#my bestie and Moby-Dick
coulson-is-an-avenger · 2 months
album anon here: i'm actually talking about "kill the whale" by daniel emond! i'm worried i've hyped it a bit too much as there are just some scenes with them together but it definitely is true and a very fun choice (among... other choices. but at least there's that)
OH?????? ANON I am dip kissing you. thank you so much anon you have made my entire evening. so excited to find out what the chaotic choices are and hear women 👀👀 any excuse to re-enter hyperfixation hell and become an english major again is a fantastic one
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marnz · 1 year
thinking about my insane English prof who was taken aback when I said the first 20 chapters of Moby Dick were homoerotic, and then said “I don’t think you have to read it that way.”
Sir. My guy. Ishmael and Queequeg share a bed and it’s referred to as their marriage bed. In the morning Queequeg’s tomahawk is referred to as their baby. They press their foreheads together and say they are like a married couple. What other way am I supposed to read it?
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squishious · 1 year
pepto bismol shots 2 stop the stomach pain please send help
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p-clodius-pulcher · 1 year
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May the lord save your souls because trust at some point soon I will be On My Bullshit!!!!!!!
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smolvenger · 8 months
Greetings bestie 💖🫡
Requesting a Professor Hiddles story (you can choose what subject he's teaching) where he already has this friendly type of dynamic w/ Reader and she's nervous about finals week and he goes "Tell you what, if you ace all your exams I'll take you out to dinner. Anything you want."
…And then (surprise surprise) she wants to skip all that because she just wants him 🫠🫠
I shall leave spice level entirely up to you 😏
And for some ✨inspiration✨…
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Hi bestie! Thank you for requesting a Prof! Tom fic! I loved writing it!
Exam Aid (Prof! Tom Hiddleston x Student! Reader)
Summary: When finals have gotten you down, your Shakespeare professor offers some help...and motivation...
Word Count: 5939 (woof)
Warnings: Eventual Smut at the end! NSFW! (Reader is a college student ((if undergrad or graduate that's up to you)) so she's over 18. Dom! Prof Hiddles and Sub! Reader, dirty talk, vaginal fingering, doggy style, doing it in an office. It's super filthy when it gets there, so be warned), mentions of anxiety and insomnia and mental health. My Shakespeare tastes and my IRL English Major college experiences are used and referenced bc it's my indulgent fic too and I do what I want. Some hurt/comfort. Prof Hiddles being both a dom and silly goofy in one fic bc get you a man who can do both.
Taglist: @huntress-artemiss@ijuststareatstuffhereok89@evelyn-kingsley@jennyggggrrr@five-miles-over@fictive-sl0th@ladycamillewrites@villainousshakespeare@holdmytesseract (smut starts at "I'm good at more than just kissing" and ends at "He looked at you with a sweet smile", for your comfort, bestie) @eleniblue@twhxhck@lokisgoodgirl@lovelysizzlingbluebird@raqnarokr@holymultiplefandomsbatman@michelleleewise@wolfsmom1@cheekyscamp@mochie85@muddyorbsblr
 It wasn’t the actual week of finals. Oh no, you knew how the drill would go. It was the month or week before. It would be assigned. Every last essay thrown on top of you. And with professors without a touch of reality for students.
“Who the hell has time to read and finish A Tale of Two Cities in two days?!” you thought as you shoved your unabridged copy of Dickens in your bag. Promising yourself to get through as much as you can and then read the Sparknotes summary in the morning. You weren’t immune to it.
Throughout your time in college, you had many a professor. Professors came in varieties. There were creative writing professors who ranged from tiny women who would assign short stories that made no sense to blonde men with glasses and toothy grins who loved it when their male classmates wrote exploitative abuse. Mythology professors with Greek accents and tans. Then there were the mixed bag of literature professors. 
The previous professor of the literature survey for Shakespeare also taught the American Literature Survey course. He was Dr. Rutledge. He wasn’t from this year, or even this reality. Either a wise old sage or a kooky scientist from the movie. He had long, thin grey hair, and wore bow ties with black glasses and thick tweed jackets. He smiled and would speak for hours in a tone half sarcastic, half serious. You knew he would go back home and cozy up with a whole copy of Moby Dick next to a fireplace as he sipped on tea or even scotch if he was feeling adventurous. When he brought up sex and seduction with the Scarlet Letter it was the equivalent of hearing a nun confess her last orgy. 
So when you registered this year for the Shakespeare course, that was the sight you were expecting.
Since the first day in walked someone different. He may have been wearing a suit, but he definitely was not Dr. Rutledge. 
Everyone was gossiping and chattering and sipping on their iced coffees when they fell silent. Every single back stood up straighter at the sight of him. Young, tall, virile. Long, curly reddish blonde hair. A goatee and glasses to show his maturity. Sharp suits that framed every inch of his lean but fit body. Eyes and cheekbones to die for. A jaw so straight it made the men taking the class question if they were.
No introduction of “hi, I’m-” No icebreaker games. He only stepped forward, to his podium. Held onto it, everyone leaned forward. He had all of you in the palm of his hand. Then, with his clear, bright baritone voice, he spoke-
“Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York…”
His voice…something about it. So…rich…Goddammit, he picked that one, the opening speech of Richard the Third. If he picked Romeo’s balcony declaration or something like that, you would be in even more danger of falling onto the floor in a horny heap of suppressed yearning. But no…it was Richard the Third’s monolgoue. Of all the characters he was playing, of all the characters in the Shakespeare canon you could thirst after, it was fucking Richard the Third. Definitely not known as a hunk or even a likable person according to canon. 
But the way he said it- threatening, villainous even. He leaned in and confessed his true feelings about the royal family and his plot to destroy them and rule over them. You could already feel something stirring inside you. And it was eight am in the morning. 
As he finished the monologue, speaking it so naturally it was as if it were his own words, the class burst into applause.
