#mom said its MY turn to project onto fictional characters
taro-wong · 11 months
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On learning to feel.
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violeteyedmedium · 5 years
I think Peter is freaking out about aging because he has severe unresolved trauma that he has refused to address for decades, and at least in my experience spending so much time thinking you won’t live that long or have a future means putting off thinking about it and just assuming you’ll be dead, and when you’re not you’re just. Surprised and scared because you don’t know what to do with yourself... you didn’t think you would be there to worry about it...
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gallusrostromegalus · 3 years
We have yami facts, we have seto facts, can we have some yugi facts pretty please? (I did try to look in your blog before, but tumblrs tagging system did not cooperate)
Yami Facts Seto Facts The Power Of Friendship (And This Gun I Found!)
If you want more on this fic, try searching "#fanfic" or "#yugioh" in the blog search bar. Tumblr's tagging system leaves much to be desired, but my garbage memory and inability to spell leaves even more.
Yugi has ADHD because I have ADHD and sometimes its fun to project the frustrations of a malfunctioning dopamine machine brain onto a fictional character. Also the vibes are right.
Yugi is actually for real 4'6", not counting the hair, again because I was THE shortest kid in class for literally all of my public school career even though mom made me start kindergarten a year late so I was older than all of my classmates.
While I'm projecting, he's also Bisexual. Again, the vibes are right. No straight kid wears a bondage collar to school.
Duel Monsters is probably Yugi's favorite game, but he likes all kinds of games, like TTRPGS, Chess, Platformer videogames, logic puzzles, board games, writing games like The Exquisite corpse and so on. He also likes looking at the rules and development of said games and analyzing game design and how it relates to the player expirience. Boy is a NERD.
That's his natural hair. Because humans are more domesticated in this AU, they have a greater variation in coat colors and textures and overall greater socialability. Due to this, Yugi's strange hair means he is INTENSELY friend-shaped. (This also means Seto, owner of the most Boring Hair in the whole franchise, looks sorta feral, like that one animal at the dog park you're pretty fucking sure is part wolf).
Yugi has the second-worst grades in the gang, as he suffers from chronic time blindness (thereofre his homework is never done on time) and Doodles instead of taking 'normal' notes. He can look at his drawing of his gym teacher as a chicken he made in hstory class and tell you all about the Meji Era they were studying, but his teachers make him turn in his notes for a grade, and don't believe him.
Solomon is just glad that Yugi will be the first person in the family to actually graduate high school if he doesn't get sent to hell or something first.
Yugi arranges his music by BPM, rather than by genre or artist. This means Vivaldi's "Winter" is in the same playlist as "Rainbow Factory" by Woodentoaster.
The Dark Magician is NOT the rarest card in Yugi's deck. It's his Kuriboh. Solomon got it for him while he was robbing touring Pegasus' art studio in vegas after he got back from Egypt, saw the hand-painted master card from which all other Kuriboh cards are referenced and printed, and swiped it for his grandson, who would think it was cute. It's worth more than the entire shop and neither of them knows it.
Yugi is actually looking forward to his 30s. By then, he might be able to grow a beard, and MAYBE people will stop handing him the children's menu.
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the-phoenix-heart · 3 years
10 Amazing Futurama Comics
There is a severe lack of Futurama content on this and other sites (seriously, the Night at the Museum movies have more fics than Futurama). And, nobody posts about the Futurama comics. So I’m posting 10 of my favorites.
10. Attack of the 50-Foot Amy (Issue #33)
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It’s actually not as sexual as the cover makes it out to be. The basic premise is that Amy mistakes the can of growth spray (that Cubert and Dwight want to use for their science fair project) for hair spray and sprays waaaay too much before her anniversary date with Kif. Meanwhile, Bender teaches Fry the wonders of video piracy, but after he gets scared by a movie home alone style he eats his disc of pirated movies and starts uncontrollably acting them out. You can probably guess how these two plots connect.
While I do list this one as one of my favorites, it’s far from perfect. The artwork is good, but the scaling on Amy is very wonky so she looks more like a twenty-foot Amy (also Dwight’s eyes are drawn weird in this comic, he looks blazed out the entire time). But I cannot help but be charmed by this comic. It’s got some sweet Bender and Fry friendship moments and actually makes me believe Kif and Amy’s relationship for a little bit. They are very sweet in this comic, although Kif does go through some pain in this comic.
Best moments: They way they resolve the plot is actually pretty funny and clever, plus Bender hopped up on pirated movies is a joy. At one point Fry gets shoved by Steven Spielbot (don’t ask) and Bender goes all Rocky on his ass saying “No one talks to my gal, Adrian, like that!” It’s very sweet and...subtextual if you understand my meaning. This one also has anti comic book piracy message at the end which was ironic for me to read.
9. Doctor What (Issue #32)
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The Professor creates a time traveling port-a-potty so that you can pee in whatever time and space you want, although it’s completely random. However, Zoidberg accidentally breaks the potty, so him, Leela, Fry, and Bender have to keep randomly flushing to get back home. On each of these new worlds Zoidberg keeps accidentally saving the citizens, getting medals, and ends up becoming addicted to the fame he keeps winning. Which leads to them getting stuck in a post apocalyptic New New York.
This is the infamous Leela-Bender-Fry fusion comic, Leelan von Fry-Bot. His backstory is actually a little sad, but I won’t spoil it here. This one is pretty good, because it has Zoidberg as the hero. Actually quite a few of these feature Zoidberg as a fourth member of the delivery crew which is weird, but not entirely unwelcome. It’s also fun to see these other worlds, and now that I think about it it’s actually a little similar to The Late Phillip J. Fry, what with the time travel to different interesting worlds.
Best Moments: I actually liked Leelan’s backstory, and his interactions with his “parents” (you’ll understand when you read it) are actually pretty funny and a little cute. Fry really wants to be a dad you can tell.
8. The Simpsons Futurama Crossover Crisis II
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The professor creates a device that takes characters out of their stories into the real world. Trouble is, he tells the mayor that this invention is useful because you can get slave labor out of the characters because they technically have no constitutional rights. The Simpsons end up working with the Planet Express crew, but an accident leads to the release of ALL FICTIONAL CHARACTERS EVER.
This is a sequel comic to the Futurama Simpsons Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis (fun fact: a reference to several famous comic book arcs). I chose this one above it though because I think it understood the assignment better. The original is funny, but I just don’t think that Springfield is a good setting for a Futurama crossover. Springfield for all its zaniness, is not the future. New New York, however, is great for this crossover. We get several scenes where we see the Simpsons going through space and fighting off monsters. We even get to see the other residents of Springfield in the future, Mr. Smithers becomes a space pirate and Mr. Burns falls in love with Mom, it’s great.
Best Moments: Some of them I already mentioned, but I cannot stress enough how hilarious the Burns-Mom romance is, it’s especially good when you can hear their voices in your head. I also like the friendship the Simpsons have with the Planet Express crew.
7. Six Characters in Search of a Story (Issue #14)
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This is a very interesting comic. The Professor falls asleep, so to pass the time the crew decides to look through his old failed inventions, and well, that’s a very bad idea. The most interesting thing about this comic is it’s designed so that if you want you can only read certain panels to follow one person’s story. The Futurama comics do this a lot of the time and it’s always interesting.
The shenanigans that occur in this one are really funny, and there are some great looking pages in this. Also the Futurama crew clearly took ideas from the comics, and this is one of them. You can tell from the cover art that this does have elements of “Benderama” in it, what with Bender cloning himself ad infinitum. I also really like the climax, it’s a little schmultz-y for Futurama, but I don’t mind.
Best Moments: Fry gets stuck with a Spanish speaking Bender and I don’t know why but it’s really funny to me. The professor also gets some funny moments in this one. And Scruffy. Scruffy is always a delight.
6. Igner-ance is Bliss! (Issue #63)
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Yeah this is the infamous robot Leela and Fry comic. Don’t worry, like the cover says, it’s not as dramatic as it looks. The crew has to go to a world that’s too dangerous for humans, so Fry, Leela, and Zoidberg all have their consciousnesses put into robot doubles so they can make the delivery. However, it turns out this planet is a sort of getaway spa for robots, and the crew decides to party it up there, at least until Bender discovers that this is a front for an evil plot by Mom. The subplot is mostly about how Igner is not respected by his brothers.
This one is fun, and I love a comic where Bender has to be the voice of reason. It is clearly killing him to be the responsible one, but I love it. Also, I have a soft spot for Igner, so it’s nice to see him get thrown a bone for once. This also has some really fun jokes with everyone, but Zoidberg in particular gets some bangers. I think my only problem is it ISN’T as cool as the cover makes it out, but like I’m happy with what it is.
Best Moments: Fry beats up Bender at one point and wins, I think he deserved it. Also, y’all know Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars? He makes some cameos in this one. Also all the robots (sans Bender) make a Japanese style mecha and it’s the coolest thing ever. Plus everything I’ve said about Igner I love in this one. Oh also Fry beats Calculon at poker and I really love that.
5. Who’s Dying to be a Gazillionaire? (Issue #5)
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This one is sweet. The IRS is threatening to bankrupt Planet Express, and if they can’t think of a way to make a million dollars they will go out of business. No one really has any ideas and doesn’t even really care, except for Fry who is determined to save Planet Express. He gets the idea to go onto Who Wants to be a Gazillionaire to make the money, even though it’s a trivia show and if he loses he will die.
This one really warms my heart, it’s Fry at his best, just doing what he can for the people he loves. Even the professor is great in this one. I don’t want to spoil it, but trust me when I say it’s good (god I hope I’m not building this up too much).
Best moments: The end panel. But also the resolution of the story is great, and I really appreciate this comic for Fry as a character.
4. Rumble in the Jungle (Issue #38)
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This is a fine comic. Leela is mad that she’s not being respected by Fry and Bender, and it’s bad enough that they don’t believe her when she says they’re going to crash into a planet. They end up parachuting down and getting separated. Leela ends up as queen of some workers in the “Amazon,” meanwhile Fry finds Bender’s corpse and goes off to avenge him.
This one is fun, and another fun one for Fry, because he’s determined to avenge Bender and works hard for it. This also includes the original Frender, not the ship but fusion. Leela and Fry even have a fight scene against each other and it’s honestly great.
Best Moments: Fry is great throughout the entire comic, and Leela spends most of her time beating up random animals. Bender also using a lead parachute he made out of toys he stole from children is funny, especially because I’m always a sucker for Bender doing dumb shit.
3. Don’t Go Taking My Heart! (Issue #69) (nice)
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Mom only has a couple weeks to live, unless she can get a heart transplant. It’s revealed that Mom uses the cryogenics lab to get new body parts for herself, and that Fry was supposed to be her heart donor! Unfortunately, because he was unfrozen she now has to get him to work for Mom Corp to make sure his heart stays intact for the procedure.
If you can’t tell I love the Fry-centric comics, and I also like the comics where Mom is the villain. Of course this comic doesn’t go completely how you expect it to go, it’s actually REALLY sweet. I also love the fact that in this comic Fry actually makes a great intern. He basically has the job of a secretary and he’s GOOD at it. And I love seeing when Fry is good at things. The reason why I put this at only 3 is because it doesn’t really have a subplot. Bender gets a job at mom corp to but it’s only there for a couple pages, and Leela’s new crew gets two panels and that’s it.
Best Moments: The moments with Mom and Fry, but also guess who Mom’s doctor is? I’m actually not going to reveal it because it’s so random but also hilarious.
2. Boomsday! (Issue #58)
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The Professor builds Bender his own parents, as a way to placate/discipline Bender. However, these parents decide that Fry is a bad influence on Bender, leading to them kicking him out. Meanwhile, the Professor’s doomsday devices are all stolen, and he has to go find them.
Both of these plots are funny and good. Bender’s plot is also really sweet what with his friendship with Fry, and his wish for parents. Meanwhile the Professor’s plot is just really funny and I do love seeing the Professor in his element. The ending is mostly heartwarming.
Best Moments: Everything with Fry and Bender, and Bender has a sweet relationship with his fake parents. Also, the Professor uses Issac Asimov candles on the robot mafia which I found a great joke. Oh, and the Professor’s first doomsday device was made when he was four years old and I love that. The end of the comic also has very nice message.
1. Rotten to the Core (Issue #27)
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The world’s weather has gone kerflooey, and the Professor has figured out that his invention that can drill into the center of the Earth has been used. It conspires that Bender sold it at a yard sale to some aliens call the magmoids. The magmoids are trying to steal magma from the Earth’s core and the crew has to go and stop them.
This is my favorite because it’s a great character comic. All of the main three have great moments, and it’s also a great science comic. The Earth’s core is incredibly magnetic so of course Bender starts spouting out folk songs, and also SECRETS. I can’t believe no one has used the fact that canonically magnets make Bender incapable of telling lies. Anyway, it’s just really fun.
Best Moments: Way too many to count. Bender and Fry are told to cut out the “Brokeback Moanin,’“ Leela and Fry are bitter at the end, Fry tells story about his childhood, Bender has some great secrets to tell, the Professor gets a really fun ending, Bender has a rare moment of generosity, and the entirety of the climax is all kinds of fun and sweet.
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hecksee · 4 years
Stained Flowers
Hi this is angsty af but im struggling right now so imma project onto fictional characters
Sorry @lumosinlove I like making Leo suffer
this is my entry for the @hpbrokenhearts ​ contest, i started out writing this when i was struggling, and tbh i still am, but it’s gotten a lot better. 
Much thanks to the wonderful @iswearimnotanaestheticgirl for editing this monstrosity. You wrecked carnage on it, but it helped so much and I love this end result so much. 
Thank you so much to @peggyrose19 and @marauderss-hp for looking this over and giving me suggestions! 
This is probably inaccurate but I don’t know anything about hockey, and this is fanfic so who cares about the accuracy. 
TW suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, its got a TINY bit of spice sprinkled in (i would rate this teen probably, mature if i was being extra safe), major character death, stress, homophobia, one sided pining, hanakhai, vomiting, something thats sort of like a suicide note, and a shit load of angst
Read on A03 here
Leo knew he was screwed the moment he saw Finn O'Hara on the screen for the first time. He knew he was gonna fall hard. It didn't matter that they had never met or that Leo’s attraction was purely physical. He knew that he would want everything with Finn.
But then Leo started to fall deeper and deeper over time, time that was spent mostly spent obsessing over Finn. Only a few weeks after Leo saw Finn for the first time, it started.
Everybody knew about hanahaki. When someone felt unrequited love, a seed sprouted in their lungs. Nobody knew how or why the seed appeared but it was inevitable. 
The victim would start coughing up flower petals, and if their feelings grew, the flowers would grow larger until the victim couldn’t breath because their lungs were filled with nothing but blossoms.
There were only three things someone with hanahaki could do. The main solution was to surgically remove the flowers but have all feelings of love vanish. And some said it was impossible to ever love another person.
So Leo knew exactly what was going on when he started coughing up small yellow petals a few weeks after he first saw Finn on screen. 
But, over the next few months he learned to recognize the signs. The tingling in the back of his throat before he started coughing up the silky yellow petals. The itch in his left lung when people mentioned Finn O'Hara. The stabbing pain toward the left of his chest when his teammates threw around homophobic slurs and comments like beads at Marti Gras is nothing new, but now it's accompanied with a burning sensation in his lungs and bloody daffodils.
The daffodils. The fucking daffodils. He decided to look the meaning of the cheery flowers up one day. Unrequited love. After that Leo laughed humorlessly, and decided that hanahaki had a fucked up sense of humor.
