#nathanial hawthorne
bookish-charm · 9 months
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Classics: book haul, thrift store edition
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dazaistabletop · 2 years
Guild [Masquerade] SSRs
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odettecarotte · 1 year
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godinvent · 2 years
Me: Nathanial Hawthorne stop writing absolute bangers challenge
Nathanial Hawthorne in Rappaccini’s Daughter: “It mattered not whether she were angel or demon; he was irrevocably within her sphere, and must obey the law that whirled him onward, in ever-lessening circles, towards a result which he did not attempt to foreshadow; and yet, strange to say, there came across him a sudden doubt whether this intense interest on his part were not delusory; whether it were really of so deep and positive a nature as to justify him in now thrusting himself into an incalculable position; whether it were not merely the fantasy of a young man’s brain, only slightly or not at all connected with his heart.”
Me, sobbing: you failed king
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booserina · 2 years
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A Walk in History. Visiting a dark beauty overlooking the waterfront. This was my favorite spot in Salem, MA. The House of the Seven Gables.
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you-me-we-04 · 1 year
Here’s my (very dumb) pitch for Mamma Mia 3, it's Harry's wedding there is just one small very very tiny issue no one can work out who Harry’s marrying and at this point, they just feel weird asking. So much like the first film, three men are running around a greek island while Sophie, Sky, Cher, Tanya, Rosie, Bill, and Sam try to work out their connection to the plot, I mean their relationship with Harry. So let us meet the potential Grooms: 
First up we have Elijah Thatcher played by Taron Egerton, at first, he seems the most likely to be the groom despite the age gap since he seems very close and connected to the wedding and is really stressed out about the wedding. However, we later find out the reason he is so stressed about this wedding is that he is the stressed-out wedding planner, and let's just say Harry’s Groom is a bit of a bridezilla
Then we have Peter Beckett played by Hugh Laurie an American lawyer who is very close to Harry, he also knows a lot about the other dads and Sophie, and he also has the habit of flirting with Harry, in truth while he and Harry did have a fling back in the day, they are now simply best friends and he’s the best man. The reason he flirts with Harry is that he enjoys getting a reaction out of Harry's actual partner. 
This actual partner is Nathaniel Hawthorn played by Hugh Grant a music professor at Cornell, they push each other buttons but at the end of the day, they still love each other. At the start of the film, they think he is the wedding planner since he seemed a bit too into the table setting. But he actually just enjoys getting a rise out of Elijah, who at this point is considering a career change.  Hijinks, misunderstandings, and ABBA take place before the reveal but in the end, the reveal is simple with Nathanial asking if Sophie would walk down the aisle with him, since he's kinda either step-dad 1 or dad 4 plus he knows it will mean the world to Harry, she agrees they hug and she welcomes her new dad to the family.
We end the film with their wedding it's big, it’s fun, and it goes perfectly much to the joy of Elijah's mental health, Peter gets a killer best man speech that ends in him and Nathaniel hugging it out. Just as the night is coming to an end, all seems to be going well Bill finds his boat has been stolen by none other than newlyweds. Harry yells something about being spontaneous, while Nathaniel yells about going on the honeymoon of their dreams. As they sail off into the sunset.
We close with Elijah and Bill sharing a drink and rethinking the life choices that got them here. We then find out Cher knew who the groom was the whole time and just found the whole thing very funny hence why she told no one.
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theeccentricraven · 4 months
Ten Tips to Naming Characters
I’ve seen many aspiring writers express both in person and on social media that they struggle to come up with names for characters. Some have even said, “Why is it so hard?” I, however, have never found it hard to come up with character names. I’ve even been told, “Lucky you!” I wouldn’t say my instinct is just luck. From a young age, names have been fascinating for me, partly because I’m from a big family that had baby name books hanging around. If you’re struggling with character names, there are ten tips that make coming up with a character name a breeze. 
Think of your favorite names
We all have favorite names. I sure do. Sometimes when coming up with a name for a character, especially the protagonist, I use a name that’s always been one of my favorite’s. Presto. My character has a name. 
2. Read baby name books and websites
Baby names books or websites can be your best friend. They can help you find names under certain languages, provide meanings, common associations, popular names by country and region, and a great list you can steal from. 