With a casual bow, brushing his curly blonde-red hair out of his face, he introduced himself.
“Hello class- good morning. I’m your professor- Professor Hiddleston, and I will make this as fun and engaging as a morning class on Shakespeare can be.”
From then on, you enjoyed the class. You tackled it on- after all, you wanted to have some fun. You loved Shakespeare. But Professor Thomas Hiddleston…was a bonus. Thank the lord he wore suits. And if not suits, white shirts with the sleeves rolled up. He might as well as taken it off for you. 
You went through various sonnets. Then explored the poetry- Aphrodite and Lucretia. Then the plays. Even plays that the undergrads thought the most dull he made intriguing. He made everything clear with Shakespeare’s life too himself- how the Bard lost a son named Hamlet. How Shakespeare was accustomed to the great courts and low brothels Prince Hal tasted both of. 
When theatres did productions or there was the odd movie adaptation in theatres, everyone went to go see it. Then he had a showing of lesser-known film adaptations. Showing how Orson Welles framed the shot of Falstaff to make the large knight seem even larger. The Bollywood Othello where at long, long last Emilia survived and she was the one to kill Iago, much to the class’s cheering.
“Are there any other movies we should watch?” he asked.
One kid shot up and suggested Shakespeare in Love. He raised an eyebrow.
“ It was not Shakespeare’s invention to have the lovers die. Romeo and Juliet was a a known story in Elizabethan era England and everyone knew back then that the lovers died. It’s like someone just suggesting that Superman comes from another planet- we all know he does. Not  because of him having an illicit affair as his poor wife was left to raise their surviving children far off and alone!”
“What about Anonymous!?” cried one kid, trying to be cool.
He let out a deep, ragged sigh. 
“There is more than enough evidence to suggest Shakespeare wrote the plays. Every criticism says he can’t write it because he was uneducated. However, if you look, there are hysterical inaccuracies in his geography And no one questions the authorship of Maya Angelou because of her lack of formal education! Just because he was not a nobleman, does not mean he was not aware of things as you are! Every Anti-Stratfordian argument boils down to classicism.” 
It was the best class you took. Having him teach definitely helped. And he would invite people for coffee talks and of course, you would bolt to join. Yet you enjoyed it- seeing him so relaxed. Warm in his coat as everyone circled around to talk about plays they knew of but hadn’t read in this class.
“Well- all of us went through our high schools. We all read Romeo and Juliet- what do you think?” he questioned them one autumnal day. 
“They’re just brats! Ugh!” one guy snarled out.
That you couldn’t take. You set down your drink, glaring at him. 
“They’re not!” you cried out passionately.
Eyes turned forward to you. You wished youcould have slapped him, but you stopped.
“Well, Y/N…why do you think that? Why are they not brats?” the professor asked. 
“I think…the plays aren’t meant to be realistic. Of course, they fall in love immediately- so do Rosamund and Orlando but no one calls them brats! It’s not Romeo and Juliet who get everyone killed! It’s not their love that hurts anyone- it’s just the feud and Paris l thinking he is entitled to Juliet’s body after her supposed death! No one knows about them- only they, the nurse, and the priest know about it! They’re innocent! Juliet calls Romeo her ‘friend!” Her one and only friend! That’s how alone she is without him! They are just innocent victims of a greater scheme. Hamlet and Othello fall prey to their own flaws- but Romeo and Juliet are just two young kids caught in the crossfire!”
You didn’t realize how passionate you were. You felt your face get hot with embarrassment as the class gaped at you. But the Professor was nodding his head. He gave you a small smile as you sat down.
“That was…very good. Next time, use the text and a few sources, and you have yourself a good essay, Y/N,” Professor Hiddleston said.
You liked how he challenged you. He would only want you to do better. He wouldn’t blow smoke up your ass, but he would support you. You would ask after each other. He told you a bit about his life- about how much there was to grade. How he got the job. Little things- but little things only added up to how much you liked him. Even…even…no, you couldn’t you would never say it aloud. But your bedtime fantasies…you were more than mere friends…but that was only for fantasies. 
You tried to let those regular Shakespeare classes comfort you. But finals were taking a toll on your sleep, and your health. You were so wound up and stressed, trying to read and perfect essays that you had trouble going to bed. Your brain kept churning- unable to think of anything else but your work. You couldn’t realx- you worked so hard to get into this school, this degree. If you didn’t pass then…you would be a failure and all that work to go to this school would be for nothing. 
At least after a sleepless night, you had something to look forward to- to distract yourself. But even lately in those classes, you curled into yourself. The heaviness of your exhaustion and the jolt of your anxiety over finals in an unending cycle of misery. You were so…tired…and done…and drained…you knew it would pass with time…
After class, as everyone filed out, Professor Hiddleston walked over to where you slowly gathered your things. He held out a hand to you.
“What is it, Y/N? You’re usually smiling and happy here. But you seem very grave lately…has something happened?”
You shook your head.
“Not really just…finals…I want to do well. I can’t get C’s- I want to do them perfectly! I want to! I want this degree! Now I…I’m so scared of failing…I wanted this school so much, now I…I…” you began to mutter.
You felt tears wriggling out of your eyes, and your breath shook as you uselessly tried to hold them back. He handed you tissues from his coat pocket. You felt like a trashbag- crying in front of this fucking Greek God. But he looked at you kindly. You wiped your eyes. Snot threatened to release from crying and you blew your nose. Ugh, he would think you were especially gross after that. But his gentle smile did not change. You wrapped up the tissues and tossed them aside- then he handed you the little plastic package.
“Is it mansplaining if I give you some advice?” he asked.
“Oh, no…it’s not…” you said. 
“Break your studies apart, Y/N. Ten little minutes at a time. A break. Then ten more. If you take time to focus, it will help you. Or if you make it fun and play music or make little drawings, then you have a picture as well…I know it means a lot…but if you rest, you will recover…and you must think smart, not hard,” he advised.
