#never beating the movie poster allegation
c2universe · 3 months
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If “Charlos” is a movie.
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justc2world · 3 months
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Never beating the movie poster allegations
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notf1obsessed · 1 month
Never beating the Hallmark movie poster allegations
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bbyhellfire · 1 month
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our phantom of forever
➠ summary: eddie is resurrected by vecna, only to realize you don't exist in the upside down.
➠ pairing: eddie munson x afab!reader (she/her pronouns)
➠ word count: 1.3k words
➠ warnings: angst city, death, resurrection, allusions to suicidal thoughts (eddie wishing for death), swearing, reader moved to hawkins with her parents, vecna being vecna.
➠ a/n: pushing the 'eddie is alive' agenda 😌 i have a couple ideas about eddie making a deal with vecna that i'm debating turning into a series or just standalone one shots, so let me know what you think! and let's continue to live in delulu
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It was stupid, running away from Vecna in the Upside Down. It wasn't like he controlled it or anything. But Eddie Munson isn't exactly known for his smart decisions.
He makes a mad dash from the Creel House the first chance he gets. He's alive, resurrected by the very monster responsible for his death. Eddie should be relieved that he can feel his heart beating as he runs through the decrepit streets of Hawkins. The never ending fog blurs his vision, not that it matters. Upside Down or not, he knows where he is going. No alternate dimension can change that.
All Eddie wants is you. He wants to curl his wrecked body around yours and cry into your neck as you tell him everything will be okay. He knows it won't happen, Vecna won't be so quick to let his new plaything go. But the hope is still there, and it's enough to take him across town towards the direction of your home.
If he can't physically be with you, then at least he can be surrounded by you. A piss poor replacement, but he'll take what he can get.
The ash-like spores make his lungs burn with every jagged breath. His body, still weak from his death, begs for him to stop, but he is already here. The navy blue paint is chipped and vines have broken through the front windows, but it's still your home. The world around him blurs into a watercolor of black and blue as he rushes through your front door and up the stairs to your bedroom.
Maybe you'll be waiting for him. You'll greet him with open arms and a teary smile and –
You're not there. In fact, none of your belongings are there. Not your bed, not your desk, your posters, your clothes. The room is empty.
What the hell?
He moves towards your bathroom. The counter should be covered in your toiletries. The doodles he'd given to you should be taped up along the mirror.
An owl with "You're owl I need" written on the bottom.
A mug with "I love you a latte" etched in the front.
Another of a cat holding a sign that says, "I've got felines for you."
The bathroom is as empty as your room. The only things waiting for him are those fucking vines, slithering out of the bathroom sink like a bouquet of snakes.
No, no, no.
Vecna controls this universe, right? So it's not completely unreasonable that he could make you disappear. Right? That has to be it. This is just Vecna. It's all Vecna.
"Do you really think so little of me? After I saved your life? Think, boy."
Eddie's head shoots up to the mirror, expecting to see the monster standing behind him like this is some sort of horror movie, but he's alone. Of course Vecna has an omnipresent voice that echoes throughout. Of course he fucking does.
He's never gonna beat the God complex allegations, Eddie thinks as the vines in the sink start to move. A little nudge of encouragement so to speak.
He bolts out of your room and down the hallway to your parent's bedroom.
He tries the linen closet.
He practically tumbles down to the first level. Your living room, dining room, kitchen, even the garage. Everything is devoid of you and anything connected to you.
Dread is settles in the pit of his stomach. He is running out of places to check. All he thinks to do is scream. And he does. He wails and wails until his vocal cords hemorrhage. The dull taste of blood in the back of his throat makes him add obscenities to his screams. Maybe it'd be enough to echo through the other side. Hell, he'd take your parents materializing to scold him. He'd take anything as long as it means you're there. But nothing ever comes. It's just him and his pain.
It's like you never existed.
Only when he's back in your bedroom, standing in the exact spot where your bed should be, does he remember Nancy's diary. Ice cold realization turns his organs into stone.
He tries not whimper, "She isn't here, is she?"
"No, she's not, but you already knew that." With every word, the fog thickens into a violent red until the monster responsible for all of this appears in front of him. Eddie shakes his head in furious denial as the date in Nancy's diary taunts him.
November 6, 1983.
It's like you don't exist in the Upside Down because of you don't exist. Your family wouldn't move to Hawkins until the following month. It wouldn't be until the start of the spring semester when you and Eddie would properly meet, paired up for a science project. By February, he'd build up the courage to ask you on a date. His adoration for you would bloom with the spring flowers. He would be head over heels in love with you by the fall.
But with the Upside Down frozen at a point in time where he didn't even know your name, you won't be here. There will be no record of you, no liferaft to cling to as his humanity is thrown into freefall.
"No, it's not fair! This isn't fucking fair!"
"The human existence is anything but fair. Your life was an excellent example of that."
Eddie knows that very well, but he doesn't need this walking smear stain reminding him like he's a toddler. He remembers every taunt, shove, and outrage that formed his life. They were his to experience, not anyone else's. They were his life no matter how unfair it may have been. Vecna didn't get to use them against him.
Now, he is angry. He lunges toward the monster, but vines shoot out to wrap around his waist before he can reach Vecna. They throw him back violently, wrapping around his middle and neck to keep him flush against the wall. The tendril around his waist tightens until he stops moving, his arms pinned to his side. Another vine slithers around his neck, squeezing until he has no choice but to look up at the monster of the Upside Down.
"So ungrateful even after I gifted you the chance of another life. Do you understand I can take that away from you? And then how would you see her again?"
Eddie grimaces, scrunching his nose and glaring with all the resentment building inside. He knows where this is going, the manipulation so obvious it's insulting.
The weight of his situation presses down on him harder than the vines bundling his body. He finally cries. Fat, angry tears run down his dirty cheeks as he glares at Vecna. Eddie hopes he looks as pathetic as he feels. Maybe Vecna will be disgusted and realize he made a mistake resurrecting him. He is not a killer, not a hero, not a villain. He is just Eddie.
He wishes for a reinstatement of his death sentence. He'd rather his body be picked apart by demobats than a life shackled by shame and defeat.
"I'm not unreasonable, Eddie," Vecna takes heavy steps towards him. "You can see her again, if it's what you really want. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. I just need you to do something for me."
The tears keep falling, his vision blurring from the splotches in the shape of you. He thinks of you, the way you smell, the comforting feeling of your hand in his, the sweet nothings you'd whisper when you thought he was asleep. He remembers the nights you'd spend wrapped in his sheets, eyes glassy from all the weed you'd smoke, as you talk about the future.
That is all he will ever have of you – memories. Memories that will fade until only the pain of what could have been remains.
What else is he supposed to do?
"What is it?"
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divider by @/silkholland
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Would love to hear your thoughts on Yukierre because folks have such different ideas of their dynamics and I feel like you might have some spicy takes
hmmm my yukierre hot takes....
