#note that i don't write fanfiction
haleelah · 2 years
Jaydick au where they share the same soul
Where Dick actually is about to die, and the only way to save him is if someone gives/shares their soul with him. But that person ought to have a very strong and deep emotional connection to Dick, in the form of a strong feelings of love, so the spell could actually work
Now on this mission there's only Jason available right now all of the other family are far away and they won't be able to make it in time
Dick finds it bittersweet because on one hand he is fairly sure Jason doesn't even look at him as a friend let even possesses any type of love towards him, but he is also happy as he doesn't want to risk another life by tying it to his own
Time is running out and Jason is out of reach. He was deathly still and silent the whole time. Heh maybe he doesn't even want to bother with the mess that's Dick, even at his final moments.....(it hurts so bad. And not because of his injuries....)
But then Jason moves with determination in his eyes. He looks at Dick "don't worry Goldie. Everything will be alright" Huh? "promis you"
Jason faces the witch and ask them to start proceeding with spell. Dick doesn't understand anything, and in the matter of seconds a magical contract has tied both of Dick and Jason's souls together
After that, Jason makes sure to get Dick to safety. They don't really speak of what happend, for Jason it's like a secret got forced out of him, and for Dick the events overall are too overwhelming.
Jason purposefully starts avoiding Dick out after that because Jason doesn't really want to get anything from Dick only because Dick feels indebted to Jason...... which is really stupid because that will only prolong their suffering
Anyways, now that they share the same soul they develope some kind of a soul bond that helps them feel each other emotions, also both of them are way less reckless on patrols, because now the death of one of them is the death of the other......
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squorttle-pox · 3 months
A message from an AO3 author to fanfiction readers:
If you leave a comment on my work, then I love you.
If you go through my account leaving comments on all my works and every chapter that I update, then I love you.
You will never be annoying. You will never be the exception. I will never not love someone appreciating my work.
If you leave kudos, then I love you.
If you just read my fic, and don't interact, then I love you.
If you scroll past my works and never read them, then I STILL love you.
We are a community, we love each other.
Let's stop forgetting that.
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plznomonkeys · 4 months
I just imagine how Death Note would've played out if Misa had been obsessed with Light and dating him longer, but then when she lost her memories forgot why she even liked him???? Like imagine she only liked him because he was Kira, but forgot about that because of the notebook. Would've been so chaotic if she had fallen for L. Like- oml, then gets her memories back and is stuck in the middle???? I just picture Misa having an actual storyline and going "aw shit, what am I supposed to do now?" Idk, maybe not sacrificing your life for a deranged psychopath hun? Man I woulda just walked if it was me.
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Six Sentence Sunday/Creative Proof of Life
Thanks for the tags, @alexalexinii, @shrekgogurt, and @that-disabled-princess!
This WIP post is basically a proof of life statement. I can't believe it's been over a month since I posted Chapter 1 of the Haunting of Simon Snow. I'm so overdue for chapter 2, BUT... instead I finished writing the rough draft. I've been attempting to outline, because when I rough a draft, I really rough it up. Ahem.
So I have been working on it, even if there is zero evidence on AO3 as of yet.
How about some sentences? I haven't sliced up chapters yet, so not sure if this is from chapter two or three, but here's a snippet of Simon on the phone with Penny expressing some smooshy sentiments:
I curl up on the couch a bit more, maneuvering myself so my wings aren’t crushed. “I went flying last night,” I confess then, in quiet tones. Like someone might hear me. “You— Oh, but… You can’t! What if someone sees you?” I can actually hear her biting her lip. She wants to spell my problems away, and she can’t. “But I can,” I say, smiling a bit more. “There’s no one around for acres. No one will even willingly drive here on account of the house being haunted. It’s empty. And I’m flying at night.” I say flying in the present tense and realize I fully intend to fly again tonight.
Penny huffs. Her specialty. “I don’t like it.” “I do,” I say easily, warming up to explaining, hoping she’ll understand. “It’s so freeing, Pen. Like the weight of the world can’t hold me down, anymore. I feel… It’s like… It’s like I’m closer to the stars. Like I’m close to stirring up the milky way.” I let out a sigh, my eyes closing as I drop my head back, indulging in that recent memory. “I don’t hate it as much, when I’m up there. You know?” There’s a few seconds of silence, and I open my eyes again. “Pen?” “Hate what?” she asks quietly.
(just in case you were worried I wouldn't be including angst...)
Bit more info on my progress (maybe some whinging) and tags and hellos below the cut!
Fun facts about my ineffecient writing process:
I spent more than one or two hours clearing asterisks from my rough draft this morning. (Because discord has trained me to do *this* when I write instead of this.) Because I'm trying to listen to my draft via screen readers, but it keeps sounding like "asterisk-impossible-star-fuck me" (that's my favorite one honestly, it's supposed to read "Impossible. Fuck me.") which is really annoying (more often than amusing). ANYWAY… what this has revealed to me is that I use "Fuck" a lot, as well as "So good." Ahem. Take from that what you will.
BTW, I'm sure there's an easier way to do that than manually. Please don't tell me for at least a few days, or I might lose it. I am but a mortal being, with a tattered heart and patience worn thin. (Or something.)
OKAY. It's been awhile since I did one of these posts. Time really flies. Gonna give this list my best shot, but as always, open to any who want to participate! (Also adding some new names in for the new year so this is sort of my "Gee I hope this is cool with you" super long tag list. If you'd rather not be tagged, just drop me a missive to that effect!)
@leithillustration @prettygoododds @rimeswithpurple @artsyunderstudy @blackberrysummerblog @hushed-chorus @nightimedreamersworld @best--dress @whatevertheweather @ileadacharmedlife @scribble-tier @imagineacoolusername @brilla-brilla-estrellita @alleycat0306 @angelsfalling16 @fatalfangirl @erzbethluna @tender-ministrations @anxious-m3ss @ebbpettier @bubble-gumhead @facewithoutheart @bazzybelle @theimpossibledemon @aristocratic-otter @mooncello @cutestkilla @annabellelux @ic3-que3n @j-nipper-95 @letraspal @messofthejess @onepintobean @palimpsessed @raenestee @supercutedinosaurs @theearlgreymage @thewholelemon @wellbelesbian @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @youarenevertooold @bookish-bogwitch @martsonmars @orange-peony @mostlymaudlin @stardustasincocaine @confused-bi-queer
Lastly, quick note/question. Tumblr seems to be remiss in informing me when I've been tagged in other posts. Is this a common issue?
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sweetrevxnge · 2 years
Ghosts In The Snow
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Chapter One
Pairing: Vampire!Kylo Ren x Reader AU
Summary: Six long years had passed under the reign of the First Order. The bitter winters grew longer, and as they did, hope faded from the hearts of the citizens of Hosnian Prime. As a lieutenant in the Resistance cavalry, it was your duty to nurture that ember of hope. After a mission takes an unexpected turn, you are taken prisoner by a commander in the First Order, a mysterious man with an insatiable appetite—for violence, power, and you. In the coming days, you must keep the spark of your own hope alive from the dark confines of the Commander's castle.
