone up causing you to glance over.
"You're not a good liar" you come face to face with Riri who's a regular at the current coffee shop you're in "well she doesn't need to know all of my business" Riri nods understanding "can I sit or you don't want me all up in your business either?" You smile and grab your phone gently from her hand and pull out the chair next to you "sit." Riri does as told and glances over at your laptop. "What are you actually working on? Because today's lecture from Livingston wasn't all that hard to grasp" and there it is she doesn't mean to do it but she knows she's smarter than everyone in the room and it's fucking annoying. "Yeah it's not that I'm working on journalism. What I really want to do" Riri nods and mentions "yes you go to a school based around technology?" You suck your teeth kind of annoyed she pointed that out but you nod slowly "she says my smarts are beyond journalism and she's right but I want to do journalism." Riri nods slowly "well let's see what you got going on this page what are we looking at?" You turn your laptop and show her the picture of Ironheart where she's stooped down to the ground maybe just a bit above it in front of a door "I'm trying to determine her height though blurred in most photos I've been able to determine that she is a "her" well she may not be female presenting but she has breasts so..." Riri glances at you and nods "she's moving so fast half of the time and you found that out how exactly?" "I'm good with a camera and the way she wears her braids straight backs sometimes but other times they're in these like buns in the back. For a moment you glance at Riri's hair "kind of like yours..." Riri is quick to let the topic die down scrolling through your page.
Riri continues to scroll until she gets a picture of Ironheart standing next to a woman and door "when was this?" You open your journal and read "a month ago she helped this woman who was about to get shot." Riri glances at the door then the cafe door "what height do you think she is?" You shrug "in suit maybe like 6 foot" Riri shakes her head "no I don't think so you're probably making that measurement by the woman next to her but she's really just tiny the average door is like 6 foot right meaning if she were six foot you would be able to tell in this photo. I think she's 5'9 in the suit." You take a look at the photo and the door and Riri's right "well I mean I didn't think of measuring her by the door." Riri nods "so I may be a bit of an Ironheart fanatic myself I do have to ask which suit do you like better?" You smile upon hearing this question because she doesn't know it but she's just got herself in for one hell of a conversation. "The old one obviously the new one makes her look like some glossified power ranger no hate to it at all but it's not her it's not raw. The old one may have had it's problems like the lack of oxygen when she got too high bu-" Riri's all too interested now as your ramble but she finds herself interrupting "lack of oxygen how did you know that?" You mumble upon realizing that Riri unlike anyone else you've told about this little obsession is actually intent on listening "there was a raid at a garage people were talking about it for like months I wasn't out so I didn't see much footage for myself but when she was flying her suit shut off and she started going head first into the water. That had to be the only explanation though because her suit may be a little rusty but it's never shut off and the one time she goes higher than she ever does it completely shuts off almost leading her to her death. That's crazy." Riri nods smiling at you.
"I'm sorry I'm probably rambling" she shakes her head no "absolutely not I've got all day so tell me what you think about that heart she sports?" You smile and shake your head "I mean what's the significance? Maybe she just wants to show it's her work for a while it was hard to convince folks it wasn't ironman. Plus let's be honest her suit obviously takes inspiration from his but it's not as advanced." Riri laughs so loudly you're looking around wondering if anyone else is watching "not as advanced? The new suit though? Not as advanced?"
You and Riri engage in conversation for so long you forget about your lecture which she insists to walk you to even though you've kept her from most of her day. When you arrive in front of the door Riri lingers for a moment "uhm I enjoyed talking to you today I'd like to do it again I mean if you're down of course." You nod completely oblivious to her glancing at you up and down "I mean like I want to take you on a date." You choke on the air and look around to see if anyone else just saw you practically jump out of your skin at this confession. "You want to date me?" She nods "I mean only if you want to date me maybe I was reading the room wrong maybe I was imagining the vibe if so that's cool you ain't got to date me we can be f-" you grab her face a plant a kiss on her cheek Riri's face immediately brightens her eyes widen and and she smiles so large it's almost dumb witted. "Okay so you're interested?" You nod as your hands gently slide from her face and you smile shyly "I have a lecture to go to but maybe catch me some other time?" Riri nods and watches as you walk into the class something about that walk has her kicking her feet in her mind.
The professor looks at Riri who's just lingering outside of his classroom watching you with wondering eyes.
A/n: sorry for the lack of fics drill is honestly getting tiring today we did a lot I went in at seven and it didn't end until 4 so trust me I'm tired. Very unedited by the way posting this before I go to drill today.
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twinsunstars · 9 months
Thoughts on Ahsoka Episode 5 - Shadow Warrior - A Discussion Post
Episode 5 of Ahsoka was truly an emotional rollercoaster. There were so many surprises and details that everyone just could not miss. Filoni truly fed us with content, and we love getting to see some touching moments. Buckle up and let's talk about it!
(all screencaps from Ahsoka are from cap-that.com! https://www.cap-that.com/starwars/ahsoka/105/index.php?page=4)
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Let's start with the one and only Anakin Skywalker. With Hayden Christensen reprising his role, he comes to Ahsoka in the version she grew up seeing: her master. Anakin states that he wants to complete Ahsoka's training, and they engage in a lightsaber duel that gets intense with every step.
