#monologue woven for you
yurimother · 2 years
LGBTQ Manga Review — Monologue Woven For You Vol. 2
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Back in February, I reviewed the first volume of Syu Yasaka’s Monologue Woven For You, and while the manga was full of vibrant moe illustrations, endearing declarations of affection, and an overabundance of near-cloyingly sweet cuddles and kisses, it was ultimately depthless. The story loosely struggled without ever establishing any clear conflict, and the characters, while adorable together, lacked definition as individuals. The result was a pleasant but passing collection of cute moments that had little impact. I hoped subsequent volumes would capitalize on the potential and limited groundwork laid by the series’ debut, but this second showing is more a step backward than anything else.
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Monologue Woven For You follows up-and-coming lesbian thespian Nao and her girlfriend Haruka, a former theater prodigy who swore off acting after an undisclosed incident. By the first volume’s curtain call, Haruka had rediscovered her love of the stage not as an actor but as an enthusiastic spectator cheering her partner on from the front row. Nao, on her part, revealed to the audience that she is aware of Haruka’s past life, though not the reason she quit acting. It set the series up to introduce some real stakes into the mix, but the story is sadly never able to get any momentum.
The manga’s second act continues to hint at Haruka’s past trauma and clarifies Nao’s history with her. However, by the end of the volume, it feels as if nothing has changed. Their relationship and goals remain the same. There were no significant obstacles to overcome, at least not well-established ones, and ultimately, readers are left asking what the point of nearly the entire volume is.
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If there is one accolade to bestow on Monologue Woven For You’s first volume, it is the surplus of adorably affectionate scenes between Nao and Haruka. These interactions might have lacked substance, but they were at least heartwarming and entertaining. Unfortunately, while the second volume has a handful of such scenes, the intermission between them is much longer and filled with painfully brief and stale moments of drama.
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Monologue attempts to introduce some strife for the couple to grapple with, but every conflict feels staged and laughably expedited. On one page, Noa begins to feel insecure due to a group of guys paying attention to Haruka, and on the very next, Haruka launches into a monologue about her feelings and affection for her. These speeches are very heartfelt, but they are unearned. Tasaka introduces a roadblock without any foundation or groundwork, only to dismantle it immediately.
One can only assume that the author poorly planned out Monologue Woven For You. It is all payoff with no build-up, which works for a slice of life story but not the drama this series is trying to be. The first volume already had each girl cement that they want to be together and convinced readers that they are a great match. It did not hint at potential issues or give caveats to their partnership, with the single exception of Haruka’s mysterious past in theater. However, the failure to expand on any other matters now leads to the continuous affirmation of a relationship already established as solid and never in any real danger.
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I do not mean to disparage the manga completely. Despite failing to justify side conflicts and poor pacing, Monologue Woven For You has some positives worthy of applause. The central mystery, Haruka abandoning theater, plays a more prominent role in this volume. Nao reveals more details of her past interaction and knowledge of Haruka before they began dating and continues to ponder the trauma that caused her to stop acting. It also introduces several side characters from the latter girl’s past to allude to these events. The frequency of such events and questions helps the mystery have a more consistent presence in the story, giving it something to focus on, even if there is little progress in uncovering the truth and we do not see it affecting the girls’ relationship.
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The manga should have taken this central element to the next level, having Haruka’s past begin to form a rift between Nao and Haruka that drives them apart by the end of the volume, thus leaving readers on a cliffhanger. Haruka would have to confront her past and apologize to Nao for keeping it all a secret. Nao would have the opportunity to comfort Haruka from an informed place of understanding, and she could choose to stand as an equal by her partner’s side and support her healing. Such a narrative would introduce higher stakes and threatens what we have already seen as a loving and supportive relationship. Then the final volume would have a real challenge to overcome, and the reaffirmation of their love would be incredibly satisfying.
I would also be remiss if I did not shine a spotlight on some of the side characters. The classmates and old friends Haruka and Nao see give the couple excellent and well-rounded reactions and support. Jun makes a welcome return and inserts a healthy dose of hilarity into the series. Haruka’s unnamed boss continues to be a fantastic soundboard for her employee to reflect on events.
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Newcomer Yuki is easily the best part of the volume, completely stealing the show. This slightly hapless bookstore employee is a staunch supporter of Noa and Haruka, both individually and as a couple. She gives both girls excellent advice in her own quirky and entertaining way. Yuri expresses genuine admiration and appreciation for everyone around her, and a reassuring, c’est la vie attitude that puts others at ease. If she were real, I would want to spend as much time hanging around her as possible, and I frankly would not mind reading a whole series about her enthusiastically going about her mundane life at the bookstore.
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There is not much to say about the art besides what I wrote in the volume one review. The full-color illustrations are bright and cheerful, the characters are moe and all look about 11 years old, and the paneling is uninspired but easy to follow. There is a bit less service in this volume, as it does not include any bathing scenes, and the one sex scene includes only the build-up and has more restraint than earlier ones. As I did not particularly care for the fanservice in this series due to the art style, these changes were acceptable.
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Monologue Woven for You will definitely not be bringing the house down anytime soon. The series' jejune second showing did little to move the plot forward in any meaningful way. Vapid and fleeting attempts at drama that fail to engage the audience are shoehorned into its colorful pages. The series would be better off had it leaned wholly into overly saturated and sweet fluff. At least that is fun to read. But, in trying to have its cake and eat it too, Monologue Woven for You has failed to stand out and appears set to coast along till the curtain falls on its mediocrity.
Ratings: Story – 2 Characters – 5 Art – 7 LGBTQ – 7 Sexual Content – 3 Final – 4
Check out Monologue Woven For You Vol. 2 Today: https://amzn.to/3N91ovI
Reading official releases helps support creators and publishers. YuriMother makes a small commission from sales to help fund future coverage.
Special thanks to translator Samuel R. Messner, Asha Bardon, James Dashiell, H. Qi, Alyssa Honsowetz, Dawn Davis, Kristina Korpus, and the rest of the team at Seven Seas for their work on this manga.
This review is made possible by the support of Avery Riehl and the YuriMother patrons. Support YuriMother on Patreon today for exclusive articles, early access, and to help fund LGBTQ+ content.
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transanimegirl · 7 months
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i hope they go to a date at the aquarium, thats gay af
also... haruka trips over nao's backpack and finds something... and now the obvious drama part that the whole series circles around is finally gonna have to be addressed.... soon. (it is the final book after all)
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jaaaaaaaaaaaay · 10 months
Ignore my messy desk pls and thanks
If you're looking for a short and sweet yuri series I highly recommend Monologue Woven For You, 3 volumes in full color that makes some interesting use of occasionally going into traditional grayscale.
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It's about a theater kid who got inspired by another theater kid to be a theater adult, and a former theater kid who wanted to inspire other people to be theater people but [SPOILER REDACTED] and gave up on her dream instead. They're both very cute together, and have a very cute dynamic that's only mildly tainted by dramatic irony.
There's very little will-they-won't-they, so the majority of the plot deals with them being in a happy relationship with a single point of dramatic tension that grows until the the climax in the third volume. Great short series with a satisfying dramatic arc and payoff, also the volumes are just nice to have
Plot: 7/10
Cuteness of the main couple: 9/10
Owning these pretty things covered in pretty art: 10/10
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coconut530 · 2 months
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jpekblue · 1 year
Bored at work, have some yuri to get through the day ☺️💖
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dawndelion-winery · 4 months
L for Loser Lover
They're not normally this...pathetic. Really, it's just the way love brings out the worst in people
Ft. Alhaitham, Childe, Scaramouche (Wanderer)
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Cold, curt, and ever on top of things, he's not exactly what anyone would picture when asked to imagine a doting lover
For someone who knew over twenty languages, he sure didn't have a clue on how to use any of them
At least, that's how people would think his love life would go
So just what was that flower crown of woven roses doing atop his head?
And the funky chicken looking thing sewn onto his handkerchief???
"It's not a chicken, it's an eagle. My lover embroidered it for me earlier this year on Valentine's Day."
Wow, he sure sounded proud of that
Was that a ghost of a smile on his lips? A faint giggle?
Dear archons the world must be ending
Puppy love! Except it's more of an orange cat
Now, he wouldn't scream for attention
Actually, he just might
He's beating up some abyssal beast and suddenly he's pausing to shout for you
Y'know, just in case you weren't watching how cool he was
Some vicious weapon of war he is, slashing away at rifthounds and vishaps alike with that manic emptiness in his eyes
Which glints with a brief sparkle of excitement when he calls your name
He's disgustingly whipped and he can't even be insulted for it
Just try and point out how his eyes only light up when he talks about you, the softness in his features akin to the expression he makes when speaking of his family
"Maybe you're just seeing yourself in my eyes...you're the light of my life, after all."
Emotional constipation atop the urge to adore you isn't a good look on him
He's so clearly trying to seem unaffected by you and it's even clearer that it isn't working
You're so lovely to him it's actually disgusting and he wants to throw up
Stunning, breathtaking, spectacular, gorgeous...they don't even begin to describe you, and he starts to hate it
What do you mean you don't understand what he means when he says he can't really call you winsome or ravishing?
It's annoying to him beyond belief
"Can you sum up a sunrise with a simple "It's bewitching"? Beguiling doesn't even begin to explain the hold you have on me. Your stupid face...I don't want to look at anyone or anything else if it were an option. Your pulchritude has no comparison...so much so that even if I wanted to like it to anything to help you understand, it can't..."
Yeah, no, he's not elaborating beyond that
If you've gotten him riled up to the point of that sort of monologue...chances are you've lost your pet name privileges for at least a week
Expect terms of endearment to be replaced by "dumbass" or "idiot"
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Taglist: @ryuryuryuyurboat @yinyinggie @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @haliyarobin @irethepotato @boundedbyfate @favonius-captain @aqui-soba @tiredsleep @sadlonelybagel @mastering-procrastinating @lemeowade
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voidpetrova · 9 months
wyocmwyh? — nate jacobs x reader
☄. *. ⋆
content warnings and genre: reader is a bigger jackass than nate, swearing, unprotected sex, sex under the influence, marijuana consumption — smut/angst
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
synopsis: he's been full of issues for as long as he could remember, and you were aware of his reputation. the last thing anybody has expected when you started hooking up—was for him to get a taste of his own medicine
he didn't know what to expect, talking to his friends about you. mckay and the others weren't sure how to feel about you, not that they knew much. just that you were a knockout, and that you and nate had been seeing each other for a while now. they supported their friend, listening to his rants and ongoing rambling about how you were the first woman to change him, he had started to turn over a new leaf. to be fair, they weren't aware that you had other intentions.
nate jacobs, the enigmatic figure who had once reveled in the shadows of manipulation and deceit, found himself drawn into the web of your allure. it was a mystery even to himself, how your presence had shaken the very foundations of his carefully constructed world. in the past, he had been the puppet master, the maestro of control, orchestrating lives to dance to his wicked tune. but now, he was dancing to a melody entirely of your making, and he didn't know how to stop.
as he sat with his friends in a dimly lit corner of their favorite hangout spot, the neon lights casting an ethereal glow on their faces, nate couldn't help but talk about you. his voice, once laced with arrogance, had softened into a tone of wonder and vulnerability.
