#mick rory fanfiction
bi-bard · 2 years
That’s My Ride or Die - Leonard Snart & Mick Rory Imagine (DC's Legends of Tomorrow)
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Title: That’s My Ride or Die
Pairing: Leonard Snart & Mick Rory X Platonic!Reader
Based On: Best Friend
Word Count: 562 words
Warning(s): mentions of break-up
Summary: A collection of moments between Leonard, Mick, and the human equivalent of a puppy, (Y/n). They take the form of the most chaotic trio in the universe.
Author's Note: I think this is quite cute.
I don't think anyone could've guessed the consequences of putting me on a ship with Leonard Snart and Mick Rory.
By all accounts, we should've hated each other. I had dedicated myself to protecting anyone I could... they were thieves with ice and fire guns that seemingly only cared for themselves.
But somehow, the three of us ended up being best friends. While there was a whole team around us, we each seemed more tied to each other than anyone else. Neither one of us could quite explain it. It just kind of worked out that way.
The first memory I have of how close we were was after a particularly embarrassing break-up.
I had been trying to maintain a relationship with someone on Earth that definitely didn't deserve the effort. After they had pulled the plug, I found myself hiding away in the kitchen. I wasn't really doing anything. I was just sitting there, quiet and disconnected.
I barely registered Leonard and Mick coming in to sit with me.
"For what it's worth," Leonard said. "They were a nightmare to be around."
I let out a scoff. "Of course, you would say that."
"I could burn them," Mick offered.
"I... I think I'm alright, thanks," I replied. "Why are you being so nice?"
"Because you're one of the few people on this ship that isn't completely irritating," Leonard shrugged.
"We're friends then," I asked.
"Best friends?"
"Don't push it."
I just chuckled. Yeah, that was the beginning of us being best friends.
My next favorite memory was while we were on a mission.
Rip had sent the three of us off on a task together. Poor choice on his part, but it had all worked out in the end. As we watched everything seemingly fall into place, I got just a little bit excited.
"Oh, hell yeah!"
Leonard and Mick both quickly looked at me. They both seemed a bit shocked. It took me a moment to realize that they were staring.
"I can cuss, y'know."
"It's just strange..."
"Always pictured you as a small... pug," Mick added.
"A pug," I asked.
"Pretty accurate comparison," Leonard added.
"I hate both of you."
"No, you don't," Leonard replied. "Now, come on, Rip doesn't like to be left waiting."
I rolled my eyes but followed close behind them. "I don't hate you guys."
"We know," Mick grumbled.
I chuckled.
It was times like these that I thought about those moments. The ones that made me happy. The ones that never failed to put me in a better mood.
Sometimes I needed them.
It's not because something bad had happened... Mick was just throwing up and I was sitting on the floor next to him. I needed the reminder about why I would choose to do this.
"You alright," Leonard asked as he walked in.
"I'm waiting for him to pass out, so I can make sure he doesn't choke on his own tongue," I shrugged.
"You can go change," he motioned toward the door. "I'll take care of him."
"Thank you."
I stood up and started walking out.
"I love you guys."
"Love you too," Leonard nodded. "And I'm sure Mick would say the same if he were sober."
I gave him a thumbs up before walking out of the room.
It was chaos, but I loved these boys. No matter what.
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zemkzone · 3 months
I’m not sending Scarlet in there without knowing what he’s getting into.
— Leonard Snart to Mick Rory, Ch18 of That Rare Arctic Thunderstorm
Chapter'll be up on March 29!
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Legends S1 AU where Mick is well aware that Len's having a bit of an identity crisis and also a massive crush on the Flash. So he's not expecting Len to be at his best Master Thief behavior from the get go.
When they inevitably get into an argument about how the team is being treated and Mick wanting to go home before the Savage Kill party is over, it devolves into Mick accusing Len of not knowing if he wants to prove the Flash right or wrong about himself and if he'd just admit he's having a crisis because he wants to fuck the twink superhero (and then do something about it), they probably wouldn't be having this problem with Rip's Legendary Asshole behavior now. Len walks out. Won't dignify Mick with a response.
Of course, this argument was had in front of the rest of the crew. Lightbulbs are going off over Martin and Jax's heads as they realize why Barry's so weird about Len. Ray is blinking in shock like a baby deer in the headlights of an oncoming car (Mick is smirking at him - Mick is the car). Kendra decides she does not want more details; Sara decides she does. Rip realizes there are things he doesn't want to know about his heroes (Barry) and violently represses.
(Gideon already knows how thing are gonna resolve for Barry and Len down the road, but finds the journey more entertaining than expected. Resolves to ask her STAR Labs counterpart for the Team Flash side of the gossip.)
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jaesincorrectquotes · 2 years
your daughter, your princess...but my girl and my queen🔥🧊
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|| Main Pairing: Atom x Reader, Dad!Heatwave x Reader || Pairings: Dad!Mick Rory x Reader, HalfSister!Lita x Reader, Ray Palmer x Reader
|| Plot: You find comfort in your (secret) boyfriend Ray Palmer when you think that your dad (Heatwaves/Mick Rory) doesn't love and care for you anymore because of your half-sister coming into his life. Lita helps him and he now knows what to say. What he didnt expect is to see you and Ray Palmer cuddling in your room.
|| Story under the cut. Hope you enjoy.
|| OOC Mick
It was a very sunny day outside, but your feelings were gloomy. You were lying in bed, head deep in thought, when suddenly the door of your room opened.
"Wake up, N/n."