Somehow, Leo made it through a full year while coughing up a mixture of blood and petals. He learned how to hide it, how to excuse himself from a situation, and how to choke the petals back down while playing. He made sure that nothing would impact his career, no matter how much longer he had left.
Leo feared that his time was almost up some days. On those days, he wondered Why was he alive? Why did only the left lung sting? Wouldn't it just be better to end it than to live through the constant pain?
He almost made it through a year keeping his hanahaki a secret. 
Well, almost. His mom walked in on him cleaning the daffodils smeared with red off the floor, and he had promptly broken down in tears.
He had ended up telling her everything, how he was gay, how he hated himself for it, how he sometimes thought it would be better to just end it all instead, who he loved and why.
His mom had made him tell his coach, insisting it was for the best. There had been a major fight between the coach and him. Leo was yelling and crying but standing his ground about how he needed to play. How playing was the only thing he was living for, damn it. Leo had ended up winning, so he kept playing. And just like before, he kept the hanahaki a secret from everyone, especially his team.
But then, he found out why only his left lung stung. Logan Tremblay. The latest player that was drafted to the Lions. He was newly minted, fresh from Harvard university. Short, broad, brunet, green eyed rookie Tremz. 
As soon as Logan stepped out onto the ice for the first time Leo felt that telltale sting. But it was on the right side of his chest for the first time. Fuck, I'm not having unrequited love from one person, but from two?! 
His right lung had irises. Royalty, the Fleur-De-Lis, France. Leo didn’t know how those things related to Logan but he could take a guess. Logan was French Canadian born and raised, that had to mean something. 
Leo’s life went on. Now he had double the work of fighting the flowers down. Two names instead of one. Leo could tell there was something between Fish and Logan. The intense stares they gave each other across the rink meant something. The tension between them one day had just disappeared. Leo saw something as Logan's hot temper reared up whenever Harzy got into a fight or got hurt. 
The signs grew. Rainbow tape on their sticks, posting LGBTQ+ supporting messages on the team Instagram; small things you’d need to look out for, or know exactly what they meant to know the significance. 
The real confirmation was when the official Lions Instagram posted the picture of Logan and Finn kissing at a pride parade, smudged bi flags painted on both of their cheeks. 
The caption read “We are aware of the homophobia in the league, however, two of our players aren’t willing to hide their relationship from the public anymore. Both Tremz and Harzy have our full support.” 
The moment he saw it, the feeling of petals started to itch in the back of Leo’s throat, but he gagged them back as he scrolled through the comments. They were filled with the expected bigotry and homophobia with the occasional biphobic comment. Yet scattered in were the kind comments, full of support, rays of sunshine on a raining day.
Leo started typing out a comment of his own, telling the happy couple how happy he was for them. But the lie was rancid in his head. The flowers Leo had been choking back came up in a wave of blood. 
Before Leo got hanahaki, the few dreams he had were filled with a faceless man. One that would kiss him and fuck him, but now, now there were two men. And they had faces. 
Finn O'Hara and Logan Tremblay haunted Leo's dreams in the best way possible, more nights than not. Sweet soft kisses, hands tangled in auburn or brown hair, gently worshiping the hard planes and angles that came from a lifelong dedication to hockey were commonplace in Leo's dreams. 
In stark contrast, some nights were filled with sloppy, urgent kisses, nails scratching on backs, and a pure need for release. But the dreams would always end, and Leo was left with the burning pain of self loathing building up in his throat before the flowers would make themselves known.
During this dream, Leo had been on fire all night, and it was thanks to him that the team had been led to victory. So here he was with his boyfriends, celebrating. 
Leo leaned up to give Finn a soft kiss before turning onto his side and beginning to kiss Logan's neck. Finn had started to ruin Leo and didn't stop until Leo had hit the peak of his pleasure.
However, the aftermath of Leo's pleasure was slowly but surely turning into pain. Suddenly the metallic tang of blood was clogging his throat and the familiar smooth petals were filling his mouth. 
The flowers and blood were dripping out of his mouth, and seeping into the white bed sheets. Even worse was that Finn and Logan seemed unsurprised.  no, they were almost happy. Their gentle murmurings of praise turned into cold raucous laughter. In between the harsh laughter they told him how stupid he was, how he was a nobody, how they would never love him.
As the flowers only got worse, coming up in waves and mingled with the tears that were rolling down his face, Finn and Logan vanished. Then he was falling, falling, falling. 
He woke with a start, his heart pounding in his chest, lungs gasping for air in between choking sobs; lying in a combination of petals and blood. His face was sticky with tears and warm, wet blood, and a few stray yellow and white-ish purple petals stuck to his skin. The only indicator that Leo's dream wasn't all bad was the stickiness in his underwear. But the worst part was that he was alone, stuck with only fantasies, once again.
The next day, Leo knew that practice would be bad. Even though yesterday his team was idolizing the Lions, they sure as hell wouldn’t be idolizing them right now. Practice was full of his teammates throwing around a myriad of slurs. The locker-room was even worse, where the coach wasn’t there to monitor their comments. 
Leo fidgeted with his bracelet, uncomfortable with the comments that were flying around, with the flowers edging up his throat. He didn’t remember what happened next. 
One minute Leo’s fidgeting with his bracelet, the next he’s yelling. Yelling about how people aren’t judged by their sexuality, how hell, maybe there even was a gay person in the room! To that he was obviously asked if he was the gay one, to which, he responded yes. Leo stormed out of the room to a soundtrack, suppressing the flowers fighting their way up his throat as soundtrack of cruel laughter and biting words rang around the room, just like the ones in his dream. 
The next day he dreaded going to practice. He knows he won’t be welcome on the team anymore, so what’s the point of going?
Leo ended up just texting his old coach that he was resigning. His team broadcasted the fact that he’s gay on their Instagram. Now Leo’s the target of the myriad of hate that Finn and Leo faced. It made him sick to his stomach. Seconds later, he was puking into the toilet. No flowers this time, but still unpleasant. 
He still walked with dragging steps to the rink and practiced, of course. He didn’t want to lose his skills when he attempts to go pro. Trying to ignore the fact that he knows no one will take him now. 
Out of the blue, three days after Leo outed himself, his phone rings shrilly. Marlene McKinnon. The Lions announcer. Why was she calling him?
Marlene asked him to play for the Lions because he had great potential. Leo hesitated. Did she not know that he was gay? He pensively inquired about his sexuality, how would that impact his place on the team? 
To his surprise, Marlene told him it wouldn’t influence anything. Leo was shocked, but in the happy way. Then she asked if he had any health conditions. Just like the thing about his sexuality, Leo hesitated. Eventually he nodded and said yes. 
It’s hanahaki, he told her in a slow voice, but it doesn’t impact my playing.
Fucking lie. 
Marlene was silent for a moment but then put him on hold with some shaky words. 5 minutes later, she agrees to let him play, on the condition that his hanahaki doesn’t get worse, and if it does, he needs to have them removed. Leo agreed, and suddenly, Leo was going professional. 
Sure, Leo was worried about becoming a Lion; his subjects of affection were there and they were in a happy relationship. But over time, and many, many practices filled with words thrown at O’Hara and Tremblay, he had learned to choke back the petals. 
After a few months, the day came where Leo was leaving. With many tears, and a lot of goodbyes, Leo left for Gryffindor. After a couple long flights, and a short taxi ride, Leo stepped out of the car to Hogwarts. 
Inside the rink, he was greeted with the signature smell of a hockey arena, he couldn’t quite describe it, but it was pleasant, and reminded Leo of home. 
In a blink, he was bombarded with maroon and gold, hugs and welcoming words. When he turned his head from the excitement, he saw them. Finn and Logan, standing back with Pascal Dumais, who he was going to move in with. 
After meeting everyone and flipping out while Finn and Logan give him a hug while swallowing down the familiar liquid and petals that up, Leo was informed that he won’t be living with the Dumais’ after all. 
“You’ll be living with Finn and Logan, I hope that’s alright?”
Leo quickly excuses himself to the bathroom to let the mixture of flowers, blood, and bile out. 
But Leo ended up moving in with Fish and Tremz. However over the weeks, he formed a close bond with both Finn and Logan. Of course, he became closer with the rest of the team, Loops especially. Hell, Leo has a feeling that Loops knows what it feels like to love someone who will never love him back. 
But after Sirius and Loops get together, Leo knew that he’s the only one who will never get the privilege of having requited love. 
Leo was glad that he had managed to keep it a secret from the team. Well, there were some people he had to tell. After all, Remus was the team medic. Remus was keeping it a secret from the team and the public. But Remus didn’t know who was triggering Leo’s love. The only people who knew were Leo and his mother. 
Each practice where the two of them do anything lovey dovey, Leo needs to be excused while he chokes back the flowers that are bringing themselves up his throat. But his goalie face hadn't been developed over happy things, so he shoved his feelings back and forced himself to remain calm, pretending to support their relationship; which he did, of course he did, but Leo wished more than anything that he was there with them. Leo wishes he was there in between them, wishes he was the one holding hands with them, and sharing sweet soft kisses with them. 
Hell, more than once in the time when Leo was with the Lions he considered ending it all. The thoughts weren’t new, no, he’d been struggling with them since he had realized he was gay. But now, with the objects of Leo’s affection so close yet so far, he didn’t know if it would be worth living.
But then one day, about three years after the hanahaki had started, Leo woke up with agonizing pain in his chest, like someone was squeezing a palm around his heart. He thought back. The aching had worsened every time he interacted Finn and Logan. Now the flowers were coming up almost every hour of every day. The tingling feeling is now always at the back of his mind. As soon as Leo thought about Finn and Logan he felt flowers coming up. 
The flowers are accompanied with a burning pain instead of a small stab. All of the flowers are full blossoms, a few with stems and leaves. They’d be perfect and prim, beautiful, if they weren’t coated in enough blood to look like a murder scene. 
This was it; this was one of his last days, if not his last. 
With slow robotic steps, Leo stands up, taking some deep breaths. He fished a pen and a notebook from his cabinet, and started to write four letters.
The words to his family tell them how sorry he was at how bad he was at hiding his worsening hanahaki, how much he loves them, and how he wishes he could have said goodbye in person. 
“I’m sorry for causing you pain.”
In the letter towards the team he apologized for hiding his disease and explained how thankful he was to be a part of his dream team. He told them how different the Lions were to his old teams, how they were a family and how they loved each other no matter what, regardless of their differences.
“Thank you for being like a family to me.” 
In the one addressed to Logan and Finn, Leo explained how they were the subjects of his attraction, how much they influenced his life coming out by choice, consequences be damned. Through blood, sweat, tears and flowers, he found himself rattling on and on about how much he loved them, how he fell in love with them, and how much he valued the friendship they had; even if it was just friendship. Leo’s hand lingered as he thought about it. Would this letter cause the two of them to blame themselves? Should he really write it? 
No. He had to. Leo added a note telling them not to. It wasn’t their fault, it was his choice. 
He brushed away the crimson mess. With droplets of blood staining his fingers, Leo starts on the final and most formal letter. 
Leo wrote vaguely in this letter. He told that he did have hanahaki, and how he had dealt with it for years before he joined the Lions. He publicly commends the Lions for being so accepting of him, even though he had hanahaki and he was gay. Finally, he thanked his fans for staying with him through it all. 
Then, with all the letters finished, Leo sealed them in envelopes and wrote to whom they are addressed to. Gingerly, Leo placed them on his nightstand and prepared for his final practice. 
During practice Leo told everyone how much he appreciates them, which wasn’t too unusual, so nobody took much notice. Otherwise, practice was uneventful. Leo blocked some passes as they prepped for their game with Hufflepuff next week. 
Leo was coughing almost nonstop during practice but he chokes back the blood, bile, and flowers. He allowed himself to think that this is the last time he’d have to push it down. The aching pain in his chest doesn’t subside, if anything it only grew worse the longer practice goes on. 
Leo walked into the locker-room, preparing to take a shower and stretch before heading home when the aching in his chest grew. He could hear the blood pumping in his ears and the world around him blurred. He swayed, unsteady on his feet, trying not to cry or scream. His breaths were labored, he was becoming lightheaded and his heart was pounding in his chest. The pain became too much to bear and Leo’s legs failed on him.
The team rushes over with concerned expressions on their faces. On his knees, the flowers, stems, and leaves start to come up, splattering all over the cold ground, no matter what Leo does to try and keep them back. The team became frenzied, calling for Remus. 
It was too late. Leo knew that this was his end. 
Once, when Leo was little, he asked his grandmother why people didn't just get the flowers removed. She smiled at him sadly and told him that, there might be a person you loved so much you couldn't bear the idea of not loving them. Even if you died for it. 
At the time, he brushed it off as stupid but now, now as tears sqeezed through his blurry vision and the feeling of the cold tile floor disappears, he understands exactly what she meant. 
The last thought that went through his mind, before the petals, flowers, and blood came up for the last time, was of his two loves. In an instant, all of his fantasies of Finn and Logan melted into the reality of their friendship and flew past his eyes. With one last satisfied smile, Leo closed his eyes. His grandma was right. 
Some love really was worth dying for.
Just a quick reminder, this is my entry for @hpbrokenhearts so if you liked this fic or it made you cry/broke your heart, please put a broken heart in the comments, either in emoji form or not! Thank you so much for reading!!!
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ppatpranss · 4 years
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Is it even possible to already love a show so much before it even aired? It’s like craving for a food or yearning for a product you’ve never tried before. But you strangely feel so strongly for it, which is exactly what Gaya Sa Pelikula did to me.
As a fan of Juan Miguel Severo since his On the Wings of Love stint and having watched and loved his film Hintayan ng Langit, I have such high respect for him as a writer and artist. So when he started pitching the idea of a boy’s love (BL) series in the Philippines, I was already drawn to it even if I have a specific reservation for the genre and its economics (a conversation for another day). I pretty much lowkey followed the show’s development from its first pitch, the screenplays released on Wattpad, Direk JP Habac being announced as the director, Ian and Paolo being introduced as the leads, the processes in between, and everything all the way to its trailer.
The thing is, it’s so weird feeling involved in a project that’s not really yours or was not a part of. But Gaya and all the love surrounding it took me by storm. I was really nervous last Friday while waiting for its pilot, already bracing myself for a possible disappointment (you see, I’m quite the pessimist) just in case. But you know what? You shouldn’t doubt anything that is made with so much love. Gaya Sa Pelikula is exactly that and its pilot episode is brimming with it.
1 – The dance.
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The show opens with a narration, “do you ever feel like you’re not the protagonist of your own story?” We see a gazebo lit up and two men slow-dancing, but we only see Karl’s (Paolo Pangilinan) face as he continues to talk about how it often feels like he’s a Janus character – that even if Joross or Ketchup plays the part, it doesn’t really make a difference. The script is written so there’s nothing you can do about it. As they continue to dance, Karl asks him if he feels the same way. To which, he said yes. In agreement, Karl said that he’d like to someday write or have a story he can call his own. The man then replied that he, too, would like to have his own story, specifically adding, “but I want to be in charge of the ending, too.”
Even if we don’t see Vlad’s (Ian Pangilinan) face, we all know it’s him that Karl is dancing with in this sequence. I found this opening scene very intriguing partly because it looked like a dream, and mostly because the conversation voiceover feels like it did not exactly happen on this specific scene. Having read the available screenplay on Wattpad, my instant assumption is to think of it as having a connection with Vlad’s old flame, Aldous, but it feels like a stretch for now because the trailer at least did not show him as having this much influence in their story. Besides, the Wattpad screenplays are a fictionalization of the accounts of what happened to Karl and Vlad over the sem break as told by an unreliable narrator in Karl. Hence, the Aldous factor isn’t exactly feasible for now.