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Whenever he said "Live... or die", my mind had flashbacks to when he had said in Rebels, "Then you will die." My head just kept going to it and I had chills.
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Ahsoka falls from the World Between Worlds into a flashback of the Clone Wars, reliving the battle. Ariana Greenblatt, who played young Gamora in Avengers: Infinity War, the little sister in Stuck in the Middle, and was recently in the Barbie movie, plays young Ahsoka, which I find amazing. She really captured how young Ahsoka was during the war and her emotions towards everything around her.
Seeing the Clone Wars scenes made me feel like I was the young high school girl during the pandemic again who had just recently discovered Star Wars and had quickly watched all of Clone Wars to catch up to Season 7 and see every masterpiece of the show. This was such an exciting moment for all of us fans. Hayden nails the Clone Wars Anakin with his outfit and his movements.
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Ahsoka sits beside an injured clone, putting her hand on his. The clone gently holds her hand, right before he falls to his death. Ahsoka's emotions take over her as she begins to cry, grieving. These scenes truly show how young she was; she was just a child forced into a war that has to be fought. Greenblatt's portrayal of Ahsoka nails the spot on these details.
We also got to see the Siege of Mandalore in live action, which has become one of the best Clone Wars arcs. Anakin steps into the scene, getting to see the Siege of Mandalore for the first time with his own eyes. I will never get over the way that the two are standing together, it's literally the same shot from Season 7 of Clone Wars.
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One of the most brilliant surprises in the episode was getting to see Captain Rex. LIKE LOOK AT HIM!! The king only had a few lines and a few shots, but he slayed as usual. We could hear Temuera Morrison's voice under the helmet, which got my excitement up. I'm so glad he voiced Rex and we got to see him in live action. (Now where is Rex during the present in Ahsoka???)
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Back to the present above the water. Hera had found Huyang, who stands near the cliff, holding Sabine's Mandalorian helmet. He wished that they stayed together, and is sad now that they are apart and who knows where.
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Jacen was truly adorable this episode. He hung out with Chopper and Hera the whole episode, and when he was playing with Chopper, the sight was so cute. Jacen listens to the waves, eventually hearing the lightsabers clash between Ahsoka and Anakin. The Force truly thrives through this kid, and Kanan would be so proud. Also, the fact that Kanan was mentioned this episode shattered my heart. Huyang is forced to take Jacen aboard the ship for "a tour", the kid's interests peaked about the Jedi. He asks Huyang if he can be trained, which he straightforward says "No", which I found funny.
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Returning to the flashbacks, Ahsoka kept on seeing Anakin turn into Vader between quick shots that flashed with each burst of light. The sight that scares us all. When Anakin turned into Vader during the Siege of Mandalore scene, the way his voice changed sent chills down my spine. If I looked at an image from that part, I could hear his voice.
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As Ahsoka fights the Vader side of Anakin who eventually appeared back in the World Between Worlds, she manages to get ahold of his lightsaber. The red blade glows under her face, and her eyes slowly turned into those red-yellow Sith eyes, just like Anakin's. Anakin sees his padawan as a Sith briefly right before the blade extinguishes. Everything eventually turns back to the calm normal. Ahsoka bids farewell to her master before falling back into the water.
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After Hera and the crew rescued Ahsoka from the water, we got a hug between Jacen and Ahsoka, which was adorable. Ahsoka has now begun wearing white, which I feel like is definitely symbolic of something. The white outfit reminds me of the one she wore in the Rebels finale, even if it's not exactly it.
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With the New Republic after their tails, Hera talks to Mon Mothma about the situation, who unfortunately can't do anything about it. Senator Organa was also mentioned, which means our girl Leia was trying her best to hold on for Hera. Hera, the rebel she is, goes with her own plans anyway.
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The purgills were the ones who took Ezra and Thrawn away into a whole other galaxy, so how do we try to find them? Follow the purgills! Ahsoka (with Huyang) follows the purgills (and actually goes inside one... yeah she's Anakin's padawan with that plan). Both are ready to go with the purgills to find Sabine, and hopefully find Ezra.
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Jacen watches the purgills while sitting in the Ghost, talking to his mom about the stories regarding the purgills that took away Ezra and the "bad guys". I'm so glad Jacen knows about Ezra, even if it has to be through stories. The day the two meet will be such a joyous occassion. Even though Hera won't go with, she hopes that they return safely with Sabine and (praying) Ezra.
There's only three episodes left now, and I just know even more chaos is about to ensue. Ezra and Thrawn should definitely be making appearances very soon, which is going to be so fun. There was more focus on Ahsoka this episode rather than Sabine, and I loved the directions it went in. Filoni really gave us fans all the emotions and incredible shots, and he is still responsible for my therapy. I feel like next episode will definitely be much more of a rollercoaster, and here's to manifesting again that Ezra (and Thrawn) will show up soon.
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cursedvibes · 3 months
When it comes to the Shinjuku fight it kinda reminds me of how I felt reading Madara during the 4th Shinobi War Arc. Where it’s like “Well I’m not mad that Madara is strong, that he keeps getting stronger, I just wish the battle was better paced and that Madara was better set up.” same with Kaguya.
