#mine: mayor wilkins
starryeyesxx · 7 months
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mycatismyfriend · 4 months
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 3x06 "Band Candy"
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spikesdru · 2 years
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buffy the vampire slayer + text posts part 2 (part 1)
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itzdoge-1 · 1 year
Fuck zodiac signs who's your favourite buffy the vampire slayer villain. Personally mine is mayor Richard Wilkins III
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buffy-slays19 · 4 years
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Buffyverse moods: villains edition
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faithl3hane · 4 years
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Faith, the antithesis of Buffy’s authority, lavishes her “I don’t care” attitude after her contingent slayage of a human. Vilified by the Scoobies for what she did, Faith gravitates towards Mayor Wilkins whose use of the nuturant parent model of communication with her endows a sense of belonging.
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btvs rewatch ✞ 7x01 Lessons
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ivressesdhier · 7 years
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Challenge
Day 6: The Big Bads
“Beyond sin, beyond death. I am the thing the darkness fears. You think you can fight me?”
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter - Monday, September 23rd
ANYA: Okay! Let's talk about torture!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Heart Attack (G) by FBIEpidemic
How to Save a Life (Fred/Gunn, T) by Cornerofmadness
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Feelin' Like Home (Xander, Yakuza crossover, T) by madimpossibledreamer
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Unexpected Visit (Spike/Reader) by writing-fics-instead-of-homework
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Funny Thing About Keys Complete (Batman crossover, T) by patriciatepes
Cutting My Mind Off Part 18 (Randall, M) by CantSpeakFae
Hope To God He Was Worth It Part 1 (Ethan/Giles, E) by CantSpeakFae
Faith in the Darkness Chapter 4 (Riddick crossover, M) by FaithWinchester
How I Survived My Summer Vacation (Volume Two) Chapter 4 (Faith/Buffy, T) by The_Eclectic_Bookworm
Be my Forever Chapter 13 (Dawn/Spike, E) by Aleigh75
Sacrament Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, E) by HollyDB
Where We Go Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, M) by TheRealFailWhale
Like Stone Chapter 23 (Dawn/Connor, M) by Cornerofmadness
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The Eternal Return Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by Iamblichus
LA Is the Hell You Make It Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, Adult) by Touchstoneaf
Double Life Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, R) by KillerSnotMonster
The Immortality Clause Chapter 34 (Buffy/Spike, R) by DauntlessGrace
Pictures of You Chapter 27 (Buffy/Spike, R) by kats_meow
Enemy, Mine Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG13) by spikes_heart
Rules Reset Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by sweetprincipale
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Wallpaper: Watcher's Diaries (Wesley, Giles) by double-dutchess
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Artwork: Buffy art by Cal Slayton (SFW) by bobjackets
Playlist: Made a playlist for my favorite morally grey brunette by five-bi-five
Artwork:Buffy working the night shift (SFW) by bevinbrand
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Darla - Young and Beautiful by Willow from Buffy
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy S2E11 Ted by pass-the-bechdel
The Long Way Home by theboywhocriedbooks
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PODCAST: Same Time, Same Place/The House Always Wins by Once More With Commentary
PODCAST: Episode 44 - The Gift (feat. Michael Holland) by Conversations with Dead People
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Die Young by kaydeefalls recced by meretricula
[Community Announcements]
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Weekly Writing Prompts: Sept. 22 - 28
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Author Sign Ups by Multi Fandom Big Bang
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Buffy Script Books by BKole
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Writer Spotlight - Aaronlisa by IWRY
[Fandom Discussions]
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[SPOILERS] Fred and [SPOILERS for Angel s5] (crosspost from r/ANGEL bc I want all the opinions) Fred by astascen
Xander's yearbook picture, and yes, he's my favorite character on the show by SosaLola
Am I the only one who likes Buffy S6 and S7? by Frogurt1337642
First Day of Fall by Use_Her-Name
Unemployed Giles is my favourite Giles by gemrosecon
