#no way i´m using that as a title XD
sebfreak · 1 month
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Sebastian Michaelis
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syyskirjat · 3 months
Sueños de piedra (ch1)
Okay, I promised (to myself) to check out whatever media won the ultimate obscure blorbo tournament ( @who-do-i-know-this-man (I wasn't sure whether to tag you or not but in the end I figured I might as well, hope you don't mind I guess))
Turns out that it's a guy from a 2015 Spanish YA fantasy book
And turns out there's a free sample available! Which is lucky for me because I'm currently very broke
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Sueños de piedra by Iria G. Parente and Selene M. Pascual
I don't speak Spanish so I'm gonna rely on the translator quite a lot lmao (well I understand some Spanish actually, but definitely not enough to read a whole book)
The title translates to something like "Dreams of Stone" I think?
Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away, a prince rewarded a wizard for helping rescue a young girl in trouble. Charming. Too bad none of this is true. In reality, the prince dreams of glory and revenge; the magician, with her spells not always being a disaster and the young woman in trouble, with fleeing from a past that torments her... and from the memory of the man she has killed. Once upon a time...
(Yes this is just Google Translate, sorry)
Okay so, prince, magician and a damsel in distress? Prince wants revenge for something, who knows what, magician is having trouble doing the magic, and the damsel is in fact a killer? Ok ok
The dedication goes as follows:
To all those who embark on a direct journey towards their dreams every day. May you always reach your destination.
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Okay so Marabilia is a place? That's apparently also the name of this book series. Is this like the kingdom then? So it consists of three islands, two small ones and one big? Or is it supposed to be a continent? It definitely seems too small to be a continent
I know the blorbo is called Arthmael de Silfos so I'm guessing he's from the Silfos area in the north of the big island then. I can see what's probably a city called Duan and a forest called "Merlon Forest". We also have different towers around the big island, one of which seems to be called the Tower of Black Magic. (I didn't even need to use the translator for those yay xD)
Okay the first chapter is called Arthmael so I guess we're meeting our blorbo already, which is nice
— Let me make it clear: are you going to give my crown to a bastard?
Okay..... the very first line and I already think Arthmael might be a bit of a spoiled brat (I assume he's in fact the prince)
Apparently Arthmael just found out that he has an illegitimate older brother but I guess this brother's mother is noble anyway so it's legit? I dunno yet. Arthmael thinks this guy is blackmailing his father somehow and is already considering poison as a solution
And anyway, what kind of a name is Jacques for a king?
lmao, so much shade to all the kings called Jacques
Okay so Jacques's family is very powerful and loved by the people of Silfos and the king fears a civil war if he disrespects his claim to the throne. Alright. Kinda weird since based on Arthmael's thoughts, this society has a similar attitude to bastards as in European history, but okay then. I wonder if Jacques is even actually the king's son or is this some kind of a ruse?
Arthmael is very cheeky and even references his dad's love life directly to his face, his dad is not very happy
The king tells him to just be a good boy and hopefully they'll find him some crown princess to marry so he'll get a kingdom that way
I guess these different areas on the map are kingdoms then, that makes sense. They look like very small kingdoms but this is a small place in general.
Arthmael doesn't seem to mind this idea except that there's only one possible princess like that in Marabilia and that's Ivy de Dione. Not sure what's wrong with her.
Well, who knows? Maybe, if I wait a few moons, some other bastard, in Verves or Idyll, will come out from under a rock and come offer me her hand.
Somebody's very snarky, that's cute
Arthmael is very haughty about how the people have always known him as the crown prince and accepted him as such, Jacques laughs and asks what has he even done for the people. He's like well he hasn't really done much yet because he was planning to do things once he became king, but he's been supporting the local business (taverns) and employing servants (lmao). Also apparently there are some girls he's seeing...
Apparently Jacques's family are big traders and business people (despite being noblemen) and create lots of jobs, and also big on charity, so everybody loves them
Arthmael is jealous of how proud his dad looks when Jacques says this, and how he's never looked at him like that
Well, I guess you're kind of a little shit so it makes sense, Arthmael
— If the smartest thing is to become the idol of a few starving people in order to be king, I can do it too.
Oh my god, this little brat
He declares that he's going to be a hero, to overshadow the charity of Jacques' family, because heroes are remembered by history while philanthropist aren't
So he plans to become a storybook Prince Charming, saving damsels in distress etc.
Jacques finds this understandably hilarious, the king is not amused
Once Jacques leaves, the king again offers to arrange a marriage to Arthmael, specifically with the princess of Dione
I'm almost tempted. I have never been to Dione, but they say that their ships are the lightest and fastest, and that sailors come to their shores from the other side of the sea, speaking strange languages that only they understand. Who come from lands where women wear short dresses, if they wear anything at all. Places where war is so normal that, as soon as a child is strong enough to pick up a sword, they push him to the front lines.
Alright then, I see what he fixates on
Was there anything wrong with the princess then or?
Barbarians. I remove the thought from my mind.
Oh okay. What a charming young man /s
Dione is like right next to Silfos according to the map btw, is this like one of those neighbourly feuds?
Okay he says it's because he doesn't want a foreign kingdom, he wants to keep his home, which is fair I guess
The king is like what do you want me to do, kill Jacques and his pregnant wife? And Arthmael is just like yeah great idea, because he's a dumbass. The king is like wtf
Apparently Jacques' family is from that Duan city that I noted earlier, and his mother died a few days ago and apparently "her loss is greatly felt"
The king regrets spoiling Arthmael too much, and talks about how Arthmael doesn't understand anything about suffering or anything and only cares about girls
Arthmael is already considering faking his death to make them all feel sorry, because of course he is, he's exactly that kind of guy
He says he doesn't want to go try to charm the princess, he'd rather just go off on his own (also there's a whole bit about how only a man can rule Dione or something and the king of Dione won't accept his daughter to become a ruler)
His dad tells him no, just stay here and be a good boy, don't make everybody gossip about drama in the royal family
Arthmael is like hey you managed to hide your bastard son for years, you can hide my disappearance
They fight a bit more but then Arthmael just storms out, grabs a few things from his room and leaves
a change of clothes, a bag of coins, my sword, and my favourite cloak. I do not need anything else.
Okay then, good luck I guess
To be a hero you only need a brave heart. Or so they say.
I feel like you also need to not be a selfish prick but maybe that's optional
Okay end of first chapter!
Our blorbo seems like a real brat!
But I guess the point is probably that he needs to learn some lessons along the way, or something like that, idk. I'm sure there's a reason for why whoever entered him into the tournament likes him so much
I'm guessing the damsel in distress is not the princess? Probably? She wasn't called a princess anyway. TBH she's the character I'm currently the most curious about. The next chapter is from the point of view of someone called Lynne and I hope that's her. Could be the magician too though I guess? No wait, I think the magician is a guy. Altho idk maybe Lynne could be a guy's name, I don't fucking know.
I'm guessing that Arthmael will try to rescue the damsel so he can be a hero, because that's what heroes are supposed to do, but then it'll go wrong somehow? And then the magician will get involved somehow, I have no clue.
That's all my predictions I suppose. Altho I'm guessing that Jacques might turn out to be a villain somehow, I didn't get the vibe that he was particularly great either, just not as much of a brat as Arthmael, and it would then be something for Arthmael to do when he gets back home. Then again maybe the book will surprise me, who knows. To be honest, it would feel a bit like a cop out if it turns out that the guy he hates actually is evil, but it could be handled well, and it's not like I like Jacques either so far. He seems extremely sus too
No guesses as to what the title refers to yet, it could be anything
Idk, like I said, the damsel's storyline is the one that interests me the most rn, it might actually get me to read further (good job, blurb, you got me)
I still have a surprisingly good amount of the free sample left, there's actually nine chapters here, so idk, maybe I'll keep going? We'll see
I'm pretty happy with how much I was able to follow the text even on my own, altho I definitely had to rely on the translator. I would not have had the patience to try to translate all of this myself. But I definitely understood multiple full sentences! Yaaay xD
Apologies to fans of this book series, I hope I didn't seem too rude
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F/M Durgetash one-shot I birthed within a single day. Dead Dove: I don't like Gortash (hence the title), but I do find him mysteriously, annoyingly attractive. Couldn't get him out of my head - so I tried, the best way I knew how - by writing a fic xD. I hope you like it, but it's not essential to my wellbeing, I just really needed to get this off my chest. But it's been fun, so hopefully you'll have fun too.
Explicit 18+, F/M, Enver Gortash / The Dark Urge (old name Talas, new name Nara, some half-elf or other, unimportant), rough sex, cunnilingus, p in v, creampie, some emotional trauma, light stabbing/cutting with a dagger, a bit of aftercare in the form of bathing together.
Yes, Gortash bathes in this story. TWICE. He really needs it :P.
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I Don't Like You
01 - Brain worms having a field day.
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The night is slowly creeping in, but I’m in no state of mind to sleep. I pace and I rake my hair and I groan. My friends are watching me with concern in their eyes. I can’t blame them—I must look like a lunatic, more so than usually.
I feel like I’m going insane and for a whole new set of reasons than before.
What were we?
Gortash got into my head and now he’s refusing to leave. Was he just trying to mess with me? Did he notice the unmasked disdain in my face and decide to make my skin crawl in revenge? He must know I only have red fog in my brain where my past should be. And he looks just like the kind of man who would lie about it to make me nauseated. No way I’ve ever let those grubby hands touch me.
I can hardly admit it to myself, but nausea is not the full extent of my reaction. I feel as if my own body knows this man. My memory is still a blank page, but something in me recognizes him. Something primal. Something hungry.
The urges I’ve been having since meeting Gortash have very little to do with Bhaal.
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“Honeymuffin, are you still not ready for bed?”
I hear Halsin’s soothing voice and immediately feel myself relaxing. I turn to him, grateful for the distraction. He’s only dressed in his underpants and the sight of his bushy chest hits a dirty note.
I ignore his question and just press into him, kissing his gentle lips with ferociousness he hasn’t experienced from me yet. He’s responsive and gives in for a few seconds, but then chuckles into my mouth and drags me off of him by the shoulders to inspect me.
“What has gotten into you, my love?”
I groan, freeing myself from his grip. I always appreciate how sensitive he is to my moods and thoughts, but right now, I would die of embarrassment if someone actually found out what’s running through my head.
“I’m just irritated,” I lie through my teeth. “Gortash is one annoying son of a bitch. I hate that we have to pretend to work with him. ‘Notice the way he just kept us there under the threat of violence, to witness his sham of an inauguration? After everything he said about wanting to be partners? Ugh, I could just…” My fists close of their own accord, crushing the imaginary windpipe.
Halsin chuckles again and runs a calloused palm softly along my jaw in a comforting gesture.
“I know, Nara, I know,” he grumbles low, pulling me into a hug. “He irked me, as well. He isn’t worth the stress, though. Let’s sleep. We have another long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
But I can’t sleep. Once Halsin goes into his trance, it’s like he’s not here to hold me together anymore. I toss and turn. I grit my teeth. I grunt and pull on my hair. I try to silence my thoughts with a pillow over my head. It’s no use. I know what I have to do to get some peace of mind.
I get up as quietly as I possibly can. I don’t bother changing—I don’t plan to impress anyone. I just take a small dagger and throw a cloak over my shoulders, so I can hide in the shadows more easily, and sneak out of the inn.
I’m going to make him tell me the truth.
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02 - Urge! But not to kill.
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Getting into the Wyrmrock is laughably easy. I know the guards would just let me pass, but there’s no way in the Nine Hells I would embarrass myself like that. Little ol’ me going to see “Lord” Gortash in my casual clothes in the middle of the night—what a delicious story for the Baldur’s Mouth it would make. So I utilize every last muscle memory from the past I don’t remember, slipping in completely undetected.
He’s in the throne room, but not sitting on the damned thing. The main section is drowning in darkness, but I see a sliver of light coming from behind the door to one of the adjacent rooms. A study, maybe?
I almost trigger one of the traps as I’m sneaking towards him. There are Steel Watch still stationed around the room, but they appear less than attentive this time. Do they have some sort of down time? Or did Gortash put them in do-not-disturb mode?
I’m trying to not get myself executed, so I push down the instinct to grip the dagger I’m hiding under the cloak. If he wanted me dead, he wouldn’t have made such theatrics to gain my cooperation this morning. The question of whether I wanted him dead remains to be answered.
I take a quiet peek into the warmly lit room and suppress a whistle. It’s a study alright, but one Gortash seems to be using as an apartment—a wide, comfortable, richly adorned bed stands next to his desk, draped in red silk. He’s not in it, though—he sits by the desk, bent over a document, clad only in what looks like a bathrobe.
I try to filter myself through the crack in the door, but the stupid hinges creak so loud I gasp and just inelegantly stumble inside.
Gortash jumps off his chair and twirls around, body taut, eyes alert, a quill in his left hand held like a weapon, the other hand ready to shove the metal claws of his fancy gold netherstone-adorned gauntlet into someone’s eye. I grit my teeth and consider pulling out the dagger—but the second his gaze lands on me, he straightens and lets out a half relieved, half amused chortle.
