#major rawne
sonofdorn-vii · 1 year
Major Elim Rawne, Tanith First and Only
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Absolutely amazing how the one thing everyone fighting alongside the Tanith first and only agrees on is the fact that Major Rawne is very attractive but his vibes are also way off.
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illarian-rambling · 1 month
As requested by an overwhelming 87% majority...
My Pronunciation Guide!
Izjik Meautammera (Ih-žik Mew-tam-era) (ž = s in pleasure)
Sepo Kaiacynthus (Seh-po Kai-uh-sin-θus) (θ = th in thing)
Twenari Undetasib/Devaris (Tweh-naree Uhn-dehta-sib/Dev-ah-ris)
Djek Kagura (Jek Kah-gə-rə) (ə = uh)
Astra DuClaire (Ah-strə Dew-klair)
Mashal Darezsho (Ma-shawl Dar-eh-žho)
Ivander Montane (Eve-ander Mon-tain)
Elsind Cavernsight (Ehl-sind Cavern-sight)
Avymere Spearsong (Av-ə-mear Spear-song)
Daedryn Whitenight (Day-drin White-night)
Loqang (Low-kahng)
Ceyrel Gavorn (Say-rəl Gav-orn)
Tyche Loros (Tai-kee Lo-ros)
Oyanna Devaris (Oh-yah-na Dev-ah-ris)
Azhur Devaris (Ah-zur Dev-ah-ris)
Anarac (Anna-rack)
Illaros (Ill-ə-ros)
Janaz (Jah-nahz)
Iarl (Ee-arl)
Araun (Uh-rawn)
Nabafyr (Naba-fear)
Skolan (Skow-lahn)
Sulu'Oku (Sue-lew-oku)
Salis (Salee)
Nace (Naes)
N'Diki (N-Deekee)
Ulahdris (Yu-lah-dris)
Seluthena (Seh-lew-θena)
Hope this helps! I'm a little dyslexic, so I know pronunciation guides have saved my ass many a time. Please let me know if there's a word or name I didn't include that you'd like to know how to say :)
(And here's the tag list/cool kids club: @amandacanwrite @elsie-writes @riveriafalll @kosmic-kore @kaylinalexanderbooks
@bard-coded @carrotsinnovember @patternwelded-quill @somethingclevermahogony @whatwewrotepodcast
@goldxdarkness @the-angriest-author @mk-writes-stuff @frostedlemonwriter @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling
@thebejeweledwatercat @leahnardo-da-veggie)
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kimyoonmiauthor · 7 months
Worldbuilding: !@#$ the terfs, be more creative with gender and bio sex than a binary system.
9.5 times out of ten the majority of gender systems I read in US books are really, really uncreative, and I do mean that because manga, has more creative gender systems than a lot of US books. I love you Melanie Rawn, but still, the inversion as good as it was in the uncompleted Ruins of Ambrai, still was largely a European system because it was largely a commentary on the European system. (Yes, I did understand that.)
And the US tends to, very much accuse other countries of having uncreative gender systems that are absolutely rigid, say the US to Japan. (Though the usually [white] understanding of Japanese gender is usually abysmal... but that's a whole paper and a half there.)
When building a gender system, be more creative! You have this other fake culture. You can do whatever the heck you feel like. Say, the Barbie Movie, which hilariously the alt-right USian detested, though it still was a commentary on mostly US gender norms.
Can't we loosen this up a little? You have literal aliens and you can't imagine a more creative sex and gender system than the binary? Oh really? Humans aren't even binary on either. I'm going to give cultural examples.
Bugis have 5 genders.
BTW, someone got so mad when I pointed out the page they cited said that Bugis recognized 5 genders, they went on a youtube rant about it. lol Deal. BTW, people put a lot of emphasis on Bissu like how people hyperfocus on trans women in the US because masculinity is that fragile. Albanian is complicated.
Some countries/ethnicities have 3.