Warnings: sexual content, violence, blood kink, gore, mentions/descriptions of injury and death
*concurrently being published on AO3 and Wattpad as well!
Chapter II
Spotify Playlist
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: Happy Halloween!!! I wanted to share the first chapter of the medieval/vampire AU fic that I've been working on for the past few months. Basically, I rewatched Game of Thrones and Castlevania and set out to write a Kylo Ren AU related to both. And what better time to start uploading it than Halloween!! My primary focus is still finishing Like Phantoms, Forever, but my goal is to continue working on and uploading this story as well. Let me know what you think of it!
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Icy wind burned your eyes as you rode under the moonless sky. Sparse trees passed by as your steed marched along the dark path, treading through the thick blanket of snow that covered the forest floor. Around you, delicate snowflakes floated down from the heavens, catching on the limbs of towering pines and landing on your cheeks, only to melt on your warm skin.
There was something hauntingly beautiful about this weather, with storm clouds draping the inky sky like a wool cloak, snuffing out the cool light of the moon and her stars. In the winter, nights like these were familiar. But not tonight.
This night was bitterly cold, the type of cold that even the thickest furs couldn’t warm. Now, after hours of trekking through the forest, you resented Commander Dameron’s decision for the squadron to not wear helmets. In theory, it seemed like the best way to increase visibility in the midnight hour. But now, with chattering teeth and a visibility of less than a few meters, you were less than pleased.
Commander Dameron had left his helmet behind at the base as well. Although, it was less of a rare occurrence for him. He seldom wore a full suit of armor, which under any other circumstance could be attributed to a plethora of reasons. Pride, confidence, or his incessant need to make his enemy aware that he was being slain by a more handsome man than he. Regardless of his reasoning, you didn’t outwardly oppose the Commander’s decision. If there was one thing you had learned during your time in the Resistance, it was to never question your commander, even over something as frivolous as a helmet. His orders came directly from the General, which meant regardless of your opinion on the matter, his discretion was final. General Organa was a pragmatic woman, and after six years of serving her, she had yet to lead you astray. You expected that tonight would be no different.
Covert operations were nothing new to you, having taken part in over a dozen successful missions before. Even when things became precarious, you were able to keep your wits about you and get your men out in one piece. It was for this reason that the General trusted you with the most sensitive missions, like tonight’s.
As you neared the location of the reported First Order encampment, trepidation rolled through your stomach. There was something uncomfortable about these woods, more than the typical unease of marching into the unknown, or the prospect of losing your men in a bloodbath. The forest felt suffocating, as if you were being swallowed by the trees the further you rode. Perhaps it was the moonless sky causing your skin to crawl, or the eerie silence that surrounded you.
In front of you, Commander Dameron was barely visible through the heavy snowfall, and further away than you would have liked him to be. But then again, that was how he typically operated.
His daring attitude and hunger for battle were just a few of your favorite qualities of his, with his striking good looks and razor-sharp wit following closely behind. He was a natural leader, often utilizing every quality in his arsenal to earn cooperation from his soldiers, including yourself.
The two of you worked well together, sharing a chemistry both in leadership and out in the field. Thanks to his effortless charisma and affinity for your presence, you had been his loyal right-hand for many years. The General could always rely on your squadron to extract the intelligence she needed, or defeat any amount of stormtroopers that impeded her cause.
For six long years, the sovereign state of Hosnian Prime had been plagued by war, its people forced to bend the knee to the usurper First Order or lose their head. While many citizens chose to submit their will, there were those who refused to comply, who sacrificed everything for liberty. The Resistance was born from their bravery, their determination to fight for what was just. It was their emblem that you wore proudly on your armor, the same emblem that inspired hope in the downtrodden and oppressed throughout the world.
The moment Vice Chancellor Snoke flaunted the severed head of Chancellor Villecham to the people of Republic City, you knew that fighting this war was your only option if you wanted to save your home. The carnage that ensued in the city square was nothing short of pure evil and to this day, despite the brutality you had since witnessed and partaken in, still made your stomach churn. In the days that followed, Snoke led vicious attacks on the remaining New Republic officials, with word of his violence reaching you and the other fugitives not long after. The destruction of Hosnian Prime’s liberty was the catalyst for your enlistment in the Resistance, and remained as the motivation to end this civil war.
You tried not to dwell much on that horrific day, but it was difficult to avoid on long rides like this, finding that your mind would often drift there when you were riding towards an imminent battle. The tight secrecy of this operation was unsettling, but what little information you did know was repeating ceaselessly in your head.
The purpose of this mission was to ambush a suspected First Order camp, one that was said to be housing a handful of its leading officers. By all accounts, it was meant to be a fairly typical intelligence extraction and execution, except there would be no execution, as the General had placed a strict defense-only order on this mission, meaning you were not to strike an attack unless it was a defensive measure. Such an order left much to be answered, but from what you knew of war, it likely meant that General Organa couldn’t afford to lose the men. It also meant that whichever First Order officials were residing at this camp were not vital to its operation, for if they were, the next sunrise they would see would be from the top of wooden spikes.
The General’s briefing was not unlike many of her others. It was short and eloquent as always, but by the end of it, she was practically ordering the group out of the room, rather than her usual dismissal of telling everyone to get back to work. You, along with every other person involved in this operation, were left confused by her behavior, left to your imagination to fill in the gaps. It wasn’t long before gossip began to spread throughout the unit.
A misstep from your horse pulled you back to the present, prompting you to soothe her fright before she could make too much noise. It was imperative to the success of this ambush that none of your men—or their horses—made a sound.
After a few strokes down her spine and quiet, reassuring whispers, her pace steadied. You looked ahead for the signal from Commander Dameron that you were approaching the encampment, but in the hazy clearing, his presence had been reduced to a set of tracks left into the snow.
The festering dread in your gut became unbearable as you continued to trudge through the dark foliage, debating whether or not it would be appropriate to catch up to Commander Dameron and share your concerns. You could only imagine the lecture you would receive from the General if you strayed from the plan in any manner, but at the same time, you trusted your instinct. Something didn’t feel right.
The crunch of snow beneath hooves and the light rattle of armor were the only sounds that filled the air. That was until a scream pierced the night air, sending a chill colder than the snow down your spine.
Panic rose in your chest as your horse reared off the ground and spun wildly, frightened beyond your control. You tried to orient yourself in the darkness, scanning the white haze for your men, as well as your commander.
Another scream followed shortly after, along with a string of cries from the soldier’s horse. One final wail sliced through the air like a banshee cry, full of agony, before the world fell silent.
There was someone else—or something else—in these woods.
The soldiers behind you erupted in a cacophony of confusion, worry, and pleas to the gods for mercy. You steered your horse away from them, more concerned with Commander Dameron’s safety than theirs. As terrible as it seemed, soldiers were expendable, leadership was not. Besides, if you fell back to help them, your fate would be the same as theirs—bloody and mangled.