I know we give Charles the Catholic guilt cultural appropriation pass for being a Ferrari driver but the real trad cath guilt ridden poster boy is pierre, sexy satyr mr tumnus looking, gasly who has a Cross necklace and does the sign of the cross before a race
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I have to respect the thottery 4 jesus
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Pierre is also in the business of denying himself things he wants, he talked on the podcast about how he used to have croissants everyday until he was 18 cause it's his ✨Francois Culture 🥖🇫🇷 but then after the motorsport diet restrictions made him count every calorie :( Yuki has a complete opposite approach towards pleasure, which is that he indulges in it. He has a good steak, a big rice dinner, even called a croissant good for mental calories (so true bestie!!!) 🥐
However, pierre is also the one instigates the sus shit; like saying yuki has tasted everything except French girls, how he has so many girls in his dms saying yuki is so cute and he just needs the confirmation to set them up...... which is 🤨 why do u want to get ur coworker laid . and why do u want to be involved in that process of setting it up 🤔 the whole "haha let's go to the movies I don't do this with guys btw but maybe I'll make an exception for u 😳" like WHO asked Mr Gasly. But then he is haunted by not leaving room for the Holy Spirit and gets spooked 'haha don't misunderstand/don't make it weird guys haha also yuki you can't come to my house, remember last time you tried to sleep with me'
Yuki isn't suffering from fatal conditions like Catholicism and being a former Redbull driver, so he can play back easily and unphased, 'I thought you weren't gonna tell them about that' 'having boyfriend girlfriend feelings 🥰' 'I want to go to your house' while pierre is having a breakdown trying to backtrack from the gay chicken because he always breaks first (coward)...... what does it truly mean to be liked by Pierre Gasly 😔
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Why are you looking at him like that!!!!! you are NEVER beating the allegations sir!!!!
this isn't relevant but yuki is one of the few on track who has thunder thighs which I'm a big fan I hope he never stops wearing schoolboy shorts
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also, the way alonso goes 'yuuki :D' makes me believe yuki has that same twinkle for chaos in his eyes, and I love a bitch on the grid.
tldr: what happens when you put a repressed French Catholic and a Japanese zoomer with no fear of god or calories together
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manofthepipis · 9 months
Here are my own Addison/Spamton headcannons to add on! :]
(buckle up cause I got a lot)
If Spamton tries to talk about personal memories that he tried very hard to bury, (like his puppitfication), he physically cant. If he talks about a memory that overwhelms him his body would spaz out in glitches and error signs. (kinda like a system crash)
I feel like if the Adds were to get the grasp of healing magic, the first one to perfect it would be Clicks. (bc he already makes tea that heals you!)
Sponsor owns a motorcycle! (because they thought it made them look cool) And regularly takes it out for a spin when he's done with work for the day.
Survey is a secret horror fan, and when having movie nights with the other adds, they would always recommend horror movies that they personally like.
I feel like Banner really focused on clothing after Spamton went missing, (he only really did this as a side hustle/hobby beforehand) as it was a good distraction and a way to cope, and he found out he was really good at it! And made it his primary business.
When an addison gives a gift with no underlying intention/price tag attached, it is seen as a sign of a genuine friendship, familial, or courtship relations, (like when they all gifted Spamton the new phone) as all addisons are selfish in nature
Clicks 1000000000% cried at the Barbie movie and has a poster of her in his room lololol
Sponsor absolutely LOVES those shitpost videos on TikTok, like that smurf-cat that's been trending recently? his feed is FULL of videos like that
Its hard for Spamton to open up for a variety of reasons, because he HATES it when people give him pity, he's been dealing with that his whole life, and knows that bigshot's don't get those looks.
Along with fashion, Banner is CRAZY good at makeup, and that's when he and Clicks have most of their gossip sessions when doing Clicks makeup when they're hanging out together
Survey has a soft spot for holiday seasons (not just because of shopping sales and spike and sales, cause all addisons are scrambling when october hits,) but also because it's a time they feel all warm and fuzy with their family :]
To add on to the motorcycle thing, Banner was very against Sponsor getting one, as he heard about horror stories on those "death traps" (his words)
to add on to the one above, Sponsor didn't wear a helmet once, (cause he only needed to go like, a street down to grab something,) and Banner gave him HELL. bro went on a whole rant about Bike saftey and Sponsor always wore a helmet after that incident (a mad banner is very scary! cause i hc that he always keeps his chill) (Banner is not beating mom friend allegations)
Jevil LOVES messing with Clicks the most, as he's the drama queen, and his reactions are hilarious cause he HATES the clown. Jevil will do things like change his wallpaper, take secret selfies, or just flat out jumpscare him because it never gets old...
Sponsor is a BEAST at Just Dance, like, bro is doing breakdancing for every single song, and he WILL make EVERYONE do the dances correctly, (as clicks likes to half-ass it by just moving the controller correctly)
Banner is the strongest physically out of all the addisons. Y'know like, that punching bag game in arcades where the harder you punch the bag the more points you get? Banner DEMOLISHED that, and has one of the highest scores still.
Clicks secretly plays dating sim games as a guilty pleasure
also have you seen eviction day yet? If not, I HIGHLY reccomend! I will add a warning for flashing lights and disturbing imagry though, https://youtu.be/fzzGtz4v3YU?si=6-AD5j8qrGARbdM3
but yea! here are my silly lil headcannons for the silly lil guys :]
i'm incredibly happy with the energy we've created in the studio today
also known as omg i love these headcanons like this is great food hfjdksjdjdks
the first one i also share! and it's a bit of why i headcanon swatch feels distant from spamton out of everybody he talks to. Like they were rlly close at one point and talked a lot, and swatch was his shoulder at high stress points in his job. However when the Horrors happened, he physically couldn't explain anything, leaving swatch to wonder what exactly happened to him and then build up resentment for keeping them in the dark. They even tried to help at first, but help turned to hate real fast when neo got involved.
i love the idea over clicks and spamton maybe bonding over some healing magic, like i had something similar in mind for a future chapter but this rlly has me smiling at the possibilities. spamton would maybe give him some tips- for a price. He IS thinking about trying to capitalize the whole healing gig after all since he's good at it.
banner going into clothing after spamton disappeared makes sense, especially with keeping busy trying to forget about him (it's awful hard to with the mannequins looking the way they do, but maybe that's a good thing in the long run) also i adore the mom friend vibe these headcanons have about him. i'd love to add on to the helmet thing, as I feel Clicks would join him on this (he's protective) but sponsor (and maybe even survey) claims it's fine if it was just once.
i completely agree with surv and the holidays. honestly i feel like they're the most ambitious with holiday sales and are unmatched, kind of peaking during seasonal sales in general (seeing how many survey ads are in place when customer shopping is at an all time high). spamton was indifferent to the holiday craze (cuz even when addisons were at their busiest, he wasn't) but liked when everything settled down after they weren't as busy to talk with him again. I have a picture in mind of survey chilling with spamton and realizing this, how happy he is when they're not busy (and feeling as if he was supposed to be), and being happy in return, if not sympathetic to him.
jevil pranking the adds and being a general nuisance is just so funny to me. gosh i can just imagine the absolute chaos he'd bring to a tea shop, mixing up the names and flavors, upon the other things (especially the wallpaper that has me cracking up with ideas). spamton, at the request (and payment) of clicks, gets jevil to stop (maybe. it's unclear if hes actually stopped completely or if there's smaller pranks here and there) but he secretly finds it hilarious.
overall these headcanons are great and i'm so happy to see them shared
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
!!!!! multi!!! im glad youre back!! ive missed seeing your icon on my dash! ive been working so much on my silly little stories with my silly little guys, idk if ive told you about them but its my time traveling story, im finally beefing my characters and getting to know them better! ive been using a prompt list for june and forcing myself to write something for this story everyday and its been going really well!! (i can tell you more if youd like) i keep making everything really sad and tragic tho..... dunno whats up with that lmao. is there anything youve been working on recently??
RUNS AT YOU hiiiii!! :D yeah yeah!!! i never like. reallly left but i'm not gonna pretend i haven't been a bit MIA lmao......... have not had the energy to engage with people that much lately. BUT today is a new day and i am beating the sleeby boy allegations.
YEAH YOU'VE TOLD ME A LITTLE!!! oh that's so fucking cool OMG i'm so excited you're having so much fun with them and developing them more! i love your little guys okay they mean SO MUCH to me!!! and OHHH YES YES HELLO??? okay, if you don't mind, can you PLEASE send some of that my way??? or if you want please feel free to tag me in it if you post it! because i love your stuff so so much and i want to go off the shits.
and regardless, you're always welcome to come into my inbox and talk to me about what you're working on. at all times. i encourage you to do it!!!!! also that's so real. something about giving fictional people problems........ intoxicating.
but yes yes!!! so like i said i haven't had much energy to work on stuff lately, but i do have some things i've been bouncing around! a big thing is a tftgs fanfic character study i'm tentatively titling "in case you don't live forever," centered around jack and his relationship with his ex-girlfriend sabine.
sabine is such a fascinating character to me for loads of reasons, many of them being the fact that we learn basically nothing about her. she is the epitome of a character who haunts the narrative, at least in my opinion, and this started as like... me exploring what i think she was like. what kind of person she was. it then evolved into an exploration of what might've happened if sabine had *lived* and gotten to be happy.
so it's an au where she and jack run away together and start a new life in a new state. it's super emotional and tender and sweet and writing it is really cathartic and healing for me. i'm also using it as an opportunity to explore concepts that are tried and true multi-lefaiye classics: mental health, trauma, queerness, and how they all blend together at times. most of all, though, it's about healing.
i'm including an excerpt under the cut!