“guys, you won't believe it,” he began, his words infused with an unusual sincerity that caught the attention of his friends. “(y/n), she's really something else.” mckay, his closest confidant, exchanged a knowing glance with roy, silently acknowledging that nate was treading on unfamiliar terrain. they had witnessed his conquests, his manipulation, and his cunning schemes, but never had they seen him like this—bewildered, captivated, and undeniably smitten. “she's different, man,” he continued, his gaze distant as if lost in a reverie of your image. “i don't know what it is, but every moment i spend with her, it's like i'm discovering a whole new side of myself.”
troy, the street-savvy yet compassionate friend, leaned forward, curiosity etching his features. “nate, you sound like you're in deep. what's so special about her?” his lips curved into a faint smile, a testament to the genuine feelings you had stirred within him. “everything, man. she's smart, funny, and beautiful, sure, but it's more than that. when i'm with her, it's like i'm not the same person. i want to be better, for her.”
cassie, who had once been entangled in nate's web of deception, watched him intently, her heart a peculiar mix of relief and apprehension. she had seen the damage he could cause, yet she couldn't help but hope that you truly had the power to change him for the better.
as the night wore on, nate's friends listened to his impassioned monologue about you, how he felt like he was falling in love. they offered their support, unaware of the hidden motives that lurked beneath the surface of your relationship. in their minds, this was a story of redemption, a narrative of a man transformed by love. little did they know that you were the puppet master now, pulling the strings in a clandestine game of your own design. nate was merely a pawn in your intricate plan, a taste of his own medicine, while he unknowingly surrendered his heart to you, falling deeper into the snare you had skillfully woven.
amidst the haze of dimly lit conversations, the sultry aroma of late-night revelry, and the comforting embrace of his friends' camaraderie, nate's phone buzzed on the table. he fished it out of his pocket, his gaze lingering on the screen as your name illuminated the darkness. without a second thought, he answered, the anticipation palpable in his voice. “hey, (y/n). what's up?” on the other end of the line, your voice held a carefree, almost nonchalant quality that was starkly different from the emotional depth he had been discussing earlier. “hey, natey,” you purred, your words languid, as if drifting through a cloud of smoke. “i was thinking it's been a while since we hung out. wanna come over? got something that might make the night more interesting.”
nate's curiosity was piqued, and he glanced at his friends, their expressions a mix of amusement and intrigue. he shrugged, trying to act cool, as if your request was nothing out of the ordinary. “sure, why not? i'll be there in a bit.” as he hung up the call, he couldn't help but notice how his newfound sense of vulnerability clashed with your seemingly carefree demeanor. it was as though you were operating on a different wavelength, a wavelength that had suddenly shifted the dynamic between you two.
minutes later, nate arrived at your doorstep, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. he was met by the hazy glow of dimly lit candles, their flickering flames casting dancing shadows across the room. the scent of something herbal hung in the air, mingling with the faint notes of incense. you were sprawled on the couch, smoke tendrils swirling around you as you took a languid drag from a joint, your eyes half-lidded and distant. when you saw nate, your lips curled into a slow, seductive smile.
“hey, babe,” you drawled, your voice low and sultry. “come join me.” he had hesitated for a moment, his analytical mind trying to make sense of the stark contrast between your current persona and the person he had been gushing about to his friends just moments ago. but the pull of your presence was undeniable, and he sank into the couch beside you.
as he took the joint from your outstretched hand and inhaled deeply, the world seemed to melt away, and he felt himself slipping into a state of euphoria. the weed wrapped its gentle tendrils around his consciousness, leaving him feeling strangely warm and at ease. you leaned closer, your fingers tracing an absent-minded pattern on his thigh, and he couldn't help but notice how the haze in your eyes had transformed into something altogether different. it was a vulnerability he hadn't seen in you before, a tenderness that seemed to mirror the emotions he had been expressing earlier.
in that moment, as the room swirled around them and the intoxicating effects of the joint continued to envelop them, nate found himself drawn to you in a way he couldn't explain. he had come seeking a taste of your enigmatic allure, but now he was discovering a depth to you that transcended the surface. unbeknownst to him, the lines between manipulation and genuine emotion were becoming increasingly blurred, and the intricate game you had set in motion was taking an unexpected turn.
nate's bruising grip on your hip tightened as your knees buckled, making you stay upright and exactly where he had placed you, making sure that you could feel the way he split your pussy open. the wet squelching of your cunt urged on the filthy words coming for his lips and the moans that left his mouth, filling your ears as he held onto your ass, groping it with an ulterior motive of possessiveness. you were enjoying it, with much difference from the normal way that you two would have sex. with much softer touches that wouldn't leave green and purple marks for the days after or guilty looks from you for even doing this to him, using him—never letting him know it.
a shocked moan came from you as nate moved his hand from your neck to your clit, rubbing fast and tight circles with his other hand, barely nudging from the squirming that you were doing. only loud, growled out words came from him, loud enough for you to hear him and for more and more shockwaves to build in your stomach, adding to your release.
the nirvana of the mindless self-indulgence clashing with the exruciatingly hard orgasms produced something mesmerizing. nate came, filling you up with his hot, sticky seed and, in that moment, his grip loosened. his tight, possessive touch had been replaced with a sweet tenderness that even you had noticed. he came with a moan, as did you, your juices dripping down his shaft as the balloon in your stomach finally popped. the euphoria didn't last forever, it never did. it had come to his knowledge that whatever it was he was feeling for you, relished in a sense of unrequited feelings. he didn't know it at first, but he figured it out rather quickly, unable to stop the words from tumbling out of his mouth.
“i love you, (y/n),” he was met with silence, something he wasn't used to. he was used to girls throwing themselves at his feet, knowing how little he cared for them. this time, it was different. for the first time in forever, he wished he could take it back, the silence deafening. the only thing he could hear was the way his heart shattered from within.
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rhoorl · 5 months
Turbulence | Part 3
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Pairing: Frankie x reader (will turn into an OFC)
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | AO3 Link
Word Count: 4.8k
Summary: These two can’t stay away from each other for long.
Warnings: Masturbation (m). Little bit of angst and some fluff.
A/N: I’m so excited by the reaction to part 2! I’ve been stewing over this story for a while so it’s fun to have it out in the open. Previously on my A/N I said that there would be three parts. I’m surprised no one laughed at me for saying that because of course I’m long-winded and can’t wrap up something succinctly. There will be a part 4 before this story gets woven into Delta Landscaping.
As a reminder, I don't have a beta. Also, I made the dividers :)
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“Vamos pendejo, they’re gonna make me circle if you don’t get in,” Santiago yelled towards Frankie, motioning for him to get in the car.
“Fuck,” Frankie shook his head to center himself before walking towards the curb. He opened the back door of Santiago’s car and tossed his carry-on and backpack in before settling into the passenger seat. “Sorry, Pope. Thanks for picking me up.”
As Santiago maneuvered his way out of the maze of cars, he quickly glanced over to Frankie. “All good, hermano. You good?”
“Uh y-yea…I’m great, actually.” 
Frankie stared out of the window as Santiago continued to drive, a smirk coming over his face.
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“So tell me more about this handsome man,” Mom looked over at me with those eyes. 
She was trying so hard, but I just knew she wanted every detail but I was still trying to process what happened. Shit like this doesn't happen to someone like me. What are the odds of actually meeting my…whatever Frankie is, or could be…on a plane?
“He uh…he was on the plane with me. Sat next to me so we talked.”
“Good flight then?” She waggled her eyebrows, trying, but failing, to suppress a shit-eating grin.
“We hit some turbulence but…I don't know,” I shook my head and looked out the window. “It's like he made it…better…anyway afterward I wanted to say thank you, so I invited him to get a drink.”
“Please tell me Mac was working today,” she chuckled. Over the last year they had become friends. She would stop by to see him whenever she'd fly up to see me. She was subtly trying to play matchmaker between him and my Aunt Lori.
“He was,” I laughed.
“What did he think?”
“He was really amused by it all. I already know he's going to give me so much shit when I fly out Monday.”
“Did you make plans to see him again? What's his name? Where does he live? What does he do? Sorry,” she glanced over at me quickly before returning her gaze to the road. “I needed to get that out, I’m done, I promise.”
“Frankie, his name is Frankie,” I said softly, twirling my phone. “He lives here. I got his number so we'll see…”
“Do you want to see him again?”
I sat and pondered for a moment, collecting my thoughts. My immediate reaction was yes, absolutely. I wanted to hear his laugh, talk with him, hold his hand…he was such a good listener and was so attentive. I wondered if his attentiveness would also extend to the bed-. I suddenly remembered I was in the car with my mother and had to reel it in.
Taking a deep breath, I looked over at her, “Yeah. I really do. But it's jam-packed until I leave Monday.”
“Not necessarily…” she smirked as she stole another glance my way. “Ok, well, obviously tonight is with the rehearsal dinner. And then tomorrow with the wedding, but it's early…you'll be able to sneak away,” she winked.
“Mom!” I giggled. “I can't ditch Carol and Dave's wedding!”
“Oh stop it, yes you can. There's going to be so many people there, it'll be fine,” she smirked.
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Frankie played with his phone, bringing it up to his chin. He went back and forth on whether or not to text. Well, texting wasn't really the question. He knew he wanted to text, but was debating what to say.
I can't just text “hey” that seems so…I don't know, casual? It's one step away from “you up?” and that's not the vibe I'm going for. 
He kept an inner monologue going as he listened to the music coming from the speakers of Santiago's car. 
Think of something Frank. What says, “I want to see you again” but doesn't sound desperate?
Because he did want to see her again. More than anything he's wanted in a long time. It's like something ignited within him, something he thought had long been extinguished…the embers starting to crackle a bit.
He could see Santiago out of the corner of his eye, silently observing. They'd already made some small talk about Frankie's trip and how much it pained him to say goodbye to his niece and nephew. It was a fun visit and cathartic in ways he was still processing.
