#oh more afterthoughts just came to me
claratwelve · 5 months
yeah no okay i just finished s13 and i loved it, that was some good cinema
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radiance1 · 5 months
There was a boy walking towards the invading army.
There was a civilian child walking towards the invading army from the infinite realms lead by their tyrannical ruler. The Justice League tried to stop force their way through, save the boy.
Instead of that, however, they were blocked by multiple ghosts, all hellbent on not leaving them alone. Superman tried to get close to the kid? Piles upon piles of ghosts knocked him back. Wonder Woman? The same thing happened.
The thing was, that wasn't even the ground army who did it. But the ones in the sky.
So the kid was walking towards an entire army by himself. One hellbent on taking over Earth and have no qualms about ending the short life of a human boy.
Instead of watching a child die, a life they failed to save. Something else happened.
The army parted for him.
Just as Moses parted the Red Sea, the same happened with the ghosts. They made a clear-cut line for him to walk straight towards their king with no obstacle, even clearing the way of anything that could pose as one.
Again, the Justice League tried to go down to drag the boy away, only to again be denied by the ghosts flying through the sky. Only to stop chasing as soon as they retreated a certain distance.
The ghosts stood still, and only moved as they got close, unlike their previous acts of causing havoc and mayhem. So, the Justice League, as much as they didn't want too, stood still and watched.
The boy stood at a stop before the king, painfully tiny in comparison to the massive ghostly tyrant standing before him with his arms crossed.
"Yo, dad." The boy said, and the Justice League froze in shock.
"Yo, dad." Danny lifted a hand up in greeting, before dropping that hand to rub at his neck. "Funny seeing you here, I guess."
"Phantom..." Pariah Dark's voice was soft yet booming and seemed to echo throughout the battlefield. "We meet once again on the field of battle, come to challenge me again, little one? Without your armor, no less?" Pariah tilted his head to the side slightly, questioning.
"Oh that? Yea that got destroyed ages ago," Danny shrugged, as if not having it didn't bother him at all. "Parents couldn't exactly, you know, finish it. Plus, they had other things to work on, so they just decided to scrap the thing altogether." He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged again. "So, yea..."
Pariah looked the boy over, his eyes hardening and he clicked his tongue at what he saw.
"You come here, not with armor," Pariah began, strength in his voice and a fire (literally) in his eyes. "Nor a weapon, or a shield, and no allies of any kind-"
"Well those guys are there" Danny pointed behind him, straight at the Justice League.
"-Walk up to a hostile force with no gauge of their strength." But Pariah just barreled on as if the Justice League were an afterthought. "And face their leader and do not expect to come to harm!?" The Ghost King scowled, and the Justice League tensed.
But just tilted his head slightly. "Well, are you going to harm me?" He asked.
Pariah Dark blinked, then whispered. "I could, child. I could kill you." He put a strong emphasis on the word kill.
"You could," Danny nodded. "But are you going to hurt me?"
The Ghost King remained silent, but his gaze intensified.
Danny shrugged, this time with a smile. "See? You wouldn't hurt me so it's fine. Ya big softie."
Pariah's scowl intensified. "I am not soft, child."
"Oh really?" Danny leaned forward and his smile took on a more playful edge. "Then what's you're reason for visiting Earth, hmmmm?"
"To wage war and fight against this world's mightiest heroes." The Ghost King answered quickly.
The king remained silent for a moment and Danny stepped forwards before he face planted onto concrete. "C'mon, dad. Tell me the other reason you came here." Danny crossed his arms, mimicking the Ghost King's pose.
They stared each other in the eyes for a moment, before Pariah looked off the side with green dusting his cheeks. "You have not visited in 50 years, son..." He whispered, but everyone heard it.
"Hah! Knew you missed me!" Danny said shamelessly with a satisfied and smug smile.
"And your father forced me out of the realms because I upset him." Small embers started igniting themselves on the tips of the king's hair.
Silence echoed over the battlefield, before Danny burst out laughing. Pariah Dark's hair fully exploded into green fire as he reached a hand to cover his face. "Of course, alongside the shameless and cheekiness, you get Clockwork's sense of humor as well..."
The Ghost King, at least this very moment, seemed more and more like a tired dad than some fearsome, tyrannical Ghost King.
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lure-of-writing · 25 days
Little Sister: Are you going to tell her or should I?
Summary: Morrigan forces Azriel to make a choice. Either she is going to tell you or he is
Word count: 2.7k
part one, part two, part three, part four , part five
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The rumbling ground beneath his feet was one indicator of what was about to come. The other indicator was the shaking paintings that were hung on the wall. Rhys may be the most powerful high lord to ever exist but your power easily rivaled his own. In anticipation of your arrival the quill pen that had just been in use was placed gently on the desk right next to the piece of paper it was just being used on. The force of the heavy wood doors being blown open almost sends the paper flying into his face, if not for his hand placed on top of it. “It’s always such a-” the words pleasure to see you died in his throat as you cut him off. “Ok what is the deal?” one of his perfectly groomed eyebrows raised slightly in questioning at your tired tone of voice. “Oh please let's not act like you don’t know what I am talking about.” the eyebrow didn’t lower even a centimeter. Marching over to the inviting seat in front of his desk you ungracefully plop yourself into the waiting chair. “Remember when Cassian accidentally knocked me out?” you watch as your brother wordlessly nodding in confusion. “Good.” you huff out letting the room fill with silence leaving your brother in a stronger state of confusion then before you started talking. At least before you came into his office Rhysand could have guessed about a thousand reasons as to what has you so upset but now he genuinely does not know where you are going with any of this. “ Go back like a week or two in time after me and Az returned from the summer court and both you and him were avoiding me. Why?” 
Rhysand knew why he was avoiding you but as for Azriel he's not too sure. Obviously he could take a very educated guess but that was about all he could do without asking. “I was busy.” Now the high lord watched as his little sister copied his earlier action of raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow in questioning. “Busy doing what exactly.” Silence once again engulfed the room as Rhysand weighed the pros and cons of telling you his reasoning for avoiding his own sister. A heavy sigh left his lips as he decided to tell you the nicer reason for his absence in your life. “When I walked in your room and saw Az helping you get dressed, that was obviously not something that I, as your older brother, wanted to see.” the continue on motion of your hand forced him to continue. “And as your older brother I obviously never want you to get hurt. In any version of the word. But as your brother I also realize, very reluctantly, at that might I add, that you deserve to live your own life. That means including having a romantic partner. So I was attempting to convince myself that if you pursued a relationship with Azriel that I would be ok.” 
A pregnant pause fell upon the room before you spoke up “That is why you’ve been avoiding me? Seriously?” The warm tone of your laughter brought a warm sensation  dancing up Rhysands neck and cheeks. Nobody else had the ability to embarrass him like his little sister does. “Rhys you know Azriel one hundred percent does not see me like that right? I mean yeah I like to use him to irritate you but he only does that because I asked him to.” your shoulders moved up and down in a shrugging motion. “While you may think that is true you have to remember for all of your life I have banned both you and those to pea brains of trying anything with each other so I needed some time to process even the mere thought of that happening.” you watched from across the desk as your brother pretended to gag. “I guess I no longer have to worry about Cass now that he has Nesta.” he added as an afterthought more to himself than to you.  “That explains why you have been avoiding me, even if it was because you were having a meltdown over nothing but what about Azriel? Why has he been avoiding me.?”  Moments of Rhysands conversation with Azriel played out in his mind. “I can only guess it's because after you paraded around summer” the sound of you scoffing interrupted his story. “Are you done being offended or can I continue.” Rhys watched as you rolled your eyes, taking that as his sign to continue on. “As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. After you returned I talked to Az about the different times I have caught the two of you in interesting situations, to say the least, and asked him about your relationship with each other. And since I have always made it clear he was never to see you in any way other than platonically I would assume he took that as a sign to step back from being around you.” 
The quill pen you summoned was quickly thrown across the desk at your brother “You big overprotective bat! How many times do I need to tell you that Azriel does not see me like that.” Rhys easily caught the pen giving a not so hidden sly smile at your turn to be embarrassed. “No wonder why he's avoiding me. You made it awkward. I’m just his friend's little sister and nothing more. Now I’m sure you’ve given him the wrong idea of me.” A big belly laugh erupted from within Rhysand quickly filling in the room. “After almost five hundred years  I think it’s a little late for Az to just now get the wrong idea of you.” the words barely escaped in between the laughter “You are a menace!” Rhys just continued to laugh as you marched your way back out of his office “I love you too!” The echo of his shout follows you down the corridor as you make your way out of his house. 
The very next morning you made your way to the top of the house ready to start training. “Ah ah ah.” Cassian's voice tuts from across the open roof top. Your eyes scan the room until they land on the wiggling finger that matched the owners equally as wiggly head. “You are not to be training until Madja says you can.” scrunching your face you look at Nesta before making eye contact with the general again “And who are you? My mother?” A bellowing laughter swallows up the words that just slipped past your lips. “When it comes to training I sure am.” his larger than most bicep wraps around your shoulders tucking your body into his. Leading you to the entrance that leads back to the lower level of the house. Cassian had almost gotten you to the threshold of the door when you spotted Azriel from the corner of your eye. Quickly you twirl out of your training mothers warmth and strut over to the one and only shadowsinger. “You’ve been avoiding me. Why?” the fact you had to tilt your head slightly upwards had never irritated you like it did in that moment. You watched as his hazel eyes shuffled across the room taking note of every person who showed up to training this morning. “I haven’t been avoiding you.” you could tell he was being extra quiet on purpose “Oh really is that why Rhys told me-” the words died in your throat as strong hands wrapped around your torso and lifted you from the ground. “Now young one I don’t think interrogating someone is something Madja said you were ok to do yet. Plus training starts in two minutes so you can do your questioning at a later time.” Gently Cassian once more places you on the outside of the training area. Glowering you said nothing as Cassian chuckled at your lack of response before making his way back to the center of the area. 
You watched as Azriel gave Cassian an appreciative nod and Cassian just patted him on the back before starting training. Something was definitely going on, you just didn’t know what. For now at least. 
If there was one thing that living this long has given you it was an endless supply of patience. So for almost three hours you stood leaning against the wall watching both warriors show off different techniques following up with critiquing each other's quote unquote weak spots for techniques. Finally after everything was said and done did Cassian allow you to step foot in the official training area. Azriel was stood by himself drinking water when you appeared in front of him. “Why have you been avoiding me?” you could hear how hurt you sounded to your own ears and tried to not wince at the sound of the pathetic tone you displayed. You watched as the male's face fell before you. “I didn’t mean for you to feel like I was avoiding you. It’s just-” you observed as it appeared Azriel was having an internal debate with himself before sighing a reluctant sigh “ you know how Rhys gets when it comes to you. After we got back he asked if anything was going on between the two of us and I said no. I respect both you and Rhys. I never want to betray Rhysands trust so I haven’t been avoiding you per say but you know.” he ended with a hefty shoulder shrug. 
“So what I’m hearing is that you don’t hate me?” the facade of the shadowsinger broke in front of you to reveal a gentle, kind hearted male who would do anything for his family. The chuckle that fell from his lips brought a giggle to your own. “No, I don't hate you. I don't even think that's possible.” Azriel opens his arms as an invite to share a hug. Even though he was covered in sweat from head to toe you wrapped your arms around his torso pressing your cheek against his chest where his heart was beating. “Well that's good to know because I was starting to get concerned.”  Another chuckle made its way out of his throat and the vibrations of his laughter once again caused your own laughter. “So” you drag out the last vowel “Does that mean you will go shopping with me tomorrow?” you propped your chin against his chest and looked up at your closest friend. “If I must.”  His gentle teasing was met with an equally if not gentler kiss on the hairline of your forehead. 
Ever since your confrontation with Azriel things seemed to go back to normal but not completely back to normal. Something was off that you couldn’t put your finger on but it was without a doubt better than it used to be. The flow of the inner circle had almost returned back to completely normal. That would be until a few weeks later when at family dinner everything would change. 
It was very well known that dinners amongst the inner circle were tradition but it was lesser known that having a dinner where each personal either cooked or brought something to contribute to the dinner was also a tradition. 
This time around it was Feyre, Mor, Elain and yourself in the kitchen. Collectively as a good the three of you were trying your best not to destroy the High ladys kitchen. Elain had no such problems as she was often found making the best treats for the family on a daily basis. The oldest and youngest sister along with yourself had managed to make an edible dinner item, even though it was more challenging than the three of you would like to admit. While cooking was a neutral territory for yourself in terms of skills, it was cooking for three grown Illyrian bats and their accompanying companion along with the rest of the family that stretched your cooking abilities thin. It was a miracle the food was even edible on a good day. Let alone a day with nine hungry fae waiting to be fed. 
  After much work in the kitchen everyone had finally settled down around the table, only after much wrangling on both Feyres and yours behalf. Rhys was at the head of the table with your sister-in-law while you were seated in between Morrgian and Elain. Across from you was Amren, Azriel, Cassian and Nesta sitting in that order. 
Dinner was going as well as it normally did. Cass was making stupid jokes poking at Amren. Feyre was playing mediator, just in case they decided they wanted to destroy each other. And in turn destroy her house. Your brother was assisting Feyre in keeping the family under control and also dotting on her the whole time. Nesta and you were talking about books and Mor along with Elain were discussing different clothing options. 
The smell in the room was subtle at first but quickly you realized the brownies you had put in the oven prior to everyone sitting down were finally done. You just hopped they were burnt. With an abrupt “Oh! Crap!” you sent your chair sliding backwards and hurried off towards the hopefully unharmed cooked batter. After a few minutes of cutting and neatly placing the brownies on a platter you re-entered the dining room that was just as chaotic as when you had left. Cooking you may not be the best at but you were a pretty great baker. The Random desserts you make were always a hit amongst your family and you were sure these would be no different. 
“Anyone want a brownie? Of course Cass was the first to raise his hand and thus started your journey around the table handing out freshly baked goods. You had just rounded the corner of the table when you noticed that one person didn’t take a treat. Azriel. “Az? You don’t want a brownie?” you scrunched your brows together as you gently raise the platter you were holding as in an invitation. “No I’m ok” without realizing your face fell. “But you always eat anything I bake. You always say that I make the best desserts and you’ve never turned them down.” Azriel didn’t take his eyes off of you, instead they shifted between the platter of food back to your eyes before they repeated the process a few more times. “It’s-” his stutter catches you off guard causing you to raise an eyebrow in both confusion and questioning. 
“It’s just that I’m full right now and I-” once again you made a confused look and glanced down to his plate “That's only your second plate of food usually you eat three or four so I know you're not full. Why don’t you want one? Do you not like my baking?”  Once again you found yourself feeling extra hurt about a choice Azriel had made. Usually you were never this emotional but lately you couldn’t help it. Maybe it was the hit to the head that was causing you to be so emotional. As it wasn’t fully healed yet. The male was certainly free to do what he wants but this was new and confusing. “Oh help the brother and the mother.” you looked down to Morr where she had propped her elbows on the table and rested her head upon her hands. “What?”  Your confused tone causes a giggle to escape. “Do you really not understand why he won't eat the damn brownie?” Just as your cousin was about to explain, Azriel cut her off. “Morrigan don’t. It’s not your place to tell her.” 
Now this had your attention. What exactly was there to tell? And Why was Azriel being so secretive about it? After what felt like forever of the two of them going back and forth with each other you intervened. “Will somebody please tell me what is going on?” you didn’t shout but your question definitely wasn’t quiet either. You just needed to get their attention and it worked. “Are you going to tell her or should I?” Silence engulfed the room but Morrigan didn’t let it last too long. “The reason he won't accept your food is because you're his mate.” and in that moment everything stopped.
@kemillyfreitas @lana08 @willowpains @username199945 @tothestarsandwhateverend
@kylaisra @lilah-asteria @nickishadow139 @br0klynbby @blacktreacle22
@amysangel @mp-littlebit @mybestfriendmademe
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earthtooz · 1 year
clingy!gojo x gn!reader, fluff, use of pet names, a little bullying from reader but that's okay- it's gojo /j, he's annoying and probs ooc.
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gojo satoru is as codependent as he is powerful and you came to realise that the hard way during the timeline of your relationship. what began as a peaceful saturday morning lying together in bed has now become a total wrestling match, one that you were drastically losing in in comparison to gojo's unmatched strength.
"get off me, 'toru, i need to go buy groceries before the shops begin getting busy!" you huff, your hand on his shoulder doing nothing to make him budge no matter how hard you tried.
he whines, loud and pathetic in your ear. "don't leave! i'll be all cold and miserable!"
"oh boohoo. move," as an afterthought, you add: "please?"
he shakes his head, white strands tickling your chin as the sorcerer shoves himself further into your warmth, holding you with a kind of fervour that spiders have to their webs.
you don't know how you can get out of this one.
"please, love?" gojo loves it when you bring out pet names for him; something you monopolise in hopes of lowering his defence. "i'll be quick too. just a trip to the grocery store and then i'll be back, is that such a demanding request?"
"yes. i don't know what could happen to you out there, what if a special grade curse appears? i'd never forgive myself."
"then come with me."
"too cold for that. i'm staying here."
you roll your eyes. chivalry is dead. "glad to know that you've got my back. whatever. i can handle myself, 'toru, you know that."
"okay, but i can't- that's why you need to stay!"
"you have more cursed energy in one finger than i do my whole body."
he hmphs.
"you can destroy buildings for miles."
he hmphs again.
"your birth literally shook the jujutsu world."
the white-haired hmphs one final time, his cutesy act only doing so much when the grip he has around you contradicts it. gojo's strength is not something to be messed with but you just hope that he stops squeezing you soon because it was getting harder and harder to breathe. paired with his weight on top of yours, you don't think you two can get any humanly closer.
"'satoru," you groan, utterly exasperated at his stubbornness. "you're acting very sweet and all but i'm serious. we don't have enough food. we ran out of milk for your daily mocha-"
the sorcerer places delicate kisses along your collarbone, cutting you off as you shiver from the sensation, especially when his lips brushes over a sensitive part of your skin.
"-don't care."
"gojo," you murmur in a warning tone, any hint of affection draining out of your voice.
bad idea. you knew what using his family name would result in and in your sleepy, yet frustrated haze, you hadn't considered the consequences. not until gojo's clinginess intensifies, his head rising from your chest whilst one of his hands pause midway through the heart he was tracing on your skin. he's looking at you with eyes that glisten with love, worry and fear. you now feel guilt washing over you, unable to muster the words to apologise before he speaks up.
"please don't be mad, i mean well," your lover whispers, the sunlight that snuck through your blinds illuminating him beautifully, deliciously sculpting the planes of his back. "i love you so much, don't you know? i thought you loved me too."
you sigh, flopping your head back into your pillow.
gojo continues littering kisses here and there, a new sense of desperation lingering with his actions. "at select times," you quip.
"babe, that's mean!"
"just as mean as you trapping me here. i'm hungry, gojo, and i have things i need to do."
