#oc: Nanon
blushingdread · 11 months
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My silly little OCs, they're all girl haters and I love them
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just-bendy · 1 year
If Corey doesn’t mean anything to you, you probably wouldn’t care if he directed his affections toward one of the little devils runnin around, right?
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So what if he does? That just means he ain't botherin' me anymore, which is a win in my book.
[ prev corey ask ]
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the-named-anon · 2 years
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Occasionally… it does
I couldn’t figure out how to draw the first floor’s floor so it kinda looks weird :,)
Day 3 prompt for @nonetoon ‘s prompt list “caught-on-tober”
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Here’s the list if you want to do it :)
Also the escalator was based on this picture:
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carbonateddelusion · 2 years
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have some overdue art for friends. been p burnt out lately
(in order) @the-named-anon @/kairudolynn @insouciant-king @shadeterra @skullzy20 @nefariouscryptid
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porschethemermaid · 17 days
Name 11 of your favorite whumpees.
Oooh so like i gain most of my whumpees from tv series and animes (and books and fanfictions, yall get it) so lets go
1. Black played by Gun Attaphan in Not Me the series.
2. White played by Gun Attaphan in Not Me the series.
3. Run played by Gun Attaphan in Homeschool the series.
4. Pang played by Nanon Korapat in Gifted the series and Gifted Graduation
5. Wave played by Chimon Wachirawit in Gifted the series and Gifted Graduation
6. Akk played by First Kanaphan in The Eclipse the series
7. Ayan played by Khaotung Thanawat in The Eclipse the series
8. Roronoa Zoro of One Piece (anime/live action)
9. (Not)Vinsmoke Sanji of One Piece (anime/ live action)
10. Dazai Osamu of Bungou Stray Dogs (anime)
11. Chuuya Nakahara of Bungou Stray Dogs (anime)
And a special mention to my beloved oc Samantha Iglesias who has been through hell thanks to, ✨yours truly✨
Had fun doing this! Thanks! Open for more of these at anytime!
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peachapartmentsrp · 3 months
Welcoming our new Residents (2/25) ❀
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Boxes line the front lawn as movers work to get things inside, the hustle and bustle is filled with excitement as the sleepy apartment building is filled once again with new life!
The Peach Apartments welcomes our fourth wave of residents! Help us welcome:
Nami (One Piece) Red Action (OK KO Let's be Heros) Nanon (OC) Katie Clay (Seconds) Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) Chloe “Clover” Castillo (OC) Dale Murphie (OC) Fenris (Dragon Age) Gloria (Pokemon Sword and Shield) Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen) Kaeya Alberich (Genshin Impact) Remy Perez (OC) Aghy Sheridan (OC) Francesca Fenton (OC) Takuma Ino (Jujutsu Kaisen) Raine Whispers (The Owl House) Miyake Kawaguchi (Jujutsu Kaisen OC) Kravitz (The Adventure Zone) Sakine Meiko (Vocaloid) Floryn (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang) Itadori Yuji (Jujutsu Kaisen) Philip Wittebane/Emperor Belos (The Owl House) Uta (One Piece) The Collector (Dredge) Kamui Gakup (Vocaloid) Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Sunny Smirks (Plants vs Zombies) Gumi (Vocaloid) VFlower (Vocaloid)
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What in Chevalier, the biopic film about Joseph de Boulogne chevalier de saint Georges, was wrong
Mozartvs Saint Georges: FALSE, never happened but they knew each other
Georges de Boulogne abandoned his son to de La Boëssière's school: FALSE, Georges loved his child, he never abandoned him
Nanon was a slave: NOT EXACTLY, she was born slavebut Georges freed her when Joseph was born, he created a second family with her and Joseph. he was married but he had only a daughter. For this reason he invested so much with his illegittimate son, he was the only male
Nanon arrived in France after George's death: FALSE, Nanon arrived in France with her son, she and George lived together in Paris until his death, madame de Boulogne lived in Nantes
Marie Antoniette named Joseph "chevalier de Saint Georges": FALSE, the title was used for the first time in 1766 whene Joseph was was made a Gendarme du roi, Saint Georges was one of his father's plantation. Marie Antoniette arrived in France only 5 years later
Joseph and Louis Philippe were friends: NOT EXACTLY, they were master and servant, not friends, they were close but not so much
Joseph and Marie Antoniette broke their friendship 'cause the French revolution: FALSE, he was is piano teacher, never his friend and he was an orleanist. Marie Antoniette and Louis Philippe hated each others since 1778 so and Joseph supported Louis Philippe
Marie Josephine was Joseph's real love: FALSE. Joseph's real love was the cornist Georges Lamothe, his childhood friend. Lamothe was the only white child Joseph knew when he was a child 'cause Lamothe's father was George du Boulogne's administrator. Georges Lamothe for all his life had only a pourpose: to love and to serve Saint Georges, he was madly in love, and everyone knew it, they were nicknamed as Orestes and Pylades. Joseph was a womanizer 'cause Lamothe was very jealous about other men, so... women yes but no men. They had a poly relationship with the singer Lousie Fusil