More anguished cries rang throughout the dark woods, following you as you rushed forward, whipping the reins to keep your pace.
“Commander? Commander?!” you shouted into the abyss of the night. You uttered a quiet prayer as you waited for his response.
The whisper of wind was all you received in return.
“COMMANDER!” you screamed, your throat burning from the wintry air as you cried out.
With bleary eyes, you continued to ride, dodging the brush and rogue branches hanging in your path. It was then that a horrible realization occurred to you. Aside from the sound of your shallow breaths and hooves stomping, the forest was utterly silent.
Your panic quickly transformed into terror. The sounds of slaughter that had been trailing you had ceased. Whatever had been hunting your men could now only be hunting you.
There was no time to waste. Adrenaline rushed through your veins as you unlatched your boots from the saddle and prepared to dismount your horse, hoping to be a smaller target on foot.
Before you could swing your leg over the saddle to jump down, an invisible blow struck the center of your chest, hurling you backwards through the air until you collided with the rough bark of a tall pine.
Bright spots filled your vision as you hit the frozen ground, gasping for air despite the ache spreading through your ribs. A high pitch rang in your ears as you pushed yourself up and staggered to your feet. The snow beneath you was stained red, and from the taste of copper in your mouth and the tender sore on your tongue, it was clear that you had bitten it during the fall.
Away from your sight, your horse neighed and reared wildly, galloping over the roots buried beneath the snow and snapping dry branches that covered her path. For a moment, you hoped that she was running towards you, that her senses would guide her back to you. But you were a fool. 
The sound of ripping flesh and a final, harrowing cry from your horse resonated through the woods, followed by a heavy thud and a deafening silence.
You blinked the falling snowflakes away from your eyes as you stood there, rooted in the snow, trying to see which direction the midnight creature would attack from. Your heart was a few beats away from bursting through your chest, which would likely be a less painful death than what was to come.
The outline of a figure breached the snowfall, stalking towards you as you retreated on your heels, fueled by the adrenaline coursing through you.
As you reached for your sword, your limbs were frozen in place, as if your body had been wrapped in nonexistent restraints. Your breath caught in your throat. Resisting the energy proved futile, tiring your muscles and leaving you entirely defenseless. You watched in horror as the creature came into view.
“Was that you I heard calling for me, my dear?”
You could barely hear the question over the hammering of your pulse. The voice was low and brassy, and almost sounded amused. As it drew closer, you were surprised to find that the owner was not a bloodthirsty monster, but a man.
You lifted your chin and blinked back the tears that welled in your eyes, hoping to appear brave in the face of death.
“You certainly were difficult to catch,” he growled, stepping through the haze. “But the difficult ones always make for the best hunt.”
The man stepped into view, his dark armor a stark contrast to the backdrop of snowfall. In the drops of moonlight that spilled through the clouds, you could make out the details of his helmet—a haunting, black mask with silver ridges outlining the eye shield, gleaming in the waning light.
“What are you doing all the way up here, officer?” he asked, tilting his head slightly as he raised a gloved hand to your face, his outstretched fingers nearly grazing your skin.
“I–” you began to say before you choked on your words. An excruciating pain split your skull, unlike anything you had experienced before. The sensation could only be compared to something found in nightmares, crafted in the fires of Hell for the most unabashed sinners. The tears you had fought to hold back finally spilled from your eyes, freezing as they rolled down your cheeks while the masked man rummaged through your mind.
“You’re a lieutenant,” he said quietly, his intrigue evident even through his helmet.
You didn’t try to deny his statement, all too aware that your rank was the only thing keeping you from suffering the same fate as the rest of your men.
“A woman as second-in-command…” He traced the back of his hand along your jaw, the smooth leather interrupting the stream of tears that ran from your eyes.
Slowly, he moved behind you, examining you how a butcher would inspect a lamb before the slaughter. Through the shield of his mask, you could feel his eyes roaming over you. 
Acid bubbled in your throat as you stood there, helpless to the force that held you in place. The fate of your men seemed like salvation in comparison to what was likely awaiting you.
Would he take you prisoner? Would he violate you? How long would you suffer before succumbing to your inevitable fate?
Each thought piled onto the other as they raced through your head. You were grateful that he had released his grip on your mind, that your fears were known only to you.
Behind him, a handful of other men emerged from the night, standing in a tight formation behind their leader. The other parties responsible for the massacre of your men, you presumed.
“Sir, we were unable to locate the Commander,” one of the men informed him.
He moved closer behind you, pieces of his armor grazing yours. “Forget him. We have what we need.”
Before you could process his words, the energy around your limbs disappeared and you swayed, suddenly dizzy, like you had indulged in one too many glasses of wine. The edges of your vision blurred and despite wanting to kick your attacker and run as far as you could, your legs wouldn’t budge. The last thing you felt before darkness rushed in was a pair of strong arms wrapping around you as your body went slack, sealing your fate.
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hjemne · 6 months
Babygirl I have 38 thousand words of incomplete trigun fic spread across 8 wips and have no idea how to even start dealing with it
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pockykierra · 7 months
Crowley hated this.
No, not watching Aziraphale prance ahead of him, absolutely beaming with his plans for the meeting that night. It wasn’t that he hated. In Crowley's eyes - snake-like as they were - any moment spent admiring his angel was a moment well spent. He could never detest seeing Aziraphale so happy, exuding pure excitement and energy. Never.
What he hated was the distance. Aziraphale was barely an arm's length away, Crowley swaggered only a few steps behind - and yet, despite everything, despite the years of them being an "us, " it still felt like a chasm between them. Something keeping them out of reach from one another, this time entirely out of the influence of Heaven and Hell.
Though, in all honesty, it wasn't the physical nature of the distance that bothered him. For them - for Crowley - it would never be that simple. If only he could pick up his pace so he was walking side-by-side with Aziraphale, and everything would feel right in the world. If only their proximity was the issue.
No, it wasn't the gap between their bodies that he despised. It was what it represented. He hated the distance between them because it symbolized where Aziraphale would always be for Crowley.
Just out of reach.
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daddyplasmius · 8 months
hand on my stupid heart flashbacks
this is a No One Knows AU & Full Hazmat AU where Danny ended up in the Ghost Zone & didn't go back into the human world initially because he thought he was dead. by the time he realized he is, in fact, at least half alive, he'd already been missing for at least 2 weeks. will probs never finish homsh sorry. i wrote this a couple years ago in a haze & just haven't been able to finish it because i can't replicate the style, which i find is what i love about this fic the most. it wouldn't be the same without it. posting the flashback introsーwhich are meant to be read between chapters/the actual plot, starting after chapter 1ーcuz fuck it. excuse typos & shit, i never properly edited it, as i forgot it existed immediately after i wrote it original description of homsh: Danny Fenton has officially been missing for over a year. Maddie & Jack Fenton refuse to give up on their son. Sick and tired of the police running them in circles, and the case getting colder by the day, the Fentons turn to their last resortーPhantom. 800~ words (full unfinished fic is 20k~)
When Danny woke up surrounded by thick, green fog, and couldn’t breathe without swallowing heavy air that was more like water than anything, he was sure he was dead. The portal glowed behind him, illuminating the pitch darkness around him in soft, yellow, warm light.