Recommendations for Buffy Fan Art by mortuusanima
Husband is watching Angel/Buffy for the first time and has a question by -gypsea
Overlooked episodes of Buffy? by jdpm1991
Were the Faith and Mayor Wilkins duo intentionally written as an Evil Buffy and Giles? by jdpm1991
Teen Joyce and Teen Giles in "Band Candy" is the best thing ever by jdpm1991
Was Anya in her demonic form played by an uncredited actress? by jdpm1991
Anyone else rely on this show to help cope with life? by mercbenzy
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btvs has some of the oddest, most stylized tv kissing by impalementation
Weslah for the meme by kyliafanfiction
“what if the writing had taken his natural development of becoming slowly better and better and explored the idea of goodness as a choice?” by fourgetregret
vague idea for a meta on angelus, dark willow, the trio and faith by impalementation
Buffy Summers isn’t really a people person by mybitca, sunnydelena
Gone by mybitca
Buffy’s choices and failures are so public by ifeveristoday
salty ask game by kyliafanfiction
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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HELLMOUTH #1 Sells Out with BOOM! Studios Fast-Tracking a Second Printing by GeekTyrant
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ljones41 · 7 years
"The Meaning Behind the First Evil"
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Season Seven of "BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER" has been a favorite of mine for years. But it has been rather unpopular with many fans of the series and television critics. And I suspect that this unpopularity may have centered around the character and main villain of Season Seven – the First Evil:
  "THE MEANING BEHIND THE FIRST EVIL" If there is one nemesis that has baffled fans of "BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER" during its seven seasons run, it would have to be the First Evil. This entity first made its appearance in the Season Three episode, (3.10) "Amends" and became Buffy Summer’s main nemesis in Season Seven, the last season of the series. In a nutshell, the First Evil was an incorporeal entity that manifested from all of the evil in existence. It could assume the form of any person who has died, including vampires and dead persons who have been resurrected. Because of this, it had appeared in various forms over the course of the series as a method of manipulating others. For this reason, the First had appeared as Buffy Summers to the Slayer and her allies. But it also assumed the forms of Jenny Calendar, Warren Mears, Spike, and Jonathan Levinson on multiple occasions, and a variety of other forms less frequently. It was also able to merge with a corporeal individual, as it had done with a serial killer named Caleb and provide the latter with immense strength. The First Evil’s only real weakness was that it was non-corporeal and could not inflict any real physical damage. However, it was an expert at psychological manipulation, and could act through its servants such as the Bringers, Turok-Han, Caleb or whomever it could manage to control. As I had stated earlier, the First Evil made its debut on "BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER" in the Season Three episode, (3.10) "Amends". It tried to drive Angel into killing Buffy by appearing to him as Jenny Calendar and other people he had murdered as a soulless vampire. The First Evil told Angel that it was responsible for his return from "Hell" and that he could end his sufferings by turning evil again. Whether or not this was true is unknown. In any event, it did not mind when Angel chose to kill himself, via a sunrise instead. Fortunately, Buffy's confrontation with the First Evil allowed her to stop Angel from committing suicide. Using Buffy’s second resurrection in the Season Six premiere - (6.01) "Bargaining, Part I" as an excuse, the First Evil returned in full force in Season Seven in an attempt to eliminate the Slayer line permanently. Using servants such as the defrocked serial killer Caleb and the Harbingers of Death (or Bringers), the First Evil not only brought about the deaths of many Potential Slayers and Watchers, it also destroyed the Watcher’s Council (no loss there) and nearly came close to killing Buffy, Faith, the Scoobies and Spike. It used both Andrew Wells and Spike to raise the Turok-Han (a race of ancient powerful vampires stronger and fiercer than the regular vampires). It manipulated Spike by using an old English folk song - "Early One Morning" - into killing again, hoping his actions would attract Buffy’ attentions. According to sources from the "All Things Philosophical on ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ and ‘Angel the Series’" and "Buffyverse Wiki" sites, the First Evil wanted to seize the opportunity to upset the balance between good and evil whenever the Slayer line was disrupted. It tried to manipulate Angel into committing suicide in "Amends" about a year-and-a-half after Buffy’s brief death