You internally groaned as you heard your dad's voice. You knew what it was about. Lita. Your sister. No, your half-sister who was the result of a one-night stand between your dad, and his ex-girlfriend, her mom. Ever since Lita came, your dad stopped thinking about you. He wanted her. It was always Lita this, Lita that. And you were sick of it.
You flipped to your right to face the doorway as to face your dad.
"What do you want?" You asked him.
He then answers saying "Do you think Lita would like this or this?" while showing a ruby necklace and an emerald bracelet.
You rolled your eyes, scoffed, and said under your breath "Oh sure give your other daughter jewelry but dont give the one your standing infront of one." You then cleared your throat and said "Give her the emerald. Now leave." You then turned away from, jealousy bubbling in you, and tears wetting your eyes as your brain overthinks.
As Mick turns his back, he thought he heard a sob from you, but didnt mind it as he thought it was a yawn. He was then feeling odd as you havent been treating him the same way before. He then thinks Lita can help. Mick takes the jumpship to visit Lita and that he does.
As he leaves, a certain brown-haired man speaks. "Gideon, where is Y/n?" "I do believe she is in her room Mr. Palmer." "Alright, thank you Gideon." "You're welcome, Mr. Palmer."
He then enters his girlfriend's room with a smile and says "Hey ba-" He then notices her sobbing and immediately runs to her and says, "Babe are you okay?" You then go onto his lap and hug him while saying "I don't think my dad loves me anymore." Ray was shocked. "I'm sure your dad loves you N/n." You just kissed him and said "I don't wanna think about it." Ray smiled and said "Let's cuddle then."
Mick and Lita were walking in the park. When Lita asks, "Anyways dad. How is Y/n?" Mick grumbled and says "I don't know. She's acting weird." Lita asked "How weird?" Mick just says "She just rolls her eyes at me. Doesnt talk to me much." Lita then says "She's probably jealous of me. Because you pay more attention to me now than you do to her. You need to learn how time management works. And before you say anything, go to her and comfort her. Now dad." Mick hugged her which wasnt anything like him. "Thank you."
Mick arrived to the ship and immediately rushed to his daughter's room. He barged in "Y/- HAIRCUT?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY DAUGHTER's ROOM?!" He yelled while marching and pinned ray to the wall.
|| Part 2 coming soon<3
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howtokillavampire · 5 months
Flash Rogues Advent - Day 2
Have some holiday fluff to lift your spirits! Thank you for hosting this wonderful event @tricksterrune !!
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fleurdelislily · 1 year
i wanna start writing headcanons for shows and stuff but I feel like no one would actually read them???
if you have requests for kaleidoscope, succession, legends of tomorrow, or once upon a time, (all x reader Im not great at character x character) pls send them I wanna write stuff 🥲 nsfw or sfw im fine with whatever
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Flash and Legends of Tomorrow X-over Ideas/Prompts
John Constantine/Mark Blaine
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Leonard Snart and Mark Blaine become friends when Mark helps Snart fix his cold gun.
Leonard Snart/Mark Blaine
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Mark Blaine/Mick Rory
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Mark meets Ray. They become BFFs.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
okok I'm writing a mick rory request rn and I realized I absolutely love writing for his character, so if you have any mick rory request, please send them my way!! also, any legend has open requests!!* I love writing for them lmao
*except leonard snart. I ship him too hard with barry to be able to write x reader fics with him. sorry
| I no longer write m!reader and I do not write smut. Please be respectful of this |
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bardsingingasong · 1 year
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Link to Ao3 
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Author: MarysseLalonde, TanisVS
Tags: Establised relationship, Romance, Fluff, Canon Compliant, , Hurt/confort, Cuddling, Fluff and Angst, no Beta.
Warnings:  Specific tags will be added when the chapter requires them.
Fandom: Legends of tomorrow (TV), The Flash (2014)
Pairing: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart (ColdWave)
Language: English (But it’s not our first language)
Chapters: 1/20
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DC Masterlist
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Harrison Wells (All Versions)
Dr. Harrison Wells (Earth 2 Version)(SMUT)(One Shot)
Mick Rory
“Are you proud of me?” (Fluff)(One Shot)
Take it Slow (SMUT)(One Shot)
#1 - Dry Humping (SMUT)(One Shot)
Birthday Surprise (Fluff)(One Shot)
Sarah Lance
“Do you want to wake them or…” (Angst)(One Shot)
Jefferson Jackson (Jax)
“Do you want to go in time out?” (SMUT)(One Shot)
Julian Albert
“I can’t sleep without you here.” (SMUT)(One Shot)
Requests are currently open! Been in a slump for a few months so give me some good ones to get me going again!
Main Masterlist
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boopsterliv · 2 years
Canaryfire 🛏 if you feel like it!
(It got long for a blurb but I was having way too much fun with this)
Laurel had gone through a lot and came out on the other side. She had survived her sister's death twice and had even come back from hell herself. She had made peace with the frequent nightmares and the reality that she had been pubically replaced by an alternate version of her. She managed to handle the truth she had a husband in this new world but could only remember the first one. She even went to Sara's less than stellar wedding and managed to help her sister handle the break-up and acknowledge her feelings concerning an old lover. It wasn't overnight, it took a lot of time, but she managed to rebuild a life after five years of being gone. She thought she was doing pretty okay.
So when Sara had been overloaded with work as a Legend, Laurel was more than willing to help her with a small mission. All she needed to do was keep someone from being in the wrong place at the wrong time, preventing a butterfly effect from occurring and causing the future to become a nuclear wasteland. The only thing that bothered her was that she was pretending to be married to someone she barely knew. Mick Rory, criminal arsonist and, surprisingly enough, erotica writer. He was gruff, drank a lot, and always seemed conscious of other people's space. He seemed nice enough, even if he never really talked to her before. He was always so nervous around her. Like he didn't want to make her feel crowded.
