#not romantic hcs
forsaire · 2 months
Simon "I'll choose you. I'll always choose you. I'll choose you before myself. I'll do anything for you" Riley
John "You are not hard to love. Loving you is the easiest thing I've ever done. It's as easy as breathing. I'll fight anyone who convinced you otherwise" MacTavish
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voxlvrr · 4 months
✩°。⋆⸜ Adam with a s/o who sleeps a lot ✮
♡.・✩°。⋆ a/n : petition for more Adam fics, and thank you all for 22 followers ! 💗💗💗 also apologies for not posting for 2 days :)
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ꕥ ; Honestly Adam Doesn’t really Care That you sleep a lot most of time, but he does get a bit pissed whenever he doesn’t see you for the entire day but then he finds you locked away in your room dead asleep, he also loves to wake you up in the most craziest ways, He randomly would blow a air horn in your ears, or just randomly stand over you and lean in till you awake and he just says “sup.” before you literally scream, or he likes to use his wings to make a gust of wind to knock you right off your bed! obviously not too hard to the point where you end getting hurt, it’s just harmless fun!
ꕥ ; whenever you both are in the city whenever it be shopping,walking,or just simply sitting down and talking. you always manage to drift off somehow! you and Adam were sitting at a random spot in one of heavens parks while he was eating and ranting about his day,while you slowly drift off to the sound of his voice. he suddenly pushes two fingers on your forehead before saying “jeez babe! don’t fall asleep yet!” then goes back to ranting about his day, he still makes sure to pay attention to you making sure you don’t fall asleep once again.
ꕥ ; when you and Adam are at the angelic courthouse listening to little princess morning star rant about her kindergarten bullshit in Adams words, he wouldn’t mind if you fell asleep on him. he would just let you either lay on his shoulders or lap, or he would just wrap his wings around you kinda using it as a pillow for you to lay on aswell. he doesn’t pay attention to it much but when people stare at you two he’s like “what the fuck are you all staring at? never seen a couple before in your lives?” and then obviously people just draw their attention away.
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erabu-san · 3 months
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Do you feel bonita
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onesidedradiostatic · 1 month
alastor used to be like the biggest staticmoth shipper ever because he thought it would make vox leave him alone until he made the horrifying realisation that vox is polyamorous and that vox being with val does nothing to stop his pursuit of him
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turtleinsoup · 5 months
OK Hear me out-
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What if he doesn’t want in anyones pants, he shamelessly trying to flex his physique✨ any given moment
Also this has nothing to do with my hc but look at his long ass frog fingers 😭😂
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paiirupie · 1 year
💌 valentine confession.
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bakuvex · 4 months
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The start of an ice track :^)
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fourian · 5 months
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struggling to come up with a creative caption because i've got the vargskelethor joel "GRAND DAD" stuck in my head and it's hindering my ability to think
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mammonieruless · 4 months
Lucifer: 100% a virgin
I’ve seen many people agree on him being incredibly experienced when it comes to hookup culture, but I headcanon him to be quite the opposite. He is the avatar of pride himself; he would be wayyyyyy too prideful to offer himself as an one-night stand, no matter who the person might be. there will be exceptions when it comes to Diavolo, of course. He has never been in a serious relationship either; the man has no experience whatsoever. Aside from never having the time to pursue someone and build a connection with them because of his duties, he would be wayyyyy too scared and worried about bringing someone home only for them to harm his beloved brothers or his reputation. Mammon might be MC’s "first,” but MC is definitely Lucifer’s first. It is a match made in hell. All mc had to do was to live with him and his brothers for the entirety of the exchange program, which meant he didn’t have to go out of his way to make time to meet someone, and with time, they both grew on each other, the chemistry grew, and naturally, a strong connection formed without him ever needing to force any of it.
Mammon: He has done everything for quick cash, including sleeping with every living being that could hand him money. Even when cash is not involved, it is canon that he is a model and a party monster, so easy quick club, casino hookups are not a shocker. Out of all the brothers, him and Levi are the only ones who are the most experienced when it comes to serious relationships. Since he wears his heart on his sleeve, all the serious relationships he’s been in ended badly because his partners took advantage of him. Satan, in season one, commented that if Mammon likes someone enough, they will be showered with the richest, but if he breaks it off, then they will be left without a single penny. Knowing that many, especially his exes, only had money hearts in their eyes when they looked at Mammon, despite him pouring his heart out to them, they only viewed him as an ATM. I also headcanon that his tsundere behaviour wasn’t always there; he just started to act like that because many of his exes laughed behind his back, calling him easy, naive, and easy to trick into falling in love, thus leading him to develop this tsundere-like behaviour towards the person he likes to come off as cold, hard to get, and not easy to fool. Though he fails at acting cold and harsh towards MC, he doesn’t act all shy, blushy, or tsundere-like towards his hookups. As he doesn’t feel anything towards them, they only see a very confident, arrogant, bad boy side of him, which MC doesn’t know about.
