#look at my grumpy dino boi
loveofbots · 11 months
I love the way you write misfire so much!!!! I think short fin mako! Misfire is literally perfect for him. Like I'm imaging him accidentally getting stuck on the deck of your boat out at sea.
Also my brain is empty only thinking about giving merformer! Misfire an energy drink for the first time. You let him have ONE sip of your monster and he chugs half the can in one gulp and makes it EVERYONES problem.
The first time you meet the captain of the scavengers is because he begged you to "never do what you did again. I don't know what kind of fish you gave him, or special bubbly land water you put in his mouth, but NEVER do it again. He was like a dolphin after playing volleyball with a puffer fish."
((also on the topic of merformers thinking about Megalodon! Grimlock and banana eel!Spinster.))
maybe the scavengers help fight pollution efforts by picking up litter off the bottom of the ocean. That's how the meet reader!!! Who's diving to pick up litter and nets and fish lines.
Misfire, the precious little boy, the ultimate baby girl, thinks reader WANTS these strange items and gives them to them as courting gifts but reader is OBLIVIOUS to his intentions.
He's the orange cat of the ocean.
Anyway I just thought I'd share my thoughts maybe they'd make you laugh or something
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Also I’m questioning if you did this because moray’s look constantly astonished by something
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I like that you gave Grimlock the prehistoric shark! I think Megalodon fits his dino ass well.
Scavengers being scavengers and in the process cleaning up the ocean, what a way to get along well with the reader!! This also may mean they have a little mermaid type of misconception about the land world, thinking forks are combs and stuff like that. Instead of the W.A.P. Being a ship of some sort, it could be like a home cave for them. Also nickel is a shrimp. They are sassy and clean creatures that deserve the world.
Also I’m making Crankcase a stone fish for no other reason than the fact they look like this:
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Grumpy ass mf
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bbuggs · 1 month
do you have any thoughts you're willing to share abt the mutant kiri thing? 👀👉👈
sorry this took forever for me to reply I was either too tired to write anything or I straight up forget this ask is in my inbox
very much loving the idea that some people are born with all their mutant features and others gain them as they age and sometimes its a complete surprise to the person - especially when they start gaining their mutant features in their late teens/early adulthood which is what happens to Kiri.
When he's born he's got those big ol red cat eyes (and yes, they do go all big and round and dark when he's happy/excited but I digress) but other than that he's just a regular ol baby. Then of course he gets his adult teeth which are sharp but other than that he's a regular ol kid.
Skip forward to 15/16 and Kiri starts noticing his nails are growing weirdly and thicker (spoiler alert: claws), plus some of his teeth are starting to grow longer than the others (another spoiler: FANGS)
Then when he's like 18/19 he starts noticing these little bumps growing along the length of his spine, and ends up with very cool and awesome armoured spines from the base of his neck to his lower back (dino boy 😎)
Anyway I just love the idea of Kiri getting to his late teens and suddenly he's got all these mutant features that he had no idea were coming because no one in his family look anything like he does now and he's STRESSING 😭😭 he gets tooth aches from his fangs growing in and he gets grumpy and sulky -- bakugou go comfort your poor bf
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Dieter: Certified DILF
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 833
Summary: Dieter gets a new label in his dad era
Warnings: lots and lots of adorable fluffy goodness, some dirty talk because it is Dieter we’re talking about
Check out masterlist here
If anyone tried to interact with Dieter Bravo several years ago, one would be met with a curt, grumpy reply if lucky. Now, you couldn’t get him to shut up.
His daughter, Clara, was the absolute light of his life, and he would talk to anyone about her, whether they wanted to or not. Everyone got the news when she started crawling, when she could stand one her own and her first steps. Her first words were very important news to anyone and everyone. Her joyous laugher was his ringtone. People would be subjected to watching any video he recently took and the millions of pictures on his phone. Seriously, every conversation seemed to steer towards his baby girl. It would be annoying if Dieter didn’t look so adorably happy as a proud father. The change from sullen grouch to smiling goofball was a welcome change.
You were on your way home with some interesting news to report to him. You opened the door to quiet in the living room. Normally, you got home in time to find them both having a nap. He’d be lying on the couch while Clara would be cuddled up on top of him. You didn’t blame her; he was very pillow-like. You had one too many photos of them both softly snoring away. You crept towards her bedroom, slowly peering through the door. Your husband and daughter were having a tea party. Seated with them were her Winnie the Pooh and Abby the dinosaur. Dieter was wearing his usual pyjama themed attire along with a pink tutu and sparkly tiara. You secretly took a photo of the adorable tableau as it was too cute not to take one. Clara noticed your arrival and waddled up to you, “Mummy!”
“Hi pumpkin!” you knelt down to greet her in a hug.
“Mummy make monsters?”
“Mummy made lots of monsters today.” You noticed she was equally decked out in her own tutu, green this time, as well as her favourite skeleton onesie. “Are you a skeleton today?”
She nodded her little head, “Daddy princess!”
Said princess followed in a curtsy to greet you home. You ruffled the top of her head. She had her father’s mop of crazy curls, so it was hard to tell if it had been brushed today.
“I should probably get started on dinner.”
“No, I’ll do it, honey cakes,” he kissed the top of your head, “We’ve got enough stuff in the fridge for me to make my Leftovers Enchiladas.”
“La das?” Clara was keen, “We have la das?”
“You don’t mind?”
“You had an early start and cupcake wants mummy time.” Her tight hugs were proof of that, so you left him to it.
“What did you have for lunch today?”
“Dino nuggies!”
“And vegetables,” Dieter intercepted poking his head back, “We had a very balanced meal.”
Clara regaled to you about her day with daddy while you helped her tidy up from her tea party until dinner was ready. You managed to convince her to change out of her skeleton onesie so it wouldn’t get dirty. And you had to remind her that ghosts don’t eat so she couldn’t wear her ghost costume and ghosts wouldn’t want to get enchilada sauce on them as well.
 She wanted a monster story at bedtime, so you read to her and then Dieter sang her bedtime song. It was after all that excitement that you remembered you had something to show your husband. “I have to show you this.” You handed him a magazine Debbie gave you at work. Dieter looked confused as he read the cover.
“Dieter Bravo: former bad-boy, now certified DILF. What’s a DILF?”
“You don’t know?” He shook his head, “It stands for Dad I’d like to…your favourite night-time activity.”
“Really?” he opened the magazine to read further, “Wait, this was when I went to the park. Did they take pictures of our baby?”
“Thankfully not, it’s just you with the pram, or I would’ve gone Predator mode.”
“So I get this new label because I’m now a dad?” you nodded, “Why do they have to add a sex label for everything?”
You took the magazine from him a put it on the bedside table. “I don’t know. Society likes labelling people.”
“Do they do this with every parent?”
“Just the sexy ones.”
“You’re sexy, you’re an M I’d definitely like to…” and then he kissed you, “Because you’re the mother of my child,” he stammered and he kept rambling, “Not because you’re some random mother, I don’t have a mother kink. At all!”
You kissed him to reassure that you understood, and he continued, this time in a sultry tone, “Do you want to go through the rest of the alphabet?” but then he startled, “Oh no. Have I turned the alphabet into dirty talk?”
“I think you have.”
“But we could do K for kissing?”
“I’d like that. And then after K, I’d like to get down to C.”
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @brilliantopposite187 @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @cevans-is-classic
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Eyyo!!! I saw your event and thought it looked really neat, so I decided to send something in! No pressure to do it or anything tho!^^ I have a hc that sometimes when they think Tsukishima is being an especially sassy stick in the mud, or they're just feeling particularly mischievous, Noya and Tanaka will use tickling as a way to cheat and make him laugh at their dumb jokes, so maybe you could do something with that? I hope your day is going well btw!^^ 💖
~~Send Me A Headcanon and I’ll write a dabble for it! ~~
Hey friend! This headcanon was absolutely precious, and it gives me the chance to break out some silly jokes! I've gotcha covered! I hope you're doing well aswell!
“Hey, Tsukishima!”
“Tsukishima, look at us!”
Said man’s brow twitched, and he let out a sigh of frustration at the two idiots yelling for his attention. Earlier he caught a sneak peek of their “act”, the pair hitting Hinata and Kageyama with relentless puns and jokes until the redhead was in tears and the setter was nearly on the ground.
He had no idea what made them laugh so hard- the jokes weren’t even that funny.
“Look over here!”
“Blonde boy!”
“Vanilla wafer!”
“Titan boy!”
“Dino Nugget King!”
“Oh my god WHAT?” Tsukishima finally snapped, turning around to glare-
“GAH!” He squawked upon seeing them within inches of his own face. “Good grief, what do you two want?”
“Someone’s grumpy today!” Tanaka shared a grin with Noya, the pair quickly taking their spots beside the irritated middle blocker. “Shall we tell him our best jokes?”
“But of course! Ready to laugh, Tsukki?”
“If by laugh you mean develop a migraine, then no.” He tried to walk away, but he was quickly intercepted by wiggling fingers. “Gh- No! Stop it!”
“Not until you laugh at our jokes! Ready?” Tanaka grinned. “What do you call someone who confesses to an imposter?”
“A telephony!”
“Shut up-”
“How do you make an octopus laugh?”
“I don’t cahhare-”
Tsukishima wanted the floor to swallow him whole. He could feel the traitorous giggles climbing up his throat, threatening to explode past his thin-pressed lips. The jokes didn’t help; somehow the tickling made them even funnier. It wasn’t long before soft huffs of laughter started pushing past his lips.
“Oh, he’s starting to crack!” Noya cheered, going for the kill as he brought his hands to Tsukishima’s stomach. “Come on, you know you want to laugh!”
“Yeah! Come on Tsukki- admit it’s funny!” Tanaka cheered, catching the other’s wrists and pulling them up and out of the way, giving the smallest member even more spots to tickle.
“Sh-Pfft ahehahahahhahahaha! Coohohoohme ooohohohohon! Dohohohohohn’t!” The giggles won out. Soon he was laughing just as much as the others, their relentless jokes coming at him with each new spot they tickled.
In the end, Tsukishima laughed at every joke- though admittedly it was hard to tell which ones he genuinely found funny.
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bddypsn · 10 months
[HELIOS Rising Heroes] 1st Full Album; Drama Track "Big Brother Audition" — Translation
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[Narrator Junior: Big Brother Audition]
Billy: Next!
Entry number 3 and 4, please enter!
Brad: What is this situation?
Gray: Billy and… Junior?
