#name kanjis
kanjiexplained · 27 days
Kanji of the day: 嬉
嬉 - Glad, pleased, rejoice
Kun: うれ.しい、 たの.しむ On: キ (Pinyin: xī | xi1 )
Pictophonetic: 喜 represents the sound (pinyin xǐ | xi3), 女 (woman) represents the meaning
Can also be read as an ideograph, as 喜 means "to rejoice/take pleasure in".
Strokes: 15 Radical: 女 woman
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puff-z · 13 days
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project-sekai-facts · 11 months
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The Tell Me Your Problems! Exciting Picnic event story implies that Nene does not go outside in nature much, since she seems surprised by the appearance of the park that she and Rui visit, and then compares it to a video game environment.
In Emu's The Smiles I Want to Protect 2* card story, she also mentions that when she was younger she only ever went to the beach a few times, with her family preferring to visit the local pool instead.
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kiwifie · 1 year
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naming wanderer
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collarful-clover · 3 months
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The one samurai dude from vocaloid
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boydswan · 1 year
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七人の侍 (1954) | 監督 · 黑沢明
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aroaceyunarukami · 1 month
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Investigation Team icons! feel free to use if you wanna!
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spicyet · 4 months
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fem!Shuro from that one panel
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toskarin · 3 months
forewarning that this is mostly just an observational ramble
one thing I've gathered from looking around older western fantasy otaku sites is that, presumably in large part because of the order in which things entered mainstream consciousness, sauron is talked about pretty consistently as the final boss of the lord of the rings
technically, this is true of everywhere, but I want to emphasise that it is extremely common to see younger fantasy otaku a decade or two ago use ラスボス when explaining who he is, as a primary descriptor
[before going any further on this, it probably bears mentioning that the japanese translation of lord of the rings is a bit divisive. when it comes up, it's either in the context of how impressive the translation is (skews older) or in how unreadable it is (skews younger), because it's translated into antiquity prose. apparently exceptionally so, even for a fantasy novel, so it was very much extreme nerd shit]
a big part of this is, of course, just the idea of the final boss having more awareness than tolkien at the time the movies were coming out. I imagine almost the exact same thing would happen more or less anywhere that video games hit mainstream nerd awareness before tolkien did, but there's something else that I think might have something to do with it, because if you're looking at old enough threads, you notice that not only is sauron being explained as the final boss, but this is being mentioned in contrast to morgoth not being the final boss
which seems a bit random (morgoth doesn't exactly come up enough in lotr proper to cause this confusion), if you don't know that angband, where morgoth is the final boss and sauron is just the midboss, was pretty popular with western fantasy otaku. well, popular in the way that cult classics are, but you know how it goes
with that in mind, it makes sense that it was (at one point, before tolkien was more accessible through other channels) something people called each other fake fans over
so in a kind of interesting way, namedropping sauron in fantasy otaku spaces that skewed younger (for a time) was almost equivalent to namedropping morgoth in western fantasy nerd spaces. that all kind of stops being the case once you have the peter jackson movies immediately at hand, though
there's also the fact that, because it's a little harder to read lord of the rings in japanese, someone who's casually into the book is much more likely to also go ahead and read the silmarillion, which helped rings of power get incredibly popular with older audiences in japan when it came out. as a fun side effect of all this, there's a bit more morgoth x sauron shipping around
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kaladinkholins · 4 months
the meaning behind the kanji of mizu and taigen's names is literally not ever gonna leave my mind.
like are you kidding me. mizu is 水 ("water"), we all know that. but what drives me insane is that taigen is 泰源 ("peaceful origin").
so when you put them together ("tai" 泰 + "mizu" 水), you literally get "peaceful water."
ALSO, both "tai" 泰 and "gen" 源 contain the "mizu" 水 character as a radical. for those unfamiliar with japanese or even chinese, a radical basically means a building block for another character; so in this case, the kanji for "tai" and "gen" both use the kanji for "mizu" as one of their building blocks.
this is also why, while "gen" 源 can refer to any general type of origin or source, it also specifically refers to a fountainhead: a source of water, or the origin of a river or stream.
and like yeah okay i know that it's a 99.9% chance that the creators didn't even think about any of this. but STILL. the brainworms have fully taken over and i am going CRAZY.
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tartppola · 1 year
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kanjiexplained · 9 months
Kanji of the day: 尭
尭 - High, far, lofty
Kun: たか.い On: ギョウ (Pinyin: yáo | yao2 )
Ideographic: A mound (垚, made out of three 土 earth) on top of a tall platform 兀
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Almost only used in names, though there are exceptions. In old idioms, this kanji usually refers to Emperor Yao, one of the Five Legendary Emperors of China.
Strokes: 8 Radical: 土 earth
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hinata-boke · 1 year
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Drawing a randomly generated Haikyuu character (almost) every day until I give up
72. Koganegawa Kanji
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nart · 1 month
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so badly i could die
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daily-hyosatsu · 6 days
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Nice. Just............. nice.
三 means three, and it’s read み, み.つ, みっ.つ, サン, or ゾウ
川 means river, and it’s read かわ or セン.
The name 三川 (which is very satisfying to look at and resembles two sets of claw marks) is read Mikawa. In rare cases, it might also be Sankawa, Sangawa, Mitsukawa, or Mitsugawa.
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temeyes · 10 days
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cool guys
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