"stop calling me that," he whines, pushing himself up only to crawl up higher, his head now fitting into your neck from where it rested against your sternum earlier.
great. now you can feel even more of his weight as he flops atop you.
tapping his shoulder in surrender, the best you can mutter is a breathy 'you're heavy' before he expertly manoeuvres the two of you, all pressure disappearing immediately as you now lie on your side.
gojo looks down at you with so much love and adoration, that it sends you reeling, regretting looking at him. your resolve cracks even more with the gentle kiss he presses against your forehead, lingering there for a moment before pulling away.
he seems to be even happier in this position, arms wrapping tight around your torso in a bone-crushing embrace, keeping you right against his exposed chest.
right against his heart.
this is a battle you've lost, you decide, surrendering by wrapping your arm around the white-haired's torso.
gojo doesn't miss the action, no, he revels in it and you don't even have to see him to know that he's smirking. smugness dripping in his tone when he asks, "oh? finally gave in to my charms, babe?"
"you're so annoying," you grunt, unwrapping yourself and shuffling around in gojo's hold to face away from your boyfriend.
once again, you don't even need to see him to see the astonished look he gives you, eyebrows furrowed and jaw dropped in disbelief. imagining it provides you with a little feeling of satisfaction.
"unbelievable!" gawks the sorcerer. "i am merely trying to show you my love and you do-"
"-'toru," you declare, the affectionate nickname only you use immediately silencing him. "go to sleep. or i'll leave your ass for everything you've put me through this morning."
detecting the airiness in your tone, he knows your threat cannot be farther from a lie. but still, he complies but not without murmuring a small 'unfair' before tucking himself into you, completely overwhelming you with his limbs.
"i love you," you confess, the words hovering into air, dissipating before long but gojo hears it. he always does. he's engraved the way you say those three words in his mind.
it sounds sweeter every time though, causing butterflies to erupt in his chest as gojo kisses your cheek. "i love you more," parting with a little bite, you swat him away as he sinks back into his position, laughing in amusement.
you end up going to the supermarket together that afternoon.
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strniohoeee · 7 months
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Pairings: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader ⚠️SMUT⚠️
Synopsis: During a cabin get away a game of Never Have I ever leaves Y/N embarrassed. And a nice Matt is worried and in love🥹
Warnings⚠️: This is a 18+ story. It’s straight up smut okayyyy. Never have I ever being played, lose of virginity. Sweet cute lovey dovey sex. Madi is the “bad” guy but like I had no other girl to make it so it had to be her. No hate to her tho at all.
Song for the imagine: In my room- Chance Peña
The triplets had asked me if I wanted to join them on their trip up to the cabin up in Cape Cod, of course I agreed I would never miss a trip to the Cape, but slowly I was getting a little nervous wondering if they had asked any other girl up to the cape with them. I was relieved when I found out it was only Madi, she was my only girl friend I had. Most girls the triplets would be friends with never liked me, so it made it hard to have friends. I never really cared because most just wanted to fuck Chris or matt, and they were soon dropped which made me laugh.
We had just got to the Cape on a chilly Friday night, and we immediately ran into the house, getting a fire started, and choosing our rooms. I picked the room with one bed, while Nick bunked with Madi and Chris and Matt bunked together. I enjoyed being alone, but sometimes that loneliness felt like seclusion. Madi was their friend first, and introduced me to them so I was close with them, but not as close as she was.
Although she was close with Nick I always felt this vibe that she might’ve liked matt. And it hurt after a while when I started to catch feelings for Matt. He was always there for me, and me and him were always together, that is until Madi comes around then I seclude myself not wanting her to think I wanted Matt. Although they never had anything going on I always knew how she truly felt.I never told her because Matt would never go for a girl like me when Madi was far more gorgeous.
I settled into my room deciding to unpack a few things, and I decided to turn on my Roku tv and cast my Spotify to the screen so I could blast Olivia Rodrigo. As I was unpacking and jamming out Matt came into my room
“Yooo” he said as he threw himself on my bed
“Sup Matt” I said lowering the volume on the tv to hear what he has to say
“We ordered some wings and fries from that spot we drove by on the way down here” he said watching as I put my makeup on the dresser
“Oh nice I’m so hungry” I said looking a him
“Yeah Chris took Madi with him” he said looking down at his phone with a blank stare.
“Oh cool” I said not really caring to respond to that
“So I figured I come chill with you” he said locking his phone and looking at me
“Ouu glad I’m an afterthought” I told him jokingly rolling my eyes
“What no..you just always leave me when Madi comes over to me” he said closing his eyes pretending to sleep
I went to answer but we heard Nick call us down to come eat. We both ran downstairs and sat at the table beginning to eat. As we ate we joked and laughed. My eyes kept wandering over to Matt and seeing Madi looking at him and chatting with him made me a little sad. God I wish he could look at me that way was all I could think.
As I’m continuing to glance at them I see her touch his hand in a flirting way, and this immediately made me lose my appetite. I loudly slid back from the table grabbing my plate and standing up.
“Done already” Chris asks looking at everyone else still shoving food down their throat
“Uhh yeah I uh just got really full” I said looking down at my plate that had four wings and a few fries eaten. He looks at me a little confused and just nods his head
I decided to clean up my plate and drink some water in the kitchen watching them as they engaged in conversation.
“OH MY GOD GUYS!” Nick yells loudly
“It’s a cabin tradition! We have to play never have I ever” he said giggling like a schoolgirl.
“Nick…what are we 10” Matt says shaking his head
“Nah this will be fun” Chris said laughing as he wiped his fingers
After everyone finished dinner and cleaned up we all showered and changed and went back to the living room. Madi had Matt help her start up a fire in the fireplace again after the first one went out. While Chris was grabbing a Pepsi before heading over to the couch. Nick was already sitting on the couch waiting for the fire to start. I was the last to join because I could care less about playing never have I ever. I wasn’t too fond of playing a game that ended in people being embarrassed and exposed.
I grabbed a water bottle and headed over to the couch to sit next to Nick.
“The queen joined us” Nick said hugging me
“Oh I couldn’t miss playing this middle school game” I said giving him a sarcastic grin
“Hey! This’ll be fun” Madi said, smiling at me, and I smiled back. I could never be mean to her. She was my closest friend, but man when she was all over Matt I never wanted to look at her again.
I just smiled at her, a weak smile that I hoped she picked up on, but knowing her she didn’t
“Alright bitches who’s going first?” Madi asked
“I say Nick goes since this was his idea” I stated looking over at Nick giggling slightly.
To this he just rolled his eyes and mumbled a ‘fine’
“Alright, never have I ever shit my pants” he said laughing and we all just rolled our eyes. All of us putting a finger down.
“Never have I ever stood someone up” Chris asked, every finger went down but mine.
“Y’all are cruel” I said shaking my head, and to this they laughed shouting out little excuses
“Ouuu never have I ever farted in a public place’’ Matt said laughing, once again all our fingers went down as we died in laughter… “ouuu stinky” Chris said in a funny voice.
Two rounds later I saw Madi’s body shift, and I knew this shift meant intense questions were coming.
“Let’s spice it up. Never have I ever made out with an influencer of some sort at a party” Hers and Nicks finger went down
“Never have I ever got caught during ‘me time’ Chris asked. My finger was the only one to go down. My eyes bulged out in embarrassment.
“Explain” Madi said laughing at me
“Well I was about 17, and I thought I was alone in my house, but uh turns out my grandma heard some things” I said covering my face in embarrassment as everyone laughed.
“Never have I ever kissed someone” Matt said, and once again my finger was the only one that didn’t go down.
“Never have I ever messed around in your parents house” Nick asked, and not a shocker my finger was still up.
“Never have I ever given head” Madi asked. Are we shocked that my fingers are still up??
“Never have I ever gotten head” Chris asks, wiggling his eyebrows. To no surprise the finger is still up.
“Never have I ever given a hickey, '' Madi asks, and now I’m starting to think she's picking up on my lack of experience because her eyes are starting to twinkle with an idea.
“Never have I ever had sex” I keep my fingers up with a long sigh and an annoyed expression
“Never have I ever hooked up in a car” Now I’m just staring at the floor wanting to die.
“Never have I ever not done a single sexual thing” Madi asks laughing
“Alright now you're just being mean” I finally snapped looking at her with a hard glare
“WHAT?? I’m just messing around with you” she said still laughing
“Yeah embarrassing me is so funny” I said giving her a sarcastic smile
“I didn’t embarrass you…technically you did that yourself” she said looking down. I just scoffed and got up
“Goodnight! Glad I could be the center of the ring for you guys” I said grabbing my phone and my water and turning around
“Wait don’t go” Matt said sounding bad for me, I just shook my head and kept walking upstairs to my bedroom
It was now 3am, and everyone had called it a night by 10 because of how exhausted they were from the drive here.
However I was wide awake replaying the embarrassing event that occurred a few hours prior. I was so annoyed that Madi would say such a thing. She was supposed to be my best friend, and those weren’t the vibes I was getting. I decided to head downstairs to sit in the living room, and clear my mind.
I headed downstairs, and started a small fire in the fireplace, so I didn’t have to keep the lights on, and potentially wake one of them up; because I really wanted to be alone right now. I sat in front of the fireplace with a blanket wrapped around me. Just staring into the flames, and letting my thoughts run clearly. I felt a tear slip down my face as I felt all the embarrassment and shame wash over me.
Just sitting asking myself why. Why in the world would she ask those questions knowing my answer. I felt betrayed and like a fool. I shouldn’t be embarrassed of my lack of experience. I'm only 21. This is very normal, but I just hated how I felt, and I wanted to crawl into a dark hole and disappear. After wiping my tears and collecting myself I just stared into the fire letting the flames reflect off my brown eyes
Suddenly I heard a door creak open from upstairs, and feet shuffling. I was really hoping one of them were just going to the bathroom, so I can bask in my self hatred a little more. Unfortunately I heard the stairs creak loudly under the pressure of someone’s feet, but I refused to look over my shoulder.
I felt a presence next to me, and suddenly they sat down next to me, and only then did I finally look over, and to my surprise it was Matt looking into the fire. I watched the reflection of the flames make his icy blue eyes twinkle. When he decided to speak up “I don’t think you deserved that” was all he said still looking at the fire
“Thanks, but I’m used to being the embarrassed one” I said quietly
“Doesn’t matter. It was fucked up, and uncalled for. Plus she’s your best friend. I have no clue why she'd say such a thing. I’m not too sure what’s gotten into her lately” Matt said, looking over at me. This made me turn to look at him, giving him a small smile
“She likes you” was all I could say as I searched his eyes for an answer, or a glimpse of hope that they’d scream “i don’t like her” back at me
“Likes me?” He said with a confused look
“Yes Matt…you are so blind Madi is head over heels in love with you” I said in a nonchalant way
“She’s like my sister….I have never expressed any other feelings other than a family type of relationship with her” he said rubbing his eye
“Yeah well she might not have gotten that. Don’t you see the flirty looks, the flirty touches, the comments trying to embarrass me infront of you” I said looking him dead in the eyes
“Is this why you leave my side when she comes around?” He asked staring back into my eyes
“Well yes. I don’t want to be the punching bag, and I can’t stand watching her trying to get with you” I said slightly looking away from his gaze
“I would never get with her” he said almost laughing a little bit
“Why not? She’s gorgeous, long hair, beautiful face, thin, sweet, funny and nice” I said turning back to look at the fire
“This is crazy” he said still looking at you
“Is that all you took away from what the fuck I just said” Still not looking at him
“It’s crazy that even though she embarrassed you and always does you still have nothing but nice things to say about her” Matt said, waiting to see if I’d look at him
“Jesus Matt!” I said a little more loudly finally turning to look at him
“I’m sitting basically professing my love to you in such a vulnerable way, and all you can do is mention her” I said shaking my head
“Mentioning her? In case you haven’t noticed I’m mentioning you….haven't you seen all along?? The looks? The touches? Always running to you for opinions? Always looking for you? Always wanting to be near you? And all you did was run away from me every single time” he said looking hurt
“Didn’t you notice the captions on my instagram posts?? They would be finishing every sentence you would say. You pay attention to the little things, so I thought you’d catch on” He said shaking his head
Everytime Y/N would post on Instagram it was always a song lyric.
Y/N caption: she thinks it’s special
Matt’s caption: but it’s all reused
Y/N caption:Think I’ll miss you forever
Matt’s caption:Like the stars miss the sun
Y/N caption:I’m trying to be brave
Matt’s caption:Stop asking me to stay
And Y/N’s latest post even had some fans questioning what was really going on being her and the young boy.
Y/N caption:Just put your hand on the glass
Matt’s Caption:I’ll be there to pull you through
Their posts had been matching up for some time now, but neither of them would say a thing.
I just stared at Matt dumbly because I genuinely had not paid any attention to our captions. I couldn’t allow little small things to alter my brain, and make me think we had a chance
“Y/N you’re my everything. You have always been since the moment we shared a Twix after Chris stole mine. I saw how giving you were, and how you cared to everyone, and that made me fall head over heels in love with you” He said searching my eyes for an answer
“Matt you have been my everything since the moment you complimented my hair and makeup after Madi told me it was too much. Right in that moment it gave me so much hope you saw me differently” I told him looking back into his eyes
Without a warning he just pulled me in for a kiss. I have never kissed anyone before so I was shocked, but when I finally got the hang out I could feel butterflies all in my stomach, and the weight of 1,000 pounds being lifted off my chest.
“I have wanted to do that for so long” he said after pulling away, and all i could do was stay there starstruck and as red as a tomato
I just pulled him back in for a kiss, and this time it got more heated. I had wrapped us in the blanket when I started to lean back onto the floor as he started to hover over me.
“Wait I don’t want you to think I’m just doing this to do this” He said pulling away from the kiss
“I would never think that, and if I wanted to stop I would’ve” I told him shyly. He continues to kiss me slowly going down to my cheek, then my jawline, and then down to my neck. Peppering light kisses to my neck on both sides. This made me let out a few sighs as I ran my fingers through his hair.
“Matt, can you take my virginity?” I asked him bluntly. He pulled back and looked into my eyes once again searching for any sign of discomfort
“Are you sure?” He asked me looking down to my lips
“Yes Matt. This is all I’ve ever wanted” I told him shamelessly. He nodded and began to kiss my neck again. He decided to take her shirt off, and continued to make out with me while I got more comfortable.
“Matt, I want to take off my shirt,” I said, pushing him back a little bit. He nodded and let me remove my shirt. I was completely bare in front of him. This made me a little shy, and he took notice
“God Y/N you’re so gorgeous” he said as he went down kissing both boobs, and slowly taking one nipple into his mouth while he kneaded the other one. I let out a silent moan and ran my hands through his hair. This action alone was making me so aroused, and I was starting to ache with an undeniable want for Matt
“I have to stretch you out a bit before I can have sex with you” he said after pulling away from my breast, and running a hand down from the valley of my beast to my lower abdomen.
“Do whatever you want to me Matt” I said looking at him
“This might hurt, and you have to promise to be quiet. We don’t want to wake them up” he said, kissing my lips. I nodded and bit my lip
He slowly removed my pants, and then along my underwear followed.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous with the fireplace reflecting off your skin” he said feeling up on my body as he stared at me
“Matt please touch me I want you so bad” I said to him, and to this he nodded
He started to kiss my neck and the valley of my breast as he started to travel his hand down to my pussy. Collecting my arousal and spreading it around some more
“God you’re so wet” he said as he continued to rub, and all I could do was moan and whimper lowly for him
He pulled his fingers away and spat on them to lubricate them some more. He placed them back on my vagina and continued to rub my clit as my legs spread wider for him
Slowly he pushed his middle finger in. As it kept going in I felt the burn from the stretch of his finger. I had fingered myself before but this was a different stretch. Matt’s fingers were thicker and longer
My eyebrows furrowed in pain and pleasure as he got his finger all the way in. Slowly he started to go in and out pushing up against my G spot in a come here motion
“Fuck Matt” I whimpered lowly
“I know baby” he said, kissing my lips as he slid the second finger in. This one I felt the pain the most. I gasped loudly and bit down on my hand
“I’m sorry. It will go away pretty girl” he said pushing both fingers in again.
Matt was taking his time fingering me and stretching me for him. I told him I wanted to cum on his dick, so to not take the fingering too far
“You think you’re ready for all of me” he asked as he pulled his fingers out
“Yes Matt” i told him running my hands down from his chest to his bulge and giving it a light squeeze
Matt had removed his pajama bottoms and his underwear. He pumped his cock a few times, and then lightly spat on it to lubricate it some more. This made Y/N even more wet just watching this beauty of a man touch himself infront of her
“Okay baby this will hurt, but it will go away, and if it’s too much I’ll stop okay” Matt asked rubbing her cheek with his hand
“Okay Matt. I trust you I’m ready” she said as she held onto both his arms as he leaned over her.
He brought one hand down to guide his dick to her entrance. Slowly he pushed his tip in. Y/N let out a small cry in pain as this was a new stretch for her
“Fuck Matt this hurts” she said opening her eyes to look him in the eyes
“Do you want me to stop” he asked her, looking back at her. She shook her head no, and he slowly kept pushing himself into her while kissing her so he could silence her winces
At this point Matt was all the way in and was getting adjusted to Y/N. She nodded at him to let her know he could move
So Matt started slowly moving in and out of the girl. Allowing her to feel all of him as his dick hit her G spot
“Fuck Matt” she whined as he hit her g spot once more
“Shhh baby i know” he said breathing heavily
Matt was continuing his slow and steady strokes. He moved a little faster, but mostly he was focusing on slow deep thrusts to allow Y/N to feel the most pleasure. At this point Matt was sweating and breathing heavily. He really wanted to be a moaning whimpering mess for her, but he couldn’t risk waking anybody up. He snakes his hand down to her clit to allow her more pleasure so she could cum.
Y/N let out a loud moan and Matt quickly put his hand over her mouth to silence her, and to this she moaned again letting her eyes roll to the back of her head as he kept pounding into her and rubbing her clit
After 10 more minutes of deep strong thrusts Matt started to feel her clench around him, so he knew she was close.
“Matt I’m going to cum” she said looking up at him all fucked out. Hair sticking to her forehead and her body glistening with sweat
“I know baby. I know” Matt said rubbing her clit faster and thrusting deeper and harder
“Fuck Matt fuck fuck fuck” she said as she clenched down harder, and with this she came all over his cock. Her brows were furrowed together and her mouth was hung open as she let out silent screams. Her body was shaking and trembling, her thighs were shaking as she saw white flashes of ecstasy. She slowly came down from her high with heavy breathing and Matt pulled out. Stroking his own cock over her
“Can I?” He asked her as he was stroking harder
“Please Matt cum for me” she said to him, and that was all it took for his brows to furrow and his mouth to fall slack as his lower abdomen contracted, and he was painting her stomach with white hot strings of cum.
As he came down from his high his breathing was deep and shallow. He grabbed his shirt and wiped her stomach clean. Falling down to the left of her and allowing the blanket to cover them.