Billy: Brad-paisen*, Gray! Thank you for accepting my invitation! Come on, come on, sit in that chair over there!
Brad & Gray: Huh?
Billy: Welcome! “Lightning Boy Big Brother Audition”!
Brad & Gray: Big Brother Audition?
Billy: Hosted by me! Billy Wise, East Sector's big brother! Please take good care of me!
Brad: I can't read the story at all. When you asked for permission to use the briefing room, I thought you were just playing games...
Gray: M-me too. I mean, what happened to you, Junior? You look like something bad happened...
Junior: *Grumpy noises*
Billy: Lightning Boy has ve~ry mixed feelings right now… The reason is that his beloved brother is going away for a week!
Gray: What?
Billy: Lightning boy seems to have said "I'll have a good time, brother!". Even though they live apart from each other, it's rare that they can't get in touch for a week. He can't help feeling lonely.
Gray: Is that right, Junior?
Junior: Yeah. I’m holding back like crazy.
Gray: Huh, I can't believe Junior can't stand it, even though he usually would say “that’s not true”. He must really miss him.
Billy: By the way, it’s only been two days since his brother left on his trip.
Gray: What?
Billy: I could see that if we went on like this, we would be in trouble. So, I suggested an audition. The audition to find the perfect big brother to fill Lightning Boys loneliness while his big brother is away.
The participants were also chosen by me, with my own dogma and prejudice. But I also asked Lightning Boy what he wanted to see, and carefully selected the participants.
Brad: So, this is the situation. Since we are number 3 and number 4, you’ve already screened two people?
Billy: Yes! By the way, number 1 and 2 are Mr. Willson and Brother Gust.
Gray: I see, they are two of the representative big brothers of the 13th period. But it wasn’t settled there?
Billy: They both made a great impression on us. They each have their own merits, and they are tied for first place. But before we make a decision, I wanted to invite Brad and Gray to join us as well.
Entry number 3, Brad Beams-paisen.
The only big brother among the mentors, closest to Junior’s brother in age, and number one attention seeker.
Brad: Is… that right?
Junior: My brother is 29, so he's actually close to Keith and Dino too.
Billy: But I thought those two were a little less “brotherly” than Brad-paisen, so I left them out this time.
Brad: I-I see.
Billy: I'd like to ask a lot of questions. There is one first thing you want to know, Lightning Boy?
Junior: Yes… umm, well… can you call me every day?
Brad: …what?
Junior: I call my brother almost every day, we talk about what we say today, and some of our problems. When it comes to replacing my brother, that is the most important thing. Anyway… you can’t get over my real brother anytime soon.
Brad: H-hmm…
Billy: I think this is the best point. Brad-paisen, you must be very busy every day, right? I wonder if he would still have time to chat with you even if he got to the audition.
Brad: Yes, that’s right. If you don’t mind me calling you, when I got all the work done for the day.
Junior: How much is that? I'll be asleep by the time the date changes.
Brad: Sometimes after midnight.
Junior: Eh? Hmmm…
Billy: This is a downhill to Brad-paisen. He seemed like a strong contender, but I guess the disadvantage is that he is busy.
Brad: Why did they called me here?
Billy: Okay, entry number 4, Gray Reverse.
Gray: Yes?!
Billy: How about Gray? If you become a Lightning Boy's brother, would you like to chat on the phone every night?
Gray: W-well… are you usure you want me?
I’m not much of a caller, but if it would make you happy to talk on the phone with me… that’s fine.
Junior: Oh!
Billy: Wow! That’s great, Gray! He is suddenly a big lead! As expected, you are the dark horse* that I predicted! Yes, yes!
Gray: Eh? I’m the dark horse?
Billy: Thats right! Gray may not look like an older brother, but he is in fact the eldest son with a younger brother and sister!
Sometimes I felt him like a big brother when I’m with him.
Gray: I-I see. Thats a little embarrassing.
Billy: Hahaha! Now let me ask you a few more questions here to explore the power of big brotherhood for both of you.
Brad: Is there anything else?
Billy: Yes! Please continue, Lightning Boy.
Junior: What would you do if you were eating a snack and your brother said “I want some of that too”?
Brad: Snacks? What exactly? Is it something you and your brother both like?
Billy: Brad, you are very literal. You must be flexible and creative in this area.
Gray: I think I would split. If I had just eaten half, I would give them all the rest. That’s what I did with my actual brother and sister.
Junior: Ooooh!
Brad: Yes, I see.
Billy: Oh? Brad-paisen, you seem to be starting to think seriously about something. I wonder what is he going to say!
Brad: I will give everything to my brother and buy the same thing again later.
Billy & Junior: Eh?
Brad: That’s all.
Billy: Huuuh? I think I might have gotten an answer that was kind of skewed from what I expected.
Junior: But my brother does that too, once I told him I might like this, he'd buy it for me every time I said.
Billy: Wow! Apparently, it has struck a chord with Lightning Boy! Maybe he can catch up from here!
Junior: T-the next one! Would you be happy if your brother told you that you and him should have matching clothes? Or would you not like it?
Gray: I don’t think there’s any reason to say no.
Brad: Yes, I agree with you.
Billy: Oh! You have got an opinion. Let’s dig a little deeper… What is the acceptable level of matching?
Gray: To what point?
Brad: Any level.
Billy: Wow! You say that with confidence, don’t you?
Gray: Well, if my younger brother himself wants to match with me, I’d say “go ahead”… I’m rather worried if it is okay to imitate me.
Brad: It is a pleasure for the olders to be adored by their youngest.
Junior: Isn’t Brad acting a little different than he did earlier? You seem to be having second thoughts about it.
Billy: Huhuhu. Hey, Brad-paisen. I think the first question we asked would have a different answer not, wouldn’t it?
Brad: What?
Billy: What would you do if your brother wanted to chat with you on the phone every night?
Brad: We… can hang out as long as you want.
Billy & Junior: Wow!!
Billy: Phew!!!
We have completed the rounds of judging for the Lightning Boy Big Brother Auditions. As the results indicate, weren’t all the big brothers wonderful? I’ve heard that it's hard to narrow it down to just one. May I ask for a favorable review from Lightning Boy?
Junior: Sorry. It was too hard to pick just one, after all the trouble we went through to get them all together. But, I think every brother was seriously the best. I'm not going to throw away Elios, either.
Billy: You mean you have reliable brothers here, right? Yeah, I think that’s kind of a good summary. I mean, if you can't choose, why don't you just let everyone pass?
Gray: Sure, we don't have to pick any one person, we'll all play big brother to Junior. If that's what you want.
Junior: R-r-really?!
Billy: Wow! A big brother harem!
Junior: Big brother? Harem?!?!
Billy: Hahaha! Lightning Boy looks very happy!
Oh, Brad-paisen, thank you so much for your cooperation despite your busy schedule!
Brad: No, well, at first I wondered what was going on…
Billy: Huhuhu, it was fun to see an unexpected side of Brad Paisen!
I wish I had invited DJ too!
Brad: Eh?
Billy: Brad-paisen, I'm sure you were thinking about replacing him with your real brother halfway through!
Brad: Ah, that's...
Billy: Don't worry, I'm not going to bother telling DJ.
Well, I don't know what I'd do if I had a lot of money in front of me?
Brad: Hey, Billy!
Billy: Hey, hey, Lightning Boy!! Which brother are you going to pick today? You have freedom of choice.
Junior: Is it true?! Big Brother Auditions are the best!!!
Paisen. Very informal way of saying “senpai”, which means a “senior” or “an upperclassman who mentors an underclassman”.
Dark horse. A candidate or competitor about whom little is known but who unexpectedly wins or succeeds.
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… Banba actually coming close to matching Tankjoh was both really cool, and an excellent way to establish his skills. I mean, I know Tankjoh is (at least temporarily?) leaving soon, but that was still badass.
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Star Crossed ~ P.P. (part 5)
A/n: Final part!! Hope y’all enjoyed. I know this one’s a little shorter, and big apologies for that <3 Also when I made the post it got complicated and forced me to post now so double post today!
Word Count: 3600+
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Now on solid ground, the adrenaline began to wear off and MJ felt his knees go weak. He sunk to the ground, hysteric hiccups bubbling up from him as he tried to process that he had fully almost died.
He wasn’t alone with his panic for too long though. Soon other MJ and Ned were there, holding him. MJ was careful to make sure their skin didn’t touch, leaning mostly on Ned so that she didn’t make newly dubbed MJ nauseous sick again.
There was a moment when MJ almost pushed the other two away and forced himself to get his standing so he’d be ready and prepared to use magic if the need came, but as he watched the battle from a distance he knew it wouldn’t be necessary. The Peters had taken out Beach Bod, Blue Smurf, and Baby Dino. Four Eyes and Arms appeared rather suddenly but definitely on the side of the Spider-Men, indicating he had been completely healed before as youngest peter had thought. That only left…
This world’s MJ gasped as she watched her boyfriend nearly kill Norman Osoborn. His anger toward the man hadn’t even come close to resolving, and the warnings the other Peters had given him became clear now. The three knew they were too far to stop him -  but they didn’t have to. Oldest Peter did it for them, and they watched as he talked Youngest Peter down… just in time to be stabbed. For a second they thought it was the end for him, but were pleasantly surprised as the man seemed to take it mostly in stride, and used the opportunity to cure the man instead. 
And so came the end of the Grumpy Old Troll Who Lives Under the Bridge.
Just as everything seemed to be calming down, youngest Peter zipped over to them with the worst news. The world was breaking completely. Other world MJ’s condition had been getting worse and worse because he had such a direct connection with the entire universe - a universe that was shattering chunk by chunk. It was going to shatter entirely if they didn’t do something about it. A literally endless amount of people who hated Peter Parker would flood their world, and the problem they had just solved would be impossible to face let alone control or fix again. The world would end.
Unless -
“No,” teenager MJ snapped at her boyfriend. “I am not going to forget you.”
Peter looked at her with anguish. “You have to. The original spell that caused all of this was because I wanted everyone who knew who I was before, to keep knowing who I am. So now everyone who knows my identity in every single universe is going to come here. We can’t tamper with it this time. I can’t exclude people. If everyone forgets who I am, they forget who Spider-Man is. We go back to normal. Everyone is safe.”
“I don’t want normal,” MJ whispered to him, her eyes on the verge of watering up as she clung to him. They sat in silence for a second before she sighed. “But I understand.” Her eyes closed for a moment and she swallowed, catching her breath and tabling her pain to continue talking. She looked up at him with desperation. “Promise you’ll find me again. Promise me - that you’ll let me fall in love with you again. I’ll figure out who you are again, and - and if I really do forget forever, maybe we can make new memories.”
He nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks. “I promise.”
Something terrible occurred to other world MJ suddenly. He grabbed Peter’s arm to get his attention. The young boy looked at him. “Will everyone forget every single Peter Parker?”
That question seemed to only make everything worse, as the implications of it all finally fit where it hurt most. The Peters might forget each other. More likely, even MJ would forget his own Peter. “I… don’t know,” Peter admitted weakly.
MJ set his mouth. “It’s okay, Peter. It’s okay.” Then he stepped away, nodding with determination.
He had one more thing to do before he was sent back to his own world.
His body began to tingle and he opened a portal, stepping through and disappearing from sight as he appeared in the one place on this entire world that still held business for him.
This May’s hospital room.
It had been a risky move, but he was here now and it had worked. As he felt his body get warm and his hands started becoming transparent, he moved quickly to the unconscious woman and he tried something he had never in his entire life tried to do. He tapped into her memories, every single one of her nephew, and he collected them like fireflies and shoved them in a jar. He didn’t know what spell he was casting, but his hands moved instinctively and a symbol he didn’t know appeared in the air - as if fate itself was guiding his hands. He pressed the symbol to the unconscious woman and imagined as hard as he could that the container he put all the memories in had one key and one key only. 
The second she saw her nephew they would all be unlocked and set free.
He didn’t know how well he had pulled it off but it was all he could do with the time he had. One last gift for the boy who had almost lost everything, and then he was fading away and the world swirled around him before changing completely. When it all settled again, he was somewhere else entirely.
He didn’t need to wonder. He could FEEL it. He was home.
His visions went away. He couldn’t see any strings of fate, or the past or future of any kind. In his own universe, the only power he had was the magic the Ancient One had taught him.
He had needed every ounce of it to make a life for himself. He had been able to track down his records and change them from being predicted to be dead - missing since birth. And for the first time in his entire life, he got a job. He had found his family too, but still remained unsure how to approach them.
How did one approach JJ Jameson and casually mention they’re the son he’s been missing all these years?
Ah, he’d do it one day.
Overall, it was good. He missed everyone at the Sanctum, but it had all been for the best.
All things considered, MJ didn’t feel too bad about being here. He felt whole and completely at peace, like he’d had a buzzing in the back of his brain or a mild chronic pain that he had just gotten used to. Something small and easy to ignore but impossible to cure, and he was finally relieved from it. It was wonderful.
Just as he was fully adjusting to his new way of life, a man entered the coffee shop on nearly morning.
MJ couldn’t place why the experience felt so memorable to him. A hundred men had entered at the same time, from the same door. The man wasn’t especially memorable, with messy brown hair and brown eyes that… looked like melted chocolate.
I mean sure, the man was attractive, and he had a sort of soft, crooked smile that he wore very nicely. He had a backpack on, and an energy about him that screamed nearly graduated college student. Under his arm he held a skateboard. When he saw MJ, his eyes light up and MJ couldn’t place why but it felt contagious. He found himself smiling too.
As the man approached, MJ cleared his throat. “What can I get you, Sir?”
There seemed to be a coyness to the man as he narrowed his eyes at MJ. Like they were sharing a ridiculous, private joke that the man was teasing him for. “What would you suggest?”
MJ felt his heart pick up as he heard the man’s voice. It itched at something at the back of his brain, leaving a weird sensation as he tried to place what was setting him off about this man but just simply could not. “I always get the daily special. Mixes things up, since it always changes. I’m terrible at making decisions and picking favorites. I like to shake it up.” It was something he had said so many times he had lost count, but saying it to this man felt different. Less like small talk and more like banter between friends. Teasing, or an inside joke. MJ didn’t know what kind of inside joke he could possibly be partaking in with simple work talk, but… it didn’t lessen the feeling at all.
The man’s eyes scanned the menu for a second before nodding. “Daily it is.”
Nodding, MJ began to get a few things together before grabbing for a cup. “What size?” The man motioned to the medium, so that’s the cup that was grabbed. “Name, please?” MJ felt his excitement rise a little. He knew the risks of this man being both into men and also into him were low, but he was still attractive and hell, why not be a little giddy?
The question, innocent in nature, seemed to ruin the man’s entire mood. He seemed stunned for a moment and then something settled in as he seemed to… remember something? Something that hurt him deeply.
Worried, MJ swallowed the lump in his throat that screamed at him he was missing something huge, before rushing to correct whatever mistake he’d made. Had he forgotten a customer that came around all the time? Impossible! “Are you okay?”
The man blinked, ripping out his own thoughts before focusing on MJ again. “Oh! I’m so sorry, I’m fine.” He laughed, but it was strained now. Hollow. “Peter. Peter Parker.”
MJ felt that feeling return, an itching in his brain of something just out of his reach. It was so strong he froze, sure that any second the memory or feeling or insight or something of some sort would knock loose. Sure, he had some memory issues sometimes but never like this… nothing did occur to him though and he found himself unable to stop frowning. “Okay Mr. Parker we’ll have that right out to you in a moment.” MJ turned away quickly, trying to focus on the drink to distract him from the weird feeling that was starting to eat him alive. The feeling that he had done something wrong. That he was missing something vital. Not… from the conversation, but in himself. Something so important to him had been lost.
But that didn’t make any sense.
When the drink was finally finished, MJ felt that he was losing his mind even more than he had been. He felt like he was coming completely undone.
“Peter Parker,” he called, and watched as the brunette rose from a chair and approached with a soft smile and something behind his eyes… something full of pain. MJ held the drink out to him, and Peter took it. Their fingers brushed, and it sent a shot of electricity running down his arm.
“Thank you MJ.” MJ gasped, dropping the cup he had been holding. Thankfully Peter already had a good grip on it, allowing no mess to be made as MJ suddenly ripped his hand away. Peter looked at him with increasing worry. “I’m sorry- are you okay?”
MJ felt something bitter crawling up his throat. “I’m-” He caught his breath and turned to look for another employee. Barbara, a blonde that usually worked with him because they were a dream team together, was already looking over with concern that matched Peter’s. “I’m going on break.” She nodded, sensing his panic.
Barbara moved to the counter as MJ blew past her and outside. Her voice picked up with its usual customer service flare as she began, “I hope you enjoy the drink, sir. It’ll be…” MJ didn’t hear the final price before the door closed behind him and he was outside.
He was having a hard time breathing. He didn’t feel dizzy, or sick to his stomach. He didn’t even feel overwhelmed or disoriented or over stimulated. He was in a safe place, a place he knew well and had been a hundred times. His work was home for him. It was where he had made a name for himself, and made memories and began a new life. A life he had  convinced himself was better. So why did he feel the same he always felt when he found himself lost in a crowd, somewhere he had never been before? When he wasn’t sure which way would lead him where, because he didn’t have the layout of the place mapped out yet and he was panicking so his brain was going all over the place?
It was almost like he was so charged with something that he was about to explode. That itching had grown to an overwhelming buzzing, and his head felt like it was about to split in half. Through all of it, he almost made someone out. Someone… just out of reach. Someone with dark skin and curly hair, who smiled at him and made him promise… promise…
What had he promised? What had he said? Why couldn’t he remember?
He had always had a good memory!
On instinct his hands rose into the air, fingers moving quickly as he cast a spell. His hand reached toward his head, attempting to pull the memory out that he couldn’t conjur on his own.
That’s when he knew something was wrong.
A sharp, burning pain spread like soft butter on bread across his skull - smooth and easy. He yanked his hand away, the spell failing as he groaned, blinking away the stars in his vision. 
In a haze, his eyes shot up as his feet began moving on their own. “Clock me out, emergency,” he mumbled to Barabara before he was gone. He would worry about the repercussions later - the rush was over for the day and she would be able to handle the nighttime stuff before closing. MJ needed to find Peter Parker, and he needed to find him now. He needed answers.
For a split second, he thought he might be too late, but then his eyes locked on the brown eyed boy as if he was supposed to see him. Like his gaze had been pulled by a magnet.
And just in time too - he turned a corner outside the store and disappeared.
MJ took off running, bursting out of the coffee shop and booking it as fast as his feet would take him. The pain faded and his vision settled as he turned the corner to follow Peter, and saw him walking down the road. MJ booked it after him, and felt his heart stutter as the man in front of him very suddenly took a sharp turn into an alley.
This was such a bad idea.
Despite that knowledge, MJ raced into the alleyway as well, stumbling a bit as he tried to pivot while at full speed. He wasn’t used to running.
The worst part was that he almost ran face first into Peter’s chest. The man was simply standing there, waiting, and wore an angry expression on his face - up until he registered that it was MJ following him. Missing running into the man, MJ almost lost balance and fell to the side, but Peter caught him as if he had expected the loss of balance, pulling him gently to his feet.
“Why are you following me?” Peter asked quietly, awkwardness leaking into his tone.
MJ was surprised that Peter didn’t seem to be more upset. AFter dipping suddenly and then now, when he ran after him into an alley in New York, you’d think the man would be more suspicious of the coffee shop worker.
It was almost like he trusted MJ. Which was either impossible, or stupid. This was New York. You don’t trust people off the bat here. Not until they prove themselves several times over to be trustworthy.
Words began to push out of MJ’s mouth as if moving on their own. “Who are you?” he heard his own voice only once it had gone quiet - he was too confused, his gaze locked with Peter’s, too lost in the man’s eyes. He felt the panic anyway. He sounded insane. 
Peter… laughed. He looked away, his face going red as he shook his head. “God this is such a mess.” He ran a hand through his hair and then looked back at MJ. “Can I try something? You can kick the shit out of me if you so feel inclined.”
That should have shot out SO many red flags. He should have said no and walked away and told Barbara that if this weird man with all the weird ways he affected MJ ever showed up again, that she should tell him so MJ could hide in the back until he was gone. He should have put distance between them at least. Maybe come back at another time and look into him with magic, if he was a big time threat. But… he had this feeling.
Peter grabbed either side of MJ’s face, leaning down and pressing their lips together. For a second, MJ panicked. He almost pushed away and pummeled the stupid man who had the audacity. But then, he suddenly found himself unable to move as his brain flooded with a bunch of things. Snippets, images, full memories - all of it. Stephen hadn’t opened a portal to let MJ go back to his own dimension because his presence was hurting the multiverse. Peter Parker, a different one, much younger, had messed up a spell and almost ended the world. Every world. And that had led MJ to other MJ, who knew him as Ace first. MJ, who had the name Ace had once used when he was younger. MJ, who was another dimension’s version of him. And then of course, there was Ned and May. The villains, who they all cured in the end. The fall… the dizziness and the way it messed him up. The battle at the statue of liberty.