India has a 3 gender system in Northern India. Women, men, Hijra
I mean this list:
Some countries don’t even define the two gender system the same way (Europeans are sooo uptight. Loosen up.)
For example, a Korean man wearing pink--no problem. No one flips the hell out when a man in Korea wears a hanbok with a chima and a jeogori. They are like cool. He can do as he likes. Even baksu wear chima in religious ceremonies. They believe it gives them extra powers.
The whole pants. are. for. men. and. women. only. wear. skirts.
Oh c'mon...
Pants were invented for horseback riding--like the heel.
So let's get this mind-numbingly straight (pun somewhat intended here) Men, are men because of horses. (haha, yes, Barbie reference), thus have to wear pants. But are absolutely effing forbidden from wearing heels, which are also associated with what? Horseback riding. Hmmm...
And men still wear dresses and skirts, but they call it by other names.
Judicial robes for sale, and look, a man is wearing them.
But--But that's soo different from a dress...
This is a dress because as Webster's Dictionary says:
: an outer garment (as for a woman or girl) usually consisting of a one-piece bodice and skirt
Yes, it's worn by a woman. I couldn't find another definition.
But men also wear sarongs. And bath towels, and kilts all of which look suspiciously like skirts. And togas. Which shows how fragile the definition is that you need to narrow the definition that much.
And freaking for those religious, God on the Sistine Chapel, by suspected maybe gay Michelangelo, has a vaccuum sealed butt on the Sistine chapel wearing a pink dress.
C'mon, we can be more creative than this, surely. I mean, if you look at this super rigid gender system, does it make any sense at all? OK, I'm NB and all, but seriously, I look at it and go, WTF happened to you?
You get so uptight about men wearing lace, stocking, high heels, dresses, pink but forget so quickly that less than 200 years ago, no one gave a damn, and if a man didn't wear those things, he couldn't make it in high society.
I mean...
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Lafayette, wearing pink, heels, stockings, lace (his collar), and a wig. Give me a break here.
And gender definitions change over time...
Just about 100 years back, in order to be out and gay, it was thought your entire gender was different. There was nothing like a butch gay man. You were considered part female, in fact. And no one in the 19th century would have taken exception to that. It didn't change until much later in Europe.
But also Europe imperialized the world with gender expectations, leading to a rise of violence against third gender communities.
What was one of the first three rules of culture I posted? Culture changes. Koreans like to say, even in ten years the Mountains and rivers change. So gender can and will also change in definitions becoming more rigid, more fluid, recategorized, etc over time.
So given all of these things... let's rethink gender.
Gender doesn't have to be Defined by Sex Assigned at Birth
A lot of Human cultures assign gender this way. Born one way, raise them that way, hope it works out.
But you have a whole FANTASY WORLD and you can see, humans don't make a lot of logical sense when it comes to gender. I mean heels are for women, and men should never wear them, except when they are attached to boots, but the boots better not be too high , or you're *gasp* gay is the European "logic" system. And only what? 50 or so years ago, women were finally allowed to wear pants.
So you don't have to do it by genitals. You could do it by hair color. Gender affirming care would be changing your hair color, or horns, or whatever tickles your fancy. You could, say have a cephlapod species with smaller males that can present female part of the time, and based on their texture of their skin, that's their gender.
You could do it by color--the species has actually blue, dark blue, green, yellow, etc skin colors and they can change them at any moment and the one they tend towards, well, that's their gender.
You could also make it so you automatically need a polycule for the species to work out and reproduce. And thus there might be, say a 6 gender system. 2 possible genders for the three adults there.
C'mon. Nature is creative and sometimes has an all female species. Look at Mourning geckos. There are so few males, and they are sometimes called a lesbian species of gecko.
Even then, you have intersex, and not all intersex people are infertile.
Terfs only think it's wrong to "go against nature" when it has to do with gender presentation. Nothing else. But they have no, no problem with assigning a sex to an intersex child without their consent. That's culture taking over for nature. And how that is shaped, or not shaped, absolutely belongs in world building.
