#lots of trials and errors
ftcatv · 9 months
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can you hear me say your name, forever ? can you see me longing for you, forever ? - reference
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ruushes · 4 months
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dark urge -> creative outlet
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acepalindrome · 9 months
Ace spectrum Astarion is so so good. I just love him getting to redefine his whole relationship with sex and have the freedom to discover what he actually wants, and deciding that he only wants it occasionally, or only in certain circumstances, or maybe not at all, and that it’s okay! It’s fine! He’s under no obligation to continue being the hypersexual figure he was forced to present himself as!
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theecholegend · 10 months
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A soft Legend
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jattendschaton · 1 month
I just think. that Chat Noir would wear heelys. i know i'm right about this
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chitinleg · 1 year
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bad day, julian?
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steelthroat · 4 months
Guys guys guys- "trial and error" OH MY GOD live reaction because omg
Edit: I know it's fanmade. But shhhhhjhh I'm still not okay
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I've said this before and I'll say that again, Megatron has never been told by some grandma "close your legs sweetie, it's not ladylike"
I swear to God comic-artists love drawing him like that. And please don't stop.
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Sir, Ma'am, Lord, I need to marry you. Please Megan marry me. I want you, you, and your shit-eating grin. Please.
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Oh if only I could be in the Allspark's place rn... I swear animated Megatron is too fine and we'll never see him again I can't. PLEASE HASBRO.
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Yoooooo so that's why many tfa fanfictions start with this trope. No way guys I get it now. Also... HI JAZZZ HAAAAAAAYYYY (/^w^)/ 💕💖✨️
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First of all HIIIIII RODDY! Glad you didn't die sweetie<3 hiiii Jettwins, you're gonna die(or get hurt) brutally here :(
Megatron, honey, what's the name of your lip gloss? And what about your eyeliner? V jealous pls let me know. Also woweeee there's some tension here. Whooooooh.
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Poor oppy, his job as a lawyer is not easy with these clients ahshdhhfhg. Best panel ever omg
Also hi decepticon high command<3
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"And that's the moment he knew he fucked up"
Obsessed with this moment, God my inner essayist is itching- aaaaaaargh
Also seriously Megatron, the lip gloss. Stop it, you're seducing everyone, it's not fair.
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I love the way Sari is drawn in this comic omg. Also I'm gonna fucking cry, I miss Prowl so much 🥺💕
Also I know I'm just thirsting in this post but I swear I'm actually reading ahdhfhhgjgj. But my need to shitpost is stronger.
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I. AM. NOT. OKAY. OKAY??????
Holy fkn shit look at this. Look at this??????
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Bang. Bang. Bang. Beep-beep and then aver with the drop: Kaboom. How musical~
Ah shit I reached my image limit I'll make another post
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ikachap · 1 year
Guess whos been spendin their free time learning SFM?
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sad-leon · 7 months
What happens when shadow Leo is hit by light?? In all the comics Leo has enough time to dodge but what if he was caught by surprise? Does it have some kind of effect to him?
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If shined with a flashlight, it would burn, but he would likely be able to dodge into other shadows before he gets too hurt. If he's unable to hide, a flashlight would burn, but because the light fades away form the center, Leo could hide in those patches of faded light. If the light was shining too long, he's be burned significantly and it is possible that those injuries would kill him.
Sunlight on the other hand, burns significantly. Think, touching a hot stove vs sticking your hand in a pot of hot oil. The sun hurts and it hurts badly. If Leo were to be trapped in a surface or area that was revealed to sunlight with no shadows to flee to, he would die.
Being in a room with an overhead makes Leo warm, but unless the light is shines directly on him, he's fine chilling near the walls. Donnie keeps dim lights in his room and lab to provide Leo a comfortable, safe space. When the rest of the family is aware of Leo, they allow Donnie to dim the rest of their lights so Leo can become a part of the family
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gavinosbornedrors · 3 months
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Monday Update!
My Monster Hunter Iron Hammer project is finally, finally done!
In all its low-poly, hand-painted drab-background glory! I am actually pretty happy with this. I would've liked this done a long time ago, and even this post to be out like a week ago, but the results are pretty solid.
I learned a lot about texturing details, the scale they should be that's readable from a far (I'm looking at you guild crest) and their distribution and density around the prop itself. Also had a moment where some other stuff regarding just illustration in general clicked that caused me to redo a bunch of detaling on this - but this came out better for it. This looked pretty solid near the end, but my decision to do a final, extra bit of metal shine, plus a bit of color overlay and shading really brought it home.
Against my better judgement I'm going to do another one - the Giant Jawblade - but the lesson this time will be speed.
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transformativeworks · 3 months
is there an easy edit i can make to reversi to make different kinds of tags different colors?
Hey sorbusaucuparia
Unfortunately, I really very much exhausted the "things I know about coding skins" in that other post. I assume you mean like Characters vs Relationships vs other kinds of tags? I don't think that skins can differentiate between them, but I don't Know.
Through the power of Crowd Sourcing.. maybe we can find out.
Hey AO3 users... do you know more about this? bc. I do not.
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(srsly y'all I know nothing of coding site skins other than those two things I put in the first post)
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mo0onlitriver · 8 months
I watched Fionna and Cake recently. And let's just say it might have been too inspiring.
Because I am trying to make a paper Scarab with movable joints :'D
The project name is "Lil Scrabby". (Name will probably change.)
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Here he is with prototype 1 mask,prototype 2 head and prototype 3 hand. He'll have multiple masks for multiple face expressions. Also I'll definitely make a prototype 4 for the hand.
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Silly poses with the only body parts he has. He has fallen and can't get up.
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Alone on a friday night? Pathetic! Me too >:(
If anyone has any tips on making movable 3D paper dolls I would love to hear them. I'll post my ideas and blueprints if anyone's interested.
Also Prohibitedwish because why not. Prismo has a lil Scrabby figurine now :)
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havockingboo · 2 months
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Vivek coat and prosthetic arm redesign concepts
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jeonwon-wonwoo · 8 months
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hoshi: allure korea photo shoot behind (recolored)
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imthursdaysyme · 4 months
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more arwen where the longer i look at it the more arthur looks like fred jones and is cracking me up bc imagine someone telling arthur he looks like fred he’d be either pissed or not know who fred is
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modernbaseball · 1 year
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Fighting off both the sickness and the fear, Frodo gripped Sam's hand.
Then as he stood, darkness about him and a blackness of despair and anger in his heart. it seemed to him that he saw a light: a light in his mind, almost unbearably bright at first, as a sun-ray to the eyes of one long hidden in a windowless pit. Then the light became colour: green, gold, silver, white.
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