#lucy is a pyromaniac
katiekatdragon27 · 7 months
Guys, there is a severe lack of Sodascent content on this site and it irks me greatly. These are super self-indulgent lol.
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Meet Dusty and Lucile Hansen-Euler. Lucy is a molotov cocktail and Dusty is a sand candle (like that one product that was shoved in my face for two weeks straight on Insta) They are 10 and 15 respectively, and they are a girl and demiboy.
Lucy is an excitable tomboy with a ton of explosive energy and a proactive mindset. She's always in everyone's business (if they let her) and is constantly egging on dangerous stuff. Half of the time she is the one doing said dangerous stunts. Her self-preservation is pretty low, but once she begins forming alcohol in her body instead of juice, she becomes more cautious. She still has a very unhealthy and worrying interest in fire.
Dusty, on the other hand, is a grumpy dude who's full of cringy preteen angst and a rebellious mindset. He's the guy to post stuff like "It's not a phase, Mom" and "The shadows are the only things that truly understand me" and other edgy quotes like that. He's also that kid that hates that his parents love him cuz he's a "how can I relate to these edgy characters when my family is so nice????" person. Also, his wick is burnt since I think that all candles have the ability to light up when feeling strong emotions (for him, usually anger).
Bryce is doing his darndest to be present in his kids' lives (parent issues) but tends to over-worry about them and comes off as strict as a result. Amelia is more laid back and calm of the two and is more inclined to trust her kids' decisions (good childhood), but she is the scarier of the two when she's mad.
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(The dust bag above is my brother's character)^^
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Take a wiiiiiiiild guess who's kids are the first two 💀
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They'll get their own post eventually, I just have to finish their refs.
The ref sheet w/out shading and the sketch are below:
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Have a good day bros 👍
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satureja13 · 2 months
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The Friendship between : Ji Ho and Jack
Ji Ho and Jack had a rough start. They've met for the first time on Ji Ho's first day at Choongang Highschool. Jack is Vlad's best friend and Vlad hated Ji Ho so he didn't really have a choice. But Jack also scolded Vlad for being so cold and mean to Ji Ho. And neither of them had been happy to find the other living at the Space Bar too. (This is a very long post, 30 pics in total ö.ö)
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Vlad tried to keep his distance to Ji Ho and as Vlad's best friend, Jack was on Vlad's side. But Jack is like a puppy. He can't be mad at anyone for long.
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And it's a nightmare for Jack that anyone has a major crush on Kiyoshi. In the beginning Ji Ho had been worshipping Kiyoshi like crazy ^^'
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But nothing could keep them from becoming friends. Even though Jack is younger than Ji Ho, he decided to protect him. Like here at the prom, where introvert and traumatized Ji Ho (who hates it to be around people) had been elected for prom king... Jack shifted and everyone ran around in fear and forgot about Ji Ho - mission completed ^^'
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It had also been hard for Jack to forgive Ji Ho that Vlad died because he wanted to rescue Ji Ho from Genji, who claimed him.
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Jack and Ji Ho are the two youngest of the group and even though Jack is younger than Ji Ho, Jack is like an older brother for Ji Ho and Ji Ho trusts Jack and Saiwa with anything. And to Saiwa's dismay, Ji Ho follows Jack for all kind of nonsense instead of talking Jack out of it... But Saiwa also knows that it's healing for Ji Ho to follow Jack for some fun and Jack also drags him out of his comfort zone. Here, for example, Jack convinced Ji Ho to rehearse for their trailer and adult Jack's sons (from another story universe), who had been on a hunt for a killer, almost killed Jack because they thought he attacked Ji Ho for real omg...
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After Jack destroyed Barfolomew's Holy Star Wars tent, it had been Ji Ho who took on the job at the Diner de los Muertos to pay it off. Sai had been so mad at Jack but Ji Ho didn't bother.
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As the youngest, they often are in team 'Doing odd jobs no one else wants to do' ^^'
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They had endless discussions before Ji Ho and Vlad finally tightened their Bond. Ji Ho considered himself lucky to have such good friends he could trust and rely on in these confusing times.
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That was when they found their first winterfest tree at Mount Komorebi.
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After their first Winterfest together, they had another test on their friendship when Vlad brought back Luci for Ji Ho despite the danger for his life. And Jack had no choice other than call for Kiyoshi to bring Vlad back - for a price.
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And shortly after that they had a traumatic experience together when they'd been locked up and almost burned alive at Yamachan's Party.
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Jack watching Ji Ho and Vlad so they don't 'overcharge' the Bond ^^'
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Another stupid idea Jack dragged Ji Ho and Vlad in to charge the Bond...
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Ji Ho doing the dishes when Jack was in his coma. Usually they do this (and laugh a lot) together. It's one of their jobs because they are the youngest.
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We don't see Jack making music often (he's very talented but he just has too many other interests he follows and he gets distracted too easily, so making music comes a bit short) but sometimes he joins Ji Ho and Jeb. Jack and the magic Guitar of Toru even saved Vlad and Ji Ho's life on Summer Solstice.
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Ji Ho and Jack at the campsite at Tartosa. Jack was about to grill and Ji Ho took precautions because Jack is a pyromaniac (it's a Callahan Family Trait).
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Playing in the sand at the beach at Tartosa.
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After all that Vlad had to endure because of Ji Ho, it hadn't been easy for Jack to accept their relationship and to support them. But he knows they seriously try to overcome their hardships so he encourages both of them to do their best. He teaches Ji Ho how to love Vlad and arranges dates for them (for the three of them because Vlad and Ji Ho are too awkward around each other and barely talk...)
Jack teaching Ji Ho how to love Vlad. Lesson 1.
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After they had been divided, Jack started to send Ji Ho funny/silly messages to cheer him up since Ji Ho was alone in Britechester.
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Here they met again after a few months on Halloween <3 It was just a short greeting because Jack wanted to leave Vlad and Ji Ho alone to 'sort things out' ^^'
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Ji Ho helping Jack with his meditation practice to soothe his pain after he left Kiyoshi, his fated mate.
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Jack showing Ji Ho around after he arrived at Tomarang.
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Jack even decorated the room for Ji Ho at their new home.