“Sneaking up on me again?” He shakes his shaggy head. “Are Bhaalists simply unable to set up a meeting, like the rest of us?”
I open my mouth, a scathing comeback ready, but as soon as I let the air in the room in, I’m stunned. There’s a distinct fragrance of soap and perfume, a freshness that only comes from thoroughly scrubbing yourself clean, and, among them, the unmistakable scent of him. The musk that speaks directly to the undamaged parts of my brain.
I can’t believe how clean Gortash looks now. He evidently didn’t plan on any public appearances this late at night, so even his hair is not styled into spikes anymore and it’s just messily sticking out in natural directions, still a little damp from the bath. Funny—he didn’t think to wash before his big inauguration, but he washed now, when no one important is scheduled to see him?
He takes my silence as an opportunity to speak more, instead of waiting for an answer. He tilts his head, gaze slowly gliding down my body, and smirks.
“Shouldn’t you be curled on your bed next to the enormous druid, sleeping soundly? Wouldn’t he be oh so hurt if he knew you were seeking another man’s company?”
“What the fuck would you know?” I snap, his tone setting off a charge of anger inside me. “You don’t know him. Hells, you don’t know me! You don’t get to make snarky remarks about my enormous druid.”
Gortash cackles quietly and puts up his hands in a calming gesture.
“Of course I don’t.” His smirk deepens, his eyes studying my face. “But trust me, kitten. No one…” he takes a seductive little step towards me, “knows you like I do.”
“I doubt that,” I rasp barely audibly, a lump forming in my throat. My guts clench, breath shortening in panic. It’s all just an elaborate joke, I’m sure… but it feels so familiar.
“You really don’t remember,” he quips softly, as if to himself, and I can hear a hint of disappointment in his tone.
“What were we, Gortash?” I whisper, voice quivering on the cusp of a mental breakdown.
He stares at me, chewing his cheek, and his answer is a single word: “Enver.”
“What?” I scowl, anger rising again.
“My name,” he reminds me quietly. “You used to call me Enver, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me pet names, Gortash,” I force through my teeth. “Whatever you dreamed was between us, it’s most definitely not there anymore.”
“Alright.” He presses his lips together in annoyance, but steps closer, eyes radiating something close to malice. I gulp, my hand curling into a fist, pressing to the hilt at my hip. “I won’t call you kitten, or love, or sweetheart. Those were all just words I used to tease you with.” Drawling, stretching his words, he hovers above me. “But I have earned the right to call you Talas.”
That makes me pause and I just blink at him blankly for a second. “Who’s that?”
Genuine shock colors his face. He takes a step back, mouth agape. “That you don’t remember my name, I would understand. But how do you not remember your own?”
“Because someone caved my head in, trying to kill me!” I scream, suddenly overflowing with something I haven’t felt for a while: self-pity. I feel tears prickle in my eyes and that just makes me want to yell louder. “Because someone took everything from me. And where the fuck were you when I was bleeding out into the dirt?! If you were such a shitty partner, why in the Hells did I even bother with you?”
Gortash’s features softened, pain and regret gleaming in his eyes.
“I wasn’t your keeper, Talas,” he countered. “You were always an independent force, often off on business I had no say in. But when you didn’t come back one day, I searched for you.” His eyebrows join in a pleading line. “I searched for you with every bit of resources I could spare. Then Orin muscled in on our plot and made me stop under the threat of unraveling the whole thing. I accepted you as a loss… but I mourned for a long time.”
His words eat their way into my chest like acid. I don’t want to believe a single one, but something in me knows it’s the truth.
“Don’t tell me you loved me,” I hiss. “You don’t strike me as a man who allows himself such weaknesses.”
He smirks and I bristle. I knew it. Liar!
“Love is for children,” he chuckles. “We had something much more precious. We made a great team. Your monstrosity and mine were in perfect harmony. No one understood me like you did. No one encouraged my every exploit like you did. You were such a horrible influence on me,” he purrs, his eyes half closed. “Delicious. Deplorable. Delightful.”
I gulp and shiver under the intensity of his gaze. It feels like he’s undressing me with his eyes and I can’t decide how I feel about it. I want to be disgusted, but that knot low in my belly has a different agenda. Without remembering a single minute of knowing him, my body knows it used to crave this man’s attention.
He extends his unclawed hand to me and grazes my skin. It burns and it tickles and it sends powerful signals all over my nervous system. But this is not what I want. It can’t be.
Quick as lightning, I pull my dagger out and press it to his neck in warning.
“Don’t. Touch. Me,” I filter through my teeth.
He catches my wrist quicker than I would’ve given him credit for. Instead of pulling it away, though, he presses the blade closer, almost cutting into himself. I gasp in shock, struggling against his strength. His dead eyes flicker to life, ablaze with desire.
“There she is,” he whispers almost breathlessly, biting his lip. “You seem so different… but I knew my pet monster was somewhere in there.”
“I’m nothing of yours,” I force through my dried throat, my voice failing me.
Suddenly, he moves my hand away from his neck, only to press my white-knuckled fist to his lips in a kiss. My whole body responds, buzzing in approval. “You don’t mean that,” he teases, his hot breath tickling the spot he kissed.
“Don’t do that,” I breathe out, a lump forming in my throat, making my voice sound funny.
He pulls my wrist to his mouth and licks it with a quick flick before his teeth start to nibble on the sensitive skin, sending shockwaves of ecstasy down my arm.
“Stop it,” I beg, the command I meant to utter melting into a pathetic mewl.
I twist and try to get away for a second or two, but he keeps moving lower and lower, licking, sucking, biting, and every last defense I had crumbles into ashes. It doesn’t matter that I’m someone else now. It doesn’t matter that I would never consciously and honestly team up with him again. It doesn’t matter what I think of him or what I believe he deserves.
I never had a chance. My body knows him, my body craves him. He’s like a drug addiction I never quite shook, and at the slightest sweet taste I relapse right back into him.
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03 - A master. A slave.
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He pulls me in, mouth still hungrily devouring my arm inch by inch, while his free hand frantically unties my cloak, revealing my simple shirt and long skirt underneath.
“You used to wear fancier things.” He side-eyes my clothing, not letting it distract him from my skin too much. “And would get mad when I tore them to shreds. This is perfect.”
My sluggish thoughts haven’t even begun to analyze the meaning in his words when he presses me flush to his chest, moving from nibbling on my shoulder to assaulting my mouth. I gasp for the breath he keeps stealing with every touch, but let him surround me and trap me with his body. I feel his desperate need mirroring my own. His taste is surprisingly sweet, with just a hint of hot spice.
“No,” I manage to mumble through our locked lips, grasping at the last straws of control. My hand is finally free—I try stabbing him in the crook of his neck. He yelps and groans, but my muscles are so useless I’ve barely scratched him. A thin streak of blood trickles out of the cut, marring the delicate fabric of his robe.
“You thought that would stop me?” he purrs, pulling the robe off his body. “Your knives left more than one scar on me. It was our thing.”
I stare at his muscly, hairy chest, mute. I see scars on his torso, criss-crossing his skin like a crude carving. That couldn’t be my doing… But the metallic scent of his blood sends a new sort of excitement through me. I know it’s my Urge, I know it’s not really me, but my will is weakened. My hand raises and cuts him again—just a little, but enough to satisfy the craving.
“Your body remembers,” he whispers into my ear, standing my hair on their ends.
His gloved hand caresses my arm and shoulder and closes around my throat. I gasp in panic, or I think I do, but heat pools in my lower regions in response. He presses a touch harder; his gold ornaments are digging into my skin, claws pinching my nape and my head is starting to swim with lack of oxygen. My fingers wrap around his wrist, but for some reason I don’t pull him away.
“Every time you hurt me, I will hurt you back,” he promises in a sweet, sin-filled voice. “Call it our love language.”
He lets go of my neck, hands roughly gripping my waist instead. He twirls us around and sits me on top of his desk. I fumble to find balance and end up sending his documents, ink and quills all over the floor. Instead of complaining, he eagerly swipes the rest of the items off the surface and pushes me down on my back.
The panic it triggers gives me back a chunk of my reason. Instead of letting him, I fight back, clawing at his bare chest with my nails and my dagger, leaving bloody gashes over his skin.
His head lulls back for a moment, which makes me realize I’m not helping at all. He’s enjoying the pain I give him. He takes fistfuls of my shirt and bends down to bite my shoulder—hard. I yelp, reaching into his hair to pull him away, but he’s already ripping clothes off of my torso, baring my skin, spilling my breasts.
“You are even more magnificent than I remember,” he rasps, grazing my curves with his gaze alone. The reverent look on his face sets my loins on fire.
I’m beginning to understand how I could’ve let him so close to me. A young, confused little thing, raised in worship of the Lord of Murder, would have no idea what love looks like. I’m still learning and stumbling, despite Halsin’s best efforts. A man who could make her feel so beautiful, so wanted among all the blood and death… such a man would have had the key to her rotten little heart.
I’m not that girl anymore. But I know that feeling. Its draw is familiar and powerful. My hands let go of his hair and fall next to my head, letting him run his rough palms across my chest and knead the pliant shape of my breasts.
His teeth close around one of my nipples and press just hard enough to shoot a barbed string of ecstasy directly to my sex. I muffle the moan with my hands. I can’t just let him win like that. I’m not doing this because I’m easy. I’m doing it so I don’t go insane.
“I missed this,” Gortash drawls, his lips and tongue making slow circles on my chest. “I missed you.” He bites into my flesh, gently, teasingly, while his hand slowly moves towards my sex. “In all your glory, Talas.”
“Stop calling me that,” I protest weakly, but he just chuckles and continues lower, and lower.
“You may not remember me,” he breathes on my folds, shamefully wet and wanton, “but I remember everything about you.”
And he dives between my thighs like a man who’s been starving and now can finally eat.
I gasp loudly, my hands instinctively grasping for something to hold onto—his hair. My legs twitch and wrap around him. I’m half worried I’m killing him, but he gives no indication of discomfort. His mouth is making the most intimidatingly dirty noises I’ve ever heard and I’m melting on his face.
All it takes him is a few minutes, stretched impossibly long in my damaged mind. I swallow the urge to scream and just grunt, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. He looks up from my lap, slick and gasping for breath, and smirks smugly. He knows I enjoyed it, no use hiding it.
He picks his robe off the floor and wipes his face, still watching me. My brain is too hazy to worry about the way I’m splayed on his desk, eaten out, undone. He props himself above me and studies my face.
“This is your most beautiful look,” he sighs, taking in the flush of my cheeks, the sweat glistening on my brow and the mess I made of my hair. “Precious little Bhaal-babe.”
I’m still coming down from the high when I feel him slip inside me. I distantly realize I should’ve gathered enough wit to stop him, but it’s too late. I squeeze around him in welcome and let out a long and thoroughly embarrassing moan. He matches me, closing his eyes.
“You still fit me like a glove.”
He’s so right. I live for the delicious stretch of Halsin’s gentle, loving thrusts—it’s the only sex I remember having, but I would kill for more—but this… Gortash feels like he was tailored specifically for me. My body knows his shape, just as it knows his touch. It’s like coming home after a long time and finding your old room exactly as you left it.
“Oh gods, I really do,” I groan as he lazily moves inside, savoring each stroke.
I wrap my legs around his waist and just enjoy the sensation, closing my eyes to ignore his intimate gaze for the sake of my sanity. If he’s trying to make me fall for him again, he’s as out of his mind as I am.
Clearly getting bored of the slow pace, he pulls me up and plops me back down on my belly. I’m too weak and needy to issue a protest, I just whine at the unexpected and unwelcome absence of him. He silences my discontent with a firm thrust that makes me gasp and clutch the edges of the desk so hard my knuckles turn white again.
“I know you love this one,” he purrs and presses my legs together with his own. “Sometimes you like to be in control. Other times you like to be controlled. You were the most fun I’ve ever had with anyone.”
I let out a growl at him mentioning his other partners while balls-deep in me. Perhaps he didn’t really want me back. Maybe he just missed the “fun”.
“You’re also the only one who made me consider settling down, Talas,” he continues as if he understood very well why his words upset me. “I wanted to breed you and watch you teach the little runt how to gut people.”
“Don’t even fucking think about it,” I sputter, miraculously finding enough ire to at least issue a warning, while still being happily pinned under him.
He chuckles. “Your response is still the same. Last time it was Daddy dearest… but you changed your mind about doing his bidding. Is Halsin aware you’re not going to give him a litter of cubs one day as he might hope?”
I don’t know how he even learned all these things about me, but I don’t care much. I grab the dagger left forgotten on the desk next to me and jam the blade into his thigh. Not deep enough to cripple, but definitely causing a lot of pain.
Gortash lets out a strangled scream, which mixes with a moan of pleasure not two seconds later. Fuck. I didn’t mean for him to like it.
What he does next pushes all irrelevant thoughts out of my head: he grabs my hair and yanks hard, pulling my head back, making my little cry sound ever more pathetic. His free hand digs fingers into my hip, holding me steady as he begins pounding into me with force.