Sara had insisted she could take the mission instead, or even call Ray (the only other free Legend) in to be the fake spouse, but Laurel wasn't on board with either option. For one, Sara was, as stated, overworked and barely staying awake as it is, and for two, Ray was on partial paternity leave and there was no way Laurel was taking him away from his wife, even if it was for a quick and easy mission. Besides, she's pretended to be married to her teammates before (the time she and John Constantine had crashed a swinger's party was a recent highlight), and Laurel knew Mick wasn't a big fan of intimacy, so all things considered they'd probably be fine. Until they got to the hotel.
"I regret to inform you of this, Mr. and Mrs. Drake, but it appears we have no rooms specific to your preferences. We can still book you in a room, just not one with two beds." The receptionist looked hesitantly up at her to gauge her reaction. Laurel took a deep breath. They were showing up early to get everything set up. Spending a few days with this man she barely knows and her sister trusts can't be as awkward as she thinks it'll be. She could sleep on the couch or maybe even the potential office chair. She took a glance at her companion/fake husband. Mick just grunted. Well, if he had no problem with this...
Laurel smiled politely, mimicking the way she used to a lifetime ago when she was a lawyer. "You're fine. We'll take whatever room we can get. Thank you."
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hfepro · 2 years
Of Wolves and Elves
A wolf has gotten injured in a fight with a bear, so Rogue Pack travels to Lady Caitlin's Whitewood for healing. #fanfiction
Wolf!Barry has gotten injured in a fight with a bear, so Rogue Pack travels to Lady Caitlin’s Whitewood for healing. Written for the 2020 Arrowverse Quarantine Fic Exchange. I was matched with my good friend blueelvewithwings and elected to write for the prompt sick/injured. This features the good ship coldflashwave: Barry Allen / Mick Rory / Leonard Snart. (more…)
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zemkzone · 4 months
“His face is a mess, but—I really don’t want to be right—Boss, I think it’s Mick Rory.”
— Shawna Baez to Leonard Snart, Ch17 of That Rare Arctic Thunderstorm
Update coming March 1, 2024!
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
🗣️ and 🤨 for wip excerpts game
🗣 Share your favorite dialogue exchange.
“Does this mean we can’t kill the bastard without fucking up the timeline with another paradox?” Mick demanded. “Fucking hate paradoxes.”
“Got stuck in a time loop?” Barry asked, half joking and half serious.
“Kept having a door opened in my damn face,” Mick muttered.
From The One Where Barry Steals Mick From the Legends. I've been poking at this one on and off for a long while; reused the idea elsewhere. But one day this fic will get completed. :D
🤨 Share a line that makes no sense out of context.
But this was the first time in weeks that Barry had woken up feeling safe. So he was quite certain he’d made the right choice. And since it was officially too late to put a stop to this, that was likely a good sign.
From an S1 AU that I've tentatively started. Will involve several Rogues and Len seducing Barry.
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rurousha · 2 years
From Fox River to Central City, Ch 12/14
Chapter 12 - Facing Cold
1 – Team Flash & Legends, Mick-1 & Palmer 2 – Mayor Snart, clearly the most crooked here 4 – Cold-4, retired 11 – Killer Cold & Heatwave, bad guys 16 – Cold-16 & Sara-16, thieves 19 – Leonard-19 & Mick-19, smugglers 22 – Snart-22 & Rory-22, cyborg survivors 27 – Len-27 & Mickey-27, freedom fighters 29 – Michael-29, Lincoln, Veronica, & LJ, criminals but the good guys? 30 – Scofield-30, structural engineer 53 – Leo & Ray, 4-ever
He knew it was a trap. It could only be a trap. Three warehouses going up in flames nearly simultaneously and dangerously close to an apartment building had to be the work of Heatwave.
He knew it was a trap. What could Barry do but go anyway?
Barry spun his arms in an effort to suffocate the flames near an interior office while the two workers inside waited for their chance to bolt.
“Cisco," Barry called into his comms. “This fire is everywhere. I don’t think I can get it out quickly. Not alone.”
Then a shot of blue streaked past Barry and froze the burning beams next to him.
Heatwave stood beside Cisco as the kid genius tapped violently at the computer. His eyes were manic but focused. Cisco was usually spaced out and disoriented, but he was lucid right now in a way Mick had only seen a few times, when they were steps away from killing another doppelganger. Snart’s doppelganger.
Killing Snart.
“You sure you can actually do what you’re trying to do from here?” Mick asked. “This office don’t look used much.”
“Don’t you know Rory? Computers are magic.” Cisco clicked one more series of keys and smiled. “And I’m a frickin’ wizard.” Then his hand shot out and opened a breach a few feet away. “Go. I’ll catch up.”
Mick went.
Mayor Snart leaned against the railing of the stairway landing above the cafeteria. He looked down at Cold-4, Michael, and Lincoln, the only ones left in here after lunch. Cold-4 and Michael were trying to discuss the science behind the cold gun, but they were agitated. Lincoln was trying to eat cold pancakes to calm himself down, but it didn’t look like he was having much luck.
Then he saw movement outside the room, on the other side of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cafeteria. It was Killer Cold. He was walking across the concrete, headed straight for them.
Mayor Snart pointed from his vantage point over the cafeteria and shouted, “Cold!”
Cold-4, Michael, and Lincoln tracked his finger to Killer Cold outside. A breach opened, and Heatwave stepped out next to him.
“Get upstairs!” Cold-4 shouted at Michael and Lincoln, gesturing them up towards Mayor Snart.