Levi: Since he is a big anime nerd, he has high standards when it comes to dating and completely rejects hookup culture. All the romance anime he watches really set the bar high for him and makes him somewhat delusional. He has only been in a couple of serious relationships, which were all online, but unlike Mammon, some of his past lovers truly loved him for who he is but didn’t love him enough to keep up with his jealousy and his need to be reassured 24/7. Some might’ve seen him as an easy ticket to get up there in devildom’s hierarchy and get their status high up, as the seven demon brothers are hell’s government officials. + he’s literally the grand admiral of hell’s navy, man’s loaded. His insecurities, shyness, and introversion aren’t the main reason why he is in denial of someone enjoying his company or having any romantic feelings for him, but his experiences in relationships made him push away everyone and anyone who showed him any interest. We see this a lot when he friendzones or tries to find a ground where things are more platonic than romantic with the MC, despite being completely whipped for them, he is simply is terrified of them getting annoyed with his constant need of reassurance or getting into a relationship with them only for his jealousy to be too much for them to handle which would make them leave him and he would lose his only best friend, yet again.
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starrystevie · 1 year
it doesn't happen as a revelation. there's no jolting pain in his chest that sends steve reeling, no internal crisis that has him shaking on the bathroom floor, no shocking sense of guilt or desperation or fire licking in his veins. nothing that makes the world stop spinning and making him trip over his feet.
it's a normal moment when he realizes he's in love with eddie.
they're sitting in steve's car, ac blasting and music on low for once, waiting for a handful of the kids to get done with their final exams. they don't pick them up as much anymore and steve pointedly ignores how much he misses the times of carting them all around before mike started a ripple effect and got his license. but they're taking the kids to the lake after school to try and enjoy the last bits of non-suffocating sunshine before summer really hits, just like old times.
it isn't a revelation in the sense that it's some earth shattering event, but more like a moment of clarity. eddie's hair blows back for a second and he's blabbering about something from the dnd game he played the night before with his shop buddies with a wide grin and animated hands and the sun glints off the puckered pink scar on the side of his face in the most perfect way and he's beautiful and-
steve's vision seems clearer than it has in a while. his lungs feel a bit more shaky but not in a bad way, his heart stumbles against his ribcage like it's tripped over itself and the butterflies in his chest are the only things catching it. he laughs to himself because of course this has to happen when he wasn't expecting it, when he doesn't have a plan, but then eddie's looking at him and he knows he doesn't need one. not yet, anyway.
"you good, man?" eddie asks, eyebrows crinkled together and smirk on his face. he's painted golden in the afternoon sun, shining as bright as the north star. steve's always liked gold.
it's taken steve years to get here. the two of them have grown up together in the way that teenagers do while they figure out the roads laid out before them. they've learned each other's ins and outs through long nights and early mornings and everything in between. he knows his breathing, the way his footsteps sound, the smell of his aftershave, the feeling of his hands on his shoulders. it all comes together in this perfect package wrapped up in a perfect bow and for once, steve lets himself hope like he's a kid on christmas morning.
"yeah," he shakes his head to clear out the eddie-shaped stars in his vision, offers up a smirk of his own. it's taken years to get here so he still has time to do this right. "perfect."
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frickingnerd · 7 months
dating fumikage tokoyami
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pairing: fumikage tokoyami x gn!reader
tags: fluff, established relationship, petnames,
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tokoyami might not look like it, but he's a really sweet boyfriend, who has a soft spot for you! 
he's quite chivalrous, always holding open every door for you, offering you his jacket and keeping a towel with him for when you want to sit down on a bench in the park! 
he always goes the extra mile for you, like keeping some snacks in his bag for when you get hungry or buying you little gifts; mostly flowers! 
he also makes sure to ask for consent before holding your hand or kissing you, no matter how long you two are dating
date nights with tokoyami also never get boring, as he always has something new in mind! 
some nights, he'll take you for a flight over the city and you two eat take out high up on a roof
other nights, you'll be in his room and he'll read you poems and love songs that he wrote for you
and sometimes, you also watch a movie or cook together! 
when the two of you are alone, tokoyami always keeps a respectful distance, as he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable
tokoyami also let's you win during training, if you happen to be in his class – even if you tell him not to! 
he also has a ton of corny pet names for you, ranging from "my love" to "princess" or "handsome" to "angel" or "hummingbird" 
and let's not forget about dark shadow! 
he's always around the two of you and he's fond of you as well, always trying to help tokoyami out with you
he's practically tokoyami's wing man when it comes to you! 
dark shadow is your biggest fan and he'll always make sure that your relationship with tokoyami is going smooth! 