He almost went back.
He was dead. His parents were ghost hunters. They had drilled into his head from the moment he was born that he could never, ever panic in death. That he would accept it. That he would not be scared. So he would be prepared to be brave in the face of death and would not become a ghost.
He panicked. He did not accept it. He was terrified. And so he woke up in the Ghost Zone.
Danny went back through the portal when he saw some ectopuses acting… strange. Like they had an idea in their heads. Like they had a plan.
Which was weird, with animal ghosts. He had only been in the Ghost Zoneーmom and dad called it that, he rememberedーfor a couple weeks. Or, he had already been there for two weeks. Or maybe time worked differently and he was there five minutes, or four years orー
The ectopuses went through the portal and, despite everything, Danny went after them.
While he was busy reeling at being home, the ectopuses immediately attacked dad. Danny was horrified. Jack was overwhelmed. Danny stepped in, in a moment fueled by sheer adrenaline and stupidity, snatching a Fenton Thermos™ off a shelf and releasing his shaky invisibility. The ectopuses didn’t stand a chance. And when they were safely in the Thermos, he slowly turned around to dad, ready for the confrontation. Ready for the “what happened to you?” and the “where have you been?” and the “we’ve missed you”.
Dad scrambled to shoot at him.
Danny fled.
His parents didn’t recognize him.
The Lunch Lady attacked when Danny was mourning Halloween.
He’d waited all year. He made a costume that summer. He wouldn’t get to go trick or treating with Sam and Tucker this year. Or any year. For the rest of his lifeーor existence. Whatever.
The Lunch Lady appeared in the school and demanded in straight fury, “Who changed the menu?”
Everyone pointed at Sam.
Danny hadn’t known just how powerful ghosts could be. His parents never told him the specifics. Just that they were dangerous.
This ghost grew and her aura hit him like a hurricane, almost physically pushing him back. It was so strong that the students in the Casper High cafeteria seemed to feel it too.
The Lunch Lady was a much harder opponent than the ectopuses. She levitated meat. She used it as a weapon, and seemed to bring it back to life. She created weird meat creatures that grew sharp teeth and claws out of bones. They were mindless, attacking everything that got too close to the ghost. Danny would have run away without hesitation, if Sam hadn’t been in the crossfire.
Danny fought the Lunch Lady. It was a long struggle, but he caught her in the thermos after over an hour. When he turned to Sam and Tuckerーboth of whom he had to save due to Tucker trying to jump into the fightーall three of them bloody and bruised, he cringed. But a part of him hoped. Desperately.
Surely they would know him on sight.
“Wh-what are you?” Sam gasped at him finally.
Danny flinched as if she had struck him. “J-just… your friendly neighbourhood phantom.”
Danny didn’t know what possessed him. Oh. Pun not intended.
He just barely caught the Fentons leaving in the GAV, dragging suitcases behind them. He couldn’t help himself. What on Earth were they doing?
They were going to Vlad Master’s mansion for their college reunion.
It was a whole thing. But something was off. Besides all the adults reminiscing about the 80’s.
Danny sensed ghosts immediately but he couldn’t see anything. Unfortunately for him, Vlad could also sense him. It was two days of Danny staying invisible, and Vladーthe halfa? Is that what Danny is?ーtrying to kill Jack. Somehow, Danny managed to fight off Vlad, not turn back, and without the Fentons getting hurt. His secret intact.
VladーPlasmius, also learned about Phantom. And Vlad hated him. The manーghostーwhatever, seemed to only care about one thingーpossession. Of money. Of things. Of people. He was more ghost than Danny had ever seen. Vlad’s obsession was overwhelming.
Danny couldn’t believe someone so much like himself could be so disturbing.
#danny phantom#danny phantom au#danny phantom fanfiction#you know that gif of the wailing emoji dissolving? :Why:?#yeah that's what i do every time i remember i never finished HOMSH while i still had the style in my brain#feel free to steal this idea. please steal this idea. please write it i wanna see this idea so bad but im already writing another 100k+ fic#if y'all want me to post the full fic i can but. it is not finished & most likely never will be. sorry again#i won't lie. the haze i was in was a depressed one. i was. not in a good place At All when i wrote HOMSH#like the only part i remember actually writing was the panic attack scene & that's just barely#i reread the whole fic in the middle of the night months later while listening to Implode Alright by Built by Snow on repeat#yeah i cried. this one is funny but mostly it's just. mourning. grief. the works. it's a vent fic & also a. kind of. wishful fic#like. don't you just wish death wasn't so permanent. don't you wish you could tell them everything you wish you could#don't you wish you could just see them again#i'm actually writing this into a bigger ventier series currently called Let Grief Do Its Work#cuz i rewatched LUCIDS again recently & remembered what HOMSH was originally about. why i was writing it#i'm not calling it HOMSH cuz. HOMSHie is my baby. it's its own thing & i don't wanna ruin the vibes#reluctantly admitting i call an unfinished fanfic i don't remember writing... HOMSHie baby... in my head#yeah i have a cute nickname for my fic. what of it#it's 5am & i think i'll throw up if i think any more about posting unfinished unedited pieces of a fic so i'm going for it. cowabunga#go into the world. get your 2 notes you beautiful animal#*passes out*
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umbracirrus · 1 month
WIP Wednesday 💛
Wednesday again!!! I've been trying to work some more on the next chapter for The Perfect Storm, because this Friday marks a year since I posted the first chapter!! I'm honestly so so happy that I'm still working on it now, after years without the heart to write, seventeen chapters in with many more to go!
Some more festival shenanigans with Elyse and Balgruuf, inspired by my discovery that one of Balgruuf's primary skills in Skyrim happens to be archery.
Elyse groaned quietly as her arrow feebly clattered to the ground some feet before the target, and Balgruuf had to stifle a laugh as she started muttering to herself quietly. All that he could hear was her blaming both the cold and the bow, pale wisps of air dissipating around her as she grumbled. He had never expected her to be the sort of person who took losing or failing badly, but given how stubborn she could sometimes be… perhaps it wasn't as far-fetched as he had first thought.
Unfortunately, she heard him trying to conceal his amusement, and she continued mumbling for a moment longer before staring at him. “I saw that, and it isn't funny! This was a fluke, there’s only two bows I can use properly, and this isn’t like either of them!” she huffed, before taking a deep breath, walking over to him, and thrusting the bow into his hands. “How about you try? If my attempt was so amusing, then that must surely mean that you can do better than me.”