and resuscitation in (1.12) "Prophecy Girl". And about a year following Buffy’s resurrection in "Bargaining", it made its move to manipulate Spike and destroy the Slayer line and upset the moral balance permanently. Many fans did not like the First Evil as Buffy’s main antagonist in Season Seven. From what I could gather from many message boards, forums and blogs; they seemed confused about the First Evil’s intentions or what it represented. Nor did they seemed impressed that it was the one Big Bad that Buffy could not destroy in a physical manner. Some fans even accused "BUFFY" creator Joss Whedon of writing himself into a corner with the creation of the First Evil. Personally, I disagree. I do not feel that Whedon had written himself into a corner by bringing the First Evil back in Season Seven. It is easier to identify a nemesis that is solid enough for someone – namely Buffy - to physically kill or fight. Nemesis like the Master, Angelus, Mayor Wilkins, Adam, Glory, Warren Mears or even Willow Rosenberg. But the First Evil was a different matter. It symbolized a continuation of the theme from Season Six - namely "You are your own worst enemy".In other words, I believe that the First Evil symbolized the spirit of Evil that existed in everyone - from Buffy to some minor demon minion or some housewife. I must be one of the few fans who actually enjoyed Season Seven. But even I had one or two issues about that particular season that did not sit right with me. One of those issues was the appearance of a supernatural being called Beljoxa's Eye in (7.11) "Showtime". Rupert Giles and Anya Jenkins visited the being to learn everything they could about the First Evil. Instead of fulfilling their wishes, the Beljoxa’s Eye told them that that the First Evil cannot be destroyed and that it made it presence known due to a disruption in the Slayer's line, which was in fact, caused by the Slayer. Both Giles and Anya concluded that Buffy’s second resurrection brought about the return of the First Evil. This did not make sense to me. One, I found it hard to believe that the First Evil existed because of Buffy’s resurrection. It had already existed before the events of "Bargaining". In fact, I believe that it had already existed before "Amends". Why? As I had stated earlier, I believe the First Evil was . . . or is the spirit of evil itself. It was all of the negative thoughts, emotions and impulses that reside within all living beings. And the late Joyce Summers hinted this during Buffy’s dream in (7.12) "Bring On the Night": BUFFY: Something evil is coming. JOYCE: Buffy, evil isn't coming, it's already here. Evil is always here. Don't you know? It's everywhere. BUFFY: And I have to stop it. JOYCE: How are you gonna do that? BUFFY: I-I don't know yet, but— JOYCE: Buffy, no matter what your friends expect of you, evil is a part of us. All of us. It's natural. And no one can stop that. No one can stop nature, not even . . . Joyce would eventually be proven right in (7.22) "Chosen", the series finale. When Buffy, Spike, Faith, the Scoobies, Robin Wood, Dawn and the Potentials battled the First Evil’s army of Turok-Han vampires inside the Hellmouth; all they did – especially Spike – was ruin the First Evil's plans to upset the balance of good and evil in the mortal world. In my personal opinion, that imbalance already existed before Buffy’s first death in "Prophecy Girl". It never made any sense to me that a balance between good and evil had been maintained by the presence of one Slayer against a slew of vampires, demons and other forms supernatural evil for centuries. I suspect that the First Evil saw the presence of more than one Slayer and a vampire with a soul as a threat to that imbalance. Like many others, the First Evil believed that only one Slayer should exist. And as I had earlier stated, I found this belief rather ridiculous and I am glad that Buffy proved that it did not have to be so at the end of the series. Would the Watcher’s Council or the African shamans who had first created the Slayer line approve of the idea of more than one Slayer in existence? I rather doubt it. I suspect that they may have feared the idea of dealing with more than one Slayer . . . or even more than two. I suspect that controlling the Slayer or wielding her as a weapon mattered more to the shamans and the Watcher’s Council than the idea of more than one warrior against the forces of Evil. And I would not be surprised if the First Evil – or their own inner darkness – prevented them from considering this possibility. And I believe that is what the First Evil represented in Buffy’s story – the inner evil or negativity that she, her sisters and friends all harbored within themselves . . . and which they had to learn to acknowledge. Buffy’s conversation with the vampire sired by Spike – Holden Webster – forced her to face and acknowledge her own negative traits. By (7.15) "Get It Done", she also realized that her two most powerful allies – Willow and Spike – needed to face their own personal