“Okay…” you nodded.
“Y/N, there are counselors here…they will help you and you don’t have to pay anything. They; 've helped me, and so many others, they should help you…” he suggested. He got out pamphlets from a corner of his desk to give to you. 
“I’ll see one…Why are you so kind to me?” you asked impulsively, looking up.
He put his hands in his pockets, glancing down, and then back up.
“If I may be frank, you remind me so much of myself when I was a student. I had a thesis I had to write on Shakespeare’s problem plays…and it consumed me. I wish someone had given me that advice at that time-I only want you to suffer a little less. Don’t be so hard on yourself- like I was on me…”
You nodded up at him, adjusting the straps of your bag and gathering your things in your arms. 
 “And I’ll..I’ll make it fun- I’ll think of a reward for after…” you said.
He placed his hands in front of him, his lips tightening, and then in a rushed exhale, he spoke. 
“Y/N…how would you…you…you like dinner? After finals?”
You perked your head up. Was this real? You blinked at him, saying nothing.
“Y/N…make me a bet…Go to counseling, break apart your studying, get through your finals, and do as well as you can…and I will take you out to dinner, how does that sound?” he asked.
You smiled at him, your heart beating fast. But yet…you were touched. You put a hand over your chest and released an exhale.
“Professor that…that sounds wonderful…” you answered.
“Ah, excellent. Now- is that a deal?” he asked with a tilt of his head.
You gave him a smile and a small laugh.
“It’s a deal,” you replied.
You managed to get a counseling session scheduled for tomorrow. You went inside, sat, met the kind therapist, and smiled as you vented and cried out your feelings. When you went back to where you lived and spent your emotions, you crashed onto the bed. It was the best nap you had ever taken. 
You followed his advice. You broke down studying or writing essays and researching. You took more breaks. You had made flashcards with doodles for the tests and were catching on quickly. Your research was more fruitful and your essays were getting better in your eyes. You found you slept a bit better at night.
Each day as you sat in at 8 am, the Professor would smile at you and nod. You felt more like yourself again despite the looming deadlines. And they didn’t seem like a matter of life or death anymore. 
Everyone knows the week before finals are hell. To study and work so much with no time off from usual classes. But… you would still miss that 8 a.m. Shakespeare survey- and the handsome professor in his suits.
“Y/N, don’t be scared- you will be phenomenal,”  He gave you a wink that turned you into jelly.
Damn him. To think you would have dinner with him. You turned around to peek at him erasing the markerboard and glimpsing his curved bum,  how his hair curled at the back, and his broad back.
Yeah, now that was motivation to do well.
You studied and wrote with enthusiasm. You completed it all in due time. The essays were to your satisfaction.  When you settled at night, you cuddled his pillow. Remembering his smell- be it his shampoo or cologne, the mild, citrus scent. Fantasizing about him. Of dancing slowly at a formal event with you in an evening gown. Feeling his hand on your back and his head lowering down to touch your forehead. Of sharing ice cream. Being a damsel in distress for him to rescue. Then you thought of his body…. And the images changed to something naughtier. Wearing short skirts and showing up to his class. And him noticing. And lifting it up…
You conked right to sleep.
Finals week began. The entire campus knew it was stressful and went ridiculously out of their way to cheer up the students. But it was a lot of fun, you had to admit. Having dogs on campus to pet. Discounts on coffee. That Monday morning the cafeteria was packed with the free breakfast they offered. Once you brave the long lines for free food, you headed out to your first final. 
Professors, to your amusement, dotted around the campus. If they didn’t have a class to be in, they were handing little care packages while dressed in silly costumes. The sight amused you and made you smile.
Then walking up, you turned to the right and jumped at the sight with a happy, surprised gasp that became laughter. Professor Hiddleston himself wore a light, frilly tutu made for girls a quarter of his age over his pants, little costume fairy wings over his shirt,  and had a headband with little stars on top like ears. 
He turned towards you and his face turned bright pink. 
“Professor Hiddleston! What is this?!” you asked.
He opened up his arms to present his silly costume.
“We’re doing our anti-stress events! I am here to provide you with help with your stress!” he announced theatrically.
You put your hands akimbo and surveyed his costume up and down. If the class knew, they would lose it.
“And you’re doing it?!” you asked.
“Why not! I’m not a stick in the mud all the time! I can have fun!”
You laughed again.
“I should take a picture and send you to the group chat of our class!”
“I don’t see why not!”
He posed as you took a picture. 
“And how are you feeling?”
“I feel better! Much better now- I feel like I’m ready…”
“Good! It will be done soon! A bit at a time!”
He handed over a stress-free care package. Exchanging smiles, you continued by with a lighter step in your shoes. 
You went to every test outside of the pre-written essay. You knew what to do as you wrote short essays for the tests. You didn’t completely panic and wrote them as well as you could. When it came to every exam,  you felt you knew and understood the material. The week flew by. 
Sure enough, on that Friday, with shaking hands and a turning stomach, you looked up your grades. Taking in a breath right when the clock hit noon, you tapped a shaking finger on the mouse.  The link buffered on your computer to view them. Then it lit up with revelation. 
You passed them. You passed them all. In fact, you did very well. 
Your heart was racing but—you realized…you didn’t have his number. Only his email address. With the still nervous feeling…you emailed him, your professor.
“Hello Professor,
My grades were announced- and they’re all spectacular. I passed all of them. So…you made that promise…are you available for dinner?”
You sent it off. You could only ruminate for five minutes- his response was quick. 
“Of course, dear Y/N…
Here’s my number below… Meet me in my office. The parking lot isn’t far from it.”
You managed to text him immediately. You were giggling and pacing your room like a high schooler as your phone buzzed with his responses.  You re-read them as you paced about with your phone in your face. The high of your crush floating you into the clouds. You were going to go to a nice restaurant- one wasn’t finalized yet, but something nice. And that meant you had to look the part!
