#michael langdon headcanon
amomentsescape · 9 months
AHS Apocalypse Masterlist
Michael Langdon
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sojournlangdon · 2 years
What are your sins?
Sojourn!Michael Langdon x gender neutral reader
Warnings: mentions of death, light satanism (if that’s a thing)
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Her voice is brash and grating. The garish red she wore could not be more fitting, with its loudness and lack of subtlety. You don’t know why you keep returning to this congregation. The admission process was a joke, which may explain the pitiful leader and members. Surely there was something better than this.
The creak of a door signalled a potential escapee. You feel relief on their part, and wonder what’s stopping you from doing the same. Her unblinking eyes and tense jaw turn to you. You feel your heartbeat more intensely following her question:
What are your sins?
Lips part, and shut. You blink too many times, and an awareness of it only worsens the behaviour. Why the fuck did you sit in the front row?
She looks at you with furrowed brows for a few counts, before opening the question to everyone. You feel heat brush over your face. So much for being above all of this.
The replies are almost as pathetic as your lack of one, petty theft, gun money and adultery. With the bar this low, your actions seem devilish. Were they? You don’t think so, but you decide to get a second opinion.
“Actually, I do have one.” The confidence in your voice is short-lived. She looks at you expectantly, and you feel the intrigue of the sad souls around you.
Voice small, you begin unclearly, before she demands that you speak up. The second time is better, desensitised.
“I killed him, I killed a person.”
You have their attention now, this was a step up in severity, to say the least. She grins, shouts her praise, and tells you to stand and inspire the ‘weaklings’.
You clear your throat, and try to diguise your trembling hands by holding them against the dark fabric brushing your thighs. Most everyone looks morbidly interested, but one unfamiliar face appears transfixed, desperate to hear the events.
Tangled, honey-tinted hair, light stubble framing parted full lips, glossy eyes so tired they looked bruised. You may be as equally as enthralled by him. You focus on the space around him, eyes flitting back to him to observe how he digests your story.
“It wasn’t senseless, or random. I may have planned it, but he well and truly deserved worse than what he got. To be honest, I was surprised by my own strength. I mean, keeping someone’s head underwater while they scratch and kick and bite is no easy feat. Drowning doesn’t happen in thirty seconds, and even after he stopped moving I had to hold him down - to make sure.”
You catch your breath, slightly dissociated, no longer aware of their reactions. You don’t know when to stop, so you keep going.
“It was yesterday, in the evening. He’s still there. But I drained the tub and refilled it with ice. I didn’t think about the fact that it would melt, though.”
Heat rises to your face a second time when you see him smile warmly at you, as if you said something endearing. You are once again brought back to reality, reluctantly noting the rest of the room. Some look nauseated, others inspired.
She once again litters you with praise as you return to your seat. For the remainder of the meeting, your mind is somewhere else entirely. You register movement around you as people start to leave, others staying for the shitty potluck. Arms crossed and eyes lowered, you languidly move towards the staircase. That was stupid, a stupid fucking thing to say in front of so many people. What if someone reports you, or tries to copy you or -
“Good riddance. To whoever it was. I’m sure you did the world a favour.” Up close, you can see just how disheveled and weary he looks. A gentle smile graces his features, and when you don’t reply, he gives a light nod and ascends the stairs.
You follow, reaching out to stop him, not willing to let him go just yet. The motion is messy, and you end up with the crumpled black shirtsleeve in your tight grip. Nice fucking going.
He stops suddenly, upper body twisting round. His raised eyebrows makes you cringe slightly, as you lean into the wall to let others filter past.
“I could use some help. You know, with the body. If you’re interested.” Another excellent move on your part.
His eyes soften, and you think he would have laughed if he was any less fatigued. He nods, tells you to lead the way. So you do. At some point during the walk home, you notice that your hands are loosely intertwined. You’ve been so fraught with nervous energy, that you don’t remember who moved first.
It’s quiet, mostly your own voice. You talk about where you live, potential dinner ideas, and that forensic psychology module you did once. He looks relieved when you insist that he takes a nap before anything else, and you when confirm that the shower is separate from the bath.
