#monkey king & reader
luxthestrange · 23 days
LMK Memes #7
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theweepingegg · 5 months
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"Dude don't interrupt me!" "Shut up man, no one wants to hear that song"
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jadedchainsaw · 3 months
One Piece men if you ask them to peel you an orange/tangerine
Through the good graces of our girl Nami, she let you have one of her precious tangerines, but you don’t want to peel it so instead you go to bug one of your crewmate’s.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
“Hey Luffy, can you-“
“Oh thanks, a snack!”
He eats it whole, right out of your hand
You: 😦
“Did you want something?”
Already grumpy that you woke him up from a nap but begrudgingly agrees, holding out his hand
The dumbass tries to split it in two with his bare hands
Gets the juice in his good eye
(If you identify as a woman)
As if you have to even ask this man
He snatches the fruit out of your hand the second you walk into the kitchen
Peels and plates it fancy, like a rose.
And he makes a tea out of the orange peels (we love a zero waste ship-household)
(If you identify as a man)
“Peel it your damn self.”
Agrees to peel it for you but now you have to listen to one of his made up stories.
“You know, this reminds me of the time I single handedly saved a city from a vicious orange-a-saurus! What, you’ve never heard of it? Well it’s a savage beast, three times the size of the sunny with razor sharp-“
You get the picture
Agrees to peel it for you, but he can’t quite get it with his hooves
You end up peeling it and sharing the fruit together
He makes a little robot to peel the orange for you
Dubs it the “Franky peeler-nator 500”
he and the little robot strike a cool pose
He happily agrees to peel it for you
He’ll tell you a story about his old crew and Laboon
“Oh my, this orange juice sure feels sticky! Or it would if I had any skin! Yohoho!
Now, may I see your panties-“
Of course he’ll peel it for you
He’ll hand each slice to you one at a time as he steers the ship
Kind of like a dad and his kid
Agrees, but he’ll slice it instead of peeling it
Still plates it nicely for you
You’re better off asking killer but if you’re that determined-
“What are ya’? A fucking baby?”
Does it after some convincing, but he’ll loudly complain about getting it under his nails
Slams the door in your face
You walk away dejectedly but you hear his office door open again and Law heavily sigh, motioning for you to come back so he can peel it for you
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mutedstarss · 5 months
Summary: Luffy stumbles across you in a forest and it's love at first sight
cw: All fluff
“We’re lost, aren’t we?” Luffy deadpans, looking around the forest Zoro led them to. They were supposed to be looking for food since they ran out but of course, Zoro being the leader, they got lost. 
Zoro lets out a surprised grunt and raises an eyebrow, “We’re not lost. We’re taking a shortcut.” Luffy just hums and folds his arms, nodding his head with closed eyes.
“Let’s look around while we try to find our way out.” Luffy says, a huge smile on his face as he clutches the straps of his bookbag and turns toward the endless forest. “To the beetles!” He points forward, trying to move ahead before Zoro grabs ahold of the top handle of his bag.
“We’re supposed to find food, not… insects.” He clicks his tongue before dragging Luffy the opposite way.
“Well, I’m the captain and I say we should find beetles.” Luffy argues back, his feet dragging against the leaves and dirt. 
Zoro sighs and stops abruptly making Luffy bump against his back and let out a confused groan. “If you stop complaining, I’ll let you have my food when we get back.” Zoro tries to negotiate.
At that, Luffy’s mouth is shut and a new smile is on his face as he thinks of the food he’s going to eat. He rubs his now grumbling stomach and pats it. “You’ll be fed later.” He tries to whisper, but Zoro only furrows his brows at the weird action.
With a shake of his head, they move forward on their journey to find food and to get out of this forest that seems to be infinite.
“Will you cut it out?!” Zoro yells as he turns around to see Luffy’s tongue hanging out of his mouth from the heat. The scorching rays of the sun was already irritating enough, but to have Luffy whining and complaining was making it more unbearable.
“No, I’m hungry! And it’s your fault we got lost in the first place!” Luffy yells, pointing a finger at Zoro. Zoro growls and opens his mouth to say something but gets cut off by an arm dragging the both of them into a nearby bush.
“What the–” Luffy starts with furrowed brows but you slap a hand over his mouth and glare at him, his brows furrowing even more in confusion.