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Vlad and Ji Ho (and Jack) having a date :3
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I think Ji Ho and Jack's friendship is the most amazing of all. Through all their hardships they still remained friends and they show me what friendship really is all about. To forgive and trust each other even through hard times and love the other just the way he is. Romance Level: Below Zero They really have some amazing memories, I've never hit the 30 pics per post limit before ö.ö.
Their Friendships In chronological order: 🫛 Saiwa and Jack 🫛 Vlad and Jack 🫛 Saiwa and Vlad 🫛 Kiyoshi and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Ji Ho 🫛 Ji Ho and Jack 🫛 Ji Ho and Jeb 🫛 Ji Ho and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Kiyoshi 🫛 Jack and Jeb
Their Relationships: ❤️‍🔥 Ji Ho and Vlad (and Luci) ❤️‍🔥 Saiwa and Jeb ❤️‍🔥 Jack and Kiyoshi ❤️‍🔥 Noxee and Greg ❤️‍🔥 Leander and Wesley (and Vlad) ❤️‍🔥 Francine Spencer (Jeb's Grandmother) and Jules Rico
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 📜 7-12 📜 13-16 📜 17-22 📜 23-28
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lemmilemura · 1 year
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Grouping them together for convenience
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Dating headcanons
If he hadn't died (headcanons)
His money
Streamer S/O
Cosplayer S/O
Extrovert S/O
Not Safe for Work
Love languages
Wealthy S/O
Parents' opinions
One of those days
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
If I could
Athlete SO
Yandere SO
Surprise kisses
Valentine's Day 2024
~One Shots / Imagines~
Sneaking in
I love you
Little Lucy
Love Sucks (PLAYLIST)
Love Sucks (PART 1)
Love Sucks (PART 2)
Love Sucks (PART 3)
Camera roll
Social Media
~Smut Prompts~
#1 "Let me see those eyes"
#18 "Swallow"
~Kiss prompts~
#14 "Morning kisses to wake them up and night kisses to make them sleep"
Big puppy
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Valentine's Day 2024
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kim-poce · 1 year
8. Witches Are Meant To Burn: Righteous Faters
On Patreon (two weeks earlier release)
First | Previous | Next | Masterlist
During the first hours of the night, I pretended the fire hadn’t affected me while Tina pretended to believe it. I hate that even when I know that I was too far for the fire to get me, and I know I didn't get hurt in any way I still feel like shit. Younger me tried to solve this with her own version of exposure therapy, which, as you may have guessed, did not solve the issue. It did, however, make things worse.
I noted down what I recalled from my former notebook that I’m pretty sure was now reduced to ashes, flying around Jitarin’s campus. I believe in the lovely redundancy, so of course, I have a backup notebook (which I left in Podium). The issue was just the notes I took since I left the library, and also the paper where Hector had noted down words in the unknown language. Damn, now I would need to wait until I went back to the library to study it (or ask Hector to write it to me again). It wasn’t nearly as important as I pretended it was. But I wasn’t going to sleep anyway and I had a lot of time on my hands.
Whenever my focus slipped, though, I wondered what caused the fire. It was in at least two different buildings, so it was most likely not an accident. Criminal then? I hoped it was. Yes, I know this is a bad thing to hope for but I would rather enter a building that someone purposely set fire to once than in a building that can, by chance or accident, suddenly burn down.
I didn’t have to wonder for too long though; My students came in the morning (what kind of student wants to spend their break time with their professor and boss? I know I wasn’t), they were, obviously, talking about the mysterious fire. Sandra was excited as if the fire was some kind of festival that she had just discovered. Well, I always knew she had a pyromaniac side in her, thinking about it she often has odd likes and habits, for example, the fact she was still wearing the long white dress of Portia against her dark skin, the fabric was too thin for the current climate but it’s not like I’m the one wearing it. Speaking of Portia, even her long dark hair was tied up like Maliane’s tribe’s man tied theirs, a kind of ponytail, but lower and more to the left, ornate with fake leaves of a plant common in in there (it would usually be ornate by real leaves, but said plant was not common here in Gea). It was an odd choice of hairstyle, but again, Sandra is just like that.
“Were you there? Did you see it?” she asked, green eyes sparkling somehow.
“Sandra you shouldn’t–” Tina started.
“I was,” I cut. Tina was the only one aware of my issue with fire, and I want it to stay like this. “I had left the interview building when it started. Did anyone get hurt?”
“That’s the thing!” Sandra said. “No one was inside when it happened. According to the register, you were the last person to use the interview building and most of Professor Gione’s pupils were gathered in the pub. You know that pub.”
“Maria’s Stage.” Hector clarified, as usual, a contrast of Sandra. He was back to his spiky bracelets, silver piercings, and leather jackets. His hair was almost touching his shoulder. I knew (from working with him for a while) that as soon as it did he would cut it really short and wait for it to grow all over again.
“There was also another fire. A dorm in Owl’s Book, that as you know also has a group working in Podium. Again, no one was inside when it started.” he added.
The picture that was forming in my head wasn’t pleasing me at all. “Did the specific dorm that burnt–”
“–belonged to someone working in the library?” Lucas completed while messing his blond hair. “Yes, Master. The fire started both in Professor Lucy Udio’s office and in her student’s dorm. They were on their way back from the central library when it happened.”
“So what you are saying is that someone might be trying to kill the scholars working in Podium?” I raised my eyebrow, it was getting too speculative for my tastes. Still, if someone was trying to set me on fire I would very much want to know previously, thank you very much.
“I don’t think that’s the case?” Tina said. She had left earlier in the morning and brought actual food, and now we were having a healthy breakfast. This was so unlike her that I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a storm today. “I mean, from what June told me earlier, no one got hurt. Apart from the idiot that tried to get back inside the building and got some light burns (which would be worse if someone hadn’t pulled him out as soon as the idiot stepped inside). So maybe… Well, I admit I don’t have theories but still I don't think it was meant to kill the scholars. They could set this house on fire if-” she stopped herself and cursed under her breath before glancing at me.
“You are right,” I said, smiling to show that it was okay. “If they wanted to kill me they could just… burn my house, I would argue that the neighborhood is safe but they managed to get inside Jitarin, and Owl’s Book so whoever it is, they seem to be able to get wherever they want.”