You were so excited. You made sure your makeup was how you liked and that your hair looked clean. You put on a part dress-one with a shorter skirt. It was too perfect not to. It was cut only a little low to show some mild cleavage. The collar was wide enough so that it showed your collarbones. It was nice, but flirtatious and romantic. It hugged you in a perfect fit while making you feel amazing and sexy. 
Sure enough, you went over to his office. The place was abandoned. All offices and buildings on the Friday of the Finals are in the early evening. You walked over and knocked on the door.
He opened the door and your heart almost stopped.
He was lovely. In his suit. His curls and that slutty goatee combed. Smelling fresh and clean. He still was in his blue suit- bringing out the blue in his eyes. Loving, beautiful.
“Ah, Y/N- please, come in,” he welcomed.
You followed suit. He closed the door. There was a second where you just looked at each other. Despite his goatee, you saw him biting his lip.
“Now, how about that dinner, Y/N…” he offered. “There’s La Gardeniera-suitable. A nice place for a special occasion as this…”
You gave him a shrug.
“I don’t care…anywhere…” you replied. 
“Anywhere? ” he asked.
He put his hands in his pocket and looked at you. It was a simple office- white and brown as many are. There was a bright window, the blinds turned over, as the setting sun’s rays fell over it. There was a small bust of Shakespeare and a pitcher with cups of water. His desk had a neat stack of papers, and annotated books all over it. Cozy and comfortable- like how he made you. 
“I just…I want to be with you…I don’t mind. Take me to a McDonalds and I won’t care…” you went on.
“Y/N…I…me?” he asked.
“Yes, you! We don’t even have to eat or…to, uh…I just…” the words were failing you and you felt your heart pick up. You looked down at the floors and then back up at him. 
“You want to…to be with me…” he walked forward curiously. But you did not retreat. Did not back away. You only met him in his blue eyes, welcoming him.
“Y/N…are you sure?” he asked.
He took a step closer. He was right before you. And you did not retreat. You met his gaze. So close. The tension between you.
“Professor Hiddleston, I am sure…I just want to be with you…anywhere…you just…make me happy…” you finally confessed.
“You make me happy too…” he murmured
He leaned forward, seeking permission. You gave a shaky nod. 
Then he kissed you.
 Something in you released. So long it was boxed up- now wild and free.  He immediately took his hands and ran them up and down you and you held onto him in the kiss. Feeling him as he deepened it with the wet sound of lips. Grabbing onto each other, releasing what had been held for so long. He released and then kissed you-again, then again. Like he was drowning and you were air. 
“Mphm- what-what were the grades?” he asked before kissing again.
You caught your breath and took a break still close to his lips. 
“Passed them. Flying colors,” you reported.
 He kissed you again, moaning into it. Then he broke it again.
“Well now…my little student…doing so well…” he rasped.
You grabbed him and heart racing you felt him kiss you. His facial hair scratched against you. He kissed you back. He backed you up.
“You’ve been…good…” he breathed, pressing you there into it. You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders. 
“Mphm- this feels…feels so nice…you’re a good kisser,” you whispered.
“I’m good at more than just kissing, my dear-”
He held you, pulling you close. He backed you to the door-holding you against him. He then reached a hand and turned over the lock. It was sealed with a click. His hands then returned to you. He cupped your cheeks, then it slid down your neck, and your chest, and then settled on your wasit. 
“I’ve…I’ve…God, I’ve wanted you so much…I…I don’t know if I…think I can…hold back…my dear, I-I-if you’re not…not ready, I’ll-”
“I don’t want to leave yet- let’s wait for dinner-take me. Fuck me here, now,” you begged. 
You didn’t need to say any more than that.  ou shuddered. He found your skirt and touched your leg, lifting it up. Feeling your skin, cold from exposure.
“All this…is all for me now…”
His hand reached over your leg. His long fingers possessively gripped each bit of flesh. Enjoying it- feeling you for the first time. Treasuring you and making his mark- you were his and his alone. He wrapped an arm around you and lifted you up onto that door. You let out a sound He then took your leg and guided it to wrap around his waist, holding onto him. You were so dripping wet you could feel his pants brushing your soaked panties. He held you easily-so, so easily. Just muscle and wall holding you and keeping you in place. He managed to lift you up- keeping you up with how pressed he was to you. How warm. Keeping him on you.
Your lips crashed again. You kept touching him. One hand finally touching his hair- his beautiful, long curls. The other kissing into him. In his suit, he began to ground against you now that you had nowhere to go away- not that you would leave. He kissed you with tongue and fire. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him back, wet noises and messy, desperate need.
“Tom…Tom, I-” you murmured.
He touched your chin, shushing you.
“We’re still in my office, my dear. And you will call me Professor,” he said.
He reached a hand down- feeling hte seat of your soaked panties. Smiling from teh effect already.
“Yes…yes, I will…” you breathed out. 
“Now- my little angel. She did so well…and she comes to me, so needy…so desperate-first for her finals and now for my cock-”
You held onto him, touching his tie. Pulling him up. You felt his erection stretching through his pants. The hooded eyes and soft voice, his hot breath. You gave him a smile- eager to have him. 
“I’m going to rip your clothes off and fuck you senselessly- and I want you- I never heard a thank you- I want to hear your gratitude for how I take care of you in every way…how does that sound? Too much for you?”
“It sounds wonderful for me-Professor,” you purred in response.
He wrapped an arm to help you up and carried you- legs around his waist.
. He then backed you over to his desk. He kept one by you- so close, so close. He took a hand and shoved aside the books and papers. It didn’t matter- now there was you. 
He pulled up your skirt. Desperately trying to find the zipper. Almost shaking in his long fingers. His erection seeping through his pants- he was so pent up.