You point to the big boar that was currently eating grass and Luffy followed your finger. The boar's tail was swaying back and forth as it minded its own business. Too bad you were about to mind its business as well. You were hungry and well, that’s food. You pulled out your bow you had tucked behind your back, pulling out an arrow from your pouch and loaded it onto the string. 
Luffy looked back at you, ready to bombard you with multiple questions but the words got caught in his throat, eyes widening and sparkling as it would when a plate of meat is shoved in his face. Luffy’s lips parted on its own accord when he finally took in your appearance. The way the sun shone down on you causing your skin to take on a glow along with the arrow. You looked out of this world in his words. Your eyes squinted and your tongue poking out in concentration. The way the muscles in your arms flex as you stretch the arrow back like a pro; almost like you’ve been doing this for years and to Luffy, that’s the coolest thing ever. 
Luffy’s stomach soared with raging butterflies, a feeling he wasn’t used to as he looked at you. He swallowed the lump in his throat as his eyes traveled down your figure. You had on a white bodycon, ruched mini skirt that hugged your thighs perfectly. An off yellow bikini top and sandals. His eyes traveled back up slowly just in time to see you release the arrow with a pretty smile, striking the boar in the head flawlessly. His heart leaped and excitement rushed through him. He’s never felt like this with someone before. He wasn’t sure if it was good or bad, but he knew he wanted more of it. So, when he grabbed your arm and gave you a big smile saying, 
“Join my crew!” 
You couldn’t be mad at him. 
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aleiiii · 2 months
Reborn! Wukong appreciation yesss. No one ever talks about him but that little gremlin deserves more love. Now I’m super curious to know more about that ‘Nà in a different font’ character of yours 👀
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I had to dig these outta my sketchbook, so apologies for the messy format ;; they were very spur of the moment doodles
Since they were very spur of the moment, this character doesn’t have a name! Though, these were made before I had actually drew up Nà, so in a way…. She’s kinda like her predecessor lmao. There are some similarities… if you can spot them hehe
A bit of background for her though, the idea was that she’s a shrine maiden that the group come across in their journey. And of course Wukong being…well… Wukong comes and causes some issues. I WILL PREFACE THAT THIS IS PROBABLY AN ALTERNATE STORY THAT DOES NOT FOLLOW THE CANON OF JTTW, ofc it’s not very monk-like to be running around creating children. I take it as Wukong not really wanting to reach buddahhood by the time they finish their journey. All in good fun.
Conclusion: Reborn Wukong needs more love
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sleighhethereal · 5 months
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• so like
• the little ones around the mountain would get groomed by Wukong atleast once a month.
• it's just, the sight of it getting into their eyes really bothers the shit outta him.
• because we all know Wukong takes care of himself, such as; shaving his eyebrows, managing his fur, probably does skincare like cucumbers over his eyes and putting vaseline over his lips.
• so he'd make schedules for each little monkey and groom them.
• but
• the little guys hate it, they hate it so much.
• Wukong would struggle so much cutting their long fur, since the little ones would squirm really hard and he had to buy a little muzzle so they wouldn't bite him.
"Just a little— hey, heY! No biting, be grateful! You hafta look up just to see a goddamn flower!"
• Wukong always feels bad doing it because the little ones would whine like they were crying, but like— he barely touched them, so he doesn't know what to feel.
• here comes you, saving the day, because he asked you for help— promising to just fetch you via cloud.
• the plan was simple, you'd hold them while he snips at their long hairs.
• you once asked him why couldn't he just summon like ten of his monkey clones to assist him, but he'd always make up some excuse like..
"I mean, you're already here and my head hurts, ya know? Using my power just drains me, you don't want to see me in pain, do you?"
• gives you the sparkly-eyes like a wet dog
• he just wants to spend time with you but he'd never say it seriously.
• it was actually funny seeing him scold the monkeys for moving too much, or threatening to bite him.
• you'd hum the little ones silly little Disney songs or random lullabies to distract them from the razor's buzzing, since that seemed to stress them out, causing them to struggle.
• it was fun, just the two of you hanging out.
• when you guys were done after a few days, Wukong would build up courage to ask you out on a few outings... dates, if you wanna call them that.
• all perfect until Macaque decided to join for no damn reason.
• i mean, there is a reason, Macaque wants you too.