“Know what you're gonna wear tomorrow?” Santiago finally broke the silence.
“Hmm?” Frankie murmured.
“For the party? Will said that it's a Star Wars theme.”
“Oh shit,” Frankie ran a hand down his thigh, “I didn't get a present.”
“Don't worry, hermano! I got gift cards, a set from each of us, and uh ah,” he put his hand up to stop Frankie from talking, “no you don't owe me back. Just…I don't know buy me a beer or something next time we're out,” he glanced over.
“Thanks, man.”
“I knew you had a lot on your mind, so figured I’d take care of it. Wanna guess what I’m going as?”
Frankie turned his head to the side, catching Santiago's smirk. “Lemme guess. You're going as Poe?”
“I already have the costume, can't let that baby go to waste!” Santiago chuckled.
“I’ll wear some Star Wars shirt I have.”
“See, I knew you were going to say that. I have something for you in the backseat.”
Frankie turned to see a plastic bag. Grabbing it, he reached inside and pulled out a gray T-shirt with BB-8 on the front. He furrowed his brow as he inspected the shirt before the realization hit him.
“Seriously?” He snorted. “Poe and BB-8, huh?” He shook his head as Santiago busted out laughing.
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Mom and I got to the hotel with enough time for me to get checked in and upstairs to freshen up before the rehearsal dinner. The lobby was already swarming with distant relatives from both sides. 
We'd chosen to stay at the hotel rather than at home for a couple of reasons. One is the convenience factor. Since the wedding was at the aquarium downtown, it just made a lot of sense to already be down here and not have to deal with traffic. Plus, Carol had us getting up at the ass crack of dawn to get ready.
At the time I booked this, I thought springing for the suite would be a fun treat for myself. However, I wasn’t planning on getting a room that was bigger than my apartment. The bathroom looked like it could fit the entire bridal party in it…or at least one other person with broad shoulders...
My mind flashed to Frankie. His eyes, his smile, the way he smelled when I hugged him at the airport. I shook my head, pulling out my phone from my back pocket. 
I wanted to text him…but say what? I can't ask how his day is going. That's a weird thing to ask. Right? I mean, we don't know each other. I need to think of something funny…or witty…ugh.
Thankfully a knock at the door pulled me from my impending spiral. It must be Mom, figuring she'd pop over and sit with me as I got ready. Opening the door, I was pleasantly surprised to see my favorite cousin Ash.
“Hey,” they squealed, coming in for a hug. “Ah, I missed you!”
“Same!” I returned their tight embrace.
“Can I come in? I'm trying to avoid Carol,” they laughed, looking both ways down the hallway before ducking into my room. 
“Of course, come in.” I shook my head laughing. Ash was always a colorful character and was basically a sibling; we were close in age and grew up together.
“I love my sister but she's a little high-strung. Apparently, some of Dave's family is delayed getting in from Virginia. How that's my problem, I don't know,” they laughed. “How are you? How was your flight?”
“Good, really good,” I gave a tight-lipped smile before turning on my heels and walking to the bedroom to grab my toiletry bag.
“Wooow,” Ash whistled. “You're big time now! Big job so you went for the suite, huh?”
I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Figured I'd treat myself a bit.”
“And I love that for you!” They sat at the end of the bathtub as I laid out my makeup. “So…spill.” I furrowed my brows, looking at Ash in the mirror. “Don't play coy, your mom already told mine about this guy…you met him at the airport?”
“On the plane,” I sighed. “Jesus Christ, please tell me that story isn't spreading.”
“No, no! Seriously, it's not,” Ash reassured you. “I just happened to overhear it. It was said in passing, I swear, nothing more to it. Buuut, I can be useful,” they raised their eyebrows.
Ever since you were younger, Ash had a knack for “research” as it came to be known. It almost became a game…how little information could you give Ash to be able to turn around a dossier on whoever your intended target was. Although Carol's soon-to-be husband was the government agent in the family, you really thought Ash missed their calling as a spy.
“C'mon, JoJo…please, everyone's in a relationship, it's been so long since I've done this,” they pouted. 
I took a deep breath, I couldn't resist that face. Plus, it was always so funny to see how quickly Ash could solve the case. “Ok. His name is Frankie…he's retired military. Delta Force,” Ash started immediately tapping on their phone. “Has a sister in Dallas. A few friends who live here, two of them just bought a house together. They're brothers. The other one lives with him.” I trailed off as I opened my eyes wide to swipe some mascara.
“Y-yeah,” I paused looking at Ash in the mirror. “That was the guy who was coming to pick him up. Are you serious? That's like a new record.”
“Well, your boy doesn't really have much of a social presence…but a couple of his friends do.” Ash came up beside me and flicked through a couple of Facebook and Instagram accounts. I made a note of a couple of the names so I could go back and do my own research later.
“Good to know I still got it,” Ash winked, cracking their knuckles. “So, you gonna see him while you're here? Got this biiiig suite all for yourself.”
I rolled my eyes, “seriously?”
“Yes, seriously. C'mon, let me live vicariously through you! Handsome stranger on a flight. Love at first sight. Hot hotel sex…c'mon it's writing itself!” Ash laughed.
“Whoa whoa whoa … who said anything about love at first sight.”
“You haven't stopped smiling since I brought him up,” Ash nudged my arm with their elbow. “You look beautiful, send him a pic! Have you two been texting?”
“I can't just send him a photo out of the blue, what the hell Ash?!” I scoffed. 
“Ok well, a text? Making sure he got home ok? I dunno something…get the ball rolling. This will be fun! C’monnnn.”
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The guys decided to spend a quite Friday at home, sitting around and watching a baseball game over some beer and pizza. Benny was tired from his training schedule so he wasn't up for going anywhere.
Frankie’s cell phone felt like it was a brick in his pocket. He wanted to send a text. He really wanted to get a picture of her, something to look at versus relying on the image his mind kept replaying. He went to the kitchen to grab another beer when he felt his phone buzz. His heart skipped a beat before he shook his head. He didn't want to get his hopes up as he fished the phone from his pocket, but then a big grin came across his face once he saw his screen.
Wifey: Did you make it home ok? 
I did. How about you?
Frankie bit his thumb as he saw the text bubbles pop up.
Wifey: I did. Got a suite. It's nicer than my apartment 😆
Nice. Do you have a good view?
She sent a photo of the bay. She was clearly at one of the nice hotels downtown.
Aww I don't get to see you?
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Ash squealed and cupped their mouth. 
“Will you stop it? I'm going to get a noise complaint,” I hissed, trying to play it cool even though I was freaking out.
“I'm sorry, but that was fucking smooth. I like him. Ok, you need to send him a picture.”
I struggled with a flattering angle…this is why I never took selfies. But with Ash’s help, I managed to get a decent one that showed off a bit of my rehearsal dinner outfit too.
“Here goes nothing,” I winced as I pressed send.
“Ooo he's typing,” Ash looked over my shoulder.
Frankie ✈️: Beautiful
Frankie ✈️: The view is nice too
Ash brought their hand to their mouth and let out a little scream followed by a happy dance. My face was starting to hurt from smiling so much.
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Frankie instantly saved the photo and then studied it, thankful that now he had something to look at.
“Hey Fish, you brewing the beers yourself in here or what,” Benny came into the kitchen, clapping Frankie on the shoulder as he made his way over to the refrigerator. “Oh hey, Monday you wanna come to the gym with us? I could use you,” Benny started shadowboxing.
“Yeah, Benny, I'll be there,” he smiled. His eyes trailed after Benny as he made his way back into the living room.
As much as Frankie didn't want to, he decided to change the name in his contacts in case any of the guys happened to get a peek at his phone.
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The rehearsal dinner went off without a hitch, well, except for the fact that Dave's sister and her family and his coworker Susan and her family were delayed. They arrived as dessert was served.
But Ash and I were in our own little world, giggling and overanalyzing every text. I found out that tomorrow he was going to a Star Wars-themed kid's party at a roller skating rink. Coincidentally it was the same place Ash had a birthday party when we were younger. 
Frankie returned the favor and later sent a photo of his own. It was a bathroom selfie of him in the T-shirt Santiago had bought him. He looked so handsome; a little bit of hat hair, but the curls by his ears were adorable. He arched an eyebrow and pursed his lips in a silly pose that made me laugh. My eyes traveled down seeing how his shirt stretched across his broad chest, the sleeves sitting perfectly against his biceps. I wanted to feel his arms again. It may have been the wine talking, but my mind started to wander to how it would feel to rest my legs on his shoulders as he…
“Psst,” Ash elbowed me in the side, pulling me out of my reverie.
Carol and Dave were standing at our table, doing their rounds greeting everyone. I stood up and gave them both a hug. A lot of people were intimidated by Dave since he was on the more serious side and didn't talk a lot, but I had a soft spot for him. He always doted over Carol and treated her well and she was so incredibly happy.
Once we got a breakdown of tomorrow's events, complete with an agenda with times, Ash and I decided to head out. Carol didn't want us all staying out too late and getting hammered since we had to get up early. I kissed my mom goodnight and Ash and I headed upstairs.
“I am not looking forward to that wake-up call tomorrow morning. Seriously, who sets up hair and makeup at 6? Do we all need to be there the whole time? It's only going to take like five minutes for me to get ready and put my suit on.”
“Relax, it's just one day,” I smiled. “She wants the pictures and the whole nine yards of everyone in their robes getting ready. Now, did she really have to have 12 people in her bridal party? No, that's a little extra,” I chuckled, “but she's absolutely beaming. She's so happy.”
“You're right, she is happy. After all the shit they've gone through, I'm happy they’re getting this,” Ash said with a soft smile before the attention was redirected to me. “Speaking of happy,” they winked.
I buried my face in my hands as we both giggled. When the elevator reached Ash’s floor, they looked at me with a wicked grin “Try and not stay up too late.”
“Goodnight Ash. I'll see you bright and early!” I said cheerily as the doors closed, not missing Ash flipping me off in the process.
Frankie ✈️: I'm probably gonna head to bed soon. Sleep well.
Seriously, this guy is so cute. But my mind started to wander about him in bed…what does he wear to bed? Does he wear anything? I bit my lip at that thought, remembering how big his hands were and wondering if that meant…
The doors opened and I shook my head to compose myself. I needed to respond to him and then get into bed. I hope my vibrator is charged, although I probably won’t need it at this point.
Sweet dreams Frankie. 😘
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Frankie scrolled back through their text string, smiling to himself. He then came to her photo again. Remembering how perfectly she fit into his arms when they hugged. How badly he wanted to feel her delicate fingers run through his hair, scratching his scalp. Wondering how her hand would look wrapped around his cock.