“All that time. Wanting you. Feeling you near. Do you know how many nights I had to jerk off to imagine this- you! Seeing you- feeling you right there- my little beauty, angel, and siren at once.”
He shoved your dress off and down. Now in your bra and underwear. His hands went to under your straps- feeling them already- his bare flesh on your bare flesh. You were backed there.
“Thank you.”
“Thank you what?” he asked darkly.
“Th-thank you, Professor.”
He kissed you again. You were his little pet, his toy, his plaything. And you would please him- You held onto his shoulders. Grinding more into his body, He was still. Yet you heard his breaths, catching in his chest. He still remained clothed. 
Then in a rush, he gripped your bra.
“You won't need these- not with me.”
With a strength that made you gasp, He ripped your bra in half. He breasted so fast, panting like a beast. Looking down at your breasts.  Both large hands fondled them, moving them around. 
“Th-Thank you, Professor,” you whispered.
“But there’s one thing- one thing keeping me- from what I need” he growled.
He reached down, and in a second, he ripped your panties apart again in half. You gasped at the feeling. The cloth in two- uselessly falling apart.
“No bra- no panties when I see you -easier access- do you understand…I have a need for you, do you get it-”
“Yes- yes, sir.”
“Close- but not it. You forgot. And you’ll be punished.”
He turned you around, so your bare ass was shown. He immediately spanked you hard- it clapped around you. You let out a shout.
“It’s thank you-Professor.”
“Thank you Professor!” you cried out, feeling the sting. 
“And you will get it right!”
He spanked you again, harder. The momentum made you move against the desk, feeling your ass move with it. And feeling his greedy eyes all over your exposed skin.
“Th-Thank you, Professor!” you cried.
He pulled you back up but kept your back to his chest. He kissed your cheek, fondling you from behind, whispering in your ear.  
“If you don’t want another punishment-Tell me what I am-”
“You-you’re my-my-”
The words failed you. He leaned you down again and spanked you.
“You’re my professor!”
He spanked you again.
“Say it again- and say thank you-”
“Yes- yes- thank you, Professor…”
He grazed over you. Feeling you. You were catching your breath. Dripping so hard. He put his hands against your inner legs. 
“The more I do this- the more I see you, the more I’m with you, the more you- you torture me. I can’t stand it- I-I have to have you, Y/N- I have to, I have to-do you- do you want-”
You lightly turned your head over to see him and could have gasped. 
He unzipped his pants and lowered them. Already his cock was large and twitching. It leaked so much, that his precum made you shiver. It drizzled down and made a path down his leg. You clutched onto the desk, smiling and bracing yourself. 
“Yes- take me- take me on your desk, Professor…”
He smiled, and then his hand made you bend over it again. ‘
“Spread. Your. Legs.”
You were such a horny querying mess, he touched your legs so that they spread for him. Then finally, you felt him at your entrance, and inside. 
You let out a long groan- and so did he. As he got in - inch by inch. 
“Yes- yes all-ah!” you cried out as he got all of himself in you. 
He eased you in at first. Your legs again over. He gave a few gentle, experimental thrusts. It was slow, even sloppy. Each intrusion, poking you inside. You were making an appreciative groan. You ground your hips further against him. The room was hot and smelled thick with sex.
“There…you can take…take all your professor's cock, can you?” he growled.
“Yes-yes I can..”
He then made a sharp thrust inside and you cried out.
He then experimented- hips rolling towards your ass. You let out sounds like you never heard yourself make. He then had a hand to keep you down. To keep you down And then he began to pick up. Slamming into you. Keeping you still, close, on him. 
“Nrg-nrgh- yes-there-fuck-there’s my-myfuck- good litlte student-nrgh-want to please me- hrng-begging-begging to-shit-yes-yes-darling-begging for me-”
You were moaning into it. Your body shakes forward and back from his thrusts. You felt yourself spiraling. Then he slowed. He leaned down and whispered into your ear. The pleasure was at a standstill, you caught your breath as you heard his hot voice right beside you.
“You have another order- cum only when I’m about to-cum when I tell you- yes?” he demanded
“Yes, are you grateful!” He moved his hands to feel your arms. 
“I am- th-tahnk you, Pr-Professor.”
He went back up and began to thrust again. Slow- then medium. You let out those pornographic sounds out as he did.
“Fuck- what you do to me, darling,” he breathed out. 
He let out another gasp, his voice itching up in a groan and then back down. Then he slammed into you, letting out a loud voice. 
“Who is going to let you cum?  Who lets you cum when you’re a good girl?” he rasped. 
“My-my- fuck-professor will- will let me-cum-yes!
“Not yet- not yet-mine is-if-fuck, it’s building.-”
He spread your legs wide and entered you. Then he grabbed your hips. He began to pound into you. The desk shaking- the wall quivering. Slamming against that wall with a thud-thud-thud-thud-thud-thud. He whimpered your name. You clung onto it, your knuckles popping out of you.
“Yes-Yes you are-beautiful little student- you are-g-grateful- fuck.-tight-so tight- shit-”
He was so deep, just rutting into you. He was an animal. Pure fucking you into the desk You felt the itch of his suit- the deepness of it. The papers scrambling away- scratching you. The pure ecstasy of it.
“And” thrust “tell me-” thrust “tell me this”- thrust “darling-”
He laced a hand, it reached your folds. You let out a whimper. He dug around- two fingers in-already feeling you. God- you weren’t going to last. He wasn’t going to like it, but you weren’t going to last. You let out a whimper as you felt him inside you.
“What” thrust “ is it” thrust”- “what is it- good” thrust “good girls do- ”thrust
“They-they-they get to-to-to come, Professor-”
“Yes! Yes-you're at my-my limit-gods-gods- what you do to me-You’ve been good-so good- I can’t-I can’t-so cum, darling-”
He strummed you. And you let out another intense gasp. He was strumming you. His fingers making you more open, his cock in, out, in out. You felt it build- he played with your clit so much. Trying the right place, You felt it rise, but not there. And he kept thrusting. A frustration in his rasp.