• Macaque would accidentally push Wukong into one of his shadow portals and offer his help to you.
"What? He's fine, he's many times immortal. He needs exercise every now and then. Enough about him, did you miss me?"
• he'd say it so sweetly as Wukong would zip back to his mountain, wet and angry because Macaque just dumped his ass into the ocean.
• that piece of shit. Macaque knows what he's doing.
• he never knew why but the little ones are always much more calmer with Macaque.
• they'd barely move and sometimes they'd fucking fall asleep.
• you didn't even need to do anything.
"Just sit still and look pretty. Now tell me, baby, how was your day?"
• fuming Wukong
• Wukong would just pout and grumble as he watched you and Macaque converse, hearing Macaque's little hidden insults about him- but you didn't know.
• they'd fist-fight when you leave, yelling and throwing insult here and there. they'd never fight in front of you, atleast not physically.
• would pinch and poke each others sides while you weren't looking, lightning struck inbetween their eyes as they fought for your attention.
• at the end of the day, they'd definitely work together to make you happy— but that doesn't magically make them get along, no.
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jttw-monkeybusiness · 10 months
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Say no to books, give attention to monkey 🐒
Guess who watched Beauty and the Beast a few days ago ✨
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someobsessionrequired · 2 months
OP characters
Would they let you paint their nails?
(Only MILDLY suggestive for Shanks...because yknow...its shanks)
You can absolutely try! He's not against it but this boy will most definitely run off about two fingers in
His color of choice was a ruby red that was supposed to get a coat of silver glitter, sadly you did not make it that far
The few fingers you did get done are completely back to normal within a day from a mixture of picking and chewing at them unconsciously
Is absolutely enthusiastic that you asked him! Tells you to choose whatever color you love the most so he has a constant reminder of you
Most definitely gets a nose bleed the moment you touch his hand, but other than that he sits patiently
Takes extra care in the kitchen to not damage said nails, if they flake off over time he will ask you to fix them for him
Definitely not overly enthusiastic about it but will begrudgingly agree after an idea hits his 2 working brain cells
He will get you to paint his two middle fingers a lime green, and will exclusively use this opportunity to flip Sanji off any chance he gets
Does not last long though within a week all the polish has chipped off
100% down, she will request to paint yours as well afterwards
The two of you will be rocking a cute tangerine orange, every couple weeks you two will sit and touch them up again together
He will absolutely crack a bone joke about how he does not have nails to paint
Will let you paint the tips of his boney fingers though, he would ask for a shade of blue that reminds him of his dear friend Laboon
Shockingly with a protective coat the polish stays wonderfully for many werks
Another who is very happily down and requests to do the same for you! She will make a whole event of the time, tea, and some light reading in-between coats drying
If this becomes a regular ocurance she will mix up colors between dark violet shades and deeper pinks
This man is not quite sure what you are asking of him but agrees with a hearty chuckle
When you ask him to pick a color he will ask for dealers choice, he does not particularly care about the polish but enjoys the way your face lights up when he agrees
Sadly does not last long on him ask with so much swimming it is bound to break down quickly
Beyond down! Another to make a whole event of the time, hair, face mask, and nails
Paint his nails while he tells you beyond Preposterous stories, the self care will be going both ways that night and by the end both party's will be refreshed
He would choose a forest green and after it drys attempt to do little designs of vines and flowers on them, to a somewhat success
You would not even have to ask, this man would run out of his own polish and ask if you had any
A bit annoyed when you ask to paint them for him but agrees under the terms that he can make the two of you match
This man is red all the way, the more like fresh blood the better, will let you once in a while spice it up with painting his middle fingers black
God he really did not want to at first but he is a softy and will agree after he sees your disipointment
At first he thought about matching with his captain but quickly decided against that settling on a deep ocean blue
With the amount of fighting this man gets up too it does not last long, but once a week will go to you to have them fixed up
Obsessed with the idea! Another to have an entire self care night with you
Will pick a deep firey orange with a lighter orange glitter on top, has you help fix up his dreads as each coat drys, he struggles with the ones behind his head so that where your main focus will be
Afterwards will do the same back for you choosing for your nails to half match his, instead having a sparkly blue on top
This will become a regular occurrence
Loves the idea, he's a man of few words so things you can do together that do not put pressure on talking are his favoites
He would wants a darker purple as to complement his outfit, after you finish he would place his hand out and after a moment of confusion you'd understand this him offering to do the same for you!