“It’s most likely a group- Shit!” June said, reaching to take bread from the sack. “Who put this here?”
“Are you truly asking—” Lucas chuckled, watching June trying to wipe chocolate off the sleeve of his worn-out jeans jacket. “—who put the cake over the table where all the rest of the food is?”
“Ah come on,” he gave up on trying to clean it, cleared his throat, sat back down, and pretended nothing happened. As June does. “It’s most likely a group since both the fires in Jitarin started about the same time, and it was quite a few walking minutes from one building to another. And the ones in Professor Lucy’s office started about twenty minutes later. Which is about the time one would take to arrive there if they were on a very fast horse, faster if you go by car but who even owns one of these?”
“How do you know that already?” Tina asked with a mock-angry tone. “When I say that you all are eggs that is what I mean. You are always the first to do anything.”
“Do the police have any suspects?” I asked.
June made a sign to wait while he finished chewing and swallowing his bread, “They—” he sipped the coffee “—didn’t find anything yet. They are keeping Gione’s pupils in check, though, the idiot who when back to the fire could, maybe, be walking out of the building and his peers lied to cover it up.”
“That’s circumstantial,” Tina said. “I mean, I distrust Professor Gione’s as much as the next person with common sense. If the point was who stole some very profitable idea I would also point at him but making his students burn the dorm? It’s not like Podium lacks work, he would only be making the whole thing harder and slower.”
“Like June said,” Sandra said, “The police are just keeping them in check. The fire was yesterday, they are still looking for other clues. But only three of them weren’t in Maria’s Stage. The timing doesn't match, even if they were the culprit they wouldn’t have done this alone.”
“I see,” I took a deep breath. When I said I rather it to be criminal, this wasn’t what I was thinking of. “Lucas, I need you to send some letters to me.”
“To the council, master?” he guessed.
“Yes, we can’t be sure of anything yet but if someone is truly attacking us we need to make Podium safer, maybe halt the project for a while.”
“Halt the project?!” Sandra asked, getting up all of a sudden. “Why?”
“You said it yourself the other day. Podium is said to be the Hands of God cave, you know, the thing people used to kill doctors for in the past. So, maybe someone doesn’t want a town to be flooded or a new plague to arise.” I shrugged.
“Are you saying someone is trying to stop us because they believe in magic?”
“It’s probably not it. I’m just calling a meeting because the chances, even if low, are not zero. Also, the four of you need to be careful, avoid the dorm, stay together if possible, look for a hotel that has proper emergency exits. Just to be safe.”
June sighed deeply, “Great! Now we are detectives, that’s all we need while on vacation from decrypting books!”
“Don’t forget that someone might be trying to kill us,” Lucas added.
“How dare I forgetsuch a thing? Fate isn’t on our side.”
“You are playing with the hands of god and you complain when fate betrays you?” Hector teased.
“I found him!” June yelled, grabbing Hector closer. “I found the Fater. Are you mad because we are disturbing fate, oh righteous Fater?”
“Of course!” Hector grinned before making a mock-angry expression. “Thou dare to learn, Heathen June? Thou shall burn with thy books! Fate wants me to free the world of thee so thou shall join the witches in the ashes!”
June laughed and let his friend go.
Sandra tilted her head. “Magic isn’t my field, but wouldn’t killing someone to punish them for bending fate count as bending fate itself? How can people know when someone is bending fate or when fate wanted this someone to do whatever they were doing?”
“No one ever accused Faters of making sense,” I said. “But that is where things get fun, if nothing happened then the punishment had been fair and the fate was back to its track, but if something bad happened the punishment was unfair and they would try to appease fate in another way. It was all so subjective, no wonder people were scared of everything back then.”
“Well, we are on a break everyone. And this counts as working, right?”
“Oh, right Hector, you made me remember something. You have a good memory, right?”
“Perfect memory, Master,” he grinned.
“Please don’t adopt Lucas’ bad habits. Do you remember the words you noted down for me?”
“The one from that last language they found? Yes.”
“Please write them down to me again, after this, yes, everyone is on a break.”
“Still with the break thing? Do you even believe we can do that?” Tina raised her eyebrow.
“I don’t,” I admitted. “But I have to try.”
@kathea, @extemporary-username, @wolfeyedwitch, @blu-jay-2779, @rose-pinkie, @latenightcupsofcoffee
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Tag Yourself (Placebo Edition)
Pure condensed anxiety
Could kill you but would cry the entire time
Spent his childhood as a bridge troll
Said “no” to society
Comes out of the shadows to help you like a mythical guide
Lowkey protective
Fidget 100
Crime as a bonding experience
Evil robin hood
“Do Not Perceive Me”
Has mastered the poker face
Survives on a steady diet of gossip
Horse Girl™
Collects figurines
Would sell you to Satan for one corn chip
Sexuality: money
Hates everyone except for like one person
Could 360 noscope you no problem
Small body big voice
Stable interests? I don’t even know her
Gets a crush and immediately regresses to being a flustered schoolgirl
Trying her best
GPS implanted directly in brain
Biology nerd
Pigs are good
Mad online, mad offline, mad all the time
Oops all repression
Will kill for you without hesitation if he likes you
Not a fan of nature
Punches extremists
Politely asked the grim reaper to leave him alone and it worked
God simp
Holy dad
Attempts to be the sensible one
Reliable when not engaging in Rat Behavior
Works out to get good at hugging
Doesn’t like fish
Has just completely given up and is mad about it
Saw god
Brooding as a hobby
Judging you
Egotism as a coping mechanism
Goes by his nickname only
Calculated chaos
Supplies the cursed knowledge
Made one (1) mistake years ago and will never forgive himself
Be gay do crimes
Here to make things worse
Dead inside and outside but still kicking somehow
Hopeless romantic
Writing a fix-it fic for life
Probably on an FBI watchlist and not just for her search history
Names everything she comes across
Pestering as a love language
Can only express one (1) emotion per lunar cycle
Screwed up so bad that ghosts had to stage an intervention
Reluctant mom friend
Looks like she could kill you and would 100% kill you
Must be the best or she’ll just die
Has a husband but is also married to the grind
In a constant state of “fight me”
Living in denial
MVP dad friend
Killed god
Tired but also a chaos enabler
If looks could kill you’d be dead
Earned 1st place in having trust issues
Bad luck magnet
Fancy street tricks go brrrrrr
Raccoon energy
Kisses the homies
No talk
Hates excessive loud noise
Loves his dog more than he loves most people
Is the law
Beware of dog
“I can fix him”
The sane one
Pampers his dog 24/7
Doesn’t like alcohol
Does it for the bit
Loves his wife
Is your dad now
Personified trauma
Music god
Needs a hug but will also stab you if you get near him
He protecc he attacc
Cannot heely away from the feelies (but he does try)
Big boy. Buff
The one responsible member in the group project
He forgor :(
Riddle Hour Is Every Hour
Everyone’s chill cryptid uncle
Has come to terms with the inevitability of death
Youngest in the group but is somehow the leader
Did a Leeroy Jenkins once
Physically fought his demons
Funny accent
Grandpa vibes
DIY king
Doesn’t like war
Hyper strict
“Get off my lawn!!!”