“Facility-wide lockdown engaged,” a passive, computer voice alerted over the PA system.
Mayor Snart immediately bolted for the door on his left that led into the main halls of STAR Labs. He darted into the hall just before the door automatically slammed closed and locked.
“Shit,” Lincoln shouted. He and Michael were barely even to the base of the stairs.
“He’s got us cut off from each other,” Michael said.
Cold-4 looked back to Killer Cold and Heatwave as they approached one of the windows. It was just the three of them down here, and he was the only one armed.
Killer Cold stepped up to the window and pressed his cool hand against the glass. Frost immediately started to form fractals across it.
“Definitely shit,” Cold-4 said.
Killer Cold fired.
“Why won’t this door open?!” Mick-1 shouted. He was trying to force open the doors of the cortex to get to the hallway.
“Sorry, Mick, we’re trying,” Palmer said. He and Cisco were frantically typing on the computers, trying to get the lockdown lifted.
“Whoever initiated the lockdown blocked all my override codes,” Cisco explained. “Which means it was probably me. Other me.”
“Can’t you use your fancy black hole powers to get us out of here?” Mick growled at Cisco.
“Yes, but everyone else would still be trapped and isolated. Caitlin’s with the 16s in the med bay, and I don’t even know where everyone else is. At least here we have a decent chance of finding out where Killer Cold is going to attack.”
“Uh,” Palmer pointed at a blinking computer. “I think we just did.”
Cisco looked over Palmer’s shoulder. “The cafeteria.”
Cold-4 ducked and rolled away from dual ice and fire rays. He fired back at Heatwave, who spun behind some rubble to avoid another collision between his heat gun and a cold gun.
Fortunately, Cold-4 had managed to pull the fight outside. This meant that Michael and Lincoln, who were young, unarmed, and wholly unprepared for a supervillain fight, could move away from the shooting.
“Get out of here!” Cold-4 shouted at them and jerked his head towards the industrial district near STAR Labs. There were docks, shipping containers, alleys, and any number of buildings for them to hide in.
“But –“ Michael, the do-gooder, started to object, but his more sensible brother grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him towards the relative safety of the other buildings.
At least they were two fewer things to worry about.
Killer Cold shot at Cold-4, who ducked further behind the cover of a large tree in the grassy area outside the Labs. The blast grazed his side, but the thermal threading in his vest took the brunt of it.
Unfortunately, being outside meant that Killer Cold and Heatwave had the space to split up and approach Cold-4 from both sides. He could see Killer Cold in the reflection off a nearby car window and Heatwave along the walls of STAR Labs. That wasn’t good. If he died here, Sara was never going to let him hear the end of it.
Then there was the high whine of a cold gun and the metallic shrieking of twisting metal. Cold-4 looked up in time to see a frozen part of one of the metal spires atop STAR Labs break off and crash to the ground. Heatwave had to run to avoid being crushed.
“I get you, Mick?!” Leonard-19 shouted down. He had been on the roof of the Labs enjoying a couple beers and a quiet minute when the lockdown happened. Now he couldn’t get down, and the ground was well out of range of his cold gun. He had to improvise by freezing and knocking down bits of the roof. Luckily, there were many expendable bits to choose from.
“Not quite, Snart,” Heatwave shouted back up.
“Mick, go after the kid!” Killer Cold shouted at Heatwave. “I’ll handle these two.”
Heatwave shrugged vaguely in the direction of Cold-4 and took off for the industrial district.
“There!” Michael shouted and pointed at a side entrance to an industrial complex that had a gated fence.
“Right.” Lincoln ran for it with Michael right behind him. “We’ll lock it behind us.” Lincoln glanced back briefly to make sure Michael had the gate then ran ahead to make sure it was clear. He heard the chain slide around the post and, with a drop in his stomach, the padlock click shut.
He already knew what he was going to see.
Lincoln turned. Michael was on the wrong side of the fence, making sure the padlock was locked tight.
“No.” Lincoln ran back to the fence, but it was too late. Michael kept his head down, too ashamed to look Lincoln in the eye. “No no no no, Michael. Michael, don’t do this.”
“It’s done, Lincoln.” Michael finally looked up at his brother. Lincoln clutched at the chain link between them, separating them once again. “Get out of here. Heatwave will chase me.”
Michael reached his fingers through the chain link to grip Lincoln’s as best he could. It broke Lincoln’s heart to be in this position again, on the wrong side of a locked gate from a loved one and a death sentence between them.
“I love you, Lincoln,” Michael said. “Keep Veronica and LJ safe.”
Then Michael yanked his hands away from the fence and ran further into the industrial park.
“Michael!” Lincoln shouted after him. “Michael!”
Seconds later, Heatwave caught up to Lincoln, drawn by his shouting. He looked at Lincoln locked on the other side of the gate and shouldered his heat gun.
“Yer brother do that to ya?” Heatwave asked, gesturing toward the padlock.
Lincoln just glowered.
Heatwave nodded. “That’s a good kid. You did right by him.”
Lincoln growled, “If you touch him, I’ll kill you.”
Heatwave shrugged and headed out after Michael.
“You hear me?” Lincoln shouted after his doppelganger and banged on the gate. “I’ll kill you!”
Leonard-19 kicked frozen rubble off the roof in Killer Cold’s general direction, but Killer Cold easily rolled out of the way. It at least bought Cold-4 enough time to reposition to a more defensible spot in the parking lot.
Annoyed, Killer Cold shot a massive blast of blue plasma up at the roof, and he had much better range than Leonard-19’s cold gun. The blast struck the edge of the roof and froze into huge spikes of ice. The force of it threw Leonard-19 back and knocked the wind out of him. He raggedly huffed in some air and wobbled to his feet. The ice had formed a jagged wall taller than him.
