#merman jonathan
earthbovndmisfit · 11 months
ah i love your pencil art 😭❤️ i know mermay is over but can you draw mer jona and mer speed both exploring their little island together ❤️❤️❤️
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Hope it's okay I grouped both of these requests together!! (to the first anon: please let me know if you'd prefer non-chibis instead!)
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mer scrunglies in love~ 🧜‍♂️💕🧜‍♂️
(click the pic and open in a new tab for better res!)
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edgy-fish-boy · 10 months
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aight super late for @speedstarweek 's jonawagon week but they had a merman au prompt so some merman jonawagon i guess.
jonathan is a whale shark and speedwagon is a thresher shark :3
@speedwagonstan @earthbovndmisfit @fortune-fool02 @savvage-arts
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
Merman Jonathan curled up in a little tub of water that's a little too small to fit him entirely.
It's the equivalent to fat cats trying to sit in a small space.
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crowned-aeris · 1 month
In honor of mermay, but not related to any prompts:
“I don’t trust that guy,” Jason narrowed his eyes, jabbing a finger at the weird not-human and his half-human son chatting with fully-human Bruce and fully-human Alfred.
“Relax, Jay,” their fully selkie not-human brother drawls with his legs in their giant pool filled with aquarium-grade water, “It’s just Uncle Clark with his son.”
Tim shrugs, “I dunno, they look weird… and smell weird. Cass says theyre- and I quote- really weird, if Cass says they’re weird? Sorry, Dick, they’re weird.”
“So…” Dick puts on a cheshire smile and leans forward, “you can even say they’re Super -weird? Eh? Wha- AUGH!”
Tim yelped, flinging himself out of the pool as Jason lurched forward to yank the selkie into the water. Cass was laughing below the surface, a wide smile on her face as Dick floundered and screeched. Jason had his claws hooked into the selkie’s pants with a bright grin.
“BRUCE!” Dick screeched, the sound of struggle clear within this floor of the manor, and Tim pulls his caudul fin out of the water in disgust, “ALFRED! HELP, I’M- AUAGDHGAGAHDHFPFPSPFGSAGO—”
“What is going on here?” Bruce walked over to examine the scene with an incredulous expression, “Jason, let your brother go!”
The lionfish mer hissed in displeasure, but released the selkie after a stern look from the butler.
“BRUCE!” Dick gasped dramatically, clawing himself onto the floor. His Pelt remained dry, but everything else about Dick was sopping wet. There was even a puddle forming under him.
Tim eyed him warily, flattening his cranial fin as Damian approached with the other half-human, half not-human spawn of the not-human Dick had named “Clark”.
“Grayson, cease you incessant chatter,” Damian huffed before addressing his… “friend”, “Jon, feast your eyes upon our mers.”
The older human walked over while Bruce ranted to Clark about his children’s “dramatics”. Meanwhile, Damian was still talking, “Timothy is a pedigree mer. He is born of a prestigious bloodline, and his scales echo his worth. The previous humans he resided with were not providing him with the proper enrichment a mer of his value should have, and so Father rescued him.”
Tim grimaced at the human’s description before glancing at his red-dappled tail, “Thanks?”
“What do you have to say about me?” Jason swam over and propped himself upon the ledge of the pool with a grin.
Damian sniffed and gave Jason a side-long glare while “Jon” giggled.
“He looks pretty,” the bright boy commented while his… brother(?) hummed.
“I think this guy looks prettier, kinda like a koi.”
Jon examined Tim’s tail before nodding, “Hmm, you’re right!”
Tim frowned, feeling suddenly self conscious at the attention.
Damian sniffed, “Please do not scrutinize Timothy! He is a sensitive mer, and I will not allw you to unsettle him! Jason, on the other hand, is hardier- though I advise you to keep a healthy distance from his spines. His piscine breed is that of a lionfish-”
Jason grins and flashes his fins like the show-off he is.
“-and Father rescued him from an illegal mer trade,” Damian finished.
“What about her down there?” the older half-human asked, peer down at Cass, who popped up to wave and tap Tim’s tail. With a smile, he flicked his tail and artfully drenched the older half-human with the pool water.
“Kon!” the little one exclaimed in shock, and Tim darted away before Bruce coild spot him.
“Jason!” Bruce called again, “We don’t splash guests either!”
“I doesn’t matter if he was annoying, we don’t splash guests!” Bruce sighed in exasperation before returning to his conversation with an amused Clark and an equally entertained Alfred.
Damian continued on with his infodumping, “Cassandra is a mer who escaped from a facility ran by my grandfather, who was trying to create the ultimate weapon for marine warfare.”