I just open my mouth mutely, gasping for air, my eyes filling with tears. My brain turns into mush under the intensity of sensations he’s sending through my tortured body. I can’t see, I can’t speak, I can’t think. I hear a high-pitched whine through the mist around me… and I realize it’s mine. I’m screaming, lost in the sweet place between pain and complete ecstasy.
I spasm around his length so hard I can hear him gasp as well. My whole body shakes and curls into itself, a shaking, sweaty, moaning mess writhing on the cool polished wood of the desk. I can feel him swell within me, hot and ready, and I know he’s coming too—still inside me.
But I don’t care. I want it. Whatever he might hope to gain from it, I know I’m safe.
Instead of going slack like a good boy, he pulls out and flips me on my back again. He holds my legs spread, admiring what he did to me. I feel his seed leak out of me and drip to the floor. He smiles contently, dragging a fingertip across my clit, drawing out every last twitch my muscles are willing to give.
“This could be us every day,” he says softly. “Think about it.”
I don’t have an answer he would like, but he doesn’t wait for one. He picks me up in the most unexpectedly gentle way and carries me to the other side of the room. I thought he was putting me on the bed, either to sleep, cuddle or continue blissfully torturing me, but my breath hitches in surprise when he suddenly dips me into warm water. I slip into a roomy bathtub, blinking in confusion.
My brain needs a minute to restart, so I just watch him get inside with me, sitting me in his lap, cradling me. I don’t have the strength to protest. I just watch the little pinkish streaks, as water begins to wash out his wounds.
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04 - This is why we can’t have nice things.
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“How did you have this ready? Do you have invisible servants or something?”
Gortash chuckles and I vibrate along on his chest, making frantic little waves on the surface.
“The miracle of technology, Talas. My desk has a few convenient buttons and this tub fills and warms up automatically. I pressed one before we began.”
Well, that is convenient. I’m not sure if I want to be in this bath with him now, but it sure feels good on my exhausted muscles and aching sex. His arms around me feel nice, too, as much as I hate admitting it. I can hate a person and still enjoy their closeness, right? Right?
His hands caress me under the water and I let them.
“Good to know you bathe with your gauntlets on,” I quip, noticing the distinctive feel of metal against my skin.
He pulls his right hand up and turns it from one side to the other, letting the gold reflect the glimmer of flames in the nearby fireplace. The netherstone pulses with its own light, alive and tempting as the power it holds.
“While I’m more than happy to entertain you, I’m not letting my most prized possession just lie around for you to steal,” he smirks and I turn my head to have a better look at him, honestly impressed. “You changed. Your goals inevitably changed, too. I don’t trust you anymore, Talas.” He runs a soft finger along my jaw, dropping to the line of my neck and to my clavicle. I shiver, even submerged in warmth, too tired to correct the name this time. “If you want it for yourself, you’re going to have to kill me.”
I give him an evaluating once-over; then my eyes move to the dagger I left on the desk. His gaze follows mine and his smirk stretches more.
“Just keep in mind that those Steel Watchers outside will only take about ten seconds to join us. And even you, my dear, don’t have the skill to defeat them all naked and unarmed to get out of here alive.” His fingers trace the shape of my lips. “I would hate it if something happened to you before I had the chance to win you over.”
“You’re so full of shit, Gortash,” I sigh, laying my head in the crook of his neck. I feel too lazy to murder anyone right now, anyway. “You sent me to hunt Orin down and told me to not come back without her stone. You expect me to believe you actually give a fuck about me and care what I think about you? I’m here against your explicit orders, your lordship.”
“You came to see me surrounded by your new friends,” he grumbles and I finally hear discontent in his voice. “In the company of your new lover. What did you think I would do, fall on my knees in front of all my esteemed guests and your openly hostile troupe and beg you to come back to me?”
“Hmm, so your excuse is your pride?” I sneer. “I don’t believe a word that comes out of your mouth, no matter how trustworthy you somehow manage to sound. I only agreed to your deal because you didn’t give me any better choice. Karlach was furious. She wants you dead oh so very much. She gets really graphic, describing how she wants to kill you. You’re lucky I didn’t bring her along.”
Gortash groans and pinches the root of his nose.
“The company you keep nowadays,” he chides. “No wonder you changed so much. Every one of those bloody soft-hearted idiots putting their own opinions in your emptied mind.”
“When that’s what you wanted to do.” I nod in mock commiseration.
“I want us to be partners,” he scowls, tone wounded. “Equals. Sharing the power over the whole world. The Lord is only a part for me to play in public, while you reign over your own murderous kingdom from the shadows, unobstructed by law, unhindered by so-called heroes trying to stop you. We can have everything we’ve ever wanted. Together.”
I can’t believe how tempting he sounds right now. I close my eyes, letting my Urge surface just enough to enjoy the pure simplicity of the world he describes. I could let go. I could stop fighting for every sliver of free will. I could bathe in blood and have people worship my god through me. The Urge would be sated—I could feel the sweet rush of ecstasy from killing without worrying I might hurt someone close to me.
I would be lying if I said this vision of the future never crossed my mind. It’s an everyday struggle, trying to stay good, trying to do only good. A struggle I’m inevitably going to lose if my Urge grows in intensity for much longer. Killing Halsin. Or Lae’zel. Or Gale. The death of anyone in my camp—by my hand—would break me.
I care too much. Sometimes I imagine what it would feel like if I didn’t care at all.
“You would never tolerate any of my friends by my side, Gortash,” I say flatly. “If you really do want me, you want me all to yourself. Isolated, depending only on you. Malleable. So that if—gods forbid—I disagree with you, you could push all the right buttons and get me to change my mind, with no one to challenge your influence over me.”
I don’t know how, but I know it’s true. It’s what all people drunk on power do. The more powerless they feel without it, the more they enjoy any sliver of it they get and abuse the shit out of it. It’s why Gortash wants control over others in the first place. Inside, there’s a small, scared, unloved little boy, whose parents sold him to a devil.
I blink, my heartbeat spiking, as I realize I’ve just recalled a bit of my past—our past. Something I couldn’t have learned since the nautiloid. Was it Gortash himself, who confided in me, or did I discover this piece of history by myself? It feels like something he would keep very close and tell no one, so it wouldn’t damage the lofty image he’s trying to maintain.
“You’re just being paranoid, kitten,” he brushes me off, but his expression is no longer sporting his typical airy easiness. “When we were together, I was your confidant and your strength against the increasing demands of your Father. But you weren’t some impressionable child. You were determined and unyielding. Sharp as your blades.”
Sharp blades. Bhaal. His demands.
A sinking dread begins to fill my guts and I lift off Gortash’s chest to put some distance between us. My brain is still fuzzy, but bits of memories are beginning to float to the surface of my consciousness.
“Bhaal’s grand design,” I say in a shaking voice, “is for everyone to die for him. I was supposed to kill you, and then myself, as the last mortal alive. Did you know?”
Gortash’s eyes round in horror.
“Of course not! What kind of crazy design is that? How would he get any more murders with no one left to die?”
He’s right, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to try and carry it out, anyway. Just like mad Orin is probably doing now. What a good little Daddy’s lapdog.
“But that wasn’t what you planned for yourself, was it?” I press, my voice steadying with my increasing certainty. “And so I was suddenly in the way. Just what would it take for you to turn on your closest ally? Is her planning your murder enough?”
“What are you trying to say, Talas?” he hisses, but I can see fear in his eyes.
“It was you, wasn’t it?” I growl, sliding away from him, so I can get out of the bathtub without him catching me. “You tried to kill me! Just so I wouldn’t kill you first.”
I jump to my feet, nearly slipping on the smooth wet surface, but holding my balance well enough to scramble out of the water. He tries grabbing my hand, then my leg, but I slip out of his grasp easily. I throw myself towards the desk and retake possession of my only weapon. By the time he’s out of the tub, I’m already pointing it at his throat.
“Listen to me, Talas—” he puts his hands up in a calming gesture, but I’ve had enough of his smooth words for one night.
“You picked up a fucking rock and you beat me and kicked me and tossed me against stone walls!”
I scream and I’m sure my prevalent feelings are pure rage, but out of nowhere I get ambushed by tears and sobs. My memories are still a mess, but the flashes of my body being beaten to a pulp are vivid and terrifying.
“Talas, please—”
“I bled and begged, and you teased and laughed, as if it was the funniest shit you ever got to do! And now that I’m somehow back, you’re trying to get me to believe your sweet lies, just so I won’t remember what you did to me. But I remember! I REMEMBER!”
I know I sound completely unhinged, but my chest is so filled with a mix of the worst feelings I’ve ever experienced, that it threatens to burst.
“IT WASN’T ME!” Gortash’s volume finally matches mine, making me wince and pause just enough for him to get a word in. “I would never hurt you like that! If I really had to kill you, dearest, I would’ve done it quick and clean. Because I love you, you stupid thing!”
His confession feels like a slap to the face. I didn’t see that coming. My first instinct is to pronounce it as another lie, especially in retrospect to the first time he mentioned love tonight, but my mind finally calms enough to actually think.
A man like him wouldn’t say anything like that if he didn’t mean it. It sounded… pathetic. Baring his soul similarly to revealing his most embarrassing childhood memory, knowing his feelings are unrequited. His pride would never allow him to grovel so much. Not anymore, not when he’s got a taste of actually being respected.
“Please, believe me,” he pleads, breath ragged, eyes wide. “I have no reason to hate you. This sounds like someone who had every reason. Who enjoyed your agony and loved seeing you on your knees. I. Would. Never.”
“But you…” I exhale, confused. I’ve almost had it. I’ve almost found the one responsible for my unfortunate fate. “Then who the fuck did this to me?” I whisper and stifle another sob.
“Please put down the dagger, Talas.” Gortash points at the sharp tip still hovering between his clavicles. I reluctantly lower it. I’m honestly pleasantly surprised he let me threaten him for so long without trying to disarm me. It makes me trust him just a smidge more. “And maybe we can figure it out together.”
“Stop calling me that!” I lash out annoyedly. “My name is Nara now. Deal with it.”
“When you stop calling me Gortash,” he smirks in response, his easy charm back.
I groan, rolling my eyes. “Fine. Enver,” I say begrudgingly, but the name feels much better on my tongue than I expected. I must’ve been used to calling him that, just as he said.
I turn to the desk, intent on putting the weapon back, but I freeze mid-step. A mix of stimuli, a flicker of light, a rustle of the fur rug on the floor, perhaps even a smell… and the memory of my attempted murder clears a bit more.
I see a shiny red surface with an opalescent finish. Hear a rustle of a long braid and the pitter-patter of bare feet on stone. I hear laughter again, but this time I’m not just imagining Gortash’s… Enver’s, I clearly recall a woman’s voice having the time of her life.
The name falls flatly from my lips. I feel cold dread seep into my soul at the image of her. I never quite understood why she had this effect on me—until now. Even though my memory was coming up empty, she was triggering a post-traumatic response all the same, just like when my body yielded to Enver.
I turn back, dagger still in my hand. I don’t plan on letting go of it any time soon. Enver watches me warily, with a hint of curiosity in his face.
“It was Orin.”
He frowns at first. Opens his mouth, presumably to defend her. Then closes it again, his features smoothing out.
“It makes sense. She took your place, both in the cult and in the Absolute plot. She wanted you gone. And she really seems to hate you, though I wouldn’t expect her to need any solid reason to kick someone to death. She would happily do it just for fun.”
I close my eyes for a second, but I only need a few gulps of breath to make up my mind. I pick up my torn and discarded clothes off the floor and put them back on, securing them in place as well as possible.
“Where are you going?”
Enver reaches for me and grabs my arm. I toss him a warning glare, but don’t move. He’s still naked and wet from head to toe, he poses virtually no danger to me.
“To hunt,” I answer plainly. “I know a mad bitch that needs killing.”
“Don’t be rash,” he shakes his head, some of the slicked back damp hair falling into his eyes. “You can’t know where she is. Or who she is. She could slaughter your whole camp while you sleep and you’d be left alone to face her. Remember, she is the Slayer now.”
“Well, since we’re counting suspects, she could very well be you,” I give him a wry smile. “But I doubt she would keep going this long, having me all to herself like that, so you’re probably safe.” He doesn’t appreciate my joke, scowling like a jack-o-lantern, concern crumpling his features. “I need to go back to my friends and figure out a way to find her before she does any real damage, Enver. I need to go now.”
He slowly lets go of my arm, letting me finish putting the cloak on.
“No need to sneak through the throne room, by the way,” he notes, watching me hide underneath the wide hood. “The Watch was instructed to let you in. If someone could really just sneak past them like that, I could easily expect Orin in your place. Thankfully, the Watch can spot the difference, with you having a tadpole.”
My eyebrows rise. So that’s why he took that bath? Did he think my unsettled hormones would lead me back to Wyrmrock to see him? I clearly never liked grimy men—and he knows it.
“You were waiting for me?”
“I was hopeful,” he confessed, dropping his gaze for a moment. “I couldn’t risk just inviting you. But at least I made sure you would get in without complications. You always did like to have all the facts.”
I chuckle and shake my head. I still believe at least half of his words are lies and most of the other half are cleverly picked and arranged bits of truth. But now I’m also pretty sure there’s something genuine in him, too. Hidden very deep, surrounded by enemies—but it’s there.
