#most are centered around Wally
incorrectbatfam · 4 months
How's retail Steph doing during the Valentine's Day sales?
Previous: Margie | Batkids | Rogues | Justice League | Retail batkids | Retail Bruce | Young Justice | Black Friday
Kory: *lovingly stares*
Barbara: *lovingly stares back*
Steph, who's been standing there for 2 minutes: ...I'll come back later.
[grocery store] 
Duke: Where do I find chocolates for my girlfriend?
Steph: Not at this store if you care about her.
Steph: Welcome to Batburger, how may I help you?
Jason: We'll take the Harley and Ivy Couple's Combo.
Roy: And make the fries extra Jokerized.
Steph: Please go up to the window.
Jason and Roy: *drive up*
Steph: That'll be $23.51.
Jason: *pulls out a gun*
Steph: *sighs*
[call center] 
Steph: Wayne Enterprises account support, how can I assist you?
Damian: We would like to inquire about purchasing a toilet.
Jon: A skibidi toilet. 
Damian and Jon: *snickering*
Steph: I'm telling Cass.
Damian and Jon: *hang up*
Steph: That's what I thought.
[coffee shop] 
Steph: What can I get you guys?
Tim: We'll take a large frappuccino. 
Bernard: With two straws.
Kon, popping up out of nowhere: Make that three.
Bart, zooming in: Actually, four.
[furniture store] 
Steph: Need any help over here?
Dick: Yeah, what's your most durable mattress?
Steph: ...Durable?
Dick: Yeah, so Wally and I can both jump on it.
[clothing store] 
Renee: How does this dress look?
Steph: It looks great.
Kate: I think it'd be better on the floor.
Steph: I'm taking my fifteen-minute break. 
[at home] 
Steph: Hey guys—
Steph: *walks in on Bruce and Selina*
Steph: *turns around*
Steph: Guess I'm working overtime today.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Human Illustrator Wally x Reader
Yippee! Fluffy AU!
TW: None owo
🐻You work at a daycare as a child care worker. The daycare you work at, which is called Apple Castle Learning Center, has a reputation for taking in children with disabilities and being very accessible to them. Due to it being very difficult for a lot of parents to find daycares that have room for disabled children, the majority of the kids that go to Apple Castle Learning Center have some form of disability. Despite the amount of people who use the daycare, however, there is still a pretty low budget. As a recreational assistant at the daycare, you have to find a good way to entertain all of these lovely children in a way that is accessible to as many of them as possible.
🐻 The best thing you have found, so far, is storytime! You have all the kids gather in a circle as you read to them. To make sure that no child is left out, you make sure to show everyone a close up view of the pages so the hard of hearing children can see the pictures and pass around some toy so that the children with visibility issues can have a reference as to the visuals. Is there a cute bear on the page? Hand them a teddy bear! Is there a caterpillar that runs a store? Pass around a caterpillar toy! It may not be much, but it is the best thing you can do for such a wide array of children and such a low budget. You also make sure to give verbal descriptions of the visuals, both to keep the visually impaired children included and to teach the children new words.
🐻 The majority of the children's most favorite books seem to be one's illustrated by some man named Wally Darling. You aren't that well in the loop on who is famous in the illustration industry, but your boss, Mr. Abbott, keeps telling you that he is pretty famous. Apparently, a lot of children love his illustrations, and he has a pretty wide array of styles. Some of his books look like the pictures were drawn by children, themselves, with cute smiley faces and puppy dogs. Others will have very detailed pictures of animals. He tends to illustrate for books aimed at children in preschool all through elementary.
🐻 So when you learn that Mr. Darling is going to be visiting a library in town, you just have to go. He's, apparently, going to be signing books and everything! You feel like, since the kids love his books so much, getting one of the books signed will make them very happy. Some of the children have been expressing, recently, that they can tell that they are different than other kids and it makes them feel bad. Especially the ones who go to school. It might help them feel a bit better if the kids know that he cares for them! After all, he seems like a very loving guy, from what Mr. Abbott has said... Though, you haven't met the guy yourself, so you just have to hope.
🐻 Once the day arrives, you make sure to try to get there early. Thankfully, Mr. Abbott understood what you were trying to do and let you take the day off to get there quickly. Even though you arrived about an hour early, it is still very crowded with parents and their children who are waiting to see him arrive.
🐻 A few people recognize you and your uniform, just a little pin with the daycare logo and a small apron where you hold crayons, and talk to you until he arrives. To your shock, when you see his car pull in, it's not that fancy looking. It looks like any old car on the street. If it weren't for children screaming in excitement at his arrival, you wouldn't have noticed.
🐻 Then comes the stampede of little kids sprinting to see him, followed by their parents running to grab them, shouting "Timmy, calm down!" "Don't rush!" "Say you're sorry, you know it is wrong to push people!" You are frozen still from surprise. You never would've expected little kids to be this excited about some random guy who draws pictures. Well, not some RANDOM guy... it's just kinda like... they have never seen him, before? Just his pictures. Most of the books the daycare owns don't even have a picture of him in the back of the book.
🐻 You see him come out of the car, a small child that had managed to avoid the hands of his parents hanging from his arm like it is a branch. You would expect him to be upset that some random kid just grabbed him, but no. He has a large grin on his face, as if it was the best thing that could've happened today. He then holds the child, handing him to his parents as he says "I am so happy you all came early! Please, settle down, though! This is a library, after all!" He then chuckles, watching as all the children turn to each other, placing their fingers on their lips as they let out loud "SHHHHHHHHH"'s.
🐻 It takes a while for him to get everything set up, but it is amazing to watch. You feel very weird just watching him from time to time, burying your face in a book to try to hide it. He's just so... weird? Like, not "weird" as in bad, but "weird" as in enjoyably eccentric. You can't take your eyes off of him. If he were on a children's show as a host, you could see it making millions. He also isn't that bad looking, either. He's kinda cute-
🐻"Do you need something?" Your face lights up when he says that, realizing that he has noticed you. You point to yourself, just to be sure. He grins, pointing at you as he says "Of course, you. I noticed you staring quite a while ago. I don't mind, I know I sound strange."
🐻 You panic, standing up and walking over to him as you clarify "No! No, it isn't that! I work with a lot of kids who have a flat affect in their voice. I don't find it weird at all! I just umm... I thought you might need help! You seem to be setting a lot up!"
🐻 His eyes widen, before he smiles "Oh, you didn't mean- Wait, really? You work with kids that sound like me? Where do you work?" You point to your pin "I work at the Apple Castle Learning Center. It's a daycare, with a lot of the kids there having varying levels of disability. From physical disabilities, like a missing limb, blindness, or deafness, to more neurological ones like autism, down syndrome or ADHD. I actually came here to get a book signed for the daycare. I thought that-"
🐻 His face lights up, looking at the book in your hands. He quickly snatches it, causing you to let out a slight gasp from shock. He looks around, almost like he is trying to hide something, before quickly signing it. He then takes out a small slip of paper, writing something on it and slipping it into the book. He hands it back to you, whispering "Here. You get to have a signature early. I always like to show support for places willing to care for kids, no matter the differences they have. I know that if I made you wait for the line, you would be lost and waiting for hours. Now, go on! Show those kids the book! I want you to see how happy you made them from going out of your way to get a signature from me!"
🐻 You can practically feel yourself tearing up from joy! You shake his hand, saying "Thank you so much! You are so kind! I'll be sure to let them know what you said, too!" You then sprint out to your car, making sure to be quick to get to the daycare as fast as possible.
🐻 As you sit in the driver's seat, catching your breath, before opening up the book to look at the signature. In your joy, you forgot that he slipped a paper in there, as it drops to the floor. Picking it up, to your surprise, you see a phone number. There is a little note on the side, saying "Call me! I'd be happy to visit the daycare!" with a little, smiling winky face drawn next to it.
🐻 You feel your face grow red, again. He gave you his number? Yes, it is probably just to visit the daycare, but it is still shocking, nontheless. You like, JUST met him, after all. You smile, putting the paper in your pocket, as you head over to the daycare.
