#madoka hc
ravenclod · 1 month
nagisa headcanons !! (PMMM hcs pt. 5)
ur usual spoiler warning !!
constantly begging mami to bake her cheesecake
loves reading cute comics/manga, like sailor moon !
realllyy likes kirby
views mami as an older sister as she takes care of her a lot
her school class is very nice to her but she doesnt have many friends
really likes collecting soft toys - especially orange ones
lives with her aunt → doesnt remember what happens to her parents or her wish very well (she blocked it out) *
she is very aware of all the very dark elements of being a magical girl, but she tries not to think about it as she finds it hard to cope (she is literally 8-12 so)
is on a life mission to try every type of cheese ever
loves playing with bubbles and always begs mami to buy her them when they go out
wants to become a baker with mami when she's older
steals a lot of mamis clothes to play dress up
*im unsure what is canon regarding her backstory,, so take this as a complete hc from someone with no idea ! ^_^;
requested by @fantasythetrashywriter ^0^
madoka tomorrow! shes the last one im excited to do hers hehe !!
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cuteteacakes · 1 year
Hey hey hey I found Makota when he becomes an office drone in his later life :3
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On the right uwu
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ra-ma-ma · 1 year
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fun fact: the voice actress for eevee that pronounces eevee with a B is the same voice of a certain pinked hair character
edit: I know that v isn’t pronounced and is spelled with the character ブ(bu), but compared to the other voices for eevee, she does a very prominent BOI👏 and I thought it was funny owo 
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elainiisms · 1 year
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to all my fellow lesbians x
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Caregiver Homura Akemi Head cannons•⏳
(Warning for Slight self depreciation and Kyubey‼️)
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- Loves you but doesn't know how to show it
- Really overprotective, not letting you near Kyubey in any way
- Calls you Dear, and Honey
- Is a rather cold caregiver but focuses on making you happy and safe
- Homura is surprisingly affectionate, she is constant wanting to hold you (if you're comfortable)
- She feels most comfortable when you're around, she loves taking care of you
- Gives a lot of gifts! Loves spoiling you
- Hopes that you don't think she doesn't care about you, you're her entire world
- Will always listen to your random babbles, she'll nod her head or hum to tell you that she's listening
- If you're a non-verbal little than there's so need to be stressed about it, Homura somehow always knows what you need
- Making a certain face? Oh you're hungry. Whining? You need cuddles
- Just about anything Homura can decipher
- The only people she trusts enough to watch you are Madoka and Kyouko
- Keeps you on a specific schedule depending on how you're like
Homura loves you so much and shows you in the best of her abilities that she does >3
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"Nothing could fix this rat, but would be interesting to see the result" - @sananaryon
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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frobby · 2 months
the fact that yukio reads shounen jump is lowkey funny to me cuz like outwardly he seems like the kinda guy who is above shounen like when u ask him what hes fave manga is he would tell you to get back to studying or something but no he diligently reads jump every month
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aria0fgold · 11 days
caiowe propaganda be upon you!
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You would think that Cain would be leaning more on the "Telling anyone who will listen about their partner" metre, but no, it'd be Owen. They aren't even an established thing in canon but once you've read enough stories with him, he just brings up Cain every chance he can get.
Also this is what I wrote on, What are their good traits?
"It's hard to explain so just have this: Owen “Because, O Dashing Knight, I want to hollow you out. I want to lash you with my words— exhaust you— leave you slick with sweat against your body, so pale you look no different than a spectre, unable to move.” and Cain “Come battle, I would become your shield and I would die for you” Knightley." (both lines are from the magazine story!)