“God Y/N you’re so gorgeous I’m in love with you” Matt said as he looked down at her. Propped up on one arm as he looks into her eyes wiping the hair off her forehead
“Matt this was all I could ever ask for. I love you so much” she said weakly looking at him
“I love you too” he said, giving her a kiss on the lips.
She turned into his chest, and they eventually fell asleep together
Around 8AM Nick and Chris came downstairs and walked to the living room to see a sizzling out fireplace, and a naked Y/N and Matt sleeping together wrapped in a blanket. They both looked at one another wide eyed
“MATT WAKE UP” Chris said kicking Matt’s foot, and to this he jumped up to, also waking up Y/N
“OH SHIT” Y/N said covering herself with the blanket
“What the fuck happened here” Chris said
“Uhhh” Matt said looking over at me
“YALL WAS FUCKIN” Nick said trying to contain his excitement
“I fucking knew y’all liked each other” Chris said kind of jumping like a kid
“Although this is so cute and yall are so cute together. Please get up and put some clothes on” Nick said laughing
Chris went to grab Matt’s shirt when Matt interrupted him
“DONT touch that shirt” Matt kind of yelled
“Why not?” Chris asked scared and concerned
“It has my cum all over it” Matt said bluntly
“MATT!” Y/N said smacking him on the arm
“DUDE WTF” Chris said running away
“That’s actually disgusting” Nick said giggling like a little kid and kicking the shirt away
Matt and Y/N got up to get cleaned up and ready for the day, and finish the rest of their weekend get away.
The End
I think my next ones going to be a Nick with a female reader but it’s going to be a friendship imagine🥰🥹
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
Party Games Aplenty
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Just a funny little interlude where I get to the club rink aftermath with Reader lolol, also featuring a very chaotic Lucifer trying to play matchmaker- This is kind of like what I had mentioned in the past where Reader ends up playing some "kiss, marry, kill" lmao- I'm writing another interlude that comes directly after this with more fluffy stuff so you guys could probably look forward to that too hahahaha!
As the first rays of the morning filtered through the curtains, your eyes reluctantly fluttered open as the hangover finally hit you full force.
As fun as it was to overindulge in the festivities of the night before, you were starting to regret not being careful enough.
You forced yourself to sit up, biting back a groan when the room spun slightly.
How you even managed to return to the hotel, much less your own bed, was but a fuzzy memory.
But when you raised your hands to rub the sleep out of your eyes, you noticed the dark sleeves of a coat that didn't belong to you.
Wasn't this Vox's blazer?
You didn't even get to wonder how it came into your possession before the smell of his cologne hit your nose.
It instantly took you back to last night, the first time you noticed the scent was when you had literally fallen on top of Vox because he'd lost his balance on his skates.
Then again when he'd stepped in close to check if you were okay after that exchange with a flirty drunkard.
It wasn't a fragrance you initially expected, minty with some hints of citrus to make a refreshing and crisp scent-
But honestly it was better than what you guessed which was just the smell of new computer parts-
A small blush worked onto your face as you reminisced the night before, your numbing migraine mostly an afterthought by this point.
Had he leant this to you...?
A small bashful smile appeared on your face, tugging the coat closer as you remembered the genuine charming smile that had gotten you so interested in the overlord in the first place.
Huh, maybe you should call him-
"Hello my dear! Any reason to be so smitten this early in the morning?"
You were so busy fawning over Vox and his chivalry the night prior that you didn't notice Alastor suddenly pop up next to you on the bed.
So when the radio demon had suddenly mentioned something- you practically screamed.
Thank goodness you didn't fall off the bed this time, but boy did that give you a scare.
Also smitten? Bitch who's smitten it wasn't you-
"Huh-??? What the hell are you doing in my room?! It's too early for any of your games you old weirdo!"
"Hahaha! Oh I'm not here to play any games fawn! I merely came to fetch you at Charlie's request!"
You just rolled your eyes at the deer annoyed, rubbing at your eyes once more as you swung your legs over the edge of the mattress.
"Charlie's looking for me? Why?"
"Why don't you head downstairs and find out?"
You just glared at Alastor for giving you such a vague answer, to which he simply shrugged and grinned wider.
Cheeky old bastard.
You were too busy being irritated with the antique media overlord that by the time you'd come downstairs to meet with the rest of the group-
You actually missed the odd looks they gave you.
Not that you would've noticed anything anyway when your mind was preoccupied with the delectable aroma that wafted from the kitchen.
"Oooooh! Lucifer! You made pancakes?"
"Why not? I had some time and Charlie asked if I could."
"Can I have some?"
"Sure! Just help yourself!"
You skipped past Lucifer happily, grabbing a serving of pancakes before sitting down at the table with everyone else and digging in.
Still, you seemed to just happily munch away in your own world until Angel finally spoke up.
"Sooooo... wanna explain who's jacket that is toots?"
You almost choked on your food in surprise.
Only then did you realize the amused or curious gazes everyone else had on you.
No wonder Alastor didn't say or do anything else when you had just stomped out of your room.
That old fuck-!
"It's Vox's blazer, he just leant it to me."
You mumbled hastily, poking at your food and avoiding everyone's eyes.
This was... kinda embarrassing.
"Did he try to charm your pants off or something?"
"What? No! He's just a good friend- that's kind of it."
Lucifer let out a long whistle before he sat down next to you with a playful grin, using his magic to make the apron he was wearing disappear.
You were not quite as enthused as the king of hell.
"Hooooh boy, seems like someone got friendzoned!"
You just rolled your eyes at the king of hell, tipping his hat in retaliation so he had to fix it.
You getting friendzoned- as if.
"I don't really even remember what happened last night, who brought me back to the hotel?"
Vaggie raised an eyebrow at you, crossing her arms with an amused grin.
That made you just the teensiest bit concerned.
"Vox did, you were drunk out of you mind so he went ahead and took you back here."
You thought it was either Angel or Charlie that would've taken your wasted self back to the hotel-
Not a specific flat-faced overlord.
Wouldn't he have just found your situation hilarious?
Well, maybe he did-
But that still didn't explain why he'd go through all of that effort to take care of you.
"Uh ohhhh, looks someone's hit by Cupid's arrow!"
As the table erupted in laughter, you just stewed in embarrassed silence.
Vox was such an idiot-
You could've taken care of yourself.
And still you were more than giddy from his actions.
This was so confusing...
Vox himself wasn't actually faring much better than you were.
Given that he freed up his weekend at your request-
He wasn't really doing anything this early in the day.
Instead, the overlord was just staring up at the ceiling trying to come to terms with the realization that slapped him in the face last night.
Was he really in love with you?
What if he was just mistaking this fondness?
After all, he never had this kind of... relationship with anyone.
He'd just been looking through your past conversations and pictures in an attempt to really make heads or tails of his feelings-
When his phone's ringtone suddenly blared out.
Vox fumbled with it from shock, only to get even more panicked when he realized it was you who was trying to call him.
What was he even going to say to you after last night?!
He was absolutely not ready for this-
Eventually though, he'd managed to gather enough of his bearings to answer the call.
"Hey dollface, did you need anything?"
It was silent for a little bit and the overlord almost thought you'd just accidentally pressed the button.
Until he heard Lucifer's giggling from the other end.
What the fuck was the guy doing with your phone?!
"Wha- What are you doing with this phone?!"
"Oh calm down, we're just playing some truth or dare! This was just one of your dear (Y/N)'s!"
"Truth or dare?? This early in the day???"
"Angel's idea, she just agreed. But don't worry- there isn't any booze. You're welcome to join in if you drop by!"
Vox sighed in mild irritation, of course you'd agree to play this stupid game.
He glanced over at the digital clock by his bedside, it wasn't even noon.
"Hello? You still there TV man?"
"I'll be at the hotel in ten, don't let (Y/N) do anything stupid."
Lucifer only chuckled and tossed the phone back to you, waving off your queries when you had asked if Vox said anything.
It did strike you as peculiar when you were simply dared by him to hand over your phone unlocked, it was such a simple task.
Unlike the dares you'd been feeding the others-
Which were...
Hilarious to say the least.
Especially now that Vaggie had her long hair done up in such an obnoxious style and Husker was wearing a dress.
It would've made you feel bad if the situation just wasn't so funny.
"Vox?! Where are you going?!"
"I'll tell you later when I get back."
"Not like that you aren't!"
"What's wrong with my suit this time?!"
"If you're heading where I think you are, it's not dressed like that!"
Vox could only sigh in exasperation when Velvette ran after him, he hastily just threw on the outfit he was familiar with and practically bolted out the door.
Only, he didn't quite realize that in his haste- his bow tie wasn't so properly done and he'd even forgotten his hat.
The youngest Vee wanted to facepalm at the frenzied mess her colleague was at the moment, but instead flicked her hand to put immediately him into a better prepared outfit.
He still had his white long sleeved dress shirt but his coat had instead shifted into a button down vest with the same striped pattern, a necktie replaced his signature bow and his hat was now on his head as well.
The overlord's slacks had gone from black to a dark navy to complement his vest, his shoes remained unchanged.
Vox just looked down at himself confused, he looked even dressier than usual?
"There, you'll still look sharp even if you completely lose it!"
He decided not to say anything in reply, his mind blitzing about way too many things at once to properly retort.
The overlord waved back to acknowledge Velvette before quickly rushing out the doors, swiftly travelling through some wires to get to the hotel.
By the time he had arrived, you were about to chug a beverage that even Vox couldn't recognize.
Hastily making his way towards you in a zap of blue electricity, he plucked the glass out of your hand and just gave you his signature grin.
He didn't know, but you'd noticed his expression shifted from worry to that trademark smile.
Not that you would even be able to mention it, being shocked from his sudden arrival and all.
Vox took a wiff of the concoction and immediately cringed, it was like someone had mixed up every kind of alcohol into one drink.
"Playing party games without inviting me? That's kinda cruel dollface."
Everyone aside from a certain king of hell seemed shocked at the arrival of your flatscreened friend.
Your eyebrows furrowed for a moment as you looked at Vox, just how did he know about what you were doing?
The overlord merely shot you a curious smile, even he had no idea why you were looking at him like he was a puzzle to be solved.
It took no less than a minute for the pieces to fall into place, then the whole situation finally made sense to you.
"Lucifer you fucking snitch!"
"Eh? What are you talking about (Y/N)? I didn't do anything!"
All eyes were suddenly on the king of hell, and Vox couldn't help but start to feel confused.
Was he really baited into arriving?
Not to mention he actually fell for it.
Did he really just get played?!
"That's why you wanted my phone earlier! Why you little-"
"Well, you know what they say- the more the merrier!"
Vox just shook his head in disbelief as he watched you practically chase Lucifer all around the hotel lobby.
And to think he'd worked himself up into a near panic because he was unsure of the messes you'd get into playing Truth or Dare.
He looked back at the glass in his hand, swirling the beverage with a raised eyebrow.
"I wouldn't drink that if I were you."
"I could gather as much from the smell, but thanks for the warning. What's in this anyway?"
"Every kind of booze that the bar has to offer, it'll probably get anyone tipsy."
"And you guys dared (Y/N) to drink this???"
Husker just casually shrugged at the technology overlord's response.
Vox didn't even bother to question why the feline was wearing a stupidly poofy dress either-
"They took up the dare, you'd honestly come in at just the right moment."
The overlord just rolled his eyes, his timing was... kind of spot on.
Well, when has it not been?
He was just minding his own business conversing with the hotel's resident bartender when a random pillow was suddenly thrown at his face, hitting his screen with a light 'paff'-
"Sorry Vox!"
You looked at him apologetically, twiddling your fingers as he just shook his head again.
So you were the culprit.
Vox couldn't help but just chuckle at your meekness, this chaos wasn't anything new to him.
Though you just giggled when he shot you an amused smile, the others in the room totally missing it when Angel suggested they play another game.
"Come on! Let's play some two truths and a lie! That's a lotta fun!"
"Dude, you're just going to lie about everything."
"Whaaaat? No I'm not!"
"I don't see why not."
All eyes were immediately on Vox, surprised he'd even entertain such a menial thing.
He simply shrugged, moving away from the bar to stand next to you.
You just looked up at him with wide eyes, he's willing to play a game like this-?
With all of you??
"It's just a game, nothing to get too worked up about."
Lucifer audibly snickered at his words, causing the technology overlord to fling a pillow in his general direction.
Of course the fallen angel simply dodged it-
It was a little hypocritical considering how he reacted to learning that you were playing truth or dare-
But that didn't really need to be said.
After a few rounds of the game however, Vox was slowly starting to regret agreeing.
Especially when it had basically turned into a QnA directed at him.
The only thing that gave him even an ounce of respite was the fact you could answer some of the questions.
You really knew him well.
"So you can seriously just display anything on your face?"
"Emotes, pictures, videos, games, you name it. Anything digital I probably could."
"I actually wonder what would happen if I plugged an actual console into your head-"
"Doll, as much as I let you get away with things- that's where I draw the line."
Given that you were all just sitting around the lobby, you leaning on Vox wasn't all that surprising.
It felt natural for the both of you, comfortable even.
"Awwww come on? Why not? Let me play Mario kart on your face-"
"Hard pass dollface, hard pass."
That question caused the both of you to fall back into your typical banter, nearly forgetting everyone else was still there until Lucifer spoke up.
"Fine fine, we get it- you both know each other well. Let's play something more interesting! So (Y/N), kiss, marry, kill anyone in this room?"
"We're shifting games now?"
"Eh?! Why me?!"
"Why not?"
You couldn't form a retort to that, giving your techy friend an annoyed side-eye when he couldn't stop snickering.
"Well fine! I'm definitely killing Alastor-"
You had to elbow Vox when he started openly laughing, you didn't even say that just to echo your buddy.
You really just found Alastor ridiculously creepy.
"I'm not saying that for you Samsung, the old geezer is just way too annoying and creepy!"
That comment just made the overlord laugh harder, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes at his antics.
"Anyway- kiss... Angel probably? He's got experience so I probably wouldn't regret it."
"Well ya ain't wrong toots."
The spider proudly said, causing you to shake your head and wave him off.
You didn't mean to feed the guy's ego, but you honestly probably just did.
"And marry Vox. That's a no brainer."
"Wait what-"
Vox hadn't been paying attention to the conversation much, instead just stealing glances at you that kind of went unnoticed.
So when you said "marry" and then his name in tandem, his brain kind of just froze.
"Yeah, you take care and watch over me- plus you're like my best friend- so if I had to I'd just pick you."
The overlord didn't know whether he wanted to smile or just blank.
Was that a friendzone???
What literally just happened-
"Plus you're rich, so like- I could literally live in luxury-"
"You can be kind of a bitch you know that?"
"Ha! Takes one to know one!"
"Why you little-!"
"Awwww you loooooooove meeeeeee!"
Vox couldn't even fire back at that, just crossing his arms and huffing as you devolved into a laughing fit at his expense.
And it wasn't like he could stay annoyed with you either, even if you really liked pushing his buttons in every which way possible.
All he could do was smile and grab a nearby couch cushion to playfully hit you with it.
"Naaaaah! As if, keep dreaming dollface!"
Oh if only you knew how true your words were.
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diddybok · 9 months
May I request a poly skz + reader, or just Minsung or Chanlix/Hyunlix if you want, totally up to you. Reader relatively new to the relationship and is trying their best to be the best partner to all parties, but doesn’t feel like it’s being returned. They feel like skz (or whichever ship you choose) is too into each other and not them, like the shiny new toy isn’t exciting anymore. One night, after everyone goes to sleep, reader gets their things and leaves without saying anything. You can change the plot a bit if you’d like. If you’re not comfortable with writing it, that’s ok!🩵
all characters depicted in my writing are from my own imagination and do NOT in any way represent nor reflect the people in real life :)
➩pairing: minsung x gn!reader
➩genre(s): angst, poly!skz
➩warnings: none
➩wc: 0.6k (655)
➩author’s note: sorry this took so long, i hope it was even a fraction of what you wanted!
➩part(s): next
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You are exhausted. To put it plainly. You just don’t know how much more you can take. Of course you love the boys, you really do. However something has shifted, and not for the better.
First you started noticing small changes. When Jisung and Minho would come back late from practice, they would usually bring you a sweet treat followed by kisses and cuddles to make up for the lost time. Now it’s barely even a ‘Sorry we’re home late.”
You aren’t used to this, used to feeling like an afterthought in your own relationship. Then again, you weren’t quite sure how well it was going to go between the three of you. They were already so in tune with each other and then you came along.
They made you feel like the missing piece. The rarest jewel to add to their shiny golden crown. You didn’t think it was possible to be truly loved by two people, nor did you think you could love two people as much as you do them.
The tender care and appreciation that came from the both of them was nothing short of remarkable. The intimacy that was shared between the three of you was never overwhelming.
You love Minho. You love Jisung. They love you.
At least, they loved you.
When it was once you in the middle, being doted on each side by the boys you adored. You now reside on the outside as they cuddle each other, a pity hand resting upon your thigh.
When it was once you who ran you fingers through both of their hair as they melted into your touch. You now get told “You don’t have to do that tonight.” “You seem tired you should get some rest.” “It’s alright, I’ll do it for him.”
When it was once a trio. It now falls back into the familiar routine of when you weren’t even a blimp in their lives. Minho and Jisung against the world, oh and Y/n.
“Do you guys still love me?” You would ask timidly.
“Of course we do Y/n! Why would you think such a thing?”
You thought you had done something wrong. Why were they pushing you away? Even when you increased the amount of love you were giving them, you didn’t get anything back.
You were always at the tail end of the relationship. It only became clear to you now.
You still love them. Of course you do. How could you not?
But you are no fool. You are not one to be strung along like a little pet on a leash. You know when you aren’t wanted. When you, the jewel, were not quite glued in securely and fell out of the crown.
Perhaps it always looked better with only the two jewels. Perhaps you were there as a tester, to see what it would look like.
New and exciting, glamorous and beautiful. It was what they needed…until they didn’t.
As you lay at the edge of the bed, the two of them cuddling beside you, you quietly unwrap yourself from the sheets. You grab your already packed bag that was in the wardrobe.
They didn’t even notice your toothbrush was gone when they came home late and did their nightly routine.
Yes but they didn’t even give you a kiss goodnight.
You shouldn’t cry, but you can’t help the tears that cascade down your cheeks.
You know it is for the best. You need to put yourself first, your feelings first.
Which is why you place the key you had to the house on the kitchen island. You don’t look back as you walk out the door. Walk out of their lives.
Maybe that was what they wanted from you all along?
Maybe you just weren’t ready for something like this?
Or maybe you know your worth. You know you’re worth enough to be loved as much as you love.
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ʚ hope you enjoyed ^.^ you can support me by liking, commenting and reblogging! it is heavily appreciated ᵕ̈ ɞ
i do not permit my work to be translated or reposted in any way, thank you.