Job is life
Stays up all night reading
Mommy issues
Smarter than you
Is brother
Edgy loner
Art as a coping mechanism
Token extravert
Cottagecore gay
Gifted kid syndrome
Will kill you if you don’t vaccinate
Necrophilia pog
Group baby
Just wants to be taken seriously
Keeps having to watch everyone she loves die
Likes being carried around
Who is she
Only in charge because she’s the oldest
Had a rebellious phase (and may still be having it)
Religion bad
Sweet and shy but will start swinging without hesitation
Listens when you vent
Will feed all you heckers
Beautiful cinnamon roll to good for this world, too pure
Immediately knows when things are sus
Firm believer in the power of friendship
Chivalry died with him
Group brain cell
Gives scoldings (affectionate)
Pigs are bad
Got tired of waiting for her husband to return from war
Plant whisperer
Do no harm take no crap
Daddy issues extraordinaire
Social skills replaced with street smarts
Learning the hard way that life is so painfully complicated
Tells you exactly what she thinks
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duskbats · 2 years
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i minimized my game for one second.
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iholli · 2 years
an unusual song that’s your favorite?
I would consider this unusual cause I very rarely play video games and most people think I'm weird for listening to non lyric & soundtrack music FDGGIFHVK
anyway back in the day before YouTube went critical with the copyright strikes there was a 10 hour loop of this song and I always played it when I was reading. The YouTube version may be long gone but now I can have it on eternal repeat on Spotify while reading the exact same books. 💚
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rnainframe · 2 years
Emmet: Spoiled rotten heir to Octan. Sheltered and pampered to make sure he's able to become the prodigal son the prophecy claims he'll be. Cold and demanding of your attention. Devoid of Master Builder potential because instead of really trying he throws money at his problems.
Sirius: Caring father to the point of helicoptering while at the same time giving him whatever he wanted. Genuinely doesn't seem to realize he's created a monster.
Unikitty: Hates everything. Runs an almost apocalyptic hellscape where no fun is allowed.
Lucy: Introverted wannabe that's constantly trying to fit in. Will claw her way to being somebody if she has to make her latest facade out of your remains.
Benny: A trigger-happy demolitionist that sold his crew out to Blacktron. Kind of pyromaniacal. Loose cannon.
GCBC: Joint leaders of the Heck's Angels biker gang. GC acts sickeningly sweet to get your guard down before stabbing your back and BC acts stoic and serene to make you forget about his deadly, hair-trigger temper.
Metalbeard: The plundering and violent kinda pirate? only his head is bionic from The Incident. he only says The Incident and never elaborates
Vitruvius: evil wizard but in the okay grandpa very cool it's time for bed though way
Batman: lol the batman who laughs
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Do you have any modern nalu headcanons in mind?
I haven't done any relationship headcanons in like, a long ass while, so bear with me if i'm a bit rusty here.
Natsu is that asshole who leaves empty jars in the fridge instead of throwing them out (but theres still a little left in there!) and its the only thing they argue about constantly.
But in the same breath Lucy has the bad habit of leaving her mugs everywhere (the shower??? On the bed and half full???) So Natsu has to tread carefully to not end up breaking them.
Sleep fighter Lucy vs Blanket hog Natsu. Which of the two will get to sleep straight through the night without any disturbance for once? Find out next time on dragon ball-
Natsu is also a filthy snack thief. He'll see her with a bowl of snacks and just scoops out a handful before disappearing. She tried to do it back to him once but suffered dire consequences from whatever 5 alarm spicy thing he was eating at the time. He did ease up on the snack stealing after though, if any consolation.
When Natsu gets pissed he likes to go up on the roof to clear his head. As a kid he'd climb trees when he was upset. There's something about the open air and the stillness that helps to calm him. But it did a fucking number on Lucy's heart when he came home pissed af once and went straight out the window without a word.
And while Lucy doesn't really have the nerves to join him up there (not a big fan of heights) she will stick close to the window for when he comes back in or if he wants to talk while out there.
Lucy pitches her story ideas to Natsu either real early in the morning or before going to bed. When he's half asleep he gives more honest answers about the idea that he wouldn't normally give when he's fully alert (he doesn't want her to feel bad for not liking some of the concepts)
Y'all ever see that tiktok where this guy gets his boyfriend a firepit and even though he's worried that his boyfriend is giving into pyromaniac tendencies he doesn't stop him cause he now gets to eat more s'mores? That's Lucy and Natsu.
Lucy likes to steal Natsu's tops and hats, Natsu likes to steal her weird and fuzzy socks. They nag each other about the stealing but they'll never stop.
Remember how i said they only really argue about one thing? Yea that was a lie. Everytime they have to go out somewhere its a fight to get him in the car, a battle of wills whether they really need to go out or if they could just walk ('Natsu its 5 miles we can't walk-'). It's such a funny spectacle, the neighbours love it.
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This idea for a oneshot just popped into my head along with a few others, so I decided to write it.
BixLu is far too underrated. I love it so much and I wish there were more fics about them. I think that they'd have a great dynamic either romantic or platonic. I wish that they interacted more in the show. I honestly don't know why exactly why I love BixLu, I just do. Then again, that's the same reason I have for loving a majority of rare Lucy pairs.