Also I’ve noticed that the reading comprehension in this community is straight ass. People seem to not really care about the narrative outside of the main main characters. People are willing to overlook flaws in the main characters writing but will be very loud and it flaws outside of them. Vice versa, people are fine with the rest of the narrative being sacrificed if it means an exciting moment featuring their favorite character (cough Gojo cough).
It’s behavior similar to what I see in idol or band communities, which boggles my mind because JJK is a story. And should be read and analyzed like a story, not an idol group or gacha game.
It does feel quite similar to the 4th Shinobi war although thankfully not quite as bad. I think we have way too many people running around to the point that they have to come up with dumb reasons for why Angel, Hana and Inumaki can't participate for example, but that's still way better than the thousands of fodder ninja Kishimoto expected us to care about, while making it clear that only a handful of people could handle Madara, Kabuto and Kaguya anyway. Not to mention killing who was very clearly supposed to be the main villain only to introduce a completely new villain, who hasn't even been so much as mentioned up to that point and needed a total reboot of the world building to make sense. Everyone knows the thing that this series about ninjas desperately needed was aliens...
JJK also has the advantage that while Sukuna is insanely strong and the protagonists only slowly chip away at him, overpowering him isn't the goal here. So it isn't like with Naruto, where the main characters have to unlock some new type of cursed energy to beat him or whatever, it is much more an ideologically driven battle, where what really counts is undermining Sukuna's philosophy, which you can do best by not buying into the obsession with strength. The problem is just that Gege is getting a little too caught up in throwing around techniques than tackling what really matters. Kind of similar to the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, although not as bad yet. Having Yuuji involved has definitely improved things. Still, I think you can again feel that Gege is struggling with writing an overpowered character and finding the balance between showing his strength and focusing on the thematic aspects of the story like they manage to do in pretty much every other fight. Again, the foundation is there, but the formulaic structure of the Shinjuku fight is not really helping. Plus you have some unnecessary intermissions like Yorozu dying to give Sukuna a weapon that does nothing and only serves as a get-out-of-jail-free card (seriously what was the point of all that, it had literally 0 zero consequences and only robbed us of a chance at seeing Sukuna in a scenario where he can't rely on his strength).
Agree that there has been unfortunately very little good analysis on these chapters. I don't know how it looks on reddit, but it's getting quite hard to find some good meta on tumblr and twitter on this fight. A lot of commentary I see boils down to either "why can't Sukuna just die already??" and "Gojo has to come back to fix everything, here's a 38 page essay on all the foreshadowing of his return that will happen any day now". I can understand the first point, these people mostly just seem fatigued by the structure of this fight (new character pops up, gets killed/gravely injured by Sukuna, someone else takes their place) and they just want it to be over. The problem is just that killing Sukuna here would for one not make sense for his power level because while it is true that the protagonists have thrown a lot of force at him and tried different strategies, he's clearly not been trying very hard ever since Gojo died (which frustrates me a lot). That has to change first. And also if he died now that would make for a very unsatisfying, premature end of this story. Nothing would be gained with that, no character arc properly resolved. It would hurt especially Sukuna's character because it would mean he really was just a strong big bad with not much motivation besides wanting death and destruction for its own sake, who had to be killed to avoid further danger and go back to status quo. Far too easy and all the setup for Sukuna being a more nuanced character gets cut off. Like I set before, it would be worse than Kenjaku's death, since that at least had meaning and found some kind of end for Kenjaku's character arc. Kenjaku changed, while Sukuna has very firmly been the same this whole time with only a very brief moment of reflection on what he is even doing here. So yeah, more needs to happen before Sukuna can die and first of all he needs to take Yuuji seriously already and be pushed to his limits, challenged. That would vastly improve the tension of the fight as well.
And Gojo coming back is just...I understand wanting your favourite character back, but even if for some reason he was revived, he shouldn't help in the fight. Him overpowering Sukuna would mean exactly nothing, contradict the whole message of the story and also means the characters regress to letting Gojo solve everything again and direct their decisions after what he wants. That's why it was so important for Gojo to die or get depowered, so the other characters could progress and make real change in the world. He was a necessary stepping stone they had to overcome. He can't defeat Sukuna because he is essentially Sukuna, but in a different, slightly more humane font.
And as for your last point, I don't think it's bad to have a character you really like, are even obsessed with, that's why we have another popularity poll coming up after all. Engaging characters are very important, it's just a problem if people warp the story in their head to revolve around this character and then get seriously upset when the story doesn't follow their headcanon and blame the author for that. I like headcanons, I like writing fanfiction, but you have to differentiate that from what is actually happening in canon and accept that canon plays by different rules. Liking your fanfics more than the actual story is fine too, you just can't mesh these two together and lose sight of what is actually happening in the manga. As long as the story follows its own premises and rules/events it has set up, it is perfectly fine. There is legitimate criticism to make about jjk, I do it plenty, but things like wanting Sukuna dead and Gojo alive and getting mad at Gege for it not happening the way they want are just not it.
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