© 2023 diddybok
taglist: @lyramundana
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ddejavvu · 10 months
For multiverse Monday, could you do professor!Spencer who is infatuated with one of his students and keeps asking her to come see him and she is really shy and insecure and worries that she’s not doing good at school? Like she could never believe HE was attracted to her ? Angsty, smutty whatever you’d like 🤌🏼
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
Professor Reid had gone from reminding you of his office hours to blatantly asking you to stay after class. You hadn't taken his suggestion seriously, you'd assumed he told everyone what times they could come and meet him, but when he leaves a penned note on the top of the paper he returns to you that says 'See me after class :)', you begin thinking it might be something about you specifically.
Your legs shake as you try packing up slower than the rest of his students, hopeful that you don't look like someone who's in trouble or about to fail the class. His kind, red-inked smiley face had done nothing to deter your nerves, and you approach his desk while your hands toy with the strap of your bag.
He greets you with an expression similar to the one he'd drawn on your paper, and gestures to the chair opposite his own, "Take a seat."
You're expecting him to pull out a laptop and display your less-than-perfect grade, or, because of his anti-technology preference, a gradebook. But he leans across the desk instead, studying you with that gentle smile.
"You're not in trouble," He notes your fiddling fingers, "I just wanted to speak with you."
"What about?" You inquire, then as an afterthought, "-Professor?"
"Well, I don't feel like I know you very well," He confesses, "You're very formal in your emails, and you don't speak much during class. I just wanted to make sure I hadn't upset you?"
Your eyes widen briefly, "Oh, no! No, professor, nothing- nothing like that I just-" You gnaw at the inside of your cheek, "I just don't talk much."
"I understand," He smiles, "Personally, I talk too much. I just wanted to make sure you weren't upset with me, I'd really like to get to know you more."
You attempt a weak smile, barely able to function at his flattering remarks, "There's not much to know, I'm afraid."
"I think you're selling yourself short," His voice has a soothing component that disarms any discomfort you might have felt at being so open with your professor, and you're thankful for that as you relax slightly into your seat.
"But I'm sure you have another class to get to. You're free to go, if you'd like, but I meant it. I'd love it if you came to ask questions during office hours, or stopped after class to chat. You don't need to be afraid of me, Y/N."
"Alright," You nod, already rising from your chair. You don't have another class to get to, you'll just need 3-5 business days to recover from your very handsome professor telling you he'd like to get to know you better.
"Uh, thank you, Professor," You smile, and this time it's not marred with worry, "I'll- I'll maybe come to office hours on Thursday?"
"I'd love to see you there," He nods, watching as you trek up the stairs towards the exit, "10 AM to 12 PM, don't forget!'
You think you might get the times tattooed on your arm just to guarantee you'll never miss a meeting.
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 7 months
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Bucky isn't a fan of children roaming the streets in costumes and asking for candy. But it only takes one little boy to change his mind.
This is my Halloween contribution to the fandom and a shoutout to @jessybarnes, congrats on reaching 500 followers!
Word count: just over 1k
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He had just gotten home. Bloodied and bruised. There hadn't been any time for him to change. In fact, he had barely stepped through his front door when his phone pinged with a notification from you.
Went to the store to grab more candy!
Bucky scowled. Halloween. He didn't have time to think about such mundane things as your favorite pagan holiday. Naturally, you felt otherwise and had taken the liberty of decorating his home for him.
It was lucky he lived in an apartment building. What was the likelihood that any kids would-
"Trick or Treat!" A chorus of voices accompanied a knock on the door.
His shoulders drooped in disappointment. Maybe he could ignore it?
"TRICK OR TREAT!" There was only one voice this time but louder than before.
Bucky was a patient man who knew multitudes of silence and stillness. He would be patient.
"Come on, Mister! I saw you go inside!" The voice of a little boy who was far less patient than he was.
A sigh escaped Bucky's lips. He was exhausted and didn't particularly want to deal with the emotional baggage that came with the way he expected a child would react to his appearance. He knew people still saw him as a monster, despite his pardon. He had no desire to see fear reflected in the eyes of innocence. But the pounding didn't stop.
He looked around wildly for something to give the expectant youth. His eyes finally landed on a bowl beside the door. There was one candy bar left inside.
Well, it was better than nothing. Bucky grabbed the bowl and wrenched open the door. An audible gasp stopped him in his tracks. He looked down to see an eight year old boy dressed as Captain America standing before him, mouth agape.
"Here kid, this is all I've got," he held out the candy bar to the frozen child.
Both Bucky and the boy stood facing each other for what felt like an eternity to Bucky. Neither of them moved and Bucky wondered if the boy's jaw could drop any further. His silence was making Bucky very uncomfortable.
"Look kid, just take this and go," he dropped the bar into the kid's pumpkin basket. As an afterthought he added, "you don't have to be scared."
"Are you an Avenger?" The boy whispered.
"Not exactly, kid."
"But you're friends with Captain America?"
Bucky was loath to answer this question, but he couldn't exactly deny that he and Sam were friends.
"I guess you can call us friends."
"Do you have superpowers?"
Bucky shrugged. He thought of superpowers belonging to heroes. He would never describe himself as one.
The kid smiled and continued talking despite Bucky’s nonverbal state. “My dad lives in Washington DC now.” 
“That’s nice?” Bucky felt the need to respond to the wide eyes which hadn’t left his face since he opened the door.
“I went to visit him over the summer. He doesn’t live with me and my mom anymore.”
Bucky didn’t miss the glaze of sadness which washed over his face, and he didn’t like how it made him feel.
“Did you like it there?” he asked the boy.
“Yeah! He took me to the Smithsonian.”
Bucky finally understood what the boy was telling him.
“I read about you.”
“Oh.” Bucky’s face fell. The kid had read about the Winter Soldier and his past. “Look, I’m not-”
“You’re my favorite!” The kid was positively beaming up at him.
“F-favorite?” Bucky stuttered, utterly baffled by the response he was receiving. “Favorite what?”
“Howling Commando!” He bobbed up and down with excitement. “You’re Steve Roger’s best friend!”
“Yeah,” Bucky’s face softened and he replied softly, saddened by the thought of his oldest friend. He missed Steve. He looked down at the child before him, his bright eyes and blonde hair. “What’s your name, kid?”
"Steve," he smiled. "My mom named me after Captain America because he saved her life when she was pregnant with me. Dad tells me what happened as a bedtime story on my birthday." The light behind his eyes dimmed with his last words. "He missed it this year."
"I'm sorry, pal."
"Next time I see him, I'm going to tell him I met an Avenger!"
"I bet he will be real impressed!" Bucky smiled, choosing not to correct little Steve.
"When I grow up, I wanna be just like you!"
"I don't think you want that," Bucky answered wistfully.
"You don't think I can be a hero?" Little Steve's face fell.
"Of course you can!" Bucky inwardly cursed his use of language. He knelt down in front of the boy and laid a hand on his shoulder. "But you know my friend, Sam Wilson? Captain America?"
Little Steve nodded solemnly.
"He's the guy you want to grow up to be. Got that?"
"Yes sir, Mr Bucky."
"But if you ever tell him I said that, you'll never get candy here again. Understood?" Bucky said sternly, dropping his last candy bar into the kid's pumpkin basket.
"I'd better get going or I'll miss out on the good candy. No offense, but you gotta get something better than this."
"Working on it, pal," Bucky smiled as you turned the corner, arms laden with several bags. He unburdened you and emptied the contents of one bag into Little Steve's small hands.
He delighted in the sight of the boy's bright eyes and toothy grin. "Thanks!" he cried, backing away with his sugary horde.
"Don't eat it all at once!" Bucky called after him. 
You stood to the side watching the way Bucky had spoken to the little boy, giving him a smug smile.
"What?" Bucky frowned.
"What was that about?" You pointed between Bucky and the spot where Little Steve had stood.
"Kids these days, no respect. We didn't have the luxury of being given this much sugar when I was a kid."
"Is that why you gave him half of what I just brought back?"
Bucky shrugged.
"Come on, let's go inside. The kids may think that blood is fake, but I know better!" You steered Bucky into the apartment. "And if you're good, you'll get a treat too!"
“Did I mention that dress looks incredible on you?" Bucky smirked, eyeing your rockabilly cap sleeve dress with its sweetheart neck and flared skirt. True to the Halloween spirit, it was covered in a pumpkin and ghost design.
You put your arms around his neck. “There will definitely be treats tonight,” you purred into his ear.
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kentosovertime · 3 months
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(adj.) deadly, destructive
➳ yandere best friend!yuta x afab!reader - 1.5k
➳ a/n: straight up brain rot- i just know this man is unhinged
➳ cw: explicit content, explicit language, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, emotional manipulation, yandere themes, catfishing, friend zone, degradation, praise, pet names
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Fat, ugly tears soak into Yuta’s white sweater as he wipes the wetness from your cheek while he rubs your back comfortingly with his free hand. 
“It’s gonna be ok, hun…” He coos with a warm hum that feels like home. It’s why you begged him to pick you up from the date you were stood up on and ghosted after months of talking. 
“N-n-no its n-not.” You sob into the pillow that you’ve curled around, clutching the fabric until your knuckles blanche in color. “I feel so fucking stupid!”
“What’s wrong?” He pretends to sound clueless, like he’s concerned about something you’re not telling him. “You still haven’t told me why you were at that coffee shop…”
“T-that guy I told you a-about-” Your breath shutters out of you, making it impossible to force words out for a second. “It w-was a d-date and h-he didn’t show up. I’m blocked on everything n-now.”
“The guy from the dating app?” He makes a show of furrowing his eyebrows in concern, frowning deeper when you nod your head into the pillow, sobbing even harder now. 
“Feel s’dirty and used… what’s w-wrong with me, Yu?” You want to crawl out of your skin, you feel so nauseous thinking about how close you had gotten to this guy, how much you had confided in him. “Why can’t all men be like you?”
“Oh hun…” You allow him to tilt you towards him as he settles on the couch next to you, pulling you into his arms as he gently shushes you. “Come ‘ere, baby.” 
His arms wrap around your body and settle you in his lap, sighing contently as you nuzzle into his neck, basking in the warmth and support he always provides you. Once you’re settled into him, even as your cries continue, he finally allows himself a satisfied grin that his plan is going better than he thought. 
His jaw clenches as he watches you from across campus, seeing you giggling loudly with yet another frat boy fuck ass who’s only with you to get his dick wet. You deserve someone who puts you first, who cares about you more than anyone else; someone like him. 
That night he’s decided he’s had enough of being the afterthought when he deserves you more than these boys who break your too soft heart.  One more terrible heartbreak would certainly break you enough for him to make a move. It's just one more… then you’ll never have to go through it again. 
That’s how he justifies opening his phone to download the dating app he knows you use the most, making a profile after he pays one of the men desperate for cash on campus to use his photos and have him facetime you a couple times to make it more believable. 
It doesn’t take long for you to match the profile or for Yuta to use the knowledge he has as your best friend to concoct the lies that would hook you fastest. The imposter he created enjoys all the same things as you, understands your problems, and supports you when you’re down. 
It’s almost pathetic how quickly you fall for him, folding after a couple months of talking when Yuta decides to be selfish and asks you for a video of you playing with yourself. Yuta digs his teeth into his bottom lip, stifling a guttural groan at the first sight of your finger spreading yourself open for the camera, teasing your clit before you burrow your middle and ring fingers into your cunt. You little pleading moan for him to send something in return so you can picture it while you fuck your fingers into yourself. 
Yuta seethed with jealousy, even if it was his cock you came to when he sent you a video back. You didn’t know it was him, you didn’t love him. It made him so angry that you refused to see what was right in front of you. 
Whenever you hang out with him, you gush about this guy that you met that was so much different from the shit bags you normally gravitate to. And Yuta would smile, listening to you describe everything about him except how you sent him to the dirtiest little clips while he glanced at your hand, itching for you to sink those fingers into yourself again so he can suck them clean. 
Your sobs slowly calm with Yuta’s warmth sinking into your bones. Only small hiccups echo in the room as you feel him leave small kisses across your shoulder. 
His touch isn’t unfamiliar but this specific action is, he was normally so reserved with you, but you shiver as those comforting presses of his mouth on your skin, his breath skating across the surface, serving to fill the void left by a man you thought you could love. 
The low, desperate rumble that sounds from his throat has your eyes fluttering and goosebumps running down your skin. The kisses slowly turn wetter, sloppier as he lays one just below your ear, his tongue peaking out to lap at the skin there. 
“Yu…” Your voice cracks, pleading, as your head tilts to the side, giving him more room to continue his actions. “M-make it stop h-hurting… please.” 
“I don’t know what else to do, hun…” He almost can’t hold the condescending coo from his tone. Fuck he wants to hear you say it. He’s waited so long for the words to fall from your lips. 
“I… Can you…” You hiccup in embarrassment, burrowing into his neck as you grip his shirt as tight as you did the pillow earlier. “I w-want you to fuck me, Yu.” 
“A-are you sure…? I don’t want you to regret it later.” His eagerness is only betrayed by his fingers digging into your hips as an anchor. He needs you to know he’s going to care about you more than anyone, that he isn’t the frat trash you soil yourself with.
“Y-yes… but if you don’t want to- Yu!” You squeak, your eyes widening when your back hits the couch cushion and he settles between your thighs, his hardness already pressing against the fabric of your panties under your skirt you wore especially for your date. 
“Don’t want to?” He growls, pushing the fabric of the skirt to pull around your hips, reaching between you to rip the seam of your pretty lace panties you wore for the imposter he created. 
He deftly flicks the button of his jeans, pushing them along with his boxers to his mid thigh, entering you in a rush movement before you can decide you don’t want him. 
“Oh fuck, Yu-” You moan loudly, your sobs turning to those of pleasure as he sets a brutual pace, taking out all his frustration, anger, and jealousy on you. 
He grits his teeth, carelessly shoving his hand under your shirt to grope your breasts, gripping onto them to hold you in place, using it for leverage to drill into you harder.
“Finally woke the fuck up and realized I’m right here?” He hiss as you flutter around him, your cunt making a white ring around his cock as he fucks you raw. His brutal pace is matched by the demeaning tone. “So nice to be your second choice, you know? Stringing me along like a needy slut?” 
You jolt in shock, the rough treatment only serving to make you clench down on him harder, teetering on the edge.
“S’not like t-that Yu-” You whine, clawing at his chest through his shirt. “I’m s-sorry, I d-didn’t m-mean it like that- M’sorry ‘made you wait!”
He grins ferally at you folding so easily for him, ready to finally force the final blow.  
“Really, hun?” He reaches a hand to your clit, circling it slow enough to drive you crazy, keeping you right at the edge of your orgasm without giving you that last push. “Fuck toys don’t get to cum… only girlfriends do. Are you my perfect little girlfriend? Or a useless fucking cum dump?” 
“Girlfriend!” You shriek as he immediately applies more pressure, his thrusts stuttering a little. You’d give him anything to cum. “I’ll b-be yours ple-” 
Your back arches off the bed as you explode into a thousand little pieces, coming hard enough for your vision to go fuzzy, mewling when you feel Yuta still after pressing deep inside of you. His cum spills from your abused cunt, spilling out from around him to drip down onto the couch. 
“Good fucking girl, hun. Fuck-” The praise makes you tremble and cling to him and he knows breaking your heart was worth the pain.
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tag list: @sugarbooger513 @sugarmapoops @roughwithfluff @severelytalentless @yelzoldyck @silversslut @aazaard @dreamyyholland @wobblewobble822 @vantastic210 @rafzaha @tirzamisu @chososhoney @littlemochi @bebechinas99 @firdaoz @saoney @meromelo @pelicanpizza @sukunassoulmate @damncakie @katgalle @honeyyjems @tsukikoxo [[ if your blog name is crossed out i couldn't tag you]]
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bettyfrommars · 11 months
Handcuffs & Crab Rangoon
(also known as How I Met Your Mother)
playgirl!Eddie x Reader
By Request! From this ask, directly inspired by this delicious artwork by @sporelium (run don't walk if you haven't seen it yet) but also inspired by the 1995 Peter Steele Playgirl cover. Peter notoriously kept his joystick hard for most of the 6-7 hour shoot because he thought readers of the magazine would enjoy it more than if it were flaccid (I'm fine either way, but damn, thanks baby). wc: 4.3k
18+Only, mature content, smut, rockstar!Eddie, oral (f receiving), protected p in v, reader wears overalls, pet names, fingering, mention of Eddie's scars, accidental edging, sex on the job, sneaky sex, she/her is used once, no y/n, reader is a tough cookie, but Eddie is magic. It is the mid-90's.
Playgirl!eddie afterthoughts
You’d been helping out a photographer for risqué magazine shoots as an assistant for almost 5 months now.  It was the fourth job you had just to keep yourself afloat while trying to live an independent life in LA. To make it in show business you had to be extremely talented, drop dead gorgeous, backed by generational wealth, or just plain lucky, and you were none of those.  So, you broke your back to make ends meet while taking night classes and working on the script you were writing with two other friends.
The studio loft on the second floor was an expansive space with windows overlooking the industrial district all along the wall.  Sasha, the photographer, stood adjusting her camera on the tripod, while the makeup artist touched up the rockstar you were working with that day, and Need You Tonight by INXS played low from the radio on a nearby shelf.  
You saw him from the back first; long, dark wavy hair hanging down over the white robe he wore to protect his modesty for the time being.  You noticed that his hands were strong and calloused as they hung at his sides.  June, the makeup artist, was on a step stool to blot his nose with powder and fix the crown of his hair.  
June saw you coming and introduced you, causing Eddie to turn on his heel, tightening the sash on his robe as he did.
You sucked in your bottom lip to hold back a whimper at the zing you felt when his warm hazelnut eyes met yours.  His full, soft lips parted in greeting, a long strand from his bangs bouncing on his eyelash, his gaze rolling over you from head to foot indulgently.
Of course, you’d heard of rock star Eddie Munson from Corroded Coffin. At one of your other jobs, a girl you worked with had his magazine cutouts taped to the inside of her locker.  Last year, he was Cher’s date to the Grammys.  He was getting ready to go on tour, and procuring tickets was all any of your friends could talk about.
But, goddamn, he was much better looking in person than any tabloid or tv show could've ever prepared you for, and the chemistry vibrating in the space between the two of you was palpable.  
“Eddie…Munson, you say?” You squinted, as if you were trying to place him, like the name sounded familiar but you didn’t know why while June fixed the back of his hair. “Football player, right?”
The tip of his tongue sipped out to wet his lips, curling one side of his mouth up in a half grin.  “I love a girl who knows her sports.”
There were a few loaded seconds there when the two of you just sank into a sexually charged stare-down, both unwilling to budge.  
Sasha called your name, snapping you out of it.  She came over to let Eddie know what your role was, and encouraged him to let you know if there was anything you could do to help him relax.  She finished explaining a few things to him while you brought over a glass of lemon water.  
Sasha walked away and he took a sip, keeping his eyes on you over the glass, smirking.
“What?” you mirrored the smirk.  “This will be such an easy job for me because I know you rockstars don’t have any problem taking your cocks out and being admired in public.”
“Oh, you know me, huh?” He challenged.
