#non-binary bathroom things
zzzommmbie · 2 years
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watching mlp rn
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in-tua-deep · 8 months
Hmmm anybody have like, something that just has a WHOLE BUNCH of peoples accounts of their experience of gender?
I have a coworker who is very earnestly trying to understand, and can sort of wrap his head around binary trans folk but cannot for the life of him understand non-binary folk because “gender roles are bullshit anyway” and I then immediately blew his mind by telling him that there are cisgender men who use she/her pronouns some or all of the time, and cisgender women who use he/him pronouns some or all of the time
Idk I feel like gender is such a massive and expansive thing that people experience in about a million ways possible, and I’ve always loved reading peoples actual accounts and maybe it would be helpful to give to someone so they can see how wild and wonderfully out of the box people can be
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floorpancakes · 1 year
hcs on the brain
#thinking about my trans holic hcs again#some of them are just kinda random but im VERY firmly in trans woman yuuko trans guy shizuka and nb tanuki#the shizuka hc is cause it just kinda checks out with his lore kinda like scara/ryo to an extent but also he just radiates trans energy#also rou isnt real if i manifest hard enough#yuuko is just *points at her* you think someone that serves that hard is cis????#also this is neither here nor there but i simply do not see the modern holic art where yuuko is like 5foot#this isnt relevant rly i just remembered it and got pressed again shes the tallest woman of all time dont lie to me#anyway she gives off vibes#tanuki is just 'youre a fav i relate to a lot so you get to wear the non binary hat '#but also thats a lie cause he gives MAD repressed energy repression is his entire THING#his gender expression is really fucking interesting and also just fun and even without the trauma hed probably be at least gnc#and its a KNOWN FACT that he shoves all his feelings deep down and refuses to address them or addresses them way after the fact#we've seen how he shoves down his feelings whos to say hes not pulled a me as a teenager move and shoved down feelings of gender stuff#it makes sense to me that with all his character writing and development in canon he'd be the EXACT kind of perspn to be a late bloomer#idk i was so a lot of that comes from personal experience#but this repressed mf is packed to the brim w gender#his gender is ?? and nothing and idk and drunk girl crying in bathroom to sunmi music and gay and#his gender is basically the xxx placeholder in xxxholic like its just kinda ___insert word here___#im insane but my brain is huge
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renthony · 4 months
On February 7, 2024, an indigenous nonbinary teenager named Nex Benedict was beaten to death in a US high school bathroom.
The news has been spreading across social media over the past few days, with several news outlets misgendering and deadnaming the victim. I have seen a small handful of posts about the entire thing, but only a couple with any sources about what happened.
I spent the morning combing through articles. This is a list of publications reporting on the story that don't deadname Nex:
Pgh Lesbian Correspondents: "Grieving Nex Benedict: the Brutal Killing of 16 Year Old Nonbinary Student in an Oklahoma High School"
The Pride: "Non-Binary Student Dies After Violent Bathroom Fight at Owasso High School in Oklahoma"
The Washington Blade: "Nonbinary Okla. High School Student Dies After Fight"
The Los Angeles Blade: "Oklahoma Non-Binary High Schooler Dies After Physical Alteraction"
LGBTQ Nation: "Teen Beaten to Death in a School Bathroom Bullying Attack. The School Didn't Call an Ambulance."
Freedom Oklahoma: "Rest in Power Nex Benedict"
Indy 100: "Thousands Raised for Non-Binary Teenager Beaten to Death at School"
The Independent: "Oklahoma Banned Trans Students From Bathrooms. Now a Bullied Student is Dead After a Fight."
Daily Dot: "Oklahoma's Top Education Official Called Out Over Libs of TikTok Ties After Non-Binary Student Beaten at School, Dies Later"
Daily Kos: "Libs of TikTok Targeted a District, Then a Non-Binary Student Was Killed on Campus"
Malang Post: "Owasso High School Mourns Pupil's Death After Altercation"
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arlens-entries · 5 months
I need other non-binary ppl, especially folks who aren't interested in medical transition, to understand we don't all have the same experience as 'they thems' who only get misgendered according to our agab in public.
I'm a short genderqueer ftm with long hair and a deep voice, I get gendered every way possible. Any pronouns work for me, so misgendering isn't typically on my radar. However, I often experience transmisogyny when I'm read as mtf or transfemme by strangers, and explicit homophobia when I am read as an effeminate cis man. I think some fellow trans people find this 'misplaced' transphobia funny, I have had friends literally laugh in public situations where I’ve become unsafe. And I think allyship of other trans ppl isn’t just acknowledging each other as trans, but considering the safety of certain settings and knowing when not to acknowledge weird comments.
It's not some hilarious moment when someone calls me a woman and 'corrects' themselves when they hear me speak, or a giggly bit when I'm asked to leave for answering a question out loud in a women's bathroom. It's not funny when I get backhanded compliments about being a man and braiding my hair or suprised comments about my choice of formalwear.
These moments aren't affirmations of my masculinizing transition, and strangers being 'wrong' about my presentation and gendering me as a trans woman is not the funniest fucking thing, especially in the presence of my transfemme friends who experience the same backhanded shit I do.
My experience can't be chalked up to binary transphobia because I very much present as a multi-gendered person. I suffer transphobia not because I am androgynous, but because I'm not sometimes.
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hiiragi7 · 1 year
Exercise: Exposing intersexism in yourself
Perisex (non-intersex) people please take time to work through this. I'd also appreciate if you reblogged, even if you don't have time to do the exercise.
When you think of an 'intersex body', what comes to mind?
-Do you think of a stereotypical "hermaphrodite"? (Ex. a penis + vagina, a penis + pair of breasts, a very feminine person with a beard)
Do you, or have you ever, used one of the following arguments;
-Intersex people are living proof that trans people exist/that gender/sex is not binary
-Intersex existing disproves everything TERFs/transphobes believe in
-Cis kids with hormone issues are allowed to take HRT or participate in sports, which is hypocritical against trans people
-Nobody is forcing kids into sex reassignment surgery or hormones, that isn't a thing that happens
-Any kind of argument which uses intersex people as a statistic, whether that is framing intersex people existing as either "common" or "rare"
Do you, or have you ever, said any of the following statements;
-Technically I'm biologically intersex now because I took HRT/had surgery, which makes me biologically nonbinary aka intersex
-I tell people that I am intersex/have a hormone condition to avoid discrimination
-I wish I was born as/could become intersex, it would help my dysphoria a lot
-Intersex people are so lucky because they're already biologically nonbinary, they don't even need to transition
-This animal was born with a mix of sex characteristics/without a sex/developed characteristics of the opposite sex over time, which means they're nonbinary/trans
When it comes to sex, do you;
-Believe that sex is binary
-Believe that all intersex people are infertile
-Believe that all intersex people produce both sperm and egg
-Fantasize about intersex bodies, or consume or create porn that displays either intersex bodies or exaggerated stereotypes of hermaphroditic bodies
-Ask invasive questions about what genitals or reproductive organs an intersex person has
-Treat AFAB/AMAB the same as "[non-medically-transitioned] perisex female/perisex male", such as saying "AFAB anatomy" when you really mean vulva, vagina, uterus, ovaries, breasts, and so on
-Believe that HRT/surgery makes you intersex
-Believe that intersex only covers certain types of variation in sex and not others (Ex. Counting ovotestes, CAIS, and CAH as intersex but not counting PCOS or Klinefelter's)
When it comes to creating (artwork, writing, videos, etc), do you;
-Wish to include an intersex character, but do little or no research on how to write/draw them
-Fail to consider how your work will affect real-life intersex people consuming your work
-Ask random intersex people to help you create an intersex character
-Wish to include an intersex character because you personally think intersex people are interesting, or because you are seeking to include as many marginalized identities as you can
-Create intersex characters because you personally find them sexy
-Refer to characters as "hermaphrodites"
-If you create pride artwork or sell pride artwork, if you include a large variety of other LGBT+ identities but do not include intersex, why is this?
When it comes to advocacy work, do you;
-Fail to bring up intersex issues in conversations which should directly involve them, such as the Kansas bathroom bill
-Attempt to push intersex people out of queer spaces by saying that they are not queer
-Fail to recognize or acknowledge how many anti-queer and anti-trans arguments are inherently also anti-intersex arguments
-Say that intersex people are just "collateral damage" or "just caught in the crossfire/targeted by mistake" when it comes to discussing discrimination
-Never think to bring intersex flags or pins or similar to pride even as an ally, contributing to pride being vastly void of intersex pride
-Never attempt to organize protests specifically for intersex rights, or never bring intersex issues up in LGBTQIA+ support groups or resource centers or online
-Never educate others on intersex issues or lift up intersex voices
-Believe that intersex people have more rights than other marginalized groups, or that they are not discriminated against for being intersex
-Believe that all intersex people who are discriminated against are only discriminated against because people believe that they are transgender
Now, not all of these will point towards you being intersexist; however, if you find yourself hitting several points listed here, you do likely have some internalized biases and intersexism to unpack.