The other Peter Parkers.
In the end, Stephen Strange’s last spell that wiped everyone’s memory of Peter Parker. A spell so strong it had spanned multiverses. It had to.
Peter almost pulled out of the kiss but MJ felt his entire body light on fire and he leaned in. His hands latched around Peter’s shirt, keeping him close. He flew at the poor man, who caught him no problem. And of course he did - he was Spider-Man.
The entire world that MJ had known the last while completely changed, and MJ felt the tears roll down his cheeks as relief flooded his entire body. He wasn’t alone. He had a life - even more life than he already knew. So, so much that he had almost completely forgotten.
Finally they parted, and they were both laughing. Peter reached up and wiped the tears away. “Hey,” he greeted. He was breathless, and beaming, and he felt so relieved and wonderful.
MJ understood the feeling. He could see it written all over Peter’s face - the same sensations that were coursing through his own blood. “Did you really just break a memory spell on me with true love’s kiss or some shit?”
Peter laughed harder, louder, and held onto MJ even tighter. He stepped backward, pivoting so they leaned against the wall. They stayed as close as possible. They had missed each other, but even more than that, they were relieved that they didn’t have to face even more time missing each other. So unbelievably thrilled that MJ had remembered everything.
“Does this mean I can ask you on a date?” Peter asked. “And it’s not too weird - not as weird as breaking a memory loss spell with true love’s kiss.”
MJ grinned, and nodded. “Not weird at all,” he reassured. “I get off after closing most days. But, um, today I’m free. Until tomorrow really. If you wanted to go now.”
Peter hummed, then sighed. He looked so happy, so content, that MJ’s heart warmed. “We should go on a proper date… but for now - is it too soon to show you where I live? Maybe we could make food and watch movies or something…” He blushed, clearing his throat.
“That sounds perfect,” MJ whispered. He hesitated a moment before pulling himself away from the other man, straightening out his uniform. “Mind if we stop by my place first? That way we’ll be even - and, of course, I can change. It is a date after all.”
Peter nodded. “Of course. How far is it?”
MJ rubbed the back of his neck. “Far enough…” He looked both ways down the alley, seeing if anyone else was in line of sight. There was no one.
Peter, as if picking up on MJ’s thoughts, smirked. “You want a ride then?”
Immediately MJ’s eyes light up. “I would LOVE a ride.”
They both knew that MJ could have teleported them there, but that didn’t stop Peter from quickly pulling off his clothes - revealing the suit underneath - and then tugging on his mask - which he pulled out of a backpack he had been carrying - before scooping MJ into his arms. “Hold on!”
“Always,” MJ promised. And he meant it.  He didn’t let go until they got to MJ’s apartment, and then even when he finally did put some space between them, his promise only became a declaration. Not that he never would, but that he never had. Peter had always been in his heart, even if MJ hadn’t known it. There was a permanent spot for the man now, and he wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon. Wouldn’t be leaving ever, even.
Lucky for him, Peter had a similar place made for MJ.
From here on, nothing could get between them. Not even magic. Not even being in a whole other universe. Now that they had conquered that… Good luck to everything else that even tried.
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
Just thinking about a little space au not with the m/c as a little for once but...jungkookie as her part time little part time boyfriend 🥺 little stimmy boy who just wants teathers when he can’t have mommy’s fingers, comes home from hanging out with his friends only to immediately plummet the second he sees her, tears dancing treacherously on his waterline, so so overstimulated and glad to be home that it just hits him all at once.
Of course the m/c fusses over him, recognized the wobbling in his lower lip and the way he’s looking at her as one of those times instantly coming over to set her hand on his head, the pressure he pushes into until he’s stumbling into her arms. “Awe did koo get all tiny after his big boy day?” his wordless whine is the only thing that confirms her suspicions, “let’s get you into some pj’s sweet thing, you can’t even wiggle in these like usual! And what would my little koo be without his happy food wiggles, or his good night kisses hops, or his little huggy shimmies”
and he can’t help but pout because he is uncomfortable in his tight pants he just didn’t realize that was what was making him so grumpy, but of course momma knows! She’s so smart when it comes to makeing koo the coziest little lump possible! tight jeans are...not for little koo at all! He needs soft big jumpers and loose joggers! Maybe in cute colors if she lets him 🥺
And she’ll help him get dressed with tickles to his tummy and giggles that ring high and clear, koo is never particularly talkative in little space either because he has something in his mouth or he’s hiding his hand behind a loosely curled fist, but his little jerky nods or shakes of his head is no less adorable.
It’s not a constant state for him at all, only once or twice a week at most when he wakes up and everything is squishy and soft and he finds himself fisting his hands in her shirt and tugging instead of speaking or reaching for his stuffies that sit at the end of their bed unless other wise needed. Little koo is almost easier to make happy than big koo, all he needs is some Dino nuggets and a firm schedule of bubble baths and coloring and an afternoon nap with stories before he’s feeling so much better!
And the m/c is honestly a godsend, never minds when their afternoons turn from dates walking around the city to afternoon naps and studio gibili movies and going out to fancy restaurants turns into tea parties with all of jungkooks stuffed animals.
Those days after koo goes small she’lloften wake to him nuzzling onto her neck or planting kisses down her arms, whispered and reverent “thank you’s” choked with so much emotion and her soft smile that makes koo’s big (and little) heart flutter.
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please-buckme · 3 years
Birthday Boy.
Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: Bucky gets called away for a mission on his birthday, but not before y/n gives him his gift.
Words: 974
Warnings: She’s smutty. 18+
A/n: I wrote this in an hour and did not proofread!
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“They’re waiting for me, y/n. I really have to go..” Bucky pleaded from behind you. He was headed towards the hangar bay when you popped out of nowhere, grabbing him by his cold, metal fingers and dragging him in the opposite direction.
“Relax Buck. This will only take a sec.” You giggle. A shit-eating grin adorning your face.
“If it’s what I think it is, that’s not funny.” His features appear frustrated. You’d made plans to spend the entire day, his birthday, in bed. Wrapped in each other's arms as you watched the day dwindle away, and watch Friends, of course. The plans were solid and you had no intentions of breaking them, until Sam came to your shared room at three in the morning. He told Bucky there was some kind of emergency in Saint Petersburg, Russia and they’d be leaving in an hour.
A tear fell down your cheek as Bucky relaid the news to you. You were devastated, but not for you, no. It broke your heart to see how upset Bucky was. His eyes turning to a light shade of steely grey, instead of the crystal blue they usually were. His lips hung in a frown as he held back his own tears, not wanting to leave you ever and especially not today.
This is when you struck up a plan.
Once you’d dragged Bucky back to your room, you rushed to your dresser, lighting the candle atop the small cupcake you’d bought the day before. When you turned around, Bucky was standing by the door, leaning against it in anticipation. Walking over to him, you sang:
“Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Dear Grumpy Pants.”
This made both of you giggle before you continued, “Happy Birthday to you. Make a wish, Buck.”
Bucky smiled up at you, taking the cupcake from your small hand and huffing out a small laugh, “I don’t need to. Everything I need is standing right in front of me.” He blows the candle out, while keeping eye contact with you. The knot in your stomach twists at his stare. Bucky lets the cupcake lazily drop from his hand and to the floor as he takes your face into both his hands.
He smashes your lips together, immediately inserting his tongue into mouth as he backs you up into the bed. You moan into the kiss, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck, bringing him down with you. Your tongue feels heavy when you feel his hard member against your leg, yearning to feel his soft skin penetrate your throat.
“Bucky let me-”
“Shh, Doll. We don’t have time.” His hands roam your thighs, squeezing them gently before hiking up your dress. A throat groan escapes his lips, “No panties? My naughty girl.” He smiles, reconnecting your lips to his. His metal fingers slide over your heat before pressing one in, making you gasp.
“Please, Bucky- I need you.” You pant, pulling his thick member from his tight pants and stroking him softly in your hand.
“I gotta stretch you out, Baby. I don’t wanna hurt you and then leave. What kinda man does that make me?” He now pants, hovering over your face, watching in contort with pleasure.
“You could never hurt me, Bucky. Please, I need to feel you.” You bite your lip, staring into his lust filled eyes with your doe-eyed ones.
Bucky groans, removing his finger from inside and lining up his hard, leaking cock. You nod when he looks up for approval. His hips move forward agonizingly slow. He whimpers as your spongy walls consume him yet again. He stills once he is fully inside. You pant, small whimpers fall from your lips when he circles his hips to help you adjust.
“You can move now, Baby.” You confirm, still scrunching your nose up in pain.
“You’re not ready. I don’t-”
“I told you, you could never hurt me. Now, move.” Your hands move to his muscular cheeks as he pulls out slowly and slams back in. He mewls at the sensation. He does this a few more times before picking up his pace inside you. The pain was still there, but it was quickly being masked with pleasure. Your nails dug into the leather of his uniform once he found your g-spot, making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
Bucky’s panting from above you and growling every time he felt the slightest clench around his cock. “You feel so good, Princess. You're the best gift a guy could ask for.” You clench at his words. He knew you had a praise kink. “Oh, Princess, you’re squeezin’ the life out of me. Are you ready to cum?” You nod. “Then cum, Baby.”
“N- not without you.” Your hand reaches down for his balls as you squeeze them gentle. Bucky whimpers at the action. “W-we cum together.” Bucky nods this time. Both of you begin to breathe harder, reaching your peaks. His thrusts become erratic and your moans turn into praises.
“Yesyesyesyes - fuck, I- I’m cumming.” You chant. The knot in your stomach unravels, leading you to your climax. Your legs begin to quake and the rest of your body goes limp. The tightening of your walls has Bucky busting within seconds. Both of you panting and grunting in fucked out unison.
After Bucky spills every last drop of his spend inside you, he collapses atop you. You run your fingers through his soft hair, leaving small kisses to the top of his head. You’d both almost fallen asleep when you hear a knock at the door.
“Wrap it up, Buck. We gotta go.”
Bucky smiles, leaning up to look at you, “Thank you for my present. You’re just the gift that keeps on giving.” You both laugh, sleepy smalls adorning your faces.
“If I’m giving it to you, then yes. Happy Birthday Bucky.”