demons as well: BUFFY: The First isn't impressed. It already knows us. It knows what we can do, and it's laughing. You want to surprise the enemy? Surprise yourselves. Force yourself to do what can't be done, or else we are not an army - we're just a bunch of girls waiting to be picked off and buried. (Spike stands and walks toward the door) Where are you going? SPIKE: Out. Since I'm neither a girl, nor waiting. All this speechifying doesn't really apply to me, does it? (walks away) BUFFY: (calls after him) Fine. Take a cell phone. That way, if I need someone to get weepy or whaled on, I can call you. SPIKE: (turns to Buffy) If you've got something to say - BUFFY: Just said it. You keep holding back, you might as well walk out that door. SPIKE: Holding back? You're blind. I've been here, right in it - fighting, scrapping... BUFFY: Since you got your soul back? SPIKE: Well, as a matter of fact, I haven't quite been relishing the kill the way I used to. BUFFY: You were a better fighter then. SPIKE: I did this for you. The soul, the changes - it's what you wanted. BUFFY: What I want is the Spike that's dangerous. The Spike that tried to kill me when we met. SPIKE (angrily): Oh, you don't know how close you are to bringing him out. BUFFY: I'm nowhere near him. The above conversation was one of the most interesting I have ever come across during the series’ seven seasons run. A vampire Slayer – someone considered the epitome of "goodness and light" – encouraging a former killer to face that darkness that made him such an effective killer. She even gave a similar speech to Willow, who as "Darth Willow" nearly came close to destroying the world in the Season Six finale, (6.22) "Grave". Many fans had thought Buffy may have lost her mind. I understood what Buffy was trying to say. During Season Seven, Spike and Willow had spent most of it wallowing in guilt over certain acts they had committed in Season Six. I could probably say the same about Buffy. Like Spike and Willow, she learned to face her past treatment of the blond vampire in the episode, (7.08) "Conversations with Dead People". But duties and the re-emergence of the First Evil made her realize that she had no time to wallow in her guilt. Her rants against Spike and Willow in "Get It Done" expressed her own impatience with their guilt and tendencies to hold themselves back in fear of releasing the inner evil that made them fearsome. She forced both the vampire and the red-haired witch to realize that they can only be fully effective by learning to face their personal demons . . . and controlling it. By facing the many aspects of their nature, Spike and Willow could learn to develop as individuals. The First Evil’s activities forced Buffy to develop in another path. She had to start learning how to evolve beyond her inferiority/superiority complex and learn to connect with others . . . when the situation demanded. Thanks to her former Watcher, Rupert Giles, she tried to use this aloofness to become an authority figure to the many Potential Slayers that had arrived on her doorstep. She also had to learn not to allow her insecurities and fear (traits that originated from the negativity within) of being alone to give others like her former Watcher Rupert Giles and even her friends a chance to dictate her actions and behavior. Like Spike and Willow, she had to learn to become her own person. She had to stop being afraid to connect with others and at the same time, allowing them to dictate her behavior. In the end, I found Season Seven to be very complex and mature on a level that may have eluded certain viewers. Before the season first began, Whedon and Mutant Enemy had announced that the series would take viewers back to how it used to be during the earlier seasons. And perhaps that was what they had been looking forward to . . . simply recapturing the past. Season Seven did just that . . . but with a twist. The season reminded viewers that no one can recapture the past. Not really. In a way, Spike and Willow tried to recapture their former selves – the mild-mannered Victorian gentleman and the shy computer geek. And Buffy, at Giles’ orders, tried to enforce her authority upon the Potential Slayers as the Watchers’ Council had done to her in the past. Even the fans got into the act. They wanted Whedon to take this season back to what "BUFFY" used to be, failing to realize that would never happen. Buffy and the Scoobies could never go back to being what they used to be. Too much had changed for them over the years. They had changed. And so had the series. Not only did Buffy and the Scoobies' conflict with the First Evil - namely their own inner demons - made them realize they could not recapture their past. They may have learned something else. Battling the First Evil was like battling a part of themselves. And in battling themselves, they ended up battling their worst enemy. By allowing the characters to do so, Whedon continued the theme that had been prevalent throughout the series’ run . . . namely growing up.