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straightasaaro · 4 months
remember Nex Benedict
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I made this at a vigil for Nex Benedict, an indigenous, non-binary student who was murdered in a bathroom by some bigoted cowards. The school failed to protect them and they died. Nex was 16-a child.
I heard from speakers Nex’s age at the vigil and they spoke of two things-rage and change. They’re mourning but they’re also furious that this keeps happening. And I am too.
I’m sick of hearing boys at my school giggle slurs and then pass it off as a joke. I’m sick of being told that being trans is an internet fad. I’m sick of being told by my trans friends that their parents think “being gay is a disease” or “that they can be fixed”. Queer people will always be here and have always been here.
The American new cycle moves quickly so I beg of you-remember Nex’s name. Remember they had a cat and friends. Remember that they were indigenous and murdered on the land stolen from them. Remember who failed them.
And please. If you’re currently like Nex or were Nex-please know your queer brothers and sisters love you. We love your fluidness, your open minds. Your ability to deconstruct what we thought was necessity. I love you all.
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writeyouin · 4 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - I Don't Need You
A/N – Since the first chapter got comments and actual reblogs, surprise, surprise, I was motivated to continue. See, Tumblr? This is how it works. I respond to instant validation.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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You looked around the dusty hallway that comprised the main entrance to Lucifer’s manor. Yikes, Charlie was right; he really did need a cleaner. You doubted that was her main motivation for placing you in her father’s care but looking at the layers of thick dust and brimstone coating downstairs, you could see it hadn’t been used in a long time.
Lucifer watched you sceptically. Ideally, he would have liked to leave you to find your own way around, but he didn’t want to be accused of not trying by Charlie, should you call her and state that Lucifer was straight up ignoring you.
With that in mind, he bade you to follow him with a wave of his arm and gave you a half-arsed tour of each room, during which he would energetically state its name, and occasionally pepper in a fact if he felt like it and then hurry along.
“Parlor one, dining room, parlour two, library, parlour the… you know what, we have a lot of those, if you see a room with chairs and a fireplace, assume it’s a parlour. Moving on, bathroom, closet, like the parlour situation, there are lots of bathrooms and closets. Kitchen, which is always stocked by the way, so I don’t have to shop,” He muttered a sentence about the Hell of going out there, and then he was back to his bubbly self, rushing you through the rest of the tour, “Games room, spa, my room – don’t go in there – and here, among the unnecessary number of bedrooms, is your room.”
Although every room in the manor was lavish by Hell’s standards, Lucifer had sneakily pre-worked a bit of his magic to make yours somewhat undesirable. It was still large and had all the fixings, but now, it was dirty, damp, and there would always be an underlying scent of slightly rotten milk, that was just noticeable to annoy anyone, yet not something so offensive that he could be blamed for causing it.
The now slightly squalid room wasn’t Lucifer’s way of being petty and cruel; it was just that he wanted you to leave, and that would only happen if you had a reason to. You should go back to the Hotel where you belonged; better yet, you should just head to a different part of Hell where neither he nor his daughter would have to look at your disgustingly human face… A face that, though nothing like Lilith’s, reminded Lucifer of his wife since there was nobody else even remotely like her except for their daughter and now, unfortunately, you.
The simple fact of the matter was that Lucifer was just waiting for you to start demanding things of him, or Charlie. It would likely start with something small, like changing rooms, then if he gave you an inch, you would take a mile, and soon you would demand he use his Angelic Powers to serve you in seemingly impossible ways.
One way or another, the room was a test. You would either see it and leave in search of greener pastures or a better deal elsewhere, leeching off whoever would give you the time of day, or you would stay and start giving orders; either way, Lucifer would be able to return to his daughter with proof that sinners were the problem, not him.
You stepped into the room, accidentally kicking up a cloud of dust that made you sneeze.
After a minute, you turned to Lucifer, “Thank you for the room. It’s lovely.”
Lucifer held back a grimace as you had the audacity to smile at him.
“Great,” He replied in a strained tone, “Just perfect. So, I’ll uh, leave you to get settled in and-”
Just then a portal opened over the canopy bed and two packed suitcases landed there, courtesy of Charlie. Lucifer tasted his daughter’s magic in the air and sighed resignedly; whatever Charlie had planned she wasn’t backing down from what she likely thought was a good idea.
“Right on time,” Lucifer commended the fine timing of his daughter, and even though he was clearly uncomfortable with her plan to give him company, he did seem genuinely proud of her expert timing; then again, he was proud of anything she chose to do even if he didn’t always understand what it was she was doing.
“Great,” He repeated somewhat tiredly. Then he forced himself to smile. It was important that you would see him happy so that Charlie would hear about it later. “You go ahead and unpack. I’m going to do some very important work.”
The sentiment of ‘Don’t disturb me!’ hung in the air, unspoken, but obviously there.
Once Lucifer left, you flopped down on your bed, thinking about all you had seen. You checked your phone, finding several texts from Charlie, progressively getting more impatient as she awaited your reply with a somewhat hyper-anxious anticipation; it seemed the apple truly didn’t fall far from the tree.
‘How was your arrival?’
‘Did you get the grand tour?’
‘Which room did he put you in?’
‘I bet it was the Rococo room.’
‘Oh no, he didn’t put you up in my old room, did he? That would be so EMBARRASSING!!!’
‘Wait, why aren’t you replying?! PLEASE TELL ME HE’S BEING NICE TO YOU!’
‘I can come over if you need me to.’
‘Did your bags get there okay?’
You smiled and decided to put Charlie out of her misery. Your phone alerted you that she was already writing another message, but as soon as you started to compose one of your own, the notification that she was typing disappeared.
‘The tour was fine. Lucifer has been nothing but polite,’ and frazzled, you thought, though you omitted that part from the text; it was best that Charlie didn’t have anything extra to worry about while preparing for her meeting with Heaven.
‘My room is also amazing btw. I don’t know about Rococo or whatever, but it’s certainly stunning, and judging by the lack of stuffed animals and probably cheesy posters, I’m guessing it isn’t your old room.’
You really meant that. While your room was in need of a good cleaning, and there was a slightly off odour, it was indeed beautiful with its lacquered wooden floors, rich velvet drapes (Hell-Red of course) and lustrous emerald wallpaper. It was one of the most beautiful places you had ever seen, especially since arriving in Hell, not long dead after… the incident.
You removed your thoughts far from the grim memory of your death, not wanting to relive your demise. It never did any good to think of such things, and you had to wonder whether all Demons fixated on the manner in which they perished. Perhaps some were lucky enough to die in their sleep or get hit by a bus; at least the latter would be quick, and the former peaceful.
Moreover, you also believed the other part of your text; Lucifer probably kept Charlie’s room as a shrine to her youth. He seemed like the sort of person who was stuck in the past.
Your phone buzzed again, and you expected another message from Charlie, but it was from Angel Dust.
‘When you get the chance, snoop in the Short King’s bedroom and find out what kinky shit he’s into. I’m betting food play. He seems like a whipped cream and apples kind of guy if you catch my drift.’
Betting? He had undoubtedly roped Husk and Nifty into said bet. Husk had likely opted for a safe option like bondage… You didn’t want to know what kind of kinky shit Nifty thought Lucifer was into; that girl was a dark horse.
“Never going to happen,” You murmured to yourself with a chuckle; you would never invade Lucifer’s privacy like that, but Angel’s text had made you laugh and distracted you from your earlier thoughts.
Getting up, you pushed yourself into action and began unpacking both your thoughts and your few clothes and possessions. You lit a scented candle that Angel had gifted you. It was one of his unwanted gifts from Valentino, Blueberry Blowjob. You were glad when the scent filled the air, taking away from what you incorrectly assumed was the faint smell of mildew. The smell didn’t concern you, you had plenty more candles and tea lights with such names as Orange Orgasm, Popcorn Pussy, and Cherry Cum-Shot.
The manner was well furnished, but all of the rooms were neglected. There were seven parlours in total, each matching the theme of one Sin, probably because it would be polite should they ever need to meet with the Royal Family one-on-one. Despite that, they seemingly hadn’t been used in some time, nor had the library or any of the living rooms. You hadn’t seen much of Lucifer’s room as he rushed you past the door, which had only been slightly ajar, but what little you had caught a glimpse of seemed cleaner than the rest of the manor. Did he spend all of his time in there? Alone? That was… It was sad. Lucifer could live well among anyone in Hell, except maybe Alastor, yet he couldn’t see the good in anyone.
Without Charlie and Lilith that must be lonely. How depressing that he had created a kind of personal Hell inside of Hell. You were starting to think that Charlie was right to send you home with him.
Still, it seemed like he needed some time to get used to the idea of company and you had a job to work as his maid. Once you were unpacked, you would seek out the cleaning supplies and get started.
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Lucifer draped himself over his workbench, listlessly toying with a rubber duck. It was one of his worst creations… Couldn’t even breathe fire.
He didn’t even know why he continued to make them. Honestly, he couldn’t think of anything else to make, and it was better to make something than nothing, even if he ended up creating the same thing over and over again, clinging to the memory of how one celestial duck had made Charlie smile.