“Be safe, Talas,” he says quietly. “Nara,” he corrects himself, smiling softly. “You have your work cut out for you.”
“I’ll do my best to not disappoint,” I shrug, sheathing my dagger, stepping away.
“And will you at least consider my proposition?” He calls after me when I’m almost out the door. His voice sounds tentative. “That’s all I ask.”
I let my gaze slide down the length of his naked body, weighing my options. Well, consideration really costs me nothing, does it? It’s very unlikely that I will agree to it. I have much better prospects in my scope now—much healthier ones. But the least I can do for him is give it a thought.
“Sure,” I grace him with a little smile. “I will consider it.”
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
Feel free to ignore this if you are busy but may I pls request a part 2? For Lord Beerus X God of Life Male Reader?? Just sweet domestic and romantic stuff, maybe the Z Fighters accidentally finding out about the relationship and shenanigans ensures??
Beerus x M. God of Life Reader pt. 2
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And here I am. Making a part 2. I kinda lost my flow but wanted to continue xD
Leh goooo!
Want more from me? Masterlist, baby
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
🥢Chaos & Love🥢 (DBS or Dragon ball Super)
Warning(s): Fluffy as a pillow, Mxm (but duh bc the title), I DID not edit 😭😭
You just want to be with Beerus in peace, why must these earthlings bother your peace yet again?
It's a little ironic that you're the God of Life, but never found domestic behavior something you wanted to experience.
Well, until you met him.
The God of Destruction.
Something else ironic that you never thought you'd like.
Just this morning, you woke up to another body draped over yours.
It still takes a little getting used to after centuries of being alone, too busy to have an actual relationship.
And when you tried to get up to make a stop at your house, those arms weren't letting you go anywhere.
"Beerus. I need to go to my realm-" "-No. You're warm," he muttered in his sleep. You didn't want to be rude and make him cold with your absence...wow, he's making you too soft.
Not that you really cared.
You simply made a compromise. You took him with you.
His legs were wrapped around your hips, chin tucked into your shoulder, arms wrapped tightly around you as you navigated through your house. Grabbing what you needed with one hand.
"My clingy little baby," you mutter after a while, smiling to yourself. "Shut up."
He couldn't help that you were so warm and comfy.
"Hey [Name], can you grab my shirt?" Beerus half-heartedly mumbled, lazily pointing in a direction. "That's my shirt." "Same difference, I wear it more than you do anymore. Grab it, please. I want it," he whined with grabby hands.
At some point, he finally decides to wake up...
...only to hug your waist as you make lunch
You don't question his clingy-ness, usually, when you leave for your job for a while, he's extra clingy when you come back.
But you jump when his stationary hands begin to move.
"Beerus! D-don't do that when I have a knife in my hand."
"Lose it, then," he purrs.
Later that day, after those activities and lunch, Whis approaches you both in the woods.
You hardly looked over from Beerus's lap and he didn't bother to open his eyes from their relaxed state.
"Yes, Whis?"
"It seems Bulma has invited us to try Earth delicacies again. Would you like to accept her invitation?"
"Depends on what it is."
It was a good enough offer for Beerus to go.
Well, that, and you mentioned a curiosity about Earth food.
Beerus told you about it the whole way, quite pleased to feel like an expert.
Although the meeting was a little awkward.
Upon arriving, Beerus and Whis went ahead.
And when you caught up with them, you met eyes with Goku first.
Considering the last time you met, you weren't surprised he was suddenly tense.
Which made his other friends tense, one even rose their power level a bit.
Which made you laugh, loudly, "How adorable."
"L-Lord [Name]!"
You titled your head at the Saiyan a little shorter than him, "Ah, you know my commonly known title, young Saiyan?"
"Lord Beerus, look behind you!"
"You idiots, he's not a threat. He's with me!"
"I will not hurt you, earthlings, not unless you give me a reason to—Now, where is this pudding, Beerus spoke of?"
You tried a few dishes of Earth, though your speed of eating was much slower than the other non-humans. You preferred to savor your food.
And because Beerus kept feeding you some of his food.
"Here, try this, [Name]," he offered a...something.
"Sweetheart, let me try one thing at a time, okay?" but because you were whipped, you opened your mouth to try it.
"'Sweetheart'? Lord Beerus, I didn't know were with someone," Bulma hummed as she brought more food.
"Why do you sound like you're in such disbelief?!" Beerus growled.
"Wait-you both are together?"
"Goku, who asked you to snoop into our conversation?" Bulma barked across the room.
And after that...all hell broke loose.
"How did you guys...?" "When did you guys...?"
Beerus just yawned.
"I don't see Beerus being the date type."
"What even is a date?" He asked you. A shrug.
Cue the gasps from the ones who cared And now they were planning a date, great.
While they were busy planning some date, Beerus dozed off of you while you read a book.
It was peaceful until voices started to rise.
"You can't just ask the God of Life to spar with you, Kakarot!"
"But you said he's more powerful than Lord Beerus! I want to see that power for myself!" he whined.
"All you men want to do is fight!"
"But it'd be so cool!"
Your gaze flickered down when Beerus shifted, then up to the group ahead of you.
Their heads snapped over to you, the calmest voice of all, yet the most intimidating.
"Beerus is taking a nap. Stop all that yelling for no reason. If you wake him up I'm going to be pissed. And you don't want that. Even Beerus couldn't stop me if that happened."
"Someone's protective," Whis teased behind a hand.
"S-shut up," you scoffed, focusing on your book again.
Until you heard the words.
"We set up a date for you, two..."
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lenafromthenordiccoven · 11 months
Cool Down Time - Bob Floyd x afab!reader
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(moodboard by me, Lewis Pullman pic by retosterchi, found by @up-thereinthesky, rest unsplash.com)
Title: Cool Down Time
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Pairing: Bob Floyd x afab!reader
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Summary: When the first actual heatwave of the year hits, you suggest a little bit of an unconventional method to cool down with your favourite aviator.
Warnings: temp play, body worship (is that warning? Idk), oral (m!receiving), light dom/sub undertones (with Bob not being the dominant one), swearing, I just want to fluster one (1) man, okay?, not proofread, we die like rebels
Wordcount: 2346
Read on ao3
A/N: My city’s got the first heatwave of the year and I’m miserable. So, naturally, had to come up with a way to distract myself. If not entirely cool down – reasons why I kept this shorter than I had originally planned. *ahem* Also, I apologise for the horrible title. I couldn’t come up with anything better xD (Also, also, I apparently like having characters beg. Oops.)
You flopped down on the couch with a groan while Bob closed the front door. You could hear him chuckle at the way you’d shed your jeans shorts and T-shirt in the hallway on the way to the living room.
“It’s too damn hot!” you grumbled into the pillow that was quickly warming to your body temperature in a failed attempt to defend your actions. Not that you really needed to. Bob was usually the last person you would have needed to explain any of your motivations to. It simply was too hot. San Diego got hit by the first heatwave of the year and you crumbled like a dried-up leaf under a magnifying glass.
“Well, you’re not gonna feel any better if you heat up that couch, darlin’,” Bob said from where he was basically towering above your head. When you shifted your head to peer up at him, your eyes followed a couple beads of sweat that trailed down the side of his neck and pooled in his jugular notch. You could feel your mind drifting to somewhere very different, but Bob’s voice pulled you back.
“Hm?” You raised an eyebrow at him, not having caught any of what he’d said. But given the way he looked at you (his head slightly cocked to the side which always reminded you of a puppy—and which you sometimes teased him for), it was clear that he’d asked you a question.
“I asked how much water you drank today.” He raised an eyebrow at you, waiting for your answer. Although you were sure, he already knew it. Not enough. You never drank enough. Well, water.
“Not enough. Probably,” you replied, grumbling again this time. Because you knew what would happen next.
Bob sighed and then motioned for you to get up. “Alright, up you go. Off to the kitchen. Both of us.”
You didn’t even try to hold back the whine as you pushed yourself up and climbed off the couch. You padded after him, noting how his backpack had left a big stain of sweat on his back. You were about to reach out your hand and trace the muscles of his back that were starting to peek through the fabric stuck to his skin. But then Bob stopped in front of the fridge-freezer-combo, opened the freezer compartment to get out some ice cubes and your heat-plagued brain spit out exactly one idea.
“Actually, babe…” You began as you stepped closer to Bob, starting to snuggle up to his back. “I think, I just had an idea how we could maybe cool down a little.”
He turned around to face you, ice cube tray in hand. You reached past him to close the fridge door and then nodded towards the ice cubes. And you could have sworn his skin flushed a darker shade of pink underneath the light sunburn. “You’re not suggesting …?” He nodded towards the ice cubes and quirked an eyebrow.
“I am suggesting temp play, baby, yes.” Your lips stretched into a grin when he blinked rapidly and averted his eyes. Even after having been together for a couple years now, you still got a rise out of Bob getting shy when you suggested something new in the bedroom. Ironic, really. Considering he’d had more experience when you’d first started dating.
“I don’t really see how that could help us cool down exactly,” Bob mumbled. But you could see the mischief glinting in his eyes. After all, how could he say no to one of your suggestions if it meant, he got to worship you? If anybody would have asked Bob how deep his feelings for you ran, he would have had no qualms telling them that he would worship at the altar of you for the rest of his life. Especially if it meant he got to hear you utter his name over and over in that mixture of a scream and a sigh he always drew from you when you climaxed, and when you didn’t give a fuck about whether your neighbours heard you.
You raised an eyebrow in response to his mumbling—and the thousand-yard stare now on his face. Then you gently took the ice cube tray from his hand, before laying your now cold fingers against his cheek. He jerked in response, blinking rapidly. “Where’d you go just now, handsome?” you asked with a seemingly innocent smile. You had an inkling where his mind had wandered off to. The same path yours had when he’d first taken the ice cubes out. It made your smile widen into a grin as his gaze drifted down to your lips for a second.
He cleared his throat, then stretched out his hand for the ice cube tray. “You know, where. Let me just get something to put these ice cubes in, so they don’t go meltin’ on us before we’re done, alright?”
The ice cubes clinked against the glass as you fished one out, the water dripping from your fingers landed on Bob’s now naked chest and he jumped at the sensation at first. But then his body relaxed under you and his gaze locked onto yours.
“You okay?” you asked with smile tugging on your lips, anticipation making your nerves sing before either of you had even gotten very far.
Bob nodded, laid out on his back on the bed, his boxers the last remaining item of clothing on his body. “Just cold at first.”
“Shocker. This is basically ice water by now.” You leaned down until your face hovered maybe an inch above him. “Just don’t buck me off, cowboy.”
“Not makin’ any promises.”
When you gently let the first ice cube rest in his jugular notch, he jolted underneath you again, lips parted in a surprised gasp that faded into a sigh as you then let the ice cube wander up his throat just underneath his jaw. You ground your hips slightly downwards and then caught the resulting groan tumbling from his lips with your own. His hands ghosted over your panty-clad ass and up your sides where one of his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer against him.
You chuckled. “You’re gonna have to let me go if you want me to continue.”
His arm tightened around you in response as he mumbled against your lips: “Not that I’m not looking forward to where this is gonna go, but I just really like havin’ you on top of me like this, darlin’.”
You could feel heat creep up into your cheeks as his words brought up memories of countless times of when you’d had him underneath you like this, with you setting the pace for once as you rode him. “Stop trying to distract me.” You sat up as he loosened his arm around your waist and let his hands wander back to your ass. Just as he squeezed your cheeks, you slapped his chest lightly.
“Oh, am I?” His lips twisted into smug version of the lopsided, lovesick smile you usually got from him. “Sweetheart, I think, you should get another ice cube. This one’s almost gone.” You could see the mirth dancing in his blue eyes.
“Shut up, Lieutenant, and let me do this at my pace.” To ward off any attempts at a reply, you picked up the ice cube – Bob wasn’t wrong about it having almost melted away completely against his heated skin – and pushed it past his lips into his mouth. His lips closed around your fingers, he hummed as he swirled his tongue around your fingertips and then lightly bit down on them.
You swallowed hard at the sensation while your brain and heart took off at the speed of lightning and you found yourself grinding your increasingly wetter core against his clothed cock. “You gonna be a good boy and behave?” you asked before you removed your fingers from his mouth, lifted yourself up onto your knees and leaned over to fish another ice cube out of the glass.
“Yes, ma’am,” was his only response besides another hiss as you let the new ice cube circle his right nipple. Though he did whine in protest when you moved off of him to kneel beside his body on the bed. Then, ignoring the ache burning low in your lower belly at his sounds, you took the ice cube between your lips and began tracing abstract patterns onto his upper body. All the while you tried to keep eye contact, which he broke the first time you inched close to the hem of his boxers and his abs tensed underneath your touch.
Your lips twitched into a smile as he kept his eyes closed and he tried to keep his breathing under control. You slowly let one of your fingers wander along the hem of his boxers, before you tugged on them and Bob dutifully lifted his hips, so you could get them off. He’s half-hard cock slapped against his abdomen, and you watched his brows pinch as the tip landed in a drop of ice water your ice cube had left.