It’s just after two in the morning on a Saturday night in mid-2007, and for the last time, Sabine Lemoyne stands alone in her childhood bedroom.
She’s had this room since she was eight, and the decorations haven’t changed much in the following decade. The walls are the same soft, muted purple she adored growing up, plastered with posters for old movies and bands she hasn’t listened to in years, and it nicely complements the pink shag carpet beneath her feet. Her immaculate bedspread is bright and cheery, covered in colorful illustrations of grinning flowers and vibrant greenery. Her favorite childhood stuffed animal, a little pink cat named Eevie, sits on the desk across from her bed, watching her with vacant glass eyes.
Her room has always brought her some modicum of comfort, a sanctuary of peace and solitude in a tumultuous world, but now, standing in the mausoleum of times long since passed, it feels stifling. She can’t breathe in here.
Sabine has to leave. And that’s exactly what she intends to do.
The duffel bag on her bed has been packed for days now, and she’s only just finished packing the backpack leaning against it. Inside the duffel bag, she’s packed clothes, books, and an extra pair of shoes; the backpack, meanwhile, holds her toiletries, six hundred dollars in cash, and two laminated folders. Inside one folder are two bus tickets, set for departure in one hour.
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chaos-and-recover · 3 months
My friends and other people my age are increasingly falling for obvious misinformation and fake posts on social media, like fan-made and fake movie sequel posters and most recently stuff claiming AI is more advanced than it is like we're never beating the 'millennials are old and turning into their parents' allegations.
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alsharira · 3 years
New Spider-Man universe movies never beating the bad poster allegations I fear
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dreams-of-valeria · 4 years
Can I please request A2 with F9 for the Holiday Hopper fic thingy?
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A2: Pregnancy scare
F9: Dealer's choice (pet name)
Pairing: Jim Hopper and female reader.
Warnings: Slight self-berrating and crying, mentions of suicide.
A/N: I don't think I was able to incorporate that it was Christmas, but I might edit it later. I hope you like it!
Word count: 1,489
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Three minutes. 180 seconds.
That's how long you had before your entire world turned upside down. The difference between life and death would be determined by that one pink line.
Your heart violently thud against your ribcage at the notion of having everything you've built together shatter just by that tiny line. You wished you were exaggerating.
The past two years had been blissful and absolutely perfect. Little did you know that the man who offered to help you fix that flat tire when you'd done it dozens of times before would be the same man you fell in love with. He had been wonderfully accommodating and loving in every respect given his history that you had to learn from Flo, and you had accepted that as his veto.
Even if it made you feel inadequate at times, that you didn't really know him and that there would always be something you could never talk about.
But sometimes, you wondered about his past life and what he like as a father. You always wanted to have kids of your own, but even broaching the subject would either end in a fight, or tears. It was heartbreak either way and you just couldn't win.
And in 2 minutes, you could lose all of it.
You stared at the ominous white stick by your watch on the counter and took a big step back, clenching and unclenching your fists repeatedly.
What was supposed to bring you good news and celebration only made your stomach clench in repulsion--another thing you had the pregnancy to thank for. Alleged pregnancy, you told yourself, just to keep your head afloat.
You tried not to think about what would happen if you were wrong. If you really were carrying Hopper's baby inside you. How were you supposed to break the news to him? Hey, honey, remember that daughter you lost a few years ago and never got over completely and is probably the reason you're borderline suicidal? Well I just went ahead and made another.
You cupped your hands over your face and groaned into them.
You knew it wasn't entirely your doing, of course. You and Hopper had always been careful; he was always a little too careful, doubling up just in case. You understood why he did it, of course. You'd never had children before and couldn't even imagine the horror of slowly losing them, but down the line, it made you feel like he was repelling even the idea of impregnating you, which trickled down and finally manifested into this gut wrenching fear you were experiencing.
One minute.
You tapped your foot and looked up at the mirror, at your unkempt hair and soiled face; it was the poster face for a woman who just realised she was late that month and ran down to the general store and took a pregnancy test in its bathroom because she just had to know.
But you didn't want to think about what came next. Whether you would have to tell him and whether or not he would leave you was not on your mind at all.
You wiped the tears off your face and clutched the edges of the sink, staring at the blank strip as the last 30 seconds ticked away.
You could hear your heartbeat in your ears and the rest of the world faded away. Your eyes were peeled for one thing and one thing alone and that was--
You jumped in place at the summon and turned to the door, and immediately felt yourself stiffen again.
Jim's gentle eyes or concerned words should have relaxed you, but you couldn't stop thinking about how you could lose all of it in a second.
“What are you doing here?” he cooed in that tender voice he used only on you, knowing full well how easy you scared. He came up to you and took you in his arms, cradling your face in his hands.
“Joyce told me you came into Melvald's looking upset and ran straight into the bathroom. Are you ok?” His voice oozed small amounts of alarm, but he tried to keep it together knowing full well how you built off his anxiety.
“I'm ok, I just had to . . .” You gulped, unable to lie. What was the point? He would find out eventually.
“You're not ok, sunshine.” He breathed, brushing your haphazard hair back into place. “Now, what am I always saying?”
“We're a team,” you sighed.
“That's right. And how are we supposed to win if we don't communicate?” Hopper sighed. “You wanna tell me what happened?”
“I . . .”
. . . Might be pregnant with your baby. I know this isn't what you wanted and that it couldn't have come at a worse time, but I'm ready to do this, Jim. I know what happened to you was terrible and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy but this has happened too and we just have to deal with it. And if you don't want anything to do with the baby, I understand.
You opened your mouth but the only thing that helped was the air. You took a deep breath and tried to start again, when your watch beeped behind you.
Your eyes widened and you froze in place, overwhelmed by the balancing forces of curiosity and foreboding tugging at you as you came apart at the seams. And just to make your heart stop, Jim heard the beeping too and went to the sink to investigate.
“No, Jim!” You called, but it was too late. His gaze was clearly at the white stick sitting on the sink, and you couldn't even look at it.
Rather, you took him all in, and the realisation struck and then coursed through his veins. You didn't know what immediate reaction to expect of him, but what he ended up doing startled you to this day.
Slowly, like in a dream, he shifted his gaze onto you, the color drained from his face.
“You're pregnant?”
You let out the breath you were holding as your body seemed to sink to the grimy floor. It was all over.
But just before you could explode into a mess of tears and sobs, Hopper's face . . . morphed. It was like something out of the movies where the very architecture of his face shifted and an ear to ear smile split his face into two.
“You're pregnant!” He cried, coming up to you and crushing you in a hug as you struggled to keep on your feet. That amount of force seemed to unlock you from your grieving stance and you reacted by pushing him away to hold his face.
“You're not mad at me?”
“Mad? Why would I be mad, sweetheart? We're having a baby!” He cried again, squeezing your shoulders excitedly as his eyes closed from smiling so huge.
You chuckled incredulously, marvelling in the joy that you were wrong. You hugged him back tight as tears of joy flew down your face, and your mind imploded from all the thoughts and you could barely keep up with them, instead moving your eyes all over the bathroom.
But alas, in their journey, your eyes also happened over the sink, and at fate begging to differ. You paused in his arms and squirmed so he would release you, and picked up the test.