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theneighborhoodwatch · 3 months
thoughts on the Eddie scene from the end of the commercial reel? :D
HAHA oh man. okay while i'm waiting on the results of that poll, i might as well answer this. thoughts under the cut:
so, this may be me being optimistic, but i actually don't think this is indicative of eddie being permadead or anything, and not just because i think it'd be kinda cheap to kill a character off this early into the story before we even got to really know them. rather, i think this is a pretty straightforward explanation for eddie's absence from the homewarming recordings: he spent most of the day in his office waiting to be called on, only got invited to the homewarming party once everyone else had wrapped up their shenanigans, and proceeded to disassociate so hard that he was borderline catatonic when frank managed to draw his attention away from whatever he saw when he looked beyond the veil - and it's implied that frank was the only (or at least, the first) person to notice his acute distress in the first place. in short, eddie's presence throughout the entire holiday of homewarming ended up being so inconsequential either way that he might as well have not even been worth mentioning. of course, if he is missing by the next update then like. egg on my face. but that's how i see it for now.
so, is The Void that eddie found himself in when he first opened his eyes real? i mean, certainly on some level, it must be. either it's the truth of the neighbors' world or it is simply true for home, since they were the only other entity there - and since home is at the center of their world, well...... . as for what the void represents - i feel like that's something we'll only have a clearer picture of once another character finds themselves in The Bullshit, but i can hazard a few guesses, the first and most obvious being that it's eddie accidentally piercing the veil by being just a little too OOC for the universe's liking, i.e. "silly mailman, you're the resident workaholic! you're not actually supposed to relax, that's just so this special can end!" the second interpretation - and one that i like just a bit more, if i'm being honest - is that it's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, or that distress over a deviation from the status quo makes one more susceptible to The Horrors.
hear me out: we know from the previous show scenes in the commercial reel that feeling useless or unneeded by way of having no work to do is a really easy way to get under eddie's skin, and his agitation over that was still lingering when sally invited him to the homewarming party. he's optimistic, yes - but very cautiously so. he's not used to it. something still feels a little wrong, which presents a prime opportunity for Something (home?) to wrap their arm around his shoulder and go, "buddy, you have no fucking idea." i remember reading a post that went something like "if a person goes from 1 to 100 seemingly out of nowhere, chances are they were at a 99 for a really long time, and they were just either hiding it or didn't even realize it." i think it's something like that. Something - home? wally? one of those two acting on the other's behalf? - sees this dissatisfaction, and in it, finds an opportunity to Make Them See. Make Them Understand.
something else i can't stop thinking about is that final shot of frank at the end. on the one hand, yes, it is very sweet how frank is willing to break away from formality if it means making sure that eddie's alright. on the other hand, though.... that shot of frank feels very idolizing to me. in the sea of red, frank is the one remnant of when things were fine and dandy for eddie just a few minutes before. he's in the center of the shot, and for that split second, arguably the center of eddie's world. they're even haloed by light, like an angel. again, whether they're in a properly established relationship by this point or if this is the beginning of their relationship turning from a playful flirtationship to something deeper, it's sweet to think that this is how eddie sees frank - as a refuge from The Bullshit. but i have to wonder... is eddie prepared for the possibility (or inevitability, rather) that one day, it'll be frank in that chair? given how frank likes things "just so," how is eddie going to react if, say, frank decides that the best way to ensure eddie's safety/wellbeing is to stay away from him? Many Questions Here.
[remembers that i suggested lower one's eyes as eddie's answer to frank's esperar pra ver once] [remembers that lower one's eyes is about a judas analogue being in love with a jesus analogue] [coughs up blood]
on that note, i know some folks think that at least some parts of "bug-a-bye and goodnight" are about eddie because "that's not the kind of thing you say about a bug!!!" but the thing about that is. it might not be what you would say about a bug. but it is absolutely what frank would say about a bug.
ok i'm done. For Now.
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discowheelsau · 1 month
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🛼 Disco Wheels: a WH AU! 🪩
ㅤㅤㅤa famous and beloved rollerskate rink from the 80s, brought alive by its colorful cast of puppets and live entretainment. a safe place for anyone and everyone, no matter who or what you were.
ㅤㅤㅤa story following Wally—nicknamed Roco—and his experiences working at a roller rink, until everything went wrong.
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!﹘ Index
About the AU
The Cast
Tagging Guide
Important Links
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1. ﹕ About the AU
ㅤㅤㅤit's the 80s, and all you can hear being talked about is the latest rollerskate that opened not so long ago. neon lights, disco music, a cast of colorful puppets and live entretainment bring the building to life all day and all night long. ㅤㅤㅤa place where everyone is free to be who they are, free to have fun however they want; sounds like a dream come true, doesn't it? come in! the doors are open for you, everyone is waiting. ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤwill you join the fun…? :o)
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2. ﹕ The Cast
Roco :: Wally (he/it/roll)
the main mascot of the roller rink; he appeared the most in commercials and other promotional material, and could be seen present in the rink at all times either dancing, singing, or rolling around. - Actor: Renny
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Blades :: Sally (she/he)
the "chill friend" of the group; she could be seen frequently in roller skating and roller skates ads, hanging out near the speakers, or rolling around the rink. - Actoress: [REDACTED]
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Cherry :: Julie (she/he/cherry)
the most cheerful one out of the whole group, always ready to be the center of attention and the life of the party. she was always dancing and singing along the disco music of the rink. - Actoress: [REDACTED]
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Beetle :: Frank (he/they)
possibly the most grounded out of the whole group - although certainly not any less fun! they could usually be seen skating around the rink helping those that needed it. - Actor: Mateo
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Dee :: Eddie (he/dis)
a popular drag queen in town; like Julie, he's always ready to be the center of attention, frequently dancing alongside her during the later hours of the day. - Actor: Ken
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Mr. H :: Howdy (he/him)
with a more "rich jock" attitude, he was the most admired by the rink's attendees out of the whole group. he was always ready to help anyone that needed it! - Actor: [REDACTED]
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Pop' :: Poppy (she/her)
the mother figure of the group, she used to appear most frequently in health/ safety PSAs videos in the rink. she usually worked during child-friendly hours of the day. - Actor: [REDACTED]
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B.B :: Barnaby (he/him)
the clown of the party - he was always up to making everyone present smile and laugh along. he had more party tricks up his sleeve than stars on his fur, or so he said. - Actor: [REDACTED]
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3. ﹕ Boundaries
What is ok?
Fan art, edits, cosplays, fanfics, anything creative!
Character interactions of any kind!  In any medium!  I’d love to see them!
Memes or things alike!
Fanon AUs of the AU
Edits! All of this, as long as you tag/ credit me of course!
What is not ok?
Selling mass produced merchandise.
Sexual interactions, both explicit and not explicit.
Ignoring a character's sexuality for shipping purposes.
Redesigns, recolors, tracing, etc. without my permission.
Any type of com-proshipping content; this includes Wallycest.
Any kind of AI content. Please respect these boundaries, if not you will be blocked and blacklisted.
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4. ﹕ Tagging Guide
#disco wheels au — general tag for the AU! #lore — general lore/ important posts. #ask — all answered asks made to the blog! #golden disco years — all posts related to the roller rink. #watcher mansion — all posts related to Watcher Wally's Mansion and other interactions with other AUs in it.
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5. ﹕ Important Links
Spotify playlist
fanart folder!
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... it's best to not live in the past, isn't it?
are you willing to hear the truth…?
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aerkame · 1 year
Smooth Moves
🌹Wally and Barnaby teach you how to dance🌹
(Takes place in Alive AU from my A Silly Thought and More post)
Posted later than intended rip
Some mood music for this writing. POV playlist
It was late at night, most of your guests were inside fast asleep while you, Wally, and Barnaby finished up making space on the large porch. Barnaby was insistent that he and Wally teach you how to slow dance when you mentioned you've never danced before. Plus you two needed to figure out who was doing what tomorrow. Winner gets to choose after seeing who dips better.
"Alright, so if I win I get to pick what we do tomorrow. And if you win you get to pick what we do tomorrow. Deal?"
You held your hand out to shake on it, but Wally gently grabbed a hold of it and turned it over to plant a small kiss on the back of your palm. Heat rushed to your cheeks as the two of you parted ways to opposite sides of the porch. You wished you could just hide away in a corner right now until your cheeks looked normal or at least pretend that you were fine.
You slowly looked over to where Wally was, he was staring at you still, eyes half-lidded and a droopy smile on his face. That cheeky little bugger.
Barnaby walked up to the center of the porch and held out his paw towards Wally. "Hey buddy, I think we should show em' how it's done first, it's their first time right?" His voice was a cheery as usual, but something felt a bit off about it tonight, it had a deeper tone to it. "That it is, maybe we'll each get a turn with our host?" He peered over at you as he took a hold of the beagle's paw. "I sure hope so, I love dancing with new partners!"
Barnaby leaned to the side where a table was and quickly pressed the play button on the stereo you had given him the day before. He loved that thing to bits.
The music started out slow and steady as the two began to step and sway along with the beat. "Make sure to match up with your partners movements...like this." They both swayed to the far right, then the left, both of their feet being in sync perfectly with every single step. Clearly these two practiced frequently. The music went on for a while as the two circled, swayed, and danced around in patterns. It was so smooth that you almost felt hypnotized into a daze, only snapping out of it when Barnaby and Wally slowed down into a large dip. Wally, ever the dramatic suave, put one leg up as he was dipped down. "There, it's as simple as that!" Barnaby looked over at you and gestured for you to come over. You shook your head though, now too nervous to really put yourself in a spotlight like that.