He takes great care of his nails but fighting takes its damage on them, when they get too bad he will simply approach you and hold out his hand to show how chipped they are, you get the message and fix them up for him
Absolutely! ...not...
He rejects it flat out multiple times and after so long you just stop asking...
That is until one night all the crew was drinking and celebrating their latest victory, after several too many drinks he approaches you, definitely even in his intoxicated state finds himself struggling with his words to request what he wants
After a while of anxiously waiting for the captain to tell you what he wants he simply asks you to follow him, assuming you are in trouble you are shocked to find him request such a silly thing
Happily you lead him to your chambers digging around in your bag you pull out a matte black polish
The next morning he wakes with a ragging hangover on top of the shock of his nails now painted, wants to be angry but knows it looks damn good, continues to take damn good care of them as well
Penguin! & Shachi!
Okay if you ask one they will not only agree immediately but also drag the other along
Unshocking this will not be an easy endeavor, it starts off strong with the two of them dumping out every color you own digging though struggling to choose a color
Eventually they will settle on a color each, penguin having picked and icey blue and Shaci with an almost neon orange, they request you do every other finger with each color
After you finish up they do the same for you each boy taking a hand, it starts off fine but quickly turns into the two insulting each other over how messy they paint, it turns into a competition of who can paint better
Often you find yourself napping and relaxing with Bepo so after a while of this you mentioned the idea of painting the polar bear's claws
He is absolutely giggling and squealing at the idea, quickly requesting for the most fun color you could think of, this boy wants glitter and do not cheap out! A light icy blue base with as many rainbow sparkle coats you can muster up
He will treasure them and keep them as safe as he can but will come to you with tears in his eyes as they peel off, give this boy a huge and fix them up for him!!
Absolutely will but requests you sit on his lap as you do it, this man will use any sneaky trick to get what he wants but as long as you both are happy he's winning
Wants a shade of red that matches his hair, once you finish up his hand he will ask you to do the other hand, out of pure Instinct you look towards where his other hand would be as he lets out a deep vibracious laugh poking fun at you for the rest of the night
We'll say no the first time you ask but if you mentioned it a few times he will eventually give in requesting the most simple soild black you can find
After you finish them he takes a moment staring at them before nodding at you and sending you on your way
Over the next few days you'll notice anytime he walks by a mirror to straighten up his outfit he will take a moment to appreciate the nails and how well they complement his look, he may not want to admit it but you can tell he is feeling himself up
Will eventually ask you to fix them up over time as he says he's grown fond of them
Writers note!
Thank you reading! Requests are open for headcanons, fics, and really just about anything!
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celestialkiri · 1 year
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I have completely fallen into Journey To The West fandom bc I just happen to see some good shit from @sixteenthchapel, @semisolidmind, and @journey-to-the-au. Yall have very good stuff and look what you all did to me. I simp for the monkey and I refuse to accept it. So thank you 😌❤️ Anyway, have my version of the Reader who came from our world and she is very much done for this and she is now traumatized like the monk!
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miffysrambles · 6 months
can you do reader feeds sun wukong peach deserts she baked for him? it can be like a peach cobbler pie or something else like longevity peach bun
ahhh this is so cute(^ω^) !!!
Wukong with an S/O who bakes him peach desserts
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Wukong LOVES your baking, like goodness it’s some of the best food he’s ever had and that’s saying a lot!
Your longevity peach buns are his favorites, he’ll ask you to make him some quite often.
“Heyyy peaches? About those peach buns… you got any more?”
You laugh softly as you handed him a bamboo bun steamer filled to the brim with his favorite flavored buns. 
He also loves it when you feed it to him, like the cheeky monkey he is.
The end of his tail wags profusely as you lead the peach bun to his face, opening his mouth and holding his cheeks while he chews, the blush on his cheeks apparent.
“Mmmmm sho ghood…” 
You laugh softly as he praises your food while talking with his mouth full, flicking crumbs off his cheek.
He gives you a fake glare as he gently pushes your hand away, 
“Hey! No flicking off the crumbs, I want those too.”
He licked the remaining crumbs of the buns off his fingers while smiling as he makes you laugh.