“Sweetheart, please.” There was no need for him to say more. You knew, he needed you to touch him. But you wanted to draw out the build-up a little more. Call it some good-natured revenge for all the times he’d riled you up and had you panting with just fleeting touches of his fingers and lips.
“It’s okay. I’ll take care of you, baby. Just be a good boy and keep your eyes on me, okay?”
You blinked up at him innocently, kneeling between his legs, the sight had him whining. One of his hands came up to cradle your cheek and you nuzzled into the touch, pressing a kiss to his palm.
“You’re always so good to me, Robby. Wanna do the same for you,” you whispered.
He nodded and his hand fell away from your face as you settled in between his thighs. The first gentle kiss you pressed to the inside of his thigh drew a gasp from him. When you took the ice cube from where it had been sitting in his navel and lightly ran it over the junction of his leg and torso before briefly ghosting it over his balls, you got another jolt and a louder “Fuck!” as a reward. The usually lighter blue of his eyes had turned to something darker as his lust-blown eyes stayed locked onto you as if he’d locked onto a target in the sky. Finally, you put the remainder of the ice into your mouth, let it melt on your tongue and cool it down.
One of your hands came up to grip the base of his now definitely hard cock as you licked his tip, humming at the first beads of precum you could taste. “You always taste so good, baby,” you purred.
“Could say the same thing about you. Please, sweetheart. Need your mouth on me. Please, pl—” His words got caught off by a lightly frustrated groan when you tugged on his cock but kissed his stomach instead of wrapping your lips around him.
You chuckled, then hummed while you licked the underside of his shaft from the base to the tip where you pressed another faux-innocent kiss to his cock. When you did finally wrap your lips around him and began to bob your head up and down, Bob’s face twisted in pleasure as he struggled to keep his eyes open and on you.
“Fuck. Thank you, darlin’. You’re so good to me.” You clenched your thighs together at the praise, unable to deny the effect his reactions had on your own arousal.
While you kept bobbing your head, trying to alternate between sucking him off, stroking him and licking, it didn’t take long for Bob to turn into a writhing begging mess underneath you. The ice cubes left in the glass were forgotten as you made it your mission to get him to cum in your mouth. One of his hands tangled in your hair as his hips buck upwards at an uncontrolled rhythm.
“Shit, Y/N. ‘m close, so close. Don’t stop.”
And he kept his word. A couple more bobs and a fleeting touch against his balls had him shooting off into your mouth as your name repeatedly tumbled over his lips. You swallowed everything, helped him ride out his orgasm.
His chest was heaving with every breath as he came down and relaxed underneath your touch again. You kept the kisses to his body and the touches of your fingertips light, gentle so as not to overwhelm him. His hand that was still tangled in your hair tugged lightly, signalling for you to crawl back up his body.
He pulled you down onto him and kissed you, humming contentedly as he tasted himself on your tongue. “Thank you, darlin’. That was … really fuckin’ good.” His voice was hoarse and somewhere in the back of your mind you hoped the neighbours hadn’t come home from their vacation yet. You didn’t exactly want to deal with a knock on your door right now.
You quickly left another peck against his lips, your hand resting over his heart absentmindedly tracing shapes onto his skin. “Glad you enjoyed yourself.” You smiled down at him and his lips twisted into that smug smirk again.
One of his hands came to rest on your hip while the other cradled your head—giving you no other warning when he suddenly flipped you over onto your back, so he could hover over your body. “I think, we still have some ice left in that glass of ours. Let me show you exactly how much I appreciate how well you take care of me, darlin’.”
You giggled as he stooped down to steal another kiss before fishing for an ice cube. While your activities didn’t exactly cool you down, they at least took your mind off the scorching temperatures outside for a little while. And who’s against having a little fun, really?
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bitmeddler · 1 month
Title: We Don’t Talk About the Bachelor Party
Pairing: Newt/Hermann (Rated Very M) 
Status: 4/4 chapters posted: COMPLETE!!! 
Word Count: 10,654
Warnings: This is BY FAR the absolute silliest thing I’ve ever written. Dr. Hermann Gottlieb, I am so, so sorry XD
Summary: It’s three days before Tendo and Alison’s wedding and Newt and Mako have planned an epic bachelor-bachelorette party at a well-known all male revue show. Get ready for a debaucherous night out with our favorite Shatterdome crew, in which Hermann gets way too drunk and Newt gets way too naked in public.
Tags: Humor, Comedy, Post-Canon, Pining, Pre-Relationship, The Drift (Pacific Rim), POV Alternating, Drinking, Heavy Drinking, Excessive Drinking, It felt appropriate to use all three drinking tags, Stripping, Strip Tease, Tattoos, Piercings, Lots and lots of piercings, Gay Panic, Song references, Newt & Tendo BFFs, Mako & Alison BFFs, Bridal Party, Best Man Newt, Groomsman Hermann, Maid of Honor Mako, Groomsman Raleigh, very very drunk Hermann, amateur stripper Newt, sometimes you've gotta do a little boylesque to see if your lab partner will get flustered or not
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
👠 - “Your shirt got a little dirty, how about we take it off?” w/ our god of thunder thor pls bby <33
Life in plastic 👠 - Send me a hottie and a prompt from OP and I’ll write a quick fic (feel free to add AUs/tropes/etc. for some flavor)
Playing Filthy
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Pairing: Thor Odinson x f. reader
Genre: smut (lemon)
Warnings: pwp, oral sex (m. receiving), face fucking, teasing, dom!Thor, sub!reader, kinda breath play, very brief mention of spit, m. masturbation (it's quick so don't blink), cum shot, cum eating
Summary: Thor shows you what happens when you tease him in public
Word Count: 865
Notes: Hooray to my first Thor fic 🥳 I hope I did him justice lol Just by reading the title, you already know this is gonna be hella gross but no ragrets xD Thank you Laur for the dirty😏 request and @wint3r-h3art for sending me Thor pics to fuel my nastiness 😘😘 Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read 😊
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More info on the Barbie and the 900 Followers Celebration
​​You and your boyfriend were at a party with the other Avengers when you decided to mess around with him. You had been teasing Thor all night and he couldn’t stand it any longer. He dragged you away from the party, pushing you into the nearest room. Before you had a moment to react, he commanded you to your knees. 
“This’ll teach you to fuck with me in front of my friends.”
As you sat on your knees, Thor whipped out his throbbing cock that glistened with precum. Your mouth watered at the bulging veins, excited to take him into your mouth however he pleased. One hand held the base of his thickness while his other hand aggressively pried your mouth open. As your mouth widened, Thor plunged his cock in, causing you to immediately gag when just the tip grazed the roof of your mouth. Considering that you and Thor just recently became an item, you still needed some adjustments to his godly size. However, with the way you had been acting tonight, the mighty god didn’t seem as accommodating as usual. 
“Fuck, just like that!” Thor growled, throwing his head back against the wall. “Such a gorgeous little thing.” Your pussy clenched around nothing as you heard him call you ‘gorgeous.’ His baby blue eyes turned dark as he grunted and shoved more of his length inside your mouth. You violently gagged as the tip pressed against your uvula, grabbing his meaty thighs for support. 
“What’s wrong, gorgeous? Thought this was what you wanted.” Thor bursted into laughter as you struggled to breathe out of your nose. “You wanted to play dirty, but you forget that I’m a fuckin god and gods play filthy.” When he was only met with loud gurgles in lieu of words, he pulled out so you could catch your breath. You gasped and panted for air like a fish out of water, unbothered by the spit drooping from your lips. Meanwhile, Thor stroked himself in front of your face. His throaty murmurs made you wetter, causing you to reach down between your legs. He slapped your hand away, shaking his head in disapproval.
“Oh, no gorgeous. You don’t get to touch yourself after the shit you pulled back there.” Thor tapped the head of his cock against your lips, entering you once again with the same amount of vigor. “All you get to do is sit there and take my cock in that dirty mouth.” 
You peered up at him with puppy eyes, vision becoming blurry from the tears glossing over your eyeballs. A tear finally trailed down your cheek as the tip surpassed your uvula. Just as you thought Thor would maybe go easy on you, he held the back of your head to pump himself in and out of your mouth. The way he used you like a sex toy made your panties soaked and you were aching to rub your pulsing clit. You squeezed your thighs together as Thor fucked your face harder until his thrusts became desperate. He moaned your named as his huge cock palpitated inside you.
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna come. Keep that mouth nice and wide for me, gorgeous.” With that, he pulled out with a pop and began jacking himself off at a rabid speed. Despite being out of breath, you kept your mouth open, impatiently waiting the taste of his seed. One hard thrust later, Thor bellowed a thunderous groan, spurts of cum landing on your tongue and chin. The blonde god released his last string of cum and he leaned against the wall, catching up to his breath. Without breaking eye contact with him, you drunkenly licked up the cum on your face. You were unaware of the remnants of cum that dripped onto your blouse until Thor helped you off the ground, smirking at the fresh stain.
“Your shirt got a little dirty, how about we take it off?” His large hands pulled your top off with elegance and you yanked the linen material, inspecting the tainted discoloring.
“Damn it, this was my favorite shirt!” You whined, tossing the ruined fabric on the ground. 
“Guess that makes us even from all the teasing you put me through.”
You scoffed and smacked Thor’s bicep, to which he barely batted an eyelash. Then, you started to rummage through the closet on the opposite side of the room for something decent to replace your stained shirt with. Luckily, Natasha had a stash of oversized headscarfs that you can easily tie over your breasts. Thor watched in awe as you tied the scarf together to create a make shift halter top.
“I don’t know about you, gorgeous, but I would’ve been perfectly fine with you wearing just your bra. Besides, isn’t that a new Midgardian fashion trend?”
“Well, if I went back out there without my shirt, then your friends would know that you and I fucked.”
“Next time, we should just let them know how good I fuck you.” You stood silent in the middle of the room, making Thor smirk cockily. He kissed the top of your head before leading you out of the room back into the party.
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rainbowmewz · 1 year
edward nygma (gotham) and OSDD-1a
hi! welcome to my hellhole!! i’ve been thinking about the topic of this post for a while and i just needed to yell about it here bc yelling about it on twitter under a meme post wasn’t enough for me xD
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SO! let’s talk about this. i was highly generalizing in the tweet above because i personally don’t think edward nygma suffers from dissociative identity disorder. instead, i believe he suffers from other specified dissociative disorder, specifically subtype 1a.
below the “keep reading”, i will discuss a general overview of DID and OSDD, why i think this is the case for edward nygma, and a review of the representation of it in gotham. be warned that this post has a general trigger warning for discussions of abuse, self-harm, suicide, and drug abuse. this discussion is not in depth at all, but just as a warning if you wanna avoid this post! this post also has a trigger warning for discussions of negative portrayals of DID/OSDD (such as in films like m. night shyamalan’s split and discussions of tropes such as “evil alters”).
OSDD-1 is a subtype of OSDD that is very similar to DID. to get a general gist of what OSDD is, we first have to define DID. DID (dissociative identity disorder), which used to be referred to as MPD (multiple personality disorder), is a dissociative disorder that forms in early childhood as a reaction to prolonged and/or severe trauma (abuse, for example). this causes a child’s brain to split into multiple parts, called alters, and experience amnesia/dissociation between these parts. in OSDD-1 (other specified dissociative disorder), there’s two subtypes, 1a and 1b. in 1a, there’s dissociation between parts, but their parts aren’t as distinct as someone who has DID. on the other end of the spectrum, in 1b, alters are highly distinct but experience little to no amnesia between them. as stated previously, i believe gotham’s portrayal of edward nygma/the riddler has OSDD-1a.
to avoid confusion, in this post, i’ll be referring to the two as a whole as “edward nygma”, “edward”, or “nygma”; i’ll refer to the alter we’re first introduced to as “ed”; and the alter we’re introduced to next as “the riddler” or “riddler”.
while we don’t know anything about edward’s childhood in gotham, many other portrayals of the character (arkhamverse, general comic lore, etc.) mention an abusive past, specifically at the hands of his father. in general comic lore, this abuse explains where his compulsions for showing his intelligence comes from. if this backstory is true for gotham’s portrayal of nygma, which we will assume for this analysis, this is the trauma element of OSDD.
our first introduction to the idea of edward having a dissociative disorder is in season 2 episode 1. while this is our first introduction to the difference between ed and the riddler, the two seem to have a history of co-existing before this scene (ed tells riddler stuff such as: “i get nervous when you talk to me with other people around like that” and “i know where this is going. i told you, leave ms. kringle alone”).
now that we have those basics down (trauma and evidence of a long-standing dissociative disorder), i’ll be referring to an article written by DID-Research.org titled “DID Versus OSDD-1″. this will hopefully help my thoughts be more concise, since i tend to.. go all over the place with this stuff. i tried to write my thoughts on this topic in a discord server before and it went in 50 different directions x3
DID-Research’s article discusses how the parts in OSDD-1a are different from disorders such as borderline personality disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and complex posttraumatic stress disorder. while OSDD-1a’s parts are way less differentiated as ones in DID or OSDD-1b, since individuals “are more likely to present as the same individual”, these parts can have “different skills, emotional reactivity, or ways of interacting with the world”. to me, this sounds exactly like what riddler and ed go through throughout gotham. as early as season 2, riddler is shown as more confident, brash, and witty than his counterpart. ed is more focused on living a normal life, he wants to live out this fantasy with kristen, then isabella, then lee. this is all he craves, to be seen as normal and not a freak. riddler on the other hand, isn’t as concerned. sure, he originally wants to pursue kristen, but in a way to introduce a sense of excitement and power in him and ed’s life.