He shuffled in bed, laying on his back. His mind remembered how her chest felt pressed up against his. The smell of citrus in her hair. Her plump lower lip and how he just wanted to feel it in between his teeth. He spit into his hand, hissing when he reached down and started to rub up and down his cock. 
He felt a little guilty doing this, but he needed to feel a release. Remembering her laugh and how cute she looked when she was thinking. His mind continued to race as he chased that release, it wasn't too far given how amped up he was. He wondered how she would sound. How she'd taste. How her hips would buck and her back would arch when he did that move which had become his signature over the years. Would she let out a breathy moan or scream his name while grasping a fistful of his hair? 
His mind started to go blank as that feeling came over him. Before long, he felt the ropes of his spend on his stomach as he panted, coming down from the high only to realize he was alone in his bed.
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The alarm came far too early and I was already wanting an IV of coffee. Thankfully my vibrator was up to the task last night. I laughed at the thought of getting off to a bathroom selfie of a guy wearing a BB-8 T-shirt. I won't look at that little droid the same anymore.
I rushed to put on some jogging pants, a loose top, and my robe. Thankfully, I had packed up my dress and the rest of my accessories, so I just had to grab and go this morning.
When I arrived at Carol's suite, my mom and aunt were there fussing over the spread of fruit and pastries. I spotted Ash in the corner, sunglasses on and hair all askew.
“Jesus, did you get in a fight with your pillow?” I snorted as I walked up.
“I'm not speaking to anyone until I have been awake for a full hour and have had a cup of coffee.” Ash tried to say in a deadpan tone, but immediately cracked up when they saw my face. “How was your night? Your vibrator work or did you kick it old school and use your hands?”
“Will you shut the fuck up,” I hissed. “Grandma is here,” I cut my eyes over to our grandmother who was asleep in one of the chairs.
Ash rolled her eyes. “Well…”
“Yes, it works. It worked quite well.”
“Ha, I knew it! Now all you need is to get an actual di- hi Carol!” Ash gave a tight smile.
“Hi, hey JoJo. Ash, do you want to go first and get this out of the way or do you want to go last?’
“Let's get this show on the road sis!” They winked and headed over to the hairstylist.
“You look happy. My mom said you met some guy on the flight here,” Carol whispered.
“Jesus, who doesn't know at this point?” I shook my head.
“Honestly? Probably Grandma on account of her being asleep,” she laughed. “But seriously, if you needed to duck out of the reception early I won't say anything,” she winked.
The next couple of hours were a bit of a frenzy as I helped the maid of honor keep track of the seemingly endless game of musical chairs between make-up and hair. Once everyone was dressed it was time to stage the getting ready pictures. I'd been so caught up that I missed a text from Frankie. Ash saw it when they picked up my phone to check the time.
Frankie ✈️: Good morning. Hope it all goes smoothly this morning.
Sorry I missed this! It's been hectic but good. We're almost ready for pictures!
Frankie ✈️: Am I lucky enough to see?
He sent a picture of himself pouting and he looked absolutely adorable with his bed head and scruff. I couldn't help but notice he was still in bed. The blue and white plaid comforter pulled up to his chest, but I could see he wasn't wearing a shirt. I bit my lip wondering if he was wearing anything at all as I took in his bronzed shoulders, noticing a few freckles along his collarbone.
How dare you send me such a scandalous photo this early? 😉
Frankie ✈️: So if it were later it would be ok?
Frankie ✈️: Noted 
Frankie ✈️: I've been thinking about that dress of yours.
Oh yeah?
Frankie ✈️: I bet you'll look beautiful in it
Well, I'm about to go get dressed. Maybe I'll send you a photo of the finished product
Frankie ✈️: Just the finished product?
I could feel my cheeks getting warm. Thank goodness I was planning on wearing Spanx underneath my dress because my current pair of underwear was soaked. I thought about rubbing one out quickly in the bathroom as I changed but hearing everyone laughing and carrying on just on the other side of the door killed the mood.
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Frankie fidgeted on the couch, sitting up to readjust himself as he waited for Santiago to get ready. He felt like maybe he went a little far, but she seemed to be into it so far so he tried to silence that little voice.
“So, what do you think,” Santiago popped out into the living room, giving Frankie a twirl. 
“Looks the same as it did last Halloween, Pope,” Frankie smirked. “Ready?”
“Yeah, we should head out. Lord only knows Will’s going to be early so we’re already late,” he chuckled.
The guys walked out and got into Frankie’s truck. He checked his phone one more time, before putting it in the cup holder and reversing out of his place.
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“So, what does he think?” Ash asked as I came out of the bathroom.
“I haven’t sent a photo yet, I wasn’t going to do it in the bathroom.”
Ash furrowed their brows and gave me a skeptical look, “Oh c’mon live a little. Who hasn’t sent a nude in the bathroom before?”
Before you could chastise your menace of a cousin you hear everyone gasp as Carol walked out. She looked radiant and so happy. Dave had sent up a present for her to open - a simple blue sapphire pendant to match her engagement ring. 
As everyone fawned over the gesture and snapped photos, you grabbed Ash and forced them to take a few photos.
“Ooo this one, your boobs look great in that one,” Ash pointed as you rolled your eyes. “What? They do. Ok, send it please.”
Taking a deep breath, I just attach a photo, hit send, and immediately hand my phone to Ash. “Please, I need you to screen his reaction.”
I chewed the inside of my cheek as we both waited for a response. It was an agonizing couple of minutes and my mind raced to all sorts of possibilities before finally I heard the buzz.
Ash looked down and a big smirk came across their face. “He liked it.”
“Lemme see,” I grabbed my phone, unlocking it to see his message.
 Frankie ✈️: Wow, what a finished product.
Frankie ✈️: You look beautiful. 
“See…I told you,” I heard Ash say, but all I could focus on were those messages. I bit my lip to control busting out in a huge smile.
As we got everyone downstairs and loaded into the limos to head over to the venue, Frankie and I were texting. I was so thankful I decided to pick a dress with pockets. I didn’t want to keep him from his friends and he kept telling me he didn’t want to keep me from my bridal party duties, but here we were - still texting each other. 
I’ll be away for a little bit here soon. Ceremony is going to start.
Frankie ✈️: ok, I guess I can wait 😀 
How much longer are you planning on staying at the party?
Frankie ✈️: I don’t know, it depends.
Depends on what?
Frankie ✈️: Might have a date to get to, we’ll see.
Ooo a date, huh? Wow. Where are you going?
Frankie ✈️: Depends. 
Frankie ✈️: Pizza or burgers?
Frankie ✈️: On what?
Is it homemade or are we going to a restaurant?
Frankie ✈️: Who said I was taking you? I was planning on asking Lulu. 😉
I stifled a snort, trying to cover my face with my hand. He had quite a soft spot for one of his friends’ neighbors, an older woman he said reminded him of his late mother.
Oh so you have a hot date with Lulu tonight then huh? Too bad…
Frankie ✈️: Why you say that?
I got a pass to skip out on the reception…
Frankie ✈️: Send me the address and what time I can pick you up.
I laughed at the speed at which he sent me that response. I sent him the address of the reception and told him I was putting my phone away for the ceremony. The last thing I saw was a message from him saying he couldn’t wait to see me, which set loose a kaleidoscope of butterflies in my stomach.
“You look happy,” Ash whispered as we stood in line to walk down the aisle, rolling their eyes as one of the other bridesmaids shushed us. “Care to share with the class?”
I kept a coy smile as we continued walking up, waiting for our turn. When it was about to be my turn I turned around and whispered, “I’m going to see Frankie after this.” With a wink, I turned around smiling as I left Ash slack-jawed.
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“Hey Pope, you ok to get a ride with Benny and Will? I’m…um…gonna head out,” he took off his cap and quickly ran his hand through his hair before returning it.
“Todo bien Francisco?” Lulu asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“Y-yeah, all good. I…um…just need to go take care of something. You good Pope?”
“Si, hermano, go ahead.” He nodded to Frankie.
“Adios Lulu,” he bent down to kiss the woman on the cheek. “Ok, let me go find Olivia and tell her bye and I’ll head out.”
Frankie tried to exit the party as quickly and nonchalantly as possible, so as to not raise too many suspicions. His hand twitched as he walked to the parking lot, the anticipation of seeing her making his heart race. When he finally climbed into the cab of his truck, he took a deep breath before reversing out of the parking spot. 
He hit nearly every red light on the way to the highway and then hit a couple of patches of traffic. But despite all of the delays, he kept a smile on his face the entire time, his mind racing. He was excited and full of nerves, but also a bit scared that maybe once they saw each other again she wouldn’t feel the same. Like this was all about the thrill of a weekend fling. 
He shook his head and tried to keep the intrusive thoughts at bay as he parked, giving himself a once-over in the rear-view mirror. Showing up to a fancy wedding in jeans and a t-shirt wasn’t his idea of a great first impression, but she clearly didn’t care.
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A/N: What do we think? These will finally get back together in person in the next chapter!
I don't have an official "tag list" for this, but I'm going to tag a few who may be interested based on comments/reblogs from the past part. I can remove you if you want: @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain / @lwfics / @missladym1981 / @alltheseperfectimperfections / @anavatazes / @inept-the-magnificent / @weho2kcmo / @casa-boiardi / @undercoverpena / @survivingandenduring / @secretelephanttattoo / @sin-djarin / @readingiskeepingmegoing / @trulybetty
158 notes · View notes
fanaticsnail · 8 months
You Kissed the Clown? Part 2
Hello everyone! I wasn't thinking about making a part 2 to this story, but I'm now thinking about adding a little more. Part one is here:
Part 1
Part 2 is a little more banter with the Strawhat crew, a little bit of reflection on the actions of part 1 and a little bit more into the type of background the reader are in this insert. Future chapters will likely be a bit of Cap Kuro, Baratie and of course our favourite decapitated head
Anyways, onto part 2, taking place OPLA S1E2.
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“I have four lockpicks, they only found three,” Nami quipped at the green-haired swordsman. They had been bickering for a short while whereas you were attempting to utilise your newly acquired throwing knife to cut through your bonds. Unfortunately, you had not managed to get an appropriate hold on the knife to cut through the rope on your wrists, as their bonds were tight; successfully immobilising your hands.
“What?” Zoro snapped at Nami, annoyance ringing in his tone.
“This is my life now,” she rolled her eyes and continued to pick the lock confiding her in her dangling cage.