So for now, I’m only going to take it as it is. I loved watching all of the emotions playing on Karl’s face especially in his eyes. His eyes were totally focused on Vlad, and in that moment you can see him slowly realizing that the person he’s been looking for is right in front of him. It is a gaze of someone who loves and a gaze given only to a beloved. The feeling consumes you so much that all you’re really left with is courage. Now that it fills up your chest, what are you going to do with it to take charge of your own story?
2 – tyl and attractions.
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Karl and Vlad’s first interaction is through a loud music that prevents him from concentrating on a job that he’s been working on. It’s such a nuisance that he can’t help but go out of his unit to ask Vlad to turn down the music. Unexpectedly so, the door was open, and he saw him drunkenly dancing to tyl (by kakie). Instead of ‘seen,’ I feel like the right word to describe it was Karl being transfixed by this person so enveloped by his own world. He’s not really sure what is up with him, but he cannot help but look because he was intrigued by him. Of course, Vlad is not very welcoming and even slammed the door on his face. He didn’t turn the music down anyway and Karl ended up dancing to it in his own unit.
For a show that pays homage to a lot of Filipino rom-com, I was actually surprised that this initial attraction feels lowkey and understated, and I loved it that way. I guess we’re all in agreement when I say that a lot of our romance films have these grand moment that instantly stirs a park between a would-be pair. With Karl and Vlad, it was about the gazes. Even the eye contact on the scene the following day for their second encounter involved eye-to-eye. Makes you think a lot about how love is really about seeing.
As for the song choice, I have always liked kakie’s tyl before this series, but this specific scene amplified my affection for it. It was mentioned by Gege though, in their interview with the reactors, that Vlad was specifically listening to the song as it relates to Aldous. It makes sense now. At this point, I’m starting to feel the impending doom of whatever the character will bring, but here’s to hoping he doesn’t take too much space in Karl and Vlad’s story.
3 – Karl and his parents
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On a morning call with this parents, it’s evident that Karl comes from a loving family. Both of his parents are affectionate, openly telling him that they miss him. They also express that they’re proud of him for immediately earning money from his online writing gig. It’s obvious that they mean well for him and that they are doing this family tradition to help him be more independent and get to know himself. I suppose it’s worth noting that his dad had a bit of a swipe about his Tito Santi. He starts hinting that he spent more time meeting with men than looking for a job, but his mother cut him off. That is a good way to establish what can be a problem later on when Karl slowly starts to come to terms with his sexuality.
On one hand, I find hope in the fact that they seem to be loving and accepting people. Maybe there is hope that they will wholeheartedly accept Karl as he is, or at least, his mother will. Although I can’t help but feel how conflicted things will be once this comes together with his desire to shift to Film from Architecture.
4 – Cosmic connections
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Above shot is my favourite from the pilot. I find that it tells us a lot about what is yet to come for Karl’s story. In the frame, Karl and Vlad are separated by a line (this was also discussed during the Direk Takes last Saturday). Karl is perched at a sofa reflected by a mirror and we see him stressed out and preoccupied by a problem he encountered because of his online job. On Vlad’s side of the frame, he is standing next to the three standout materials that best represents Karl: his film slate keychain, his architecture materials, and a poster of CINEMA PARADISO. Upon noticing, Vlad asks, “you like movies?”
That gets me. I love that the first thing that Vlad noticed about Karl is his interest in film, and this is something that connects them, albeit not yet known to Karl. Vlad is a film major (an info that is yet to be disclosed in the show, which I only know because of the screenplays). So going back to the frame, there is just so much weight on the film side now that Vlad is also in the picture, and obviously the scale is about to get tipped onto it.
5 – Ate Judit (no H) and the economics of a fake relationship
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As Karl tries to check Vlad’s pants for the possibility that he might have taken something from his apartment, Vlad’s sister walked in on them in a compromising situation that obviously leads to a misinterpretation.
First off, Ate Judit’s moments were really hilarious. We seriously have a lot to thank for Adrienne Vergara for making sure that her character is a mouthpiece for progressive allyship and perspective, while making sure to bring in comic relief so as not to make the show too heavy or preach-y.
A lot of things happened in the last gap of this episode.
Judit at the very least knows about Vlad. She seems to be a cool sister, but an overbearing one too. While there’s good intention on her part to express her support for this brother’s sexuality and the fact that she ‘caught’ him the act with Karl, she couldn’t leave him alone for privacy matters. Although from an elder sister standpoint, I also understand the situation especially considering that there seems to be a conflict within the family. If it’s safe to assume that Vlad’s mom cannot accept him, Judit as the elder sister tries to compensate for it. I like this dynamic and I am really interested on how this can be developed.
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On the other hand, Karl is stuck to witness all of these. Suddenly, he is being completely pulled into the world of his neighbor. Last night, it was just the music and the instant attraction. But today, he was there beside him, already being oriented into his family and life issues and all the mystery surrounding Vlad. All of the build-up to the last scene was extremely amusing. Suddenly there is chaos when Vlad and Ate Judit were fighting over a phone and Karl runs to the side clinging onto his laptop for dear life. Then Vlad was walking towards him and grabbing his waste, telling his sister he’s in love with him, and calling him pancake. Vlad whispered the magic words, ‘I’ll pay for your rent this month’ and it’s enough for Karl to turn things around and tells Ate Judit, “yes, ate, we’re in love with each other.”
In true rom-com fashion, things are set. A fake relationship has been established, but I love that it is not for a petty reason as making someone else jealous or anything (though that would be fun, too). In this instance, economics is involved because the motivation for Karl’s choice is money. He needed the money not only to pay for rent, but also to prove to his parents that he is indeed capable. I think it speaks so much about the things we do not really want but had to swallow to compromise. In real life, you sometimes trade so much of your beliefs and dignity to secure a job or to earn money for your family. For the LGBTQIA+ community, as a minority group, this means needing to accept what is set aside for them—of being grateful for something small even when they deserved more, because the next job might not come if one resists.
So, it feels like such a proud moment seeing the closing remark at the end, we will take back our story. As you should.
6 – Epilogue
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As Unti-Unti by UDD plays, we see Karl and Vlad in the living room. Karl is seated on the couch, while Vlad is standing a few feat away while drinking (what I assume to be) coffee. Both of them are laughing at whatever they’re watching, but then you also see them fidgeting, especially Karl. It’s obvious that they are aware of each other’s presence. At one point, Karl straightens up and glances down a little at his hands. Vlad does the same. Mirroring :)
Comments; What do I look forward to?
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This specific gif is not from episode 1. It is lifted from the trailer.
This is really one of the best pilots I’ve seen in Philippine TV. It is fast paced, but also knows when to take a breath and let the elements settle in. It lays the groundwork in 20 minutes so smoothly – something that would take some shows halfway the series, or several weeks of episodes for teleseryes. All of the elements just comes together. The editing is on-point, with really good transitions and just the right amount of filler ease the viewer into the more emotionally stirring scenes. The music is not intrusive at all, finding just the right spots to highlight certain scenes. The scoring during Vlad and Karl’s kapkapan scene was made extra enjoyable because of that sort-of funky tune. Even the opening theme is so good, I sometimes find myself humming it in my head. Plus, that apartment and the overall set design is gorgeous. They’re mostly earthly tones, dominated by yellow and brown (at least in this episode) that just makes everything feel warm.
I know that this will sound biased, but I did like both of Paolo and Ian’s performances. I came into the show, of course, with a knowledge of their past acting experiences so the scale to which I measure their performances are relevant to that. I appreciate Ian’s overall veracity to make Vlad come alive. Even with a limited screentime on the first episode, he’s already coming on strong and Ian made sure that his presence is felt. Paolo did a good job as a newbie actor. I think it helps that his character is quite awkward and kind of innocent, so everything just works. I especially liked the shine in his eyes that just shows the innocence of Karl. And while I find that there’s still a lot he can improve on, especially in terms of line delivery and nuances, I think that he can eventually learn this through workshops for the next season. What’s important is he can hold his own ground.
The pilot episode really reminds me a lot of how fast rom-coms establish their stories at the first part of a movie. Several characters pop up to help the two leads build tension. Certain circumstances come up to somehow push them towards each other, often a sticky situation that they can’t easily escape from so then they would need each other. While most viewers will find these cliché and typical, that is exactly the intention. It just so happened that this time, two guys are at the center of it instead of the hetero-normative conventions of a male and female lead.
All things considered, as a rom-com, I am excited to discover if I would really end up shipping Karl and Vlad. I know for a fact that Ian and Paolo have intense chemistry. This is evident in the trailer, and even in real life, they just have such a good connection together. After watching a lot of their interviews since the pilot, one thing that really struck me is when they started talking about whether they ship the characters in the show. Thankfully, both of them said that they do so I remain optimistic for that.
The reason that I find this interesting is because I am reminded again that as much as this show is a passion project and an advocacy, it is also a story about two people falling in love. I would very much love to swoon over an on-screen couple any time, but it matters to me more to see how they arrived at the realization. I want to see what made Karl and Vlad interested in each other romantically over the course of the sem break. I expect the show to really explore this organically and lead us to see what makes them work as a couple – a couple that we can all root for. There is an obvious hint of coming-of-age for both of them, so I am interested in how they affect each other’s personal growth and how they also work on themselves individually. I expect nothing less from Severo in this regard and given that both Paolo and Ian ships Karl and Vlad, I guess it’s safe to say that I can, too, for now.
Gaya Sa Pelikula airs new episodes every Friday 8PM (Manila time) on Globe Studio’s Youtube channel.
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chimchimsauce · 6 years
Det Cep Xenu (1)
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Det Cep Xenu: noun// fiction// A fictional or otherwise illogical phenomenon that occurs in reality 
Soulmate AU
Chapter One 
The last time Jimin checked, his closet did not look like this. He is fairly certain - at least 99.9% - that his closet contains his and Hobi's clothes, not a bedroom. Especially not a bedroom he’s never been in before. The idol stands in the messy room, confusion furthered by the pure exhaustion weighing heavily on his bones. There had been several interviews today, as well as filming for a Run episode to be released in the coming months for ARMY, He had had fun - he always did - but it was past two AM and all he wants to do is change out of his uncomfortable clothes into soft pajamas.
He isn’t even going to shower even though he knew he would regret it in the morning.
But instead, he finds himself in a messy bedroom, clothes strewn all over the floor. Upon closer inspection, he could tell the articles belong to a girl. He even spots a bra or two laying around, some panties thrown in a pile in the corner.
“What type of dream is this?” He asks himself aloud, convinced he had passed out in the closet and is having some sort of wack dream because of it.
He still feels exhausted.
At the sound of his voice, a lump buried under the sloppy covers groans and shifts, before setting down again.
Jimin sighs, figuring that this was some sort of Oz type dream, where he had to ask the “Characters” here questions or something in order to make his way out of here. He’d had those types of quest-based dreams before but they usually took place in large castles or scary woods, never in bedrooms in desperate need of cleaning.
Deciding to just go with the flow, Jimin practically drags himself over to the bed pressed flush against the cream wall, careful to avoid stepping on anything and - is that old dinner? The idol’s nose wrinkles in disgust.
His dreams are going downhill.
Arriving at the bed, Jimin has to crawl on it, avoiding a couple pair of scissors, a backpack with binders and papers spilling out of it and a pair of dirty sneakers. The room even smelled slightly.
Disgruntled, the tired man pokes the lump harshly, only for it to groan and readjust once more. He then shoves it, putting in as much force as he can in his exhausted state. The lump goes flying over the edge of the crowded mattress and lands with a dull thud on the floor.
“Gosh, I’m up! I'm up! Geez, Mom! You didn’t have to kick me off of the bed!” The lump complains loudly in English before shedding its polka-dotted comforter shell and revealing an exhausted-looking teenage girl.
A foreigner wearing sleep shorts and an oversized t-shirt with a cat riding a rainbow through space while playing the electric guitar on it. She rubs her eyes and yawns as she stands, blinking a few times before opening her eyes completely.
For a moment the two of them simply stare at each other, heavy silence blanketing the room.
“What type of Guardian are you?” Jimin asks, confusion lacing his voice.
She blinks once.
“You know my name?” He asks.
The girl blinks at Jimin, clearly not understanding a word he’s saying.
Jimin sighs heavily.
“Why would I have a dream like this? The Guardian doesn't even speak Korean,”
She rubs her eyes again before muttering something under her breath (Y/N, you’re having delusions. Go back to sleep.) and wrapping herself up in the covers and climbing onto the trash heap of a bed.
Jimin is half tempted to lay down there with her, he’s so tired.
After all, it’s only a dream.
But he cannot force himself to slide under the covers with her, no matter how tired he is. The place is so disgusting and -
Jimin’s eyes widen in realization. Maybe this is his quest. Clean this pigsty and he’ll pacify the Guardian enough to either get his next quest or a clue or something.
Extremely reluctantly, the idol starts to clean the room, throwing trash in the garbage can and the clothes in the overflowing hamper. He then begins putting things back where they belong - or at least where he thinks they belong - and tidying things here and there. Straightening the sloppy books on the shelf even going so far as to organize them alphabetically (he knows that much, at least).
An hour or two later, Jimin is certain he’s going to pass out. But at least he’s completed his mission.
Or not. The lump hasn’t moved one fucking centimeter since he began. He decides then and there to thoroughly give up, cracking under his exhaustion and crawling into the now made bed (he had to move Lump girl around a few times to get it that way) and closing his eyes, falling asleep instantly.
When he wakes up next, it is to the worried faces of his members. Jimin sits up with a groan, rubbing at a sore spot on his neck and flinching at the pain that shoots up throughout his nerves,
“Where were you, Jiminie?” Hobi asks, concern evident in his tone.  
It takes the man a moment to process the question.
“What?” He asks, voice hoarse and painful.
A glass of water is shoved his way by the maknae, the boy looking thoroughly upset.
“We couldn’t find you, Jimin. You said you were going to change clothes ad go to bed, but when Namjoon wet to check on you because you were taking so long, you weren’t there. We tore the house apart, but we couldn’t find you. And you left your phone in the kitchen. Where did you go? And then just as we were about to call the managers, we find you passed out on the closet floor. What happened?” Hoseok asks, eyes wide.
Jimin’s head was swimming and he had to hold out his hand, signaling for his concerned brothers to be silent for a bit.
After a minute or two of heavy silence, Jimin’s thoughts are clear enough to answer.
“I - I don’t know. I was just super tired,” The boy says, darting his tongue out over his chapped lips, “I think I just passed out from exhaustion,”
Namjoon frowns, a small crease forming between his brows.
“You need to take better care of yourself, Jiminie,” The leader says, rubbing Jimin’s head affectionately.
Jimin nods.
“I’m sorry for inconveniencing you all,” He says.
The members disregard his apology.
“Just sleep, okay? We have a couple of hours before we have to head into BigHit. Take something and have a nap. We don’t want you passing out again,” Seokjin inputs.
Jimin nods and makes his way to the bathroom to take some medicine under six pair of watchful eyes before diving into his covers, once again falling into deep slumber, his strange dream disappearing from his mind.
When Y/N wakes up, her bedroom is completely spotless. The mess her room had turned into under the stress and exhaustion of school was gone. She blinks a few times to make sure her eyes aren’t tricking her.
They aren’t.
Her room was completely straightened. Even her laundry was clean and folded, put away in the proper spot.
Her mom must have gotten sick of the mess and decided to handle it all on her own.
Y/N doesn’t have time to question it, however, as she realizes with a start that she’s late. Terribly, tremendously late to her part-time job at the local coffee shop.