Her smile was everything. Even Heaven couldn’t take that away, or… Maybe they could, if this meeting went awry. No. Please God, No. Not that. Anything but that. Kill the sinners. Show him the agonising mistake of Free Will for eternity, but he hoped to never see the day that Heaven treated his daughter with the same derision they typically reserved for him.
Lucifer froze, a glower darkening his expression as you knocked on the door.
He had clearly implied that he didn’t want to be bothered. IMPLIED IT! It hadn’t even been one day and you were bothering him.
Lucifer didn’t open the door. He didn’t want you to see inside his room. That was his space and his alone. Yet, he didn’t want any risk of you barging in, so he poofed himself to where you stood outside, using a glamorous entrance to grab your attention.
“Yes?” He said expectantly, leaning forward on his cane, as if leaning closer to you didn’t disturb him half as much as it did.
“Oh,” You blinked back surprise, though you weren’t too shocked seeing how Alastar always snuck up on you at the Hotel in a similarly flamboyant manor. “Sorry to disturb you, Sir, but I just wondered if you could tell me where the cleaning products are kept? I would like to get started as soon as I can.”
Cleaning products? Lucifer was stuck on the sentiment as if he’d never heard of such foreign words. Then he seemed to remember, you had been volunteered as his maid. Right… That was Charlie’s way of making him take you.
You waited patiently for a response, having quickly learned that your host tended to drift between a fast-talking façade or thoughtful distractedness. You wished you didn’t have to ask him for help, but after searching three floors and the attic, you had gotten somewhat turned around, and you had no idea where you had already looked; the manor was massive.
Finally, Lucifer seemed to come to and he began boredly examining his hand.
“That won’t be necessary,” He stated demurely.
“It won’t?”
“No. It won’t.”
Behind you, Lucifer caught sight of a portrait of his family. The frame was carved blood-wood harvested from a Tree-Demon who once dared to insult Lilith in Lucifer’s presence. Two winged snakes adorned opposing corners of the portrait. With a lazy wave of his hand, they creaked and snapped, coming to life, and escaping their previous wooden home, leaving only indentations where they used to be. With another magical flourish, they grew slightly and became more life-like, shedding splinters as their new uniforms appeared.
“There, see, two half-sized cleaners. They’ll take care of everything.”
You stared hard at the new servants of the house, somewhat amazed by the show of power; nobody else in Hell could do anything close to creating life, and it seemed that Lucifer didn’t even care that he had such power.
Frankly, Lucifer was upset with his new creations. He had finally strayed from ducks, creating something new for the first time in over a century, and they were still bland. When he had created Razzle and Dazzle for Charlie, he had done everything he could to make them beautiful and unique. These abominations in front of him were cheap copies of that Sir Pentious fellow he had seen at the hotel. He just didn’t have anything left worth creating. There was no point.
Whatever. The snake servants would do their job quietly and obediently. And they’d be more useful and less annoying than Charlie’s reptilian friend.
“Oh, okay. Well, is there anything else you’d like me to do?” You asked, wishing to be useful. “I can cook pretty well, or I could run errands, or-”
“NO!” Lucifer snapped.
“Don’t you get it?! I DON’T NEED YOU.”
Lucifer forced himself to take a calming breath, his gaze downcast so he didn’t have to look at you.
“This is all my daughter’s plan. All you have to do is stay out of my way here and Charlie will be happy. Do you think you can manage that?”
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tiredfox64 · 25 days
Hello, good afternoon, it's my first time doing this XD could you make a gn!lector x trio lin kuei? the brothers showing affection to the reader in their different love languages
Love is Many Things
Prior notes: I did headcanon type of way cause that was just simpler for me to do :P. Hope this is okay for you!
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: None now stop contacting me about financial aid!
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Hear me out ladies, gents, and non binaries.
Physical affection!
If he loves you he will be touchy and you better be touchy as well.
He is a touch starved fella you need to at least hold his face.
He will hold you but that is also out of possession.
Sit on his lap, go ahead, don’t be shy.
Fine he’ll drag you on. Don’t tell him you are too heavy he doesn’t want to hear it.
Hugging you from behind while he rest his head on your shoulders, classic move.
He pinches. Yeah…what do you mean what do I mean?
If there is any part of you that is squishy (cheeks, thigh, arm) he pinches it but not on purpose. It’s in the manner like a grandma coming to squeeze your face but she does it too harshly.
Cuddles in bed, no you may not leave. Unless you are bleeding or need to use the bathroom then you can leave.
If he is holding your hand he will start to lightly rub his thumb over your hand.
He’s a man of action not words so take his lovin in physical form.
Kuai Liang
Words of affirmation!
I have a feeling sometimes he is poetic with his words.
Whispers in your ear as you fall asleep. Tell you how fantastic you are and how lucky he is to have you in his life.
“Death can never separate us. You are mine and I am yours. We are eternally together. It is our destiny.”
If he is far from you he will send letters.
I just know he has decent cursive. Not good just decent.
Compliments you on everything.
He will always find a way to compliment your looks. It could be something simple like your hair is glorious to your eyebrows are well kept.
If you have any skills he will compliment that to.
He encourages anything and everything you do. Go into a hobby that may seem strange to him but if it makes you happy go right ahead.
He is always willing to talk to you whether it be an issue in the relationship or just something you want to say that seems important.
Communication is key he makes that a big point. Tell him if there is anything wrong. He will tell you if something is wrong.
You will have a personalized nickname that fits you. You feisty? Fire lily! You happy? Sunflower! You angry? Ember! He will always add ‘his’ before it.
Gift Giving!
We don’t know where he gets the money to purchase everything for you, he might be stealing.
It starts off simple with giving you a smooth rock like a penguin does.
It elevates to bouquets, crystals, food, etc.
The max is when he is buying you everything you love or even take a glance at.
Oh so you like Hello Kitty? BAM! Hawaiian Hello Kitty plushie the size of your bed. A Lego fan huh? BOOM! Millennium falcon set.
It’s easier to accept it because if you don’t he gives you that sad face that crushes your soul.
He will bring you something back from whatever mission he is on. Again that could be a smooth stone or a vintage watch. Whatever he can scavenge for.
He always has this wide grin on his face when he hands you a gift or when he tries to hide it behind his back.
Sorry not sorry you’re gaining relationship weight because he keeps buying you food.
He likes buying you clothes. Some of his choice seems to be more for him than you wink wink nudge nudge.
He’ll be asking you nonstop if you need something so he can buy it for you.
“I saw it and thought of you.” That’s the best thing to hear.
All of em
I’m not done yet.
Ooo someone stop me I never stop with having all of them.
As a combined effort they do acts of service.
Of course they are going to protect their precious partner. If someone even scratched you they would be in a ditch.
Heaven forbid you get sick, they gonna take care of you in every way they can. You need some Vic’s vaporub?
You tired after the long day? Let them draw you a bath and get you some nice clothes before putting you to bed.
They’ll cook for you. Well, Kuai Liang and Tomas will. Bi-Han got agitated one time cause he burned his finger on the handle and ended up throwing the pan out the window. Never again.
Surprise dates! Yippie!
Sigh I’m involving children again.
They are all helping out with the kids. It’s okay to take a shower they will watch over them.
I’m counting a group cuddle as an act of service. It would be service to me.
After notes: I think I might post my oc real soon. I know I’ve done it before and I end up deleting it but I’ll try to keep it up next time. Now I need to shower. Adiós!
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A non-binary student has died after being beaten to near death in a school bathroom. Their name was Nex Benedict.
There is an ongoing gofundme the family has set up in their memorial. The ACLU and Lambia fund released a joint statement of support as part of their ongoing legal campaign to protect and support transgender students in Oklahoma public schools, Bridge v. Oklahoma State Department of Education.
I don't really have anything else to add. This whole thing is just heartbreaking and I can't even begin to imagine what their family must be going through. This is why we must continue to fight and not leave LGBT students in red states behind. To protect students like Nex.
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semiweirdshipper · 1 year
Killers' with a reader during bath time. Non-binary reader.
Warnings: Nudity. Non-sexual romance. Implied kissing and touching.
Most of the time Jason hates baths or anything to do with water. But if you're in it with him? Then he can compromise.
He always sits up straight and still in the warm tub, his mask off and body bare before you, completely vulnerable. He doesn't like to move because the water scares him, so he settles for watching you as you go about creating bubbles and adding scented oils to the tub. It's pleasant and he enjoys it.
Jason likes to touch you for reassurance that you won't let him drown. A hand on your shoulder, knee, arm or waist; he just likes knowing that you're there for him. Some times he might even pull you into his lap and just hold you for a while, bask in your safe and loving presence.
He loves it when you wash him. During bath time, Jason gives you all the wheels while he sits back and watches. When you use the soft, suddy loofah to scrub his body, it's utter bliss and makes him feel good. Your praise is an added bonus too, making him gladly submit his body in any way you wanted.
He gets transfixed on your bath products. Is that a glitter bath bomb? Whoa. Colored bath beads? Can you use purple? He loves purple. Seeing the water turn purple and glittery will have his adorable eyes going wide in awe. Just look at the water, (y/n), it's magical. You're amazing.