Only when you’re outside the building do you think to ask the blonde boy’s name, learning that it’s Michael. His delicate features work with his name, you decide.
“Like the Archangel. Cute.” He scoffs at that.
“Not quite. Really, I could prove you wrong there.”
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I’m begging y’all! Send good prompts in my ask box for headcanons! Especially for characters like the Joker (TDK, Michael Langdon (AHS), Poison Ivy (in general), Bonnie Bennett (TVD), Bruce Wayne (Nolanverse) and Jareth (Labyrinth).
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crown-ov-horns · 3 months
Michael Langdon x Female!SO (N/S/F/W edition 🍋)
Originally a reference sheet my WIP's. Mostly generalized headcanons. A seperate list of specific scenarios can be found here.
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Switch for the right woman. Still, he certainly wants his fair share of dominance.
Likes it when seduction takes effort. If a girl is hard to get, he'll want her all the more. But. Should he feel the chase is taking too long, he may resort to drastic measures. Not rape, think more he imprisons his love interest, until she accepts him. Isn't beyond coercion.
Will absolutely fuck his love interest while she holds a blade to his throat. Think Troy, but she never drops the knife.
Despite the previous points, he enjoys when it his SO takes initiative. Shove him onto down, and mount him. Wait for him in lingerie. Come onto him, seriously.
He bites. A lot. Marking his territory turns him on.
Likes to show off. The notion of getting heard, or even caught, doesn't bother him. He wants others to know his love interest belongs to him, and him alone.
"Your're mine" is a constant. Will go feral if his SO tells him the same, or responds "I'm yours."
Prone to getting rough. Will cluth his lover's hips until they're bruised, pull her hair, wrap his fingers around her throat. He wants her nails ripping his back open. He is a Beast, after all.
Loves eye contact, and seeing his SO's face contort with the pleasure he gives her. This kind of despair turns him on. Loves to leave her exhausted, breathless, and empty-headed. Often takes time to admire her limp, sweat-covered body afterwards. Isn't against receiving the same treatment, though.
Enjoys giving and receiving oral equally. A master of cunnilingus. Likes to grasp his lover by the chin after coming into her mouth, and watch her swallow. Alternatively, doesn't mind being kissed with his own cum still in her mouth.
Has extremely high stamina. Also, often prefers long foreplay. Loves to tease.
Big into pillow talk.
Enjoys his Mark being kissed and licked.
Can get toxic. As in, sometimes, he'll pin his SO down and, essentially, force himself on her during an argument, or when he's frustrated/angry. But, he'll stop if he's told to.
Has a huge breeding kink.
His adoration of breasts may or may not have to do with the previous point.
Into ritual sex.
Excited by blood. Him and his lover drawing each other's blood. Sharing blood. Bathing in the blood of a victim or a sacrifice
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lcnelyghost · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing, can you please do how your first fight with the boys from AHS please? Like the reason why you fight and whatever else you think would be good? Thanks xx
troubled lovers//the ahs boys
pairings; fem reader with tate langdon, kit walker, kyle spencer, jimmy darling, james patrick march, tristan duffy, dandy mott, rudolph valentino, and michael langdon.