Cursing loudly, Y/N rushes through her routine, hastily throwing on her uniform and pulling her hair into a sloppy ponytail. She checks the time once more as she tosses her purse into the passenger seat of her car.
2:23 PM. Her shift started at twelve.
After receiving a scolding so bad she nearly burst into tears and being told she had to work an extra shift the next day to make up for her mistakes, Y/N falls into the usual pace of the quaint coffee shop, filling orders and bussing tables. Her shift ends at five and she heads back home to do some studying for a test scheduled for the next Tuesday.
By then, her Mom is home, tapping away at a computer on the living room couch. Y/N heads over to kiss her Mother’s cheek.
“Thank you for straightening up my room, Momma. I really appreciate it,”
Her Mother frowns slightly.
“What are you talking about, Y/N? Your room was clean when I got back from work this morning,”
Her mother is a nurse who works at the local hospital, working graveyard shifts and running two and fro, exhausting herself.
Y/N’s eyebrows draw in together in confusion.
“I didn’t clean it,” She says, voice laced with concern.
“Well, who else did? It’s only the two of us here. You’ve been so tired lately, you probably straightened up late last night and just don’t remember it,”
Y/N sighs, remembering how difficult school has been lately. It seems she has a new test or project every week.
“Yeah, that’s probably what happened,” She says, rubbing her temples slightly, “Anyway, I’m going to study. Call me if you need anything,”
Her Mother nods, clicking once more on her laptop, paying bills. Y/N heads up into her room, tossing her purse on the bed and pulling out her notes, diving into studying, the strange dream she had last night not even crossing her mind.
Chapter Two
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ask-de-writer · 5 years
CARAMEL TREAT’S SWEETS : Part 4 of 4 : MLP Fan Fiction
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Caramel Treat’s Sweets
Part 4 of 4
by De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
18671 words
© 2019 by Glen Ten-Eyck Writing begun 02/21/16
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author. ////////////// Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged. ///////////////////////
For those wishing to read the whole story, this link leads to the entire tale.
As he was being pulled off, and they were walking through the leafy shade of the park, Caramel asked, “Murder?  Attempted murder?  Injuries?  That is way more than happened here.  What happened?”
In the uncomfortable silence that followed, Grumpeter filled in, “They can't talk about it now, Caramel.  It might prejudice the case against this jerk.  I can tell you this.”  He pointed a hoof at the expert.  “He took signatures off Charl's hocks.  Got at least two positives that I saw.  Charl did not slip and that was a stone patio that you saved him from falling onto.”
Caramel put that together slowly.  “I do not know if it will mean anything to a court. Broken Rule, there, practically stank of that 'Celestian Incense' that Hortimer and his Church are so fond of.”
The Forensic Expert nodded.  “No clue what it will mean, Miss Treat.  I will note it in the report. That is all that I can do.”
Caramel returned to working with the crew and thinking.  Approaching Houser, she asked, “Can we find some work for Grumpeter?  He has been really helpful to us, already. I don't know, maybe he could be a go-fer or something?  We know that he is poor and we know that he is responsible.”
Houser thought it over carefully.  “I really don't know, Caramel.  It is unfortunate but there are other considerations.  Hiring a goat can have other consequences.  Many, in total violation of both law and rightness, will not allow a goat to work on their projects.”
Caramel hung her head.  “What of those, like me, who do want to hire one?  I like Grumpy.”
Houser thought some more. Suddenly he smiled.  “We can use him on interior finishing!  There are lots of tight corners and such places where smaller hooves could be a blessing.  If you want to, invite him over.”
Caramel nodded, face thoughtful. “I will do that.”
She went across to the park to look for Grumpy.  He was backed into a corner with two unicorns facing him.  One, an off green, was starting to gather his magic, the glow around his horn a brownish yellow, to match his mean eyes.
The other, a greenish blue, noticed her and snapped, “Buzz off!  You seen nothing if you values your health!”
Caramel's sweep kick took both hind legs out from under greenie, sending him tumbling into the blue one.  His horn full of magic shorted across the back of the blue, causing them both to scream in pain.
Caramel, not waiting, followed through with her horn tangling forehead punches!  Not bothering with a warning to them about not using their magic, she asked, “Grumpy! Just the goat that I was looking for!  Come with me.  I have some paying work for you.”
Bluebell, trying to rise, snarled, “You don't get it!  That is a mere goat!  He is trying to get our friend Broken Rule in trouble with the police!  We was just going to teach him a lesson about messing in the business of his betters!”
Caramel nerve punched the inside of his hind leg joint, causing him to flop back to the ground.  She gave his buddy a nerve punch to a foreleg.  
That done, she pointed out, “I do not see ANY pony here that is better than this goat.  As for Broken Rule, he was already in trouble.  One count of murder, two of attempted murder, and four cases of assault leading to serious injury.  The goat here, had nothing to do with him being in trouble. The police were already looking for him.”
Bypassing Broken Rule's problems, the greenish one griped, “We are UNICORNS!  That makes us better than any creature of Luna, like that goat!”
Caramel flipped her tail derisively as she pointed out, “You claim to worship Celestia! Celestia herself says that you are WRONG!  The Edict of Equality was specifically drawn to protect goats and other non pony kinds from idiots like you!”
Turning her tail to them, she offered, “Come, my friend.  We have some real work for a goat.  You are first in line for it!”
To Caramel's surprise, Houser had gathered the whole work crew.  To Grumpy's surprise, the work crew all said, “Welcome aboard, Grumpy!  Come on into the shop, here.  We will show you what needs doing!”
Houser shrugged,  “When I suggested it, THEY pointed out that Grumpy saved our framing work from arson and suggested to the forensic expert that Charl be checked for Magical signatures.  That is how the police got the final evidence to make the attack on him attempted murder.”
Caramel's eyebrows rose at that little revelation.  “I did not know that, Houser.  Hiring him feels even better, now.”
Houser agreed, “One other thing.  They have met him over lunch and they like him.  That helps a lot, too.”
Caramel watched the progress of the interior with joy.  “Easy, Charl, up at your end just a spot. Perfect!  Hold it while we get the screws in to hold that cabinet.”
“Thanks, Grumpy!  Your eye for this finish work is near perfect!”
The piebald goat wagged his tail in pleasure at the compliment.
Caramel's admiration of the finish work was interrupted by a familiar voice, “Caramel, are you busy?  I would like to ask you something.”
Caramel spun about, delight on her face!  “Peanut!  I heard that you are going to graduate in another week!”
Peanut smiled and looked down, lightly pawing the floor with a hoof in uncertainty.  “I am.  I, well, I was wondering if maybe I could get a job from you?  You know that I will do the best that I can.”  
Caramel gave Peanut Brittle a big hug!  “Yes!  I am going to need somepony to handle the front while I do the cooking in the back!  You just saved me a lot of money hunting for a good waitress and hostess.  Thanks.”
Peanut gave a relieved smile. “I never really thought that I would find work so easily after I graduated from school!  It is a real load off my mind!”
Puzzled, Caramel asked, “Why, Peanut?  Most fillies want to go for a summer or two, staying at home, maybe paying with chores or the like.”
Grim of face and voice, Peanut answered, “That won't happen for me!  Dad told mom that he would come back to her if she dumped me!  Being a golden palomino is great except that the colors are not pastels.  Dad abandoned mom for being unfaithful.
“Lately, digging in genealogy, mom found TWO golden palominos in dad's line, about three hundred years after the last Nightmare War.  She found one in her line too, about the same time back.  Modern genealogy calls my pattern “recessive.”  That seems to be the modern way to say really rare and BOTH parents need to have it in their background.”
Puzzled, Caramel asked, “Didn't that end it, then?”
Sour voiced, Peanut answered, “Not for Dad!  Now it is MY fault that he left mom!  Oh, and HERS for not finding out about their ancestors sooner!  BUT, he will be GENEROUS and come back to her as soon as I, the cause of his leaving, am gone!”
Grumpeter wandered over and suggested, “If the input of a goat is welcome, I have an idea.”
Peanut sort of pulled back a tiny bit but Caramel smiled and offered, “What is your idea, Grumpy?  I have noticed that you do have a lot of good suggestions about our work here!”
He brightened up and suggested, “Go see Reverend Smallflower.  He is a really good pony.  He is white, a spare build even for a pegasus, and wears a flat black hat. Knows more than he says.  His Assembly is open to all, even goats like me.
“If there is a place that you will be able to afford, he likely knows of it.”
Caramel brightened at once.  She turned to Houser and told him, “Can we do without Grumpy for a bit? My friend Peanut Brittle needs a place to stay and Grumpy can show us a pony who will help us out.
“Peanut is going to be a waitress for me when I open up the store.”
Houser nodded, and replied, “Sure, Caramel.  We will manage.  Take care of your friend.
“Clance!  Not there!  That one goes over here!”
Turning back to the little group, he said, “Better hurry, though!  Grumpy is really good at keeping the crew organized!  Things are already starting to be almost NORMAL!”  He grinned and made shooing motions.
Soon the trio found themselves facing the Assembly Hall.  It was a simple building.  Reverend Smallflower was a simple, sparely built white pegasus who gallantly swept off his plain flat black hat.
“Grumpy, my friend!  Who are the lovely young mares with you?”
Grumpy made the introductions, outlined the problem and added, “So, Reverend, do you know of any apartment or small house that Peanut could move into?”
The Reverend smiled, lighting up his office as he did so.  “I do know of several places that could meet your needs, Miss Peanut Brittle.  They will require deposits and both a first and last month's rent to be paid but that is normal for any better places.
“Will the Assembly need to assist you with the finances?”
Caramel shook her head.  “No, Reverend Smallflower.  To open my business, I have a very substantial loan.  I can cover it for her, since she will be working for me.
“Turing your question around, Reverend, can your Assembly use some help with its finances?  A donation, perhaps?”
The Reverend smiled with delight and said, “We never turn down free food!  That applies to more than mere food.  We would be honored to accept whatever you see fit to give.”
Caramel took out her checkbook and wrote briefly.
The reverend's eyes widened as he looked at the amount.  In return, he wrote both a tax note for Caramel and several addresses for Peanut.
As they emerged from the Assembly, they were faced with a pair of unicorns wearing “Solar” pendants.  The orange one turned to the dusty yellow and said, “See, Eustace?  I told you that I saw a vile creature of Luna go in there to the House of Worship for the Lesser Sorts.  Let's teach that goat a lesson!”
Caramel managed to look totally surprised!  “Grumpy?  I thought that you meant ME!”
As they were rearing and gathering magic impressively about their horns, Caramel charged!  She blasted between the two, her shoulders taking the inside hind leg of each one!  They fell in an undignified heap of ponies!
Caramel bounced to a stop and leaped back, striking the gut of Eustace with all four hooves pulled together to a near point!  As his breath was whoofing out, she bounced across and did the same for the orange one!  At her next bounce, she landed on both of her hind legs, jabbing nerve points in both unicorns' necks!  They stopped moving at all, except for labored breathing.
The whole thing took only seconds!  Looking up brightly, Caramel said, “Reverend, it appears that some pony left a heap of trash on your lawn.  Perhaps you should call the garbage service to remove it!”
Turning to the still surprised Grumpy and Peanut, she chirped in a cheerful voice, “Come on, guys! We have an apartment or house to find for Peanut!”
The first place that they looked at was a small cottage.  The landlord, a chubby reddish earth pony, let them in to look it over.
Grumpy made a bee-line for the back door.  He opened it and examined the frame at the lock level. Then he took a close look at the door itself.  Lastly, he gave the burglar chain his scrutiny.
He gathered up Caramel and Peanut, escorting them out as he explained, “He did a fine job of patching the holes in the plaster of the walls.  That could have been just one bad tenant.
“The back door says that this place is some other pony's private bank.  The door itself was replaced.  Since then, the burglar chain has been torn out twice. The door frame at lock level has been broken at least four times. The repairs are not really well done, either.  I think that, as small as I am, I could buck it in.”
Caramel replied, “Thanks, Grumpy.  I would have missed that, except for the plastering.  I just learned something new.”
Peanut nodded slowly as she worked it through her mind.  “I agree.  Thanks, Grumpy.  I am beginning to see why Caramel likes you so much.”
The second place was a ground floor flat.  It looked a bit shabby.  Grumpy gave it his once over. He tested the water flow in the faucets and poured a big bucket of water down the drains.
He pronounced, “Good place. Needs some paint and a little basic housework.  Tell the rental agent that it needs paint and floor needs refinishing.  Either bargain for a reduction in rent or get a written promise to have it done by a deadline.”
Peanut asked, “Why don't you bargain for us, Grumpy?”
“I am a goat.  They won't listen to me.  Pro tip.  If you get that rent reduction?  Hire me and a few of my friends to do the work.  We will do it cheap!”
They did get the reduction in rent.  As they came out of the office, Peanut commented, “Thanks for everything, Grumpy.  You too, Caramel!  My new place is going to be really convenient to the shop, too.”
“Only two blocks to walk and you are at work!  For me!” snickered Caramel.
The two block stroll, under the shady trees lining Ponyville's cobbled streets, was a pleasant one.
The surprise that awaited them at Caramel's new shop was a pleasant one, too.  Houser proudly showed them through the whole place.  Gesturing proudly, he declared, “Tomorrow the paint will be dry and you can install the stoves and other equipment.  Once the sign is up, you will be in business!”
Caramel looked over everything with the utmost care.  Down in the basement, she checked out the expensive cool storage rooms.
Grumpy commented with delight, “With the weather outside, I could get used to this!”
Caramel gave him a sideways look and shifted her gaze to Houser.  “How much would it cost to fit cooling like this into the interior public dining area?”
He paused.  He took out his plans and studied them with care.  “I don't know if we can, Caramel.  I will have to study this back at my office.  There are references there that I need.  This is not a simple structural problem, like the stairs to the basement.”
Caramel nodded her understanding.  “Let me know tomorrow, if you can or not.  I will go ahead and have my cooking equipment delivered for set up tomorrow.”
In Gabe's Furniture and Appliances, she was met by an apologetic, “I am afraid that there was a slight mix up in our warehouse.  Your whole order was sold to somepony else.  Of course, we can place the order again.  It will only take two weeks to get those stoves and other things.  We will get them for you at cost, of course.”
Caramel looked him in the eye and demanded, “No.  You will deliver my whole PREPAID order tomorrow, as specified in the contract.  If you have to replace it, you will bear the whole cost, including freight and local haulage. No other equipment than what I ordered will be acceptable.”
He gave her a condescending smile as the gray sales pony said, “You just don't get it, do you? Business realities.  If you want it tomorrow, just buy some replacements from our stock in the warehouse.”
Caramel gave him a slitted eye glare.  “I did not buy that garbage because it will not do what I need it to.  I will not pay you any more for any goods at all.  I have ALREADY paid you for my whole order.  Delivery will be Tomorrow at my new shop by noon or else.”
Totally irritated that his ploy had failed, the sales pony demanded, “You have no choice!  If you need it that badly, you will have to pay us for our recovery costs!”
Caramel paused, glared at him and snapped, “What part of NO is unclear?  The N or the O!?  My order is FULLY PREPAID!  Noon tomorrow or face the consequences.”
She turned her tail to him and left.
Just then, Gabe, a brown pony with yellow mane, came out of his office.  He was looking perplexed. “Snarker, why did Miss Treat leave like that?  She seemed quite angry.  I mean, we have her whole order in the warehouse, ready to deliver as soon as she wants it.”
The gray sales pony glared at the floor and scraped his hoof as he replied, “She wants it by noon tomorrow.  That kind of rush gotta cost a few bits extra.  Didn't want to pay it, that's all.”