If your men aren't horseback riding, and your women aren't either, then dresses for all are fine. Deal with it.
I think it would be entertaining to see an alien species determine the gender of the child by holding up paint swatches to the child's say eyes and then saying, "Yep, a girl."
Or even well, the birther stayed in # temp rooms, for # amount of days, Oh, this is the expected sex of the child. But the gender, well, we will determine that by these [arbitrary] factors.
But seriously, you can define gender and sex however, you want. Is medical/magic intervention necessary or not? Who gets to determine it?
Next step is to find the rules for how gender is expressed in an idealized world.
Do you constantly call all of your girls and tell them they can grow up to be a princess? But tell all your boys they are going to grow up to be doctors and lawyers?
This is what Social Scientists would call socialization.
For this, I would suggest you make a spreadsheet and then put down arbitrary lists of things the "ideal" gender would wear. So for the US, Pink is for girls. Blue is for boys. How they should act. And finally, how they are taught.
It's so ubiquitous that even feminists often trip up and see a baby in a pink dress with lace and automatically pick up a doll. (I'm just saying, maybe think that one over a bit.)
Make a list for each column. And then for the individual characters figure out how they DON'T fit those norms and then terrorize them with it...
What do you threaten the privileged group with if they come out of line?
For men in the US, for example, you go with homophobia. "That's gay."
Because the threat of being gay is sooo outlandish. *eyeroll* It's an threat to everything masculine.
I'll go over this in more detail later in the series, but you need things to discipline the privileged group and the disadvantage group(s). What's the threat if you become this other group? Death? Social ridicule? Financial loss? Being outcast?
Or, do you get rewarded and become a shaman, a healer, or a celebrated hero for being able to not fit in? (This also is possible).
Cultural justifications
Cultural justifications for this are different from the actual historical reasons or the facts.
The historical reason that pink and blue switched was because dyes became more readily available for both and they felt like it.
Blue used to be more rare, and thus considered "virginal" because blue is rare in nature, but under industrialization as people became more and more disconnected from nature, and blue dyes became available, the idea of this became more diluted, and the switch was from blue to pink.
That's not what the cultural justifications were for this thought originally. The thought was that blue was a more "delicate" color, clearly more suited to women.
Because, if you have forgotten (yes a joke coming), humans constantly get amnesia on where things come from. Constantly. We've lost information in your own lifetime. You were born 2 seconds ago? Well, I hate to tell you, we've lost information in that 2 seconds.
So, when they can't remember the reason, Humans make up a reason to go with it, that's often frivolous and silly. Something that feels, what? Natural to them. Though remember the rule, Nature gives no fucks. So find and make up a logical reason for the cultural item and then find a stupid reason that people are willing to double down on it and there you go, that's culture. So say your species of aliens, the ones that are temperature linked to sex, link Iunno, gender to horn size. Bigger horns mean a certain class of gender. The original reason might be that bigger horned females are better at digging nests back when they were a pastoral society, thus better able to have larger clutches of children. But they've now reached the stars, so they completely forgot why and now just say that bigger horns are simply sexier because reasons. Or it could have flipped that smaller horns are in more demand, because big horns get in the way of industrial tasks, but no one says that. And now the bigger horned females, are considered a lower gender than the smaller horned females, who then raise all of the eggs.
See, the justification doesn't even have to follow any sort of logic. It's what they tell everyone to make them feel better.
And truthfully, a lot of culture is built this way. The reason you tell everyone isn't really the actual truth. I mean I did a whole series on Story Structure, and the justifications versus the reasons why it was made that way don't even close to match. People blindly parrot what other people tell them if it will help them succeed. (BTW, not saying I'm not guilty of this, I absolutely am.)
So I think this gives you a good basis to free yourself up for a larger system and be more creative with your gender definitions. Because absolutely both gender and sex are defined by culture, but in different ways.