rating; potentially pg13
warnings; mentions of murder, alcohol abuse, drug use, and slight harsh language
tate langdon;
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• It was you suddenly remembering what he did. And those horrible memories made you terribly uncomfortable whenever the thought of them happening again crept in. You forced yourself to interrogate him and ask why he did what he did
• Hates screaming, hates shouting, hates the whole lot
• He’ll get so frustrated to the point he’s tempted to rip his own hair own
• Passes out in you’re arms from the exhaustion of crying
• He makes himself psychically ill seeing as he cries way too hard and simply won’t stop
kit walker;
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• I hope you’re expecting him apologising to you every other second of the day, because that’s just what the poor love does
• His Mom and Dad never got along when he was a kid, so he always feared raising his voice to anyone growing up
• You began to rant about something that was completely out of Kit’s control. His work hours. You felt like you never got to see him anymore and it finally pushed you over the edge
• He can’t help but defend himself in this situation. It’s something he can only try to fix but there’s no promising that he can convince his boss to stop the night shifts completely
• Even if it’s a screaming match, Kit REFUSES to say anything rude about you’re image, how you are, and you in general
kyle spencer;
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• Kyle is terrified of fighting with anyone. He hates the atmosphere after all those horrible harsh words are said
• You grew tired of Kyle refusing to do anything he isn’t fond of doing. Not anything major, but more like things that a person simply just needs to get through in life. If it was something extreme he didn’t like, obviously you know there’s boundaries
• He can’t go to sleep until he knows you’re not mad at him anymore
• You feel like slapping yourself the minute you see tears trickling down his cheeks
• Lots of hugs and kisses after everything’s okay again
jimmy darling;
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• You can’t put up with his non stop drinking. You practically stay up all night worried sick when he hasn’t arrived back home safe
• You’re so pissed if he’s that drunk he can’t leave his trailer because he’s unable to step away from the toilet without vomiting five minutes afterwards
• Even if it’s one little snide comment, if Jimmy feels anything is directed at him, he’s the one to turn it into a full blown argument
• He’d never put his hands on you. Hell no. But Jimmy tends to say a lot of things he ends up regretting
• You kick him out the trailer for about a day or two and that’s enough to make him grovel on his knees for you
james patrick march;
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• He finally snapped after you admitted that you would still like to be alive as of now, and didn’t like the fact that James wanted you to take you’re life so you could be with him in the Cortez. You just weren’t ready yet
• If you flinch in any sort of way during the argument, the temptation of bursting into tears hits James hard
• He could never allow himself to put his hands on you in the wrong sort of way. Let alone leave any marks. He may have been a man who had good skills when it came to narcissism and manipulation, but he simply would never bring himself to hit a woman
• You storm off to bed, leaving James just sat there, slowly sipping on whatever beverage he currently had. And when he finally thought about what had just happened, he’d begin to sob with his head in his hands
• He’d come running back to you, apologising a million times. He knows you’ll always be loyal to him. So all you do is tell James that when the right time comes around, you’ll take you’re last breath in the Cortez, and spend the rest of eternity with you’re beloved
tristan duffy;
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• He got real pissed at you when he finally noticed how close you were being with the rest of the male ghosts at the hotel. You yourself knew that it would annoy him, but you didn’t care. You felt so greedy when it came to the other men that roamed the halls of the Cortez. And unfortunately, Tristan was the one to suffer from it
• Whatever you do, don’t make ANY insensitive comments about him and his past drug use. It deeply hurts him inside and makes him feel like a total waste of space
• He sees the influence these other guys have on you, to the point it begins to terrify him
• Tristan loves you and everything you do. He truly admires you, and the thought of losing you to some sad fucker like Donovan makes him go crazy
• You realise that in the end, you were just being a total bitch. And you hated the fact that it took Tristan to eventually hit breaking point for you to see that
dandy mott;
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• He isn’t satisfied when you tell him that you’re going out with you’re friends for the night. In fact, he knows how bored he’ll be, and he simply won’t allow it
• Literally begs you not to leave and swears he’ll take you out somewhere fancy, just don’t leave him by himself at all..
• He kicks up a stink and rants, and rants, AND RANTS..
• You grow tired of this so instead of leaving to stop him hurting you’re ears, you just take him out for ice cream lol
rudolph valentino;
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• You guys NEVER fight. Like never fr. Never have, never will!
michael langdon;
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• You try not to start a fight with Michael seeing as his past was a bit fucked up, but you’re the kind of girl who takes no one’s shit 💀
• You were really close with some of the witches, and after finding out Michael killed half of them? UH UH..
• You don’t wanna be like Constance here but you feel he NEEDS to know the kind of shit he’s done. Like you won’t stand for it at all. You couldn’t care less if you’re boyfriend was the Antichrist..
• You’re even more upset at him that this has rocked the boat with the rest of the witches and you’re the one they all keep throwing these comments at. Michael knew better than to put this on you..
• He tries to keep you out of the situation and knows he can’t hurt you. Even if one bit of anger is tempting enough for him to put you in any sort of danger, he can’t. Not you. You could be angry at him for all eternity and he’d still be madly in love with you. His people were annoyed by the fact that even the Antichrist could fall in love, he wasn’t supposed to, but this was the one thing Michael couldn’t control
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little-lily-w · 2 years
Breaking Purity II: ch. 11/?