It looked like you had got what you wanted.
“What's wrong?” Hopper asked, palming your face again. You wanted to cry for a completely different reason this time.
“It's only one line,” you swallowed, looking at his face crumple. “I'm not pregnant.”
You stared down the tiles after that, as your mind bombarded you with a different reason to cry every nanosecond.
“So what?”
You looked up at Jim when he spoke, a small smile tugging at his lips already.
“We weren't even trying.” He said, tilting your chin up to meet his eyes. “Imagine if we were.”
Your heart skipped several beats, and he was all that was keeping you alive at the moment.
“Did you say you wanna try?” Your own ears called you a liar for saying it out loud.
“Seems like the right time.” He shrugged, smiling as he brushed your cheek with his thumb.
“But what about . . .” you trailed off, hoping he would get what you were implying. What about that gaping emotional wound?
“Like I said,” Jim smiled, sliding one hand down to your belly. “You and I are a team, and nothing else matters.”
You smiled, unable to believe what he was saying. You'd had him wrong the entire time.
“I love you,” you choked, and he chuckled, wiping at your tears.
“I love you too, sunshine.” he whispered, before tilting your chin up and pressing his lips to yours. It was simple, chaste and innocent, perfectly summing up that moment.
The moment was perfect.
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onisiondrama · 4 years
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“Witch Hunt of Onision“ Sep 13, 2020, Speaks
(I’m more behind on videos than I realized. I’m going to try my best to catch up throughout the week.)
He says people have called him a pedophile, a groomer, a sex offender, people say he’s in jail, he’s been convicted. Says he’s obviously not in jail. He only went to jail when he was 15 for beating up his father.
Says he’s not a groomer because the legal definition is someone who prepares a minor for illegal sexual acts and takes part in sexual acts with that minor.
He’s not a pedophile because he’s not attracted to prepubescent children. Someone came to his twitch stream and said he probably likes the Netflix movie Cuties. He says that’s gross.
He was never arrested or charged as a sex offender.
Says people who believe these things are true are painfully stupid. Complains he has to deal with these people when he streams.
He says this was like when he called out Shane and everyone took Shane’s side. He says for those people, it was not about defending children, it was about hurting him. They were trying to make him the bad guy.
He says it was recently trending that both presidential candidates were accused rapists. He says these days when you don’t like someone, you accuse them of being a pedophile. He says he’s not a hypocrite for calling Shane a pedophile because it’s actually accurate. Says Shane called a prepubescent child sexy.
He says there was no justice against Shane. He says it was just people feeling good for attacking him. He says people were mad about jokes Shane told and not his actual serious admissions to serious things. He asks why people quantify things this way. He says everyone talked about Shane pretending to jerk off to a poster of an 11-year-old, but not when he told his 12-year-old cousin to eat a hotdog slow for all the pedophiles watching. You don’t care he said that to an actual 12-year-old.
He says people would rather believe an assortment of conspiracy theories about him rather than believing that some people lie.
He says after Chris Hansen’s career catching predators in the act on TV ended after one of them committed suicide, he started perusing him. He says Hansen pursued him after he (James) emailed Hansen himself tipping him off to Dahvie Vanity and they targeted him (James) instead. He says they called him a predator, but now they call him alleged predator.
He says Hansen said on a recent stream the reason his views are low is because of a bot glitch and he’s actually getting 400,000 views per video. He’s trying to blame his dead career on bots.
Says he’s been called a pedophile and a groomer more than actual pedophiles and groomers have been called in their entire life.
Says he was actually blackmailed into having sex with an adult (Sarah). This person said they were beat by their mother when they were 16. They were kicked out of his house because they were offended by a comment he made about them when their butt was in the air. He didn’t want anything to do with her in that regard, but he didn’t want anyone around thinking he would. He says when he kicked her out, she kept saying she was lying and begged them not to kick her out. They kicked her out anyway because it’s horrible to say that was inappropriate.
Says later when things were more chill, she told them she was raped, so they said she could come back. He plays hero all the time and didn’t want her to suffer alone. She said as a “joke” (hand quotes) she said she could ruin their lives if she wanted to. He says she was scoffing. He says he didn’t know what she was talking about, but he was already a controversial figure so it wouldn’t be hard to topple that domino over and make it all fall apart.
He had a friend sign an NDA. After he had Sarah sign it, who was also a friend. He says he told her she threatened him and in the past he’s gone on twitter and said horrible things about friends and they say horrible things about him. He would rather still have those friendships and he believes he would if they signed an NDA. The adult told him she’d only sign if they had sex with her. (Damn, this story is going a lot different than how he would tell it before lol.)
He said she forced them to have sex with her through fear, which is rape. He says this person said, “I’m sorry for raping you guys” twice while packing her suitcase. She was mad he wouldn’t have sex with him two days into her visiting him because he realized her intentions were evil. He didn’t realize what was actually going on until later on, when he broke up with them. This person revealed illegal things they did to him.
They made it clear years ago they weren’t interested in her. She threw herself at Kai. Kai was freaked out and cried. The world refuses to acknowledge their suffering, The wrong people are condemned.
He says this person literally admitted to sexual extortion on a livestream.
Multiple members of his extended family are done with him because instead of talking to him, they believed a total stranger. The facts don’t align and if he was guilty, he’d be in jail by now. No one cares that every time the cops showed up, they nodded and said everything was good.
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lifeascaty · 4 years
When Is a Battered Woman Not a Battered Woman? When She Fights Back.
The thing about this Amber Heard/Johnny Depp thing that really makes me sick is the way Johnny Depp fans are reacting (and I say this as someone who used to love Johnny Depp and still has a Jack Sparrow poster up in my childhood bedroom).
Knowing that Amber was violent does not mean Johnny Depp wasn’t. It doesn’t magically exonerate him. 
I had a partner who beat me, threw things at me, etc. And I fucking hit him back. 
Of course I was younger and a woman and I’m not gonna get into gender bullshit right now but, on average, men are gonna be able to inflict a lot more pain and damage with the greater strength that they typically have. But, the fact that I hit him back - quite ineffectually and not at a level to cause bruises (but only because I wasn’t strong enough) - means that, in the eyes of the twitter mob, I was no longer a victim. 
So now we know they were both toxic people who lashed out at each other violently. But we kind of already slightly knew this: in Amber’s original deposition she admitted to hitting Johnny Depp. We already knew she was violent towards him. Discovering the extent of the violence doesn’t mean her previous testimony and the 300 pages of evidence against Johnny Depp (only released because of his defamation case against her) are now false. 
The idea that you can only be a victim of domestic abuse if you are passive and never fight back, never fight fire with fire, never become consumed in the daily reality of living that way and have it make you lash out and give in to the worst parts of yourself, is just so fucking ridiculous. Domestic abuse isn’t that fucking simple. 
And to be clear, I have no particular affection for Amber Heard. I don’t really have an opinion on her. Certainly no slavish fandom feelings. She’s just an actress who was married to Johnny Depp and had a lead role in The Rum Diaries, which I thought was an awful movie. (Aside from Aquaman, that’s my only familiarity with her work.) But jfc. 
I remember when the allegations against Depp first came out. I went on twitter and saw fans tweeting that they’d let Depp beat them any day. It made me sick. It still makes me angry thinking of those people defending him because of his looks, their childhood crushes, their enjoyment for the movies he’s made. And the idea now that his career’s been ruined is laughable. He’s one of the leads in a Harry Potter franchise movie ffs. 
Okay, anyway, this article really sums it up, but here’s a quote from the end of it:
. . . [fans] will embrace the dopamine rush of confirmation bias and look straight past the statement she and Depp jointly issued at the finalization of divorce. It read, in part: “Neither party has made false accusations for financial gain” — the parties essentially agreeing on the facts as presented, among them that Depp had screamed at and beaten Heard while one of his security guards pleaded with him to stop, that he’d pelted her in the face with a cell phone in a fit of anger, that he smashed bottles and glasses, that his temper was so dangerous and wild that she feared for her life when he exploded. In the end, she had sufficient cause to obtain a restraining order against him.