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regledesflorale · 2 months
have an angst hc, I always had it in mind but didn't want ppl to think i'm writing an 'edgier' take on her lmao, but here goes:
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in regards to her best friend Peach, Daisy has known her since they were very young, and likely has the strongest bond with her than the others. they're almost always seen together and has shared their deepest traumas with each other, including Daisy's own PTSD. daisy knows her personality and looks used to be quite similar to her blonde friend, but her own trauma with Tatanga has left her to change those things rather quickly. seeing the blonde monarch go through so much with her multiple encounters with Bowser does make her get quite nasty towards the king (but i am fine if they are allies in certain cases). and also, as a result of the many kidnappings, she is sensitive to any serious denigrating towards her best friend, and won't hesitant to defend her because she knows peach is much more capable and talented than just being a woman who wears pink elegant dresses and relies on people to do things for her !
now, if something worse were to happen--
if someone injures/abuses peach ? that person will be met with a very upset monarch, if she finds out she WILL approach the culprit but it will be far from friendly and will be met with aggression instead--no excuses. she finds it absolutely repulsive to see such an innocent person so close to her to get psychologically/physically harmed, on top of the existing trauma. so if this happens it will be very rare that she'll forgive the person if at all.
killing her however, is met with one goal-- to avenge. daisy would not properly mourn/revive her friend without killing said murderer--she's not a pacifist when it comes to this, more like chaotic good, and its not necessarily due to separation anxiety. if the culprit proves to be too powerful ? she'll keep training and finding ways/powers to eliminate them (methods are likely endless), this especially applies if daisy keeps reviving/is immortal. she will fight more recklessly due to emotions, and doesn't care if she gets badly injured, but doesn't know exactly when to call someone else for help if things keep going badly.
all of this could/would apply to luigi too but it would shock more if it happens to peach.
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kure-kirika · 1 year
I'm gonna write about my hcs for Homura as a system bc she has a Lot going on from that angle. I was going to wait until I finished a chart I had been drawing and sorted out each part's 'role' to my satisfaction, but I Really want to share it it's my favorite puella magi hc.
Ok so Akemi Homura. Firstly she has been through a LOT of trauma and bullshit so it's not even remotely a stretch to consider (esp given she has a history of frequent medical issues even before the main story).
Secondly she has some dissociative instances that happen as pretty plot-relevant things - the entire plot of Rebellion, for one. And, depending on how 'canon' you view it, Wraith Arc is another example of dissociative coding wrt memory issues/barriers, and carries a lot of plural coding on its own. Not to mention her incredibly detached approach in everything is a form of dissociation, as a response to being in an ongoing traumatic situation (being a magical girl and constantly having her friends taken from her or turning on her)
And honestly I'm just citing base examples off the top of my head and could most likely go into more in depth analysis for any of these points.
So she gives me strong system vibes. But furthermore, she'd be a rare case in media of a character with Multiple alters beyond just the 'good vs evil' trope, had this been done intentionally. And so I've picked out multiple alters that would compose her system, between the anime storylines and Wraith Arc, so I'm gonna list those out. As I said I haven't sorted out everyone's function/origin Thoroughly but I have pretty clear ideas for each.
Glasses Homura or 'Moemura' - the closest to the undissociated Homura, chronologically speaking and potentially in terms of function/personality. Might just have been the host for her daily life prior to her contract. Represented of course by wearing glasses, but her hair being braided (as seen in Rebellion) is another shorthand indication of her presence in the scene.
Akemi Homura, as we see her in the main series - most likely the second oldest alter seen by us. Formed directly to function as the main face of the system, as well as the system protector most likely. she's a sort of shield for the system by detaching all of her trauma and past timeline experiences from the present moment, acting as coldly and shut off as possible to further their collective goal (saving Madoka) and prevent emotional overwhelm. This also doubles to protect her more vulnerable alters and emotions, because as seen in flashbacks of earlier loops letting those show more often backfires than helps.
Wraith Madoka [Wraith Arc] - an introject alter modeled after Madoka. Unfortunately I haven't reread much of her part and my notes on her are elsewhere but I think she exists as a sort of... maybe soother for the system in a way, helping Madoka feel real in a reality where she is not.