Sometimes, he’ll even split one of the buns with you as he rips it in half.
“A peach for my peach! Here ya go sunshine, now savor it because I don’t share my food with others often.”
You smile as you kiss his cheek and eat your half of the bun, feeling his tail snake around your waist as he pulls you closer to him.
His arm wraps around your shoulders as you two eat your peach bun, talking about whatever is happening in your lives and things about each other. 
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luxthestrange · 5 days
LMK Incorrect quotes#98 Husbands
Y/n: I make out with Macaque? He's fine. I kiss him on the nose? He's a mess
Y/n: I slap Wukong's on the ass? He doesn't care, I hold his hand and kiss his knuckles? He's inconsolable-
Y/n: Why does simple affection break them? I do not know-
PIF*Hums drinking tea beside you*My husband is the same...I slam him into a wall and have my way with him? he is fine but if I grab his face and nuzzle my forehead against his?...Oh, he drops to his knees and won't look me in the eyes for hours!
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monkeykingdomblog2 · 19 days
Hero is back pretending to be attacked by his little crawling monkey babies, while Y/n is smiling at them.
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Despite Liuer being literally his son, he has more patience for the baby monkeys because they don't talk (IE pester him with questions)
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theweepingegg · 5 months
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"Who runs away with a skateboard and a minecraft sword!!!?"
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watercurtaincave · 5 months
I was thinking about something like pampering Macaque up?? with cuddles, kissing, gifts. I feel like he deserves it a lot even if he might not accept it so well at first:]
𖤓 !! — Pampering Macaque ♡ Macaque / reader (also thank you for the compliment! :3 I try to write to make people happy)
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𖤓 !! — Macaque is the type of guy who doesn't let people close to him, at least not as close as he would want people to be. Funny enough, just like Wukong does, he tends to keep people at arms length; close enough to feel your warmth and enjoy you being here, but now close enough to where you could hurt him. Ever. He was not planning to go through the pain he has felt before, not ever in his life time.
𖤓 !! — So being able to pamper him like this, where his head was on your lap and you were slowly running your hair treatment into his hair took years of effort to achieve. Dare say, it was one of your greatest achievements; being able to slowly help Macaque heal over his past scars and learn to trust your bond, to trust you and your touch and your thoughts that he couldn't read.
𖤓 !! — It took a while for him to trust you, and it hurt at first.
𖤓 !! — You first met Macaque when MK had, in that day he decided to attack the city with his giant ghost self. Of course, no one knew it was just him until MK would tell everyone it is (after having to fight it). And you would assume, much like the rest, that Macaque was some sort of evil villain that like taunted MK at any chance he got! With big scary shadow hims, and shadow plays where he would capture the souls of MK's friends (including you at the time) and then used them to attack MK, to even hunting down MK and Wukong while you all were trying to get the three rings to forge the Samadhi fire.
𖤓 !! — And it was on that mission, after being stuck in a duplicate van that Macaque made to trick half the team, that you realized something about Macaque. It was an odd thing, though he had his own weird way of helping whenever he could. His own weird backwater way of helping MK get stronger, of helping MK see things that Wukong won't teach him, of training MK to be ready for whatever will be thrown his way.
𖤓 !! — And then something in your heart gave a tug; you had to get to know Macaque.
𖤓 !! — This wouldn't happen until later, sadly, while everyone was preparing to fight the Azure Lion and end his rule as Jade Emperor. While you should have been training with MK, Mei, Wukong, and the others, you found yourself trying to hang around Macaque all you could. When partners were needed, you were the first to call dibs on Macaque (despite the odd looks he gave you). When lunch and dinner times rolled around, you tried sitting near Macaque to strike up a conversation (usually it was only you talking). When discussing the plan, you sat on the floor near Macaque (but not too near as to make it weird).
𖤓 !! — It was safe to say your efforts were noticed by everyone.
𖤓 !! — Though Macaque didn't appreciate the steadfast approach you took to trying to 'get to know him'. He found it off-putting at your sudden interest, and he couldn't help but scowl every time you spoke his name or came near. Why would anyone take such notice of a shadow, one, and two why wouldn't you get the hint that he wasn't interested in striking up any sort of conversation? He wasn't interested in having a conversation or any sort of relationship with you. Why couldn't you just leave him alone?