“Dammit,” he whispered. He ran around it to the next clear patch of roof ledge, but the angle was bad. He could barely make out movement in the direction of Killer Cold and Cold-4. He was out of the fight.
On the ground in front of the Labs, Cold-4’s position was growing desperate. They had once again seriously underestimated the scale of Killer Cold’s power. The car in front of him froze, hard and brittle, and then shattered. Now completely exposed, Cold-4 shot Killer Cold directly in the chest with his cold gun.
Once the beam stopped, Killer Cold looked down at his chest. He was completely unharmed, only frost left across his shirt to show Cold-4’s work.
“Yeah, I suppose it was too much to ask for that to work,” Cold-4 griped at his murderous doppelganger.
“It really was,” Killer Cold agreed. He raised his right arm and pointed at Cold-4.
Then bullets and what could only be shots from a ray gun rained down on Killer Cold from his left. Ice immediately formed across his shoulders to form a type of shield from the bullets, but one of the rays hit his left arm just above the elbow. He shouted in pain and clamped his right hand over the burn. It hissed into steam.
Killer Cold looked left and found Snart-22 pointing his dual pistols at him from across the parking lot. Rory-22 stood next to him holding a paper grocery bag in one hand and a highly processed, sugar-packed Danish in the other. They had not been in the Labs at all but grocery shopping when Killer Cold attacked. The word ‘shopping’ being used loosely.
Rory munched his treat, and Snart shot both guns at Killer Cold again. Killer Cold, now prepared, formed an ice shield and deflected both shots.
Cold-4 decided he was useless here and took the opportunity to run after Michael and Lincoln. They needed his help much more than the cyborgs of Earth-22. Killer Cold paid him no mind.
Snart-22 was not Captain Cold. He wasn’t Citizen Cold. He was not, in fact, a Cold of any kind. He was just Leonard Snart, a violent, dangerous survivor of the hellhole that was Earth-22. He had his wits, his guns, and his friend, and that had always been enough.
Rory-22, however, was Heatwave. He carried no guns but instead had a tiny, red rock wired into his chest, just over his sternum.
“Are you going to burn something now?” Snart-22 asked flatly.
“I think I will,” Rory-22 answered. He (tragically) dropped both bag and Danish and stretched his scarred arms out to crack his knuckles.
Then his tapped the red stone on his bare chest. It glowed. Then his bones beneath his skin glowed as if lit up with an internal fire.
“What the…?” Killer Cold muttered.
He didn’t have a chance to say anything else before Rory shot a fireball at him with his bare hands. The force of it exploded Killer Cold’s shield of ice and sent him sprawling back onto the asphalt. Snart-22 tried to shoot Killer Cold while he was down, but Killer Cold quickly rolled out of the way and on to his feet. He shot tiny spears of ice from his finger tips at Snart, who dodged out of the way into the grassy park nearby.
Flames surrounded Rory. They grew in every direction and formed into a humanoid shape around Rory, making him seem far larger than he was. The liquid in some of the tubes of Rory’s cybernetics bubbled, and the asphalt melted at his feet.
Snart-22 got his footing and fired again at Killer Cold, but he waved his right hand and formed a wall of ice around him on that side. Then Killer Cold shot raw blue cold energy at Rory. Rory fired back, and the two energy blasts struck. Instead of exploding on each other, the fire overwhelmed the cold and pushed it back towards Killer Cold in a burst of hot steam.
Rory-22 pressed his advantage and marched forward, beam of fire ahead of him, footprints of black slag behind him. Killer Cold braced his feet and tried to hold the stream of cold, but the cold core in his arm was no match for the power of the Zambesi fire totem in Rory’s chest. He slid against the ground at his feet until his back hit the wall of STAR Labs behind him.
The wall of ice protecting Killer Cold from Snart-22’s guns was rapidly steaming and melting beside him. Snart-22 pointed his pistol at the wall in anticipation for a clear shot.
“Almost got him, Mick,” Snart-22 yelled at his partner. “Keep it up!”
Then there was an undignified “whoop”, and Rory fell through a breach that opened under his feet.
“Mick?” Snart-22 startled. He scanned around to find him and instead found Cisco standing on the other end of the grassy landscaping. It wasn’t Cisco of Earth-1. This Cisco was a mess of knotted hair and rumpled clothes. It was Vibe of Earth-11.
Vibe pointed up, and Snart followed his gesture. He looked up just in time to see Rory fall out of a closing breach hundreds of feet in the air. The wind and speed of his fall quickly extinguished the flames around him.
“Mick!” Snart-22 shouted.
He had little time to check on his partner, though. Abruptly free from flames and steam, Killer Cold shot ice after him, and Snart-22 had to run to stay clear.
“You got him?” Killer Cold yelled to Vibe.
“Oh yeah,” Vibe responded.
In the air, Rory-22 tried to twist around and get his hands beneath him. He shot fire from his hands in an effort to control his fall, but it took several tries to get himself steady. Then he was able to get his feet pointed down and shoot fire from them too. Finally, he started to slow down.
Vibe shook his head and opened another breach underneath Rory, who couldn’t help but fall in. Vibe dropped him from further up, this time at an angle so that Rory had to correct his trajectory again. Vibe opened breach after breach, faster and faster, to catch and drop Rory, always higher and at a sharper angle, spinning and disorienting him.
The human body can naturally withstand between four and six times the force of gravity before passing out. Rory was more resilient than most. He lasted until nearly seven. But then his fire went out, and he dropped like a stone.