this mention of ed’s craving for a normal life is something.. very interesting as well. according to the theory of structural dissociation, there’s two types of parts a person with OSDD/DID could have. these are referred to as Apparently Normal Parts (ANPs, these alters take care of daily life, often are avoidant (or unaware) of trauma, and have a need to appear high-functioning (sound like anyone we know?)) and Emotional Parts (EPs, these alters represent dissociation and trauma through memories, internalized beliefs, and learned responses). ed seems much like an ANP, while riddler seems more like an EP. an article discussing the differences of ANPs and EPs states that an ANP “might engage in self harm or use psychogenic substances in attempts to forcefully tether themselves to the present and prevent EP from intruding”. this sounds very familiar, does it not? his abuse of hallucinogens in season 3 to see oswald again, using pills again in season 4 to try and get rid of the riddler, and if i remember correctly, plotting to kill himself in season 4 as well.
as i stated, the article talks about how OSDD-1a is different from an identity disturbance in disorders such as BPD, PTSD, and C-PTSD. the article specifically says that people with these disorders might feel a loss of control, but never “feel that different parts of them are capable of acting independently or that different parts of them have and express their own views or goals”. this exact quote proves that what nygma might be experiencing is OSDD-1a. our introduction to the two psyches of edward nygma show their differing goals and views. as another example, in season 5, riddler is completely unaware of ed’s plan to destroy haven and is shown as extremely distraught when he appears in different places without knowledge of what happened beforehand.
so.. it seems obvious that edward nygma has OSDD-1a, right? so... how would i, as a psychology major, someone who possibly has DID/OSDD, and someone who’s known multiple people with DID/OSDD, review this representation?
i’d say... it’s pretty good for what it’s worth!! gotham as a tv show has always dealt with terrible writing and a lot of things could have been written better, but this topic is surprisingly one they handled pretty okay. there was... a lot of room for more and it’s quite strange to see the dissociative disorder representation go to edward nygma instead of a character such as harvey dent (who’s a whole other can of worms and has been stated to have “MPD” in the past).
it’s really refreshing to see representation of DID/OSDD that doesn’t rely on played out and disgusting tropes such as “evil alters”. while it seems like riddler might play out as an evil alter, both ed and riddler are both messed up in their own ways. there’s no evil alter to stop, they’re both.. villains in their own ways (blowing up a place w/ the most vulnerable members of the city vs hiding your dead gf’s body parts over a police precinct, pick your poison). i also enjoy how cory michael smith portrays the two psyches of edward nygma and portrays the way the two switch in and out!
you’re free to disagree with my opinion as well. i’d love to have a discussion in the comments or reblogs :DD!! i just... really enjoyed writing this up. if i missed anything, just tell me :33
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thetragicallynerdy · 5 months
ao3 wrapped: 6 & 16 & 26 ☺️
Aww hello friend!! Heck yeah lets do this:
6) Favorite title you used?
Oh boy, I am actually a fan of so many of the titles I used this year?? Some faves that come to mind:
"Got dirt, got air, got water, and I know you can carry on" and "maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both live again" (from series: "keeping the world at bay", all titles are modest mouse lyrics)
"if you still want me, please forgive me" and "i carved your name across my eyelids" (from series: "the crown of love is not upon me" - this series will all have lyrics from crown of love by the arcade fire, which is just. god. devastating song.)
"look at you love, you've got that golden glow" (because i think this probably the title of a fic that fit it best that i used this year, in a weird way XD)
16) What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Smut hahahahahaha (followed by oral sex, modern au, and then more smut related tags lmao)
26) What’s your most common category?
Other! I write a lot of fics with a nonbinary main character, and all of them get tagged other. (I have Many Firm Opinions about not tagging ships with nonbinary characters as f/f or m/m and honestly get really pissed when I see it happen.) I think I only wrote one fic that didn't go under the 'other' category this year, actually. (Which means I only wrote one fic this year that wasn't about Jim my beloved XD)
Second most used category is 'multi', which, yeah, that tracks haha!
Thanks for the asks, friend!!!
Ao3 Wrapped Ask Game can be found here for the curious!
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commenter2 · 6 months
My Hazbin Hotel season 1 trailer breakdown
Been a while since I’ve done a breakdown for anything made by Vivziepop and with all the recent news about the first season of Hazbin Hotel, I thought I do one if not to just make a thing containing all my recent ideas I have about the upcoming season. Beware of “spoilers” and M rated content. Also long post warning
So I know the first season is going to be 8 episodes long, just like the first season of Helluva Boss, and the episodes will likely be 30 minutes long, which I strangely like more than the idea of hour long episodes. I recently discovered a Amazon series called “Vox Machina” and it’s also a series with 30 minute long episodes and if they can do it while being fun then so can Hazbin Hotel. I also know that the titles of the episodes are out, which I might bring up here and there.
We start with Alastor filming a commercial and I want to point that the knife doesn’t seem to be having an effect on that wing guy’s victim, fitting since besides angelic weapons, sinners are pretty much immortal so nice detail there. Heck the guy being stabbed doesn’t seem to mind XD.
It looks like the Extermination clock from the pilot is now a kind of Heaven Embassy, likely also acting as a portal for angels to go to Hell to talk to demon royals like Charlie and of course for the annual Exterminations. I wonder if it is possible for demons to enter a part of Heaven through it, like for meetings? I do recall an old Instagram pic of Vox and Val getting ready for something where they wore all white and I thought it strangely was telling us that there are meetings between beings of Heaven and Hell. Just a random though I wanted to put here.
Yeah it’s not a shock that Angel is still working for Valentino, but based on this trailer and other pics it looks like he will quit and though Valentino and Vox fail to get him back through a fight in one episode, it looks like Val will tempt Angel from a distance, giving us a story arc for Angel.
There’s Travis, who gets nervous at Angel talking back at Val. I wonder if he has a bigger role in the show, and in this case Val is going to blame him for Angel’s back talk?
Looks like Alastor is on friendly terms with that fear based Overlord. He is also with some Egg Bois likely trying to teach them something during that “Scrambled Eggs” episode.
Razzle and Dazzle! Also look at Husk trying to pull off a smile XD.
Yeah it has been made clear that Sir Pentious is now a member of the Hazbin crew, which is still a bit odd considering him and Angel fought last time they met and now they are going to interact a lot. I bet Pentious X Cherri shippers are happy about it through since it will lead to them interacting more.
So Adam is indeed a jerk. Not surprising but a bit worrisome when it comes to that leak from some time ago. Actually I wonder if it is one of the reasons why he is in charge of Exterminations and that he has to go to Hell (maybe live in it) when asked by people like Charlie.
I know Charlie is likely making that “I really hate this guy but I’m going along with it” face because Adam is annoying her, but I really like the idea that this is the Lilith part of her reacting to Adam, given the popular “Lilith and Adam were previously married” plot point.
It’s hard to see Charlie cry. SOMEONE CHEER HER UP!
Cherri! Again I wonder what things will be like now that her bestie is in the same place as Pentious, who doesn’t like her.
It is nice that though Charlie is still nice, she still curses and isn’t scared to say things like saying a cannibal’s diet is disgusting.
Like I predicted in my season 1 premiere theory, it sounds like Charlie and the others have a goal to accomplish before the next Extermination, though it looks like they will cut it close given we see scenes of an Extermination, unless this is the one that took place before the events of the pilot OR a year has passed in the series since the end of the pilot and we are looking at another one. Either way I now think the goal for Charlie and the others will be recruit enough people for the redemption program before a deal she made with Adam ends on the next Extermination.
We will be getting an episode where Charlie and Alastor interact with Rosie and her Hellborn cannibals. Looks like Charlie will ask them to support her which Rosie seems to be into. Now like others I have a feeling that Overlords and such will try and use Charlie for their own ends throughout the series, which I don’t mind but I’m hoping it won’t be too predictable and I hope Rosie won’t try to do so as I have a funny idea for why she would want to help Charlie redeem sinners. Since their cannibals I could see them saying that sinners who have done very evil things taste better than those who are decent people so helping Charlie redeem those kinds of sinners would leave them with better options for “meals” XD. Maybe they join Charlie in the implied season finale fight with Heaven as the cannibals believe that they will be able to eat Exorcist mean XD.
Its Lucifer, and he has some BIG WINGS! I want to take a moment to talk about something that I hope will happen with him and Charlie in the season or series.
There is an episode in season 1 called “Dad beat Dad��� which will definitely have Lucifer in it and he will likely being mad at Charlie based on the recent IGN pic of Lucifer looking threatening to Charlie, showing us that he has flaws when it comes to parenting, but I hope that the scene shown here takes place near the end of the episode where he apologizes which again involves this very scene as he sings his apology to Charlie. It be fitting as I see the entire episode being about how after her conversation with her father, the characters talk to Charlie about their dads and maybe Charlie thinks that Lucifer will never change for her, only to be proven wrong, a benefit for a season with so little episodes as they have to do a lot in a short amount of time.
I know “bad relationships between child and parent” is a theme in Vivzie’s work but after the bad fathers in Helluva Boss, I’m getting tired of that theme and wish to see different levels of bad parents. I once read a comment of Vivzie’s somewhere saying that Lucifer is a A+ husband, but a C parent, and I want to see that here like as I mention in previous works he states that though he loves Charlie, he can’t officially support this but maybe hints that there is a way for Charlie to do it and wishes her luck. That or we later find out that Lucifer pushes Charlie away because of the popular idea that he made a deal with Heaven so in exchange for the Exterminations, Lucifer and Lilith were able to have Charlie and fears that if she ever found out or the Exterminations stopped he would lose her, giving him a lose/lose situation.
Heaven got a redesign. Now it looks like that kind of angel that looks like gyroscope rings with eyes and multiple pairs of wings.
Charlie is getting mad at Adam which I don’t blame due to his attitude and singing, but I’m hoping her breaking point here is that he said something really bad about her mom.
I want to take a moment to talk about the song playing in the trailer, as it sounds like a fight is going to happen, and though I think there will be one in the season finale I’m hoping it’s a small one that doesn’t start a full blown war between Heaven and Hell.
When I first saw this, I though the new lady character was Lute (Eve in my headcanon) without her mask or maybe that one Overlord (https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Overlords?file=Ballerina_Overlord.png) revealing she was a spy for Heaven but I know it’s someone named Sera and she is a play on the Seraphim angel and likely based on an old Vivzie character of an angel who LOVES to torture sinners. I’m a bit meh about her being in the story as I feel like she could either put a stop to or aid the series idea I’ve talked about before of Charlie slowly convincing angels her redemption plan is a good idea as the series progresses.
Speaking of which, I’m not a big fan of the idea of Hell and Heaven’s hierarchy in the shows being 100% accurate to details from real life mythologies about demons. That would mean Paimon outranks Asmodeus one of the seven deadly sins, and do people really want that? I mean it looks like it doesn’t since Vivzie did give us a hierarchy where sins outrank goetias like Paimon but I wanted to bring it up since I see people talk about it. The Sera character is a similar thing as I personally like the idea of Charlie’s biggest problems when it came to angels was with the archangels such as Michael who not only defeated Lucifer in stories, but the fandom likes writing as a twin brother of sorts to Lucifer. I could see this working if the writers make it so that the archangels I’ve mentioned go promoted to seraphims over the millenia making them equal to Sera who would then be a part of Charlie’s mission.
We see a sample of Alastor’s power, killing some people likely sent by Valentino to attack the Hotel but who cares about that when we have MIMZY!!! Admittedly she is making an odd face here, but her design looks pretty good. I’m also glad that the inclusion of Pentious didn’t get rid of her and hopefully the others like Baxter and Crymini could appear soon too. Admittedly Mimzy is the only other character I learned about through the leak and (spoilers) Im kind of hoping the writers changed her since then or will as the series progress as there is one thing I read about her that I didn’t like that much.
Adam being mad and is flying to punch someone. Could be around the time of the implied fight hinted in the trailer. We also get a scene we saw before of him getting mad and breaking something, maybe cause Charlie is close to proving him wrong/winning deal and he will have to take drastic measures, AKA sabotaging her so the Extermination can happen.
We get a shot of all of Pentagram City losing power, but we do get to see some landmarks too like the Extermination tower in the center, Hazbin Hotel near the top, Val’s place to the left, but the most interesting one is that of mansion in the bottom right with a circus tent in front of it which I think means its Lucifer and Lilith’s place.
Some might think Adam caused this, but I think the power out was a result of Vox as I recall another post from Vivzie saying that Vox could cause power outages that can affect all of Hell and now that we know that he has electricity powers, I can believe he can do stuff like that.
We get a dramatic scene of Charlie wondering if she’s ready followed by a funny scene of Angel and Pentious (who is really into that lollipop) trying to act out Charlie’s script.