Psst: whole Breaking Purity I here
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Summary:  Reader finds the Rock, the place where Connor and Hannah are about to be offered to the cannibals, with the whole population of chosen survivors to witness.
Warnings: violence, strong language, graphic depictions
Words: 2k
A/N: I’d lie if I said I wasn’t a nervous ball while picturing Michael’s reaction.
You can read it here: ch. 11: “Arctic wolf”
Tagging: @angiestopit​
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crowsandmurder · 1 year
Michael Langdon Tags
(because Tumblr Lost them)
Michael Langdon  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Michael Langdon ✖ (Thoughts)
Michael Langdon ✖ (Character Development)
Michael Langdon ✖ (Crack)
Michael Langdon  ✖ (Headcanons)
Michael Langdon  ✖ (Photos)
Michael Langdon  ✖ (Starter Call)
V: Mischievous Child [Michael as a Child] -- Michael came into the world, under darkness that some knew, some suspected, killing his birth mother, in the process. Raised by his grandmother, he started small, killing animals and giving them to her as presents, and moving on to people. This went on until he killed a Priest, after aging and Constance kicked him out, of the house. This verse sums up this time period.
V: Nobody gave me a fucking instruction Manual [Learning to be the Antichrist] - After leaving, Ben took him in at Murder House, trying to be a father to him, but he had so much darkness in him rising, especially as he was being manipulated by the house already. After being visited, a Black Mass was performed and Michael became the Anti-Christ.  Taken in by Mead, he was learning about his powers, before being taken in by the warlock school, and having to deal with the coven.  When he turned to the Church of Satan, he still found himself not having answers. He was pointed in a new direction, and had help devising a plan. This verse sums up this entire time period.
V: My Name is Michael Langdon and I am the Antichrist [Planning & Aftermath of the Apocalypse]  Michael had powers and he had a plan.  He was going to destroy the world. It would take time. There would be time, that it would be crafted, including outposts. After it went off, he visited with a new plan.  It was a night, that would change everything, his last night there. This time period sums up this verse.
V: You can write your own destiny [Michael turns away from the plans his father has for him]  Michael listens to Cordelia and turn away from the plans his father has, and instead, tries to let his powers be controlled by the light, not the dark. This sums up this verse.
V: Chaos has won [ Any AU where Michael succeeds] Michael manages to destroy the world and kill the witches.  Selective people survive. This sums up this verse. 
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redroses07 · 3 months
AHS boys cuddling headcanons. <3
A/N: Hey guys! I'm back from my year long hiatus! It's been a crazy year for me and I've been through a lot of ups and downs but I'm finally back! Expect me to be posting a lot now because I have a TON of ideas. Anyways, enjoy this little drabble! Love y'all!
Contains: Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Michael Langdon, and Xavier Plympton.
Tate Langdon:
This boy is definitely a little spoon.
Constantly asks you to hold him in your arms.
You, personally love this, and happily wrap your arms around him lovingly.
Places soft kisses on your fingers while you trace his features.
Absolutely LOVES when you play with his hair, he practically begs for it.
Now don't think he's always going to be the one being held, that's just what he prefers.
If you're feeling down he'll pull you into his chest, and hold you like something's going to take you from him (his abandonment issues showing)
Loves kissing your neck while cuddling.
Kit Walker:
Kit is truly the most loving partner you could ask for and cuddling with you is one of his favorite things in the whole world.
Likes to see your pretty face so prefers that you two lay facing each other.
Softly tells you all the things he loves about you while pressing kisses to your nose, lips, cheeks, and forehead.
When I tell you his hands would be all over you, I mean ALL OVER. He loves to trace his fingers down your arms, torso and stomach.
Kit also likes to sneak his hands under your shirt when your laying together, and he often falls asleep with them like that.
Cannot fall asleep unless his hands are on you in some way (will not lose you like he lost Alma)
Anyways Kit is amazing and I am in love with him.