Gabe pulled his head back in surprise.  “What?  That delivery is all set up with Hackamore Hauling.  We just let them know when to have it at the destination. It is all prepaid.”
Snarker muttered, “FINE!  You handle it!  You ain't paying me enough for this menial job!”
Nodding to himself, Gabe turned about.  “Come to my office, Snarker.  We need to talk.”
In Gabe's office, Snarker sat. He could see the letterheads of several letters on Gabe's desk. Nervously, he tried, “Um, Sir, I got an appointment.  Gotta go. It's important.”
Gabe looked up and tilted his head, ears set skeptically.  “I daresay that it is, to you. Unfortunately, you have an appointment right here, too.”
He hit his intercom and asked, “Mellisen, did you make the call that I asked you to do?”
The scratchy intercom voice replied, “Yes Sir, I did.  Is there anything else?”
“Yes.  Snarker is leaving our employ.  Please make out his final payment and bring it in.”
Snarker slumped.  “Look, it was an emergency.  That Caramel Treat, she isn't even a pony, not really.  We can work this out.  I mean, we can deliver on time so she has no beef with us.
“You don't have to fire me.”
Laying his hoof on the letters on his desk, Gabe replied sadly, “If it was just one customer, I could give you another chance.  It is not.”
There was a light tapping at the office door.  Mellisen, a light blue mare with a soft magenta mane entered.  She laid Snarker's file, the pay packet, and the final accounting on Gabe's desk.  
Gabe examined everything closely and signed the account.  He wrote briefly in the file and closed it. He put the letters into another file and closed it.
“Please, Snarker, check the account and the pay packet.”
Sourly, he did, and signed it.
A solid hoof was laid on his shoulder.  “Mister Snarker, I must inform you that you are under arrest for customer embezzlement.”
Turning angrily, he saw a large orange pony in a Ponyville Police uniform.  He was led out in manacles.
Gabe picked up a Magic Net mirror and made a quick call.  “Miss Treat, Gabe of Gabe's Furnishings here.  I am calling about your order.  I fear that Snarker lied to you about it.  It is still in our warehouse, all on the rail pallets and ready to deliver.”
He listened.
His reply was, “Before noon tomorrow.  No problem.
“I have found out that what Snarker tried on you was not his first offense.  We not only fired him, we had him arrested.  Are you willing to provide testimony in the case against him?”
After listening again, he nodded.  “In spite of Snarker's interference, it was a pleasure doing business with you.”
The next day, Caramel's stoves and other restaurant equipment were delivered on two wagons from Hackamore Hauling.  At first, Caramel's hackles arose at the sight of the truly lovely all black mare who was directing the delivery.
From pictures that Caramel had seen, the mare looked exactly like Coalsmoke Hackamore, one of those tried for the attempt to murder Brightmane, her mother.  She decided to be direct.
“Pardon me, Miss.  You look just like somepony that I have seen pictures of.  Are you Coalsmoke Hackamore?”
All of the black mare's lights went out at once.  She slumped.  “Yes, Miss Treat, I am.  We will get your loads done as carefully as we can and not bother you more.”
Shocked at the change, Caramel began to think back on things that she knew.  “Um, Coalsmoke? Please wait a moment.  I just realized that Dray Hackamore and Doctor Red Mane were both convicted of the attempt to kill Mom.  Judge Coldheart, in acquitting you, said that your only crime was being married to a criminal.”
Coalsmoke looked up, hope in her eyes.  “So many remember that I was tried.  So few remember that I was acquitted of all charges.  Tell me, how is Brightmane doing?  I have been afraid to ask.”
Caramel smiled sadly.  “I was almost one of those remembering that you were tried.  I am sorry about that.
“Mom is doing fine.  We and Nurse Fields have a nice cottage out in the Everfree, not far from Zecora's place.
“I did not make the connection between you and Hackamore Hauling until just now.  Every business pony that I asked about getting deliveries done said your company was the best.  What I am seeing bears that out.”
Coalsmoke's head lifted with real pride.  “As Dray's widow, I got his company when he was killed in a prison brawl.  It was worth almost nothing then.  I have built it into the best there is!”
Her workers, true to her word, unloaded the wagons expertly.
The watching Caramel nodded. “It shows!”
Houser's crew began to ponyhandle the big stoves and other equipment into the new building. Before the afternoon was out, Caramel had got the inspectors to approve everything.
She stayed late, delightedly testing the new specialized steam kettle candy making equipment with batches of sweet sorrel fudge, barley nut bars and assorted chocolate dipped fruits.  Her new candy wrapping equipment got a workout too.
Alongside them, the Alfalfa Press (TM) got a separate “test.”  She put up fifty quarter kilo round Clover top patties with a dash of sweet sorrel for extra flavor and twenty five one kilo “steaks” of alfalfa, clover and chopped wheat kernels.
After everything was put away and the kitchen properly cleaned, it was nearly ten pm.  Somewhat tired, but very happy, Caramel emerged from her shop to lock up.
It was not to be.  Gathered at her outdoor tables, were Brightmane, Nurse Fields, Daphne Crager, carlene of Red Hoof, Heather Bloom, Duchess of Red Hoof, and her consort, Tam O' Canter, Baron Drandale.  
Her mother called cheerfully, “When you did not come to the Great Hall in a reasonable time, we came to see what was happening!  Just in time, too!  We could smell your cooking, so we waited!
Peanut was close by too.  The whole party had frosty tumblers of cold water already served to them. Bemused, Caramel beckoned Peanut to come inside.  She pointed. “That is the time clock, Peanut.  Clock in.  Instead of tomorrow, you are starting right away.  As soon as you clock in, get into the crisper and set them all up a light salad for starters.
“Come down to the cool room and get a look at what we have so that you can tell them.  Our menus are not due here until tomorrow.  Get their orders.  I will start the stoves.”
Peanut clocked in, grinning.  “I could not sleep, thinking about tomorrow being my first day of real work!”  She snickerd, “I was wrong!  It is starting already!”
Peanut did come down and do a fast assessment of everything, including the contents of the cool and cold rooms.  Nodding to herself, she scooted upstairs.
Caramel came up to see that Peanut had put out the yellow evening lights on the dining patio, already had most of the salads served and was putting up the last two.  That was not all.  The orders were on neat tickets stuck to the springs of the order carousel.
Caramel gathered the ingredients and called for and began to cook!  She mused, “Who would have thought that I would need snowstar sauce even before I opened?”  As steaks cooked, she stirred the sauce and put a vegetable medley in the steamer.
While things were all coming to a head, Peanut clattered down the stairs.  Caramel heard the cold room door close.  Peanut darted past.  Out front, at the waitress back table, Caramel heard the quiet roar of her brand new milkshake machine!
With satisfaction, she put all the orders up on the service shelf almost at once.  She flopped two more steaks on.  That snowstar sauce smelled heavenly!  She set up fried onions and mushrooms in butter sauce to go alongside the steaks.
She brought them out so that she and Peanut could join the party!  Peanut saw what she was being served and made a dash for the waitress back table and returned with a pair of salads.
She made a second fast dash, punctuated by the soft roar of the milkshake machine.  She returned with shakes for them both.
In spite of eating and joining into the banter about the tables, Peanut was right there, every time that a drink needed a refill or a plate needed to be removed.
At last, everypony was well filled.
Heather Bloom requested, “Our check, please, my lady Peanut.  All wa far better than merely good. Yer service wa excellent as well.  We ha all come fro Red Hoof's Hall, sa cover 't all, I shall.”
To Caramel's surprise, Peanut took the assorted order checks and swiftly totaled them all up. Seeing Caramel's look, Peanut explained, “Our menus may not be here, but I helped to put them together.  I remember what we sent to the printer.”
She presented the check on a small tray.  Heather Bloom returned it with golden coins, to which Tam had added some as well.
Peanut stammered, “This, this is far too much!  We have no change to give you.”
Heather Bloom replied, “Nay, lass.  T'is correct.  We ha given to ye wha such fine food and service be due.”
Tam cast a practiced eye to the street and commented, “As soon as all be cleaned, tidied and stored away, we shall escort ye to yer home, lass.  There appear to be some as might be unpleasant to ye awaitin in the dark.”
Peanut and Caramel cleaned up and put things away.  Last to go were the lights, tables and seating on the patio.  Caramel locked up.
Aside from the clatter of retreating hooves fleeing the large party, the two block walk to Peanut's new apartment was uneventful.
Like Peanut, earlier, Caramel could not really sleep.  Her dreams when she did  were of hunting with the Stone Ridge wolf pack.  When they cornered the prey, it was a great golden bit!
Her fangs were just seizing it when she was gently shaken awake.  Nurse Fields was smiling down at her.  “It was a good dream, Caramel.  I can tell.  You became a happy wolf in your sleep.  Hunting again?”
Caramel nodded as her change to a pony flowed over her.  Stretching luxuriously, she acknowledged, “Hunting with my friends.  We were bringing down a big golden bit!”
They both chuckled at the image.
Breakfast was an informal affair.  One of Heather Bloom's house carls was making sure that the buffet stayed well supplied.  The whole household, Lady, Laird, carls, carlenes and  guests alike filled plates and choose places to eat.
A small stack of breaded and fried patties caught Caramel by the nose!  They smelled heavenly. Taste bore out the scent.
“What are these, your Ladyship?  I have never had anything quite like them!”
Heather Bloom looked up from her own breakfast, surprise on her features.  “They be but Northern Dales oatmeal.  It be cooked wi diced dates, raisins, diced apple, any other diced fruits handy, some honey and a touch o molasses. When it cool ye but slice it to portions, batter dip an fry.”
Caramel was nodding slowly as she listened.
Back at her restaurant, while impatiently awaiting the arrival of her sign, Caramel began grabbing oatmeal, and an assortment of dried fruits.  As it began to cook, she added the honey and molasses a little at a time until it smelled right.  Unable to resist experimenting she added a healthy lot of butter, too.  She poured it into a sheet cake pan and let it set. While it was setting, she heated the oil and made up a sweetened batter.
She wound up with a substantial pile of the golden brown slices on a platter.  
Peanut came in and clocked in, then took a whiff of the breaded oatmeal.  “Is it an experiment, Caramel?  I think that I know exactly what to do with them!”
Caramel raised her eyebrows at that and offered, “I thought that they were pretty good the way that they are.”
Nibbling one and swallowing before answering, Peanut nodded, “That they are!  Let's try this!”
She set two of the slices on plates and carefully scooped two perfect balls of ice cream onto them.  She added sweet cherries on top and very carefully drizzled chocolate sauce in spirals down the sides.
Caramel's indrawn breath at the beautiful effect made Peanut smile broadly.  She ceremoniously served her employer one and took the other for herself.
Caramel looked up from the new dish with eyes that looked like her mouth had found heaven.  “Besides being beautiful, this is a fantastic taste, Peanut!  Make a note to add five golden bits to your first pay packet!
“You always were better than I in art classes and this really shows it!”
“What does, Caramel?” bleated a familiar voice from the front door.
Caramel smiled happily and exclaimed, “Grumpy!  You are just in time to taste test our newest treat!”
Turning to Peanut, she said, “Please set up one of these for Grumpy!  Without his help, this place would not be almost ready to open.”
While Peanut was setting up the treat, she commented, “I bet that he came to get paid!  His team fixed up my place in jig time!  It looks great now!  You would not recognize it for the place that we rented!”
Grumpy nodded, proud of the work and happy with the good words that he was hearing.  “That I did, Miss Peanut.  Looks like my timing was pretty good too!  
“We figured up the bill, Caramel.  It comes to two gold, four and six.”
Nodding, Caramel replied, “Most reasonable.  You enjoy your snack while I get your money.  Since I expect to open today, I have a change bank.”
Shortly, Caramel returned and placed four gold bits on the table for Grumpy.  “No, Grumpy.  Not a mistake.  I am paying you and your team what you are worth, not what you charged.”
It was nearly ten before the sign painters showed up with the new roof sign.  They used a crane to lift it up to the roof, where they anchored it expertly.
A crowd had gathered to watch. As the crane and other dangerous equipment was cleared away, several trotted over and took seats on the outdoor plaza.
Peanut brought them all some of the new treats and announced loudly enough to be heard by all of them, “Free Northern Dale snack for the first ten customers who place orders!”
There was a mostly orderly stampede to the dining tables!  Peanut happily took orders and delivered the Northern Dale snacks.  The sight of ponies being served brought in more customers to dine under the new sign's beautifully scrolled letters spelling,
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inloveandwords · 6 years
This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story).
It works like this: Go to your goodreads to-read shelf. Order on ascending date added. Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books Read the synopsis of the books Decide: keep it or should it go?
I’ve been avoiding doing anything like this for awhile because, while I’m great at getting rid of things around the house and in most areas of my life, getting rid of books – even if it is just digitally – causes so much metaphorical pain LOL!
But, like Ally said, I don’t want to miss any great books and this may actually remind me of books that I need to bump up to the TBR ASAP list (which might be good or bad… we shall see.)
Here are the stats
Declutter Post Number: 1
Starting Total TBR Count: 1760
Current Total TBR Count: 1760
Total Marked TBR ASAP: #
Ending Total TBR Count: #
Midnight Sun (Twilight #1.5) by Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun is the much anticipated retelling of Twilight from Edward Cullen’s perspective. An unedited partial draft was illegally leaked onto the internet in 2008; consequently, author Stephenie Meyer put the project on indefinite hold.
So, this is why we clean out our TBR. Right here. Because people like me joined Goodreads almost a decade ago and things like this were one of the first books added to my TBR. Sigh.
Date Added to Goodreads: 8/29/2010
Keep or Ditch: DITCH
  Tell-All by Chuck Palahniuk
Soaked, nay, marinated in the world of vintage Hollywood, Tell-All is a Sunset Boulevard–inflected homage to Old Hollywood when Bette Davis and Joan Crawford ruled the roost; a veritable Tourette’s syndrome of rat-tat-tat name-dropping, from the A-list to the Z-list; and a merciless send-up of Lillian Hellman’s habit of butchering the truth that will have Mary McCarthy cheering from the beyond.
Our Thelma Ritter–ish narrator is Hazie Coogan, who for decades has tended to the outsized needs of Katherine “Miss Kathie” Kenton—veteran of multiple marriages, career comebacks, and cosmetic surgeries. But danger arrives with gentleman caller Webster Carlton Westward III, who worms his way into Miss Kathie’s heart (and boudoir). Hazie discovers that this bounder has already written a celebrity tell-all memoir foretelling Miss Kathie’s death in a forthcoming Lillian Hellman–penned musical extravaganza; as the body count mounts, Hazie must execute a plan to save Katherine Kenton for her fans—and for posterity.
I was OBSESSED with Chuck P back in the day. It’s been awhile since I’ve read any of his books and unless I go through another phase, I don’t see me going out of my way to purchase anything by him anytime soon.
Date Added to Goodreads: 8/29/2010
Keep or Ditch: DITCH
  Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk
“Begins here first account of operative me, agent number 67 on arrival Midwestern American airport greater _____ area. Flight _____. Date _____. Priority mission top success to complete. Code name: Operation Havoc.”
Thus speaks Pygmy, one of a handful of young adults from a totalitarian state sent to the United States, disguised as exchange students, to live with typical American families and blend in, all the while planning an unspecified act of massive terrorism. Palahniuk depicts Midwestern life through the eyes of this thoroughly indoctrinated little killer, who hates us with a passion, in this cunning double-edged satire of an American xenophobia that might, in fact, be completely justified. For Pygmy and his fellow operatives are cooking up something big, something truly awful, that will bring this big dumb country and its fat dumb inhabitants to their knees.
It’s a comedy. And a romance.
See above commentary.