He barely had the chance to protest before she had more or less pushed him onto the mark indicated on the ground to shoot the target from. “Elyse, I wasn’t laughing at-“ He stopped speaking when he saw her hands on her hips and the raised eyebrow that she was giving him. “Oh, for the love of... Fine.”
Seemingly satisfied with his decision to go along with her demands, she called Elrindir over to ask for three more arrows.
It had been a while since he had used a bow himself, so he didn't have any high expectations of what he would be able to achieve, but… well, Elyse's arrows had barely made it halfway to the target. He was confident that he could manage at least a bit closer if he hadn't allowed himself to get too rusty in his abilities.
Balgruuf could feel Elyse’s eyes on him expectantly as he took one of the arrows he had been given, held the bow up, positioned his hands and arms, before letting the arrow loose. It sailed through the air, passing over the scattered arrows from her failed attempts, before embedding itself into the target. It wasn’t quite on the centre, but was decently close enough all things considered.
A quiet tut came from his side. “Show off. Probably just luck...”
The same happened with the second arrow. It was much closer to the edge of the target, but the wind had ended up picking up and no doubt had an impact on his aim. Elyse inhaled sharply at the very moment the arrow had landed, and from the corner of his eyes he could see her start fidgeting.
When the third arrow landed on the target she didn’t audibly react, but when he turned to face her, she had a dumbfounded stare plastered across her face. That look was quick to turn into a pout accompanied by her folding her arms over as he started laughing once more. She genuinely didn't take losing well at all.
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ladylynse · 8 months
Revision: Maddie can’t deny it any longer. If ectoplasm can become blood, there’s more to this story than she ever realized. Sequel to Shift
Chapter 15, in which Jazz comes to a decision and Maddie has a confrontation for which she really couldn't prepare herself.
Also on FFN
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unsanedes · 9 months
The research for the problematic and juicy fic is going well
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@theojamie @hemlocksandfoxgloves
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xiao-brothers · 6 months
Really wanting to write an AU where Di Feisheng and Li Xiangyi both wash up on the same beach without their memories after their East Sea battle.
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Wandering Spirit
*blows a kiss* For my Crack Anons <3
Been working on this for a couple of weeks now. The Pokemon AUs really inspired me, so I wrote how Lan came into contact with Mega as a Yamask
If you’re new here: This fic is inspired by the MMBN Pokemon AU initially conceived by an Anon suggesting the idea that when Hub died his soul turned into a Yamask. Since then, some more nice Anons have come to me with more prompts for the AU
Hope you enjoy!
“Yamask: The Spirit Pokemon. These Pokemon arose from the spirits of people interred in graves in past ages. Each retains memories of its former life.”
He’s not sure how long he’s been wandering. Days? Weeks? Months? Years? He only knows the simplest things like how to find food and shelter from the elements. Most other pokemon avoid him, not wanting to anger him if they were to come too close to the mask he holds.
His mask…
He stops where he is to once again take a look at the mask in his possession, never daring to part with it. He feels an oncoming wave of tears as he looks at it and remembers…
He didn’t live a long life, barely enough time to fully live. He had an illness of the heart, an incurable one at that. Multiple doctors tried to save him, even doing risky and experimental surgeries, but it was useless. He was doomed the moment he had his first spell at only 6 months old.
His name is…or was…Hub Hikari, and he sadly died at the young age of 3 years old. Sometime—he’s not quite sure when—after his burial, his soul somehow rose from the grave and took shape into a Yamask. He’s been roaming the land since, searching for a new purpose in this new life.
He wishes he could reunite with his family, especially his twin Lan, but it feels like a fool’s dream. Once he realized he had been reborn, his first instinct was to go back home…but then he hesitated. He isn’t the same Hub anymore, he’s a pokemon now, a ghost pokemon at that! Ghost pokemon have a stigma attached to them as being sinister. He fears his family would never accept him…well, if they could tell it even is him that is.
So he abandons the dream of coming back home, deciding that starting fresh is probably for the best. Maybe one day he’ll be caught by a trainer, or maybe even a coordinator. He could participate in battles and contests. That could be fun, right?
He sighs again. Until that day comes, he’ll just continue to wander. This new life is turning out to be so lonely…
He suddenly stops where he’s at. It’s currently nighttime and usually at this time the forest he’s been inhabiting becomes quiet and tranquil, but not now. He senses that there’s a disturbance. His hearing picks up heartbreaking sobs and terrified cries of a child.
“Papa! Mama! Where are you!” he hears from the distance, “Please! Don’t leave me alone! Waaah!”
Even though it isn’t any of his business, his soul seems to be drawn to these wails. Why is that? He remembers his mother often praised his kindness and bravery, calling him a “noble soul.” Is that what this is? Is he just feeling a strong desire to help someone in need?
Not wanting to question it further, Hub follows the sounds the child is still emitting, winding his way through the trees and shrubbery. When the cries get louder, he knows he’s close and once he reaches a clearing he pauses, choosing to hide behind a tree and assess the situation rather than jump in unannounced.
Peering behind his hiding spot, Hub looks out into the clearing to see a child—probably no older than 5—curled into himself on the ground, his hands fisted and pressed into his face. Even though he can’t see his eyes, Hub knows the child has fat tears rolling down his chubby cheeks.
“Papa… Mama… Please, come find me… It’s so dark and scary.” The child says, quieter this time, his voice probably hoarse from all the wailing he had done for the last few minutes.
Hub’s heart goes out to the child, and he feels that tug at his soul again. He may not be able to find this boy’s parents, but he can at least keep him company until they do find him. His mind made up, Hub approaches the child.
Because of his lack of feet, he makes no sound to alert the child of his presence. So it’s no shock that once he lays a comforting (or what he hopes is comforting) hand on the child’s head did the boy startle in fright.
“Who’s there?!” the boy shouts, his wide brown eyes looking to his new shadowy companion.
Despite the darkness of the night, Hub has excellent vision—as all ghost pokemon do—so even if the little boy can’t see him, he can definitely identify every detail of the boy’s face. And what he sees makes his soul cry out and more tears fall from his eyes.
For the boy in front of him is none other than his dear brother—his twin, Lan Hikari.
Unable to speak in a human tongue, Hub produces sounds only a Yamask can make. He tries to convey to his twin who he is, how much he’s missed him, and how much he wishes to be accepted in this new form. He wants Lan to take him home.
But unfortunately for Hub, Lan can’t speak his new language. All his babbling has earned him is a terrified and confused expression on the child’s face.
“Wh-What do you want? G-Go away!” Lan commands, his 5-year-old body trembling as he speaks his words. “I’m warning you, my Papa used to be a strong trainer! He’ll fight you off if you hurt me!”
Hurt him? Hurt his brother? He would never—!
But Lan doesn’t know that…
Lan doesn’t know this is his deceased brother next to him…
The realization that he truly can’t be accepted by his twin weighs heavily on Hub. More tears fall from his eyes as he droops his body in depression. The action seems to have caught Lan’s attention.