Taglist: @haydens-moles @animefangirl425 @valkyrieofthehighfae @aurora-sweet @dinos-lavapit @hoeforcuteguyswithcharmingsmiles @sebbystanlover-vk @youre-a-wallflower-charlie @nebulastarr @meegggoooo @skylerrae-solo @alyssa-skywalker @blondekel77 @notwithoutbarnes @gogolucky13 @buckysm3talarm @heavenlyseb @writersbuck @badassbuchanan @buckyownsmylife @buckysdolls
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sadlysoulx · 3 years
Haikyuu boys going to IKEA with you
Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma, Atsumu and Tsukishima
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I know, I know the idea is so random but my head is full of ideas so please do enjoy😩💓 Go Stan the double post 😏😏😏 i need to post a lot bcoz I need to make over those 2 weeks when I haven't post
⚠️ Warning⚠️: not proofread
This guy has a weird case of touching anything and everything when the two of you pass by the shelves.💀💀💀
He always picks up those Ikea stuff- toys and bring them around while holding onto you.😩💖
But then he drops them sometimes because he's complaining about how they smelled like drools💀💀💀
Please he joins the other kids play in that one playground when you stopped by to eat😭😭😭
You have to feed him.
when stops playing, he comes over to you to open his mouth wide, letting you feed him and then return to play with the other kids.
He likes those kiddie meals where nuggets and french fries where placed in a colored plate.
Bo complained that he wants his plate yellow but instead he got purple😬😬😬
You returned back to stroll in Ikea, checking out the furnitures.
He likes that area in Ikea where there is full of lamps and light bulbs.
Bokuto keeps playing with the switches, continuously trying them and turning them on and off and on and off and on and off until he breaks one😃
He nervously walks up to you and said and I quote "Baby, let's go I need to go to the toilet,"
You suspiciously nodded and made him go to the toilet.
Once he got out, he said that he's tired and wants to go home.
He doesn't want to return to IKEA for a whole month, thinking he will get arrested if someone recognized him as the guy who broke the bulbs.🙂
I swear Bokuto and Kuroo share the same brain😭😭😭
Kuroo also touches everything he sees and picks it up and puts it in the cart😩
He is the type to borrow a pillow in Ikea, hop in the cart and sit in there while you struggle to push the cart because of his hefty weight.
he collects Ikea pencils and paper rulers😭😭😭
Like everytime he saw one of those pencil and ruler stalls he walks over and take a other batch of those.
Kuroo likes to play hide and seek in Ikea😬
Like really, you were getting worried where he went and then suddenly he pops out infront of you scaring you to death.
When he sees those books displayed in the house models, he tries to read them and complains why are they in a different language or why r they blank😭😭😭
He likes the area where there are full of chairs.
Kuroo keeps on sitting on them and then spinning and spinning around.
(I swear why is the fandom making him like a Playboy and badboy. . . He is the hugest dork❤️)
When it's lunch, he likes to get a lot of those butter in small platic containers, saying how much he liked them☹️💓
He also gets those jams and takes a lot because he said:
"it's free so why not take many?"
Btw,like Bokuto, he likes those kiddie meals, where you are given a colored plastic plate filled with nuggets and french fries.
He doesn't want to go home and it takes a full hour to make him convince to go in the car.
He doesn't want to go out until you made him dress up and shove him into the car.
He was all grumpy grumpy
But then he actually had fun😃👍
Kenma likes to throw himself on the couches and beds until you have to drag him out of it.
Please he likes that area where there is full of kitchen tools✋😭
He would pick up a weird looking tool and try to figure out how to use it😖
Until he used it wrong and a screw hit his eye😭😭😭
When you were in the bedroom section, he likes those double decks displayed
He curses at the people who ever put up those plastic stuff on the ladder to keep people from trying to get to the top👁️👄👁️
You see those yellow banners hanging from the wall where the prices are labeled?? Yeah that
He likes to jump and hit those with the tip of his fingers
And when he successfully did, he looks at you with a smug face look on his face.
He likes to impress you so husshh🤭
When lunch rolls by, he likes holding the food cart for you, for some reason it excites him when he controls the food cart👍
He always asks you what you want and that not to worry, he'll pay for it.
Kenma also likes those free butter in little containers because they taste good👅
Anywayss he likes the soups served in Ikea 🥣 (I did too, they r just tasty)
In the end, he enjoyed the day in Ikea with you✌️
I mean duuuuh reader-senpai is just irresistible✨
He was actually the one who dragged you in Ikea
Please he would pick up weird things and try to figure what is it for but then ending up hurting himself😭😭😭
(I mean c'mon when I was in Ikea there r a lot of weird things, and when I tried them, I ended up hurting myself💀)
He likes those small wooden kitchen toys for kids placed in the house model
'Tsumu would play for a while with that kitchen by himself.
He would also talk to himself as he cook a plastic egg✨
You: 👁️👄👁️
Atsumu: ✌️😗🍳
Everyone: 😕
Hotel: Trivago
You had to drag him away from the kitchen toy stall.
Atsumu really really likes to collect Ikea magazines, even tho you have one at home, he would still insist on getting 2 or 3 more
One time, he picked up a plastic flower from outdoor/garden area, placed it between his teeth and playfully flirted with you.
He took it out and gave the flower to you🌻(it's those ridiculously huge ones)
But then he snatch it back and out it on the rightful place saying:
"oh you want it? Buy it yourself,"
You spanked him with the broom beside you.
When it's lunch, he is ✨fancy✨
So he takes mushrooms, mashed potatoes, meat with some sauce in it.
It was night time when you both went home.
What do you expect?😕
Ohmaigawshhh, I don't want to be biased here and have favorites but here we go🤩
He wants to stay in the parking lot and make you go alone💀💀💀
But then he insists to go when you said "Huh? Fine! But what if a man asks my number and still insists 'coz he doesn't see my boyfriend around?"
He is just like a lost baby but in a tall boy's body, you have it hold his hand and drag him around.💀💀💀
When you stopped by to check something, he doesn't know what to do and stands there clueless like🕴️🕴️🕴️
Tsukishima really throws a tantrum saying he's tired and want to rest.
But reader-senpai needs to shop💅
He actually shuts up when you gave him an Ikea dinosaur plushie, so he's hugging it with his one arm and the other holding onto you hand.
The boi is so bored so he randomly glares at teenagers passing by😾😾😾
When you were in the bedroom section, things went out of control 😔😔😔
He was getting lazy to walk around the rest of the Ikea passage way so he keeps on laying down the beds.
But when you finally got him up, he would lay down again on another bed💀💀💀
He finally decided to listen to you and walk again (thank God 😌)
Saltyshima was so desperate to escape, he went out the emergency door and pushed it open
But when he did, the alarms went off🚨💀 (inspired by Jungkook)
He got real scared and ran back to you, hugging the dino plushie.
You were laughing your head off😭😭😭
You decided to eat lunch and you know he is a 👑Royal👑 so eats fancy foods like Atsumu.
And yeah btw, you ended up buying the plushie for him because he won't stop getting salty about it.
But he shyly said thank you atleast¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oof that was really long to writeಠ_ಠ
But I had fun bcoz I can literally imagine them doing all of those stuff, let me know if you want to have part 2 c:
Please follow @xmochaberryx
That's my best friend^^
Follow for more!✨
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rinovarka · 4 years
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Transformer Musical Chibis, days 6-10! Mostly Cyberverse this time around lol.
Link to Chibis 1-5! , 11-15, 16-20, 21-28, 29-31
6) Omega Supreme with a piccolo, just because I think its funny, because Piccolos are the smallest woodwind instrument, OS is one of the largest autobots, and I dont think he would understand the concept of a musical instrument.  Omega Supreme is a my second favorite TF! He gets more cameos than Metroplex, and like Metroplex, is used also mainly as a “wow cool robot” factor (like in Seige he literally does nothing as Cybertron is being destroyed, and only appears to pop out of the ground, only to not be heard or seen again LOL), but I love the story he gets in G1 and TFA.  I think its something to say that OS is said in G1 to have his emotions wiped out, but he is the only TF I think who has tears.  I wish his journey of discovering emotions again was expanded upon, but hey, its G1 lol.  
Like Metroplex, I have a lil fanfic idea for him, in which he gets stuck in a human sized holoform that looks literally like as I drew him, chibish and more friendlier, and learns what it means to feel in a middle of nowhere town in the US.
7) Cyberverse Astrotrain with a harmonica. My third favorite TF! I love all forms of Astrotrain honestly, but Cyberverse had it right when they made him an absolute giant compared to everyone. I never want to see normal sized Astrotrain EVER again!!! It was actually a screenshot of him towering over Megatron that made me want to watch Cyberverse LOL mmhhmhmhmhm big boye time,,,,,bIG BOY TIME,,,,
I like his dynamic with Dead-End, just both being grumpy and jerks to others in general. I wish there was more Astrotrain, like whne he flew off with Megatron X, i was like nO KING COME BACk LDJHFKLSDHGLKSDNGLKSG!!!!!! If the Cyberverse movie doesnt have him I will cry lakjfslkgsg.
8) Cyberverse Clobber with a trombone! Probably tbe kind of person who doesn't know how to play music, probably makes audials bleed but if she enjoys it she enjoys it. Clobber is,,, just a cute character who seems to have just fallen in with the wrong faction, was happy to see her become an Autobot, ahahah. She's big, strong, and kinda dumb and unconfident but a nice person who means well, so basically she checks all my boxes for characters I like lol. She just want to vibe with Lockdown and Hot Rod, I think their small amounts of interactions are great Also I appreciate big dumb girl solidarity bc dang, me too queen
9) Cyberverse Arcee. with an electric guitar I think she's may favorite Arcee. Idk I like unapologetically Head Empty No Thought characters. Like she's just here to have a good time!! Just taking selfies with Earth animals, no thoughts, just vibes.. I love her dynamic with Grimlock, whose smart but also head empty at the same time. Like he's book smart bc he knows how to build and things, but idk maybe spending all his time with Arcee made them have 1 collective braincell. Or he's just a fun dude too! Im just saying Arcee and Grimlock would go on journeys with Meteorfire and Cosmos!!!!!!!!