Date Added to Goodreads: 8/29/2010
Keep or Ditch: DITCH
  Snuff by Chuck Palahniuk
“Cassie Wright, porn priestess, intends to cap her legendary career by breaking the world record for serial fornication. On camera. With six hundred men. Snuff unfolds from the perspectives of Mr. 72, Mr. 137, and Mr. 600, who await their turn on camera in a very crowded green room. This wild, lethally funny, and thoroughly researched novel brings the huge yet underacknowledged presence of pornography in contemporary life into the realm of literary fiction at last. Who else but Chuck Palahniuk would dare do such a thing? Who else could do it so well, so unflinchingly, and with such an incendiary (you might say) climax?
I actually own this one, it’s on my bookshelf, so I’ll keep this one on here.
Date Added to Goodreads: 8/29/2010
Keep or Ditch: Keep
  Rant by Chuck Palahniuk
Buster “Rant” Casey just may be the most efficient serial killer of our time. A high school rebel, Rant Casey escapes from his small town home for the big city where he becomes the leader of an urban demolition derby called Party Crashing. Rant Casey will die a spectacular highway death, after which his friends gather the testimony needed to build an oral history of his short, violent life.
I own this one, too!
Date Added to Goodreads: 8/29/2010
Keep or Ditch: Keep
  Immortal: Love Stories with Bite by P.C. Cast
Seven of today’s most popular YA vampire and contemporary fantasy authors offer new short stories that prove that when you’re immortal, true love really is forever.
I added this back when I was in love with PC Cast, but I’m kind of meh about her books now.
Date Added to Goodreads: 8/29/2010
Keep or Ditch: Ditch
  Infinity by Sarah Dessen
Ever felt as if your life is just going round in circles? Sarah Dessen’s thought-provoking short story about moving on will resonate with teens everywhere.
First of all, what is this synopsis?! Second, I thought I’d read all of SD’s books except for the latest one… hmm…
Date Added to Goodreads: 8/29/2010
Keep or Ditch: Keep
  Echo by Francesca Lia Block
Francesca Lia Block has charmed and amazed young audiences with tales of the mystical and ethereal. This outstanding story is no different. Following the life of Echo, an L.A. baby born to an artistic dad and a mom who’s an angel, this enthralling story offers more than fairy dust and the supernatural. It tells the tale of a girl who feels doomed to be less than angelic, at least in comparison with her mother. Mom’s startling beauty and aura enchant all who meet her, and Echo can never keep up. Desperate to be loved as much, and maybe find her own identity, she escapes to the boys in her life. Ultimately, she must rely on herself for the strength to survive.
Simple text ands story lines do not appeal to Block, who weaves a tale with amazing grace and the flowing energy of a true genius. Images of vampires, ghosts, and fairies fill these pages, daring the reader to believe. Told from the point of view of Echo and the key players in her life, the story imparts a dreamlike quality to Echo’s life. This a novel layered with pain beauty, and triumph, all which will appeal to young readers.
This one is on my bookshelf. I love FLB and her unique writing style.
Date Added to Goodreads: 8/30/2010
Keep or Ditch: Keep
  Wasteland by Francesca Lia Block
An exquisite novel about the consequences of who we choose to love.
Lex and his sister, Marina, are inseparable. The air they share has always been light and boundless, but suddenly it’s weighted down. And now Lex is gone. When the one relationship that cradled her turns out to shatter her sense of self, Marina needs her friend West to help put the pieces back together. But Marina won’t feel truly complete until she faces the past that is haunting her.
Highly acclaimed and award-winning author Francesca Lia Block tells the tale of a brother and sister whose loving relationship is too intense for them to bear. With the sensitivity and refinement that Block is known for, she manages to weave together her characters and their lives into this beautiful and thought-provoking tale.
It pains me to take any FLB books off my TBR, but I just don’t see myself picking this over any others.
Date Added to Goodreads: 8/29/2010
Keep or Ditch: Ditch
    Bye-Bye Books: Decluttering My TBR #1 This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story…
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aro-bot · 7 years
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drblovewrite · 7 years
A Winding Ramble About Damain R. B. K. by Yours Truly ✌
I can remember being younger and telling my family I loved them. Looking back, I believe that I did not feel love for them and that was due to a fear of a lack of my family and all they could provide and their familiarity as well as an acute sense of how they would supposedly feel awful and be hurt if I did not express that sentiment.
It is only now that I know without a doubt that I love them, with a great fondness and regard for their state of being and a wish for them to view me well and believe that they are loved.
A lot of the time I felt disconnected, like there was a distance between my family and I. I wanted to be protected. I said I loved my mom and dad, but at that age what I really would miss was my mom’s cooking and my dad’s financial support. That’s a pretty cold view, but what I had.
What curbed my actions at times was the idea that if I said something, I feared that they would analyse my words and find a meaning that implied a lack of regard- no care or consideration, or hatred. I did not like feeling that way, and so I would apologise if I felt that my words could chase those feelings. I used my feelings and way of thinking as the standard and reference point. That is perhaps why I doubted so much that persons meant what they said. I know I did not mean what I said, subconsciously, and so I attributed that to others.
Looking back, I recognise that I was filled less with genuine care for others.
Now I genuinely care for few, and wish to engender care from others or good regard so I can get them to feel what I want them to feel towards me and put them in a place where they are more likely to do what I want them to do and give me less resistance when I want something done.
I’m very friendly with few friends. However, I also now find that making others happy or less discontent makes me happy. I have found that my name precedes me and my actions pave the way to easier interactions and an easier time overall.
I don’t generally ask for favours, because I prefer to get what I want myself and be responsible for the greatest quality that can be assured. To ask, to me, is ceding power and acknowledging my inability to perform a task. Making the frequency that I ask for favours seldom, I am able to project the idea that I am competent, but am open to aid at times, but not to the point that I am viewed as incompetent or taking advantage of those who would aid me.
I experience more emotions from reading than in daily life. Hence why I read constantly and hundreds of thousands of words are read by me daily. I want to moved to tears. I want to jump for joy. I want to be conflicted and brought to rage and made to feel hurt. I want too feel more than muted emotions and rare bursts of high levels of emotions.
Music is a source of emotions for me as well, which is how I am also able to feel a specific emotion. It frustrates me that I can’t hold onto them and keep them solid to be accessed at all times. When a song is no longer able to move me is when I get annoyed with it and avoid it. It usually comes back.
I have one friend on here who cause me to feel genuine fondness and love and another on my dorm whose a year below me but 4 years older than me who feels like a younger sibling who I count on.
I kinda am disappointed that I am willing to send persons who I have regard for into situations I view as potentially harmful, but…
I am not brave…and I can’t get over the fear that prevents me from leaving the fucking *campus*…so I’m willing to let others do it for me.
A lot of the time I don’t mean what I say, but only because I want to.
I am manipulative, and that is true, so I won’t say I’m not. It’s just who I am and who my parents raised. I will say vague stuff or specific random stuff. But I avoid divulging deep stuff about myself, and I avoid saying anything that is truly potentially harmful in arguments, so that when the tale eventually flies away, I don’t appear in a truly negative and authority figures will have no reason to doubt my character. I will insinuate things, but that is mostly in reference to an individual’s ability to truly understand what I’m putting down and through twisting the other persons words to make them a appear in a negative light. I listen when people talk to me. And the North remembers. So I know what makes makes a person tick and what they have to say about others. If a relationship goes sour, I may pepper my conversations sparsely with vague mentions and inferences and ‘worries’ that this person with whom I’ve shared so much or spent so much time with had turned on me. This usually is resolved through strict avoidance and icy politeness that quickly warms until the relationship is just as it was before. Though I don’t forget.
That’s a positive for me though, my ability to scream at someone one week and then go to talking about our fucking dogs and what we like the next.
The same cannot be said for others however. I have realised that my intervention has caused some relationships to go sour for like, ever, and some to never come about.
I generally expect others to be like me though, so I’m not surprised when others try to do the same to me without actually succeeding.
I can greatly dislike a person and everything they stand for and not express a lik of it to them. Though for those who I don’t care to have in my corner, I am more free with my words. Like my fucking roommate who is a passive aggressive shit who mooches off me like nobodies business and makes efforts to appear benevolent in certain respect that are transparent and who is unable to even properly appear as such due to outbursts that make them obvious. They claim to be the most selfless person ever, when people know that they sabotage them self to ensure they get what they need and can still say that they are the “most giving person in the world. No one gives as much as me”. But…they purposefully waste others time by arriving hours later than promised and they also ensure that others *have* to help them. At first I thought “doormat?” and wanted to help… but really, they shoot them self in the foot.
I know I mislead others and shit, but I give them my best if only because that’s what I’d want.
Movin’ ON.
I weigh like 136 lbs. 5'4" and hoping for at least one more, And my fam and almost every one I know says I’m faaaaaat.
18 years old, going 19 in December.
Single. Never dated, never kissed, never had sex.
Am unable to take of myself in daily life and perform the necessary actions that make humans 'presentable’. (That means unless outwardly prompted, I’m more likely to just…not.) Makes me feel like a piece of shit a lot, but its all good 😆
I avoid reading or watching the same thing more than once. If I read it once, I’m unlikely to revisit unless I forget that I read it and then just power through with determination.
What do I watch? Impractical Jokers and Family Feud and Random Movies. On that note, the representation of religion and LGBTQPIA+ topics often is a miss for me, and so I’m the type to just kind of cover my eyes for fear of what I see. Also, my family regularly watches the shit I watch, so I can’t really watch stuff that is of good fibre without being in a rigid state of severe discomfort and mild fear.
What do I read? Fanfic and original fiction. Sci fi is a hard no go, and supernatural is a hit or miss.
Fanfic preferences? Time travel, fix-it, self insert, reincarnation, mpreg, coming out, outing, dysphoria, fake relationships, social media focus, sports RPF, and the *dark tags* on Ao3. A lot of it is because of morbid curiosity and an irresistible urge to see what can go wrong go horribly wrong- or right as the story would have it. My *issues* are always on my mind, so they appear in my preferred reading. Yes, that is a thing. That I do.
What else? How long can I make this?
I have shit eyes and teeth and skin. My fashion sense is to wear what fits and still is functional. I severely dislike shopping.
I like spicy food! I live in the Caribbean! I…go to a religion based school, as I’ve done my whole life! I study science! I have two bros. I speak English, but my country has a dialect that I am very capable in. I won a silver medal for performance arts once.
I have dark brown kinky hair that I perm and that is now just wavy and loosely curly and sentient at this point. My eyes are very dark brown. I’m of Irish and Scottish descent on my mom’s side and just something something Indian and some African on both sides with a great dash of one of the old local groups from my paternal grandma. My voice is kinda low, but of a scratchy register?(is that a thing) with a kinda smooth and yet stuffy undertone. It resonates and has the capacity to drown out everyone else in the room. I generally speak in a cutesy- yes I really mean it- voice when on the phone with my mom. I almost always have an electronic with me. I follow rules to the tee, so I’m rather rigid in that respect.
I wanna be a psychiatrist…but what I want to do is just raise children. I want kids baaaad. Like, if you are pregnant, I’d take your kid and raise it and expect like, nothing from you, except I’m a college kid dependent on my parents…so.
I have so much more to say, but don’t have the drive to write more and make this long ass post any longer.
If you actually read this tell me something about you! I mean, you know so much of my shit already! 😳
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junjunkii · 7 years
tagged by @fxvixen to share some things about my WIP fics so uhhh here we go I guess
Cosmonaut- IwaOi, sci-fi
— Iwaizumi is one of the best pilots from Earth, and he can push a spacecraft to its very limits like no one else before him ever has. I haven’t actually got most of the middle part worked out but the basic idea is that he finds his way to an alien planet and discovers the last remaining life form- Oikawa, who clearly used to be human but has somehow been adapted to more closely resemble the alien life forms that used to inhabit this planet. The fic centers around Iwaizumi and his team trying to figure out what exactly Oikawa is, and where he came from- and what the hell happened to his abandoned planet?
Also there will be angst bc Oikawa wants to wander off to find his people but Iwaizumi can’t follow him that far, even though he is the ace pilot. So ye.
[untitled]- BokuAka, canon universe and timeline
—I unabashedly project onto Akaashi to explore my debilitating touch starvation. Basically Bokuto is the only person Akaashi feels comfortable with asking for things like hugs and cuddling, and eventually he starts needing to be even closer… somehow… idk where this fic will end up it’s kind of just writing itself lol
Blackberry Promenade- initially planned as a BokuAka, now a BokuAkaKuroKen, modern magic
—Akaashi runs a flower shop across the tattoo parlor where Bokuto has just started working. Akaashi has housed extremely powerful plant magics since he was young, but because of an accident involving one of his moms that *SEMI TRUCK DRIVING BY* and years of repression he has managed to gain control over them. They manifest only in blackberry brambles that grow camouflaged in his hair, and sometimes bloom when his emotions get strong. Bokuto has owl familiars and a penchant for making potions. Kenma has telekinesis. And Kuroo is also housing powerful magics, but his are more *HELICOPTER FLYING OVERHEAD* so that’s going to get interesting.
I’m still not really sure about the actual plot like I want it to focus on the relationships between the characters and have the magic as a poignant background but to be honest. I’m considering making Akaashi have like… roots growing towards his heart or some shit and when everyone finds out that he’s literally dying they throw all their energy into trying to find a way to prevent it. But like I said. Who knows what I’ll actually end up writing lmao
[untitled but informally referred to as “the food fic”]- BokuAka, canon universe, aged up
—So Hope this is the one you wanted to know about I guess also congratulations you’ve introduced me to a new kink and I’m never fucking forgiving you for this do you hear me god damn it
Kuroo is annoyed that Akaashi is paying more attention to his food than to him when he’s on a double date with Kenma and Akaashi+Bokuto bc they haven’t seen each other in a while so he’s like! Talk to me! But no Akaashi loves his curry soooo much and Kuroo basically pulls the “lolololol well if you like it so much whY DoN’t yoU MarRy iT” line that first graders do only he turns it up to like level 5000000 and says something along the lines of “well if you like food so much why don’t you eat it off of bokuto and then fuck him” and everyone’s just like “what the fuck Kuroo put your kink away we’re at the dinner table”
but then later when they’re doing laundry or something Akaashi’s like (serious face) “bokuto. it’s killing me I can’t stop thinking about it” and bokuto’s like “lol I guess you could say it’s eATING YOU ALIVE” and Akaashi stuffs a sock in his face
and then they lick chocolate sauce and frosting off each other I don’t fucking know maybe bokuto has fucking… maraschino cherries on his nipples or some shit and then they make (literally) sweet sweet love. Oh my god that’s the name of the fic. “sweet love.” No nevermind that’s fucking stupid.
Writing this has been… interesting. I have no further comment on anything about this particular piece of fiction.
idk who to tag???? I’m always super up for hearing about ppl’s plans for writing so I can hype them up and stuff so feel free to say you saw me do it and decided to do it too
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avengerofyourheart · 7 years
For the Love of My Life- Part 1
Characters: reader, Tony, Bucky, Steve, Sam (mentioned)
Summary: Modern AU. Reader is a young actress in her first big role when a man from her past offers a chance to fix her biggest regrets. 
Song Inspiration: Cleopatra by The Lumineers
Warnings: drinking and sex mentions, fluff, mention of death, bit of angst.
Word Count: 3,278
A/N: This story gripped me tight and wouldn’t let go from the instant I thought of the opening scene. It took on a life of its own and I’m kinda in love with how it’s turned out? I really hope you like it. Part 2 (of 2) will be posted tomorrow or the next day, I promise! It just got way too long. Oops. :D 
Tags are at the bottom
Part Two>>> 
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“Cleo….my darling, lovely Cleo. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” the man asked in earnest, hope shining in his eyes.