𖤓 !! — But you didn't, you were as stuck in his hair like a flea and it left some sort of bittersweet taste in his mouth. Why would anyone care so much about him? Why, out of everyone, did you run over to make sure he was okay when the fight was over? You could have gone to anyone else, MK, Wukong, Mei, anyone! But why him? And why did his heart give a beat when he saw you rush over to him and frantically check for any wounds. And why when he pushed you away did you let out a sigh of relief and thanked the Jade Emperor that he was okay?
𖤓 !! — He kind of questioned if you were okay or not.
𖤓 !! — Even more so when after all the battling, when the world returned to normal, you kept up your antics: Such as, at the beach party, when Macaque had came in "uninvited" (you had invited him against Sun Wukong's wishes) and was just laying on the beach chair next to Wukong, you had came over. Macaque hoped if he didn't acknowledge you or anyone else at this party than we would have been left alone, but he guessed that was asking for too much. Especially from you. "Hey, Macaque, you want some shish kabobs? They're fresh off the grill!" Yet you're chirping voice still hit his ears, and your proud smile made his glance away. He would let out a grumble before he sat up and took one of you, reluctantly, and decided just to nibble on it here and there. He was about to turn you away, expected you wanted some sort of praise for searing the meat right, but you didn't even asked. You simply smiled, told him to enjoy the food, and walked off despite Wukong having been obviously eyeing the meat skewers in your hands and loudly complaining as you passed by him without a second thought.
𖤓 !! — And Macaque hated to admit it, but your continuous efforts were king of paying off.
𖤓 !! — Slowly, you two grew close enough where he began to seek our your company and you would happily accept it; whenever, where ever, despite what you were doing and who you were talking to. You almost instantly dropped it to make sure he was okay, first, and then just to hang out with him. And it felt nice being wanted. It felt nice being with you. You felt nice and you made him feel nice.
𖤓 !! — Dammit, you snuck your way into his heart.
𖤓 !! — And he wasn't sure when he had agreed to let you pamper him, or how he found himself standing in between your thighs in the dim bathroom light. It was nearly midnight and you had been doing your skin care routine; he came in seeking cuddles and instead found himself softly purring as you massaged his face with your face creams and gels. This might have to be a regular thing.
𖤓 !! — Later in the night, after you had taken your shower and washed your hair, you somehow coaxed Macaque to come and lay his head on your lap. He had noticed that your hair was done up tight, how it had an odd texture and light refraction to it, and he had questioned it. He had never thought you would had started putting those creams and masks onto his hair as well, talking him through it every step of the way to make sure he was comfortable.
𖤓 !! — "And this one smells like coconut," Macaque heard your oh-so-lovely voice from above him as you scooped out some of your hair mask. He had heard you speak about them before to Mei and MK, explaining to them how they could use it during a sleep over and Mei being excited because she had heard so much of the brand you were using! And then Macaque may or may not have researched the product, and it's brand, and realized how much you were actually spending on these hair care and skin care stuff. "You know you don't have to.." He couldn't help but mumble as his eyes glanced up to yours before faltering and looking away. You had already began rugging the mask in your hands so you could properly apply it. Though you paused as soon as his words left his mouth, confused and slightly concerned. "Do you not want to?" You would ask and he heard the twinge in your voice. And he wasn't sure how to tell you that you didn't need to waste your expensive things on him, because he really didn't feel like he deserved it.
𖤓 !! — He expected you to be upset, to be sad that he didn't want you to do this special bonding moment you've done with everyone else. He silently thought you were going to blame him for not being 'open enough' with you, for hating you. But, you did none of that. In fact, what you did surprised Macaque a little as you leaned down and got rather close... yet in a way where he suspected you knew you looked rather silly in his eyes. "Hey, what's going on in your brain there, huh?" And you smiled at him, speaking in such a gentle voice. "Nothing." Was Macaque's first response; His defensive response. And you responded with kissing the tip of his nose. "Hey if you don't want to do this, then I can go wash my hands and we can watch a show or something, no big deal!" And you gave him a way out, despite him knowing how much you enjoyed these sparse moments between the two of you. You gave him a way out despite his sour tone. Why? Macaque frowned at this, noticing as you would raise your head and look over at the sink. You were about to nudge him softly, signaling for him to get up so you could move, and yet he would grab your wrist. This caused you to jump and stare at Macaque as he would press your hands into his soft hair, keeping them there until he was sure you wouldn't move them. He couldn't look you in the eyes after that and he was glad you got his hint that he did want you to rub that coconut stuff in his hair; Mostly because it felt nice as you ran your fingers through his hair, playing with it.