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buffster · 7 years
Homecoming (BTVS 3.05)
This is part of my ongoing Buffy Project, where I write notes/meta for every episode in an attempt to better understand the characters and themes of the show. You can find the full list here. Gifs are not mine.
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Homecoming is when we finally meet the infamous Mayor.
Buffy remains isolated from her friends as they excitedly discuss plans for the homecoming dance. Willow and Xander both have someone to go with, but Scott hasn’t asked Buffy yet and she’s not that into it anyway. He breaks up with her before the dance (ouch) for this very distance and mentions the way she used to seem full of life. The trauma of Angelus has really changed her. I can’t really blame Scott for dumping her. He could have picked a better time, but her lack of interest in him was pretty clear. 
Speaking of, after pretending to be tired Buffy ditches Scott to visit Angel. She brings him blood and tries to update him on her life but he seems distant until she mentions having a boyfriend. It was honestly a weird conversation...Angel clearly isn’t ready for small talk yet. 
After missing out on picture day and being dumped before the dance Buffy is feeling pretty low. She decides to compete for Homecoming Queen to prove to Cordelia she’s not a loser (and to recapture her old life). Buffy brings out her old cattiness and is pretty mean to Cordelia and the other girls (the things she writes on the strengths/weaknesses board). Both Willow and Cordelia find it baffling she wants to run because she’s the slayer. To them she’s literally got the universe’s validation...why should she need more? But Buffy doesn’t see it that way. They compete fiercely. Cordelia makes a crack about Hank not being around and Buffy calls her a vapid whore. Yikes. It’s interesting to note that Cordelia buys classmates an elaborate gift basket (whoah money) to win their vote while Buffy later mentions she spent a year’s allowance on her dress. 
I loved Faith’s support of Buffy this episode. She offers to go with Buffy to the dance and then breaks up Scott and his new date. I can understand why she felt betrayed by Buffy’s secret. Buffy just had no idea how important her friendship was to Faith. 
Faith: Scott, there you are, Honey. Good news -- doctor says the itching and the swelling and the burning should clear up, but we gotta keep using the ointment.
This is the first episode in which Xander and Willow start messing around. I know there are many different interpretations of why this went down. Mine is that Willow (of course) idolized Xander for so long that when he finally looked at her she jumped at the chance. I don’t agree that Willow was over Xander when she began dating Oz: he knew she was trying to get back at Xander at one point and she began dating him mostly to force herself to move on. I feel like Xander didn’t think of Willow that way until someone else did, and I also think he was a bit possessive of her and saw her as someone who would always be there as an option for him. He might have had feelings but he thought he had forever to decide if he wanted to act on them. So when she began dating Oz he was like...wait a minute. 
Willow and Xander’s guilt over their betrayal causes them to take Cordelia’s side in the fight. They are also mopey at the dance as Oz plays a song he wrote for Willow. This was a tough situation, but I don’t agree with the way they carried on behind Cordelia and Oz’s backs. It would have been better to just tell them they had feelings and weren’t sure what to do.
Buffy: Do you really love Xander?
Cordelia: Well, he just...grows on you. Like a Chia pet.