He's a good boy and he'll want to return the favor by washing you. His big hands will scrub every inch of you, making sure that you're nice and clean. Seeing your blissed out expression when he scrubs your back and head makes him happy. He's glad you're enjoying yourself.
The best way to end is by holding you close for a while, feeling your body pressed against his as he held you in his arms. With you around, Jason loved the water.
Wesker's preference when it comes to baths is strictly to lay back, submerge himself into the hot water and relax. After a long day at work, relaxing is all he wants to do.
Most of the time Wesker lays back and watches you in your place between his legs as you pour in muscle relaxing Epsom salt and night-time bubble bath. So considerate. You were always thinking about his well-being, and he loved it.
He enjoys listening to you as you blab about your day- shows you had watched, things you had cleaned, ideas you had hatched, ect... Your innocence is a refreshment to him and it makes him feel a type of happiness that his job just can't mimic.
When it comes to you washing your own body, Wesker absolutely loved to watch. Seeing your wet body move around as you covered it with glistening suds was beyond enamoring to him. Some times he would even ask you to stand up and wash yourself, give him the full view so that he could admire every inch of you.
He's not really one to care for childish bath products but he does get a kick out of how much you enjoy them. Seeing you get excited over a new box of assorted bath bombs- which he totally didn't order for you by the way!- he just adores how excited you get. And that same excitement transfers to the bath whenever you happily go to try out your new water toys.
Bath massages. Oh, there's nothing better. Feeling your wet hands press against his tense, sore muscles was utter ecstacy. Expect lots of groans because he was a very knotted up man, and he tends to make loud noises when you work out those knots with your expert, caring hands. God, you had no idea how much he loved you.
To settle the end, Wesker likes to pull your body on top of his and have you lay against him for a while. Submerged wet cuddles? Yes please.
Oh God... Frank is an absolute child when it comes to the bathtub. Because he was deprived of such innocent luxuries throughout his childhood years, he can't help but to enjoy the opportunity to have fun in the bathtub with you.
Expect everything that was Satan's equivalent of a bathroom mess nightmare pack. Bath bombs, water guns, water crayons, colored bath beads, bubble bath. Everything! He had it all- it's actually kind of cute going to the store with him because he always wanted to check out the bath stuff. Don't tease him though or he'll get frumpy.
Frank loves playing games, so get out those fucking water crayons, baby. If you weren't ever scared of him before, then you should be now, because you are his human canvas. Come on, scoot closer, he wants to draw a heart on your cheek- news flash! It's actually a miniature penis. Let's not forget a colored beard to match!
You can't escape him.
Ever heard of bathtub roulette? Of course you have. It's where you fill the gun with soapy water, play a game of tic-tac-toe, and whoever loses gets a shot of soapy water in the face. Ouch if your eyes get hit.
Despite his childishness, Frank does love relaxing and holding you close. Your legs intertwined as he held your face and kissed your lips? Oh, he could do it for hours, even after the water was freezing cold. You're his gorgeous, beloved angel, and he was never letting you go.
Ending a bath with Frank is less romantic than you probably want to believe because there's a lot of cleaning up to do. And yes, he is childish enough to run away naked so that he doesn't have to take responsibility. Lucky you.
Talk about a statue. During bath time, this man is a brick wall. Like always, he sits at his end of the tub with that very neutral, monotonous look on his face.
Michael isn't against baths. Not at all. In fact he finds them very interesting and fun- except for that time he accidentally ate a "bath treat". Yeah, he knew it was a miniature bar of soap, but why in the hell was it shaped exactly like a gummy bear!?
He finds himself fixated on whatever you're doing. Michael and you have a deep understanding of each other, and he appreciates how you show and explain to him what all kinds of new products you had bought. A double loofah with a rainbow handle? Cute. Colored foam soap? Expect a beard.
Michael loves, loves, loves his rubber ducky collection. Every time he takes a bath with you, he carefully sets each of his duckies in the water one at a time. He may not show it, but every time you gifted him a new rubber ducky, he mentally flies over the roof.
And he feels the same kind of excitement with surprise bath bombs that have little toys hidden inside. Those were his favorite. So far he had some sharks, some dinosaurs, a pearl ring, and a bunny. It was just so fun watching the bath bombs dissolve and reveal an adorable item from all the magical colors within.
He gets frumpy when you try to wash yourself. Michael is very protective and caring of you and he likes to take care of you himself, and that means scrubbing and washing your body. You can't deny... It feels really, really nice.
Seeing your relaxed, sleepy face is the perfect end to a perfect bath for him.
Lazy. Completely and utterly lazy. Depending on the day, baths with Jeffrey could either be very lively or very boring.
Prepare to find yourself squished between his legs at the front of the tub by the faucet, because Jeffrey practically prides himself in taking up most of the space. He chuckles a lot, teasing you and squeezing you between his legs, tickling you with his toes. He loves it when you get all frustrated and defensive, and yet you're still helplessly squished/trapped.
He thinks it's cute when you get on your knees and lean against his belly, your faces closer together so that you can talk, hold hands and caress each other's faces. Your so damn adorable, he could just eat you up.
One of his favorite things, though, is when you slather yourself up with oil. Oh yes. There's nothing Jeffrey loves more than seeing your gorgeous body glistening smooth and slippery. He enjoyed sitting back, licking his lips while watching you languidly touch yourself. It drove him mad.
After enjoying the show you put on, Jeffrey would sit up and touch you himself, squeezing and rubbing different parts of your body for as long as he pleased. Remember, he's obsessed with soft things, and when your body is oiled up it becomes prominent that he worshipped you for hours.
Some times Jeffrey's insecurities got to him, however, and he would refuse taking a bath with you. It took lots of lovin, gentle coaxing and praise, but you always won him over with your caring words and amazing acceptance. How could he ever ask for anyone better?
Ending a bath with Jeffrey usually involved lots of loving touches and cuddles, for you are his and he is yours.
The ultimate God of baths? Look no further than Herman Carter.
This man is unbelievably romantic and will have you wait in your bedroom until he has the perfect set-up created. Like a king/queen walking the red carpet, you would be presented with everything abundantly cheesy and romantic.
Dim lights, scented candles, freakin rose petals- all of it you would follow until you arrived at the bathroom where Herman lay beautifully naked and submerged in the bubbly tub, waiting for you.
Herman smiles at you and beckons you closer, enjoying the sight of you getting undressed right before his eyes. You're clumsiness while getting into the tub with him amuses him and fills him with fondness and joy. He loves spoiling you like this.
During bath time, Herman loves pulling you close and cradling you against him, his lips kissing whatever happened to be in reach- your lips, your face, the back of your neck, or your shoulders. He loved worshipping your body for every second that it was touching him.
Lots and lots of touching. Herman treats your body like it's made out of gold. Constantly he touches you, fondles you and massages you. Praise drips from his lips as he pulls you back against him and rubs his big, calloused hands up and down your chest. You're so beautiful, (y/n), and you're his.
Herman loves taking baths with you because it gives him the opportunity to be intimate under a new light. He got to spoil you, wash you, worship your body and make you feel good. Your happiness was all he needed to make himself happy.
Even though he doesn't want the bath to end, when it does, Herman rinses you off, helps you out and dries you off. Oh, don't think that just because the bath is over he still doesn't have a lot left to give.
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bagerfluff · 15 days
Casper's First Cold
Casper x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - "You look pale"
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Casper stared at the ceiling.
Casper felt weird, not soul unbalanced weird. A different weird. His eyes felt heavy, like he didn’t get enough sleep but he did. Though every time Casper tried to close his eyes he couldn’t fall asleep.
He was too hot, causing him to kick off all the blankets and change into a pair of shots and a tank top. Casper might have stolen them from you but that was fine.
Casper’s nose was also stuffed. Every time he tried to breathe it was a mission in itself. All the lights were off and the curtains were closed, the light making Casper’s head pound.
Casper was angry because he had no idea what this was and it was driving him insane. Casper knew what it felt like when his soul was unbalanced and this wasn’t it.
Casper moved his arm, holding Azrael closer to his chest. Casper was so deep into his thoughts he didn’t notice the door had opened to the apartment. You had just come home from work, your pet had greeted you at the door.
At first you were happy but then confused. Why were all the lights off? You picked up your pet and walked more into the apartment, seeing Casper laying on your bed staring at the ceiling.
You placed your pet where it belonged and walked over to your bed. “You okay?” You asked, causing Casper to snap his head towards you.
Casper felt a little better now that you were here but he wouldn’t say that. “No, I don’t know what’s wrong”, Casper said. Mind still a little blank.
It was hard for Casper to focus on something that wasn’t how shity he was feeling so he thought about why he felt like this.
What was this weird thing?
ou sat down on the bed, reached forward to turn on the lamp. Casper groaned and turned his head away from the light. It makes his head pound worse than before. You looked back at Casper, taking in how he looked.
“You look pale”, you said.
Casper was paler than normal and sweat was running down his forehead. Casper turned his head back a bit to look at you.
You reached a hand forward and moved Casper’s bangs, placing your hand on Casper’s forehead. Casper sighed and leaned into your cold hand.
Casper felt a little warm, which for Casper was a problem. You stood up and walked away, causing Casper to watch your every move. You walked into the bathroom and came out with a thermometer.