You worked your jaw, pussy clenching, wondering what he looked like out of his robe.  “You’re all the same, aren’t you? Arrogant, over-sexed, and too pretty for your own good.”
“Well, you got me on the pretty part,” he winked.  “But nah, I’m not a rockstar.  I’m just a small-town freak who got lucky and, this has all been fucking overwhelming to tell you the truth.”  Eddie was tall, with broad shoulders, and your mouth dried up a little at the tattoos on his forearms that peeked out from under the sleeve of the robe.
You took the glass from him when he was finished.  “We have the small town thing in common, at least,” you said with an incline of your head.
It was time to get started, but even as Sasha motioned him over, he paused next to you, so close that the ends of his hair grazed your shoulder.  “So, if I can’t get relaxed on my own, then that means you have to help me?”  He whispered it, but forcefully, so you could feel his warm breath on the side of your head.  You could smell the mix of spearmint and tobacco.
Keeping your eyes straight ahead, you swallowed hard as the woodsy spice of his scent hit your nostrils.  “I’ll do my best for you, Mr. Munson,” and then you dared to glance up, your breath hitching as he unfastened his robe and lowered it from his shoulders right in front of you, only a few feet away.  
You tried not to show emotion because you knew he was watching, but you closed your mouth to keep a yearning mew from escaping.  There were tattoos scattered around his defined muscles, but there were also fascinating scars like floral blooms along his neck, chest, and stomach. Your eyes ached to travel down to the V-shape that cut into his hips and the treasure below, but you refused to give him the satisfaction.  Not yet anyway.
You were just about to tell him he could keep the robe on until he was comfortable, but he threw the article of clothing over for you to catch.  “I’m ready as I’ll ever be.”
Half of the people Sasha photographed were too shy to take the robe off right away, and maybe Eddie would have hesitated in other circumstances, but you had a strange feeling he was doing this for you.  If Sasha wasn’t asking him to look at the camera, his eyes were always banking in your direction.  
“I think we should try the handcuffs,” Sasha said to the room, but mostly to you.  
You made your way over to where the props were, knowing that Eddie’s eyes were keeping pace, and playfully dangled the silver cuffs from your thumb and forefinger as you retrurned, wiggling your eyebrows; a gesture he was happy to return. 
“Front or behind?” You asked Sasha.
“Behind for now,” she answered.  “You okay with that Mr. Munson?”
“My god,” he chuckled, putting his hands behind his back for you to have easy access to the tender skin of his wrists.  “Call me anything but Mr. Munson.  Eddie is fine.”
You always tried to keep things very professional, but not only that—you’d been around so many naked bodies, they all started to look the same to you.  This was your job, and mostly it never even occurred to you to see the models in a lustful way..  You never let your eyes hover too long on the private parts of your clients; maybe just a glance and that was it.  But the job of fastening Eddie’s handcuffs had you taking in the firm structure of his ass like it was a visual last meal.  
You stroked your finger a few times in his palm.  “Is that too tight?” 
The combination of your touch and the way you whispered gave him chills in the best way possible and his fingers flexed, as if trying to reach out for you.  “I hope you have a key for these things,” he mumbled.
“I do,” you assured him.  “But I’m about to swallow it.”
“Hey,” he hushed over his shoulder before you could walk away.  “Should my dick be hard for this?”
You wanted to kiss his arm, you wanted to bite it.  Instead, you put your hands together and intertwined your fingers.  “Do you want it to be?”
Eddie lowered his chin, voice barely audible.  “Are you offering to help, sweetheart?
Sasha took a few more photos as he was, standing to the side, eyes flicking to where you stood behind Sasha’s shoulder.  When it was time for you to take the handcuffs off, Eddie stretched his hands, turning to face front. “No chick wants to look at a flaccid dick when they buy magazines like this,” he announced.  “Give me a second to…get ready? If you know what I mean?”
While Sasha and June went out for a smoke break, Eddie put his robe on, and headed for his private dressing room, but he paused in the door and turned to find you. His eyebrows popped up a few times,  motioned with his hand down low for you to follow him in.  You knew  you could lose your job for fornicating with Eddie during a photo shoot, but at that moment, you couldn’t have cared less.
Once you were in, Eddie closed the door and leaned back against it, his robe falling open.  He clutched a fist into the front of your overalls, pulling you closer.  Your fingertips feathered down the ridges of his scars, thumb caressing over his missing nipple, and he jutted his head forward to meet your mouth, but you were too fast, dropping to your knees to taste his cock, taking your job and his request a bit too seriously.  
“Hey wait,” he sank his hand around your throat, guiding you back up to full height.  “Kiss me first,” he brushed his lips across yours.  “And then you can kill me.”
While the tiny person in charge of your brain ran around inside your skull screaming, your  lips met his, tips of tongues introducing each other first, and then echoed moans, opening wide to take each other deeper.
“I know what will get me hard,” he told you in a breathy rush.  “Take these off,” he motioned to the overalls you were wearing.  “And sit on the counter.”
He walked forward so that you would back up, his hands supporting your waist.
You looked back at the counter top. “But we don’t have much time to—” 
“I don’t need much time,” he said, swatting a stool out of his way so it crashed to the ground.  “I want you in my mouth.”
You shivered and obeyed, unhooking your overalls, letting them fall to the floor.  You were in nothing but a tank top now, ass on the cool edge of the Formica, and he pulled your underwear down your legs, salivating and biting his lip as he did so. 
 “Fuuuuck, you are so wet,” He pushed your knees wider with his strong arms and sank his tongue into your glistening folds, flicking the nub a few times.  “Did you get this wet just for me? Hmmm?”
“Yes Eddie,” you whimpered, bracing yourself on the beige counter next to the vanity, watching him drag his chin all the way up your slit, and then pull and twist his tongue down, darting it into your hole.  His eyes met yours again, his mouth latching onto your sweet spot and sucking there.  You wrapped your legs over his shoulders and sunk your heels into his back.
His fingers dug into the meat at your hips, his mouth diving deeper, sucking in while his tongue flicked. He reached a hand down between his legs and started stroking himself, getting more and more turned at the way you were gasping and twitching.
You grabbed the top of his head.  “Fuckkk Eddie fuck just like that.”
His eyes were closed now while he devoured you, but the look on his face spoke of how seriously he took the task, rolling his tongue and working you in a way that made your eyelids flutter and a choke catch in your throat.
But then there came a knock at the door.  
It was Sasha, and thank god she didn’t try the doorknob because you hadn’t locked it in your frenzy to get on Eddie’s joystick.  . 
“Coming!” You shouted nervously, dropping to your feet, stepping into your underwear and then your overalls.  
Eddie sucked in his bottom lip, licking what was left of you from his mouth.  He caught your elbow as you were fastening the second clip.  “Can we finish this later?”
The way he asked it was almost shy, as if his face hadn’t just been between your thighs.  Meanwhile, your engorged pussy was soaking your underwear, begging to be finished.  You saw that his chin was still wet from your arousal and whisked some of it away with your thumb.
He bent to let his lips graze at your ear as he closed his robe. “I like the way you taste.”
Back out on the floor, you let Sasha know that Eddie was talking your ear off about something, but that he would be out any second.  Sasha and June exchanged a look, mostly in regards to the way the straps of your overalls were all twisted and buttoned wrong, but neither one of them addressed it.
When Eddie came out and took his robe off again, he was hard, rolling his big hand around the head a few more times as he got on the prop bed that was there for the next set.  There was a model named Cindy in lingerie there to be in the shots with him, and you felt a jealousy rise in you that didn’t make any sense.  It rose so hot in your gut while their mouths hovered inches apart, pretending they were about to kiss, that you had to look away.  Every so often, he’d glance over at you while he had his cock in his hand, determined to keep the beast hard, and you wondered if he was thinking about having his tongue inside of you.
Because, you were definitely thinking about it.  You took a little private time around the corner just to touch yourself through your denim, working your fingers at your core, wondering if you should just finish yourself off and be done with it just as Sasha finally called for another smoke break.
You tried not to be too obvious, casually strolling back to Eddie’s dressing room, making sure the model Cindy was comfortable and fetching her the sparkling water she asked for while Love Bites by Judas Priest played on the radio.
Eddie was already in there waiting, yanking you inside by the wrist so he could lock the door, planting hot, hungry kisses down along your neck. 
You dropped your overalls like they were on fire, caressing his hard length in a way that made him moan. “I need you so fucking bad,” you breathed, pulling your tank top up and over your head so that you could be flush with his skin, to feel the ridges of his scars.  “That last set was almost two hours,” you were still talking as he backed you further into the room.  “How is your cock still hard?”
His fingers slipped down through your folds and he hissed at the way you were dripping.  “Just the thought of this, sweetheart.”
There was a floral couch against the wall and when your calves met with it, you plopped down into the cushion and Eddie followed, knees to the wood floor, wrapping his arm around your thighs to take your sweet bud into his mouth again, teasing it with his nose first.
“Fuck fuck Eddie, I’m already so close,” you took a fistful of his beautiful hair, careful not to mess it up too bad and bucked against his mouth.  “You’re so good, I love it when your tongue fucks me.”
Your hole was clenching around nothing, needing more, and that was when two of his fingers slid in, the ones with the chunky metal rings, they stretched you out suddenly, making you curse with pleasure.  Eddie zig-zagged his tongue rapid fire over  your clit, groaning at the way your hole gripped his fingers.  His cock was leaking pre-cum and he thrust his hips into the couch as he felt your walls begin to ripple.
“Fuck Eddie, you’re gonna make me cum…so hard….” the orgasm seemed to snap your body in two, pulsing a waves of pleasure up your spine, making your mouth freeze open on a sharp inhale.  And then you were babbling, “cummincumming so hard, Eddie!”
“Turn over,” he demanded in a deep voice once you were able to catch your breath.  “I need to clean you up.”.
And so you got on your knees facing the wall and held onto the back of the couch, trembling at the way he spread your cheeks and lapped you up all along your drenched slit.
“We’re ready if you are!” Sasha called from out in the studio making you spin around.
“Oh shit,” you breathed, looking down at how swollen and ready his cock was.  “I can’t leave you like this.”
“I can wait, sweetheart,” he mumbled, standing to pull his robe back on and offer you his hand, tossing his hair back over his shoulder.
By the time the photo shoot was over, Eddie would’ve been edging his release for over 4 hours, and he didn’t seem phased at all about it.
It was time for the handcuffs again.  Eddie wanted a cigarette, and Sasha encouraged him to have it in a seat by the window and she’d get a few shots of him there.  He held his wrists close together in front of him while you secured the cool metal, his chocolate orbs fixed on your face.  He liked how your fingers quivered as you cuffed him, and his erection had finally softened enough to not be obnoxious, but it was still making your mouth dry up with desire.
He wanted to light the cigarette himself, so you passed him the lighter.  He spread his legs, hitching one heel up on the leg of the chair, exposing the patch of hair at the base of his cock and around his balls 
“That’s perfect,” Sasha told him, finger tapping on the shutter button, producing a blast of fast clicks..  
You glanced up at the clock, knowing your time with Eddie would be over soon.  Cindy the model could’ve gone home, but she’d decided to stay and wait to watch the rest of Eddie’s shoot, her eyes sparkling with lust.  Maybe she would be the one to get Eddie off and not you.  She was physically more what you assumed his “type” would be since, in your mind, all rock stars were the same.
You didn’t have to wonder for long which woman he’d rather fuck, because he was eyeballing you from across the room as he put his robe on and said a few last words to Sasha.  The dressing room door was hidden around the corner and down the hall, but you decided not to follow him straight in like you had the last two times; your carnal needs were making you sloppy.  This time, you went out into the stairwell to the back entrance and knocked, hoping he would get the hint because it only opened from the inside.  Eddie pushed it open with a hard metal clank, and then your hands were in his hair, and wordlessly the two of you fell into each other.  He was doing the work of unfastening your overalls while you were coherent enough to ask about condoms and he presented a string of them out of the pocket of his robe.
“You came prepared,” you stumbled over your clothes, yanking your shirt off as you went.
“Nah,” Eddie cocked his head.  “I had my gofer bring me these.  The guy is quick.” 
“How do you want me?” You kissed down his chest, flicking his one salty nipple with your tongue, making him groan.
He ripped one of the condoms off the pack and tore it open with his teeth, and then spat the paper edge out.  “I need to be able to see your face,” he crashed his nose against yours diving in for another kiss.
“Sit,” you told him, urging him back into the wooden chair in the corner of the room.  It was right next to a full length mirror so he could watch you fuck him from the side if he wanted to. There were no arms on the chair, and he complied, licking his lips, eager for whatever you had in mind while he rolled the condom on.
You kicked  your leg over him like you were mounting your motorcycle and sat your hungry, soaking hole down on the tip of his cock.  Eddie took hold of your hips and guided you down, releasing one long moan as you went.  You whined, coming down flush with his lap, his cock stretching you out in a way no one ever had before, settling yourself first before you began to move.  You pushed up from the balls of your feet, riding him, and Eddie clamped a hand onto each of your ass cheeks, creating a rhythm, using his strong arms to help lift and lower you.
Your foreheads came together as you moved, hard nipples grazing his chest. You watched him grit his teeth and gasp.  “Damn, you’re so tight.  I’m close, I’m so fucking…close,” he bit out.  
Your clit rubbed against his patch of hair as you worked, and it wasn’t long before you began to hiccup with the contraction of your own release.  Never in your life had you cum this soon and this close together.  “You’re gonna make me cum again, oh my god.”
“Yeah?” He pulled his head back.  “Look at me.”
You met his eyes as you bounced, his hips snapping up to meet you every time you bottomed out.
“Yes,” you said breathlessly, finding the yearning in his stare too much to handle.  “Like, right now, right…fuck, Eddie I’m cumming!” Your head dropped to his shoulder while the tremors rolled through you, walls squeezing his cock, making his toes curl and his hips jerk erratically, the chair legs squeaking from his weight.
He held you flush to him, his release hot and plentiful; so much so, he might’ve worried about the integrity of the condom if he hadn’t been so pussy drunk on the way your hole was still clenching him like a fist.  You locked your chest to his and he caged you with his arms, locking you there.
Your knees threatened to turn to butter and betray you as you dismounted the ride of your life, both of you finding the footing to scramble around and retrieve your clothes. Eddie could stay in the dressing room as long as he wanted, but you? You were only a shell of the employee you normally were that day and you feared that Sasha was probably coming to look for you at that moment, ready to tell you to take a hike.
Eddie pulled his shirt down over his head, adjusting it over his jeans and flipped his hair from out of the collar. You snapped the first buckle on your overalls and gave him a tilt of your head. “Hey stranger, I almost didn’t recognize you with clothes on,” and then you fixed yourself in the mirror quickly before planting one more kiss on him on your way to bolt for the door.
“Hey, wait,” he called out, making you turn around. “Is that it? This is goodbye?”
Eddie Munson was a beautiful rockstar. Eddie Munson was in music videos on MTV. Eddie Munson could have any woman he wanted in the world, single or taken, and so no---you hadn’t expected more to come from this. You thought maybe he had a new fuck for every day of the week and you just happened to fall into his lap at the right time when he was bored and had some time to kill.
“Did you need anything else?” You asked it in your professional assistant voice, your work voice, and put your hands in your pockets to patiently wait.
He sat down on the couch to put his Converse on, absorbed in his task as he spoke to you. “My hotel is just up the street. Are you busy tonight? We could have dinner. Anything you want, my guys will get it for us.”
“I’m busy tonight,” you lied.
“What about tomorrow?” He pushed, tying the next shoe. “I wanna hear more about this small town you grew up in. I’ve really been missing home lately.”
You softened. “I refuse to believe you are anything but a spoiled city boy.”
He stood to his full height, stretching his chest, and hooked his thumbs into his belt loops, giving you a shrug and a familiar smirk. “Just think about all the ways I could prove you wrong if you came to hang out with me tonight. I might even surprise you.”
You got all awkward for a bit, fighting with yourself over why you weren’t on your knees begging for this man. Regardless of your silence, he found an old receipt for a tin of mini mart pretzels in his pocket and wrote his room number and hotel on it.
Passing it to you pinched between his two fingers, he added without meeting your gaze, “I’d really like to see you again.”
But then Sasha was calling for you, needing help with equipment, and you were scurrying out of the room with your heart in your throat.
You paused with your hand on the doorknob. “Crab Rangoon?”
Eddie scoffed. “What did you call me?” He was jutting his arms up into the sleeves of his leather jacket when you favored him a glance over you shoulder.
You swiveled to face him and made a circular gesture with your hand as if the implication was universally understood. “If there happens to be some crab Rangoon at your hotel tonight, I will stop by.”
Eddie’s face was blank, totally unreadable for a few seconds, and then a smile teased at the corners of his mouth, crept across his face, and jumped to his eyes. He gave a nod, “crab Rangoon it is then.”
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luveline · 1 year
if you’re ever in the mood to write for kbd again i’d love to ask for an argument fic! i’m a huge hurt/comfort fan and i feel like the arguments you write always feel so realistic and healthy(?) in a way? ily
thank you for your request! im glad u like how i write arguments bcos i find it so difficult, I hope this fills your hurt/comfort needs! kbd | dad!steve x mom!reader
You're tapping your foot on the kitchen floor, annoyed and upset and not sure if you should say anything about it. 
Dove said her first words today. And you found out through Avery, who sits on the kitchen table in front of you with her legs dancing over the edge, clearly unhappy that you're unhappy, her hands stroking your cheeks affectionately. She's only six. You feel terrible that she can tell you're upset. 
"Mom, how can I make you happy?" she asks.
It's something you've said to her a thousand times. She cries, and she's finally at the age where you can ask her what solution she needs. 
You love her, but your patience isn't very strong today. You remove her hands from your face gently and give her a weak smile. 
"I just need to talk to daddy, that's all." 
"I'll go get him!" she says, clambering onto your legs and down onto the ground. 
You don't really like the idea of summoning him for a scolding, and you've been with him long enough to know how to navigate a disagreement without a fuss. But you aren't perfect, and neither is he. When he arrives in the kitchen with a broken baby doll in his hands, he looks so comely, so homespun, and you're still mad. 
"Why didn't you tell me Dove said her first words?" 
His eyes light up, but he swiftly fixes his expression into a more neutral one. "I– sorry, yeah, she said daddy." He grins like he can't help it. He probably can't. "Oh, you should've heard it, she couldn't have sounded less excited to say it, what a doll." 
"But why didn't you tell me?" 
Steve seems to clock where this is heading, then, and puts the doll down on the kitchen counter. "It slipped my mind." 
"Really? Her very first words slipped your mind? Like, that's not extremely important to you?" 
"Of course it's important to me." Steve's eyes narrow, and his eyebrows start to rise. It's not an angry look nor is it cruel, but it rubs you the wrong way. It's sceptical. "But I'm busy all of the time. Which you know."
You're getting more and more irate. It's not his fault, but it feels like his fault in the moment, and you don't like how he's talking to you, and your head hurts. 
"I didn't say you're not busy, but I still think you should've told me when I came in."