3. Study name symbolism and meaning in literature 
When you study names used in literature as well as popular entertainment, you can find interesting symbolism that describes the character. For example, in Nathanial Hawthorne's “The Scarlet Letter” there’s a character named Arthur Dimmsdale. “Dimmsdale” in Old English means “gloomy valley”, a description that fits his character. The TV series “Lost” had special meanings behind the name of each character, such as how Jack Shephard takes on the role to be the leader of the group.
4. Consider the vibes surrounding your character
Oftentimes when I come up with a character name, I think about what kind of vibes I feel with that character and ask myself what name goes with those vibes. There might be a feeling or emotion I feel goes with a name that suits the character. If I think of a character who I feel has a strong desire for justice, then I could give the name Justin.  If there is a character who I associate with love and affection or valiance, I might give the name Valerie.
5. For fantasy and sci-fi, mix and mash words
If you’re writing fantasy and sci-fi, you don’t need to be a full on linguist like Tolkien was, unless you passionately want to be. Coming up with elf names, magic names, alien names, etc. can be done just by mixing up existing words. Sometimes I take the halves of words, mix them up, and combine them. Animorphs author K.A. Applegate has said that she came up with the Andalite word “nothlit” by seeing a sign for Hilton Hotel and rearranging the letters. 
6. Name a character after someone you would like to pay homage to or mock
Sometimes I name characters after someone I knew in real life who deserves tribute. I’ve also come up with villain names by naming them after people I don’t like or notable people in real life. Be careful with this technique to avoid getting sued.
7. Study languages
Again, you don’t need to be a linguist like J.R.R. Tolkien, but if you learn another language or study linguistics in general, it’s interesting to learn the characteristics of languages. I’ve studied a lot of Spanish and Irish Gaelic that I like to use for my character name creation.  
8. Take names from other sources, like movies, books, mythology, religious books, history, places. 
In the end, you can just steal names from places, movies, books, the Bible, etc. You wouldn’t want to do this for a unique name the author invented or one that is heavily associated with an iconic character. There are plenty of names that are free for grabs. Maybe you would like to name your character after your favorite movie side character, favorite villain in a book, favorite Bible figure, favorite saint, favorite mythological hero, or favorite historical figure, etc. 
9. Use name generators
I haven’t used these myself, but I’ve seen there are a number of websites that can be helpful name generators. Examples:
10. Don't overthink it
This might be the most important tip. I think the main reason why some writers struggle is that they overthink it. While the tips above are nice, they aren’t required. You don’t need to have literary symbolism behind the name or allude to some significant historical figure. In the end, it can be as simple as just using a name that you like or just randomly picking from the millions of names in baby name websites and Wikipedia.
I hope that helps. Have fun!  
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Photo by Tatiana Syrikova: https://www.pexels.com/photo/crop-unrecognizable-freelancer-typing-on-laptop-during-tea-break-3975677/
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 8 months
Genres of Horror Film: Suspense vs. Gore, and vs. A Secret Third Thing?
Today (28 October, 2023) YouTuber Vera Wylde posted a video talking about the balance (and/or lack of balance) between Suspense and Gore in Horror movies [Auto-generated captions, eye contact, gore scenes mostly blurred out, but some blood visible; ~20 minutes].
And while she was talking about those two approaches (vibes? flavors?), I couldn't help thinking of a third thing, and left this comment:
I'm not a fan of horror films, but, as a former English Major in college I think there's a third "flavor" of story (that usually comes through more in the written word than on screen), that's a ... "sibling" of Suspense, and that's a story that's Haunting - Something that leaves you with a lingering sense of grief, or awe. Like Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven," or Nathanial Hawthorne's The House of the Seven Gables.
And as I was looking up Nathanial Hawthorne in Wikipedia (to double-check that Seven Gables was indeed the story I was thinking of, and I hadn't switched it around in my head with something else), I realized that both Poe and Hawthorne were writing just a couple decades before Halloween Parties were becoming a Cultural Thing in America.
And that:
they, and their literary peers, may have helped jump-start the first wave of Halloween aesthetics in the same way that 1950s horror movies, and Tim Burton movies reinvigorated the Halloween aesthetic later generations. And -
I've come across the literary interpretation of E. A. Poe that the whole horror trope of "It came from inside the house!" is a literary projection from White People of the dangers of a slave revolt, when the nation was on the brink of a civil war over slavery.
And that the rise of Spiritualism in America, happened in the aftermath of the Civil War, when families were dealing with all their family members who had died, and a desperate desire to reconnect with them.