“Oh!” Kon blinked in surprise, “That… was not what I was expecting!”
“I kinda feel bad for them,” Jon commented, but Jason waved him off.
“Don’t worry about Cass. If she was in any real danger, she’ll just electrocute you and then rip your throat out!”
“That’s so cool!” Jon chirped eagerly while Kon remained slightly peturbed.
Tim shrugged, “I guess, but it’s kinda… just our lives. Dick has seen so much more of the world than any of us.”
“Maybe, but he’s an asshole,” Jason replied and Cass nodded in agreement. The selkie jerked upright with an affronted gasp and a mock-offended expression.
“Excuse me! I am not an asshole!”
“Mhm, sure not,” Jason countered with a flap of his hand. Before Dick could continue his defense, Bruce approached once more with Clark and Alfred at his side.
The not-human helped Dick to his feet before addressing the two half-human boys, “Alright, boys. It’s getting pretty late, so we should head back to the farm before Ma and Pa worry.”
The boys chorused their agreement before… floating and flying out of the manor? Tim thinks that not-human and his half-human sons were weird.
Bruce took in a breath before kneeling down in front of them, “Okay, kids. I know your thoughts on strangers in the manor-”
Jason interrupted with a flat expression, “If they weren’t kids, then I would’ve stung them.”
Tim huffed as Bruce’s expression tightened, “Okay, I wouldn’t have done something as extreme as Jason, but I really don’t like strangers in the manor… I kinda don’t mind that Kon, though.”
“What?! Tim!” Jason gasped in offense and Tim groans.
“Shut up, Jason! He had shiny things, okay!”
“Timmy has a crush!” Cass teased swimming over to wrap herself around Tim’s torso and drag him underwater. Very wisely, Tim decided it was in his best interest to not fight with the electric eel.
“Ugh, I wish I’d sting him sooner!”
“You will not be stinging anyone,” Bruce admonished, and Tim could hear Jason boo in dissatisfaction before joining Cass and Tim underwater.
“Father, I support Jason’s idea,” Damian chimed in, “we should allow him to sting Timothy’s potential paramore, for Timothy is a regal creature and shall not be paired up with such a thing below his standing!”
Tim groans in exasperation, the sound echoed by Bruce as he thrashed his red-white tail. Suddenly, the water churned and a ringed seal joined them in the pool, his eyes bright with mischief and whimsy.
As Bruce watched his fish (and seal) children tussel together underwater, he pulls Damian close against his side. Alfred rests his hand on Bruce’s shoulder, and the man cannot help but marvel at how far all of them have come since their first introduction into this… messy and patchwork family who now all call the Wayne Manor home…
Bruce could not be happier.
(here’s like, the prequel)
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rauchendesgnu · 27 days
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It's finally done! Mermay illustration based on this ask
If you have any other TMA themed mermay suggestions, let me know :)
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lunali-moon · 3 months
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First dive - part 1
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connor-dioda · 1 month
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Been seeing quite a few Jojo mer AUs depicting Jonathan as part whale shark and decided to hop on the bandwagon! It does fit him really well, being a big, blue gentle giant dotted with white spots that look like stars. :)
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suspendingtime · 8 months
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Jonathan Bailey: Just Add Water
Source: Instagram, @jbayleaf, 10 Jan '23 | Inspo: Zac from H2O spin-off
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darkfoxkirin · 10 months
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I decided to do a Luca AU for my favorite boys from ATSV!
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onebigbuubie · 7 months
ok ok but what if: dio as a merman
Dio and Jonathan as mermen
Dio is an eel thats a jealous prick towards his half brother and Jonathan is a big whale shark bc he wouldnt hurt a fly bc of how good of a gentleman he is
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earthbovndmisfit · 10 months
in the aquarium au Mer Joseph likes to leave his tank and crawl around and eventually stumbles upon the souvenir clothes gift shop. cue the tequila dress much to Mer Jonathan's bewilderment and caretaker Caesar's frustration
Suddenly, one day big red lipstick kisses appear all over Joseph's tank. They are on the side visitors and staff normally see, so everyone kinda assumes at first that it must be some kind of fan Joseph has among the visitors of that day. No one really pays it much mind so when the time to clean the outer parts of the tanks come, the cleaning staff realizes the kiss marks are not outside, but inside the tank.
Turns out, earlier that day, Caesar was tasked with helping visitors around the aquarium along with Jonathan and, when they got to Joseph's tank, guess who came out to say hi to Caesar, wearing his brand new dress and cherry red lipstick?
Caesar's face was redder than the lipstick marks, that's for sure.