"I just– I don't know, I had to give Bethie a bath, and then Dove was fussing. And now her doll's broken. I was busy." 
You sigh. "Sometimes," you say, more depressed than mad, "you act like they're not even mine. You act like they're just your girls. I'm their mom." 
"Do I do that?" he asks, incredulity leaching into his words.
"Steve, you should've told me straight away. She's my baby, I should've found out from you, and not Avery, like an afterthought." 
"I told you, I forgot." 
"I don't care if you forgot– actually, I do, because that's the problem. You shouldn't forget to tell me when my own daughter starts talking–" 
"You're acting like I chose not to tell you. I wasn't not going to tell you, but I have other things on mind! I have a lot to do, in case you forgot!" 
"Like I'm not busy too?" you ask. "Like I don't work all day every day to come home to you. To make sure there's a home to come home to." 
"You're throwing that in my face?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"No! No, I'm just saying that I'm busy too, you're not the only one who has to do things, Steve, but the difference is that I would never forget to tell you something like that!" 
"Maybe if you were home, you wouldn't need to shout at me about it. You feel guilty and you're taking it out on me." 
You don't see red or anything so aggressive —no. You just feel like he's slapped you, like he's reached right into the centre of your chest and said the thing that's going to hurt you the most. 
You don't want to cry. You know how it looks, like you're losing, so you're crying, so he'll feel sorry and make you feel better. Steve has known you and loved you for years and he knows the look on your face before tears have even welled up. You twist away from him and cover your face with your hands, your skin hot as a burning hearth. 
And the tears are pathetic. Sniffling, quiet, high-pitched in the back of your throat. It's not fair. It's not fair, you want to stay home too, you want to see their first moments, and you don't get to do it and he's shouting at you and you just want to shrink into nothing right then and there. You're tired, and you're embarrassed at yourself for speaking to him like that. He doesn't deserve it.
"Honey," Steve says, all malice gone. "Honey, don't. It's okay." 
"I'm fine." 
"No, it's okay," he says, putting his hand on your shoulder. 
"Ignore me," you say, "I'm not crying to– I'm just mad." 
"Don't cry," he murmurs, pressing his lips to your crown. "Don't. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." 
Love is so unfortunate, sometimes. He's the only one who you want comfort from, but you're so mad at him. Even if he's right. The anger is as illogical as the love; you want him to go away and you need him to rub your back as you snuffle. 
"It's not fair, Steve. You can't just say that."
"I know. I'm sorry. I know you can't be home. I know I'm the lucky one. I know how much you've given away to let me have what I want," he says, moving so he's face to face with you. 
"Now you'll think I'm crying just to be the one upset," you say with a sob. 
"Only a little bit." He laughs fondly at your frown. "I'm kidding!"
You cry so much he has to wrap his arms around you to keep you together. It's not his fault, but suddenly everything breaks the surface, how guilty you feel for missing out, how annoyed you are at him for knowing that and still giving you a hard time, how annoyed you are at yourself for shouting at him over something he can't control. You cry because you miss the girls, you miss him, and you're tired. There's hundreds of tiny reasons. 
Steve sounds a little emotional himself when he says, "God, I'm sorry." His cheek pressed hard to your ear, his hug tightening. "I'm a dick, making you cry." 
"I'm a dick. I'm sorry," you say, head heavy, tears slowed. 
"It's okay. I know why you're upset. I promise I know. I shouldn't have got so defensive… but I really did forget, honey. I'm sorry, but I did." 
"I know. I'm sorry for being a bitch about it." 
He laughs and pulls back to cup your cheek. "You are not a bitch. You got upset, you're not the antichrist." 
You sniff. Steve pulls the corner of your mouth into an uneven smile and then, slowly, leans in to dot a kiss there. When he moves back, his face is slack. An unhappiness lingers in his lips and his eyes where they're trained on your tacky cheek. 
He moves in for a second kiss. This one is firmer, longer, and you reciprocate with relief. 
"Do you really think that? That I act like they're just my girls?" he asks when he pulls away. 
You duck your head so you don't have to look at him, or face the mean things you'd said. Not just mean, either, but the things you're embarrassed to have thought. 
"Not really. Sometimes I feel like…" You don't want to say it aloud. You rub the skin of his wrist in a fidget. 
"Go on," he says. 
"I worry I'm not choosing the right thing. I would never ask you to give this up… I really wouldn't. But I worry I'll regret not being here."  
Steve wraps his hands in your t-shirt and pulls it toward him. You're becoming more and more intertwined as the conversation progresses, your faces much too close. 
"We've always said," he says slowly, "that you could change your mind. That you could come home, and that I would work. We've always said that. You don't have to be afraid to tell me you've been thinking about it." 
"I haven't." You sniff. "I don't even think I could do it." 
"Are you kidding?" Steve asks. 
A rogue tear races down your cheek. If you speak, you'll sob, so you shake your head and hold onto his wrist for dear life. 
"You're the best mom they ever made," he says, easing closer still, his face imploring, pleading with you, "why would you ever think you can't do it? It’s different to when you’re home, being alone with them, it's fucking hard, and I think you'd struggle to get used to it at first because I still struggle now, but you could do it. I know you could. You could stay at home and look after them if you want to, I want you to do that if it's what you need." 
"This is silly," you say. 
"It's not silly." 
"I've made this all about me. I was angry at you and now you're comforting me." You stroke his cheek with your knuckle. "I'm the one who should be comforting you. You race after the kids all day and then the wife comes home and grabs you by the ear."
"I think I'd kinda like it if you did," he says. 
You both laugh. 
"I'm sorry," you say. 
Steve nods. "Yeah, me too." 
You bite back everything that's hurting. It's only a temporary pain. You'll figure out what you want, and you have your best friend in the world kneeling in front of you, willing to do anything if it'll help. 
"I should be nicer to you," you murmur. 
"You're plenty nice. But if you're still feeling guilty, I'd die for a kiss, sweetheart." 
You wipe your face with your sleeves, wet cheeks, snotty nose, and brush your hair away so you look like someone worth kissing. "Do I look okay?" 
"You look beautiful," Steve says fondly, leaning in for a kiss. His hands bracelet your wrists. "So pretty," he says between kisses. 
"Don't," you chastise lightly, "this is why I keep getting knocked up." 
"In that case," he says against your lips. He deepens the kiss against your charmed laughter, his hand sliding to the back of your neck, holding you still in the face of his ardency. 
You part before things can get heated and he lets you apologise again, though he insists it isn't necessary, your arms over his shoulders, your nose in his hair. He's always been so good like that —Steve doesn't hold a grudge with you (though others may not be so lucky). He stands you up, brushes you down, even wipes your cheeks with a washcloth. It's why you could never send him to work. He's a caretaker down to the bone. 
Bethie, sweet girl as she is, appears as he's wiping your puffy eyes. She's almost three and a half, and she's the cutest girl in existence if Steve is to be believed. He visibly softens at her entrance alone. 
"Hello, Bethie-baby," he says, "we were wondering where you were. Did you finish your crackers?" 
She's a daddy's girl and she always has been, so it surprises you when she pretty much ignores him and holds her hands up to you. You pick her up, let her settle against your chest. 
"Hey, Beth." 
"Missed you," she says. 
"Oh, you did?" you ask, overjoyed. You sniffle the last of your upset away and lock it down tight. 
She's a quiet baby. You worried she had developmental issues at first (which wouldn't have mattered in terms of love, but worried all the same), though these days your theory is that she doesn't want to speak very much. She likes to communicate in other ways, namely affection, and her face brushes yours as she hugs you. 
You pat her back like she knows she likes. Steve smiles at you from over his shoulders. You wear twin expressions —I'm sorry, I love you, isn't she lovely?
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auroracalisto · 1 year
she’ll have the world if she wants it
uhtred ragnarsson x fem!reader, 1.9k words tw: pregnancy, canon typical violence, blood, kidnapping, general worry and distress a/n: this was requested by @elbereth-bluebird​! i started writing it as soon as you sent in the ask, so i apologize for it taking me forever to finish. i love uhtred. 
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The confession slipped through your lips before you had half the gall to stop yourself. Eadith stared at you with wide eyes, lips slightly parted as she glanced over your shoulder. The men continued on laughing over the fire, ignoring you for the time being. Osferth stoked the smoldering embers as Sihtric threw on a few more pieces of wood, bringing the fire to life once more. 
Uhtred was all smiles, glancing your way—not that you saw. Your eyes were glued onto Eadith’s face as terror spread through your body. 
It was as if time itself had stopped, mocking you for the confession that had left you moments prior. Did you anger something far greater than mortal life? Surely not. 
But the look your dearest friend gave you made you think otherwise. 
Would she tell? No. 
You hoped not, anyway.
"You are with child?" she repeated, hand raised over her mouth as she whispered. She could never be too careful (the men liked to eavesdrop every now and then, even if it were to just be reading lips—Finan had a knack for that, but she only figured it out recently). "And the father? Does he know?"
"No, and—and I do not want him to find out. Not now." You fidgeted in your seat, tension eating at the back of your throat as you fought the urge to cry. This could ruin him. This would ruin him, and he wouldn’t ever look at you the same. 
Eadith reached forward and took ahold of your hands, worry akin to the fire that raged close by. "Who..." she trailed off, thumbs gently brushing against your knuckles as she searched your face. 
You looked away from her, skin burning as your nerves ran through your body. You did not need to say anything to your dear friend. She would know with a response like that.
"Oh," she breathed out, a smile forming soon after. "Had I'd known, perhaps I would have given the two of you more privacy the other night—"
You slapped her arm in retaliation, eyes wide. "Eadith!"
She let out a soft laugh. The realization that it was indeed him made it all the better. You would be taken care of, even in the worst of winters. When the summer days came, sun glaring down and burning your skin, he would be there to lend a hand. 
He was good for that, if not anything.
"When you decide to tell him, he will be elated. I promise you, my dear friend. A child is a gift,” she said. 
You may not have found it within your heart to realize this, but she knew all was well. He would never let you want for nothing.
You clenched your jaw. You couldn't tell him. Gift or not, there were other pressing matters at hand.
Between King Alfred and the constant threat of war, you were certainly an afterthought; a hump to keep his mind off of things for the night.
You loved him; you did. You had known it for some time now, and it had blossomed the first time you saw him. Perhaps it would be safe to say he was the love of your life, even if he would never see you in such a light.
Perhaps that is why you knew you needed to keep it a secret. He was far more than you and the child that had begun to grow inside of you not too many moons ago.
"Promise me," you said, voice lowered back to a whisper. "You mustn't say a word of this, Eadith. I... will once I am ready. But for now, the time just isn't right."
"I will not say a word," she said, placing a hand over yours. "Your confidence in me will stay strong, Y/n."
You gave a faint smile. "I know."
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It all happened so quickly.
The Danes had arrived well within the night, and while some were able to escape safely, many did not. Confusion was high as they couldn't understand how they found them; Uhtred had found a place to camp that should have been safe. And yet, there he stood, looking at the destruction in front of him, the blood of slain men soaking the earth. They had left nearly as soon as they arrived; a warning, perhaps. A raid on a camp that was meant to entice fear in Uhtred's very soul. A warning for the English King that waged war against them.
But Uhtred worried little about that. King Alfred could deal with it when the moment came for him to act. He had proven that time and time again, almost to the point of downright annoyance. No, the trivial act of war enticed him little at this very moment, especially when all of his friends had been accounted for, save for one.
The only one that mattered far more than his brothers—than the ones he spilt blood with. 
Where were you? Where had you gone? He hadn't found you amongst the bodies that littered the grounds.
Perhaps he had overlooked you, and you rested off to the side of the bloodbath with Eadith. Or maybe, you did lie amongst the dead, waiting for passage to the afterlife.
If only he could think straight—maybe then he would find you.
Eadith left the sanctity of her horse, and Finan, searching for you—her dearest friend. She looked at the bodies, the untouched tents, the people still alive and well.
When she couldn't find you, she ran to Uhtred, calling his name.
"Have you found Y/n? Have you seen her anywhere?" Her voice came out in a rush—panicked.
Uhtred shook his head. If she hadn't seen you, then the only other place you could be would be with the Danes that came.
You wouldn't have been the only one taken, but perhaps you were the most important. They weren't there just for a warning. They were there to send a message that would shake Uhtred to his core. They had his lady.
Lost in his thoughts, he barely reacted when Eadith grabbed onto his arm.
"My Lord, she is with child," Eadith said, heart pounding in her chest.
Uhtred's head snapped back to look at her.
"You are not in earnest," he retorted, staring at her in disbelief.
She pursed her lips, hand still gripping his arm. "I am, my Lord," she said. "She told me just last night. I swore to keep it secret, but since she is missing—"
"—my Lord!"
Sihtric's voice came from behind the two. Uhtred looked over his shoulder, eyes wide. The Dane pushed a nearly unconscious man to the ground, scowling.
"He hid amongst the trees, but he will talk," he said, chin held high as he looked at Uhtred. "He will lead us to the Danes."
Uhtred clenched his jaw, moving away from Eadith. "Wake him. They have Y/n."
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It couldn't have been more than a few days. The Danes that had captured you hadn't touched you. In fact, a woman came around, saying something about how because you were Uhtred's woman, she wouldn't do anything to you. Unless Uhtred never showed. He would know where to find her as soon as he realized it—perhaps as soon as he found the bait.
He wanted a deal, she had said. Something that would benefit both of them in due time.
But perhaps this Dane had the wrong Lord. Uhtred never took kindly to his men being killed, and he wouldn't take kindly to whatever had happened that night.
You had only managed to see a blur of blood and the sound of screams still plagued your mind, but beyond that, you knew nothing.
You knew not of where you were, or who had captured you. You just hoped that wherever Uhtred was, he was safe.
For now, you would be, too.
You hoped.
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The gods had looked upon Uhtred the morning he infiltrated the Danes' base. It looked as if he had opened a slaughterhouse (especially when they began to fight back), but he cared little about the blood spilled.
The fool who had captured you bore a gruesome reality—Uhtred wouldn't hear him out. He had little regard for those who took what was rightfully his.
As soon as the man took his last breath, he turned to look at his trusted men.
"I'm to find her," he said. "There shall be no more blood spilled, unless they give you trouble. Keep guard until I return."
With a simple nod from Osferth, Uhtred was on his way.
And when he finally found you, high up in the fortress tower, the relief he felt was immense. He had never known his heart to be filled with such joy, seeing you alive and well.
You stood from your small bed, eyes wide as you watched the blood-covered Lord walk in, watching you and taking you in as if you'd disappear once more in the blink of an eye.
"You are fine?" he asked.
At your nod, he couldn't help but smile.
"You are with child?"
Your lips parted as you stared at him. He knew. He knew, and he had come to rescue you. Uhtred was rescuing you. You nodded once more, and the man met you where you stood, his arms wrapping around you. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, unable to stop himself from smiling.
"Let us leave," he said. "We have a long journey back to Coccham."
"Coccham, my Lord?" you question, looking up at him curiously.
He smiled. "I do believe it proper for a woman to find comfort in her time of need," he said. "I plan to see it through."
You fought the tears that sprung to your eyes as you buried your face in the confines of his chest. 
He rubbed circles on the small of your back, smile disappearing as he stood there, holding you.
“You were not going to tell me?” he softly asked, peering down at you.
Your head tilted back, eyes locking with his. “When the time was right. I would have.”
“And you are lying to me?” he raised an eyebrow as he spoke, lips pursing together. 
You fought the urge to roll your eyes, heat blossoming on your face as you pulled away from him. 
“May we leave, my Lord?” you asked, holding out your hand to take ahold of his. “I am growing quite tired of these quarters.”
He chuckled softly and took your hand in his. “Yes. We’ve much to discuss on the way.”
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The sight of your friend was a beautiful thing, indeed—up until the realization that she told Uhtred the one secret you had begged her to keep. 
“Eadith!” you exclaimed, pulling your hand away from the careful hold of Uhtred. 
He just watched with a smile as you went to your friend, looking towards his own.
“You’re to be a father, then, hm?” Finan grinned, slapping his shoulder as he spoke.
“Not for the first time,” Osferth interjected, arms crossed over his chest. But he smiled at the man, nonetheless.
“Will you marry her, Lord?” Finan asked as Sihtric came over to the bunch, wiping dried blood off of his face with a damp cloth. 
“If she’ll have me,” Uhtred said.
Sihtric rolled his eyes, a scoff escaping him. “You’ve to hear the way she talks with Eadith. She will have you. No question, Uhtred.”
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velvet-paradox · 1 year
Fandom: Sleep Token (Band) Pairing: Vessel x Female reader x III Length: Long Summary: Your eepy roommates suggest they can help you out. Warnings: NSFW 18 + ONLY, LISTEN UP PUNK I know what I'm about ok and I shouldn't even have to to explain this but for ffs this is for funsies, fictional purposes only. I don't know these British men and I don't claim to! But am I having an absolute ball listening to them everyday day since I heard Dark Signs??? Absolutely. I have not and will not know peace on Earth ever again so with that being said... my lizard brain wants to shoot my shot and get sandwiched between Vessel and III (purely based off their on stage personas) and I'm pretty sure all us worshippers would enjoy kneeling and begging for forgiveness for all the eepy guys. DON'T LIE TO ME; I'll know. ;) One late night thot lead us down this path so here ya' go, we've got: strong language, explicit content, MFM relations, polyamorous activities, kissing, oral (m receiving), p in v, protected sex, unprotected sex (don't do it!), double vaginal, dirty talking, creampie III is a mess, Vessel is along for the ride and you're indulging in the spoils of detailed smut. Tagging: @synnersaint my ride or die
You stare at the red numbers on the clock next to your bed. You blink.
Unfortunately unfazed by the hum-drum pace and the position you've found yourself in.
Ugh, how did this happen again?
The man on top of you, circling his hips against your own, balls deep in your cunt should be fun, exciting, a turn-on at least but you just laid there, once again, taking it but not getting anything out of it. You faked it the last three times just to get him to get off you, out of your apartment and out the door so you could finish yourself off with some post nut clarity. Which is what you should've done in the first place.
The first time you had sex with him, you chalked it up to nerves. It'd been a few months for him and a bit longer for you at this point. The second time you excused it as you did go out for drinks earlier in the night and the last one was just plain awful. No foreplay, bit your neck too hard and pretty much gave you a titty-twister which was not fun; at all.
But he's nice! And funny, easy to talk to you and here you are, making more excuses for a man who can't even get you off. This is just pathetic, girl.
You felt bad faking your enthusiasm but even as you moved in unison with him, hearing him huff and grate out oh my fucking god for the fifth time, he didn't even have a clue.
So you dialed it up, two more minutes had passed with him just thrusting inside you, he didn't even notice you weren't as wet as before. What a fucking disaster.
You sighed and made your O face, biting your lip and holding his waist, the slapping of skin sped up briefly before he pulled out with a groan of your name, panting as he jerked himself, tore off the condom and came on the inside of your thigh.
Fucking finally.