You have effing demons, and you can come up with a more creative gender categories? You have unicorns and you don't have more creative gender categories. And you have kracken climbing buildings, but you can't imagine a third sex category for them when it absolutely exists in nature. C'mon. Hit me with your most creative and free yourself of your own culture's definitions of gender.
What if you nuked the entire Male/female/NB system. What would that look like? How would you justify it on two fronts? Blow that system out of the water and rework it. What would the Sexual orientation work like with a 3 sexes, 2 gender for each each system?
What stupid prohibitions would you put in for such a system?
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 11 months
I have some headcanons about c!Ranboo's opinions on the various pronunciations of their name, so here they are:
(all c! not cc! btw, I just didn't want to write it every time)
Ranboo hates when people pronounce his name "ran-bow", especially after New L'Manburg where it was basically used by the other members of the NLM cabinet to bully and assert power over him (based on a scene from the Butcher's Army stream).
The only exception being when Technoblade does it, because he usually pronounces it correctly and only slips up when he's really excited about something Ranboo's doing or when he's panicked that they're in danger. Basically, Ranboo has it associated with Techno caring about and liking them — it's kinda like a Technoblade exclusive nickname.
Ranboo is perfectly fine with "ran-boo" as a pronunciation, and it's the most common, but they do slightly prefer "rawn-boo". So they won't care or notice if someone's says "ran-boo" but they really appreciate when people pronounce it "rawn-boo" (especially after the whole "ran-bow" debacle, correct pronunciation is especially meaningful)
The exception to this being Wilbur, one of the few people who gets it right the majority of the time and unfortunately also someone that Ranboo is almost always some level of on-guard or uncomfortable around. Basically, Wilbur saying "rawn-boo" feels uncomfortably familiar to Ranboo.
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a-wayfairing-stranger · 11 months
First impressions
Leta and Rawne's first meeting, From his P.O.V
When Elim Rawne heard that Gaunt had recruited a new ghost, he could hardly care. What was another Trooper, let alone one he had nothing in common with? As long as they stayed out of his way, they’d be fine.
But when he heard that the newest Ghost was a woman, he rolled his eyes, women were housekeepers and cooks, not soldiers, and when he heard that it was the girl that had been found in a gas filled tunnel surrounded by dead cultists, he thought that Gaunt had well and truly lost the plot, surely the girl was insane, she’d have to be after that ordeal, better to save everyone some time and energy and just shoot her then and there. 
It was in the shower block of all places that he first actually saw her, she had messy dark hair, and sunken eyes, she had a obnoxious Aquila tattoo on the column of her throat, her uniform was a size too big on her, but even under that her curves were visible, Rawne’s eyes scanned her body, she wasn’t bad looking, any port in a storm.
She was taking off her boots when he approached, he leaned against the locker.
“So you’re the stray Gaunt pulled out of the pit then?”
She turned her dark eyes to look at him, she looked like death warmed up, which he supposed, she was
“No, I just wandered in here and I’m looking for a good time.” 
Sarcasm and venom dropped from her every word, her voice was hoarse.
“Then you’re in the wrong place.” He smirked, his eyes slowly looking her over, she was tiny, how could she even pick up a lasgun let alone fire one? “A girl like you should be careful.”
“I can look after myself.”
To prove his point she reached down to her ankle and removed a dagger sheath, inside was a small knife he noticed, why did she have a knife if the rumors about her having a few screws loose were true, why on Terra did she have a weapon?
“Did you come to say anything important or did you just want to mark your territory and scare everyone else away?” 
How dare she dismiss him so easily? She should be thankful he’s paying attention to her at all.
“Don’t flatter yourself sweetheart.” He emphasized his words with a glare “You're from the 80th, I wouldn’t want to catch anything.”
She dropped her knife next to her boots and glared up at him, there was a coldness in the brown on her eyes, But then again, she was a criminal, who knew what crime she had committed?
“From the looks of you..you may already have a few things.” 
She turned back to the locker “Now, don’t you have better things to do?” 