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98chao · 9 months
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thing from earlier this month
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voxlvrr · 4 months
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ Adam with a injured!exorcistreader hcs.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ with the new release of the hazbin season finale, I am devastated about adam .ꕥ
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ꕥ ; Adam is absolutely FUCKING. livid when you retreat injured from a random extermination with one of other angels carrying you back and towards one of the medical areas in the city. once he finds out what happens he’ll swear he’ll kill the cunt who injured you and also gets information off every single. Exorcist who went down there that same day, but for now he’ll stay with you in your resting room once you wake up. and you’ll actually see him drop his douche attitude for a bit, he’ll bring you things that you ask for like medicine,some of your personal things,food,water basically whatever you want!
ꕥ ; Adam would probably make you not participate in the next extermination, he’ll straight up say “soooo..I decided not to include you in this next extermination.” Deadass while eating his ribs in front of your hospital bed, he also shuts down any of your protests and interrupt you every 30 seconds. he wants you to rest and get better but he’ll NEVER admit it cause of his ego, even if you notice his sudden nicer behavior, he would go back to being a douche so it’ll probably be best not to mention it.
ꕥ ; if you’re particular very stubborn and still move around while injured, he’d be so annoyed and dragging himself behind you while groaning in annoyance, once he gets fed up with you he’d deadass wanna make a scene in front of everyone but chose not to and decided to just drag you back by your wirst while cursing down his breath, he really does love you. but even he gets annoyed at your stubbornness. even if you try moving again once again he’ll literally just wrap his golden wings around you while holding you tightly while mumbling “can’t you just stop moving every 5 fucking seconds?”
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A/n : it’s like 4am and I’m tired, sorry if this is a bit ooc and short. hope you still enjoyed!
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stiffyck · 4 months
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Bunch of Gem doodles. Bonus elven duo under the cut
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
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Don’t think I ever quite said what my LGBTQ+ headcanons are for the boys, so these are my current thoughts! Always changing of course but this is what I feel most strongly right now.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#rise donnie#rise leo#rise mikey#rise raph#donnie and leo’s sexualities being practically swapped was unintentional but it works way too well#same with mikey and raph tbh it was a happy accident#anyway I kinda hc raph as the type who doesn’t care about physical appearance just if you fight lol#Mikey’s more than happy with friends and family#Donnie is a BIG romantic but he needs time to sus a person out fully before he gets the hots for them#leo meanwhile isn’t keen on romance unless it’s with someone he grows to really really REALLY trust#I could go on and probably will later (knowing me) but it is late and I am tired haha#turtle art tag#curious as to what everyone else headcanons#the only one of these I’ll defend forever is Bi (female-leaning) donnie and trans leo#all the others can change over time but I really like where they’re sitting right now#I hope these are the right flags too because it was kinda hard to find them#went looking for transmasc flag in particular but I couldn’t find a solid agreed upon version 😭#ngl a big part of why I hc mikey as aro is because of a pun#my phone often misspells aromantic as aromatic and- and you get it- because aromatic herbs and- and Mikey is a chef do YOU GET IT#note that while I hc leo as bisexual (male-leaning) I still think he’s prob closer to demi in that as well just not as far into the spectrum#if that makes sense#headcanons are fun and hard to narrow down at the same time alas#I made this in like an hour can you tell djjdjd#I drew them all from memory so if there’s anything wrong…shhh#and if you’re wondering for April and Splinter#Both are Bisexual (female-leaning) but April is also Panromantic#I almost wanna make Splinter demiromantic too so Big Mama’s betrayal hits just a bit harder
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violent138 · 20 days
Tim: "Aw, does someone have a crush?"
Damian: "Silence, Drake, there's only one love of my life--"
Bruce, wincing as he remembers his past experiences when Dick was around that age, and really hoping he doesn't have to be embarrassed in front of multiple colleagues again:
Damian: "--and it's my katana."
Tim: "Good God, you're lame."
Bruce, nearly collapsing from relief:
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