What Heard has confessed to is a measure of complicity in this pattern of violence and recrimination — a far cry from sole responsibility. But for the Depp zealots, there is no difference, and she must be punished in order to raise up their fallen king. Except that’s not really how this works. The most damning thing about the #JusticeForJohnnyDepp crowd is their belief that harm done to a man’s name is more egregious than harm he has dealt another person, so much so that it erases his crimes. They imagine, likewise, that the mantle of this victimhood entitles him to the level of success he finds most familiar.
Strange, then, to see how they’ve dragged Heard through the mud over the years. After all, they insist on not jumping to conclusions. It’s important to have a skeptical approach to any story, resisting the reckless accusation. Until you decide someone’s résumé hasn’t earned them the benefit of the doubt.  
I’m just so sickened by all of this.
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powercouragewisdom · 6 years
I came across this, and it has to be shared: Everyone believing it was “10 years ago” and it’s so far in the past:
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Everyone else:
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2 & 3 months after beginning work for Marvel, these were posted, 2nd one almost 5 years ago. 
Bonus from the same year:
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Notice how none of the tweets on this post indicate in tone or text that they are a “joke”
I took up very little space with others’ stupidity at the top, but before we proceed, let’s get some things straight: 1. “He didnt mean it” You don’t know what he meant, you don’t know him personally, and he meant them is more likely which is why he left them up until 6 days ago.  2. “He didnt hurt anyone” addressed far below. 3. “10 years ago” Last tweet was 6 years ago, & Happened nonstop between ages 41-46 over 5 years..about how long its been since his last visible pedophile thought. Along with jokes about rape, lgbt, 9/11, etc 4. “He apologized for this in 2012″ No. He never apologized for these tweets in 2012. He apologized for anti-lgbt and sexist comments. *btw The apology here was made before the 2 pedo tweets above* He went from bigot to abuse poster in record time 5. “But GotG cast is supporting him” and it’s not hard to understand why. These are people that, most of them, were fairly obscure as actors, not prominent or at the forefront of everyone’s minds before gotg (dave, pom, karen, chris p). These people were nothing fame-wise. James gave them an opportunity, a platform to be pushed forward on with its success. They owe him their notariety and relevance, and they are thankful and grateful for the support and help he gave, leading them and making them feel great while working. Of course they are going to defend him! They only know him as this, instead of other things he may be. Don’t put more on it than there is, and simply understand where they’re coming from WhatNoOneSaidAboutGOTGcast: it is very unwise and stupid if you speak out against and don’t support a director, because it can lead to you not getting jobs as an actor, not being hired and other directors/execs thinking you won’t support them if something hits the fan. There’s a reason Zoe’s, Pom’s, Chris’ and Karen’s tweets are very vague and general.. Now, here’s what the rest of us know:
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- *6 years ago Remember to pay attention to how none of the tweets you will see in this post indicate in tone or text that they are a “joke”
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and he was so scared and in a rush to “clean up” everything, he slipped:
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bottom line:
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he “apologized” because he [had to]. if Kevin Spacey hadn’t messed up his “apology” you would still be some of his fans ”You don’t know that he hurt anyone!!” His tweets have hurt many, and you don’t know that he hasn’t touched children. One of his director friends (Huston Huddleston) is convicted of possession of child pornography and contacting a minor with the intent to commit a felony. He sent James a vid of child porn and James responded saying he masturbated to it, on the same blog with the monkey thing screencapped far below. An apology to perpetrators is like toilet paper; used to keep sh** off you, until forgotten residue of the next dump threatens to make you stink.
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Did you see what he said? The only reason they’re “old” is because that’s when guardians started. Someone who’s been comfortable putting this garbage in the atmosphere over 5 years would not see a reason to stop unless they had to. in a moment of clarity and sanity, as someone pointed out earlier, he even said he won’t say he’s better:
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that’s a big middle finger to everyone claiming he “grew” from this the only truth you have, literally the only truth you know, is that he didn’t post these on twitter after 2012. No proof that he grew because you don’t know him personally. growing implies elevation and improvement, a more desired version of the previous, whereas this implies “I’m more of a tulip now than a lilac” stop taking a weak string of apology and holding on to it for proof that he is or isn’t something so you can feel good about a movie!  he literally just said he was different, could be he just kept existing and accumulating, rolling around the universe until something else grabbed his attention instead of an abuse fantasy lifestyle that inspired over 10,000 tweets and God knows what else it can mean simply taking the thoughts to another medium/platform.
moving right along,
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I dare you to continue to think someone like this who did over 10,000 of these in his 40s , which only disappeared after guardians started, should continue being comfortable in hollywood and have the access and connections that come with that, including to people’s children. who are auditioning or born into the industry  and
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This is literally jailtime.
a lovely excerpt from his deleted blog:
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theres much more lest we not forget:
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karma is my favorite kind of tea™ So:
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read this carefully:
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As for another celebrity on his team:
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gotta wonder why.
Due to the length and content It can be concluded that this person has a very off mind. Anyone comfortable thinking about let alone writing, this, there has to be something wrong. If he were posting tweets or videos about animal abuse fantasies re-read my previous two sentences and see if they fit you would say the same thing and it is literally the same thing. talking about animal abuse fantasies is literally the same thing. talking about child abuse is the same as talking about animal abuse for years enjoying child abuse content is the same as enjoying animal abuse content child abuse and animal abuse are in the same category i’m so sorry for your loss of contentment and comfort in thinking otherwise. Disney will never rehire this person and it’s laughable that people think they will. The ignorance, dismissal and disrespect he has shown toward people who have dealt with the serious content he made fun of of is something no one should take lightly, no one cares if it was 20 years ago. Some things #SPOILERALERT are more horrible than others (RDJ’s struggle with drugs and alcohol is not comparable, sorry kids B)  ^This honestly is why Johnny D is, and John Lass was still employed by them; he resigned last I saw.  Johnny has been most people’s favorite public figure for decades and has been seen volunteering and working with disadvantaged and disabled children for years, instead of anything suggesting abusing them. Even with alcohol and beating on his ex wife, those are still seen as not as abhorrent as hurting people/children who’ve faced trauma. Because of who he is and human nature understanding some things as worse, it is what it is. John Lasseter, same thing. I didnt see allegations or issues relating to kids and harming them, but he harassed and abused women and other people. With this, it still isn’t him harming, or producing anything that would harm children. More to get straight: "Disney had problematic stuff" the people responsible for those racist cartoons don't exist anymore and aren't working for disney. NEXT “Seth MacFarlane and MatT & TrEy” The difference is painfully clear: The creators of family guy and south park present inappropriate characters and situations that make fun of the perpetrators and show how ridiculous they are, instead of the victims, other characters chiming in. It really is that simple, I have seen it all. It is clear in the delivery of content and the context that’s shown. If they didn’t these juggernaut shows accessed by most of America would have been canceled so fast you would have whiplash. If you want to complain about something in feeble support, use Robot Chicken, a show featuring CSA, animal abuse, rape and Jesus’ death on the cross as a gameshow. A show featured on a network that’s supporting another guy being persecuted for abuse media...hm
Honestly at this point most of the people defending him are likely either pedophiles themselves or know people who are. if he was a poc or a woman, let’s not bother with what this would look like. no one would be crying real tears about how they should get their job back.
this is not only terrible, but dangerous. rape culture is a thing bc first it was funny normalize the joke, normalize the thing. dismissing as just a joke, is allowing everyone to think its ok/naturalizing it & if somethings wrong, dismiss it as a joke all you can do is hope that he has actually stopped and that its genuine since people love animals more than people these days, if he posted 10,000 videos/tweets about animal torture and abuse, how would you feel? he didn't actually torture them.. have a nice day
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faithfulnews · 4 years
'Plandemic' news, et al: Why do so many religious believers quickly embrace conspiracies?