“You want to trade places?” Zoro suggested.
You shook your head and maneuvered your body to press you back against the post you were tied to, breaking your sights from their forms. You knitted your brows together and strained against your ropes.
“Someone’s coming,” Zoro whispered. You spun your head to face him momentarily before frantically spinning the knife in your fingertips.
“I need more time. Keep them talking,” Nami snapped back.
“I don’t talk, I hit things,” Zoro curtly responded before turning his head towards you.
“Why don’t you give this one a kiss too, hm? Maybe that’d distract them,” Zoro quipped at you with a small smirk.
“To quote a very skilled swordsman I have come to hold a certain fondness for: I kind of have my own thing going on right now,” you whispered in a slight jesting tone. You gestured to the knife in your hands and wiggled them to demonstrate how restrictive your hand movement had become within the bonds of the rope. Zoro sighed and thumped his head backwards against the wheel he was strung from.
“Put your mouth to good use again then,” he whispered at you, nodding his head to the blade. The curtains suddenly flung open and revealed a unicycle using individual who became immediately fixated on Zoro.
You knit your brows together and turned your body away from Zoro, Nami and the new individual as you reached your mouth down and clasped the bound woven end of the throwing knife between your teeth. You began to rake the bonds against the sharp tip of the knife as you contemplated the circumstances you journeyed through to be exactly in this present moment.
You closed your eyes and focussed on breathing through your nose as you used subtle movements of your head as to not bring attention to yourself while Zoro was distracting ‘Cabaji’, as he introduced himself. Behind your eyelids, you became haunted by the ice-shrouded lenses belonging to the leader of this troop. You shuddered slightly as the ghost of the kiss you shared so tenderly relayed over your memories. You bit down harder on the material covering the small blade and hardened your resolve to free yourself from your bonds.
Zoro taunted Cabaji to keep his sights fixated on the swordsman to distract from both your and Nami’s attempt to free yourselves from your entrapments. Cabaji threw a circular ended knife at Zoro in response to his taunts and continued to monologue about his brother who’s life was taken at the hands of Zoro.
You flinched at the sound of the sharp blade hitting the rounded pallet, but continued to attempt to slice through your bonds at a hastened pace.
“Let’s see if you can keep your head,” Cabaji threatened before you heard the circular board begin to rotate while holding Zoro in place.
You managed to successfully cut through two of the finer woven whisps of rope trapping your hands, which then enabled you to cut through others with more ease. You found the bonds beginning to become looser and giving your fingers more freedom in their movements – not enough to truly utilise them but enough to aid your mouth in cutting through the remainder of the rope.
Knife after knife was thrown against the board behind Zoro, who you noticed did not seem to make a noise to indicate he was harmed in any way by the blades. Finally as you bit down harder on the hilt of the knife, you managed to free your dominant hand from the bonds and take the knife from between your teeth into it to cut the rope binding your other hand.
“As soon as Captain Buggy is finished with you, you’re mine,” threatened Cabaji after a final blade was thrown against the board.
“As tempting as that sounds, I’m not sticking around,” Zoro replied in response to his threat in a nonchalant manner. You freed your other hand and turned your head to meet the gaze of Nami as she clicked the lock and managed to pull the bolt from the lock and lace it through the gated door. You smiled at her and waved your free hand at her, prompting her to smirk in response and unlatch the gate from the hilt to swing it wide enough for her to squeeze her body through.
“Really? Got somewhere else to be?” Cabaji retorted with a quip of his head.
“I didn’t use to think so,” Zoro replied, “But Luffy changed all of that.”
You took the knife between your fingers and held it out in a defensive manner, although you truly had no idea how to correctly use it to protect yourself against a skilled fighter. Nami managed to sneak up behind Cabaji and perfectly timed a kick with Zoro a way to successfully immobilize Cabaji with one swift move. Zoro held him in the crook of his elbow and rendered him unconscious through a minor strangulation. Nami took one of the throwing knives off the board and freed Zoro’s right hand from it’s bounds before they reequipped their weapons.
“What’s the plan?” Zoro asked Nami as he strapped his swords to his righthand side, “you do have a plan, right? That’s your thing, plans.”
Nami sighs and cracks her neck slightly.
“I say, we beat the hell out of every clown we see,” she smirked in response, prompting Zoro to chuckle slightly at the suggestion. Nami turned to you slightly and formed her lips into a thin line and furrowed her brows slightly at you. You quirked your eyebrow up at her expression before she handed you a small rag she took from one of the vanities in the green room.
“For your face,” she cringed out slightly through a tightly grit smile.
“For my face?” you questioned while taking the rag from her outstretched hand. You sauntered slightly over to one of the vanities and noticed how truly horrendous you looked with blue, red and white facial paint smeared all over the lower half of your face. Your cheeks began to glow red like an iron poker you used in your jewellery making practices as you frantically began to scrub your face.
“And none of you said a damn thing,” you uttered as you scrubbed, wiped and patted the paint on your face, successfully removing it partially – leaving only your lips stained with the memory of the passionate embrace you shared with the clown captain.
“Yeah well, we were a little tied up,” Zoro retorted with a smirk. You turned your head to scowl at him before throwing the rag at the mirror. Nami let out a small chuckle at the comment before she made her way out of the tent curtain into the main area.
You attempted to follow her but felt a firm arm on your shoulder. You turned to face your swordsman companion as he held you momentarily.
“I don’t think you can kiss your way out of this one,” he commented at you, causing you to frown at him.
“What are you talking about?” you responded, shrugging his hand from your shoulder.
“What I mean is, you’re not a skilled fighter. You are a jeweller,” he commented moving his body in front of yours and beginning to exit the curtain door, “just keep your head down, stay behind me and try not to get in the way.”
You scoffed and reluctantly followed the orders of the former bounty hunter turned first mate. You kept your head down and followed the path of the two skilled reconnaissance fighters as they began to immobilise one by one the members of the circus troop, keeping their administrations silent and stealthy as they did so. As each member of the crew fell, you felt a small amount of pity for not only them, but the leader of their troop.
You remember feeling the waves of true loneliness coming from his body as he unashamedly cradled you into himself. His need for acceptance, hunger for dominion and desire for an intimate connection was expressed through his embrace. You could admit to only yourself that the kiss, although started as a way for you to stealthily collect a knife from your captor’s breast pocket, was truly one of the few moments you yourself had truly felt craved by someone else. Sure, men had wanted you in the past – some even seeking your father’s permission to begin a courtship with you; but the amount of yearning you felt falling off the pirate clown in unbridled waves of pure and utter desire for you and only you felt unakin to any other single moment you had shared with another individual.
And you had yet to utter a single word to him.
As Nami and Zoro successfully rendered the last of Buggy’s ‘insane clown posse’ unconscious, Zoro directed you to a place behind the bleachers and sat you down atop a small barrel.
“We’re gonna go in and grab Luffy,” Zoro fixated his gaze on you as he removed a small black bandana from his left upper arm, “you wait here until we’re done.”
“Wait here?” you angrily whispered at him, prompting him to scoff while he placed the bandana against his forehead.
“Again,” he whispered back, “you can’t fight. You could try, but all I can see is you likely getting yourself or one of us hurt in the process. It’s dangerous, stick to the plan.”
“And what is the plan?” you whispered in response, keeping your hushed tone as low as you could.
“Run and get a boat ready for us, we may need to sprint to get out of here,” Nami whisper-called to you as she prepared her retractable staff in the best way she could before rushing in to rescue your self-appointed Captain.
Zoro stalked into the circus ring with two of his blades drawn in a slow and intimidating manner as Nami flung her staff at what appeared to be a large glass container full of sea-water.
“Where are my freaks?!” You heard the clown captain call. The desperation in his voice pulled slightly at your heart, prompting you to halt your actions slightly. You closed your eyes, listening to Zoro’s retort.
“They’re not coming,” he stated monotonously. The sound of glass shattering within the circus arena echoed throughout the large white and red tent, breaking you from your momentary trance and prompting you to begin your sprint into the desolate town.
You almost shrieked at the sight, noticing buildings reduced to rubble on the harsh gravel floor beneath your feet. Tears sprung to the corners of your eyes as you gathered your skirts into your hands and ran throughout the area, franticly searching the forsaken town for anything resembling a dock. Stones, dirt and mud was flung beneath your feet as you sprinted towards the sea, finally fixating your eyes on your small, abandoned rigging.
You noticed it was not tied to the dock, but slowly setting sail, unmanned, out onto the open sea. Without a moments hesitation, you ran to the end of the dock and dove into the deep water below and began to swim out to meet the small vessel. Although you were not competent in the art of hand to hand combat, you were more than an adequate swimmer. Being in the upper working class in your hometown, you had the luxury of being granted education in sea-bearing survival. Swimming was one of the few physical recreations you adored, and swiftly became prominent in the skill. Sailing was another aspect that came along with commencing trade as a finery merchant, often travelling alongside your father on his many routes.
Paying no heed to the weight of your dampened clothes, you continued an unrelenting pace of diving beneath choppy waves and wading above the smaller ones before you made swift work of the distance between the dock and your sailing vessel. You found a small rope hanging from the side of the vessel and wrapped your hand around the fibrous material and tested the weight of it before pulling yourself up and over the polished wooden panel of the ship.
As your feet found the hard floor of the boat, you finally felt the weight of your drenched attire – your skirts weighing you down the most. You pushed the material over your hips and pooled them at your feet; leaving you in your undershorts as you quickly sprinted to the helm and maneuvered it to turn the vessel back to make port at the end of the dock. You noticed the sailing sheets began to listen to your guidance and the wind appeared to be on your side as you made the vessel bend to your will; riding the waves back into town.
You fixed your eyes on the tent containing your travelling companions and your eyes widened at noticing what you could only assume to be Luffy’s fists exit the tent and a small object being flung into the sky. You could not tell from this distance what the object was, but you felt a small amount of relief at the knowledge your companions were still alive within the shrouded materials of the large tent.
After successfully navigating the boat back to the dock, you flung a rope and captured a small post with the looped end. You pulled the rope and docked the boat before the icky feeling of heavy seawater in your clothes began to notify you of the imbalance of weight you were bearing.
You pondered momentarily about using your time alone to strip you of your wet clothes and change into some dry ones you kept in your quarters before your companions made their way back to you, hopefully unscathed. Before you could hold that thought further, you noticed your companions making their way towards you, along with the freed townspeople behind them. You smiled warmly and waved to them, prompting your captain to wave in response.
Zoro and Nami made their way down the dock to your position on the boat, Zoro noticing first your soaked body before looking onto the deck and locating your drenched skirt splayed onto the floor.