Pre-death Kyle Spencer:
Tbh he's my least favorite Evan character so apologies if this sucks.
For some reason I feel like he loves to nuzzle his face in your neck, and he often falls asleep like that.
Lets you lay on his lap while he works on schoolwork, and starts playing with your hair when he loses focus.
Loves when you sit in his lap, he will pull you in his lap literally anywhere. No matter if you're alone, or with your friends he feels the best when you're comfortably situated on his lap.
Jimmy Darling:
Big spoon!!!!!!
Loves when you straddle his waist or wrap your arms around his neck.
Really loves to feel as close to you as possible so he'll tangle your bodies together in every possible way.
One would think it would be hard to get comfortable like that but your comfort is Jimmy's #1 priority, even if that means sacrificing his own.
So if that means his arm falls asleep or his leg cramps, that's okay! as long as you're co. mfortable.
Jimmy loves to kiss your cheeks, and when he's in a silly mood he quickly switches between the two. This leaves you flustered, and in a fit of giggles.
James Patrick March
You wouldn't expect it but James LOVES cuddling with you.
On the outside he seems like he would be cold and dismissive in a relationship but you are his EVERYTHING.
Loves when you lay on top of him and he can comfortably wrap his arms around you.
Constantly whispers to you how much he loves and adores you and would do anything for you (In love with his accent)
Probably not surprising but he likes to leave marks all over you, and not just during sex.
Will bite and suck on your skin while you're cuddling. His favorite place to leave marks is your collarbone.
He sees this as an intimate act, and loves the idea that people will know you belong to him.
Kai Anderson
Lets be real...this man is not a cuddler. To be honest he only cares about you when he's trying to make the messiah baby.
But occasionally he'll be extremely overwhelmed with cult responsibilities and will turn to you for condolences.
Holds you while he vents to you about his frustrations.
Plays with your hair or fiddles with the straps of your tank top to distract himself.
Will also ask you about your day to give him something else to think about.
These are the few times when Kai shows his vulnerable side.
Will kiss your shoulders while you tell him about your day, or give him cult advice.
Michael Langdon:
I love Michael so much y'all he's literally my husband.
Cuddling can go either way with him tbh. Sometimes it's him holding you, and sometimes it's you holding him.
When he holds you he pulls you into him and traces is fingers along your back.
Loves to intertwine your fingers and tightly grip your hand. It makes him feel closer and more connected to you.
Cuddling is when you and Michael have your most intimate bonding moments. When you spill your deepest thoughts and secrets to each other.
On the other hand, when the pressure on Michael is too much, he wants you to hold him.
He cries softly, and stuffs his face into your chest in an effort to hide his tears.
When life just becomes too much for him being held and kissed by you makes everything feel okay.
This is a weird one but I feel like he'd have you brush his hair (I love long hair Michael don't hate).
Xavier Plympton:
Likes to listen to music while cuddling, and will softly sing along if he knows the lyrics.
Will also tap on your back along to the beat.
Likes when you lay your head on his chest and drape your legs over his.
Loves to talk while cuddling, telling you everything that comes to his mind.
He talks, you listen, and that's what he loves about you.
Takes breaks in between his various rants to kiss the top of your head and make sure you're comfortable.
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amomentsescape · 9 months
Spooky Season Theme Poll
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How each character (my favorite characters) would react to a kiss…
(Basically headcanons!)
(For female readers only!!!)
(Cuz I know some of you are bi like me!!!🩷💜💙)
Cal Kestis:
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Of course, Cal would be new to this, so if he got kissed by you, he would probably be shocked. His body would go stiff. But he would eventually get used to it as he kisses you back just as much. This kiss he would probably rate it a hundred if he could. He would also bet credits on it if he would get kissed by you again.
Dagan Gera:
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When you kiss him, he’ll probably get very tense, his mind racing with the thoughts of why he is kissing another woman. But apparently you remind him of Santari so he can’t help but melt into it. He would grip you by the hips to keep you close. His lips are almost like silk. He makes sure he’s making his mark on you, him suckling at your skin. This would be the best kiss he ever had in his 200 years of life!