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The other day, I was talking with a friend in another state over the phone about the coronavirus crisis.
Suddenly, our conversation veered in a whole other direction. The virus, she said, was the work of a cabal of billionaires and world leaders. She recommended the work of Dr. Rashid Buttar, an anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist. My friend said that she didn’t believe anything the media said anymore.
This friend is an educated woman who attends a nondenominational charismatic church. She has worked in the health care industry for many years. She was also touting “Plandemic,” the movie that alleges that the pandemic is a nefarious creation by hidden overlords in government, media and finance. Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter and YouTube have been working overtime to get it off their feeds.
Which seems very odd. Is “Plandemic” that dangerous? I can think of a lot of more objectionable stuff on those platforms, ie pornography, than a conspiracy film. I watched the movie and don’t buy the claim that it’s “harmful” to have it publicly posted.
I posted a connection to “Plandemic” atop this post, only to see it get zinged by YouTube. I’ve tried several times to post a replacement video and it’s been taken down within the hour. So here (at the top of this post) is a video about the video. Whether it will be working when this post goes public is anyone’s guess.
Meanwhile — this Atlanta-Journal Constitution story gives some helpful background on the movie. I started looking up “Plandemic,” wondering if my friend was the only conservative Christian to latch onto this. I found a piece by Marshall Allen, a ProPublica health writer (and Fuller Theological Seminary grad) who was also finding religion connections.
My brother is a pastor in Colorado and had someone he respects urge him to watch “Plandemic,” a 26-minute video that promises to reveal the “hidden agenda” behind the COVID-19 pandemic. I called him and he shared his concern: People seem to be taking the conspiracy theories presented in “Plandemic” seriously. He wondered if I could write something up that he could pass along to them, to help people distinguish between sound reporting and conspiracy thinking or propaganda.
Sensational videos, memes, rants and more about COVID-19 are likely to keep coming. With society polarized and deep distrust of the media, the government and other institutions, such content is a way for bad actors to sow discord, mostly via social media. We saw it with Russia in the 2016 election and we should expect it to continue.
If there’s one group that tends not to trust the media, it’s folks on the conservative religious end of things. They sense they are aliens in our culture and what better represents the dominant culture than the news media?
But what surprised me is how easily “Plandemic” sank its hooks into some of my friends. My brother also felt alarmed that his own church members and leaders in other churches might be tempted to buy into it…
There’s never just one side to a story. I mentioned this point in 2018 when I wrote about my faith and the biblical basis for investigative reporting. One of my favorite Proverbs says, “The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.” So a fair presentation should at least acknowledge opposing points of view.
I don’t think that Allen’s mention of his pastor/brother and then his own faith is a coincidence. It’s a subtle signal to any folks –- of certain religious persuasions –- who might be reading it that says '“Hey folks: I’m in your tribe and I’m not out to mislead you.”
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So far, secular reporting about COVID-19 conspiracy theories haven’t pointed toward the religious community. But every warning I see on my Facebook feed about a conspiracy tends to come from someone in the conservative Christian universe.
I’m not alone. A writer for Patheos posted a similar observation on Friday.
This last week, I’ve had so many fellow evangelicals sharing bogus videos and links promising to reveal the “truth about COVID-19.” As social media platforms removed false information (because it put people at risk), it only seemed to feed into the conspiratorial fire of the posters…
The sheer number of Christians sharing conspiracy theories desperately needs to be addressed. The gospel already requires people to suspend a certain amount of disbelief to embrace something that — at first hearing — sounds incredibly fanciful. It doesn’t do us any favors if the messengers are known for spreading half-truths and nonsense.
Churches need to teach their members about discernment, now more than ever. I believe that evangelical Christians are particularly susceptible to believing dangerous conspiracy theories, and they need to learn how to become more discerning.
Back on April 15, Christianity Today warned readers that Christians are disproportionately fooled by coronavirus theories. In an opinion piece directed toward evangelicals, Ed Stetzer, executive director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College, wrote:
Unless you believe President Trump, Republicans and Democrats in Congress, the media, and the scientific community are all in league together (a real leap of faith), you are just embarrassing yourself when you spread Coronavirus conspiracies. These vast conspiracies would mean that President Trump, himself, knew this was a bioweapon, is part of the plan to end religious liberty, plans to use a potential vaccine as some mark of the beast, and somehow 5G is part of it all. (Yes, that’s all out there, one web search away— and in far too many Christian social media feeds.) …
If you still insist on spreading such misinformation, would you please consider taking Christian off your bio so the rest of us don’t have to share in the embarrassment?
This is not just the Christians, by the way.
The Guardian reported a month ago that Hindus are beating up Muslims in India because of “corona jihad;” a belief in a hidden Muslim conspiracy to spread the virus to Hindus. It didn’t help that an Islamic missionary meeting in south Delhi in mid-March is credited with spreading the virus around the country.
On April 24, theconversation.com posted a piece about how Covid-19 has greatly ramped up demonization of British Muslims on social media via conspiracy theories. And then there are the anti-Semitic theories. Haaretz reported on May 3 about far-right theories on a Jewish-Chinese cabal that spread COVID-19.
This is just a snippet of what’s out there.
The gospel is public information, not hidden, not secret. This is one of many reasons that Christians don’t trust or follow conspiracy theories but the rather the risen Lord of history. https://t.co/zgZAYxV2vb
— kennethtanner (@kennethtanner) April 18, 2020
I know that reporters have a lot on their plate these days reporting about the coronavirus crisis.
Nevertheless, please start tracking those who are spreading conspiracy theories, why they feel so moved to do so and why so many of them have religious connections of one sort of another. It’s part of this global story.
Go to the article
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anythingstephenking · 7 years
To everything… turn, turn, turn…
Subtitled: Fuck you Richard Bachman
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My first collection of King novellas, Different Seasons, provides the source material for some of King’s most memorable film adaptations. But we’ll get to that later.
Different Seasons was published in 1982, and contains 4 novellas. Novellas are longer than a short story but shorter than a novel. Ok, you probably knew that already, so cool story. 
By 1982 King was the king (lulz) of horror. Since none of these stories contain things that go bump in the night, his publishers weren’t totally stoked to print them individually. I guess novellas really suck if you’re a writer, because they’re too long for magazines to publish, and too short to be real novels. Of course, Stephen King is the fucking greatest, and he combines these four stories together, makes each (loosely) tied to a season, hits CTR+P and laughs his way to the bank (I assume).
Here’s what we go to go through:
Hope Springs Eternal - Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
Summer of Corruption - Apt Pupil
Fall from Innocence - The Body
A Winter’s Tale - The Breathing Method
There is really nothing thematically that ties these stories together. King states in the afterward that each was written shortly after finishing a novel - The Body after 'Salem’s Lot, Apt Pupil after The Shining, Shawshank after The Dead Zone, and The Breathing Method after Firestarter.
Each of these is its own very different (get it?) story, so I’m going through each separately, and because the adaptations are so well known, I’m going to break format and discuss the movies alongside the novellas.
Strap in folks, this is gunna be a long one.
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
Did you know Red is an Irishman and NOT Morgan Freeman? I know, right? Mind blown.
I’ve mentioned this before but my #1 pet peeve is guys who say their favorite movie is Shawshank (yawn) but don’t know it’s based on a King story. If your favorite movie is Shawshank, Fight Club, Boondocks Saints or any Coen Brothers movie, swipe hard left. Here’s what it’s like to go on a date with me:
Me: What’s your favorite movie?
Him: Oh that’s a hard question! I’d have to say Shawshank.
Me: (deep breath) Interesting. I love Stephen King!
Him: …
Me: He wrote the story the movie was based on.
Him: No shit! I had no idea.
Me: It’s your favorite movie but you’ve never paid attention to the credits before?
Him: ….
Me: My favorites are the Before Sunrise/Sunset/Midnight movies
Him: Never heard of them.
Me: Of course.