One of the interesting things about Buffy is how many ideas the show throws at you. Many of the monster-of-the-week’s could be expanded into Big Bads. Slayerfest ‘98 could have been a big thing: many monsters attacking from all sides, etc. But it’s all summed up in this episode and for that I’m grateful. The villains weren’t that complex (although I believe the vampire was the one who ran off in Bad Eggs). Each year we get a different sort of Big Bad. Season one had the classic ground-dwelling monster, season two was a monster with the face of someone we loved, and season three is a monster that seems civilized and even has his good aspects--he’s dedicated to running the city). The Mayor is a perfectionist (with some OCD I think) who seems clean as a whistle but hides a black heart.
One of the best moments of the episode was Cordelia running off the vampire with just her words. I love badass Cordy moments. I also liked the moment when they announced a tie and you’re prepared for both Cordelia and Buffy to win, but instead the other two contestants do. Buffy is good at surprising you.
Character Notes:
Cordelia Chase: Cordy probably blamed her Homecoming Queen loss on being so involved with Xander and the Scoobies. It probably hurt all the more when he cheated because she gave up her popularity (something very important to her) for him. Her yearbook picture is perfect.
Xander Harris: His yearbook picture is a dorky smile. He mentions that his wealthy relatives shun him...”as they should”.
Willow Rosenberg: After the photographer takes a minute her winning smile becomes concerned.
Daniel Osbourne: His picture is a blank stare.
Mayor Wilkins: He mentions his mother saying cleanliness is next to godliness. His life story is intriguing. 
Buffy Summers: At Hemery she was Prom Princess. Fiesta Queen, and the yearbook was like a story of her.
Rupert Giles: Giles says he wants to be there when they announce who wins Homecoming Queen for Buffy. Aww.
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starryeyesxx · 5 years
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But on the other hand, heck, maybe we won. And right now, I'm on some jumbo monitor in the Richard Wilkins museum surrounded by a bunch of kids sitting Indian style and looking up at my face filled with fear and wonder. 
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mycatismyfriend · 2 months
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Well, I'd get set for some weeping if I were you. I'd get set for a world of pain. - BTVS 3x22 "Graduation Day Part 2"
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buffyboys · 5 years
Buffy Boys 039 - The Agony of Choice (S03E05)
It's open season on Slayers as vampire entrepreneur Mr. Trick uses all the technological innovation he can squeeze out of a VHS tape and some pagers to set bounty-hunting baddies on "Faith" (aka Cordy) and Buffy in the iconic 'Slayer Fest '98'. The Buffy Boys cast their vote in a race to the bottom - it's S03E05 "Homecoming".
Key Buffy Bits from this episode include: 
Bi by default: Deliberate versus procedural inclusion of queer storylines in videogames and interactive fiction
One of Buffy's only surviving enemies - a yeehaw, rootin' tootin' vamp
Cordelia as Buffy's prom queen Jungian shadow self from a life-which-could-have-been
The introduction of Mayor Wilkins, the ultimate Daddy Issue
"I'm not talking about the Slayer. I'm talking about Buffy. You've awakened the Prom Queen within. And that crown is going to be mine."
If you enjoyed the episode you can subscribe to us on:
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Our theme song is an acoustic cover of the Title Theme to Buffy The Vampire Slayer by Alex Heflin (originally by Nerf Herder).
Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/alexheflin
  Yours in Slaying,
The Buffy Boys
Check out this episode!
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locitarose · 7 years
Giles and Joyce, still making out. Even with babies on the line.
Trick is a fun vampire. But still, lol, Buffy.
“They never just leave. They always have to say something.”
Hahahaha, Joyce about the SATs. “Ugh, blow them off. I’ll write you a note.”
Trick and the Mayor. Mayor Wilkins is a great villain though - he’s always so cheerful.
See, if Xander hadn’t snarked at Snyder, they wouldn’t have to clean off the lockers.
Buffy’s feelings about math are mine.
“At least I got to the two of you before you actually did something.” Bahahahahahahaha, no you didn’t, Buffy!
End, episode six!
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starryeyesxx · 5 years
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