The car park and grassy courtyard between the Labs and the offices nearby were a mess of bullet holes and ice patches. Snart saw his friend fall, and shouted, “Mick. Mick, wake up!”
His momentary distraction was his undoing, though. Killer Cold shot him straight in the chest. Ice bloomed over him and froze him in a giant block of ice, gaze still directed upward.
“One down,” Killer Cold gloated.
Suddenly, a bright gold light torpedoed through the air. It was Ray on a direct course for Rory’s falling form. He grabbed Rory around the waist, but he was going much too fast, and Rory was much too heavy. Unable to dodge around, Ray flew straight into a new breach and came out into the side of a skyscraper across town. The two launched through a wall of steel and glass, and the people inside screamed in surprise. The pair tumbled, unconscious, to a stop inside.
On the street level, Leo and Joe were stuck a few blocks away from STAR Labs. Crowds of people were screaming and fleeing the buildings near the fighting, blocking the street. Leo and Joe gave up on driving and exited the car, but they were still trying to go the opposite direction of the scared crowd.
“Excuse us, please, here we go,” Leo tried to push his way passed the running pedestrians.
“Police!” Joe shouted. “Everyone out of the way!”
That did little to calm the group and nothing to make them move.
So Leo shot his gun at a nearby streetlight. It froze, and the light shattered.
“Everyone, get the hell out of the way!”
They did.
In the cortex, Cisco gave a triumphant shout. “Yes! Lockdown lifted.” He immediately hit a button on his computer to activate the Lab-wide PA system.
“Anyone still in the building, get to the pipeline,” Cisco shouted into the PA’s microphone. “It’s safer there.”
Then he turned to Mick-1 and Ray Palmer. “Ray, man the comms. Heatwave, get to Caitlin in the med bay. She might need some help.”
“But – ,” Palmer started to object.
“You heard ‘im, Haircut.” Surprisingly, Mick quickly did as he was told and ran down the hall towards the med bay.
Palmer sat in Cisco’s vacated chair and put in an earpiece. Cisco grabbed his gauntlets and visor and breached outside.
At Cisco’s announcement, Sara-16 tore the med bay door open, just in case it tried to lock them in again. She pulled out her sticks and looked around the hallway. “We’re clear, let’s go.”
Caitlin tried to help Cold-16 out of bed but was pushed away.
“My legs work fine, Snow,” Cold-16 objected. His left arm was in a sling, and there were bandages wrapped around his torso. He grabbed his cold gun and followed after Sara.
Outside, Killer Cold and Vibe-11 were out of immediate targets. Heatwave was chasing after Michael and Lincoln around some nearby warehouses, and Cold-4 had gone after them. Rory-22 and The Ray were unconscious somewhere downtown. Barry was busy, Leonard-19 was trapped on the roof, and Snart-22 was a block of ice.
“Inside then,” Killer Cold said.
“Not yet,” Vibe held up a hand.
A breach opened, and Cisco-1 hopped out.
“Just you, Cisco?” Killer Cold asked.
“Yeah, I was really hoping there were others already out here.” Cisco-1 looked at the destruction around him and Snart frozen like a giant popsicle. He hoped that didn’t shatter during their fight. He waved at Vibe-11. “Hey evil me.”
“The stars are ringing, singing, screaming, and I hear them all.”
“Not this again.”
“Somebody has to go polish the stars, and I am not afraid of what I am.”
“Right… so you’ve gone for the full-on crazy pants option, then. That’s – that’s great.”
Suddenly, Cisco-1 had to duck and roll away from a stream of cold.
“I missed on purpose, Cisco,” Killer Cold said. “It would be best if you survived this, but I will go through you if I have to. Are you really willing to die alone here for those killers and monsters in there?”
Cisco shifted his weight, ready to dodge or breach if he needed to.
“Yeah, I really wish I was an even slightly worse person so I could say no, but here I am.”
“He’s not alone,” Vibe-11 said flatly.
In a flash of yellow lightning, Barry ran to his friend’s side.
“You heard him, Killer Cold,” Barry said. “He’s not alone.”
Killer Cold raised his eyebrows in surprise. “I’ll admit I expected the fire to take you at least a few more minutes. How’d you get here so fast?”
“I had backup.”
Mickey-27 shot at the blaze moving towards him and the people he was evacuating.
“Come on, this way, let’s move it!” Mickey-27 yelled as he herded them towards an exit.
Len-27 held a frozen door open for the civilians while keeping an eye on the nearest flames. One of the evacuees lost his footing and took a second to fix his shoe. “No, please, take your time. It’s only a fire. No pressure.”
Cold-4 found Lincoln apparently lost in the maze of industrial buildings and factories.
“Cold!” Lincoln shouted at him. “You have to help me find Michael. He left me behind, and now Heatwave’s after him.”
“Okay, this way,” Cold-4 said.
He led Lincoln back the way he came. They reemerged near STAR Labs, but the fight had moved away from them and towards a small park near the river.
“This isn’t where Michael is, Cold. We have to go help him.”
“Lincoln, listen to me. Michael is smart; he’ll find a way to ditch Mick and get back here.”
“You don’t get it at all, do you? That is my baby brother trapped in there with a psycho killer.”
“And do you know where he is, Lincoln? Because I don’t. But we have friends down there right now that need our help. So come on.”
Michael knew what he needed to do. He just needed a couple minutes to do it. The warehouse he was in was large, more of an entire complex or network of buildings. The HVAC system was exposed along the ceiling and walls. It was gas heated. He could work with that.
First, he found a more enclosed corner of the building.