Saving My Cosplayer (Bixlow x Lucy)
"Hey, Cosplayer!"
Bixlow walked over to the blonde celestial wizard that he had a crush on since she beat him during the Fantasia incident. Lucy turned around on the stool she sat on at the bar and smiled at him, returning his greeting with "hello, Bix. What's up?"
Bixlow gave her a large smile and said, "come to see if you wanted to hang out sometime." His 'babies' repeated the words "hang out" as they floated around his head.
Lucy laughed lightly at the small, wooden totems before responding, "I'd love to hang out with you. I'm going on a job with Natsu once he and Gray stop butting heads, so how about when he and I get back?"
Bixlow narrowed his eyes under his visor, a feeling of jealousy building up in his stomach. He knew that it was silly to get jealous over Lucy and Natsu being partners, but he just couldn't help it, he was pretty sure that the Fire Dragon Slayer had a crush on Lucy. Ignoring the unwanted feeling in his stomach, he gave the blonde his trademark grin with his tongue hanging out and answered, "yeah, Cosplayer, that sounds great!"
Lucy smiled, a heavenly smile in Bixlow's opinion, in response before leaning to the side in order to peer past him and at the brawl that was beginning. Bixlow turned around when he noticed that Lucy was grimacing at the sight. Upon turning around, he saw that not only were Natsu and Gray fighting but now Gajeel and a few others were getting involved. Bixlow couldn't help the laugh that escaped him when he heard Lucy groan and mumble something about needing a month-long break from Natsu.
He turned around to see the celestial wizard of his affections stomp past him, up to Natsu, grab him by his scarf, and drag the whining pyromaniac out of the guildhall. Bixlow gave a hearty laugh at that before walking back upstairs to Fairy Tail's second floor and sitting down at the table that he and his team frequented, intent on waiting for his Cosplayer to return so he could finally do what Laxus, Freed, and Evergreen have been bugging him to do, and make a move on Lucy.
Three days passed and every day Bixlow would arrive at the guild early to sit at his usual table and watch the guildhall doors, waiting for Lucy's return. He's had a massive crush on her since the Fantasia incident when she kicked his ass. He had always thought that she was gorgeous, but that battle, along with the time he spent befriending her, showed him that she was also strong, smart, kind, and many other things that Bixlow loved in a woman.
After he was beaten by the celestial wizard, his interest was sparked. After a while of getting to know and befriending her, that sparked interest turned into love. He would so often find himself looking forward to seeing her, pushing himself to ask her to take a job with him but ending up failing and wishing that she would approach him about taking a job together, and cursing himself out for passing up a perfect chance to ask her on a date due to his stupid nerves.
Eventually, he told Freed and Evergreen about his feelings for Lucy in hopes of them coming up with some sort of solution for him. Freed had actually put down his book and informed him that his only option was to confess to Lucy. The rune mage explained that if Lucy ended up rejecting him, then Bixlow will be able to get over her faster since he'll have the knowledge that his feelings aren't returned rather than pine for her longer and never know if he ever had a chance. Freed went on to explain that if Bixlow confessed his feelings and she felt the same way, then he'll no longer be left to question if he could have ever gotten with her.
Evergreen, however, had jumped up and attempted to dash away to the bar so she could tell Mira of this new piece of information and team up to put Bixlow and Lucy together. Fortunately, Bixlow was quicker than her and was able to grab his friend before she could tell the dreaded "Demon Matchmaker." The brunette eventually stopped struggling to free herself from his grip and sat back down. She informed him that she agreed with Freed. Bixlow had many times tried to confess to Lucy, but ended up chickening out every time.
When Laxus returned Bixlow had made Freed and Evergreen promise to not tell their returned friend. He found out that his two friends went back on their promises when the very next day Laxus dragged him outside, behind the guildhall. Once outside, the Lightning Dragon Slayer had demanded that Bixlow explain what the other two had told him about their seith mage having romantic feelings for Lucy.
Since then, Laxus, Freed, and Evergreen had been bugging Bixlow to confess his feelings. He would always say that he would confess, but end up either not doing it or finding an excuse to not even try. His three friends got so tired of the whole thing that Laxus banned Bixlow from going on a job on his own or with another mage that wasn't Lucy. Freed even went so far as to place runes around the Fairy Tail guildhall with the rules that Bixlow could not leave unless the sun had set or he was with Lucy. Evergreen, not wanting to be outdone by her two male friends, enlisted Mira to keep an eye on Bixlow whenever his three friends were away and make sure he doesn't somehow find a way around Freed's runes or go against Laxus' ban.
So, now Bixlow was waiting for Lucy's return, determined to get Laxus, Freed, and Evergreen off of his back and found out once and for all if she felt the same way. The seith mage downed the rest of his beer and waved off Mira when he noticed her bringing him another one. He didn't want to even be a little bit intoxicated in case Lucy came back today, after all, it was still morning.
He returned his shielded eyes to the large wooden doors and watched, wishing that he had asked Lucy when she was expecting to return to the guild. He placed his elbow on the table, propping his left arm up, and rested his chin in the palm of his hand. He released a sigh through his nose. He was bored. It was boring having to sit at his team's table and wait for the blonde woman to return from her job, but he was willing to power through the boredom if it meant getting to finally ask her out. He just hoped that he'd be able to actually do it this time because he wasn't sure how much longer he can take Laxus' ban, Freed's runes, Evergreen's enlisting Mira's help, and all three of their pestering without trying to deck any of them.
Bixlow was snapped out of his thoughts when the sound of the guildhall doors burst open, creating a loud 'bang' noise when they slammed against the walls. He straightened his slouched posture as he took in the sight that drew the attention of the rest of the guild.
Natsu was horribly beaten up. His clothes were dirty, torn, and covered in blood. He was covered in bleeding injuries and already-forming bruises. He was obviously in pain. He took a few steps forward before collapsing to his knees, Lisanna and Mira managing to catch him before he fell forward. Bixlow watched as Mira sent Levy to find Wendy and to inform Master Makarov that something had happened. The seith mage had to take a few moments to process what he was seeing before he jumped to his feet once he was suddenly hit with realization.
Lucy had gone with Natsu.