So I think one reason Halloween may be so American, is that America has a whole lot of really dark sh=t in our history that we've tried to purge from our National Myth... But we have to deal with it, somehow, so we've displaced it into the Spoopy, instead of actually reckoning with it.
It really is like a nightmare*, acted out collectively, in 3-D waking space, once a year.
*(something our minds construct in REM sleep, when we have pressures we're not dealing with in our waking lives).
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constellation-sys · 6 months
bsd ramblings (seasons 1, 2, and dead apple)
i would commit double suicide with dazai
why does everyone have a gyatt
kunikida x dazai??????
ranpo’s my scrungo
atsushi has trauma and is a furry
kunikida and endeavor sound really similar
dazai <33333
what the actual fuck is wrong with the doctor 
oh hey ginger
oh those bitches are homosexual 
the way they fight is so homoerotic 
“go to hell! i was being saracastic!” — chuuya to his boyfriend
dazai x chuuya
atsushi x akutagawa 
the animation has no right to be so good 
kenji is so silly. i love him
kenji loving cows is so real of him
i need more port mafia exec dazai
“he both fears death and is drawn to it” ME FR
DAZAI <33333333333333333333
i want to hold dazai. i need to ruffle his hair. i want to commit suicide with him, my last words being heard by him only. i want to drown with this man, the holy water bringing us both to the afterlife. we will both be free. 
chuuya is so silly
“come now, take me with you to the afterlife” DAZAI AJHDISBEUDBEUBD 
dazai is a disaster bi and i love him for that
i pledge allegiance to the flag of bungo stray dogs and to the fandom for which it stands. one nation under dazai, indivisible, with fanfic and fanart for all. 
dazai is down horrendous for oda. i don’t blame him
dazai my silly wet cat disaster bi husband <33333333333333333
akutagawa is so silly
men <3
oda is my dad now bc i said so 
the kid’s name is shinji? evangelion reference?? 
“because odasaku’s my friend” NO HE AINT DAZAI. HE’S YOUR UNREQUITED CRUSH. 
“because i know my friend better than anyone” DAZAI’S LITTLE GASP OMFG IEBEKSHWJJDEBBE OMFG OMFG IM GONNA CRY DONT EVEN WINEUEHEJEJ (friend who got me into the show) YOU BITCH
“you’re a were-tiger, grow some were-balls” KUNIKIDA YOU DID NOT
ranpo is autistic
“i can’t hear the voice of god with you staring like that” — every catholic ever
nathanial hawthorn is a silly catholic
margaret basically being the daughter of a rich plantation owner in the 1800’s is so american 
ranpo my silly
chuuya <3
q and kyouka are my children
osamu dazai my silly little wet cat autistic depressed suicidal maniac disaster bisexual husband <3
lovecraft is weird. i like it. he’s accurate. 
margaret x nathan?? 
chuuya and dazai are an old married couple. i love them so much. 
“god i hate you” — chuuya to his husband who he loves very much
“don’t worry, buddy. i’ve got you” — dazai to his lover
“i’d expect nothing from you, my worthy adversary” poe to his bf
ranpo is so silly 
dazai is a cool uncle to kyouka fuck you
akutagawa and atsushi are down bad for each other 
why is scott fitzgerald a crossbreed between a dilf and a twink
cmon you two kiss each other already
is akutagawa down bad for dazai or just looks up to him
i am OBSESSED with this show
never have i ever watched an anime with a shit theme song. i love bsd’s intro so much
hehe moby dick
if kyouka dies i’m killing myself /hj
welp guess i’m dying 
akutagawa my silly <3
nvm not dying today. hey at least kyouka isn’t dead 
dazai is akutagawa’s father figure sorry not sorry 
lovecraft is so real for jumping in the sea 
“but i prefer the women in my life to be under 12” E X C U S E M E S I R 
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lovelyalicorn · 5 months
Edgar Allen Poe
Ability: Black Cat in the Rue Morgue. Can make any book Poe writes a world that he can trap people in. You can only get out if he lets you out or you solve the mystery.
Book: Based on his short stories: The Black Cat and Murders in the Rue Morgue
Backstory: He was defeated by Ranpo in an investigation I think 6 years ago. Swore revenge by writing a book to trap him in. Possibly got Karl in that time. I personally headcanon that the Guild used him to “dispose” people and potentially as a way to get resources too.