Michael Langdon:
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When you first kiss him, he would get confused instantly on why you’re kissing him. His body would get tense as the kiss is chaste. But he would slowly get into it little by little. His arms would slowly embrace you as he deepens the kiss, feeling his lips were incredibly soft. You couldn’t believe it, but you were kissing the Antichrist himself! This would be a dream…
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When you do kiss him, he would stiffen at first, his thoughts racing with how soft your lips felt. He would then give in as he takes his sweet time with this kiss, his lips moving passionately and slowly against yours. This kiss would be a memorable moment between him and you only.
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As you kiss him, his immediate response would be to kiss you back. There was no hesitation, no setback for him as he pulls you in and holds you close. His lips felt like pure heaven, as this will be a moment for both you and Loki to share.
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When or if you kiss her, her whole body becomes tense in an instant. Her mind is racing with all of these thoughts since she has never kissed anyone before. But she finally gives in as she melts into it, her whole body relaxing as her arms go to embrace you as you embrace her back. This kiss will be remembered by the both of you for sure!
Kylo Ren (aka Ben Solo):
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To be honest, I’m not sure how he would react. It wouldn’t be bad, but he would see you as a weakness to him…interfering with his training. But if you kissed him, he would freeze. His mind would race with questions as he would keep telling himself that you’re his weakness. But his tension dissipates as he kisses you back, not helping himself as he pulls you in for an embrace as you embrace him back. This kiss will make him remember and realize that you’re his and no one else’s.
Shin Hati:
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Okay so…if you WERE to kiss her…she would probably back off as give you a look that says, “What the hell are you doing?”, But turns out, she kinda likes it so she quickly goes in to kiss you back, gently but surely to make it feel pleasurable between the both of you! This kiss will also make Shin the happiest woman in the galaxy!
Let me know what you think! Not sure why I wanted to create this...but if you like it, then thanks!
And yes, I had an awesome graduation! Proud to be in the class of 2024!! ❤️❤️❤️
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My fav fanfic blogs (besides my own *cough cough*)
GO FOLLOW THEM! And most importantly, REBLOG THEIR MF FICS!!!! 🩷✨🩷✨🩷✨🩷
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crown-ov-horns · 7 months
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In my head, I'm imagining a confrontation between Michael and Mallory in some dark corner right after this. She follows him. His presence sends chills down her spine, but, at the same time, it beckons her like a flame does a moth. She can't find rhyme nor reason to either sensation. At the same time, she has even less to lose.
He recognizes her. I think they didn't meet until the interview in the show, but let's say they had. He realizes the witches had succeeded in their own plan, to keep their future Supreme alive. He's as furious as he is impressed. Thus, he seizes her, determined to get answers away from any prying eyes.
What happens next? Smut, after he decides to seduce her, and get her on his side before she realizes what happened? He woudn't care they may get caught. It might even appeal to him - claiming her as his, in front of others. Then, he'd probably bring her to his room, and leave her to safely rest until he can take her home (aka his Sanctuary of evil elites). Or, would it be angst, after he imprisons her? The possibilities are endless.
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Cody Fern as Michael Langdon in AHS: Apocalypse has the perfect Elliott look
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just look at him
and yes, we’re only talking about looks here ‘cause Elliott and Michael can’t be more different from each other
honestly, I wanna hear from you guys, who do you headcanon as him? ‘Cause at some point I also thought of Sam Claflin 🤔
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little-lily-w · 1 year
Breaking Purity II ch. 15
<<Psst: Breaking Purity I here 
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Summary: Waking up next to Michael, understanding you are in love with him, could have been the ending of it all, but life is about to show that this is just the beginning of the dream. Or of the nightmare. 
Words: 1.9 k
Warnings: smut
A/N: I made a promise on IG. Told you if Argentina won the match, you’d have an update. Here it is. 
You can read it here: ch. 15: Into my arms
Also: here’s the song of the chapter if you wanna listen to it while you read.