“Where ya hidin’ young, fake Snart?” Heatwave shouted from somewhere else in the complex. The echoes made it impossible to guess how far away he was.
Second, Michael used a crowbar lying around to break open a gas pipe. There was no way Heatwave wouldn’t hear that.
“Just hold tight, and this’ll be over a lot faster.”
Third, he increased the pressure of the gas until it exited the broken pipe with a soft hiss. Then he waited.
He didn’t have to wait long. Heatwave turned a corner and leveled his gun at Michael.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Mick. You smell that? That’s propane. It’s filling the room, and if you fire that gun - .”
Heatwave fired his gun.
The explosion threw Michael back into a wall, knocking the wind out of him. But the gas in the air cleared quickly.
Heatwave strode through the few remaining flames.
“I’m an arsonist, idiot. You really think I can’t tell the difference between propane and natural gas? Plus it takes more’n a couple minutes to fill a room this size.”
Michael gasped air back into his lungs. “It was worth a shot.”
Heatwave stepped right up to him. He pulled his goggles down around his neck.
“Smart ass kid with your smart ass mouth. Always getting into trouble.”
Michael did get into trouble a lot. He usually didn’t mean to. He stole food a few times as a kid when his foster parents rationed snacks. He smoked a grand total of one time outside the school weight room with that idiot Terry Jace just so he could feel like a normal teenager. He lied about where he’d been when he snuck out to see Lincoln. But mostly he lied to Lincoln. About the snacks and the cigarettes and the sneaking out. Lincoln never bought it, called him a smart ass, and gave him a black eye to remind him not to do it again.
In that moment, Heatwave seemed so much like his brother that it broke his heart.
“But usually I had you to get me out of it.”
Heatwave steeled his jaw and tightened his grip on his gun.
And in that moment, Michael looked so much like Snart – 14 years old and bleeding on the concrete floor in juvie – that it broke his heart that he had long ago learned to ignore.
With Barry keeping Killer Cold busy, Cisco-1 tried to fight against his murderous doppelganger. But it wasn’t a fair fight by any means. Vibe-11 seemed to be so much stronger than Cisco. It wasn’t even like Cisco’s first fight with Gypsy. His vibrational blasts were constantly interrupted or overwhelmed by those of Vibe-11. Vibe always seemed to know exactly where Cisco was going to breach to before he even got there. It was almost like he could - .
“See the future?” Vibe finished Cisco’s thought. Cisco had taken another blast to the chest and was knocked on his back. His mad look-alike loomed over him. “I can see everything, you know. You can too. But you don’t. You’re too scared to try. Too scared of yourself, your power, and what parts of yourself you might lose if you ever actually tried.”
Vibe blasted Cisco with both hands, and Cisco was thrown across the ground.
“But you won’t be able to protect him with half-measures. You won’t be able to protect anyone.” Vibe stalked closer to Cisco. “So I have to do it for you.”
Cisco stormed to his feet and shot a vibrational blast at his doppelganger, but Vibe opened a breach right in front of him and sucked it up.
Not far away, Barry ran out of the way of another one of Killer Cold’s bursts of ice. He ran up the side of STAR Labs and just cleared the roof when he spotted Leonard-19 holding his hand out. Barry grabbed it and pulled Leonard close to him to run back down with him.
But the trip back down didn’t go according to plan. Vibe’s breach opened up beside him, and Cisco’s redirected blast hit him in the side. Barry and Leonard-19 fell the four remaining stories and hit the ground.
“Barry!” Cisco shouted.
“He’ll be fine.” Vibe-11 kept himself between Cisco and his friend. “But Cold won’t.” To Killer Cold, he shouted. “Kill him, Cold. That one’s even worse than the others. He loves Barry. You know that will get him killed so much faster than hate. Kill him!”
Killer Cold advanced on the fallen two.
“Leonard,” Barry groaned. He looked at Killer Cold. Leonard-19 had thankfully fallen on top of him, and Barry tried to roll the semi-conscious man off of him, to put himself between Killer Cold and Leonard-19. Leonard did his best to shift off Barry and let him up.
Barry painfully got to his feet. “Leonard,” he pleaded, “you don’t need to do this. You don’t need to protect me, and you don’t need to kill them. Please, just stop this.”
“No Barry,” Vibe spoke for them both. “The multiverse is better off without Leonard Snart. You are better off without Leonard Snart.”
He nodded to Killer Cold and steadied one hand at Barry while keeping the other on Cisco. Killer Cold leveled his hand at Leonard-19, still on the ground behind Barry. The circuits and blood vessels in his arm glowed blue in preparation to fire as soon as Vibe cleared Barry out of the way.
“I’m sorry Barry.”
But then Heatwave’s heavy hand landed on Killer Cold’s left shoulder.
“Mick?” Killer Cold asked.
“It’s taken care of, Snart.”
“Then go for one of the others inside.”
“Nah, kid. I never should have let it get this far.”
Heatwave stepped up right behind Killer Cold and wrapped his left arm around his partner’s shoulders.
Cold’s eyes widened. “Mick?”
“I’m sorry kid.” Heatwave pressed the muzzle of his gun up against the back of his friend’s ribs and fired.
The resulting blast from the absolute heat hitting Killer Cold’s freezing body knocked everyone off their feet, and the ice and glass from nearby buildings shattered. Cold was thrown forward, and he rolled several times before he finally stopped dozens of feet from where he started. Heatwave was sprawled on his back.
Lincoln was one of the first to recover. “Michael? Michael!” Heatwave had said that he got the kid. But Michael couldn’t, he couldn’t leave him.
“Lincoln!” Michael shouted and ran from around the side of the building. Lincoln heaved a sigh of relief but was surprised when Michael ran not to him but to Heatwave.