Still single folks. Go figure. And here’s a fun fact - I had actually never seen this movie before. It somehow scooted by me in my youth and I just never got around to it. Then, like Kings of Leon, it was too popular for it’s own good and I was off the bandwagon.
Since this movie is rated #1 on IMDB’s top 100 movies, I am going to skip over the major plot points because you already know them. I did enjoy reading it with fresh eyes, never having seen the movie and only knowing the plot because I am a person that is alive and everyone knows the plot. Bruce Willis WAS DEAD THE WHOLE TIME!
When Andy Dufresne comes to Shawshank, you know through Red’s narration that he is an innocent man, and you immediately feel for him as he stumbles through your pretty standard prison stuff. He settles in, finds his place, gets special treatment for doing taxes for the prison staff, works in the library and spends 20 years methodically digging a tunnel. Normal stuff. This story generates one of King’s most famous lines ever, and the focus of many inspirational quote boards: “Get busy living or get busy dying.” I was unnecessarily happy to see that line in the source material - proud of King for writing it and it not coming from the screenplay.
The movie was directed by Frank Darabont, King buddy and early recipient of Dollar Baby rights for his first film. Darabont of course goes on to do The Green Mile and Walking Dead, and is still sitting on the rights to The Long Walk. Get to it Frankie.
I was discussing this story with a friend and she very astutely pointed out “I mean, it’s bro love. There’s not a single female in the whole story.” Seriously. It’s a great story of the resiliency of the human spirt, friendship, loss and redemption, and honestly it is a wonderful movie, but it’s for bros. I’m not the target demographic, and I am ok with that.
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But seriously, how the hell did Andy rehang the poster over the hole after he went through? We will never know. 
Apt Pupil
Fuck this story. Fuck Richard Bachman, who didn’t “write” this story as it was published under King’s name, but this story is Bachman through and through. I thought I was on a break from reading about terrible sociopaths I hope would die on page one but I somehow have to be put inside their fucked up minds for so long my skin is crawling when I am done. Sorry for the all the f-bombs, but fuck this story was the fucking worst.
Ok, where to start. Apt Pupil follows the story of Todd Bowden, a high school A student and star athlete. Sounds great, right? Well, actually Todd is a nutcase who finds out his neighbor Arthur Denker is a nazi war criminal in hiding. Todd calls the police and the nazi is arrested. The End.
Just kidding! Todd blackmails Denker and forces him to tell him gory details about his time in the concentration camps. Jesus fucking christ y’all. This shit goes on for over four years. Todd buys a replica SS uniform and makes him wear it. Todd likes to masturbate but can only climax while fantasizing about abusing women in concentration camps. Denker starts blackmailing Todd in return. They seemingly hate but respect each other because they’re both fucking monsters. Are you having fun yet?
It keeps going. Todd starts murdering homeless people (of course) as does Denker (he also puts a cat into his oven, which I was not at all pleased about). Arthur and Todd are both running around town killing folks, but neither one knows the other is doing so. Funny coincidence!
I’ll save you the suspense and also spoil the ending. Denker is discovered when he has a heart attack and his hospital mate is a Holocaust survivor that recognizes him. The jig is finally up. Denker kills himself. Wohoey! We’re done right?
WRONG. Todd is also discovered by his guidance counselor. When confronted Todd shoots him in his driveway (obviously) then goes off on a shooting spree.
THE END. What a heartwarming story of the human spirit. I must have checked at least 400 times how many pages I had left. Lucky me, Apt Pupil is the longest of all four stories, clocking in at 180 pages.
Like in all Bachman material, both main characters are giant dicks. If I ever meet Stephen King, the first thing I will ask him is... “can I meet Tabs?”… but the second thing I’ll ask him is “why wasn’t Apt Pupil a Bachman Book?” I am still irrationally angry I had to read this without forewarning that Bachman was lurking in Different Seasons, ready to bum me out and make me never want to read again.
The movie is just as bad. Brad Renfro (RIP) plays Todd, and I was interested enough in him playing the lead role not to dread watching this movie. Totally had his Teen Beat photo on my wall in middle school. Don’t judge.
The movie follows the same basic plot of the book, except at the end, Todd just threatens his counselor with false allegations of sexual abuse rather than murdering him, so I guess that’s better?
Funny thing is, this movie was made not once, but twice. The first production got 3/4 of the way done and ran out of money. It should have been doomed and never seen the light of day. It bounced around a bunch and finally got produced. Not surprisingly, it did not do well at the box office. Says Scott Von Doviak in my favorite companion material, “In the end, Stand By Me and Shawshank were essentially feel-good fables whereas Apt Pupil is never heartwarming and never tries to be. Its message is not one of uplift; it’s that evil is evil wherever you find it.” I suppose I prefer my Stephen King evil in the form of rabid dogs or vampires or hotels; not in actual evil that lurks in history. I watched Night and Fog for a documentary film class in college, and I still have nightmares about it. 
Saving grace of the movie: a young David Schwimmer sporting a Burt Reynolds mustache.
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Ugh, Stephen, I am real mad about this one.
The Body
Now onto something more lighthearted - 4 lil peanut boys off to discover a dead body! For serious though, I heart-eyes-emoji the film adaptation. Stand By Me, and was pretty jazzed to read this story.
The idea for The Body is revealed by King some 10 years later in his book Danse Macabre. 
"It turned out that the kid I had been playing with had been run over by a freight train while playing on or crossing the tracks (years later, my mother told me they had picked up the pieces in a wicker basket). My mom never knew if I had been near him when it happened, if it had occurred before I even arrived, or if I had wandered away after it happened. Perhaps she had her own ideas on the subject. But as I’ve said, I have no memory of the incident at all; only of having been told about it some years after the fact."
King was only 4 when this happened, but I once read a book that argued that every thing that has ever happened to us, from the time we are birthed, is imprinted in our minds and affects everything we do as adults. So, who’s to say that this experience of 4 year old Stephen King didn’t imprint into his brain forever. Hard shrug.
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Anywho, The Body reads like Stand By Me’s screenplay. I’ve seen this movie enough times to know the dialogue by heart, and most of it comes, word for word, from King’s pen. "A pile of shit has a thousand eyes.” I don’t know who wrote this screenplay, but they really shouldn’t have gotten a credit for it, never mind an Oscar nomination (which they did for Best Adapted Screenplay).
The Body is firmly planted in the King-o-verse, taking place in good-ol’ Castle Rock, mentioning Chamberlain (where Carrie would one day kill the whole dang town because he mother couldn’t be bothered to tell her what her period was), and ‘Salem’s Lot, Cujo and Shawshank are all mentioned. 
They changed the name because they didn’t want folks to think it was another King horror movie, a “sex film” or a bodybuilding movie. Now I can’t stop thinking about what a Stephen King bodybuilding movie would be like. Directory Rob Reiner (who would go on to direct Misery), suggested Stand By Me which apparently was the “least unpopular” option. 
I read this with the film versions of Gordie, Chris, Teddy and Vern in my mind, with Richard Dreyfuss narrating the whole thing. I’ve always been a sucker for a good coming of age story, and The Body checks all the required boxes.
That said, revisiting the story with my own coming age so far in my rear-view, I found the story clunky to say the least. Lines like “it’s hard to make strangers care about the things in your life” and “the most important things are the hardest things to say” made me eye roll a bit. I suppose I am old and cynical. When I was younger, far into my twenties even, the air of nostalgia for being 12 still lingered. Now, I only remember that time as one of braces, bullies and never-ending hormones. No thanks.
But this movie, man. The tragedy of River Phoenix’s untimely death makes it a harder watch. I’ve always described these four characters as “little peanuts” when I talk about this movie, which is funny because they’re foul-mouthed little shits. But lovable little shits. Wil (Whil) Wheaton is wonderful as King stand-in Gordie Lachance, writer-to-be. Corey Feldman basically plays himself, and Jerry O-Connell is a little butterball! Doesn’t get more adorable than that. River Phoenix is such a nugget. One time when I was drunk in 2006ish, I found myself crying because I was overcome by the fact that River died and Joaquin Phoenix lived. This breakdown came literally out of nowhere - Joaquin hadn’t even made I’m Still Here yet. In the moment it just seemed so unfair. Sorry Joaquin.