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gayaristocrat · 1 year
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Key: Smut = {s} Fluff = {f} Angst = {a}
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Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson x Male Reader {s}
Request: This is just me being a slut, like my name, but wearing a skirt for Eddie for the first time. Like he’s just rambling and rambling then he notices that you’ve changed from pants to the skirt and then he starts being absolutely feral. Then he spreads your leg and starts kissing his way up your thighs and you’re just leaking like crazy underneath, leaving a wet spot on the front And he makes you keep it on as he rails the fuck out of you
Eddie Munson x FtM! Reader {s}
Request: Omg omg I'm going feral over this but imagine an FTM reader and Eddie Munson but like. Eddie putting a pillow under Reader's back and pressing on their stomach while absolutely RAILING him---
Billy Hargrove
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {f}
Summary: How would Billy Hargrove be in an a-z fluff?
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {s}
Request: Hi I LOVED your billy a-z fluff if you are doing requests can you do another billy a-z but smut? Or headcanon
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {s}
Request: What do you think Billy Hargrove will do to help his boyfriend who is scared of sex?
Billy Hargrove x Male reader {f}, {s}
Request: Hi! Going off of Billy helping his bf with his fear of sex, how about Billy planning a beautiful night for his bf who told him they feel confident to have sex and Billy make love to them gently and praised them
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {s}
Summary: While Billy was punishing you, you discover a secret about yourself you never know about. 
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Tyler Galpin
Tyler Galpin x Male Reader {s}
Summary: Tyler's boyfriend gives him head as he falls apart at the sight
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Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Harry Potter x Male Reader {s}
Summary: Harry’s boyfriend gives him head while at a very important zoom meeting for work
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Archie Andrews
Yandere! Archie Andrews x Femboy! Male Reader*
Request: So do you still take request? and how is your day? I was thinking yandere Archie Andrew x femboy male reader. I like yandere books btw. The plot is that the reader is new to Riverdale high
Archie Andrews x Mute! Male Reader***
Request: Reading your fics always makes me happy. Would you do a headcanon of archie taking his boyfriend who is mute out on a picnic for their birthday and just being soft to him and affectionate with some soft nsfw
Archie Andrews x Male Reader**
Summary: How would a date night with your heroic boyfriend, Archie Andrews, play out?
Reggie Mantle
Reggie Mantle x Male Reader***
Summary: Since Reggie had been denying you attention, you decided to find it somewhere else, knowing full well how easily jealous he gets.
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American Horror Story
Michael Langdon
Michael Langdon x Male Reader
Summary: Michael takes a liking to the reader and falls for him. Michael wants to ‘question’ the reader, but things get more heated than they should.
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Michael Langdon x FtM! Reader***
Summary: Michael has a hard day at work, but thankfully he can come home and relieve his stress every day.
Michael Langdon x Male Reader***
Summary: Being tied up as Michael plays with you like his little rag doll was not how you planned your night to go, especially being denied and teased by him.
Michael Langdon x Male Reader***
Summary: Sometimes its good to just be an obedient little puppy
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Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina
Ambrose Spellman
Ambrose Spellman x Male Reader**
Summary: Could Ambrose Spellman really have found the love of his life or is he just another summer fling?
Ambrose Spellman x Male Reader***
Summary: What could possibly make Ambrose Spellman punish his sweet little boyfriend?
Father Blackwood
Father Blackwood x Male Reader***
Summary: Reader and Sabrina try to come up with a plan to get back at Weird Sisters, but he wants to do something bigger. But what happened when things take a turn?
Harvey Kinkle
Harvey Kinkle x Male Reader ** (angst to fluff)
Summary: It's time for Harvey's boyfriend to confess a secret, but will things go as planned?
Nicholas Scratch
Nicholas Scratch x FtM! Reader
Summary: Nicholas spends a special holiday with his boyfriend
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Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester x Male Reader***
Summary: Sam and reader both hate each other and they work out their frustrations together
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7-wonders · 2 years
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As Above, So Below Masterlist
Shatter Masterlist
Mad Love Masterlist
It's Only Forever Masterlist
And God Made Eve to Bear the Curse (vampire!Michael)–Michael wants one thing, and one thing only–to drink from the oasis between your thighs.
Chord Progressions–In the post-apocalyptic world, you find music to be the only thing that makes living in an underground bunker with a bunch of spoiled rich people tolerable. The time finally comes for your interview with the mysterious Cooperative member, Langdon. Will you find your way to salvation? Or will there be more questions than answers?