10)Cyberverse Grimlock with a xylophone! I was never a huge fan of the dinobots, but I actually grew to like Cyberverse Grimlock! He has a posh voice, is self reliant and technologically smart, and likes going on adventures. I think he has a fun dynamic with Arcee and I like how Head Empty they both are XD   Spoilery opinion bit!!! He has an interesting story, in which his g1 personality returns due to being stuck on prehistoric earth, alone, and adapting to Earth life, that being dinosaurs! However I feel that the episode, "King of the Dinosaurs" (for me) personally highlights one of the gripes I do have with Cyberverse: timing with emotional beats. The whole episode is how he got there, what he did, and Bumblebee and Windblade chasing him down after reactivating him, as he tries to look for his dinosaur friends and the world he once knew. At the end he is told that its all gone, and personally I f e l t for him as he calls for "Friends?" in regards to the long gone dinos, and how his final recording was for them to be strong in the face of inevitable death. But within the minute he's just like "lol oops sometimes I be like that :D" Like I get Cyberverse is a light hearted show and has like a 11 minute run time, I do! I just felt a bit jarred at how quickly certain concepts, (not just this one), get resolved. But thats just my opinion and I do like the concept, its just, aaaaa ^^;;;
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Boyfriend!DK Fluff
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Thanks for the requests anons! I hope you guys like it! Jun and Jeonghan have been requested so the rest of the series will hopefully be out soon! (Sorry requests are taking so long, I’m transitioning between jobs right now so I’m technically working two and I’m a little stressed, so idk if this one is even that good... sorry guys!)
Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
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DK feels unbelievably ridiculous and stupid
He cannot believe he’s actually about to do what he’s going to do
He turns around several times to make sure no one is around
He even came out there in the middle of the night to avoid anyone watching him
But there he is, standing in front of a water fountain, holding a coin, getting ready to make a wish
He feels so childish
But also at this point, he feels as if making a wish is the only choice he has left
After one last look to make sure no one is watching him, he holds the coin up, whispers his wish, presses a kiss to the coin and throws it in
He sighs at the insignificant “plop” sound, hangs his head for a moment, then turns to leave
Right as he moves, he hears someone yell
And then a bicycle hits him
Well it doesn’t actually hit him
Just kind of brushes his side and knocks him off balance
But later he tells the boys that it full on hits him when he’s recounting the story and wants to be dramatic
But the encounter also throws the cyclist, aka you, off your balance so now both of you are on the ground
It’s honestly not that bad
He just scraped up his hands and you have one big scrape on your leg
But there’s no serious injuries on either of you
You get up immediately
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you at first. Are you ok?”
You rush over to where he is on the ground and help him sit up
He doesn’t really say anything at first, just sits there in kind of a daze
So you start to panic
“Do you need me to call you an ambulance?”
There’s one more beat of silence
Then he starts laughing 
And you’re like ????
“I didn’t think I hit you that hard, did you hit your head?”
He shakes his head as he keeps laughing
“No, no, I’m fine, I think I was just shocked for a moment”
You start laughing too but mostly out of relief
He finally composes himself and looks up at you
“Are you ok?”
You’re not sure why this random stranger asking you if you’re ok makes your heart skip a beat when it’s a totally normal thing for someone to ask in that situation
“Hey, I’m the one who hit you, you shouldn’t be worried about me”
DK stands up before he responds
“Yeah but that scrape looks pretty bad, you should definitely get some disinfectant on that asap”
You look down at your leg and realize he’s right
His phone buzzes and he looks down at it
“Oh, I’ve got to go. You’re really ok, right?”
You nod, “Yeah, I’m fine, what about you? You’re ok too?”
He nods and smiles brightly at you, “Yeah, I’m good! Get home safely!”
And then he runs off
You honestly think about him nonstop for the next week
The handsome stranger you accidentally hit with your bike
You kick yourself for not getting his name at least
But once the week is up, you just kind of sigh and tell yourself that you’ll probably never see him again so you should just get over it
Then the next day
You’re on a street corner waiting for the crosswalk light to turn green
You look down at your phone for literally two seconds
You hear someone yell
“C’mon DK, hurry up!”
Then suddenly
Something hits you and you fall to the ground and your breath is knocked out of you
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”
You look up to see who ran into you
“Fountain boy?”
When he sees that it’s you, he breaks out into a grin
“It’s you, the cyclist!”
“DK seriously, we need to go!”
You look over to see another boy waving him towards a van
DK leans over and pulls you up off the ground
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I think so, is this revenge for what happened at the fountain?”
He lets out a laugh
“No, I promise I’m not the type to get revenge”
“Alright, I believe you... DK”
His eyes widen
“How’d you know my name?”
“That other boy over there that looks like he’s about to lose it keeps calling it out”
DK turns around to see Woozi stomping over towards him
“Oh right, I guess I’ve got to go”
Woozi grabs DK, apologizes to you for interrupting and starts to drag him towards the van
Before Woozi can drag him away fully, DK turns back towards you 
“Hey before I go, what’s your name?”
He can barely hear you call it over the crowds of people around talking and Woozi scolding him but he thinks it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard 
DK grins through the whole van ride
After that, you two run into each other all the time
You bump into him on an elevator
He gives up his seat for you on a bus
You accidentally spill your coffee on his shoes
He sends your report papers flying into the wind
You trip over his feet when he’s sitting around waiting for Mingyu and Minghao to be done shopping at the mall
You two learn a little bit more about each other with the opportunities presented every time you see each other
He finally asks for your number when the two of you end up volunteering at the same charity event
“It’s about time, Fountain Boy, I was thinking you were never gonna make a move”
“[Y/N], my name is DK and you know it”
“I like Fountain Boy better”
He just grins at you
Your first date is nice
Everything feels easy with DK
Mostly because it feels like you’ve already known each other for years somehow
He always makes you laugh 
The more time you spend with him
The more you realize he’s truly the kindest, most genuine person you’ve ever met
He’s always so considerate of you and your feelings
Always making little sacrifices to make you more comfortable or more happy
Honestly every little action of his touches your heart
The idea of ever hurting or upsetting or disappointing the other seems unacceptable to both of you
So your whole relationship is that way
Just the two of you always being so completely selfless for the sake of the other
DK is honestly the softest boyfriend ever
He’s just so grateful for every moment he gets to spend with you so he tries his best to show it in every way possible
He’s always smiling around you
Because even when he’s had a bad day, he knows you’re going to be supportive, listen to him, and offer help and advice
You become his safe place so he always feels comfortable and content when he’s with you
The other boys love you
They didn’t think there was anyone as kind and selfless as DK, but here you are
They love how much you do for DK
And you also do nice things for them all the time too, so they have no complaints
Sometimes DK gets jealous of how well you get along with the boys
But not in the way you expect
“I thought you guys would say something like ‘make sure they treat you right’ or ‘only the best can date our Dokyeom’ or ‘if you hurt DK, you’re in for it’”
“Seriously DK? They just made us all cookies for no reason and brought them up to the dorm themselves, if you two break up we might keep them instead of you”
DK is grumpy™️ for the rest of the day lol
But DK seriously adores you
I feel like this is obvious, but he’s super cuddly
He’s kind of like a cat
You’ll be working on something on your laptop
And he’ll just push himself into your arms and giggle as you roll your eyes and run your hands through his hair
You’re showered in kisses every single day
The type of boyfriend where whenever you say you’re cold, he’s suddenly pushing one of his sweatshirts over your head and piling blankets on you
If you get sick, he does. not. leave. your. side.
A super doting boyfriend
He gets nervous all the time still 
When you meet up for dates or when you take new steps in your relationship
He does that thing where he bounces his legs up and down and gets all jittery
But it’s honestly super sweet
Even when you’re dating and well into your relationship
You find yourself unable to get away from each other
He wishes you luck one morning when you have a job interview but then you run into him there bc SVT is having a meeting with someone in the same office building
He says he doesn’t have time one day to come see you bc his schedule is super busy but then you end up on the same bus as him and some of the other members on their way to one of their chores for the day
It’s like the universe is making sure you two are weaved into every part of each other’s lives
And you love being a part of each other’s lives
You live for when he opens up more about what it means to be an artist and what writing music and performing is like for him
DK just kind of casually sings all the time so you get to hear his voice whenever you want
Your all time favorite is when you’re laying in bed next to him, playing with his hands and he’s just singing softly
It makes you feel so safe tbh
But then sometimes he has to go on vocal rest and you have to do all sorts of ridiculous things to make sure he lets his vocal chords get the rest they need
I’m talking
The quiet game
Tape over the mouth
Making up funny little penalties every time he starts singing or talking too loud
Make out sessions where every time he puts strain on his vocal chords you just push him down and kiss him until he remembers that he needs to be quiet lol
Sometimes you’ll just guide him to the bed and soothe him to sleep bc you know that he as a whole needs tons of rest, not just his throat
And you catch yourself just lovingly staring at him as you run your fingers through his hair methodically to coax him into a nap
When he’s half asleep he gets sort of talkative and he says the cutest things
You don’t try to trick him into saying anything that he wouldn’t be comfortable saying to you fully awake
But sometimes you ask him questions about random things to get his honest answer just for fun
“What were you doing that night?”
“What night?”
“At the water fountain when we first met, what were you doing out there?”
“Making a wish”
You can tell by his voice that he’s about to fall asleep
You can’t help but smile at his sweet face as his eyes flutter closed when you run your thumb over his cheek
“A wish for what?”
You wait for a moment, thinking maybe he fell asleep before he heard your question
But he’s just awake enough to give out one more answer
“To meet my soulmate”
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crowdedimagines · 4 years
Who Is That? (Harry Styles)
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“Can I get two daiquiris and a shot of tequila, please?” I ask the bartender leaning over the bar. As I wait I turn to my left and see the man who walked into the restaurant only minutes ago, seemingly capturing everyone’s attention, including mine.
“Hi.” I greet, turning to look into his green eyes.
He gives me only a tight lipped smile before taking a sip of his own drink. Not even bothered to fully look in my direction.
“My friend sent me over here, and I normally don’t do this but-” Before I even get the chance to finish my sentence the man interrupts me. I had been on my way over to talk to him and introduce myself after I was highly encouraged by my friend at our table.
“We can take a picture, but please wait a while to post it and you can’t tag the restaurant. I’m about to have dinner with my family and I would prefer to keep this quiet.”
“What?” I ask, my brows furrowing. This is not at all where I thought it would go. Who does this guy think he is?
“A picture? That’s what you were coming over here for? C’mon, let’s do it then.” He states as if it’s obvious, looking at me as if I’m daft.
I let out a laugh and shake my head in disbelief.
“Do you know who I am?” He seems genuinely curious now, not quite as entitled as he was acting earlier. His brows express how shocked and confused he truly is. “You don’t need to pretend or anything, it’s fine. It happens all the time.”
“Am I supposed to? Do we know each other?”