Your date was quick to get dressed, mentioning something about an early shift change. He gave you chaste kiss on the corner of your mouth, cupping your face as an afterthought as you followed him out of your bedroom.
"I'll text you when I get home. I-- oh!"
You bounced against his back, stunned as to why he's just stopped like that when you peer around his frame. There on the couch in your living room sat your roommates.
"Oh my-- what are you guys doing home?" You asked, frantically looking between the two sober faces and their luggage by the front door. Well more like the painted chin of one and the eyes of the other. You were hyperaware of the drying cum on your leg and crossed your fingers and toes they didn't hear your activities or what remained to be seen.
"We live here, remember?" Vessel waved one of his hands, III nodding along.
"When you said you had roommates I just assumed they were other girls." Your bedfellow side talked to you as to not alert your boys.
"Is that a problem?" You asked.
"No I just uh," he looked at III when he stood, an attempt to intimidate. "It's fine um... I'll call you."
"Well that was rude," Vessel announced, joining his brother after he left. "Didn't even introduce himself."
"He won't be around for long. I wouldn't worry about it." You dryly chuckled before embracing both of them. Vessel cupped the back of your head, pressing his chin into your hair before letting III swoop you up in his gangly arms and gave you two solid spins. "Put me down! You reek."
"Ah, the mask has seen better days I'm afraid. Can't wait to get a hot shower and something in my belly. Road livin' ain't what its' cracked up to be, ya' know?" III admitted.
"Um, let me get changed and I'll make you guys some food," you jogged out of the living room, calling over your shoulder. "Lord knows what you boys eat on the road!" ....
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course," You paused the movie and turned to face Vessel on the chaise lounge part of the couch, long limbs sprawled out, ankles crossed and rocking. "What's up?"
Vessel twisted his painted mouth before asking an out of pocket question. "Why do you torture yourself?"
Taken aback you wondered what he meant and crossed your legs. "What? What do you mean?"
"I think you know what I mean." When you showed your genuine confusion, he sat up. "Your little boy toy. Not that III and I have been cheeky little perverts and eavesdropping on your late night escapades but... we can't help but be concerned. Either you're a silent climaxer, some people are and that's totally fine and we're bold to assume or your partner isn't doing it right."
"Excuse me?"
"We've only been home a few weeks and we've heard him far more than we've heard you," Vessel explained, ignoring your anxious fidgeting and cuticle picking. "What we have heard though, is a lot of buzzing after your friend leaves."
Oh. My. God.
Your heart is hammering in your chest, desperate to get out of, out of your body and on the run. Blood pounds in your ears at the audacity of this whole conversation. Your roommates have heard you getting off, know you have toys, know your friends with benefits is lacking the benefits part and that you'd not been taken care of. You wished it was still cooler out and you could grab the usual throw off the back of the couch and hide away underneath.
"What are you guys talkin' about?" III popped in, holding a glass of chocolate milk, an absurdly long and coiled straw was hidden beneath his mask as he sucked dramatically.
Vessel smirked. "Oh just Y/N and how her new beau can't get her off."
"Oh finally! I've been dying for this conversation," III exclaimed and excited plopped down next to Vessel, scooching closer and leaning forward as he drank some more. "So what gives? Give us the goods."
"I don't... he knows what he's doing, it's just--"
"It's just he's bad at it." III giggled.
"I can get off, okay?"
"Yeah, we know that. Just not with him."
"I... fine. It might not even be him you know," you tried. "Maybe it's me. Maybe I can't get out fast enough."
Vessel quirked his mouth. "Get out of what exactly?"
"My own head. I think too much, you know that. I need to feel everything in order to shut my brain off and not worry about how many loads of laundry I need to do, when I need to switch out my sheets, did I pick up my towel in the bathroom? What should I have for lunch tomorrow."
The boys looked between themselves, shrugging and looking bewildered. "You... you think about all that stuff all while having sex?" III snorted and shook his head. "You're a madwoman, you know that?"
"I'm trying not to think of those things!"
"That's what I was afraid of," Vessel took III's now finished drink away from him and set it down. "If you want, we could help you out. Save you the trouble and the energy and uh, some battery power."
You chuckled. "You're joking. You two are gonna' help me out."
"Just say the word and we belong to you," Vessel crooned, licking his top lip. The pink of his tongue was such a juxtaposition to he obsidian black that covered his face, his arms and hands, his body. "This could be a one time deal, if it's not up to your standards, we don't have to mention it ever again or... it could be a three times a week sort of thing."
"Three times a week?!" You screeched.
"That's up to you."
"So uh have you guys like... done this before?" Your voice doesn't even sound like your own, shaky, breathy, uneven and higher pitched. You pointed between the duo and yourself. You hadn't but your incognito search history might say you've looked at it a few times.
They admitted their deep rooted feelings about you. Your stomach flipped for Vessel's breathy pet name of Duchess, your toes curled for III's Sweetness. 
With the way they looked at you, you couldn't even remember his name at this point.
Vessel shrugged. "Just with you."
"Just me?" You balked, you knew the guys were close, sometimes skin tight so to find out they'd not acted out was stunning and a major green light. "Oh um, I'm flattered. iI think."
"You should be. III isn't much of a talker, speaks his mind when need be."
"Unless its' dirty." III piped up with a shrug of his own, with the way his eyes wrinkled you could tell he was all smiles under that mask.
"A little tact there, brother!" Vessel scolded him, giving a backhand to his arm. "Don't scare her off."
"What? She should know. You should know. I am dripping with sin."
"What? We're all adults here, right? An' we're talking about fucking each other so who cares?! And she might even like it. Do you like dirty talk, sweetness?" III asked with a tilt of his head.
"Uh I um... I. Well..."
"Do you," III stood and got closer, much closer, swaying his way to close the gap between you. He stood with his legs on the outside of your own. He tilted his head the opposite way and kept his eyes trained your face, the heat from the eye contact made you hot. His painted thumb touched your chin. "Like that?"
You'd never felt this kind of intimacy, this heightened level of attraction and arousal and it made you nervously laugh at the thought that it was radiating off your friends like a fucking forest fire.
You swallowed. "Yes."
"Aha! Knew it. Those pretty eyes and that fucking mouth are hiding plenty of secrets, yeah?" III pointed, that thumb of his traced along your jaw before pushing gently on the underside, making you look all the way up at him.
If they wanted to play, you thought, I guess... let's play.
"Oh! Now we're getting somewhere," III chuckled and looked over at Vessel before touching your shoulder, moving the strap of your sleep shirt back and forth. His hands were hot, scorching your skin as he touched the light fabric. "Should I undress you or should you undress me? Or maybe Vessel wants to unwrap us both. What do you think?"
"I think--" your throat constricted before keeping his ardent eye contact. "I think I want to undress you first."
III liked that idea, he wiggled his shoulders and raised his arms. "I'm all yours, mama."
His hoodie is the first thing to go, floating down to the floor. A black compression shirt separates flesh and bone, it comes off easily over his head. He's only half painted there. You can see streaks of his skin, soft and smooth, hidden from view. His stomach tightens when you trail your hand down his chest, foreign to your hands.
"I think about you, ya' know? Not to be pervy or bold but... you are the prettiest thing we've ever seen."
His compliments make you warm, you clench around nothing.
He suddenly grabs your hand and moves it higher. "Feel that. You make my heart fuckin' pound like crazy. The first time I saw you in that green sundress, you know, the one with the little daises on it... fuck me," III admitted and dramatically bit his fist. "I've never been so hard in my life!"
You know the dress in question. It's hanging in the front of your closet. Guess it'll be making a debut and turn III on once again. 
"Oh yeah? Well maybe next time I wear it... I won't wear anything underneath."
III made the deepest of groans, moving your hand down his ribs while he undid his belt. "Fuckin' hell, don't tease me woman."
"You don't like that?"
"I like it too much! That's the problem."
His zipper was so fucking loud, it cut through the room like a hot knife. Smooth and seamless, even Vessel had to clear his throat. You looked over at him on the chaise, legs wide spread, lithe arms outstreatched over the back cushions. With three separate eye holes in his mask, it was hard to tell where he was looking but in this moment you felt them boring straight into your own.
"Keep going," he hummed and visibly bit his lip. " 'm enjoying the show."
With III was just in his boxers, it was your turn. Your disrobing would be a lot quicker as you were in a light pajama set and crew socks. You mmiiced III and raised your arms above your head, his nimble fingers danced over your sides, dragging the material up and over your head. He tossed to Vessel, who out of your peripheral, had inhaled your scent on it. He did the same with your shorts. The rush of cool fan air make your skin prickle, your clit throbbed when you fully noticed the outline of III's cock. Jesus. 
III got on his knees and lifted one your feet, gripping your ankle.
"No. Keep them on." Vessel spoke, pushing himself up off the couch and sauntered over to you, fully nude and on display. He embraced your face, pressing his forehead to yours before slinking behind III when he stood.
Vessel's painted arms looped around III's, locking them behind his back. III made a noise.
"Take him out," Vessel instructed with a low gasp. "Take him out and see what you do to him. Same as what you do to me. Hell, all of us, duchess."
Before you got on your own knees, you touched III's hips, hooking your thumbs just beneath the fabric and dragged them down. His cock made the softest and prettiest thud against his lower belly. Your eyes bounced from their faces, down to his leaking cock and back again.
"He wasn't lying," Vessel chuckled, his chin now draped over III's shoulder. You met his eyes. "You make him rock fuckin' hard, love. Want her to take all o' that? Nah... you need her to take care of that, don't you?"
"Fuck yes." III whined. "Please."
"How are you gonna' help our good boy, love?"
III shook before your even touched him, you on your knees before him was enough to have him looking frantic. Completely at your and Vessel's mercy, you took him in your hand first, getting familiar with his length before dipping your head in worship, opening your mouth. You hesitated for the briefest of moments before angling him deeper and further into your mouth.
It was a good thing Vessel was holding him up because you felt and saw III's knees wobble once you got your stride, gliding your hands up and around his thighs, arching closer with your fingers reaching his ribcage. Your palms against his skin felt every twitch, every jolts, every fucking sigh. The noise that strangled out from his throat when you dragged your nails down his stomach had you clenching around absolutely nothing.
"That's it, you're doing such a good job, love bug. Atta' girl, get 'em off real good, yeah?"
"Yeah yeah, fuck yeah," III whined and bucked his hips, "Your mouth feels so fucking good. Suckin' me off real sweet, mama. Give it to me."
"She's good with that mouth, hmmm?"
"Oh fuck V...wait 'til she oh shit, right there-- wait 'til she's gaggin' on you. O-oh my God."
When III took the Lord's name in vain it sounded so sweet in comparison to your other lover. You could feel yourself getting wetter, more powerful than you ever had with him. You took their words of praise, locked them in a little safe in the back of your mind for safe keeping.
"You're lucky I don't shove your ass out of the way then." Vessel teased and III mewled with delight.
III made grabby hands at you, wiggling his fingers as he laid out on the chaise part of the couch. He wiggled, tapped and pointed towards his mouth too.
When you climbed on top of him, his arms engulfed you, bringing you chest to chest. You kissed his face over his mask, startled when he suddenly pulled the chin part of it up to his nose and kissed you for real. You whined and kissed him back harder and faster, tasting his mouth, licking inside of it. He smacked and grabbed your ass, groaning against your lips.
"You two are fuckin divine," Vessel breathed, shouldering off his robe finally, unzipping his own jeans. "Fuckin’ hell, what a sight."
You turned your head to his silky voice, watching him stroke himself.
You were in big fucking trouble.
III nipped your arm. "Want you. I want you so fucking badly. Think it'll fit? Think you can take it?"
You took a breath and held his cock, hot and ready against your pussy. Rocking against the crown, splitting your lips to ready you for him. You licked your lips and lowered down on it, your mouth instantly opening. "Fuck yes."
"Good God!" 
"Shit... a little more, love and you'll take him all the way in. That's it." Vessel cooed and pet your head, then your face. "Kiss him again."
With his heavy hand on your head you kissed III tongue first, the sounds of you two kissing had Vessel praising both of you, leaving him breathless.
III grabbed your hips, rolling and fucking up into you, breathing you in.
You and III stilled at the sudden dip of the couch.
Vessel's hand on your shoulder, his other ghosted and trailed over III's mask and vulnerable chin and mouth behind you. He lost it at that, whimpering against your cheek, a new flood of arousal coating your walls.
"Just relax pretty girl. We've got you, we got you."
"What are you--"
Vessel's thick fingers reached around your front, pressing and swirling down around your clit. "We're both gonna' fit. Just remember to breathe for us, ok?"
Holy shit. This was intense.
III's arm surged up and over your shoulder to touch Vessel, ghosting over his naked hip, gripping his bare skin.
"I've got you both. Trust me."
It was your idea to lift up, empty of III only to arch and take a deep push of Vessel. You frowned and touched III's face when Vessel pulled completely out. You both gasped when he spat. III squirmed and whined, the sudden intrusion of Vessel lining them both up against your hole, wedging their cocks inside you.
It didn't necessarily hurt, more pressure than anything and for fucks sake, you'd never felt so full in your life. 
"Fuck V! Give us a warning, holy fuck." III breathed when the frontman started to rock and move. After a few minutes of fucked out bliss, it seemed like Vessel was fucking III through your body.
He smeared his face along your spine, your shoulder, leaving wet open mouthed kisses along your neck and ear.
"Good fucking God duchess, you are absolutely soaked for us, aren't you? Can feel you really start to open up for us now, yeah? Fuck you're amazing. Isn't she?"
"Ye-yeah yeah. Positively sweet," III's eyes sparkled in an amorous way. You kissed him hard. "Can't wait to have a taste of you, sweetness."
The thought of him working his mouth on you made you keen and fuck down on them.
Limbs twisted and tangled, Vessel nipped a small, incredibly sensitive spot behind your ear before licking the shell of it. Humming and praising you with that gravely timber. He was touching you, holding onto one of your tits for stability and III did the same, using just the pad of his thumb to pebble your other nipple.
You would never recover, that much you were sure of. They were out for pain and pleasure.
On a particularly hard thrust from III your moan slipped into sex drunk chuckle. "I think she likes it."
"I'm in fuckin' heaven." You breathed, reaching back to touch Vessel's thigh, digging your nailbeds in deep.
"That's it, you fuckin' naughty thing." His hand left your breast and found a new home around your throat, turning your head to face him and receive a sloppy kiss. III moaned at that.
"You two are fuckin-- ah shit. I'm close, fuck. Give it, give it to me."
Vessel's laugh against your lips made your walls constrict.
"Just like that!" III practically yelled, digging his fingers into your thighs, alternating to your hips, changing the tortuous pace. "Fuck, 'm gonna' bust, sweetness. Fuckin' cum inside you all nice and deep. Make it stick."
"Fuck me." You hung your head and rode it out, nothing but pure pleasure and bliss was shared between the three of you. And it was worth it. "Oh you guys... aha! I'm gonna' cum."
You couldn't remember the last time you came that hard with a partner and never with two! They both rubbed their hands and mouths over your skin, groping over your sandwiched body. Vessel's chest stuck to your back like glue, III grabbed and pushed both of your breasts together as he came shortly after with a grunt of your name, stringing along a beautiful array of obscenities. 
"I've got you, I've got you both in my clutches now." Vessel's voice sounded like silk on glass next to your ear as he continued to thrust, spearing III's load all over your gummy walls. III reached out a lazy hand and Vessel took it, lacing their fingers together over your shoulder. 
Skin on skin on skin.
III leaned up for another smooch with you greedily enjoyed, smacking your spit and lips together until all you could feel and hear was Vessel shudder behind you.
Vessel couldn't stop smiling as you giggled, helped to your bedroom, wedged between them on your bed as they cleaned you up. You would certainly need to clean up that side of the couch later. III was careful of your more tender bits, being stretched out and filled, removing black grease paint of where they were.
He drummed his fingers over your arms when he was finished, molding his body to yours. His head against the side of your neck. III soon joined in the snuggle, jumping into bed and under the covers with you. He gave you another kiss before pulling his mask back down, and pet Vessel's head.
Your phone buzzed when your boys had fallen asleep, you had a feeling of who it might be and if this is how the future looked; there was no way you were gonna' give this up.
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skinnyazn · 7 months
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader (Jaguar) Chapters: 1/1 Notes: EXPLICIT!!!, Just wanted to write a smutty mirror scene, also always a big slut for soft!Ghost, haven't proofread so apologies for any grammar mistakes,
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Your shoulder was already turning a mottle of purple as you angled your body in the mirror. There was a hum coming from the shoddy vanity light, and the caulking around the sink had a similar blotting of brown. Everything hurt—something that was becoming more commonplace the longer you worked with the task force. You wiped the remaining smears of blood off your face and neck with the motel’s rag. 
It had been quick: two shots to the gut and one under the jaw, but it left a mess. And not before the target had slammed his entire mass against you and a concrete wall. You set the rag down on the sink and took a deep breath. You looked tired. 
The door to the bathroom cracked open and Ghost slipped in, quiet as ever. You watched the massive man through the mirror; his tactical gear made him even bulkier. Ghost’s eyes met yours, then trailed down the bruising on your shoulder and back.
“Soap’s phonin’ Price. Tryna see if we can schedule an exfil for tonight.” His looked back at you in the mirror. “How’s the shoulder?”
“It’s fine.”
Ghost stared patiently; his soft eyes a contrast behind the skull mask. You turned around to face him, resting the heels of your hands against the sink and leaning your weight back. 
He took a step closer in the tight space. You lolled your head to look up at him.
“Can I make it better?” It came out low. 
You couldn’t help but smirk as you pondered, then spread your legs slightly. The man knew how to get you wet with just a look. 
Ghost closed the distance, sliding a thick thigh between your legs. You let out a sigh as he pressed firmer against you, hitting that sweet spot that he knew too well. His thigh holster dug in to your hip, but you didn’t care as you ground slowly against the meat of him. 
“Thassit,” he encouraged, and you couldn’t stop the soft moans that came out as you set your tempo.
Through half-lidded eyes, you looked down at the spot where you were grinding. With how wet you were getting, you wondered if it would soak through your pants and onto his. But Ghost had removed his gloves and took your face in his hand, tilting it so that you were looking at him. You automatically parted your mouth and he slid his warm thumb over your tongue. You sucked. Simon let out a low groan. 
“Turn around,” he said. “Want ya ta watch.” You obliged.
Simon was gentle as he kissed you neck through the mask; the fabric was warm against your skin. This close you breathed in his scent—warm and rich and him. His hands reached for the front of your pants and undid them, slipping fabric down over your ass along with your underwear. Ghost let out a hum of approval as his fingers found your wetness, easily sliding in his middle, then ring finger. You gasped at the stretch. He undulated his fingers inside you while his other hand multitasked and undid his belt and pants, sliding them down just low enough to free himself. Sounds of your wetness mingled with your heavy breathing in the quiet room. You could feel Ghost’s hardness pressed against your ass as he continued working you with his hand. You arched against him. He chuckled that rich, basso sound.