But there’s honesty in the body of The Body - King narrates as future Gordie in the first person and acknowledges the naiveté of his writing and experiences. Chris and Gordie share true and heartfelt stories about their fears then exchange quips like “eat me raw” “through a flavor straw”. It feels authentic. They’re boys that want desperately to be men, but without any real understanding of the weight of what adulthood is going to bring them.
The Breathing Method
Last but not least, The Breathing Method is the shortest story, the only one that contains any real King horror, and the only one with no film adaptation to discuss.
The story centers on an exclusive New York club, where old men go and drink scotch and tell stories. The mantra etched in stone reads “It is the tale, not he who tells it." There’s something strange about the club, which contains shelves full of books not known to libraries, and endless rooms filled with who-knows-what. 
The best stories of the year get shared on the Thursday before Christmas, and our narrator tells one back to us. It begins as a rather lighthearted tale of a pregnant (and unwed) woman, looking for medical help in a time before it was cool to have kids out of wedlock. There’s a little bit of love, some mystery, then it takes a real hard left at the end. It’s tragic and someone gets decapitated, then just as we’re given a hint at some kind of extra-terrestrial or supernatural presence in the club, the story ends. Ok. Sure thing.
The guy that wrote Sinister (among other horror fables) has the rights to direct the film adaptation, but according to his IMDB page, there’s nothing currently in the works. One less movie to watch so a-ok with me.
In the afterward, King tells the story of getting Different Seasons published, promising his agent his next story was about a haunted car. So that’s where I am off to next - Christine, which according to the jacket “will keep you looking both ways when you cross the street after dark.” Ha! Little do they know I never cross the street after dark, cause Nashville drivers are terrible and I don’t have a death wish. Till then friends!
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ramrodd · 4 years
Trump BOMBSHELL Hitting Headlines Is Legit
You guys continue to beat this dead horse that Hillary was a terrible candidate. To the degree that's axiomatic to your analysis, to that degree you continue to mainline the Conservative/Trump Kool Aide. She was the target of 26 years of disinformation from the moment she and Bill showed up at the White House.  
You were 10 years old when they came to Washington and you have no historical context as to what confronted them, which was the full-throated roll out of the Republican Noise Machine unprecedented in my experience.
I was friends with Ray Price, Nixon's speech writer, from 1973, literally the day Butterfield revealed the existence of the taping system, until Reagan's White House put me on a black list in 1981. Watergate didn't begin to reach the sustained level of hostility in DC except in the experience of political activists like Pat Buchanan, as the Poster Boy for the Plumbers/political activists, in the White House. The Clinton's ran into a buzzsaw that was several magnitudes greater than that period, which was far more characterized by the trailing edge of the emotional wave from the anti-war movement, nationally. Once the draft ended, not even Kent State could create the social agitation we are experiencing, currently, and the animus against the Clintons in 1993, when you were 10 years old, was a distinct and separate gestalt arising from the zeitgeist and focused entirely on the Clintons which found its climax phase in the run-up to 1916.
And you have totally bought in to it, even now. So, the Republican Noise Machine is a permanent resident in your unconsciousness, a phenomena apparent in Cenk and Anna and all you political gad flies with no real agenda. It reflects what I call the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam that corrupts your political calculus in ways that made the election of Trump possible and his re-election a dangerous probability. In effect, all you Bernie Brothers are useful idiots for the Trump agenda and have been since Reagan was inaugurated since 1981. When critics say there isn't a dime's worth of difference between Conservatives and the DLC, there is a great deal of truth to it and the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam is a big part of the reason why.
When I got back from Vietnam in 1971, the Republican generations of draft dodgers were the gate keepers for Fortune 500 organizations and H. Ross Perot was one of the few CEO's actively seeking out combat veterans (mostly Navy vets) for EDS, He was part of the National Alliance of Business Men's hire veteran agenda that encouraged executives to devote a year to the problem. Most of these people were Democrats at the executive level, such as John DeLorean, while the pro-war Republican executives tended to avoid any association with Viet vet "losers". I was put on a Reagan White House black list for being a Vietnam "loser"" and for doing business with the Soviet Union which had been a Nixon diplomatic priority: Charles Z. Wick told me explicitly and personally that Reagan would never be associated with Vietnam "losers".  
The active military was content to let the draftees get the blame for how Vietnam got fucked up while they engineered the All Volunteer Military as basically a CYA for their moral collapse after Tet '68. Since you weren't even born yet, it is useful to understand that the Vietnam Veterans Memorial didn't get traction until Carter became President and the Iran crises reminded everybody concerned that, if they wanted cannon fodder for the next war, they needed to quite fucking the veterans who fought the last war. And this delay was just one manifestation of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam that continues to run up and down the chain of command in the military and the Republican Conservatives.
And Trump's alleged attitude that the soldiers buried in Arlington and elsewhere are "losers" and "suckers" is perfectly consistent with the pro-war right wing draft dodgers of the 60s on campus in my experience. This attitude in business majors of the times is likewise consistent with the Henry Cabot Lodge isolationist movement that stalled the League of Nations and is represented by John Bolton's commitment to blowing up the Atlantic Charter within the parameters of Bill Kristol's and Robert Kagan's Project for the New American Century which was the neo-imperialistic pre-emptive war justification for the invasion of Iraq.
And the suicide rate among combat veterans trying to re-enter the civilian economy is driven by Trump's attitude towards the military he acquired along with his bone spurs. Most businessmen ("men" being the operative root) who have had other priorities than military service consider a military career as a form of summer camp in contrast to the "real job" of a corporate career. Their attitude in 1971 was that, if you were too stupid  to submit to military service, you were too stupid to put on their payroll. And that sttitude persists.
And your discussion regarding the significance of the Atlantic disclosures reflects exactly the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, The fact is, your calculus is pretty accurate: as you say, the fact that Trump disrespect of McCain's epic heroism as a POW didn't end his run for the White House tells the tale of the popular distortion of what real politic diplomacy actually means as the critical path of our national security and destiny.
I've been trying to get the military to pay attention to the danger of the Conservative agenda associated with Jeffrey Goldberg's bombshell report about Trump since 1981, but, as I say, they are as wedded to the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam as you are. You and Cenk and all the other "both sider" gad flies need to drop your conceit that you represent objective journalism and go in with both feet to humiliate Trump and Moscow Mitch at the polls in November. The fact that you continue to believe that Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate is a measure of the degree to which you have been an unwitting agent of the Free Market Fascist agenda Trump has inherited from the political activism of the Lincoln Project before 2016.
And I'll give you something to work with: I know for a fact that the reason why President Xi won't do a deal with Trump is because Peter Navarro's 7 Verticle Reforms is based on doubling down on the Military Industrial Complex of 1947 when an American businessman ("man" being the operative root) could get a blow job in Berlin for a loaf of bread. The entire Pacific Rim is content to wait for President Sleepy Joe Biden to present a trade deal based on the Green New Deal with based on the infrastructure necessary to sustain a permanent moon colony over a 100 year trajectory.
If either Carter of GHW Bush had been re-elected, we would have had a NASA-Soyez base on the moon by 2001, just like the movie because the Nixon-Moynihan-Carter Affirmative Action was the precursor to the Green New Deal. AOC, as a community organizer, economics major and beneficiary of tipping as the most effective expression of Trickle Down Economcs, intuited what she has come to call the Green New Deal and the only thing standing in the way of this up-grade to the Free Enterprise economic ecology of the America British constitutional capitalism is Reaganomic and virtually every elected federal officer but Mitt Romney with an (R) behind their name.
And that is the essential imperative you need to focus on as justification for removing Donald John Trump* and his White House clown show from office.
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