Stuck up bitch, who was she to speak to him like that? He was a Major for Feth’s sake and she was just some hive scum whore, he scowled and walked away, One woman in thousand’s of men and it had to be her.
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The Warmaster- Part 18
"He had to raise his voice to be heard over the constant drumming and rumbling of the rain. On the dismal skyline, the Great Hill was lit up, strobing with flashes and fizzles of light as the enemy aircraft assaulted the shield and the lower slopes." A wonderful atmosphere to fight in.
"‘Is this from the top?’ asked Kolosim.
‘No,’ said Rawne sarcastically. ‘I’m making it all up. Five minutes, are we clear?’" Good answer. It's not like it's from anywhere else, idiot.
"I probably should finish with some uplifting remark, but I’m fethed if I can think of anything." Yeah, that's Rawne. More brutal than uplifting.
"Urdesh should have been a deliverance for them, a well-earned respite after the struggles of the Reach, but it was dismal." That's never going to happen. Only in death does duty end, after all.
Blenner really needs to go easy with those pills, or he'll OD.
"‘You despise Gaunt too,’ Gendler snapped. ‘He cost you your world.’" I'm mildly surprised anyone still feels like this. Chaos destroyed their world, not Gaunt. And even Rawne stopped blaming him. Just another way Meryn is Rawne 2.0: the Even Worse Version.
Oh, God, I hate this entire Meryn and Co plot. Please, I thought we were going to see fighting why.
"‘Major Kolea clearly has a connection of some sort to the so-called eagle stones,’ she said. She looked at Kolea. ‘Don’t you, Gol? We will explore that connection.’" Oh, that's bad. Very bad.
"Eszrah Ap Niht stood in the doorway, his reynbow aimed." Oh, good, Eszrah shows up on time to save Felyx. And a bunch of the really stupid asshole club die.
Blenner shoots Wilder, and then Meryn shoots Eszrah. Who had better live. He deserves better than that.
And the chapter ends with still no fighting.
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Haddock Market growing in 2022
The haddock market size was valued at $679.2 million in 2020, and is estimated to reach $ 1,123.4 million by 2030, registering a CAGR of 4.8% from 2021 to 2030. Haddock is considerably popular among seafood consumers, owing to its high protein, low mercury, and low-calorie content. It is majorly found in North Atlantic Ocean and associated seas. A number of local names are occasionally used for the haddock in different parts of Britain. Local names that have at sometimes been used for haddock include: adag, attac, haddie, luckenar, nockie, peterfish, pipe, poot, pout, rawn, and roan.
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skunts-own-truth · 6 years
@flunkyofmalcador I can’t agree with you more about Rawne. Just. Gimme, thanks, Dan Abnett.
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sansthepacifist-art · 5 years
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Major Arcana #17: The Star
"To receive The Star in your reading means that you have gone and passed through a terrible life challenge."
Speed art here!
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paintnpending · 2 years
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A tally up of January and February’s minis, a very fruitful start to the year. January 2022 - 2 Night’s Watch Ranger Vanguards (ASOIAF) - 8 Baratheon Wardens (ASOIAF) - 1 King Stannis Baratheon (ASOIAF) - 1 Shyra Errol (ASOIAF) - 1 Mad Larkin (40k) - 1 Major Rawne (40k) - 1 “Try Again” Bragg (40k) - 1 Assassin Suit (Alone) - 1 Sniper Suit (Alone) - 3 Parasites (Alone) - 1 Alpha Parasite (Alone) - 1 Din Djarin a.k.a. The Mandalorian (Star Wars) February 2022 - 4 Baratheon Wardens (ASOIAF) - 1 Baratheon Master Warden (ASOIAF) - 12 Baratheon Sentinels (ASOIAF) - 1 Renly Baratheon (ASOIAF) - 1 Defuser Suit (Alone) - 1 Anti-Gravity Suit (Alone) - 1 Alester Florent (ASOIAF) - 1 Scout Sergeant Oan Mkoll (40k) I also picked up a fair chunk of ASOIAF minis for my Greyjoy, Free Folk and Night’s Watch armies, along with a Void Dragon that I’m really looking forward to painting up. I also was lucky enough to play my first game of the year, a bracing, elaborate round of Harvest Moon the Board Game that we did not win. Totals:           Painted: 44           Pending: 30           Played: 1
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cromwell300 · 3 years
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Elim Rawne
Got Major Rawne done. Only Bragg is left.