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Louisa May Alcott
Ability: Little Women. Slows time to 1/8000th but only when alone
Book: Little Women
Backstory: We actually don’t know. I know she found Lucy though. I think she was abused a lot though
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Nathanial Hawthorne
Ability: The Scarlet Letter. Can manipulate his blood into long swords or fire letters made of his blood.
Book: The Scarlet Letter
Background: Not much again. He might have a past with Margaret Mitchell though
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Herman Melville
Ability: Moby Dick. It’s a giant flying whale he can summon and control.
Book: Moby Dick
Background: He was the former leader of the Guild. Moby Dick used to be living before it was mechanized
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Mark Twain
Ability: Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer. This summons two little dolls he can attach to his bullets. He can also do long range surveillance as his mind is linked to them
Book: Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Background: Has sniped a lot, and keeps a list in his diary of successes
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Margaret Mitchell
Ability: Gone With the Wind. It’s a weathering ability
Book: Gone With the Wind
Background: Joined the Guild in an attempt to restore her family’s honor
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Lucy Maud Montgomery
Ability: Anne of Abyssal Red. She can create a dimensional space outside of current time. Anyone caught by her Anne is imprisoned there.
Book: Anne of Green Gables
Background: Grew up in an orphanage where she was treated really badly. Was used as a pawn by the Guild
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John Steinbeck
Ability: Grapes of Wrath. He cuts a slit on his body and sticks a grape seed in there. He can then use the vine to fight or to attach to other plants so he can sense things through them or control them
Book: Grapes of Wrath
Background: He was a farmer from a poor, but large family
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Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Ability: Great Old One. He can grow tentacles and become a eldritch horror capable of speedy regeneration.
Book: The Call of Cthulhu
Background: Lives underwater, immortal.
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The lengths I go for you (affectionate. I wanted to rant about them)
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liminarystars · 8 months
Bungou Stray Dogs
♡ Names are linked to their masterlist!
➤ Armed Detective Agency
↳ Fukuzawa, Yukichi
↳ Kunikida, Doppo
↳ Dazai, Osamu
↳ Nakajima, Atsushi
↳ Yosano, Akiko
↳ Edogawa, Ranpo
↳ Miyazawa, Kenji*
↳ Izumi, Kyoka*
↳ Tanizaki, Junichiro
↳ Tanizaki, Naomi
➤ Port Mafia
↳ Ogai, Mori
↳ Ozaki, Kouyou
↳ Nakahara, Chuuya
↳ Akutagawa, Ryunosuke
↳ Akutagawa, Gin
↳ Higuchi, Ichiyo
↳ Tachihara, Michizo
↳ Sakunosuke, Oda
➤ The Guild
↳ Francis Fitzgerald
↳ Edgar Allen Poe
↳ Lucy Maud Montgomery
↳ Margaret, Mitchell
↳ Mark Twain
↳ Nathanial Hawthorne
➤ Decay of the Angel
↳ Fyodor, Dostoevsky
↳ Nikolai, Gogol
↳ Sigma
*req's must be veryyyy sfw
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matchhman · 9 months
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sparklyslug · 9 months
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The Salem Witch Trial Memorial was dedicated in the 90s by Elie Wiesel
It is absolutely crazy that more 20 people died in the span of like 3 months, and then, what—you just went back to normal? Looked these people in the eye afterwards?
One dude made like 84 of the tombstones in the old Salem cemetery. He favored the skull with windows decoration or the more distinctive urn with a willow frond coming out of it.
Cemetery drama: the only Mayflower pilgrim to settle in Salem is buried between his second wife and his “CHRISTIAN WIFE”
Also buried there: the Judge Hathorne who was the only one of the witch trial judges to never recant his judgement, an ancestor of Nathanial Hawthorne, who threw that w in there himself out of shame of association with the guy
Salem’s huge maritime industry meant it was a place for goods from India, China, Japan, all around the world—it was actually a super cosmopolitan and international spot.
According to my tarot reader, it’ll be an eventful but rewarding and exciting year, and when someone from my past reappears at the beginning of next summer all contrite I should NOT BELIEVE THEYVE CHANGED, THEY HAVENT, I GOTTA TELL THEM TO GTFO
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vi-sigoth · 7 months
rules: shuffle your likes or your favorite playlist and post the first ten tracks (and say a little something about them if you want!)
Tagged by @to2llynottoby
I’ll do my On Repeat Spotify playlist for maximum whiplash
1. the Vampire From Nazareth - SepticFlesh: The album that this is from (The Great Mass) is fantastic. SepticFlesh has been a metal staple of mine ever since I heard this song more than a decade ago.