"Ohh? Is someone nervous now?" Wally teased, hanging off of his friend's arm lazily. "It'll be fine, we can both teach you at the same time if you want!" Barnaby butted in, seeing how nervous you looked. Maybe his new friend needed some more encouragement.
"Alright...I'm not good at dancing though so I might step on someone's foot." You did not feel confident in yourself quite frankly.
"That's okay." The two pals separated as Barnaby went to go behind you and Wally right in front of you, boxing you in. "Besides, now you can have two partners!"
You felt the soft blue paws grab onto both of your hands and guiding them, placing one on Wally's shoulder and one on his hip, Wally mimicked the position on you in the opposite direction. Barnaby spoke up "Now remember, try to match your partners movements and just let us guide you until you get used to it." You nodded and looked down at your feet making sure they were in the correct position, missing the knowing looks the two had with each other.
"I think our dear host will catch on quick, won't you?" Wally smiled sweetly, giving your hip a small squeeze as you looked back up, earning a small squeak. How adorable of you. They wondered what other noises you could make.
It started out just like before, Barnaby having restarted the song and returning to being behind you. You stumbled a bit for the first few steps but you caught on quickly, seeing the pattern more clearly. It also helped to have two giant soft paws behind your back in case you tripped or fell.
"Wow, see! You're catching on already!" The blue friend continued to encourage you. "Now this part might be a bit harder, you'll need to swing your hips with the movement of your feet. Let me show you." Barnaby gently cupped your side and helped move your hips along to the rhythm of the music as Wally kept your shoulders in place. You stumbled though, having a hard time trying to match your footwork with theirs.
"Here, like this..." Wally spoke up and his friend backed up a little bit for some space. He took hold of your hip once more, this time more gently. "Just copy what I do."
He put one foot to the side and you did the same, allowing Wally to control the movements of your hips with his, one step at a time, one sway here and there, a few twirls, and it was like you were an expert at this. You didn't even notice that Barnaby had gone to sit down, locking eyes with Wally to give him a big thumbs up. Or the small crowd of friends standing by the back door watching the two of you.
The music kept going. The longer the two of you danced, the more you started to feel yourself getting used to this. Suddenly, Wally guided you into a deep dip, exaggerating his position into what that of a lover would be as the music came to a slow stop. He leaned in closer squeezing your hand in his. "I believe I won, yes?"
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The Token Human - Part 3
Hi y'all, me again back with part 3 of this... adventure, let's call it that. Sorry for not posting this yesterday but I had a random Depression Day and couldn't get much done. I seem to be doing better though so, let's hope I don't have another one of those days for a week or so.
Part 1 Part 2 CW: nothing too bad this time! Just Wally having no sense of personal space, and stalking. And memory alteration, too. [what does it say about this fic that this stuff is 'not too bad'?]
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You couldn't help it, you were a little jealous…
From your spot under a friendly tree, you watched Eddie on his daily route. He looked up from the envelopes in his hand. With a smile, he waved at you. You waved back. 
Eddie was a good guy, a friend of yours for sure. It wasn't his fault, not at all.
No, it was no one's fault, probably…
But as Eddie so stopped by Julie's house, three letters in hand, you had to look away. Something bitter chewed at you.
Why didn't you get any letters?
Seemed like everyone in the neighborhood got them. Family members and distant friends, pen pals from far away, even each other. But your mailbox remained only full of dust and longing.
Hard to think of who you'd want to get a letter from though. Your own family… you didn't want to think about that, for some reason that made you sad. Old friends… that made you sad, too.
You sighed and leaned against the tree, messing with the friendship bracelet Wally gave you. He made them with Barnaby and gave one to everyone. He even put yours on himself because you couldn't figure it out. The memory of his little nimble fingers brushing against your wrist still stuck out at you. Why did you always remember the weird stuff?
Wally wasn't around right now. You glance towards Home, in the center of town. Wally was busy inside his Home. Wally hadn't talked to you in a few days, really deep in painting. You wondered before if he was angry with you, but you hadn't done anything, not on that day or any other. Baking cookies with Poppy wasn't a bad thing. You'd even offered him some…
Wally was busy inside his Home. Everyone was having fun on their own.
I'm going to write a letter, you thought, and stood. That sounds like the absolute most.
Humming a cheery little song as you walked down the street to your house, you thought about who you'd send a letter to. Your parents? You didn't know their address. Some distant friend? You didn't know any of those either. Someone in town? You chuckle at the thought. Wouldn't that be funny, sending a letter to someone you saw every day.
In your house you found both paper and envelopes. You couldn't really remember when you got them - did someone bring them over for crafts? Were they part of Howdy's welcome to Home gift basket? Hard to say…
But you found paper and envelopes and stamps and a pen. You sat at your favorite desk, your only desk, and hovered the pen over the page.
Pause for a second. What were you going to say? What were you going to tell this person, someone you hadn't even decided on? Someone you might not even know. Someone… outside of Home…
It's a long shot, you thought. Your fingers clutched the pen until your hand shook. Such a long shot. If you screwed this up, you'd probably not get another chance.
It was a long shot but maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
You clutched at the memories with all your might. There had to be someone who remembered you, even if you didn't remember them. There had to be someone who could help you, out there.
The picture formed in your mind's eye, so clear, so perfect, the person you wanted to talk to more than anyone else…
Two arms locked around your body, pinning your arms to your sides. Cold sweat broke out on your forehead.
"You think too loud, neighbor," Wally said into your ear. "I could hear you from inside my Home."
He rested a fuzzy cheek on your shoulder and sighed.
"You were thinking of leaving again, weren't you?" He said.
You didn't speak, the words locked up in your throat. 
"I don't like it when my friends leave. At least, I think I don't. It's never happened before. Isn't that silly? Home is such a nice place, nobody who comes here ever wants to leave…"
The grip on you tightened.
"Except for you." 
The name slipped from your mouth. 
"I think," Wally said, pressing up against the back of the chair, "You don't really understand. Home is great! Home is safe, and fun, and happy. Don't you want to be happy?"
A hand, too large, too long, gripped your chin.
"We could be happy here forever, and ever, and ever. You and me and all our friends. Why don't you want that? Why don't you want to stay with me?"
A felt finger traced the line around your lips, and your stomach churned, you squirmed in discomfort.
"There's nowhere to go, anyway. Silly, silly."
He pressed his cheek against yours. Your eyes watered.
"I'm all there is now," Wally said, "I made sure of it."
Your eyes went wide.
"What - what did you-"
His hand covered your mouth. The felt was soft. His grip was too, too strong. You struggled. A memory washed over you, Wally singing as he dragged you down a dark hall, Home creaking, squeaking, as you struggled struggled struggled struggled
"Wake up!"
Your eyes snapped open. Julie let out a cheer and wrapped her arms around your disoriented self. You raised a hand to your head, blinking in the sunlight. You were under your favorite tree, Julie and Frank on either side of you, Julie hugging you still, Frank adjusting his tie the way he did when he was composing himself.
"What happened?" You looked around.
"You were having a nightmare!" Julie said. "You fell asleep under the tree again!"
"I did?" You looked at your two small friends. "That was silly of me."
"What were you dreaming about?" Frank asked.
You stopped, thought about it. What were you dreaming about, that got you all scared like you were…?
"... I don't remember," you lied. "The last thing I remember thinking about was writing a letter to someone…"
"That's a great idea!" Julie shouted. "We can all write letters to each other."
"Tomorrow," Frank interrupted. "Some of us like to get sleep when it's dark."
As the two continued to bicker, you looked up towards the street. There he stood, your best friend Wally. He smiled at you. You tried to smile back, even as your pulse tripped and quickened in your body. 
Wally isn't your friend, where did you hear that from? Wally isn't your friend, but he'd never hurt you. Wally isn't your friend… but if he wasn't, then what was he?
He blinked at you, and you blinked back. What were you thinking about again?
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After you left, walking Frank and Julie down the street, Wally threw himself down in the spot you'd been in before. It didn't smell like you. It didn't smell like much of anything but grass and dirt, and fresh leaves, but that was okay. He knew what you smelled like better than you did. And it was just the absolute most, just like you were.
He smiled. Thinking about you made him warm inside, happier than anyone ever had before. When he closed his eyes, he could see you so easily, around town, with your friends, in your bed, fast asleep and safe from the world. He liked those little moments best, when it was just you and him. When you shivered under the covers, he tucked you in. When your eyes flooded like little faucets, he wiped the water away. He sat next to you for hours and hours, never bored, not once. And when he had to go, he kissed your forehead, just like family did, before heading back Home again.