Feel free to leave a like at my other pages as well.
Ziegler’s Art Page
Ziegler’s Art Page
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maple-clef · 3 years
what we leave behind
For @lookashiny, who requested Rawne, Feygor and a slice of life/downtime snippet. Hopefully it should be evident, but this is immediately pre-Gereon...
He surveyed the objects on his bunk dispassionately.
They weren’t much, as wordly possessions go. Just some things he’d carried with him. Certainly nothing of monetary worth. A piece of stone, taken from the walls of Tanith Attica. A battered data-slate loaded with mediocre pornography, won from Brostin in a game of cards. The tiny larisel, carved from nalwood, that his sister’s brat had given him before he’d left for the founding fields. A small bottle of sacra – not Bragg’s moonshine, but the proper stuff, from the old world.
Perhaps that was worth something. He’d found it stuffed at the bottom of his pack, quite recently; had almost drunk it straight away, except that it had seemed to demand a special occasion.
How sentimental. Feygor felt his lips curl into a sneer. It was entirely reflexive, and he knew the habit didn’t endear him to most of his regimental colleagues, but he found he couldn’t bring himself to care.
He didn’t hear someone enter the room so much as feel it. The air currents, perhaps, or a slight deadening in the sounds that came from further along the passageway, where the Verghastites were having some sort of loud gathering. There was a lot of laughter.
‘You packed?’ said the newcomer.
Rawne leaned in the hatchway, arms folded. To most observers, Feygor imagined, the major might seem his usual cool, inscrutable self, exuding the feth-you attitude he was known for. But Murt Feygor, who had known Elim Rawne for longer than most, didn’t miss the tension in his posture. And the simple fact of his being here was even more telling. This wasn’t a superior checking up on a soldier. Rawne knew full well that Feygor could pack up and be ready to ship out without anyone holding his fething hand. What this was, Feygor didn’t want to examine too closely, because it was probably along the same lines of what had him wringing his hands over a pile of rubbish.
Couldn’t afford the distraction of sentiment where they were going, that was for certain. He shook himself, trying to shuck off the feeling, like a wet dog ridding its coat of water.
‘As good as,’ he finally replied.
Rawne nodded and peeled himself away from the hatch to stalk around the small cabin that Feygor shared with Meryn, Brostin and Larks. The sniper’s kit bag was ready to go, sitting on Larkin’s bunk while he circulated the regiment, saying his goodbyes. Rawne reached Feygor’s bed, sat down, and eyed the items laid out on the blanket next to him.
‘What’re you doing with those?’
Feygor shrugged. ‘Don’t know. Can’t really take them where we’re going. Not worth much, either. Was going to sling them.’
Rawne picked up the tiny carved larisel, but didn’t reply, just turned it in his fingers, frowning. Lost in thought.
‘You know much about this place we’re off to, then?’ asked Feygor, suddenly unnerved by the silence.
‘Nothing beyond what Gaunt told us all in the briefing,’ said Rawne, finally meeting his eyes. ‘You know as much as I do, and that’s the truth of it.’
‘It’s going to be a shitshow of a mission, isn’t it?’
‘Is there any other kind?’ Rawne grinned. It wasn’t a smile that reached his eyes, and it didn’t last very long. He tossed the larisel at Feygor, who caught it by reflex. ‘This won’t take up much room.’
Feygor raised an eyebrow.
‘Call it a good luck charm.’ Rawne sighed. ‘I’ve got a feeling we’re gonna need all the luck we can fething well get.’