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peapodsinspace · 7 days
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[Image ID in alt text]
here another drawing on my computer! i messed with the brush settings and it looks really bad quality on my phone so if its pixilated badly im sorry :,[
this is for my mermaid jonathan au :] its been living rent free in my head recently so i drew a comic cover inspired piece!
anyway, enjoy!
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
Merman Jonathan sitting in a small tub at the aquarium while his tank is being renovated. He is very bored.
Jonathan: Um, Y/N? Can I have something to do please? I am getting a little bored.
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crowned-aeris · 1 month
Mermay's almost upon us.... are y'all ready for my ~17.9k words of fluff and angst? 🥰
Bruce Wayne as King of Gotham
Dick as a Mer
Jason as a Selkie
Tim as a Siren
Damian as the Prince of Two Kingdoms
Special Appearances Include:
Clark Kent as Fellow King
Conner & Jonathan Kents
Alfred as Head Butler
and MANY many more! Tune in on May 1st for Part 1, Chapter One, of my 2024 MerMay writing challenge :3
Here is the bingo i'll be following:
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by @skumhuu so check them out!
Here's Part 1:
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I wanted to participate in Mermay for once in hopes ppl will care about my art
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The previous captain of a ship Timothy Stoker now lead was Daniel Stoker, the captain died from drowning after falling overboard during a storm that many think is due to merpeople who rule the seas
It is not related
Tim vows to avenge his brother when he takes over as Captain, hunting Merpeople and killing them mercilessly since he believed that's what they did to his brother
Jonathan Sims is the Prince of the king of the Seas, Jonah Magnus. (among other names, as his appearance is as fluid as the water they inhabit.) Jon chose the Last name ‘Sims’ to distance himself from his father, whom he was never that familially bonded to.
He learns the abilites to Know and the ability to Force people to Speak from his father, who teaches him sparingly but brutally (he abuses Jon in training sessions). He learns to shapeshift, only minutely to give himself legs and lungs if needed. His father has not yet promised to continue helping him with the rest of his abilities.
Jon owns an archival institute underwater, gifted to him by Jonah.
Jon has a friend Who is killed by the infamous pirate and Merperson hunter of the seas, And Jon turns to use his powers for once and hunt the captain down. Which results in the Captain’s crew being threatened with death and Jon forcing Tim to either die or let Them die, he uses his powers to know why Tim was doing this but it doesn't stop him from saying “you would let your crew die like you leg Danny?” and Tim takes that as implication that Jon was the one who Killed Danny.
Jon is not allowed to kill humans, not publicly, as ordered from the king, so he just sets the seas to be harsh and full of tides. This results in many of Tim’s crew dying and yet Tim and some do not. They now know that at least one Merperson has these abilities and is set on killing him.
When they meet at another standoff, Tim’s crew is gone. And so is many of Jons people in his kingdom. (not from tim). Which he visibly showed little affection but still cared for.
Jon moves the ocean water to circle Tim, making him unable to escape. Tim would think Jon is going to propose he get in the water and drown like he had years ago, and instead Jon just asks one simple question and suddenly Tim is spilling his guts and then Jon looks horrified and pleased at the same time
Jon says that he nor any of his people killed Danny, to which Tim does not believe. Jon would show tim Dannys perspective of what happened, and then does he realize that Jonah was the one to have done it, and jon seems far more horrified than Tim.
They become somewhat allies on a quest to kill Jonah Magnus, who takes the name of Elias Bouchard at this Time, Tim distrustful of him rightfully and Jon more focused on how hes being hunted by the people who either want him due to his status or his attempts to kill the king.
Overtime Tim learns to Befriend Jon, who looked positively dead inside after a year of this, and eventually fall in love.
They come to a head when they are at the Kings lair, known as the Panopticon, and they have a conversation. It goes a lot differently being,
Tim: are you sure about this?
Jon: [small laugh] No. But I love you.
Tim, without missing a beat: I love you too.
(this is the first time they admit their feelings, which gives them both a sense of dread.)
They kiss, and Jon goes to kill Jonah. This crowns him as the new king, and he is flooded with Knowledge and abilites that locks him into a coma for six months due to his body's inability to process this change. Tim copes poorly.
Jon wakes up and him and tim reunite, Jon has better control over his abilities. Jon and Tim talk about Tim becoming a merperson himself, Jon explains his reasoning for this question is because Jon genuinely loves Jon. And merpeople have a far longer lifespan than humans. Tim hesitantly agrees after Jon explains that even if he does make him into a merperson, jon can teach him how to shape-shift, with the promise that “where you go, I go” and they live together happily, not without loads of ptsd tho!!
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lunali-moon · 3 months
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First dive - part 2
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