“You honestly don’t know who I am?” He doesn’t bother to answer my questions as he scratches at his chin for a few seconds. He lets out a scoff as he takes a sip of his drink.
“I haven’t a clue who you are, and I’m not sure how much I care anymore. I was coming over because I thought you were handsome, but now I kinda think you’re an ass.”
Finally the bartender comes back with my drinks, I quickly throw back the shot.
“Cheers. I hope you have a lovely evening.” I mutter, not even trying to hide the sarcastic tone in my voice.
I set down the shot glass and take a daiquiri in each hand and start to walk back to my table. His hand gently catches me on my shoulder, forcing me to stop.
“I’m sorry, you’ve just caught me at the end of a rough day. It’s not very often I come across someone who doesn’t know who I am.”
“It’s fine.” I keep walking not caring to hear anymore from him and he lets go of me.
I don’t know what I expected. I never should have bothered to say anything. He could have remained that beautiful stranger, rather than the ass who opened his mouth.
“How’d it go?” Hannah gushes as I set down the drinks and sit down. Her cheeks must be burning for how wide her smile is.
“Do you know who that is?” I ask. It takes all of my willpower to not completely turn around and get one more look at him, to see if his eyes are still on me. The way she keeps staring behind me proves that I’m right.
“Well duh! You just talked to Harry Styles!” She can’t wipe the smile off her face, “And he’s totally still checking you out!”
“Yeah, who is that?”
“Do you remember hearing about One Direction before you left?” She asks, trying to jog my memory from years ago. My knowledge of pop culture from the past years is severely lacking.
“Kind of. A boy band, right?”
“Yes! He’s one of the boys, they’ve all gone solo. Harry’s done really well, he’s even been in movies. Unless you’re ancient, literally everyone knows who he is.”
“You sent me over to say hi to him knowing that he’s some big hot shot famous guy?” I laugh. Of course Hannah would think that's a lovely idea.
“What? What was the harm, if it went well that’s awesome. If not, you never have to see him again!”
Well, she has a point there.
For the past six years I’ve spent my time with Love Volunteers to teach Ghanaian youth creative arts. It was some of the best years ever, it felt amazing to give back and feel like I was making a difference. Eventually it had to come to an end, so that led me coming back home to Los Angeles. Ghana will always hold a special place in my heart, along with all of the people I met there.
I’m pulled back into whatever Hannah was saying when she throws her head back in a loud laugh, thankfully off the topic of Harry. I tried to ignore it when a few minutes ago he walked by with two other people. He did say that he had dinner with his family tonight.
The rest of the meal goes well. I get to catch up on everything that I’ve missed that didn’t come across well in the letters we exchanged or since the last time I visited. It’s nice to be back in the states and be able to live more freely. It was time for me to come home, I spent the past week with my family who were glad to have me home. Today I moved into my new apartment and back in my city. I start my new job in a few days, similarly I will still be working with kids. Teaching was always the plan for me to come home to, I just never knew I was going to be gone so long. I was able to skip my student teaching year and use my time spent in Ghana as a form of credits.
“Alright, will that be all for you tonight? Could I get you any desert?” Our waitress politely asks, smiling down at us. She reaches for the menu to run through a few of the different things they offer. Hannah and I already both agreed that we are too full at this point to add on.
“Just the bill please, that would be great.” Hannah smiles, “We need it split if that could be possible.”
“Actually that’s been taken care of.”
“What?” I question, brows furrowing.
“Yes, a man at the bar took care of it earlier. He said he owed you an apology.” The waitress smiles as if it’s the best thing she’s ever heard. Obviously she knows who he is. She wishes us a good night before walking away.
“Can you believe that?” I ask, walking side by side with Hannah to the door. We both sat for a minute, Hannah trying to figure out what it means that he paid for our meal.
“No! Can you believe that Harry Styles paid for our meal? He’s so kind.” She gushes.
“Yeah it would be if it wasn’t out of guilt.” I push open the door, we’re met with a warm breeze as the sun is setting. It casts a perfectly pink and orange haze over everything in its reach.
“Okay, so I’ll see you later? Are you absolutely sure that you don’t need a ride?”
“I’m positive! My apartment is in the complete opposite direction of yours. I’m calling an Uber right now!”
“Okay, fine! Call me later, text once you’re back home. Love you!”
“Love you too.”
Hannah gets in her car and waves as she pulls away and I get my phone out of my bag. The Uber will pick me up in twenty minutes, so I wait patiently outside the restaurant. The restaurant was sort of on the outskirts of L.A. if you can even call it that. It doesn’t exactly surprise me that it’ll take a while to get someone out here.
The door bursts open and it grabs my attention with the sudden noise. It’s Harry and the two women he was with. I catch his eye while he hugs one of them, giving them each a kiss on the cheek, before wishing them a goodbye.
He takes a few steps closer to me, while he waits for the valet to bring him his car.
“You didn’t need to do that.” I pull my purse a little tighter over my shoulder.
“No, trust me, I did. My mother raised me better than that, I’m sorry I was being rude. I promise, I’m never like that.”
“Well, never say never.” I fight looking down at my phone to see how far away “Adam” is. This might be the longest twenty minutes of my life if it continues like this.
“Ouch.” He grins, it seems like either his meal or his company put him in a brand new mood.
“Sorry.” I smile over my shoulder, “My friend actually lives in the real world and she seems to think you’re really kind, so I’ll get off your case.”
“You don’t live in the real world?” He questions.
“I do now, but I didn’t for a while.” I laugh, “I’ve spent the past six years volunteering in Ghana. I really had no clue who you were. I wasn’t exactly staying up to date on the new music when I was over there. According to Hannah, you’re a pretty big deal.”
Harry lets out a wide grin, a blush gracing his cheeks. So he is humble. Okay, maybe Hannah was right, he’s alright.
“Some might say that, yes.” He looks down at his shoes, tapping one against the other.
“Don’t get all shy on me now.” I tease.
“I’m not shy, I’m just trying to figure out how I can change your image of me. I’m always going to be my first impression, right? Some ass at the bar with a grumpy attitude?”
“I think you’re doing fine. Thankfully, no one is made up of one moment. You’ve done more than enough to make up for it.” I place a reassuring hand on his shoulder, “Your slate is clean.”
“Well thanks for that.” He laughs, “Are you waiting for someone?”
“Yeah, just waiting for my ride.” I check my phone to see that Adam has canceled the ride for some reason. I’m sure he’s just realized how far it is to get here and then turn right around to go back into the city to my apartment building, “Which was just canceled, lovely.”
I try to find another Uber, but there is no one close by. I spend a minute refreshing, waiting for anyone to accept my request.
“I could give you a lift if you needed.”
“What?” I ask, shocked.
As if on cue, the valet pulls up with his car. They give him his keys and thank him, I look between him and the car with doubt. This man is a total stranger to me.
“I mean, it’s getting late. Your options aren’t going to get much better as it gets later.” Harry explains. He could be right, even by now the sky is starting to take on a dark blue.
“How do I know that you’re not trying to kidnap or kill me?” I ask, “I don’t know you at all.”
“Look me up then, google me.” He shrugs, his smile never wavering.
“Google doesn’t know if you’re secretly a creep.” I roll my eyes.
“Fine, then you drive.”
“You’re going to let me drive your 1972 Ferrari Dino?” I ask skeptically.
“You know cars?” His smile widens.
“Better than boy bands.” I tease, I bite back a smirk.
He throws his head back in a loud laugh. It makes me smile just seeing him laugh. It’s refreshing to see someone so happy and easy to laugh at my sassy remark.
“Fair enough.” He throws his keys up for me to catch.
“Are you sure? I haven’t driven a car in six years.” I laugh. I drove atvs when I was over there, but never actually a car.
“Well what’s life if it’s not a risk.”
“What if I’m a crazy person?”
“I’m trusting you. Same way you’re trusting me.”
“You might actually be crazy.” I scoff, looking at the keys in my hands.
“Maybe.” He grins, his eyes go wide for a second.
“C’mon, let’s go.” He’s already seated in the passenger spot. I roll my eyes and walk around to the other side of the car to get in.
“You might be the most mad person I’ve ever met.” I pull my sunglasses out of my bag and put them on my head to keep my hair out of my face. Since I started the car, Harry’s taken the top off the car.
“Maybe. Or maybe the most sane.” He flashes me a grin, “I guess we’ll find out.”
“Are you sure about this?” I tease, revving the engine a few times.
“No one’s stopping you, love. The brake is the one of the left.” He leans back without a care in the world, even throwing in his own banter.
I didn’t realize how much I missed driving until this exact moment. Or maybe it’s because I’ve never driven like this. A one of a kind sports car with the top down. A famous rockstar picking the music as we drive down the 101 in towards the city. The feeling of being free, and in complete control. The music is loud, my hair flying back behind me, wild and untamed.
“So, what are you doing now that you’re back? I assume you’re staying here for a while then if you have an apartment?”
We finally start talking again once we’re downtown, it’s easier to hear each other without the wind from the freeway.
“I am.” I look over my shoulder to switch lanes, “I actually have a job as a teacher that I start pretty soon.”
“Well that’s lovely, what grade?”
“Sixth.” I smile. “Yeah, I’m really excited. When I was in Ghana I was teaching youth creative arts. I was only supposed to go for nine months, a year max, but I really loved it there.”
I glance over at him, to see if he’s listening, or if he even cares.
“Have you ever just had that feeling like you were exactly where you needed to be? Just a place that felt exactly like home?”
“Yeah, once or twice.” He admits, “If that’s how you felt, why leave?”
“Because I couldn’t stay forever. My life is here. I’ve had that feeling twice in my whole life. Once was there, and the other was here. I don’t know what it is, but it makes me happy being here.”
“I know the feeling.” He smiles.
Shortly after that we make it to my apartment building, I pull into a spot in the front. My doorman gives us a nod making us laugh.
“Thank you for getting me home, and letting me drive. I think this might be my new favorite car.” I run my hand along the dash with appreciation.
“I think I’m going to miss her.” I tease with a pout.
“She’s always the best until you’re on a grocery trip.” He jokes.
“Well thank you Harry.” I take off my seatbelt and walk around to the sidewalk. I wave over my shoulder seeing him get out as I walk up the steps.
“Maybe I could get your number.” He pauses to clear his throat, “You know, so you can see the car again.”
“Just to see the car?” I grin.
“Well, I’ll be there too.” He
“I think we could make that happen.”
He reaches his phone out toward me to fill out a contact.
“Y/n.” He grins reading it off his phone.
“That’s me.” I simper.