The trailer has gotten me both excited and a bit nervous for the first season of Hazbin Hotel, which is just a little over a month from releasing. Can’t wait to see what will happen, and till then I’m hoping we don’t get any more trailers and such as I feel like any more details of the season would spoil it but that’s just me.
What were your thoughts on the trailer? What do you think could happen/want to see happen in the first season?
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE S4E22 "These Are The Voyages"
Enclosed is my very reception to the Finale. My final words are found at the end of this post.
im shaking im yhelling the title of the episode- oh my god this is their final curtain oh my god RIKER EXCUSE ME YOU CANT JUST DO THAT SIR TNG AAAAAAAA ITS THE LAST TIME ILL HEAR THIS OP NOOOOOOO ITS BEEN A LONG ROAD FUCK TO GET FROM THERE TO HERE I GOT FAITH I GOTTTTT FAAAIIIIIIITHHHHHHHHHHHHHH INTOOOO THEEEEE HEEEEEAAAAAARRRRRRTTTTT TNG ENTERPRISE OH MY GOD SEEING UPDATED GRAPHICAL TNG ENTPERISE OH MY GOD THE LUNCHROOM DEANNAAAAA oh my god i missed riker's smile that fucking SMILE IN HIS EYES THOUGH oh my god these uniforms this TREE of a fucking man oh my god oh my god whip lash between ENT and TNG this hurts me oh my god… this hurts me , how old this makes me impossibly feel its playing with my heart so much oh fuck me im cr;yinggggggggg imi fuckign CRYINGGG and its oknly been like 5 MINUTES into the episode im gonna miss you shran this is so weird to see TNG and ENT uniforms simultanously man this is so ENT grew a little in classic presentational style trek has done literally since TNG but it still feels veryyyy TNG much like how DS9 and VOY all also felt very TNG in film feel
and reminds me of just how far into the past this show took place… archer thinks there will be another enterprise… it wont be the same? no we will remember each and every enterprise. each and every one of them … TUCKER….. NO. YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT TROI. NO WHAT THE FUCK DID YALL DO TO TRIP. NO…. archer is cute? he is hes a big swimming retriever. man something is so sad about this episode - how they are now a virtual museum artifact of the past… t'pol talks and moving and expressing so not vulcan-like proves how much she has changed and grown as a vulcan its so.. wow. she talks so dynamically. trip. trip dont say that… papa shran huh weyoun always and forever… … dont … dont tell me shran goes like this….
ooo nice teamwork with ENT crew and then theres Riker XD SAVE HIM ARCHER GET HIM no… im so nervous im so nervous about the aftermath of the ENT crew… shran being nice is odd XD DATAAAAAAA DAAATTAAAAAAAAAAAA I MISISSSEDDD YOUUU trip is nice tho i wont lie i like this cooking montage but also this is the first time we see the chef… you cant tell me that riker was the … damn chef the whole time ….. why… why did something have to happen to trip….
oh my god trip's desperation to save his captain… his best friend…. god the panic in trip… this long haired villain has a very expressive voice and fitting voice his expressions are so good ….. ………………………. trip…… ………… trip……………. …………………………………….. tucker…………………………………. ………….. tucker please……………….. ….
.. archer's white collar and the braids of his cuffs… phlox's fucking smile. the first of him. and the last of him. HUGGGYYYYYYYYYY GASP A HUGGGGGGG oh my goddd.. stoppp it doesnt make not crying any easier jumpsuit speech… OH M;Y GOD ITS THE STAR TREK TOS THEEMEMEEEE OH M;Y GOD THE ENDING MONOLGOGUEEE THE WAY THEY DID ITTT HO M;;Y GOID THE WAYYYY THEY DID THAT OH M;Y GOD THE THREE ERAS THE VOICES THE THREE ENTERPRISES OH M;Y BKHUGOCDU4EA4U8HG05 JHHP--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The tears just … came. seeing all that it was…. hearing all that it was… the past was greeting us into the future it made for us all to cherish. short as it may have been - for what it gave, and aside from its tragedy, justified or not, for all that is was and all that came after - this was a beautiful ending. I love this series. Star Trek: Enterprise is a beautiful addition to the Star Trek family. out of all the classic star trek series, with TOS at the base, Star Trek: Enterprise has earned its place as my second favourite classic Star Trek series. It has made its mark. And a mark I will not ever forget. Quick as the finale may have been - it left me with implications and feelings of overwhelming love. And when I thought it not possible -
I love Star Trek.
Even more.
And through these yet unending tears I say -
Thank you for what you have given us and for allowing us to follow along on even a part of your legendary unprecedented journey; among the stars; among our most faithful hearts who believe and will take us wherever it takes us - from there to here.
Farewell, Star Trek: Enterprise.
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fwoopersongs · 2 years
一剪梅·红藕香残玉簟秋 - plum blossom cutting · red lotuses linger in remnants of fragrance
by 李清照 (Li Qingzhao, 1084 -1155)
红藕香残玉簟秋 hóngǒu xiāng cán yù diàn qiū Red lotuses linger in remnants of fragrance; on bamboo mats, jade-like, there is a touch of Autumn.
轻解罗裳 独上兰舟 qīng jiě luōshang dú shàng lánzhōu Slightly parting the light silk skirt, alone, she boards the magnolia-wood boat.
云中谁寄锦书来 yún zhōng shéi jì jǐnshū lái From within the clouds, whose letter for home approaches?
雁字回时 月满西楼 yàn zì huí shí yuè mǎn xī lóu When geese return in their word formation, the moon fills the west storeyed pavilion.
花自飘零水自流 huā zì piāolíng shuǐ zìliú Alone, flowers fall. Alone, water flows on.
一种相思 两处闲愁 yī zhǒng xiāngsī liǎng chù xián chóu A particular yearning in two places, twice the idle sorrow.
此情无计可消除 cǐ qíng wú jì kě xiāochú This feeling which no scheme can dispel,
才下眉头 却上心头 cái xià méitóu què shàng xīntóu was just shed from the brow, yet rises in the heart.
F O R M A T So this is another Song Lyric. But it is a song lyric in more ways than one.
《一剪梅·红藕香残玉簟秋》 is a 宋词 (sòng cí) or Song Dynasty lyric by the poet Li Qingzhao. The 词 lyric was a form that came after 诗 poetry. Unlike 诗 though, they are not just poems, but also literally lyrics. Each work has an accompanying melody. 
To write a 词 piece, poets must use various poetic meters from fixed pattern forms, using fixed-rhythm, fixed-tone, and line-lengths that may vary based on an original melody also known as tune pattern 词牌 (cípái). The resulting lyrics are sung using that melody. Unfortunately, all of the melodies for these lyrics have been lost to time, though there have been attempts to reconstruct them in more modern times.
The title can usually be read as 《tune pattern title · first line of lyric》 and are often translated as: To the tune of <tune pattern/cipai title>, <first line of lyric>. I didn’t do that here to keep my title short xD
B A C K G R O U N D Or my best guess at it anyway!
In the second year after Li Qingzhao's marriage to Zhao Mingcheng, due to ~political struggles~ between factions from the new court and the previous one, her father Li Gefei was dismissed from office and could only return to his place of origin with his family. Li Qingzhao as his daughter, was also implicated in this as a child of someone in the Yuanyou faction. It was decreed that children of criminal officials of the Yuanyou faction were not allowed to live in the capital, so she had no choice but to separate from her husband and return to her hometown alone to join her parents. This supposedly happened in the Summer of the year 1103, which was a year after their marriage. 
As far as I know, this was the only time early on in their marriage that they were separated. So there’s a good chance this work was a result of that period in her life. 
红藕香残玉簟秋 red lotus / fragrance / remnants // jade / bamboo mat / Autumn
红藕 is an alternate name for the red lotus. A search on gushiju.net, with the field narrowed on Song Dynasty yields 27 poems with the word 藕 in their titles, and at least 15 in which the title is referring to a lotus flower of some sort. 香 can sometimes be used to allude to a flower, but I am leaning towards this one being about the lotus’ fragrance. And then, it is still difficult to see 残 and not think damaged and hence, incomplete. In this case, I suppose it would mean remnants. The remnants of the lotus’ lingering fragrance.
So, the speaker is near a water body. Somewhere where there is enough water and enough lotuses that their lingering fragrance can be smelled. Wikipedia tells me that lotus plants are adapted to grow in the flood plains of slow-moving rivers and delta areas, while Baidu informs me that they live where waters are calm and still, and where there is shallow waters, especially lakes, marshes and ponds. Let’s see where this poem takes us!
Two notes on the lotus: The flowers of lotus plants bloom in the Summer and in the Autumn, they either bud or, having reached the end of their flowering season, fall. I had to google 红藕 the way that I did, because the word 藕 refers to the root of the lotus, which we like very much to eat. It was instantly recognizable as the other half of 莲藕, meaning lotus root. When chopped and cooked in soup, it oxidizes and turns a pale brownish pink colour.
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While thinking about this, I got curious about how a full lotus plant looks like, and went to google for a picture. This was my first time seeing the full lotus plant, even in illustration. Should really have expected this, but somehow the position of the ‘root’ still surprised me.
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A 簟 (diàn) is a mat of woven bamboo usually used for lying on or sitting. It has a cooling effect in the Summer, sort of like the waterbeds of today. 
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The usage of 玉 in 玉簟, is a simile comparing the bamboo mat to jade. This is a way of describing the surface of the bamboo mat, that it has that same lustor and beauty, and that it is very cool to the touch, the way that jade (specifically jadeite as opposed to nephrite) is even at room temperature. Building on that, 秋 feels like an adjective. And yet, 秋 is Autumn. What is going on?
This is a depiction of a scene as felt through the senses. How do we know that there are lotuses wilting? Through the lingering notes of their fragrance. How do we know the season? Through the jade-like chill of the lustrous bamboo mat beneath us and the fading of the lotus’ fragrance. Autumn is here.
轻 / 解 / 罗裳 // 独 / 上 / 兰舟 gently / undoing / silk upper robe // alone / boarded / magnolia-wood boat.
The 解 usage here I thought was 解衣 at first - to take off an article of clothing (which, just FYI dates back to 《战国策》 Annals of the Warring States, edited and compiled by Liu Xiang of the Han Dynasty). And so the line was translated as: gently doffing silk summer robes. 
But stealing a bit of time during team building at work (on stone ‘homework’ benches too!) to stare at this poem in my notebook, it suddenly didn’t make sense again… Although Autumn’s chill also explains why it's time to take off summer clothes, especially if you’re getting on a boat since its always colder and windier where there is water, there is quite a bit of an awkward time gap between changing out your summer clothes and getting on a boat! 
This was when I concluded that it was TIME TO MOVE ON and look at this entire part of the poem as a whole. 
A particular weave of silk fabric, 罗 (luō) is lightweight and very suitable for summer clothes. Here’s an example of a fancier type of it.
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Meanwhile, the 裳 (read: shang) is the equivalent of a skirt. Like what the lady is wearing in the photo below.
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兰舟 is actually just a fancier way to say ‘boat’. BUT it can apparently also mean bed, I didn’t manage to find any examples in my quick skim of gushiju, but a lot of dictionaries do say this, so I suspect it may just be rarely used. Its one of the many reasons I’ve been chewing at this line for a while. 
The first 兰舟 was a boat made with wood from the magnolia tree by the famous architect, carpenter and engineer Lu Ban of the Zhou dynasty, according to a story in the lower volume of 《述异记》, which was a compilation of supernatural stories from the Northern and Southern Dynasties by Zu Chongzhi. By the way, he had A LOT of hobbies (whoa! see the ss below). This probably makes it the dated version of an urban legend? Anyway.
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I do prefer to think the intended meaning was boat, not bed - just taking a moment here to be amused at the pronunciations of 船 (chuán) boat and 床 (chuáng) bed being so close in mandarin xD - because of the previous imagery from the association of lotuses with water bodies and vibe of the scene. The idea or image of 兰舟 in my mind is one that calls up feelings of being adrift and alone. A small little leaf of a boat on a vast lake. ‘Boarding alone’ reinforces that lonely image but also adds a hint of wanting to be on their own. After all, they chose to come here (wherever ‘here’ is).
So then, with the decision that the second half of the sentence will be some variation of ‘boarding the magnolia-wood boat alone’, there were two options for the action with the clothing or skirt in the first part of that sentence.
Deftly remove the light summer silks
Lightly part the silk skirts
Actually, upon first reading the line without pleco or googling, the image in option 1 automatically came up in my mind. But then it came to a screeching halt when she boarded the boat! Knowing that the chill of Autumn is upon us, surely it wouldn’t make sense to be wearing only lightly woven silk clothing and then be disrobing at this time? It makes even less sense to be wearing something light on top of more weather appropriate ones and then taking it off later. And there could be an unspoken step in between 轻解罗裳 and 独上兰舟 of putting on clothes. But that’s just hmmm… unnecessarily complicated.
But 解 doesn’t always mean remove completely. You could just be in the middle of untying a knot partially undoing something or perhaps, by extension, ‘partially disrobing’ via lifting up your skirt. Option 2 was adopted for finally being a mental image I can fully support.