Rapunzel Witch/Wraith Witch [Wraith Arc] - I'd probably classify this witch as a persecutor or other aggressive alter. She is born from the old memories and trauma, which is rejected by Homura in this story via memory manipulation (dissociation). This is done because this witch threatens Everything Homura has fought for and is initially represented in the story as Madoka's witch self, Kriemhild Gretchen, which further pushes that divide. The Rapunzel Witch is then fused with a Wraith and grows out of control, fueled by the power of Another antagonist to Madoka's world order (according to Homura's pov). The Wraith Witch then begins killing everything instantly, including Mami and Kyouko, and sets about destroying what Homura holds dear and/or has sworn to protect and keep safe.
Ai [Wraith Arc] - not entirely sure if I should count her separately from Wraith Madoka or not? Narratively she's essentially The Same Individual but everything about her is different functionally, so it might be a subystem deal or a case where Wraith!Mado split off of her. Ai was born narratively to manage Homura's memories, a representation of the 'miracle' that lets Homura retain her memories of the old reality. But she functions independently of Homura at points, as 'a part of Homura's soul that was eaten by a wraith'. She is the essence behind the creation of Wraith!Madoka as well as the individual behind its independent movements, all unbeknownst to Homura herself during this storyline.
Clara dolls [Rebellion] - these are already pretty clearly defined for us by the text, I think primarily as emotional holders and/or maybe fragments. I'm likewise unsure if I'd count Wraith Arc's Ai as part of their number, she has the same name as the unseen doll Ai but her function is somewhat different in practice. This might be chalked up to her being more consistently active than the others though, given how much "Ai (love)" drives Homura forward
Homulilly (black dress) [Rebellion] - I think I'd break her into two alters, given we have the black dress homura and then the fully-formed witch. In terms of black dress.... She's hard to gauge since I think her behavior blurs a lot with Homura's? But her motivation is different. She might also be a protector, but designed specifically for her Witch counterpart.
Homulilly (witch) [Rebellion] - This witch is most likely a trauma holder, which I think is pretty self-explanatory given what we see of her on-screen. I would probably count any portrayals of Homura during her scenes as Also her, especially the scene with Madoka's arm reaching through the window to her.
Homucifer [Rebellion] - whoo boy ok. Not sure what I'd classify her as. With her whole spiel and self-assignment of "The Devil of this world" she leans into persecutor territory in a way? But, her true motivation has nothing to do with painting herself as evil or punishing herself. Nor is her true motivation being Selfish and taking what she wants without thought. Her true focus is that Madoka becoming a God, separated from her friends and family, was Wrong, and so Homucifer exists to forcibly reunite Madoka with the life she gave up, no matter the cost. Selfishness is a factor, as is self-deprecation, but really her aim isn't anything straightforward beyond furthering the collective system's united goal of Saving Madoka, so idk what her Function is beyond filling that niche in a way the others can't.
So that's what I've got on her! Hopefully it all makes sense, if anyone has anything to add feel free!
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terabyte-teddybear · 1 year
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my madoka magica pride hc icons: lesbian madoka, genderfluid bi (by @palatteflags) sayaka, trans lesbian mami, aroace lesbian homura, nonbinary aro (by @interstellardawn) kyoko, ftu with credit
if someone else wants to add an image id i would appreciate that but no pressure ofc, i just don't have the energy rn :(
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ravenclod · 1 month
sayaka is definitely someone that when she puts her playlist on shuffle, it goes from a very intense classical piece to hip hop
kyoko is probably similar in the sense i would say she listens to loads of rock, but also has every single mitski song in her liked
mami - jazz type vibe, laufey maybe
madoka - j-pop and vocaloid, maybe some pop
homura - probably doesnt listen to much, maybe goth??
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 2 months
Part 2: DAY O2
( Sleep Token Lyric Challenge made by @a-s-levynn )
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Undercut for art!
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Btw the five glowy red eyes are Sleep's, I may had to draw them in my own concept. Also the left is Jake aka Ace's younger bro-
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yourfaveis-hyperose · 9 months
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Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magica is Hyperromantic!
Requested by Anon
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fandompridehcs · 2 months
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Kyubey from Puella Magi Madoka Magica is an agender aroace bambi lesbian who uses he/they pronouns!
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kokkoun · 2 years
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Akechis from my madoka magica au
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