“What happened?” he furrowed his brows at you, “fancied a swim while we did all the hard work?”
You rolled your eyes and playfully nudged his shoulder before helping Nami to step onto the deck.
“The boat was attempting to get away from me,” you replied, “fortunately for us all, I’m confident in my swimming abilities.”
Zoro hummed slightly in response, using his foot to nudge your skirt on the floor, “you gonna clean this up?”
“Yes,” you responded bluntly, jumping down onto the deck and picking up your soaked skirt. You flung it over one of the ropes holding the sail and held it in place with a small clamp. You looked over to Nami, noticing she was holding Luffy’s straw hat in her hands and repairing it with a sewing needle. You walked over to the place Zoro was leaning on and leant your body next to his.
“What happened?” you asked him, nodding your chin to your captain and navigator.
“The clown cut his hat up a little,” he responded, also looking to the two of them. You fixed your eyes to the floor and used your shoulder to nudge the swordsman slightly.
“Thank you,” you murmured slightly. The swordsman hummed in response, raising his eyebrow to you.
“For stopping me from doing something stupid,” you further clarified, still looking down on the floor. He chuckled slightly in response.
“I dunno,” he taunted you, “you kissed the clown all on your own.”
Your eyes widened at the mention and the red tinge returned to your cheeks, upper ears and your central most point in your chest.
“I meant with the fighting, asshole,” you said through gritted teeth. This caused Zoro to let out a full, unrestrained belly-laugh at your retort. Once he had his fill of laughter, he stifled it off into a small teetered chuckle.
“We need to do something about that,” he mentioned slightly with a small amount of determined warmth in his eyes.
“What? With kissing?” you spat slightly, prompting him to chuckle again.
“No, idiot,” he responded and nudged his shoulder against yours, “fighting.”
“Why, are you offering to train me in the art of martial combat are you?” you asked him, fixing your gaze on the navigator and captain once more.
“In a way, yes I am,” he responded, causing you to snap your head to meet his gaze as his eyes softened slightly before you saw a mischevious glint appear behind them, “can’t have you kissing every enemy we come to face.”
You groaned in response and hung your head again, causing him to chuckle.
“I will never live that down, will I?” you questioned him, bringing your right hand to cradle your forehead in shame.
“As long as we’re apart of the same crew?” Zoro quipped back, “absolutely not.”
You peaked through your fingers and noticed Nami was no longer above the deck and Luffy was hanging from the ropes containing the sail sheets to get a better angle on the path ahead.
“What happened to him? The clown?” you asked Zoro suddenly. Zoro sighed and turned around to face the open ocean, resting his forearms against the wooden railing and stretching his back slightly.
“He had devil-fruit powers, you know. Chop-Chop fruit,” he mentioned. This had your eyes wide as you turned to face the swordsman fully, “I couldn’t slice him up.”
You hummed and placed your own hands on the wooden railing. You reminisced the expression Buggy held as you broke from the kiss replaying in your mind. The way his eyes searched your own for some hidden agenda, only to find your own eyes looking half-lidded through your eyelashes. The way his lips were smeared with his face-paint, knowing he had transported some of the tint to your own skin in your administrations. His eyes holding apprehensive, bitter-sweet desperation as his need for you to fulfill some sort of void surpassed shame at the public display of affection.
“We removed pieces of him and put him into individual barrels,” Zoro’s voice brought you out of his thoughts, causing you to choke on the air you sucked into your mouth quickly.
“Don’t worry,” he smirked, “he’s still alive. Just really, really small.”
Zoro chuckled, looking down at the waves colliding with the base of the ship.
“You’re drenched,” Zoro commented, gesturing to your clothes, “go get dry and change into something other than a skirt. Your combat training starts now.”
Part 3
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angelpassing-by · 2 months
After an attempt, you try to comfort your lover and look through his recovery. Pairing: Tighnari x gn!reader Cw: impplied suicide attempt.A/N: I had some wips about character conforting reader, but none of them seemed good enough to post. I know this is a weird format, but though it would be comforting to read how you comfort someone. Again, English is not my firt language and I'm afraid I sound a bit too formal [it would be great if you had some tips in how to write not so robotically/essay like(?)]. If there is something you would like for me to write, message me, maybe I'll post some sort of guide lines to show what is it that I'm willing to write.
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“I wanted to escape, maybe forever.”
Tighnari lies on the simple bed, head thrown against the embroidered pillows. His face – bronzed before – is pale and stained with tears, eyes lost in the ceiling of the room thinly veiled by the smoke of incense burning.
“I understand it, really” You respond trying to keep your voice even, but your lover says nothing, as if he can't believe you. You gently take is hand between your own and rub soothing circles on top of it with your thumb. “I know sometimes life becomes too daunting and the easiest way out seems to be the light at the end of the tunnel.” You whisper
Now he’s looking at you, his eyes glimmering with new pools of tears that threaten to spill into the blankets. “But you told me once that the fastest method is seldom the answer.” Tighnari chuckles, only a raspy sound that seems like a pained groan, but you can see the slight twitch in his ears and the way his frame sinks a little bit more into the mattress, as if more relaxed.
You begin then to reminisce of that particular day leaning against the bed frame and using one hand to caress your lover’s hair. Your voice is barely audible in the clutered room.
“It had been a quite long day, you were on duty and had proposed for me to join you – you didn't wanted me to be alone – and I was jumping from rock to rock in the edge of the path leading home. Do you remember?” A faint nod “For hours you had talked about the flowers and the little forest animas we encountered with such fondness it almost made me jealous” The corners of his mouth curve ever so slightly “You didn’t let me take some roses; said it would be a disaster to the ecosystem. And right there, just in the front of the village, in the middle of the path, lied a beautiful bird feather, it’s blue hues made it look like some sort of treasure or spirit buried beneath the damp dirt. I ran for it, carelessly, anticipating an impressive monologue about birds from you, but I ran too fast and the feather was too light”
“I remember, his hoarse voice cuts through the story” and through the tiredness, he smiles relieved.
“Yes” now you are also smiling sadly and you fingers keep brushing his hair with slow deliberate motions. “I ran too fast, and the feather flew out and into the bridge and as I chased it, it fell below the wooden structure. That’s when you caught up to me and told me .”
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How could you not see it? It was so obvious, his tired movements, his longing stares at night, sitting in front of the bedroom window and sighing pitifully. You should have done something. That is what you repeat to yourself everyday sinc the incident happened, still convinced you could have done something to prevent it, although your lover has already told you that tha isn't a burden for you to carry. And obviously, everything seems so crystal clear in retrospective.
"We can't change the past, so holding grudges against it is simply futile." Those are words of wisdom from Tighnari on a rainy afternoon.
Tighnari is sitting outside on a kitchen chair propped on  some velvety green pillows that keep his weak body comfortably leaned into the firm wood. He has changed his usual ranger clothes for some flowy linen garments  and a blanket sent by Candace after the news reached Ardu Village is draped over his knees. It’s woven with a variety of reds and browns and depicts a forest scene populated by shadowy dusk birds and half hidden lizards.
After Collei left, settling in a quaint town in the proximities of Sumeru city, the cabin had fallen silent. Tighnari started to space out his lectures in wildlife and botanic, often preferring the warm seat next to the fire where you cooked. At first, everyone just thought of it as a domestic situation, both of you had even started thinking about children during the months prior to Collei’s departure, just a loving couple wanting to be together. But then he slowly started missing patrols; it was at some point commonplace to see Iraj and Nasring on your living room trying to convince your lover to leave the house and help them in their duties.
You should have known, but you were also going through a lot. Your cooking supplied the forest rangers and watchers and your stock of ointments and pomades were highly sought after by the townsfolk. With little to no time to spend with Tighnari, your living arrangement and relationship deteriorated with each passing day. It also didn’t help that Cyno stopped visiting Gandharva Ville after a while and that his letters, frequent and light hearted before, became rare occurrences with little more than bad news.
But now, Tighnari stretches carefully and happily looks at you at the other side of the kitchen window through his lashes. The sun is making him more optimistic, at least, that’s what he tells you at night, just before you both fall asleep in each other’s arms. Maybe it’s also the overexcited rambles that Collei sends through her letters or the short Genious  Invokation duels with Cyno during his recurring visits.
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It has been well over a month, Tighnari is sitting, still too weak to stand for long periods of time, next to the stove. His soothing voice filling the inside of the home with vibrant colors of the rainforest through his tales. The counters are filled with  spice bowls and chopped vegetables whose stories Tighnari never forgets to tell you about. You place a steaming spoon of soup in front of his face.
“Do you like it?” You ask as you watch you lover frowning in a comically exaggerated thinking pose.
“It’s magnificent, love” He responds after a dramatic pause. His sweet words caress your skin and you can’t help but place a big kiss on his forehead, on then one over his nose. “Hey!” he playfully reprimands you, but you can see through the corner of your eye the wagging of his tail.
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avatarl0v3r · 1 year
Chapter 1| The Sully Family
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Warnings/notes: Like i said basic avatar shit, italics = Na'vi and jakes monologue, also i’m currently writing both this and the first movie, have fun reading lovely’s
side note about y/n: she has white hair, and has a close connection the the creatures and life (including her kids) around her and she can feel their emotions and pain
Taglist 🏷️: @ladylovegood-69 @brookesbizzareadvendture @jakesully-sbabygirl @minkyungseokie
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"The forest of Pandora hold many dangers, But the most dangerous thing about Pandora is that you may grow to love her too much."
You take your aim at the viper wolf a few feet away from you as you pull the string back it gets caught on your stomach causing you to have to readjust your form letting the arrow fly through the air with a grunt.
you walk back to the village with your pray slung over your shoulder upon entering neytiri runs up to you "where have you been?" she then notices the viper wolf slung over your shoulder "you were hunting?! what about the baby? is the baby alright?" she says trying to turn you and check for any wounds or signs that you got hurt.
you hissed and slapped her hand away "im not a baby, im an adult, and i may be pregnant, but that doesn't mean im growing weak im strong enough to take care of myself and my baby," you say angry with the way she was treating you since you became pregnant shes been treating you like a baby "i think of my child all the time its the first thing i think of in the morning, if i want to hunt ill hunt, now if you'll kindly move out of my way" you say walking past her.
your mother came from behind neytiri "you've made her angry" neytiri let out a irritated sigh "she was out hunting without thinking of the baby" your mother smiled at her daughter "y/n is perfectly fine, if she wants to hunt let her, she doesnt want to feel like a burden to anyone just because shes pregnant, she has a strong spirit and strong willed, she'll do what she wants and no one will be able to stop her" she said smiling at neytiri.