Arm draped over your eyes as you lie on the couch, you lifted it to see the man on one knee before you. Your eyes briefly flitted to the small velvet box in his hand.
“No,” deadpan expression upon your face.
“I said ‘no’. For the fourth time, no I will not marry you, Tony!”
“Why not? And please, call me Antony.”
“Because I don’t love you and you don’t love me! And stop calling me Cleo! For the last time, I am Y/N, you are Tony Stark. We are co-stars in a fictional play on Broadway where we pretend to love each other. We’re actors! And while I appreciate your dedication to the role, we are NOT in love and you need to STOP proposing to me!” you cried out in exasperation, swinging your feet down to meet the floor.
“I think you’re wrong. I think you do love me,” Tony protested, combing fingers through his close-cropped dark hair while rising to his feet.
“I think you’re delusional. We complement each other well and yes, we are convincing on stage. But it really is just pretend. You’ve gotta let it go. Besides, what about Pepper?”
You huffed a sigh, “Pepper Potts? Your girlfriend? Poor girl who fell for your nonsense the last play you two were in together?”
“Oh…right,” his brow furrowed in remembrance.
“Yeah. Go see her. We have the next two days off. Take a break from the theater district for once and try to be an actual person rather than a character, mmkay?” you stood, turning him around and giving him a shove toward the door. He wasn’t even ready yet and the curtain rose in half an hour. The man was only half in costume and still needed a shave, something he complained about constantly since he couldn’t keep his beloved goatee for the role.
Once he was gone, you collapsed into the chair in front of the vanity, lighted mirror showing makeup smudges upon your weary face. A few days off was exactly what you needed, too. The play had opened 7 weeks ago to good reviews and attendance had climbed steadily since then. Seeing your name on Playbills and a billboard in Time Square never failed to thrill you.
After making it to New York, you auditioned steadily while working the usual waitress and retail jobs to get by. It was a tough business, but you stuck it out and finally you had arrived. You were an understudy in a few plays before getting steady, supporting roles. Now this current project was your third major Broadway play and your first in a leading role. “MARK & CLEO, starring Tony Stark and Y/N (Y/L/N)” lit up the marquee outside the theater, a flutter rising in your stomach each time you saw it.
Tony’s confusion wasn’t entirely his fault, at least when it came to the character’s name and personality. He was Mark Antony to your Cleopatra, but in modern times. Hence, Mark and Cleo. There were dream sequences in the play that took place in Ancient Egypt, which were Tony’s favorite and now he required the entire cast to call him Antony. Ridiculous man. Since you only knew him in this role, you weren’t sure if the role just fit him perfectly or if he was so method that he had completely embodied the character in real life. Either way, he was losing it. The time apart would do you both good.
The matinee earlier today had gone well, now you just had the evening show and then freedom! After fixing your smudged makeup, you attached your wig securely and then slipped on your robe to grab your first costume from the seamstress. It had needed mending after someone stepped on your gown’s train during the matinee. Dress in hand, you returned to your dressing room and shut the door to change when a warm body pressed up against your back, arms circling around your waist.
“Well, this is a surprise,” you whispered as he peppered kisses onto your neck and bare shoulders pulling the collar of your robe down to expose more skin.
“Mmm. I missed you,” he murmured, hands caressing over and under your silky robe. You reached backward, fingers tangling in his long chestnut strands
You released a quiet whine, “Bucky…there’s not enough time. I have to be on stage in 15.”
“I know,” he pouted, turning you around to face him. “But I’ll take what I can get,” he smirked, pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was quick but passionate, tongues wrestling and hands grasping, leaving you both fighting for breath. Finally you kicked him out with promises of a continuation later so you could finish getting ready and clear your mind before stepping out on stage.
A flawless show, second curtain call and standing ovation left you riding high as you floated back to your dressing room. First thought was unstrapping from your dress so you could finally breathe again. Upon entrance, you saw on your vanity a dozen gorgeous red roses in a crystal vase. Bucky wasn’t the romantic type, so you curiously plucked the card out and flicked the small envelope open with one finger. Seeing the familiar scrawl flew your eyes wide, heart almost stopping entirely as you read it.
Been a long time. You were phenomenal. I knew you would be. Have some time for an old friend? I’ll be waiting outside.
Reading it a second, third, and fourth time, you waited for the words to sink in. He was here. Letting the shock wear off, you stuffed the card in your bag and changed out of wardrobe and into jeans and a hoodie, hair pulled away from your face. A good scrubbing to get the stage makeup off and you were almost unrecognizable from your character. You gathered your bags and headed out the stage door toward the street. Much to your delight and surprise, there were a dozen or so fans waiting for you to sign their Playbill. You spent a few minutes signing and talking, a few pictures taken in selfie mode with you. Tony exited shortly after and the crowd went wild, so you were able to slip away.
About 50 feet up the street, there he stood. Steve Rogers. He looked every bit as handsome as you remembered, if not more so: dishwater blond hair cut short on the sides but a little long on top, ever the rogue strands wandering down his forehead. Bright blue eyes above a chiseled jaw, that boyish smile making your stomach do a somersault or two. Not to mention his muscular chest and bulging biceps, all barely contained by a button-up dark blue dress shirt with black slacks and a dark leather jacket. Damn, he looked good. Suddenly you felt very underdressed.
“Steve, hi,” you greeted him, nervous smile upon your face.
“Hi, Y/N,” he grinned, quickly bringing you into a hug. With slight hesitation, you finally returned it before he pulled away and stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets.
“Wow, it’s been a while. I haven’t seen you in, what…”
“…three years,” he finished your thought. “You look amazing. And that play? Wow. You were incredible, really.” Dazzling, pearly white teeth shone bright under the street lights.
“Thank you,” you felt your cheeks warm. “You look great, too. I’m, uh…I’m really surprised to see you. How did you know about the show?”
“Your mom told my mom, who told me. You know how it is,” he shrugged.
“Right. Um…what brought you to the city?”
“A friend’s wedding this weekend. Listen…are you free for a cup of coffee or something? I’d love to catch up.”
“Tonight? Uh…” you trailed off as you spotted Bucky round the corner from the front of the theater. He stopped short to see you with someone. “I can’t tonight. How long are you in town?”
“A few more days. Could I call you? Or something?” he asked, uncertain.
“Sure. Same number, if you still have it.”
“I do. I’ll be in touch. And congratulations, Y/N. You deserve it. Really,” he held your gaze, then pulling you in for another short hug before he crossed the street with a wave.
Heading the opposite direction, you met up with Bucky as he fell into step with you.
“Who was that?” he gestured behind you with a jerk of his head.
“Old friend.”
“Old flame?”
“Why? You jealous?” you teased, bumping him with your shoulder.
He scoffed, “No.”
Once you were away from the theater, he slung an arm around your shoulders and pressed a kiss to your temple as you walked. Your mind wandered back to your conversation with Steve, trying to process seeing him again and what it might mean that he sought you out. Bucky must have been talking without receiving a response because he snapped his fingers in front of your face to get your attention.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. It’s just…Tony proposed to me today,” you diverted the subject.
“Again? Man. That guy is certifiable. What the hell. I know his name raises ticket sales, but..” he trailed off with a shake of his head, then returning to the conversation you had spaced out during previously.
Things with Bucky were casual. He was an actor as well, currently as a foot soldier in the Ancient Egypt scenes and a few other small parts throughout the rest of the play. You noticed the handsome brunette with stormy grey eyes early on in rehearsals, but one night the cast went for drinks which led to more drinks, which led to stumbling past his roommates while clinging to each other and having drunken sex in his room before passing out. Not your finest moment, but there were better, sober times after that.
You weren’t officially together and you preferred to keep it quiet, so the cast didn’t know. It is what it is, you thought as he followed you up to your apartment. Your roommate had left a note that she’d be back in a few days so you had the place to yourself. Bucky relieved you of your bags and gripped you with a hand on each hip, pulling you close.
“You were incredible tonight,” he captured your lips, hands slipping under your shirt. “Couldn’t keep my eyes off you. I might’ve missed a mark or two because of you…”
“Mmm,” you sighed as his lips caressed your collarbone. “You distracted me during the farewell scene. Almost forgot my line.”
He chuckled, recalling the moment when he brushed past you closer than usual and pinched your behind. “I couldn’t resist.”
“Yeah, well, I’ll have to return the favor one of these days,” you grinned, gripping his magnificent butt cheeks with both hands. Next moment, he was kissing you in earnest as he walked you toward your bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes in your wake.
Waking to a brush of fingertips on your bare back followed by kisses, you allowed yourself a lazy morning making love and cuddling until growling stomachs forced you both out of bed. Bucky made breakfast while you showered. Towel-drying your hair, you heard your phone ring and swiped to answer.
“Y/N. It’s Steve.”
“Oh, hi,” you replied, temporarily frozen in your task.
“Are you available tonight? Maybe for dinner?”
“Let’s me see…” you searched your mind, first of all if you had any previously obligations but also to decide if this was even a good idea. “Um…yeah…I think I can do that. Where and when?”
“8 o’clock? I’ll pick a restaurant and text you the details, sound good?”
“Sure. I’ll see you then,” you hung up the phone to see Bucky in the doorway, still only in his boxers.
“Plans tonight?” he asked, his tone casual but a current of tension flowed underneath.
“Uh huh.”
“Who with?”
“That, um…old friend from last night.”
“Oh,” he responded, slipping on a pair of sweats and pulling the draw string to tighten the waist. “What’re you two doing?”
“Don’t worry about it,” you avoided the subject.
Arms crossed over his bare muscular chest, he met your gaze, “What if…what if I want to worry about it?” Insecurity was etched on his handsome features.
You let out a sigh, “Buck, don’t do this. Let’s just enjoy the first real day we’ve had off in weeks, okay?”
He nodded, pulling you into his side for a squeeze and then ushering you toward the kitchen, following the delicious smells wafting from it.
After breakfast the rest of the day was spent catching up on ridiculous tv shows and playing video games. It was nice to have no real obligations, doing nothing or anything you wanted. You ordered Chinese for lunch and neither of you left the couch most of the day. Around 6, you headed to your bedroom and started looking for an outfit to wear to dinner. Bucky took it as a sign to leave. He ducked his head in, clearly wanting to know more about this evening but holding back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” he questioned.
“Sure. Today was fun,” you smiled, pecking a kiss on his lips. He lingered a moment before slipping on a jacket and heading out the door. You knew there would be more discussion about this later, but right now you focused on tonight.
At 7:58, you stepped in the door of the restaurant Steve had picked, slipping out of your coat, which the hostess took, and searching the restaurant for the familiar blond. He raised a hand and you headed his way. Standing, he rounded the table to pull out your chair and you sat.
“Thanks for coming. You look great, Y/N,” he smiled, rubbing damp palms on his thighs. Apparently he was nervous as well.
You cleared your throat, “You look very handsome as well.” Apparently all either of you could do was awkwardly compliment each other. To your defense, he was dressed in a navy blue suit with a white button-up shirt this time but no tie, leaving a few buttons open showing his tanned collarbone. It was a good look.
Surprisingly, dinner went smoothly. Drinks and entrees were selected, then you began with an appetizer Steve had ordered before you arrived to tide you over. Conversation flowed as you both caught each other up on the past few years of your life as well as family occurrences. You and Steve grew up together, going to the same junior high and high school and aware of each other, but not running in the same circles.
Not until you ran into him at college did you even know they both were attending the same school once again. In the middle of your Sophomore year, he finally asked you out and you dated steadily for the rest of college. He was pre-Med and you were a theater Major with a minor in psychology. Many found that strange but you discovered it helped you flesh out characters if you understood their motivation and mental state. Easier to slip into their shoes.
A few months before graduation, your father passed away unexpectedly, throwing your entire life for a loop. You considered postponing for a semester, but instead decided that school was the best distraction so you threw all your energy into your classes. Unfortunately, that singular focus also included letting things slide with Steve.
He acknowledged the elephant in the room when dessert was brought to the table, per his suggestion.
“Y/N…I know we’ve been dancing around the subject all night and I don’t want to ruin the evening, but I just wanted to say…I’m so sorry about how I approached everything. I should have known you weren’t ready for that and…”
“No, no,” you interrupted, “I should have been more open with you. I had such tunnel vision that I didn’t communicate, so you had no way of knowing,” you confessed.
He leaned back in his chair with a sigh, “I just…I wanted you to have something good. Something happy to focus on after working so hard and after your dad….I should have known it was too much.”
Setting down your fork, you kept your gaze on your plate. “I wanted to say yes,” you spoke in a whisper. “I…I loved you. I just couldn’t plan a future when I was barely holding on to the present. I am sorry that I hurt you, though,” you finished, finally meeting his eyes
He gave a sad smile, letting the moment settle as your mind flitted to the memories of that day.
You came home from a long day of studying for finals, opening the door to your shared apartment to see a trail of rose petals scattered along the wooden floor. You should have known then what was happening, but you followed the petals to the living room filled with candles and dozens of red roses with Steve in the middle, down on one knee with a gorgeous but modest diamond ring in hand. It should have been one of your happiest and most exciting moments, but instead you collapsed into tears muttering over and over, “I can’t, I can’t…” until Steve felt so guilty that he just held you until you calmed down.
You knew things wouldn’t be the same after that, so you finished school, graduated quietly without attending the ceremony and moved to New York alone less than a week later. You had broken Steve’s heart along with your own, but the pain hit you later once you were settled into the crowded and yet somehow lonely big city. He was the one that got away and you knew it. About a year later, you wanted to reach out and possibly fix things, but you heard through mutual friends that he was seeing someone. You had missed your chance. Late for the love of your life. So you did your best to move on.
After Steve insisted on paying the bill for dinner, he offered to split a cab but you preferred walking. Besides, you apartment wasn’t far away. You strolled beside Steve at a leisurely pace, enjoying his company. He told you about his residency at a prestigious hospital in Boston while you shared stories about how much you loved being on stage and the funny antics that often happened behind the scenes. You both laughed hysterically at the time when the trap door wouldn’t open so Tony just dropped to the floor and slithered off stage on his belly like a snake. Arriving outside your apartment, you stalled before the stairs, then turning around to face Steve.
“I had a great time, Y/N. It was really good seeing you,” he grinned, fidgeting with hands in his pockets.
“Yeah, this was fun.”
Steve paused before speaking, unsure how to proceed. “Y/N…is there any way…could I see you again before I leave?” he blurted the last part before he lost his nerve.
You smiled, “I’d like that.”
He sighed in relief, “Okay. I’ll be in touch. Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Steve,” you echoed as he pulled you into a lingering hug. He smelled amazing, like Old spice aftershave with an undertone of fresh linen. He watched you climb the stairs and step inside before walking away, your heart rate beginning to slow at last.  
Part 2>>>
Oh, my goodness!! Please let me know your thoughts on this! I’ve been so excited to share it. Part 2 will definitely be up in the next couple days! I’m also working on another fic based on a different Lumineers song cause I’m obsessed apparently. :D Thank you all so much for your support and patience. I love each and every one of you!! 
Tagging system is still a mess, but I’m working on it, I swear! I still might be able to tag a few more, we will see. :)
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Enduring Legacy of Classic Baseball Movies
There’s one specific memory from A League of Their Own that actor Lori Petty carries with her. 