Guimard was jealous 'cause she was rejected: NOT EXACTLY, they had an affair but she hated be "one of the many"
Joseph discover his black heritage: NOT EXACTLY, he knew his heritage but he never cared too much
Nanon speaked an African languages: FALSE, she spoke creole, like her man and her son, Joseph had to learn a proper French when he arrived in France but he and Lamothe spoke creole when they were alone ;)
Joseph joined the Revolution 'cause he was denied the opera. FALSE, the opera scandal was in 1770s, he joined the revolution 'cause he was an orleanist, and he fell with the orlanist party
Stephanie de Genlis was Joseph's patroness: FALSE, he had a conctract as amateur for la comptesse de Montesson, Louis Philippe's secret stepmother, he was her first violin and he plays in her private theatre, with Lamothe oc
Marie Josephine was a singer: NOT EXACTLY, she was an amateur singer, not a professional
Joseph planned to elope with Marie Josephine: FALSE, she meant nothing to him, only the fling who gave him a son, he went to Haiti in 1793... with Lamothe
Marc René tried to arrest Joseph: FALSE. He discovered his wife was one of Joseph's lovers when she birthed a black son, he took the away the child and he order the famous assoult but he never had the power to arrest Joseph
and that's all, it could be a wonderfull film about a bisexual biracial men but it's only a good movie with some cheap love story
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missiemoosie · 2 years
I just want to say your Mulan post about Zhu gave me a sudden and powerful flashback that was 14-year old me huddled under my blanket at night reading Daughter of Death on my fathers old iPhone 3 that I'd managed to access the internet through by covertly memorizing the wifi password over my fathers shoulder. God I loved that story, Looking back I think Zhu was my first crush on a girl. (Tho at the time I didn't realize it). I can't believe I haven't reread that one. Time to get on it! -Nanon
(sorry this took so long for me to reply to, anon!)
You know, you're not the first person who's told me that Zhu was their queer awakening (whether conscious or not) xD I think you're actually the 4th person? Either way, I love the fact that one of my ocs has helped people realize things about their sexuality, especially since throughout the story, Zhu goes through that little journey of finding herself as well~
I loved working on that story trilogy and I'm still disappointed in myself for not being able to finish it...But there was just so much happening in my real life at the time that I just got so burnt out on it. And of course, the burn out happened when Mulan and Ling were realizing they 1) liked each other and 2) also liked Zhu. 😑
Anyway, for shits and giggles, here's some art I did of Zhu sometime last year for a 'Get you a girl who can do both' thing I did:
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applepi1101 · 3 years
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i cant write stories, but boy can i hint at them
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Welcome to my fan-blog where I will be posting my troll species!!
It will be like a documentary, except you can ask questions! You will be able to interact with the trolls of the species that is currently being explained, and the documenter (who I will name eventually...)
I will be adding bios to this as I complete them. I will also be (hopefully) making a comic to go with it!
My next post will be in character for my documenter.
All ooc stuff will be in pink!
-mun nanon
Also- the icon will be soon to change!
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what moths are you leaning towards now? i don't know much about them, but maybe finding one that does something cool (something similar to... whatever killer moth does...) could be a good start for your design?
Well I'm looking into it, initially I was looking mostly for designs that kinda matched colors and patterns in most Killer Moth designs, but I started considering maybe picking one of the white ones to maybe make something more ghostly. Looking further into the descriptions has been a little bit though since a lot of them don't have that much info, however there's a few that have had interesting stuff. Moths in general tend to be preyed on by bats, so some species have a few tricks to deal with that. Luna Moths have this tail like ends on their wings that the use as decoy to fool bats. The Ornate Bella Moth is toxic and cannot be eaten by most predators, but lacks the bright colored signals other toxic animals have to warn about it. These also have some very elaborate mating rituals. Cinnabar Moths are similarly toxic, but these do have warning signals of it. I’ve scratched out Cinnabar Moths because their colors are just black and red, and I’d prefer to use a palette like that on firefly, and Killer Moth was kinda designed to be flamboyantly colored in contrast to batman, so, functionality wise, I’m between the Luna Moth and the Ornate Bella Moth. Though the Oleander Hawk Moth has such cool colors and patterns.