Oh, Wally wasn't stupid. He'd done a bad thing. But maybe, it was okay to do something bad, if it meant something good would come out of it?
And Wally - Wally loved you so much. So much more than anyone you knew back there. How to show it, he didn't know. How to make you feel it, he wasn't sure either. But there had to be a way, right? Someday you'd love him too, just as much as he loved you.
He had to keep telling himself that. If he didn't, he might do something scary. Something bad. And he couldn't eat your memories away for good, not like the others. He could eat and eat and eat, but yours always, always, came back.
Wally thought about the look on your face, how you trembled and your eyes got all wet and scared. He smiled, even though it was sad. Maybe that was his fault. Maybe he didn't want you to forget. It was wrong but… he liked it, when you were scared. Your fear tasted so, so good…
The sun slipped down the sky and you would crawl into bed after everyone else did. And when you did, he would be waiting. 
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fatehbaz · 3 months
There are thousands of people homeless in Edmonton. About only one week ahead of the winter holidays in December 2023, the City of Edmonton pursued plans to sweep over 130 homeless encampments as part of a what has been described as a "shocking" eviction plan. But at the same time, in January 2024, the city was clearing camps amidst sustained deadly severe weather, during a polar vortex event with temperatures of -50 F/-46 C. Meanwhile, a court case presented by homeless advocates with Coalition for Justice and Human Rights was trying to slow brutal sweeps and evictions. But when a judge shut down the case in the middle of January 2024, it took the City of Edmonton just one single day to turn around and set up an "operations centre" to expand sweeps again, as the daytime high temperatures for the preceding week and over the next few days were sometimes as low as -25 F/-31 C. In less than two weeks after the lawsuit was scrapped, by the beginning of February 2024, the city had already cleared 49 encampments. (The city ostensibly has access to institutional and financial power as the Alberta provincial capital and a center of the province's massive fossil fuel industry, yet the city spends its effort on evictions.)
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[Quote.] Two weeks since a lawsuit challenging Edmonton's practice of dismantling homeless encampments was scrapped by a judge, nearly 50 encampments around the city have been torn down. A new emergency operations centre - set up by city administration one day after the suit was dismissed - is helping co-ordinate sweeps as evictions continue at an accelerated pace. The Emergency Operations Centre has overseen the removal of 49 encampments, the city said in a statement. About 211 structures were removed during the sweeps [...]. The encampment operations centre was established on Jan. 17, as Edmonton police promised to hasten tearing down encampments [...]. The day before, a judge ruled Coalition for Justice and Human Rights, a group that challenged the city's encampment policies, did not have legal standing in the case, putting an end to the high-profile legal challenge and, in turn, lifting restrictions on how the evictions could proceed. "The bottom line is they're doing this because that lawsuit longer exists," [A.N.], a lawyer for the group, said. "They feel emboldened.[...] And that means, from our perspective, they're continuing to breach the fundamental rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized within our city." [End quote.]
Text by: Wallis Snowdon. "49 homeless encampments dismantled in Edmonton since lawsuit scrapped". CBC News. 1 February 2024. [Bold emphasis added by me.]
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Screenshot of headline from 15 December 2023.
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Headline from 12 January 2024 (updated 15 January 2024).
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[Quote.] It feels like housing is at a tipping point in the city of Edmonton. There have been four main events highlighting the situation: [1] A case that was brought against the City of Edmonton by the Coalition for Justice and Human Rights about encampment sweeps; [2] Encampment sweeps perpetrated by the Edmonton police days before a forecasted deadly cold snap; [3] A decision by Edmonton City Council to declare a housing and homelessness emergency; [4] The Alberta government’s announcement that encampments will continue to be cleared out, while also arguing there’s sufficient shelter room. That contention has been refuted by advocates, shelter workers and the province’s official housing critic. [...]
The state of housing both in Canada and globally is worsening, but the housing crisis is not new. [...] Under Canada’s National Housing Strategy Act passed in 2019, the federal government affirmed the human right to housing. [...] This isn’t happening, apparently, when it comes to encampments, which are both a site of human rights violations and of human rights claims. The Coalition for Justice and Human Rights was denied legal standing by the judge in its case against Edmonton because he ruled it wasn’t the right group to represent the interests of people experiencing homelessness. While that means this particular case will not proceed, it garnered significant media attention and does not refute the claims by the coalition, only its standing. The coalition argued human rights were violated during encampment sweeps. It sought to maintain permanent restrictions on encampment evictions, and had been supported by many advocates in Edmonton, including those who submitted affidavits. [...]
[U]nhoused people [...] are disproportionately Indigenous [...]. When authorities make reference to “public safety” concerns about encampment, unhoused people are positioned as dangerous.
The destruction of those encampments simply drives people who are unhoused further to the margins. Sweeps do not end people’s experiences of homelessness; they move them out of public view. [...] Homelessness in Edmonton has resulted in increased amputations due to exposure to extreme cold, while encampment sweeps lead to the overburdening of a shelter system that is already inadequate and the denial of rest for people who are unhoused. [End quote.]
Text by: Katie MacDonald. "Encampment sweeps in Edmonton are yet another example of settler colonialism". The Conversation. 8 February 2024. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Image shows screenshot of article's headline.]
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eraldkarma · 4 months
I want more young just us fics that arnt about Tim Drake.
Like it's so hard to find fics about the 90s young justice that doesn't center around Tim. He'll it's hard to find fics about any of the characters in young justice that don't involve tim.
Like yeah tim is cool I know it can be fun writing him and all his angst but like maybe I wanna red about just kons daddy issues, or the fact that most romantic relationships he's had have been with adult women and explore how he matures and finds out that "Hey that was kinda fucked up, those were adult women and I was fresh out the tube they like totallytook advantage of me. " but atleast he has a few fics focused on him, like most of them are tim kon fics but he's like the second most popular character in the 90s young justice fandom.
or bart "dont tell wally" allen and the fact that he has felt death, got his knee blown out by deathstroke and deals with constant self esteem issues because he worrys that he's not good enough to take up the flash mantle. He'll half the fics that he's tagged in are 1)young justice cartoon fics, which fair who doesn't like a future apocalypse refugee? But I'm not looking for that guy I want 90s comic bart. 2)he's a side character in a Timkon fic or barely mentioned. That's it.
But you know who gets the worst of this?
Cassie. I have found one, count this, ONE cassie fic were she wasn't a background character for a Timkon fic or just a tim fic. And she has angst potential too, her boyfriend died in her fucking arms? She got so depressed she joined a cult to cope 😭 he'll you could write her as feeling pressured to be okay for tim, bart and kon because of how much they've gone through when in compared to her.
I am proposing Tim drake black out week were everyone writes fics about som other young justice characters that arnt him. And I dont want to make this post and have people think I hate tim or tim kon it's what got me into young justice and he's one of my favorite characters but the fandom is so saturated with him that it's impossible to find anything about the other characters. 😔😔😔
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arikihalloween · 5 months
Pantheon AU
Aka, Welcome to me making up deity designs because why the hell not
It started with this drawing I made of a Julie that I call Moon Deity
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And people on twitter have been eating that up so I've felt some motivation to continue working on it
Today I'm sharing the 4 first deities I've finished
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Julie Joyful
Deity of the moon and oceans. Do not be fooled by her elegant and beautiful appearance, for she's an energic goddess that will bend bodies of water to her emotional will.
The moon is often associated to calmness, feminity, such things, but I decided to go with an other approach. The moon is small and fast. She turns around the earth every day of the year, and is responsible for the tides. The closer she is, the bigger the tide ! That doesn't sound that much calm to me. In this AU Julie appears calm only because Sally insist that she has to dress "regal" for their very important deity jobs. Isn't that silly ?
Julie will have alternate outfits depending on the activity she wants to do at any given moment, switching from pants to dress !
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Sally Starlet
Deity of the Sun, stars and fire, she is the calm one, most of the time. Warm, but also a little stuck up sometimes, Sally likes when things are in order and go her way. She sees their deity roles as important ! The fiery goddess also gives her blessings in the arts, especially theater art which she favors
The sun doesn't move as much as the moon, but it is big and powerful and at the center of our solar system. I like the idea of reversing roles a little, having the sun being the calm one for once
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The deity of death is a kind and compassionate fellow. He doesn't talk much, but listens very well, and will help souls pass to their afterlife with all the compassion in the world. He is also the patron of living spaces, as he wants to make sure beings live well, safe, sound and happy, before he comes to take them away.