Every night, co-star Tom Hanks would move his trailer onto the outfield grass of Wrigley Field in Chicago, the site of the film’s tryout scene, and park it in front of the historic ballpark’s famed ivy wall. The film’s stars cracked beers, took batting practice, and soaked in the big league atmosphere after hours. One evening, Petty, who played Rockford Peaches pitcher Kit Keller, and Hanks were having a casual game of catch when the future Oscar-winning actor paused the throwing session to take in the moment.
“Petty, you know when people go, ‘Remember when?’ That’s this right now,” Hanks said. “This isn’t going to happen again. This isn’t every movie. You’re going to do a lot of movies. This is not going to happen again.”
Hanks’ prophetic words under the stars at Wrigley Field actually undersell the impact A League of Their Own would go on to have with now three generations of viewers, including countless young women who were inspired to take up baseball or softball because of the movie. A League of Their Own isn’t exactly in a league of its own when it comes to baseball movies. Baseball and cinema have been intertwined for over a century, according to Baseball Almanac. Baseball may have more at-bats at the theater compared to other sports, but the game also has an exceptionally high batting average in Hollywood classics, one that would make Ted Williams proud. 
Being part of a favorite baseball movie in some ways is like signing onto a lifetime contract with a team. The actors who played notable roles in these films carry their legacies with them wherever they go–to new projects, to ballparks around the country, even to Cooperstown, the site of the National Baseball Hall of Fame, for an annual film festival. Yet even as other sports have gained popularity in recent decades, and baseball has kept a perilous grasp on its status as “America’s Pastime,” several classic baseball movies continue to see their impact grow. 
Petty and Tracy Reiner, who played Betty “Spaghetti” Horn, joined Den of Geek on a Zoom call earlier this year to dig into the impact of A League of Their Own. Most of the baseball films that appear on “Best Of” lists are fictional. A League of Their Own, although a fictionalized story, was based on the real-life All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, which ran from 1943 to 1954, and notably entertained Americans while some of Major League Baseball’s finest players went off to fight the Second World War. 
Petty still feels the love from athletes who were inspired by Kit Keller’s rocket arm and youthful tenacity. Reiner, who had an emotional scene in the locker room when her character, Betty, finds out her husband was killed in combat during the war, often hears from veterans and “anyone who’d gotten that letter during World War II and their families were affected.”
Reiner says the film continues to resonate with anyone it touches: “Every coach, every parent, every grandparent, every father, every mother, every girl who felt all of a sudden she was given permission and acceptance.” 
Part of Reiner’s fondness for the film is also tied to memories of her family. Her mom, the late Penny Marshall, directed A League of Their Own, and numerous family members worked on the film in various capacities. While Marshall had a long career as an actor and director, including directing Hanks in Big, Reiner says it’s gratifying to see her mother’s legacy live on through new generations of fans.
“Even to this day, [young] girls dress up like us for Halloween,” Reiner says. “You can’t make a kid dress up like something they don’t want to dress up like for Halloween. You see all these children [dressing up] and all the fan mail and photos. These are kids born in 2010. Our movie came out in 1992. This is the third generation.”
Count the most recognizable softball player of all time, Olympic Gold Medalist Jennie Finch, as another directly inspired by the film. 
“I remember watching that movie on repeat,” Finch tells Den of Geek. “I’m so thankful for those women for paving the way and providing the opportunity. I usually get to run into them at All-Star events, and that’s always one of the highlights. After my first Olympics, I became a mother, and so going through the Olympics and the tour with a bus and my child, it was like, ‘Oh my gosh, I’m living A League of Their Own out.’” 
A League of Their Own made an immediate impact upon release given the historical significance and A-List talent, including Hanks, Geena Davis, Madonna, Rosie O’Donnell. In the case of The Sandlot, it took a quarter of a century to become baseball movie royalty. 
Patrick Renna, who played ‘Ham’ Porter, recalls the Westwood premiere, the press tour at the Ritz Carlton, and initial buzz around the film. And then it faded. At the time he was a young actor feeling out his career, and he’d next go on to have a lead role in another sports film, the 1995 Disney soccer flick, The Big Green, and guest star in a monster-of-the-week episode of The X-Files, then at the absolute peak of its popularity. The gravity of what The Sandlot would become only sunk in years later. Around the time of the 20th anniversary, and then again in celebration of the 25th, Renna started to realize the staying power of one of his first major film roles. 
“Every five years it gets more and more over the top because it’s just older,” Renna says of the excitement for the film amongst fans. “There are more generations to bring in. So now you’re at like three generations that all love it. It’s a pretty humbling thing to be part of. It’s why actors perform, to be part of something that’s lasting.” 
Some actors resent a catchphrase that helped make their career. Renna has leaned into it, even naming his new podcast “You’re Killing Me” after Ham’s iconic “You’re Killing Me, Smalls!” line. Although Ham Porter didn’t make the big leagues like Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez, the character lives on through real-life Dodgers third baseman Justin Turner, who used “Ham Porter” as his alias at hotels and restaurants on the road, according to Renna. 
“He used it until I said it on national television and then blew his cover,” Renna says with a laugh. “So I’ve gotten to become kind of buds with him. When I see Justin Turner [on the field], I’m like, ‘That’s my ginger brother hitting home runs. That’s been the coolest thing, meeting Major League Baseball players and seeing what The Sandlot meant to them. But then to hear it from these larger than life pro athletes who I watch crush home runs, that’s pretty special.” 
The romanticization of baseball is an inseparable part of what makes many baseball movies memorable. Bull Durham became an instant classic by pushing back against just that. The film depicted the mundanity of the game, the larger-than-life characters who make up the minor league experience, and presented a sober outlook on climbing baseball’s professional ladder (minus a few bar fights). 
Written and directed by Ron Shelton, a former minor league ballplayer, Bull Durham was a film about ballplayers, made by ballplayers, including the film’s technical advisor, then Durham Bulls manager and future Red Sox skipper Grady Little. Actor Robert Wuhl, who played Durham’s pitching coach, Larry, credits Shelton for bringing a ballplayer’s mindset to the film. 
“[Ron] said most sports movies suck because they’re from the perspective of the fan. And the fan only cares about one thing: Did the team win or lose?” Wuhl says.
Through a love triangle between Susan Sarandon’s Annie, Kevin Costner’s Crash Davis, and Tim Robbins’ “Nuke” Laloosh, the film peels back the layers behind the mental and emotional journey of being a baseball player, or in Annie’s case, the perfect muse. 
“It’s a movie about characters who work in baseball,” Wuhl says. “Bull Durham doesn’t have a big game. The best sports movies don’t have big games. It was about character and that was something I learned from Ron [Shelton].”
One film that does have “the big game” is Major League, the slapstick comedy written and directed by David S. Ward. In the film, the Cleveland Indians were the underdog of all underdogs, a roster of has-beens and never-haves carefully constructed to lose so the small market club could ditch Northeast Ohio for greener pastures and a new stadium in Miami during the offseason. The scrappy Indians spit in the face of baseball’s turning economic tide: they defeat the big market Yankees and, as we learn in the sequel, remain in Cleveland. 
Now over 30 years since the film’s release, Corbin Bernsen, who played aging star third baseman Roger Dorn, still hasn’t soured on people quoting the film’s countless one-liners back at him, even lines that weren’t said by his character. 
“It’s nice when you go out and people say, ‘Hey man, Roger Dorn. Don’t gimme this ole’ bullshit.’ And I go, ‘That’s not my line, but okay.’”
Bernsen, now 65, puts the continued love affair with Major League in the context of his own career. “I have this super diverse career of major movies, [TV shows], soap operas. I love the fact that I was in a film that for a long time now is an iconic baseball movie, an iconic comedy. It’s great to know that you’ve been a part of something that meant something, even if it is a silly comedy about teamwork.”  
The Indians clubhouse was a group of misshapen puzzle pieces, but off-camera Bersen says he made lifelong friends because of his role in Major League, including co-star Tom Berenger whom he remains close with. “We made a film together that had some impact and that’s nice to know,” he says. 
When films have ensemble casts, the actors tend to form strong bonds over the course of production. A big hit can tie actors together for life. The team element of these iconic baseball films adds to that dynamic. 
“During an ensemble movie, there’s definitely perks to it because it doesn’t all rest on your shoulders and there’s a lot of interaction and there’s a lot of things you find just from hanging out with each other that end up in the movie,” Renna says. “I actually prefer it because everyone lends their hand to making something really great. Sports movies are the epitome of that.” 
The 25th anniversary of The Sandlot put the film’s legacy into perspective for Renna, but also brought him closer to his “teammates” through events celebrating the film. 
“I hadn’t seen Tom Guiry, who played Smalls, in 25 years. Chauncey Leopardi, who played Squints, and I have kept in touch over the years. We did three movies together. So we were buds in our early teens, through our late teens, and through our 20s and 30s. The other guys, I would just see once in a while. But the 25th, ever since then, we’re thick as thieves and we’ve got a group chat, and we see each other a lot.” 
Perhaps no ensemble cast is as close as the ladies of A League of Their Own. They stay in frequent contact on text chains and through Facebook, and appear together constantly at baseball and softball events, speaking engagements, and to throw out ceremonial first pitches (Reiner says their arms aren’t quite what they used to be, but the ladies still have their fastballs). 
When one member of the cast is approached for an interview, such as this one, they often invite others to tag along because it’s more fun for the team to reminisce together.
“We’re all friends, “ Reiner says. Petty does her one better: “We’re family for life.”
The post The Enduring Legacy of Classic Baseball Movies appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3jP4Uhq
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char27martin · 7 years
The Misbehavior of Fictional Children: A #DVpit Blog Hop on Character-Driven Fiction
#DVpit, the Twitter pitching event for marginalized creators, returns for its fourth run this October. In preparation for the main event, Writer’s Digest is pleased to participate in the #DVpit blog hop by hosting another guest post. Debut YA novelist and #DVpit success, Aminah Mae Safi is here to share her experience writing character-driven fiction.
“The child is misbehaving again.”
I was texting my husband.
“Lulu keeps glaring at me because I made her sit by Auntie Salwa. She’ll never trust me again.”
“You’re not her real mom,” he sent back, with a laughing emoji.
I had no choice but to get back to work.
This guest post is by Aminah Mae Safi . Safi is a writer who explores art, fiction, feminism, and film. She loves Sofia Coppola movies, Bollywood endings, and has seen all of the Fast and Furious franchise. She lives in Oakland, CA with her partner and a cat bent on world domination. Her debut NOT THE GIRLS YOU’RE LOOKING for will be available June 19, 2018 from Feiwel and Friends. Her 2016 We Need Diverse Books winning story will appear in their forthcoming anthology FRESH INK (Crown Books for Young Readers, 2018).
Find her on Instagram at @aminahmae and on her website at www.aminahmae.com.
You see, I don’t have children, not ones on this plane of reality. I have fictional characters with minds of their own.
I write about girls with bad attitudes. Girls who don’t stay in line. Girls that many an agent and an editor said they just didn’t know what to do with.
They weren’t wrong. I don’t know what to do with these young women half of the time.
Because I write that buzzy term, “character driven fiction.” Which sounds fancy, but what it means is this: If I’ve done my job as an author—if I’ve made human characters with their own will, agency, and their own set of hopes, dreams, nightmares, and desires—then, I can only direct the situations these young women find themselves in. Not their actions.
Character driven fiction means I must take my characters as they are, not as I wish they were.
That’s how I ended up with a protagonist who stumbles, tipsy—from a hallway closet at a house party—out of the arms of one boy and into the clutches of another.
And that’s just the first five pages.
Like I said—those agents and editors—they weren’t wrong. Because as Lulu’s story unfolded, I realized Not The Girls You’re Looking For was, by all current definitions, unpublishable. Its main character was willful, angry, petty, and occasionally drunk.
Oh, did I mention, Lulu was Muslim, too?
Would it be too cliché to say that creating fictional characters is akin to being Pygmalion? To craft and to sculpt them, to fall in love with them as they grow more life-like, only to find that my creations are agents beyond my own command?
I was terrified of this girl, of her story. I couldn’t believe I had made her, had fleshed her out until she was so thoroughly herself and so thoroughly out of my control.
[New Agent Alerts: Click here to find agents who are currently seeking writers]
So I tried to soften her. Tried to make her less of what she was and more of what she ought to be. The results were, to use a euphemism from my Southern roots, real interesting.
I tried outlines, rewrites, critiques partners. All of it helped, to one degree or another. But none of it solved the problem. None of them were substitutes for facing Lulu as she was, rather than as I hoped she would be. I had to stop trying to soften her and to stop trying to make her palatable.
Lulu demanded to be seen.
I had, like many parents, to accept her as she was, rather than as who I envisioned her to be when I had created her.
Lulu insisted I tell her tale and tell it true. And the more honest I was with and about her, the more honest she was with me. Until I was left with a novel that I couldn’t believe anyone would want. A novel more unpublishable than the one I had started with, I was sure. The story of Lulu and her three best friends, themselves equally capable of lashing out and turning their hurt inward, until it became an ugly, gnarled, frightening thing. A story of misdeeds and misadventures. Of growing up and hurtling the pain of that onto those whom these girls loved the most.
None of them made this easy on me. Then again, I hadn’t made life very easy on them, either.
The next round of pitches I did—through #DVpit—I stopped trying to tone Lulu down, just as I had in the manuscript as a whole. I declared her as she was: unapologetically raw and fierce and loyal and ambitious. Not a girl as the world sees them, but Lulu as I saw her. As she is. As she sees herself. As she so insistently demanded to be seen.
My hands shook a little as I posted a pitch with a gif that called Lulu a bitch in a uniform. Because she could be. Because when I drafted that tweet, I could hear her laughter ringing through my imagination.
“Welp,” I texted my husband. “There goes my career as an author.”
But life, much like art, is a funny thing.
The response to those #DVpit pitches was overwhelming. People weren’t just mildly curious. They were interested; they were invested. Readers, agents, editors. They wanted more of Lulu, not less. They loved the vibrant, in-your-face Lulu; they had barely had passing interest in the maybe-if-I-couch-this-in-approchable-language-you-won’t-notice-her-edge Lulu.
#DVpit changed my writing life in unimaginable ways. I found an agent, I sold my manuscript. I’m on this wild ride known as “being a debut author” and starting my next book proposal.
But most of all, it changed the way I approach my work.
I’m much less afraid of what people think of what I’ve written, and much more afraid of not listening to who my characters are. I’m more invested in creating a story where the characters leap off of the page, acting all on their own, rather than one I’m in control of at all times. And I’d much prefer to take the time to get to know these young women that I write, than dictate who they are and whether or not they’re allowed to misbehave.
There’s some kind of moral lesson in there. But, if you can’t tell from the girls I write, I’m uninterested in moral lessons. I’m much more interested in telling a story and telling it true.
I learned that from Lulu.
You can meet Lulu in all her brash glory by preordering NOT THE GIRLS YOU’RE LOOKING FOR and adding it on Goodreads. Trust your characters, and believe in your stories. And get ready: #DVpit’s pitch day for children’s and teen projects is October 2nd and adult projects can be pitched on October 3rd. #DVpit was created by Beth Phelan in February 2016. Please visit www.dvpit.com for more information, and stop by the resources page to check out the rest of the blog hop.
The biggest literary agent database anywhere is the Guide to Literary Agents. Pick up the most recent updated edition online at a discount.
If you’re an agent looking to update your information or an author interested in contributing to the GLA blog or the next edition of the book, contact Writer’s Digest Books Managing Editor Cris Freese at [email protected].
  The post The Misbehavior of Fictional Children: A #DVpit Blog Hop on Character-Driven Fiction appeared first on WritersDigest.com.
from Writing Editor Blogs – WritersDigest.com http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents/misbehavior-fictional-children-dvpit-blog-hop-character-driven-fiction
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