“Huh? Are you crying? Why do you look so sad?”
Hub would answer if he could. Sadly, all he knows how to do is cry some more, his heart and soul shattering at finally reuniting with his little brother only to be rejected immediately.
“H-Hey! Don’t cry! I was just bluffing about my Papa! He’s just a pokemon researcher. He did take the gym challenge a long time ago, but he told me he wanted to study pokemon more than make them fight. Oh, geez, I’m sorry!”
Hub looks up and is surprised to see Lan looking sheepish, his tears dried up now and a hand behind his head. He finds it funny in a way, Lan having spent all this time lost and upset and now he’s comforting a pokemon who also became upset. They make quite the pair, it seems.
Seeing that his new companion has calmed down some, Lan decides to continue talking, “I’m sorry I yelled at you. Mama and I came to this town to visit Papa since he’s been busy with work. We decided to take a walk and I saw this really cool Nymble. I chased it into this forest and before I knew it…I got lost.”
He then looks down, his soft brown eyes watering, “I tried to find my way back, but then it kept getting darker and I kept getting more lost. I told Mama I would be brave, but I’m scared now. I don’t know if I’ll see her or my Papa again!”
Hub startles when Lan starts sobbing again, his whimpers breaking the poor Yamask’s heart.
“I’m scared. I want to go home! I want my Mama, I want my Papa… I want my brother!”
Hub’s eyes widen at this admission. Lan remembers him? Even though he’s been dead for a couple of years, he and Lan hardly saw each other due to Hub always being in the hospital. He admits he was fearful Lan forgot all about him after his death.
“I want my brother, but he’s gone now! He’s gone and he’s not coming back! I can’t do anything on my own and I hate it!”
Not knowing what else to do, Hub takes his arms and wraps them around his twin. He tries to sooth the little boy as best as he can, trying to convey that his big brother is here now, he doesn’t have to cry anymore.
Even if he can’t get his feelings across, he at least can tell that the hug makes Lan feel better. He can feel it in his soul. Even if they’ve been apart, coming back to him feels like a bond is being mended. Maybe it’s because they are identical twins—born from the same egg, once the same person before being split in their mother’s womb. Nothing can break a bond between brothers. Nothing can break them apart now, Hub will make sure of it.
Lan sniffles, a watery laugh escaping his lips, “I don’t get it… You come out of nowhere, scare me, cry like a baby, and now you’re hugging me after I start crying too? You’re weird…”
Hub lets out a huff. Here he is trying to console this lost child (and his brother no less) and he gets called weird? Rude!
“…But I like you.” Lan finishes, his arms wrapping tightly around Hub’s shadowy body. Hub feels something warm in his chest.
The tender moment is sadly interrupted by the sound of a bush rustling. Lan lets go of his new friend to peer at it in curiosity while Hub stands by him, his guard up.
“Mama? Papa?” the little boy asks, his voice hopeful that his parents have finally found him.
Unfortunately, it isn’t the boys’ parents that greet them, but a wild Poochyena, teeth bared in malice and red eyes full of hate. Lan gasps in fright and backs away, hoping the distance would keep the hostile pokemon from attacking.
Hub rushes in front of Lan, his body poised in a way to indicate to his enemy that he should back off. The Poocyena sneers in Hub’s direction, producing a menacing growl to show dominance. His enemy doesn’t seem to want to communicate, so Hub has to take a guess and deduces that he and his twin have somehow trespassed onto the wild pokemon’s home turf.
Because of the type disadvantage, Hub will be in trouble if this leads to a fight, so he tries to calmly request that the Poochyena let him and Lan leave quietly. No one has to get hurt, and they won’t show their faces around this part of the forest again…
Much to Hub’s disappointment, however, the pup appears to be the arrogant type. His enemy conveys in harsh barks that he would rather fight and stake his claim than do peace. Without warning, the hostile pokemon pounces, using a Bite attack as he sinks his fangs into Hub’s tail and violently tosses him aside. Now that the bodyguard is no longer in the way, the Poochyena turns his red eyes to the defenseless Lan. Shaking in fear, the little boy manages to find his footing and stumbles further into the forest, trying to get away as his predator takes chase.
Despite the Bite greatly weakening him, Hub manages to bring himself back up. He feels a second wind as the desire to protect his brother spurs him on. He doesn’t care if there’s a type disadvantage, Lan’s in trouble! He just got him back, he’ll be damned if he’s taken from him again. Making haste, the Yamask ventures into the forest—the bond he regained by reuniting with his twin guiding him.
It doesn’t take long to find Lan and the Poochyena, as the wild pokemon corners the child against a pile of rocks next to a rushing river. Lan manages to climb a few of the rocks to distance himself, but it’s clear the pup could easily jump up to snag him with his teeth. Not knowing what else to do, Hub rushes at his opponent, pushing him far away from his brother.
“Yamask!” Lan cries out in shocked delight.
The Poochyena barely manages to avoid the rushing river, lifting himself up and sending a hateful glare at the Yamask. Retaliating, the wild pokemon goes for another Bite attack but this time Hub is prepared, using Protect to defend himself against the super effective move.
Annoyed by the defensive move, the Poochyena uses Howl, raising his attack stat. The Yamask begins to worry; he’s already heavily damaged from that first Bite, another one will definitely cause him to fall and his Protect hardly ever works twice in a row…
“Look out!” Lan yells, fear for his new friend evident. “Dodge, Yamask!”
As if he’s an actual pokemon fit for battle, Hub obeys Lan’s command and manages to dodge the Poochyena’s attack. Seeing an opening, he uses his Astonish attack, causing his opponent to flinch. The attack isn’t very effective, he knows, but if he can keep this up, he might just be able to grab Lan and flee.
The battle continues, Poochyena trying to use another Bite, but is foiled by Protect once again. Fed up by this strategy, Hub’s opponent decides to use Sand Attack, lowering his accuracy. Now that the Yamask is distracted by the sand in his eyes, the pup could use another Howl. Hub begins to sweat, knowing the next upcoming move. If another Bite attack lands, it’s all over. He has to act fast!
Lan gasps in worry and fright as he watches the Poochyena unleash the super effective move. He thinks that this is it for his new friend, but he manages to witness something at the last minute before the attack lands—the Yamask unleashing some kind of hazy mist. Lan is confused at first, as the Bite does hit and takes Yamask down, but it seems that he isn’t out of the fight just yet; just barely holding on, if not worse for wear…
The Poochyena growls in annoyance, knowing his opponent used Haze to bring their stats back to base, meaning his previous Howl was useless and the Yamask’s accuracy was brought back to normal. In an attempt to end the charade, he tries once again to Bite, but it’s useless…that blasted Yamask is able to perform another Protect!