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just-bendy · 1 year
From the previous ask : when Bendy said he doesn’t care if Corny replaced him with another Bendy.
But in reality, He dose care!😆😆😆
Aww Bendy, you don’t have to be embarrassed, about it! Your such a tsundere simp!😆
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Alright, four things:
Number one, his name is Corey, not "Corny." Number two, I don't like or care about that horse face. Number three, don't call me a "tsundere." And number four, Corey's the simp here, not me. Get it right.
Glad we got that sorted out.
[ prev corey ask ]
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the-named-anon · 5 months
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i’m a big fan of angst and stuff so [:
For Coy he it was when he made Oliver cry.
Coy was in a rough patch mentally in his adolescence (full emo/goth phase) and when Oliver reached out to him he lashed out at him. Yelled at him, told him things like “I don’t need you,” “you’re too happy,” “how can you be so calm about this.” Oliver knew he didn’t mean it but having your best friend from childhood yell at you and tell you that he doesn’t need you hurts.
Coy has regretted that day ever since, and has apologized multiple times (in his own way, like thanking Oliver for being there for him, and making food n stuff)
For Oliver…
When he thought Coy died.
Coy was showing off (to Oliver) on a roof somewhere, doing parkour and other dangerous things. He slipped at one point and hit his head on the way down. Fell two stories into his shoulder… there was lots of blood and Oliver thought he was dead. Coy had a concussion, broken shoulder, and he sprained some of the disks in his neck. He made a full recovery, but it haunts Oliver every time Coy does something stupid.
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carbonateddelusion · 2 years
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second round of gift art!
left to right, up to down:
@the-named-anon 's Username
@forgetmenautical 's Raven
@ataraxystar 's Dawn
@applepi1101 's Ama
@lloyds-department 's Admin
and finally, @kairudolynn 's Brayden!
reblogs would be appreciated!
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doodles-in-oodles · 3 years
Pinned post time!
Request rules (it’s my main)
(By “forever wip” I mean I’m never going to finish it)
Non drawing tag will be “nanon rambles”
New stuff will be “come get it while it’s fresh!”(New doodles)
Archive tag will be “dusty doodles”
Stuff that will only be on this blog will be “special edition doodles”
Fandom things will be tagged as “fandom doodles” and the fandom it belongs to
Not fandom stuff will be tagged as “og doodles”
Original characters will be tagged as “oc doodles” and their name
That’s all I can think of at the moment!
Also the tags from my other blog will transfer to this one so “nanon draws” will still be tagged! (Lol jk it won’t)
I don’t mind like spam btw <3
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just-bendy · 1 year
I don't have any real comments about the Corey thing but I do gotta mention how absolutely flustered yer starting to look while talking about just the IDEA of crushing on em
You sure you don't at least think about it from time to time? /J /j
You and your newfound clone friends can have cookies, Stract freshly baked them in preparation of him and his pal going out to look for more clones!
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Well, sure I think about crushin' on Corey sometimes, only coz I laugh about how #★%&!*$ stupid it is!
But it ain't my fault that I get like this, it's coz of him! I oughta punch him in that stupid, dreamy face 'a his. He knows he looks good and I hate it. It's that look he gives me, I hate it.
Also thanks fer the cookies, they love 'em.
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I ain't denyin' that I'm in love with him coz he's male, I've told you guys my opinion on men already, it's coz Corey is annoyin' as hell! I have no problems with datin' and smoochin' men, but I do prefer my ladies.
I blush coz that's an embarrassin' question ta be askin' someone, and fer it ta be about me and Corey, well that's just ridiculous! I don't go on dates and canoodle with him coz I'm actually in love with him, I do it coz I'm takin' advantage of his offers, coz I'm gettin' somethin' good out of a bad situation. That bein' gifts, food, praise and admiration, and of course, the occasional hanky panky. If he can satisfy me, then I can tolerate him.
He can try as hard as he can, but I ain't ever fallin' in love with him, and he knows that. That guy just doesn't care. He just likes that I look at him at all. I could accept him as a friend, sure, but as a lover? No way José! I'm too good fer him anyway.... yeah, that's it. Bendy the Dancin' Demon would never fall in love with someone as desperate as he is.
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Now stop askin'!
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