‘Now now,’ said Feygor, his mechanical voicebox rendering the words in a drone that rang as sardonically as intended. ‘The Emperor protects…’
‘Not on Gereon, He doesn’t.’
Feygor sat down on the bunk next to Rawne. ‘Well, in that case…’
He reached for the sacra.
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rhiawriter · 4 years
I typically read fan fiction, but with the corona crisis, I want to support my local, independent bookseller. Do you know of traditionally published titles I could order during this period of quarantine? I want something like DiW if you know of any traditionally published titles like that.
Sure! Below is a list of books that inspired DiW. I think supporting your local bookstore is so important right now. I'm really scared that mine's going to close after this. To me one of the most calming things in the world is going into a bookstore and being surrounded by books. The books below all fall under the genre of "epic" so stories that focus on personal journeys set against sweeping historical backdrops. Let me know if you want any more specific genres! 
 Major Inspiration for DiW: 
 1. A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin: This one should be pretty obvious, lol. But if you haven't read the books, now is a great time to do so. There are a couple of cringey storylines and disturbing sexualization of children, but overall it's quite the epic with the best world building I've read since Tolkien.  
2. Jaran by Kate Elliott: Kate Elliott is one of my favorite fantasy authors. My inspiration for writing DiW was actually thinking that Kate Elliott would probably do a better job writing a Jon/Dany romance than GRRM will. And then I thought, hell, why don't I try to write it? Jaran is Ghengis Kahn meets Jane Austen--a fantasy sci-fi with a fascinating look at gender roles in society and empire and a political romance at the heart of it that inspired Jon/Dany in DiW. 
3. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy: I know it's intimidating! People told me to read it for years and I brushed them off thinking, I just read for fun now that I'm through my pretentious teenage years. But War and Peace is fun. If you love history and you love character-driven story with a sweeping historical backdrop, you will love this book. It's long, but not as long as ASOIAF, and it rarely drags. It's exactly the length it needs to be and when you get to the end of the book with Napoleon in Moscow, you will be hard-pressed to find a pay off that feels more earned. 
Other Books You Might Like if You Like DiW: 
1. Crossroads Series by Kate Elliott: Epic fantasy with a very smart, insightful, anti-Empire take. 
2. His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman: One of my all-time favorite fantasy series. Hard to find another series with as great world building, character development and thoughtful philosophy. 
3. Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien: Duh. If you've tried before and couldn't get through, it maybe now is the time?
4. Possession by A.S. Byatt: My favorite historical, literary romance. Hope you'll get to spend your time reading. It's my favorite thing (besides writing)!
5. The Golden Key by Kate Elliott, Jennifer Roberson, Melanie Rawn: Great historically based fantasy! 
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Milo: Why does Major Rawne call you babygirl? Gaunt: lets just stop talking for a while.
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rmdrunkenrat · 5 years
Gaunt’s continuing inability to speak to Curth like a regular human being is still one of my favourite things about him. I’m taking that last Merity POV as a sign that Bram is at least attempting to be a good father, finally. And apparently Macaroth is letting Gaunt play outside after all that, which is nice. It’s going to take a long time until I stop thinking of him as Colonel-Commissar though.
Rawne and Oyston where fucking adorable in those last POV chapters and I shall be outraged if they do not continue to be adorable in the next book. I’m also going to mention Varl and Rawne’s friendship here too because a) looking back who the hell saw that coming and b) they’re also fucking adorable (also Rawne and Larkin’s friendship. Hell, even Gaunt and Rawne’s. Apparently when he’s not being an enormous bastard Rawne makes everyone go all mushy)
Major Pasha is continuing to be THE GREATEST PERSON EVER with her grumbly humour and her love of explosions
And fucking hell what happened to Banda was brutal. And the Kolea/Criid’s. And the Daur’s. And Bonin. In fact, everybody had a shitty old time in the cellar.
And Milo and Mkoll basically coasted back in with slatshades and heelies, which I can respect.
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