I like it when death deities aren't cruel but instead very kind and comforting. Home will have a lot of little helpers ! Although, note that Home is the deity of death as in he's the reaper. There is other deities ruling over the concept of death ! Home is more of a psychopomp in this AU ( psychopomps are the "reaper" deities. It includes Valkyries, Ankous, Shinigamis, Grim Reaper, etc)
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Wally Darling
The deity of life ! He creates and gives in abondance, whenever he can. He may not be particularly smart, or doesn't pay that much attention to his creations past their conception and first breath, but he means well and is still learning. He's a fairly new deity, replacing the previous one. Home is there to kindly help guide him to his new duties, along with Barnaby.
He's just a silly trying his best with great powers. Life is pretty mysterious, and not easy. The path is long and full of hardships, after all... but I don't think what gives the first breath of life is cruel for it. Life is still beautiful and should be cherished
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Bonus Appleblossom sketch because this is my self indulgent au so I will put in my ocs, headcanons and fav ships !
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covertblizzard · 1 month
Teen Titans Chronology
Era 1: Superhero Names & Funky Nicknames
The Brave and the Bold (1955) #54 The Brave and the Bold (1955) #60 Showcase #59 Teen Titans (1966) #1-20 The Brave and the Bold (1955) #83 Teen Titans (1966) #21-22
This is the peak silly era. Goofy nicknames, (mostly) goofy one-off villains, occasional team-up, etc. As far as I'm aware, none of their real names are ever mentioned within their own title and it's just their superhero names.
It starts with Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad (in the first Brave and Bold), with Wonder Girl being the first addition when they are officially first called the Teen Titans (in the second Brave and Bold), so I'm counting the Fab Foursome (Cool Quartet? Fantabulous Foursome?) of them as the starting point. They're a team up to #18 with occasional guests from Speedy (#4 - with notes that there were an "avalanche of mail" asking for his inclusion, #11), Beast Boy (#6 - rejected by the Teen Titans and apparently previously the Doom Patrol for not having a guardian's permission slip, interesting note that he already had movie offers here), and Starfire (#18 - definitely not who you're thinking of and instead a Russian boy).
Issue #19 is when they become "Fab-Four-Sometime Five" where Roy joins and Garth takes a break, so the main four changed. There are then two more team ups with Jericho (#20 - also not who you're thinking of but some boy name Joshua) and with Hawk and Dove (#21).
I think only Mad Mod became a long-term villain (?) but the list includes: Mr Twister, the Astounding Separated Man, Beast-God of Xochatan, Akkuru, Ding Dong Daddy Dowd (Demon Dragster), Diablo, The Ant (less villain and more blackmailed by Mr Krask), Mr Baltzer, Mad Mod, Honey Bun (and a spy Karl Larner), Captain Tiger, The Scorcher, The Gargoyle (who makes a reappearance in #35), Captain Rumble, The Dimensional Caper (from Dimension X), Le Blanc, Punch (Sylvester Sepastopol), Fat Cat.
Era 2: Real Names, New Teammates, Mr Jupiter, and Solo Storylines
Teen Titans (1966) #22-31 The Brave and the Bold (1955) #94 Teen Titans (1966) #32-34 World's Finest Comics #205 Teen Titans (1966) #35-39 The Brave and the Bold (1955) #102 Teen Titans (1966) #40-43
This part of the story starts to have a bit more personality and it is a lot more character-driven as opposed to (short) plot-driven stories. Their real names are finally used and they're shown to hangout as civilians and not just superheroes.
This starts at the end of #22 when Donna Troy is given a name, a backstory (one of many), a new apartment, a roommate Sharon, and a makeover. Dick and Wally was previously named in #83 of The Brave and the Bold, but Roy gets named in #24. In a way, this makes Donna feel very much like the living center of the Titans for me, her development begins with the Titans and she's intrinsically tied to it very personally (and this also feels reflected in how Garth views Donna as the "TITANS FOREVER" among all of them). After all, at this point, there's no separate comics she is in unlike the other 4 main titans. She is also the only single character that appears in every single comic with no exception (other than the very first, but they weren't known as Teen Titans then either).
There aren't so much guests as much as two new permanent members - Lilith who joins right before Mr Jupiter comes into the picture in #25 and Mal who joins right after in #26. During this time, 6 of them are mostly all there and are led and trained by Mr Jupiter. The longest disappearance is when Dick goes to college (from #25-32 except for a single appearance in #28) and occasional disappearance when they stay behind to take care of Mr Jupiter's lab (sometimes it is unexplained but I chalk most disappearance up to this). From #26 onwards, all but 6 issues are not related to Mr Jupiter (#28-29 led by Garth, #31 led by Wally, #34 and #42 led by Donna, and #43). This era also seems to establish Wally (and Donna) as de-facto leader when Dick is not around.
All other guests are really more part-time members such as Hank and Don who do their summer stint from #25-#30, Gnarrk who first appears in #32-33 and comes back in #39, and Garth who appears in #28-29 and #40.
For the first time (as far as I'm aware), a known villain gets brought into the story - Ocean Master (Orm) and an alien leader Mofo in #28-29 with Garth going after him. This part also established the easy-to-get-into-fights, easy-to-get-out-of-fights (among themselves) dynamics that I associate with the Titans. They start to place more importance on their insecurities and friendship.
There are also 2 main "friends get brainwashed" (for extended period) type storyline during this period of time (which later seems to become quite commonplace among the Titans): once with Donna (#34 which Wally doesn't see) and once with Garth (#40).
This is also the only era which has quite a lot of additional separate solo storylines. It start with Donna if you count "The Origin of Wonder Girl" in #22 (although it's kind of more like an additional story where everyone appears), and then Wally and Garth (with Tula) in #30. Garth (#30, #35, #36, #38) and Lilith (#36, #38, #41, #43) have the most with 4 each, Roy (#35, #38) and Hank&Don (#31, #39) have two each, and Mal (#35) and Dick (#36) have one each (like Donna and Wally). Superboy (young Clark) actually also has two - one with Dick (#36) and one with young Ollie (#37) that doesn't even have any of the Titans in it.
Crucially, contrary to how modern comics love to portray Batman and Robin's view on the Teen Titans, Batman actually fully supports the Teen Titans in the original and has never been shown to do otherwise almost at all. In fact, he is the one with the most team-ups with the Teen Titans and the team-ups almost always happen because he needs helps "relating to the teens" and he specifically calls on them, with full respect for them (even purposely allowing Wally and Donna to punch him real hard that one time to solidify their cover). The only mentor who does show disapproval is actually Aquaman (in Era 3), who does so because Garth gets mysteriously sick which he blames on the Teen Titans (sort of half-correctly).
Interestingly, up to this point there are actually more team appearances of what I'm calling Alternative 5 or Alt5 (Wally, Donna, Roy, Lilith Mal) than of Fab5 (Dick, Wally, Donna, Garth, Roy). In fact, up to this point there were 12 appearances of Alt5 over 5 appearances of Fab5. This is mostly because Roy and Garth actually have very little team-ups because Roy became a permanent basically the same time that Garth stopped being a permanent member.
Titans Villains (other than Ocean Master hat one time) in this era: Hell's Hawks, Harry Tout, Dr Pauling, Councilman Buckminster (Santa Claus), Demoness possessing Magda Drachwyck (Miss Wickersham), Calibano Della Loggia (x2), Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Black Earl of Moray, Captain Barstow's Phantom, Lord Beetle
Era 3: When Fab5 was Defined, More Teammates, Teen Titans West, and Splitting Up
Teen Titans (1966) #44-53 The Brave and the Bold (1955) #149
There was a more than 3 years gap from the last issue #43 in February 1973 to issue #44 in November 1976 which translated to a 2 year in-comic hiatus of the Teen Titans. There's also a change of regular writer from (mostly) Bob Haney to Bob Rozakis. All this culminated in a change in tone of the characters being a bit more aggressive and antagonistic towards each other, especially with Roy (note: Snowbirds Don't Fly happened in 1971 so it's not because that occurred in between the break since it actually happened before the break). They fight a lot more this era and the storylines are longer and bleed more into one another.
Another obvious change is that Wally is shown to be way more into Donna than before (in his thoughts especially) instead of their more casual flirting. Wally does eventually confess to Donna who rejects him in this era. The other "official" relationships are Mal/Karen and Lilith/Gnarrk (funnily because Mal/Lilith was a thing for a bit).
In story, Mr Jupiter decides to close shop (unknown reason) and so they broke up, with Mal taking care of the labs and the rest pursuing their individual careers instead as they agreed upon (but Mal is unhappy about). This... doesn't really make sense because I'm not sure what "individual career" Donna has, but never mind.