From his protective shield, Hub notices the wild pokemon’s frustration at the turn the battle has taken. The Poochyena must’ve used up all of the PP earlier in the day because instead of trying to continue to use Bite, it starts unleashing more Sand Attacks to lower Hub’s accuracy. It then starts making failed attempts at hitting him with Tackle, which has no effect at all. The lack of effect his efforts are making adds fuel to the Bite Pokemon’s anger. Meanwhile, the child above on the rocks gives a boastful laugh.
“Stupid Poochyena! You can’t use tackle on a ghost! Just give up already! Bleh!” Lan jeers, holding down an eyelid and sticking out his tongue toward the pup.
The boy’s comments didn’t please the Poochyena, as he now ignores the Yamask in favor of using his Tackle against the pile of rocks Lan is still perched on. The child yelps, feeling his safe haven shaking in protest.
“H-Hey! Stop!” he pleads, trying to keep his footing, though the rocks aren’t very sturdy. If he’s not careful, he’ll fall either into the river or into the Bite Pokemon’s gaping maw. “Yamask! Help!”
Hub panics at hearing the cries for help and uses what little energy he has left to try and push himself up. It’s difficult, he’s so tired, but he can’t give up! His brother needs him!
Hub groans, but finally rights himself. He slowly floats his way to his opponent, hoping what he does next pays off because there’s no more chances after this…
His opponent doesn’t see him approach and it’s the perfect chance to strike. Using what strength he has left, Hub rushes in front of the Poochyena and uses Astonish, effectively causing him to flinch. Then, with the enemy’s guard down, Hub shoves the wild pokemon hard, causing him to lose his footing and fall into the rushing river. The last thing Hub hears are whimpers and cries as the current takes Poochyena away.
With the battle finally over, Hub allows himself to relax, leading to him carelessly flop onto the hard ground. He barely registers the child scrambling down the rocks, calling out to him excitedly.
“You were so cool!” Lan gushes, rushing in front of him and beginning to gesture wildly. “The way you took that bully on felt like something a superhero would do! You were like WHAM! And he was all grrrr and rawr! But then you were all like BACK OFF! It was super awesome—no, better than super—it was MEGA AWESOME!”
Hub stares in awe as he watches Lan recount the battle in his own childish way. The absolute excitement and the fire in his eyes are a stark contrast from the crying child he first encountered. This seems to be the real Lan he’s witnessing right now…and the real Lan thinks he’s…mega awesome?
Still too weak to really register what is going on, he feels his brother pull him up from the ground. To Hub’s shock, Lan happily wraps his arms around the Yamask, his face sweetly nuzzling against his shadowy body.
“You saved me…” he says in a grateful and gentle tone, “Thank you.”
Hub feels a new wave of tears enter his eyes, but this time not in sadness. No, these are tears of joy. This. This is where he belongs, right by his twin’s side. Always.
Sadly, the tender moment has to end as the reunited brothers hear a couple of voices in the distance. One belonging to a man, the other a woman.
“Lan! Lan, where are you?”
“Lan! Lan, sweetie, please say something if you’re out there!”
Lan gasps, “Papa! Mama! They’ve finally found me!” He lets Hub go as he moves a few paces ahead. Screaming at the top of his little lungs, the 5-year-old calls out to his parents, “I’m here! I’m here Papa, Mama! I’m right here!”
Hub’s feelings of warmth and contentment are dashed away, and anxiety takes over once again as he realizes that the voices belong to his parents as well… Trembling slightly, he moves himself further away, afraid to be immediately noticed.
“Yuichiro, I hear him! He doesn’t sound far!” he hears his Mama say, before she cries out again, “We’re coming, Lan!”
“Stay where you are, son,” his Papa says next. “We’ll find you!”
“Okay!” Lan says, relief in his voice at finally being able to go back home with his family. Thinking his new friend would be happy for him as well, he turns to the Yamask…only to see the pokemon is trying to blend into the shadows.
“What’s the matter? Are you scared?” he asks, brows furrowed. “Don’t be scared, they’re nice people. I told you Papa is a researcher, he loves pokemon! He won’t hurt you, honest. Mama won’t either, even if she is scary when she’s angry,” he tries to play off the last line as a joke but it falls flat as he sees his new friend is still withdrawn.
Before he can try to coax him out any further, the sound of footsteps becomes more prominent and his parents rush into the clearing. His Mama reaches Lan first, immediately pulling him tightly against her.
“Oh, my baby! Don’t you ever scare me like that again, do you understand?” Mama says, embracing her son with all her might.
“I promise, Mama… I’m sorry.” Lan mumbles, not exactly enjoying the tight embrace but accepting it all the same.
“You certainly gave us a fright, son!” Papa says, ruffling the child’s hair affectionately, “Now that we found you, we can get out of this scary forest and into the nice, warm hotel.”
“Yeah,” Lan agrees, “I’m ready to go now.”
While the tender reunion happens before his eyes, Hub feels a strong ache in his being. Shifting his focus, he looks to the mask he holds onto, nostalgia coursing through him.
Something he hasn’t had in a long time…
He felt so happy being with Lan, and now he has to say goodbye again? Life really is cruel…
Before Hub can make his escape into the night, he suddenly hears his twin speak up.
“Oh, by the way, I made a new friend!”
His parents give him a curious look. “Oh?” Papa asks, intrigued, “What new friend?”
Lan manages to wrestle his way out of his mother’s arms and runs to where Hub still floats in hiding. Panic rises in the Yamask and he tries to hastily avoid what’s to come, but Lan is too quick, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him further into the moonlight.
“Mama, Papa, meet Mega!” he exclaims in a way only a child his age could convey. Hub’s eyes widen at the use of the nickname. It seems their parents share his shock as well.
“Mega?” Papa says as if trying the name out on his tongue. His reaction appears to be neutral, but Hub doesn’t think he can say the same for his mother, who has a rather apprehensive look on her pretty face.
“A… A Yamask? Honey, what—wait, you named it?!”
“Yep! He’s my new best friend now! Can I keep him?”
Mama blinks her eyes in pure disbelief. She turns her gaze to the pokemon, assessing his form. Hub tries not to draw into himself—he doesn’t like the feeling of being scrutinized like this by his mother. There’s a slight tinge of fear in her brown gaze and he’s deduced that she probably doesn’t trust him due to his being a ghost type. He knows she isn’t aware of who exactly he is, but the pain of not being accepted by her cuts him deeply. The only thing grounding him now is Lan’s hand still clutched tightly onto him.
“Oh, Lan… Honey, I know you love all pokemon, but you’re still too young to raise one. I think you should wait until you’re—”
“No!” Lan forcefully interjects, “I don’t care if I’m not old enough yet, I’m taking Mega home! He saved my life, so he deserves to have a good home in return!”
Mama and Papa are surprised by their son’s words. Saved his life? What exactly happened during the time they were searching for him?
As if sensing they wanted more elaboration, the young boy continues, “I was all alone and lost and…well…crying,” Lan blushes in shame at this admittance, “when Mega came out of nowhere and tried to keep me company. I was mean to him at first, but we made up, and that’s when this mean Poochyena comes in and chases me here to the river!