He jumped over the railing of the guild's second floor, landed on his feet easily, and ran to Natsu. He kneeled down in front of the badly beaten dragon slayer and demanded through clenched teeth, "where is Cosplayer?"
Natsu struggled to answer. After what felt like hours, he finally managed a pained whisper as tears pricked the corners of his dark eyes, "s-she was t-taken...I c-c-couldn't sa-save her."
Bixlow turned to an also injured Happy and demanded to know where the job request that Natsu and Lucy had taken was. The trembling, wounded blue exceed dug into a pouch that he had been carrying. Bixlow immediately recognized the pouch and the belt that it was attached to.
It was Lucy's. He could tell by the celestial spirit keys that glimmered from inside the pouch.
After being handed the job request, Bixlow grabbed Levy who had just returned with Wendy, but was unable to locate Makarov. He pulled the letter mage to the guildhall doors and order her to take down Freed's runes. The shaken Levy didn't argue or even tried to ask why he wanted her to do such a thing. It took longer than Bixlow would have liked, but she eventually succeeded and the seith mage was out of the guildhall faster than anybody could blink.
He wasn't going to let Lucy be taken from him. Not when he still had to tell her his feelings.
Lucy strained against her restraints. She was sitting on a wooden chair, inside a small, stone room. Her arms were chained behind her and her legs were also bound by chains. In front of her, across the stone room, was a locked, metal door. She glared at it, as though it would open up just like that.
She was tired and in pain. Her tank top was now a cropped tank top and covered in dirt and her own blood. Her skirt was almost completely ripped off of her body. She was covered in still bleeding wounds, there was even a large gash above her left eye, the dried blood practically gluing her eye closed. Her golden blonde hair was coated in dried blood and had lost its trademark luster.
She's already given up on screaming for help or for her captures to release her. Her voice had gone hoarse and painful to use. How long had she been here? She had no idea. She and Natsu had taken a job that seemed easy. Take out a few dark mages. That was it. She and Natsu had estimated that they would be back in a week.
The two mages and their blue exceed had managed to track down the dark mages that they had to defeat. However, the pair were quickly ambushed just as they were about to attack. They tried to fight back, but there were too many dark mages attacking them all at once, and the two Fairy Tail mages and exceed ended up being overpowered and beaten.
Natsu and Happy managed an escape, but Lucy was too injured and tired to attempt escaping. Natsu had promised to come back for her. That was a while ago. Lucy didn't have her keys. They were taken from her when she, Natsu, and Happy were captured. Lucy found holding onto the hope of being rescued increasingly difficult.
"So, what did the boss say he wanted to do with the girl?"
Lucy struggled to raise her head at the sound of a man's gruff voice from the other side of the metal door. Another voice, a deep, feminine one that belonged to a woman, answered, "take her to Bosco and sell her. She's really pretty. She'd surely go for a lot of money."
The man laughed crudely before banging his fist against the metal door and shouting at the beaten celestial wizard, "you hear that? You're gonna be some man's pretty little plaything." The two dark mages chuckled to themselves and walked away.
Lucy dropped her head. She wasn't surprised that she didn't start crying at that reveal. Since being captured, all she has done is cry against her own judgment. She hated that she showed such weakness, but her body just would not stop the tears. She had cried so much already that she probably didn't have any tears left to shed.
She felt the last shred of hope she had slip away.
She's never going to see her friends again.
Never going to fight alongside her spirits again.
Never going to gossip with the other women of Fairy Tail again.
Never going to get the chance to tell Bixlow that she loved him.
She hadn't been a big fan of Bixlow at first, but when she saw how much of an effort made to befriend her, she gave him a chance and became his friend. Now, she was glad that she did because she found him to be very funny, nice, surprisingly smart, and dependable. 
She mourned that she wouldn't be able to tell him she loved him, go on dates with him, and have the future she always dreamed of with him. She wasn't ignorant of the possibility that he wouldn't return her feelings. She knew that it would hurt if he didn't feel the same way, but she would be fine with remaining his friend. She just wished she could have worked up the courage to confess to him. 
Lucy had no hope left. This was it. She was going to be taken to Bosco and sold to some fat, old man. 
She raised her head at the distant sound of an explosion. She strained to hear the shouting of the dark mages accompanying muffled sounds of fighting. She felt her hope returning. Did Natsu return for her like he said he would? Did he send someone to save her? Was she going to get out of here at last? Was she going to finally get her chance to tell Bixlow that she loved him? 
She painfully strained against her chains, listening to the sounds of fighting and shouting that ever so slowly got louder. She listened for a familiar voice, but was unable to hear someone that she recognized due to the overlapping of loud voices and continuous sounds of magical attacks destroying anything they hit. 
A small smile appeared on her face, but it quickly dropped when she heard a man on the other side of the door growl to someone else, "we need to get the girl out of here. Nyx and Robin are waiting outside. They'll take her to Bosco and sell her." 
Lucy felt her hope begin to slip away once more and despair fill her gut once more. She listened to the sound of the metal door being unlocked before it screeched open. Two large men stalk towards her and unchain her. One of the men grip her arm painfully, causing the blonde to whimper as she was yanked to her feet on weak legs and roughly dragged out of her small prison. 
She tried to struggle out of her capture's grasp, but was in too much pain and too weak to succeed. She switched to screaming for help. She managed to only get out a few screams before the man clamped his other hand over her mouth, quieting her as he continued to drag her away from the sounds of fighting. 
Once outside, Lucy saw two women waiting to take her away to Bosco. Before she could be passed off to the pair of female dark mages, the man pushed her to the ground with a pained shout. Lucy landed on her front, unable to pull herself up or to even lift her head. She internally grimaced as she listened as the man's screams of pain were joined by the two women's own pained screams. After a few minutes, the three dark mages' screams weakened before quieting entirely. Lucy could feel herself fall into unconsciousness when she finally heard a familiar voice murmur to her as she was picked up by the mage that saved her, "thank goodness we got here just in time. Bix is going to be mad that I was the one to actually save you."
The last thought on Lucy's mind was recognition of the voice.