And so, amidst the lingering fragrance of fallen lotus flowers, in the Autumn chill, someone gently parts her fine silk skirts and boards a boat alone.
The next two lines are where you have to activate all your vibe receptors.
云中 / 谁 / 寄 / 锦书 / 来 within clouds / who / sends / letter for home / coming here
雁 / 字 / 回 / 时 // 月 / 满 / 西 / 楼 geese / word / return / time // moon / fills / west / building
(I’m doing these together because they are closely related)
If we follow the narration in this poem, everything after 独上兰舟 is happening in the boat. The speaker is looking up into the sky, where they may be seeing the wild geese setting off on their annual migration. As it is Autumn, this is the right season for birds to be setting off on their long haul flights. Supporting this is the next line which starts with ‘when the geese return in their word formations’ referring to the V (in English) or 人 (in Chinese) shape they tend to fall into when flying as a flock.
Note the word ‘when’ (i.e. x happens 时). This is an imagined situation.
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Something I found out because I wondered why how birds could be flying when the moon is supposed to be out and vaguely to the West: Geese also continue their migratory flights at night to avoid predation and, to save energy, not be flying when there is turbulence in the air which occurs during the day where there are more thermals.
The 锦书, literally brocade letter, is a word derived from the story of the poet Su Hui, a poet of the Middle Sixteen Kingdoms period (304 to 439) during the Six Dynasties period. After a particularly fierce quarrel with the concubine her husband had brought back from his desert exile, she refused to leave with him to his new post in Xiangyang. Hence, when he finally went, he brought only his concubine along with him, leaving her behind as she had wanted. Soon after, she regretted the decision and embroidered a palindrome poem on silk brocade and sent it to him. This work consisted of over 840 words and could be read in many different ways and directions. 
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The piece impressed and touched him so much that he returned to fetch her with gifts. The term 锦书 has since been used to refer to beautiful letters, usually from wife to husband but sometimes the other way round as well, when they are apart.
The sight of geese in the sky would evoke thoughts of letters from someone far from home. Originating from the story of a loyal diplomat of Han who had been sent as an ambassador to the Xiongnu, and suffered much hardship for it. When it was time for him to return, the Chanyu (Leader of the Xiongnu) pretended he was already dead and refused. Years later, another envoy discovered that he and his men were still alive. To force the Chanyu to release them, someone made up a story that the Emperor of Han had killed a migratory goose while hunting, and that a letter from Su Wu seeking help was found on the bird's foot, whereupon they all got to return home. The association of swan-geese with letters, wandering, longing and hope has only gotten deeper since, and its imagery is used often in literature.
We even have a chengyu for it! 鸿雁传书 / roughly: the swan-goose delivers a letter.
A little note on architecture. Courtyard houses, also known as siheyuan were the traditional type of houses built with a specific layout. The rooms on the West were reserved for the ladies in a family, the East were for the sons and their wives. For a more detailed introduction, do check out this video! The relevant portion starts at about the three minute mark.
Just purely from the position, rooms and buildings in the West side of the house have a good view for sunset and the moon as well. A friend pointed this out, and I was like O.O oh yeah! So it does! Perfect place for ~romance~ and staring longingly out into the distance.
After boarding the boat, she looks up at the sky where there are geese setting off Southwards on their annual Autumn-Winter migration, wondering if she will receive a letter from her husband. She pictures it clearly in her mind’s eye, when they return after Winter, there will be a full moon shining down, and her world will be bright and it will be a time of reunion.  
No vibes now. These are all feelings from here on xD
花 / 自 / 飘零 / 水 / 自 / 流 flowers / naturally | on their own / fall // water / naturally | on its own / flows
一 / 种 / 相思 // 两 / 处 // 闲愁  one / type (of) / longing between two (people) // two / places / vain woe
The original translation for the first line was 'flowers fall and rivers flow on, as is their nature', because I thought the line was saying that it is as unaffected and natural for a parted couple to miss each other dearly, helplessly. The pairing of falling flowers and running water has always been an imagery associated with vicissitudes, uncertainty and wandering adrift. And on top of that, falling flowers symbolize the passing of beautiful things, the passage of time, while flowing water is associated with unending sorrows, so these two very aptly express the depth of their feeling and their circumstances. 
But I was halfway through doodling this line down when I realised 自 can also be read as ‘on one’s own’. Which means we could also interpret that as the speaker metaphorically comparing the falling flowers to herself and the flowing water to her husband. Even if falling flowers and flowing water allude to wandering unmoored, they are still together. But not anymore. Both are troubled by their separation, but because of this separation, they are feeling it alone. It is the same longing, but because it is in two hearts, two places, it is a sorrow that settles deep and is felt in vain. (yjtc: *mindblown*)
And why is it 闲愁?
此 / 情 / 无 / 计 / 可 / 消除 this / feeling / no / plan / can / utterly dissipate
才 / 下 / 眉头 // 却 / 上 / 心头 just / down (from) / brows // yet / up (in) / heart
There’s nothing that can be done to dispel the love that gives rise to the longing, the sorrow, no clever idea, no cunning scheme can trick it. It almost feels like it is everywhere, around her, within her. The pain may be smoothed from a tightly knit brow, but then it immediately rises in the heart.
Curious about this, on the way to the meetup location for team building on Wednesday, I did a silly little experiment on the bus: First I arranged a short playlist of five songs that never fail to hurt me in order of lightest to worst, then stared out of the window from a comfortable seat, and started to listen. When the words first caused me to tear up, my face scrunched up slightly, involuntarily and the feeling of wanting to cry came from the area of my eyes - obviously, I blinked it away xD Next, briefly, my throat sort of closed up. And finally, there was tightness around my chest and a stabbing feeling in my heart.
I did a quick google consult with Science and they tell me that ‘the link between sadness and physical pain such as heartache has been empirically proven’.
Conclusion: The poet has some excellent observation skills!
Jokes aside, I think it’s amazing that she expresses the killing blow in this poem with such simplicity.
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writteninsunshine · 2 years
Title: Imps Of Questionable Hygiene
Author: Keith
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Setting: Unspecified
Pairing: Fizzarolli/Asmodeus | Ozzie, Paimon Goetia/Cash Buckzo/Barbie Wire
Characters: Paimon Goetia, Asmodeus | Ozzie, Fizzarolli
Genre: Humor/Romance
Rating: T
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 1084
Type Of Work: One-Shot, Part One of the Rehabilitation Isn’t A One-Way Street series
Status: Complete
Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, M/M, M/M/F, Threesome, Threeway, Polyamory, Unsanitary, Paimon is a Germaphobe, Germaphobia, Degradation, Cum Swallowing, Choking, Choking On Cum, Oral Sex
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything!
Summary: "Right, yes, so... Is yours... I don't know how to put this delicately... Stupid?"
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have a Helluva Boss Tumblr, too! It’s @gimme-a-thrust! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD
In the next fic, Stolitz will make an appearance! But, for now, we have a distressed owl going to the sexy chicken about cleaning his silly clowns. Mostly, this can be summed up by ‘Cash and Barbie think soap is soap and they will use anything indiscriminately and this disturbs Paimon deeply.’ 
Also poor Fizzarolli.
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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@countlessrealities sent; Morty had started to think that it would have been impossible to catch the Ricks separately. The two had been attached to the hip since the moment their families had come together for Christmas. He refused to give his other grandfather his present while his own was standing right there. Knowing his Rick, he would have mercilessly made fun of it, whether he truly thought that it was a bad gift or not.
Finally, after almost an hour, one of the Beths called his Rick in the kitchen, leaving the other one available. Morty didn't waste a single moment and instantly made a beeline for the man, holding the gift to his chest.
"Uh, R-Rick?" He called out, with the slightest hint of nervousness. Not because he was afraid to be teased, he was far too used to it to worry about it, but because he was a little concerned that the scientist might no like the present. "I-I got you...y-you know." He clumsily shoved the package forward. "M-Merry Christmas...I-I guess."
The white ribbon and light blue papers hid a cylindrical object, not dissimilar from a black bluetooth speaker if not for the obviously alien writing on it.
"I-It's a speaker an-and a, uh, converter? L-Like it can scan an-and automatically digitalise audios tha-that are on cassettes an-and stuff like that," Morty tried to explain, rubbing the back of his neck. "An-And it has a lot of memory, so...uh. I-I think you can put like...a million songs or-or something on it." A pause. "I-I dug through my Rick's things an-and uploaded the Flesh Curtains cassettes he still has, so...uh. T-There's three complete albums an-and a few singles on it already."
[[ My Morty for your Rick || He's so nervous omg xD ]]
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Disappointment reached Rick's eyes when he watched his counterpart head over to the kitchen. Though, that look was replaced with amusement as he noticed the other Morty approach him. His eyes locked onto the gift that the teen was carrying.
Blowing out a puff of a laugh, Rick took it into his hands. "Y-Yeah, Merry Christmas, l-let's see what you got me,"
It was obvious that Rick was slightly drunk at this point. So he wouldn't be too harsh towards the kid. At least, not in the way that wasn't also mixed with lots of humor and laughter.
Pulling back the paper and the ribbon, he removed the speaker from the confines of the decorations. He glanced at it curiously, noticing all of the features of it. The writing on it readable as he knew the language. Which made it easier for him to understand what this was.
The explanation for it was half tuned out. Only picking up on the important key words. If there was anything he missed, he simply could figure it out later. Since this seemed to be something that looked easy, for someone like him, to operate.
Then those words caught his attention, head lifted to shoot Morty a lit up look. Excitement showing in the wide smile on his face as his voice raised.
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"H-Holy shit, y-you got the Flesh Curtains on here?" It'd been so long since he'd heard, let alone sang along, to his old band's tunes. "Damn, d-d -- h-have I ever told you you're the cooler Morty? C'mere,"
Setting down the speaker, Rick pulled the teen closer. His hand securely gripped onto the other's shoulder. While his free hand began to ruffle up the brown locks of hair, no care in how messy it would.
"Y-You fuckin' little shit -- y-you better have gotten Rick something just as good o-or you're losing that fucking cool title, got it?"
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zhongrin · 2 years
Hello miss rin! It's been quite a long since I sent asks to you (the al Haitham and Kaveh anon... it's me XD).
And this is NOT a request, I repeat NOT a request! I absolutely love seeing your reactions XD hence the Zhongli fan arts
Idk if it's weird but I suddenly had a brain bloom(positivity folks, no more brain rots but blooms ^_^) and it made me tear up??!! SO basically what if you suddenly heard about a dark experience of your darling's life... like say I originally imagined it as ajax's father telling us about how his son 'claimed' to have fallen into the abyss and is still bitter that no one believes him. And us just internally breaking down that no one, NO ONE believed this man when he needed them the most. Then? Nothing we just go back to our residence and BAWL on his shoulder and he's confused like?! And then when we tell him, he laughs and hugs us back and calms us down! T_T
You are having a rather nice chat with Madam Ping (or any adepti really) and then she drops the bomb about everyone he once knew is either dead or in isolation. If that didn't hit you hard enough, she reminds you of what he had to do to Azdaha, his best friend (shhh let's assume) to save Liyue. When Zhongli meets you later at the tea house, you stare at him for a while and break down. And by break down I mean you can't speak because you're crying so hard. This lone god has had to deal with death and the loneliness it brings so many times and yet he still stood strong and firm for Liyue, his Liyue that he so dearly built and raised himself (? I'm not sure, ig Guizhong also helped?) Once your tears start, they don't stop as your mind keeps getting with the thought of everything this man has had to endure alone, until you came along.
Once you calm down, that is after you take a look at his genuinely concerned face and decide that the poor soul needs an explanation. After explaining he just chuckles and asks to take a walk with you to Pervases Temple. On the way there, he remarks how he never really dwelled on it too much until today because Liyue was always the priority. That is until you came along. Now he just lives in the present allowing the old memories to rough around the edges, clear enough to remember but blurred enough to avoid pain and sadness. And then he takes your hand, brings it up to his chest.
You were kind and compassionate enough to share eons of pain with me in just a mere day so let me share an eternity of joy and prosperity with you for time perpetual.
Sorry, I ran out of brain juice but I hope you enjoyed this miss rin! I really wanted to share this with you because you're one of my favorite authors who only deserves love and happiness ( and c6 Zhongli with the best artifacts huhuhu). I do pray that it makes sense because English is not my 1st language T_T
But anyways this was too long lmao, I hope you have a great week miss rin! <3
i remember!!! ohh that was you!!! sobsob i always melt a little bit whenever you call me 'miss' rin it's such a cute lil title hskdjsjds
move away brainrots we have brain blooms now ehe
ok but that's. that's so. hrgggg *clutches chest* i am an empath when it comes to people or things i'm invested in, so this hits home so hard.
THE WORDS HE SAID AT THE END I AM CRYING i would totally bawl all over again and demand that he shan't have any 'take-backs'.
ty for sharing this with me oh my lord don't ever apologize for your english, it's not my first language either and i am so bad with grammars lmao
m-me, one of your 'favorite authors'???? HSJSHDSKHD idk about the love and happiness part but a c6 zhongli with the best artifacts would certainly make me happy- /j
i had a great week indeed, and i hope you did too you amazing person you!!!
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