Lilith is no longer in the main team (later explained that she settled in the West Coast with Gnarrk which is very contradictory to her last statement in #43 that the Teen Titans is her family). Garth comes back from #45 when he is mysteriously summoned by Mal's horn and it's like he never left. He wants to resign in #51 because his insecurities making him physically sick, but he agrees to finish the mission and they all ended up disbanding anyway. Karen appears first in #45 as Mal's girlfriend and joins as Bumblebee in #49, but Duela joins the team first in #46. Because of these lineup changes, Fab5 appearances started to catch up to Alt5 until eventually Alt5 (15 appearances) just barely edges out Fab5 (13 appearances). Interestingly, Dick-Wally-Donna-Roy-Mal actually end up appearing most (17 appearances).
They (it's honestly mostly Dick, Wally, and Donna) discuss the idea of a new headquarters first suggested by Donna in #45 (like I said, she's very much the living centre of the Titans). Dick makes the decision (because he is Leader-Man and Bruce is funding it) to have their headquarters as a restaurant front, Gabriel's Horn (named after Mal's horn given by the angel Gabriel in #45), run by Mal and Roy (the jobless duo apparently) in #46 and they set it up in #49. Mal and Roy also started forming the rock band The Great Frog (a job!) in #45 which plays in their restaurant.
Teen Titans West first meet up and is established in #50 with some familiar faces (Gar, Hank, Don, Lilith, Gnarrk) and some complete newbies (Bette, Ch'al) to the roster. Issues #51 and #52 have the East and West team up, resulting in basically every Titans ever joining with the exception of Tula (but then again, at this point she only appeared in Garth solo story and never in the main storyline). At the end of which, they have a big feast (sponsored by Dick) and decided to part ways to improve and work towards eventually becoming the future Justice League (as they were always meant to).
The final story #53 establishes their origin and formation story which includes Roy, but had Roy basically saying he wanted to be involved only whenever he wanted and not permanently (ahem commitment issues), establishing Fab5 as the clear founders of the Teen Titans in the last issue.
There is a third "friends get brainwashed/used" (for extended period) type storyline with Lilith (#50-52), except she's not evil, but her powers are manipulated for evil. With Duela, there is also the first instance of villain's children in the Titans (in future there is Joey and Rose most prominently), setting up the stage for Titans raising villain's children. They actually brought Two-Face in to visit Duela at least once (right after a crime too???) which is... interesting?
This era has many more appearances of known villains including Dr Light, The Fiddler, Two-Face, and Mr Esper (Captain Calamity). The final issue is where Antithesis first appear (he is a recurring villain or at least comes back in future issues), and the remaining unimportant ones are: The Wreckers, Flamesplasher (x2), Sizematic (x2), Darklight (x2), and Rocket Rollers led by Brian the Brain.
Finally, there are some unexplained mysteries. Where the hell did Mal's horn go since it went missing in #49? Who is the blonde "Little Queen" that Garth meets from #36 (because I don't think it's Nirka McDuff from #40)? Who are Lilith's parents? What's up with Mr Jupiter? Is he Donna's dad (#35)? Do they ever make use of the possibly haunted mansion and fortune they inherited in #43? Why did Mr Jupiter not bother to make Roy, Wally, and Lilith face their fears (#38)? Does he think redheads have no fears? Are we going to address the fact that Lilith is apparently Juliet reborn (#35-36) and decided to give up Romeo (who she was very enamored by for a while) for Gnarrk?
To be continued~
Some Statistics (For Fun)
Most to least appearances, we have:
Donna (60) - only missing from the very first story before they were coined the Teen Titans
Wally (58) - missing from 3 stories all during Mr Jupiter era (twice unknown reasons and once because he is watching the lab)
Dick (54) - missing from 6 issues for his college
Roy (41)
Garth (37)
Mal (28)
Lilith (22)
Mr Jupiter (12) - not a Titan but I was curious so I counted him
Hank and Don (11)
Karen and Duela (8)
Gnarrk (5)
Gar (4)
Bette and Ch'al (3)
Tula (1)
Most to least trio appearances (within Fab5):
Dick-Wally-Donna (50)
Wally-Donna-Roy (38) - the love triangle lmao
Dick-Donna-Roy (33)
Dick/Donna-Wally-Garth (32)
Dick-Donna-Garth / Dick-Wally-Roy trio (31) - DWDG and DWDR limiting factor
Wally/Donna-Garth-Roy (14) - Roy/Wally-Donna-Mal/Lilith have more than this (25, 23, 19, 18)
Dick-Garth-Roy (13) - Fab5 limiting factor
For quartets, Dick-Wally-Donna-Garth (DWDG) quartet (31) ends up exactly equal to Dick-Wally-Donna-Roy (DWDR) quartet (31).
Special note that because of Lilith separation in Era 3, even though Garth is brought back, the Rebirth "OG" line up (Fab 5 + Lilith) actually only has 3 appearances together. On the other hand, Alt 5 + Dick have 9 appearances (but no Garth). World's Finest line up (Fab5 + Karen) have 7 appearances but only 4 of which Karen is actually Bumblebee and fighting with them, while the Silver Age Final line up (Fab5 + Mal) has the most with 10 appearances.
Ultimately, Lilith does still make more sense to me than Karen to balance the team with more girls, because she definitely was there earlier, had more appearance than Karen, and also doesn't have the additional association of joining because of Mal since she predates Mal. That said, the girl with the most Fab5 teamup might actually be Duela who also has 7 appearances with Fab5, all of which she is on their side (although half their issue was trust which wouldn't make so much sense if she was with them from the beginning). The person with most Fab5 teamup is unquestionably Mal though (10). It's curious to see what is more "valid" but my personal opinion is that there is no point in making a Fab6 just let leave it be and acknowledge it as product of its time.
If you want to have a look at the data out of curiosity, it's here.
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kaekae-x0x0 · 1 year
Welcome Home - Phantom of the Opera AU
This fanfiction can be preceded in two ways.
A Wally Darling x Reader
A Howdy Pillar x Reader
This AU (in this fanfiction at least) follows a gender neutral reader. I’m not the greatest with pronouns. Please correct me on any mistakes.
Two outfit choices will be given, one with a more feminine look, and one with a masculine look. You may also make an in between mismash, or even leave it to your imagination!
A Spotify playlist will be linked eventually to this fanfiction, so if you wanna listen to the music I feel fits this story, go ahead!
A master post will be pinned later on with all chapters.
Part 1/?
You stood on the stage with the patched up curtains in front of you. You tugged on the fabric of your pants/ skirt. Sally had heard your voice a few days before and insisted you put on a show with her, with you as the main focus as a great introduction to the others. Looking at her from center stage, she smiles and begins to pull in the mechanism that makes the curtain push to the side.
You squint as the sudden change of lighting surprised you. ‘Where in the world did a child get professional lighting?’ You wondered as the backing track began to play.
You close your eyes and blocked out the thought of the few people in the audience. Although you knew only Julie, Frank, Eddie, Barnaby, Poppy, and Howdy were in the audience, you still couldn’t shake off your strange fear of the stage.
As you began to sing, you finally warmed up to the audience and opened you eyes, even using your arms to express more. You scanned the audience and smiled. Everyone seemed to enjoy your voice, but Howdy was the most entranced, you weren’t sure why, but he seemed to give his full attention to you.
As the track began to fade, you slowed down your tempo and finally ended the final note. The curtain closed as you turned away.
You walked to Sally and she engulfed you in a hug.
“THAT WAS AMAZING!” She exclaimed, squeezing you tighter.
You smile softly, “It was?”
“YES! Before you know it, you’ll be as big of a star as me!” She let you out of the hug, and pushed you away.
“Now, go out that door and talk to your audience!” She demanded.
You followed her orders and stepped outside, the neighbors were already waiting for you.
“Oh neighbor, that was amazing! You have to give me some lessons sometime!” Julie said, smiling wide. She took your hands and squeezed them.
Eddie approached you next, Frank by his side, arms linked.
“You’re a pretty good singer for a rookie, neighbor.” Frank said jokingly.
“Oh Frank, did you even see the same performance? They’re more than great! That’s professional level!” Eddie replied, correcting Frank.
Frank rolled his eyes playfully at Eddie, “Of course you know professional, you musical geek.”
“Hey! You love me for it Frank!” Eddie bickered, walking away with Frank.
“Hi Miss. Poppy!” You said, greeting her.
“Oh Y/n, that was some of the best singing of heard in a while, your voice is that of an angels!” She gushed. She looked behind her to see a flustered looking Howdy, who seemed to be thinking of something. She turned back around and smiled.
“Oh, Miss Poppy, you’re too kind.”
“Dearie, I’d love to stay and chat, but Barnaby and I have some things to attend to.” She tugged on Barnaby to pull him away, but as she did, you could hear him yell, “GREAT SINGING Y/N!” As his voice faded into the distance.
You watched as the went away, and now it was just you and Howdy.
You heard the creak of an opening door, and turned to see Sally holding it open. You started to go towards the steps to talk to her, but heard Howdy clearing his throat.
