#misha's insta posts
derogatoryapparently · 9 months
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shedontlovehuhself · 16 days
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Misha and Darius in Ukraine.
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spooksicl-e · 2 years
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“happy” is not the right adjective but. happy nov 5th
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youchangedmedestiel · 8 months
Just randomly pointing at things.
Here are the last five posts Misha did on Instagram and all are liked by Jensen:
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Usually it's not so much in a row, but here we are. So let's enjoy it.
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thighholsterdean · 6 months
Do you ever think about, "He's how I want to be. He's openhearted and he's selfless and he's true." because I do!
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owl-fruit · 11 months
misha confirming cas as gay even though we’ve known is still so important to me
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whim-prone-pirate · 11 months
it's crazy how homophobes will at least acknowledge that fictional characters like robin buckley or ellie williams are gay and be upset about that, but then straight up deny that castiel angel of the lord is gay as if 15x18 wasn't the clearest and most plain declaration of romantic love anyone has ever seen on television. do they need him to say "i love you romantic stylez" like jake motherfucking peralta??😭 the entire cast and crew of supernatural could be on video making a speech about how gay cas is and the comments would say "NO he is Straight he slept with meg" or "it's not up to misha to decide" or "god wouldn't allow an angel to be gay" (the latter being my personal favorite because cas stopped listening to god pretty much immediately after he stepped foot on earth). it's just shocking to me how some people can be told a fact about something by the people who made the thing happen and those people will just say no. like no! i disagree! ok..... thank u for your input, dank_meme_lord88, thirty year old man without a job.
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megandzane · 1 year
I think it’s kinda funny the way that was the first pic of Meghan that Harry saw and what caught his attention 😭
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
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Somewhere, a college campus was missing their guy who plays Wonderwall
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aroacemisha · 2 years
Every time I see a blog - especially an empty blog - with the default icon, title and colors, but who seems to be a real person, I just think to myself "ew, a tiktoker"
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sunglassesmish · 6 months
ruthie’s comment on misha’s insta post — so true!
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shedontlovehuhself · 7 months
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Happy one year anniversary to this post. Definitely the gay angel!
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blanketforcas · 1 year
Here’s my cockles story. So I came into the fandom very late, so right before season 15 aired. I didn’t go find out anything about the show or look up the actors so I legit knew nothing about this show (mostly cause I didn’t want any spoilers and there was 14 years of canon out there and I wanted it to be a surprise). And then binged the first 5 season in like 2 weeks it was insane. After that Cas and Dean quickly became my favorite and I started shipping them but again I had no idea what destiel was (at least fandom wise). Around December I followed them on insta and it just so happened that 2 days later Jensen posted their anniversary picture so I legit thought they were married in real life until I did some further research. But for a while I genuinely thought he and misha were married in real life and that’s why Dean and Cas had so much chemistry. So there’s my story
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LOL oh nonnie. laughing so much about the fact that one of the first things you saw was the anniversary pic asdkjfd no wonder you thought they were married. who can blame you! also you weren't wrong
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sailorsally · 1 month
kinda sounds like he’s talking about the winchesters here but i could be wrong; he could be talking about the finale i guess?
either way, whilst i appreciate wanting to bring cas back in a meaningful way, bring him back!! i miss the gay angel so much 😩
Oh I think you are right about this being about the winchesters??
I've been debating if I should repost the video or not because I'm going insane about this actually!
Like I know I keep saying that I trust Misha's judgement when it comes to spn revival but I still had my fears okay, like that man just doesn't know how to say no sometimes but I am so glad to have seen this video now because I can now say with conviction that there is no way Misha will agree to a half assed script that doesn't give Cas, his return and his confession the acknowledgement they deserve!
I get your frustration though, I too miss the gay angel but honestly i'd rather miss him for a bit longer and have him return in a dignitied way that his character deserves!
Thank you so much for sharing this 💗
Edit: fuck it, I know I'll need this as reference at some point and it's a insta story meaning it'll disappear forever so I'm posting the vid after all, with credit oc (taken from the link above in the ask)
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fellshish · 7 months
Misha sees that cw insta post and immediately books another hip surgery
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saintv0id · 2 months
if a priest were to ask me what i wanna confess i would admit that i have a second insta account that i use to stalk if needed so & my pfp & all the posts on it so far are of misha collin’s & im making it seem as if he is just a regular dude who owns two cats, is a great cook & car lover, & is married to his amazing husband; who yes i am pretending is jensen ackles
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