2. Dessumiis Luge - Eluveitie: I never listened to this band up until a couple months ago, I can’t believe I slept on them all these years! This track is in Gaulish, and it’s taken from a found text that curses Roman soldiers for a “false oath.”
3. The Great Tribulation - Epica, Fleshgod Apocalypse: I am really into this album right now—This is from Alchemy, an album that was a collaborative effort of symphonic metal between Epica and several other artists. If you’re into symphonic metal I think it’s absolutely worth a listen.
4. Mercy Mirror - Within Temptation: I quit listening to WT for a few years, I didn’t find anything they did past about 2009 interesting; but I gave them another listen and actually found that I quite liked a lot of their later stuff (not all of it though, we won’t talk about the song they did with Xzibit).
5. Hakkerskaldyr - Heilung: I just had the immense privilege of seeing this performed live about a month ago. If you need some weightlifting music, you can’t go wrong with most Heilung. The text of this chant is taken off of a stone written in Proto-Norse, experts argue over the translation, but it seems to be an Odinic funerary rite chanted by a koryos/berserker band for a fallen comrade.
6. Apage Satana - Rotting Christ: now this one is a rollicking good time. If I had the talent and budget for music video directing, I’d set this song to a storyline that pulls heavily from Nathanial Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown, but set in Old Florida. You’d get it if you saw it.
7. Snake Pit Poetry - Einar Selvik, Hilda Orvarsdottir: I highly recommend a listen, it’s a beautiful lament about a gruesome death.
8. Goodbye Horses - Q Lazarus: my husband and I were talking about Silence of the Lambs and thought we’d look up the Buffalo Bill dance song. Surprise, it’s an absolute banger.
9. Lana Del Rey - Say Yes to Heaven: it’s so Ultraviolence-core, I love it. I wish she’d release five more albums that sound like that and not boring shit like her last three, I said what I said, Jack Antonoff die challenge.
10. Small Town Boy - Paradise Lost: hands down THE BEST cover of this song
I think all of my friends have been tagged already, I tag @fenris-returns
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Halloweenathon :Twice Told Tales
THis time on the Halloweenathon we look at an anthology film that isadapted from the work of Nathanial Hawthorne and starring one of the kings of horror Vincent Price
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This 1963 film tells three tales by Nathanial Hawthorne,and I shall go into each story seperately .
So this is a damn fine anthology film.All three segments work ,and Vincent Price stars in all of them and he is great .It really shows how versitile of an actor he is cause all three of his roles feel diffrent
The first tale Dr Heideggers Experiment involves an old man Carl (Sebastiane Cabot ) discovering basically a fountain of youth which he uses on himself,his best friend Alex (Vincent Price) and his dead fiance Sylvia (Mari Blanchard ).I like that this one starts with two old friends just discovering this neat thing and then you get the reveal and it turns into a tragedy ,and yeah the ending is profoundly emotional to me .OVerall good melodrama here and it might be my favorite
The second tale Rappaccini's Daughter Giacomo Rappaccini (Vincent Price ) is a mad scientist who has injectected his daughter Beatrice (Joyce Taylor ) with a poison that makes her deadly to touch to keep her from suitors .,So while the first segment is my favorite ,this is also pretty excelent .Its a tragic love story between Beatrice and a man named Giovonni playedby Brett Halsey ,and it is geuninely moving .Also I think this is Prices best performance in the movie,cause he is an example of a villain so deluded he doesnt SEE why he is the bad guy and is a guy who even when he tries to make things better he makes things worse
Third tale is House of Seven Gables ,where a family deals curses and ghosts and I honestly thought this was the weakest segment.Its got some fun ghostly doings,blood in the walls ,skeleton hands,a fun performance by Jacwueline DeWit and Vincent Price as a conniving bad guy ,but I can tell this is a condensed version of a longer story ,though its still fun.Funny enough I actually watched and adaptation of this story earlier this year from the 40's.....And it also starred Price,though in that version he is the hero while here he is a villain .In that sense this is a fun one to see ,cause you get to see early Vincent where he was a bit of a matinee idol compared to later vincent who had fully embraced villainy and horror
OVerall this is a fun antholgy that I really reccomend
@ariel-seagull-wings @angelixgutz @amalthea9 @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1 @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark
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wikia · 2 years
reasons bsd is fun: i can say things like nathanial hawthorne is kind of O_O and have people look at me strange
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