“When I was closing the shop to come over here, I noticed some flowers and they kinda reminded me of you, and… I wanted to give them to you.” He muttered as he pulled them out from behind his back. The flowers were a mix of blue, yellow, orange, and red. They were perfect
“Oh Howdy, they’re beautiful!” You said, timidly lifting them out of his arms.
“You’re beautiful too.” He muttered, but not loud enough to hear.
You hugged the flowers in one arm and grabbed one of his hands.
“Howdy, you’re hiding something from me.”
“What? What do you mean?” He swallowed nervously.
“Howdy, you can tell me anything, something’s bothering you. I can tell.”
He shook off your hand.
“I have to go open the shop, I’ll talk later.”
And sure enough, he just left you standing alone.
You walked the familiar road to your house, passing by the house in the center.
It was so run down and old, you couldn’t even tell what the exterior would’ve looked like from its early years. The windows were so caked with dust, the interior was left simply to the imagination.
When you first moved, some neighbors told you to avoid the house, but you were drawn to it as you passed. Was it curiosity?
You looked around, a few people were present outside, and you didn’t want to do something you could get in trouble for… so you decided you were gonna wait until midnight.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally and a Puppeteer Reader (part 5)
The silly man's actions are finally being noticed by the higher-ups oh no
Tw: Obsessive Behaviors, Scopophobia/Eye Imagery, Idol Worshipping, Mentions of Death Threats, Mentions of Stalking
🎥 You look around at everyone that the boss has gathered. It is practically the whole camera crew, all of the directors, all the puppeteers, and the few extra voice actors. The boss, who prefers to just be called 'Boss' by their workers, is standing in the center of the crowd they have gathered, looking at everyone with a keen eye.
🎥 Finally, they begin to speak. "I am sure everyone knows why we have gathered here today? I have heard your complaints. The eerie letters and drawings (Y/N) has been getting, Eddie's puppet having a bunch of colorful envelopes dumped on him by the time we return in the morning to work for three nights in a row. I have even heard that Frank's puppet has had a whole dictionary placed on top of him. You know, the one we use to try to come up with rhymes or ways to explain topics to kids? I have heard your pleas, so I have brought us all here to come up with a solution that would satisfy us all."
🎥 Eddie's puppeteer looks around, an anxious look in their eyes, before they raise their hand. The boss calls on them, prompting them to stand and speak. Their tone is frantic as they explain "I am most worried about the... the odd messages. Recently, it isn't just (Y/N) who has been getting them! I've gotten some odd ones, requesting me to mail things to people. They always come with an extra note that's meant for the person who I need to send it to... I did so, because the notes addressed to me contained these... Grizzly threats against me..."
🎥 Wally's voice actor stands up suddenly, pointing to the puppeteer. They speak in a harsh tone, asking "Did you get any mail for me? Any notes addressed to me?" The person in question simply nods, muttering "Yeah... I just leave them by the door to your recording booth."
🎥 The voice actor continues, their eyes moving to the boss, a glare in them "I TOLD you, Boss! Now I have the proof! Whoever this little freak is that's been bothering us has been sending notes to practically everyone here! Every morning so far, ever since a few weeks ago, I've had these envelopes outside my recording booth. When I opened them, they were filled with horrible threats against me AND my family! I don't know how they found out about my kids, but they did, and they have been threatening them! Sometimes, there are even drawings taped all along the walls of my booth that, although scribbles, I can tell are meant to be me or my family dying."
🎥 You slunk in your seat as more and more people begin talking at once, their voices growing louder and louder the longer they talk. From letters to drawings, everyone has something to pitch in. Someone even mentions how they had paint dumped onto them, hence the red stain on the carpet by the filing cabinets. Eyes being painted on the walls by the large Home set is a new one, but not necessarily something you are shocked by. A lot of your drawings recently include eyes, which only makes your paranoid feelings of being watched so much worse... The boss' eyes widen as they raise their hands, shouting "Everyone calm down! This will be dealt with! That's why we're here, right? Stay calm!"
🎥 After a few deep breaths, you raise your hand. After being called on, you ask "I told you to check the cameras and ask the security guards. Have you found anything?" The boss grows quiet, before scratching the back of their head and answering your question "Well... The guards have gone missing. The only remaining one quit, saying there was a ghost or something. The cameras didn't hold much useful information. They didn't show anything, but I have noted that as of a few months ago, they have been turning off around the time that filming stops. The tech guys have been on the case, but found nothing wrong, so far."
🎥 You are about to ask another question, when Wally's voice actor speaks up again, their tone just as agitated as before "Why not have us all take a holiday while this is sorted out? We have no big projects set up, just some regular episodes! The public has plenty of episodes to keep them satisfied right now! I'm sure like... Three days won't harm you! A group of volunteers and I could just stay overnight to try to catch this freak and figure out why they are doing this! Less money from your pockets from property damage, hiring new security guards on the spot from desperation and having them fail horribly, and halfhearted repairs to the cameras." They then look around, asking "Who's with me on this idea? The boss has still got to hire guards and fix the cameras, but we can rid ourselves of this nuisance faster!"
🎥 After a few moments of silence, some people from the crowd raise their hands. You recognize them as the puppeteers for Eddie, Poppy, Julie, and Frank. There are also a few camera operators, and one director. You are about to raise your hand, when Wally's voice actor stops you. They pat you on the shoulder, saying "Look, I know you wanna get rid of this guy as much as everyone else, but I must say... You are in the most danger here, in my opinion. Whoever this is, they are after you the most. You are their target. I may not necessarily like you, but I am not heartless enough to let you come waltzing in here at the dead of night to confront this person. Plus, you got a kid you're caring for, right? You should just get some rest, if the boss agrees with this."
🎥 As all eyes turn towards the boss. They clearly are conflicted. If the rumors being spread around the set are true, they are a bit of a penny pincher, willing to do anything to make a quick buck and not lose any money in the process. However, it seems like their better conscience gets the best of them as they say "Fine. I'll give you all a holiday. For the people who decide to show up, take care of the puppets. I don't want to return to see them in bad shape. Keep me updated. You have THREE days to find and catch this person. No more, no less. This meeting is over. Have a nice holiday."
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c0la-queen · 1 year
Breakfast For Dinner| Welcome Home
This is a little oneshot for @aerkame 's Alive AU! It belongs to them and their writing for it is amazing, please check it out! (And if aerkame is reading this, I hope you enjoy it!) Meanwhile, Welcome Home belongs to @partycoffin ! Give them love!!!
You grimaced as you picked up a strawberry and felt your finger sink into the mushy skin. Quickly, you tossed the berry into the trash and wiped your hand clean. 
"So that was definitely a bad one." 
A soft chuckle from the other side of the kitchen reminded you that you weren't alone. The other day, you had introduced the Neighbors to the concept of breakfast for dinner (or brinner as you liked to call it) and they were mesmerized with the idea, insisting you make it for them as soon as possible. Admittedly, you may have gone a little overboard, but who could blame you for being excited? You hadn't gone all out for brinner since you were younger, living with your family. 
Unsurprisingly, Wally had insisted he help you with preparations. You gave him a few tasks and instructions on how to do them. What shocked you, though, is that Poppy and Howdy hadn't asked to help. They were sat in barstools, watching the process closely. Everyone else was in the living room; from the sounds of it, Julie and Frank were playing a game on the TV while Barnaby, Sally, and Eddie provided commentary. 
You looked over at Wally. He was dressed in khakis and the rainbow sweater you had gotten him, his signature ascot tied around his neck. You couldn't help but wonder how, even when cooking, he looked so perfectly put together. The only thing out of place were his sweater sleeves, rolled up out of his way. Wally didn't look up from his task while he spoke. 
"As wonderful as I am to marvel at, my dear, please focus on what you're doing. Wouldn't want you to cut your finger~" 
You huffed at the teasing. 
"I was just thinking about how ridiculous that apron looks on you." 
Added to his ensemble was a pink frilly apron that Wally said you simply must buy him. "Kiss the cook" was written across the front. He had tried multiple times to get you to 'follow the tradition', as he put it. The most he was rewarded in response was a flick to the forehead. 
Wally sent you a dramatically aghast look. 
"I take personal offense to that!" 
"You were meant to~" 
The two of you faded into comfortable silence. You loved how domestic it was. The sound of Frank and Barnaby's arguing and Poppy and Howdy's pleasant conversations were the perfect background noise. It made you feel like you had a family again. Made you feel loved again. 
Someone was suddenly pressed close to your side. Wally now stood snugly beside you, cutting the apples that would be mixed in with the fruit salad. 
You heard music begin to play from the speaker you had placed in the kitchen. It was a love song, most likely from the 70s. 
You looked up at Wally. He returned your glance. This was music from his personal playlist, and he knew that you knew that. You decided to ignore him. 