"even while pregnant y/n wouldnt listen to anyone at all, not even me something about that made me love her even more."
"Lie si oe Neteyamur, Nawma Sa'nokur mìfa oeyä, Atanti ngal molunge Mipa tìreyti, mipa 'itanti Lawnol a mì te'lan, Lawnol a mì te'lan" (I experiment Neteyam, To the great mother inside me, You brought me light, New life, new goal, Great happiness that is in my heart, Great happiness that is in my heart).
you sang holding a woven line with beads in your hand slowly moving your fingers across every bead, singing a different story which each one your fingers touched.
"We sing the songcords to remember, each bead, a story in our life, a bead for the birth of our son" the whole clan in the forest standing in a circle, the same way they did when jake become on of the people jake was in the middle holding your son in the air, your arm on jake while your other hand was being held by your mothers.
you watched as neteyam was lifted in the air being welcomed as one of the people you smiled at the sight "Neteyam" and the rest of the Na'vi repeated.
"Zola'u nìprrte', ma Kiri, Ngati oel munge soaiane, Lie si oe atanur, Pähem parul, ti'ongokx ahuta, Lawnol a mì te'lan, Lawnol a mì te'lan" (Welcome, Kiri, I experiment the light, A miracle arrives, a born comes to me, Great happiness that is in my heart, Great happiness that is in my heart).
"A bead when we adopted our daughter, Kiri" you and jake stood on one side, while norm stood on the other side of the glass tank that held graces avatar watching her stomach grow throughout the months "born of graces avatar, a daughter whos conception was a total mystery."
"A bead for the first communion with Eywa" you, jake and the rest of the clan were at the soul tree everyone's singing voice filling the air around "The people say we live in Eywa, and Eywa lives in us," your mother connects neteyams queue the the tree as you look over and smile "the great mother holds all her children in her heart."
"Ma Eywa, ma Eywa" you finish singing as you stood up to put the songcord back in its safe place, jake looks at you lovingly as you stop singing.
your sitting down with kiri and lo'ak as jake holds neteyam as if he was toruk flying above pandora "Happiness is simple," you flap your arms as if you were toruk flying around your kids "but who would've thought a jarhead like me would crack the code" jake watched as kiri and loak followed you.
your whole family is laying together you telling the story of how you first met their family the kids smile and watch you talk with interest in their eyes "when i first met your father i was trying to kill him, he was to loud, and he acted like a baby not knowing what to do" you tell them.
they let out little laughs, not believing that their mother would've tried to kill their father "it was love at first sight." as you all sunggled close to go to bed, while you laid there awake wondering about these dreams Eywa has been plaguing you with, there was fire and destruction, the sky was dark full of smoke and ashes, you felt the emotions of the creatures around you, pain and sorrow is all you felt from them.
but you didnt let those dreams bother you, but it was always there replaying in the back of your head, if the sky people did return and there was another war you would fight to protect your people and the people you loved, but this time your kids would be involved and that thought scared you,
only Eywa knew about what was to come and she was warning you of what dangers were lurking around the corner.
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Dionysos Loves His Mom(s), a very long essay
Going to just preface this by saying that I may/may not have gone a bit overboard, but I hope everyone enjoys reading my rambles on how amazing it is that we still have this message even through to day, how important this is for our understanding of Dionysos, and also just a little bit of (what I hope will come across as) Semele appreciation :) Also, I did write this during finals week, so if it seems rambly, please bear with me ;-;
And for clarification, I'll be referring to Semele with capitalized pronouns because even though She was human, mythologically, while carrying Dionysos, She was also deified by Him after He brought Her up from the Underworld.
The first interesting thing is that we get our description of Dionysos, as well as the love he shows for His Mother, in Greek mythology. While myths are usually pretty good resources for understanding the Gods, they are also usually written by the people who are in power at the time - which would be specifically older men who were not slaves. Because of this, a lot of myths tend to trend towards the "male" perspective of the Athenians. Also because of this, women are frequently represented in a very negative light, or at least as being relatively unimportant.
There are no Gods who have quite a relationship with Their Mothers like Dionysos has of His. Some of the Gods technically have no mother, like Aphrodite and Athena, and others just... don't seem to have much of a relationship at all. And this isn't necessarily to say that the Gods that we worship don't love Their Mothers, but more that the popular attitude of Greek society was simply to push women off to the side, and let the men take the glory.
And then, strangely, we have Dionysos, He Who Takes No Shit When It Comes to Women, as well as Him Who Has Two Moms. He's already something of an anti-Athena in Greek mythology, for while She was born of Zeus's head, and Metis was a sort of mother-base, Dionysos was born of two mothers, and from Zeus, in a way that echoes an intimate, "maternal" sort of birth, instead of the detached birth of Athena. And we know full well that Dionysos did not forget about either of His first two mothers. Persephone and Him famously get along well enough that they shared a rite in the form of the Eleusinian Mysteries, and it is to Persephone that initiates go, telling Her that the Bakkhic One Himself has freed us!
And we haven't even touched on Semele! It's one thing to have a divine Mother to welcome us to the afterlife. It's another thing to have a once-human-become-Goddess Mother in the form of Semele-Thyone. And Dionysos loves Her as well, very much so as well! Even though He never met Her as a child, He still very clearly has a lot of love for Her. At the start of the Bacchae, when Dionysos first arrives in Thebes, you will notice that one of the very first things He mentions in His monologue is that His mother is being disrespected by King Pentheus, and that this disrespect is part of the reason why He has driven the women of the city mad, as well as the sisters of Semele, who also were disrespecting Her.
This loyalty is only further emphasized by the fact that even though Semele is dead at the time of the Bacchae (and obviously after it as well, as the myth of Dionysos traveling to the underworld is an entirely separate story). And yet we must once again emphasize that this was written in a time where mothers were so often thrown under the bus (or horse-drawn chariot), and all of these myths were notably written by men, as far as we know. It seems that there is an inherent thread which ties Dionysos to the world of women, or at least has Him incredibly sympathetic to it, and one which could not be broken with all of the hyper-patriarchal nonsense that was woven deep into the cultural fabric of ancient Greece, especially Athens.
And to finish this fun little rant off, I want to offer two significantly longer ideas than the initial thing that I wrote! One for reflection on how we relate to Dionysos (and how He relates to us), and another as a reflection on Semele-Thyone and how She relates to us, and how we should relate to Her.
To start, this sympathy that Dionysos shows with women does, in some ways, hits culturally closer to a sisterhood than to the way that a man would have been encouraged to act towards women in ancient Greece. Dionysos as God understands His band of madwomen's own self-worth, and does not question their autonomy. Instead, he seems to encourage it, especially with all of the sassing he gives Pentheus while being grilled by him. This is such a good thing for all of us. Not only is Dionysos a friend of humanity, but He is specifically a friend for the marginalized. Whoever finds themselves marginalized in society will be His "favorites", so to speak, because that is where He truly finds His followers. It's almost as if He naturally finds where there is a power imbalance, and jumps on the other side to even things out, even if it is a little bit. I also think that this same "purposeful marginalization" is something which adds further theological credence to Dionysos being also validly a trans woman and nonbinary, as He does not sit within a patriarchal "Him"-ness, but rather within a "Him"-ness that refers to a more equal world.
Moving on to Semele-Thyone, we have a wonderful ally in a divine woman, sympathetic to humans, who knows full well not only the sufferings of humanity, and the pain in disrespect, but also the importance of kindness and respect towards others. In Greek mythological and religious canon, Semele-Thyone became the Goddess of the Bacchic revel, which, if you really think about it, isn't just about the Bacchic revel (it's never "just about the Bacchic revels"). This also tells us that Thyone, like Her Son, is also a God of the marginalized. Like Dionysos, She oversees the safety and wellbeing of the community which Her Son has founded. In some way, Thyone has become a Mom to all of us, through Her assistance with the divine inspiration that strikes frenzied devotees. It's a caring thing, too!
Anyways, the long and short of this is - Dionysos loves His Mom, Semele-Thyone is an incredibly underrated Goddess, and Mother's Day was yesterday. So hug your mom if you've got a good relationship with her, and if not, we can all borrow Dionysos' Mom :)
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growthgoddess · 8 months
Elara's Enchantment
An unruly mob has gathered at your palace gates. They are voicing disdain and disappointment over your rule as king of their lands. They were promised bountiful seasons and everlasting joy, perhaps overpromised. You only wanted to be loved, but now your subjects have overpowered your guards and are now threatening to tear down your palace gates with a battering ram.
You furrow your brow, feeling desperation sink in. If they catch you, they would probably see you hanged, or even worse, burnt at the stake. The last remaining guards of your palace have deserted you and a cold sweat trickles down your forehead as a chill rushes down your spine.
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However, relief washes over you when your beloved queen, Elara, puts her hand on your shoulder. The weight of her hand along with her warmth, envelopes you. You are loved with her, you are safe with her.
Queen Elara: My love, leave this to your queen. I will deal with them personally.
Confused and worried, you try to turn to her and reach out. What could she have meant? But before you could even say a word, she vanishes from your balcony and materializes at the grand staircase from the castle gates below you.
Thunder rumbles and the orange sunset sky darkens, your queen stands before the palace gates, a wicked smile playing on her lips.
She reveals a large tome that crackles with mystical, purple energy in her hands, as she begins her monologue.
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Queen Elara: Hahaha! Oh, dear subjects, you thought you could challenge the throne? How amusing! Your pitiful king may have been weak in his promises, but you will soon see that he pales in comparison to your dear Queen Elara! You wish to raid the palace? Oh, you will get more than you bargained for.
With a flourish and a series of exotic hand gestures, the queen opens the tome, revealing ancient runes and incantations. Her voice takes on an eerie, demonic tone as she recites an unholy spell.
The mob grips their pitchforks, torches, and swords tighter. Their leader, the man who seeks to usurp the throne, rallies them to push on and continue breaking down the gates.
The two last palace guards standing beside Queen Elara begin cowering in fear over the events that are transpiring before them.
Queen Elara: Unnamable Gods, O Powers of Old, I call upon Thee! Fill my supple form with your might. I offer to Thee my flesh that I can strike fear in Thy names! Grant me strength beyond measure, make me a terror they will never forget! Let your essence seep into my muscle, bone, and sinew. Let your bounty embolden my body! Let them cower at my raw might, bless me with your succor!