“I was up on those rocks over there,” he points to said pile behind them, “and thought it would be the end and I’d be eaten for sure! And that’s when Mega came through and battled the Poochyena to save me. He got hurt really badly, but he still didn’t give up and he protected me! He’s a hero, and that’s why he deserves to come home with us! It’d be rude to just leave him out here all alone!”
Their parents quietly listen to the story, understanding showing on their faces. Mama even seems to have relaxed a bit knowing the Yamask was actually kind, but Hub can still tell she was hesitant. Before she could voice anything though, Lan turns to his father.
“You’ll let him stay with us, won’t you Papa? Mega is a good pokemon, I promise!”
Yuichiro hums to himself, still observing the Yamask with an almost critical eye. His eyes seem to be more heavily focused on the mask Hub holds. To anyone else’s eyes, all Yamask carry the same mask, but from their point of view they see for what it really is—their true face, the face they had before their deaths. Obviously, Papa can’t see behind the veil but Hub holds onto a tiny bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, his father can read between the lines…
After a moment of silence passes over, Papa turns to his wife and gives her a carefree smile, “I think it’s a splendid idea!”
“What?” Mama asks, dumbfounded.
“Really, Papa? You’ll let Mega stay?” Lan asks, his eyes shining with happiness.
“Well, why not? You heard the boy, Haruka, this Yamask is a hero! And there’s nothing wrong with him having just one pokemon as a companion. Plenty of children have them. I think he’ll be a nice addition to the family.”
Hub stares at his Papa with awe. He can stay with Lan? He’ll get to go back home? This has to be a dream. Please, Arceus, don’t let it be a dream…
Haruka stares back and forth between her husband and son before settling on the Yamask again. Seeing the pokemon’s eyes shining with pure hope finally causes her disposition to crack.
“Oh, fine, I’m clearly outnumbered here! Yes, Lan, you may keep him.”
Lan let out a “Woohoo!” in triumph, his body jumping up and down in excitement, the momentum taking Hub—no, Mega—along with him.
“This is great! I can’t wait to show you off to my friends tomorrow when we get home! Come on, Mega, let’s go!” with that the 5-year-old rushes forward, dragging his newly acquired pokemon along.
“Wait, Lan! Don’t rush off on your own again! Wait for Mama and Papa!” Haruka calls out, heaving a tired sigh. “Honestly, that boy can be so reckless sometimes…”
Yuichiro chuckles next to her, “He is, but I think this will be good for him. Did you notice he seemed much happier?”
His wife nods, “You’re right, I haven’t seen him this excited in a long time… Ever since Hub passed he’s been so timid, not wanting to engage in as many activities as usual. Ghost pokemon aren’t my favorite, but maybe having a new companion will be good for him.”
“Yes, I believe so too,” Yuichiro agrees, a certain glint forming in his eyes. “It’s especially good since that pokemon is Hub.”
His wife nearly falls forward at those words. Blinking in shock, she turns to her husband, “E-Excuse me?! H-Hub? Dear, what are you talking about?”
Her husband grins, “You didn’t know? Yamask are Spirit Pokemon. They are born from the spirits of deceased people. I found it unusual how close the little guy was to Lan, and he had such a strong reaction to everything we said. My conclusion: that’s our son.”
Haruka still doesn’t seem convinced. After experiencing the heartbreak of losing her baby boy, it’s difficult to imagine he would come back to her reincarnated as a pokemon. “How can you say that for sure though?”
Yuichiro’s smile becomes sadder as he shrugs, “I can’t. I don’t have a way of knowing, just call it a gut feeling.”
Haruka hums in understanding. Hub’s death affected their little family pretty hard with Lan becoming withdrawn, Yuichiro throwing himself into his work to hide his pain, and Haruka putting all her efforts into making sure who she had left is well taken care of. Seeing the light return to her little boy’s eyes breathes some new life into her being. Even if her husband’s gut is wrong and the Yamask isn’t her dearly departed son…well, maybe it could still be the catharsis they need.
Haruka leans her body onto Yuichiro’s, which he happily responds with a hearty embrace. Little by little, they both can feel their family being healed.
“Mama! Papa! What’s taking so long? Me and Mega want to leave this place, come on!”
The parents share a chuckle at the impatient tone of their youngest. Holding hands, they move themselves along. “Coming Lan!”
As they catch up, they notice that Lan was practically carrying the Yamask, still very weak from his battle. Letting go of his wife’s hand, Yuichiro bends down and offers his arms.
“I can carry him if you’re too tired, son.”
Haruka nods, “And I’ll carry you. That way I know for sure you won’t leave my sight!”
The little boy seems to hesitate—after all, he wants to show his appreciation to his new friend by taking care of him—but the weariness of the evening catches up to him and he nods in consent. Gently, he places Mega in Yuichiro’s arms, who then picks him up in a firm hold. Once he knows Mega is safe, Lan allows his Mama to pick him up, resting his head on her shoulder as exhaustion takes over.
Mega watches his twin, relief washing over him that he’s now safe. He then glances to his Papa, who smiles softly to him.
“Hi, Hub.” He whispers so as not to let Lan hear. Mega’s eyes water and before he can stop himself, he wraps his arms around his father’s neck. Yuichiro hugs him back. “Welcome home.”
He’s finally home.
This will be the start of the Hikari family’s newest chapter.
I have never written a pokemon fanfic before so I took a lot of liberties with this…
Hub is meant to be level 5 here, so his moveset is Astonish, Protect, and Haze
The Poochyena knowing bite should make it at level 10 but I wanted to give Hub a fighting chance, so I changed the rules a bit and made this little guy learn bite earlier than he should have. Let’s say he’s probably around level 6 or 7
I ignored all base stats for Yamask and Poochyena as the Lord intended. Poochyena is probably faster than Yamask, but I needed Hub to be faster for their fight so I gave him a speed boost
 I was gonna make Mega special and give him a hidden ability but Yamask doesn’t have one. Initially I thought “wandering spirit” was a hidden ability and gave it to him in the first draft, but no, that’s the ability for a Galarian Yamask. GOSH DANG IT GAMEFREAK!
Despite the above, I went ahead and titled the fic “Wandering Spirit” because it fits so gosh darn well!
In MMBN Hub dies at age 1, but I wanted Lan to remember his brother so in this universe Hub was able to live a little longer, dying at age 3
 Yamask’s mask is supposed to resemble the face of the person it used to be. Since his identity still remains a secret to Lan, Hub’s mask looks like what you see in the pokemon franchise to everyone else. To Hub, though, what he sees is his actual face
I almost cried like a bitch writing that ending, I love the Hikari family so much don’t touch me!
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tenitchyfingers · 1 year
still not over the end of Barry
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kaiidos · 2 years
there is a distressing lack of fanfiction for classic literature. please let me uwu-ize and babygirl the characters in my English assignments so I can find a reason to keep living
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violent138 · 3 months
Behold, plot development
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A few pages later:
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