You sat back down, “open, it goes below your tongue”, you said. Casper looked at you confused before doing what you said. Casper did not like the feeling of this thing under his tongue.
But after a minute or two it beeped and you looked at it, shaking your head. “Knew it, my dear Casper, you're sick”, you said, placing the thermometer on the bedside table.
Casper’s eyes widened. “What? That is impossible. That is a mere mortal problem. Grim Reaper’s don’t get sick”, Casper said. No. You were wrong. That little metal stick was wrong.
Casper was fine. “Well you are an Ex-Grim Reaper so”, you said while getting up again. Casper sat up and grabbed your wrist. That was a bad idea because as soon as Casper did it he felt more like shit.
His head started to pound faster than before and Casper felt hotter than before. Casper also felt his stomach turn, despite the fact he’s had nothing to eat today.
Casper immediately fell back onto the pillow. Eyes closer as he tried to stop the world from spinning.
You moved back to sit on the bed. Using your free hand to run it over Casper’s forehead as he was still holding one of your wrists.
“See, point proven. I don’t know how you got sick, or that you could even get sick but you are”, you explained.
Much to Casper’s dismay. “But don’t worry”, you leaned forward and kissed Casper’s forehead.
“You have me to take care of you. And I intend to take care of my pretty boy”, you sat back up. Casper let go of your wrist, turning his head to watch you walk away.
Casper laid there for what felt like hours but was actually like fifteen minutes. When you came back you had a plate, a cup of water, and a pill bottle.
You sat down, placing the stuff on the bedside table. You stood up and placed your hands under Casper. Casper watched, and tried to help, as you moved him so he was kinda sitting up.
You had to place pillows behind Casper to make him comfortable and he was still laying down a bit but it was good enough.
You grabbed a couple pills and the water, “here, these should make you feel better”, you said while handing them to Casper.
Casper stared at the pills, “what are they”, he asked. “There are pills, they numb your symptoms and make it easier to do stuff then you're sick”, you explained.
Casper took the pills and took them, drinking water to wash them down. Once he was done with that you handed him the plate, which had some crackers and fruit.
“Here, I have a feeling that you didn’t have food”, you said. Casper glared at the food, his stomach was telling him not to eat. But when he looked up at you and saw that you were worried he grabbed a cracker and ate it.
Casper was a bit worried too. He’s never heard anything about a Grim Reaper getting sick. Though maybe it was a side effect of being in the human world for too long.
Casper was worried, but it was obvious that you were worried too. So Casper kept his worries under the rug to try to keep you less worried. You smiled and stood up, walking to the other side of the bed so you could sit next to Casper.
Casper ate all of the crackers and half of the fruit. Casper was hungry then he thought, he also drank half of the water. Once Casper was done he put the plate down and leaned back.
He did actually feel a little better than before. Maybe it was because of the pills, maybe it was because of you. Casper leaned his head towards you, resting his head on your chest.
You smiled, threading your fingers in Casper’s hair to play with it and hopefully comfort him. “Feel better?” You asked and Casper nodded. “Thank you sunshine”, Casper said and you smiled.
“Of course my little reaper, anything for you”, you said, making Casper blush. Casper couldn’t deny, it felt nice having you take care of him.
Casper normally had to take care of himself by himself. Nobody helped him. Now here you are, taking care of him and making sure Casper doesn’t have to lift a finger.
Casper likes it, he loves it.
Casper rolled over so he was cuddling you. His legs wrapped around one of yours and his arms were around your chest.
Casper’s head was on your chest and Azrael was on your stomach.In between Casper’s arm and your stomach. You smiled, your hand still running though his hair.
Your other arm was wrapped around Casper’s body, holding him as tight as he was holding you. Casper closed his eyes and soon fell asleep in your arms.
You kissed Casper’s head and relaxed, you had no idea how Casper got sick or that he could get sick. But as long as he was sick.
You would be there to take care of him.
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milfmuses · 1 year
Pleasant Interruptions
A/N: Hiii! This is my first smut fic and I decided to write a slightly niche category. As a big tiddy squishy woman, I can’t wait for people like me to have a fun fic to enjoy! Please let me know if you like it with some comments, and feel free to suggest new ideas as well! Thank you so so much to @non-binary-frogking , @tacobyell , and @zephyr-is-tired​ for helping me edit it means so much!
Larissa Weems x big tiddy squishy reader
Summary: Reader has some alone time after plans change and Larissa opens the door to an unexpected surprise.
Warnings: smut, dominant Larissa, submissive Reader, fingering, oral, sex toy, masturbation
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You previously emailed your coworkers and boss that you would be out of town from Friday afternoon until Sunday night, as you wanted some time to relax and maybe explore Jericho. You planned to stay at the small motel in town, but upon seeing storm clouds form while you taught classes, you sadly canceled your reservation. The final bell rang, signifying the end of your work day. You pack up your things and return to the staff dormitories. Similar to the student rooms, your door opened directly into the bedroom. The only differences are the living space and kitchenette, identical to a studio apartment, and the attached full bathroom. 
Grading the last assignment your students turned in today, you stand and strip off your work clothes. Pants, a shirt, and undergarments plop into the hamper and you sink into the center of your bed. Fridays typically offer plenty of alone time, so you decide to indulge in something you’ve needed all week.
Reaching over and opening your bedside table drawer, you grab your rabbit vibrator. Once you are comfortable laying against the pillows with your legs spread and a blanket to cover your lap, you move the vibrator between your parted thighs. 
Switching it on with the hold of a button, you graze the tip against your clit. With a jolt and hitch of your breath, images of a certain woman begin taking over. 
Larissa stands in front of her desk while picking up paperwork to drop by your room. She remembers the email detailing your absence on campus for the weekend, deciding on placing the papers personally in your room. She thinks back to when she ran out of coffee creamer, and you kindly offered her your own. 
“Hi Larissa! Oh wow, you drink black coffee? I always have creamer handy in my fridge.”
Larissa looks up from the outdoor picnic table, a lovely fall day perfect for enjoying the quiet morning before classes. The slightly chilly air is opposed by sunbeams shining through gaps in the clouds. 
“Good morning y/n, I seem to have run out of creamer so I resorted to foregoing it today. Maybe I will have to keep an extra just in case.”
She can’t help but smile at how you stand facing her, the sun hitting your hair and skin, causing a slight glow to your features. She is abruptly ripped from her trance by your voice.
“Oh don’t worry! I leave my room unlocked often since the staff wing is already behind lock and key. Feel free to stop by my room and help yourself to however much creamer you need!”
You secretly hope Larissa will come by and spend time with you. Deep within your heart, you long for the beautiful woman to see you as more than a coworker. Her sweet personality, gorgeous body, caring nature, and so much more leaves you completely and utterly infatuated with her. But she hadn’t a clue.
On the other hand, Larissa felt the same. She is your superior, but you treated each other respectfully and don’t see each other as worker and boss. You regard each other with equality and helpfulness, always doing favors for each other out of kindness. Like when you rushed to her office after lunch to bring her coffee she forgot in the break room. And when Larissa popped into your classroom to give you the freshly printed packets you left on her desk. 
Larissa smiles at you gratefully, setting her cup on the table and beginning to rise from her seat.
“Thank you darling, that is quite sweet of you. I might have to take you up on that offer. I must be heading back to my office now but I will be sure to stop by in case I ever need to borrow some creamer. Have a lovely day y/n!”
“Since you will be out of town anyway, leaving the papers on your kitchen counter or living room table would be appropriate,” she muses.
Larissa’s signature heels clack against the floors, giving the woman even more height to her 6’3 figure. She enters the staff wing, walks down the long hallway past her room, and stops in front of your door. She notices your adorable name tag; a small flower is drawn on paper next to neat handwriting spelling out your name. Smiling to herself, Larissa turns the knob and pushes the door in. What she sees stuns her into a frozen state of shock.
There you are, lap covered in a plush blanket, thrusting away with something under it. Your head is lolled to the side, expression blissful with your eyes shut tight and mouth open. Larissa realizes that you are too lost in pleasure to notice her or hear her enter the room. Wet smacks of the vibrator echo throughout the air, your whimpers sending heat straight into Larissa’s face. Your breasts are slightly visible, the blanket hiding most of your skin from her view, but she can make out the stiff peaks of your nipples and the way they bounce mesmerizingly. Highly aroused, Larissa brings the papers to cover her mouth which is agape in awe. A throbbing is felt between her thighs and wetness begins to gather there. 
The pace speeds up as your arm visibly quickens, and Larissa can tell you are close to orgasm. What she hears next causes her to lose all self-restraint. 
“Fuck, Ris- Rissa I’m close-”
As you chase your high, you release stuttered gasps, pants, and whines. Larissa’s lust for you now outweighs all control. Any embarrassment she has from walking in on you masturbating is gone. Long, creamy thighs clench together to offer relief for her aching center. With a hushed voice, Larissa mutters to herself,
Your eyes shoot open and your hand holds the power button for your toy to stop the vibrations immediately. Pulling the length out of you, your eyes catch the source of the voice you just heard.