“Simon…” you whined.
He pulled out his fingers, circling your clit with their wetness. Your hips stuttered. “Alright, luv.”
Wrapping his arm around your chest, he pulled you flush to him, grabbing your jaw loosely to make sure you were watching in the mirror as he aligned himself and slowly slid in.
“Oh fuuuuck,” you exhaled. 
The pain in your body was an afterthought now—all you could focus on was the feeling of Simon’s warm cock stretching you out, and the way his dark eyes drank you in in the mirror.
“So tight for me, Jag,” Simon murmured in your ear as he pulled out slightly, then slid back in deeper. You couldn’t stop the moan that escaped your mouth. “Look how pretty you are when you’re taking me…”
Before, the two of you would behave on missions; a wanting glance here or there, but never anything more than that. Everyone needed to stay sharp. But something changed after Mexico—after you nearly died and after Ghost showed you his face for the first time. You remembered the sunlight reflecting golden off his hair…
Another deep thrust brought you back to the present. It was difficult to keep your eyes open with how good he felt and how he was looking at you in the mirror. You opened your mouth to say something but it was cut off when he bottomed out inside you.
“Need to be more careful, luv,” Simon breathed in your ear, brown eyes fixed on yours in the mirror.
“Would have been easier… if you and Soap… weren’t screwing around downstairs…” you managed between strokes.
“You’re the only one I’m screwing, sweet’eart.”
You tried to respond but his fingers started circling your clit again, mixing your wetness over the soft skin. It made your mind go blank.
Gripping his forearm tighter, you moved your hips to match his rhythm, drawing out a low groan from the both of you. You watched as his blonde lashes stuttered behind the mask. He pressed harder against your clit.
“Fuck, baby,” you moaned. “Just like that…”
“Yeah?” Ghost hummed, his other hand smoothing down your neck, squeezing lightly, and fuck if that didn’t hasten the heat building in your core. You clenched around him in response, pulling another groan from the beautiful man.
“Keep going,” you managed, squeezing your eyes shut as you edged your orgasm.
“Eyes on me, Jag,” it came out more of a command as he tightened his grip around your neck. “Want you to look at me when you cum.”
You had no choice but to follow the lieutenant’s orders as you came around his hard cock—watching the way his eyes darkened and your lips parted as you moaned out his name. His thrusts were shallow now as he picked up pace and fucked you through your orgasm—your toes barely touching the floor. Angling your face to kiss him through the mask, Simon thrust his cock into you once, twice, before chasing his own release. Hot cum filled you as he groaned against your mouth, cock slowing inside you. The both of you just panted as you enjoyed the comedown.
A knock on the door brought you back to the present.
“Wheels up in 15,” Soap spoke from the other side. Was nice he let you finish first.
“Copy,” Simon gruffed, pulling out of you slowly. You steadied yourself against the sink.
You felt his thumb run up the inside of your thigh, pushing back in the cum that leaked out. 
“Keep that there for me, yeah?” He muttered against your shoulder, before sliding up your pants. You fumbled with the zipper while he adjusted his own.
“Copy,” you replied, giving him one more glance in the mirror before he slipped outside again. You focused on yourself now—cheeks bright pink and a new redness around your neck. “Fuck me,” you sighed and pulled on your shirt, following after the masked lieutenant.
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maple-seed · 1 year
What Ails You
Loki x Fem!Reader
Content: Pining, fluff
Summary: Loki is your closest friend in the tower, which leaves you struggling when you want something more.
Word Count: 3,444
Author's Notes: A fluffy little oneshot to see if I'm capable of telling a story in less than 100k words. Results are mixed! I'm dedicating this one to my friend @sarahscribbles and her follower milestone celebration. Congrats, Saz! You've earned it. <3
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You had decided to take advantage of the quiet and do some reading in the common room. The quiet never lasted long in the tower, and especially not in the common areas. Still, it was hard to beat the way the sun came through the windows in the lounge, so it was worth the attempt. Even if it was doomed to be short-lived, the quiet was nice.
As you turned your page the exact opposite of "quiet" strolled into the room.
"There she is!" Loki's arms spread wide. "My favorite mortal." You kept your face neutral, without looking up from your book. "What do you want, Loki?" Loki feigned hurt. "What do I want? Why should I want anything other than your company?" You looked up at him now. "You want something. You're trying to butter me up with that 'favorite' line." "Darling, it's true. You're more dear to me than anything else on this planet." "Loki, you hate this planet." He smiled brightly, spreading his hands. "All the more reason to rejoice; you have so little competition." You kept your expression hard, though the both of you knew you were going to give in.
When Loki first came to the tower the two of you became fast friends. It was probably easier for you than the others, since you hadn't been around for the whole "world domination" thing. Whether is was that or simply your natural proclivity for mischief, the two of you fell in together almost immediately. Then, later, you did a little more falling on your own. You had managed to keep your feelings under wraps so far, or at least you hoped you had, but every day was a new frustration.
Today it was the way the light hit his cheekbones as he looked down at you, leaning forward onto the back of the adjacent chair.
"Out with it, Laufeyson." You muttered. "Well, if you insist that there must be a favor to be garnered here, there is something that you could help me with." He casually inspected the upholstery, as if anything Loki did could ever be nonchalant. "Oh, is there really? Who could have thought?" "I am wounded. I was simply seeking you out to pass the time. This task was purely an afterthought." You rolled your eyes and closed your book. That was all he needed. "Excellent. You likely haven't heard, but yesterday I was issued an insult of the highest order-" "You once said that about a sandwich I made you." "Yes, and I stand by it. You used cheddar when it clearly called for provolone." You rolled your eyes again and waved for him to continue. "Thor has-" You held up a hand. "Stop. No. I can't prank Thor. He was pretty upset with me last time." He scoffed. "Hardly a concern." "It's a concern to me!" He dismissed it. "At any rate, you will not be committing the trick. In fact, you'll barely be involved at all." You sighed and fell back in the chair. "What do you need me to do?" He grinned, victory in sight. "Very simple. This afternoon after our training Thor will pass through the kitchen for one of those atrocious pastries before heading to his room to shower. Just post yourself in the kitchen and stall him. Distract him for a few minutes. A short conversation is all that's needed." "And what will you be doing during this conversation?" "I will be occupied elsewhere." His smirk told you that he wasn't going to give up anything else. You pursed your lips as you thought it over. Inevitably, you relented. "Fine." "Wonderful!" He stood and rounded the chair, lifting your hand and placing a kiss to your knuckles, which had you scrambling to remember how to breathe. "This is why you are my dearest friend." He flashed you a devastating smile before turning and striding out the room just as he had come.
You watched him leave while the word "friend" settled in your stomach like a lump of lead.
You were perched on a stool in the kitchen with a sandwich that was more of an alibi than a meal. Their training session would be over any minute now and you were peering cautiously down the hall.
"What are you up to, Trouble?" You jumped, nearly falling off the stool, and swung around to Tony. "What? No. Nothing." It was not your best performance. Tony raised a brow at you as he opened the fridge. "Don't give me that. I can tell when you and Prince Harming are scheming. I can practically smell it." You lifted your chin. "I don't know what you mean." "Fine. How about this." He pulled out a Chinese takeout box that was clearly marked "Rhodes" and grabbed a fork from the drawer. "Whatever it is that you're doing, leave me out of it, and I'll keep quiet." He speared a forkful of noodles and took a bite. You watched him for a moment. "Deal." He pointed the fork at you and winked before leaving the room.
You settled yourself back on the stool just in time to see the gods and the super soldiers coming down the hall in their post-workout ensembles. You watched Loki saunter past with his hair tied back, face flushed and glistening, and almost forgot why you were here. The sound of Thor rustling in the pantry brought you back to the task at hand. He had retrieved his pop-tarts and was turning to leave.
"Hey Thor." The greeting was casual. He stopped and smiled at you. "Good evening, my lady." You made a note of the super soldiers rummaging in the fridge. "How'd training treat you?" He grinned and flexed an arm. "You tell me." You laughed and prodded his bicep. "Pretty good. I mean, it's not vibranium, but that's pretty good." Behind Bucky, Steve's eyes widened. He gave you an imploring look and quickly shook his head. "Hah! A measly, metal, mortal arm is no match for a god's physique." Thor shifted and flexed again. Bucky scoffed and turned away from the fridge. "Hey, I gave you a run for your money today!" "Oh, certainly." Thor turned to the super soldier with a jovial smile. "But you are a friend, I didn't wish to hurt you." "What, so you're saying you were going easy on me?"
This devolved in the predictable way. In short order everything was swept off of the breakfast bar and they stood on either side and commenced an arm wrestling match. In the background Steve went about making his post-workout smoothie while periodically shooting them a disapproving look. Loki had said he only needed a few minutes, so when sparks of static began to crackle over their stalemate you stepped forward and placed your hands over their fists.
"Okay, guys, I think you've proven your points." You spoke to them as if they were children. "You're both very strong, I'm proud of you." The situation defused immediately. They reluctantly let go and both grumbled something about the next training session. You took your sandwich and made your way to your rooms.
Loki was already there, which was not a surprise. He often retreated here after pulling off a scheme. As if it were some kind of sanctuary. Maybe it had been at first, but everyone had caught on by now. If someone was trying to find him, his rooms would be the first place they would look. Your rooms would be the second. He was lounging casually on your couch with a book and had apparently used your shower, his dark curls hung damp on his shoulders. You pushed away the mental image of Loki in your shower and took a seat beside him.
"So, are you going to tell me what you were doing?" You asked before taking a bite of your sandwich. "Of course not, darling, I know how you like surprises." "I don't like surprises." "You know how I like surprises." You rolled your eyes. "Trust me, the reveal will be divine." He took the untouched half of your sandwich off the plate and took a bite, immediately frowning at you. "Really? Cheddar?" You smirked and shrugged. "It's my sandwich." He shook his head disapprovingly but took another bite.
You propped your feet up on the table and sat back. The two of you passed the time reading and chatting. It was not much time, the expected interruption arrived fairly quickly.
A pounding fist rang out at your door. "LOKI!" Thor's voice boomed through the wall. You looked to Loki, who smirked and waved you toward the door. More pounding. "LOKI! I know you are in there, you coward! Come out here at once!" You walked to the door and settled your face before opening it. "Hey Tho-" Your words were choked off mid-greeting. A hand flew up to clamp over your mouth as you took in the image before you with wide eyes.
Thor was standing before you, clothes hastily thrown on, it looked like he had showered too. His glorious golden locks had a new color: a vibrant shade of green.
He was wearing a powerful scowl and spoke through gritted teeth. "Where is my duplicitous brother?" You fought back your laughter and dropped your hand. "I'm sorry Thor, I don't know. I haven't seen him since this morning." "Lies!" He boomed. "I know this is his refuge." You stepped back and let the door swing open, giving him a full view of the room. It was empty. Thor scanned the room with a frown, giving you another doubting look. "Maybe check the library?" You offered helpfully. He scowled again, looking across the room one more time before silently storming off.
You closed the door and placed your back against it, immediately breaking into a fit of laughter. Loki reappeared on the couch with a victorious grin.
"Loki! His hair!" You wheezed. "You are awful! He's so mad!" He shrugged. "It was a just retribution." "I doubt that." You wiped away a tear and returned to the couch. "I'm hurt you would take his side in this." "Hey, I'm harboring you, fugitive. That's hardly taking his side." "A true friend wouldn't doubt my motives." That word again. You ignored it. "A true friend wouldn't make me an accomplice." "You would be terribly bored with a friend like that." He stated confidently as he opened his book. "Lots of people like peace." "Not you." You scoffed. "What makes you say that?" "Because you like me." He looked at you, smirking and satisfied. It made you want to grab him by the collar and show him how true that was. Instead you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "Barely."
Loki stayed with you until he felt it was late enough to safely return to his rooms. When he was gone you took the throw pillow he was laying on to bed with you. His scent clung to it, and as you fell asleep you told yourself this wasn't pathetic at all.
You arrived in the kitchen early the next morning and made yourself breakfast as usual. Natasha was already sitting at the table with her mug. You took the seat beside her.
"Morning, Nat." "Good morning." She was drinking tea. That was strange. Usually she had coffee, especially this early in the morning. You didn't ask. The others were slowly filtering in and you didn't want to miss Thor's entrance.
You kept an eye on the doorway as you spread jam on your toast, the room filling up with the murmur of quiet conversations. Without notice, Nat reached over and snatched a triangle of toast from your plate. "Hey!" You dropped the knife back into the jar. "You make it so much better than me." She took a bite. You narrowed your eyes. "It's toast." "I know. It's my greatest shame that I can't get it right." She winked. Something wasn't right. You didn't have time to dwell on it, Wanda's gasp told you that Thor had arrived.
You looked up to see him walk through the door, dejected. The green had not faded in the slightest. The room had fallen completely silent. Then it exploded with laughter. It blended together into a roar, with a few jibes being thrown here and there. Thor simply stood and took it with a stern expression. From across the room Tony met your eye, giving a silent thumbs-up and sipping his coffee.
"Alright, alright, that's enough." Thor held up a hand to quiet the crowd. "This is not that funny." "It's pretty funny." Clint replied. Thor scowled. "This is a tremendous slight against me." "Come on, big guy." Tony jeered. "Why so serious?" Another roll of laughter. Thor glowered. "Has anyone seen my treacherous snake of a brother?" A murmur of answers in the negative between more laughs. Thor frowned. "I might kill him for this."
The cacophony had dwindled and normal conversation was returning. You took another bite of your breakfast then froze in place.
Natasha walked into the room, making her way to the coffee pot. She chuckled as she spotted Thor. "That's a look."
Every eye in the room turned in unison to the Natasha sitting next to you. She was wearing a very familiar smirk. "Well, you didn't think I was going to miss the show, did you?" A green light washed over her and Loki sat in her place.
A moment later the shape of Thor blurred past and suddenly the chair was knocked to the floor and two gods were having it out in a frenzy of limbs. The crowd watched with mild amusement as the brothers wrestled on the ground, growling ancient expletives at one another.
"And don't think-" Thor dislodged an arm from around his neck. "that I'm not aware your lady had a part to play in this." Your heart skipped a beat. His lady? "Hah!" Loki twisted a leg free. "You're only trying to target my mortal friend because you can't best me!"
Friend. You hid your reaction but it stung. You didn't need to see the rest, you knew how it would end. They would carry on for a bit then Steve would probably break it up, Loki would eventually change the hair back. You quietly stood and carried your plate to your room.
It was irrational, what you were feeling. You like being Loki's friend. You like that he claimed your room as sanctuary. You like that he steals food from your plate. You like that you were the first person he turned to for mischief.
Still, you want something else. You flopped onto your bed, lovesick, and wallowed for a bit. After a sufficient wallowing you decided you needed some time alone to clear your head. When a familiar knock came from your door you remained quiet and pretended you weren't there. He left. You didn't feel better.
Over the next two days you changed your routine. You ate at different times, trained at different times, you avoided the quiet places where Loki would usually find you. You started to think it was working. You didn't feel that lovesick ache in your chest so much. That came to a sudden stop when you turned the corner in your hallway and ran into Loki. Literally. You slammed into his chest and he caught your arms to keep you upright.
His face lit with a bright smile. "Dear heart, where have you been?" That was a new pet name. It had your stomach floating immediately. "Oh, I've been around. Just... busy. And tired. Tired lately." His hands slid down to take yours, his thumbs caressed your knuckles. "I've missed you." You stared, trying to decipher what his expression might mean and how you should respond. "I've just come from your room." Seeming to remember himself, he dropped your hands. "Barton will be hosting one of his... meat festivals." "I know you know that's not what it's called." He waved it away. "I can't be bothered to learn every inane detail of Midgardian culture." You pointed a finger. "It's a barbecue and you know it." He smirked. "At any rate, I wanted to make sure you would be attending. These rooftop events are unbearable without your company." You couldn't deny him, and numbly nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there. Sure." He smiled a gentle smile. "Excellent news." He took your hand again and pressed a kiss to it, like it was nothing, before releasing you and taking a step back. "Are you busy?" You recovered your faculty of speech. "Y-yeah, sorry. I was just about to go take a shower and head to bed." You glanced away. "Tired, you know." His disappointment was visible, but he only nodded and said, "I won't keep you." You managed a quick smile before stepping around him to head to your room. You felt his eyes on you the entire way.
You shut the door and leaned against it, closing your eyes. How did he do that? It was nothing for him, and you barely made it out of the interaction still on your feet. A cold anxiety settled into your stomach. You were going to end up giving yourself away. Embarrassing yourself. It was inevitable.
You hadn't actually been tired before, but you were exhausted now. You dragged yourself to bed, miserable.
It was inevitable, yes, but you decided to delay it anyway. You kept yourself away the next day, shut in your rooms, and when it was time for the barbecue you messaged the team to let them know you weren't feeling well and wouldn't be attending. You curled up on your couch with your book and did everything you could to avoid thinking about dark-haired gods and their perfect faces.
It worked for a while. Then there was a knock at the door. You knew who it was. You remained silent, maybe he would think you're asleep.
There was another knock, then he called your name through the door. You winced, calling back. "Loki, I'm sick. I'm not coming." "Yes, I've heard." His voice came through muffled. "I would like to come in." "You probably shouldn't. I'm sick." "Darling, you and I both know I can open this door." His tone made it clear that this was a courtesy.
You heaved a sigh, trudged over to the door and pulled it open.
Loki stood placidly on the other side. He didn't look upset, but you felt compelled to apologize regardless. "I'm sorry I didn't come, I'm just feeling a little under the weather." "Never mind it." He stepped past and turned to face you as you closed the door. "I haven't been feeling myself either." When you looked up you found he was studying you. You withered under the scrutiny, looking away and rubbing your arm. "I'm sorry, I'm just not up for having company right now." He wore a soft smile and stepped closer. "Surely you don't consider me to be company." You took a step back and hit the door. "No, I'm just... not feeling well." "Yes, so you've said." He stepped closer again, with a knowing look in his eye. "Tell me, what are your symptoms?" There was no space to back away. "Just... you know... tired." His gaze was making you squirm. He seemed to know it. "You did mention that." His eyes raked over you once and a slight smirk pulled at his mouth. "I think I may have the cure for what ails you." You scoffed. "Right. Of course you do." You looked up at him to retort but froze when you found something new in his expression. "Yes." His gaze was gentle and open. "I believe I suffer from the same affliction." You gaped at him, wide-eyed, and no longer felt the need to get away.
He slid an arm around your waist and dipped forward to kiss you as he pulled you close. You eagerly returned the kiss and as your hands found their way to his neck you felt his muscles relax beneath them. You pulled him closer and he hummed approvingly, his other arm finding its way around you. You clung to him, perhaps the only reason you remained upright. He broke the kiss with a sigh, pressing his forehead to yours. "How are you feeling?" You tilted back to see him more clearly. A smile curved one corner of his mouth, you reached up and traced the crease with your fingertip. "Better." You said quietly, looking up at him through your lashes. "But I think I might need another dose."
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