Bixlow paced back and forth in the infirmary that Lucy had been resting in for a whole day now. After he got through Freed's runes he managed to contact Laxus, Freed, and Evergreen and tell them about Natsu having returned heavily injured and Lucy missing. The three mages left their individual jobs with promises of returning to their job posters and rushed back to Magnolia. The group of four then got the location of the dark mages' hideout from Natsu and formed a plan to save Lucy as well as complete Lucy and Natsu's job for them. 
The fighting lasted longer than expected, but they managed to succeed. Bixlow, Evergreen, and Laxus had met outside with reports that they were unable to find Lucy while they fought. It didn't take long for Freed to materialize from several runes with an injured, unconscious, and half-naked Lucy in his arms. Bixlow had rushed towards his friend and took Lucy into his own arms, trying to not freak out. The group hurried back to Fairy Tail to find Porlyusica assisting Wendy. 
A whole day later, Bixlow refused to leave Lucy, barely ate, and was unable to sit still. Porlyusica had stated that Lucy needed rest and should be waking up any day now before she hit a few mages and left. Natsu was in the main part of the guildhall, able to hang out with his guildmates but not take any jobs or join brawls for a few weeks. Lucy was determined to be in a worse state due to having been with the dark mages longer and was most likely tortured based on the freshness of many of her injuries as well as their degree of severity. 
Bixlow bit his lip to the point that it seemed as though he was going to make it bleed. He stopped in his tracks when Lucy groaned in pain. Bixlow whipped around to see her struggling to sit up with a grimace of pain on her bruised and cut-up face. He rushed to her side and gently pushed her back down on the bed as he softly urged, "you need to stay in bed, Cosplayer. You're not in good enough condition to get up." Lucy whimpered a little as she obeyed. Bixlow felt his heart ache at the sound. He hated seeing her so injured and in pain. 
Lucy looked up at Bixlow as he sat in a chair next to the bed, scooting it closer so he could hold Lucy's hand and look her in the eye. He fought the tears that stung his eyes. He was conflicted about if he should confess to her now or wait until she was able to get out of bed and walk around without being in an incredible amount of pain. Almost losing her had scared him beyond belief and he wasn't sure if he could go much longer without telling her of his feelings for her. 
Just as he was about to ask if she wanted anything, the blonde spoke weakly, "Bix, I have something to tell you." The seith mage suppressed the feeling of hope that bloomed in his stomach. He silently nodded for her to go on. 
Lucy continued in such a soft voice that Bixlow had to lean a little bit closer to her, "I love you. I've loved you for some time now." 
Bixlow looked at her with his eyes widened behind his visor and his mouth slightly agape. He couldn't believe what he had heard. Lucy loved him too? Was this actually happening? He used his free hand to pinch his arm, digging his fingernails into his skin. When he didn't wake up in his own bed at home, he concluded that this was all real. 
He looked back at Lucy to see that she was giving him a look of apprehension, as though she was expecting him to reject her. Bixlow let go of Lucy's hand and placed it on her cheek, careful to not hurt her. He leaned forward, stopping when his lips were just centimeters from hers. He whispered, "I've loved you since you kicked my ass before the Fantasia Parade." He then closed the distance between their lips in a gentle kiss, one that Lucy didn't hesitate to return.
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classysassy9791 · 2 years
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Chapter 2 is now edited and LIVE on AO3! (super short chapter!)
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Summary:  Lucy Heartfilia had always wanted to join the front lines in the war against the Alvarez Empire. She had read all about the dangers and tragedy of battle. But no amount of research could've prepared her for Ishgar's well-represented pyromaniac. A story told in drabbles.
Originally a little drabble inspired by a sprint exercise. Updates will be infrequent when my muse allows.
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satureja13 · 1 year
Loose Collections:
- Vlad’s secret presents for Ji Ho (plus the Ewok and the Lily) - Morgan and Vlad (Morgan's unhealthy obsession with Vlad)
- The Trailer for Choongang Highschool
- Strawberry Cake Fashion (around Giga’s online shop)
- Jeb complaines about clothes Giga picked for him - Jeb in awe about my interior design ;) - Callahan Pyromaniacs (the hidden family skill...) - White Knight Kiyoshi (Kiyoshi protecting Ji Ho) - Wolf Nap (worried Jack sleeps on the floor) - Vlad overhearing (the walls are always too thin for his vampiric super hearing...) - overnight beards (sometimes they wake up with ridiculous beards)
- Ji Ho and Jeb (and Leander) looking lascivious at each other - Ji Ho and Luci - Jack and Kiyoshi  - Jack jealous   - Jeb and Kiyoshi - Jeb and Ji Ho- Giga and Jeb - Jack's Armadillo World (his hideout in his head)  - Giga Jealous - Vlad and Jeb - Jack's puppy strategy to distract from uncomfortabel things - Get a Room! - Heart Shaped Bed - sitting at Vlad's bed (or Ji Ho's ;) - Jeb jogging - Jack's Whiteboard
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cherrilee · 2 years
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Time for the obligatory Mlp au doodles. Based on g4 because theres more lore for that:
Lyn would be a kirin b/c shes a borderline pyromaniac anyway. She can’t speak due to the spell the kirin queen cast over her village and was banished shortly after for setting half the village on fire out of frustration. Lyn eventually found her way into Ponyville where she met Lucy and TK.
Pony Pete has been watching her for a while. He followed her after her banishment and waited for a chance to reveal himself. He can help her get her voice back... for a date...?
TK was adopted by earth ponies and mostly lives on land. They’re better at cooking than flying. Lucy is an earth pony that loves to travel and always likes to lend a helping hoof.
Thats all for now. I might doodle some of the other characters(but most dont have an offical color scheme so idk). I you got any questions you can ask on here or send an ask or something
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 2 years
🖊+ that big woman from that thyris post
You. I like you, anon.
That's my girl Thaavia, the paladin I'm playing in a friend's homebrew dnd setting. Thaavia Elanigo, aka Paladin Godbarter. Thaavia to her friends, Godbarter or Paladin to everyone else.
She's not just big, she's massive. 38 years old, 8'3 and 506 pounds, frequently carrying upwards of 150-200 pounds of gear. She's also a healer with an intentionally awful bedside manner as far as attitude (plenty of folks who took her taking care of them with 16 charisma the wrong way and she's just trying to nip that whole mess in the bud) but otherwise very careful and very professional as far as actual care.