Larissa. Of course, it has to be the one woman that you are secretly in love with. Remembering that you moaned out her name only seconds before, you panic. You cover your body with the blanket as fast as you can, hiding your breasts and naked body from her view. Tears threaten to fall upon your cheeks, the vulnerability of being caught in such a position making you feel ashamed and scared. 
In an attempt to comfort yourself and apologize to the woman who just witnessed you pleasuring yourself, you quietly repeat, “I’m sorry,” over and over again.
“Hey darling, it’s okay. Look at me love, look at me.”
Your eyes find hers and that is when you notice her appearance. Her pupils are blown wide and her thighs are pushed together tightly as if soothing the ache between them. Red colors her cheeks and her chest heaves, trying to control her breathing.
“I thought you were out of town so I stopped by to drop off your papers. I had no idea you were here. I... I am pleased that you are, though.” 
She sets the papers on your countertop and visibly takes a deep breath. Unbeknownst to you, she is gathering the courage to say what she is about to say.
“Please don’t cover yourself y/n- you are stunning. W-would you like me to help you? I know you probably weren’t expecting me to react this way, but I am flattered and absolutely dripping right now. Please- please let me help.”
Shock and relief fill you, along with excitement and happiness, knowing that the woman you wished to have a chance with is attracted to you. Still feeling vulnerable, all you do is flush and nod your consent at her offer.
Coming to the side of your bed, Larissa lowers herself down on your left. She lays on her side, propping herself up on an elbow and sees how shy you look.
“Darling, may I kiss you? You’re adorable like this. Look at those pink cheeks of yours! No need to be shy, you are safe with me. My sweet girl.”
You turn your body slightly, moving your face right before hers. Those bright red lips that you constantly dreamt of are now inches away from your own. Sky-blue eyes hold comfort and care, and your heart feels secure with trust. 
“Please,” you plead. 
She takes the hand that isn’t propping her up and delicately brings it to the back of your head, pushing your face to hers. Instant softness, warmth, and giddiness flood you. Her lips are pillowy and plump, heating your mouth against hers, and you whine faintly. A wide smile overtakes your face and she laughs melodiously when she feels it, pulling away to study your bashful expression with twinkling eyes. Suddenly, you see her focus on something else entirely. During the kiss, your blanket lowered to reveal the top of your breasts. 
Larissa’s eyes darken with hunger. You start to get insecure since you have a larger chest than most, so your breasts are less perky or firm than smaller ones. Pulling the blanket to cover them in fear of Larissa not liking them, you pause with the blanket up to your collarbone when her hand covers yours, stopping you in your tracks.
“Now, y/n, why would you ever want to cover those? I promise you, there is no need to hide yourself from me. I have been attracted to every part of you for some time now darling, including your curves, and hoping you shared my interest in pursuing a relationship.”
Like a burst of hope and light, your heart speeds up at her admission, making your chest heat and confidence grow. 
“I’m sorry Rissa, I am insecure about my body. All I ask is that you are reassuring and sweet with me so I can feel most comfortable. I trust you and you can pull the blanket down now. They might be bigger than you expected, I do my best to hide them away in my outfits.”
She brings her hand to your cheek and rubs her thumb over your skin, comforting you while giving you a tender look.
“I give you my word that I will go slow and show you how beautiful you are. My dove, how could I possibly dislike anything about you? My sweet girl, you just lay back and look pretty for me, alright sweetheart?”
With a quick nod to signify your consent, Larissa again places her hand on the blanket and lowers it. 
Large, full breasts are revealed, making her mouth water and her heart race. Your nipples harden in the air and she stares at them, entranced. You have stretch marks on the upper sides and large areolas. They sag slightly from their weight, resting apart and looking soft like the perfect natural pillows. 
“Oh my, look at these- I could worship them endlessly. So full and round- god, they’re huge!”
An instant blush takes over your face, neck, and upper chest. Larissa sees this and smirks knowingly, glad her praise made you feel reassured and flustered.
“Really? They aren’t… too big?”
Back is the soft gaze from the woman above you, although her dilated pupils betray her otherwise adoring demeanor. She waits patiently, ready to answer your insecurities with reassurance and honesty.  
“My dear, there is no such thing as ‘too big’ and they are perfect. I’m practically drooling at the sight of them. You must know that although you try to cover them, I’ve found myself staring at your cleavage often while you aren’t looking. And now, finally seeing them is making me insanely aroused.”
You feel something unfamiliar, a hint of acceptance in yourself, but mostly pride at making Larissa feel so needy at just the sight of you. Puppy eyes filled with love stare at her stunning face. She notices, and with a grin, places a loving kiss on your lips. 
“May I touch them, love?”
“Yes, please,” you whisper.
She turns her head downwards and gently cups your left breast, squeezing softly. Her eyes never leave your chest, almost glued to it, not wanting to miss a second. She lowers her head to your nipple and places light kisses on it, coaxing the bud to harden completely under her lips. Her hand drifts to your right breast and pinches your other nipple faintly, now both sensitive and standing at attention. 
Peering at your face while teasing you with her lips, she sees how content you are with the attention you’re receiving, yet restless, wanting more. You look back and beg shamelessly, thankful that she is giving you the touch you’ve desired for so long.
“Please, use your mouth… need you-”
Larissa wouldn’t dare deprive you of what you deserve, nor would she want to tease you when she promised to be gentle, so she reaches her tongue out and kitten-licks your bud. She repeats the motion, drawing the faintest moans from you while your body squirms from the sensation. Your nerves enter a frenzy while warmth shoots down to your core, making your clit throb intensely. She takes your nipple into her mouth and sucks while rolling on the right one between her fingers. Back arching and moaning desperately, you become louder and push your breasts further into her touch. Now, she moves to the other nipple and before latching on, says breathlessly,
“You have the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen, my love, they are positively delicious.” 
Her mouth latches on, circling your areola with her tongue and suckling like she is addicted to your taste. 
“Oh god- Rissa that feels so good,” You exclaim at her skillful mouth and fingers.
She releases your bud with a pop. Once she sees how impatient you are, with your face partly scrunched in pleasure and your eyes wide and begging silently, she hears you. Almost too quiet for her to hear, you mutter “please” nonstop, so sensitive and desperate that your words are hushed from focusing on how she feels. 
“Don’t worry, sweet girl, I’m going to take care of you. First, let me get rid of this blanket.”
You smile, but your face drops at remembering your body. Your thighs, hips, and stomach are all parts of you that you hide, insecurity is now at the forefront of your mind, and you anxiously tremble.
“Wait- Riss I’m… I’m not sure you’d want to see me. I’ve got some squishy parts like my tummy and I am very self-conscious…”
Larissa pauses, taking your cheek in her palm, and says so sweetly yet seriously,
“Darling, I promise you that no matter how you look, you’re perfect in my eyes. Besides, I like my women with curves and everything that comes with them, I find it ravishing.”
She throws you a wink but remains genuine, making you comfortable to continue.
“Okay Rissa, thank you. I trust you.”
Tender hands grasp the blanket and pull it down to reveal a slightly chubby stomach that she instantly adores and wide hips with hip dips and stretch marks, down to thick thighs with cellulite. 
“Baby, you’re beyond stunning, look at how soft and curvy you are. I can’t wait to kiss and touch every inch and show how I admire all of you.”
You beam at her and she moves to kneel between your legs with her upper body, hovering above. She kisses you, starting at your lips, along your neck, between your breasts, slowly descending your stomach, and eventually just above where you throb steadily. She runs her fingertips along your sides, hips, and thighs until you shiver. Larissa looks up at you from her place between your parted thighs and finally presses her lips on your center. Her breath heats your core, and her tongue darts out to lick between your lips. The tip of her tongue nudges your clit, and your back arches, a moan slipping from your mouth. Continuing her licks and now sucking on your clit, two fingers gather your wetness and push into your entrance.
With a groan at the stretch, you look down at her, a smirk apparent on her face. She winks and starts thrusting in and out until your head falls back again, moaning deeply. She builds you up again with flicks of her tongue on your clit and a steady pace of her fingers pushing in and out. She stops suddenly, making you whine.
“Hold on love, I can’t help but give these some attention. So mesmerizing when they bounce for me.”
Larissa leans over you again to kiss, bite, and suck on your breasts. Although you are a mewling mess, you immediately notice when something presses against your entrance, and you realize that she picked up the rabbit vibrator to hold it against you. When she sucks one nipple into your mouth and tugs, she shoves the length into your sopping hole.
You gasp loudly and grip the sheets, bracing yourself as she starts fucking you at a quick pace. Your wetness makes a loud squelching sound that drives Larissa insane. She lifts her head to look at you and feels her rough pounding should be matched with praise.
“You take it so well darling, I can hear how fucking wet you are. Such a needy girl aren’t you? You look so pretty when I fuck you, I’ll have to do this as often as I can to see what a good girl you can be for me.”
You visibly quiver at her words, and they bring you closer to the edge. Larissa kisses your lips passionately, and right as she turns the vibrator on, she whispers in your ear,
“Cum for me my love, be a good girl.”
You explode and shut your eyes tight as she fucks you through your orgasm and keeps whispering praises.