𖤓 !! — It was a slow and long change for Macaque to accept your pampering, slowly realized that's just how you showed your love. And slowly, as he started to accept it, he started to look forward to all of it. He started looking forward to the cuddles and the presents and the nights where you both would stand in the bathroom doing skin care and the noons where you both would bake and cook and start flour wars and the mornings where you would sleep in... just enjoying each other's company.
𖤓 !! — He started accepting it all and accepting you and the possibility that finally, someone would choose him first and finally someone wouldn't leave.
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𖤓 !! — all writing on this page belongs to @watercurtaincaves, please do not repost on other sites, plagiarize, or steal. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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mutedstarss · 5 months
Morning Kisses
Summary: Luffy wants his morning kiss
cw: kissing, established relationship, all fluff
The smell of pancakes and bacon invades your nose and you wake up with a groan, shoving the covers off of you. Your forehead was glistening in sweat making your clothes stick to your body. You rub your forehead before looking down at the body that was tangled with yours. 
Luffy had an arm draped over your stomach, a leg over yours and his head was buried in your neck. You try to move him off, only to be met with his grip tightening around you. “No…” He mumbles into your neck, his voice heavy with sleep. 
You sigh and start shoving him lightly. “Luffy, it’s too hot.” You groan out, placing your hands on his arm that was wrapped around your stomach, trying to move it off of you in a futile attempt. “Please?”
“Just stay in bed with me.” Luffy mumbles out, finally opening his eyes, looking up at you with slanted eyelids. 
“Aren’t you hungry? Look, Sanji has cooked breakfast, don’t you want to eat?” You try to convince him to leave the bed, plus you were hungry. Luffy always did this in the morning. But, you couldn’t do it every time, not with how his body was your own personal heater. He was just too hot… both ways.
He groaned and pulled you down so you were face to face with him. Hot tingles danced around your skin from how ethereal he looked right now. His hair disheveled from the bed, eyes droopy, and that crooked smile that you loved. “Okay, give me a kiss first.”
Your brows furrowed and you turned your head the other way. “Luffy, we didn’t even brush our teeth.” 
“Give me a kiss or I’ll keep you here, alll day.” He smiled, making you roll your eyes. It was true. He would keep you here all day and you knew that, but you wanted to put up a fight anyway.
“Luffy, no.” 
“Okay… looks like I’ll have to make you.” He said, pulling you closer to his face. You shoved against him, a smile creeping onto your lips. “Y/n, come on.” 
“No!” You screamed, bursting into a fit of laughter when Luffy started tickling you. “Luffy, that’s not fair!” You giggled, trying to get away from him. He laughed watching you struggle against him. He pulled you down one last time before your face was in front of his.
“Gotcha.” He whispered before pressing his lips against yours in a slow kiss. You pulled away and sighed, rolling your eyes as he smirked at you.
“Fine, you win.” You groaned out, hating the way he won all the time. No matter what it was, you were always going to give in to Luffy. “Now, let’s go eat.” 
“Yes ma’am!” He got up, picking you up by your legs, making you yelp out in surprise. Your stomach rested on his shoulders as your head dangled, forcing you to look down at the floor. Luffy smacked your butt, laughing as the sound echoed in his room, bouncing off the walls.
Your eyes widened and your face flushed in embarrassment, “Luffy!” 
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aleiiii · 2 months
how would wukong and macaque feel if someone touches thier pecs on purpose? and are they squisjy as a pillow👀
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hrmmm I think it depends…… I know if you’re straight lean muscle they can be quite solid but otherwise can be squishy when not flexing
WITH THIS IN MIND, I would 100% believe that
Wukong would have a pretty solid chest while Macaques is a bit softer.
As to their reactions,,,,,
I take that swk takes pride in someone having an interest in his work. Probably invite you to touch his back muscles or somethin. That ego of his is never quenched.
Mac might be taken aback at first, but eventually throw in “enjoying yourself?”
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