It started with swaying. Since he was so close to you, you could feel as he swayed with the beat. Then he began to sing along. 
Wally always confused you. Everything about him was the perfect television host. Even his singing was smooth and suave. 
Poppy and Howdy snickered behind you. That's when you realized Wally wasn't just singing. He was singing to you. 
Your cheeks started to heat up as you were serenaded. There he went again, acting like the two of you were some lovey dovey married couple. You frowned as he gently took the utensils from your hands, tugging them to himself instead. 
"Hey Wally- The food-" 
There was no response from him. He led you over to the center of the kitchen and began to gently dance with you, continuing his singing. 
You felt dizzy with how flustered you were. His hands on your waist were soft and warm, his eyes focused on only you. You couldn't tear your eyes away from him. 
As the song ended, he drew you close, drawing out the final note. You both stayed silent for a minute or two, staring at each other. 
Poppy cleared her throat. 
"Wally Darling, your pancakes are burning." 
Wally nearly dropped you, rushing back to the stove as the smoke alarm began to beep. 
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walli3darl1ng · 1 year
howdy there Neighbour!!
Can I request the Welcome home ppl reacting to a half cybertronian(transformers) half human reader?
Like!! The reader comes through into the welcome home by accident due to their travelling device not functioning properly! I'd love to see their reactions!!@ but Frank also questioning what even is the reader species might be funni
Hello neighbor!! <3
Thank you for requesting! I’ll try my best. Also you’ll be so cool to them!
Also look at me go! Posting twice😭
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It was a sunny afternoon with the welcome home neighborhood and they were having their weekly picnic just up the hill.
Everyone was playing and having fun when the sky got darker and the clouds got grayer, swirling around in the middle.
“What’s happening?” Julie asks in fear as she covers herself from the strong winds, clinging to Barnaby.
As they all hold onto each other they see what looks like a ball of light shoot from the center of the black hole and fall down a little deeper in the woods. This caught most of the crew’s attention and out of all Eddie was the first to take action and run over to where it landed.
“Wait for us!”
“Hurry, guys!”
And off they went to see that fell from the sky! Was it aliens? Monsters?! No, it was you getting off your little pod.
You are gears and metal wires but you’re human shape? And your face is human enough. What could you be? And what are you doing here?
You groan and shake your head, lifting your robotic arm and clicking a button to show a hologram of a map. “No signal? That’s not possible.” You mumbled.
The soft neighborhood glance at each other before Barnaby stepped on a branch causing it to snap loudly. “Barnaby! You’re gonna scare them off!”
“Im sorry it was an accident!”
“Julie I think you’ll scare them away with that yelling.” Wally cuts in while holding two bush branches on either side of his head to keep him hidden. Very poorly but it’s the thought the counts.
“That’s mean, Wally! I’m telling Home!”
“Tell them. All I have to do is sing to them-“
“Uh, guys, this is not the time-“
“Hello?” Frank was Interrupted by your smooth voice and turns to see you’re now in front of them with a small, amusing smile.
Up close you do look human but looking at your arms and fingers they can tell it’s robotic. With ball joints and moving gears when you lift your hand to wave at them. “Hi..”
Julie, Barnaby and Sally were the first ones to inspect you from head to toe, vocalizing their interest of your unique appearance. As well as looking at your little home pod. “Oh! Careful, I don’t want you to get hurt!” You’ll say as you see them climbing on the pod then giggling when poppy scolds them and makes them get off.
Howdy is amazed when you transformed and added a new arm to help you take the pod off the ground. He’s not the only one with more then two arms! He doesn’t feel as lonely.
Eddie and Frank are both curious and fearful. It’s cool that you can do all this stuff and seeing their friends gush over you is adorable they just don’t knew what you are exactly. Are you human? Robot? Both? That now want to take as much information of you and your kind; speaking of, are there more of you? Do you have family?
Poppy is afraid the trio will break you! You look so durable yet so fragile? Like you’ll break easily. She thinks your nice since you’re keeping the trio occupied with a video of dancing fruits on a hologram screen.
Wally is just a curious and cautious kitty. His eyes are wide with wonder right now. Especially seeing the dancing fruits. He saw and apple and lost it.
Turns out you were on your way home but the portal was built incorrectly and sent you here. So all you have to do is take it down and built it again. But that would take months and you’ll need to charge up before putting your motherboard through that.
For the meantime,
Welcome home.
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bess-desk · 8 months
Wally Darling x Funtime Foxy!Reader
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You're so... vivacious!
The energy of performing and the thrill of the stage lights you up like nothing else. That unrelenting vibrancy is what pulled Wally into your orbit to begin with. When you step on stage, the audience is yours and Wally is no exception!
Your showmanship and bombast when you're on stage catches Wally off guard every single time and he loves it. Throwing your arms wide when you announce yourself will always make his jaw drop. You just command and DEMAND the attention you deserve and he's more than happy to give it to you.
Some puppets might say you have a slight ego problem, with the way you present yourself or stand alone on stage as you so often do. Wally is not some puppets.
He's used to personalities that can fill a room, he's friends with Julie and Sally after all! Your natural push to be the center of attention doesn't bother him in the slightest. If anything, it draws him in deeper. You're just so bright and vibrant. You stand out in a crowd because you're you. And being around you should be considered a gift.
He does like watching you and Sally interact in particular though. You're an incredible performer when you choose to play nice. For the most part, you do whatever you please to make yourself stand out the most — much to Sally's chagrin — and Wally finds the bickering between you both funny.
He always attends whatever performance you do. It doesn't matter if it's for Sally's theatre or something you set up yourself. He doesn't miss a single one and hasn't seen just how testy you can get if you feel like you've been ignored. It's not an issue when it comes to Wally. He's more than happy to give you all the attention he has to give and would even start coming to your practices and rehearsals if you wanted him to!
The idea of that did tempt you but the thought of your Wally seeing a performance you hadn't perfected was unacceptable!
The pair of you are honestly a showstopping couple. He's the face of Welcome Home, the pretty poster boy and you're, well, you! Everyone who even is remotely familiar with Welcome Home or Wally Darling knows your name. And not just because you told them! Wally is just as likely to sing your praises as you are!
You're so proud and happy for Wally for being the iconic figure for Welcome Home but that part of you that needs to be the best and take center stage digs at you sometimes. You never blame Wally, of course, but there's a slight envy and feeling of inferiority that rears its head from time to time. And Wally is always right there to take your hand and talk you through it.
He wishes he could take those feelings away but he settles for letting you know how important you are to him. And no matter how many people look at him as the darling Darling of the neighborhood, his eyes are always firmly fixed on you.
And even a performer like you, who felt like the gaze of the entire world would never be enough, felt satisfied with that.
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— Please reblog, it helps a lot!!
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Wally Darling and Home
Playfellow Engineering prides itself on the accuracy of Neighborhood Park's cast! Meaning few changes were made to the characters' original designs. Wally's only noticeable differences are his height and small apple details. Home is life size replica of the original source.
Characters Information Below
Ah Wally Darling, the main character and very face of Welcome Home! He's kind and easy-going, and the friendliest neighbor around. He's always excited to show visitors around the Neighborhood and would love to join you in seeing all his friends!
Wally doesn’t have his own attraction other than his Apple Picking Ride, rather he free roams the park itself and interacts with everyone. The Neighborhood is his attraction! He’s also known to leave drawings scattered about the park. We don’t know how he reaches the roof of Eddie’s tour truck, but if you look up you might see the little vandal’s work! Wally always carries extra crayons and will happily give you a pack if you ask nicely.
Wally’s The Most Apple Picking Ride is exactly what you think it is! Visitors get to take a ride through a small apple orchard on decorated Apple Picking Baskets. During the ride, the baskets slow down to a snail’s pace to allow taller riders to reach out and pick apples on nearby branches, without leaving their seats of course! [Picked apples are not edible. Picked apples are exchanged for 1 edible apple at the end of the ride.]
Height: 48 inches with hair. Top of head is 42 inches. Eye Color: Black Age: mid 20s Additional Details: apple shaped buttons on cardigan, pants pockets, embroidered apple on one end of necktie
Sentient. Aware.
Home is in the center of the neighborhood and certainly the liveliest house around! Home has agreed to hold the showcase of all things Welcome Home. Home is not just Wally’s house, but also a museum showcasing the original show and park's history. He guides visitors through the tour with the help of a translator as he opens doors and waves his curtains!
Original records, scripts, merchandise, and more carry all the memories from the show and is truly the Heart of the neighborhood! All the props on display were lovingly donated to the museum by the owner, such as Eddie donating his original mailbag, he always keeps a spare after all! [There are no puppets in the museum. Strange.]
Height: 13 feet Eye Color: Black
Sentient. Aware.
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