“That’s it, baby, you’re doing so good for me.”
“Good girl, make a mess.”
“So beautiful, yes baby, just like that.”
The vibrator turns off when your breathing evens out, Larissa keeping you from feeling overstimulated. You keep your eyes closed as your body fully relaxes under her. She slowly pulls the toy from inside you, and you groan slightly at becoming empty. She places the toy on the dresser atop a towel you prepared earlier and lays again on her side, propped up to view your post-orgasm state. 
Your eyes are already on her, with fondness and love shining through. Larissa smiles and kisses your nose.
“You’re adorable dearest, even when you are all messy and red. Do you mind if I stay here and hold you?”
You answer promptly,
“Thank you Riss, you look gorgeous as always. Thank you for making me feel beautiful and safe. I would love it if you stay and please spend the night if you are comfortable with that.”
“I would love to… and y/n? You have nothing to be self-conscious about. If anything, you need to be prepared for how obsessed I am with your body.”
You chuckle, and she continues.
“Let me take care of you tonight and I might need to use those incredible pillows of yours to lay on while I sleep.”
You laugh again with her and decide to turn things around.
“Why don’t you get undressed so I’m not the only one naked here? Although… I don’t know if I can resist what I’ll see...”
“Oh? That won’t be a problem at all. We have plenty more to do before we sleep,” she says with a mischievous grin.
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7-wonders · 7 months
It's Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus!
Summary: It's Halloweekend, and you've got a couple of parties to attend! Morpheus, who missed out on the development of Halloween into the holiday it is today, is very curious about what your plans are.
Word count: 1.8k
And now, a note from the author: Ahhh Claire actually managed to write something! I loved coming up with and writing this; I was giggling the entire time. As always, if you enjoyed, likes, comments, and reblogs (but especially the last two!) make my world go round. If you didn't like it, also let me know! I'm always down to hear constructive feedback/criticism—it's how we become better writers.
Though reader is wearing a skirt, the gender of reader is not specified! If you're non-binary or a guy and you wouldn't mind dressing up in a skirt for a group costume, I hope you enjoy this fic too!
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It’s not often that Dream of the Endless visits you in your realm, instead of vice versa. While he had met you in the Waking, he had never been entirely comfortable there. That feeling, that wrongness, only increased tenfold after his imprisonment at the hands of Roderick Burgess. No, Morpheus is not overly fond of the Waking.
Tonight, however, he’s here, and you have a pretty good inkling as to why. 
Though Morpheus would never admit it, hearing you talk helps to calm him down when he’s feeling stressed (another thing he would never admit to: stress). After a frustrating day of holding court—one of his least favorite things to do, but one that was integral to the functioning of his realm—you decided that telling him about your plans for the week would be a bland enough topic where he would not have to actually listen to your words, but simply your voice. Your plan seemed to be working; you could feel his body relaxing in your arms, and you had never been more relieved to hear the absentminded hums of someone who was only half-listening to a conversation.
At some point, you mentioned that you were excited about the Halloween parties that you would be attending. That got his attention, drawing him out of the reverie that your voice and your fingers carding through his hair had lulled him into. He shifted in your hold, his black pools of stars looking up at you curiously.
“All Hallows’ Eve is not for another week though, yes?” he asked.
“Yeah, but it’s during the week this year, which means everybody celebrates the weekend before.”
“Why not celebrate on the day itself? Traditionally, Samhain is a very important holiday.”
Now the miscommunication made sense in your mind. It was only natural that he still thought of the holiday as what it was before 1916. “Oh! Halloween has evolved a lot, especially in the past hundred years. It doesn’t really resemble the Samhain of old.”
He still looks a little confused but nods. “How interesting. So you will also be participating in these…festivities early?”
“Festivities” was a good way to put it, and you decided to just leave it at that. How the hell else were you supposed to explain to your eons-old, all-powerful boyfriend that the Halloween of today is about wearing a fun/sexy costume, doing spooky activities like haunted houses or watching scary movies, and partying?
“Yep!” you said. “I have plans with friends; we’re going to wear our costumes and go celebrate with others.”
“What will your costume be?”
“I’m not quite sure yet. I have a couple of different ones, so I’ll probably decide the day of.”
That interest in modern Halloween, specifically how you celebrate Halloween, is why you’re not really all that surprised when you hear him call your name from the other side of the bathroom door while you’re taking a shower.
“In here, my love!” You just barely have to raise your voice, knowing that he’ll still hear you above the sound of water raining down. The bathroom door opens, and you stick your head out of the shower curtain. You very happily accept the kiss that he offers you. “Hi.”
“Hello.” His voice, deep and as smooth as dark chocolate, rumbles through your ears in a way that you’ll never tire of. It’s impossible to resist giving him one more kiss (can you be blamed?), so you give in to the temptation.
“Give me five minutes and then I’ll be done, okay?”
Though it’s very reluctant, he does part from you. It takes you a little less than that to finish with your shower, and you open the door again so that you can at least be in the same space as Morpheus while you hurriedly put some makeup on (thankfully your costume doesn’t require anything drastic beyond what you normally wear). He’s sitting patiently on your bed, eyes already trained on you as you move through your getting-ready routine.
“What are you doing here?” you ask, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye. “You almost never visit me in the Waking.” 
You’re teasing him, since, as previously mentioned, you know exactly why he’s here. Naturally, Morpheus doesn’t catch on. “I wished to see you off before your Hallowe’en celebration.”
“That’s sweet of you!” To the bedroom you go, where your costume sits waiting atop your dresser. “I’m just about ready to go, I only need to finish putting my costume on.” 
Morpheus’s face grows flushed at the easy compliment you give him (you don’t think he’s ever been called ‘sweet’) and you laugh quietly before disappearing back through the bathroom with costume in tow.
A couple of months ago, two of your friends decided that being the Powerpuff Girls was the move for this Halloween and roped you into the idea. One of your friends, a natural blonde, claimed Bubbles before the idea could even fully be discussed. Your other friend was very excited to be a bearded Blossom and wear a giant bow on his head. This left Buttercup for you to dress up as, not that you were complaining.
Now, you’re sliding into a green crop top and a matching green skirt, this piece being made out of a shiny material. All three of your skirts are the same fabric (and definitely shorter than what’s considered decent), with the shirts being dealer’s choice. You finish your outfit off with black tights and a black headband—Bubbles is also wearing black tights, while Blossom will be sporting black knee-highs. All in all, it’s a pretty simple costume, but sometimes, that’s what the best costumes are.
You emerge from the bathroom once more and do a little twirl for Morpheus, whose eyes immediately light up. “This is very much a pop culture reference, so I’m not expecting you to understand the costume. Still, I think it turned out pretty good!”
Morpheus is not a man—the anthropomorphic personification of the collective unconscious, the Lord of Dreams and Ruler of the Nightmare Realm, simply chooses this as his favored form. Still, he is a man-shaped being, and like all man-shaped beings, he goes a little wild for the object of his affection in a short skirt.
“You will be wearing this in public?” he asks, standing up and approaching you.
Morpheus has lived for as long as beings have been able to dream. He quite literally lived through the Beginning when Adam and Eve didn’t know what clothes were, as well as a number of empires for whom clothing was merely a suggestion. The affront he’s showing at the clothes you’re wearing must be some sort of code for “this is my partner wearing something I consider sexy and I’m feeling possessive about other people seeing them.” That he looks at you as though you’re wearing the barest scraps of clothing and not dressing up as a cartoon superhero has you feeling mighty powerful.
You’d be lying if you said that didn’t turn you on a little bit.
“This is tame compared to what a lot of other people wear,” you inform him.
Morpheus does not look as though he’s listening. No, he’s focused on your body rather than your words. One hand rests on your waist to pull you closer to him, and the other hand comes to rest on your upper thigh where the skirt ends. He rubs the skirt between his thumb and index finger as though he’s testing the fabric. 
“Am I correct in assuming that costumes are no longer worn to disguise the wearer from errant spirits?”
“Yes, you’re correct.” Right now though, explaining the traditions of Halloween is not important to you. You need some validation, and stat. “But do you like it?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Thank you,” you say smugly, smacking his hand as he tries to slip it higher under your skirt. “Not tonight. I have to meet up with the gang soon!”
“Might I make a suggestion?” 
You nod. No matter how outlandish the suggestion, you’d listen to him make it, and you’d probably take it into strong consideration.
Morpheus places a delicate kiss on your jaw before he trails his lips to your ear. “Forget about your friends and stay with me for the evening,” he whispers seductively.
Oh, but that is tempting. You can already imagine the way in which Morpheus would remove your costume, the feeling of his hands on your body as he makes you forget about anything outside of you and him and the pleasure you bring each other. From the darkened look he gives you, he’s already picked up on these daydreams, and he’s in total agreement of that order of events. 
Unfortunately, your brain, that traitorous organ, reminds you of why you shouldn’t be absconding to the Dreaming with your lover.
You sigh in frustration at the logic and lean your forehead against his. “I would, but I’ve had these plans for a couple of weeks now, and I really am looking forward to them.”