“Yes- dammit- why won’t you now? Why won’t-won’t you cum?! Cum, dammit- cum- darling- fuck, fuck- god- yes, gods, I’m there…I’m getting there, cum, dammit- why won’t you cum…”
With a new fury, he pounded against you into the desk- the filthiest, most intense thing you felt. The pleasure building up you, going up, up about to be out of control. 
“I’m- I’m going to-I’m going to-I’m going to cum, professor I-I-I”
It would spiral up, yes, but you had yet to reach it. You ground your hips further, moving from his thrusts, as his fingers were there- finding you at the still of your high and just needing your brink.
“Yes- God, yes-cum, darling-I order you, your professor orders you-Yes- yes, cum, girl, dammit- do it, cum, darling- fuck, I’m about to- do it- CUM!” he deamnded like a yell.
With a last shout you cried- “PROFESSOR!” and you came.
Spiraling down from the pleasure. It broke into chills over you-your voice left you and yet your heart was racing. You could feel him gushing into you and yet you could also feel the cum from your own body between your legs, on his fingers.  He panted. He then moved you over. You saw his hair wild and arrayed. You moved it out of his face.
He looked at you with a sweet smile then took your hand and kissed it. He sat you down on a chair and took off his jacket- putting it over you like a cape. Then he went over and got you a glass of water from the pitcher. 
His voice had softened, he kept touching your face, checking for any accidental bruises or marks.
 “How are you? Are you…are you alright, Y/N? I didn’t go too…too-”
“You were perfect- it was perfect,” you replied with a smile. The water wasn’t super cold- but it was fresh. 
He let out a sigh of relief. He then cupped your cheek. 
“You should see yourself how I see you. You’re glowing. Absolutely glowing-I had only hoped you were…were happy with it…”
He looked down at the ruined bra and panties.
“I’ll buy you another…” he muttered in apology.
“Oh- an orgasm and dinner and new bra and panties? You spoil me rotten already!” you teased.
He gave you a kiss on the forehead and then he helped you back to dressing. 
“Here-we could…go back to my place and order something. At this rate, it might get late. I’m not that good of a cook-I was hoping a restaurant would impress you. I hope you don’t mind…”
“How could I, Professor?” you added, taking your hand in his. 
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lesbianranpoe · 29 days
i have so many bsd zombie apocalypse fic ideas in my google docs folder and idk which to write so im posting them here lmao
Fifteen-year-old Chuuya is on the run from Arahabaki Lab---the lab that tried to perfect the ARAHABAKI Project, an experiment with the goal of creating a human immune to the zombie virus that's ravaging Earth.  Chuuya searches desperately for a place where the scientists can't get to him, even if it means crossing the Wastes, the large expanses of infested land between Suribachi City and Yokohama, where he hopes to take refuge.
However, the Wastes are hard to cross, and when Chuuya runs into a boy who offers to guide him to Yokohama, he says yes. Dazai is annoying, but he's a good shot; and best of all, he doesn't ask about Chuuya's past.
The trip is long and dangerous. Zombies, violent groups of survivors, and scavenging missions are all hazards, and if they want to survive, they have to work together. Fighting their way through the ruins of Japan, bickering, and encountering new people, the two grow closer, but Chuuya begins to wonder... just who is Dazai? And what is he hiding?
2. Ranpoe
When the apocalypse started, Poe lost all communication with his best friend, Ranpo, who lives overseas in Japan. Now five years later, Poe decides to go looking. (Or: Ranpo and Poe are long distance besties, The Guild are a smuggling ring with a giant ass boat that is actually plot relevant, the Armed Detective Agency are doing ADA things in Japan.) (Or: Poe and the rest of the Guild sail to Japan on the Moby Dick five years after the apocalypse after like 50k words and ranpoe canon)
3. Kunikidazai
Kunikida and Dazai are college roommates that don't really get along. but after the apocalypse starts, they have to work together to survive, at least until they get to the safehouse on the other side of the city. But as they fight their way through Japan, they end up getting closer. (Dazai is immune to zombie bites lol. The idea of having a scene parallel to that one in Dazai's Entrance Exam where Kunikida threatens to shoot Dazai but its because Dazai might turn into a zombie??? mmm)
4. Fukumori (ik, im suprised too. i dont even ship them, idk where this idea came from)
When Fukuzawa was 32, the world ended. Now three weeks later, the Silver Wolf travels from place to place, searching for somewhere to settle down as the chaos of the apocalypse takes Yokohama by storm. When he finds a seemingly abandoned building, he hopes to start a new life there, away from the city.
However, Fukuzawa is not the only one looking for somewhere to live. The building he had intended to make his home was actually an elementary school—and the four children left; Ranpo, Yosano, Dazai, and Kunikida, are still alive. Most interestingly, there is a man there—a children's physician who introduces himself as Mori Ougai. His leg is injured, but as a doctor, Mori is a useful asset to both Fukuzawa and the children, so the two make a compromise: Until things in Yokohama calm down, Fukuzawa will scavenge for food and protect Mori and the kids, and Mori will take care of any medical necessities. It's only meant to be a temporary arrangement, but time passes, Fukuzawa and Mori stay; more kids are rescued, friendships form, and before they know it, years have gone by. (Or: i slamdunk fukumori into the found family trope)
5. Fukuzawa + Ranpo
This is just an Untold Origins zombie au.