Bathe Me In Blood–After your numerous questions, Michael invites you to observe as he conducts one of his rituals. The turn that it takes is a welcome surprise for both parties. 
Late-Night Reading–Your new friend Michael (aka the Antichrist) asks you to read to him one night after he has a nightmare.
Ride It Out–The end of the world is terrifying, even when you’re the Antichrist’s lover. 
Driver’s Ed–Michael really wants to learn how to drive a car.
A Sanctuary Within the Sanctuary–The end of the world is more difficult to deal with than you had anticipated. Michael, appreciative of how you’ve stuck by him, decides to show you his thanks. 
Practice Makes Perfect–Michael wants a baby. You want a baby.
Baby Love–You find out you’re pregnant, and now comes the hard part: Surprising Michael.
Sacrificial Lambs–What you thought was just going to be an event to meet the members of Michael’s Satanic church turns into a ritual sacrifice, followed by your unofficial ‘dark’ baptism. As any normal person, you don’t take the murders of two innocent people well. 
Hurt–After an intense fight, Michael inadvertently causes what he does best: Hurt.
Sweet as Cyanide–Michael makes his final decisions for the Sanctuary, and leaves you with a cryptic warning about the upcoming Halloween party.
Without a Word–You’ve always been the light to Michael’s dark, the one who makes everyone smile instead of the one who scares people with a mere glance. Michael has never seen the clouds that lurk inside of you, threatening to spill over and ruin your carefully-constructed image. 
Twilight, Eat Your Heart Out (vampire!Michael)–Pondering your own mortality is never a good long-term solution, especially when you have to compare it to the immortal vampire you’ve found yourself entangled in a relationship with.
Family Man–Michael brings his family along to the last Outpost after realizing that he’s not willing to sacrifice his loved ones for his father’s plan.
Lost In the Shadows–As a naturally curious person, the odd mannerisms of your elusive new boss pique your interest, making you determined to figure out who, or what, he is.
Thinking of Sin (CAOS!au)–Michael, having fully embraced his title as Antichrist and heir to the throne of Hell, invites you to join him as his father’s church, the Church of Night, celebrates one of their most sacred holidays: Lupercalia, the festival of passion.
Creature of the Night (vampire!Michael)–Michael indulges one of your secret fantasies on Halloween.
Heaven & Hell Were Words to Me–A surprise takes a turn that should be sickening, but instead only serves to draw you even further into the web that Michael has woven.
Labyrinth King!Michael headcanons
Vampire Michael Musings
The Thrill of the Chase–Your path once again crosses with Michael’s, this time under much more dire circumstances. Life and death, specifically yours, has suddenly never been more prevalent in your mind.
Marry the Night–Outpost 3 has never been quiet. When you awake and find that, for the first time in months, there’s nothing but silence, you’re determined to get to the bottom of it. Soon, you’ll wish that you had stayed in bed.
Warm and Real and Bright–A Tangled!AU, with Michael as a dark Flynn Rider and reader as Rapunzel. Part II
Self-Indulgence (vampire!Michael)
In Which You're Worried That Michael Might Actually Eat You (vampire!Michael)
Enemies With Benefits (vampire!Michael)–The blood bond that you now share with your vampire boss rears its ugly head.
Interview With the Vampire (vampire!Michael)–Well, if you have no choice but to be in close contact with a vampire, you’re going to ask him everything you’ve ever wanted to know about such creatures.
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas–Christmas arrives during your quest to show Michael why humanity is worth saving, and you decide to broach the topic with him to get his thoughts.
Sk8 D8 (or: how to teach your Antichrist the art of ice skating)–You take Michael on an ice skating date!
Incident Report–Michael treats everything at Kineros like it’s his, including dangerous chemicals that he should not be playing with like he is. What happens when he creates a mess that affects both of you?
Designed By the Divinity–Sanctuary is the hottest new club on the West Coast. There’s no rules in there, allowing patrons to let loose and enjoy the darkness that lurks within them. When you manage to make it inside the exclusive nightclub, you also manage to capture the attention of its enigmatic owner, Michael Langdon. However, you’re not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
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