As far as paladins go, she's not actually super devout to her god; her oaths more boiled down to "I do good deeds in your name, you give me power to do them so I can help people, we both benefit." Thus the name Godbarter. The moment she's forced to choose between her deity and people, she's probably gonna get her ass labelled as a heretic, to the point that I actually made a homebrew paladin subclass because I just wasn't vibing with Oathbreaker. (Might include it under a cut cause I can't publish it on official dndbeyond since it uses spells that aren't in the base books)
I have about 100000 screenshots of minis I made of her, so let's see if I can pare it down to my favorites. (Side note, I've gotten pretty damn good at making expressive as hell minis in hero forge.)
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She's got a twin brother that's she's fiercely protective of, even when he's being a pyromaniac pain in her ass.
If you've got any specific questions, hit me with them cause my brain is a little bit pudding this week, more so than usual.
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Aaand as a bonus, have some hypothetical Hubris Paladin Thaavia
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(also Vow, the wedding sword just recently presented to her by de-luka's boy Lucy)
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natsusmaingirl · 3 years
Heyyy, can I request relationship headcanon about natsu with a fem s/o pls? Thank you!
Honestly, I was waiting for someone to ask this. I’ve been wanting to write this for a while and now I actually have a reason to. Thank you for requesting this! I hope that you like it!
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Natsu Dragneel • It took a while for you guys to actually get together.
• You had realized your feelings for the pyromaniac almost immediately while it took Natsu a long while to realize that he liked you.
• He literally had to ask Erza and Lucy why he felt the way he did toward you. They had to help the poor baby understand 🥺 and it took what felt like forever for him to finally get it.
• He would literally be the best boyfriend in the world. He would give you the whole world if he could. I really feel like he would try to find some way to do that.
• He can be a little dense sometimes, but that’s fine. At least he tries to understand.
• You guys would be that chaotic couple in the guild. You guys are the definition of those couples who go to empty parking lots in the middle of the night to have shopping cart races.
• I can totally see Natsu waking you up in the middle of the night just so you guys can go do something together. It can be just going to get ice cream or to walk through the city while it’s lit up.
• Natsu is really affectionate. It doesn’t matter if you guys are in front of people or not, he will be touching you in some way. He mostly likes to hold your hand or give you a bear hug.
• Don’t get your hopes up of going on a date alone because he’s going to invite Happy. Get ready for a third wheel type of date 😑.
• Happy’s going to be with you guys for a good portion of your time together so you might as well get used to it.
• Hugs with Natsu are literally one of the best things in the world. He likes to surprise you and it can freak you out a bit, but you actually really enjoy them. He lets off a lot of heat because of his fire magic so there are times when you almost fall asleep on him because of how warm he is.
• Just expect this relationship to be one of the best ones you’re ever going to be in. It is literally like a dream come true to be with Natsu.
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heldtheline · 2 years
farmer + shane
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Spotify link. 23 songs, 1:24.
For me, The Farmer & Shane are two sides of the same coin. They've both been beaten down and had their spirits broken but, with the help of others, they find a way to bloom anew.
frozen pizza and eggs (shane's theme); concernedape.
waking up slow (piano version); gabrielle aplin. i could be your friend but i'm unprepared oh, i've never felt like this
would you be so kind; dodie. oh, would you be so kind as to fall in love with me? you see, i'm trying i know you know that i like you, but that's not enough so if you will, please fall in love
tired and awake; oliver riot. but i know, it's a mistake falling in love, to make a friend stay disgrace, give me a break tryin' to die happy someday
flames; boy. and i call your name, but i can't get through when it's hard on me, then it's hard on you oh dear, love, if only i could find a way to ease your troubled mind
pyromaniac; blacktop mojo. i'm a powder keg of lies stand back before i ignite taste the sulfur in my kiss you can do so much better than this
helplessly; tatiana manaois. 'cause everywhere you go, i follow you i'll give you all of me, give me all of you i gotta go sometimes but you're always on my mind
little light (acoustic version); lewis watson. staring at the roots, nobody there to help me grow i was longing for the rain, you were the flood that made me overflow a stranger to my skin, but now i'm braver in my bones
fighting for you; us the duo. i'll be a hero, your protector i'll be a healer, and make it better i will always be everything you need and i will never stop fighting for you
the words; christina perri. i know that we're both afraid we both made the same mistakes an open heart is an open wound to you
need the sun to break; james bay. my luck could change been in the dark for weeks and i've realised you're all i need, i hope that i'm not too late
call you home; kelvin jones. you're the brighter side of things you're the lighter side of life and all the joy that you bring is why i need you in my life
atlas: two; sleeping at last. i just want to love you, to love you, to love you well i just want to learn how, somehow, to be loved myself
stand by you; rachel platten. yeah, you're all i never knew i needed and the heart, sometimes it's unclear why it's beating and love, if your wings are broken we can brave through those emotions too 'cause i'm gonna stand by you
say you won't let go; james arthur. i wanna live with you even when we're ghosts 'cause you were always there for me when i needed you most
the one; kodaline. when we are together you make me feel like my mind is free and my dreams are reachable you know i never ever believed in love or believed one day that you would come along
turning page; sleeping at last. i surrender who i've been for who you are for nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart if i had only felt how it feels to be yours well i would have known what i've been living for all along
slumber; lewis watson & lucy rose. the faint smell of your clothes reminds me that i'm home
please keep loving me; james tw. you're beautiful more than i deserve
like i'm gonna lose you; jasmine thompson. so i'll kiss you longer, baby any chance that i get i'll make the most of the minutes and love with no regret
moon and back; alice kristiansen. when you go quiet, and won't let your guard down i hear through the silence that you're trying to figure it out you're trying to make me proud, believe me now baby, to the moon and back i still love you more than that
duet; penny and sparrow & stephanie briggs. i bet your shoulders can hold more than just the straps of that tiny dress that i'll help you slide aside when we get home i've seen 'em carry family and the steel drum weight of me
if we'd never met; gabe bondoc. if we'd never met, my hopes and my dreams they'd all be just beyond my reach if we'd never met oh it would be so hard to believe how easy love could be
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