When the apocalypse started, Fukuzawa lost his best friend. Five years later, Fukuzawa is a powerful hunter capable of bringing a whole hoard down. And he does it all alone. But when he saves a 14-year-old boy from a zombie hoard and the child insists on staying, he finds that maybe it isn't too late to try again. And when the kid gets in danger, Fukuzawa has to choose between keeping his current life, and starting a new one.
anyways. if any of you guys want me to write one of these, pls comment. (or if u guys want to use any of these as prompts, go ahead, just tag me when ur done writing !! i want to see the finished product lol)
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karlachi · 4 months
pissing bc i tried to take a pic to show my dad the big croissants my bestie and i bought and accidentally recreated the moby dick painting
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stevethehairington · 2 months
alright besties, just knocked out moby dick so you know what time it is: help me pick my next book to read. well, my next next book. i've decided to read the bell jar next since it's so short but AFTER THAT (since i'll likely finish it this weekend)...
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feather-is-a-bad-car · 9 months
i sent my partner a bunch of limbus memes then made him tell me what he thinks all of the characters are like... here are his thoughts (transcribed by me):
gregor- hes the metamorphasis guy, hes silly dad man, he doesnt like being bug man, besties with rodion or whatever her name is
rodion- thats gregors best friend, she likes to gamble, she is girlboss shes the girlboss to his boyfailure, and she is pretty woman (take me on a date please)
sinclair- umm hes so me and he is a queer :), and he is cripplingly insecure, and i know that one of his traits is like dependant or something, he is besties with donkey (specifically spelled like donkey from shrek) and thats it
yi sang- emo, hes reality user and hes also besties with donkey
ishmael- moby dick, moby dick girl, she is SERIOUS. and a lesbian ? and sheee- i cant keep hitting on lesbians, i think shes.. i dont know shee wants to get back at that darn whale 😡
heathcliff- this is heathcliff hes revenge guy, you can tell cause he has it on his bat. he is big strong dumb guy thats kind of aggressive and- not kind of aggressive he looks very aggressive i would like bump into him on the street and he would be like "GGRGHG" nd i would be like "woahh".
don quixote- ohmygod THIS is sillymoding this is donkey, pure delusion enjoyer. is a woman who has a delusion of being a guy who is a knight but not in the way of she thinks shes a guy, and speaks in "hear ye hear ye", shes childish and fun and everyone loves her the end :)
hong lu- okay so this is babygirl and i love him hong lu if youre free on saturday call me, hes sheltered and he has heterochromia, which im like i look at his sprites im like oh i cant see it then i look at fanary of him im like oh i see it. he looks smart he looks like one of those guys who he would be like you get halfway through the game and he seems unassuming then hes like "oh i actually know a lot you just didnt bother to check with me"
ryoshu- i dont actually know her name but i know she likes cigarettes and... SMOKER. shes serious and like the actual leader of the group cause i know what outis looks like she looks like shes like "oh im actually the leader" but this ones like oh i actually do things around here
mersault- thats mersault hes french and serious guy but hes also kinda sillymoding on the inside hes just autistic. hes very flat effect autistic coded
outis- thats outis anddd outis is very leadership oriented shes like IM the leader I run the show nd the other ones like oh you think that, she seems like her nd heathcliff either get along or hate each other no imbetween
faust- faust speaks in third person and is- seems like based on the fact she speaks in third person, youd think shes sillymoding but shes actually very pretentious and intelligent, she seems very good at her job. i think shes very attractive also faust hit me up
bonus, dante!
dante- those darn they/thems.. taking over our workforces. theyre the manager, theyre sillymoding, and theyre a liberal cant change a logbybolb. they try to like keep things in line then the sinners are like "no we wanna do this other thing" nd dantes like "well okay..."
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fisherman-fight · 5 months
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ISHMAEL - "As you may know, Moby Dick starts with the line "call me Ishmael". Then, Ishmael immediately proceeds to tell us that he is depressed and yearns for the sea (I am paraphrasing as it is very long and detailed). He is probably gay (oh no wait I forgot to say this in my Queequeg submission but they get married! In canon! In something written in 1851! This is more clear than whatever is happening in the Epic of Gilgamesh and that was canon homosexuality!) About half the book is taken up by Ishmael's lectures to the reader about whale anatomy and within those lectures, whales are constantly referred to as fish therefore this does indeed count as fishing. Also, he is the only one to survive the wreckage of the Pequod and that is because of Queequeg."
KOKARI AND UME - "[Kokari] has a dog that also fishes with him (ume)!!!!!" "please do not separate kokari and ume. They are fishing besties"
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mossy-rainfrog · 11 months
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[ID: Four traditional pen drawings involving characters from Moby Dick. The first shows Fedallah staring darkly out into space with a thought bubble, showing a photograph of Bingus the cat. The second drawing shows Ishmael drawing Queequeg in a sketchbook as Queequeg reclines in front of him, chin in his hands, and smiles as Ishmael laughs. Text on the art reads: "lazy day - drawing his husband". The next drawing is of an autism creature, with Fedallah's harpoon and Zoroastrian skull cap. The fourth drawing shows Ahab and Fedallah walking together. Fedallah has a brace on his knee in view, side by side with Ahab's peg leg. Text on the art reads: "disabled besties".
Character designs: Fedallah is a thin, Persian man with a dark beard and mustache, wearing a long shirt and white Zoroastrian skull cap. Ishmael is a thin, white man with short hair and sideburns. Queequeg is a muscular Māori person with tattoos on his face, and a curly topknot on his hair. Ahab is a chubby, Persian man with short, curly hair, a beard, and a scar across his face. He has a pegleg, and wears a long coat. End ID.]
part 1 of all the mobydick themed doodles ive been doin at my new job for the past month in between trainings and call work :3 god i love fedallah. btw.