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A dark aura envelops your queen, and power surges to her veins. The very air is stirs with an unspeakable energy. The people could taste the metallic flavor of the wind as powers beyond their recognition twist the body of the woman before them.
You stand in both awe and terror at the capability of your wife. She has always been fond of perusing the scriers archives during her free time, and now you are witnessing the very fruits of her passion take shape as she defends your last bastion.
The incantations from the weathered tome fills the grand staircase leading to the palace entrance as she raised her arms, the words flowing off her tongue like a wicked melody.
Then, it began.
At first, the change appears subtle. Her regal gown, once a symbol of her grace, tightens imperceptibly around her form. The fabric shifts around, trying to accommodate something moving inside, something growing. Smooth embroidered silk strains against her skin, hinting at the growing power within. Queen Elara, however, remains composed, her eyes fiercely fixed at the terrified mob attempting to break down the formidable gates.
Then came the first audible rip. Her tight corset immediately loses to the growing woman's burgeoning body.
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Next came her gown, the exquisite fabric, woven with threads of gold and silver, surrenders to the queen's expanding frame. With each passing moment, she feels herself grow taller, her limbs elongating, and her body stretching. Her breasts, once modest, have begun to fill with mass and milk. Her arms thicken with muscle and girth.
Audible moans escape her lips as she grows in spurts that feels like orgasms at every release.
The gown protests but could not keep up the losing battle, her seams burst open like fireworks, the sound audible throughout the area.
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Queen Elara's lips curl into a malevolent, triumphant smile as her once regal gown now hangs in tatters around her.
She stands tall, her figure outlined by the shimmering remnants of her attire. To her, the world seems to shrink from her ascending perspective, the threatening size of the amassed townsfolk dwindling as she continued to grow.
Queen Elara: BWAHAHA, Look at me! I am growing into a force that will quell your insolence!
Your queen, now a monstrous growing behemoth, turns to look at you looking down from the balcony.
Queen Elara: My beloved king, you need not cower any longer. For it is they who will fear me now, and through their fear, they will understand the consequences of betraying the crown!
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Her laughter, now dark and melodic, blast their ears as she guffawed. The torn gown fell away in tatters, unable to contain her majestic size any longer.
Queen Elara, now a giantess, stands amidst the ruins of her regal attire. She was a monument to dark power, her eyes ablaze with the might of ancient forces.
Then, with a booming voice, she declared.
Queen Elara: A queen must protect her king, no matter the price! I shall be your shield, my love, and none shall dare to defy us again!
The malevolent tome that has begun floating around her as she grew suddenly glowed and flew towards her, ramming her chest with immense force. She winced and took a step back. Her heavy feet cracks the floor to the castle door and she tries to lean on something for support.
That was when it hit you and her. She was leaning on your elevated balcony for support! She has grown even bigger now!
Queen Elara glances at her chest to see that it is now pulsing with purple energy. The tome has entered her body to become a more efficient channel to this otherworldly power flowing within her.
Queen Elara, now confident with her might, strides forth, her steps like seismic rumbles. The ground shakes beneath her feet as she surveys the peasants below with eyes that glitters with both malignant glee and unbridled fury.
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Queen Elara turns towards her beloved king and picks you up with her hand. You seemed like a child's doll compared to her now. She winks at you and places you on her shoulder. Then, she grasps a nearby guard tower and yanks it off the bastille foundations. With ease, she breaks it with her bare hands.
Queen Elara: We will no longer need this petty castle! I shall be your fortress, my king! My love will protect you from every danger, every threat! Hold on tight, my dear, this will be perilous!
With a powerful heave, she breaks through the castle gates, her massive form now emerging to engage the fleeing masses. Your once mighty castle now seems minuscule behind her.
Queen Elara: This is my new order, hear your queen's decree! Guards, rally to me! Let us crush this rebellion and restore order!
The remaining castle guards drew courage from this and cheer at the massive Elara. They gear up and start pouring out of the castle behind her and into the town. A massive civil war breaks out, but the odds are in your favor with your beloved queen taking to the front lines.
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She turns to you and whispers gingerly.
Queen Elara: Fear not, my beloved king! Your queen shall be your protector, your shield, and your wrath! Those who defy us will meet their end at my hands!
But before you stands one obstacle. The leader of the mob. The one who organized this whole rebellion - The Usurper.
He stands before you and Elara with unmatched courage as he draws his sword which he anoints with blessed oil and enchants with a glowing yellow aura.
Queen Elara: Ha! You dare raise your blade at me? You are defeated, your mob routed. Kneel before your ruler, your queen, and we may yet spare you! O Usurper, should you still dare challenge us, then you shall feel the consequences of my ire!
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Queen Elara charges at the hero with all her might. The darkened sky above breaks out into a chorus of unspeakable melodies and chants to herald the incarnation of the Unnamable Gods that is your wife. An epic battle between a force of order and chaos ensues.
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cookienha · 5 months
☆ head over heels
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¦ best friend!gyuvin x reader, fluff
¦ warnings: -
¦ a/n: accidentally deleted my acc 😙
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For as long as I could remember, me and Gyuvin had been inseparable. Our connection was a somewhat comforting constant in the chaos of life, a bond forged through shared laughter, countless adventures, and a myriad of inside jokes that deemed weird for an outsider.
The fact that we were practically stuck hip by hip raised questions about the nature of our relationship. For others, it seemed as though we were a couple, which in turn, caused many people to ask if we were indeed together. Instantly, I put on a sour face as I immediately shook my head in denial. "We're just really close, nothing more to that."
I didn't mind though. We're just friends, really.
It was a serene afternoon, the sunlight casting a warm embrace on everything it touched. We walked down the route familiar to us, one thing that was stranger to us in this moment though is the comforting silence surrounding us.
An unspoken shift occurred.
The revelation came in the form of a shared glance.
Our eyes lingered for a heartbeat longer than usual, and in that fleeting moment, I felt a peculiar flutter in my chest. It was a subtle occurrence, a silent acknowledgment between souls, igniting a spark that had remained dormant for years.
From that day forward, I began to see Gyuvin with new eyes. I started noticing the delicate intricacies of his laughter, the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, and the comforting warmth that radiated from his presence. Every shared adventure became a tapestry woven with threads of newfound appreciation.
My transformation, however, was a silent one. Unbeknownst to Gyuvin, I began incorporating small gestures into our routine — offering him my jacket when a chill settled in the air or absentmindedly fixing a strand of his hair that went out of place.
These subtle actions, born out of affection, went unnoticed by Gyuvin in the familiar cadence of our friendship.
As the seasons changed, I found myself engaged in a delicate dance of internal conflict. My internal monologue echoed with the struggle to convey the changing hues of my emotions. Each shared laugh and every stolen glance became a testament to a burgeoning affection I had never anticipated.
Yet, Gyuvin remained blissfully oblivious to the nuances of my shifting feelings. My internal thoughts, filled with newfound warmth and admiration, contrasted sharply with his perception of our friendship as an unchanging anchor in the ebb and flow of life.
In a seemingly ordinary moment at the café, I summoned the courage to share my revelation, abruptly cutting his story short.
"Something happened," I confessed, gaze bearing the weight of unspoken confessions. "I think I'm head over heels for you."
Gyuvin's gaze met mine, his expression a blend of surprise and curiosity. I poured my heart into words that had long been kept under lock and key, hidden away in the deepest cracks of my heart for the past few months.
I spoke of the stolen glances and the subtle shifts in my feelings, unraveling the truth that had quietly woven itself into the fabric of our cherished friendship.
Gyuvin sat there, absorbing my words, the realization slowly dawning on him. The café, once a backdrop to countless shared memories, now became the setting for a pivotal moment in their relationship.
As the words hung in the air, Gyuvin smiled, the trajectory of our friendship altering once again.
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deception-united · 2 months
Hello! Do you have any tips on writing a short fic without any dialogue? I'm writing in 3rd person limited, present tense.
In the fic I'm writing, my character takes a walk one morning, through the woods in his backyard, trying to see the sunrise.
Throughout the fic I want him to reflect on his first marriage that ended due to both parties falling out of love. I'm actually pulling inspiration from Lord Huron's "I Lied" song.
But I'm having trouble in keeping the reader engaged and effectively communicating such deep retrospection without any dialogue or secondary character contributions while the story unfolds...
Hi, thanks for asking! Writing a short fic without dialogue can challenging, especially when delving into deep introspection. Here are some tips to help you effectively communicate your character's reflections and keep the reader engaged:
Internal monologue: Since you won't be using dialogue, focus on showing the character's emotions, thoughts, and memories through their actions, observations, and internal monologue. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the character's surroundings and their inner world.
Use sensory details: Engage the reader's senses to immerse them in the character's experience. Describe the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations of the woods and the sunrise. How does the character feel as they walk through the forest? What memories or emotions are evoked by the sunrise?
Use symbolism and metaphor: Explore the symbolism of the woods and the sunrise as they relate to the character's emotions and reflections on their past marriage. For example, the changing colors of the sunrise could mirror the stages of the relationship, while the winding paths of the woods could represent the complexities of love and loss.
Integrate memories and flashbacks: As the character reflects on their past marriage, incorporate brief snippets of memories or flashbacks to illustrate key moments or emotions. These can be woven seamlessly into the narrative to provide insight into the character's state of mind.
Create tension and conflict: Even without dialogue or external conflict, internal conflicts and tensions can drive the narrative forward. Explore the character's internal struggles, regrets, and uncertainties as they grapple with their past and try to find meaning in their present moment.
Focus on character development: Use the character's reflections on their past marriage to reveal layers of their personality, motivations, and growth over time. Show how they have been shaped by their experiences and how they are evolving as a result.
Craft a compelling narrative arc: Structure your fic with a clear beginning, middle, and end, with each part contributing to the character's journey of self-discovery and reflection. Build tension and anticipation as the character navigates through the woods and towards the sunrise, culminating in a moment of resolution or realisation.
Study other short stories: Taking the time to read and analyse short stories that rely heavily on descriptive language and internal monologue to convey meaning and emotion can be quite helpful. I find that some older texts especially tend to lack in dialogue and make up for it in vivid descriptions and prose. Pay attention to how these authors create atmosphere, develop characters, and evoke emotions through vivid descriptions and introspective narration.
Happy writing! Good luck on your story ❤
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fishfishlove · 3 months
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bravern. The morality is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of robot anime and military politics most of the plot points will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Smith's heroic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from children's TV shows, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these gay robots, to realise that they're not just homosexual they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Bravern truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the hotblooded power in Braverns's monologue about Isami coming inside him, which itself is a cryptic reference to GATTAI. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Obari's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
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