Though it very obviously pains Morpheus to say it, he does agree. “Yes, I suppose it would be…rude to abandon them.”
“I should probably go,” you say begrudgingly, pulling away from him and focusing intently on gathering what you’ll need so that you don’t give in to your desire.
Morpheus watches as you whirl around the room, muttering the name of each item as you grab them. Your phone is annoyingly elusive, and you think you’ll just have to go without it until it’s dangled in front of you by your Dreamlord. Gratefully, you take it from him.
“Thank you,” you say sheepishly. That’s the last of your belongings, but you feel like you can stall just a bit longer. He’s heard about your plans, but you haven’t heard of his. “What will you do while I’m gone?”
“Wait for you to return to my embrace once more,” he teases.
“Please try to do something instead of moping the whole time.”
“I do not mope!”
You give him a look, one that says you see right through this charade. “Yes. You do. I’m sure there’s a new book you’ll want to read. Maybe ask Lucienne what she’s been working on, or start creating a new nightmare?”
“Are you not going to be late?” Morpheus deflects. It makes you laugh, but he is right, so you do a once-over of your room to make sure you’re not missing anything and kiss him briefly.
“Bye. I love you.”
“I love you as well, my starlight. You remember how to call for me should you run into trouble?” Of course you do: write down his name and speak it. It’s cute of him to act like he won’t try to have Matthew follow you, though.
You can’t help but smile at the sweet gesture. “Yes, I remember. I’ll be fine, okay?”
He nods, satisfied. “I shall see you later, then.”
You’re able to sneak in one more kiss before he’s off and you’re heading to your front door, already counting down the hours until your night of partying is over. Who knew dressing up like a Powerpuff Girl could get someone so hot and heavy?
If Morpheus thinks that’s attractive, just wait until he sees the angel costume you’re wearing tomorrow.
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loveerran · 25 days
Utah Bathroom Ban
In an effort to protect women and children from a problem that does not exist, Utah legislators recently passed, and the governor recently signed into law, HB 257. Among other things, this bill defines criminal penalties for improper use of a binary, sex-designated (male or female) restroom in a government owned or controlled space that does not correspond to one's assigned sex:
"Going into a bathroom that is not consistent with your birth gender, or your birth sex, you are putting yourself at greater risk. I think that’s the best way for everybody to look at it and say, ‘How do I avoid risk? How do I avoid risk of arrest?'" - Senate sponsor of HB 257 Dan McCay
As a trans woman who has been out and about for 20 years, what I hear in this quote is very specifically: "We want you to be scared when you use a bathroom that doesn't align with your assigned sex at birth. You already know someone may report you just for being there and the criminal justice system is horrible for trans women, so maybe you'll think twice before trying to pee when out in public."
And it works. I am reminded I am different and should be scared of what will happen if the wrong person is having a bad day, reports me to the bathroom monitoring authorities, and some cop starts making choices that put me in a difficult or dangerous situation. Stories of abuses suffered by trans women in the system are legion.
But I don't think my situation is the real problem here. In practical terms, this bill means a trans kid can't use a school restroom that aligns with their gender identity and/or presentation. Instead, they have to develop a 'privacy plan' with the school and use separately designated facilities or a faculty restroom, etc. - reinforcing that they are 'other'. This is very dangerous and will create victims and we have actual data and studies to back up that assertion.
Let me restate: There is data demonstrating that bathroom restrictions hurt gender non-conforming kids, with a reported increase in the sexual assault rate of nearly 50% when bathroom restrictions of this type are in place.
My wife points out "I would be safer in a men's restroom than you. Most men will actually try to protect women, but that doesn't apply to trans women. Quite the opposite."
The sponsors of the bill could not name a single instance of trans kids being a problem in spaces aligned with their gender identity. Not one single incident for them to rely on. And they ignored evidence indicating there are actual harmful effects. This bill makes a small, marginalized group of people more likely to be victims of violence.
This issue was so important to the Utah legislature that they devoted a substantial portion of the 1st two weeks of the legislative session to HB 257, including significant changes after the public comment period passed.
When the bill went live on May 1, the Utah State Auditor's office began being flooded with false reporting (I love you all :)!). The Auditor's office responded by publishing what can only be described as a scathing indictment of the situation:
"the Office created the complaint form to comply with a statutory mandate – a role we did not request. Indeed, no auditor sets out to become a bathroom monitor... Like many in the public, we learned about our role under this bill shortly before the bill was rushed to final passage. I recognize that many Utahns feel trampled by an invasive and overly aggressive Legislature that too often fails to seek input from those most affected."
Thank you to everyone who continues to fight for us on this issue. There aren't enough of us to win this on our own. We need your help.
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peppertaemint · 10 months
Let's talk about Taemin and Key of SHINee wearing the Scottish fashion house Charles Jeffrey Loverboy, an openly queer unisex brand. There’s a lot of talk about whether idols know who they are wearing and, when relevant, do they understand the meaning of what they are wearing. We know there are clear examples of artists not understanding what they’re wearing. Indeed, 23-year-old, non-English-speaking Taemin admitted in 2021 that he had no idea the fly of his pants read “Open Here” during View era. Yet, a lot has changed this 2015/16. Taemin’s English is quite proficient. And what about Key, who has studied English since he was a child? I think we can consider understanding the words and understanding the context or broader meaning behind words or, as the case may be, symbols, which can be universal.
Taemin in the Advice album photobook, 2021.
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The Charles Jeffrey Loverboy brand is no ordinary brand. It’s a spunky, fun and edgy unisex brand with genuine British flavour. From London Fashion Week's write up:
"Looking back to look forward, the collections re-render historical references as intrinsically modern while paying respect to an ancestral line-up of costumiers, performance artists and queer icons. Jeffrey’s nightlife-influenced thirst for experimentation, and belief in the validity of mistakes, result in a colourful tension between control and chaos.
"LOVERBOY’s roots are fixed in London’s queer nightlife scene, having been born in 2014 as both a fashion label and a cult club night. The LOVERBOY parties, first staged while Jeffrey was studying for his Masters in fashion design at Central St Martins in London, were attended by the city’s up-and-coming artists, performers, musicians, drag queens and poets, many of whom became Jeffrey’s future muses and creative collaborators."
Live performance of Advice, 2021.
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The tartan in these looks is known as the loverboy tartan. In the current collection, they have an “odorable” loverboy tartan raincoat with giant floppy bunny ears. I’m too lazy to link it, but do look it up and peruse the punk-meets-whimsy items on the website.
Taemin’s stylist for Advice was Kim Wook. You can read an interview with Kim Wook in translation here. Wook talks about he and Taemin wanting to do something impactful before Taemin entered the military, and they settled on working with silhouettes that are usually seen on female dancers. I could do a whole post on Taemin’s styling for Advice (maybe I will!), but to connect things back to the brand at hand, the flamboyantly unisex Loverboy brand seems to be at home with the goal of Advice’s styling. Advice was Taemin’s way of saying “I will go my own way and trust myself over others,” and I don’t think the androgynous or even gender-fluid looks he presented are a coincidence; Wook’s interview shows that it isn’t. These looks feel like a push forward for Taemin, and he’s been clear in saying Advice was a breakaway from his past. Act I and Act II were leading to this moment.
Taemin has been wearing Charles Jeffery Loverboy upon in return in 2023. I think the most significant choice is the non-binary shirt he wore a fan meeting during Hard era. The t-shirt is a jab at conservatives’ obsession with the love lives and indeed, bathroom usage, of LGBT+, saying, “They’re happy and satisfied. Are you?” There is a also a good-sized, unmistakable non-binary symbol on the shirt. I hadn’t seen this symbol before but it was still easy for me to comprehend. As an artist who is increasingly wearing gender-fluid outfits, it is likely a conscious choice to wear a shirt that supports non-binary rights.
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Now, we can’t forget fashion-forward, English king Key in all of this. Key has always had a love and fascination with fashion; we saw in One Fine Day his interaction with a local London fashion brands. He’s a man who knows his fashion houses, so it seems unlikely he wouldn’t know about the Loverboy brand or its ethos as a unisex brand.
Key primarily wore Charles Jeffrey Loverboy accessories for his Gasoline promotions in 2022. The adorable hat with ears is statement wrapped in cuteness, that speaks to the camp motif present in both Key’s body of work and the Loverboy label’s. It’s cute, but not too cute. It’s loud but soft, and the Loverboy stamp is there for all to see. I think that Key embodies what LSF wrote about the Lovery label as “a colourful tension between control and chaos.” Key is never afraid to experiment, and he can go from creating iconic androgynous silhouettes reminiscent of ancient gods and Beyoncé to the retro-camp shown below that almost looks like it could be at home in a Ghostbusters film. Almost.
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There are contexts where, like the above, it is more than reasonable to assume that the artists understand what they are wearing and that the choices made are conscious and in some cases made with the goal of the comeback in mind. And there are situations where it’s possible or even confirmed by the artist that they didn’t know what they were wearing or what it meant. I think it can become an obsession for some to want the styling to be conveying a secret code. With the case of Charles Jeffrey Loverboy, there’s no code and it’s not secret. It’s simply known and recognised by those who know, which is enough.
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