Michael skidded on the rubble around Heatwave when he tried to kneel down beside him. “Mick? Mick!” Heatwave’s gun had shattered in his hand, shredding his right arm, and pieces of the gun were embedded in his torso. Michael scrambled to feel for a pulse. There was nothing.
Michael inhaled a shuddering breath, trying to calm himself down. He took Mick’s head in shaking hands and used his thumbs to close his eyes. “Thank you Mick,” he whispered. “Thank you for getting me out of trouble one more time.”
Lincoln stumbled to a stop beside his brother and dropped to his knees to grab him into a hug.
A short ways away, Vibe was sobbing and clutching at Killer Cold’s frozen arm. “No no no, you have to get up. You have to fix it. Cold!”
Barry sped Caitlin to Vibe’s side. She knelt beside her friend’s distraught doppelganger and looked Killer Cold over. He was still breathing, but she didn’t need to be a doctor to realize that he wouldn’t for long. There was a blackened hole torn through his side. The fire had cauterized it, so there was very little blood. But the blast had torn away part of his torso. A few of his ribs were exposed. Even now, the ice from Cold’s right arm was spreading down in an attempt to stabilize the massive wound. It wouldn’t work.
Caitlin rubbed Vibe’s back in an attempt to calm him down. Then she looked at Barry and shook her head.
Barry knelt on Killer Cold’s opposite side. “Hey Leonard,” he said softly.
Cold slowly turned his head to look at Barry. It took him a few seconds to focus on him. “Hey Scarlet.”
“You, uh, you really went all out this time, didn’t you?” Barry tried to chuckle at the mess around him. It didn’t work.
“I just wanted to keep you safe,” Cold said weakly.
“I know. I know you did.” Barry set his hand on Cold’s forearm, at a loss for words.
Cold knew, though. He raised his hand up and cupped Barry’s cheek. Somehow, it was still warm against Barry’s skin. “There was never any version of me that was not in love with every version of you.”
Barry sobbed. “I miss you, Leonard.”
The ice crept across his body, up his neck and face, until it finally stopped at his left shoulder. His hand dropped.
Leonard Snart was dead.
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longitudinalwaveme · 7 months
The Flash Rogues/Hunger Games Crossover That No One Knew They Wanted!
In a fit of insanity, I have decided to write a Hunger Games fanfiction that features the Flash characters as if they were a part of the Hunger Games universe.
Here are the characters who are going to appear in this bizarro version of the 56th Annual Hunger Games. Flash characters will be italicized
Capitol Residents 
President Coriolanus Snow (obviously) 
Caesar Flickerman (again, this is a given) 
Paul Gambi: District 6 Stylist. (He's the Rogues' tailor in the Flash comics, after all.)
Dexter Miles: District 6 Escort. (This somehow seemed appropriate.)
District 1 Residents 
Osgood Rathaway: Mayor of District 1 
Rachel Rathaway: Osgood’s wife 
Hartley Rathaway: Male Tribute, age 12. Osgood and Rachel’s son. 
Sapphire Steele: Female Tribute, age 18 (Volunteer) 
District 2 Residents 
Aurelius Stone: Male Tribute, age 18 (Volunteer) 
Claudia Remington: Female Tribute, age 18 (Volunteer) 
District 3 Residents 
Giovanni Giuseppi: Male Tribute, age 13. 
Mindy Hong: Female Tribute, age 13. 
District 4 Residents 
Mags Flanagan: Winner of the 11th Hunger Games, mentor to Digger.
George “Digger” Harkness: Male Tribute, age 16 (Volunteer) 
Azure O’Rourke: Female Tribute, age 17 (Volunteer)
District 5 Residents Roscoe Dillon: Male Tribute, age 15. 
Mayella Day: Female Tribute, age 17. 
District 6 Residents 
Fred Chyre: Mayor of District 6
Larry Snart: Former Peacekeeper. Father to Len and Lisa. 
Jay Garrick: Victor of the 15th Hunger Games; only living victor from District 6. Mentor to Len and Lisa. 
Leonard Snart: Male Tribute, age 17 (Volunteer). Narrates half the story.
Lisa Snart: Female Tribute, age 12. Narrates the other half of the story.
Roy Bivolo: Age 12. Reaped for the Games; Len takes his place when he volunteers. 
District 7 Residents 
Pine Rookwood: Male Tribute, age 16. 
Sierra Fox: Female Tribute, age 17.
District 8 Residents 
Richard Swift: Victor of the 17th annual Hunger Games. Mentor to Sam Scudder.
Sam Scudder: Male Tribute, age 15. 
Martha Scudder: Sam’s mom. (This one is a Flash OC.)
Bobbi Weaver: Female Tribute, age 16. 
District 9 Residents 
Marco Mardon: Male Tribute, age 16. (Volunteer) 
Claudio Mardon: Marco’s older brother, age 17. Reaped for the Games; Marco takes his place when he volunteers. 
Isabela Daniels: Female Tribute, age 15. 
District 10 Residents 
Mick Rory: Male Tribute, age 18. 
Iris West: Female Tribute, age 17. 
Barry Allen: Iris' boyfriend, age 17.
District 11 Residents 
Jennifer Conners: Female Tribute, age 15. (Another Flash OC of mine.)
Thomas Henry: Male Tribute, age 17. 
District 12 Residents 
Albert Desmond: Male Tribute, age 17. 
Rita Jones: Albert’s girlfriend, age 17. 
Lilybet Thompson: Female Tribute, age 14.
The first chapter of the story, Cold Fire, has been posted on AAO3 if you're interested.
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