“I’ll be calling you, Y/n.” Harry smirks and takes a few backwards steps towards his car.
“I’m counting on it, Harry.”
plz let me know what y’all think! xoxo
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walking-in-lucis · 3 years
All Unwoven
Rating: Teen and Up Current Word Count: 1,547 Relationships: Gen, Chocobros if you squint Extras: Canon-Typical Violence Not Beta Read
Can also be read on my AO3, my username there is Thuri.
Just a little scene that popped into my head while talking about the boys with @nekoabi​, who is The Best. Enjoy!
It’d been bad. They’d made it out, but it’d been really, really bad. Prompto had seen Noct go down at once, heard Ignis shouting something, and seen the telltale orange glow of a phoenix down. He’d used more potions than he wanted to even think about, himself, just to stay up and shooting.
(Or, Noct gets himself in trouble, and Prompto and Ignis bond over it)
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True to his threat when they’d reached the Haven, Noct crashed before the tent was even up, collapsing into a camp chair the moment it was set out, and fast asleep only minutes later. Gladio’d had to pick him up to get him to move, and he’d come awake only long enough to--barely--help as Ignis got him into some fresh clothes.
Any other time, Prompto knew he probably would’ve been teasing him for it, or snapping pictures of Noct’s adorably grumpy sleep face. But not this time.
He’d taken the soiled clothes from Ignis, volunteering to go down to the water’s edge, just a few yards away, to wash them. He figured they’d all feel a little better, once the evidence of the morning was behind them, and there was still plenty of sunlight left in the day to dry them, as well.
By the time he’d finished, Ignis had thrown together what he called a “hasty lunch” but the garula steak sandwiches still beat the socks off anything Prompto’d ever managed to cook for himself. He dug in hungrily after he’d spread the clothes out to dry, weighted down with some loose stones.
Ignis reappeared from the tent, still carrying Noct’s serving. “No luck?” Gladio asked, frowning.
Ignis shook his head. “I’ll try again in a bit. He needs his rest, but I’ll feel better once we get some food in him.”
Prompto swallowed the bite of sandwich in his mouth, feeling it try to stick in his throat. “He’ll...he’ll be okay, right?”
“He will if he knows what’s good for him,” Gladio grumbled, glaring at the closed door of the tent, before getting up and going in, no doubt to watch over Noct’s sleep.
Ignis smiled, faintly, but nodded as he sat down beside Prompto with his own portion. “He will. We’ve all needed a phoenix down or two in the past, there’s no cause for concern.”
Prompto would’ve been more convinced, he decided, if Ignis and Gladio hadn’t both still looked worried.
It’d been bad luck, that was all. Just a run of supremely bad luck, all coming due at once. They’d stuck close to the road on their way down the creekbank, trying to spot the lost delivery van and its lost contents. And yeah, the fight against the giant bees surrounding it had been mildly to moderately gross, but not too hard. And then they’d even spotted the sapphire Dino wanted, though they’d had to tangle with a few sahagins to get to it.
No, it was the trip back that’d been the problem. Noct had wanted to walk right along the riverbank. He claimed it was because the going was easier than back in the brush, but they’d all known it was a thin excuse to look for likely fishing spots. But fine, it was early, they’d finished a couple errands, even Ignis had seemed willing to indulge him.
But the riverbank was home to more than just a few sahagins. Group after group of them kept popping up, and they were fucking annoying, with their sharp teeth, their clamping jaws, and their stupid rolling attacks.
Even that might’ve been okay, if hadn’t been for the damn Empire.
They’d been in the thick of things, when Prompto’d heard the unmistakable sound of an Imperial drop ship. He’d called a warning out, trying to get a better vantagepoint to start taking out MTs as well as the scaly reptiles. But then they dropped a MA Veles magitek armor as well as a load of the smaller humanoid MTs, and Prompto’s heart fell to his stomach.
It’d been bad. They’d made it out, but it’d been really, really bad. Prompto had seen Noct go down at once, heard Ignis shouting something, and seen the telltale orange glow of a phoenix down. He’d used more potions than he wanted to even think about, himself, just to stay up and shooting.
And then, when they’d had the Veles on the ropes at last, the largest sahagin Prompto had ever seen lumbered in and grabbed Noct from behind.
Everything after that was a bit of a blur in his memory--taking careful aim at the Veles, forcing himself to concentrate even as he heard Noct screaming, heard Gladio yelling. Getting shots off, until the giant, two legged armor fell over, defeated. Jumping back from the explosion, running to Noct and Gladio. Taking aim again, forcing himself to breathe, to be calm, detached, to wait for the perfect shot that would take out the beast and not hit Noct...and feeling true terror twist in his chest when that moment came only when Noct went limp.
But it did come, and he took it. The sahagin fell dead, his bullet through its brain, and he scrambled forward to try and help, only to find Noct covered in his own blood, pale in Ignis’s arms.
But Ignis had pulled out another phoenix down--one that had proved to be their last, which had given Prompto another thrill of fear he hadn’t needed, thank you very much--and wrapped Noct’s hands around it, breaking the vial.
After a few, breathless, terrifying moments, Noct had coughed and groaned, eyes fluttering open again. He’d weakly batted them away from him, but had ended up needing Prompto’s help to stand, and had made no protest at avoiding the riverbank for the rest of the--thank the Six--short walk to the haven.
Prompto shuddered, coming back to himself, looking out over the view of the river. Strange, how it was still such a beautiful, warm day. He stretched, setting his mostly empty plate aside. “You want my help cleaning up, Iggy?”
Ignis turned to him slowly, looking as if he, too, had been lost in his own world. “I...no, but thank you. You can fetch my sewing kit, however. I believe his highness’s clothes will need to be repaired.”
That, Prompto knew, was an understatement. He’d seen the long tears in Noct’s fatigue pants and jacket when he’d washed them, had seen the matched wounds close before his eyes. And yeah, he wanted that evidence gone just as much as the blood. “Sure thing.”
He got to his feet, rummaging in the box of camp stuff until he found Ignis’s small, but very well appointed sewing kit. Much better than his own, back home. In fact...Prompto glanced over to where Ignis was washing dishes, and shrugged to himself. Might as well help out here, too.
He checked the clothes, which were practically dry, and seated himself on the warm rock, spreading Noct’s pants out first. A long rip went across one knee, and three others went down the length of the other leg. He sighed, opening the kit again--and grinning when he saw four small spools of black thread, and one of white, no other colors. Well, Iggy did have an aesthetic.
Humming softly to himself, Prompto threaded a needle and went to work, repairing the fabric with small, careful stitches. He couldn’t completely erase the damage, but he could at least do a decent job.
“Will wonders never cease.”
Prompto jumped, sticking the needle into his finger. “Ow!” He looked up, sucking on his wounded finger, to see Ignis looking down at him. “Wha?”
Ignis chuckled softly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you. But I hadn’t expected you to know much about sewing.”
Prompto examined his finger, which was thankfully not bleeding after the first drop or two. “You think my threads make themselves?” he asked with a grin. “Figured if I was gonna look cool, I’d better learn how,” he continued, as Ignis took up Noct’s jacket, which bore several slashes of its own.
“I had wondered how you’d managed to convince the Crownsguard tailor to apply so many patches to your official uniform,” Ignis said, carefully threading a needle. “Your own work?”
Prompto nodded, pleased Ignis had noticed. “Yeah. Besides, we needed to keep our school uniforms in shape, and my folks weren’t around much.”
“I spent many hours repairing Noct’s,” Ignis said, bending over his work. “Though from less...dangerous adventures.”
“Yeah,” Prompto sighed, biting off a thread. “I used to just worry about him wearing himself out with prince stuff, or getting upset over his dad, not…”
“I, too, miss when school, council reports, and homework were among his chief concerns,” Ignis said, as Prompto trailed off. “He bears a great burden, one I would lighten further, if I could.”
Prompto half smiled, leaning over to bump his shoulder against Ignis’s. “Me too. Guess we just have to both do it together, huh?”
“With Gladio to help, I pray the three of us can lift enough to let him succeed,” Ignis agreed as he, to Prompto’s surprise and pleasure, bumped back. “At the least we can assure his clothes are in good repair.”
“Keep him fed, keep him clothed, and make sure Gladio keeps him safe,” Prompto agreed, looking down to admire his work. He could wish he had some crazy patterned fabric to make a patch, make a feature of the rip, but his nearly invisible repair job was, he knew, much more Noct’s style. “Yeah, I think we can do that.”
“Gods willing, it will be enough.”
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
In lighter news...
... Banba is apparently incapable of appearing a screenshot w/out looking amazing.
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hui-ing · 3 years
can you explain your svt nicknames? some are pretty self explanatory (like scoops and malewife in shining armor), but some i don't get the reference to!
S.Coups - scoops <3: scoops <3
Jeonghan - real life anime boy: he looks like the pretty long-haired anime/otome game boys but a real person
Joshua - california boy (enemy): he and I are both from Southern California so when he speaks English he sounds exactly like all the annoying teenage guys I grew up with and therefore I have to fight him
Jun - crow boy: even before he released the song "Crow" my siblings and I have been saying he has crow energy so after the song came out there was no way I wasn't going to reference that
Hoshi - kwon fire: reference to One Fine Day season 1
Wonwoo - hipster man: my anti-wonwoo agenda is based partly on the fact that he seems like a nerd who would say you're not a real fan if you don't know every bit of esoteric lore and liked stuff before it was cool
Woozi - grumpy cat: he is the human version of grumpy cat
DK - rudolph: there was a dance practice (Boom Boom I believe) where all the members were dressed as Santa except DK who was dressed as Rudolph, in a reindeer onesie and a clown nose, and that really stuck with me idk
Mingyu - malewife in shining armor: malewife but also knight
Minghao - philosopher king: I've seen a lot of interviews where he talks about his life philosophy and I'm always super impressed by the way that he thinks and the connections that he draws, and he just has a really elegant and self-assured aura so in some ways he almost comes off as regal
Seungkwan - professional electric guitar impersonator: an inside joke among my siblings is that when my brother heard the song teaser for Clap he thought he was hearing an electric guitar but it was actually Seungkwan hitting a high note and we all thought that was hilarious and still reference it a lot
Vernon - sky watcher: in his predebut song "Lizzy Velasquez" he mentions that his first word was sky, and together with the song "Rocket" that he did with Joshua, and his quiet manner, I kinda imagine him as a person who would sit and just watch the sky and think
Dino - shining diamond: the diamond maknae, the future of kpop... this boy shines so bright onstage that you can't help but be dazzled
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