designs as always are from the delightful @pocketsizedquasar and their magnificent comic btw!!! go check them out always mwah mwah mwah
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quinloki · 3 months
So I come to you on my 3am random thought time but uh I thought you might be able to relate and support for this
I think Marco has just passed Law as top OP man I wanna smooch
CAUSE LISTEN I LOVE LAW BUT LIKE?? Marco?? He would just treat me so WELL
I read a few fics where reader runs off on Law bc he doesn’t treat her good enough and one has reader run off to the kid pirates/one to the straw hats and I’m like… omg running off on law to the moby DICK (sorry) and joining them instead
What has the pineapple done to me omg I mean I’m not mad but I literally have had very little space in my brain for Law poor guy. Ironically what got me interested in Marco was a Law/Reader/Marco fic so uh… thanks Law >>
Now I don’t think he would ever pass Nami as my favorite character bc like, I would literally shove over all of my male blorbos just to empty my wallet for her
And she’s been my favorite since I started watching like 20 years ago I think it’d be hard to change at this point
Nami is too hot tho I can’t I’m not worthy I only exist to empty my wallet and carry her bags
Sorry this is the shit my brain comes up with at 3am and I need my IRL bestie to friggin catch up with one piece so she actually knows Marco but she’s busyyyyy and I just need someone who can RELATE to the pineapple brain invasion T_T
No apology needed XD
I get it with Law too - I have a couple Law centric fics I need to wrap up, and that's going to be a little harder now than when I started them.
It seems like I only have room for one doctor at a time (though both, both would be fun.) but I do still love Law as a character, so I don't think I'm going to give up on any of those stories ^_^
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pocketsizedquasar · 10 months
AO3 Stats Game
tagged by @fiercynn !! thank u for the tag! these are likely all going to be the tma fics of mine just bc it's a more popular fandom than mobydick lmao but. heeyaw
rules: give us the links to your wonderful works with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
most kudos: post-script, my short little post-episode 200 epilogue!
most comments: my episodes 197-200 rewrite a kindling, of sorts that deals w/ the writing/character/worldbuilding/racism/etc issues i had w the TMA finale's ending. TMAR (tma rewrite) my FUCKING beloved
most bookmarks: my Jon and Persian language/culture study fic Gole Sangam!! so glad this one made it on here it's. one of my favorites it was. so healing to write a fic just projecting all my complicated feelings about my language & culture onto a beloved character
most words: back to the spider & the eye! makes sense since this is one of few multichaps i've written and def the longest. currently at 18.5k and counting!! beats out my next longest by almost 6k words
least words: oh hey a moby dick fic made it on here! snowstorm, a very short (400 ish words) blurb about queequeg and ishmael cuddling in the cold
tagging some besties i know who write incl @coulson-is-an-avenger @gentlemancrow @cinnamoniic @jewishjon @lucianinsanity @thevoidcannotbefilled @lucky-numberme @thekisforkeats @transmascsteveharrington ! no pressure to do this if you're tagged & if u see this and i didn't tag u consider urself tagged if you want!
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spacepiratenemo · 1 year
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The #whitebeard #pirate #crew - Known to be one of the most famous crews, known to be the crew of the strongest man in the world! A crew with a high reputation and incredible strength. But said crew is also a #family and why not play in the snow like a bunch of crazy children enjoying a good time!?! Yer never too piratey for a snowball fight! 
This is another #correspondingart to my #fanficition #fanfic chapter 15: 
You can use the link to my #wattpad on my profile too! 
I feel like this scene generally pictures beautifully how the Whitebeard Crew is like! The best family out there and to me it’s wholesome, since I never got to enjoy such a family in real life :3 I can see the entire crew join the battle and everyone is laughing whenever someone gets that snow right into their face! 
Kyra belongs to my Bestie  HellFire0000 on IG  <3 lubs u 
Nemo belongs to me
All other chars belong to Eiichiro Oda
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Here is your Story/Chapter Link:
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ARTBOOK: https://www.wattpad.com/1272855488-the-jackpot-space-pirate-crew-a-lunarian-artbook
WATTPAD: https://www.wattpad.com/user/R0tt3n_Rabbit
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"NEMO! I said: NO testing of explosives next to the Moby Dick!", Whitebeard yelled, grounding his child frustatedly. "Well you said not NEXT to the Moby Dick. The antimatter bomb was tested 10 miles away. How the heck am I supposed to know it's radius of fire would come this close to us?", Nemo, using technicalities to get out of trouble. "Do you think I'm stupid, brat?". "Considering the constellation of the sun, the moon and the stars as of this very moment, the answer is incomprehensible….". "YOU ARE GROUNDED!". "Again? Really, Pops? Really?!".
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mobydyke · 1 year
sometimes one of my followers will reblog a post from me and tag it "I don't know anything about moby dick" and it's like. bestie. how. you follow me. where is the osmosis?
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Ishmael and Starbuck for blorbo bingo let’s gooo!
(I literally know next to nothing abt moby dick but it’s so joyful to see you love it so passionately 💙 ) Feel free to infodump if you want bestie!
Ishmael lastname Mobydick:
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He is sooooo autism-coded. I mean. Just look at the Cetology chapter:
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It's EXCLUSIVELY WHALE FACTS (some of which are Not Correct!) and the entire book is like this, especially after the beginning. His inner monologues are extremely dense and honestly I love them. Most likely for the same reason that I love Tolkien's style of heavy-worldbuilding-and-ooo-tangent-time writing, it's how my own brain works and I like seeing that on paper. I love that he's most definitely not a whaler (yes yes audience surrogate as a literary device) but it's also just really funny that we've got a ship full of seasoned whalemen and this one teacher dude. The book shifts its focus off of him (excepting his metaphysical rumination narration), and there's good reason for that, but man I just wanted to see more of Ish and his harpooner husband (Queequeg my absolute beloved).
Insert Starbucks Joke Here:
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CONSTANTLY rotating him in my mind, he's so CONFLICTED and TRAGIC. His dynamic with Ahab is really interesting and I mean. Come on. "Close! stand close to me, Starbuck; let me look into a human eye; it is better than to gaze into sea or sky; better than to gaze upon God." It gets me every time!!! Anyway if anybody should get therapy in this book it's Starbuck, bestie has been through it.
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